


Chief Sponsor: Clare Collard

Senate Sponsor: ____________


8     General Description:
9          This bill amends provisions related to the protection of personal information.
10     Highlighted Provisions:
11          This bill:
12          ▸     defines terms;
13          ▸     clarifies the applicability of existing provisions of the Protection of Personal
14     Information Act to agencies;
15          ▸     subjects agencies to certain personal information protection requirements; and
16          ▸     authorizes the attorney general to use an injunction to enforce provisions related to
17     agencies.
18     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
19          None
20     Other Special Clauses:
21          None
22     Utah Code Sections Affected:
23     AMENDS:
24          13-44-102, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 348
25          13-44-201, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 348
26          13-44-202, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 348
27          13-44-301, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 348

28     ENACTS:
29          13-44-401, Utah Code Annotated 1953
30          13-44-402, Utah Code Annotated 1953
31          13-44-403, Utah Code Annotated 1953

33     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
34          Section 1. Section 13-44-102 is amended to read:
35          13-44-102. Definitions.
36          As used in this chapter:
37          (1) "Agency" means each department, commission, board, council, agency, institution,
38     corporation, fund, division, office, committee, authority, laboratory, library, unit, bureau, panel,
39     or other administrative unit of the state.
40          (2) "Biometric data" means unique data generated from measurements or analysis of
41     human body characteristics for the purpose of authenticating an individual when the individual
42     accesses an online account.
43          [(1)] (3) (a) "Breach of system security" means an unauthorized acquisition of
44     computerized data maintained by a person that compromises the security, confidentiality, or
45     integrity of personal information.
46          (b) "Breach of system security" does not include the acquisition of personal
47     information by an employee or agent of the person possessing unencrypted computerized data
48     unless the personal information is used for an unlawful purpose or disclosed in an unauthorized
49     manner.
50          [(2)] (4) "Consumer" means a natural person.
51          [(3)] (5) "Financial institution" means the same as that term is defined in 15 U.S.C.
52     Sec. 6809.
53          [(4)] (6) (a) "Personal information" means a person's first name or first initial and last
54     name, combined with any one or more of the following data elements relating to that person
55     when either the name or date element is unencrypted or not protected by another method that
56     renders the data unreadable or unusable:
57          (i) Social Security number;
58          (ii) (A) financial account number, or credit or debit card number; and

59          (B) any required security code, access code, or password that would permit access to
60     the person's account; [or]
61          (iii) driver license number or state identification card number[.];
62          (iv) an identification number including:
63          (A) student;
64          (B) health insurance;
65          (C) military; and
66          (D) passport; or
67          (v) biometric data.
68          (b) "Personal information" includes a Utah consumer's username or email address, in
69     combination with a password or security questions and answers, that would permit access to an
70     online account.
71          [(b)] (c) "Personal information" does not include information regardless of its source,
72     contained in federal, state, or local government records or in widely distributed media that are
73     lawfully made available to the general public.
74          [(5)] (7) "Record" includes materials maintained in any form, including paper and
75     electronic.
76          Section 2. Section 13-44-201 is amended to read:
77          13-44-201. Protection of personal information.
78          (1) Any person who is not an agency who conducts business in the state and maintains
79     personal information shall implement and maintain reasonable procedures to:
80          (a) prevent unlawful use or disclosure of personal information collected or maintained
81     in the regular course of business; and
82          (b) destroy, or arrange for the destruction of, records containing personal information
83     that are not to be retained by the person.
84          (2) The destruction of records under Subsection (1)(b) shall be by:
85          (a) shredding;
86          (b) erasing; or
87          (c) otherwise modifying the personal information to make the information
88     indecipherable.
89          Section 3. Section 13-44-202 is amended to read:

90          13-44-202. Personal information -- Disclosure of system security breach.
91          (1) (a) A person who owns or licenses computerized data that includes personal
92     information concerning a Utah resident shall, when the person becomes aware of a breach of
93     system security, conduct in good faith a reasonable and prompt investigation to determine the
94     likelihood that personal information has been or will be misused for identity theft or fraud
95     purposes.
96          (b) If an investigation under Subsection (1)(a) reveals that the misuse of personal
97     information for identity theft or fraud purposes has occurred, or is reasonably likely to occur,
98     the person shall provide notification to each affected Utah resident.
99          (2) A person required to provide notification under Subsection (1) shall provide the
100     notification in the most expedient time possible without unreasonable delay:
101          (a) considering legitimate investigative needs of law enforcement, as provided in
102     Subsection (4)(a);
103          (b) after determining the scope of the breach of system security; and
104          (c) after restoring the reasonable integrity of the system.
105          (3) (a) A person who maintains computerized data that includes personal information
106     that the person does not own or license shall notify and cooperate with the owner or licensee of
107     the information of any breach of system security immediately following the person's discovery
108     of the breach if misuse of the personal information occurs or is reasonably likely to occur.
109          (b) Cooperation under Subsection (3)(a) includes sharing information relevant to the
110     breach with the owner or licensee of the information.
111          (4) (a) Notwithstanding Subsection (2), a person may delay providing notification
112     under Subsection (1) at the request of a law enforcement agency that determines that
113     notification may impede a criminal investigation.
114          (b) A person who delays providing notification under Subsection (4)(a) shall provide
115     notification in good faith without unreasonable delay in the most expedient time possible after
116     the law enforcement agency informs the person that notification will no longer impede the
117     criminal investigation.
118          (5) (a) A notification required by this section may be provided:
119          (i) in writing by first-class mail to the most recent address the person has for the
120     resident;

121          (ii) electronically, if the person's primary method of communication with the resident is
122     by electronic means, or if provided in accordance with the consumer disclosure provisions of
123     15 U.S.C. Section 7001;
124          (iii) by telephone, including through the use of automatic dialing technology not
125     prohibited by other law; or
126          (iv) for residents of the state for whom notification in a manner described in
127     Subsections (5)(a)(i) through (iii) is not feasible, by publishing notice of the breach of system
128     security:
129          (A) in a newspaper of general circulation; and
130          (B) as required in Section 45-1-101.
131          (b) If a person maintains the person's own notification procedures as part of an
132     information security policy for the treatment of personal information the person is considered
133     to be in compliance with this chapter's notification requirements if the procedures are otherwise
134     consistent with this chapter's timing requirements and the person notifies each affected Utah
135     resident in accordance with the person's information security policy in the event of a breach.
136          (c) A person who is regulated by state or federal law and maintains procedures for a
137     breach of system security under applicable law established by the primary state or federal
138     regulator is considered to be in compliance with this part if the person notifies each affected
139     Utah resident in accordance with the other applicable law in the event of a breach.
140          (6) A waiver of this section is contrary to public policy and is void and unenforceable.
141          (7) This section does not apply to a person who is an agency.
142          Section 4. Section 13-44-301 is amended to read:
143          13-44-301. Enforcement -- Confidentiality agreement -- Penalties.
144          (1) The attorney general may enforce this chapter's provisions.
145          (2) (a) Nothing in this chapter creates a private right of action.
146          (b) Nothing in this chapter affects any private right of action existing under other law,
147     including contract or tort.
148          (3) A person who violates this chapter's provisions is subject to a civil penalty of:
149          (a) no greater than $2,500 for a violation or series of violations concerning a specific
150     consumer; and
151          (b) no greater than $100,000 in the aggregate for related violations concerning more

152     than one consumer, unless:
153          (i) the violations concern:
154          (A) 10,000 or more consumers who are residents of the state; and
155          (B) 10,000 or more consumers who are residents of other states; or
156          (ii) the person agrees to settle for a greater amount.
157          (4) (a) In addition to the penalties provided in Subsection (3), the attorney general may
158     seek, in an action brought under this chapter:
159          (i) injunctive relief to prevent future violations of this chapter; and
160          (ii) attorney fees and costs.
161          (b) The attorney general shall bring an action under this chapter in:
162          (i) the district court located in Salt Lake City; or
163          (ii) the district court for the district in which resides a consumer who is affected by the
164     violation.
165          (5) The attorney general shall deposit any amount received under Subsection (3), (4),
166     or (10) into the Attorney General Litigation Fund created in Section 76-10-3114.
167          (6) In enforcing this chapter, the attorney general may:
168          (a) investigate the actions of any person alleged to violate Section 13-44-201 or
169     13-44-202;
170          (b) subpoena a witness;
171          (c) subpoena a document or other evidence;
172          (d) require the production of books, papers, contracts, records, or other information
173     relevant to an investigation;
174          (e) conduct an adjudication in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 4, Administrative
175     Procedures Act, to enforce a civil provision under this chapter; and
176          (f) enter into a confidentiality agreement in accordance with Subsection (7).
177          (7) (a) If the attorney general has reasonable cause to believe that an individual is in
178     possession, custody, or control of information that is relevant to enforcing this chapter, the
179     attorney general may enter into a confidentiality agreement with the individual.
180          (b) In a civil action brought under this chapter, a court may issue a confidentiality order
181     that incorporates the confidentiality agreement described in Subsection (7)(a).
182          (c) A confidentiality agreement entered into under Subsection (7)(a) or a

183     confidentiality order issued under Subsection (7)(b) may:
184          (i) address a procedure;
185          (ii) address testimony taken, a document produced, or material produced under this
186     section;
187          (iii) provide whom may access testimony taken, a document produced, or material
188     produced under this section;
189          (iv) provide for safeguarding testimony taken, a document produced, or material
190     produced under this section; or
191          (v) require that the attorney general:
192          (A) return a document or material to an individual; or
193          (B) notwithstanding Section 63A-12-105 or a retention schedule created in accordance
194     with Section 63G-2-604, destroy the document or material at a designated time.
195          (8) A subpoena issued under Subsection (6) may be served by certified mail.
196          (9) A person's failure to respond to a request or subpoena from the attorney general
197     under Subsection (6)(b), (c), or (d) is a violation of this chapter.
198          (10) (a) The attorney general may inspect and copy all records related to the business
199     conducted by the person alleged to have violated this chapter, including records located outside
200     the state.
201          (b) For records located outside of the state, the person who is found to have violated
202     this chapter shall pay the attorney general's expenses to inspect the records, including travel
203     costs.
204          (c) Upon notification from the attorney general of the attorney general's intent to
205     inspect records located outside of the state, the person who is found to have violated this
206     chapter shall pay the attorney general $500, or a higher amount if $500 is estimated to be
207     insufficient, to cover the attorney general's expenses to inspect the records.
208          (d) To the extent an amount paid to the attorney general by a person who is found to
209     have violated this chapter is not expended by the attorney general, the amount shall be refunded
210     to the person who is found to have violated this chapter.
211          (e) The Division of Corporations and Commercial Code or any other relevant entity
212     shall revoke any authorization to do business in this state of a person who fails to pay any
213     amount required under this Subsection (10).

214          (11) (a) Subject to Subsection (11)(c), the attorney general shall keep confidential a
215     procedure agreed to, testimony taken, a document produced, or material produced under this
216     section pursuant to a subpoena, confidentiality agreement, or confidentiality order, unless the
217     individual who agreed to the procedure, provided testimony, produced the document, or
218     produced material waives confidentiality in writing.
219          (b) Subject to Subsections (11)(c) and (11)(d), the attorney general may use, in an
220     enforcement action taken under this section, testimony taken, a document produced, or material
221     produced under this section to the extent the use is not restricted or prohibited by a
222     confidentiality agreement or a confidentiality order.
223          (c) The attorney general may use, in an enforcement action taken under this section,
224     testimony taken, a document produced, or material produced under this section that is restricted
225     or prohibited from use by a confidentiality agreement or a confidentiality order if the individual
226     who provided testimony or produced the document or material waives the restriction or
227     prohibition in writing.
228          (d) The attorney general may disclose testimony taken, a document produced, or
229     material produced under this section, without consent of the individual who provided the
230     testimony or produced the document or material, or the consent of an individual being
231     investigated, to:
232          (i) a grand jury; or
233          (ii) a federal or state law enforcement officer, if the person from whom the information
234     was obtained is notified 20 days or greater before the day on which the information is
235     disclosed, and the federal or state law enforcement officer certifies that the federal or state law
236     enforcement officer will:
237          (A) maintain the confidentiality of the testimony, document, or material; and
238          (B) use the testimony, document, or material solely for an official law enforcement
239     purpose.
240          (12) (a) An administrative action filed under this chapter shall be commenced no later
241     than 10 years after the day on which the alleged breach of system security last occurred.
242          (b) A civil action under this chapter shall be commenced no later than five years after
243     the day on which the alleged breach of system security last occurred.
244          (13) This section does not apply to a person who is an agency.

245          Section 5. Section 13-44-401 is enacted to read:
Part 4. Agency Protection of Personal Information

247          13-44-401. Agency protection of personal information.
248          (1) Any agency who maintains personal information shall implement and maintain
249     reasonable procedures to:
250          (a) prevent unlawful use or disclosure of personal information the agency collects; and
251          (b) destroy, or arrange for the destruction of, records containing personal information
252     that the agency is not retaining.
253          (2) The agency shall destroy the records under Subsection (1)(b) by:
254          (a) shredding;
255          (b) erasing; or
256          (c) otherwise modifying the personal information to make the personal information
257     indecipherable.
258          Section 6. Section 13-44-402 is enacted to read:
259          13-44-402. Computerized data -- Disclosure of system security breach.
260          (1) (a) An agency who owns or licenses computerized data that includes personal
261     information concerning a Utah resident shall, when the agency becomes aware of a breach of
262     system security, conduct in good faith a reasonable and prompt investigation to determine the
263     likelihood that the personal information concerning the Utah resident has been or will be
264     misused for identity theft or fraud purposes.
265          (b) If an investigation under Subsection (1)(a) reveals that the misuse of personal
266     information for identity theft or fraud purposes has occurred, or is reasonably likely to occur,
267     the agency shall provide notice to each affected Utah resident.
268          (2) An agency required to provide notice under Subsection (1) shall provide the notice
269     in the most expedient time possible without unreasonable delay:
270          (a) considering legitimate investigative needs of law enforcement, as provided in
271     Subsection (4)(a);
272          (b) after determining the scope of the breach of system security; and
273          (c) after restoring the reasonable integrity of the system.
274          (3) (a) An agency who maintains computerized data that includes personal information
275     that the agency does not own or license shall notify and cooperate with the owner or licensee of

276     the information of any breach of system security immediately following the agency's discovery
277     of the breach if misuse of the personal information occurs or is reasonably likely to occur.
278          (b) Cooperation under Subsection (3)(a) includes sharing information relevant to the
279     breach with the owner or licensee of the information.
280          (4) (a) Notwithstanding Subsection (2), an agency may delay providing notice under
281     Subsection (1) at the request of a law enforcement agency that determines that notice may
282     impede a criminal investigation.
283          (b) An agency who delays providing notice under Subsection (4)(a) shall provide
284     notice in good faith without unreasonable delay in the most expedient time possible after the
285     law enforcement agency informs the person that notice will no longer impede the criminal
286     investigation.
287          (5) (a) An agency must provide notice:
288          (i) in writing by first-class mail to the most recent address the agency has for the Utah
289     resident;
290          (ii) electronically, if the agency's primary method of communication with the Utah
291     resident is by electronic means, or if provided in accordance with the consumer disclosure
292     provisions of 15 U.S.C. Section 7001;
293          (iii) by telephone, including through the use of automatic dialing technology not
294     prohibited by law; or
295          (iv) for Utah residents for whom notification in a manner described in Subsections
296     (5)(a)(i) through (iii) is not feasible, by publishing notice of the breach of system security:
297          (A) in a newspaper of general circulation; and
298          (B) as required in Section 45-1-101.
299          (b) An agency may adopt an agency's own notification procedures as part of an
300     information security policy for the treatment of personal information if:
301          (i) the adopted procedures are consistent with this part's timing requirements; and
302          (ii) the agency notifies each affected Utah resident in accordance with the agency's
303     information security policy in the event of a breach.
304          (c) An agency who is regulated by state or federal law and maintains procedures for a
305     breach of system security under applicable law established by the primary state or federal
306     regulator is in compliance with this part if the agency notifies each affected Utah resident in

307     accordance with the applicable state or federal law in the event of a breach.
308          (6) If an agency is required to notify more than 1,000 Utah residents in compliance
309     with this section, the agency shall also notify, in good faith without unreasonable delay in the
310     most expedient time possible:
311          (a) the attorney general; and
312          (b) all consumer reporting agencies that compile and maintain files on a nationwide
313     basis, as defined in 15 U.S.C. Sec. 1681a(p), of the anticipated date of the notification to the
314     residents and the approximate number of residents the agency will notify.
315          (7) A person may not waive an agency's requirement to comply with this section.
316          Section 7. Section 13-44-403 is enacted to read:
317          13-44-403. Attorney general enforcement.
318          The attorney general may bring an action for injunctive relief to enforce the provisions
319     of this part.