


Chief Sponsor: Scott H. Chew

Senate Sponsor: ____________


8     General Description:
9          This bill addresses requirements related to the transplants of animals.
10     Highlighted Provisions:
11          This bill:
12          ▸     clarifies in accordance with what procedures transplants of animals may occur;
13          ▸     requires the adoption of a mitigation plan before transplanting certain animals;
14          ▸     imposes requirements for the mitigation plan; and
15          ▸     makes technical changes.
16     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
17          None
18     Other Special Clauses:
19          None
20     Utah Code Sections Affected:
21     AMENDS:
22          23-14-21, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 382
23     ENACTS:
24          23-14-21.5, Utah Code Annotated 1953

26     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
27          Section 1. Section 23-14-21 is amended to read:

28          23-14-21. Transplants of big game, turkeys, wolves, or sensitive species.
29          (1) [The] Subject to Subsection (7), the division may transplant big game, turkeys,
30     wolves, or sensitive species only in accordance with:
31          (a) (i) a list of sites for the transplant of a particular species that is prepared and
32     adopted in accordance with Subsections (2) through (5);
33          [(b)] (ii) a species management plan, such as a deer or elk management plan adopted
34     under Section 23-16-7, or a recovery plan for a threatened or endangered species, provided
35     that:
36          [(i)] (A) the plan identifies sites for the transplant of the species or the lands or waters
37     the species are expected to occupy; and
38          [(ii)] (B) the public has had an opportunity to comment and make recommendations on
39     the plan; [or] and
40          (iii) the Endangered Species Act of 1973, 16 U.S.C. Sec. 1531 et seq., if the transplant
41     involves a threatened or endangered species; or
42          [(c)] (b) a legal agreement between the state and a tribal government that identifies
43     potential transplants[; and].
44          [(d) the Endangered Species Act of 1973, 16 U.S.C. Sec. 1531 et seq.]
45          (2) The division shall:
46          (a) consult with the landowner in determining the suitability of a site for the transplant
47     of a species;
48          (b) prepare a list of proposed sites for the transplant of species;
49          (c) provide notification of proposed sites for the transplant of species to:
50          (i) local government officials having jurisdiction over areas that may be affected by a
51     transplant; and
52          (ii) the Resource Development Coordinating Committee created in Section
53     63L-11-401.
54          (3) After receiving comments from local government officials and the Resource
55     Development Coordinating Committee, the division shall submit the list of proposed transplant
56     sites, or a revised list, to regional advisory councils for regions that may be affected by the
57     transplants of species.
58          (4) [Each] A regional advisory council reviewing a list of proposed sites for the

59     transplant of species may submit recommendations to the Wildlife Board.
60          (5) The Wildlife Board shall approve, modify, or reject each proposal for the transplant
61     of a species.
62          (6) [Each] A list of proposed transplant sites approved by the Wildlife Board shall have
63     a termination date after which a transplant may not occur.
64          (7) Before transplanting an animal under this section, the division shall propose, and
65     the Wildlife Board shall approve, a mitigation plan that complies with Section 23-14-21.5.
66          Section 2. Section 23-14-21.5 is enacted to read:
67          23-14-21.5. Mitigation plan related to transplants.
68          (1) Before transplanting a big game animal, turkey, wolf, or sensitive species in
69     accordance with Section 23-14-21, the division shall propose, and the Wildlife Board shall
70     approve, a mitigation plan for the area in which the animal is being transplanted.
71          (2) (a) A mitigation plan under this section shall provide for issuing a permit to the
72     landowner or lessee to take a big game animal causing depredation during a general or special
73     season hunt authorized by the Wildlife Board.
74          (b) A mitigation plan under this section may provide for any of the following:
75          (i) the scheduling of a depredation hunt;
76          (ii) allowing a landowner or lessee to designate a recipient who may obtain a
77     mitigation permit to take a big game animal on the landowner's or lessee's land during a general
78     or special season hunt authorized by the Wildlife Board; and
79          (iii) a description of how the division will assess and compensate the landowner or
80     lessee under Section 23-16-4 for damage to cultivated crops, fences, or irrigation equipment.
81          (3) The division shall specify the number and sex of the big game animals that may be
82     taken pursuant to Subsection (2)(a) or (2)(b)(ii).
83          (4) The division and the landowner or lessee shall jointly determine the number of
84     animals taken pursuant to Subsection (2)(a) of which the landowner or lessee may retain
85     possession.
86          (5) In determining appropriate remedial action under a mitigation plan under this
87     section, the division shall consider:
88          (a) the extent of damage experienced;
89          (b) use of landowner permits; and

90          (c) use of mitigation permits.