9 General Description:
10 This resolution provides an exception to the prohibited meeting times under joint
11 legislative rules.
12 Highlighted Provisions:
13 This resolution:
14 ▸ allows the Federalism Commission to meet during the period that begins the first
15 Thursday in December and ends the last day of the immediately following general
16 session; and
17 ▸ makes technical changes.
18 Special Clauses:
19 None
20 Legislative Rules Affected:
22 JR7-1-405
23 JR7-1-610
25 Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
26 Section 1. JR7-1-405 is amended to read:
27 JR7-1-405. Prohibited meeting times -- Exceptions.
28 (1) Except as provided in this rule, a legislative committee may not meet:
29 (a) while the Senate or the House of Representatives is in session; or
30 (b) during the period that begins on the first Thursday in December and ends the day
31 after the day on which the Legislature adjourns [
32 session sine die.
33 (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to:
34 (a) the Legislative Management Committee and its subcommittees;
35 (b) the Senate or House Management Committee;
36 (c) the Senate or House Rules Committee;
37 (d) the Senate or House Legislative Expenses Oversight Committee;
38 (e) a senate confirmation committee;
39 (f) a meeting of the Administrative Rules Review Committee for the purpose of
40 considering draft legislation reauthorizing agency rules in accordance with Utah Code Section
41 63G-3-502; [
42 (g) the Legislative Process Committee[
43 (h) the Federalism Commission, created in Utah Code Title 63C, Chapter 4a, Part 3,
44 Federalism Commission.
45 (3) A meeting otherwise prohibited by this rule may be held if approved by:
46 (a) the president of the Senate and the speaker of the House of Representatives; or
47 (b) a majority vote of the Senate and a majority vote of the House of Representatives.
48 (4) Any action of a legislative committee that occurs during a meeting that violates this
49 rule is invalid.
50 Section 2. JR7-1-610 is amended to read:
51 JR7-1-610. Committee bill files -- Effect of favorable recommendation --
52 Committee bill files without recommendation abandoned.
53 (1) After a legislative committee reviews draft legislation the legislative committee
54 may give the draft legislation a favorable recommendation.
55 (2) If a legislative committee gives draft legislation a favorable recommendation, the
56 Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel shall:
57 (a) attach a committee note to the committee bill, as required under JR4-2-401; and
58 (b) assign the committee bill a bill number in accordance with JR4-2-501.
59 (3) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(b), a committee bill file that does not
60 receive a favorable recommendation before December 31 of the year in which the committee
61 bill file was opened is abandoned.
62 (b) Subsection (3)(a) does not apply to a committee bill file opened by:
63 (i) the Administrative Rules Review Committee for the purpose of reauthorizing
64 agency rules in accordance with Utah Code Section 63G-3-502; [
65 (ii) the Legislative Process Committee[
66 (iii) the Federalism Commission, created in Utah Code Title 63C, Chapter 4a, Part 3,
67 Federalism Commission.
68 (4) (a) Nothing in this rule prohibits a legislator from making a request for legislation
69 in the legislator's name to sponsor legislation that was abandoned in accordance with
70 Subsection (3).
71 (b) A request for legislation described in Subsection (4)(a) is subject to the drafting
72 priority described in JR4-2-102.