


Chief Sponsor: Joel Ferry

Senate Sponsor: David P. Hinkins


8     General Description:
9          This bill makes changes related to the authority and administration of the Department of
10     Agriculture and Food.
11     Highlighted Provisions:
12          This bill:
13          ▸     clarifies the Department of Agriculture and Food's authority to award grants;
14          ▸     allows the department to email certain registration renewal forms to a registrant
15     unless the registrant requests to receive the forms by mail;
16          ▸     authorizes the department to use the Agriculture Resource Development Fund to
17     make loans through a disaster relief program;
18          ▸     amends provisions related to the administration of the Utah Rural Rehabilitation
19     Fund;
20          ▸     clarifies where the department will send a notice of brand renewal;
21          ▸     provides for an annual yearly brand inspection for rodeo stock;
22          ▸     clarifies the acceptable use of the Plant Pest Fund for certain administrative
23     expenses;
24          ▸     changes the term "certificate of registration" to the term "license" throughout the
25     Aquaculture Act;
26          ▸     amends provisions related to the use of the Agricultural Water Optimization
27     Account; and
28          ▸     makes technical and conforming changes.
29     Money Appropriated in this Bill:

30          None
31     Other Special Clauses:
32          This bill provides a special effective date.
33     Utah Code Sections Affected:
34     AMENDS:
35          4-2-103, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 200
36          4-14-103, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 345
37          4-18-106, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 178
38          4-18-108, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 178
39          4-19-105, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 345
40          4-24-202, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 295
41          4-24-306, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 295
42          4-24-308, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 311
43          4-35-106, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 326
44          4-37-109, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 154
45          4-37-110, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 378
46          4-37-201, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 412
47          4-37-202, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter 189
48          4-37-203, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 412
49          4-37-204, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 295
50          4-37-301, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 412
51          4-37-302, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter 189
52          4-37-303, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 378
53          4-37-305, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 378
54          4-37-401, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1994, Chapter 153
55          4-37-601, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1994, Chapter 153
56          4-37-602, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 286
57          63I-1-273, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 229

58          73-10g-204, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 143

60     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
61          Section 1. Section 4-2-103 is amended to read:
62          4-2-103. Functions, powers, and duties of department -- Fees for services --
63     Marketing orders -- Procedure -- Purchasing and auditing.
64          (1) The department shall:
65          (a) inquire into and promote the interests and products of agriculture and allied
66     industries;
67          (b) promote methods for increasing the production and facilitating the distribution of
68     the agricultural products of the state;
69          (c) (i) inquire into the cause of contagious, infectious, and communicable diseases
70     among livestock and the means for their prevention and cure; and
71          (ii) initiate, implement, and administer plans and programs to prevent the spread of
72     diseases among livestock;
73          (d) encourage experiments designed to determine the best means and methods for the
74     control of diseases among domestic and wild animals;
75          (e) issue marketing orders for any designated agricultural product to:
76          (i) promote orderly market conditions for any product;
77          (ii) give the producer a fair return on the producer's investment at the marketplace; and
78          (iii) only promote and not restrict or restrain the marketing of Utah agricultural
79     commodities;
80          (f) administer and enforce all laws assigned to the department by the Legislature;
81          (g) establish standards and grades for agricultural products and fix and collect
82     reasonable fees for services performed by the department in conjunction with the grading of
83     agricultural products;
84          (h) establish operational standards for any establishment that manufactures, processes,
85     produces, distributes, stores, sells, or offers for sale any agricultural product;

86          (i) adopt, according to Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act,
87     rules necessary for the effective administration of the agricultural laws of the state;
88          (j) when necessary, make investigations, subpoena witnesses and records, conduct
89     hearings, issue orders, and make recommendations concerning all matters related to
90     agriculture;
91          (k) (i) inspect any nursery, orchard, farm, garden, park, cemetery, greenhouse, or any
92     private or public place that may become infested or infected with harmful insects, plant
93     diseases, noxious or poisonous weeds, or other agricultural pests;
94          (ii) establish and enforce quarantines;
95          (iii) issue and enforce orders and rules for the control and eradication of pests,
96     wherever they may exist within the state; and
97          (iv) perform other duties relating to plants and plant products considered advisable and
98     not contrary to law;
99          (l) inspect apiaries for diseases inimical to bees and beekeeping;
100          (m) take charge of any agricultural exhibit within the state, if considered necessary by
101     the department, and award premiums at that exhibit;
102          (n) assist the Conservation Commission in the administration of Title 4, Chapter 18,
103     Conservation Commission Act, and administer and disburse any funds available to assist
104     conservation districts in the state in the conservation of the state's soil and water resources;
105          (o) participate in the United States Department of Agriculture certified agricultural
106     mediation program, in accordance with 7 U.S.C. Sec. 5101 and 7 C.F.R. Part 785;
107          (p) promote and support the multiple use of public lands;
108          (q) ensure that any training or certification required of a public official or public
109     employee, as those terms are defined in Section 63G-22-102, complies with Title 63G, Chapter
110     22, State Training and Certification Requirements, if the training or certification is required:
111          (i) under this title;
112          (ii) by the department; or
113          (iii) by an agency or division within the department; and

114          (r) perform any additional functions, powers, and duties provided by law.
115          (2) The department, by following the procedures and requirements of Section
116     63J-1-504, may adopt a schedule of fees assessed for services provided by the department.
117          (3) (a) No marketing order issued under Subsection (1)(e) shall take effect until:
118          (i) the department gives notice of the proposed order to the producers and handlers of
119     the affected product;
120          (ii) the commissioner conducts a hearing on the proposed order; and
121          (iii) at least 50% of the registered producers and handlers of the affected products vote
122     in favor of the proposed order.
123          (b) (i) The department may establish boards of control to administer marketing orders
124     and the proceeds derived from any order.
125          (ii) A board of control shall:
126          (A) ensure that all proceeds are placed in an account in the board of control's name in a
127     depository institution; and
128          (B) ensure that the account is annually audited by an accountant approved by the
129     commissioner.
130          (4) Funds collected by grain grading, as provided by Subsection (1)(g), shall be
131     deposited into the General Fund as dedicated credits for the grain grading program.
132          (5) In fulfilling its duties in this chapter, the department may:
133          (a) purchase, as authorized or required by law, services that the department is
134     responsible to provide for legally eligible persons;
135          (b) take necessary steps, including legal action, to recover money or the monetary value
136     of services provided to a recipient who is not eligible;
137          (c) examine and audit the expenditures of any public funds provided to a local
138     authority, agency, or organization that contracts with or receives funds from those authorities or
139     agencies; [and]
140          (d) accept and administer grants from the federal government and from other sources,
141     public or private[.]; and

142          (e) fund grants using money appropriated by the Legislature or money received from
143     any other source.
144          Section 2. Section 4-14-103 is amended to read:
145          4-14-103. Registration required for distribution -- Application -- Fees -- Renewal
146     -- Local needs registration -- Distributor or applicator license -- Fees -- Renewal.
147          (1) (a) A person that is not registered with the department may not distribute a
148     pesticide in this state.
149          (b) Application for registration shall be made to the department upon forms prescribed
150     and furnished by the department accompanied with an annual registration fee determined by the
151     department pursuant to Subsection 4-2-103(2) for each pesticide registered.
152          (c) Upon receipt by the department of a proper application and payment of the
153     appropriate fee, the commissioner shall issue a registration to the applicant allowing
154     distribution of the registered pesticide in this state through June 30 of each year, subject to
155     suspension or revocation for cause.
156          (d) (i) Each registration is renewable for a period of one year upon the payment of an
157     annual registration renewal fee in an amount equal to the current applicable original
158     registration fee.
159          (ii) Each renewal fee shall be paid on or before June 30 of each year.
160          (2) The application shall include the following information:
161          (a) the name and address of the applicant and the name and address of the person
162     whose name will appear on the label, if other than the applicant's name;
163          (b) the name of the pesticide;
164          (c) a complete copy of the label that will appear on the pesticide; and
165          (d) any information prescribed by rule of the department considered necessary for the
166     safe and effective use of the pesticide.
167          (3) (a) [Forms] Except as provided in Subsection (3)(b), forms for the renewal of
168     registration shall be [mailed] emailed to registrants at least 30 days before [their] the day on
169     which the registrant's registration expires.

170          (b) If a registrant requests to receive forms for the renewal of registration by mail, the
171     department shall mail the forms to the registrant at least 30 days before the day on which the
172     registrant's registration expires.
173          [(b)] (c) A registration in effect on June 30 for which a renewal application has been
174     filed and the registration fee tendered shall continue in effect until the applicant is notified
175     either that the registration is renewed or that the registration is suspended or revoked pursuant
176     to Section 4-14-108.
177          (4) The department may, before approval of any registration, require the applicant to
178     submit the complete formula of any pesticide, including active and inert ingredients, and may
179     also, for any pesticide not registered according to 7 U.S.C. Sec. 136a or for any pesticide on
180     which restrictions are being considered, require a complete description of all tests and test
181     results that support the claims made by the applicant or the manufacturer of the pesticide.
182          (5) A registrant who desires to register a pesticide to meet special local needs
183     according to 7 U.S.C. Sec. 136v(c) shall, in addition to complying with Subsections (1) and
184     (2), satisfy the department that:
185          (a) a special local need exists;
186          (b) the pesticide warrants the claims made for the pesticide;
187          (c) the pesticide, if used in accordance with commonly accepted practices, will not
188     cause unreasonable adverse effects on the environment; and
189          (d) the proposed classification for use conforms with 7 U.S.C. Sec. 136a(d).
190          (6) A registration is not required for a pesticide distributed in this state pursuant to an
191     experimental use permit issued by the EPA or under Section 4-14-105.
192          (7) A pesticide dealer may not distribute a restricted use pesticide in this state without a
193     license.
194          (8) A person shall receive a license before applying:
195          (a) a restricted use pesticide; or
196          (b) a general use pesticide for hire or in exchange for compensation.
197          (9) (a) A license to engage in an activity listed in Subsection (7) or (8) may be obtained

198     by:
199          (i) submitting an application on a form provided by the department;
200          (ii) showing evidence of competence in the pesticide profession, as established by rule,
201     and complying with the rules adopted by the department under this chapter;
202          (iii) demonstrating good character;
203          (iv) having no outstanding infractions and owing no money to the department; and
204          (v) paying the license fee determined by the department according to Subsection
205     4-2-103(2).
206          (b) A person may apply for a triennial license that expires on December 31 of the
207     second calendar year after the calendar year in which the license is issued.
208          (c) Notwithstanding Section 63J-1-504, the department shall retain the fees as
209     dedicated credits and may only use the fees to administer and enforce this title.
210          Section 3. Section 4-18-106 is amended to read:
211          4-18-106. Agriculture Resource Development Fund -- Contents -- Use of fund
212     money -- Advisory board.
213          (1) As used in this section:
214          (a) "Disaster" means an extraordinary circumstance, including a flood, drought, or fire,
215     that results in:
216          (i) the president of the United States declaring an emergency or major disaster in the
217     state;
218          (ii) the governor declaring a state of emergency under Title 53, Chapter 2a, Part 2,
219     Disaster Response and Recovery Act; or
220          (iii) the chief executive officer of a local government declaring a local emergency
221     under Title 53, Chapter 2a, Part 2, Disaster Response and Recovery Act.
222          (b) "Local government" means the same as that term is defined in Section 53-2a-602.
223          [(1)] (2) There is created a revolving loan fund known as the Agriculture Resource
224     Development Fund.
225          [(2)] (3) The Agriculture Resource Development Fund shall consist of:

226          (a) money appropriated to [it] the fund by the Legislature;
227          (b) sales and use tax receipts transferred to the fund in accordance with Section
228     59-12-103;
229          (c) money received for the repayment of loans made from the fund;
230          (d) money made available to the state for agriculture resource development from any
231     source; and
232          (e) interest earned on the fund.
233          [(3)] (4) The commission [shall] may make loans from the Agriculture Resource
234     Development Fund for [a]:
235          (a) a rangeland improvement and management project;
236          (b) a watershed protection or flood prevention project;
237          (c) a soil and water conservation project;
238          (d) a program designed to promote energy efficient farming practices;
239          (e) an improvement program for agriculture product storage or program designed to
240     protect a crop or animal resource;
241          (f) a hydroponic or aquaponic system; [or]
242          (g) a project or program to improve water quality [or];
243          (h) a project to address other environmental issues[.]; or
244          (i) subject to Subsection (5), a disaster relief program designed to aid the sustainability
245     of agriculture during and immediately following a disaster.
246          (5) (a) Loans made through a disaster relief program described in Subsection (4)(i) may
247     not comprise more than 10% of the funds appropriated by the Legislature to the Agriculture
248     Resource Development Fund.
249          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (5)(a), the department may use all money appropriated
250     to the Agriculture Resource Development Fund by the Legislature or another source, without
251     limitation, if the money is appropriated specifically for use in a disaster relief program.
252          (c) (i) Until December 31, 2024, the department is authorized to borrow up to
253     $3,000,000 of General Fund appropriations from the Agricultural Water Optimization Account

254     created in Section 73-10g-204 to be used in making loans through a disaster relief program
255     described in Subsection (4)(i).
256          (ii) If the department borrows from the Agricultural Water Optimization Account
257     under Subsection (5)(c)(i), the department shall deposit the repayment of principal and interest
258     on loans made through a disaster relief program, regardless of the source of the funds used to
259     make those loans, into the Agricultural Water Optimization Account, with preference over the
260     repayment of any other source of funds, until the Agricultural Water Optimization Account is
261     repaid in full.
262          [(4)] (6) The commission may appoint an advisory board [that shall] to:
263          (a) oversee the award process for loans, as described in this section;
264          (b) approve loans; and
265          (c) recommend policies and procedures for the Agriculture Resource Development
266     Fund that are consistent with statute.
267          Section 4. Section 4-18-108 is amended to read:
268          4-18-108. Grants for environmental improvement projects -- Criteria for award
269     -- Duties of commission.
270          (1) The commission may make a grant from the Agriculture Resource Development
271     Fund, or from funds appropriated by the federal government, Legislature, or another entity, to
272     an eligible entity, as defined by the department by rule made in accordance with Title 63G,
273     Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, for:
274          [(a) a purpose set forth under Subsection 4-18-106(3);]
275          [(b) the development or implementation of a coordinated resource management plan
276     with a conservation district, as defined in Section 17D-3-102;]
277          [(c)] (a) control or eradication of noxious weeds and invasive plant species in
278     cooperation and coordination with a local weed board;
279          [(d)] (b) the costs of plans or projects to improve manure management, control surface
280     water runoff, or address other environmental issues on [the] a farm or ranch operation,
281     including the costs of preparing or implementing a nutrient management plan; [or]

282          [(e)] (c) the improvement of water quality [or];
283          (d) the development of watershed plans; or
284          (e) a program to address other environmental issues.
285          [(2) The commission may make a grant for a purpose described in Subsection (1) from
286     money appropriated by the Legislature for the purpose of awarding a grant under this section.]
287          [(3)] (2) (a) In awarding a grant, the commission shall consider the following criteria:
288          (i) the ability of the grantee to pay for the costs of proposed plans or projects;
289          (ii) the availability of:
290          (A) matching funds provided by the grantee or another source; or
291          (B) material, labor, or other items of value provided in lieu of money by the grantee or
292     another source; and
293          (iii) the benefits that accrue to the general public by the awarding of a grant.
294          (b) The commission may establish by rule additional criteria for the awarding of a
295     grant.
296          [(4)] (3) The commission shall make rules in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3,
297     Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, to implement this section.
298          [(5)] (4) The commission may appoint an advisory board to:
299          (a) assist with the grant process;
300          (b) make recommendations to the commission regarding grants; and
301          (c) establish policies and procedures for awarding loans or grants [from the
302     Agricultural Resource Development Fund].
303          Section 5. Section 4-19-105 is amended to read:
304          4-19-105. Utah Rural Rehabilitation Fund.
305          (1) The department shall deposit all income generated from the administration of the
306     rural rehabilitation program in a separate fund known as the "Utah Rural Rehabilitation Fund."
307          (2) The [state treasurer] Division of Finance shall maintain the Utah Rural
308     Rehabilitation Fund and record all debits and credits made to the fund by the department.
309          (3) The Office of the Treasurer shall deposit interest and other earnings derived from

310     investment of money in the Utah Rural Rehabilitation Fund into the fund.
311          Section 6. Section 4-24-202 is amended to read:
312          4-24-202. Recordation of brand.
313          (1) (a) Application for a recorded brand shall be made to the department upon forms
314     prescribed and furnished by the department.
315          (b) The application shall contain the [information the commissioner prescribes.]
316     following information:
317          (i) the name of each applicant;
318          (ii) a single designated address where the department will send a notice of brand
319     renewal; and
320          (iii) a description of the brand that is the subject of the application.
321          (c) An application may not be approved without payment of the appropriate recording
322     fee.
323          (d) Upon receipt of a proper application, payment of the recording fee, and recordation
324     of the brand in the central Brand Registry of the department, the commissioner shall issue the
325     applicant a certified copy of recording that entitles the applicant to the exclusive use of the
326     brand recorded.
327          (2) (a) A recorded brand filed with the central Brand Registry expires during the
328     calendar year 1980, and during each fifth year thereafter.
329          (b) (i) The department shall [give] send notice in writing to [all persons who are
330     owners of recorded brands] the address designated under Subsection (1)(b)(ii) within a
331     reasonable time before the date of expiration of recordation.
332          (ii) The notice required by this Subsection (2)(b) may be provided by email or regular
333     mail at the department's discretion.
334          (iii) The holder of a registered brand has an affirmative duty to inform the department
335     of a change to the contact information provided on the initial application for a recorded brand.
336          (c) Brand renewal is affected by filing an appropriate application with the department
337     together with payment of the renewal fee.

338          (d) A recorded brand, not timely renewed, shall lapse and be removed from the central
339     Brand Registry.
340          Section 7. Section 4-24-306 is amended to read:
341          4-24-306. Movement across state line -- Brand inspection required -- Exception --
342     Request for brand inspection -- Time and place of inspection.
343          (1) Except as provided in Subsection (2), a person may not drive or transport any cattle,
344     calves, horses, domesticated elk, or mules from any place within this state to a place outside
345     this state until the animal has been brand inspected.
346          (2) Subsection (1) does not apply:
347          (a) if the animals specified in Subsection (1) customarily forage on an open range
348     which transgresses the Utah state line and that of an adjoining state[.]; or
349          (b) to rodeo stock that have received a current yearly brand inspection.
350          (3) The owner or person responsible for driving or transporting the animals shall
351     request the department to inspect the brands of the animals to be moved.
352          (4) The department shall conduct the inspection at the time and place determined by
353     the department.
354          Section 8. Section 4-24-308 is amended to read:
355          4-24-308. Brand inspection fees.
356          (1) The department with the approval of the Livestock Brand Board may set and collect
357     a fee for the:
358          (a) issuance of any certificate of brand inspection, including a yearly brand inspection
359     of rodeo stock;
360          (b) verification of ownership at a custom exempt slaughter facility before slaughter for
361     the owner's use;
362          (c) verification of ownership by a farm custom slaughter licensee before slaughter for
363     the owner's use; or
364          (d) verification of ownership by a state or department employee at a meat
365     establishment where there is no transfer of ownership.

366          (2) Brand inspection fees incurred for the inspection of such animals at a livestock
367     market may be withheld by the market and paid from the proceeds derived from their sale.
368          (3) The fee shall be determined by the department pursuant to Subsection 4-2-103(2).
369          Section 9. Section 4-35-106 is amended to read:
370          4-35-106. Plant Pest Fund.
371          (1) There is created an expendable special revenue fund known as the "Plant Pest
372     Fund."
373          (2) The fund is funded from:
374          (a) money the plant industry division within the department receives under this title;
375          (b) the landowner's and lessee's share of costs, if required by rule made by the
376     department in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act;
377          (c) appropriations from the Legislature;
378          (d) federal money deposited into the fund; and
379          (e) the interest and earnings on the fund.
380          (3) The department may only use money in the fund to fund survey, detection,
381     eradication, or suppression efforts for plant pests with the exception designated in Subsection
382     (4).
383          (4) The department may annually use an amount not to exceed the lesser of the
384     following [to carry out the department's duties under this chapter] for staff or administrative
385     costs to carry out the department's duties under this chapter:
386          (a) 10% of the fund annually; or
387          (b) $300,000.
388          (5) (a) The fund may not exceed $10,000,000 of money deposited under Subsections
389     (2)(a), (c), and (e).
390          (b) The Division of Finance shall transfer the money described in Subsection (5)(a) in
391     excess of $10,000,000 at the end of a fiscal year into the General Fund.
392          (6) Federal money deposited into the fund shall be accounted for separately.
393          (7) Fund money may be used as matching funds for participation in programs of the

394     United States Department of Agriculture for survey, detection, eradication, or suppression
395     efforts of plant pests.
396          Section 10. Section 4-37-109 is amended to read:
397          4-37-109. Department to make rules.
398          (1) The department shall make rules in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah
399     Administrative Rulemaking Act:
400          (a) specifying procedures for the application and renewal of [certificates of
401     registration] licenses for operating an aquaculture or fee fishing facility; and
402          (b) governing the disposal or removal of aquatic animals from an aquaculture or fee
403     fishing facility for which the [certificate of registration] license has lapsed or been revoked.
404          (2) (a) The department may make other rules consistent with its responsibilities set
405     forth in Section 4-37-104.
406          (b) Except as provided by this chapter, the rules authorized by Subsection (2)(a) shall
407     be consistent with the suggested procedures for the detection and identification of pathogens
408     published by the American Fisheries Society's Fish Health Section.
409          Section 11. Section 4-37-110 is amended to read:
410          4-37-110. Inspection of records and facilities.
411          (1) The following records and information shall be maintained by an aquaculture or fee
412     fishing facility for a period of two years and shall be available for inspection by a department
413     representative during reasonable hours:
414          (a) records of purchase, acquisition, distribution, and production histories of aquatic
415     animals;
416          (b) [certificate of registration] a license; and
417          (c) valid identification of stocks, including origin of stocks.
418          (2) Department representatives may conduct pathological, fish culture, or physical
419     investigations at any aquaculture, public aquaculture, or fee fishing facility during reasonable
420     hours.
421          Section 12. Section 4-37-201 is amended to read:

422          4-37-201. License required to operate an aquaculture facility.
423          (1) A person may not operate an aquaculture facility without first obtaining a
424     [certificate of registration] license from the department.
425          (2) (a) Each application for a [certificate of registration] license to operate an
426     aquaculture facility shall be accompanied by a fee.
427          (b) The fee shall be established by the department in accordance with Section
428     63J-1-504.
429          (3) The department shall coordinate with the Division of Wildlife Resources:
430          (a) on the suitability of the proposed site relative to potential impacts on adjacent wild
431     aquatic animal populations; and
432          (b) in determining which species the holder of the [certificate of registration] license
433     may propagate, possess, transport, or sell.
434          (4) The department shall list on the [certificate of registration] license the species
435     which the holder may propagate, possess, transport, or sell.
436          Section 13. Section 4-37-202 is amended to read:
437          4-37-202. Acquisition of aquatic animals for use in aquaculture facilities.
438          (1) Live aquatic animals intended for use in aquaculture facilities may be purchased or
439     acquired only from:
440          (a) aquaculture facilities within the state that have a [certificate of registration] license
441     and health approval number;
442          (b) public aquaculture facilities within the state that have a health approval number; or
443          (c) sources outside the state that are health approved as provided in Part 5, Health
444     Approval.
445          (2) A person holding a [certificate of registration] license for an aquaculture facility
446     shall submit annually to the department a record of each purchase of live aquatic animals and
447     transfer of live aquatic animals into the facility. This record shall include the following
448     information:
449          (a) name, address, and health approval number of the source;

450          (b) date of transaction; and
451          (c) number and weight by species.
452          (3) The records required by Subsection (2) shall be submitted to the department before
453     a [certificate of registration] license is renewed or a subsequent [certificate of registration]
454     license is issued.
455          Section 14. Section 4-37-203 is amended to read:
456          4-37-203. Transportation of aquatic animals to or from aquaculture facilities.
457          (1) Any person holding a [certificate of registration] license for an aquaculture facility
458     may transport the live aquatic animals specified on the [certificate of registration] license to the
459     facility or to any person who has been issued a [certificate of registration] license or who is
460     otherwise authorized by law to possess those aquatic animals.
461          (2) Each transfer or shipment of live aquatic animals from or to an aquaculture facility
462     within the state shall be accompanied by documentation of the source and destination of the
463     fish, including:
464          (a) name, address, [certificate of registration] license number, and health approval
465     number of the source;
466          (b) number and weight being shipped, by species;
467          (c) name of the recipient;
468          (d) address of the destination; and
469          (e) (i) [certificate of registration] license number of the receiving facility; or
470          (ii) location of the private fish pond or short-term fishing event when authorized to
471     receive the aquatic animal without a certificate of registration under Division of Wildlife
472     Resources rules.
473          Section 15. Section 4-37-204 is amended to read:
474          4-37-204. Sale of aquatic animals from aquaculture facilities.
475          (1) (a) Except as provided by Subsection (1)(c) and subject to Subsection (1)(b), a
476     person holding a [certificate of registration] license for an aquaculture facility may take an
477     aquatic animal as approved on the [certificate of registration] license from the facility at any

478     time and offer the aquatic animal for sale.
479          (b) A live aquatic animal may be sold within Utah only to a person who:
480          (i) has been issued a [certificate of registration] license to possess the aquatic animal;
481     or
482          (ii) is eligible to receive the aquatic animal without a certificate of registration under
483     Wildlife Board rules.
484          (c) A person who owns or operates an aquaculture facility may sell live aquatic animals
485     if the person:
486          (i) obtains a health approval number for the aquaculture facility;
487          (ii) inspects the pond or holding facility to verify that the pond or facility is in
488     compliance with Subsections 23-15-10(2) and (3)(c); and
489          (iii) stocks the species and reproductive capability of aquatic animals authorized by the
490     Wildlife Board in accordance with Section 23-15-10 for stocking in the area where the pond or
491     holding facility is located.
492          (2) An aquatic animal sold or transferred by the owner or operator of an aquaculture
493     facility shall be accompanied by the seller's receipt that contains the following information:
494          (a) date of transaction;
495          (b) name, address, [certificate of registration] license number, and health approval
496     number;
497          (c) number and weight of aquatic animal by:
498          (i) species; and
499          (ii) reproductive capability; and
500          (d) name and address of the receiver.
501          (3) (a) A person holding a [certificate of registration] license for an aquaculture facility
502     shall submit to the department an annual report of each sale of live aquatic animals or each
503     transfer of live aquatic animals in Utah. The department shall forward the report to the Division
504     of Wildlife Resources. The department or Division of Wildlife Resources may request copies
505     of receipts from an aquaculture facility.

506          (b) The report shall contain the following information:
507          (i) name, address, and [certificate of registration] license number of the seller or
508     supplier;
509          (ii) number and weight of aquatic animals by species and reproductive capacity;
510          (iii) date of sale or transfer; and
511          (iv) name, address, phone number, and [certificate of registration] license number of
512     the receiver.
513          (4) Geographic coordinates of the stocking location shall be provided if the receiver is
514     eligible to stock the aquatic animal without a certificate of registration under Wildlife Board
515     rules.
516          (5) A report required by Subsection (3) shall be submitted before:
517          (a) a [certificate of registration] license is renewed or a subsequent [certificate of
518     registration] license is issued; or
519          (b) a health approval number is issued.
520          Section 16. Section 4-37-301 is amended to read:
521          4-37-301. License required to operate a fee fishing facility.
522          (1) A person may not operate a fee fishing facility without first obtaining a [certificate
523     of registration] license from the department.
524          (2) (a) Each application for a [certificate of registration] license to operate a fee fishing
525     facility shall be accompanied by a fee.
526          (b) The fee shall be established by the department in accordance with Section
527     63J-1-504.
528          (3) The department shall coordinate with the Division of Wildlife Resources:
529          (a) on the suitability of the proposed site relative to potential impacts on adjacent wild
530     aquatic animal populations; and
531          (b) in determining which species the holder of the [certificate of registration] license
532     may possess or transport to or stock into the facility.
533          (4) The department shall list on the [certificate of registration] license the species

534     which the holder may possess or transport to or stock into the facility.
535          (5) A person holding a [certificate of registration] license for an aquaculture facility
536     may also operate a fee fishing facility without obtaining an additional [certificate of
537     registration] license, if the fee fishing facility:
538          (a) is in a body of water meeting the criteria of Section 4-37-111 which is connected
539     with the aquaculture facility;
540          (b) contains only those aquatic animals specified on the [certificate of registration]
541     license for the aquaculture facility; and
542          (c) is designated on the [certificate of registration] license for the aquaculture facility.
543          Section 17. Section 4-37-302 is amended to read:
544          4-37-302. Acquisition of aquatic animals for use in fee fishing facilities.
545          (1) Live aquatic animals intended for use in fee fishing facilities may be purchased or
546     acquired only from:
547          (a) aquaculture facilities within the state that have a [certificate of registration] license
548     and health approval number;
549          (b) public aquaculture facilities within the state that have a health approval number; or
550          (c) sources outside the state that are health approved pursuant to Part 5, Health
551     Approval.
552          (2) (a) A person holding a [certificate of registration] license for a fee fishing facility
553     shall submit to the department an annual report of all live fish purchased or acquired.
554          (b) The report shall contain the following information:
555          (i) name, address, and [certificate of registration] license number of the seller or
556     supplier;
557          (ii) number and weight by species;
558          (iii) date of purchase or transfer; and
559          (iv) name, address, and [certificate of registration] license number of the receiver.
560          (c) The report shall be submitted to the department before a [certificate of registration]
561     license is renewed or a subsequent [certificate of registration] license is issued.

562          Section 18. Section 4-37-303 is amended to read:
563          4-37-303. Transportation of live aquatic animals to fee fishing facilities.
564          (1) Any person holding a [certificate of registration] license for a fee fishing facility
565     may transport the live aquatic animals specified on the [certificate of registration] license to the
566     facility.
567          (2) Each transfer or shipment of live aquatic animals to a fee fishing facility within the
568     state shall be accompanied by documentation of the source and destination of the fish,
569     including:
570          (a) name, address, [certificate of registration] license number, and health approval
571     number of the source;
572          (b) number and weight being shipped by species; and
573          (c) name, address, and [certificate of registration] license number of the destination.
574          Section 19. Section 4-37-305 is amended to read:
575          4-37-305. Fishing license not required to fish at fee fishing facilities --
576     Transportation of dead fish.
577          (1) A fishing license is not required to take fish from fee fishing facilities.
578          (2) To transport dead fish from fee fishing facilities the fish shall be accompanied by
579     the seller's receipt containing the following information:
580          (a) species and number of fish;
581          (b) date caught;
582          (c) [certificate of registration] license number of the fee fishing facility; and
583          (d) name, address, and telephone number of the seller.
584          Section 20. Section 4-37-401 is amended to read:
585          4-37-401. License required to import aquatic animals for aquaculture or fee
586     fishing facilities.
587          (1) A person may not import aquatic animals classified as controlled species by rules of
588     the Wildlife Board into the state for use in aquaculture or fee fishing facilities without first
589     obtaining a [certificate of registration] license from the department.

590          (2) The department shall:
591          (a) coordinate with the Division of Wildlife Resources in determining which species
592     the holder may import into the state; and
593          (b) specify those species on the [certificate of registration] license.
594          (3) A person may not import species into the state that are not listed on the [certificate
595     of registration] license.
596          Section 21. Section 4-37-601 is amended to read:
597          4-37-601. Enforcement and penalties.
598          (1) Any violation of this chapter is a class B misdemeanor and may be grounds for
599     revocation of the [certificate of registration] license or denial of any future [certificate of
600     registration] license as determined by the department.
601          (2) A violation of any rule made under this chapter may be grounds for revocation of
602     the [certificate of registration] license or denial for future [certificate of registration] license as
603     determined by the department.
604          Section 22. Section 4-37-602 is amended to read:
605          4-37-602. Adjudicative proceedings -- Presiding officer.
606          (1) Adjudicative proceedings under this chapter shall be conducted in accordance with
607     Title 63G, Chapter 4, Administrative Procedures Act.
608          (2) The revocation of an aquaculture facility's [certificate of registration] license, the
609     denial of an aquaculture facility's future [certificate of registration] license, and a denial or
610     cancellation of an aquaculture facility's health approval number is a state agency action
611     governed by Title 63G, Chapter 4, Administrative Procedures Act.
612          (3) (a) An owner or operator of an aquaculture facility may ask for an agency review,
613     as provided by Section 63G-4-301, of an agency action specified in Subsection (2).
614          (b) The presiding officer, as defined in Section 63G-4-103, conducting the agency
615     review shall consist of three members as follows:
616          (i) the person representing sport fishermen, appointed under Subsection
617     4-37-503(4)(a)(i)(C);

618          (ii) one person representing the aquaculture industry, appointed by the governor from
619     names submitted by a nonprofit corporation, as defined in Section 16-6a-102, that promotes the
620     efficient production, distribution, and marketing of aquaculture products and the welfare of all
621     persons engaged in aquaculture; and
622          (iii) one person, appointed by the governor, who is knowledgeable about aquatic
623     diseases and is employed by an institution of higher education.
624          (c) If the governor rejects all the names submitted under Subsection (3)(b)(ii), the
625     recommending nonprofit corporation shall submit additional names.
626          (d) The final decision of the presiding officer shall be adopted upon approval of at least
627     two of the members.
628          (e) The term for the member listed in Subsection (3)(b)(i) shall be the same as provided
629     in Section 4-37-503.
630          (f) The term for the members appointed under Subsections (3)(b)(ii) and (iii) shall be
631     four years.
632          (4) A member may not receive compensation or benefits for the member's service, but
633     may receive per diem and travel expenses in accordance with:
634          (a) Section 63A-3-106;
635          (b) Section 63A-3-107; and
636          (c) rules made by the Division of Finance pursuant to Sections 63A-3-106 and
637     63A-3-107.
638          Section 23. Section 63I-1-273 is amended to read:
639          63I-1-273. Repeal dates, Title 73.
640          (1) Title 73, Chapter 27, Legislative Water Development Commission, is repealed
641     January 1, 2031.
642          (2) In relation to Title 73, Chapter 10g, Part 2, Agricultural Water Optimization, [is
643     repealed July 1, 2025.] on July 1, 2025:
644          (a) Section 73-10g-202 is repealed; and
645          (b) Section 73-10g-203 is repealed.

646          (3) Section 73-18-3.5, which creates the Boating Advisory Council, is repealed July 1,
647     2024.
648          (4) Title 73, Chapter 30, Great Salt Lake Advisory Council Act, is repealed July 1,
649     2027.
650          (5) In relation to Title 73, Chapter 31, Water Banking Act, on December 31, 2030:
651          (a) Subsection 73-1-4(2)(e)(xi) is repealed;
652          (b) Subsection 73-10-4(1)(h) is repealed; and
653          (c) Title 73, Chapter 31, Water Banking Act, is repealed.
654          Section 24. Section 73-10g-204 is amended to read:
655          73-10g-204. Agricultural Water Optimization Account.
656          (1) As used in this section:
657          (a) "Account" means the Agricultural Water Optimization Account created in
658     Subsection (2).
659          (b) "Agricultural water optimization" means the implementation of agricultural and
660     water management practices that maintain or increase viable agriculture while minimizing
661     negative impacts on water supply, water quality, and the environment.
662          (c) "Department" means the Department of Agriculture and Food.
663          (2) There is created a restricted account within the General Fund called the Agricultural
664     Water Optimization Account.
665          [(2)] (3) The [Agricultural Water Optimization Account] account consists of:
666          (a) appropriations from the Legislature [and];
667          (b) federal funds; and
668          (c) grants or donations from other public or private sources.
669          [(3) The task force created in Section 73-10g-202 may, subject to appropriation,
670     expend money in the Agricultural Water Optimization Account to fulfill the duties of Section
671     73-10g-203.]
672          (4) Subject to appropriation, the department may use money in the account to issue
673     grants to improve agricultural water optimization.

674          (5) Until December 31, 2024, the department may loan up to $3,000,000 of General
675     Fund money in the account to the Agriculture Resource Development Fund, subject to the
676     conditions described in Section 4-18-106.
677          (6) (a) The department shall maintain the Agriculture Water Optimization Account and
678     record all debits and credits made to the account by the department.
679          (b) The Office of the Treasurer shall deposit interest and other earnings derived from
680     investment of money in the Agriculture Water Optimization Account into the account.
681          Section 25. Effective date.
682          If approved by two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, this bill takes effect
683     upon approval by the governor, or the day following the constitutional time limit of Utah
684     Constitution, Article VII, Section 8, without the governor's signature, or in the case of a veto,
685     the date of veto override.