This document includes Senate 3rd Reading Floor Amendments incorporated into the bill on Fri, Mar 4, 2022 at 4:21 PM by lpoole.
8 General Description:
9 This bill amends provisions related to large public transit district procurement.
10 Highlighted Provisions:
11 This bill:
12 ▸ requires a large public transit district to compare costs of different types of available
13 zero emissions propulsion systems for certain public transit projects.
14 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
15 None
16 Other Special Clauses:
17 None
18 Utah Code Sections Affected:
20 17B-2a-818, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 347
22 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
23 Section 1. Section 17B-2a-818 is amended to read:
24 17B-2a-818. Requirements applicable to public transit district contracts.
25 (1) A public transit district shall comply with the applicable provisions of Title 63G,
26 Chapter 6a, Utah Procurement Code.
27 (2) If construction of a district facility or work exceeds $750,000, the construction shall
28 be let as provided in:
29 (a) Title 63G, Chapter 6a, Utah Procurement Code; and
30 (b) Section 17B-2a-818.5.
31 (3) (a) In addition to the requirements of Title 63G, Chapter 6a, Utah Procurement
32 Code, before beginning a procurement process for a passenger railcar or 10 or more passenger
33 buses for a zero emissions project, a large public transit district shall complete a request for
34 information in accordance with Section 63G-6a-409 to compare the costs for different types of
35 available zero emissions propulsion systems for the passenger railcar or passenger buses.
36 (b) In performing the cost comparison described in Subsection (3)(a), the large public
37 transit district shall consider:
38 (i) the purchase price;
39 (ii) the fuel cost per mile per gallon equivalent;
40 (iii) the service and maintenance costs over a 15-year period;
41 (iv) the estimated lifespan;
42 (v) passenger capacity; Ŝ→ and ←Ŝ
43 (vi) supply chain risks and costs Ŝ→ [
44 Ŝ→ [
45 construction, use, and decommission.