


Chief Sponsor: Melissa G. Ballard

Senate Sponsor: Luz Escamilla

6     Cosponsors:
7     Cheryl K. Acton
8     Jefferson S. Burton
9     Matthew H. Gwynn
10     Sandra Hollins
Marsha Judkins
Kelly B. Miles
Karen M. Peterson
Susan Pulsipher
Angela Romero
Andrew Stoddard
Mike Winder


13     General Description:
14          This bill concerns educational and career-readiness programs for incarcerated
15     individuals.
16     Highlighted Provisions:
17          This bill:
18          ▸     requires the Department of Corrections to:
19               •     ensure appropriate educational or career-readiness programs are made available
20     to an inmate as soon as certain conditions are met;
21               •     provide incarcerated women with substantially equivalent educational and
22     career-readiness opportunities as incarcerated men;
23               •     provide reasonable access to resources necessary for an inmate to apply for
24     grants or other available financial aid for an educational or career-readiness
25     program;
26               •     consider an inmate's current participation in an educational or career-readiness
27     program when making a decision regarding an inmate's transfer or disciplinary
28     sanction;

29               •     when possible, allow an inmate to continue an inmate's participation in an
30     educational or career-readiness program while a facility is under lockdown,
31     quarantine, or similar status;
32               •     maintain and release educational records for an inmate under certain conditions;
33     and
34               •     provide an annual report to the Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee
35     regarding the department's educational and career-readiness programs for
36     inmates; and
37          ▸     makes technical and conforming changes.
38     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
39          None
40     Other Special Clauses:
41          None
42     Utah Code Sections Affected:
43     ENACTS:
44          64-13-48, Utah Code Annotated 1953

46     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
47          Section 1. Section 64-13-48 is enacted to read:
48          64-13-48. Educational and career-readiness programs.
49          (1) The department shall, in accordance with Subsection 64-13-6(1)(c), ensure that
50     appropriate evidence-based and evidence-informed educational or career-readiness programs
51     are made available to an inmate as soon as practicable after the creation of the inmate's case
52     action plan.
53          (2) The department shall provide incarcerated women with substantially equivalent
54     educational and career-readiness opportunities as incarcerated men.
55          (3) Before an inmate begins an educational or career-readiness program, the
56     department shall provide reasonable access to resources necessary for an inmate to apply for

57     grants or other available financial aid that may be available to pay for the inmate's program.
58          (4) (a) The department shall consider an inmate's current participation in an
59     educational or career-readiness program when the department makes a decision with regard to
60     an inmate's:
61          (i) transfer to another area or facility; or
62          (ii) appropriate disciplinary sanction.
63          (b) When possible, the department shall use best efforts to allow an inmate to continue
64     the inmate's participation in an educational or career-readiness program while the facility is
65     under lockdown, quarantine, or a similar status.
66          (5) (a) The department shall maintain records on an inmate's educational progress,
67     including completed life skills, certifications, and credit- and non-credit-bearing courses, made
68     while the inmate is incarcerated.
69          (b) The department shall facilitate the transfer of information related to the inmate's
70     educational process upon the inmate's release, including the inmate's post-release contact
71     information and the records described in Subsection (5)(a), to:
72          (i) the inmate; or
73          (ii) an entity that the inmate has authorized to receive the inmate's records or
74     post-release contact information, including an institution:
75          (A) from which the inmate received educational instruction while the inmate was
76     incarcerated; or
77          (B) at which the inmate plans to continue the inmate's post-incarceration education.
78          (6) Beginning May 1, 2023, the department shall provide an annual report to the
79     Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee regarding educational and career-readiness
80     programs for inmates, which shall include:
81          (a) the number of inmates who are participating in an educational or career-readiness
82     program, including an accredited postsecondary education program;
83          (b) the percentage of inmates who are participating in an educational or
84     career-readiness program as compared to the total inmate population;

85          (c) inmate program completion and graduation data, including the number of
86     completions and graduations in each educational or career-readiness program;
87          (d) the potential effect of educational or career-readiness programs on recidivism, as
88     determined by a comparison of:
89          (i) the total number of inmates who return to incarceration after a previous
90     incarceration; and
91          (ii) the number of inmates who return to incarceration after a previous incarceration
92     who participated in or completed an educational or career-readiness program;
93          (e) the number of inmates who were transferred to a different facility while currently
94     participating in an educational or career-readiness program, including the number of inmates
95     who were unable to continue a program after a transfer to a different facility; and
96          (f) the department's:
97          (i) recommendation for resources that may increase inmates' access to and participation
98     in an educational or career-readiness program; and
99          (ii) estimate of how many additional inmates would participate in an educational or
100     career-readiness program if the resources were provided.
101          (7) The department may make rules in accordance with Section 64-13-10 and Title
102     63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, to carry out the provisions of this
103     section.