Chief Sponsor: Cheryl K. Acton
Senate Sponsor: Derrin R. Owens
General Description:
This bill supplements or reduces appropriations otherwise provided for the support and operation of state government for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021 and ending June 30, 2022 and appropriates funds for the support and operation of state government for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2022 and ending June 30, 2023.
Highlighted Provisions:
This bill:
▸ provides appropriations for the use and support of certain state agencies;
▸ provides appropriations for other purposes as described.
Money Appropriated in this Bill:
This bill appropriates $60,437,600 in operating and capital budgets for fiscal year 2022, including:
▸ $14,602,100 from the General Fund; and
▸ $45,835,500 from various sources as detailed in this bill.
This bill appropriates $2,033,600 in expendable funds and accounts for fiscal year 2022.
This bill appropriates $2,163,500 in business-like activities for fiscal year 2022.
This bill appropriates $176,200 in fiduciary funds for fiscal year 2022.
This bill appropriates $1,031,259,900 in operating and capital budgets for fiscal year 2023, including:
▸ $768,725,500 from the General Fund;
▸ $49,000 from the Education Fund; and
▸ $262,485,400 from various sources as detailed in this bill.
This bill appropriates $32,869,600 in expendable funds and accounts for fiscal year 2023, including:
▸ $4,275,900 from the General Fund; and
▸ $28,593,700 from various sources as detailed in this bill.
This bill appropriates $83,576,000 in business-like activities for fiscal year 2023, including:
▸ $227,200 from the General Fund; and
▸ $83,348,800 from various sources as detailed in this bill.
This bill appropriates $216,000 in restricted fund and account transfers for fiscal year 2023, including:
▸ $7,486,400 from the General Fund; and
▸ ($7,270,400) from various sources as detailed in this bill.
This bill appropriates $3,695,200 in fiduciary funds for fiscal year 2023.
Other Special Clauses:
Section 1 of this bill takes effect immediately. Section 2 and Section 3 of this bill take effect on July 1, 2022.
Utah Code Sections Affected:
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
Section 1. FY 2022 Appropriations. The following sums of money are appropriated for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021 and ending June 30, 2022. These are additions to amounts otherwise appropriated for fiscal year 2022.
Subsection 1(a). Operating and Capital Budgets. Under the terms and conditions of Title 63J, Chapter 1, Budgetary Procedures Act, the Legislature appropriates the following sums of money from the funds or accounts indicated for the use and support of the government of the state of Utah.
Attorney General
Item 1
To Attorney GeneralItem 1
From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
Schedule of Programs:
Criminal Prosecution
Under Section 63-J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that up to $3,000,000 in appropriations to the Attorney General's Office in Item 52 of Chapter 8 Laws of Utah 2021 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2022. The use of any unused funds is limited to purchase of computer hardware and software, specific program development/operation, pass-thru funds appropriated by the Legislature, and other one-time operational and capital expenses.
Item 2
To Attorney General - Children's Justice CentersFrom Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
Schedule of Programs:
Children's Justice Centers
Under Section 63-J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that up to $450,000 in appropriations to the Attorney General's Office Childrens Justice Centers Item 53 of Chapter 8, Laws of Utah, not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2022. The use of any unused funds is limited to costs passed-through to operate the local centers or for one-time operational expenses.
Item 3
To Attorney General - Contract AttorneysUnder Section 63-J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided to the Attorney General - Contract Attorneys in Item 54 of Chapter 8, Laws of Utah, not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2022. The use of any unused funds is limited to professional services for attorneys under contract with the Office of the Attorney General and other litigation expenses.
Item 4
To Attorney General - Prosecution CouncilFrom Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
Schedule of Programs:
Prosecution Council
Under Section 63-J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for the Utah Prosecution Council Item 55 of Chapter 8, Laws of Utah, not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2022. The use of any unused funds is limited to training and technical assistance to prosecutors. Funds set aside for training commitments and other agreements may cross fiscal years; thus, non-lapsing authority is requested to meet financial commitments.
Item 5
To Attorney General - State Settlement AgreementsFrom General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
State Settlement Agreements
Under Section 63-J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided to the Attorney General - State Settlements Item 56 of Chapter 8, Laws of Utah, and this H.B. 6, "Executive Offices and Criminal Justice Base Budget" not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2022. The use of any unused funds is limited to payment of costs associated with the Commerce Clause litigation up to $1,650,000, the Utah Monuments litigation up to $5,000,000, and the False Claims Lawsuit Settlement Agreement up to $1,855,000.
Board of Pardons and Parole
Item 6
To Board of Pardons and ParoleItem 6
From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
Schedule of Programs:
Board of Pardons and Parole
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations of up to $1,000,000 provided for the Board of Pardons and Parole in Item 57 of Chapter 8 Laws of Utah 2021 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2022. The use of any non-lapsing funds shall be limited to capital improvements, computer equipment, electronic records development, employee training, contract costs associated with defense counsel for offenders, or psychological evaluations for offenders.
Utah Department of Corrections
Item 7
To Utah Department of Corrections - Programs and OperationsItem 7
From General Fund, One-Time
From Federal Funds, One-Time
From Dedicated Credits Revenue, One-Time
From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
Schedule of Programs:
Adult Probation and Parole Administration
Adult Probation and Parole Programs
Department Administrative Services
Department Executive Director
Department Training
Prison Operations Administration
Prison Operations Central Utah/Gunnison
Prison Operations Draper Facility
Prison Operations Inmate Placement
Programming Administration
Programming Education
Programming Skill Enhancement
Programming Treatment
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that the appropriation for the Utah Department of Corrections - Programs and Operations in item 58 of chapter 8, Laws of Utah 2021 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2022. The Department plans to spend any non-lapsing balances on the following types of items: stab & ballistic vests, uniforms, radio supplies & equipment, authorized vehicle purchases, inmate support & food costs, inmate programming/treatment, firearms & ammunition, computer equipment/software & support, equipment & supplies, employee training & development, building & office maintenance/remodeling, furniture, and special projects.
Item 8
To Utah Department of Corrections - Department Medical ServicesFrom General Fund, One-Time
From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
Schedule of Programs:
Medical Services
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that the appropriation for the Utah Department of Corrections - Medical Services in item 59 of chapter 8, Laws of Utah 2021 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2022. The non-lapsing funds would be used to purchase pharmaceuticals, medical supplies & equipment, computer equipment/software, contractual medical services, and employee training & development
Item 9
To Utah Department of Corrections - Jail ContractingFrom Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
Schedule of Programs:
Jail Contracting
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that the appropriation for the Utah Department of Corrections - Jail Contracting in item 60 of chapter 8, Laws of Utah 2021 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2022. Any non-lapsing funds would be used for housing additional inmates, and treatment and vocational programming for inmates housed at the county jails.
Judicial Council/State Court Administrator
Item 10
To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - AdministrationItem 10
From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
Schedule of Programs:
Administrative Office
Data Processing
District Courts
Grants Program
Juvenile Courts
Law Library
Under Section 63J-1-603(3) of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations of up to $3,200,000 provided to the Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Administration in Laws of Utah 2021 Chapter 008, Item 61, shall not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2022. The use of any unused funds is limited to market comparability salary adjustments and career track advancement; employee retention, training, education assistance, and incentives; translation and interpreter services; IT programming and contracted support; computer equipment and software; courts security; special projects and studies; temporary employees (law clerks); trial court program support and senior judge assistance; grant match; furniture and repairs; and purchase of Utah code and rules for judges.
Under Sections 63J-1-603 and 63J-1-602.1(66) of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that any unspent funds remaining in the Law Library (Budget Line BAAA, Appropriation Code BAB) shall not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2022. Unused funds are to be used to supplement the costs of the Courts Self-help Center.
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that any unspent funds donated or paid to the juvenile court by private sources for the purpose of compensatory service programs shall not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2022. Unused funds are to be used to benefit the community through juvenile community service programs such as graffiti removal and community service.
Item 11
To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Contracts and LeasesFrom Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
Schedule of Programs:
Contracts and Leases
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations of up to $500,000 provided to the Judicial Council/State Court Administrator-Contracts and Leases in Laws of Utah 2021 Chapter 8, Item 62 shall not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2022. The use of any non-lapsing funds is limited to lease cost increases, contractual obligations and support.
Item 12
To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Grand JuryFrom Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
Schedule of Programs:
Grand Jury
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that the appropriations of up to $800 provided to the Judicial Council/State Court Administrator-Grand Jury in Laws of Utah 2021 Chapter 8, Item 63 shall not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2022. The use of any non-lapsing funds is limited to expenses related to the grand jury.
Item 13
To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Guardian ad LitemFrom Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
Schedule of Programs:
Guardian ad Litem
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations of up to $500,000 provided to the Judicial Council/State Court Administrator-Guardian ad Litem in Laws of Utah 2021 Chapter 8, Item 64 shall not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2022. The use of any non-lapsing funds is limited to employee training, development, and incentives; computer equipment and software, special projects and studies, and temporary employees.
Item 14
To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Jury and Witness FeesFrom Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
Schedule of Programs:
Jury, Witness, and Interpreter
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that the appropriations of up to $2,000,000 provided to the Judicial Council/State Court Administrator-Juror, Witness, Interpreter in Laws of Utah 2021 Chapter 8, Item 65 shall not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2022. The use of any non-lapsing funds is limited to expenses for jury, witness fees and interpretation services.
Governors Office
Item 15
To Governors Office - CCJJ - Factual Innocence PaymentsItem 15
From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
Schedule of Programs:
Factual Innocence Payments
These payments are made to individuals who have been determined by a court to be factually innocent and eligible to receive reimbursement for the number of years they were incarcerated. The quarterly payments are based on the average nonagricultural wage in Utah. Three individuals are currently receiving quarterly payments.
Item 16
To Governors Office - CCJJ - Jail ReimbursementFrom Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
Schedule of Programs:
Jail Reimbursement
Item 17
To Governors Office - CCJJ - Salt Lake County Jail Bed HousingFrom Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
Schedule of Programs:
Salt Lake County Jail Bed Housing
Item 18
To Governors Office - Commission on Criminal and Juvenile JusticeFrom Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
Schedule of Programs:
CCJJ Commission
County Incentive Grant Program
Judicial Performance Evaluation Commission
Law Enforcement Services Grants
Sentencing Commission
State Asset Forfeiture Grant Program
State Task Force Grants
Substance Use and Mental Health Advisory Council
Utah Office for Victims of Crime
Under section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations up to $1,700,000 provided for the Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice Commission in Items 17 and 69 of Chapter 8 Laws of Utah 2021 not lapse at the close of fiscal year 2022. The Legislature also intends that dedicated credits that have not been expended shall also not lapse at the close of fiscal year 2022. The use of any unused funds is limited to employee incentives, one-time remodeling costs, equipment purchases, one-time DTS projects, research and development contract extradition costs, meeting and travel costs, state pass through grant programs, legal costs associated with deliberations required for judicial retention elections and voter outreach for judicial retention elections.
Item 19
To Governors Office - Constitutional Defense CouncilFrom Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
Schedule of Programs:
Constitutional Defense Council
Item 20
To Governors Office - Governor's OfficeFrom Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
Schedule of Programs:
Literacy Projects
Lt. Governor's Office
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations of up to $2,150,000 provided for the Governor's Office in Item 71 of Chapter 8 Laws of Utah 2021 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2022. The use of any unused funds is limited to one-time expenditures of the Governor and Lieutenant Governors Offices.
Item 21
To Governors Office - Governors Office of Planning and BudgetFrom Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
Schedule of Programs:
Management and Special Projects
Planning Coordination
Under section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations of up to $1,500,000 provided for the Governor's Office - Governor's Office of Planning and Budget in Item 72 of Chapter 8 Laws of Utah 2021 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2022. The use of any funds is limited to one-time expenditures of the Governors Office of Management and Budget.
Item 22
To Governors Office - Indigent Defense CommissionFrom General Fund Restricted - Indigent Defense Resources, One-Time
From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
Schedule of Programs:
Office of Indigent Defense Services
Indigent Appellate Defense Division
Child Welfare Parental Defense Program
Item 23
To Governors Office - Quality Growth Commission - LeRay McAllister ProgramFrom Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
Schedule of Programs:
LeRay McAllister Critical Land Conservation Program
Item 24
To Governors Office - Suicide PreventionFrom Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
Schedule of Programs:
Suicide Prevention
Under section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations of up to $100,000 provided for the Governor's Office - Suicide Prevention in Item 74 of Chapter 8 Laws of Utah 2021 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2022. The use of any funds is limited to the same purposes as the original appropriations.
Department of Human Services - Division of Juvenile Justice Services
Item 25
To Department of Human Services - Division of Juvenile Justice Services - Programs and OperationsItem 25
From General Fund, One-Time
From Federal Funds, One-Time
From Dedicated Credits Revenue, One-Time
From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
Schedule of Programs:
Community Programs
Correctional Facilities
Early Intervention Services
Rural Programs
Youth Parole Authority
Case Management
Community Provider Payments
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations of up to $4,500,000 provided for the Department of Human Services - Division of Juvenile Justice Services in Items 97 and 98 of Chapter 4, Laws of Utah 2021 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2022. The use of any unused funds is limited to IT, data processing and technology based expenditures; capital expenditures and developments, projects, facility repairs, maintenance, critical needs, and improvements; other charges for pass-through expenditures; and short-term projects and studies that promote efficiency and service improvement. The Legislature further intends that, at the close of fiscal year 2022 accounting, the Division of Finance transfer any fiscal year 2022 closing nonlapsing balances in the Programs and Operations line item to the Juvenile Justice & Youth Services line item as fiscal year 2023 beginning nonlapsing balances.
Office of the State Auditor
Item 26
To Office of the State Auditor - State AuditorItem 26
From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
Schedule of Programs:
State Auditor
Under the terms of 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations of up to $500,000 provided for the Office of the State Auditor in Item 76 of Chapter 8, Laws of Utah 2021 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2022. The use of any unused funds is limited to the same purposes of the original appropriation including local government oversight, audit activities, and data analysis.
Department of Public Safety
Item 27
To Department of Public Safety - Division of Homeland Security - Emergency and Disaster ManagementItem 27
From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
Under section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations up to $8,000,000 provided for The Department of Public Safety - Emergency Management - Emergency and Disaster Management not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2022. Funding will be used for reimbursement for emergency costs and loans that qualify as determined in statute.
Item 28
To Department of Public Safety - Driver LicenseFrom Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
Schedule of Programs:
Driver License Administration
Driver Services
Motorcycle Safety
Uninsured Motorist
Under section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations up to $1,000,000 provided for The Department of Public Safety - Driver License for the Uninsured Motorist Program not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2022. This amount excludes any nonlapsing funds from accounts listed under section 63J-1-602.1 and 63J-1-602.2. Funding shall be used for one-time enhancements to the uninsured motorist program and other one-time operating expenses.
Item 29
To Department of Public Safety - Emergency ManagementFrom Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
From Lapsing Balance
Schedule of Programs:
Emergency Management
Under section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations of up to $1,000,000 provided for The Department of Public Safety - Emergency Management not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2022. Funding shall be used for equipment, technology, and emergencies or disasters.
Item 30
To Department of Public Safety - Highway SafetyFrom Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
Schedule of Programs:
Highway Safety
Under section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations of up to $100,000 provided for The Department of Public Safety - Highway Safety not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2022. This amount excludes any nonlapsing funds from accounts listed under section 63J-1-602.1 and section 63J-1-602.2. Funding shall be used for equipment, technology, and other one-time operating expenses.
Item 31
To Department of Public Safety - Peace Officers' Standards and TrainingFrom General Fund, One-Time
From General Fund Restricted - Public Safety Support, One-Time
From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
Schedule of Programs:
Basic Training
POST Administration
Under section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations up to $1,000,000 provided for The Department of Public Safety - Peace Officers' Standards and Training not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2022. Funding shall be used for equipment, technology, and other one-time operating expenses. Funding shall be used for equipment, technology, one-time operating expenses and appropriated one-time funding for various training as required by the legislature.
Item 32
To Department of Public Safety - Programs & OperationsFrom General Fund, One-Time
From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
Schedule of Programs:
CITS State Crime Labs
Department Commissioner's Office
Highway Patrol - Federal/State Projects
Highway Patrol - Field Operations
Under section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations of up to $16,500,000 provided for The Department of Public Safety - Programs and Operations line item not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2022. This amount excludes any nonlapsing funds from accounts listed under section 63J-1-602.1 and section 63J-1-602.2. Funding shall be used for equipment, helicopter purchase, technology, emergencies, funding from Senate Bill 68 "Law Enforcement Weapons Amendments" passed in the 2021 General Session, and other one-time operating expenses and capital purchases.
Item 33
To Department of Public Safety - Bureau of Criminal IdentificationFrom Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
Schedule of Programs:
Non-Government/Other Services
Under section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the legislature intends that appropriations of up to $4,000,000 provided for The Department of Public Safety - Bureau of Criminal Identification not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2022. Funding shall be used for training, equipment purchases, and other one-time operating expenses. Funding shall be used for training, equipment purchases, and other one-time operating expenses. Carryover funding shall also be used to offset cyclical downturns in revenues collected by BCI as these revenues make up a majority of its budget
State Treasurer
Item 34
To State TreasurerItem 34
From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
Schedule of Programs:
Treasury and Investment
Unclaimed Property
Under Section 63-J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations of up to $400,000 provided for the Office of the State Treasurer in Item 85 of Chapter 8, Laws of Utah 2021 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2022. The use of any unused funds is limited to Computer Equipment/Software, Equipment/Supplies, Special Projects and Unclaimed Property Outreach.
Subsection 1(b). Expendable Funds and Accounts. The Legislature has reviewed the following expendable funds. The Legislature authorizes the State Division of Finance to transfer amounts between funds and accounts as indicated. Outlays and expenditures from the funds or accounts to which the money is transferred may be made without further legislative action, in accordance with statutory provisions relating to the funds or accounts.
Attorney General
Item 35
To Attorney General - Crime and Violence Prevention FundItem 35
From Beginning Fund Balance
Schedule of Programs:
Crime and Violence Prevention Fund
Item 36
To Attorney General - Litigation FundFrom Beginning Fund Balance
From Closing Fund Balance
Schedule of Programs:
Litigation Fund
Governors Office
Item 37
To Governors Office - Crime Victim Reparations FundItem 37
From Beginning Fund Balance
From Closing Fund Balance
Item 38
To Governors Office - Justice Assistance Grant FundFrom Interest Income, One-Time
From Beginning Fund Balance
From Closing Fund Balance
Schedule of Programs:
Justice Assistance Grant Fund
Item 39
To Governors Office - State Elections Grant FundFrom Beginning Fund Balance
From Closing Fund Balance
Item 40
To Governors Office - Municipal Incorporation Expendable Special Revenue FundFrom Beginning Fund Balance
Schedule of Programs:
Municipal Incorporation Expendable Special Revenue Fund
Item 41
To Governors Office - IDC - Child Welfare Parental Defense FundFrom Beginning Fund Balance
From Closing Fund Balance
Schedule of Programs:
Child Welfare Parental Defense Fund
Item 42
To Governors Office - Pretrial Release Programs Special Revenue FundFrom Beginning Fund Balance
Schedule of Programs:
Pretrial Release Programs Special Revenue Fund
Department of Public Safety
Item 43
To Department of Public Safety - Alcoholic Beverage Control Act Enforcement FundItem 43
From Beginning Fund Balance
From Closing Fund Balance
Subsection 1(c). Business-like Activities. The Legislature has reviewed the following proprietary funds. Under the terms and conditions of Utah Code 63J-1-410, for any included Internal Service Fund, the Legislature approves budgets, full-time permanent positions, and capital acquisition amounts as indicated, and appropriates to the funds, as indicated, estimated revenue from rates, fees, and other charges. The Legislature authorizes the State Division of Finance to transfer amounts between funds and accounts as indicated.
Attorney General
Item 44
To Attorney General - ISF - Attorney GeneralItem 44
From Beginning Fund Balance
Schedule of Programs:
Civil Division
Child Protection Division
Budgeted FTE
Utah Department of Corrections
Item 45
To Utah Department of Corrections - Utah Correctional IndustriesItem 45
From Dedicated Credits Revenue, One-Time
From Beginning Fund Balance
From Closing Fund Balance
Schedule of Programs:
Utah Correctional Industries
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that the appropriation for the Utah Department of Corrections - Utah Correctional Industries in item 97 of chapter 8, Laws of Utah 2021 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2022. Any non-lapsing retained earnings would be used in the ongoing operations of UCI.
Department of Public Safety
Item 46
To Department of Public Safety - Local Government Emergency Response Loan FundItem 46
From Beginning Fund Balance
From Closing Fund Balance
Subsection 1(d). Restricted Fund and Account Transfers. The Legislature authorizes the State Division of Finance to transfer the following amounts between the following funds or accounts as indicated. Expenditures and outlays from the funds to which the money is transferred must be authorized by an appropriation.
Item 47
To General Fund Restricted - Indigent Defense Resources AccountFrom Revenue Transfers, One-Time
From Beginning Fund Balance
Subsection 1(e). Fiduciary Funds. The Legislature has reviewed proposed revenues, expenditures, fund balances, and changes in fund balances for the following fiduciary funds.
Attorney General
Item 48
To Attorney General - Financial Crimes Trust FundItem 48
From Beginning Fund Balance
Schedule of Programs:
Financial Crimes Trust Fund
Governors Office
Item 49
To Governors Office - Indigent Inmate Trust FundItem 49
From Beginning Fund Balance
Schedule of Programs:
Indigent Inmate Trust Fund
State Treasurer
Item 50
To State Treasurer - Navajo Trust FundItem 50
From Beginning Fund Balance
From Closing Fund Balance
Section 2. FY 2023 Appropriations. The following sums of money are appropriated for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2022 and ending June 30, 2023.
Subsection 2(a). Operating and Capital Budgets. Under the terms and conditions of Title 63J, Chapter 1, Budgetary Procedures Act, the Legislature appropriates the following sums of money from the funds or accounts indicated for the use and support of the government of the state of Utah.
Department of Health and Human Services - Division of Juvenile Justice Services
Item 51
To Department of Health and Human Services - Division of Juvenile Justice Services - Juvenile Justice & Youth ServicesItem 51
From General Fund
From Federal Funds
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
From Expendable Receipts
From General Fund Restricted - Juvenile Justice Reinvestment Account
From Revenue Transfers
Schedule of Programs:
Juvenile Justice & Youth Services
Secure Care
Youth Services
Community Programs
In accordance with UCA 63J-1-201, the Legislature intends that the Division of Juvenile Justice Services report performance measures for the Administration line item, whose mission is "To be a leader in the field of juvenile justice by changing young lives, supporting families and keeping communities safe." The Division of Juvenile Justice Services shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Management and Budget before October 1, 2022 the final status of performance measures established in FY 2022 appropriations bills and the current status of the following performance measure for FY 2023: (1) Avoid new felony or misdemeanor charge while enrolled in the Youth Services program and within 90 days of release (Target = 100%); and (2) Reduce the risk of recidivism by 25% within 3 years (Target = 25%).
Attorney General
Item 52
To Attorney GeneralItem 52
From General Fund
From Federal Funds
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
From Attorney General Crime & Violence Prevention Fund
From Attorney General Litigation Fund
From GFR Public Safety and Firefighter Tier II Retirement Benefits Account
From General Fund Restricted - Tobacco Settlement Account
From Revenue Transfers
From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
Schedule of Programs:
Child Protection
Criminal Prosecution
Item 53
To Attorney General - Children's Justice CentersFrom General Fund
From Federal Funds
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
From Expendable Receipts
Schedule of Programs:
Children's Justice Centers
In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends that the Attorney Generals Office report performance measures for the Childrens Justice Centers line item, whose mission is "to provide a comprehensive, multidisciplinary, intergovernmental response to child abuse victims in a facility known as a Children's Justice Center, to facilitate healing for children and caregivers, and to utilize the multidisciplinary approach to foster more collaborative and efficient case investigations." The Attorney Generals Office shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget before October 1, 2022, the final status of performance measures established in FY 2022 appropriations bills. For FY 2023, the department shall report the following performance measures: 1) Percentage of caregivers that strongly agreed that the CJC provided them with resources to support them and their children (Target = 88.7%); 2) Percentage of caregivers that strongly agreed that if they knew anyone else who was dealing with a situation like the one their family faced, they would tell that person about the CJC (Target = 90.9%); 3) Percentage of multidisciplinary team (MDT) members that strongly believe clients benefit from the collaborative approach of the MDT (Target = 89.1%).
Item 54
To Attorney General - Contract AttorneysFrom Dedicated Credits Revenue
Schedule of Programs:
Contract Attorneys
Item 55
To Attorney General - Prosecution CouncilFrom General Fund
From Federal Funds
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
From Revenue Transfers
Schedule of Programs:
Prosecution Council
In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends that the Attorney Generals Office report performance measures for the Prosecution Council line item, whose mission is "to provide training and continuing legal education and provide assistance for state and local prosecutors." The Attorney Generals Office shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget before October 1, 2022, the final status of performance measures established in FY 2022 appropriations bills. For FY 2023, the department shall report the following performance measures: 1) The percentage of prosecutors whose continuing legal education credits come solely from UPC conferences; 2) The percentage of prosecutors asked at conferences who respond they will use a trauma expert at trial as a result of this trauma-informed training; 3) The percentage of prosecutors asked at conferences which provide training on domestic violence and using all available evidence who respond they will proceed to trial without the participation of the victim.
Board of Pardons and Parole
Item 56
To Board of Pardons and ParoleItem 56
From General Fund
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
From GFR Public Safety and Firefighter Tier II Retirement Benefits Account
Schedule of Programs:
Board of Pardons and Parole
In accordance with UCA 63J-1-201, the Legislature intends that the Board of Pardons and Parole report performance measures for their line item, whose mission is "The mission of the Board is to provide fair and balanced release, supervision, and clemency decisions that address community safety, victim needs, offender accountability, risk reduction, and reintegration." The Board shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Management and Budget before October 1, 2022 the final status of performance measures established in FY 2022 appropriations bills and the current status of the following performance measures for FY 2023: (1) percent of decisions completed within 7 Days of the Hearing (Target 75%); (2) percent of results completed within 3 Days of decision (Target 90%); (3) percent of mandatory JRI (77-27-5.4) time cuts processed electronically (Target 90%).
Utah Department of Corrections
Item 57
To Utah Department of Corrections - Programs and OperationsItem 57
From General Fund
From General Fund, One-Time
From Education Fund
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
From G.F.R. - Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision
From GFR Public Safety and Firefighter Tier II Retirement Benefits Account
From General Fund Restricted - Prison Telephone Surcharge Account
From Revenue Transfers
Schedule of Programs:
Adult Probation and Parole Programs
Department Training
Prison Operations Central Utah/Gunnison
Prison Operations Inmate Placement
Programming Education
Programming Skill Enhancement
Programming Treatment
Prison Operations Utah State Correctional Facility
Item 58
To Utah Department of Corrections - Department Medical ServicesFrom General Fund
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
From GFR Public Safety and Firefighter Tier II Retirement Benefits Account
Schedule of Programs:
Medical Services
In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends that the Department of Corrections report performance measures for the Medical Services line item, whose mission is "Our dedicated team of professionals ensures public safety by effectively managing offenders while maintaining close collaboration with partner agencies and the community. Our team is devoted to providing maximum opportunities for offenders to make lasting changes through accountability, treatment, education, and positive reinforcement within a safe environment." The department shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget before October 1, 2022, the final status of performance measures established in FY 2022 appropriations bills. For FY 2023, the department shall report the following performance measures: 1) Percentage of Health Care Requests closed out within 3 business days of submittal; 2) Percentage of Dental Requests closed out within 7 days of submittal; 3) Average number of days after intake for an inmate to be assigned a mental health level; 4) Percentage of missed medical, dental, or mental health appointments; and 5) Percentage of inmates receiving a physical evaluation at intake.
Item 59
To Utah Department of Corrections - Jail ContractingFrom General Fund
From Federal Funds
From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
Schedule of Programs:
Jail Contracting
In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends that the Department of Corrections report performance measures for the Utah Correctional Industries line item, whose mission is "Our dedicated team of professionals ensures public safety by effectively managing offenders while maintaining close collaboration with partner agencies and the community. Our team is devoted to providing maximum opportunities for offenders to make lasting changes through accountability, treatment, education, and positive reinforcement within a safe environment." The department shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget before October 1, 2022, the final status of performance measures established in FY 2022 appropriations bills. For FY 2023, the department shall report the following performance measures: 1) Percent of work-eligible inmates employed by UCI in prison; and 2) Percent of workers leaving UCI who are successfully completing the program.
Judicial Council/State Court Administrator
Item 60
To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - AdministrationItem 60
From General Fund
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
From General Fund Restricted - Children's Legal Defense
From General Fund Restricted - Court Security Account
From General Fund Restricted - Dispute Resolution Account
From General Fund Restricted - DNA Specimen Account
From General Fund Rest. - Justice Court Tech., Security & Training
From General Fund Restricted - Nonjudicial Adjustment Account
From General Fund Restricted - State Court Complex Account
From General Fund Restricted - Tobacco Settlement Account
From Revenue Transfers
Schedule of Programs:
Court of Appeals
Courts Security
District Courts
Judicial Education
Justice Courts
Juvenile Courts
Law Library
Supreme Court
Item 61
To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Grand JuryFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Grand Jury
Item 62
To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Guardian ad LitemFrom General Fund
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
From General Fund Restricted - Children's Legal Defense
From General Fund Restricted - Guardian Ad Litem Services
From Revenue Transfers
Schedule of Programs:
Guardian ad Litem
Item 63
To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Jury and Witness FeesFrom General Fund
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
Schedule of Programs:
Jury, Witness, and Interpreter
Governors Office
Item 64
To Governors Office - CCJJ - Factual Innocence PaymentsItem 64
From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
Schedule of Programs:
Factual Innocence Payments
Item 65
To Governors Office - CCJJ - Jail ReimbursementFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Jail Reimbursement
In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends that the Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice report performance measures for the Jail Reimbursement line item, whose mission is "reimburse counties that incarcerate an inmate in county jails for (1) felony offenders placed on probation and given jail time as a condition of probation; and (2) and paroles on a 72 hour hold. The Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget before October 1, 2022, the final status of performance measures established in FY 2022 appropriations bills. For FY 2023, the department shall report the following performance measures: 1) the number of felony offenders placed on probation and given jail time as a condition of probation; 2) Parolees on a 72-hour hold; and 3) Percent of statutory rate reimbursed to counties.
Item 66
To Governors Office - Commission on Criminal and Juvenile JusticeFrom General Fund
From Federal Funds
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
From Crime Victim Reparations Fund
From General Fund Restricted - Criminal Forfeiture Restricted Account
Schedule of Programs:
Judicial Performance Evaluation Commission
Law Enforcement Services Grants
Sentencing Commission
State Asset Forfeiture Grant Program
State Task Force Grants
Utah Office for Victims of Crime
Item 67
To Governors Office - Emergency FundFrom General Fund Restricted - State Disaster Recovery Restr Acct
Schedule of Programs:
Governor's Emergency Fund
Item 68
To Governors Office - Governor's OfficeFrom General Fund
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
From Expendable Receipts
From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
Schedule of Programs:
Governor's Residence
Literacy Projects
Lt. Governor's Office
Washington Funding
Item 69
To Governors Office - Governors Office of Planning and BudgetFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-Time
From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
Schedule of Programs:
Item 70
To Governors Office - Indigent Defense CommissionFrom General Fund
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
From Expendable Receipts
From General Fund Restricted - Indigent Defense Resources
From Revenue Transfers
Schedule of Programs:
Office of Indigent Defense Services
Indigent Appellate Defense Division
Child Welfare Parental Defense Program
In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends that the Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice report performance measures for the Indigent Defense Commission line item, whose mission is to assist the state in meeting the states obligations for the provision of indigent criminal defense services, consistent with the United States Constitution, the Utah Constitution, and state law. The Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget before October 1, 2022, the final status of performance measures established in FY 2022 appropriations bills. For FY 2023, the department shall report the following performance measures: 1) Percentage of indigent defense systems using Indigent Defense Commission grant money for regionalization (Target=50%); 2) Percentage of total county indigent defense systems using Indigent Defense Commission resources to use separate indigent defense service providers (Target =30 %); and 3) Percentage of indigent defense systems using Indigent Defense Commission grants to operate independently-administered defense resources (Target=40%).
Item 71
To Governors Office - Suicide PreventionFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Suicide Prevention
Item 72
To Governors Office - Colorado River Authority of UtahFrom General Fund Restricted - Colorado River Authority of Utah Restricted Account
Schedule of Programs:
Colorado River Authority of Utah
Office of the State Auditor
Item 73
To Office of the State Auditor - State AuditorItem 73
From General Fund
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
Schedule of Programs:
State Auditor
In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends that the Office of the State Auditor report performance measures for the Office of the State Auditor line item, whose mission is "to provide Utah taxpayers and government officials with an independent assessment of financial operation, statutory compliance, and performance management for state and local government. The Office of the State Auditor shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget before October 1, 2022, the final status of performance measures established in FY 2022 appropriations bills. For FY 2023, the department shall report the following performance measures: (1) Annual financial statement audits completed in a timely manner (within six months) - excluding State ACFR) (Target = 65%); (2) State of Utah Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) audit completed and released in a timely manner (within five months or 153 days) (Target = 153 days or less); (3) State of Utah Single Audit Report (Federal Compliance Report) completed and released in a timely manner (w/in six months or 184 days). Federal requirement is nine months. (Target = 184 days or less); (4) Monitoring of CPA firms performing local government financial audits. (Target = 100% over an ongoing three-year period).
Department of Public Safety
Item 74
To Department of Public Safety - Division of Homeland Security - Emergency and Disaster ManagementItem 74
From Expendable Receipts
From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
Schedule of Programs:
Emergency and Disaster Management
In accordance with UCA 63J-1-201, the Legislature intends that the Department of Public Safety report performance measures for the Division of Homeland Security Emergency and Disaster Management line item. The Department shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Management and Budget before October 1, 2022 the final status of performance measures established in FY 2022 appropriations bills and the current status of the following performance measure for FY 2023: (1) distribution of funds for appropriate and approved expenses (Target 100%).
Item 75
To Department of Public Safety - Driver LicenseFrom General Fund
From Federal Funds
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
From Department of Public Safety Restricted Account
From Public Safety Motorcycle Education Fund
From Uninsured Motorist Identification Restricted Account
From Pass-through
From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
Schedule of Programs:
DL Federal Grants
Driver Records
Driver Services
Motorcycle Safety
Uninsured Motorist
Item 76
To Department of Public Safety - Emergency ManagementFrom General Fund
From Federal Funds
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
From General Fund Restricted - Post Disaster Recovery and Mitigation Rest Account
From Lapsing Balance
Schedule of Programs:
Emergency Management
In accordance with UCA 63J-1-201, the Legislature intends that the Department of Public Safety report performance measures for the Emergency Management line item, whose mission is, "To provide the people an open, fair, efficient, and independent system for the advancement of justice under the law." The Department shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Management and Budget before October 1, 2022 the final status of performance measures established in FY 2022 appropriations bills and the current status of the following performance measure for FY 2023: (1) percentage of personnel that have completed the required National Incident Management System training (Target=100 percent).
Item 77
To Department of Public Safety - Emergency Management - National Guard ResponseFrom Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
Item 78
To Department of Public Safety - Highway SafetyFrom General Fund
From Federal Funds
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
From Department of Public Safety Restricted Account
From Public Safety Motorcycle Education Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Highway Safety
Item 79
To Department of Public Safety - Peace Officers' Standards and TrainingFrom General Fund
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
From Uninsured Motorist Identification Restricted Account
Schedule of Programs:
Basic Training
Regional/Inservice Training
Item 80
To Department of Public Safety - Programs & OperationsFrom General Fund
From Transportation Fund
From Federal Funds
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
From General Fund Restricted - Canine Body Armor
From Department of Public Safety Restricted Account
From General Fund Restricted - DNA Specimen Account
From General Fund Restricted - Electronic Cigarette Substance and Nicotine Product Tax Restricted Account
From General Fund Restricted - Fire Academy Support
From General Fund Restricted - Firefighter Support Account
From Gen. Fund Rest. - Motor Vehicle Safety Impact Acct.
From GFR Public Safety and Firefighter Tier II Retirement Benefits Account
From General Fund Restricted - Reduced Cigarette Ignition Propensity & Firefighter Protection Account
From Revenue Transfers
From Gen. Fund Rest. - Utah Highway Patrol Aero Bureau
From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
From Lapsing Balance
Schedule of Programs:
Aero Bureau
CITS Communications
CITS State Bureau of Investigation
CITS State Crime Labs
Department Intelligence Center
Fire Marshal - Fire Fighter Training
Fire Marshal - Fire Operations
Highway Patrol - Commercial Vehicle
Highway Patrol - Federal/State Projects
Highway Patrol - Field Operations
Highway Patrol - Protective Services
Highway Patrol - Safety Inspections
Highway Patrol - Special Enforcement
Highway Patrol - Special Services
Highway Patrol - Technology Services
Information Management - Operations
Item 81
To Department of Public Safety - Bureau of Criminal IdentificationFrom General Fund
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
From General Fund Restricted - Concealed Weapons Account
From Revenue Transfers
Schedule of Programs:
Law Enforcement/Criminal Justice Services
Non-Government/Other Services
In accordance with UCA 63J-1-201, the Legislature intends that the Department of Public Safety report performance measures for the Bureau of Criminal Identification line item. The Department shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Management and Budget before October 1, 2022 the final status of performance measures established in FY 2022 appropriations bills and the current status of the following performance measure for FY 2023: (1) percentage of LiveScan fingerprint card data entered into the Utah Computerized Criminal History (UCCH) and Automated fingerprint identification System (AFIS) databases, or deleted from the queue (Target=7 days).
State Treasurer
Item 82
To State TreasurerItem 82
From General Fund
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
From Land Trusts Protection and Advocacy Account
From Qualified Patient Enterprise Fund
From Unclaimed Property Trust
Schedule of Programs:
Advocacy Office
Money Management Council
Treasury and Investment
Unclaimed Property
In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends that the State Treasurers Office report performance measures for the State Treasurer line item, whose mission is "To serve the people of Utah by safeguarding public funds, prudently managing and investing the States financial assets, borrowing from the capital markets at the lowest prudently available cost to taxpayers, and reuniting individuals and businesses with their unclaimed property." The State Treasurer shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget before October 1, 2022, the final status of performance measures established in FY 2022 appropriations bills. For FY 2023, the department shall report the following performance measures: 1) Spread Between PTIF Interest Rate and Benchmark Rate (Target = 0.30%), 2) Ratio of Claim Dollars Paid to Claim Dollars Collected (Target = 50%), and 3) Total Value of Unclaimed Property Claims Paid (Target = $20 Million).
In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends that the State Treasurers Office report performance measures for the State Treasurer line item, whose mission is "To serve the people of Utah by safeguarding public funds, prudently managing and investing the States financial assets, borrowing from the capital markets at the lowest prudently available cost to taxpayers, and reuniting individuals and businesses with their unclaimed property." The State Treasurer shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget before October 1, 2022, the final status of performance measures established in FY 2022 appropriations bills. For FY 2023, the department shall report the following performance measures: 1) The dollar increase of the permanent fund balance; 2) The number of positive news stories, volume, reach, and engagement; and 3) The financial return of new unique projects compared to projects in previous years.
Utah Communications Authority
Item 83
To Utah Communications Authority - Administrative Services DivisionItem 83
From Gen. Fund Rest. - Statewide Unified E-911 Emerg. Acct.
Schedule of Programs:
911 Division
Subsection 2(b). Expendable Funds and Accounts. The Legislature has reviewed the following expendable funds. The Legislature authorizes the State Division of Finance to transfer amounts between funds and accounts as indicated. Outlays and expenditures from the funds or accounts to which the money is transferred may be made without further legislative action, in accordance with statutory provisions relating to the funds or accounts.
Attorney General
Item 84
To Attorney General - Crime and Violence Prevention FundItem 84
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
Schedule of Programs:
Crime and Violence Prevention Fund
Item 85
To Attorney General - Litigation FundFrom Dedicated Credits Revenue
From Beginning Fund Balance
Schedule of Programs:
Litigation Fund
Governors Office
Item 86
To Governors Office - Crime Victim Reparations FundItem 86
From General Fund
From Federal Funds
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
From Interest Income
From Beginning Fund Balance
Schedule of Programs:
Crime Victim Reparations Fund
Item 87
To Governors Office - Justice Assistance Grant FundFrom Beginning Fund Balance
From Closing Fund Balance
Schedule of Programs:
Justice Assistance Grant Fund
Item 88
To Governors Office - State Elections Grant FundFrom General Fund
From Federal Funds
From Interest Income
From Beginning Fund Balance
From Closing Fund Balance
Schedule of Programs:
State Elections Grant Fund
Item 89
To Governors Office - Municipal Incorporation Expendable Special Revenue FundFrom Dedicated Credits Revenue
From Beginning Fund Balance
From Closing Fund Balance
Schedule of Programs:
Municipal Incorporation Expendable Special Revenue Fund
Item 90
To Governors Office - IDC - Child Welfare Parental Defense FundFrom General Fund
From Interest Income
Schedule of Programs:
Child Welfare Parental Defense Fund
Item 91
To Governors Office - Pretrial Release Programs Special Revenue FundFrom Dedicated Credits Revenue
Schedule of Programs:
Pretrial Release Programs Special Revenue Fund
Department of Public Safety
Item 92
To Department of Public Safety - Alcoholic Beverage Control Act Enforcement FundItem 92
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
From GFR Public Safety and Firefighter Tier II Retirement Benefits Account
From Beginning Fund Balance
From Closing Fund Balance
Schedule of Programs:
Alcoholic Beverage Control Act Enforcement Fund
Subsection 2(c). Business-like Activities. The Legislature has reviewed the following proprietary funds. Under the terms and conditions of Utah Code 63J-1-410, for any included Internal Service Fund, the Legislature approves budgets, full-time permanent positions, and capital acquisition amounts as indicated, and appropriates to the funds, as indicated, estimated revenue from rates, fees, and other charges. The Legislature authorizes the State Division of Finance to transfer amounts between funds and accounts as indicated.
Attorney General
Item 93
To Attorney General - ISF - Attorney GeneralItem 93
From General Fund
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
Schedule of Programs:
Civil Division
Child Protection Division
Criminal Division
Budgeted FTE
Utah Department of Corrections
Item 94
To Utah Department of Corrections - Utah Correctional IndustriesItem 94
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
From GFR Public Safety and Firefighter Tier II Retirement Benefits Account
From Beginning Fund Balance
From Closing Fund Balance
Schedule of Programs:
Utah Correctional Industries
Department of Public Safety
Item 95
To Department of Public Safety - Local Government Emergency Response Loan FundItem 95
From Beginning Fund Balance
From Closing Fund Balance
Subsection 2(d). Restricted Fund and Account Transfers. The Legislature authorizes the State Division of Finance to transfer the following amounts between the following funds or accounts as indicated. Expenditures and outlays from the funds to which the money is transferred must be authorized by an appropriation.
Item 96
To General Fund Restricted - Indigent Defense Resources AccountFrom General Fund
From Revenue Transfers
Item 97
To Colorado River Authority of Utah Restricted AccountFrom General Fund
From Revenue Transfers
Item 98
To General Fund Restricted - DNA Specimen AccountFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
General Fund Restricted - DNA Specimen Account
Subsection 2(e). Fiduciary Funds. The Legislature has reviewed proposed revenues, expenditures, fund balances, and changes in fund balances for the following fiduciary funds.
Attorney General
Item 99
To Attorney General - Financial Crimes Trust FundItem 99
From Trust and Agency Funds
Schedule of Programs:
Financial Crimes Trust Fund
Governors Office
Item 100
To Governors Office - Indigent Inmate Trust FundItem 100
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
From Beginning Fund Balance
From Closing Fund Balance
Schedule of Programs:
Indigent Inmate Trust Fund
State Treasurer
Item 101
To State Treasurer - Navajo Trust FundItem 101
From Trust and Agency Funds
From Beginning Fund Balance
From Closing Fund Balance
Schedule of Programs:
Navajo Trust Fund
Section 3. FY 2023 Appropriations. The following sums of money are appropriated for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2022 and ending June 30, 2023 for programs reviewed during the accountable budget process. These are additions to amounts otherwise appropriated for fiscal year 2023.
Subsection 3(a). Operating and Capital Budgets. Under the terms and conditions of Title 63J, Chapter 1, Budgetary Procedures Act, the Legislature appropriates the following sums of money from the funds or accounts indicated for the use and support of the government of the state of Utah.
Attorney General
Item 102
To Attorney GeneralItem 102
From General Fund
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
Schedule of Programs:
In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends that the Attorney Generals Office report performance measures for the Attorney General line item, whose mission is "to uphold the constitutions of the United States and of the State of Utah, to enforce the law, and to protect the interests of the State of Utah and its people, environment, and resources." The Attorney Generals Office shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget before October 1, 2022, the final status of performance measures established in FY 2022 appropriations bills. For FY 2023, the department shall report the following performance measures: 1) Customer satisfaction score; and 2) Attorney and staff competence score.
Utah Department of Corrections
Item 103
To Utah Department of Corrections - Programs and OperationsItem 103
From General Fund
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
From GFR Public Safety and Firefighter Tier II Retirement Benefits Account
Schedule of Programs:
Adult Probation and Parole Administration
Department Administrative Services
Department Executive Director
Prison Operations Administration
Programming Administration
In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends that the Department of Corrections report performance measures for the Programs and Operations line item, whose mission is "Our dedicated team of professionals ensures public safety by effectively managing offenders while maintaining close collaboration with partner agencies and the community. Our team is devoted to providing maximum opportunities for offenders to make lasting changes through accountability, treatment, education, and positive reinforcement within a safe environment." The department shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget before October 1, 2022, the final status of performance measures established in FY 2022 appropriations bills. For FY 2023, the department shall report the following performance measures: 1) AP&P: Percentage of all probationers and parolees ending supervision who earned early termination; and 2) DPO: Per capita rate of convictions for violent incidents inside the state prisons.
Judicial Council/State Court Administrator
Item 104
To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - AdministrationItem 104
From General Fund
From Federal Funds
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
From General Fund Restricted - Children's Legal Defense
From General Fund Restricted - Court Trust Interest
From General Fund Rest. - Justice Court Tech., Security & Training
From General Fund Restricted - Online Court Assistance Account
From Revenue Transfers
Schedule of Programs:
Administrative Office
Data Processing
Grants Program
Item 105
To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Contracts and LeasesFrom General Fund
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
From General Fund Restricted - State Court Complex Account
Schedule of Programs:
Contracts and Leases
Governors Office
Item 106
To Governors Office - Commission on Criminal and Juvenile JusticeItem 106
From General Fund
From Federal Funds
Schedule of Programs:
CCJJ Commission
Substance Use and Mental Health Advisory Council
In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends that the Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice report performance measures for the Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice item, whose mission is "(a) promote broad philosophical agreement concerning the objectives of the criminal and juvenile justice system in Utah; (b) provide a mechanism for coordinating the functions of the various branches and levels of government concerned with criminal and juvenile justice to achieve those objectives; and coordinate statewide efforts to reduce crime and victimization in Utah." The Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget before October 1, 2022, the final status of performance measures established in FY 2022 appropriations bills. For FY 2023, the department shall report the following performance measures: 1) Percent of victim reparations claims processed within 30 days or less (Target=75%); 2) Number of grants monitored (Target =143 or 55%); 3) Website Visits to Judges.Utah.Gov (Target=100% improvement).
Item 107
To Governors Office - Governor's OfficeFrom General Fund
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
Schedule of Programs:
In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends that the Governors Office report performance measures for the Governors Office line item. The Governors Office shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget before October 1, 2022, the final status of performance measures established in FY 2022 appropriations bills. For FY 2023, the department shall report the following performance measures: 1) Percentage of registered voters that voted during an even-year general election (Target = 90%); 2) Number of constituent affairs responses; 3) Suicide Rate (Target = 22.2 per 100,000).
Item 108
To Governors Office - Governors Office of Planning and BudgetFrom General Fund
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
Schedule of Programs:
Management and Special Projects
Budget, Policy, and Economic Analysis
Planning Coordination
In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends that the Governors Office report performance measures for the Governors Office of Planning and Budget line item. The Governors Office shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget before October 1, 2022, the final status of performance measures established in FY 2022 appropriations bills. For FY 2023, the department shall report the following performance measures: 1) the overall percentage of the budget with a defined performance measure (Target = establish a baseline for the percentage of the budget with a measure).
Department of Public Safety
Item 109
To Department of Public Safety - Driver LicenseItem 109
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
From Department of Public Safety Restricted Account
From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
Schedule of Programs:
Driver License Administration
In accordance with UCA 63J-1-201, the Legislature intends that the Department of Public Safety report performance measures for the Driver License Division line item. The Department shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Management and Budget before October 1, 2022 the final status of performance measures established in FY 2022 appropriations bills and the current status of the following performance measure for FY 2023: (1) average customer call wait time (Target=30 seconds).
Item 110
To Department of Public Safety - Peace Officers' Standards and TrainingFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
POST Administration
In accordance with UCA 63J-1-201, the Legislature intends that the Department of Public Safety report performance measures for the POST line item. The Department shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Management and Budget before October 1, 2022 the final status of performance measures established in FY 2022 appropriations bills and the current status of the following performance measure for FY 2023: (1) percentage of presented cases of law enforcement personnel complaints or misconduct allegations ratified by POST Council (Target=95 percent), and (2) percentage of law enforcement officers completing 40 hours of mandatory annual training (Target= 100 percent).
Item 111
To Department of Public Safety - Programs & OperationsFrom General Fund
From Transportation Fund
From Federal Funds
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
From Department of Public Safety Restricted Account
From General Fund Restricted - Public Safety Honoring Heroes Account
From Revenue Transfers
From General Fund Restricted - Utah Law Enforcement Memorial Support Restricted Account
From Pass-through
Schedule of Programs:
CITS Administration
Department Commissioner's Office
Department Fleet Management
Department Grants
Highway Patrol - Administration
In accordance with UCA 63J-1-201, the Legislature intends that the Department of Public Safety report performance measures for their Programs and Operations line item. The Department shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Management and Budget before October 1, 2022 the final status of performance measures established in FY 2022 appropriations bills and the current status of the following performance measure for FY 2023: (1) median DNA case turnaround time (Target=60 days)
Utah Communications Authority
Item 112
To Utah Communications Authority - Administrative Services DivisionItem 112
From General Fund Restricted - Utah Statewide Radio System Acct.
Schedule of Programs:
Administrative Services Division
In accordance with UCA 63J-1-201, the Legislature intends that the Utah Communications Authority (UCA) report performance measures for their line item, whose mission is to "provide administrative and financial support for statewide 911 emergency services." The UCA shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Management and Budget before October 1, 2022 the final status of performance measures established in FY 2022 appropriations bills and the current status of the following performance measure for FY 2023: (1) the UCA shall maintain the statewide public safety communications network in a manner that maximizes network availability for its users; (2) monitor best practices and other guidance for PSAPs across Utah; and (3) ensure compliance with applicable laws, policies, procedures, and other internal controls to ensure adequate administration of the organization.
Section 4. Effective Date.
If approved by two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, Section 1 of this bill takes effect upon approval by the Governor, or the day following the constitutional time limit of Utah Constitution Article VII, Section 8 without the Governor's signature, or in the case of a veto, the date of override. Section 2 and Section 3 of this bill take effect on July 1, 2022.