Representative Joel Ferry proposes the following substitute bill:




Chief Sponsor: Joel Ferry

Senate Sponsor: Michael K. McKell


8     General Description:
9          This bill modifies provisions related to the management, regulation, conservation, and
10     use of natural resources.
11     Highlighted Provisions:
12          This bill:
13          ▸     changes the name of the Division of Recreation to the Division of Outdoor
14     Recreation;
15          ▸     merges the Office of Outdoor Recreation into the Division of Outdoor Recreation,
16     including addressing:
17               •     powers and duties;
18               •     administration of grants; and
19               •     a transition;
20          ▸     addresses reporting requirements, including reporting by the Office of Energy
21     Development and reporting by the Division of Outdoor Recreation;
22          ▸     modifies provisions related to off-highway vehicles, including use of certain money;
23          ▸     amends authority to appoint off-highway vehicle and boating advisory councils;
24          ▸     addresses the Zion National Park Support Programs Restricted Account;
25          ▸     modifies the Division of Outdoor Recreation's authority to create recreational trails

26     and outdoor recreation advisory bodies;
27          ▸     creates the Utah Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Advisory Committee to replace
28     other advisory committees and requires consultation with the Division of Outdoor
29     Recreation;
30          ▸     addresses criteria related to certain recreational grants;
31          ▸     addresses the Bonneville Shoreline Trail Program;
32          ▸     modifies the makeup of the Outdoor Adventure Commission and changes
33     consultation requirements;
34          ▸     modifies the makeup of the Resource Development Coordinating Committee;
35          ▸     addresses the relationship with the Division of Wildlife Resources and the Wildlife
36     Board;
37          ▸     repeals the Utah Outdoor Recreation Grant Advisory Committee;
38          ▸     establishes policy related to conservation;
39          ▸     addresses coordination of state conservation efforts, including authorizing
40     agreements;
41          ▸     repeals the Quality Growth Commission and replaces the commission with the Land
42     Conservation Board, including moving the board within the Department of
43     Agriculture and Food, addressing the board's powers and duties, and moving
44     definitions related to housing;
45          ▸     modifies the LeRay McAllister Critical Land Conservation Program, including
46     addressing local action in some circumstances;
47          ▸     creates the Division of Conservation within the Department of Agriculture and
48     Food;
49          ▸     provides for coordination of conservation efforts;
50          ▸     addresses rulemaking authority, including requiring rulemaking related to
51     off-highway vehicles, clarifying rulemaking by the Division of Outdoor Recreation,
52     and rulemaking related to grants;
53          ▸     modifies sunset and repeal dates;
54          ▸     modifies definition provisions;
55          ▸     provides for transition; and
56          ▸     makes technical and conforming changes.

57     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
58          This bill appropriates in fiscal year 2023:
59          ▸     to the Department of Natural Resources -- Pass Through, as an ongoing
60     appropriation:
61               •     from General Fund, $130,000;
62          ▸     to the Department of Natural Resources -- Recreation Management, as an ongoing
63     appropriation:
64               •     from General Fund, $150,000;
65          ▸     to the Department of Agriculture and Food -- Conservation, as an ongoing
66     appropriation:
67               •     from General Fund, $120,000;
68          ▸     to the Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity, as an ongoing appropriation:
69               •     from General Fund, ($338,700); and
70          ▸     to the Department of Natural Resources -- Recreation Management, as an ongoing
71     appropriation:
72               •     from General Fund, $338,700.
73     Other Special Clauses:
74          This bill provides a special effective date.
75          This bill provides revisor instructions.
76     Utah Code Sections Affected:
77     AMENDS:
78          4-2-103, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 200
79          4-18-102, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 178
80          4-18-105, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 178
81          9-9-112, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 380 and last amended by
82     Coordination Clause, Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
83          23-14-14.2, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2007, Chapter 189
84          35A-8-2105, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 182
85          41-1a-418, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapters 219, 280, and 378
86          41-1a-422, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapters 219, 280, and 378
87          41-6a-1509, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280

88          41-22-2, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
89          41-22-5.1, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
90          41-22-5.5, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
91          41-22-8, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
92          41-22-10, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
93          41-22-10.7, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
94          41-22-19, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 71
95          41-22-31, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
96          41-22-33, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
97          41-22-35, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
98          53-2a-1102, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 395
99          57-14-204, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
100          59-13-201, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
101          59-21-2, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
102          59-28-103, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
103          63C-21-201, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
104          63C-21-202, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
105          63I-1-241, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapters 84 and 154
106          63I-1-263, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapters 70, 72, 84, 90, 171, 196,
107     260, 280, 282, 345, 382, 401, 421 and last amended by Coordination Clause, Laws
108     of Utah 2021, Chapter 382
109          63I-1-273, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 229
110          63I-1-279, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
111          63I-2-204, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 51
112          63I-2-279, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
113          63J-1-601, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
114          63J-1-602.2, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapters 179, 344, 412, 421, and
115     424
116          63L-7-104, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
117          63L-11-402, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapters 184, 280 and
118     renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 382 and last amended by

119     Coordination Clause, Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 382
120          63N-3-602, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 411
121          65A-3-1, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
122          65A-10-2, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
123          72-11-204, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
124          73-3-31, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
125          73-18-2, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
126          73-18-3.5, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
127          73-18-4, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
128          73-18-7, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapters 135 and 280
129          73-18-8, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
130          73-18-11, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
131          73-18-13, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
132          73-18-13.5, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
133          73-18-15, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
134          73-18-16, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
135          73-18a-1, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
136          73-18a-4, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
137          73-18a-5, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
138          73-18a-12, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
139          73-18b-1, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
140          73-18c-102, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
141          73-18c-201, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
142          77-2-4.3, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
143          78A-5-110, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
144          78A-7-120, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
145          79-2-201, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapters 280 and 382
146          79-2-202, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 352
147          79-2-206, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280 and further amended by
148     Revisor Instructions, Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
149          79-4-203, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280

150          79-4-1103, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 282
151          79-5-102, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
152          79-5-501, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
153          79-5-503, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 342
154          79-6-302, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
155          79-6-505, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
156          79-6-605, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
157          79-7-102, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
158          79-7-201, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
159          79-7-203, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
160          79-8-102, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
161          79-8-103, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
162          79-8-106, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
163          79-8-201, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
164          79-8-202, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
165          79-8-302, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
166          79-8-303, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 282 and renumbered and
167     amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280 and last amended by Coordination
168     Clause, Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
169          79-8-304, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
170     ENACTS:
171          4-46-101, Utah Code Annotated 1953
172          4-46-103, Utah Code Annotated 1953
173          4-46-104, Utah Code Annotated 1953
174          4-46-201, Utah Code Annotated 1953
175          4-46-401, Utah Code Annotated 1953
176          4-46-402, Utah Code Annotated 1953
177          4-46-403, Utah Code Annotated 1953
178          79-1-104, Utah Code Annotated 1953
179          79-7-206, Utah Code Annotated 1953

181          4-46-102, (Renumbered from 11-38-102, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021,
182     Chapters 181 and 344)
183          4-46-202, (Renumbered from 11-38-202, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021,
184     Chapter 181)
185          4-46-301, (Renumbered from 11-38-301, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2009,
186     Chapter 368)
187          4-46-302, (Renumbered from 11-38-302, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021,
188     Chapter 181)
189          4-46-303, (Renumbered from 11-38-304, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017,
190     Chapter 51)
191          79-7-103, (Renumbered from 63N-9-103, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah
192     2015, Chapter 283)
193          79-7-303, (Renumbered from 79-4-404, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah
194     2009, Chapter 344)
195          79-8-401, (Renumbered from 63N-9-202, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021,
196     Chapter 280)
197          79-8-402, (Renumbered from 63N-9-203, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021,
198     Chapter 282)
199     REPEALS:
200          11-38-101, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1999, Chapter 24
201          11-38-201, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 382
202          11-38-203, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 382
203          63N-9-101, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2015, Chapter 283
204          63N-9-102, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
205          63N-9-104, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapters 282 and 382
206          63N-9-105, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2016, Chapter 88
207          63N-9-106, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapters 280 and 282
208          63N-9-201, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2016, Chapter 88
209          79-5-201, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
210          79-5-202, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapters 256 and 286
211          79-7-101, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280

212          79-8-104, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
213          79-8-105, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
214     Utah Code Sections Affected by Revisor Instructions:
215          4-46-104, Utah Code Annotated 1953
216          79-2-206, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280 and further amended by
217     Revisor Instructions, Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280

219     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
220          Section 1. Section 4-2-103 is amended to read:
221          4-2-103. Functions, powers, and duties of department -- Fees for services --
222     Marketing orders -- Procedure -- Purchasing and auditing.
223          (1) The department shall:
224          (a) inquire into and promote the interests and products of agriculture and allied
225     industries;
226          (b) promote methods for increasing the production and facilitating the distribution of
227     the agricultural products of the state;
228          (c) (i) inquire into the cause of contagious, infectious, and communicable diseases
229     among livestock and the means for their prevention and cure; and
230          (ii) initiate, implement, and administer plans and programs to prevent the spread of
231     diseases among livestock;
232          (d) encourage experiments designed to determine the best means and methods for the
233     control of diseases among domestic and wild animals;
234          (e) issue marketing orders for any designated agricultural product to:
235          (i) promote orderly market conditions for any product;
236          (ii) give the producer a fair return on the producer's investment at the marketplace; and
237          (iii) only promote and not restrict or restrain the marketing of Utah agricultural
238     commodities;
239          (f) administer and enforce all laws assigned to the department by the Legislature;
240          (g) establish standards and grades for agricultural products and fix and collect
241     reasonable fees for services performed by the department in conjunction with the grading of
242     agricultural products;

243          (h) establish operational standards for any establishment that manufactures, processes,
244     produces, distributes, stores, sells, or offers for sale any agricultural product;
245          (i) adopt, according to Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act,
246     rules necessary for the effective administration of the agricultural laws of the state;
247          (j) when necessary, make investigations, subpoena witnesses and records, conduct
248     hearings, issue orders, and make recommendations concerning [all] matters related to
249     agriculture;
250          (k) (i) inspect any nursery, orchard, farm, garden, park, cemetery, greenhouse, or any
251     private or public place that may become infested or infected with harmful insects, plant
252     diseases, noxious or poisonous weeds, or other agricultural pests;
253          (ii) establish and enforce quarantines;
254          (iii) issue and enforce orders and rules for the control and eradication of pests,
255     wherever they may exist within the state; and
256          (iv) perform other duties relating to plants and plant products considered advisable and
257     not contrary to law;
258          (l) inspect apiaries for diseases inimical to bees and beekeeping;
259          (m) take charge of any agricultural exhibit within the state, if considered necessary by
260     the department, and award premiums at that exhibit;
261          (n) [assist] provide for the coordination of state conservation efforts, including by:
262          (i) assisting the Conservation Commission in the administration of [Title 4,] Chapter
263     18, Conservation Commission Act[, and administer and disburse any funds];
264          (ii) implementing Chapter 46, Conservation Coordination Act, including entering into
265     agreements with other state agencies; and
266          (iii) administering and disbursing money available to assist conservation districts in the
267     state in the conservation of the state's soil and water resources;
268          (o) participate in the United States Department of Agriculture certified agricultural
269     mediation program, in accordance with 7 U.S.C. Sec. 5101 and 7 C.F.R. Part 785;
270          (p) promote and support the multiple use of public lands;
271          (q) ensure that any training or certification required of a public official or public
272     employee, as those terms are defined in Section 63G-22-102, complies with Title 63G, Chapter
273     22, State Training and Certification Requirements, if the training or certification is required:

274          (i) under this title;
275          (ii) by the department; or
276          (iii) by an [agency or division] entity within the department; and
277          (r) perform any additional functions, powers, and duties provided by law.
278          (2) The department, by following the procedures and requirements of Section
279     63J-1-504, may adopt a schedule of fees assessed for services provided by the department.
280          (3) (a) [No] A marketing order issued under Subsection (1)(e) [shall] may not take
281     effect until:
282          (i) the department gives notice of the proposed order to the producers and handlers of
283     the affected product;
284          (ii) the commissioner conducts a hearing on the proposed order; and
285          (iii) at least 50% of the registered producers and handlers of the affected products vote
286     in favor of the proposed order.
287          (b) (i) The department may establish boards of control to administer marketing orders
288     and the proceeds derived from any order.
289          (ii) A board of control shall:
290          (A) ensure that [all] proceeds are placed in an account in the board of control's name in
291     a depository institution; and
292          (B) ensure that the account is annually audited by an accountant approved by the
293     commissioner.
294          (4) [Funds] Money collected by grain grading, as provided by Subsection (1)(g), shall
295     be deposited into the General Fund as dedicated credits for the grain grading program.
296          (5) In fulfilling [its] the department's duties in this chapter, the department may:
297          (a) purchase, as authorized or required by law, services that the department is
298     responsible to provide for legally eligible persons;
299          (b) take necessary steps, including legal action, to recover money or the monetary value
300     of services provided to a recipient who is not eligible;
301          (c) examine and audit the expenditures of any public funds provided to a local
302     authority, agency, or organization that contracts with or receives funds from those authorities or
303     agencies; and
304          (d) accept and administer grants from the federal government and from other sources,

305     public or private.
306          Section 2. Section 4-18-102 is amended to read:
307          4-18-102. Findings and declarations -- Duties.
308          (1) [The] In addition to the policy provided in Section 4-46-101, the Legislature finds
309     and declares that:
310          (a) the soil and water resources of this state constitute one of the state's basic assets;
311     and
312          (b) the preservation of soil and water resources requires planning and programs to
313     ensure:
314          (i) the development and [utilization] use of soil and water resources; and
315          (ii) soil and water resources' protection from the adverse effects of wind and water
316     erosion, sediment, and sediment related pollutants.
317          (2) The Legislature finds that local production of food is essential for:
318          (a) the security of the state's food supply; and
319          (b) the self-sufficiency of the state's citizens.
320          (3) The Legislature finds that sustainable agriculture is critical to:
321          (a) the success of rural communities;
322          (b) the historical culture of the state;
323          (c) maintaining healthy farmland;
324          (d) maintaining high water quality;
325          (e) maintaining abundant wildlife;
326          (f) high-quality recreation for citizens of the state; and
327          (g) helping to stabilize the state economy.
328          (4) The Legislature finds that livestock grazing on public lands is important for the
329     proper management, maintenance, and health of public lands in the state.
330          (5) The Legislature encourages each agricultural producer in the state to operate in a
331     reasonable and responsible manner to maintain the integrity of soil, water, and air.
332          (6) The department shall administer the Utah Agriculture Certificate of Environmental
333     Stewardship Program, created in Section 4-18-107, to encourage each agricultural producer in
334     this state to operate in a reasonable and responsible manner to maintain the integrity of the
335     state's resources.

336          (7) The Legislature finds that soil health is essential to protecting the state's soil and
337     water resources, bolstering the state's food supply, and sustaining the state's agricultural
338     industry.
339          Section 3. Section 4-18-105 is amended to read:
340          4-18-105. Conservation Commission -- Functions and duties.
341          (1) The commission shall:
342          (a) facilitate the development and implementation of the strategies and programs
343     necessary to:
344          (i) protect, conserve, use, and develop the soil, water, and air resources of the state; and
345          (ii) promote the protection, integrity, and restoration of land for agricultural and other
346     beneficial purposes;
347          (b) disseminate information regarding districts' activities and programs;
348          (c) supervise the formation, reorganization, or dissolution of districts according to the
349     requirements of Title 17D, Chapter 3, Conservation District Act;
350          (d) prescribe uniform accounting and recordkeeping procedures for districts and
351     require each district to submit annually the information required in Section 17D-3-103;
352          (e) approve and make loans for agricultural purposes, through the loan advisory
353     [subcommittee] board described in Section 4-18-106, from the Agriculture Resource
354     Development Fund;
355          (f) seek to obtain and administer federal or state money in accordance with applicable
356     federal or state guidelines and make loans or grants from that money to an eligible entity, as
357     defined by the department by rule made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah
358     Administrative Rulemaking Act, for the preservation of soil, water, and air resources, or for a
359     reason set forth in Section 4-18-108;
360          (g) seek to coordinate soil and water protection, conservation, and development
361     activities and programs of state agencies, local governmental units, other states, special interest
362     groups, and federal agencies; [and]
363          (h) when assigned by the governor, when required by contract with the Department of
364     Environmental Quality, or when required by contract with the United States Environmental
365     Protection Agency:
366          (i) develop programs for the prevention, control, or abatement of new or existing

367     pollution to the soil, water, or air of the state;
368          (ii) advise, consult, and cooperate with affected parties to further the purpose of this
369     chapter;
370          (iii) conduct studies, investigations, research, and demonstrations relating to
371     agricultural pollution issues;
372          (iv) give reasonable consideration in the exercise of its powers and duties to the
373     economic impact on sustainable agriculture;
374          (v) meet the requirements of federal law related to water and air pollution in the
375     exercise of the commission's powers and duties; and
376          (vi) establish administrative penalties relating to agricultural discharges as defined in
377     Section 4-18-103 that are proportional to the seriousness of the resulting environmental
378     harm[.]; and
379          (i) coordinate with the Division of Conservation created in Section 4-46-401.
380          (2) The commission may:
381          (a) employ, with the approval of the department, an administrator and necessary
382     technical experts and employees;
383          (b) execute contracts or other instruments necessary to exercise the commission's
384     powers;
385          (c) take necessary action to promote and enforce the purpose and findings of Section
386     4-18-102;
387          (d) sue and be sued; and
388          (e) adopt rules, in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative
389     Rulemaking Act, necessary to carry out the powers and duties described in Subsection (1) and
390     Subsections (2)(b) and (c).
391          Section 4. Section 4-46-101 is enacted to read:

Part 1. General Provisions

394          4-46-101. Policy.
395          It is the policy of this state that land conservation should be promoted to protect the
396     state's agricultural industry and natural resources.
397          Section 5. Section 4-46-102, which is renumbered from Section 11-38-102 is

398     renumbered and amended to read:
399          [11-38-102].      4-46-102. Definitions.
400          As used in this chapter:
401          [(1) "Affordable housing" means housing occupied or reserved for occupancy by
402     households with a gross household income equal to or less than 80% of the median gross
403     income of the applicable municipal or county statistical area for households of the same size.]
404          [(2)] (1) "Agricultural land" has the same meaning as "land in agricultural use" under
405     Section 59-2-502.
406          [(3) "Brownfield sites" means abandoned, idled, or underused commercial or industrial
407     land where expansion or redevelopment is complicated by real or perceived environmental
408     contamination.]
409          [(4)] (2) ["Commission" means the Quality Growth Commission] "Board" means the
410     Land Conservation Board established in Section [11-38-201] 4-46-201.
411          [(5) "Infill development" means residential, commercial, or industrial development on
412     unused or underused land, excluding open land and agricultural land, within existing, otherwise
413     developed urban areas.]
414          (3) "Conservation commission" means the Conservation Commission created in
415     Section 4-18-104.
416          (4) "Conservation district" means a limited purpose local government entity created
417     under Title 17D, Chapter 3, Conservation District Act.
418          (5) "Director" means the director of the Division of Conservation.
419          (6) "Division" means the Division of Conservation created in Section 4-46-401.
420          (7) "Land use authority" means:
421          (a) a land use authority, as defined in Section 10-9a-103, of a municipality; or
422          (b) a land use authority, as defined in Section 17-27a-103, of a county.
423          [(6)] (8) "Local entity" means a county, city, or town.
424          [(7)] (9) (a) "Open land" means land that is:
425          (i) preserved in or restored to a predominantly natural, open, and undeveloped
426     condition; and
427          (ii) used for:
428          (A) wildlife habitat;

429          (B) cultural or recreational use;
430          (C) watershed protection; or
431          (D) another use consistent with the preservation of the land in or restoration of the land
432     to a predominantly natural, open, and undeveloped condition.
433          (b) (i) "Open land" does not include land whose predominant use is as a developed
434     facility for active recreational activities, including baseball, tennis, soccer, golf, or other
435     sporting or similar activity.
436          (ii) The condition of land does not change from a natural, open, and undeveloped
437     condition because of the development or presence on the land of facilities, including trails,
438     waterways, and grassy areas, that:
439          (A) enhance the natural, scenic, or aesthetic qualities of the land; or
440          (B) facilitate the public's access to or use of the land for the enjoyment of [its] the
441     land's natural, scenic, or aesthetic qualities and for compatible recreational activities.
442          [(8)] (10) "Program" means the LeRay McAllister Critical Land Conservation Program
443     established in Section [11-38-301] 4-46-301.
444          [(9) "Surplus land" means real property owned by the Department of Government
445     Operations, the Department of Agriculture and Food, the Department of Natural Resources, or
446     the Department of Transportation that the individual department determines not to be necessary
447     for carrying out the mission of the department.]
448          (11) (a) "State conservation efforts" includes:
449          (i) efforts to optimize and preserve the uses of land for the benefit of the state's
450     agricultural industry and natural resources; and
451          (ii) conservation of working landscapes that if conserved, preserves the state's
452     agricultural industry and natural resources, such as working agricultural land.
453          (b) "State conservation efforts" does not include the purpose of opening private
454     property to public access without the consent of the owner of the private property.
455          [(10)] (12) (a) "Working agricultural land" means agricultural land for which an owner
456     or producer engages in the activity of producing for commercial purposes crops, orchards,
457     livestock, poultry, aquaculture, livestock products, or poultry products and the facilities,
458     equipment, and property used to facilitate the activity.
459          (b) "Working agricultural land" includes an agricultural protection area established

460     under Title 17, Chapter 41, Agriculture, Industrial, or Critical Infrastructure Materials
461     Protection Areas.
462          Section 6. Section 4-46-103 is enacted to read:
463          4-46-103. Application of chapter to wildlife issues.
464          This chapter may not be construed or applied to supersede or interfere with the powers
465     and duties of the Division of Wildlife Resources or the Wildlife Board under Title 23, Wildlife
466     Resources Code of Utah, over:
467          (1) conservation and management of protected wildlife within the state;
468          (2) a program or initiative to restore and conserve habitat for fish and wildlife; or
469          (3) acquisition, ownership, management, and control of real property or a real property
470     interest, including a leasehold estate, an easement, a right-of-way, or a conservation easement.
471          Section 7. Section 4-46-104 is enacted to read:
472          4-46-104. Transition.
473          (1) A grant that is entered into or issued by the Quality Growth Commission on or
474     before July 1, 2022, remains in effect, except that:
475          (a) the agency administrating the grant shall be transferred to the board in the same
476     manner as the statutory responsibility is transferred under this bill; and
477          (b) the grant is subject to the terms of the grant and may be terminated under the terms
478     of the grant.
479          (2) In accordance with this bill, the department assumes the policymaking functions,
480     regulatory, and enforcement powers, rights, and duties of the Quality Growth Commission
481     existing on June 30, 2022.
482          Section 8. Section 4-46-201 is enacted to read:
Part 2. Land Conservation Board

484          4-46-201. Land Conservation Board.
485          (1) There is created a Land Conservation Board consisting of:
486          (a) the director of the Division of Conservation or the director's designee;
487          (b) the commissioner of the Department of Agriculture and Food or the commissioner's
488     designee;
489          (c) the executive director of the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget, or the
490     executive director's designee;

491          (d) four elected officials at the local government level, two of whom may not be
492     residents of a county of the first or second class; and
493          (e) seven persons from the profit and nonprofit private sector:
494          (i) two of whom may not be residents of a county of the first or second class;
495          (ii) one of whom shall be from the residential construction industry, nominated by an
496     association representing Utah home builders;
497          (iii) one of whom shall be from the real estate industry, nominated by an association
498     representing Utah realtors;
499          (iv) one representative of an association representing farmers, selected from a list of
500     nominees submitted by at least one association representing farmers;
501          (v) one representative of an association representing cattlemen, selected from a list of
502     nominees submitted by at least one association representing cattlemen;
503          (vi) one representative of an association representing wool growers, selected from a list
504     of nominees submitted by at least one association representing wool growers;
505          (vii) one representative of land trusts; and
506          (viii) one representative of an association representing conservation districts created
507     under Title 17D, Chapter 3, Conservation District Act, selected from a list of nominees
508     submitted by at least one association representing conservation districts.
509          (2) (a) The governor shall appoint a board member under Subsection (1)(d) or (e) with
510     the advice and consent of the Senate.
511          (b) The governor shall select:
512          (i) two of the four members under Subsection (1)(d) from a list of names provided by
513     the Utah League of Cities and Towns; and
514          (ii) two of the four members under Subsection (1)(d) from a list of names provided by
515     the Utah Association of Counties.
516          (3) (a) The term of office of a member appointed under Subsection (1)(d) or (e) is four
517     years.
518          (b) Notwithstanding the requirements of Subsection (3)(a), the governor shall, at the
519     time of appointment or reappointment, adjust the length of terms to ensure that the terms of
520     board members are staggered so that approximately half of the board is appointed every two
521     years.

522          (c) A member of the board appointed under Subsection (1)(d) or (e) may not serve
523     more than two consecutive four-year terms.
524          (4) A mid-term vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as an
525     appointment under Subsection (2).
526          (5) (a) Subject to Subsection (5)(b), board members shall elect a chair from their
527     number and establish rules for the organization and operation of the board.
528          (b) The board member who is chair may not vote during the board member's tenure as
529     chair, except the chair may vote if there is a tie vote of board members.
530          (6) A member may not receive compensation or benefits for the member's service, but
531     may receive per diem and travel expenses in accordance with:
532          (a) Section 63A-3-106;
533          (b) Section 63A-3-107; and
534          (c) rules made by the Division of Finance pursuant to Sections 63A-3-106 and
535     63A-3-107.
536          (7) A member is not required to give bond for the performance of official duties.
537          (8) Staff services to the board shall be provided by the Division of Conservation.
538          Section 9. Section 4-46-202, which is renumbered from Section 11-38-202 is
539     renumbered and amended to read:
540          [11-38-202].      4-46-202. Board duties and powers -- No regulatory
541     authority -- Criteria.
542          (1) The [commission] board shall:
543          [(a) make recommendations to the Legislature on how to define more specifically
544     quality growth areas within the general guidelines provided to the commission by the
545     Legislature;]
546          [(b) advise the Legislature on growth management issues;]
547          [(c) make recommendations to the Legislature on refinements to this chapter;]
548          [(d) conduct a review in 2002 and each year thereafter to determine progress statewide
549     on accomplishing the purposes of this chapter, and give a report of each review to the Political
550     Subdivisions Interim Committee of the Legislature by November 30 of the year of the review;]
551          [(e)] (a) administer the program as provided in this chapter; and
552          [(f) assist as many local entities as possible, at their request, to identify principles of

553     growth that the local entity may consider implementing to help achieve the highest possible
554     quality of growth for that entity;]
555          [(g)] (b) fulfill other responsibilities imposed on the [commission] board by the
556     Legislature[; and].
557          [(h) fulfill all other duties imposed on the commission by this chapter.]
558          [(2) The commission may sell, lease, or otherwise dispose of equipment or personal
559     property belonging to the program, the proceeds from which shall return to the fund.]
560          [(3)] (2) The [commission] board may not exercise any regulatory authority.
561          [(4)] (3) In carrying out the [commission's] board's powers and duties under this
562     chapter, the [commission] board shall adopt ranking criteria that is substantially similar to the
563     ranking criteria used by the Agriculture Conservation Easement Program and Agriculture Land
564     Easement as determined by the Natural Resources Conservation Service under the United
565     States Department of Agriculture.
566          Section 10. Section 4-46-301, which is renumbered from Section 11-38-301 is
567     renumbered and amended to read:
Part 3. LeRay McAllister Critical Land Conservation Program

569          [11-38-301].      4-46-301. LeRay McAllister Critical Land Conservation
570     Program.
571          (1) There is created a program entitled the "LeRay McAllister Critical Land
572     Conservation Program."
573          (2) Funding for the program shall be a line item in the budget of the[ Quality Growth
574     Commission] board. The line item shall be nonlapsing.
575          Section 11. Section 4-46-302, which is renumbered from Section 11-38-302 is
576     renumbered and amended to read:
577          [11-38-302].      4-46-302. Use of money in program -- Criteria --
578     Administration.
579          (1) Subject to Subsection (2), the [commission] board may authorize the use of money
580     in the program, by grant, to:
581          (a) a local entity;
582          (b) the Department of Natural Resources created under Section 79-2-201;
583          (c) [the Department of Agriculture and Food created under Section 4-2-102] an entity

584     within the department; or
585          (d) a charitable organization that qualifies as being tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3),
586     Internal Revenue Code.
587          (2) (a) The money in the program shall be used for preserving or restoring open land
588     and agricultural land.
589          (b) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(b)(ii), money from the program may not be
590     used to purchase a fee interest in real property [in order] to preserve open land or agricultural
591     land, but may be used to establish a conservation easement under Title 57, Chapter 18, Land
592     Conservation Easement Act, or to fund similar methods to preserve open land or agricultural
593     land.
594          (ii) Notwithstanding Subsection (2)(b)(i), money from the [fund] program may be used
595     to purchase a fee interest in real property to preserve open land or agricultural land if:
596          (A) the parcel to be purchased is no more than 20 acres in size; and
597          (B) with respect to a parcel purchased in a county in which over 50% of the land area is
598     publicly owned, real property roughly equivalent in size and located within that county is
599     contemporaneously transferred to private ownership from the governmental entity that
600     purchased the fee interest in real property.
601          (iii) Eminent domain may not be used or threatened in connection with any purchase
602     using money from the program.
603          (iv) A parcel of land larger than 20 acres in size may not be divided into separate
604     parcels smaller than 20 acres each to meet the requirement of Subsection (2)(b)(ii).
605          (c) A local entity, department, or organization under Subsection (1) may not receive
606     money from the program unless the local entity, department, or organization provides matching
607     funds equal to or greater than the amount of money received from the program.
608          (d) In granting money from the program, the [commission] board may impose
609     conditions on the recipient as to how the money is to be spent.
610          (e) The [commission] board shall give priority to:
611          (i) working agricultural land; and
612          (ii) after giving priority to working agricultural land under Subsection (2)(e)(i),
613     requests from the Department of Natural Resources for up to 20% of each annual increase in
614     the amount of money in the program if the money is used for the protection of wildlife or

615     watershed.
616          (f) (i) The [commission] board may not make a grant from the program that exceeds
617     $1,000,000 until after making a report to the Legislative Management Committee about the
618     grant.
619          (ii) The Legislative Management Committee may make a recommendation to the
620     [commission] board concerning the intended grant, but the recommendation is not binding on
621     the [commission] board.
622          (3) In determining the amount and type of financial assistance to provide [an] a local
623     entity, department, or organization under Subsection (1) and subject to Subsection (2)(f), the
624     [commission] board shall consider:
625          (a) the nature and amount of open land and agricultural land proposed to be preserved
626     or restored;
627          (b) the qualities of the open land and agricultural land proposed to be preserved or
628     restored;
629          (c) the cost effectiveness of the project to preserve or restore open land or agricultural
630     land;
631          (d) the funds available;
632          (e) the number of actual and potential applications for financial assistance and the
633     amount of money sought by those applications;
634          (f) the open land preservation plan of the local entity where the project is located and
635     the priority placed on the project by that local entity;
636          (g) the effects on housing affordability and diversity; and
637          (h) whether the project protects against the loss of private property ownership.
638          (4) If a local entity, department, or organization under Subsection (1) seeks money
639     from the program for a project whose purpose is to protect critical watershed, the [commission]
640     board shall require that the needs and quality of that project be verified by the state engineer.
641          (5) An interest in real property purchased with money from the program shall be held
642     and administered by the state or a local entity.
643          (6) (a) The board may not authorize the use of money under this section for a project
644     unless the land use authority for the land in which the project is located consents to the project.
645          (b) To obtain consent to a project, the person who is seeking money from the program

646     shall submit a request for consent to a project with the applicable land use authority. The land
647     use authority may grant or deny consent. If the land use authority does not take action within 60
648     days from the day on which the request for consent is filed with the land use authority under
649     this Subsection (6), the board shall treat the project as having the consent of the land use
650     authority.
651          (c) An action of a land use authority under this Subsection (6) is not a land use decision
652     subject to:
653          (i) Title 10, Chapter 9a, Municipal Land Use, Development, and Management Act; or
654          (ii) Title 17, Chapter 27a, County Land Use, Development, and Management Act.
655          Section 12. Section 4-46-303, which is renumbered from Section 11-38-304 is
656     renumbered and amended to read:
657          [11-38-304].      4-46-303. Board to report annually.
658          The [commission] board shall submit an annual report to the Infrastructure and General
659     Government and Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environmental Quality Appropriations
660     Subcommittees:
661          (1) specifying the amount of each disbursement from the program;
662          (2) identifying the recipient of each disbursement and describing the project for which
663     money was disbursed; and
664          (3) detailing the conditions, if any, placed by the [commission] board on disbursements
665     from the program.
666          Section 13. Section 4-46-401 is enacted to read:
Part 4. Division of Conservation

668          4-46-401. Division of Conservation created -- Director.
669          (1) Within the department there is created the Division of Conservation.
670          (2) (a) The director is the executive and administrative head of the division.
671          (b) The director shall administer this part subject to the administration and general
672     supervision of the commissioner.
673          (3) The division shall coordinate state conservation efforts by:
674          (a) staffing the board created in Section 4-46-201;
675          (b) coordinating with a conservation district in accordance with Section 4-46-402;
676          (c) coordinating with an agency or division within the department, the Department of

677     Natural Resources, other state agencies, counties, cities, towns, local land trust entities, and
678     federal agencies;
679          (d) facilitating obtaining federal funds in addition to state funds used for state
680     conservation efforts;
681          (e) monitoring and providing for the management of conservation easements on state
682     lands, including coordination with the Division of Wildlife Resources in the Division of
683     Wildlife Resources' administration of Section 23-14-14.2; and
684          (f) implementing rules made by the department in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter
685     3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, and Section 4-46-403.
686          (4) The division may cooperate with, or enter into agreements with, other agencies of
687     this state and federal agencies in the administration and enforcement of this chapter.
688          Section 14. Section 4-46-402 is enacted to read:
689          4-46-402. Training -- Coordination with conservation districts.
690          (1) The division shall provide training to the conservation commission concerning:
691          (a) funding state conservation efforts; and
692          (b) coordinating state conservation efforts.
693          (2) The division shall work with the conservation commission in coordinating with a
694     conservation district.
695          Section 15. Section 4-46-403 is enacted to read:
696          4-46-403. Conservation rules.
697          The department may make rules, in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah
698     Administrative Rulemaking Act, to:
699          (1) establish requirements for the training described in Section 4-46-402; and
700          (2) establish the procedures the division shall follow in coordinating state conservation
701     efforts.
702          Section 16. Section 9-9-112 is amended to read:
703          9-9-112. Bears Ears Visitor Center Advisory Committee.
704          (1) Utah extends an invitation to the Navajo Nation, the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe, the
705     Hopi Nation, the Zuni Tribe, and the Ute Indian Tribe of the Uintah Ouray to form an advisory
706     committee for the purpose of exploring the feasibility, location, functions, and other important
707     matters surrounding the creation of a visitor center at Bears Ears.

708          (2) As used in this section:
709          (a) "Advisory committee" means the Bears Ears Visitor Center Advisory Committee
710     created by this section.
711          (b) "Bears Ears" means the Bears Ears National Monument.
712          (3) (a) Subject to Subsection (3)(b), there is created the Bears Ears Visitor Center
713     Advisory Committee consisting of the following eight members:
714          (i) five voting members as follows:
715          (A) a representative of the Navajo Nation, appointed by the Navajo Nation;
716          (B) a representative of the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe, appointed by the Ute Mountain
717     Ute Tribe;
718          (C) a representative of the Hopi Nation, appointed by the Hopi Nation;
719          (D) a representative of the Zuni Tribe, appointed by the Zuni Tribe; and
720          (E) a representative of the Ute Indian Tribe of the Uintah Ouray, appointed by the Ute
721     Indian Tribe of the Uintah Ouray; and
722          (ii) subject to Subsection (4), three nonvoting members as follows:
723          (A) one member of the Senate, appointed by the president of the Senate; and
724          (B) two members of the House of Representatives, appointed by the speaker of the
725     House of Representatives.
726          (b) The advisory committee is formed when all of the tribes described in Subsection (1)
727     have communicated to the other tribes and to the Division of Indian Affairs that the tribe has
728     appointed a member to the advisory committee.
729          (4) At least one of the three legislative members appointed under Subsection (3)(a)(ii)
730     shall be from a minority party.
731          (5) The advisory committee may select from the advisory committee members the chair
732     or other officers of the advisory committee.
733          (6) (a) If a vacancy occurs in the membership of the advisory committee appointed
734     under Subsection (3), the member shall be replaced in the same manner in which the original
735     appointment was made.
736          (b) A member appointed under Subsection (3) serves until the member's successor is
737     appointed and qualified.
738          (7) (a) A majority of the voting members of the advisory committee constitutes a

739     quorum.
740          (b) The action of a majority of a quorum constitutes an action of the advisory
741     committee.
742          (8) (a) The salary and expenses of an advisory committee member who is a legislator
743     shall be paid in accordance with Section 36-2-2 and Legislative Joint Rules, Title 5, Legislative
744     Compensation and Expenses.
745          (b) An advisory committee member who is not a legislator may not receive
746     compensation or benefits for the member's service on the advisory committee, but may receive
747     per diem and reimbursement for travel expenses incurred as an advisory committee member at
748     the rates established by the Division of Finance under:
749          (i) Sections 63A-3-106 and 63A-3-107; and
750          (ii) rules made by the Division of Finance pursuant to Sections 63A-3-106 and
751     63A-3-107.
752          (9) The advisory committee may invite the United States Forest Service, the Bureau of
753     Land Management, the Division of State Parks, the Division of Outdoor Recreation, and the
754     Utah Office of Tourism within the Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity, to serve as
755     technical advisors to the advisory committee.
756          (10) The Division of Indian Affairs shall staff the advisory committee.
757          (11) The advisory committee shall study and make recommendations concerning:
758          (a) the need for a visitor center associated with Bears Ears;
759          (b) the feasibility of a visitor center associated with Bears Ears, including investigating:
760          (i) potential locations for the visitor center;
761          (ii) purposes for the visitor center; and
762          (iii) sources of funding to build and maintain the visitor center;
763          (c) whether a visitor center will increase visitorship to Bears Ears; and
764          (d) whether a visitor center at Bears Ears could function as a repository of traditional
765     knowledge and practices.
766          (12) The advisory committee may contract with one or more consultants to conduct
767     work related to the issues raised in Subsection (11) if the Legislature appropriates money
768     expressly for the purpose of the advisory committee contracting with a consultant.
769          (13) The advisory committee shall hold at least one public hearing to obtain public

770     comment on the creation of a Bears Ears visitor center.
771          (14) The advisory committee shall report the advisory committee's recommendations to
772     one or more of the following:
773          (a) the Economic Development and Workforce Services Interim Committee;
774          (b) the House Economic Development and Workforce Services Committee; or
775          (c) the Senate Economic Development and Workforce Services Committee.
776          Section 17. Section 23-14-14.2 is amended to read:
777          23-14-14.2. Wildlife Resources Conservation Easement Restricted Account.
778          (1) There is created within the General Fund a restricted account known as the
779     "Wildlife Resources Conservation Easement Account."
780          (2) The Wildlife Resources Conservation Easement Account consists of:
781          (a) grants from private foundations;
782          (b) grants from local governments, the state, or the federal government;
783          (c) grants from the [Quality Growth Commission] Land Conservation Board created
784     under Section [11-38-201] 4-46-201;
785          (d) donations from landowners for monitoring and managing conservation easements;
786          (e) donations from any other person; and
787          (f) interest on account money.
788          (3) Upon appropriation by the Legislature, the Division of Wildlife Resources shall use
789     money from the account to monitor and manage conservation easements held by the division.
790          (4) The division may not receive or expend donations from the account to acquire
791     conservation easements.
792          Section 18. Section 35A-8-2105 is amended to read:
793          35A-8-2105. Allocation of volume cap.
794          (1) (a) Subject to Subsection (1)(b), the volume cap for each year shall be distributed
795     by the board of review to the allotment accounts as described in Section 35A-8-2106.
796          (b) The board of review may distribute up to 50% of each increase in the volume cap
797     for use in development that occurs in quality growth areas, depending upon the board's analysis
798     of the relative need for additional volume cap between development in quality growth areas
799     and the allotment accounts under Section 35A-8-2106.
800          (2) To obtain an allocation of the volume cap, issuing authorities shall submit to the

801     board of review an application containing information required by the procedures and
802     processes of the board of review.
803          (3) (a) The board of review shall establish criteria for making allocations of volume
804     cap that are consistent with the purposes of the code and this part.
805          (b) In making an allocation of volume cap the board of review shall consider the
806     following:
807          (i) the principal amount of the bonds proposed to be issued;
808          (ii) the nature and the location of the project or the type of program;
809          (iii) the likelihood that the bonds will be sold and the timeframe of bond issuance;
810          (iv) whether the project or program could obtain adequate financing without an
811     allocation of volume cap;
812          (v) the degree to which an allocation of volume cap is required for the project or
813     program to proceed or continue;
814          (vi) the social, health, economic, and educational effects of the project or program on
815     the local community and state as a whole;
816          (vii) the anticipated economic development created or retained within the local
817     community and the state as a whole;
818          (viii) the anticipated number of jobs, both temporary and permanent, created or
819     retained within the local community and the state as a whole; and
820          (ix) if the project is a residential rental project, the degree to which the residential
821     rental project:
822          (A) targets lower income populations; and
823          (B) is accessible housing[; and].
824          [(x) whether the project meets the principles of quality growth recommended by the
825     Quality Growth Commission created in Section 11-38-201.]
826          (4) The board of review shall provide evidence of an allocation of volume cap by
827     issuing a certificate in accordance with Section 35A-8-2107.
828          (5) (a) From January 1 to June 30 of each year, the board of review shall set aside at
829     least 50% of the Small Issue Bond Account that may only be allocated to manufacturing
830     projects.
831          (b) From July 1 to August 15 of each year, the board of review shall set aside at least

832     50% of the Pool Account that may only be allocated to manufacturing projects.
833          Section 19. Section 41-1a-418 is amended to read:
834          41-1a-418. Authorized special group license plates.
835          (1) The division shall only issue special group license plates in accordance with this
836     section through Section 41-1a-422 to a person who is specified under this section within the
837     categories listed as follows:
838          (a) disability special group license plates issued in accordance with Section 41-1a-420;
839          (b) honor special group license plates, as in a war hero, which plates are issued for a:
840          (i) survivor of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor;
841          (ii) former prisoner of war;
842          (iii) recipient of a Purple Heart;
843          (iv) disabled veteran;
844          (v) recipient of a gold star award issued by the United States Secretary of Defense; or
845          (vi) recipient of a campaign or combat theater award determined by the Department of
846     Veterans and Military Affairs;
847          (c) unique vehicle type special group license plates, as for historical, collectors value,
848     or other unique vehicle type, which plates are issued for:
849          (i) a special interest vehicle;
850          (ii) a vintage vehicle;
851          (iii) a farm truck; or
852          (iv) (A) until Subsection (1)(c)(iv)(B) or (4) applies, a vehicle powered by clean fuel as
853     defined in Section 59-13-102; or
854          (B) beginning on the effective date of rules made by the Department of Transportation
855     authorized under Subsection 41-6a-702(5)(b) and until Subsection (4) applies, a vehicle
856     powered by clean fuel that meets the standards established by the Department of Transportation
857     in rules authorized under Subsection 41-6a-702(5)(b);
858          (d) recognition special group license plates, which plates are issued for:
859          (i) a current member of the Legislature;
860          (ii) a current member of the United States Congress;
861          (iii) a current member of the National Guard;
862          (iv) a licensed amateur radio operator;

863          (v) a currently employed, volunteer, or retired firefighter until June 30, 2009;
864          (vi) an emergency medical technician;
865          (vii) a current member of a search and rescue team;
866          (viii) a current honorary consulate designated by the United States Department of
867     State;
868          (ix) an individual supporting commemoration and recognition of women's suffrage;
869          (x) an individual supporting a fraternal, initiatic order for those sharing moral and
870     metaphysical ideals, and designed to teach ethical and philosophical matters of brotherly love,
871     relief, and truth;
872          (xi) an individual supporting the Utah Wing of the Civil Air Patrol; or
873          (xii) an individual supporting the recognition and continuation of the work and life of
874     Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; or
875          (e) support special group license plates, as for a contributor to an institution or cause,
876     which plates are issued for a contributor to:
877          (i) an institution's scholastic scholarship fund;
878          (ii) the Division of Wildlife Resources;
879          (iii) the Department of Veterans and Military Affairs;
880          (iv) [the Division of State Parks or] the Division of Outdoor Recreation;
881          (v) the Department of Agriculture and Food;
882          (vi) the Guardian Ad Litem Services Account and the Children's Museum of Utah;
883          (vii) the Boy Scouts of America;
884          (viii) spay and neuter programs through No More Homeless Pets in Utah;
885          (ix) the Boys and Girls Clubs of America;
886          (x) Utah public education;
887          (xi) programs that provide support to organizations that create affordable housing for
888     those in severe need through the Division of Real Estate;
889          (xii) the Department of Public Safety;
890          (xiii) programs that support Zion National Park;
891          (xiv) beginning on July 1, 2009, programs that provide support to firefighter
892     organizations;
893          (xv) programs that promote bicycle operation and safety awareness;

894          (xvi) programs that conduct or support cancer research;
895          (xvii) programs that create or support autism awareness;
896          (xviii) programs that create or support humanitarian service and educational and
897     cultural exchanges;
898          (xix) until September 30, 2017, programs that conduct or support prostate cancer
899     awareness, screening, detection, or prevention;
900          (xx) programs that support and promote adoptions;
901          (xxi) programs that support issues affecting women and children through an
902     organization affiliated with a national professional men's basketball organization;
903          (xxii) programs that strengthen youth soccer, build communities, and promote
904     environmental sustainability through an organization affiliated with a professional men's soccer
905     organization;
906          (xxiii) programs that support children with heart disease;
907          (xxiv) programs that support the operation and maintenance of the Utah Law
908     Enforcement Memorial;
909          (xxv) programs that provide assistance to children with cancer;
910          (xxvi) programs that promote leadership and career development through agricultural
911     education;
912          (xxvii) the Utah State Historical Society;
913          (xxviii) programs to transport veterans to visit memorials honoring the service and
914     sacrifices of veterans;
915          (xxix) programs that promote motorcycle safety awareness;
916          (xxx) organizations that promote clean air through partnership, education, and
917     awareness;
918          (xxxi) programs dedicated to strengthening the state's Latino community through
919     education, mentoring, and leadership opportunities;
920          (xxxii) organizations dedicated to facilitating, connecting, registering, and advocating
921     for organ donors and donor families; or
922          (xxxiii) public education on behalf of the Kiwanis International clubs.
923          (2) (a) The division may not issue a new type of special group license plate or decal
924     unless the division receives:

925          (i) (A) a private donation for the start-up fee established under Section 63J-1-504 for
926     the production and administrative costs of providing the new special group license plates or
927     decals; or
928          (B) a legislative appropriation for the start-up fee provided under Subsection
929     (2)(a)(i)(A); and
930          (ii) beginning on January 1, 2012, and for the issuance of a support special group
931     license plate authorized in Section 41-1a-422, at least 500 completed applications for the new
932     type of support special group license plate or decal to be issued with all fees required under this
933     part for the support special group license plate or decal issuance paid by each applicant.
934          (b) (i) Beginning on January 1, 2012, each participating organization shall collect and
935     hold applications for support special group license plates or decals authorized in Section
936     41-1a-422 on or after January 1, 2012, until it has received at least 500 applications.
937          (ii) Once a participating organization has received at least 500 applications, it shall
938     submit the applications, along with the necessary fees, to the division for the division to begin
939     working on the design and issuance of the new type of support special group license plate or
940     decal to be issued.
941          (iii) Beginning on January 1, 2012, the division may not work on the issuance or design
942     of a new support special group license plate or decal authorized in Section 41-1a-422 until the
943     applications and fees required under this Subsection (2) have been received by the division.
944          (iv) The division shall begin issuance of a new support special group license plate or
945     decal authorized in Section 41-1a-422 on or after January 1, 2012, no later than six months
946     after receiving the applications and fees required under this Subsection (2).
947          (c) (i) Beginning on July 1, 2009, the division may not renew a motor vehicle
948     registration of a motor vehicle that has been issued a firefighter recognition special group
949     license plate unless the applicant is a contributor as defined in Subsection
950     41-1a-422(1)(a)(ii)(D) to the Firefighter Support Restricted Account.
951          (ii) A registered owner of a vehicle that has been issued a firefighter recognition
952     special group license plate prior to July 1, 2009, upon renewal of the owner's motor vehicle
953     registration shall:
954          (A) be a contributor to the Firefighter Support Restricted Account as required under
955     Subsection (2)(c)(i); or

956          (B) replace the firefighter recognition special group license plate with a new license
957     plate.
958          (3) Beginning on July 1, 2011, if a support special group license plate or decal type
959     authorized in Section 41-1a-422 and issued on or after January 1, 2012, has fewer than 500
960     license plates issued each year for a three consecutive year time period that begins on July 1,
961     the division may not issue that type of support special group license plate or decal to a new
962     applicant beginning on January 1 of the following calendar year after the three consecutive year
963     time period for which that type of support special group license plate or decal has fewer than
964     500 license plates issued each year.
965          (4) Beginning on July 1, 2011, the division may not issue to an applicant a unique
966     vehicle type license plate for a vehicle powered by clean fuel under Subsection (1)(c)(iv).
967          (5) (a) Beginning on October 1, 2017, the division may not issue a new prostate cancer
968     support special group license plate.
969          (b) A registered owner of a vehicle that has been issued a prostate cancer support
970     special group license plate before October 1, 2017, may renew the owner's motor vehicle
971     registration, with the contribution allocated as described in Section 41-1a-422.
972          Section 20. Section 41-1a-422 is amended to read:
973          41-1a-422. Support special group license plates -- Contributor -- Voluntary
974     contribution collection procedures.
975          (1) As used in this section:
976          (a) (i) except as provided in Subsection (1)(a)(ii), "contributor" means a person who has
977     donated or in whose name at least $25 has been donated to:
978          (A) a scholastic scholarship fund of a single named institution;
979          (B) the Department of Veterans and Military Affairs for veterans programs;
980          (C) the Division of Wildlife Resources for the Wildlife Resources Account created in
981     Section 23-14-13, for conservation of wildlife and the enhancement, preservation, protection,
982     access, and management of wildlife habitat;
983          (D) the Department of Agriculture and Food for the benefit of conservation districts;
984          (E) the Division of Outdoor Recreation for the benefit of snowmobile programs;
985          (F) the Guardian Ad Litem Services Account and the Children's Museum of Utah, with
986     the donation evenly divided between the two;

987          (G) the Boy Scouts of America for the benefit of a Utah Boy Scouts of America
988     council as specified by the contributor;
989          (H) No More Homeless Pets in Utah for distribution to organizations or individuals
990     that provide spay and neuter programs that subsidize the sterilization of domestic animals;
991          (I) the Utah Alliance of Boys and Girls Clubs, Inc. to provide and enhance youth
992     development programs;
993          (J) the Utah Association of Public School Foundations to support public education;
994          (K) the Utah Housing Opportunity Restricted Account created in Section 61-2-204 to
995     assist people who have severe housing needs;
996          (L) the Public Safety Honoring Heroes Restricted Account created in Section 53-1-118
997     to support the families of fallen Utah Highway Patrol troopers and other Department of Public
998     Safety employees;
999          (M) the Division of [State Parks] Outdoor Recreation for distribution to organizations
1000     that provide support for Zion National Park;
1001          (N) the Firefighter Support Restricted Account created in Section 53-7-109 to support
1002     firefighter organizations;
1003          (O) the Share the Road Bicycle Support Restricted Account created in Section
1004     72-2-127 to support bicycle operation and safety awareness programs;
1005          (P) the Cancer Research Restricted Account created in Section 26-21a-302 to support
1006     cancer research programs;
1007          (Q) Autism Awareness Restricted Account created in Section 53F-9-401 to support
1008     autism awareness programs;
1009          (R) Humanitarian Service and Educational and Cultural Exchange Restricted Account
1010     created in Section 9-17-102 to support humanitarian service and educational and cultural
1011     programs;
1012          (S) Upon renewal of a prostate cancer support special group license plate, to the Cancer
1013     Research Restricted Account created in Section 26-21a-302 to support cancer research
1014     programs;
1015          (T) the Choose Life Adoption Support Restricted Account created in Section
1016     62A-4a-608 to support programs that promote adoption;
1017          (U) the National Professional Men's Basketball Team Support of Women and Children

1018     Issues Restricted Account created in Section 62A-1-202;
1019          (V) the Utah Law Enforcement Memorial Support Restricted Account created in
1020     Section 53-1-120;
1021          (W) the Children with Cancer Support Restricted Account created in Section
1022     26-21a-304 for programs that provide assistance to children with cancer;
1023          (X) the National Professional Men's Soccer Team Support of Building Communities
1024     Restricted Account created in Section 9-19-102;
1025          (Y) the Children with Heart Disease Support Restricted Account created in Section
1026     26-58-102;
1027          (Z) the Utah Intracurricular Student Organization Support for Agricultural Education
1028     and Leadership Restricted Account created in Section 4-42-102;
1029          (AA) the Division of Wildlife Resources for the Support for State-Owned Shooting
1030     Ranges Restricted Account created in Section 23-14-13.5, for the creation of new, and
1031     operation and maintenance of existing, state-owned firearm shooting ranges;
1032          (BB) the Utah State Historical Society to further the mission and purpose of the Utah
1033     State Historical Society;
1034          (CC) the Motorcycle Safety Awareness Support Restricted Account created in Section
1035     72-2-130;
1036          (DD) the Transportation of Veterans to Memorials Support Restricted Account created
1037     in Section 71-14-102;
1038          (EE) clean air support causes, with half of the donation deposited into the Clean Air
1039     Support Restricted Account created in Section 19-1-109, and half of the donation deposited
1040     into the Clean Air Fund created in Section 59-10-1319;
1041          (FF) the Latino Community Support Restricted Account created in Section 13-1-16;
1042          (GG) the Allyson Gamble Organ Donation Contribution Fund created in Section
1043     26-18b-101; or
1044          (HH) public education on behalf of the Kiwanis International clubs, with the amount of
1045     the donation required to cover the costs of issuing, ordering, or reordering Kiwanis support
1046     special group plates, as determined by the State Tax Commission, deposited into the Kiwanis
1047     Education Support Fund created in Section 53F-9-403, and all remaining donation amounts
1048     deposited into the Education Fund.

1049          (ii) (A) For a veterans special group license plate described in Subsection (4) or
1050     41-1a-421(1)(a)(v) [or 41-1a-422(4)], "contributor" means a person who has donated or in
1051     whose name at least a $25 donation at the time of application and $10 annual donation
1052     thereafter has been made.
1053          (B) For a Utah Housing Opportunity special group license plate, "contributor" means a
1054     person who:
1055          (I) has donated or in whose name at least $30 has been donated at the time of
1056     application and annually after the time of application; and
1057          (II) is a member of a trade organization for real estate licensees that has more than
1058     15,000 Utah members.
1059          (C) For an Honoring Heroes special group license plate, "contributor" means a person
1060     who has donated or in whose name at least $35 has been donated at the time of application and
1061     annually thereafter.
1062          (D) For a firefighter support special group license plate, "contributor" means a person
1063     who:
1064          (I) has donated or in whose name at least $15 has been donated at the time of
1065     application and annually after the time of application; and
1066          (II) is a currently employed, volunteer, or retired firefighter.
1067          (E) For a cancer research special group license plate, "contributor" means a person who
1068     has donated or in whose name at least $35 has been donated at the time of application and
1069     annually after the time of application.
1070          (F) For a Utah Law Enforcement Memorial Support special group license plate,
1071     "contributor" means a person who has donated or in whose name at least $35 has been donated
1072     at the time of application and annually thereafter.
1073          (b) "Institution" means a state institution of higher education as defined under Section
1074     53B-3-102 or a private institution of higher education in the state accredited by a regional or
1075     national accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department of Education.
1076          (2) (a) An applicant for original or renewal collegiate special group license plates under
1077     Subsection (1)(a)(i) must be a contributor to the institution named in the application and
1078     present the original contribution verification form under Subsection (2)(b) or make a
1079     contribution to the division at the time of application under Subsection (3).

1080          (b) An institution with a support special group license plate shall issue to a contributor
1081     a verification form designed by the commission containing:
1082          (i) the name of the contributor;
1083          (ii) the institution to which a donation was made;
1084          (iii) the date of the donation; and
1085          (iv) an attestation that the donation was for a scholastic scholarship.
1086          (c) The state auditor may audit each institution to verify that the money collected by the
1087     institutions from contributors is used for scholastic scholarships.
1088          (d) After an applicant has been issued collegiate license plates or renewal decals, the
1089     commission shall charge the institution whose plate was issued, a fee determined in accordance
1090     with Section 63J-1-504 for management and administrative expenses incurred in issuing and
1091     renewing the collegiate license plates.
1092          (e) If the contribution is made at the time of application, the contribution shall be
1093     collected, treated, and deposited as provided under Subsection (3).
1094          (3) (a) An applicant for original or renewal support special group license plates under
1095     this section must be a contributor to the sponsoring organization associated with the license
1096     plate.
1097          (b) This contribution shall be:
1098          (i) unless collected by the named institution under Subsection (2), collected by the
1099     division;
1100          (ii) considered a voluntary contribution for the funding of the activities specified under
1101     this section and not a motor vehicle registration fee;
1102          (iii) deposited into the appropriate account less actual administrative costs associated
1103     with issuing the license plates; and
1104          (iv) for a firefighter special group license plate, deposited into the appropriate account
1105     less:
1106          (A) the costs of reordering firefighter special group license plate decals; and
1107          (B) the costs of replacing recognition special group license plates with new license
1108     plates under Subsection 41-1a-1211(13).
1109          (c) The donation described in Subsection (1)(a) must be made in the 12 months [prior
1110     to] before registration or renewal of registration.

1111          (d) The donation described in Subsection (1)(a) shall be a one-time donation made to
1112     the division when issuing original:
1113          (i) snowmobile license plates; or
1114          (ii) conservation license plates.
1115          (4) Veterans license plates shall display one of the symbols representing the Army,
1116     Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, or American Legion.
1117          Section 21. Section 41-6a-1509 is amended to read:
1118          41-6a-1509. Street-legal all-terrain vehicle -- Operation on highways --
1119     Registration and licensing requirements -- Equipment requirements.
1120          (1) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (1)(b), an individual may operate an all-terrain
1121     type I vehicle, all-terrain type II vehicle, or all-terrain type III vehicle, that meets the
1122     requirements of this section as a street-legal ATV on a street or highway.
1123          (b) An individual may not operate an all-terrain type I vehicle, all-terrain type II
1124     vehicle, or all-terrain type III vehicle as a street-legal ATV on a highway if:
1125          (i) the highway is an interstate system as defined in Section 72-1-102; or
1126          (ii) the highway is in a county of the first class and both of the following criterion is
1127     met:
1128          (A) the highway is near a grade separated portion of the highway; and
1129          (B) the highway has a posted speed limit higher than 50 miles per hour.
1130          (c) Nothing in this section authorizes the operation of a street-legal ATV in an area that
1131     is not open to motor vehicle use.
1132          (2) A street-legal ATV shall comply with Section 59-2-405.2, Subsection
1133     41-1a-205(1), Subsection 53-8-205(1)(b), and the same requirements as:
1134          (a) a motorcycle for:
1135          (i) traffic rules under [Title 41, Chapter 6a, Traffic Code] this chapter;
1136          (ii) titling, odometer statement, vehicle identification, license plates, and registration,
1137     excluding registration fees, under [Title 41,] Chapter 1a, Motor Vehicle Act; and
1138          (iii) the county motor vehicle emissions inspection and maintenance programs under
1139     Section 41-6a-1642;
1140          (b) a motor vehicle for:
1141          (i) driver licensing under Title 53, Chapter 3, Uniform Driver License Act; and

1142          (ii) motor vehicle insurance under [Title 41,] Chapter 12a, Financial Responsibility of
1143     Motor Vehicle Owners and Operators Act; and
1144          (c) an all-terrain type I or type II vehicle for off-highway vehicle provisions under
1145     [Title 41,] Chapter 22, Off-Highway Vehicles, and [Title 41,] Chapter 3, Motor Vehicle
1146     Business Regulation Act, unless otherwise specified in this section.
1147          (3) (a) The owner of an all-terrain type I vehicle being operated as a street-legal ATV
1148     shall ensure that the vehicle is equipped with:
1149          (i) one or more headlamps that meet the requirements of Section 41-6a-1603;
1150          (ii) one or more tail lamps;
1151          (iii) a tail lamp or other lamp constructed and placed to illuminate the registration plate
1152     with a white light;
1153          (iv) one or more red reflectors on the rear;
1154          (v) one or more stop lamps on the rear;
1155          (vi) amber or red electric turn signals, one on each side of the front and rear;
1156          (vii) a braking system, other than a parking brake, that meets the requirements of
1157     Section 41-6a-1623;
1158          (viii) a horn or other warning device that meets the requirements of Section
1159     41-6a-1625;
1160          (ix) a muffler and emission control system that meets the requirements of Section
1161     41-6a-1626;
1162          (x) rearview mirrors on the right and left side of the driver in accordance with Section
1163     41-6a-1627;
1164          (xi) a windshield, unless the operator wears eye protection while operating the vehicle;
1165          (xii) a speedometer, illuminated for nighttime operation;
1166          (xiii) for vehicles designed by the manufacturer for carrying one or more passengers, a
1167     seat designed for passengers; and
1168          (xiv) tires that:
1169          (A) are not larger than the tires that the all-terrain vehicle manufacturer made available
1170     for the all-terrain vehicle model; and
1171          (B) have at least 2/32 inches or greater tire tread.
1172          (b) The owner of an all-terrain type II vehicle or all-terrain type III vehicle being

1173     operated as a street-legal all-terrain vehicle shall ensure that the vehicle is equipped with:
1174          (i) two headlamps that meet the requirements of Section 41-6a-1603;
1175          (ii) two tail lamps;
1176          (iii) a tail lamp or other lamp constructed and placed to illuminate the registration plate
1177     with a white light;
1178          (iv) one or more red reflectors on the rear;
1179          (v) two stop lamps on the rear;
1180          (vi) amber or red electric turn signals, one on each side of the front and rear;
1181          (vii) a braking system, other than a parking brake, that meets the requirements of
1182     Section 41-6a-1623;
1183          (viii) a horn or other warning device that meets the requirements of Section
1184     41-6a-1625;
1185          (ix) a muffler and emission control system that meets the requirements of Section
1186     41-6a-1626;
1187          (x) rearview mirrors on the right and left side of the driver in accordance with Section
1188     41-6a-1627;
1189          (xi) a windshield, unless the operator wears eye protection while operating the vehicle;
1190          (xii) a speedometer, illuminated for nighttime operation;
1191          (xiii) for vehicles designed by the manufacturer for carrying one or more passengers, a
1192     seat designed for passengers;
1193          (xiv) for vehicles with side-by-side or tandem seating, seatbelts for each vehicle
1194     occupant;
1195          (xv) a seat with a height between 20 and 40 inches when measured at the forward edge
1196     of the seat bottom; and
1197          (xvi) tires that:
1198          (A) do not exceed 44 inches in height; and
1199          (B) have at least 2/32 inches or greater tire tread.
1200          (c) The owner of a street-legal all-terrain vehicle is not required to equip the vehicle
1201     with wheel covers, mudguards, flaps, or splash aprons.
1202          (4) (a) Subject to the requirements of Subsection (4)(b), an operator of a street-legal
1203     all-terrain vehicle, when operating a street-legal all-terrain vehicle on a highway, may not

1204     exceed the lesser of:
1205          (i) the posted speed limit; or
1206          (ii) 50 miles per hour.
1207          (b) An operator of a street-legal all-terrain vehicle, when operating a street-legal
1208     all-terrain vehicle on a highway with a posted speed limit higher than 50 miles per hour, shall:
1209          (i) operate the street-legal all-terrain vehicle on the extreme right hand side of the
1210     roadway; and
1211          (ii) equip the street-legal all-terrain vehicle with a reflector or reflective tape to the
1212     front and back of both sides of the vehicle.
1213          (5) (a) A nonresident operator of an off-highway vehicle that is authorized to be
1214     operated on the highways of another state has the same rights and privileges as a street-legal
1215     ATV that is granted operating privileges on the highways of this state, subject to the
1216     restrictions under this section and rules made by the Division of Outdoor Recreation, after
1217     [consulting] notifying the Outdoor Adventure Commission, if the other state offers reciprocal
1218     operating privileges to Utah residents.
1219          (b) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
1220     Division of Outdoor Recreation, after [consultation with] notifying the Outdoor Adventure
1221     Commission, shall establish eligibility requirements for reciprocal operating privileges for
1222     nonresident users granted under Subsection (5)(a).
1223          (6) Nothing in this chapter restricts the owner of an off-highway vehicle from operating
1224     the off-highway vehicle in accordance with Section 41-22-10.5.
1225          (7) A violation of this section is an infraction.
1226          Section 22. Section 41-22-2 is amended to read:
1227          41-22-2. Definitions.
1228          As used in this chapter:
1229          (1) "Advisory council" means [the Off-highway Vehicle Advisory Council] an advisory
1230     council appointed by the Division of Outdoor Recreation that has within the advisory council's
1231     duties advising on policies related to the use of off-highway vehicles.
1232          (2) "All-terrain type I vehicle" means any motor vehicle 52 inches or less in width,
1233     having an unladen dry weight of 1,500 pounds or less, traveling on three or more low pressure
1234     tires, having a seat designed to be straddled by the operator, and designed for or capable of

1235     travel over unimproved terrain.
1236          (3) (a) "All-terrain type II vehicle" means any motor vehicle 80 inches or less in width,
1237     traveling on four or more low pressure tires, having a steering wheel, non-straddle seating, a
1238     rollover protection system, and designed for or capable of travel over unimproved terrain, and
1239     is:
1240          (i) an electric-powered vehicle; or
1241          (ii) a vehicle powered by an internal combustion engine and has an unladen dry weight
1242     of 2,500 pounds or less.
1243          (b) "All-terrain type II vehicle" does not include golf carts, any vehicle designed to
1244     carry a person with a disability, any vehicle not specifically designed for recreational use, or
1245     farm tractors as defined under Section 41-1a-102.
1246          (4) (a) "All-terrain type III vehicle" means any other motor vehicle, not defined in
1247     Subsection (2), (3), (12), or (22), designed for or capable of travel over unimproved terrain.
1248          (b) "All-terrain type III vehicle" does not include golf carts, any vehicle designed to
1249     carry a person with a disability, any vehicle not specifically designed for recreational use, or
1250     farm tractors as defined under Section 41-1a-102.
1251          (5) "Commission" means the Outdoor Adventure Commission.
1252          (6) "Cross-country" means across natural terrain and off an existing highway, road,
1253     route, or trail.
1254          (7) "Dealer" means a person engaged in the business of selling off-highway vehicles at
1255     wholesale or retail.
1256          (8) "Division" means the Division of Outdoor Recreation.
1257          (9) "Low pressure tire" means any pneumatic tire six inches or more in width designed
1258     for use on wheels with rim diameter of 14 inches or less and utilizing an operating pressure of
1259     10 pounds per square inch or less as recommended by the vehicle manufacturer.
1260          (10) "Manufacturer" means a person engaged in the business of manufacturing
1261     off-highway vehicles.
1262          (11) (a) "Motor vehicle" means every vehicle which is self-propelled.
1263          (b) "Motor vehicle" includes an off-highway vehicle.
1264          (12) "Motorcycle" means every motor vehicle having a saddle for the use of the
1265     operator and designed to travel on not more than two tires.

1266          (13) "Off-highway implement of husbandry" means every all-terrain type I vehicle,
1267      all-terrain type II vehicle, all-terrain type III vehicle, motorcycle, or snowmobile that is used by
1268     the owner or the owner's agent for agricultural operations.
1269          (14) "Off-highway vehicle" means any snowmobile, all-terrain type I vehicle,
1270     all-terrain type II vehicle, all-terrain type III vehicle, or motorcycle.
1271          (15) "Operate" means to control the movement of or otherwise use an off-highway
1272     vehicle.
1273          (16) "Operator" means the person who is in actual physical control of an off-highway
1274     vehicle.
1275          (17) "Organized user group" means an off-highway vehicle organization incorporated
1276     as a nonprofit corporation in the state under Title 16, Chapter 6a, Utah Revised Nonprofit
1277     Corporation Act, for the purpose of promoting the interests of off-highway vehicle recreation.
1278          (18) "Owner" means a person, other than a person with a security interest, having a
1279     property interest or title to an off-highway vehicle and entitled to the use and possession of that
1280     vehicle.
1281          (19) "Public land" means land owned or administered by any federal or state agency or
1282     any political subdivision of the state.
1283          (20) "Register" means the act of assigning a registration number to an off-highway
1284     vehicle.
1285          (21) "Roadway" is used as defined in Section 41-6a-102.
1286          (22) "Snowmobile" means any motor vehicle designed for travel on snow or ice and
1287     steered and supported in whole or in part by skis, belts, cleats, runners, or low pressure tires.
1288          (23) "Street or highway" means the entire width between boundary lines of every way
1289     or place of whatever nature, when any part of it is open to the use of the public for vehicular
1290     travel.
1291          (24) "Street-legal all-terrain vehicle" or "street-legal ATV" has the same meaning as
1292     defined in Section 41-6a-102.
1293          Section 23. Section 41-22-5.1 is amended to read:
1294          41-22-5.1. Rules of division relating to display of registration stickers.
1295          In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
1296     division, after [consultation with] notifying the commission, shall make rules for the display of

1297     a registration sticker on an off-highway vehicle in accordance with Section 41-22-3.
1298          Section 24. Section 41-22-5.5 is amended to read:
1299          41-22-5.5. Off-highway husbandry vehicles.
1300          (1) (a) (i) The owner of an all-terrain type I vehicle, motorcycle, all-terrain type II
1301     vehicle, all-terrain type III vehicle, or snowmobile used for agricultural purposes may apply to
1302     the Motor Vehicle Division for an off-highway implement of husbandry sticker.
1303          (ii) Each application under Subsection (1)(a)(i) shall be accompanied by:
1304          (A) evidence of ownership;
1305          (B) a title or a manufacturer's certificate of origin; and
1306          (C) a signed statement certifying that the off-highway vehicle is used for agricultural
1307     purposes.
1308          (iii) The owner shall receive an off-highway implement of husbandry sticker upon
1309     production of:
1310          (A) the documents required under this Subsection (1); and
1311          (B) payment of an off-highway implement of husbandry sticker fee established by the
1312     division, after [consultation with] notifying the commission, not to exceed $10.
1313          (b) If the vehicle is also used for recreational purposes on public lands, trails, streets, or
1314     highways, it shall also be registered under Section 41-22-3.
1315          (c) The off-highway implement of husbandry sticker shall be displayed in a manner
1316     prescribed by the division and shall identify the all-terrain type I vehicle, motorcycle, all-terrain
1317     type II vehicle, all-terrain type III vehicle, or snowmobile as an off-highway implement of
1318     husbandry.
1319          (2) The off-highway implement of husbandry sticker is valid only for the life of the
1320     ownership of the all-terrain type I vehicle, motorcycle, all-terrain type II vehicle, all-terrain type
1321     III vehicle, or snowmobile and is not transferable.
1322          (3) The off-highway implement of husbandry sticker is valid for an all-terrain type I
1323     vehicle, motorcycle, all-terrain type II vehicle, all-terrain type III vehicle, or snowmobile that is
1324     being operated adjacent to a roadway:
1325          (a) when the all-terrain type I vehicle, motorcycle, all-terrain type II vehicle, all-terrain
1326     type III vehicle, or snowmobile is only being used to travel from one parcel of land owned,
1327     operated, permitted, or leased for agricultural purposes by the owner of the vehicle to another

1328     parcel of land owned, operated, permitted, or leased for agricultural purposes by the owner; and
1329          (b) when this operation is necessary for the furtherance of agricultural purposes.
1330          (4) If the operation of an off-highway implement of husbandry adjacent to a roadway is
1331     impractical, it may be operated on the roadway if the operator exercises due care towards
1332     conventional motor vehicle traffic.
1333          (5) It is unlawful to operate an off-highway implement of husbandry along, across, or
1334     within the boundaries of an interstate freeway.
1335          (6) A violation of this section is an infraction.
1336          Section 25. Section 41-22-8 is amended to read:
1337          41-22-8. Registration fees.
1338          (1) The division, after [consultation with] notifying the commission, shall establish the
1339     fees [which] that shall be paid in accordance with this chapter, subject to the following:
1340          (a) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (1)(a)(ii) or (iii), the fee for each off-highway
1341     vehicle registration may not exceed $35.
1342          (ii) The fee for each snowmobile registration may not exceed $26.
1343          (iii) The fee for each street-legal all-terrain vehicle may not exceed $72.
1344          (b) The fee for each duplicate registration card may not exceed $3.
1345          (c) The fee for each duplicate registration sticker may not exceed $5.
1346          (2) A fee may not be charged for an off-highway vehicle that is owned and operated by
1347     the United States Government, this state, or its political subdivisions.
1348          (3) (a) In addition to the fees under this section, Section 41-22-33, and Section
1349     41-22-34, the Motor Vehicle Division shall require a person to pay one dollar to register an
1350     off-highway vehicle under Section 41-22-3.
1351          (b) The Motor Vehicle Division shall deposit the fees the Motor Vehicle Division
1352     collects under Subsection (3)(a) into the Spinal Cord and Brain Injury Rehabilitation Fund
1353     described in Section 26-54-102.
1354          Section 26. Section 41-22-10 is amended to read:
1355          41-22-10. Powers of division relating to off-highway vehicles.
1356          [(1)] The division may:
1357          [(a)] (1) appoint and seek recommendations from the [Off-highway Vehicle Advisory
1358     Council] advisory council representing the various off-highway vehicle, conservation, and

1359     other appropriate interests; and
1360          [(b)] (2) adopt a uniform marker and sign system for use by agents of appropriate
1361     federal, state, county, and city agencies in areas of off-highway vehicle use.
1362          [(2) The division shall receive and distribute voluntary contributions collected under
1363     Section 41-1a-230.6 in accordance with Section 41-22-19.5.]
1364          Section 27. Section 41-22-10.7 is amended to read:
1365          41-22-10.7. Vehicle equipment requirements -- Rulemaking -- Exceptions.
1366          (1) Except as provided under Subsection (3), an off-highway vehicle shall be equipped
1367     with:
1368          (a) brakes adequate to control the movement of and to stop and hold the vehicle under
1369     normal operating conditions;
1370          (b) headlights and taillights when operated between sunset and sunrise;
1371          (c) a noise control device and except for a snowmobile, a spark arrestor device; and
1372          (d) when operated on sand dunes designated by the division, a safety flag that is:
1373          (i) red or orange in color;
1374          (ii) a minimum of six by 12 inches; and
1375          (iii) attached to:
1376          (A) the off-highway vehicle so that the safety flag is at least eight feet above the
1377     surface of level ground; or
1378          (B) the protective headgear of a person operating a motorcycle so that the safety flag is
1379     at least 18 inches above the top of the person's head.
1380          (2) A violation of Subsection (1) is an infraction.
1381          (3) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
1382     division may make rules, after [consultation with] notifying the commission, which set
1383     standards for the equipment and which designate sand dunes where safety flags are required
1384     under Subsection (1).
1385          (4) An off-highway implement of husbandry used only in agricultural operations and
1386     not operated on a highway, is exempt from the provisions of this section.
1387          Section 28. Section 41-22-19 is amended to read:
1388          41-22-19. Deposit of fees and related money in Off-highway Vehicle Account --
1389     Use for facilities, costs and expenses of division, and education -- Request for matching

1390     funds.
1391          (1) Except as provided under Subsections (3) and (4) and Sections 41-22-34 and
1392     41-22-36, [all] registration fees and related money collected by the Motor Vehicle Division or
1393     any agencies designated to act for the Motor Vehicle Division under this chapter shall be
1394     deposited as restricted revenue in the Off-highway Vehicle Account in the General Fund less
1395     the costs of collecting off-highway vehicle registration fees by the Motor Vehicle Division.
1396     The balance of the money may be used by the division [as follows]:
1397          (a) for the construction, improvement, operation, acquisition, or maintenance of
1398     publicly owned or administered off-highway vehicle facilities, including public access
1399     facilities;
1400          (b) for the mitigation of impacts associated with off-highway vehicle use;
1401          [(c) as grants or as matching funds with any federal agency, state agency, political
1402     subdivision of the state, or organized user group for the construction, improvement, operation,
1403     acquisition, or maintenance of publicly owned or administered off-highway vehicle facilities
1404     including public access facilities;]
1405          [(d) for the administration and enforcement of the provisions of this chapter; and]
1406          [(e)] (c) for the education of off-highway vehicle users[.];
1407          (d) for off-highway vehicle access protection;
1408          (e) to support off-highway vehicle search and rescue activities and programs;
1409          (f) to promote and encourage off-highway vehicle tourism;
1410          (g) for other uses that further the policy set forth in Section 41-22-1;
1411          (h) as grants or matching funds with a federal agency, state agency, political
1412     subdivision of the state, or organized user group for any of the uses described in Subsections
1413     (1)(a) through (g); and
1414          (i) for the administration and enforcement of this chapter.
1415          (2) [All agencies or political subdivisions] An agency or political subdivision
1416     requesting matching funds shall submit plans for proposed off-highway vehicle facilities to the
1417     division for review and approval.
1418          (3) (a) One dollar and 50 cents of each annual registration fee collected under
1419     Subsection 41-22-8(1) and each off-highway vehicle user fee collected under Subsection
1420     41-22-35(2) shall be deposited in the Land Grant Management Fund created under Section

1421     53C-3-101.
1422          (b) The Utah School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration shall use the money
1423     deposited under Subsection (3)(a) for costs associated with off-highway vehicle use of legally
1424     accessible lands within its jurisdiction as follows:
1425          (i) to improve recreational opportunities on trust lands by constructing, improving,
1426     maintaining, or perfecting access for off-highway vehicle trails; and
1427          (ii) to mitigate impacts associated with off-highway vehicle use.
1428          (c) [Any] An unused balance of the money deposited under Subsection (3)(a)
1429     exceeding $350,000 at the end of each fiscal year shall be deposited in the Off-highway
1430     Vehicle Account under Subsection (1).
1431          (4) One dollar of each off-highway vehicle registration fee collected under Subsection
1432     41-22-8(1) shall be deposited in the Utah Highway Patrol Aero Bureau Restricted Account
1433     created in Section 53-8-303.
1434          (5) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
1435     division, after notifying the commission, shall make rules as necessary to implement this
1436     section.
1437          Section 29. Section 41-22-31 is amended to read:
1438          41-22-31. Division to set standards for safety program -- Safety certificates issued
1439     -- Cooperation with public and private entities -- State immunity from suit.
1440          (1) (a) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act,
1441     the division shall make rules, after [consultation with] notifying the commission, that establish
1442     curriculum standards for a comprehensive off-highway vehicle safety education and training
1443     program and shall implement this program.
1444          (b) The program shall be designed to develop and instill the knowledge, attitudes,
1445     habits, and skills necessary for the safe operation of an off-highway vehicle.
1446          (c) Components of the program shall include the preparation and dissemination of
1447     off-highway vehicle information and safety advice to the public and the training of off-highway
1448     vehicle operators.
1449          (d) Off-highway vehicle safety certificates shall be issued to those who successfully
1450     complete training or pass the knowledge and skills test established under the program.
1451          (2) The division shall cooperate with appropriate private organizations and

1452     associations, private and public corporations, and local government units to implement the
1453     program established under this section.
1454          (3) In addition to the governmental immunity granted in Title 63G, Chapter 7,
1455     Governmental Immunity Act of Utah, the state is immune from suit for any act, or failure to
1456     act, in any capacity relating to the off-highway vehicle safety education and training program.
1457     The state is also not responsible for any insufficiency or inadequacy in the quality of training
1458     provided by this program.
1459          Section 30. Section 41-22-33 is amended to read:
1460          41-22-33. Fees for safety and education program -- Penalty -- Unlawful acts.
1461          (1) A fee set by the division, after [consultation with] notifying the commission, in
1462     accordance with Section 63J-1-504 shall be added to the registration fee required to register an
1463     off-highway vehicle under Section 41-22-8 to help fund the off-highway vehicle safety and
1464     education program.
1465          (2) If the division modifies the fee under Subsection (1), the modification shall take
1466     effect on the first day of the calendar quarter after 90 days from the day on which the division
1467     provides the State Tax Commission:
1468          (a) notice from the division stating that the division will modify the fee; and
1469          (b) a copy of the fee modification.
1470          Section 31. Section 41-22-35 is amended to read:
1471          41-22-35. Off-highway vehicle user fee -- Decal -- Agents -- Penalty for fraudulent
1472     issuance of decal -- Deposit and use of fee revenue.
1473          (1) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (1)(b), any person owning or operating a
1474     nonresident off-highway vehicle who operates or gives another person permission to operate
1475     the nonresident off-highway vehicle on any public land, trail, street, or highway in this state
1476     shall:
1477          (i) apply for an off-highway vehicle decal issued exclusively for an off-highway
1478     vehicle owned by a nonresident of the state;
1479          (ii) pay an annual off-highway vehicle user fee; and
1480          (iii) provide evidence that the owner is a nonresident.
1481          (b) The provisions of Subsection (1)(a) do not apply to an off-highway vehicle if the
1482     off-highway vehicle is:

1483          (i) used exclusively as an off-highway implement of husbandry;
1484          (ii) used exclusively for the purposes of a scheduled competitive event sponsored by a
1485     public or private entity or another event sponsored by a governmental entity under rules made
1486     by the division, after [consultation with] notifying the commission;
1487          (iii) owned and operated by a state government agency and the operation of the
1488     off-highway vehicle within the boundaries of the state is within the course and scope of the
1489     duties of the agency; or
1490          (iv) used exclusively for the purpose of an off-highway vehicle manufacturer
1491     sponsored event within the state under rules made by the division.
1492          (2) The off-highway vehicle user fee is $30.
1493          (3) Upon compliance with the provisions of Subsection (1)(a), the nonresident shall:
1494          (a) receive a nonresident off-highway vehicle user decal indicating compliance with the
1495     provisions of Subsection (1)(a); and
1496          (b) display the decal on the off-highway vehicle in accordance with rules made by the
1497     division.
1498          (4) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
1499     division, after [consultation with] notifying the commission, shall make rules establishing:
1500          (a) procedures for:
1501          (i) the payment of off-highway vehicle user fees; and
1502          (ii) the display of a decal on an off-highway vehicle as required under Subsection
1503     (3)(b);
1504          (b) acceptable evidence indicating compliance with Subsection (1);
1505          (c) eligibility for scheduled competitive events or other events under Subsection
1506     (1)(b)(ii); and
1507          (d) eligibility for an off-highway vehicle manufacturer sponsored event under
1508     Subsection (1)(b)(iv).
1509          (5) (a) An off-highway vehicle user decal may be issued and the off-highway vehicle
1510     user fee may be collected by the division or agents of the division.
1511          (b) An agent shall retain 10% of all off-highway vehicle user fees collected.
1512          (c) The division may require agents to obtain a bond in a reasonable amount.
1513          (d) On or before the tenth day of each month, each agent shall:

1514          (i) report all sales to the division; and
1515          (ii) submit all off-highway vehicle user fees collected less the remuneration provided in
1516     Subsection (5)(b).
1517          (e) (i) If an agent fails to pay the amount due, the division may assess a penalty of 20%
1518     of the amount due.
1519          (ii) Delinquent payments shall bear interest at the rate of 1% per month.
1520          (iii) If the amount due is not paid because of bad faith or fraud, the division shall assess
1521     a penalty of 100% of the total amount due together with interest.
1522          (f) All fees collected by an agent, except the remuneration provided in Subsection
1523     (5)(b), shall:
1524          (i) be kept separate and apart from the private funds of the agent; and
1525          (ii) belong to the state.
1526          (g) An agent may not issue an off-highway vehicle user decal to any person unless the
1527     person furnishes evidence of compliance with the provisions of Subsection (1)(a).
1528          (h) A violation of any provision of this Subsection (5) is a class B misdemeanor and
1529     may be cause for revocation of the agent authorization.
1530          (6) Revenue generated by off-highway vehicle user fees shall be deposited in the
1531     Off-highway Vehicle Account created in Section 41-22-19.
1532          Section 32. Section 53-2a-1102 is amended to read:
1533          53-2a-1102. Search and Rescue Financial Assistance Program -- Uses --
1534     Rulemaking -- Distribution.
1535          (1) As used in this section:
1536          (a) "Assistance card program" means the Utah Search and Rescue Assistance Card
1537     Program created within this section.
1538          (b) "Card" means the Search and Rescue Assistance Card issued under this section to a
1539     participant.
1540          (c) "Participant" means an individual, family, or group who is registered pursuant to
1541     this section as having a valid card at the time search, rescue, or both are provided.
1542          (d) "Program" means the Search and Rescue Financial Assistance Program created
1543     within this section.
1544          (e) (i) "Reimbursable base expenses" means those reasonable expenses incidental to

1545     search and rescue activities.
1546          (ii) "Reimbursable base expenses" include:
1547          (A) rental for fixed wing aircraft, snowmobiles, boats, and generators;
1548          (B) replacement and upgrade of search and rescue equipment;
1549          (C) training of search and rescue volunteers;
1550          (D) costs of providing life insurance and workers' compensation benefits for volunteer
1551     search and rescue team members under Section 67-20-7.5; and
1552          (E) any other equipment or expenses necessary or appropriate for conducting search
1553     and rescue activities.
1554          (iii) "Reimbursable base expenses" do not include any salary or overtime paid to an
1555     individual on a regular or permanent payroll, including permanent part-time employees of any
1556     agency of the state.
1557          (f) "Rescue" means search services, rescue services, or both search and rescue services.
1558          (2) There is created the Search and Rescue Financial Assistance Program within the
1559     division.
1560          (3) (a) The financial program and the assistance card program shall be funded from the
1561     following revenue sources:
1562          (i) any voluntary contributions to the state received for search and rescue operations;
1563          (ii) money received by the state under Subsection (11) and under Sections 23-19-42,
1564     41-22-34, and 73-18-24;
1565          (iii) money deposited under Subsection 59-12-103(14);
1566          (iv) contributions deposited in accordance with Section 41-1a-230.7; and
1567          (v) appropriations made to the program by the Legislature.
1568          (b) [All money] Money received from the revenue sources in Subsections (3)(a)(i), (ii),
1569     and (iv), and 90% of the money described in Subsection (3)(a)(iii), shall be deposited into the
1570     General Fund as a dedicated credit to be used solely for the program.
1571          (c) [10%] Ten percent of the money described in Subsection (3)(a)(iii) shall be
1572     deposited into the General Fund as a dedicated credit to be used solely to promote the
1573     assistance card program.
1574          (d) [All funding] Funding for the program is nonlapsing.
1575          (4) Subject to Subsections (3)(b) and (c), the director shall use the money described in

1576     this section to reimburse counties for all or a portion of each county's reimbursable base
1577     expenses for search and rescue operations, subject to:
1578          (a) the approval of the Search and Rescue Advisory Board as provided in Section
1579     53-2a-1104;
1580          (b) money available in the program; and
1581          (c) rules made under Subsection (7).
1582          (5) Money described in Subsection (3) may not be used to reimburse for any paid
1583     personnel costs or paid man hours spent in emergency response and search and rescue related
1584     activities.
1585          (6) The Legislature finds that these funds are for a general and statewide public
1586     purpose.
1587          (7) The division, with the approval of the Search and Rescue Advisory Board, shall
1588     make rules in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, and
1589     consistent with this section:
1590          (a) specifying the costs that qualify as reimbursable base expenses;
1591          (b) defining the procedures of counties to submit expenses and be reimbursed;
1592          (c) defining a participant in the assistance card program, including:
1593          (i) individuals; and
1594          (ii) families and organized groups who qualify as participants;
1595          (d) defining the procedure for issuing a card to a participant;
1596          (e) defining excluded expenses that may not be reimbursed under the program,
1597     including medical expenses;
1598          (f) establishing the card renewal cycle for the Utah Search and Rescue Assistance Card
1599     Program;
1600          (g) establishing the frequency of review of the fee schedule;
1601          (h) providing for the administration of the program; and
1602          (i) providing a formula to govern the distribution of available money among the
1603     counties for uncompensated search and rescue expenses based on:
1604          (i) the total qualifying expenses submitted;
1605          (ii) the number of search and rescue incidents per county population;
1606          (iii) the number of victims that reside outside the county; and

1607          (iv) the number of volunteer hours spent in each county in emergency response and
1608     search and rescue related activities per county population.
1609          (8) (a) The division shall, in consultation with the [Outdoor Recreation Office]
1610     Division of Outdoor Recreation, establish the fee schedule of the Utah Search and Rescue
1611     Assistance Card Program under Subsection 63J-1-504(6).
1612          (b) The division shall provide a discount of not less than 10% of the card fee under
1613     Subsection (8)(a) to a person who has paid a fee under Section 23-19-42, 41-22-34, or
1614     73-18-24 during the same calendar year in which the person applies to be a participant in the
1615     assistance card program.
1616          (9) Counties may not bill reimbursable base expenses to an individual for costs
1617     incurred for the rescue of an individual, if the individual is a current participant in the Utah
1618     Search and Rescue Assistance Card Program at the time of rescue, unless:
1619          (a) the rescuing county finds that the participant acted recklessly in creating a situation
1620     resulting in the need for the county to provide rescue services; or
1621          (b) the rescuing county finds that the participant intentionally created a situation
1622     resulting in the need for the county to provide rescue services.
1623          (10) (a) There is created the Utah Search and Rescue Assistance Card Program. The
1624     program is located within the division.
1625          (b) The program may not be [utilized] used to cover any expenses, such as medically
1626     related expenses, that are not reimbursable base expenses related to the rescue.
1627          (11) (a) To participate in the program, a person shall purchase a search and rescue
1628     assistance card from the division by paying the fee as determined by the division in Subsection
1629     (8).
1630          (b) The money generated by the fees shall be deposited into the General Fund as a
1631     dedicated credit for the Search and Rescue Financial Assistance Program created in this
1632     section.
1633          (c) Participation and payment of fees by a person under Sections 23-19-42, 41-22-34,
1634     and 73-18-24 do not constitute purchase of a card under this section.
1635          (12) The division shall consult with the [Outdoor Recreation Office] Division of
1636     Outdoor Recreation regarding:
1637          (a) administration of the assistance card program; and

1638          (b) outreach and marketing strategies.
1639          (13) Pursuant to Subsection 31A-1-103(7), the Utah Search and Rescue Assistance
1640     Card Program under this section is exempt from being considered insurance as that term is
1641     defined in Section 31A-1-301.
1642          Section 33. Section 57-14-204 is amended to read:
1643          57-14-204. Liability not limited where willful or malicious conduct involved or
1644     admission fee charged.
1645          (1) Nothing in this part limits any liability that otherwise exists for:
1646          (a) willful or malicious failure to guard or warn against a dangerous condition, use,
1647     structure, or activity;
1648          (b) deliberate, willful, or malicious injury to persons or property; or
1649          (c) an injury suffered where the owner of land charges a person to enter or go on the
1650     land or use the land for any recreational purpose.
1651          (2) For purposes of Subsection (1)(c), if the land is leased to the state or a subdivision
1652     of the state, any consideration received by the owner for the lease is not a charge within the
1653     meaning of this section.
1654          (3) Any person who hunts upon a cooperative wildlife management unit, as authorized
1655     by Title 23, Chapter 23, Cooperative Wildlife Management Units, is not considered to have
1656     paid a fee within the meaning of this section.
1657          (4) Owners of a dam or reservoir who allow recreational use of the dam or reservoir
1658     and its surrounding area and do not themselves charge a fee for that use, are considered not to
1659     have charged for that use within the meaning of Subsection (1)(c), even if the user pays a fee to
1660     the Division of State Parks or the Division of Outdoor Recreation for the use of the services
1661     and facilities at that dam or reservoir.
1662          (5) The state or a subdivision of the state that owns property purchased for a railway
1663     corridor is considered not to have charged for use of the railway corridor within the meaning of
1664     Subsection (1)(c), even if the user pays a fee for travel on a privately owned rail car that crosses
1665     or travels over the railway corridor of the state or a subdivision of the state:
1666          (a) allows recreational use of the railway corridor and its surrounding area; and
1667          (b) does not charge a fee for that use.
1668          Section 34. Section 59-13-201 is amended to read:

1669          59-13-201. Rate -- Tax basis -- Exemptions -- Revenue deposited into the
1670     Transportation Fund -- Restricted account for boating uses -- Refunds -- Reduction of tax
1671     in limited circumstances.
1672          (1) (a) Subject to the provisions of this section and except as provided in Subsection
1673     (1)(e), a tax is imposed at the rate of 16.5% of the statewide average rack price of a gallon of
1674     motor fuel per gallon upon all motor fuel that is sold, used, or received for sale or used in this
1675     state.
1676          (b) (i) Until December 31, 2018, and subject to the requirements under Subsection
1677     (1)(c), the statewide average rack price of a gallon of motor fuel under Subsection (1)(a) shall
1678     be determined by calculating the previous fiscal year statewide average rack price of a gallon of
1679     regular unleaded motor fuel, excluding federal and state excise taxes, for the 12 months ending
1680     on the previous June 30 as published by an oil pricing service.
1681          (ii) Beginning on January 1, 2019, and subject to the requirements under Subsection
1682     (1)(c), the statewide average rack price of a gallon of motor fuel under Subsection (1)(a) shall
1683     be determined by calculating the previous three fiscal years statewide average rack price of a
1684     gallon of regular unleaded motor fuel, excluding federal and state excise taxes, for the 36
1685     months ending on the previous June 30 as published by an oil pricing service.
1686          (c) (i) Subject to the requirement in Subsection (1)(c)(ii), the statewide average rack
1687     price of a gallon of motor fuel determined under Subsection (1)(b) may not be less than $1.78
1688     per gallon.
1689          (ii) Beginning on January 1, 2019, the commission shall, on January 1, annually adjust
1690     the minimum statewide average rack price of a gallon of motor fuel described in Subsection
1691     (1)(c)(i) by taking the minimum statewide average rack price of a gallon of motor fuel for the
1692     previous calendar year and adding an amount equal to the greater of:
1693          (A) an amount calculated by multiplying the minimum statewide average rack price of
1694     a gallon of motor fuel for the previous calendar year by the actual percent change during the
1695     previous fiscal year in the Consumer Price Index; and
1696          (B) 0.
1697          (iii) The statewide average rack price of a gallon of motor fuel determined by the
1698     commission under Subsection (1)(b) may not exceed $2.43 per gallon.
1699          (iv) The minimum statewide average rack price of a gallon of motor fuel described and

1700     adjusted under Subsections (1)(c)(i) and (ii) may not exceed the maximum statewide average
1701     rack price of a gallon of motor fuel under Subsection (1)(c)(iii).
1702          (d) (i) The commission shall annually:
1703          (A) determine the statewide average rack price of a gallon of motor fuel in accordance
1704     with Subsections (1)(b) and (c);
1705          (B) adjust the fuel tax rate imposed under Subsection (1)(a), rounded to the nearest
1706     one-tenth of a cent, based on the determination under Subsection (1)(b);
1707          (C) publish the adjusted fuel tax as a cents per gallon rate; and
1708          (D) post or otherwise make public the adjusted fuel tax rate as determined in
1709     Subsection (1)(d)(i)(B) no later than 60 days [prior to] before the annual effective date under
1710     Subsection (1)(d)(ii).
1711          (ii) The tax rate imposed under this Subsection (1) and adjusted as required under
1712     Subsection (1)(d)(i) shall take effect on January 1 of each year.
1713          (e) In lieu of the tax imposed under Subsection (1)(a) and subject to the provisions of
1714     this section, a tax is imposed at the rate of 3/19 of the rate imposed under Subsection (1)(a),
1715     rounded up to the nearest penny, upon all motor fuels that meet the definition of clean fuel in
1716     Section 59-13-102 and are sold, used, or received for sale or use in this state.
1717          (2) Any increase or decrease in tax rate applies to motor fuel that is imported to the
1718     state or sold at refineries in the state on or after the effective date of the rate change.
1719          (3) (a) No motor fuel tax is imposed upon:
1720          (i) motor fuel that is brought into and sold in this state in original packages as purely
1721     interstate commerce sales;
1722          (ii) motor fuel that is exported from this state if proof of actual exportation on forms
1723     prescribed by the commission is made within 180 days after exportation;
1724          (iii) motor fuel or components of motor fuel that is sold and used in this state and
1725     distilled from coal, oil shale, rock asphalt, bituminous sand, or solid hydrocarbons located in
1726     this state; or
1727          (iv) motor fuel that is sold to the United States government, this state, or the political
1728     subdivisions of this state.
1729          (b) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
1730     commission shall make rules governing the procedures for administering the tax exemption

1731     provided under Subsection (3)(a)(iv).
1732          (4) The commission may either collect no tax on motor fuel exported from the state or,
1733     upon application, refund the tax paid.
1734          (5) (a) All revenue received by the commission under this part shall be deposited daily
1735     with the state treasurer and credited to the Transportation Fund.
1736          (b) An appropriation from the Transportation Fund shall be made to the commission to
1737     cover expenses incurred in the administration and enforcement of this part and the collection of
1738     the motor fuel tax.
1739          (6) (a) The commission shall determine what amount of motor fuel tax revenue is
1740     received from the sale or use of motor fuel used in motorboats registered under [the provisions
1741     of the] Title 73, Chapter 18, State Boating Act, and this amount shall be deposited [in] into a
1742     restricted revenue account in the General Fund of the state.
1743          (b) The funds from this account shall be used for the construction, improvement,
1744     operation, and maintenance of state-owned boating facilities and for the payment of the costs
1745     and expenses of the Division of Outdoor Recreation in administering and enforcing [the] Title
1746     73, Chapter 18, State Boating Act.
1747          (7) (a) The United States government or any of its instrumentalities, this state, or a
1748     political subdivision of this state that has purchased motor fuel from a licensed distributor or
1749     from a retail dealer of motor fuel and has paid the tax on the motor fuel as provided in this
1750     section is entitled to a refund of the tax and may file with the commission for a quarterly
1751     refund.
1752          (b) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
1753     commission shall make rules governing the application and refund provided for in Subsection
1754     (7)(a).
1755          (8) (a) The commission shall refund annually into the [Off-Highway] Off-highway
1756     Vehicle Account in the General Fund an amount equal to .5% of the motor fuel tax revenues
1757     collected under this section.
1758          (b) This amount shall be used as provided in Section 41-22-19.
1759          (9) (a) Beginning on April 1, 2001, a tax imposed under this section on motor fuel that
1760     is sold, used, or received for sale or use in this state is reduced to the extent provided in
1761     Subsection (9)(b) if:

1762          (i) a tax imposed on the basis of the sale, use, or receipt for sale or use of the motor
1763     fuel is paid to the Navajo Nation;
1764          (ii) the tax described in Subsection (9)(a)(i) is imposed without regard to whether or
1765     not the person required to pay the tax is an enrolled member of the Navajo Nation; and
1766          (iii) the commission and the Navajo Nation execute and maintain an agreement as
1767     provided in this Subsection (9) for the administration of the reduction of tax.
1768          (b) (i) If but for Subsection (9)(a) the motor fuel is subject to a tax imposed by this
1769     section:
1770          (A) the state shall be paid the difference described in Subsection (9)(b)(ii) if that
1771     difference is greater than $0; and
1772          (B) a person may not require the state to provide a refund, a credit, or similar tax relief
1773     if the difference described in Subsection (9)(b)(ii) is less than or equal to $0.
1774          (ii) The difference described in Subsection (9)(b)(i) is equal to the difference between:
1775          (A) the amount of tax imposed on the motor fuel by this section; less
1776          (B) the tax imposed and collected by the Navajo Nation on the motor fuel.
1777          (c) For purposes of Subsections (9)(a) and (b), the tax paid to the Navajo Nation under
1778     a tax imposed by the Navajo Nation on the basis of the sale, use, or receipt for sale or use of
1779     motor fuel does not include any interest or penalties a taxpayer may be required to pay to the
1780     Navajo Nation.
1781          (d) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
1782     commission shall make rules governing the procedures for administering the reduction of tax
1783     provided under this Subsection (9).
1784          (e) The agreement required under Subsection (9)(a):
1785          (i) may not:
1786          (A) authorize the state to impose a tax in addition to a tax imposed under this chapter;
1787          (B) provide a reduction of taxes greater than or different from the reduction described
1788     in this Subsection (9); or
1789          (C) affect the power of the state to establish rates of taxation;
1790          (ii) shall:
1791          (A) be in writing;
1792          (B) be signed by:

1793          (I) the chair of the commission or the chair's designee; and
1794          (II) a person designated by the Navajo Nation that may bind the Navajo Nation;
1795          (C) be conditioned on obtaining any approval required by federal law;
1796          (D) state the effective date of the agreement; and
1797          (E) state any accommodation the Navajo Nation makes related to the construction and
1798     maintenance of state highways and other infrastructure within the Utah portion of the Navajo
1799     Nation; and
1800          (iii) may:
1801          (A) notwithstanding Section 59-1-403, authorize the commission to disclose to the
1802     Navajo Nation information that is:
1803          (I) contained in a document filed with the commission; and
1804          (II) related to the tax imposed under this section;
1805          (B) provide for maintaining records by the commission or the Navajo Nation; or
1806          (C) provide for inspections or audits of distributors, carriers, or retailers located or
1807     doing business within the Utah portion of the Navajo Nation.
1808          (f) (i) If, on or after April 1, 2001, the Navajo Nation changes the tax rate of a tax
1809     imposed on motor fuel, any change in the reduction of taxes under this Subsection (9) as a
1810     result of the change in the tax rate is not effective until the first day of the calendar quarter after
1811     a 60-day period beginning on the date the commission receives notice:
1812          (A) from the Navajo Nation; and
1813          (B) meeting the requirements of Subsection (9)(f)(ii).
1814          (ii) The notice described in Subsection (9)(f)(i) shall state:
1815          (A) that the Navajo Nation has changed or will change the tax rate of a tax imposed on
1816     motor fuel;
1817          (B) the effective date of the rate change of the tax described in Subsection (9)(f)(ii)(A);
1818     and
1819          (C) the new rate of the tax described in Subsection (9)(f)(ii)(A).
1820          (g) If the agreement required by Subsection (9)(a) terminates, a reduction of tax is not
1821     permitted under this Subsection (9) beginning on the first day of the calendar quarter after a
1822     30-day period beginning on the day the agreement terminates.
1823          (h) If there is a conflict between this Subsection (9) and the agreement required by

1824     Subsection (9)(a), this Subsection (9) governs.
1825          Section 35. Section 59-21-2 is amended to read:
1826          59-21-2. Mineral Bonus Account created -- Contents -- Use of Mineral Bonus
1827     Account money -- Mineral Lease Account created -- Contents -- Appropriation of money
1828     from Mineral Lease Account.
1829          (1) (a) There is created a restricted account within the General Fund known as the
1830     "Mineral Bonus Account."
1831          (b) The Mineral Bonus Account consists of federal mineral lease bonus payments
1832     deposited pursuant to Subsection 59-21-1(3).
1833          (c) The Legislature shall make appropriations from the Mineral Bonus Account in
1834     accordance with Section 35 of the Mineral Lands Leasing Act of 1920, 30 U.S.C. Sec. 191.
1835          (d) The state treasurer shall:
1836          (i) invest the money in the Mineral Bonus Account by following the procedures and
1837     requirements of Title 51, Chapter 7, State Money Management Act; and
1838          (ii) deposit all interest or other earnings derived from the account into the Mineral
1839     Bonus Account.
1840          (e) The Division of Finance shall, beginning on July 1, 2017, annually deposit 30% of
1841     mineral lease bonus payments deposited under Subsection (1)(b) from the previous fiscal year
1842     into the Wildland Fire Suppression Fund created in Section 65A-8-204, up to $2,000,000 but
1843     not to exceed 20% of the amount expended in the previous fiscal year from the Wildland Fire
1844     Suppression Fund.
1845          (2) (a) There is created a restricted account within the General Fund known as the
1846     "Mineral Lease Account."
1847          (b) The Mineral Lease Account consists of federal mineral lease money deposited
1848     pursuant to Subsection 59-21-1(1).
1849          (c) The Legislature shall make appropriations from the Mineral Lease Account as
1850     provided in Subsection 59-21-1(1) and this Subsection (2).
1851          (d) (i) Except as provided in Subsections (2)(d)(ii) and (iii), the Legislature shall
1852     annually appropriate 32.5% of all deposits made to the Mineral Lease Account to the
1853     Permanent Community Impact Fund established by Section 35A-8-303.
1854          (ii) For fiscal year 2016-17 only and from the amount required to be deposited under

1855     Subsection (2)(d)(i), the Legislature shall appropriate $26,000,000 of the deposits made to the
1856     Mineral Lease Account to the Impacted Communities Transportation Development Restricted
1857     Account established by Section 72-2-128.
1858          (iii) For fiscal year 2017-18 only and from the amount required to be deposited under
1859     Subsection (2)(d)(i), the Legislature shall appropriate $27,000,000 of the deposits made to the
1860     Mineral Lease Account to the Impacted Communities Transportation Development Restricted
1861     Account established by Section 72-2-128.
1862          (e) The Legislature shall annually appropriate 2.25% of all deposits made to the
1863     Mineral Lease Account to the State Board of Education, to be used for education research and
1864     experimentation in the use of staff and facilities designed to improve the quality of education in
1865     Utah.
1866          (f) The Legislature shall annually appropriate 2.25% of all deposits made to the
1867     Mineral Lease Account to the Utah Geological Survey, to be used for activities carried on by
1868     the survey having as a purpose the development and exploitation of natural resources in the
1869     state.
1870          (g) The Legislature shall annually appropriate 2.25% of all deposits made to the
1871     Mineral Lease Account to the Water Research Laboratory at Utah State University, to be used
1872     for activities carried on by the laboratory having as a purpose the development and exploitation
1873     of water resources in the state.
1874          (h) (i) The Legislature shall annually appropriate to the Division of Finance 40% of all
1875     deposits made to the Mineral Lease Account to be distributed as provided in Subsection
1876     (2)(h)(ii) to:
1877          (A) counties;
1878          (B) special service districts established:
1879          (I) by counties;
1880          (II) under Title 17D, Chapter 1, Special Service District Act; and
1881          (III) for the purpose of constructing, repairing, or maintaining roads; or
1882          (C) special service districts established:
1883          (I) by counties;
1884          (II) under Title 17D, Chapter 1, Special Service District Act; and
1885          (III) for other purposes authorized by statute.

1886          (ii) The Division of Finance shall allocate the funds specified in Subsection (2)(h)(i):
1887          (A) in amounts proportionate to the amount of mineral lease money generated by each
1888     county; and
1889          (B) to a county or special service district established by a county under Title 17D,
1890     Chapter 1, Special Service District Act, as determined by the county legislative body.
1891          (i) (i) The Legislature shall annually appropriate 5% of all deposits made to the
1892     Mineral Lease Account to the Department of Workforce Services to be distributed to:
1893          (A) special service districts established:
1894          (I) by counties;
1895          (II) under Title 17D, Chapter 1, Special Service District Act; and
1896          (III) for the purpose of constructing, repairing, or maintaining roads; or
1897          (B) special service districts established:
1898          (I) by counties;
1899          (II) under Title 17D, Chapter 1, Special Service District Act; and
1900          (III) for other purposes authorized by statute.
1901          (ii) The Department of Workforce Services may distribute the amounts described in
1902     Subsection (2)(i)(i) only to special service districts established under Title 17D, Chapter 1,
1903     Special Service District Act, by counties:
1904          (A) of the third, fourth, fifth, or sixth class;
1905          (B) in which 4.5% or less of the mineral lease money within the state is generated; and
1906          (C) that are significantly socially or economically impacted as provided in Subsection
1907     (2)(i)(iii) by the development of minerals under the Mineral Lands Leasing Act, 30 U.S.C. Sec.
1908     181 et seq.
1909          (iii) The significant social or economic impact required under Subsection (2)(i)(ii)(C)
1910     shall be as a result of:
1911          (A) the transportation within the county of hydrocarbons, including solid hydrocarbons
1912     as defined in Section 59-5-101;
1913          (B) the employment of persons residing within the county in hydrocarbon extraction,
1914     including the extraction of solid hydrocarbons as defined in Section 59-5-101; or
1915          (C) a combination of Subsections (2)(i)(iii)(A) and (B).
1916          (iv) For purposes of distributing the appropriations under this Subsection (2)(i) to

1917     special service districts established by counties under Title 17D, Chapter 1, Special Service
1918     District Act, the Department of Workforce Services shall:
1919          (A) (I) allocate 50% of the appropriations equally among the counties meeting the
1920     requirements of Subsections (2)(i)(ii) and (iii); and
1921          (II) allocate 50% of the appropriations based on the ratio that the population of each
1922     county meeting the requirements of Subsections (2)(i)(ii) and (iii) bears to the total population
1923     of all of the counties meeting the requirements of Subsections (2)(i)(ii) and (iii); and
1924          (B) after making the allocations described in Subsection (2)(i)(iv)(A), distribute the
1925     allocated revenues to special service districts established by the counties under Title 17D,
1926     Chapter 1, Special Service District Act, as determined by the executive director of the
1927     Department of Workforce Services after consulting with the county legislative bodies of the
1928     counties meeting the requirements of Subsections (2)(i)(ii) and (iii).
1929          (v) The executive director of the Department of Workforce Services:
1930          (A) shall determine whether a county meets the requirements of Subsections (2)(i)(ii)
1931     and (iii);
1932          (B) shall distribute the appropriations under Subsection (2)(i)(i) to special service
1933     districts established by counties under Title 17D, Chapter 1, Special Service District Act, that
1934     meet the requirements of Subsections (2)(i)(ii) and (iii); and
1935          (C) in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act,
1936     may make rules:
1937          (I) providing a procedure for making the distributions under this Subsection (2)(i) to
1938     special service districts; and
1939          (II) defining the term "population" for purposes of Subsection (2)(i)(iv).
1940          (j) (i) The Legislature shall annually make the following appropriations from the
1941     Mineral Lease Account:
1942          (A) an amount equal to 52 cents multiplied by the number of acres of school or
1943     institutional trust lands, lands owned by the Division of State Parks or the Division of Outdoor
1944     Recreation, and lands owned by the Division of Wildlife Resources that are not under an in lieu
1945     of taxes contract, to each county in which those lands are located;
1946          (B) to each county in which school or institutional trust lands are transferred to the
1947     federal government after December 31, 1992, an amount equal to the number of transferred

1948     acres in the county multiplied by a payment per acre equal to the difference between 52 cents
1949     per acre and the per acre payment made to that county in the most recent payment under the
1950     federal payment in lieu of taxes program, 31 U.S.C. Sec. 6901 et seq., unless the federal
1951     payment was equal to or exceeded the 52 cents per acre, in which case a payment under this
1952     Subsection (2)(j)(i)(B) may not be made for the transferred lands;
1953          (C) to each county in which federal lands, which are entitlement lands under the federal
1954     in lieu of taxes program, are transferred to the school or institutional trust, an amount equal to
1955     the number of transferred acres in the county multiplied by a payment per acre equal to the
1956     difference between the most recent per acre payment made under the federal payment in lieu of
1957     taxes program and 52 cents per acre, unless the federal payment was equal to or less than 52
1958     cents per acre, in which case a payment under this Subsection (2)(j)(i)(C) may not be made for
1959     the transferred land; and
1960          (D) to a county of the fifth or sixth class, an amount equal to the product of:
1961          (I) $1,000; and
1962          (II) the number of residences described in Subsection (2)(j)(iv) that are located within
1963     the county.
1964          (ii) A county receiving money under Subsection (2)(j)(i) may, as determined by the
1965     county legislative body, distribute the money or a portion of the money to:
1966          (A) special service districts established by the county under Title 17D, Chapter 1,
1967     Special Service District Act;
1968          (B) school districts; or
1969          (C) public institutions of higher education.
1970          (iii) (A) Beginning in fiscal year 1994-95 and in each year after fiscal year 1994-95, the
1971     Division of Finance shall increase or decrease the amounts per acre provided for in Subsections
1972     (2)(j)(i)(A) through (C) by the average annual change in the Consumer Price Index for all urban
1973     consumers published by the Department of Labor.
1974          (B) For fiscal years beginning on or after fiscal year 2001-02, the Division of Finance
1975     shall increase or decrease the amount described in Subsection (2)(j)(i)(D)(I) by the average
1976     annual change in the Consumer Price Index for all urban consumers published by the
1977     Department of Labor.
1978          (iv) Residences for purposes of Subsection (2)(j)(i)(D)(II) are residences that are:

1979          (A) owned by:
1980          (I) the Division of State Parks [or];
1981          (II) the Division of Outdoor Recreation; or
1982          [(II)] (III) the Division of Wildlife Resources;
1983          (B) located on lands that are owned by:
1984          (I) the Division of State Parks [or];
1985          (II) the Division of Outdoor Recreation; or
1986          [(II)] (III) the Division of Wildlife Resources; and
1987          (C) are not subject to taxation under:
1988          (I) Chapter 2, Property Tax Act; or
1989          (II) Chapter 4, Privilege Tax.
1990          (k) The Legislature shall annually appropriate to the Permanent Community Impact
1991     Fund all deposits remaining in the Mineral Lease Account after making the appropriations
1992     provided for in Subsections (2)(d) through (j).
1993          (3) (a) Each agency, board, institution of higher education, and political subdivision
1994     receiving money under this chapter shall provide the Legislature, through the Office of the
1995     Legislative Fiscal Analyst, with a complete accounting of the use of that money on an annual
1996     basis.
1997          (b) The accounting required under Subsection (3)(a) shall:
1998          (i) include actual expenditures for the prior fiscal year, budgeted expenditures for the
1999     current fiscal year, and planned expenditures for the following fiscal year; and
2000          (ii) be reviewed by the Business, Economic Development, and Labor Appropriations
2001     Subcommittee as part of its normal budgetary process under Title 63J, Chapter 1, Budgetary
2002     Procedures Act.
2003          Section 36. Section 59-28-103 is amended to read:
2004          59-28-103. Imposition -- Rate -- Revenue distribution.
2005          (1) Subject to the other provisions of this chapter, the state shall impose a tax on the
2006     transactions described in Subsection 59-12-103(1)(i) at a rate of .32%.
2007          (2) The tax imposed under this chapter is in addition to any other taxes imposed on the
2008     transactions described in Subsection 59-12-103(1)(i).
2009          (3) (a) (i) Subject to Subsection (3)(a)(ii), the commission shall deposit 6% of the

2010     revenue the state collects from the tax under this chapter into the Hospitality and Tourism
2011     Management Education Account created in Section 53F-9-501 to fund the Hospitality and
2012     Tourism Management Career and Technical Education Pilot Program created in Section
2013     53E-3-515.
2014          (ii) The commission may not deposit more than $300,000 into the Hospitality and
2015     Tourism Management Education Account under Subsection (3)(a)(i) in a fiscal year.
2016          (b) Except for the amount deposited into the Hospitality and Tourism Management
2017     Education Account under Subsection (3)(a) and the administrative charge retained under
2018     Subsection 59-28-104(4), the commission shall deposit any revenue the state collects from the
2019     tax under this chapter into the Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Account created in Section
2020     79-8-106 to fund the Outdoor Recreational Infrastructure Grant Program created in Section
2021     [63N-9-202] 79-8-401 and the Recreation Restoration Infrastructure Grant Program created in
2022     Section 79-8-202.
2023          Section 37. Section 63C-21-201 is amended to read:
2024          63C-21-201. Outdoor Adventure Commission created.
2025          (1) There is created the Outdoor Adventure Commission consisting of the following
2026     [15] 14 members:
2027          (a) one member of the Senate, appointed by the president of the Senate;
2028          (b) one member of the House of Representatives, appointed by the speaker of the
2029     House of Representatives;
2030          [(c) the director of the Utah Office of Outdoor Recreation, or the director's designee;]
2031          [(d)] (c) the managing director of the Utah Office of Tourism, or the managing
2032     director's designee;
2033          [(e)] (d) the director of the Division of Outdoor Recreation, or the director's designee;
2034          [(f)] (e) the director of the School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration, or the
2035     director's designee;
2036          [(g)] (f) the coordinator of the Off-Highway Vehicle [and Recreational Trails] Program
2037     within the Division of Outdoor Recreation;
2038          [(h)] (g) a representative of the agriculture industry appointed jointly by the president
2039     of the Senate and the speaker of the House of Representatives;
2040          [(i)] (h) a representative of the natural resources development industry appointed

2041     jointly by the president of the Senate and the speaker of the House of Representatives;
2042          [(j)] (i) one representative of the Utah League of Cities and Towns appointed by the
2043     Utah League of Cities and Towns;
2044          [(k)] (j) one representative of the Utah Association of Counties appointed by the Utah
2045     Association of Counties;
2046          [(l)] (k) one individual appointed jointly by the Utah League of Cities and Towns and
2047     the Utah Association of Counties;
2048          [(m)] (l) a representative of conservation interests appointed jointly by the president of
2049     the Senate and the speaker of the House of Representatives;
2050          [(n)] (m) a representative of the outdoor recreation industry appointed jointly by the
2051     president of the Senate and the speaker of the House of Representatives; and
2052          [(o)] (n) the coordinator of the boating program within the Division of Outdoor
2053     Recreation.
2054          (2) The commission shall annually select one of [its] the commission's members to be
2055     the chair of the commission.
2056          (3) (a) If a vacancy occurs in the membership of the commission appointed under
2057     Subsection (1)(a) or (b), or Subsections [(1)(h) through (n)] (1)(g) through (m), the member
2058     shall be replaced in the same manner in which the original appointment was made.
2059          (b) A member appointed under Subsections [(1)(h) through (n)] (1)(g) through (m)
2060     shall serve a term of four years and until the member's successor is appointed and qualified.
2061          (c) Notwithstanding the requirements of Subsection (3)(b), for members appointed
2062     under Subsections[ (1)(h) through (n)] (1)(g) through (m), the division shall, at the time of
2063     appointment or reappointment, adjust the length of terms to ensure that the terms of
2064     commission members are staggered so that approximately half of the commission members
2065     appointed under Subsections [(1)(h) through (n)] (1)(g) through (m) are appointed every two
2066     years.
2067          (d) An individual may be appointed to more than one term.
2068          (4) (a) Eight commission members constitutes a quorum.
2069          (b) The action of a majority of a quorum constitutes an action of the commission.
2070          (5) (a) The salary and expenses of a commission member who is a legislator shall be
2071     paid in accordance with Section 36-2-2, Legislative Joint Rules, Title 5, Chapter 2, Lodging,

2072     Meal, and Transportation Expenses, and Legislative Joint Rules, Title 5, Chapter 3, Legislator
2073     Compensation.
2074          (b) A commission member who is not a legislator may not receive compensation or
2075     benefits for the member's service on the commission, but may receive per diem and
2076     reimbursement for travel expenses incurred as a commission member at the rates established by
2077     the Division of Finance under:
2078          (i) Sections 63A-3-106 and 63A-3-107; and
2079          (ii) rules made by the Division of Finance pursuant to Sections 63A-3-106 and
2080     63A-3-107.
2081          (6) The Department of Transportation shall serve as a technical advisor to the
2082     commission.
2083          (7) The Division of Outdoor Recreation, created in Section 79-7-201, shall provide
2084     staff support to the commission.
2085          Section 38. Section 63C-21-202 is amended to read:
2086          63C-21-202. Strategic plan -- Commission powers and duties -- Consultant --
2087     Reports.
2088          (1) (a) The commission shall gather information on recreation assets from state and
2089     local agencies and other sources and develop a strategic plan aimed at meeting the future needs
2090     of outdoor recreation within the state to enhance the quality of life of Utah residents. Asset lists
2091     received from state and local agencies shall include:
2092          (i) common data points, to be established by the [Office of Outdoor Recreation]
2093     Division of Outdoor Recreation that can be uniformly compared with other recreation assets
2094     within the state, such as asset type, size, unique characteristics, vegetation, land ownership, and
2095     similar items;
2096          (ii) any specific needs, challenges, or limitations on recreation use of the assets; and
2097          (iii) a ranking of potential enhancements to the assets related to recreation use.
2098          (b) The strategic plan shall address:
2099          (i) outdoor recreation as a major contributor to residents' quality of life;
2100          (ii) the needs and impacts of residents who engage in outdoor recreation;
2101          (iii) the impact on local communities related to outdoor recreation, including the costs
2102     associated with emergency services and infrastructure;

2103          (iv) outdoor recreation as a means to retain and attract an exceptional workforce to
2104     provide for a sustainable economy;
2105          (v) impacts to the environment, wildlife, and natural resources and measures to
2106     preserve the natural beauty of the state as more people engage in outdoor recreation;
2107          (vi) identify opportunities for sustainable revenue sources to provide for maintenance
2108     and future needs;
2109          (vii) the interface with public lands that are federally managed and private lands; and
2110          (viii) other items determined by the commission.
2111          (2) The commission shall:
2112          (a) engage one or more consultants to:
2113          (i) manage the strategic planning process in accordance with Subsection (3); and
2114          (ii) conduct analytical work in accordance with Subsection (3);
2115          (b) guide the analytical work of a consultant described in Subsection (2)(a) and review
2116     the results of the work;
2117          (c) coordinate with a consultant described in Subsection (2)(a) to engage in a process
2118     and create a strategic plan;
2119          (d) conduct regional meetings to gather stakeholder input during the strategic planning
2120     process;
2121          (e) seek input from federal entities including the United States Department of the
2122     Interior, the United States Department of Agriculture, and Utah's congressional delegation; and
2123          (f) produce a final report including a strategic plan and any recommendations.
2124          (3) The commission, by contract with a consultant engaged under Subsection (2)(a),
2125     shall direct the consultant to:
2126          (a) conduct an inventory of existing outdoor recreation resources, programs, and
2127     information;
2128          (b) conduct an analysis of what is needed to develop and implement an effective
2129     outdoor recreation strategy aimed at enhancing the quality of life of Utah residents;
2130          (c) collect and analyze data related to the future projected conditions of the outdoor
2131     recreation resources, programs, and information, including the affordability and financing of
2132     outdoor recreation;
2133          (d) develop alternatives to the projection described in Subsection (3)(c) by modeling

2134     potential changes to the outdoor recreation industry and economic growth;
2135          (e) in coordination with the commission, engage in extensive local stakeholder
2136     involvement to better understand the needs of, concerns of, and opportunities for different
2137     communities and outdoor recreation user types;
2138          (f) recommend accountability or performance measures to assess the effectiveness of
2139     the outdoor recreation system;
2140          (g) based on the data described in this Subsection (3), make comparisons between
2141     outdoor recreation in Utah and outdoor recreation in other states or countries;
2142          (h) in coordination with the commission, conduct the regional meetings described in
2143     Subsection (2)(d) to share information and seek input from a range of stakeholders;
2144          (i) recommend changes to the governance system for outdoor recreation that would
2145     facilitate implementation of the strategic plan;
2146          (j) engage in any other data collection or analysis requested by the commission; and
2147          (k) produce for the commission:
2148          (i) a draft report of findings, observations, and strategic priorities, including:
2149          (A) a statewide vision and strategy for outdoor recreation;
2150          (B) a strategy for how to meaningfully engage stakeholders throughout the state;
2151          (C) funding needs related to outdoor recreation; and
2152          (D) recommendations for the steps the state should take to implement a statewide
2153     vision and strategy for outdoor recreation; and
2154          (ii) a final report, incorporating feedback from the commission on the draft report
2155     described in Subsection (3)(k)(i), regarding the future of the outdoor recreation in the state.
2156          [(4) The commission shall consult with the Division of Recreation as provided by
2157     statute.]
2158          Section 39. Section 63I-1-241 is amended to read:
2159          63I-1-241. Repeal dates, Title 41.
2160          (1) Subsection 41-1a-1201(9), related to the Spinal Cord and Brain Injury
2161     Rehabilitation Fund, is repealed January 1, 2025.
2162          (2) Section 41-3-106, which creates an advisory board related to motor vehicle
2163     business regulation, is repealed July 1, 2024.
2164          (3) The following subsections addressing lane filtering are repealed on July 1, 2022:

2165          (a) Subsection 41-6a-102(30) that defines "lane filtering";
2166          (b) Subsection 41-6a-704(5); and
2167          (c) Subsection 41-6a-710(1)(c).
2168          (4) Subsection 41-6a-1406(6)(b)(iii), related to the Spinal Cord and Brain Injury
2169     Rehabilitation Fund, is repealed January 1, 2025.
2170          (5) Subsections 41-22-2(1) and 41-22-10(1)(a), which [create the Off-highway Vehicle
2171     Advisory Council] authorize an advisory council that includes in the advisory council's duties
2172     addressing off-highway vehicle issues, are repealed July 1, 2027.
2173          (6) Subsection 41-22-8(3), related to the Spinal Cord and Brain Injury Rehabilitation
2174     Fund, is repealed January 1, 2025.
2175          Section 40. Section 63I-1-263 is amended to read:
2176          63I-1-263. Repeal dates, Titles 63A to 63N.
2177          (1) In relation to the Utah Transparency Advisory Board, on January 1, 2025:
2178          (a) Section 63A-16-102 is repealed;
2179          (b) Section 63A-16-201 is repealed; and
2180          (c) Section 63A-16-202 is repealed.
2181          (2) Subsection 63A-5b-405(5), relating to prioritizing and allocating capital
2182     improvement funding, is repealed July 1, 2024.
2183          (3) Section 63A-5b-1003, State Facility Energy Efficiency Fund, is repealed July 1,
2184     2023.
2185          (4) Sections 63A-9-301 and 63A-9-302, related to the Motor Vehicle Review
2186     Committee, are repealed July 1, 2023.
2187          (5) Title 63C, Chapter 4a, Constitutional and Federalism Defense Act, is repealed July
2188     1, 2028.
2189          (6) Title 63C, Chapter 6, Utah Seismic Safety Commission, is repealed January 1,
2190     2025.
2191          (7) Title 63C, Chapter 12, Snake Valley Aquifer Advisory Council, is repealed July 1,
2192     2024.
2193          (8) Title 63C, Chapter 17, Point of the Mountain Development Commission Act, is
2194     repealed July 1, 2023.
2195          (9) Title 63C, Chapter 18, Behavioral Health Crisis Response Commission, is repealed

2196     July 1, 2023.
2197          (10) Title 63C, Chapter 23, Education and Mental Health Coordinating Council, is
2198     repealed July 1, 2026.
2199          (11) Title 63A, Chapter 16, Part 7, Data Security Management Council, is repealed
2200     July 1, 2025.
2201          (12) Section 63G-6a-805, which creates the Purchasing from Persons with Disabilities
2202     Advisory Board, is repealed July 1, 2026.
2203          (13) Title 63G, Chapter 21, Agreements to Provide State Services, is repealed July 1,
2204     2025.
2205          (14) Title 63H, Chapter 4, Heber Valley Historic Railroad Authority, is repealed July 1,
2206     2024.
2207          (15) Title 63H, Chapter 8, Utah Housing Corporation Act, is repealed July 1, 2026.
2208          (16) Subsection 63J-1-602.1(17), Nurse Home Visiting Restricted Account is repealed
2209     July 1, 2026.
2210          (17) (a) Subsection 63J-1-602.1(61), relating to the Utah Statewide Radio System
2211     Restricted Account, is repealed July 1, 2022.
2212          (b) When repealing Subsection 63J-1-602.1(61), the Office of Legislative Research and
2213     General Counsel shall, in addition to the office's authority under Subsection 36-12-12(3), make
2214     necessary changes to subsection numbering and cross references.
2215          (18) Subsection 63J-1-602.2[(5)](4), referring to dedicated credits to the Utah Marriage
2216     Commission, is repealed July 1, 2023.
2217          (19) Subsection 63J-1-602.2[(6)](5), referring to the Trip Reduction Program, is
2218     repealed July 1, 2022.
2219          (20) Subsection 63J-1-602.2[(24)](23), related to the Utah Seismic Safety
2220     Commission, is repealed January 1, 2025.
2221          (21) [Title 63J, Chapter 4, Part 5] Title 63L, Chapter 11, Part 4, Resource
2222     Development Coordinating Committee, is repealed July 1, 2027.
2223          (22) In relation to the advisory committee created in Subsection 63L-11-305(3), on July
2224     1, 2022:
2225          (a) Subsection 63L-11-305(1)(a), which defines "advisory committee," is repealed; and
2226          (b) Subsection 63L-11-305(3), which creates the advisory committee, is repealed.

2227          (23) In relation to the Utah Substance Use and Mental Health Advisory Council, on
2228     January 1, 2023:
2229          (a) Sections 63M-7-301, 63M-7-302, 63M-7-303, 63M-7-304, and 63M-7-306 are
2230     repealed;
2231          (b) Section 63M-7-305, the language that states "council" is replaced with
2232     "commission";
2233          (c) Subsection 63M-7-305(1) is repealed and replaced with:
2234          "(1) "Commission" means the Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice."; and
2235          (d) Subsection 63M-7-305(2) is repealed and replaced with:
2236          "(2) The commission shall:
2237          (a) provide ongoing oversight of the implementation, functions, and evaluation of the
2238     Drug-Related Offenses Reform Act; and
2239          (b) coordinate the implementation of Section 77-18-104 and related provisions in
2240     Subsections 77-18-103(2)(c) and (d).".
2241          (24) The Crime Victim Reparations and Assistance Board, created in Section
2242     63M-7-504, is repealed July 1, 2027.
2243          (25) Title 63M, Chapter 7, Part 6, Utah Council on Victims of Crime, is repealed July
2244     1, 2022.
2245          (26) Title 63M, Chapter 11, Utah Commission on Aging, is repealed July 1, 2026.
2246          (27) Title 63N, Chapter 1, Part 5, Governor's Economic Development Coordinating
2247     Council, is repealed July 1, 2024.
2248          (28) Title 63N, Chapter 2, Part 2, Enterprise Zone Act, is repealed July 1, 2028.
2249          (29) Section 63N-2-512, related to the Hotel Impact Mitigation Fund, is repealed July
2250     1, 2028.
2251          (30) (a) Title 63N, Chapter 2, Part 6, Utah Small Business Jobs Act, is repealed
2252     January 1, 2021.
2253          (b) Section 59-9-107 regarding tax credits against premium taxes is repealed for
2254     calendar years beginning on or after January 1, 2021.
2255          (c) Notwithstanding Subsection (30)(b), an entity may carry forward a tax credit in
2256     accordance with Section 59-9-107 if:
2257          (i) the person is entitled to a tax credit under Section 59-9-107 on or before December

2258     31, 2020; and
2259          (ii) the qualified equity investment that is the basis of the tax credit is certified under
2260     Section 63N-2-603 on or before December 31, 2023.
2261          (31) Title 63N, Chapter 4, Part 4, Rural Employment Expansion Program, is repealed
2262     July 1, 2023.
2263          (32) Title 63N, Chapter 7, Part 1, Board of Tourism Development, is repealed July 1,
2264     2025.
2265          [(33) Title 63N, Chapter 9, Part 2, Outdoor Recreational Infrastructure Grant Program,
2266     is repealed January 1, 2028.]
2267          Section 41. Section 63I-1-273 is amended to read:
2268          63I-1-273. Repeal dates, Title 73.
2269          (1) Title 73, Chapter 27, Legislative Water Development Commission, is repealed
2270     January 1, 2031.
2271          (2) Title 73, Chapter 10g, Part 2, Agricultural Water Optimization, is repealed July 1,
2272     2025.
2273          (3) Section 73-18-3.5, which [creates the Boating Advisory Council] authorizes the
2274     Division of Outdoor Recreation to appoint an advisory council that includes in the advisory
2275     council's duties advising on boating policies, is repealed July 1, 2024.
2276          (4) Title 73, Chapter 30, Great Salt Lake Advisory Council Act, is repealed July 1,
2277     2027.
2278          (5) In relation to Title 73, Chapter 31, Water Banking Act, on December 31, 2030:
2279          (a) Subsection 73-1-4(2)(e)(xi) is repealed;
2280          (b) Subsection 73-10-4(1)(h) is repealed; and
2281          (c) Title 73, Chapter 31, Water Banking Act, is repealed.
2282          Section 42. Section 63I-1-279 is amended to read:
2283          63I-1-279. Repeal dates, Title 79.
2284          (1) Subsection 79-2-201(2)[(r)](p), related to the Heritage Trees Advisory Committee,
2285     is repealed July 1, 2026.
2286          (2) Subsection 79-2-201(2)[(s)](q), related to the [Recreational Trails Advisory
2287     Council] Utah Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Advisory Committee, is repealed July 1,
2288     2027.

2289          (3) Subsection 79-2-201(2)[(t)](r)(i), related to [the Boating Advisory Council] an
2290     advisory council created by the Division of Outdoor Recreation to advise on boating policies, is
2291     repealed July 1, 2024.
2292          (4) Subsection 79-2-201(2)[(u)](s), related to the Wildlife Board Nominating
2293     Committee, is repealed July 1, 2023.
2294          (5) Subsection 79-2-201(2)[(v)](t), related to regional advisory councils for the
2295     Wildlife Board, is repealed July 1, 2023.
2296          [(6) Title 79, Chapter 5, Part 2, Advisory Council, which creates the Recreational
2297     Trails Advisory Council, is repealed July 1, 2027.]
2298          (6) Section 79-7-206, creating the Utah Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Advisory
2299     Committee, is repealed July 1, 2027.
2300          (7) Title 79, Chapter 8, Part 4, Outdoor Recreational Infrastructure Grant Program, is
2301     repealed January 1, 2028.
2302          Section 43. Section 63I-2-204 is amended to read:
2303          63I-2-204. Repeal dates -- Title 4.
2304          (1) Title 4, Chapter 2, Part 6, Local Food Advisory Council, is repealed November 30,
2305     2022.
2306          (2) Section 4-46-104, Transition, is repealed July 1, 2024.
2307          Section 44. Section 63I-2-279 is amended to read:
2308          63I-2-279. Repeal dates, Title 79.
2309          (1) Section 79-2-206, Transition, is repealed July 1, [2022] 2024.
2310          (2) Title 79, Chapter 6, Part 8, Voluntary Home Energy Information Pilot Program Act,
2311     is repealed January 1, 2022.
2312          Section 45. Section 63J-1-601 is amended to read:
2313          63J-1-601. End of fiscal year -- Unexpended balances -- Funds not to be closed
2314     out -- Pending claims -- Transfer of amounts from item of appropriation -- Nonlapsing
2315     accounts and funds -- Institutions of higher education to report unexpended balances.
2316          (1) As used in this section:
2317          (a) "Education grant subrecipient" means a nonfederal entity that:
2318          (i) receives a subaward from the State Board of Education to carry out at least part of a
2319     federal or state grant program; and

2320          (ii) does not include an individual who is a beneficiary of the federal or state grant
2321     program.
2322          (b) "Transaction control number" means the unique numerical identifier established by
2323     the Department of Health to track each medical claim and indicates the date on which the claim
2324     is entered.
2325          (2) On or before August 31 of each fiscal year, the director of the Division of Finance
2326     shall close out to the proper fund or account all remaining unexpended and unencumbered
2327     balances of appropriations made by the Legislature, except:
2328          (a) those funds classified under Title 51, Chapter 5, Funds Consolidation Act, as:
2329          (i) enterprise funds;
2330          (ii) internal service funds;
2331          (iii) trust and agency funds;
2332          (iv) capital projects funds;
2333          (v) discrete component unit funds;
2334          (vi) debt service funds; and
2335          (vii) permanent funds;
2336          (b) those appropriations from a fund or account or appropriations to a program that are
2337     designated as nonlapsing under Section 63J-1-602.1 or 63J-1-602.2;
2338          (c) expendable special revenue funds, unless specifically directed to close out the fund
2339     in the fund's enabling legislation;
2340          (d) acquisition and development funds appropriated to the Division of State Parks or
2341     the Division of Outdoor Recreation;
2342          (e) funds encumbered to pay purchase orders issued [prior to] before May 1 for capital
2343     equipment if delivery is expected before June 30; and
2344          (f) unexpended and unencumbered balances of appropriations that meet the
2345     requirements of Section 63J-1-603.
2346          (3) (a) Liabilities and related expenses for goods and services received on or before
2347     June 30 shall be recognized as expenses due and payable from appropriations made [prior to]
2348     before June 30.
2349          (b) The liability and related expense shall be recognized within time periods
2350     established by the Division of Finance but shall be recognized not later than August 31.

2351          (c) Liabilities and expenses not so recognized may be paid from regular departmental
2352     appropriations for the subsequent fiscal year, if these claims do not exceed unexpended and
2353     unencumbered balances of appropriations for the years in which the obligation was incurred.
2354          (d) [No amounts may] Amounts may not be transferred from an item of appropriation
2355     of any department, institution, or agency into the Capital Projects Fund or any other fund
2356     without the prior express approval of the Legislature.
2357          (4) (a) For purposes of this chapter, a claim processed under the authority of Title 26,
2358     Chapter 18, Medical Assistance Act:
2359          (i) is not a liability or an expense to the state for budgetary purposes, unless the
2360     Division of Health Care Financing receives the claim within the time periods established by the
2361     Division of Finance under Subsection (3)(b); and
2362          (ii) is not subject to Subsection (3)(c).
2363          (b) The transaction control number that the Division of Health Care Financing records
2364     on each claim invoice is the date of receipt.
2365          (5) (a) For purposes of this chapter, a claim processed in accordance with Title 35A,
2366     Chapter 13, Utah State Office of Rehabilitation Act:
2367          (i) is not a liability or an expense to the state for budgetary purposes, unless the Utah
2368     State Office of Rehabilitation receives the claim within the time periods established by the
2369     Division of Finance under Subsection (3)(b); and
2370          (ii) is not subject to Subsection (3)(c).
2371          (b) (i) The Utah State Office of Rehabilitation shall mark each claim invoice with the
2372     date on which the Utah State Office of Rehabilitation receives the claim invoice.
2373          (ii) The date described in Subsection (5)(b)(i) is the date of receipt for purposes of this
2374     section.
2375          (6) (a) For purposes of this chapter, a reimbursement request received from an
2376     education grant subrecipient:
2377          (i) is not a liability or expense to the state for budgetary purposes, unless the State
2378     Board of Education receives the claim within the time periods described in Subsection (3)(b);
2379     and
2380          (ii) is not subject to Subsection (3)(c).
2381          (b) The transaction control number that the State Board of Education records on a

2382     claim invoice is the date of receipt.
2383          (7) Any balance from an appropriation to a state institution of higher education that
2384     remains unexpended at the end of the fiscal year shall be reported to the Division of Finance by
2385     the September 1 following the close of the fiscal year.
2386          Section 46. Section 63J-1-602.2 is amended to read:
2387          63J-1-602.2. List of nonlapsing appropriations to programs.
2388          Appropriations made to the following programs are nonlapsing:
2389          (1) The Legislature and the Legislature's committees.
2390          (2) The State Board of Education, including all appropriations to agencies, line items,
2391     and programs under the jurisdiction of the State Board of Education, in accordance with
2392     Section 53F-9-103.
2393          (3) The Percent-for-Art Program created in Section 9-6-404.
2394          (4) The LeRay McAllister Critical Land Conservation Program created in Section
2395     [11-38-301] 4-46-301.
2396          (5) Dedicated credits accrued to the Utah Marriage Commission as provided under
2397     Subsection 17-16-21(2)(d)(ii).
2398          (6) The Trip Reduction Program created in Section 19-2a-104.
2399          (7) The Division of Wildlife Resources for the appraisal and purchase of lands under
2400     the Pelican Management Act, as provided in Section 23-21a-6.
2401          (8) The emergency medical services grant program in Section 26-8a-207.
2402          (9) The primary care grant program created in Section 26-10b-102.
2403          (10) Sanctions collected as dedicated credits from Medicaid provider under Subsection
2404     26-18-3(7).
2405          (11) The Utah Health Care Workforce Financial Assistance Program created in Section
2406     26-46-102.
2407          (12) The Rural Physician Loan Repayment Program created in Section 26-46a-103.
2408          (13) The Opiate Overdose Outreach Pilot Program created in Section 26-55-107.
2409          (14) Funds that the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control retains in accordance
2410     with Subsection 32B-2-301 (9)(a) or (b).
2411          (15) The General Assistance program administered by the Department of Workforce
2412     Services, as provided in Section 35A-3-401.

2413          (16) The Utah National Guard, created in Title 39, Militia and Armories.
2414          (17) The State Tax Commission under Section 41-1a-1201 for the:
2415          (a) purchase and distribution of license plates and decals; and
2416          (b) administration and enforcement of motor vehicle registration requirements.
2417          (18) The Search and Rescue Financial Assistance Program, as provided in Section
2418     53-2a-1102.
2419          (19) The Motorcycle Rider Education Program, as provided in Section 53-3-905.
2420          (20) The Utah Board of Higher Education for teacher preparation programs, as
2421     provided in Section 53B-6-104.
2422          (21) The Medical Education Program administered by the Medical Education Council,
2423     as provided in Section 53B-24-202.
2424          (22) The Division of Services for People with Disabilities, as provided in Section
2425     62A-5-102.
2426          (23) The Division of Fleet Operations for the purpose of upgrading underground
2427     storage tanks under Section 63A-9-401.
2428          (24) The Utah Seismic Safety Commission, as provided in Section 63C-6-104.
2429          (25) Appropriations to the Division of Technology Services for technology innovation
2430     as provided under Section 63A-16-903.
2431          (26) The Office of Administrative Rules for publishing, as provided in Section
2432     63G-3-402.
2433          (27) The Colorado River Authority of Utah, created in Title 63M, Chapter 14,
2434     Colorado River Authority of Utah Act.
2435          (28) The Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity to fund the Enterprise Zone Act,
2436     as provided in Title 63N, Chapter 2, Part 2, Enterprise Zone Act.
2437          (29) Appropriations to fund the Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity's Rural
2438     Employment Expansion Program, as described in Title 63N, Chapter 4, Part 4, Rural
2439     Employment Expansion Program.
2440          (30) Appropriations to fund programs for the Jordan River Recreation Area as
2441     described in Section 65A-2-8.
2442          (31) The Division of Human Resource Management user training program, as provided
2443     in Section 63A-17-106.

2444          (32) A public safety answering point's emergency telecommunications service fund, as
2445     provided in Section 69-2-301.
2446          (33) The Traffic Noise Abatement Program created in Section 72-6-112.
2447          (34) The money appropriated from the Navajo Water Rights Negotiation Account to
2448     the Division of Water Rights, created in Section 73-2-1.1, for purposes of participating in a
2449     settlement of federal reserved water right claims.
2450          (35) The Judicial Council for compensation for special prosecutors, as provided in
2451     Section 77-10a-19.
2452          (36) A state rehabilitative employment program, as provided in Section 78A-6-210.
2453          (37) The Utah Geological Survey, as provided in Section 79-3-401.
2454          (38) The Bonneville Shoreline Trail Program created under Section 79-5-503.
2455          (39) Adoption document access as provided in Sections 78B-6-141, 78B-6-144, and
2456     78B-6-144.5.
2457          (40) Indigent defense as provided in Title 78B, Chapter 22, Part 4, Utah Indigent
2458     Defense Commission.
2459          (41) The program established by the Division of Facilities Construction and
2460     Management under Section 63A-5b-703 under which state agencies receive an appropriation
2461     and pay lease payments for the use and occupancy of buildings owned by the Division of
2462     Facilities Construction and Management.
2463          Section 47. Section 63L-7-104 is amended to read:
2464          63L-7-104. Identification of a potential wilderness area.
2465          (1) (a) Subject to Subsection (1)(b), the director of PLPCO, within one year of the
2466     acquisition date, shall identify within a parcel of acquired land any conservation areas.
2467          (b) Before identifying a parcel of land as a conservation area, the director of PLPCO
2468     shall:
2469          (i) inform the School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration that a parcel is
2470     being considered for designation as a conservation area; and
2471          (ii) provide the School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration with the
2472     opportunity to trade out land owned by the School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration
2473     for the parcel in question subject to reaching an exchange agreement with the agency that
2474     manages the parcel.

2475          (2) The director of PLPCO shall:
2476          (a) file a map and legal description of each identified conservation area with the
2477     governor, the Senate, and the House of Representatives;
2478          (b) maintain, and make available to the public, records pertaining to identified
2479     conservation areas, including:
2480          (i) maps;
2481          (ii) legal descriptions;
2482          (iii) copies of proposed regulations governing the conservation area; and
2483          (iv) copies of public notices of, and reports submitted to the Legislature, regarding
2484     pending additions, eliminations, or modifications to a conservation area; and
2485          (c) within five years of the date of acquisition:
2486          (i) review each identified conservation area for its suitability to be classified as a
2487     protected wilderness area; and
2488          (ii) report the findings under Subsection (2)(c)(i) to the governor.
2489          (3) The records described in Subsection (2)(b) shall be available for inspection at:
2490          (a) the PLPCO office;
2491          (b) the main office of DNR;
2492          (c) a regional office of the Division of Forestry, Fire, and State Lands for any record
2493     that deals with an identified conservation area in that region; and
2494          (d) the Division of State Parks or the Division of Outdoor Recreation.
2495          (4) A conservation area may be designated as a protected wilderness area as described
2496     in Section 63L-7-105.
2497          (5) A conservation area identified under Subsection (1) shall be managed by DNR, in
2498     coordination with the county government having jurisdiction over the area, without the
2499     conservation area being designated as a protected wilderness area unless otherwise provided by
2500     the Legislature.
2501          Section 48. Section 63L-11-402 is amended to read:
2502          63L-11-402. Membership -- Terms -- Chair -- Expenses.
2503          (1) The Resource Development Coordinating Committee consists of the following [25]
2504     26 members:
2505          (a) the state science advisor;

2506          (b) a representative from the Department of Agriculture and Food appointed by the
2507     [executive director] commissioner of the Department of Agriculture and Food;
2508          (c) a representative from the Department of Cultural and Community Engagement
2509     appointed by the executive director of the Department of Cultural and Community
2510     Engagement;
2511          (d) a representative from the Department of Environmental Quality appointed by the
2512     executive director of the Department of Environmental Quality;
2513          (e) a representative from the Department of Natural Resources appointed by the
2514     executive director of the Department of Natural Resources;
2515          (f) a representative from the Department of Transportation appointed by the executive
2516     director of the Department of Transportation;
2517          (g) a representative from the Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity appointed by
2518     the director of the Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity;
2519          (h) a representative from the Housing and Community Development Division
2520     appointed by the director of the Housing and Community Development Division;
2521          (i) a representative from the Division of State History appointed by the director of the
2522     Division of State History;
2523          (j) a representative from the Division of Air Quality appointed by the director of the
2524     Division of Air Quality;
2525          (k) a representative from the Division of Drinking Water appointed by the director of
2526     the Division of Drinking Water;
2527          (l) a representative from the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation
2528     appointed by the director of the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation;
2529          (m) a representative from the Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control
2530     appointed by the director of the Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control;
2531          (n) a representative from the Division of Water Quality appointed by the director of the
2532     Division of Water Quality;
2533          (o) a representative from the Division of Oil, Gas, and Mining appointed by the
2534     director of the Division of Oil, Gas, and Mining;
2535          (p) a representative from the Division of Parks appointed by the director of the
2536     Division of Parks;

2537          (q) a representative from the Division of Outdoor Recreation appointed by the director
2538     of the Division of Outdoor Recreation;
2539          (r) a representative from the Division of Forestry, Fire, and State Lands appointed by
2540     the director of the Division of Forestry, Fire, and State Lands;
2541          (s) a representative from the Utah Geological Survey appointed by the director of the
2542     Utah Geological Survey;
2543          (t) a representative from the Division of Water Resources appointed by the director of
2544     the Division of Water Resources;
2545          (u) a representative from the Division of Water Rights appointed by the director of the
2546     Division of Water Rights;
2547          (v) a representative from the Division of Wildlife Resources appointed by the director
2548     of the Division of Wildlife Resources;
2549          (w) a representative from the School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration
2550     appointed by the director of the School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration;
2551          (x) a representative from the Division of Facilities Construction and Management
2552     appointed by the director of the Division of Facilities Construction and Management; [and]
2553          (y) a representative from the Division of Emergency Management appointed by the
2554     director of the Division of Emergency Management[.]; and
2555          (z) a representative from the Division of Conservation, created under Section 4-46-401,
2556     appointed by the director of the Division of Conservation.
2557          (2) (a) As particular issues require, the coordinating committee may, by majority vote
2558     of the members present, appoint additional temporary members to serve as ex officio voting
2559     members.
2560          (b) Those ex officio members may discuss and vote on the issue or issues for which
2561     they were appointed.
2562          (3) A chair shall be selected by a [majority] vote of 14 committee members with the
2563     concurrence of the executive director.
2564          (4) A member may not receive compensation or benefits for the member's service, but
2565     may receive per diem and travel expenses in accordance with:
2566          (a) Sections 63A-3-106 and 63A-3-107; and
2567          (b) rules made by the Division of Finance pursuant to Sections 63A-3-106 and

2568     63A-3-107.
2569          Section 49. Section 63N-3-602 is amended to read:
2570          63N-3-602. Definitions.
2571          As used in this part:
2572          (1) "Affordable housing" means [the same as that term is defined in Section
2573     11-38-102] housing occupied or reserved for occupancy by households with a gross household
2574     income equal to or less than 80% of the median gross income of the applicable municipal or
2575     county statistical area for households of the same size.
2576          (2) "Agency" means the same as that term is defined in Section 17C-1-102.
2577          (3) "Base taxable value" means a property's taxable value as shown upon the
2578     assessment roll last equalized during the base year.
2579          (4) "Base year" means, for a proposed housing and transit reinvestment zone area, a
2580     year determined by the last equalized tax roll before the adoption of the housing and transit
2581     reinvestment zone.
2582          (5) (a) "Commuter rail" means a heavy-rail passenger rail transit facility operated by a
2583     large public transit district.
2584          (b) "Commuter rail" does not include a light-rail passenger rail facility of a large public
2585     transit district.
2586          (6) "Commuter rail station" means a station, stop, or terminal along an existing
2587     commuter rail line, or along an extension to an existing commuter rail line or new commuter
2588     rail line that is included in a metropolitan planning organization's adopted long-range
2589     transportation plan.
2590          (7) "Dwelling unit" means one or more rooms arranged for the use of one or more
2591     individuals living together, as a single housekeeping unit normally having cooking, living,
2592     sanitary, and sleeping facilities.
2593          (8) "Enhanced development" means the construction of mixed uses including housing,
2594     commercial uses, and related facilities, at an average density of 50 dwelling units or more per
2595     acre on the developable acres.
2596          (9) "Enhanced development costs" means extra costs associated with structured
2597     parking costs, vertical construction costs, horizontal construction costs, life safety costs,
2598     structural costs, conveyor or elevator costs, and other costs incurred due to the increased height

2599     of buildings or enhanced development.
2600          (10) "Horizontal construction costs" means the additional costs associated with
2601     earthwork, over excavation, utility work, transportation infrastructure, and landscaping to
2602     achieve enhanced development in the housing and transit reinvestment zone.
2603          (11) "Housing and transit reinvestment zone" means a housing and transit reinvestment
2604     zone created pursuant to this part.
2605          (12) "Housing and transit reinvestment zone committee" means a housing and transit
2606     reinvestment zone committee created pursuant to Section 63N-3-605.
2607          (13) "Large public transit district" means the same as that term is defined in Section
2608     17B-2a-802.
2609          (14) "Metropolitan planning organization" means the same as that term is defined in
2610     Section 72-1-208.5.
2611          (15) "Mixed use development" means development with a mix of multi-family
2612     residential use and at least one additional land use.
2613          (16) "Municipality" means the same as that term is defined in Section 10-1-104.
2614          (17) "Participant" means the same as that term is defined in Section 17C-1-102.
2615          (18) "Participation agreement" means the same as that term is defined in Section
2616     17C-1-102.
2617          (19) "Public transit county" means a county that has created a small public transit
2618     district.
2619          (20) "Public transit hub" means a public transit depot or station where four or more
2620     routes serving separate parts of the county-created transit district stop to transfer riders between
2621     routes.
2622          (21) "Sales and use tax base year" means a sales and use tax year determined by the
2623     first year pertaining to the tax imposed in Section 59-12-103 after the sales and use tax
2624     boundary for a housing and transit reinvestment zone is established.
2625          (22) "Sales and use tax boundary" means a boundary created as described in Section
2626     63N-3-604, based on state sales and use tax collection that corresponds as closely as reasonably
2627     practicable to the housing and transit reinvestment zone boundary.
2628          (23) "Sales and use tax increment" means the difference between:
2629          (a) the amount of state sales and use tax revenue generated each year following the

2630     sales and use tax base year by the sales and use tax from the area within a housing and transit
2631     reinvestment zone designated in the housing and transit reinvestment zone proposal as the area
2632     from which sales and use tax increment is to be collected; and
2633          (b) the amount of state sales and use tax revenue that was generated from that same
2634     area during the sales and use tax base year.
2635          (24) "Sales and use tax revenue" means revenue that is generated from the tax imposed
2636     under Section 59-12-103.
2637          (25) "Small public transit district" means the same as that term is defined in Section
2638     17B-2a-802.
2639          (26) "Tax commission" means the State Tax Commission created in Section 59-1-201.
2640          (27) "Tax increment" means the difference between:
2641          (a) the amount of property tax revenue generated each tax year by a taxing entity from
2642     the area within a housing and transit reinvestment zone designated in the housing and transit
2643     reinvestment zone proposal as the area from which tax increment is to be collected, using the
2644     current assessed value and each taxing entity's current certified tax rate as defined in Section
2645     59-2-924; and
2646          (b) the amount of property tax revenue that would be generated from that same area
2647     using the base taxable value and each taxing entity's current certified tax rate as defined in
2648     Section 59-2-924.
2649          (28) "Taxing entity" means the same as that term is defined in Section 17C-1-102.
2650          (29) "Vertical construction costs" means the additional costs associated with
2651     construction above four stories and structured parking to achieve enhanced development in the
2652     housing and transit reinvestment zone.
2653          Section 50. Section 65A-3-1 is amended to read:
2654          65A-3-1. Trespassing on state lands -- Penalties.
2655          (1) As used in this section:
2656          (a) "Anchored" means the same as that term is defined in Section 73-18-2.
2657          (b) "Beached" means the same as that term is defined in Section 73-18-2.
2658          (c) "Motorboat" means the same as that term is defined in Section 73-18-2.
2659          (d) "Vessel" means the same as that term is defined in Section 73-18-2.
2660          (2) A person is guilty of a class B misdemeanor and liable for the civil damages

2661     prescribed in Subsection (4) if, without written authorization from the division, the person:
2662          (a) removes, extracts, uses, consumes, or destroys any mineral resource, gravel, sand,
2663     soil, vegetation, or improvement on state lands;
2664          (b) grazes livestock on state lands;
2665          (c) uses, occupies, or constructs improvements or structures on state lands;
2666          (d) uses or occupies state lands for more than 30 days after the cancellation or
2667     expiration of written authorization;
2668          (e) knowingly and willfully uses state lands for commercial gain;
2669          (f) appropriates, alters, injures, or destroys any historical, prehistorical, archaeological,
2670     or paleontological resource on state lands;
2671          (g) starts or maintains a fire on state lands except in a posted and designated area;
2672          (h) camps on state lands, except in posted or designated areas;
2673          (i) camps on state lands for longer than 15 consecutive days at the same location or
2674     within one mile of the same location;
2675          (j) camps on state lands for 15 consecutive days, and then returns to camp at the same
2676     location before 15 consecutive days have elapsed after the day on which the person left that
2677     location;
2678          (k) leaves an anchored or beached vessel unattended for longer than 48 hours on state
2679     lands;
2680          (l) anchors or beaches a vessel on state lands at the same location for longer than 72
2681     hours or within two miles of the same location for longer than 72 hours;
2682          (m) anchors or beaches a vessel on state lands at the same location for 72 hours, and
2683     then returns to anchor or beach the vessel at the same location or within two miles of the same
2684     location before 72 hours have elapsed after the day on which the person left that location;
2685          (n) posts a sign claiming state land as private property;
2686          (o) prohibits, prevents, or obstructs public entry to state land where public entry is
2687     authorized by the division; or
2688          (p) parks or operates a motor vehicle on the bed of a navigable lake or river except in
2689     those areas:
2690          (i) supervised by the Division of State Parks, the Division of Outdoor Recreation, or
2691     another state or local enforcement entity; and

2692          (ii) which are posted as open to vehicle use.
2693          (3) A person is guilty of a class C misdemeanor and liable for civil damages described
2694     in Subsection (4) if, on state lands surrounding Bear Lake and without written authorization of
2695     the division, the person:
2696          (a) parks or operates a motor vehicle in an area on the exposed lake bed that is
2697     specifically posted by the division as closed for usage;
2698          (b) camps, except in an area that is posted and designated as open to camping;
2699          (c) exceeds a speed limit of 10 miles per hour while operating a motor vehicle;
2700          (d) drives recklessly while operating a motor vehicle;
2701          (e) parks or operates a motor vehicle within an area between the water's edge and 100
2702     feet of the water's edge except as necessary to:
2703          (i) launch or retrieve a motorboat, if the person is permitted to launch or retrieve a
2704     motorboat;
2705          (ii) transport an individual with limited mobility; or
2706          (iii) deposit or retrieve equipment to a beach site;
2707          (f) travels in a motor vehicle parallel to the water's edge:
2708          (i) in areas designated by the division as closed;
2709          (ii) a distance greater than 500 yards; or
2710          (iii) for purposes other than travel to or from a beach site;
2711          (g) parks or operates a motor vehicle between the hours of 10 p.m. and 7 a.m.; or
2712          (h) starts a campfire or uses fireworks.
2713          (4) A person who commits any act described in Subsection (2) or (3) is liable for
2714     damages in the amount of:
2715          (a) three times the value of the mineral or other resource removed, destroyed, or
2716     extracted;
2717          (b) three times the value of damage committed; or
2718          (c) three times the consideration which would have been charged by the division for
2719     use of the land during the period of trespass.
2720          (5) In addition to the damages described in Subsection (4), a person found guilty of a
2721     misdemeanor under Subsection (2) or (3) is subject to the penalties provided in Section
2722     76-3-204.

2723          (6) Money collected under this section shall be deposited in the fund in which similar
2724     revenues from that land would be deposited.
2725          Section 51. Section 65A-10-2 is amended to read:
2726          65A-10-2. Recreational use of sovereign lands.
2727          (1) The division, with the approval of the executive director of the Department of
2728     Natural Resources and the governor, may set aside for public or recreational use any part of the
2729     lands claimed by the state as the beds of lakes or streams.
2730          (2) Management of those lands may be delegated to the Division of State Parks, the
2731     Division of Outdoor Recreation, the Division of Wildlife Resources, or any other state agency.
2732          Section 52. Section 72-11-204 is amended to read:
2733          72-11-204. Vacancies -- Expenses -- Reimbursement -- Use of facilities of
2734     Department of Transportation -- Functions, powers, duties, rights, and responsibilities.
2735          (1) When a vacancy occurs in the membership for any reason, the replacement shall be
2736     appointed for the unexpired term.
2737          (2) A member may not receive compensation or benefits for the member's service, but
2738     may receive per diem and travel expenses in accordance with:
2739          (a) Section 63A-3-106;
2740          (b) Section 63A-3-107; and
2741          (c) rules made by the Division of Finance pursuant to Sections 63A-3-106 and
2742     63A-3-107.
2743          (3) Reimbursement shall be made from fees collected by the committee for services
2744     rendered by [it] the committee.
2745          (4) The Department of Transportation shall supply the committee with office
2746     accommodation, space, equipment, and secretarial assistance the executive director considers
2747     adequate for the committee.
2748          (5) In addition to the functions, powers, duties, rights, and responsibilities granted to
2749     [it] the committee under this chapter, the committee shall assume and have all of the functions,
2750     powers, duties, rights, and responsibilities of the Division of Outdoor Recreation in relation to
2751     passenger ropeway systems pursuant to that chapter.
2752          Section 53. Section 73-3-31 is amended to read:
2753          73-3-31. Water right for watering livestock on public land.

2754          (1) As used in this section:
2755          (a) "Acquire" means to gain the right to use water through obtaining:
2756          (i) an approved application to appropriate water; or
2757          (ii) a perfected water right.
2758          (b) "Allotment" means a designated area of public land available for livestock grazing.
2759          (c) "Animal unit month (AUM)" is the amount of forage needed to sustain one cow and
2760     her calf, one horse, or five sheep and goats for one month.
2761          (d) (i) "Beneficial user" means the person that has the right to use the grazing permit.
2762          (ii) "Beneficial user" does not mean the public land agency issuing the grazing permit.
2763          (e) "Grazing permit" means a document authorizing livestock to graze on an allotment.
2764          (f) "Livestock" means a domestic animal raised or kept for profit or personal use.
2765          (g) "Livestock watering right" means a right for:
2766          (i) livestock to consume water:
2767          (A) directly from the water source located on public land; or
2768          (B) from an impoundment located on public land into which the water is diverted; and
2769          (ii) associated uses of water related to the raising and care of livestock on public land.
2770          (h) (i) "Public land" means land owned or managed by the United States or the state.
2771          (ii) "Public land" does not mean land owned by:
2772          (A) the Division of Wildlife Resources;
2773          (B) the School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration; [or]
2774          (C) the Division of State Parks; or
2775          (D) the Division of Outdoor Recreation.
2776          (i) "Public land agency" means the agency that owns or manages the public land.
2777          (2) A public land agency may not:
2778          (a) condition the issuance, renewal, amendment, or extension of any permit, approval,
2779     license, allotment, easement, right-of-way, or other land use occupancy agreement regarding
2780     livestock on the transfer of any water right directly to the public land agency;
2781          (b) require any water user to apply for, or acquire a water right in the name of, the
2782     public land agency as a condition for the issuance, renewal, amendment, or extension of any
2783     permit, approval, license, allotment, easement, right-of-way, or other land use occupancy
2784     agreement regarding livestock; or

2785          (c) acquire a livestock watering right if the public land agency is not a beneficial user.
2786          (3) The state engineer may not approve a change application under Section 73-3-3 for a
2787     livestock watering right without the consent of the beneficial user.
2788          (4) A beneficial user may file a nonuse application under Section 73-1-4 on a livestock
2789     watering right or a portion of a livestock watering right that the beneficial user puts to
2790     beneficial use.
2791          (5) A livestock watering right is appurtenant to the allotment on which the livestock is
2792     watered.
2793          (6) (a) (i) A beneficial user or a public land agency may file a request with the state
2794     engineer for a livestock water use certificate.
2795          (ii) The state engineer shall:
2796          (A) provide the livestock water use certificate application form on the Internet; and
2797          (B) allow electronic submission of the livestock water use certificate application.
2798          (b) The state engineer shall grant a livestock water use certificate to a beneficial user if
2799     the beneficial user:
2800          (i) demonstrates that the beneficial user has a right to use a grazing permit for the
2801     allotment to which the livestock watering right is appurtenant; and
2802          (ii) pays the fee set in accordance with Section 73-2-14.
2803          (c) A livestock water use certificate is valid as long as the livestock watering right is:
2804          (i) held by a beneficial user who has the right to use the grazing permit and graze
2805     livestock on the allotment;
2806          (ii) put to beneficial use within a seven-year time period; or
2807          (iii) subject to a nonuse application approved under Section 73-1-4.
2808          (7) A beneficial user may access or improve an allotment as necessary for the
2809     beneficial user to beneficially use, develop, and maintain the beneficial user's water right
2810     appurtenant to the allotment.
2811          (8) If a federal land management agency reduces livestock grazing AUMs on federal
2812     grazing allotments, and the reduction results in the partial forfeiture of an appropriated water
2813     right, the amount of water in question for nonuse as a livestock water right shall be held in trust
2814     by the state engineer until such water may be appropriated for livestock watering, consistent
2815     with this act and state law.

2816          (9) Nothing in this section affects a livestock watering right or a livestock water use
2817     certificate held by a public land agency on May 13, 2014.
2818          Section 54. Section 73-18-2 is amended to read:
2819          73-18-2. Definitions.
2820          As used in this chapter:
2821          (1) "Anchored" means a vessel that is temporarily attached to the bed or shoreline of a
2822     waterbody by any method and the hull of the vessel is not touching the bed or shoreline.
2823          (2) "Beached" means that a vessel's hull is resting on the bed or shoreline of a
2824     waterbody.
2825          (3) "Boat livery" means a person that holds a vessel for renting or leasing.
2826          (4) "Carrying passengers for hire" means to transport persons on vessels or to lead
2827     persons on vessels for consideration.
2828          (5) "Commission" means the Outdoor Adventure Commission.
2829          (6) "Consideration" means something of value given or done in exchange for
2830     something given or done by another.
2831          (7) "Dealer" means any person who is licensed by the appropriate authority to engage
2832     in and who is engaged in the business of buying and selling vessels or of manufacturing them
2833     for sale.
2834          (8) "Derelict vessel":
2835          (a) means a vessel that is left, stored, or abandoned upon the waters of this state in a
2836     wrecked, junked, or substantially dismantled condition; and
2837          (b) includes:
2838          (i) a vessel left at a Utah port or marina without consent of the agency or other entity
2839     administering the port or marine area; and
2840          (ii) a vessel left docked or grounded upon a property without the property owner's
2841     consent.
2842          (9) "Division" means the Division of Outdoor Recreation.
2843          (10) "Moored" means long term, on the water vessel storage in an area designated and
2844     properly marked by the division or other applicable managing agency.
2845          (11) "Motorboat" means any vessel propelled by machinery, whether or not the
2846     machinery is the principal source of propulsion.

2847          (12) "Operate" means to navigate, control, or otherwise use a vessel.
2848          (13) "Operator" means the person who is in control of a vessel while it is in use.
2849          (14) "Outfitting company" means any person who, for consideration:
2850          (a) provides equipment to transport persons on all waters of this state; and
2851          (b) supervises a person who:
2852          (i) operates a vessel to transport passengers; or
2853          (ii) leads a person on a vessel.
2854          (15) (a) "Owner" means a person, other than a lien holder, holding a proprietary
2855     interest in or the title to a vessel.
2856          (b) "Owner" includes a person entitled to the use or possession of a vessel subject to an
2857     interest by another person, reserved or created by agreement and securing payment or
2858     performance of an obligation.
2859          (c) "Owner" does not include a lessee under a lease not intended as security.
2860          (16) "Personal watercraft" means a motorboat that is:
2861          (a) less than 16 feet in length;
2862          (b) propelled by a water jet pump; and
2863          (c) designed to be operated by a person sitting, standing, or kneeling on the vessel,
2864     rather than sitting or standing inside the vessel.
2865          (17) "Racing shell" means a long, narrow watercraft:
2866          (a) outfitted with long oars and sliding seats; and
2867          (b) specifically designed for racing or exercise.
2868          (18) "Sailboat" means any vessel having one or more sails and propelled by wind.
2869          (19) "Vessel" means every type of watercraft, other than a seaplane on the water, used
2870     or capable of being used as a means of transportation on water.
2871          (20) "Wakeless speed" means an operating speed at which the vessel does not create or
2872     make a wake or white water trailing the vessel. This speed is not in excess of five miles per
2873     hour.
2874          (21) "Waters of this state" means any waters within the territorial limits of this state.
2875          Section 55. Section 73-18-3.5 is amended to read:
2876          73-18-3.5. Advisory council.
2877          The division, after [consultation with] notifying the commission, may appoint an

2878     advisory council [representing various] that includes:
2879          (1) representation of boating interests [to seek]; and
2880          (2) among the advisory council's duties, making recommendations on state boating
2881     policies.
2882          Section 56. Section 73-18-4 is amended to read:
2883          73-18-4. Division may make rules and set fees.
2884          (1) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
2885     division, after [consultation with] notifying the commission, shall [promulgate] make rules:
2886          (a) creating a uniform waterway marking system which shall be obeyed by all vessel
2887     operators;
2888          (b) regulating the placement of waterway markers and other permanent or anchored
2889     objects on the waters of this state;
2890          (c) zoning certain waters of this state for the purpose of prohibiting the operation of
2891     vessels or motors for safety and health purposes only;
2892          (d) regulating vessel operators who carry passengers for hire, boat liveries, and
2893     outfitting companies; and
2894          (e) regulating anchored, beached, moored, or abandoned vessels to minimize health,
2895     safety, and environmental concerns.
2896          (2) (a) The division, after [consultation with] notifying the commission, may set fees in
2897     accordance with Section 63J-1-504 for:
2898          (i) licensing vessel operators who carry passengers for hire; and
2899          (ii) registering:
2900          (A) outfitting companies; and
2901          (B) boat liveries.
2902          (b) The license and registration fees imposed pursuant to Subsection (2)(a) shall be
2903     deposited into the Boating Account created in Section 73-18-22.
2904          Section 57. Section 73-18-7 is amended to read:
2905          73-18-7. Registration requirements -- Exemptions -- Fee -- Agents -- Records --
2906     Period of registration and renewal -- Expiration -- Notice of transfer of interest or change
2907     of address -- Duplicate registration card -- Invalid registration -- Powers of division.
2908          (1) (a) Except as provided by Section 73-18-9, the owner of each motorboat and

2909     sailboat on the waters of this state shall register it with the division as provided in this chapter.
2910          (b) A person may not place, give permission for the placement of, operate, or give
2911     permission for the operation of a motorboat or sailboat on the waters of this state, unless the
2912     motorboat or sailboat is registered as provided in this chapter.
2913          (2) (a) The owner of a motorboat or sailboat required to be registered shall file an
2914     application for registration with the division on forms approved by the division.
2915          (b) The owner of the motorboat or sailboat shall sign the application and pay the fee set
2916     by the division, after [consultation with] notifying the commission, in accordance with Section
2917     63J-1-504.
2918          (c) Before receiving a registration card and registration decals, the applicant shall
2919     provide the division with a certificate from the county assessor of the county in which the
2920     motorboat or sailboat has situs for taxation, stating that:
2921          (i) the property tax on the motorboat or sailboat for the current year has been paid;
2922          (ii) in the county assessor's opinion, the property tax is a lien on real property sufficient
2923     to secure the payment of the property tax; or
2924          (iii) the motorboat or sailboat is exempt by law from payment of property tax for the
2925     current year.
2926          (d) If the division modifies the fee under Subsection (2)(b), the modification shall take
2927     effect on the first day of the calendar quarter after 90 days from the day on which the division
2928     provides the State Tax Commission:
2929          (i) notice from the division stating that the division will modify the fee; and
2930          (ii) a copy of the fee modification.
2931          (e) (i) The division may enter into an agreement with the Motor Vehicle Division
2932     created in Section 41-1a-106 to administer the registration requirements described in this
2933     chapter.
2934          (ii) An individual may request automatic registration renewal as described in Section
2935     41-1a-216.
2936          (3) (a) Upon receipt of the application in the approved form, the division shall record
2937     the receipt and issue to the applicant registration decals and a registration card that state the
2938     number assigned to the motorboat or sailboat and the name and address of the owner.
2939          (b) The registration card shall be available for inspection on the motorboat or sailboat

2940     for which it was issued, whenever that motorboat or sailboat is in operation.
2941          (4) The assigned number shall:
2942          (a) be painted or permanently attached to each side of the forward half of the motorboat
2943     or sailboat;
2944          (b) consist of plain vertical block characters not less than three inches in height;
2945          (c) contrast with the color of the background and be distinctly visible and legible;
2946          (d) have spaces or hyphens equal to the width of a letter between the letter and numeral
2947     groupings; and
2948          (e) read from left to right.
2949          (5) A motorboat or sailboat with a valid marine document issued by the United States
2950     Coast Guard is exempt from the number display requirements of Subsection (4).
2951          (6) The nonresident owner of any motorboat or sailboat already covered by a valid
2952     number that has been assigned to it according to federal law or a federally approved numbering
2953     system of the owner's resident state is exempt from registration while operating the motorboat
2954     or sailboat on the waters of this state unless the owner is operating in excess of the reciprocity
2955     period provided for in Subsection 73-18-9(1).
2956          (7) (a) If the ownership of a motorboat or sailboat changes, the new owner shall file a
2957     new application form and fee with the division, and the division shall issue a new registration
2958     card and registration decals in the same manner as provided for in Subsections (2) and (3).
2959          (b) The division shall reassign the current number assigned to the motorboat or sailboat
2960     to the new owner to display on the motorboat or sailboat.
2961          (8) If the United States Coast Guard has in force an overall system of identification
2962     numbering for motorboats or sailboats within the United States, the numbering system
2963     employed under this chapter by the division shall conform with that system.
2964          (9) (a) The division may authorize any person to act as its agent for the registration of
2965     motorboats and sailboats.
2966          (b) A number assigned, a registration card, and registration decals issued by an agent of
2967     the division in conformity with this chapter and rules of the division are valid.
2968          (10) (a) The Motor Vehicle Division shall classify all records of the division made or
2969     kept according to this section in the same manner that motor vehicle records are classified
2970     under Section 41-1a-116.

2971          (b) Division records are available for inspection in the same manner as motor vehicle
2972     records pursuant to Section 41-1a-116.
2973          (11) (a) (i) Each registration, registration card, and decal issued under this chapter shall
2974     continue in effect for 12 months, beginning with the first day of the calendar month of
2975     registration.
2976          (ii) A registration may be renewed by the owner in the same manner provided for in the
2977     initial application.
2978          (iii) The division shall reassign the current number assigned to the motorboat or
2979     sailboat when the registration is renewed.
2980          (b) Each registration, registration card, and registration decal expires the last day of the
2981     month in the year following the calendar month of registration.
2982          (c) If the last day of the registration period falls on a day in which the appropriate state
2983     or county offices are not open for business, the registration of the motorboat or sailboat is
2984     extended to 12 midnight of the next business day.
2985          (d) The division may receive applications for registration renewal and issue new
2986     registration cards at any time before the expiration of the registration, subject to the availability
2987     of renewal materials.
2988          (e) The new registration shall retain the same expiration month as recorded on the
2989     original registration even if the registration has expired.
2990          (f) The year of registration shall be changed to reflect the renewed registration period.
2991          (g) If the registration renewal application is an application generated by the division
2992     through its automated system, the owner is not required to surrender the last registration card or
2993     duplicate.
2994          (12) (a) An owner shall notify the division of:
2995          (i) the transfer of all or any part of the owner's interest, other than creation of a security
2996     interest, in a motorboat or sailboat registered in this state under Subsections (2) and (3); and
2997          (ii) the destruction or abandonment of the owner's motorboat or sailboat.
2998          (b) Notification must take place within 15 days of the transfer, destruction, or
2999     abandonment.
3000          (c) (i) The transfer, destruction, or abandonment of a motorboat or sailboat terminates
3001     its registration.

3002          (ii) Notwithstanding Subsection (12)(c)(i), a transfer of a part interest that does not
3003     affect the owner's right to operate a motorboat or sailboat does not terminate the registration.
3004          (13) (a) A registered owner shall notify the division within 15 days if the owner's
3005     address changes from the address appearing on the registration card and shall, as a part of this
3006     notification, furnish the division with the owner's new address.
3007          (b) The division may provide in the division's rules for:
3008          (i) the surrender of the registration card bearing the former address; and
3009          (ii) (A) the replacement of the card with a new registration card bearing the new
3010     address; or
3011          (B) the alteration of an existing registration card to show the owner's new address.
3012          (14) (a) If a registration card is lost or stolen, the division may collect a fee of $4 for
3013     the issuance of a duplicate card.
3014          (b) If a registration decal is lost or stolen, the division may collect a fee of $3 for the
3015     issuance of a duplicate decal.
3016          (15) A number other than the number assigned to a motorboat or sailboat or a number
3017     for a motorboat or sailboat granted reciprocity under this chapter may not be painted, attached,
3018     or otherwise displayed on either side of the bow of a motorboat or sailboat.
3019          (16) A motorboat or sailboat registration and number are invalid if obtained by
3020     knowingly falsifying an application for registration.
3021          (17) The division may designate the suffix to assigned numbers, and by following the
3022     procedures and requirements of Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act,
3023     make rules for:
3024          (a) the display of registration decals;
3025          (b) the issuance and display of dealer numbers and registrations; and
3026          (c) the issuance and display of temporary registrations.
3027          (18) A violation of this section is an infraction.
3028          Section 58. Section 73-18-8 is amended to read:
3029          73-18-8. Safety equipment required to be on board vessels -- Penalties.
3030          (1) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (1)(c), each vessel shall have, for each person
3031     on board, one wearable personal flotation device that is approved for the type of use by the
3032     commandant of the United States Coast Guard.

3033          (b) Each personal flotation device shall be:
3034          (i) in serviceable condition;
3035          (ii) legally marked with the United States Coast Guard approval number; and
3036          (iii) of an appropriate size for the person for whom it is intended.
3037          (c) (i) Sailboards and racing shells are exempt from the provisions of Subsections
3038     (1)(a) and (e).
3039          (ii) The division, after [consultation with] notifying the commission, may exempt
3040     certain types of vessels from the provisions of Subsection (1)(a) under certain conditions or
3041     upon certain waters.
3042          (d) The division may require by rule, after [consultation with] notifying the
3043     commission, for personal flotation devices to be worn:
3044          (i) while a person is on board a certain type of vessel;
3045          (ii) by a person under a certain age; or
3046          (iii) on certain waters of the state.
3047          (e) For vessels 16 feet or more in length, there shall also be on board one throwable
3048     personal flotation device which is approved for this use by the commandant of the United
3049     States Coast Guard.
3050          (2) The operator of a vessel operated between sunset and sunrise shall display lighted
3051     navigation lights approved by the division.
3052          (3) If a vessel is not entirely open and it carries or uses any flammable or toxic fluid in
3053     any enclosure for any purpose, the vessel shall be equipped with an efficient natural or
3054     mechanical ventilation system that is capable of removing resulting gases before and during the
3055     time the vessel is occupied by any person.
3056          (4) Each vessel shall have fire extinguishing equipment on board.
3057          (5) Any inboard gasoline engine shall be equipped with a carburetor backfire flame
3058     control device.
3059          (6) The division may, after notifying the commission:
3060          (a) require additional safety equipment by rule [made in consultation with the
3061     commission]; and
3062          (b) adopt rules conforming with the requirements of this section which govern
3063     specifications for and the use of safety equipment.

3064          (7) A person may not operate or give permission for the operation of a vessel that is not
3065     equipped as required by this section or rules promulgated under this section.
3066          (8) A violation of this section is an infraction.
3067          Section 59. Section 73-18-11 is amended to read:
3068          73-18-11. Regulation of muffling devices.
3069          The division, after [consultation with] notifying the commission, shall adopt rules for
3070     the regulating of muffling devices on all vessels.
3071          Section 60. Section 73-18-13 is amended to read:
3072          73-18-13. Duties of operator involved in accident -- Notification and reporting
3073     procedures -- Use of accident reports -- Giving false information as misdemeanor.
3074          (1) As used in this section, "agent" has the same meaning as provided in Section
3075     41-6a-404.
3076          (2) (a) It is the duty of the operator of a vessel involved in an accident, if the operator
3077     can do so without seriously endangering the operator's own vessel, crew, or passengers, to
3078     render aid to those affected by the accident as may be practicable.
3079          (b) The operator shall also give the operator's name, address, and identification of the
3080     operator's vessel in writing to:
3081          (i) any person injured; or
3082          (ii) the owner of any property damaged in the accident.
3083          (c) A violation of this Subsection (2) is a class B misdemeanor.
3084          (3) (a) The division, after [consultation with] notifying the commission, shall adopt
3085     rules governing the notification and reporting procedure for vessels involved in accidents.
3086          (b) The rules shall be consistent with federal requirements.
3087          (4) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (4)(b), all accident reports:
3088          (i) are protected and shall be for the confidential use of the division or other state,
3089     local, or federal agencies having use for the records for official governmental statistical,
3090     investigative, and accident prevention purposes; and
3091          (ii) may be disclosed only in a statistical form that protects the privacy of any person
3092     involved in the accident.
3093          (b) The division shall disclose a written accident report and its accompanying data to:
3094          (i) a person involved in the accident, excluding a witness to the accident;

3095          (ii) a person suffering loss or injury in the accident;
3096          (iii) an agent, parent, or legal guardian of a person described in Subsections (4)(b)(i)
3097     and (ii);
3098          (iv) a member of the press or broadcast news media;
3099          (v) a state, local, or federal agency that uses the records for official governmental,
3100     investigative, or accident prevention purposes;
3101          (vi) law enforcement personnel when acting in their official governmental capacity;
3102     and
3103          (vii) a licensed private investigator.
3104          (c) Information provided to a member of the press or broadcast news media under
3105     Subsection (4)(b)(iv) may only include:
3106          (i) the name, age, sex, and city of residence of each person involved in the accident;
3107          (ii) the make and model year of each vehicle involved in the accident;
3108          (iii) whether or not each person involved in the accident was covered by a vehicle
3109     insurance policy;
3110          (iv) the location of the accident; and
3111          (v) a description of the accident that excludes personal identifying information not
3112     listed in Subsection (4)(c)(i).
3113          (5) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (5)(c), an accident report may not be used as
3114     evidence in any civil or criminal trial, arising out of an accident.
3115          (b) Upon demand of any person who has, or claims to have, made the report, or upon
3116     demand of any court, the division shall furnish a certificate showing that a specified accident
3117     report has or has not been made to the division solely to prove a compliance or a failure to
3118     comply with the requirement that a report be made to the division.
3119          (c) Accident reports may be used as evidence when necessary to prosecute charges
3120     filed in connection with a violation of Subsection (6).
3121          (6) Any person who gives false information, knowingly or having reason to believe it is
3122     false, in an oral or written report as required in this chapter, is guilty of a class B misdemeanor.
3123          Section 61. Section 73-18-13.5 is amended to read:
3124          73-18-13.5. Motorboat accidents -- Investigation and report of operator security
3125     -- Agency action if no security -- Surrender of registration materials.

3126          (1) Upon request of a peace officer investigating an accident involving a motorboat as
3127     defined in Section 73-18c-102, the operator of the motorboat shall provide evidence of the
3128     owner's or operator's security required under Section 73-18c-301.
3129          (2) The peace officer shall record on a form approved by the division:
3130          (a) the information provided by the operator;
3131          (b) whether the operator provided insufficient or no information; and
3132          (c) whether the peace officer finds reasonable cause to believe that any information
3133     given is not correct.
3134          (3) The peace officer shall deposit all completed forms with the peace officer's agency,
3135     which shall forward the forms to the division no later than 10 days after receipt.
3136          (4) (a) The division shall revoke the registration of a motorboat as defined in Section
3137     73-18c-102 involved in an accident unless the owner or operator can demonstrate to the
3138     division compliance with the owner's or operator's security requirement of Section 73-18c-301
3139     at the time of the accident.
3140          (b) Any registration revoked shall be renewed in accordance with Section 73-18-7.
3141          (5) A person may appeal a revocation issued under Subsection (4) in accordance with
3142     procedures established by the division, after [consultation with] notifying the commission, by
3143     rule that are consistent with Title 63G, Chapter 4, Administrative Procedures Act.
3144          (6) (a) Any person whose registration is revoked under Subsection (4) shall return the
3145     registration card and decals for the motorboat to the division.
3146          (b) If the person fails to return the registration materials as required, they shall be
3147     confiscated under Section 73-18-13.6.
3148          (7) The division may, after [consultation with] notifying the commission, make rules
3149     for the enforcement of this section.
3150          (8) In this section, "evidence of owner's or operator's security" includes any one of the
3151     following:
3152          (a) the operator's:
3153          (i) insurance policy;
3154          (ii) binder notice;
3155          (iii) renewal notice; or
3156          (iv) card issued by an insurance company as evidence of insurance;

3157          (b) a copy of a surety bond, certified by the surety, which conforms to Section
3158     73-18c-102;
3159          (c) a certificate of the state treasurer issued under Section 73-18c-305; or
3160          (d) a certificate of self-funded coverage issued under Section 73-18c-306.
3161          Section 62. Section 73-18-15 is amended to read:
3162          73-18-15. Division to adopt rules concerning water skiing and aquaplane riding
3163     and use of other devices towed behind a vessel.
3164          The division, after [consultation with] notifying the commission, shall adopt rules for
3165     the regulation and safety of water skiing and aquaplane riding, and the use of other devices that
3166     are towed behind a vessel pursuant to this section and in accordance with Section 73-18-16.
3167          Section 63. Section 73-18-16 is amended to read:
3168          73-18-16. Regattas, races, exhibitions -- Rules.
3169          (1) The division may authorize the holding of regattas, motorboat or other boat races,
3170     marine parades, tournaments, or exhibitions on any waters of this state.
3171          (2) The division, after [consultation with] notifying the commission, may adopt rules
3172     concerning the safety of vessels and persons, either as observers or participants, that do not
3173     conflict with the provisions of Subsections (3) and (4).
3174          (3) A person may elect, at the person's own risk, to wear a non-Coast Guard approved
3175     personal floatation device if the person is on an American Water Ski Association regulation
3176     tournament slalom course and is:
3177          (a) engaged in barefoot water skiing;
3178          (b) water skiing in an American Water Ski Association regulation competition;
3179          (c) a performer participating in a professional exhibition or other tournament; or
3180          (d) practicing for an event described in Subsection (3)(b) or (c).
3181          (4) If a person is water skiing in an American Water Ski Association regulation
3182     tournament slalom course, an observer and flag are not required if the vessel is:
3183          (a) equipped with a wide angle mirror with a viewing surface of at least 48 square
3184     inches; and
3185          (b) operated by a person who is at least 18 years of age.
3186          (5) A violation of this section is an infraction.
3187          Section 64. Section 73-18a-1 is amended to read:

3188          73-18a-1. Definitions.
3189          As used in this chapter:
3190          (1) "Commission" means the Outdoor Adventure Commission.
3191          (2) "Division" means the Division of Outdoor Recreation.
3192          (3) "Human body waste" means excrement, feces, or other waste material discharged
3193     from the human body.
3194          (4) "Litter" means any bottles, glass, crockery, cans, scrap metal, junk, paper, garbage,
3195     rubbish, or similar refuse discarded as no longer useful.
3196          (5) "Marine toilet" means any toilet or other receptacle permanently installed on or
3197     within any vessel for the purpose of receiving human body waste. This term does not include
3198     portable toilets which may be removed from a vessel in order to empty its contents.
3199          (6) "Operate" means to navigate, control, or otherwise use a vessel.
3200          (7) "Operator" means the person who is in control of a vessel while it is in use.
3201          (8) "Owner" means a person, other than a lien holder, holding a proprietary interest in
3202     or the title to a vessel. The term does not include a lessee under a lease not intended as
3203     security.
3204          (9) "Vessel" means every type of watercraft, other than a seaplane on the water, used or
3205     capable of being used as a means of transportation on water.
3206          (10) "Waters of this state" means all waters within the territorial limits of this state
3207     except those used exclusively for private purposes.
3208          Section 65. Section 73-18a-4 is amended to read:
3209          73-18a-4. Marine toilets -- Pollution control devices required -- Rules established
3210     by division.
3211          (1) Every marine toilet on a vessel used or operated upon the waters of this state shall
3212     be equipped with an approved pollution control device in operative condition.
3213          (2) The division, after [consultation with] notifying the commission, shall make rules
3214     in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, as provided in
3215     this chapter, establishing criteria or standards for definition and approval of acceptable
3216     pollution control devices for vessels.
3217          Section 66. Section 73-18a-5 is amended to read:
3218          73-18a-5. Chemical treatment of marine toilet contents -- Rules established by

3219     division and Department of Environmental Quality.
3220          The division, after [consultation with] notifying the commission, shall establish by rule,
3221     in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, with approval
3222     by the Department of Environmental Quality, as provided in this chapter, standards relating to
3223     chemical treatment of marine toilet contents.
3224          Section 67. Section 73-18a-12 is amended to read:
3225          73-18a-12. Rules made -- Subject to approval by Department of Environmental
3226     Quality.
3227          The division, after [consultation with] notifying the commission, may [promulgate]
3228     make rules under Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, which are
3229     necessary for the carrying out of duties, obligations, and powers conferred on the division by
3230     this chapter. These rules shall be subject to review and approval by the Department of
3231     Environmental Quality. This approval shall be recorded as part of the rules.
3232          Section 68. Section 73-18b-1 is amended to read:
3233          73-18b-1. Water safety rules and regulations -- Adoption.
3234          (1) The Division of Outdoor Recreation, after [consulting with] notifying the Outdoor
3235     Adventure Commission, may make rules necessary to promote safety in swimming, scuba
3236     diving, and related activities on any waters where public boating is permitted.
3237          (2) The Division of Outdoor Recreation may consider recommendations of and
3238     cooperate with other state agencies and the owners or operators of those waters.
3239          Section 69. Section 73-18c-102 is amended to read:
3240          73-18c-102. Definitions.
3241          As used in this chapter:
3242          (1) "Airboat" means a vessel propelled by air pressure caused by an airplane type
3243     propeller mounted above the stern and driven by an internal combustion engine.
3244          (2) "Commission" means the Outdoor Adventure Commission.
3245          (3) "Division" means the Division of Outdoor Recreation.
3246          (4) "Judgment" means any judgment that is final by:
3247          (a) expiration without appeal of the time within which an appeal might have been
3248     perfected; or
3249          (b) final affirmation on appeal, rendered by a court of competent jurisdiction of any

3250     state or of the United States, upon a cause of action for damages:
3251          (i) arising out of the ownership, maintenance, or use of any personal watercraft,
3252     including damages for care and loss of services because of bodily injury to or death of any
3253     person, or because of injury to or destruction of property including the loss of use of the
3254     property; or
3255          (ii) on a settlement agreement.
3256          (5) (a) "Motorboat" has the same meaning as defined in Section 73-18-2.
3257          (b) "Motorboat" includes personal watercraft regardless of the manufacturer listed
3258     horsepower.
3259          (c) "Motorboat" does not include:
3260          (i) a boat with a manufacturer listed horsepower of 50 horsepower or less; or
3261          (ii) an airboat.
3262          (6) "Nonresident" means any person who is not a resident of Utah.
3263          (7) "Operator" means the person who is in control of a motorboat while it is in use.
3264          (8) (a) "Owner" means a person, other than a lien holder, holding a proprietary interest
3265     in or the title to a motorboat.
3266          (b) "Owner" includes a person entitled to the use or possession of a motorboat subject
3267     to an interest by another person, reserved or created by agreement and securing payment or
3268     performance of an obligation.
3269          (c) "Owner" does not include a lessee under a lease not intended as security.
3270          (9) "Owner's or operator's security," "owner's security," or "operator's security" means
3271     any of the following:
3272          (a) an insurance policy or combination of policies conforming to Sections
3273     31A-22-1502 and 31A-22-1503, which is issued by an insurer authorized to do business in
3274     Utah;
3275          (b) a surety bond issued by an insurer authorized to do a surety business in Utah in
3276     which the surety is subject to the minimum coverage limits and other requirements of policies
3277     conforming to Sections 31A-22-1502 and 31A-22-1503, which names the division as a creditor
3278     under the bond for the use of persons entitled to the proceeds of the bond;
3279          (c) a deposit with the state treasurer of cash or securities complying with Section
3280     73-18c-305;

3281          (d) a certificate of self-funded coverage issued under Section 73-18c-306; or
3282          (e) a policy conforming to Sections 31A-22-1502 and 31A-22-1503 issued by the Risk
3283     Management Fund created in Section 63A-4-201.
3284          (10) "Personal watercraft" has the same meaning as provided in Section 73-18-2.
3285          (11) "Registration" means the issuance of the registration cards and decals issued under
3286     the laws of Utah pertaining to the registration of motorboats.
3287          (12) "Registration materials" means the evidences of motorboat registration, including
3288     all registration cards and decals.
3289          (13) "Self-insurance" has the same meaning as provided in Section 31A-1-301.
3290          (14) "Waters of the state" means any waters within the territorial limits of this state.
3291          Section 70. Section 73-18c-201 is amended to read:
3292          73-18c-201. Division to administer and enforce chapter -- Division may adopt
3293     rules.
3294          (1) (a) The division shall administer this chapter.
3295          (b) A law enforcement officer authorized under Title 53, Chapter 13, Peace Officer
3296     Classifications, may enforce this chapter in the rules made under this chapter.
3297          (2) The division, after [consultation with] notifying the commission, may adopt rules
3298     as necessary for the administration of this chapter in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3,
3299     Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act.
3300          Section 71. Section 77-2-4.3 is amended to read:
3301          77-2-4.3. Compromise of boating violations -- Limitations.
3302          (1) As used in this section:
3303          (a) "Compromise" means referral of a person charged with a boating violation to a
3304     boating safety course approved by the Division of Outdoor Recreation.
3305          (b) "Boating violation" means any charge for which bail may be forfeited in lieu of
3306     appearance, by citation or information, of a violation of Title 73, Chapter 18, State Boating
3307     Act, amounting to:
3308          (i) a class B misdemeanor;
3309          (ii) a class C misdemeanor; or
3310          (iii) an infraction.
3311          (2) Any compromise of a boating violation shall be done pursuant to a plea in abeyance

3312     agreement as provided in Title 77, Chapter 2a, Pleas in Abeyance, except:
3313          (a) when the criminal prosecution is dismissed pursuant to Section 77-2-4; or
3314          (b) when there is a plea by the defendant to and entry of a judgment by a court for the
3315     offense originally charged or for an amended charge.
3316          (3) In [all cases which are] a case that is compromised pursuant to [the provisions of]
3317     Subsection (2):
3318          (a) the court, taking into consideration the offense charged, shall collect a plea in
3319     abeyance fee which shall:
3320          (i) be subject to the same surcharge as if imposed on a criminal fine;
3321          (ii) be allocated subject to the surcharge as if paid as a criminal fine under Section
3322     78A-5-110 and a surcharge under Title 51, Chapter 9, Part 4, Criminal Conviction Surcharge
3323     Allocation; and
3324          (iii) be not more than $25 greater than the bail designated in the Uniform Bail
3325     Schedule; or
3326          (b) if no plea in abeyance fee is collected, a surcharge on the fee charged for the
3327     boating safety course shall be collected, which surcharge shall:
3328          (i) be computed, assessed, collected, and remitted in the same manner as if the boating
3329     safety course fee and surcharge had been imposed as a criminal fine and surcharge; and
3330          (ii) be subject to the financial requirements contained in Title 51, Chapter 9, Part 4,
3331     Criminal Conviction Surcharge Allocation.
3332          (4) If a written plea in abeyance agreement is provided, or the defendant requests a
3333     written accounting, an itemized statement of all amounts assessed by the court shall be
3334     provided, including:
3335          (a) the Uniform Bail Schedule amount;
3336          (b) the amount of any surcharges being assessed; and
3337          (c) the amount of the plea in abeyance fee.
3338          Section 72. Section 78A-5-110 is amended to read:
3339          78A-5-110. Allocation of district court fees and forfeitures.
3340          (1) Except as provided in this section, district court fines and forfeitures collected for
3341     violation of state statutes shall be paid to the state treasurer.
3342          (2) Fines and forfeitures collected by the court for violation of a state statute or county

3343     or municipal ordinance constituting a misdemeanor or an infraction shall be remitted 1/2 to the
3344     state treasurer and 1/2 to the treasurer of the state or local governmental entity which
3345     prosecutes or which would prosecute the violation.
3346          (3) (a) Fines and forfeitures collected for violations of Title 23, Wildlife Resources
3347     Code of Utah, Title 41, Chapter 22, Off-Highway Vehicles, or Title 73, Chapter 18, State
3348     Boating Act, shall be paid to the state treasurer.
3349          (b) For violations of Title 23, Wildlife Resources Code of Utah, the state treasurer shall
3350     allocate 85% to the Division of Wildlife Resources and 15% to the General Fund.
3351          (c) For violations of Title 41, Chapter 22, Off-Highway Vehicles, or Title 73, Chapter
3352     18, State Boating Act, the state treasurer shall allocate 85% to the Division of Outdoor
3353     Recreation and 15% to the General Fund.
3354          (4) (a) The state treasurer shall allocate fines and forfeitures collected for a violation of
3355     Section 72-7-404 or 72-7-406, less fees established by the Judicial Council, to the Department
3356     of Transportation for use on class B and class C roads.
3357          (b) Fees established by the Judicial Council shall be deposited in the state General
3358     Fund.
3359          (c) Money allocated for class B and class C roads is supplemental to the money
3360     appropriated under Section 72-2-107 but shall be expended in the same manner as other class B
3361     and class C road funds.
3362          (5) (a) Fines and forfeitures collected by the court for a second or subsequent violation
3363     under Section 41-6a-1713 or Subsection 72-7-409(6)(c) shall be remitted:
3364          (i) 60% to the state treasurer to be deposited [in] into the Transportation Fund; and
3365          (ii) 40% in accordance with Subsection (2).
3366          (b) Fines and forfeitures collected by the court for a second or subsequent violation
3367     under Subsection 72-7-409(6)(d) shall be remitted:
3368          (i) 50% to the state treasurer to be deposited [in] into the Transportation Fund; and
3369          (ii) 50% in accordance with Subsection (2).
3370          (6) For fines and forfeitures collected by the court for a violation of Section
3371     41-6a-1302 in instances where evidence of the violation was obtained by an automated traffic
3372     enforcement safety device as described in Section 41-6a-1310, the court shall allocate 20% to
3373     the school district or private school that owns or contracts for the use of the bus, and the state

3374     treasurer shall allocate 40% to the treasurer of the state or local governmental entity that
3375     prosecutes or that would prosecute the violation, and 40% to the General Fund.
3376          (7) Fines and forfeitures collected for any violations not specified in this chapter or
3377     otherwise provided for by law shall be paid to the state treasurer.
3378          (8) Fees collected in connection with civil actions filed in the district court shall be
3379     paid to the state treasurer.
3380          (9) The court shall remit money collected in accordance with Title 51, Chapter 7, State
3381     Money Management Act.
3382          Section 73. Section 78A-7-120 is amended to read:
3383          78A-7-120. Disposition of fines.
3384          (1) Except as otherwise specified by this section, fines and forfeitures collected by a
3385     justice court shall be remitted, 1/2 to the treasurer of the local government responsible for the
3386     court and 1/2 to the treasurer of the local government which prosecutes or which would
3387     prosecute the violation. An interlocal agreement created pursuant to Title 11, Chapter 13,
3388     Interlocal Cooperation Act, related to justice courts may alter the ratio provided in this section
3389     if the parties agree.
3390          (2) (a) For violation of Title 23, Wildlife Resources Code of Utah, the court shall
3391     allocate 85% to the Division of Wildlife Resources and 15% to the general fund of the city or
3392     county government responsible for the justice court.
3393          (b) For violation of Title 41, Chapter 22, Off-Highway Vehicles, or Title 73, Chapter
3394     18, State Boating Act, the court shall allocate 85% to the Division of Outdoor Recreation and
3395     15% to the general fund of the city or county government responsible for the justice court.
3396          (c) Fines and forfeitures collected by the court for a violation of Section 41-6a-1302 in
3397     instances where evidence of the violation was obtained by an automated traffic enforcement
3398     safety device as described in Section 41-6a-1310 shall be remitted:
3399          (i) 20% to the school district or private school that owns or contracts for the use of the
3400     school bus; and
3401          (ii) 80% in accordance with Subsection (1).
3402          (3) The surcharge established by Section 51-9-401 shall be paid to the state treasurer
3403     and deposited into the General Fund.
3404          (4) Fines, fees, court costs, and forfeitures collected by a municipal or county justice

3405     court for a violation of Section 72-7-404 or 72-7-406 regarding maximum weight limitations
3406     and overweight permits, minus court costs not to exceed the schedule adopted by the Judicial
3407     Council, shall be paid to the state treasurer and allocated to the Department of Transportation
3408     for class B and class C roads.
3409          (5) Revenue allocated for class B and class C roads pursuant to Subsection (4) is
3410     supplemental to the money appropriated under Section 72-2-107 but shall be expended in the
3411     same manner as other class B and class C road funds.
3412          (6) (a) Fines and forfeitures collected by the court for a second or subsequent violation
3413     under Section 41-6a-1713 or Subsection 72-7-409(6)(c) shall be remitted:
3414          (i) 60% to the state treasurer to be deposited [in] into the Transportation Fund; and
3415          (ii) 40% in accordance with Subsection (1).
3416          (b) Fines and forfeitures collected by the court for a second or subsequent violation
3417     under Subsection 72-7-409(6)(d) shall be remitted:
3418          (i) 50% to the state treasurer to be deposited [in] into the Transportation Fund; and
3419          (ii) 50% in accordance with Subsection (1).
3420          Section 74. Section 79-1-104 is enacted to read:
3421          79-1-104. Application of title to wildlife issues.
3422          (1) The following may not be construed or applied to supersede or interfere with the
3423     powers and duties of the Division of Wildlife Resources or the Wildlife Board under Title 23,
3424     Wildlife Resources Code of Utah, over the activities described in Subsection (2):
3425          (a) Chapter 4, State Parks;
3426          (b) Chapter 5, Recreational Trails;
3427          (c) Chapter 7, Outdoor Recreation Act; and
3428          (d) Chapter 8, Outdoor Recreation Grants.
3429          (2) Subsection (1) applies to the powers and duties of the Division of Wildlife
3430     Resources or the Wildlife Board over:
3431          (a) conservation and management of protected wildlife within the state;
3432          (b) a program or initiative to restore and conserve habitat for fish and wildlife; or
3433          (c) acquisition, ownership, management, and control of real property or a real property
3434     interest, including a leasehold estate, an easement, a right-of-way, or a conservation easement.
3435          Section 75. Section 79-2-201 is amended to read:

3436          79-2-201. Department of Natural Resources created.
3437          (1) There is created the Department of Natural Resources.
3438          (2) The department comprises the following:
3439          (a) Board of Water Resources, created in Section 73-10-1.5;
3440          (b) Board of Oil, Gas, and Mining, created in Section 40-6-4;
3441          (c) Board of State Parks, created in Section 79-4-301;
3442          (d) Office of Energy Development, created in Section 79-6-401[.];
3443          (e) Wildlife Board, created in Section 23-14-2;
3444          (f) Board of the Utah Geological Survey, created in Section 79-3-301;
3445          (g) Water Development Coordinating Council, created in Section 73-10c-3;
3446          [(h) Utah Outdoor Recreation Grant Advisory Committee, created in Section
3447     79-8-105;]
3448          [(i) Home Energy Information Advisory Committee, created in Section 79-6-805;]
3449          [(j)] (h) Division of Water Rights, created in Section 73-2-1.1;
3450          [(k)] (i) Division of Water Resources, created in Section 73-10-18;
3451          [(l)] (j) Division of Forestry, Fire, and State Lands, created in Section 65A-1-4;
3452          [(m)] (k) Division of Oil, Gas, and Mining, created in Section 40-6-15;
3453          [(n)] (l) Division of State Parks, created in Section 79-4-201;
3454          [(o)] (m) Division of Outdoor Recreation, created in Section 79-7-201;
3455          [(p)] (n) Division of Wildlife Resources, created in Section 23-14-1;
3456          [(q)] (o) Utah Geological Survey, created in Section 79-3-201;
3457          [(r)] (p) Heritage Trees Advisory Committee, created in Section 65A-8-306;
3458          [(s) Recreational Trails Advisory Council, authorized by Section 79-5-201;]
3459          (q) Utah Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Advisory Committee, created in Section
3460     79-7-206;
3461          [(t)] (r) (i) [Boating Advisory Council] an advisory council that includes in the
3462     advisory council's duties advising on state boating policy, authorized by Section 73-18-3.5; or
3463          (ii) an advisory council that includes in the advisory council's duties advising on
3464     off-highway vehicle use, authorized by Section 41-22-10;
3465          [(u)] (s) Wildlife Board Nominating Committee, created in Section 23-14-2.5;
3466          [(v)] (t) Wildlife Regional Advisory Councils, created in Section 23-14-2.6;

3467          [(w)] (u) Utah Watersheds Council, created in Section 73-10g-304;
3468          [(x)] (v) Utah Natural Resources Legacy Fund Board, created in Section 23-31-202;
3469     and
3470          [(y)] (w) Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office created in Section 63L-11-201.
3471          Section 76. Section 79-2-202 is amended to read:
3472          79-2-202. Executive director -- Appointment -- Removal -- Compensation --
3473     Responsibilities.
3474          (1) (a) The chief administrative officer of the department is an executive director
3475     appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the Senate.
3476          (b) The executive director may be removed at the will of the governor.
3477          (c) The executive director shall receive a salary established by the governor within the
3478     salary range fixed by the Legislature in Title 67, Chapter 22, State Officer Compensation.
3479          (2) The executive director shall:
3480          (a) administer and supervise the department and provide for coordination and
3481     cooperation among the boards, divisions, councils, and committees of the department;
3482          (b) approve the budget of each board and division;
3483          (c) participate in regulatory proceedings as appropriate for the functions and duties of
3484     the department;
3485          (d) report at the end of each fiscal year to the governor on department, board, and
3486     division activities;
3487          (e) ensure that any training or certification required of a public official or public
3488     employee, as those terms are defined in Section 63G-22-102, complies with Title 63G, Chapter
3489     22, State Training and Certification Requirements, if the training or certification is required:
3490          (i) under this title;
3491          (ii) by the department; or
3492          (iii) by an agency or division within the department; and
3493          (f) perform other duties as provided by statute.
3494          (3) By following the procedures and requirements of Title 63J, Chapter 5, Federal
3495     Funds Procedures Act, the executive director, may accept an executive or legislative provision
3496     that is enacted by the federal government, whereby the state may participate in the distribution,
3497     disbursement, or administration of a fund or service from the federal government for purposes

3498     consistent with the powers and duties of the department.
3499          (4) (a) The executive director, in cooperation with the governmental entities having
3500     policymaking authority regarding natural resources, may engage in studies and comprehensive
3501     planning for the development and conservation of the state's natural resources.
3502          (b) The executive director shall submit any plan to the governor for review and
3503     approval.
3504          (5) The executive director may coordinate and enter agreements with other state
3505     agencies regarding state conservation efforts as defined in Section 4-46-102.
3506          Section 77. Section 79-2-206 is amended to read:
3507          79-2-206. Transition.
3508          (1) In accordance with Laws of Utah 2021 Chapter 280, the Department of Natural
3509     Resources assumes the policymaking functions, regulatory, and enforcement powers, rights,
3510     and duties of the Office of Energy Development existing on June 30, 2021.
3511          (2) (a) Rules issued by the Office of Energy Development that are in effect on June 30,
3512     2021, are not modified by Laws of Utah 2021 Chapter 280, and remain in effect until modified
3513     by the Department of Natural Resources, except that the agency administrating the rule shall be
3514     transferred to the Department of Natural Resources in the same manner as the statutory
3515     responsibility is transferred under Laws of Utah 2021 Chapter 280.
3516          (b) Rules issued by the Board of Parks and Recreation that are in effect on June 30,
3517     2021, are not modified by Laws of Utah 2021 Chapter 280, and remain in effect until modified
3518     by the appropriate entity within the Department of Natural Resources, except that the agency
3519     administrating the rule shall be transferred to the appropriate entity within the Department of
3520     Natural Resources in the same manner as the statutory responsibility is transferred under Laws
3521     of Utah 2021 Chapter 280.
3522          (c) Rules issued by the Office of Outdoor Recreation that are in effect on June 30,
3523     2022, are not modified by this bill, and remain in effect until modified by the Department of
3524     Natural Resources, except that the agency administrating the rule shall be transferred to the
3525     Department of Natural Resources in the same manner as the statutory responsibility is
3526     transferred under this bill.
3527          (3) A grant, contract, or agreement in effect on June 30, 2021, that is entered into by or
3528     issued by the Office of Energy Development remains in effect, except that:

3529          (a) the agency administrating the grant, contract, or agreement shall be transferred to
3530     the Department of Natural Resources in the same manner as the statutory responsibility is
3531     transferred under Laws of Utah 2021 Chapter 280; and
3532          (b) the grant, contract, or agreement is subject to its terms and may be terminated under
3533     the terms of the grant, contract, or agreement.
3534          (4) (a) A grant that is entered into or issued by the Utah Office of Outdoor Recreation
3535     remains in effect, except that:
3536          [(a)] (i) [except for an outdoor recreational infrastructure grant,] the agency
3537     administrating the grant shall be transferred to the Division of Outdoor Recreation in the same
3538     manner as the statutory responsibility is transferred under Laws of Utah 2021 Chapter 280 and
3539     this bill; and
3540          [(b)] (ii) the grant is subject to the terms of the grant and may be terminated under the
3541     terms of the grant.
3542          (b) In accordance with this bill, the Department of Natural Resources assumes the
3543     policymaking functions, regulatory, and enforcement powers, rights, and duties of the Office of
3544     Outdoor Recreation existing on June 30, 2022.
3545          [(5) (a) The Governor's Office of Planning and Budget shall submit recommendations
3546     to the Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environment Interim Committee by no later than the
3547     November 2021 interim meeting of the committee regarding possible restructuring to improve
3548     coordination between the Department of Natural Resources and the following:]
3549          [(i) the Department of Environmental Quality;]
3550          [(ii) the Division of Public Utilities;]
3551          [(iii) the Office of Consumer Services; and]
3552          [(iv) the Office of Rural Development.]
3553          [(b) In conducting the study under this Subsection (5), the Governor's Office of
3554     Planning and Budget shall incorporate public feedback into forming the recommendations,
3555     including:]
3556          [(i) holding at least two public meetings and listening sessions; and]
3557          [(ii) publishing draft recommendations a minimum of 30 days before the November
3558     2021 interim meeting to provide a comment period on the draft recommendations with
3559     adequate time for considering feedback and revisions to the recommendations.]

3560          Section 78. Section 79-4-203 is amended to read:
3561          79-4-203. Powers and duties of division.
3562          (1) As used in this section, "real property" includes land under water, upland, and all
3563     other property commonly or legally defined as real property.
3564          (2) The Division of Wildlife Resources shall retain the power and jurisdiction
3565     conferred upon the Division of Wildlife Resources by law within state parks and on property
3566     controlled by the Division of State Parks with reference to fish and game.
3567          (3) The division shall permit multiple use of state parks and property controlled by the
3568     division for purposes such as grazing, fishing, hunting, camping, mining, and the development
3569     and utilization of water and other natural resources.
3570          (4) (a) The division may acquire real and personal property in the name of the state by
3571     all legal and proper means, including purchase, gift, devise, eminent domain, lease, exchange,
3572     or otherwise, subject to the approval of the executive director and the governor.
3573          (b) In acquiring any real or personal property, the credit of the state may not be pledged
3574     without the consent of the Legislature.
3575          (5) (a) Before acquiring any real property, the division shall notify the county
3576     legislative body of the county where the property is situated of [its] the division's intention to
3577     acquire the property.
3578          (b) If the county legislative body requests a hearing within 10 days of receipt of the
3579     notice, the division shall hold a public hearing in the county concerning the matter.
3580          (6) Acceptance of gifts or devises of land or other property is at the discretion of the
3581     division, subject to the approval of the executive director and the governor.
3582          (7) The division shall acquire property by eminent domain in the manner authorized by
3583     Title 78B, Chapter 6, Part 5, Eminent Domain.
3584          (8) (a) The division may make charges for special services and use of facilities, the
3585     income from which is available for park purposes.
3586          (b) The division may conduct and operate those services necessary for the comfort and
3587     convenience of the public.
3588          (9) (a) The division may lease or rent concessions of all lawful kinds and nature in state
3589     parks and property to persons, partnerships, and corporations for a valuable consideration upon
3590     the recommendation of the board.

3591          (b) The division shall comply with Title 63G, Chapter 6a, Utah Procurement Code, in
3592     selecting concessionaires.
3593          (10) The division shall proceed without delay to negotiate with the federal government
3594     concerning the Weber Basin and other recreation and reclamation projects.
3595          [(11) The division shall receive and distribute voluntary contributions collected under
3596     Section 41-1a-422 in accordance with Section 79-4-404.]
3597          Section 79. Section 79-4-1103 is amended to read:
3598          79-4-1103. Governor's duties -- Priority of federal property.
3599          (1) During a fiscal emergency, the governor shall:
3600          (a) if financially practicable, work with the federal government to open and maintain
3601     the operation of one or more national parks, national monuments, national forests, and national
3602     recreation areas in the state, in the order established under this section; and
3603          (b) report to the speaker of the House and the president of the Senate on the need, if
3604     any, for additional appropriations to assist the division in opening and operating one or more
3605     national parks, national monuments, national forests, and national recreation areas in the state.
3606          (2) The director of the [Outdoor Recreation Office, created in Section 63N-9-104,]
3607     Division of Outdoor Recreation, in consultation with the executive director of the Governor's
3608     Office of Economic Opportunity, shall determine, by rule, the priority of national parks,
3609     national monuments, national forests, and national recreation areas in the state.
3610          (3) In determining the priority described in Subsection (2), the director of the [Outdoor
3611     Recreation Office] Division of Outdoor Recreation shall consider the:
3612          (a) economic impact of the national park, national monument, national forest, or
3613     national recreation area in the state; and
3614          (b) recreational value offered by the national park, national monument, national forest,
3615     or national recreation area.
3616          (4) The director of the [Outdoor Recreation Office shall:(a) report the priority
3617     determined under Subsection (2) to the Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environment
3618     Interim Committee by November 30, 2014; and (b)] Division of Outdoor Recreation shall
3619     annually review the priority set under Subsection (2) to determine whether the priority list
3620     should be amended.
3621          Section 80. Section 79-5-102 is amended to read:

3622          79-5-102. Definitions.
3623          As used in this chapter:
3624          [(1) "Commission" means the Outdoor Adventure Commission.]
3625          [(2) "Council" means the Recreational Trails Advisory Council.]
3626          (1) "Committee" means the Utah Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Advisory
3627     Committee created in Section 79-7-206.
3628          [(3)] (2) "Division" means the Division of Outdoor Recreation.
3629          [(4)] (3) "Recreational trail" or "trail" means a multi-use path used for:
3630          (a) muscle-powered activities, including:
3631          (i) bicycling;
3632          (ii) cross-country skiing;
3633          (iii) walking;
3634          (iv) jogging; and
3635          (v) horseback riding; and
3636          (b) uses compatible with the uses described in Subsection [(4)] (3)(a), including the use
3637     of an electric assisted bicycle or motor assisted scooter, as defined in Section 41-6a-102.
3638          Section 81. Section 79-5-501 is amended to read:
3639          79-5-501. Grants -- Matching funds requirements -- Rules.
3640          (1) (a) The division, after consultation with the [commission] committee, may give
3641     grants to federal government agencies, state agencies, or local governments for the planning,
3642     acquisition, and development of trails within the state's recreational trail system with funds
3643     appropriated by the Legislature for that purpose.
3644          (b) (i) Each grant recipient must provide matching funds [having a value that is equal
3645     to or greater than the grant funds received] as established by the division by rule.
3646          (ii) The division may allow a grant recipient to provide property, material, or labor in
3647     lieu of money, provided the grant recipient's contribution has a value that is equal to or greater
3648     than the grant funds received.
3649          (2) The division, after consultation with the [commission] committee, shall:
3650          (a) make rules setting forth procedures and criteria for the awarding of grants for
3651     recreational trails; and
3652          (b) determine to whom grant funds shall be awarded after considering the

3653     recommendations of and after consulting with the [council] committee and the division.
3654          (3) Rules for the awarding of grants for recreational trails shall provide that:
3655          (a) each grant applicant must solicit public comment on the proposed recreational trail
3656     and submit a summary of that comment to the division;
3657          (b) each trail project for which grant funds are awarded must conform to the criteria
3658     and guidelines specified in Sections 79-5-103, 79-5-301, and 79-5-302; and
3659          (c) trail proposals that include a plan to provide employment opportunities for youth,
3660     including at-risk youth, in the development of the trail is encouraged.
3661          (4) As used in this section, "at-risk youth" means youth who:
3662          (a) are subject to environmental forces, such as poverty or family dysfunction, that may
3663     make them vulnerable to family, school, or community problems;
3664          (b) perform poorly in school or have failed to complete high school;
3665          (c) exhibit behaviors that have the potential to harm themselves or others in the
3666     community, such as truancy, use of alcohol or drugs, and associating with delinquent peers; or
3667          (d) have already engaged in behaviors harmful to themselves or others in the
3668     community.
3669          Section 82. Section 79-5-503 is amended to read:
3670          79-5-503. Bonneville Shoreline Trail Program.
3671          (1) There is created within the division the Bonneville Shoreline Trail Program.
3672          (2) The program shall be funded from the following sources:
3673          (a) appropriations made to the program by the Legislature; and
3674          (b) contributions from other public and private sources.
3675          (3) [All money] Money appropriated to the Bonneville Shoreline Trail Program is
3676     nonlapsing.
3677          (4) The Bonneville Shoreline Trail is intended to:
3678          (a) follow on or near the old Lake Bonneville shoreline terrace near the foot of the
3679     Wasatch Mountains from Juab County through Cache County; and
3680          (b) provide continuous and safe trails.
3681          (5) (a) The program money shall be used to provide grants to local governments for the
3682     planning, development, [and] construction, and the acquisition of key parcels of land of the
3683     Bonneville Shoreline Trail.

3684          (b) Grant recipients shall provide matching funds in accordance with Section 79-5-501.
3685          Section 83. Section 79-6-302 is amended to read:
3686          79-6-302. Legislative committee review.
3687          [The Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environment Interim Committee and the] The
3688     Public Utilities, Energy, and Technology Interim Committee shall review the state energy
3689     policy annually and propose any changes to the Legislature.
3690          Section 84. Section 79-6-505 is amended to read:
3691          79-6-505. Report to the Legislature.
3692          The office shall annually provide an electronic report to the Public Utilities, Energy,
3693     and Technology Interim Committee[, the Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environment
3694     Interim Committee, and the Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee] describing:
3695          (1) [its] the office's success in attracting alternative energy projects to the state and the
3696     resulting increase in new state revenues under this part;
3697          (2) the amount of tax credits the office has granted or will grant and the time period
3698     during which the tax credits have been or will be granted; and
3699          (3) the economic impact on the state by comparing new state revenues to tax credits
3700     that have been or will be granted under this part.
3701          Section 85. Section 79-6-605 is amended to read:
3702          79-6-605. Report to the Legislature.
3703          The office shall report annually to the Public Utilities, Energy, and Technology Interim
3704     Committee[, the Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environment Interim Committee, and the
3705     Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee] describing:
3706          (1) the office's success in attracting high cost infrastructure projects to the state and the
3707     resulting increase in infrastructure-related revenue under this part;
3708          (2) the amount of tax credits the office has granted or will grant and the time period
3709     during which the tax credits have been or will be granted; and
3710          (3) the economic impact on the state by comparing infrastructure-related revenue to tax
3711     credits that have been or will be granted under this part.
3712          Section 86. Section 79-7-102 is amended to read:

Part 1. General Provisions

3715          79-7-102. Definitions.
3716          As used in this chapter:
3717          (1) "Commission" means the Outdoor Adventure Commission created in Section
3718     63C-21-201.
3719          (2) "Division" means the Division of Outdoor Recreation.
3720          Section 87. Section 79-7-103, which is renumbered from Section 63N-9-103 is
3721     renumbered and amended to read:
3722          [63N-9-103].      79-7-103. Policy.
3723          It is the declared policy of the state that outdoor recreation is vital to a diverse economy
3724     and a healthy community.     
3725          Section 88. Section 79-7-201 is amended to read:
3726          79-7-201. Division of Outdoor Recreation -- Creation -- Purposes -- Rulemaking
3727     authority.
3728          (1) (a) There is created within the department the Division of Outdoor Recreation.
3729          (b) The division has the purpose of providing, maintaining, and coordinating motorized
3730     and nonmotorized recreation within the state as the recreation authority of the state.
3731          (2) (a) The division is under the administration and general supervision of the
3732     executive director.
3733          (b) The division shall [consult with] notify the commission as provided in statute on
3734     issues related to outdoor recreation.
3735          [(3) The division is the recreation authority for the state.]
3736          [(4)] (3) (a) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking
3737     Act, the division may make rules, [after consulting with the commission,] when expressly
3738     authorized by this chapter[.]:
3739          (i) regarding issues related to outdoor recreation; and
3740          (ii) after notifying the commission, except for rules made under:
3741          (A) Chapter 5, Recreational Trails; and
3742          (B) Chapter 8, Outdoor Recreation Grants.
3743          (b) [The] In accordance with Subsection (3)(a), the division shall make rules governing
3744     the collection of charges under Subsection 79-7-203(8).
3745          Section 89. Section 79-7-203 is amended to read:

3746          79-7-203. Powers and duties of division.
3747          (1) As used in this section, "real property" includes land under water, upland, and all
3748     other property commonly or legally defined as real property.
3749          (2) The Division of Wildlife Resources shall retain the power and jurisdiction
3750     conferred upon the Division of Wildlife Resources by law on property controlled by the
3751     division with reference to fish and game.
3752          (3) [The] For purposes of property controlled by the division, the division shall permit
3753     multiple [use] uses of the property [controlled by the division] for purposes such as grazing,
3754     fishing, hunting, camping, mining, and the development and use of water and other natural
3755     resources.
3756          (4) (a) The division may acquire real and personal property in the name of the state by
3757     legal and proper means, including purchase, gift, devise, eminent domain, lease, exchange, or
3758     otherwise, subject to the approval of the executive director and the governor.
3759          (b) In acquiring real or personal property, the credit of the state may not be pledged
3760     without the consent of the Legislature.
3761          (5) (a) Before acquiring any real property, the division shall notify the county
3762     legislative body of the county where the property is situated of the division's intention to
3763     acquire the property.
3764          (b) If the county legislative body requests a hearing within 10 days of receipt of the
3765     notice, the division shall hold a public hearing in the county concerning the matter.
3766          (6) Acceptance of gifts or devises of land or other property is at the discretion of the
3767     division, subject to the approval of the executive director and the governor.
3768          (7) The division shall acquire property by eminent domain in the manner authorized by
3769     Title 78B, Chapter 6, Part 5, Eminent Domain.
3770          (8) (a) The division may make charges for special services and use of facilities, the
3771     income from which is available for recreation purposes.
3772          (b) The division may conduct and operate those services necessary for the comfort and
3773     convenience of the public.
3774          (9) (a) The division may lease or rent concessions of lawful kinds and nature on
3775     property to persons, partnerships, and corporations for a valuable consideration after
3776     [consulting with] notifying the commission.

3777          (b) The division shall comply with Title 63G, Chapter 6a, Utah Procurement Code, in
3778     selecting concessionaires.
3779          (10) The division shall proceed without delay to negotiate with the federal government
3780     concerning the Weber Basin and other recreation and reclamation projects.
3781          (11) (a) The division shall coordinate with and annually report to the following
3782     regarding land acquisition and development and grants administered under this chapter or
3783     Chapter 8, Outdoor Recreation Grants:
3784          [(a) the Utah Office of Outdoor Recreation;]
3785          [(b)] (i) the Division of State Parks; and
3786          [(c)] (ii) the Office of Rural Development.
3787          (b) The report required under Subsection (11)(a) shall be in writing, made public, and
3788     include a description and the amount of any grant awarded under this chapter or Chapter 8,
3789     Outdoor Recreation Grants.
3790          (12) The division shall:
3791          (a) coordinate outdoor recreation policy, management, and promotion:
3792          (i) among state and federal agencies and local government entities in the state;
3793          (ii) with the Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office created in Section 63L-11-201, if
3794     public land is involved; and
3795          (iii) on at least a quarterly basis, with the executive director and the executive director
3796     of the Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity;
3797          (b) in cooperation with the Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity, promote
3798     economic development in the state by:
3799          (i) coordinating with outdoor recreation stakeholders;
3800          (ii) improving recreational opportunities; and
3801          (iii) recruiting outdoor recreation business;
3802          (c) promote all forms of outdoor recreation, including motorized and nonmotorized
3803     outdoor recreation;
3804          (d) recommend to the governor and Legislature policies and initiatives to enhance
3805     recreational amenities and experiences in the state and help implement those policies and
3806     initiatives;
3807          (e) in performing the division's duties, seek to ensure safe and adequate access to

3808     outdoor recreation for all user groups and for all forms of recreation;
3809          (f) develop data regarding the impacts of outdoor recreation in the state; and
3810          (g) promote the health and social benefits of outdoor recreation, especially to young
3811     people.
3812          (13) By following Title 63J, Chapter 5, Federal Funds Procedures Act, the division
3813     may:
3814          (a) seek federal grants or loans;
3815          (b) seek to participate in federal programs; and
3816          (c) in accordance with applicable federal program guidelines, administer federally
3817     funded outdoor recreation programs.
3818          (14) The division shall receive and distribute voluntary contributions collected under
3819     Section 41-1a-422 in accordance with Section 79-7-303.
3820          Section 90. Section 79-7-206 is enacted to read:
3821          79-7-206. Utah Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Advisory Committee.
3822          (1) As used in this section, "committee" means the Utah Outdoor Recreation
3823     Infrastructure Advisory Committee created in this section.
3824          (2) (a) There is created within the division the "Utah Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure
3825     Advisory Committee" consisting of the following 17 members:
3826          (i) the director of the division, who shall act as chair of the committee;
3827          (ii) the director of the Division of State Parks, or the director of the Division of State
3828     Park's designee; and
3829          (iii) the following appointed by the executive director:
3830          (A) one nonvoting representative of a federal land agency;
3831          (B) one nonvoting representative of National Park Service's River, Trails, and
3832     Conservation Assistance Program;
3833          (C) one representative of municipal government, recommended by the Utah League of
3834     Cities and Towns;
3835          (D) one representative of county government, recommended by the Utah Association
3836     of Counties;
3837          (E) two representatives of the outdoor industry;
3838          (F) two representatives of tourism, with one focused in the hotel or lodging sector;

3839          (G) one representative of the healthcare industry;
3840          (H) one representative of multi-ability groups or programs;
3841          (I) one representative of outdoor recreation education programming;
3842          (J) one representative of nonmotorized recreation interests;
3843          (K) one representative of youth conservation or service corps organization; and
3844          (L) two representatives of motorized recreation interests.
3845          (b) At least two of the members of the committee appointed under Subsection
3846     (2)(a)(iii) shall represent rural interests.
3847          (3) (a) Except as required by Subsection (3)(b), as terms of committee members
3848     appointed under Subsection (2)(a)(iii) expire, the division shall appoint each new member or
3849     reappointed member to a four-year term.
3850          (b) Notwithstanding the requirements of Subsection (3)(a), the division shall, at the
3851     time of appointment or reappointment, adjust the length of terms to ensure that the terms of
3852     committee members appointed under Subsection (2)(a)(iii) are staggered so that approximately
3853     half of the committee is appointed every two years.
3854          (c) The executive director may remove an appointed member of the advisory
3855     committee at any time, with or without cause.
3856          (d) When a vacancy occurs in the membership for any reason, the executive director
3857     shall appoint the replacement for the unexpired term in the same manner as the original
3858     appointment.
3859          (4) The majority of voting members of the committee constitutes a quorum and an
3860     action of the majority of voting members present when a quorum is present is action by the
3861     committee.
3862          (5) The division shall provide administrative staff support for the committee.
3863          (6) A member may not receive compensation or benefits for the member's service, but
3864     a member appointed under Subsection (2)(b) may receive per diem and travel expenses in
3865     accordance with:
3866          (a) Section 63A-3-106;
3867          (b) Section 63A-3-107; and
3868          (c) rules made by the Division of Finance pursuant to Sections 63A-3-106 and
3869     63A-3-107.

3870          (7) The committee shall advise and make recommendations to the division regarding:
3871          (a) nonmotorized recreational trails under Chapter 5, Recreational Trails;
3872          (b) grants issued under Chapter 8, Part 2, Recreation Restoration Infrastructure Grant
3873     Program;
3874          (c) the administration of the fund created in Section 79-8-304;
3875          (d) grants issued under Chapter 8, Part 3, Utah Children's Outdoor Recreation and
3876     Education Grant Program; and
3877          (e) grants issued under Chapter 8, Part 4, Outdoor Recreational Infrastructure Grant
3878     Program.
3879          Section 91. Section 79-7-303, which is renumbered from Section 79-4-404 is
3880     renumbered and amended to read:
3881          [79-4-404].      79-7-303. Zion National Park Support Programs Restricted
3882     Account.
3883          (1) There is created within the General Fund the "Zion National Park Support
3884     Programs Restricted Account."
3885          (2) The [account] Zion National Park Support Programs Restricted Account shall be
3886     funded by:
3887          (a) contributions deposited into the [account] Zion National Park Support Programs
3888     Restricted Account in accordance with Section 41-1a-422;
3889          (b) private contributions; or
3890          (c) donations or grants from public or private entities.
3891          (3) The Legislature shall appropriate [funds] money in the [account] Zion National
3892     Park Support Programs Restricted Account to the division.
3893          (4) The [board] division may expend up to 10% of the money appropriated under
3894     Subsection (3) to administer account distributions in accordance with Subsections (5) and (6).
3895          (5) The division shall distribute contributions to one or more organizations that:
3896          (a) are exempt from federal income taxation under Section 501(c)(3), Internal Revenue
3897     Code;
3898          (b) operate under a written agreement with the National Park Service to provide
3899     interpretive, educational, and research activities for the benefit of Zion National Park;
3900          (c) produce and distribute educational and promotional materials on Zion National

3901     Park;
3902          (d) conduct educational courses on the history and ecosystem of the greater Zion
3903     Canyon area; and
3904          (e) provide other programs that enhance visitor appreciation and enjoyment of Zion
3905     National Park.
3906          (6) (a) An organization described in Subsection (5) may apply to the division to receive
3907     a distribution in accordance with Subsection (5).
3908          (b) An organization that receives a distribution from the division in accordance with
3909     Subsection (5) shall expend the distribution only to:
3910          (i) produce and distribute educational and promotional materials on Zion National
3911     Park;
3912          (ii) conduct educational courses on the history and ecosystem of the greater Zion
3913     Canyon area; and
3914          (iii) provide other programs that enhance visitor appreciation and enjoyment of Zion
3915     National Park.
3916          (c) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, and
3917     after notifying the commission, the division may make rules providing procedures and
3918     requirements for an organization to apply to the division to receive a distribution under
3919     Subsection (5).
3920          Section 92. Section 79-8-102 is amended to read:
3921          79-8-102. Definitions.
3922          As used in this chapter:
3923          (1) "Accessible to the general public" in relation to the awarding of an infrastructure
3924     grant, means:
3925          (a) the public may use the infrastructure in accordance with federal and state
3926     regulations; and
3927          (b) no community or group retains exclusive rights to access the infrastructure.
3928          (2) "Advisory committee" means the Utah Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Advisory
3929     Committee created in Section 79-7-206.
3930          [(1)] (3) "Children," in relation to the awarding of a UCORE grant, means individuals
3931     who are six years old or older and 18 years old or younger.

3932          [(2)] (4) "Director" means the director of the Division of Outdoor Recreation.
3933          [(3)] (5) "Division" means the Division of Outdoor Recreation.
3934          [(4)] (6) "Executive director" means the executive director of the Department of
3935     Natural Resources.
3936          (7) "Infrastructure grant" means an outdoor recreational infrastructure grant described
3937     in Section 79-8-401.
3938          (8) (a) "Recreational infrastructure project" means an undertaking to build or improve
3939     an approved facility or installation needed for the public to access and enjoy the state's
3940     outdoors.
3941          (b) "Recreational infrastructure project" may include the:
3942          (i) establishment, construction, or renovation of a trail, trail infrastructure, or a trail
3943     facility;
3944          (ii) construction of a project for a water-related outdoor recreational activity;
3945          (iii) development of a project for a wildlife watching opportunity, including bird
3946     watching;
3947          (iv) development of a project that provides a winter recreation amenity;
3948          (v) construction or improvement of a community park that has an amenity for outdoor
3949     recreation; and
3950          (vi) construction or improvement of a naturalistic and accessible playground.
3951          [(5)] (9) "UCORE grant" means a children's outdoor recreation and education grant
3952     described in Section [79-8-402] 79-8-302.
3953          [(6)] (10) (a) "Underserved [or underprivileged] community" means a group of people,
3954     including a municipality, county, or American Indian tribe, that is economically disadvantaged.
3955          (b) "Underserved [or underprivileged] community" includes an economically
3956     disadvantaged community where in relation to awarding a UCORE grant, the children of the
3957     community, including children with disabilities, have limited access to outdoor recreation or
3958     education programs.
3959          Section 93. Section 79-8-103 is amended to read:
3960          79-8-103. Outdoor recreation grants.
3961          To the extent money is available, the division shall administer outdoor recreation grants
3962     for the state, including grants that address:

3963          (1) outdoor recreation in general;
3964          (2) recreational trails;
3965          (3) off-highway vehicle incentives;
3966          (4) boat access and clean vessels; [and]
3967          (5) land, water, and conservation[.]; and
3968          (6) outdoor recreation programming.
3969          Section 94. Section 79-8-106 is amended to read:
3970          79-8-106. Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Account -- Uses -- Costs.
3971          (1) There is created an expendable special revenue fund known as the "Outdoor
3972     Recreation Infrastructure Account," which[; (a) the outdoor recreation office] the division shall
3973     use to fund:
3974          (a) the Outdoor Recreational Infrastructure Grant Program created in Section
3975     [63N-9-202] 79-8-401; and
3976          (b) [the division shall use to fund] the Recreation Restoration Infrastructure Grant
3977     Program created in Section 79-8-202.
3978          (2) The account consists of:
3979          (a) distributions to the account under Section 59-28-103;
3980          (b) interest earned on the account;
3981          (c) appropriations made by the Legislature;
3982          (d) money from a cooperative agreement entered into with the United States
3983     Department of Agriculture or the United States Department of the Interior; and
3984          (e) private donations, grants, gifts, bequests, or money made available from any other
3985     source to implement this part.
3986          (3) The division shall, with the advice of the [Utah Outdoor Recreation Grant Advisory
3987     Committee created in Section 79-8-105] advisory committee, administer the account.
3988          (4) [(a)] The cost of administering the account shall be paid from money in the
3989     account.
3990          [(b) The cost of two full-time positions in the Utah Office of Outdoor Recreation in an
3991     amount agreed to by the division and the Utah Office of Outdoor Recreation shall be paid from
3992     money in the account.]
3993          (5) Interest accrued from investment of money in the account shall remain in the

3994     account.
3995          Section 95. Section 79-8-201 is amended to read:
3996          79-8-201. Definitions.
3997          As used in this part:
3998          [(1) "Advisory committee" means the Utah Outdoor Recreation Grant Advisory
3999     Committee created in Section 79-8-105.]
4000          [(2)] (1) "Grant program" means the Recreation Restoration Infrastructure Grant
4001     Program created in Section 79-8-202.
4002          [(3)] (2) "High demand outdoor recreation amenity" means infrastructure necessary for
4003     a campground, picnic area, or water recreation structure such as a dock, pier, or boat ramp that
4004     receives or has received heavy use by the public.
4005          [(4)] (3) "High priority trail" means a motorized or nonmotorized recreation
4006     summer-use trail and related infrastructure that is prioritized by the advisory committee for
4007     restoration or rehabilitation to maintain usability and sustainability of trails that receive or have
4008     received high use by the public.
4009          [(5)] (4) "Public lands" includes local, state, and federal lands.
4010          [(6)] (5) "Rehabilitation or restoration" means returning an outdoor recreation structure
4011     or trail that has been degraded, damaged, or destroyed to its previously useful state by means of
4012     repair, modification, or alteration.
4013          Section 96. Section 79-8-202 is amended to read:
4014          79-8-202. Creation of grant program.
4015          (1) (a) There is created the "Recreation Restoration Infrastructure Grant Program"
4016     administered by the division.
4017          (b) Subject to Subsection (1)(c), 5% percent of the unencumbered amount in the [Utah]
4018     Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Account, created in Section 79-8-106, at the beginning of
4019     each fiscal year may be used for the grant program.
4020          (c) The percentage outlined in Subsection (1)(b) may be increased or decreased at the
4021     beginning of a fiscal year if approved by the executive director after consultation with the
4022     director and the advisory committee.
4023          (2) The division may seek to accomplish the following objectives in administering the
4024     grant program:

4025          (a) rehabilitate or restore high priority trails for both motorized and nonmotorized uses;
4026          (b) rehabilitate or restore high demand recreation areas on public lands; and
4027          (c) encourage the public land entities to engage with volunteer groups to aid with
4028     portions of needed trail work.
4029          (3) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
4030     division shall make rules, after consulting with [the Outdoor Adventure Commission] the
4031     advisory committee, establishing the eligibility and reporting criteria for an entity to receive a
4032     recreation restoration infrastructure grant, including:
4033          (a) the form and process of submitting annual project proposals to the division for a
4034     recreation restoration infrastructure grant;
4035          (b) which entities are eligible to apply for a recreation restoration infrastructure grant;
4036          (c) specific categories of recreation restoration projects that are eligible for a recreation
4037     restoration infrastructure grant;
4038          (d) the method and formula for determining recreation restoration infrastructure grant
4039     amounts; and
4040          (e) the reporting requirements of a recipient of a recreation restoration infrastructure
4041     grant.
4042          Section 97. Section 79-8-302 is amended to read:
4043          79-8-302. Creation and purpose of the UCORE grant program.
4044          (1) There is created the Utah Children's Outdoor Recreation and Education Grant
4045     Program administered by the division.
4046          (2) The division may seek to accomplish the following objectives in administering the
4047     UCORE grant program:
4048          (a) promote the health and social benefits of outdoor recreation to the state's children;
4049          (b) encourage children to develop the skills and confidence to be physically active for
4050     life;
4051          (c) provide outdoor recreational opportunities to underserved [or underprivileged]
4052     communities in the state; and
4053          (d) encourage hands-on outdoor or nature-based learning and play to prepare children
4054     for achievement in science, technology, engineering, and math.
4055          Section 98. Section 79-8-303 is amended to read:

4056          79-8-303. Rulemaking and requirements for awarding a UCORE grant.
4057          (1) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
4058     division, after consulting with the [Outdoor Adventure Commission] advisory committee, shall
4059     make rules establishing the eligibility and reporting criteria for an entity to receive a UCORE
4060     grant, including:
4061          (a) the form and process of submitting an application to the division for a UCORE
4062     grant;
4063          (b) which entities are eligible to apply for a UCORE grant;
4064          (c) specific categories of children's programs that are eligible for a UCORE grant;
4065          (d) the method and formula for determining grant amounts; and
4066          (e) the reporting requirements of grant recipients.
4067          (2) In determining the award of a UCORE grant, the division may prioritize a children's
4068     program that will serve an [underprivileged or] underserved community in the state.
4069          (3) A UCORE grant may only be awarded by the executive director after consultation
4070     with the director and the [Outdoor Adventure Commission] advisory committee.
4071          (4) The following entities may not receive a UCORE grant under this part:
4072          (a) a federal government entity;
4073          (b) a state agency, except for public schools and institutions of higher education; and
4074          (c) a for-profit entity.
4075          (5) In awarding UCORE grants, consideration shall be given to entities that implement
4076     programs that:
4077          (a) contribute to healthy and active lifestyles through outdoor recreation; and
4078          (b) include one or more of the following attributes in their programs or initiatives:
4079          (i) serve children with the greatest needs in rural, suburban, and urban areas of the
4080     state;
4081          (ii) provide students with opportunities to directly experience nature;
4082          (iii) maximize the number of children who can participate;
4083          (iv) commit matching and in-kind resources;
4084          (v) create partnerships with public and private entities;
4085          (vi) include ongoing program evaluation and assessment;
4086          (vii) [utilize] use veterans in program implementation;

4087          (viii) include outdoor or nature-based programming that incorporates concept learning
4088     in science, technology, engineering, or math; or
4089          (ix) [utilize] use educated volunteers in program implementation.
4090          Section 99. Section 79-8-304 is amended to read:
4091          79-8-304. Utah Children's Outdoor Recreation and Education Fund -- Uses --
4092     Costs.
4093          (1) There is created an expendable special revenue fund known as the "Utah Children's
4094     Outdoor Recreation and Education Fund," which the division shall use to fund the Utah
4095     Children's Outdoor Recreation and Education Grant Program created in Section 79-8-302.
4096          (2) The fund consists of:
4097          (a) appropriations made by the Legislature;
4098          (b) interest earned on the account; and
4099          (c) private donations, grants, gifts, bequests, or money made available from any other
4100     source to implement this part.
4101          (3) The division shall, with the advice of [the Utah Outdoor Recreation Grant Advisory
4102     Committee created in Section 79-8-105] the advisory committee, administer the fund.
4103          (4) The cost of administering the fund shall be paid from money in the fund.
4104          (5) Interest accrued from investment of money in the fund shall remain in the fund.
4105          Section 100. Section 79-8-401, which is renumbered from Section 63N-9-202 is
4106     renumbered and amended to read:
Part 4. Outdoor Recreational Infrastructure Grant Program

4108          [63N-9-202].      79-8-401. Creation and purpose of infrastructure grant
4109     program.
4110          (1) There is created the Outdoor Recreational Infrastructure Grant Program
4111     administered by the [outdoor recreation office] division.
4112          (2) The [outdoor recreation office] division may seek to accomplish the following
4113     objectives in administering the infrastructure grant program:
4114          (a) build, maintain, and promote recreational infrastructure to provide greater access to
4115     low-cost outdoor recreation for the state's citizens;
4116          (b) encourage residents and nonresidents of the state to take advantage of the beauty of
4117     Utah's outdoors;

4118          (c) encourage individuals and businesses to relocate to the state;
4119          (d) promote outdoor exercise; and
4120          (e) provide outdoor recreational opportunities to an underserved [or underprivileged]
4121     community in the state.
4122          (3) The advisory committee shall advise and make recommendations to the [outdoor
4123     recreation office] division regarding infrastructure grants.
4124          Section 101. Section 79-8-402, which is renumbered from Section 63N-9-203 is
4125     renumbered and amended to read:
4126          [63N-9-203].      79-8-402. Rulemaking and requirements for awarding an
4127     infrastructure grant.
4128          (1) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, and
4129     after consultation with the advisory committee, the [outdoor recreation office] division shall
4130     make rules establishing the eligibility and reporting criteria for an entity to receive an
4131     infrastructure grant, including:
4132          (a) the form and process of submitting an application to the [outdoor recreation office]
4133     division for an infrastructure grant;
4134          (b) which entities are eligible to apply for an infrastructure grant;
4135          (c) specific categories of recreational infrastructure projects that are eligible for an
4136     infrastructure grant;
4137          (d) the method and formula for determining grant amounts; and
4138          (e) the reporting requirements of grant recipients.
4139          (2) In determining the award of an infrastructure grant, the [outdoor recreation office]
4140     division may prioritize a recreational infrastructure project that will serve an [underprivileged
4141     or] underserved community.
4142          (3) An infrastructure grant may only be awarded by the executive director after
4143     consultation with the director and the [GO Utah board] advisory committee.
4144          (4) The following entities may not receive an infrastructure grant under this part:
4145          (a) a federal government entity;
4146          (b) a state agency; and
4147          (c) a for-profit entity.
4148          (5) An infrastructure grant may only be awarded under this part:

4149          (a) for a recreational infrastructure project that is accessible to the general public; and
4150          (b) subject to Subsections (6) and (7), if the grant recipient agrees to provide matching
4151     funds having a value:
4152          (i) equal to or greater than the amount of the infrastructure grant[.]; or
4153          (ii) established in accordance with rules made by the division, after consultation with
4154     the advisory committee, and in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative
4155     Rulemaking Act.
4156          (6) Up to 50% of the grant recipient match described in Subsection (5)(b) may be
4157     provided through an in-kind contribution by the grant recipient, if:
4158          (a) approved by the executive director after consultation with the director and the [GO
4159     Utah board] advisory committee; and
4160          (b) the in-kind donation does not include real property.
4161          (7) An infrastructure grant may not be awarded under this part if the grant, or the grant
4162     recipient match described in Subsection (5)(b), will be used for the purchase of real property or
4163     for the purchase or transfer of a conservation easement.
4164          Section 102. Repealer.
4165          This bill repeals:
4166          Section 11-38-101, Title.
4167          Section 11-38-201, Quality Growth Commission -- Term of office -- Vacancy --
4168     Organization -- Expenses -- Staff.
4169          Section 11-38-203, Commission may provide assistance to local entities.
4170          Section 63N-9-101, Title.
4171          Section 63N-9-102, Definitions.
4172          Section 63N-9-104, Creation of outdoor recreation office and appointment of
4173     director -- Responsibilities of outdoor recreation office.
4174          Section 63N-9-105, Duties of director.
4175          Section 63N-9-106, Annual report.
4176          Section 63N-9-201, Title.
4177          Section 79-5-201, Recreational Trails Advisory Council.
4178          Section 79-5-202, Council membership -- Expenses.
4179          Section 79-7-101, Title.

4180          Section 79-8-104, Annual report.
4181          Section 79-8-105, Utah Outdoor Recreation Grant Advisory Committee --
4182     Membership -- Duties -- Expenses.
4183          Section 103. Appropriation.
4184          The following sums of money are appropriated for the fiscal year beginning July 1,
4185     2022, and ending June 30, 2023. These are additions to amounts previously appropriated for
4186     fiscal year 2023. Under the terms and conditions of Title 63J, Chapter 1, Budgetary Procedures
4187     Act, the Legislature appropriates the following sums of money from the funds or accounts
4188     indicated for the use and support of the government of the state of Utah.
4189     ITEM 1
4190          To Department of Natural Resources -- Pass Through
4191               From General Fund

4192               Schedule of Programs:
4193                    Pass Through                              $130,000
4194          The Legislature intends that the money appropriated under this item be used only for
4195     the purpose of conservation efforts in accordance with Subsection 79-2-202(5) enacted in this
4196     bill.
4197     ITEM 2
4198          To Department of Natural Resources -- Recreation Management
4199               From General Fund

4200               Schedule of Programs:
4201                    Recreation Management                    $150,000
4202          The Legislature intends that the money appropriated under this item be used for the
4203     administration of the Division of Outdoor Recreation in accordance with this bill.
4204     ITEM 3
4205          To Department of Agriculture and Food -- Conservation
4206               From General Fund

4207               Schedule of Programs:
4208                    Conservation Administration                    $120,000
4209          The Legislature intends that the money appropriated under this item be used for
4210     conservation efforts in accordance with this bill.

4211     ITEM 4
4212          To Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity
4213               From General Fund

4214               Schedule of Programs:
4215                    Business Outreach & International Trade          ($338,700)
4216     ITEM 5
4217          To Department of Natural Resources -- Recreation Management
4218               From General Fund

4219               Schedule of Programs:
4220                    Recreation Management                    $338,700
4221          The Legislature intends that, at the close of fiscal year 2022, the Division of Finance
4222     transfer any fiscal year 2022 closing nonlapsing balances or carry forward funding in support of
4223     the Office of Outdoor Recreation to the Department of Natural Resources - Recreation
4224     Management, as fiscal year 2023 beginning nonlapsing balances.
4225          Section 104. Effective date.
4226          This bill takes effect on July 1, 2022.
4227          Section 105. Revisor instructions.
4228          The Legislature intends that the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel, in
4229     preparing the Utah Code database for publication on July 1, 2022:
4230          (1) replace the references in Subsections 4-46-104(1)(a) and (2) from "this bill" to the
4231     bill's designated chapter number in the Laws of Utah;
4232          (2) replace the references in Subsections 79-2-206(2)(c), (4)(a)(i) and (4)(b) from "this
4233     bill" to the bill's designated chapter number in the Laws of Utah;
4234          (3) replace cross references to sections renumbered by this bill that are added to the
4235     Utah Code by legislation passed during the 2022 General Session that become law;
4236          (4) replace references to the "Division of Recreation" to the "Division of Outdoor
4237     Recreation" in any new language added to the Utah Code by legislation, other than Section
4238     79-2-206, passed during the 2022 General Session that becomes law; and
4239          (5) replace references to the "Quality Growth Commission" to the "Land Conservation
4240     Board" in any new language added to the Utah Code by legislation, other than Section
4241     4-46-104, passed during the 2022 General Session that becomes law.