


Chief Sponsor: Mark A. Strong

Senate Sponsor: Jacob L. Anderegg


8     General Description:
9          This bill amends provisions regarding campaign finance disclosures for candidates in
10     municipal elections.
11     Highlighted Provisions:
12          This bill:
13          ▸     amends the deadlines for municipal candidates to file campaign finance statements;
14          ▸     adds a 24-hour grace period for municipal candidates to file campaign finance
15     statements; and
16          ▸     makes technical and conforming changes.
17     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
18          None
19     Other Special Clauses:
20          None
21     Utah Code Sections Affected:
22     AMENDS:
23          10-3-208, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 74
24          36-11a-102, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 363

26     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
27          Section 1. Section 10-3-208 is amended to read:

28          10-3-208. Campaign finance disclosure in municipal election.
29          (1) Unless a municipality adopts by ordinance more stringent definitions, the following
30     are defined terms for purposes of this section:
31          (a) "Agent of a candidate" means:
32          (i) a person acting on behalf of a candidate at the direction of the reporting entity;
33          (ii) a person employed by a candidate in the candidate's capacity as a candidate;
34          (iii) the personal campaign committee of a candidate;
35          (iv) a member of the personal campaign committee of a candidate in the member's
36     capacity as a member of the personal campaign committee of the candidate; or
37          (v) a political consultant of a candidate.
38          (b) "Anonymous contribution limit" means for each calendar year:
39          (i) $50; or
40          (ii) an amount less than $50 that is specified in an ordinance of the municipality.
41          (c) (i) "Candidate" means a person who:
42          (A) files a declaration of candidacy for municipal office; or
43          (B) receives contributions, makes expenditures, or gives consent for any other person
44     to receive contributions or make expenditures to bring about the person's nomination or
45     election to a municipal office.
46          (ii) "Candidate" does not mean a person who files for the office of judge.
47          (d) (i) "Contribution" means any of the following when done for political purposes:
48          (A) a gift, subscription, donation, loan, advance, or deposit of money or anything of
49     value given to a candidate;
50          (B) an express, legally enforceable contract, promise, or agreement to make a gift,
51     subscription, donation, unpaid or partially unpaid loan, advance, or deposit of money or
52     anything of value to the candidate;
53          (C) any transfer of funds from another reporting entity to the candidate;
54          (D) compensation paid by any person or reporting entity other than the candidate for
55     personal services provided without charge to the candidate;
56          (E) a loan made by a candidate deposited to the candidate's own campaign; and
57          (F) an in-kind contribution.
58          (ii) "Contribution" does not include:

59          (A) services provided by an individual volunteering a portion or all of the individual's
60     time on behalf of the candidate if the services are provided without compensation by the
61     candidate or any other person;
62          (B) money lent to the candidate by a financial institution in the ordinary course of
63     business; or
64          (C) goods or services provided for the benefit of a candidate at less than fair market
65     value that are not authorized by or coordinated with the candidate.
66          (e) "Coordinated with" means that goods or services provided for the benefit of a
67     candidate are provided:
68          (i) with the candidate's prior knowledge, if the candidate does not object;
69          (ii) by agreement with the candidate;
70          (iii) in coordination with the candidate; or
71          (iv) using official logos, slogans, and similar elements belonging to a candidate.
72          (f) (i) "Expenditure" means any of the following made by a candidate or an agent of the
73     candidate on behalf of the candidate:
74          (A) any disbursement from contributions, receipts, or from an account described in
75     Subsection (3)(a)[(i)];
76          (B) a purchase, payment, donation, distribution, loan, advance, deposit, gift of money,
77     or anything of value made for political purposes;
78          (C) an express, legally enforceable contract, promise, or agreement to make any
79     purchase, payment, donation, distribution, loan, advance, deposit, gift of money, or anything of
80     value for a political purpose;
81          (D) compensation paid by a candidate for personal services rendered by a person
82     without charge to a reporting entity;
83          (E) a transfer of funds between the candidate and a candidate's personal campaign
84     committee as defined in Section 20A-11-101; or
85          (F) goods or services provided by a reporting entity to or for the benefit of the
86     candidate for political purposes at less than fair market value.
87          (ii) "Expenditure" does not include:
88          (A) services provided without compensation by an individual volunteering a portion or
89     all of the individual's time on behalf of a candidate; or

90          (B) money lent to a candidate by a financial institution in the ordinary course of
91     business.
92          (g) "In-kind contribution" means anything of value other than money, that is accepted
93     by or coordinated with a candidate.
94          (h) (i) "Political consultant" means a person who is paid by a candidate, or paid by
95     another person on behalf of and with the knowledge of the candidate, to provide political
96     advice to the candidate.
97          (ii) "Political consultant" includes a circumstance described in Subsection (1)(h)(i),
98     where the person:
99          (A) has already been paid, with money or other consideration;
100          (B) expects to be paid in the future, with money or other consideration; or
101          (C) understands that the person may, in the discretion of the candidate or another
102     person on behalf of and with the knowledge of the candidate, be paid in the future, with money
103     or other consideration.
104          (i) "Political purposes" means an act done with the intent or in a way to influence or
105     tend to influence, directly or indirectly, any person to refrain from voting or to vote for or
106     against any candidate or a person seeking a municipal office at any caucus, political
107     convention, or election.
108          (j) "Reporting entity" means:
109          (i) a candidate;
110          (ii) a committee appointed by a candidate to act for the candidate;
111          (iii) a person who holds an elected municipal office;
112          (iv) a party committee as defined in Section 20A-11-101;
113          (v) a political action committee as defined in Section 20A-11-101;
114          (vi) a political issues committee as defined in Section 20A-11-101;
115          (vii) a corporation as defined in Section 20A-11-101; or
116          (viii) a labor organization as defined in Section 20A-11-1501.
117          (2) (a) A municipality may adopt an ordinance establishing campaign finance
118     disclosure requirements for a candidate that are more stringent than the requirements provided
119     in Subsections (3)[, (4), and (5)] through (7).
120          (b) The municipality may adopt definitions that are more stringent than those provided

121     in Subsection (1).
122          (c) If a municipality fails to adopt a campaign finance disclosure ordinance described
123     in Subsection (2)(a), a candidate shall comply with financial reporting requirements contained
124     in Subsections (3)[, (4), and (5)] through (7).
125          (3) [(a)] Each candidate:
126          [(i)] (a) shall deposit a contribution in a separate campaign account in a financial
127     institution; and
128          [(ii)] (b) may not deposit or mingle any campaign contributions received into a
129     personal or business account.
130          [(b)] (4) (a) In a year in which a municipal primary is held, each candidate who will
131     participate in the municipal primary shall file a campaign finance statement with the municipal
132     clerk or recorder no later than seven days before the day described in Subsection
133     20A-1-201.5(2).
134          [(c)] (b) Each candidate who is not eliminated at a municipal primary election shall file
135     [with the municipal clerk or recorder] a campaign finance statement with the municipal clerk or
136     recorder no later than:
137          (i) 28 days before the day on which the municipal general election is held;
138          [(i)] (ii) [no later than] seven days before the day on which the municipal general
139     election is held; and
140          [(ii)] (iii) [no later than] 30 days after the day on which the municipal general election
141     is held.
142          [(d)] (c) Each candidate for municipal office who is eliminated at a municipal primary
143     election shall file with the municipal clerk or recorder a campaign finance statement within 30
144     days after the day on which the municipal primary election is held.
145          (5) If a municipality does not conduct a primary election for a race, each candidate who
146     will participate in that race shall file a campaign finance statement with the municipal clerk or
147     recorder no later than:
148          (a) 28 days before the day on which the municipal general election is held;
149          (b) seven days before the day on which the municipal general election is held; and
150          (c) 30 days after the day on which the municipal general election is held.
151          [(4)] (6) Each campaign finance statement described in Subsection [(3)] (4) or (5)

152     shall:
153          (a) except as provided in Subsection [(4)] (6)(b):
154          (i) report all of the candidate's itemized and total:
155          (A) contributions, including in-kind and other nonmonetary contributions, received up
156     to and including five days before the campaign finance statement is due, excluding a
157     contribution previously reported; and
158          (B) expenditures made up to and including five days before the campaign finance
159     statement is due, excluding an expenditure previously reported; and
160          (ii) identify:
161          (A) for each contribution, the amount of the contribution and the name of the donor, if
162     known; and
163          (B) for each expenditure, the amount of the expenditure and the name of the recipient
164     of the expenditure; or
165          (b) report the total amount of all contributions and expenditures if the candidate
166     receives $500 or less in contributions and spends $500 or less on the candidate's campaign.
167          [(5)] (7) Within 30 days after receiving a contribution that is cash or a negotiable
168     instrument, exceeds the anonymous contribution limit, and is from a donor whose name is
169     unknown, a candidate shall disburse the amount of the contribution to:
170          (a) the treasurer of the state or a political subdivision for deposit into the state's or
171     political subdivision's general fund; or
172          (b) an organization that is exempt from federal income taxation under Section
173     501(c)(3), Internal Revenue Code.
174          [(6)] (8) (a) A municipality may, by ordinance:
175          (i) provide an anonymous contribution limit less than $50;
176          (ii) require greater disclosure of contributions or expenditures than is required in this
177     section; and
178          (iii) impose additional penalties on candidates who fail to comply with the applicable
179     requirements beyond those imposed by this section.
180          (b) A candidate is subject to the provisions of this section and not the provisions of an
181     ordinance adopted by the municipality under Subsection [(6)] (8)(a) if:
182          (i) the municipal ordinance establishes requirements or penalties that differ from those

183     established in this section; and
184          (ii) the municipal clerk or recorder fails to notify the candidate of the provisions of the
185     ordinance as required in Subsection [(7)] (9).
186          [(7)] (9) Each municipal clerk or recorder shall, at the time the candidate for municipal
187     office files a declaration of candidacy, and again [14] 35 days before each municipal general
188     election, notify the candidate in writing of:
189          (a) the provisions of statute or municipal ordinance governing the disclosure of
190     contributions and expenditures;
191          (b) the dates when the candidate's campaign finance statement is required to be filed;
192     and
193          (c) the penalties that apply for failure to file a timely campaign finance statement,
194     including the statutory provision that requires removal of the candidate's name from the ballot
195     for failure to file the required campaign finance statement when required.
196          [(8)] (10) Notwithstanding any provision of Title 63G, Chapter 2, Government Records
197     Access and Management Act, the municipal clerk or recorder shall:
198          (a) make each campaign finance statement filed by a candidate available for public
199     inspection and copying no later than one business day after the statement is filed; and
200          (b) make the campaign finance statement filed by a candidate available for public
201     inspection by:
202          (i) (A) posting an electronic copy or the contents of the statement on the municipality's
203     website no later than seven business days after the statement is filed; and
204          (B) verifying that the address of the municipality's website has been provided to the
205     lieutenant governor in order to meet the requirements of Subsection 20A-11-103(5); or
206          (ii) submitting a copy of the statement to the lieutenant governor for posting on the
207     website established by the lieutenant governor under Section 20A-11-103 no later than two
208     business days after the statement is filed.
209          [(9)] (11) (a) If a candidate fails to timely file a campaign finance statement required
210     under Subsection [(3)] (4) or (5), the municipal clerk or recorder [shall inform the appropriate
211     election official who]:
212          [(i) shall:]
213          (i) may send an electronic notice to the candidate that states:

214          (A) that the candidate failed to timely file the campaign finance statement; and
215          (B) that, if the candidate fails to file the report within 24 hours after the deadline for
216     filing the report, the candidate will be disqualified; and
217          (ii) may impose a fine of $50 on the candidate.
218          (b) The municipal clerk or recorder shall disqualify a candidate and inform the
219     appropriate election official that the candidate is disqualified if the candidate fails to file a
220     campaign finance statement described in Subsection (4) or (5) within 24 hours after the
221     deadline for filing the report.
222          (c) If a candidate is disqualified under Subsection (11)(b), the election official:
223          (i) (A) shall, if practicable, remove the candidate's name from the ballot by blacking
224     out the candidate's name before the ballots are delivered to voters; or
225          (B) shall, if removing the candidate's name from the ballot is not practicable, inform
226     the voters by any practicable method that the candidate has been disqualified and that votes
227     cast for the candidate will not be counted; and
228          (ii) may not count any votes for that candidate.
229          [(b)] (d) Notwithstanding Subsection [(9)(a)] (11)(b), a candidate who timely files each
230     campaign finance statement required under Subsection [(3)] (4) or (5) is not disqualified if:
231          (i) the statement details accurately and completely the information required under
232     Subsection [(4)] (6), except for inadvertent omissions or insignificant errors or inaccuracies;
233     and
234          (ii) the omissions, errors, or inaccuracies are corrected in an amended report or in the
235     next scheduled report.
236          [(c)] (e) A candidate for municipal office who is disqualified under Subsection [(9)(a)]
237     (11)(b) shall file with the municipal clerk or recorder a complete and accurate campaign
238     finance statement within 30 days after the day on which the candidate is disqualified.
239          [(10)] (12) A campaign finance statement required under this section is considered
240     filed if it is received in the municipal clerk or recorder's office by 5 p.m. on the date that it is
241     due.
242          [(11)] (13) (a) A private party in interest may bring a civil action in district court to
243     enforce the provisions of this section or an ordinance adopted under this section.
244          (b) In a civil action under Subsection [(11)] (13)(a), the court may award costs and

245     attorney fees to the prevailing party.
246          Section 2. Section 36-11a-102 is amended to read:
247          36-11a-102. Definitions.
248          As used in this chapter:
249          (1) "Aggregate daily expenditures" means:
250          (a) for a single lobbyist, principal, or government officer, the total of all expenditures
251     made within a calendar day by the lobbyist, principal, or government officer for the benefit of
252     an individual local official or education official;
253          (b) for an expenditure made by a member of a lobbyist group, the total of all
254     expenditures made within a calendar day by every member of the lobbyist group for the benefit
255     of an individual local official or education official; or
256          (c) for a multiclient lobbyist, the total of all expenditures made by the multiclient
257     lobbyist within a calendar day for the benefit of an individual local official or education
258     official, regardless of whether the expenditures were attributed to different clients.
259          (2) "Board of education" means:
260          (a) a local school board described in Title 53G, Chapter 4, School Districts;
261          (b) the State Board of Education;
262          (c) the State Charter School Board created under Section 53G-5-201; or
263          (d) a charter school governing board described in Title 53G, Chapter 5, Charter
264     Schools.
265          (3) (a) "Compensation" means anything of economic value, however designated, that is
266     paid, loaned, granted, given, donated, or transferred to an individual for the provision of
267     services or ownership before any withholding required by federal or state law.
268          (b) "Compensation" includes:
269          (i) a salary or commission;
270          (ii) a bonus;
271          (iii) a benefit;
272          (iv) a contribution to a retirement program or account;
273          (v) a payment includable in gross income, as defined in Section 62, Internal Revenue
274     Code, and subject to social security deductions, including a payment in excess of the maximum
275     amount subject to deduction under social security law;

276          (vi) an amount that the individual authorizes to be deducted or reduced for salary
277     deferral or other benefits authorized by federal law; or
278          (vii) income based on an individual's ownership interest.
279          (4) "Compensation payor" means a person who pays compensation to a local official or
280     education official in the ordinary course of business:
281          (a) because of the local official's or education official's ownership interest in the
282     compensation payor; or
283          (b) for services rendered by the local official or education official on behalf of the
284     compensation payor.
285          (5) "Education action" means:
286          (a) a resolution, policy, or other official action for consideration by a board of
287     education;
288          (b) a nomination or appointment by an education official or a board of education;
289          (c) an administrative action taken by a vote of a board of education;
290          (d) an adjudicative proceeding over which an education official has direct or indirect
291     control;
292          (e) a purchasing or contracting decision;
293          (f) drafting or making a policy, resolution, or rule;
294          (g) determining a rate or fee; or
295          (h) making an adjudicative decision.
296          (6) "Education official" means:
297          (a) a member of a board of education;
298          (b) an individual appointed to or employed in a position under a board of education if
299     that individual:
300          (i) occupies a policymaking position or makes purchasing or contracting decisions;
301          (ii) drafts resolutions or policies or drafts or makes rules;
302          (iii) determines rates or fees; or
303          (iv) makes adjudicative decisions; or
304          (c) an immediate family member of an individual described in Subsection (6)(a) or (b).
305          (7) "Event" means entertainment, a performance, a contest, or a recreational activity
306     that an individual participates in or is a spectator at, including a sporting event, an artistic

307     event, a play, a movie, dancing, or singing.
308          (8) (a) "Expenditure" means any of the items listed in this Subsection (8)(a) when
309     given to or for the benefit of a local official or education official unless consideration of equal
310     or greater value is received:
311          (i) a purchase, payment, or distribution;
312          (ii) a loan, gift, or advance;
313          (iii) a deposit, subscription, or forbearance;
314          (iv) services or goods;
315          (v) money;
316          (vi) real property;
317          (vii) a ticket or admission to an event; or
318          (viii) a contract, promise, or agreement, whether or not legally enforceable, to provide
319     any item listed in Subsections (8)(a)(i) through (vii).
320          (b) "Expenditure" does not mean:
321          (i) a commercially reasonable loan made in the ordinary course of business;
322          (ii) a campaign contribution:
323          (A) reported in accordance with Title 20A, Chapter 11, Campaign and Financial
324     Reporting Requirements, Section 10-3-208 or Section 17-16-6.5, or an applicable ordinance
325     described in Subsection 10-3-208[(5)](8) or Subsection 17-16-6.5(1); or
326          (B) lawfully given to a person that is not required to report the contribution under a law
327     or ordinance described in Subsection (8)(b)(ii)(A);
328          (iii) printed informational material that is related to the performance of the recipient's
329     official duties;
330          (iv) a devise or inheritance;
331          (v) any item listed in Subsection (8)(a) if:
332          (A) given by a relative;
333          (B) given by a compensation payor for a purpose solely unrelated to the local official's
334     or education official's position as a local official or education official;
335          (C) the item is food or beverage with a value that does not exceed the food
336     reimbursement rate, and the aggregate daily expenditures for food and beverage do not exceed
337     the food reimbursement rate; or

338          (D) the item is not food or beverage, has a value of less than $10, and the aggregate
339     daily expenditures do not exceed $10;
340          (vi) food or beverage that is provided at an event, a tour, or a meeting to a local official
341     or education official who is:
342          (A) giving a speech at the event, tour, or meeting;
343          (B) participating in a panel discussion at the event, tour, or meeting; or
344          (C) presenting or receiving an award at the event, tour, or meeting;
345          (vii) a plaque, commendation, or award that:
346          (A) is presented in public; and
347          (B) has the name of the individual receiving the plaque, commendation, or award
348     inscribed, etched, printed, or otherwise permanently marked on the plaque, commendation, or
349     award;
350          (viii) a publication having a cash value not exceeding $30;
351          (ix) admission to or attendance at an event, a tour, or a meeting, the primary purpose of
352     which is:
353          (A) to solicit a contribution that is reportable under 2 U.S.C. Sec. 434, Title 20A,
354     Chapter 11, Campaign and Financial Reporting Requirements, Section 10-3-208 or Section
355     17-16-6.5, or an applicable ordinance described in Subsection 10-3-208[(5)](8) or Subsection
356     17-16-6.5(1);
357          (B) to solicit a campaign contribution that a person is not required to report under a law
358     or ordinance described in Subsection (8)(b)(ix)(A); or
359          (C) charitable solicitation, as defined in Section 13-22-2;
360          (x) notwithstanding Subsection (8)(a)(vii), admission to, attendance at, or travel to or
361     from an event, a tour, or a meeting for a local official or education official:
362          (A) that is sponsored by a governmental entity, a public school, a charter school, or an
363     organization that represents only local governmental entities, public schools, or charter schools,
364     including the Utah Association of Counties, the Utah League of Cities and Towns, the Utah
365     Association of Special Districts, the Utah Association of Public Charter Schools, the Utah
366     School Boards Association, or the Utah School Superintendents Association; or
367          (B) that is widely attended and related to a governmental duty of the local official or
368     education official; or

369          (xi) travel to a widely attended tour or meeting related to a governmental duty of a
370     local official or education official if that travel results in a financial savings to the local
371     government or board of education to which the local official or education official belongs.
372          (9) "Food reimbursement rate" means the total amount set by the director of the
373     Division of Finance, by rule, under Section 63A-3-107, for in-state meal reimbursement, for an
374     employee of the executive branch, for an entire day.
375          (10) (a) "Government officer" means:
376          (i) an individual elected to a position in state or local government, when acting in the
377     capacity of the state or local government position;
378          (ii) an individual elected to a board of education, when acting in the capacity of a
379     member of a board of education;
380          (iii) an individual appointed to fill a vacancy in a position described in Subsection
381     (10)(a)(i) or (ii), when acting in the capacity of the position; or
382          (iv) an individual appointed to or employed in a full-time position by state government,
383     local government, or board of education, when acting in the capacity of the individual's
384     appointment or employment.
385          (b) "Government officer" does not mean a member of the legislative branch of state
386     government.
387          (11) "Immediate family" means:
388          (a) a spouse;
389          (b) a child residing in the household; or
390          (c) an individual claimed as a dependent for tax purposes.
391          (12) "Lobbying" means communicating with a local official or education official for
392     the purpose of influencing a local action or education action.
393          (13) (a) "Lobbyist" means:
394          (i) an individual who is employed by a principal; or
395          (ii) an individual who contracts for economic consideration, other than reimbursement
396     for reasonable travel expenses, with a principal to lobby a local official or education official.
397          (b) "Lobbyist" does not include:
398          (i) a government officer;
399          (ii) a member or employee of the legislative branch of state government;

400          (iii) a person participating on or appearing before an advisory or study task force,
401     commission, board, or committee, constituted by a local government or board of education;
402          (iv) a representative of a political party;
403          (v) an individual representing a bona fide church solely for the purpose of protecting
404     the right to practice the religious doctrines of the church, unless the individual or church makes
405     an expenditure that confers a benefit on a local official or education official;
406          (vi) a newspaper, television station or network, radio station or network, periodical of
407     general circulation, or book publisher for the purpose of publishing news items, editorials,
408     other comments, or paid advertisements that directly or indirectly urge local action or education
409     action;
410          (vii) an individual who appears on the individual's own behalf before a board of
411     education, the governing body of a local government, or a committee of a local government or
412     board of education, solely for the purpose of testifying in support of or in opposition to local
413     action or education action; or
414          (viii) an individual representing a business, entity, or industry, who:
415          (A) interacts with a local official or education official, in the local official's or
416     education official's capacity as a local official or education official, while accompanied by a
417     lobbyist who is lobbying in relation to the subject of the interaction; and
418          (B) does not make an expenditure for, or on behalf of, a local official or education
419     official in relation to the interaction or during the period of interaction.
420          (14) "Lobbyist group" means two or more lobbyists, principals, government officers, or
421     any combination of lobbyists, principals, and government officers, who each contribute a
422     portion of an expenditure made to benefit a local official or education official or member of the
423     local official's or education official's immediate family.
424          (15) "Local action" means:
425          (a) an ordinance or resolution for consideration by a local government;
426          (b) a nomination or appointment by a local official or a local government;
427          (c) an administrative action taken by a vote of a local government's legislative body;
428          (d) an adjudicative proceeding over which a local official has direct or indirect control;
429          (e) a purchasing or contracting decision;
430          (f) drafting or making a policy, resolution, or rule;

431          (g) determining a rate or fee; or
432          (h) making an adjudicative decision.
433          (16) "Local government" means:
434          (a) a county, city, town, or metro township;
435          (b) a local district governed by Title 17B, Limited Purpose Local Government Entities
436     - Local Districts;
437          (c) a special service district governed by Title 17D, Chapter 1, Special Service District
438     Act;
439          (d) a community reinvestment agency governed by Title 17C, Limited Purpose Local
440     Government Entities - Community Reinvestment Agency Act;
441          (e) a conservation district governed by Title 17D, Chapter 3, Conservation District Act;
442          (f) a redevelopment agency; or
443          (g) an interlocal entity or a joint or cooperative undertaking governed by Title 11,
444     Chapter 13, Interlocal Cooperation Act.
445          (17) "Local official" means:
446          (a) an elected member of a local government;
447          (b) an individual appointed to or employed in a position in a local government if that
448     individual:
449          (i) occupies a policymaking position or makes purchasing or contracting decisions;
450          (ii) drafts ordinances or resolutions or drafts or makes rules;
451          (iii) determines rates or fees; or
452          (iv) makes adjudicative decisions; or
453          (c) an immediate family member of an individual described in Subsection (17)(a) or
454     (b).
455          (18) "Meeting" means a gathering of people to discuss an issue, receive instruction, or
456     make a decision, including a conference, seminar, or summit.
457          (19) "Multiclient lobbyist" means a single lobbyist, principal, or government officer
458     who represents two or more clients and divides the aggregate daily expenditure made to benefit
459     a local official or education official or member of the local official's or education official's
460     immediate family between two or more of those clients.
461          (20) "Principal" means a person that employs an individual to perform lobbying, either

462     as an employee or as an independent contractor.
463          (21) "Quarterly reporting period" means the three-month period covered by each
464     financial report required under Section 36-11a-201.
465          (22) "Related person" means a person, agent, or employee who knowingly and
466     intentionally assists a lobbyist, principal, or government officer in lobbying.
467          (23) "Relative" means:
468          (a) a spouse;
469          (b) a child, parent, grandparent, grandchild, brother, sister, parent-in-law,
470     brother-in-law, sister-in-law, nephew, niece, aunt, uncle, or first cousin; or
471          (c) a spouse of an individual described in Subsection (23)(b).
472          (24) "Tour" means the visit of a location by a local official or education official, for a
473     purpose relating to the duties of the local official or education official, and not primarily for
474     entertainment, including:
475          (a) viewing a facility;
476          (b) viewing the sight of a natural disaster; or
477          (c) assessing a circumstance in relation to which a local official or education official
478     may need to take action within the scope of the local official's or education official's duties.
479          (25) "Type of public official" means a notation to identify whether an individual is:
480          (a) a local official, including a notation of the type of local government for which the
481     individual is a local official;
482          (b) an education official, including a notation of the type of board of education for
483     which the individual is an education official; or
484          (c) an immediate family member of an individual described in Subsection (6)(a),
485     (6)(b), (17)(a), or (17)(b).