8 General Description:
9 This House resolution calls on all state government leaders to adopt a culture that
10 focuses on enacting reductions in state spending wherever possible.
11 Highlighted Provisions:
12 This resolution:
13 ▸ highlights historic growth in state government spending; and
14 ▸ calls on state policymakers throughout Utah state government to adopt best
15 practices to reduce state spending as a matter of high policy priority.
16 Special Clauses:
17 None
19 Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the state of Utah:
20 WHEREAS, in recent years, the Utah state government has engaged in budgetary
21 practices that have resulted in ongoing, aggressive growth in state spending;
22 WHEREAS, Utah state government spending, overall, has persistently grown
23 year-to-year, outpacing many applicable growth metrics; and
24 WHEREAS, the state's revenue predominantly originates as funds that come from
25 taxpayers, and such funds available for policymakers' management and oversight often
26 represent a great sacrifice by taxpayer-citizens who place their trust in state policymakers to
27 deploy all state funds with special care:
28 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the House of Representatives of the
29 state of Utah calls on the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget to identify and deploy the
30 best spend-management, spend-tracking, and expense-optimization tools, including
31 cost-cutting tools currently used in the private sector, to enact updated, rigorous budgeting
32 practices that are clearly focused on reducing state spending wherever possible, including
33 identifying opportunities to reduce significant aspects of the state's spending every year and
34 over the long term.
35 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the House of Representatives of the state of Utah
36 calls on all state policymakers who oversee state budgets of all sizes, to focus on embracing
37 and instituting a culture that is clearly focused on reducing state spending wherever possible.
38 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the House of Representatives of the state of Utah
39 calls on all state decision makers who oversee the spending of taxpayer dollars of any amount
40 to engage in constant vigilance in the budgeting and spending of all taxpayer dollars, with an
41 overarching state policy objective of identifying the best ways to reduce state expenditures
42 wherever possible, every budget year.