


Chief Sponsor: Melissa G. Ballard

Senate Sponsor: Todd D. Weiler


8     General Description:
9          This bill recommends that counties create Criminal Justice Coordinating Councils and
10     sets parameters for membership and responsibilities.
11     Highlighted Provisions:
12          This bill:
13          ▸     recommends that counties create Criminal Justice Coordinating Councils;
14          ▸     defines terms;
15          ▸     sets minimum membership standards; and
16          ▸     requires the development of a strategic plan.
17     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
18          None
19     Other Special Clauses:
20          None
21     Utah Code Sections Affected:
22     ENACTS:
23          17-55-101, Utah Code Annotated 1953
24          17-55-102, Utah Code Annotated 1953

26     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
27          Section 1. Section 17-55-101 is enacted to read:

28          17-55-101. Criminal Justice Coordinating Council -- Definitions.
29          As used in this chapter:
30          (1) "Commission" means the Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice.
31          (2) "Criminal justice agency" means an agency or institution directly involved in the
32     apprehension, prosecution, and incarceration of a person involved in criminal activity,
33     including law enforcement, correctional facilities, courts, probation, and parole.
34          (3) "Criminal Justice Coordinating Council" or "Council" means a group created by a
35     county or counties in accordance with the structure of Section 17-55-102.
36          (4) "Criminal justice system" means the continuum of criminal justice agencies and
37     post-incarceration services that an individual may encounter as a result of the individual's
38     criminal activity.
39          (5) "Post-incarceration services" means services that may assist individuals leaving the
40     criminal justice system, including educational institutions, housing services, health providers,
41     workforce services, human service providers, and other agencies or institutions that may assist
42     formerly incarcerated individuals to successfully reintegrate into the community.
43          (6) "Recidivism" means reoffending after release from incarceration.
44          Section 2. Section 17-55-102 is enacted to read:
45          17-55-102. Criminal Justice Coordinating Council -- Creation -- Membership --
46     Strategic plan.
47          (1) Any county or group of counties may create a criminal justice coordinating council.
48          (2) The Council shall include:
49          (a) a county commissioner, who shall serve as the chair of the Council;
50          (b) the county sheriff or the sheriff's designee;
51          (c) a chief of police of a major municipality within the county or the chief's designee;
52          (d) the county attorney or the county attorney's designee;
53          (e) the public defender or an attorney who provides public defense;
54          (f) a district court judge;
55          (g) a probation or parole officer;
56          (h) a representative from the local mental health authority;
57          (i) the chair of the Local Homeless Council, if the county has a homeless council or the
58     chair's designee; and

59          (j) two members of the public as follows:
60          (i) a crime victim; and
61          (ii) an individual with lived experiences in the criminal justice system.
62          (3) The Council may include additional members as needed, including individuals
63     representing:
64          (a) human services;
65          (b) higher education;
66          (c) peer support services;
67          (d) workforce services;
68          (e) local housing services;
69          (f) mental health agencies;
70          (g) substance abuse rehabilitation;
71          (h) family counseling and support groups;
72          (i) organizations that serve families and children of incarcerated individuals; and
73          (j) any other organization, service, agency, or program, public or private, that assists
74     individuals within the criminal justice system or with post-incarceration services.
75          (4) Members of the Council shall have decision-making authority for whichever
76     agency or organization the member represents.
77          (5) The Council shall develop a strategic plan for the county criminal justice system, to
78     include post-incarceration services as needed. The plan shall include:
79          (a) mapping of all systems, resources, assets, and services within the county criminal
80     justice system and associated post-incarceration services;
81          (b) a plan for data collection and sharing across the system;
82          (c) recidivism reduction objectives; and
83          (d) community reintegration goals.
84          (5) The Commission may assist any criminal justice coordinating council in the
85     development of a strategic plan.