This document includes House Floor Amendments incorporated into the bill on Wed, Mar 2, 2022 at 5:52 PM by pflowers.
Senator Jerry W. Stevenson proposes the following substitute bill:




Chief Sponsor: Jerry W. Stevenson

House Sponsor: Steve Waldrip


8     General Description:
9          This bill amends provisions of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act and provisions
10     related to the Act.
11     Highlighted Provisions:
12          This bill:
13          ▸     defines and amends terms;
14          ▸     amends proximity requirements for certain arena licensees;
15          ▸     amends provisions of the Malted Beverage Act regarding:
16               •     labeling and packaging; and
17               •     the power of the commission and department to classify flavored malt
18     beverages;
19          ▸     amends the time period in which a retail manager is required to complete a certain
20     training program;
21          ▸     changes the name of the "Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control" to the
22     "Department of Alcoholic Beverage Services";
23          ▸     changes the name of the "Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission" to the
24     "Alcoholic Beverage Services Commission";
25          ▸     changes the name of the "Alcoholic Beverage Control Advisory Board" to the

26     "Alcoholic Beverage Services Advisory Board";
27          ▸     amends provisions related to the late renewal of a license;
28          ▸     amends provisions regarding the liquor control fund;
29          ▸     amends provisions regarding the calculation of manufacturer production for school
30     lunch program markup purposes;
31          ▸     requires a package agency to submit any information the commission or department
32     may require for the renewal of a package agency agreement;
33          ▸     permits a package agency located at a manufacturing facility to, under certain
34     conditions, remain open on a Sunday or on a state or federal holiday;
35          ▸     amends a provision related to the furnishing of alcohol to a minor;
36          ▸     amends the application requirements for a retail license;
37          ▸     amends the requirements for a conditional retail license;
38          ▸     prohibits the commission from including certain sublicenses in the total number of
39     licenses the commission has issued for each type of retail license;
40          ▸     permits various retail licensees to sell beer for off-premise consumption under
41     certain conditions;
42          ▸     makes references to the department's auditing of a retail licensee's records
43     consistent;
44          ▸     amends provisions regarding a retail licensee's ceasing of operations Ĥ→ [
and makes the
45     amendment retroactive to March 12, 2020
] ←Ĥ
46          ▸     permits a management agreement under certain conditions;
47          ▸     prohibits an off-premise beer retailer from:
48               •     engaging in or permitting on the licensed premises gambling or fringe gambling;
49               •     having certain devices or games on the licensed premises; or
50               •     knowingly allowing certain drug-related activities on the licensed premises;
51          ▸     amends provisions regarding the tracking of enforcement actions to remove
52     references to and requirements related to a repealed section of statute;
53          ▸     amends the total number of resort licenses permitted at a time in the state to eight;
54          ▸     permits a hotel licensee or person applying for a hotel license to obtain a spa
55     sublicense;
56          ▸     amends the number of 72-hour single event permits the director may issue in a

57     calendar year to the same person to 24;
58          ▸     amends and renumbers the Transfer of Alcohol License Act; and
59          ▸     makes technical and conforming changes.
60     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
61          None
62     Other Special Clauses:
63          This bill provides a special effective date.
64     Utah Code Sections Affected:
65     AMENDS:
66          32B-1-102, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 291
67          32B-1-202.1, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 291
68          32B-1-603, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 276
69          32B-1-604, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 455
70          32B-1-605, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 281
71          32B-1-606, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 249
72          32B-1-701, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 12 and renumbered and
73     amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 403
74          32B-1-704, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 403
75          32B-2-101, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 276
76          32B-2-201, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapters 352 and 373
77          32B-2-202, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 219
78          32B-2-203, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 276
79          32B-2-205, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 352
80          32B-2-210, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 249
81          32B-2-301, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 424
82          32B-2-304, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 291
83          32B-2-602, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapters 307 and 334
84          32B-2-605, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 291
85          32B-3-202, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 219
86          32B-3-205, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapters 249 and 329
87          32B-4-403, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 291

88          32B-4-415, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 219
89          32B-5-102, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 403
90          32B-5-201, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 219
91          32B-5-202, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 291
92          32B-5-205, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 291
93          32B-5-304, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 403
94          32B-5-307, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 291
95          32B-5-309, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 219
96          32B-6-205, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 219
97          32B-6-205.2, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 219
98          32B-6-205.3, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 455
99          32B-6-305, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 403
100          32B-6-305.2, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 403
101          32B-6-305.3, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 455
102          32B-6-404.1, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 249
103          32B-6-605, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 291
104          32B-6-706, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 455
105          32B-6-905, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 403
106          32B-6-905.1, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 403
107          32B-6-905.2, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 281
108          32B-6-1005, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 219
109          32B-7-202, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 403
110          32B-7-305, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapters 163 and 455
111          32B-8-201, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 219
112          32B-8b-301, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 219
113          32B-8c-202, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 219
114          32B-8d-102, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 219
115          32B-8d-103, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 219
116          32B-8d-104, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 291
117          32B-8d-201, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 219
118          32B-8d-202, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 219

119          32B-8d-203, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 219
120          32B-8d-204, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 219
121          32B-8d-205, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 219
122          32B-9-303, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 365
123          32B-10-206, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Sixth Special Session, Chapter 6
124          32B-11-208, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 219
125          32B-11-303, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2016, Chapter 266
126          32B-11-403, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 219
127          32B-11-503, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 403
128          32B-11-504, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 291
129          34-52-201, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapters 371 and 479
130          53-2a-802, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapters 184 and 344
131          53-8-105, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2016, Chapter 245
132          53-10-102, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 33
133          53-10-305, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 455
134          53F-9-304, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 161
135          53G-10-406, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapters 161 and 408
136          59-1-403, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapters 282, 367, 369, and 382
137          59-15-108, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 1987, Chapter 2
138          62A-1-121, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 344
139          62A-15-401, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 403
140          63A-17-502, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 184 and renumbered and
141     amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 344
142          63A-17-807, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 184 and renumbered and
143     amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 344
144          63B-3-301, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapters 280 and 382
145          63B-5-201, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 280
146          63B-10-301, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 382
147          63B-11-701, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 382
148          63B-13-201, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2004, Chapter 364
149          63B-14-201, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2005, Chapter 180

150          63B-15-201, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2006, Chapter 169
151          63B-16-201, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 152
152          63B-17-201, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 152
153          63B-18-201, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 134
154          63B-24-101, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2015, Chapter 281
155          63B-26-101, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2016, Chapter 250
156          63B-27-201, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 355
157          63B-28-101, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 301
158          63B-29-101, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 410
159          63B-31-202, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 320
160          63G-12-306, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter 189
161          63I-5-201 (Superseded 07/01/22), as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 184
162          63I-5-201 (Effective 07/01/22), as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Second Special
163     Session, Chapter 1
164          63J-1-219, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapters 184 and 344
165          63J-1-602.2, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapters 179, 344, 412, 421, and
166     424
167          67-22-2, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapters 64, 184, 344, and 382
168     ENACTS:
169          32B-18-203, Utah Code Annotated 1953
170          32B-18-205, Utah Code Annotated 1953
171          32B-18-301, Utah Code Annotated 1953
172          32B-18-302, Utah Code Annotated 1953
173          32B-18-303, Utah Code Annotated 1953
175          32B-18-101, (Renumbered from 32B-8a-102, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021,
176     Chapter 291)
177          32B-18-201, (Renumbered from 32B-8a-201, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021,
178     Chapter 291)
179          32B-18-202, (Renumbered from 32B-8a-202, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021,
180     Chapter 291)

181          32B-18-204, (Renumbered from 32B-5-310, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021,
182     Chapter 291)
183          32B-18-206, (Renumbered from 32B-8a-203, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021,
184     Chapter 291)
185          32B-18-207, (Renumbered from 32B-8a-303, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021,
186     Chapter 291)
187          32B-18-401, (Renumbered from 32B-8a-501, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021,
188     Chapter 291)
189          32B-18-402, (Renumbered from 32B-8a-502, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020,
190     Chapter 219)
191     REPEALS:
192          32B-8a-101, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 219
193          32B-8a-302, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapters 84, 291, and 345
194          32B-12-207, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 291

196     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
197          Section 1. Section 32B-1-102 is amended to read:
198          32B-1-102. Definitions.
199          As used in this title:
200          (1) "Airport lounge" means a business location:
201          (a) at which an alcoholic product is sold at retail for consumption on the premises; and
202          (b) that is located at an international airport.
203          (2) "Airport lounge license" means a license issued in accordance with Chapter 5,
204     Retail License Act, and Chapter 6, Part 5, Airport Lounge License.
205          (3) "Alcoholic beverage" means the following:
206          (a) beer; or
207          (b) liquor.
208          (4) (a) "Alcoholic product" means a product that:
209          (i) contains at least .5% of alcohol by volume; and
210          (ii) is obtained by fermentation, infusion, decoction, brewing, distillation, or other
211     process that uses liquid or combinations of liquids, whether drinkable or not, to create alcohol

212     in an amount equal to or greater than .5% of alcohol by volume.
213          (b) "Alcoholic product" includes an alcoholic beverage.
214          (c) "Alcoholic product" does not include any of the following common items that
215     otherwise come within the definition of an alcoholic product:
216          (i) except as provided in Subsection (4)(d), an extract;
217          (ii) vinegar;
218          (iii) preserved nonintoxicating cider;
219          (iv) essence;
220          (v) tincture;
221          (vi) food preparation; or
222          (vii) an over-the-counter medicine.
223          (d) "Alcoholic product" includes an extract containing alcohol obtained by distillation
224     when it is used as a flavoring in the manufacturing of an alcoholic product.
225          (5) "Alcohol training and education seminar" means a seminar that is:
226          (a) required by Chapter 1, Part 7, Alcohol Training and Education Act; and
227          (b) described in Section 62A-15-401.
228          (6) "Arena" means an enclosed building:
229          (a) that is managed by:
230          (i) the same person who owns the enclosed building;
231          (ii) a person who has a majority interest in each person who owns or manages a space
232     in the enclosed building; or
233          (iii) a person who has authority to direct or exercise control over the management or
234     policy of each person who owns or manages a space in the enclosed building;
235          (b) that operates as a venue; and
236          (c) that has an occupancy capacity of at least 12,500.
237          (7) "Arena license" means a license issued in accordance with Chapter 5, Retail
238     License Act, and Chapter 8c, Arena License Act.
239          (8) "Banquet" means an event:
240          (a) that is a private event or a privately sponsored event;
241          (b) that is held at one or more designated locations approved by the commission in or
242     on the premises of:

243          (i) a hotel;
244          (ii) a resort facility;
245          (iii) a sports center;
246          (iv) a convention center;
247          (v) a performing arts facility; or
248          (vi) an arena;
249          (c) for which there is a contract:
250          (i) between a person operating a facility listed in Subsection (8)(b) and another person
251     that has common ownership of less than 20% with the person operating the facility; and
252          (ii) under which the person operating a facility listed in Subsection (8)(b) is required to
253     provide an alcoholic product at the event; and
254          (d) at which food and alcoholic products may be sold, offered for sale, or furnished.
255          (9) "Bar structure" means a surface or structure on a licensed premises if on or at any
256     place of the surface or structure an alcoholic product is:
257          (a) stored; or
258          (b) dispensed.
259          (10) (a) "Bar establishment license" means a license issued in accordance with Chapter
260     5, Retail License Act, and Chapter 6, Part 4, Bar Establishment License.
261          (b) "Bar establishment license" includes:
262          (i) a dining club license;
263          (ii) an equity license;
264          (iii) a fraternal license; or
265          (iv) a bar license.
266          (11) "Bar license" means a license issued in accordance with Chapter 5, Retail License
267     Act, and Chapter 6, Part 4, Bar Establishment License.
268          (12) (a) [Subject to Subsection (12)(d), "beer"] "Beer" means a product that:
269          (i) contains:
270          (A) at least .5% of alcohol by volume[, but not]; and
271          (B) no more than 5% of alcohol by volume or 4% by weight; [and]
272          (ii) is obtained by fermentation, infusion, or decoction of [malted grain.]:
273          (A) malt; or

274          (B) a malt substitute; and
275          (iii) is clearly marketed, labeled, and identified as:
276          (A) beer;
277          (B) ale;
278          (C) porter;
279          (D) stout;
280          (E) lager;
281          (F) a malt;
282          (G) a malted beverage; or
283          (H) seltzer.
284          (b) "Beer" may [or may not contain hops or other vegetable products.] contain:
285          (i) hops extract; or
286          (ii) caffeine, if the caffeine is a natural constituent of an added ingredient.
287          [(c) "Beer" includes a product that:]
288          [(i) contains alcohol in the percentages described in Subsection (12)(a); and]
289          [(ii) is referred to as:]
290          [(A) beer;]
291          [(B) ale;]
292          [(C) porter;]
293          [(D) stout;]
294          [(E) lager; or]
295          [(F) a malt or malted beverage.]
296          [(d)] (c) "Beer" does not include:
297          (i) a flavored malt beverage[.];
298          (ii) a product that contains alcohol derived from:
299          (A) spirituous liquor; or
300          (B) wine; or
301          (iii) a product that contains an additive masking or altering a physiological effect of
302     alcohol, including kratom, kava, cannabidiol, or natural or synthetic tetrahydrocannabinol.
303          (13) "Beer-only restaurant license" means a license issued in accordance with Chapter
304     5, Retail License Act, and Chapter 6, Part 9, Beer-Only Restaurant License.

305          (14) "Beer retailer" means a business that:
306          (a) is engaged, primarily or incidentally, in the retail sale of beer to a patron, whether
307     for consumption on or off the business premises; and
308          (b) is licensed as:
309          (i) an off-premise beer retailer, in accordance with Chapter 7, Part 2, Off-Premise Beer
310     Retailer Local Authority; or
311          (ii) an on-premise beer retailer, in accordance with Chapter 5, Retail License Act, and
312     Chapter 6, Part 7, On-Premise Beer Retailer License.
313          (15) "Beer wholesaling license" means a license:
314          (a) issued in accordance with Chapter 13, Beer Wholesaling License Act; and
315          (b) to import for sale, or sell beer in wholesale or jobbing quantities to one or more
316     retail licensees or off-premise beer retailers.
317          (16) "Billboard" means a public display used to advertise, including:
318          (a) a light device;
319          (b) a painting;
320          (c) a drawing;
321          (d) a poster;
322          (e) a sign;
323          (f) a signboard; or
324          (g) a scoreboard.
325          (17) "Brewer" means a person engaged in manufacturing:
326          (a) beer;
327          (b) heavy beer; or
328          (c) a flavored malt beverage.
329          (18) "Brewery manufacturing license" means a license issued in accordance with
330     Chapter 11, Part 5, Brewery Manufacturing License.
331          (19) "Certificate of approval" means a certificate of approval obtained from the
332     department under Section 32B-11-201.
333          (20) "Chartered bus" means a passenger bus, coach, or other motor vehicle provided by
334     a bus company to a group of persons pursuant to a common purpose:
335          (a) under a single contract;

336          (b) at a fixed charge in accordance with the bus company's tariff; and
337          (c) to give the group of persons the exclusive use of the passenger bus, coach, or other
338     motor vehicle, and a driver to travel together to one or more specified destinations.
339          (21) "Church" means a building:
340          (a) set apart for worship;
341          (b) in which religious services are held;
342          (c) with which clergy is associated; and
343          (d) that is tax exempt under the laws of this state.
344          (22) "Commission" means the Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services Commission
345     created in Section 32B-2-201.
346          (23) "Commissioner" means a member of the commission.
347          (24) "Community location" means:
348          (a) a public or private school;
349          (b) a church;
350          (c) a public library;
351          (d) a public playground; or
352          (e) a public park.
353          (25) "Community location governing authority" means:
354          (a) the governing body of the community location; or
355          (b) if the commission does not know who is the governing body of a community
356     location, a person who appears to the commission to have been given on behalf of the
357     community location the authority to prohibit an activity at the community location.
358          (26) "Container" means a receptacle that contains an alcoholic product, including:
359          (a) a bottle;
360          (b) a vessel; or
361          (c) a similar item.
362          (27) "Controlled group of [breweries"] manufacturers" means as the commission
363     defines by rule made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative
364     Rulemaking Act.
365          (28) "Convention center" means a facility that is:
366          (a) in total at least 30,000 square feet; and

367          (b) otherwise defined as a "convention center" by the commission by rule.
368          (29) (a) "Counter" means a surface or structure in a dining area of a licensed premises
369     where seating is provided to a patron for service of food.
370          (b) "Counter" does not include a dispensing structure.
371          (30) "Crime involving moral turpitude" is as defined by the commission by rule.
372          (31) "Department" means the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services
373     created in Section 32B-2-203.
374          (32) "Department compliance officer" means an individual who is:
375          (a) an auditor or inspector; and
376          (b) employed by the department.
377          (33) "Department sample" means liquor that is placed in the possession of the
378     department for testing, analysis, and sampling.
379          (34) "Dining club license" means a license issued in accordance with Chapter 5, Retail
380     License Act, and Chapter 6, Part 4, Bar Establishment License, that is designated by the
381     commission as a dining club license.
382          (35) "Director," unless the context requires otherwise, means the director of the
383     department.
384          (36) "Disciplinary proceeding" means an adjudicative proceeding permitted under this
385     title:
386          (a) against a person subject to administrative action; and
387          (b) that is brought on the basis of a violation of this title.
388          (37) (a) Subject to Subsection (37)(b), "dispense" means:
389          (i) drawing an alcoholic product; and
390          (ii) using the alcoholic product at the location from which it was drawn to mix or
391     prepare an alcoholic product to be furnished to a patron of the retail licensee.
392          (b) The definition of "dispense" in this Subsection (37) applies only to:
393          (i) a full-service restaurant license;
394          (ii) a limited-service restaurant license;
395          (iii) a reception center license;
396          (iv) a beer-only restaurant license;
397          (v) a bar license;

398          (vi) an on-premise beer retailer;
399          (vii) an airport lounge license;
400          (viii) an on-premise banquet license; and
401          (ix) a hospitality amenity license.
402          (38) "Dispensing structure" means a surface or structure on a licensed premises:
403          (a) where an alcoholic product is dispensed; or
404          (b) from which an alcoholic product is served.
405          (39) "Distillery manufacturing license" means a license issued in accordance with
406     Chapter 11, Part 4, Distillery Manufacturing License.
407          (40) "Distressed merchandise" means an alcoholic product in the possession of the
408     department that is saleable, but for some reason is unappealing to the public.
409          (41) "Equity license" means a license issued in accordance with Chapter 5, Retail
410     License Act, and Chapter 6, Part 4, Bar Establishment License, that is designated by the
411     commission as an equity license.
412          (42) "Event permit" means:
413          (a) a single event permit; or
414          (b) a temporary beer event permit.
415          (43) "Exempt license" means a license exempt under Section 32B-1-201 from being
416     considered in determining the total number of retail licenses that the commission may issue at
417     any time.
418          (44) (a) "Flavored malt beverage" means a beverage:
419          (i) that contains at least .5% alcohol by volume;
420          [(ii) that is treated by processing, filtration, or another method of manufacture that is
421     not generally recognized as a traditional process in the production of a beer as described in 27
422     C.F.R. Sec. 25.55;]
423          [(iii) to which is added a flavor or other ingredient containing alcohol, except for a hop
424     extract; and]
425          (ii) for which the producer is required to file a formula for approval with the federal
426     Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau under 27 C.F.R. Sec. 25.55 because the beverage
427     is treated by processing, filtration, or another method of manufacture that is not generally
428     recognized as a traditional process in the production of a beer, ale, porter, stout, lager, or malt

429     liquor; and
430          (iii) for which the producer is required to file a formula for approval with the federal
431     Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau under 27 C.F.R. Sec. 25.55 because the beverage
432     includes an ingredient containing alcohol.
433          [(iv) (A) for which the producer is required to file a formula for approval with the
434     federal Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau pursuant to 27 C.F.R. Sec. 25.55; or]
435          [(B) that is not exempt under Subdivision (f) of 27 C.F.R. Sec. 25.55.]
436          (b) "Flavored malt beverage" is considered liquor for purposes of this title.
437          (45) "Fraternal license" means a license issued in accordance with Chapter 5, Retail
438     License Act, and Chapter 6, Part 4, Bar Establishment License, that is designated by the
439     commission as a fraternal license.
440          (46) "Full-service restaurant license" means a license issued in accordance with
441     Chapter 5, Retail License Act, and Chapter 6, Part 2, Full-Service Restaurant License.
442          (47) (a) "Furnish" means by any means to provide with, supply, or give an individual
443     an alcoholic product, by sale or otherwise.
444          (b) "Furnish" includes to:
445          (i) serve;
446          (ii) deliver; or
447          (iii) otherwise make available.
448          (48) "Guest" means an individual who meets the requirements of Subsection
449     32B-6-407(9).
450          (49) "Hard cider" means the same as that term is defined in 26 U.S.C. Sec. 5041.
451          (50) "Health care practitioner" means:
452          (a) a podiatrist licensed under Title 58, Chapter 5a, Podiatric Physician Licensing Act;
453          (b) an optometrist licensed under Title 58, Chapter 16a, Utah Optometry Practice Act;
454          (c) a pharmacist licensed under Title 58, Chapter 17b, Pharmacy Practice Act;
455          (d) a physical therapist licensed under Title 58, Chapter 24b, Physical Therapy Practice
456     Act;
457          (e) a nurse or advanced practice registered nurse licensed under Title 58, Chapter 31b,
458     Nurse Practice Act;
459          (f) a recreational therapist licensed under Title 58, Chapter 40, Recreational Therapy

460     Practice Act;
461          (g) an occupational therapist licensed under Title 58, Chapter 42a, Occupational
462     Therapy Practice Act;
463          (h) a nurse midwife licensed under Title 58, Chapter 44a, Nurse Midwife Practice Act;
464          (i) a mental health professional licensed under Title 58, Chapter 60, Mental Health
465     Professional Practice Act;
466          (j) a physician licensed under Title 58, Chapter 67, Utah Medical Practice Act;
467          (k) an osteopath licensed under Title 58, Chapter 68, Utah Osteopathic Medical
468     Practice Act;
469          (l) a dentist or dental hygienist licensed under Title 58, Chapter 69, Dentist and Dental
470     Hygienist Practice Act; and
471          (m) a physician assistant licensed under Title 58, Chapter 70a, Utah Physician
472     Assistant Act.
473          (51) (a) "Heavy beer" means a product that:
474          (i) contains more than 5% alcohol by volume; and
475          (ii) is obtained by fermentation, infusion, or decoction of [malted grain.]:
476          (A) malt; or
477          (B) a malt substitute.
478          (b) "Heavy beer" is considered liquor for the purposes of this title.
479          (52) "Hospitality amenity license" means a license issued in accordance with Chapter
480     5, Retail License Act, and Chapter 6, Part 10, Hospitality Amenity License.
481          (53) (a) "Hotel" means a commercial lodging establishment that:
482          (i) offers at least 40 rooms as temporary sleeping accommodations for compensation;
483          (ii) is capable of hosting conventions, conferences, and food and beverage functions
484     under a banquet contract; and
485          (iii) (A) has adequate kitchen or culinary facilities on the premises to provide complete
486     meals;
487          (B) has at least 1,000 square feet of function space consisting of meeting or dining
488     rooms that can be reserved for [private use under] a banquet [contract] and can accommodate at
489     least 75 individuals; or
490          (C) if the establishment is located in a small or unincorporated locality, has an

491     appropriate amount of function space consisting of meeting or dining rooms that can be
492     reserved for private use under a banquet contract, as determined by the commission.
493          (b) "Hotel" includes a commercial lodging establishment that:
494          (i) meets the requirements under Subsection (53)(a); and
495          (ii) has one or more privately owned dwelling units.
496          (54) "Hotel license" means a license issued in accordance with Chapter 5, Retail
497     License Act, and Chapter 8b, Hotel License Act.
498          (55) "Identification card" means an identification card issued under Title 53, Chapter 3,
499     Part 8, Identification Card Act.
500          (56) "Industry representative" means an individual who is compensated by salary,
501     commission, or other means for representing and selling an alcoholic product of a
502     manufacturer, supplier, or importer of liquor.
503          (57) "Industry representative sample" means liquor that is placed in the possession of
504     the department for testing, analysis, and sampling by a local industry representative on the
505     premises of the department to educate the local industry representative of the quality and
506     characteristics of the product.
507          (58) "Interdicted person" means a person to whom the sale, offer for sale, or furnishing
508     of an alcoholic product is prohibited by:
509          (a) law; or
510          (b) court order.
511          (59) "International airport" means an airport:
512          (a) with a United States Customs and Border Protection office on the premises of the
513     airport; and
514          (b) at which international flights may enter and depart.
515          (60) "Intoxicated" means that a person:
516          (a) is significantly impaired as to the person's mental or physical functions as a result of
517     the use of:
518          (i) an alcoholic product;
519          (ii) a controlled substance;
520          (iii) a substance having the property of releasing toxic vapors; or
521          (iv) a combination of Subsections (60)(a)(i) through (iii); and

522          (b) exhibits plain and easily observed outward manifestations of behavior or physical
523     signs produced by the overconsumption of an alcoholic product.
524          (61) "Investigator" means an individual who is:
525          (a) a department compliance officer; or
526          (b) a nondepartment enforcement officer.
527          (62) "License" means:
528          (a) a retail license;
529          (b) a sublicense;
530          (c) a license issued in accordance with Chapter 7, Part 4, Off-Premise Beer Retailer
531     State License;
532          [(c)] (d) a license issued in accordance with Chapter 11, Manufacturing and Related
533     Licenses Act;
534          [(d)] (e) a license issued in accordance with Chapter 12, Liquor Warehousing License
535     Act;
536          [(e)] (f) a license issued in accordance with Chapter 13, Beer Wholesaling License Act;
537     or
538          [(f)] (g) a license issued in accordance with Chapter 17, Liquor Transport License Act.
539          (63) "Licensee" means a person who holds a license.
540          (64) "Limited-service restaurant license" means a license issued in accordance with
541     Chapter 5, Retail License Act, and Chapter 6, Part 3, Limited-Service Restaurant License.
542          (65) "Limousine" means a motor vehicle licensed by the state or a local authority, other
543     than a bus or taxicab:
544          (a) in which the driver and a passenger are separated by a partition, glass, or other
545     barrier;
546          (b) that is provided by a business entity to one or more individuals at a fixed charge in
547     accordance with the business entity's tariff; and
548          (c) to give the one or more individuals the exclusive use of the limousine and a driver
549     to travel to one or more specified destinations.
550          (66) (a) (i) "Liquor" means a liquid that:
551          (A) is:
552          (I) alcohol;

553          (II) an alcoholic, spirituous, vinous, fermented, malt, or other liquid;
554          (III) a combination of liquids a part of which is spirituous, vinous, or fermented; or
555          (IV) other drink or drinkable liquid; and
556          (B) (I) contains at least .5% alcohol by volume; and
557          (II) is suitable to use for beverage purposes.
558          (ii) "Liquor" includes:
559          (A) heavy beer;
560          (B) wine; and
561          (C) a flavored malt beverage.
562          (b) "Liquor" does not include beer.
563          (67) "Liquor Control Fund" means the enterprise fund created by Section 32B-2-301.
564          (68) "Liquor transport license" means a license issued in accordance with Chapter 17,
565     Liquor Transport License Act.
566          (69) "Liquor warehousing license" means a license that is issued:
567          (a) in accordance with Chapter 12, Liquor Warehousing License Act; and
568          (b) to a person, other than a licensed manufacturer, who engages in the importation for
569     storage, sale, or distribution of liquor regardless of amount.
570          (70) "Local authority" means:
571          (a) for premises that are located in an unincorporated area of a county, the governing
572     body of a county;
573          (b) for premises that are located in an incorporated city, town, or metro township, the
574     governing body of the city, town, or metro township; or
575          (c) for premises that are located in a project area as defined in Section 63H-1-102 and
576     in a project area plan adopted by the Military Installation Development Authority under Title
577     63H, Chapter 1, Military Installation Development Authority Act, the Military Installation
578     Development Authority.
579          (71) "Lounge or bar area" is as defined by rule made by the commission.
580          (72) "Malt substitute" means:
581          (a) rice;
582          (b) grain;
583          (c) bran;

584          (d) glucose;
585          (e) sugar; or
586          (f) molasses.
587          [(72)] (73) "Manufacture" means to distill, brew, rectify, mix, compound, process,
588     ferment, or otherwise make an alcoholic product for personal use or for sale or distribution to
589     others.
590          [(73)] (74) "Member" means an individual who, after paying regular dues, has full
591     privileges in an equity licensee or fraternal licensee.
592          [(74)] (75) (a) "Military installation" means a base, air field, camp, post, station, yard,
593     center, or homeport facility for a ship:
594          (i) (A) under the control of the United States Department of Defense; or
595          (B) of the National Guard;
596          (ii) that is located within the state; and
597          (iii) including a leased facility.
598          (b) "Military installation" does not include a facility used primarily for:
599          (i) civil works;
600          (ii) a rivers and harbors project; or
601          (iii) a flood control project.
602          [(75)] (76) "Minibar" means an area of a hotel guest room where one or more alcoholic
603     products are kept and offered for self-service sale or consumption.
604          [(76)] (77) "Minor" means an individual under [the age of] 21 years old.
605          [(77)] (78) "Nondepartment enforcement agency" means an agency that:
606          (a) (i) is a state agency other than the department; or
607          (ii) is an agency of a county, city, town, or metro township; and
608          (b) has a responsibility to enforce one or more provisions of this title.
609          [(78)] (79) "Nondepartment enforcement officer" means an individual who is:
610          (a) a peace officer, examiner, or investigator; and
611          (b) employed by a nondepartment enforcement agency.
612          [(79)] (80) (a) "Off-premise beer retailer" means a beer retailer who is:
613          (i) licensed in accordance with Chapter 7, Off-Premise Beer Retailer Act; and
614          (ii) engaged in the retail sale of beer to a patron for consumption off the beer retailer's

615     premises.
616          (b) "Off-premise beer retailer" does not include an on-premise beer retailer.
617          [(80)] (81) "Off-premise beer retailer state license" means a state license issued in
618     accordance with Chapter 7, Part 4, Off-Premise Beer Retailer State License.
619          [(81)] (82) "On-premise banquet license" means a license issued in accordance with
620     Chapter 5, Retail License Act, and Chapter 6, Part 6, On-Premise Banquet License.
621          [(82)] (83) "On-premise beer retailer" means a beer retailer who is:
622          (a) authorized to sell, offer for sale, or furnish beer under a license issued in
623     accordance with Chapter 5, Retail License Act, and Chapter 6, Part 7, On-Premise Beer
624     Retailer License; and
625          (b) engaged in the sale of beer to a patron for consumption on the beer retailer's
626     premises:
627          (i) regardless of whether the beer retailer sells beer for consumption off the licensed
628     premises; and
629          (ii) on and after March 1, 2012, operating:
630          (A) as a tavern; or
631          (B) in a manner that meets the requirements of Subsection 32B-6-703(2)(e)(i).
632          [(83)] (84) "Opaque" means impenetrable to sight.
633          [(84)] (85) "Package agency" means a retail liquor location operated:
634          (a) under an agreement with the department; and
635          (b) by a person:
636          (i) other than the state; and
637          (ii) who is authorized by the commission in accordance with Chapter 2, Part 6, Package
638     Agency, to sell packaged liquor for consumption off the premises of the package agency.
639          [(85)] (86) "Package agent" means a person who holds a package agency.
640          [(86)] (87) "Patron" means an individual to whom food, beverages, or services are sold,
641     offered for sale, or furnished, or who consumes an alcoholic product including:
642          (a) a customer;
643          (b) a member;
644          (c) a guest;
645          (d) an attendee of a banquet or event;

646          (e) an individual who receives room service;
647          (f) a resident of a resort; or
648          (g) a hospitality guest, as defined in Section 32B-6-1002, under a hospitality amenity
649     license.
650          [(87)] (88) (a) "Performing arts facility" means a multi-use performance space that:
651          (i) is primarily used to present various types of performing arts, including dance,
652     music, and theater;
653          (ii) contains over 2,500 seats;
654          (iii) is owned and operated by a governmental entity; and
655          (iv) is located in a city of the first class.
656          (b) "Performing arts facility" does not include a space that is used to present sporting
657     events or sporting competitions.
658          [(88)] (89) "Permittee" means a person issued a permit under:
659          (a) Chapter 9, Event Permit Act; or
660          (b) Chapter 10, Special Use Permit Act.
661          [(89)] (90) "Person subject to administrative action" means:
662          (a) a licensee;
663          (b) a permittee;
664          (c) a manufacturer;
665          (d) a supplier;
666          (e) an importer;
667          (f) one of the following holding a certificate of approval:
668          (i) an out-of-state brewer;
669          (ii) an out-of-state importer of beer, heavy beer, or flavored malt beverages; or
670          (iii) an out-of-state supplier of beer, heavy beer, or flavored malt beverages; or
671          (g) staff of:
672          (i) a person listed in Subsections [(89)] (90)(a) through (f); or
673          (ii) a package agent.
674          [(90)] (91) "Premises" means a building, enclosure, or room used in connection with
675     the storage, sale, furnishing, consumption, manufacture, or distribution, of an alcoholic
676     product, unless otherwise defined in this title or rules made by the commission.

677          [(91)] (92) "Prescription" means an order issued by a health care practitioner when:
678          (a) the health care practitioner is licensed under Title 58, Occupations and Professions,
679     to prescribe a controlled substance, other drug, or device for medicinal purposes;
680          (b) the order is made in the course of that health care practitioner's professional
681     practice; and
682          (c) the order is made for obtaining an alcoholic product for medicinal purposes only.
683          [(92)] (93) (a) "Primary spirituous liquor" means the main distilled spirit in a beverage.
684          (b) "Primary spirituous liquor" does not include a secondary flavoring ingredient.
685          [(93)] (94) "Principal license" means:
686          (a) a resort license;
687          (b) a hotel license; or
688          (c) an arena license.
689          [(94)] (95) (a) "Private event" means a specific social, business, or recreational event:
690          (i) for which an entire room, area, or hall is leased or rented in advance by an identified
691     group; and
692          (ii) that is limited in attendance to people who are specifically designated and their
693     guests.
694          (b) "Private event" does not include an event to which the general public is invited,
695     whether for an admission fee or not.
696          [(95)] (96) "Privately sponsored event" means a specific social, business, or
697     recreational event:
698          (a) that is held in or on the premises of an on-premise banquet licensee; and
699          (b) to which entry is restricted by an admission fee.
700          [(96)] (97) (a) "Proof of age" means:
701          (i) an identification card;
702          (ii) an identification that:
703          (A) is substantially similar to an identification card;
704          (B) is issued in accordance with the laws of a state other than Utah in which the
705     identification is issued;
706          (C) includes date of birth; and
707          (D) has a picture affixed;

708          (iii) a valid driver license certificate that:
709          (A) includes date of birth;
710          (B) has a picture affixed; and
711          (C) is issued:
712          (I) under Title 53, Chapter 3, Uniform Driver License Act; [or]
713          (II) in accordance with the laws of the state in which it is issued; or
714          (III) in accordance with federal law by the United States Department of State;
715          (iv) a military identification card that:
716          (A) includes date of birth; and
717          (B) has a picture affixed; or
718          (v) a valid passport.
719          (b) "Proof of age" does not include a driving privilege card issued in accordance with
720     Section 53-3-207.
721          [(97)] (98) "Provisions applicable to a sublicense" means:
722          (a) for a full-service restaurant sublicense, the provisions applicable to a full-service
723     restaurant license under Chapter 6, Part 2, Full-Service Restaurant License;
724          (b) for a limited-service restaurant sublicense, the provisions applicable to a
725     limited-service restaurant license under Chapter 6, Part 3, Limited-Service Restaurant License;
726          (c) for a bar establishment sublicense, the provisions applicable to a bar establishment
727     license under Chapter 6, Part 4, Bar Establishment License;
728          (d) for an on-premise banquet sublicense, the provisions applicable to an on-premise
729     banquet license under Chapter 6, Part 6, On-Premise Banquet License;
730          (e) for an on-premise beer retailer sublicense, the provisions applicable to an
731     on-premise beer retailer license under Chapter 6, Part 7, On-Premise Beer Retailer License;
732          (f) for a beer-only restaurant sublicense, the provisions applicable to a beer-only
733     restaurant license under Chapter 6, Part 9, Beer-Only Restaurant License;
734          (g) for a hospitality amenity license, the provisions applicable to a hospitality amenity
735     license under Chapter 6, Part 10, Hospitality Amenity License; and
736          (h) for a [resort] spa sublicense, the provisions applicable to the sublicense under
737     Chapter 8d, Part 2, [Resort] Spa Sublicense.
738          [(98)] (99) (a) "Public building" means a building or permanent structure that is:

739          (i) owned or leased by:
740          (A) the state; or
741          (B) a local government entity; and
742          (ii) used for:
743          (A) public education;
744          (B) transacting public business; or
745          (C) regularly conducting government activities.
746          (b) "Public building" does not include a building owned by the state or a local
747     government entity when the building is used by a person, in whole or in part, for a proprietary
748     function.
749          [(99)] (100) "Public conveyance" means a conveyance that the public or a portion of
750     the public has access to and a right to use for transportation, including an airline, railroad, bus,
751     boat, or other public conveyance.
752          [(100)] (101) "Reception center" means a business that:
753          (a) operates facilities that are at least 5,000 square feet; and
754          (b) has as its primary purpose the leasing of the facilities described in Subsection
755     [(100)] (101)(a) to a third party for the third party's event.
756          [(101)] (102) "Reception center license" means a license issued in accordance with
757     Chapter 5, Retail License Act, and Chapter 6, Part 8, Reception Center License.
758          [(102)] (103) (a) "Record" means information that is:
759          (i) inscribed on a tangible medium; or
760          (ii) stored in an electronic or other medium and is retrievable in a perceivable form.
761          (b) "Record" includes:
762          (i) a book;
763          (ii) a book of account;
764          (iii) a paper;
765          (iv) a contract;
766          (v) an agreement;
767          (vi) a document; or
768          (vii) a recording in any medium.
769          [(103)] (104) "Residence" means a person's principal place of abode within Utah.

770          [(104)] (105) "Resident," in relation to a resort, means the same as that term is defined
771     in Section 32B-8-102.
772          [(105)] (106) "Resort" means the same as that term is defined in Section 32B-8-102.
773          [(106)] (107) "Resort facility" is as defined by the commission by rule.
774          [(107) "Resort spa sublicense" means a resort license sublicense issued in accordance
775     with Chapter 8d, Part 2, Resort Spa Sublicense.]
776          (108) "Resort license" means a license issued in accordance with Chapter 5, Retail
777     License Act, and Chapter 8, Resort License Act.
778          (109) "Responsible alcohol service plan" means a written set of policies and
779     procedures that outlines measures to prevent employees from:
780          (a) over-serving alcoholic beverages to customers;
781          (b) serving alcoholic beverages to customers who are actually, apparently, or obviously
782     intoxicated; and
783          (c) serving alcoholic beverages to minors.
784          (110) "Restaurant" means a business location:
785          (a) at which a variety of foods are prepared;
786          (b) at which complete meals are served; and
787          (c) that is engaged primarily in serving meals.
788          (111) "Restaurant license" means one of the following licenses issued under this title:
789          (a) a full-service restaurant license;
790          (b) a limited-service restaurant license; or
791          (c) a beer-only restaurant license.
792          (112) "Retail license" means one of the following licenses issued under this title:
793          (a) a full-service restaurant license;
794          (b) a master full-service restaurant license;
795          (c) a limited-service restaurant license;
796          (d) a master limited-service restaurant license;
797          (e) a bar establishment license;
798          (f) an airport lounge license;
799          (g) an on-premise banquet license;
800          (h) an on-premise beer license;

801          (i) a reception center license;
802          (j) a beer-only restaurant license;
803          (k) a hospitality amenity license;
804          (l) a resort license;
805          (m) a hotel license; or
806          (n) an arena license.
807          (113) "Room service" means furnishing an alcoholic product to a person in a guest
808     room or privately owned dwelling unit of a:
809          (a) hotel; or
810          (b) resort facility.
811          (114) (a) "School" means a building in which any part is used for more than three
812     hours each weekday during a school year as a public or private:
813          (i) elementary school;
814          (ii) secondary school; or
815          (iii) kindergarten.
816          (b) "School" does not include:
817          (i) a nursery school;
818          (ii) a day care center;
819          (iii) a trade and technical school;
820          (iv) a preschool; or
821          (v) a home school.
822          (115) "Secondary flavoring ingredient" means any spirituous liquor added to a
823     beverage for additional flavoring that is different in type, flavor, or brand from the primary
824     spirituous liquor in the beverage.
825          (116) "Sell" or "offer for sale" means a transaction, exchange, or barter whereby, for
826     consideration, an alcoholic product is either directly or indirectly transferred, solicited, ordered,
827     delivered for value, or by a means or under a pretext is promised or obtained, whether done by
828     a person as a principal, proprietor, or as staff, unless otherwise defined in this title or the rules
829     made by the commission.
830          (117) "Serve" means to place an alcoholic product before an individual.
831          (118) "Sexually oriented entertainer" means a person who while in a state of

832     seminudity appears at or performs:
833          (a) for the entertainment of one or more patrons;
834          (b) on the premises of:
835          (i) a bar licensee; or
836          (ii) a tavern;
837          (c) on behalf of or at the request of the licensee described in Subsection (118)(b);
838          (d) on a contractual or voluntary basis; and
839          (e) whether or not the person is designated as:
840          (i) an employee;
841          (ii) an independent contractor;
842          (iii) an agent of the licensee; or
843          (iv) a different type of classification.
844          (119) "Shared seating area" means the licensed premises of two or more restaurant
845     licensees that the restaurant licensees share as an area for alcoholic beverage consumption in
846     accordance with Subsection 32B-5-207(3).
847          (120) "Single event permit" means a permit issued in accordance with Chapter 9, Part
848     3, Single Event Permit.
849          (121) "Small brewer" means a brewer who manufactures less than 60,000 barrels of
850     beer, heavy beer, and flavored malt beverage per year, as the department calculates by:
851          (a) if the brewer is part of a controlled group of [breweries] manufacturers, including
852     the combined volume totals of production for all breweries that constitute the controlled group
853     of [breweries] manufacturers; and
854          (b) excluding beer, heavy beer, or flavored malt beverage the brewer:
855          (i) manufactures that is unfit for consumption as, or in, a beverage, as the commission
856     determines by rule made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative
857     Rulemaking Act; and
858          (ii) does not sell for consumption as, or in, a beverage.
859          (122) "Small or unincorporated locality" means:
860          (a) a city of the third, fourth, or fifth class, as classified under Section 10-2-301;
861          (b) a town, as classified under Section 10-2-301; or
862          (c) an unincorporated area in a county of the third, fourth, or fifth class, as classified

863     under Section 17-50-501.
864          (123) "Spa sublicense" means a sublicense:
865          (a) to a resort license or hotel license; and
866          (b) that the commission issues in accordance with Chapter 8d, Part 2, Spa Sublicense.
867          [(123)] (124) "Special use permit" means a permit issued in accordance with Chapter
868     10, Special Use Permit Act.
869          [(124)] (125) (a) "Spirituous liquor" means liquor that is distilled.
870          (b) "Spirituous liquor" includes an alcoholic product defined as a "distilled spirit" by
871     27 U.S.C. Sec. 211 and 27 C.F.R. Sec. 5.11 through 5.23.
872          [(125)] (126) "Sports center" is as defined by the commission by rule.
873          [(126)] (127) (a) "Staff" means an individual who engages in activity governed by this
874     title:
875          (i) on behalf of a business, including a package agent, licensee, permittee, or certificate
876     holder;
877          (ii) at the request of the business, including a package agent, licensee, permittee, or
878     certificate holder; or
879          (iii) under the authority of the business, including a package agent, licensee, permittee,
880     or certificate holder.
881          (b) "Staff" includes:
882          (i) an officer;
883          (ii) a director;
884          (iii) an employee;
885          (iv) personnel management;
886          (v) an agent of the licensee, including a managing agent;
887          (vi) an operator; or
888          (vii) a representative.
889          [(127)] (128) "State of nudity" means:
890          (a) the appearance of:
891          (i) the nipple or areola of a female human breast;
892          (ii) a human genital;
893          (iii) a human pubic area; or

894          (iv) a human anus; or
895          (b) a state of dress that fails to opaquely cover:
896          (i) the nipple or areola of a female human breast;
897          (ii) a human genital;
898          (iii) a human pubic area; or
899          (iv) a human anus.
900          [(128)] (129) "State of seminudity" means a state of dress in which opaque clothing
901     covers no more than:
902          (a) the nipple and areola of the female human breast in a shape and color other than the
903     natural shape and color of the nipple and areola; and
904          (b) the human genitals, pubic area, and anus:
905          (i) with no less than the following at its widest point:
906          (A) four inches coverage width in the front of the human body; and
907          (B) five inches coverage width in the back of the human body; and
908          (ii) with coverage that does not taper to less than one inch wide at the narrowest point.
909          [(129)] (130) (a) "State store" means a facility for the sale of packaged liquor:
910          (i) located on premises owned or leased by the state; and
911          (ii) operated by a state employee.
912          (b) "State store" does not include:
913          (i) a package agency;
914          (ii) a licensee; or
915          (iii) a permittee.
916          [(130)] (131) (a) "Storage area" means an area on licensed premises where the licensee
917     stores an alcoholic product.
918          (b) "Store" means to place or maintain in a location an alcoholic product.
919          [(131)] (132) "Sublicense" means:
920          (a) any of the following licenses issued as a subordinate license to, and contingent on
921     the issuance of, a principal license:
922          (i) a full-service restaurant license;
923          (ii) a limited-service restaurant license;
924          (iii) a bar establishment license;

925          (iv) an on-premise banquet license;
926          (v) an on-premise beer retailer license;
927          (vi) a beer-only restaurant license; or
928          (vii) a hospitality amenity license; or
929          (b) a [resort] spa sublicense.
930          [(132)] (133) "Supplier" means a person who sells an alcoholic product to the
931     department.
932          [(133)] (134) "Tavern" means an on-premise beer retailer who is:
933          (a) issued a license by the commission in accordance with Chapter 5, Retail License
934     Act, and Chapter 6, Part 7, On-Premise Beer Retailer License; and
935          (b) designated by the commission as a tavern in accordance with Chapter 6, Part 7,
936     On-Premise Beer Retailer License.
937          [(134)] (135) "Temporary beer event permit" means a permit issued in accordance with
938     Chapter 9, Part 4, Temporary Beer Event Permit.
939          [(135)] (136) "Temporary domicile" means the principal place of abode within Utah of
940     a person who does not have a present intention to continue residency within Utah permanently
941     or indefinitely.
942          [(136)] (137) "Translucent" means a substance that allows light to pass through, but
943     does not allow an object or person to be seen through the substance.
944          [(137)] (138) "Unsaleable liquor merchandise" means a container that:
945          (a) is unsaleable because the container is:
946          (i) unlabeled;
947          (ii) leaky;
948          (iii) damaged;
949          (iv) difficult to open; or
950          (v) partly filled;
951          (b) (i) has faded labels or defective caps or corks;
952          (ii) has contents that are:
953          (A) cloudy;
954          (B) spoiled; or
955          (C) chemically determined to be impure; or

956          (iii) contains:
957          (A) sediment; or
958          (B) a foreign substance; or
959          (c) is otherwise considered by the department as unfit for sale.
960          [(138)] (139) (a) "Wine" means an alcoholic product obtained by the fermentation of
961     the natural sugar content of fruits, plants, honey, or milk, or other like substance, whether or
962     not another ingredient is added.
963          (b) "Wine" includes:
964          (i) an alcoholic beverage defined as wine under 27 U.S.C. Sec. 211 and 27 C.F.R. Sec.
965     4.10; and
966          (ii) hard cider.
967          (c) "Wine" is considered liquor for purposes of this title, except as otherwise provided
968     in this title.
969          [(139)] (140) "Winery manufacturing license" means a license issued in accordance
970     with Chapter 11, Part 3, Winery Manufacturing License.
971          Section 2. Section 32B-1-202.1 is amended to read:
972          32B-1-202.1. Proximity for certain and arena hotel licensees.
973          (1) As used in this section, "hotel" means the same as that term is defined in Section
974     32B-8b-102.
975          (2) The commission may issue a hotel license for a proposed location that does not
976     meet the proximity requirements under Section 32B-1-202, if:
977          (a) the proposed hotel is:
978          (i) located in a city classified as a city of the first class under Section 10-2-301;
979          (ii) within 600 feet of two community locations, as measured from the nearest patron
980     entrance of the proposed hotel by following the shortest route of ordinary pedestrian travel to
981     the property boundary of each community location;
982          (iii) not within 300 feet of a community location, as measured from the nearest patron
983     entrance of the proposed hotel by following the shortest route of ordinary pedestrian travel to
984     the property boundary of the community location; and
985          (iv) not within 200 feet of a community location, as measured in a straight line from
986     the nearest patron entrance of the proposed hotel to the nearest property boundary of the

987     community location;
988          (b) the proposed sublicensed premises of a bar establishment sublicense under the hotel
989     license:
990          (i) is on the second or higher floor of a hotel;
991          (ii) is not accessible at street level; and
992          (iii) is only accessible to an individual who passes through another area of the hotel in
993     which the bar establishment sublicense is located; and
994          (c) the applicant meets all other criteria under this title for the hotel license.
995          (3) The commission may issue authority to operate as a package agency to a hotel
996     licensee who meets the requirements described in Subsection (2).
997          (4) (a) The commission may issue an arena license for a proposed location that does
998     not meet the proximity requirements described in Section 32B-1-202, if, on the day before the
999     day on which the commission issues the license, each proposed sublicense of the arena license:
1000          (i) operates as an outlet or restaurant; and
1001          (ii) (A) operates on the proposed sublicense premises under a variance to one or more
1002     proximity requirements in accordance with Section 32B-1-202; or
1003          (B) has been in operation on the proposed sublicense premises for at least 10 years.
1004          (b) After the commission issues an arena license in accordance with Subsection (4)(a),
1005     the commission may not issue the arena licensee an additional sublicense.
1006          Section 3. Section 32B-1-603 is amended to read:
1007          32B-1-603. Power of the commission and department to classify flavored malt
1008     beverages.
1009          (1) The commission and department shall regulate a flavored malt beverage as liquor.
1010          (2) (a) The department shall make available to the public on the Internet a list of the
1011     flavored malt beverages authorized to be sold in this state as liquor.
1012          (b) The list described in Subsection (2)(a) shall be updated at least quarterly.
1013          (3) (a) A manufacturer shall file, under penalty of perjury, a report with the department
1014     listing each flavored malt beverage manufactured by the manufacturer that the manufacturer
1015     wants to distribute in this state subject to the manufacturer holding:
1016          (i) a brewery manufacturing license issued in accordance with Chapter 11, Part 5,
1017     Brewery Manufacturing License; or

1018          (ii) a certificate of approval.
1019          (b) A manufacturer may not distribute or sell in this state a flavored malt beverage if
1020     the manufacturer does not list the flavored malt beverage in a filing with the department in
1021     accordance with this Subsection (3) before distributing or selling the flavored malt beverage.
1022          (4) The department may require a manufacturer of a flavored malt beverage to provide
1023     the department with a copy of the following filed with the federal Alcohol and Tobacco Tax
1024     and Trade Bureau, pursuant to 27 C.F.R. Sec. 25.55:
1025          (a) a statement of process; or
1026          (b) a formula.
1027          (5) (a) A manufacturer of an alcoholic product that the department is classifying or
1028     proposes to classify as a flavored malt beverage may submit evidence to the department that
1029     [its] the manufacturer's alcoholic product should not be treated as liquor under this section
1030     because [the alcoholic product:] no formula for the alcoholic product is required to be filed for
1031     a reason described in:
1032          (i) Subsection 32B-1-102(44)(a)(ii), as shown by a determination issued by the federal
1033     Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau; or
1034          (ii) Subsection 32B-1-102(44)(a)(iii).
1035          [(i) is obtained by fermentation, infusion, or decoction of a malted grain;]
1036          [(ii) is produced by processing, filtration, or another method of manufacture that is
1037     generally recognized as a traditional process in the production of beer as described in 27 C.F.R.
1038     Sec. 25.55;]
1039          [(iii) does not have added to it a flavor or other ingredient containing alcohol, except
1040     for a hop extract; and]
1041          [(iv) (A) is not one for which the producer is required to file a formula for approval
1042     with the federal Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau pursuant to 27 C.F.R. Sec. 25.55;
1043     or]
1044          [(B) is exempt under Subdivision (f) of 27 C.F.R. Sec. 25.55.]
1045          (b) The department shall review the evidence submitted by the manufacturer under this
1046     Subsection (5).
1047          (c) The department shall make available to the public on the Internet a list of the
1048     alcoholic products authorized under this Subsection (5) to be sold as beer in this state.

1049          (d) A decision of the department under this Subsection (5) may be appealed to the
1050     commission.
1051          Section 4. Section 32B-1-604 is amended to read:
1052          32B-1-604. Requirements for labeling and packaging -- Authority of the
1053     commission and department.
1054          (1) A manufacturer may not distribute or sell a malted beverage:
1055          (a) unless the label and packaging of the malted beverage:
1056          (i) complies with the federal label requirements of 27 C.F.R. Parts 7, 13, and 16; and
1057          (ii) clearly gives notice to the public that the malted beverage is an alcoholic product;
1058     and
1059          (b) until the day on which the department in accordance with this title and rules of the
1060     commission approves the label and packaging of the malted beverage.
1061          (2) The department shall review the label and packaging of a malted beverage to ensure
1062     that the label and packaging meet the requirements of Subsection (1)(a).
1063          (3) Except as otherwise required under Section 32B-1-606, a manufacturer may comply
1064     with the requirement of Subsection (1)(a)(ii) by including on a label and packaging for a
1065     malted beverage any of the following terms in obvious and clearly visible contrast to the
1066     background of the text:
1067          (a) beer;
1068          (b) ale;
1069          (c) porter;
1070          (d) stout;
1071          (e) lager;
1072          (f) lager beer; [or]
1073          (g) hard seltzer;
1074          (h) spiked seltzer; or
1075          [(g)] (i) another class or type designation commonly applied to a malted beverage that
1076     conveys by a recognized term that the product contains alcohol.
1077          Section 5. Section 32B-1-605 is amended to read:
1078          32B-1-605. General procedure for approval.
1079          (1) To obtain approval of the label and packaging of a malted beverage, the

1080     manufacturer of the malted beverage shall submit an application to the department for
1081     approval.
1082          (2) The application described in Subsection (1) shall be on a form approved by the
1083     department and include the following for each brand and label for which the manufacturer
1084     seeks approval:
1085          (a) (i) a copy of a federal certificate of label approval from the United States
1086     Department of Treasury, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau; or
1087          (ii) if the United States Department of Treasury, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade
1088     Bureau does not require label approval, a copy of formula approval from the United States
1089     Department of Treasury, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau;
1090          (b) a complete set of original labels for each size of container of the malted beverage;
1091          (c) a description of the size of the container on which a label will be placed;
1092          (d) a description of each type of container of the malted beverage; and
1093          (e) a description of any packaging for the malted beverage.
1094          (3) The department may assess a reasonable fee for reviewing a label and packaging for
1095     approval.
1096          (4) (a) The department shall notify a manufacturer within 30 days after the day on
1097     which the manufacturer submits [an] a complete application whether the label and packaging is
1098     approved or denied.
1099          (b) If the department determines that an unusual circumstance requires additional time,
1100     the department may extend the time period described in Subsection (4)(a).
1101          (5) A manufacturer shall obtain the approval of the department of a revision of a
1102     previously approved label and packaging before a malted beverage using the revised label and
1103     packaging may be distributed or sold in this state.
1104          (6) (a) The department may revoke a label and packaging previously approved upon a
1105     finding that the label and packaging is not in compliance with this title or rules of the
1106     commission.
1107          (b) The department shall notify the [person who applies for the approval of a]
1108     manufacturer who applied for an approved label and packaging at least [five] 30 business days
1109     before the day on which [a] the label and packaging approval is considered revoked.
1110          (c) [After receiving] Within 20 business days after the day on which a manufacturer

1111     receives the notice under Subsection (6)(b), [a] the manufacturer may present written argument
1112     or evidence to the department on why the revocation should not occur.
1113          (7) (a) A manufacturer that applies for approval of a label and packaging may appeal a
1114     denial or revocation of a label and packaging approval to the commission.
1115          (b) During the period in which a manufacturer appeals a denial or revocation of a label
1116     and packaging approval to the commission, as permitted under Subsection (7)(a), the denial or
1117     revocation shall remain in force.
1118          Section 6. Section 32B-1-606 is amended to read:
1119          32B-1-606. Special procedure for certain malted beverages.
1120          (1) A manufacturer of a malted beverage may not distribute or sell the malted beverage
1121     in the state until the day on which the manufacturer receives approval of the labeling and
1122     packaging from the department in accordance with :
1123          (a) Sections 32B-1-604 and 32B-1-605; and
1124          (b) this section, if the malted beverage is labeled or packaged in a manner that is:
1125          (i) similar to a label or packaging used for a nonalcoholic beverage; or
1126          (ii) likely to confuse or mislead a patron to believe the malted beverage is a
1127     nonalcoholic beverage.
1128          (2) The department may not approve the labeling and packaging of a malted beverage
1129     described in Subsection (1) unless in addition to the requirements of Section 32B-1-604 the
1130     labeling and packaging complies with the following:
1131          (a) the front of the label on the malted beverage bears a prominently displayed label or
1132     a firmly affixed sticker that provides the following information in a font that measures at least
1133     three millimeters high and is in obvious and clearly visible contrast to the background of the
1134     text:
1135          (i) the statement:
1136          (A) "alcoholic beverage"; or
1137          (B) "contains alcohol"; and
1138          (ii) the alcohol content of the malted beverage, if the alcohol content is not otherwise
1139     provided:
1140          (A) in a serving facts statement on the container; and
1141          (B) in a format allowed by the Federal Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Trade Bureau;

1142          (b) the packaging of the malted beverage prominently includes, either imprinted on the
1143     packaging or imprinted on a sticker firmly affixed to the packaging in a font that measures at
1144     least three millimeters high and is in obvious and clearly visible contrast to the background of
1145     the text, the statement:
1146          (i) "alcoholic beverage"; or
1147          (ii) "contains alcohol";
1148          (c) a statement required by Subsection (2)(a) or (b) appears in a format required by rule
1149     made by the commission; and
1150          (d) a statement of alcohol content required by Subsection (2)(a)(ii):
1151          (i) states the alcohol content as a percentage of alcohol by volume or by weight; and
1152          (ii) is in a format required by rule made by the commission.
1153          (3) The department may reject a label or packaging that appears designed to obscure
1154     the information required by Subsection (2).
1155          (4) To determine whether a malted beverage is described in Subsection (1) and subject
1156     to this section, the department may consider in addition to other factors one or more of the
1157     following factors:
1158          (a) whether the coloring, carbonation, and packaging of the malted beverage:
1159          (i) is similar to those of a nonalcoholic beverage or product; or
1160          (ii) can be confused with a nonalcoholic beverage;
1161          (b) whether the malted beverage possesses a character and flavor distinctive from a
1162     traditional malted beverage;
1163          (c) whether the malted beverage:
1164          (i) is prepackaged;
1165          (ii) contains high levels of caffeine and other additives; and
1166          (iii) is marketed as a beverage that is specifically designed to provide energy;
1167          (d) whether the malted beverage contains added sweetener or sugar substitutes; or
1168          (e) whether the malted beverage contains an added fruit flavor or other flavor that
1169     masks the taste of a traditional malted beverage.
1170          Section 7. Section 32B-1-701 is amended to read:
1171          32B-1-701. Definitions.
1172          As used in this part:

1173          (1) "Off-premise retail manager" means an individual who manages operations at a
1174     premises that is licensed under Chapter 7, Off-Premise Beer Retailer Act.
1175          (2) (a) "Off-premise retail staff" means an individual who sells beer at a premises that
1176     is licensed under Chapter 7, Off-Premise Beer Retailer Act.
1177          (b) "Off-premise retail staff" does not include an off-premise retail manager.
1178          (3) "Retail manager" means an individual who:
1179          (a) manages operations at a premises that is licensed under [this chapter] Chapter 5,
1180     Retail License Act; or
1181          (b) supervises the furnishing of an alcoholic product at a premises that is licensed
1182     under [this chapter] Chapter 5, Retail License Act.
1183          (4) (a) "Retail staff" means an individual who serves an alcoholic product at a premises
1184     licensed under [this chapter] Chapter 5, Retail License Act.
1185          (b) "Retail staff" does not include a retail manager.
1186          Section 8. Section 32B-1-704 is amended to read:
1187          32B-1-704. Department training programs.
1188          (1) No later than January 1, 2018, the department shall develop the following training
1189     programs that are provided either in-person or online:
1190          (a) a training program for retail managers that addresses:
1191          (i) the statutes and rules that govern alcohol sales and consumption in the state;
1192          (ii) the requirements for operating as a retail licensee;
1193          (iii) using compliance assistance from the department; and
1194          (iv) any other topic the department determines beneficial to a retail manager; and
1195          (b) a training program for an individual employed by a retail licensee or an off-premise
1196     beer retailer who violates a provision of this title related to the sale, service, or furnishing of an
1197     alcoholic beverage to an intoxicated individual or a minor, that addresses:
1198          (i) the statutes and rules that govern the most common types of violations under this
1199     title;
1200          (ii) how to avoid common violations; and
1201          (iii) any other topic the department determines beneficial to the training program.
1202          (2) No later than January 1, 2019, the department shall develop a training program for
1203     off-premise retail managers that is provided either in-person or online and addresses:

1204          (a) the statutes and rules that govern sales at an off-premise beer retailer;
1205          (b) the requirements for operating an off-premise beer retailer;
1206          (c) using compliance assistance from the department; and
1207          (d) any other topic the department determines beneficial to an off-premise retail
1208     manager.
1209          (3) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, and
1210     the provisions of this section, the department shall make rules to develop and implement the
1211     training programs described in this section, including rules that establish:
1212          (a) the requirements for each training program described in this section;
1213          (b) measures that accurately identify each individual who takes and completes a
1214     training program;
1215          (c) measures that ensure an individual taking a training program is focused and actively
1216     engaged in the training material throughout the training program;
1217          (d) a record that certifies that an individual has completed a training program; and
1218          (e) a fee for participation in a training program to cover the department's cost of
1219     providing the training program.
1220          (4) (a) [Except as provided in Subsection (5), each] Each retail manager shall complete
1221     the training described in Subsection (1)(a) no later than the later of:
1222          (i) 30 days after the day on which the retail manager is hired; or
1223          (ii) [30 days after] the day on which the retail licensee obtains a retail license [under
1224     this chapter].
1225          (b) [Except as provided in Subsection (5), each] Each off-premise retail manager shall
1226     complete the training described in Subsection (2) no later than the later of:
1227          (i) 30 days after the day on which the off-premise retail manager is hired; or
1228          (ii) 30 days after the day on which the off-premise beer retailer obtains an off-premise
1229     beer retailer state license.
1230          (c) (i) If the commission finds that a retail licensee violated a provision of this title
1231     related to the sale, service, or furnishing of an alcoholic beverage to an intoxicated individual
1232     or a minor for a second time within 36 consecutive months after the day on which the first
1233     violation was adjudicated, the violator, all retail staff, and each retail manager shall complete
1234     the training program described in Subsection (1)(b).

1235          (ii) If the commission finds that an off-premise beer retailer violated a provision of this
1236     title related to the sale, service, or furnishing of an alcoholic beverage to an intoxicated
1237     individual or a minor for a second time within 36 consecutive months after the day on which
1238     the first violation was adjudicated, the violator and each off-premise retail manager shall
1239     complete the training program described in Subsection (1)(b).
1240          [(5) (a) For a person who holds a retail license on January 1, 2018, each retail manager
1241     shall complete the training program described in Subsection (1)(a) for the first time as a
1242     condition of renewing the licensee's retail license in 2018.]
1243          [(b) For a person who holds an off-premise beer retailer state license on January 1,
1244     2019, each off-premise retail manager shall complete the training program described in
1245     Subsection (1)(b) for the first time as a condition of renewing the licensee's off-premise beer
1246     retailer state license in 2019.]
1247          [(6)] (5) If an individual fails to complete a required training program under this
1248     section:
1249          (a) the commission may suspend, revoke, or not renew the retail license or off-premise
1250     beer retailer state license;
1251          (b) a city, town, metro township, or county in which the retail licensee or off-premise
1252     beer retailer is located may suspend, revoke, or not renew the retail licensee's or off-premise
1253     beer retailer's business license; or
1254          (c) a local authority may suspend, revoke, or not renew the off-premise beer retailer's
1255     license.
1256          Section 9. Section 32B-2-101 is amended to read:
1257          32B-2-101. Title.
1258          This chapter is known as the "Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services Administration
1259     Act."
1260          Section 10. Section 32B-2-201 is amended to read:
1261          32B-2-201. Alcoholic Beverage Services Commission created.
1262          (1) There is created the "Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services Commission." The
1263     commission is the governing board over the department.
1264          (2) (a) The commission is composed of seven part-time commissioners appointed by
1265     the governor with the advice and consent of the Senate in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter

1266     24, Part 2, Vacancies.
1267          (b) No more than four commissioners may be of the same political party.
1268          (3) (a) Except as required by Subsection (3)(b), as terms of commissioners expire, the
1269     governor shall appoint each new commissioner or reappointed commissioner to a four-year
1270     term.
1271          (b) Notwithstanding the requirements of Subsection (3)(a), the governor shall, at the
1272     time of appointment or reappointment, adjust the length of terms to ensure that the terms of no
1273     more than three commissioners expire in a fiscal year.
1274          (4) (a) When a vacancy occurs on the commission for any reason, the governor shall
1275     appoint a replacement for the unexpired term with the advice and consent of the Senate.
1276          (b) Unless removed in accordance with Subsection (6), a commissioner shall remain on
1277     the commission after the expiration of a term until a successor is appointed by the governor,
1278     with the advice and consent of the Senate.
1279          (5) A commissioner shall take the oath of office.
1280          (6) (a) The governor may remove a commissioner from the commission for cause,
1281     neglect of duty, inefficiency, or malfeasance after a public hearing conducted by:
1282          (i) the governor; or
1283          (ii) an impartial hearing examiner appointed by the governor to conduct the hearing.
1284          (b) At least 10 days before the hearing described in Subsection (6)(a), the governor
1285     shall provide the commissioner notice of:
1286          (i) the date, time, and place of the hearing; and
1287          (ii) the alleged grounds for the removal.
1288          (c) The commissioner shall have an opportunity to:
1289          (i) attend the hearing;
1290          (ii) present witnesses and other evidence; and
1291          (iii) confront and cross examine witnesses.
1292          (d) After a hearing under this Subsection (6):
1293          (i) the person conducting the hearing shall prepare written findings of fact and
1294     conclusions of law; and
1295          (ii) the governor shall serve a copy of the prepared findings and conclusions upon the
1296     commissioner.

1297          (e) If a hearing under this Subsection (6) is held before a hearing examiner, the hearing
1298     examiner shall issue a written recommendation to the governor in addition to complying with
1299     Subsection (6)(d).
1300          (f) A commissioner has five days from the day on which the commissioner receives the
1301     findings and conclusions described in Subsection (6)(d) to file written objections to the
1302     recommendation before the governor issues a final order.
1303          (g) The governor shall:
1304          (i) issue the final order under this Subsection (6) in writing; and
1305          (ii) serve the final order upon the commissioner.
1306          (7) A commissioner may not receive compensation or benefits for the commissioner's
1307     service, but may receive per diem and travel expenses in accordance with:
1308          (a) Section 63A-3-106;
1309          (b) Section 63A-3-107; and
1310          (c) rules made by the Division of Finance pursuant to Sections 63A-3-106 and
1311     63A-3-107.
1312          (8) (a) (i) The governor shall annually appoint the chair of the commission.
1313          (ii) A commissioner serves as chair to the commission at the pleasure of the governor.
1314          (iii) If removed as chair, the commissioner continues to serve as a commissioner unless
1315     removed as a commissioner under Subsection (6).
1316          (b) The commission shall elect:
1317          (i) another commissioner to serve as vice chair; and
1318          (ii) other commission officers as the commission considers advisable.
1319          (c) A commissioner elected under Subsection (8)(b) shall serve in the office to which
1320     the commissioner is elected at the pleasure of the commission.
1321          (9) (a) Each commissioner has equal voting rights on a commission matter when in
1322     attendance at a commission meeting.
1323          (b) Four commissioners is a quorum for conducting commission business.
1324          (c) A majority vote of the quorum present at a meeting is required for the commission
1325     to act.
1326          (d) A commissioner shall comply with the conflict of interest provisions described in
1327     Title 63G, Chapter 24, Part 3, Conflicts of Interest.

1328          (10) (a) The commission shall meet at least monthly, but may hold other meetings at
1329     times and places as scheduled by:
1330          (i) the commission;
1331          (ii) the chair; or
1332          (iii) three commissioners upon filing a written request for a meeting with the chair.
1333          (b) (i) Notice of the time and place of a commission meeting shall be given to each
1334     commissioner, and to the public in compliance with Title 52, Chapter 4, Open and Public
1335     Meetings Act.
1336          (ii) A commission meeting is open to the public, except for a commission meeting or
1337     portion of a commission meeting that is closed by the commission as authorized by Sections
1338     52-4-204 and 52-4-205.
1339          Section 11. Section 32B-2-202 is amended to read:
1340          32B-2-202. Powers and duties of the commission.
1341          (1) The commission shall:
1342          (a) consistent with the policy established by the Legislature by statute, act as a general
1343     policymaking body on the subject of alcoholic product control;
1344          (b) adopt and issue policies, rules, and procedures;
1345          (c) set policy by written rules that establish criteria and procedures for:
1346          (i) issuing, denying, not renewing, suspending, or revoking a package agency, license,
1347     permit, or certificate of approval; and
1348          (ii) determining the location of a state store, package agency, or retail licensee;
1349          (d) decide within the limits, and under the conditions imposed by this title, the number
1350     and location of state stores, package agencies, and retail licensees in the state;
1351          (e) issue, deny, suspend, revoke, or not renew the following package agencies, licenses,
1352     sublicenses, permits, or certificates of approval for the purchase, storage, sale, offer for sale,
1353     furnishing, consumption, manufacture, and distribution of an alcoholic product:
1354          (i) a package agency;
1355          (ii) a full-service restaurant license;
1356          (iii) a master full-service restaurant license;
1357          (iv) a limited-service restaurant license;
1358          (v) a master limited-service restaurant license;

1359          (vi) a bar establishment license;
1360          (vii) an airport lounge license;
1361          (viii) an on-premise banquet license;
1362          (ix) a resort license, which includes four or more sublicenses;
1363          (x) an on-premise beer retailer license;
1364          (xi) a reception center license;
1365          (xii) a beer-only restaurant license;
1366          (xiii) a hotel license, which includes three or more sublicenses;
1367          (xiv) an arena license, which includes three or more sublicenses;
1368          (xv) a hospitality amenity license;
1369          (xvi) subject to Subsection [(4)] (5), a single event permit;
1370          (xvii) subject to Subsection [(4)] (5), a temporary beer event permit;
1371          (xviii) a special use permit;
1372          (xix) a manufacturing license;
1373          (xx) a liquor warehousing license;
1374          (xxi) a beer wholesaling license;
1375          (xxii) a liquor transport license;
1376          (xxiii) an off-premise beer retailer state license;
1377          (xxiv) a master off-premise beer retailer state license;
1378          (xxv) one of the following that holds a certificate of approval:
1379          (A) an out-of-state brewer;
1380          (B) an out-of-state importer of beer, heavy beer, or flavored malt beverages; and
1381          (C) an out-of-state supplier of beer, heavy beer, or flavored malt beverages; and
1382          (xxvi) a [resort] spa sublicense;
1383          (f) issue, deny, suspend, or revoke the following conditional licenses:
1384          (i) a conditional retail license as defined in Section 32B-5-205; and
1385          (ii) a conditional off-premise beer retailer state license as defined in Section
1386     32B-7-406;
1387          (g) prescribe the duties of the department in assisting the commission in issuing a
1388     package agency, license, permit, or certificate of approval under this title;
1389          (h) to the extent a fee is not specified in this title, establish a fee allowed under this title

1390     in accordance with Section 63J-1-504;
1391          (i) fix prices at which liquor is sold that are the same at all state stores, package
1392     agencies, and retail licensees;
1393          (j) issue and distribute price lists showing the price to be paid by a purchaser for each
1394     class, variety, or brand of liquor kept for sale by the department;
1395          (k) (i) require the director to follow sound management principles; and
1396          (ii) require periodic reporting from the director to ensure that:
1397          (A) sound management principles are being followed; and
1398          (B) policies established by the commission are being observed;
1399          (l) (i) receive, consider, and act in a timely manner upon the reports, recommendations,
1400     and matters submitted by the director to the commission; and
1401          (ii) do the things necessary to support the department in properly performing the
1402     department's duties;
1403          (m) obtain temporarily and for special purposes the services of an expert or person
1404     engaged in the practice of a profession, or a person who possesses a needed skill if:
1405          (i) considered expedient; and
1406          (ii) approved by the governor;
1407          (n) prescribe by rule the conduct, management, and equipment of premises upon which
1408     an alcoholic product may be stored, sold, offered for sale, furnished, or consumed;
1409          (o) make rules governing the credit terms of beer sales within the state to retail
1410     licensees; and
1411          (p) in accordance with Chapter 3, Disciplinary Actions and Enforcement Act, take
1412     disciplinary action against a person subject to administrative action.
1413          (2) Consistent with the policy established by the Legislature by statute, the power of
1414     the commission to do the following is plenary, except as otherwise provided by this title, and
1415     not subject to review:
1416          (a) establish a state store;
1417          (b) issue authority to act as a package agent or operate a package agency; and
1418          (c) issue, deny, or deem forfeit a license, permit, or certificate of approval.
1419          (3) (a) Subject to Subsection (3)(b), the commission may:
1420          (i) make rules permitting and establishing the parameters of a late license renewal; and

1421          (ii) establish a fee, in accordance with Section 63J-1-504, for a late license renewal.
1422          (b) The commission may not allow for the late renewal of a license after the later of:
1423          (i) the tenth day of the month after the month in which the license type is required to be
1424     renewed; or
1425          (ii) if the tenth day of the month after the month in which the license type is required to
1426     be renewed falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or state or federal holiday, the first business day after
1427     the Saturday, Sunday, or holiday.
1428          [(3)] (4) If the commission is authorized or required to make a rule under this title, the
1429     commission shall make the rule in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative
1430     Rulemaking Act.
1431          [(4)] (5) Notwithstanding Subsections (1)(e)(xvi) and (xvii), the director or deputy
1432     director may issue an event permit in accordance with Chapter 9, Event Permit Act.
1433          Section 12. Section 32B-2-203 is amended to read:
1434          32B-2-203. Department of Alcoholic Beverage Services created.
1435          (1) There is created the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services. The
1436     department is governed by the commission.
1437          (2) The director of alcoholic beverage [control] services appointed under Section
1438     32B-2-205 shall administer the department.
1439          (3) The director shall allocate the duties within the department into the divisions,
1440     bureaus, sections, offices, and committees as the director considers necessary for the
1441     administration of this title.
1442          (4) The department shall cooperate with any other recognized agency in the
1443     administration of this title and in the enforcement of a policy or rule of the commission or
1444     policy of the director.
1445          Section 13. Section 32B-2-205 is amended to read:
1446          32B-2-205. Director of alcoholic beverage services.
1447          (1) (a) In accordance with Subsection (1)(b), the governor, with the advice and consent
1448     of the Senate, shall appoint a director of alcoholic beverage [control] services to a four-year
1449     term. The director may be appointed to more than one four-year term. The director is the
1450     administrative head of the department.
1451          (b) (i) The governor shall appoint the director from nominations made by the

1452     commission.
1453          (ii) The commission shall submit the nomination of three individuals to the governor
1454     for appointment of the director.
1455          (iii) By no later than 30 calendar days from the day on which the governor receives the
1456     three nominations submitted by the commission, the governor may:
1457          (A) appoint the director; or
1458          (B) reject the three nominations.
1459          (iv) If the governor rejects the nominations or fails to take action within the 30-day
1460     period, the commission shall nominate three different individuals from which the governor may
1461     appoint the director or reject the nominations until such time as the governor appoints the
1462     director.
1463          (v) The governor may reappoint the director without seeking nominations from the
1464     commission. Reappointment of a director is subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.
1465          (c) (i) If there is a vacancy in the position of director, during the nomination process
1466     described in Subsection (1)(b), the governor may appoint an interim director for a period of up
1467     to 30 calendar days.
1468          (ii) If a director is not appointed within the 30-day period, the interim director may
1469     continue to serve beyond the 30-day period subject to the advice and consent of the Senate at
1470     the next scheduled time for the Senate giving consent to appointments of the governor.
1471          (iii) Except that if the Senate does not act on the consent to the appointment of the
1472     interim director within 60 days of the end of the initial 30-day period, the interim director may
1473     continue as the interim director.
1474          (d) The director may be terminated by:
1475          (i) the commission by a vote of four commissioners; or
1476          (ii) the governor after consultation with the commission.
1477          (e) The director may not be a commissioner.
1478          (f) The director shall:
1479          (i) be qualified in administration;
1480          (ii) be knowledgeable by experience and training in the field of business management;
1481     and
1482          (iii) possess any other qualification prescribed by the commission.

1483          (2) The governor shall establish the director's compensation within the salary range
1484     fixed by the Legislature in Title 67, Chapter 22, State Officer Compensation.
1485          (3) The director shall:
1486          (a) carry out the policies of the commission;
1487          (b) carry out the policies of the department;
1488          (c) fully inform the commission of the operations and administrative activities of the
1489     department; and
1490          (d) assist the commission in the proper discharge of the commission's duties.
1491          Section 14. Section 32B-2-210 is amended to read:
1492          32B-2-210. Alcoholic Beverage Services Advisory Board.
1493          (1) There is created within the department an advisory board known as the "Alcoholic
1494     Beverage [Control] Services Advisory Board."
1495          (2) The advisory board shall consist of eight voting members and one nonvoting
1496     member as follows:
1497          (a) four voting members appointed by the commission:
1498          (i) one of whom represents the retail alcohol industry;
1499          (ii) one of whom represents the wholesale alcohol industry;
1500          (iii) one of whom represents the alcohol manufacturing industry; and
1501          (iv) one of whom represents the restaurant industry;
1502          (b) two voting members appointed by the commission, each of whom represents an
1503     organization that addresses alcohol or drug abuse prevention, alcohol or drug related
1504     enforcement, or alcohol or drug related education;
1505          (c) the director of the Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health or the director's
1506     designee who serves as a voting member;
1507          (d) the chair of the Utah Substance Use and Mental Health Advisory Council, or the
1508     chair's designee, who serves as a voting member; and
1509          (e) the chair of the commission or the chair's designee from the members of the
1510     commission, who serves as a nonvoting member.
1511          (3) (a) Except as required by Subsection (3)(b), as terms of current voting members of
1512     the advisory board expire, the commission shall appoint each new member or reappointed
1513     member to a four-year term beginning July 1 and ending June 30.

1514          (b) Notwithstanding the requirements of Subsection (3)(a), the commission shall, at the
1515     time of appointment or reappointment, adjust the length of terms to ensure that the terms of
1516     voting advisory board members are staggered so that approximately half of the advisory board
1517     is appointed every two years.
1518          (c) No two members of the board may be employed by the same company or nonprofit
1519     organization.
1520          (4) (a) When a vacancy occurs in the membership for any reason, the commission shall
1521     appoint a replacement for the unexpired term.
1522          (b) The commission shall terminate the term of a voting advisory board member who
1523     ceases to be representative as designated by the member's original appointment.
1524          (5) The advisory board shall meet as called by the chair for the purpose of advising the
1525     commission and the department, with discussion limited to administrative rules made under
1526     this title.
1527          (6) The chair of the commission or the chair's designee shall serve as the chair of the
1528     advisory board and call the necessary meetings.
1529          (7) (a) Five members of the board constitute a quorum of the board.
1530          (b) An action of the majority when a quorum is present is the action of the board.
1531          (8) The department shall provide staff support to the advisory board.
1532          (9) A member may not receive compensation or benefits for the member's service, but
1533     may receive per diem and travel expenses in accordance with:
1534          (a) Section 63A-3-106;
1535          (b) Section 63A-3-107; and
1536          (c) rules made by the Division of Finance pursuant to Sections 63A-3-106 and
1537     63A-3-107.
1538          Section 15. Section 32B-2-301 is amended to read:
1539          32B-2-301. State property -- Liquor Control Fund -- Money to be retained by
1540     department -- Department building process.
1541          (1) As used in this section, "base budget" means the same as that term is defined in
1542     legislative rule.
1543          (2) The following are property of the state:
1544          (a) the money received in the administration of this title, except as otherwise provided;

1545     and
1546          (b) property acquired, administered, possessed, or received by the department.
1547          (3) (a) There is created an enterprise fund known as the "Liquor Control Fund."
1548          (b) Except as provided in [Section] Sections 32B-2-304, 32B-2-305, and 32B-2-306,
1549     the department shall deposit the following into the Liquor Control Fund:
1550          (i) money received in the administration of this title; and
1551          (ii) money received from the markup described in Section 32B-2-304[; and].
1552          [(iii) money credited under Subsection (4).]
1553          (c) The department may draw from the Liquor Control Fund only to the extent
1554     appropriated by the Legislature or provided by statute.
1555          (d) The net position of the Liquor Control Fund may not fall below zero.
1556          [(4) (a) The department shall deposit 0.125% of the total gross revenue from the sale of
1557     liquor with the state treasurer to be credited to the Liquor Control Fund.]
1558          [(b) The department shall deposit 0.27% of the total gross revenue from the sale of
1559     liquor with the state treasurer, as determined by the total gross revenue collected for the fiscal
1560     year two years preceding the fiscal year for which the deposit is made, to be credited to the
1561     Liquor Control Fund.]
1562          [(5)] (4) (a) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(c), the department may draw by warrant
1563     from the Liquor Control Fund without an appropriation for an expenditure that is directly
1564     incurred by the department:
1565          (i) to purchase an alcoholic product;
1566          (ii) to transport an alcoholic product from the supplier to a warehouse of the
1567     department; or
1568          (iii) for variances related to an alcoholic product, including breakage or theft.
1569          (b) If the balance of the Liquor Control Fund is not adequate to cover a warrant that the
1570     department draws against the Liquor Control Fund, to the extent necessary to cover the
1571     warrant, the cash resources of the General Fund may be used.
1572          [(6)] (5) The department's base budget shall include as an appropriation from the
1573     Liquor Control Fund:
1574          (a) credit card related fees paid by the department;
1575          (b) package agency compensation;

1576          (c) the department's costs of shipping and warehousing alcoholic products; and
1577          (d) the amount needed, as the Division of Human Resource Management determines,
1578     to make the median department salary in the previous fiscal year equal the median market
1579     salary in the previous fiscal year for the following positions:
1580          (i) state store manager or equivalent;
1581          (ii) state store assistant manager or equivalent;
1582          (iii) full-time sales clerk at a state store or equivalent;
1583          (iv) part-time sales clerk at a state store or equivalent;
1584          (v) department warehouse manager or equivalent;
1585          (vi) department warehouse assistant manager or equivalent;
1586          (vii) full-time department warehouse worker or equivalent; and
1587          (viii) part-time department warehouse worker or equivalent.
1588          [(7)] (6) (a) The Division of Finance shall transfer annually from the Liquor Control
1589     Fund to the General Fund a sum equal to the amount of net profit earned from the sale of liquor
1590     since the preceding transfer of money under this Subsection [(7)] (6).
1591          (b) After each fiscal year, the Division of Finance shall calculate the amount for the
1592     transfer on or before September 1 and the Division of Finance shall make the transfer on or
1593     before September 30.
1594          (c) The Division of Finance may make year-end closing entries in the Liquor Control
1595     Fund to comply with Subsection 51-5-6(2).
1596          [(8)] (7) (a) By the end of each day, the department shall:
1597          (i) make a deposit to a qualified depository, as defined in Section 51-7-3; and
1598          (ii) report the deposit to the state treasurer.
1599          (b) A commissioner or department employee is not personally liable for a loss caused
1600     by the default or failure of a qualified depository.
1601          (c) Money deposited in a qualified depository is entitled to the same priority of
1602     payment as other public funds of the state.
1603          [(9)] (8) Before the Division of Finance makes the transfer described in Subsection
1604     [(7)] (6), the department may retain each fiscal year from the Liquor Control Fund $1,000,000
1605     that the department may use for:
1606          (a) capital equipment purchases;

1607          (b) salary increases for department employees;
1608          (c) performance awards for department employees; or
1609          (d) information technology enhancements because of changes or trends in technology.
1610          Section 16. Section 32B-2-304 is amended to read:
1611          32B-2-304. Liquor price -- School lunch program -- Remittance of markup.
1612          (1) For purposes of this section:
1613          (a) (i) "Landed case cost" means:
1614          (A) the cost of the product; and
1615          (B) inbound shipping costs incurred by the department.
1616          (ii) "Landed case cost" does not include the outbound shipping cost from a warehouse
1617     of the department to a state store.
1618          (b) "Proof gallon" means the same as that term is defined in 26 U.S.C. Sec. 5002.
1619          (2) Except as provided in Subsections (3) and (4):
1620          (a) spirituous liquor sold by the department within the state shall be marked up in an
1621     amount not less than 88% above the landed case cost to the department;
1622          (b) wine sold by the department within the state shall be marked up in an amount not
1623     less than 88% above the landed case cost to the department;
1624          (c) heavy beer sold by the department within the state shall be marked up in an amount
1625     not less than 66.5% above the landed case cost to the department; and
1626          (d) a flavored malt beverage sold by the department within the state shall be marked up
1627     in an amount not less than 88% above the landed case cost to the department.
1628          (3) (a) Liquor sold by the department to a military installation in Utah shall be marked
1629     up in an amount not less than 17% above the landed case cost to the department.
1630          (b) Except for spirituous liquor sold by the department to a military installation in
1631     Utah, spirituous liquor that is sold by the department within the state shall be marked up 49%
1632     above the landed case cost to the department if:
1633          (i) the spirituous liquor is manufactured by a manufacturer producing less than 30,000
1634     proof gallons of spirituous liquor in a calendar year; and
1635          (ii) the manufacturer applies to the department for a reduced markup.
1636          (c) Except for wine sold by the department to a military installation in Utah, wine that
1637     is sold by the department within the state shall be marked up 49% above the landed case cost to

1638     the department if:
1639          (i) (A) except as provided in Subsection (3)(c)(i)(B), the wine is manufactured by a
1640     manufacturer producing less than 20,000 gallons of wine in a calendar year; or
1641          (B) for hard cider, the hard cider is manufactured by a manufacturer producing less
1642     than 620,000 gallons of hard cider in a calendar year; and
1643          (ii) the manufacturer applies to the department for a reduced markup.
1644          (d) Except for heavy beer sold by the department to a military installation in Utah,
1645     heavy beer that is sold by the department within the state shall be marked up 32% above the
1646     landed case cost to the department if:
1647          (i) a small brewer manufactures the heavy beer; and
1648          (ii) the small brewer applies to the department for a reduced markup.
1649          (e) The department shall:
1650          (i) for purposes of Subsections (3)(b) and (c), calculate the production amount of a
1651     manufacturer:
1652          (A) by, if the manufacturer is part of a controlled group of manufacturers, including the
1653     combined volume totals of spirituous liquor, wine, or cider, as applicable, for all manufacturers
1654     that constitute the controlled group of manufacturers; and
1655          (B) without considering the manufacturer's production of any other type of alcoholic
1656     product; and
1657          (ii) verify [an] that a manufacturer meets a production amount described in Subsection
1658     (3)(b)[, (c), or (d)] or (c) and the production amount of a small brewer pursuant to a federal or
1659     other verifiable production report.
1660          [(f) For purposes of determining whether an alcoholic product qualifies for a markup
1661     under this Subsection (3), the department shall evaluate whether the manufacturer satisfies the
1662     applicable production requirement without considering the manufacturer's production of any
1663     other type of alcoholic product.]
1664          (f) A manufacturer seeking to obtain a reduced markup under Subsection (3)(b), (c), or
1665     (d), shall provide to the department any documentation or information the department
1666     determines necessary to determine if the manufacturer is part of a controlled group of
1667     manufacturers.
1668          (g) The department may, at any time, revoke a reduced markup granted to a

1669     manufacturer under Subsection (3)(b), (c), or (d), if the department determines the
1670     manufacturer no longer qualifies for the reduced markup.
1671          (4) Wine the department purchases on behalf of a subscriber through the wine
1672     subscription program established in Section 32B-2-702 shall be marked up not less than 88%
1673     above the cost of the subscription for the interval in which the wine is purchased.
1674          (5) The department shall deposit 10% of the total gross revenue from sales of liquor
1675     with the state treasurer to be credited to the Uniform School Fund and used to support the
1676     school meals program administered by the State Board of Education under Section 53E-3-510.
1677          (6) This section does not prohibit the department from selling discontinued items at a
1678     discount.
1679          Section 17. Section 32B-2-602 is amended to read:
1680          32B-2-602. Application and renewal requirements for a package agency.
1681          (1) Before a person may store, sell, offer for sale, or furnish liquor in a sealed container
1682     on its premises under a package agency, the person shall first obtain a package agency issued
1683     by the commission in accordance with this part.
1684          (2) To obtain a package agency, a person seeking to be the package agent under this
1685     part shall submit to the department:
1686          (a) a written application in a form prescribed by the department;
1687          (b) a nonrefundable application fee of $125;
1688          (c) written consent of the local authority;
1689          (d) evidence of proximity to any community location, with proximity requirements
1690     being governed by Section 32B-1-202;
1691          (e) a bond as specified by Section 32B-2-604;
1692          (f) a floor plan of the premises, including a description and highlighting of that part of
1693     the premises in which the person proposes that the package agency be located;
1694          (g) evidence that the package agency is carrying public liability insurance in an amount
1695     and form satisfactory to the department;
1696          (h) a signed consent form stating that the package agent permits any authorized
1697     representative of the commission, department, or any law enforcement officer to have
1698     unrestricted right to enter the premises of the package agency;
1699          (i) if the person applying is an entity, verification that a person who signs the package

1700     agency application is authorized to sign on behalf of the entity; and
1701          (j) any other information the commission or department may require.
1702          (3) The commission may not issue a package agency to a person who is disqualified
1703     under Section 32B-1-304.
1704          (4) The commission may not issue a package agency for premises that do not meet the
1705     proximity requirements of Section 32B-1-202.
1706          (5) For the renewal of a package agency agreement, the package agent shall submit to
1707     the department any information the commission or department may require.
1708          Section 18. Section 32B-2-605 is amended to read:
1709          32B-2-605. Operational requirements for package agency.
1710          (1) (a) A person may not operate a package agency until a package agency agreement is
1711     entered into by the package agent and the department.
1712          (b) A package agency agreement shall state the conditions of operation by which the
1713     package agent and the department are bound.
1714          (c) (i) If a package agent or staff of the package agent violates this title, rules under this
1715     title, or the package agency agreement, the department may take any action against the package
1716     agent that is allowed by the package agency agreement.
1717          (ii) An action against a package agent is governed solely by its package agency
1718     agreement and may include suspension or revocation of the package agency.
1719          (iii) A package agency agreement shall provide procedures to be followed if a package
1720     agent fails to pay money owed to the department including a procedure for replacing the
1721     package agent or operator of the package agency.
1722          (iv) A package agency agreement shall provide that the package agency is subject to
1723     covert investigations for selling an alcoholic product to a minor.
1724          (v) Notwithstanding that this part refers to "package agency" or "package agent," staff
1725     of the package agency or package agent is subject to the same requirement or prohibition.
1726          (2) (a) A package agency shall be operated by an individual who is either:
1727          (i) the package agent; or
1728          (ii) an individual designated by the package agent.
1729          (b) An individual who is a designee under this Subsection (2) shall be:
1730          (i) an employee of the package agent; and

1731          (ii) responsible for the operation of the package agency.
1732          (c) The conduct of the designee is attributable to the package agent.
1733          (d) A package agent shall submit the name of the person operating the package agency
1734     to the department for the department's approval.
1735          (e) A package agent shall state the name and title of a designee on the application for a
1736     package agency.
1737          (f) A package agent shall:
1738          (i) inform the department of a proposed change in the individual designated to operate
1739     a package agency; and
1740          (ii) receive prior approval from the department before implementing the change
1741     described in this Subsection (2)(f).
1742          (g) Failure to comply with the requirements of this Subsection (2) may result in the
1743     immediate termination of a package agency agreement.
1744          (3) (a) A package agent shall display in a prominent place in the package agency the
1745     record issued by the commission that designates the package agency.
1746          (b) A package agent that displays or stores liquor at a location visible to the public
1747     shall display in a prominent place in the package agency a sign in large letters that consists of
1748     text in the following order:
1749          (i) a header that reads: "WARNING";
1750          (ii) a warning statement that reads: "Drinking alcoholic beverages during pregnancy
1751     can cause birth defects and permanent brain damage for the child.";
1752          (iii) a statement in smaller font that reads: "Call the Utah Department of Health at
1753     [insert most current toll-free number] with questions or for more information.";
1754          (iv) a header that reads: "WARNING"; and
1755          (v) a warning statement that reads: "Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a
1756     serious crime that is prosecuted aggressively in Utah."
1757          (c) (i) The text described in Subsections (3)(b)(i) through (iii) shall be in a different
1758     font style than the text described in Subsections (3)(b)(iv) and (v).
1759          (ii) The warning statements in the sign described in Subsection (3)(b) shall be in the
1760     same font size.
1761          (d) The Department of Health shall work with the commission and department to

1762     facilitate consistency in the format of a sign required under this section.
1763          (4) A package agency may not display liquor or a price list in a window or showcase
1764     that is visible to passersby.
1765          (5) (a) A package agency may not purchase liquor from a person except from the
1766     department.
1767          (b) At the discretion of the department, the department may provide liquor to a package
1768     agency for sale on consignment.
1769          (6) A package agency may not store, sell, offer for sale, or furnish liquor in a place
1770     other than as designated in the package agent's application, unless the package agent first
1771     applies for and receives approval from the department for a change of location within the
1772     package agency premises.
1773          (7) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (7)(b), a package agency may not sell, offer for
1774     sale, or furnish liquor except at a price fixed by the commission.
1775          (b) A package agency may provide as room service one alcoholic product free of
1776     charge per guest reservation, per guest room, if:
1777          (i) the package agency is the type of package agency that authorizes the package
1778     agency to sell, offer for sale, or furnish an alcoholic product as part of room service;
1779          (ii) staff of the package agency provides the alcoholic product:
1780          (A) in person; and
1781          (B) only to an adult guest in the guest room;
1782          (iii) staff of the package agency does not leave the alcoholic product outside a guest
1783     room for retrieval by a guest; and
1784          (iv) the alcoholic product:
1785          (A) is not a spirituous liquor; and
1786          (B) is in an unopened container not to exceed 750 milliliters.
1787          (8) A package agency may not sell, offer for sale, or furnish liquor to:
1788          (a) a minor;
1789          (b) a person actually, apparently, or obviously intoxicated;
1790          (c) a known interdicted person; or
1791          (d) a known habitual drunkard.
1792          (9) (a) A package agency may not employ a minor to handle liquor.

1793          (b) (i) Staff of a package agency may not:
1794          (A) consume an alcoholic product on the premises of a package agency; or
1795          (B) allow any person to consume an alcoholic product on the premises of a package
1796     agency.
1797          (ii) Violation of this Subsection (9)(b) is a class B misdemeanor.
1798          (10) (a) A package agency may not close or cease operation for a period longer than 72
1799     hours, unless:
1800          (i) the package agency notifies the department in writing at least seven days before the
1801     day on which the package agency closes or ceases operation; and
1802          (ii) the closure or cessation of operation is first approved by the department.
1803          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (10)(a), in the case of emergency closure, a package
1804     agency shall immediately notify the department by telephone.
1805          (c) (i) The department may authorize a closure or cessation of operation for a period
1806     not to exceed 60 days.
1807          (ii) The department may extend the initial period described in Subsection (10)(c)(i) an
1808     additional 30 days upon written request of the package agency and upon a showing of good
1809     cause.
1810          (iii) A closure or cessation of operation may not exceed a total of 90 days without
1811     commission approval.
1812          (d) The notice required by Subsection (10)(a) shall include:
1813          (i) the dates of closure or cessation of operation;
1814          (ii) the reason for the closure or cessation of operation; and
1815          (iii) the date on which the package agency will reopen or resume operation.
1816          (e) Failure of a package agency to provide notice and to obtain department
1817     authorization before closure or cessation of operation results in an automatic termination of the
1818     package agency agreement effective immediately.
1819          (f) Failure of a package agency to reopen or resume operation by the approved date
1820     results in an automatic termination of the package agency agreement effective on that date.
1821          (11) A package agency may not transfer the package agency's operations from one
1822     location to another location without prior written approval of the commission.
1823          (12) (a) A person, having been issued a package agency, may not sell, transfer, assign,

1824     exchange, barter, give, or attempt in any way to dispose of the package agency to another
1825     person, whether for monetary gain or not.
1826          (b) A package agency has no monetary value for any type of disposition.
1827          (13) (a) Subject to the other provisions of this Subsection (13):
1828          (i) sale or delivery of liquor may not be made on or from the premises of a package
1829     agency, and a package agency may not be kept open for the sale of liquor:
1830          (A) on Sunday; or
1831          (B) on a state or federal legal holiday; and
1832          (ii) sale or delivery of liquor may be made on or from the premises of a package agency,
1833     and a package agency may be open for the sale of liquor, only on a day and during hours that
1834     the commission directs by rule or order.
1835          (b) A package agency located at a manufacturing facility is not subject to Subsection
1836     (13)(a) if:
1837          (i) the package agency is located at a manufacturing facility licensed in accordance
1838     with Chapter 11, Manufacturing and Related Licenses Act; and
1839          [(ii) the manufacturing facility licensed in accordance with Chapter 11, Manufacturing
1840     and Related Licenses Act, holds:]
1841          [(A) a full-service restaurant license;]
1842          [(B) a limited-service restaurant license;]
1843          [(C) a beer-only restaurant license;]
1844          [(D) a dining club license; or]
1845          [(E) a bar license;]
1846          [(iii) the restaurant, dining club, or bar is located at the manufacturing facility;]
1847          [(iv) the restaurant, dining club, or bar sells an alcoholic product produced at the
1848     manufacturing facility;]
1849          [(v) the manufacturing facility:]
1850          [(A) owns the restaurant, dining club, or bar; or]
1851          [(B) operates the restaurant, dining club, or bar;]
1852          [(vi)] (ii) the package agency only sells an alcoholic product produced at the
1853     manufacturing facility[; and].
1854          [(vii) the package agency's days and hours of sale are the same as the days and hours of

1855     sale at the restaurant, dining club, or bar.]
1856          (c) (i) Subsection (13)(a) does not apply to a package agency held by the following if
1857     the package agent that holds the package agency to sell liquor at a resort or hotel does not sell
1858     liquor in a manner similar to a state store:
1859          (A) a resort licensee; or
1860          (B) a hotel licensee.
1861          (ii) The commission may by rule define what constitutes a package agency that sells
1862     liquor "in a manner similar to a state store."
1863          (14) (a) Except to the extent authorized by commission rule, a minor may not be
1864     admitted into, or be on the premises of, a package agency unless accompanied by a person who
1865     is:
1866          (i) 21 years [of age] old or older; and
1867          (ii) the minor's parent, legal guardian, or spouse.
1868          (b) A package agent or staff of a package agency that has reason to believe that a
1869     person who is on the premises of a package agency is under [the age of] 21 years old and is not
1870     accompanied by a person described in Subsection (14)(a) may:
1871          (i) ask the suspected minor for proof of age;
1872          (ii) ask the person who accompanies the suspected minor for proof of age; and
1873          (iii) ask the suspected minor or the person who accompanies the suspected minor for
1874     proof of parental, guardianship, or spousal relationship.
1875          (c) A package agent or staff of a package agency shall refuse to sell liquor to the
1876     suspected minor and to the person who accompanies the suspected minor into the package
1877     agency if the minor or person fails to provide any information specified in Subsection (14)(b).
1878          (d) A package agent or staff of a package agency shall require the suspected minor and
1879     the person who accompanies the suspected minor into the package agency to immediately leave
1880     the premises of the package agency if the minor or person fails to provide information specified
1881     in Subsection (14)(b).
1882          (15) (a) A package agency shall sell, offer for sale, or furnish liquor in a sealed
1883     container.
1884          (b) A person may not open a sealed container on the premises of a package agency.
1885          (c) Notwithstanding Subsection (15)(a), a package agency may sell, offer for sale, or

1886     furnish liquor in other than a sealed container:
1887          (i) if the package agency is the type of package agency that authorizes the package
1888     agency to sell, offer for sale, or furnish the liquor as part of room service;
1889          (ii) if the liquor is sold, offered for sale, or furnished as part of room service; and
1890          (iii) subject to:
1891          (A) staff of the package agency providing the liquor in person only to an adult guest in
1892     the guest room or privately owned dwelling unit;
1893          (B) staff of the package agency not leaving the liquor outside a guest room or privately
1894     owned dwelling unit for retrieval by a guest or resident; and
1895          (C) the same limits on the portions in which an alcoholic product may be sold by a
1896     retail licensee under Section 32B-5-304.
1897          (16) A package agency may not sell, offer for sale, or furnish heavy beer in a sealed
1898     container that exceeds two liters.
1899          (17) The department may pay or otherwise remunerate a package agent on any basis,
1900     including sales or volume of business done by the package agency.
1901          (18) The commission may prescribe by policy or rule general operational requirements
1902     of a package agency that are consistent with this title and relate to:
1903          (a) physical facilities;
1904          (b) conditions of operation;
1905          (c) hours of operation;
1906          (d) inventory levels;
1907          (e) payment schedules;
1908          (f) methods of payment;
1909          (g) premises security; and
1910          (h) any other matter considered appropriate by the commission.
1911          (19) A package agency may not maintain a minibar.
1912          Section 19. Section 32B-3-202 is amended to read:
1913          32B-3-202. Timing of reporting violations.
1914          (1) The department or the commission may not take administrative action against a
1915     person subject to administrative action before:
1916          (a) a nondepartment enforcement agency or enforcement officer or a department

1917     compliance officer submits to the department a report:
1918          (i) containing facts that could support a finding that the person subject to
1919     administrative action violated this title or a commission rule; and
1920          (ii) no more than eight business days after the day on which the nondepartment
1921     enforcement agency or officer or the compliance officer completes the investigation containing
1922     the facts described in Subsection (1)(a)(i); and
1923          (b) subject to Subsection (5), the department notifies the person subject to
1924     administrative action, no more than eight business days after the day on which the department
1925     receives the report described in Subsection (1)(a), that the commission or department:
1926          (i) received the report described in Subsection (1)(a); and
1927          (ii) may initiate or maintain a disciplinary proceeding on the basis, in whole or in part,
1928     on the facts contained in the report described in Subsection (1)(a).
1929          (2) (a) The department may provide the notice required under this section orally, if after
1930     the oral notification the department provides written notification.
1931          (b) The department may provide the written notification described in Subsection (2)(a)
1932     outside the time periods required under this section.
1933          (3) The department shall maintain a record of a notification required under this section
1934     that includes:
1935          (a) the name of the person notified;
1936          (b) the date of the notification; and
1937          (c) the type of notification given.
1938          (4) (a) The department may issue an order to show cause if the department receives a
1939     report described in Subsection (1)(a), containing facts that could support a finding that the
1940     person subject to administrative action violated:
1941          (i) this title regarding necessary licensing requirements; or
1942          (ii) a commission rule regarding necessary licensing requirements.
1943          (b) A necessary licensing requirement described in Subsection (4)(a) includes:
1944          (i) maintaining an approved, licensed premise;
1945          (ii) maintaining insurance;
1946          (iii) maintaining a bond;
1947          (iv) following the requirements in Section 32B-1-304, regarding qualifications;

1948          (v) maintaining required store hours;
1949          (vi) failing to utilize the license issued; or
1950          (vii) transferring a license in violation of [Chapter 8a, Transfer of Alcohol License Act]
1951     Chapter 18, Change of Alcohol License or Location Act.
1952          (c) The department's issuance of an order to show cause in accordance with this
1953     Subsection (4):
1954          (i) does not initiate a disciplinary proceeding; and
1955          (ii) is not subject to Title 63G, Chapter 4, Administrative Procedures Act.
1956          (5) The department is not required to provide notice as described in Subsection (1)(b)
1957     if the person subject to administrative action is staff.
1958          Section 20. Section 32B-3-205 is amended to read:
1959          32B-3-205. Penalties.
1960          (1) If the commission is satisfied that a person subject to administrative action violates
1961     this title or the commission's rules, in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 4, Administrative
1962     Procedures Act, the commission may:
1963          (a) suspend or revoke the person's license, permit, or certificate of approval;
1964          (b) subject to Subsection (2), impose a fine against the person, including individual
1965     staff of a licensee, permittee, or certificate holder;
1966          (c) assess the administrative costs of a disciplinary proceeding to the person if the
1967     person is a licensee, permittee, or certificate holder; or
1968          (d) take a combination of actions described in this Subsection (1).
1969          (2) (a) A fine imposed may not exceed $25,000 in the aggregate for:
1970          (i) a single notice of agency action; or
1971          (ii) a single action against a package agency.
1972          (b) The commission shall by rule establish a schedule setting forth a range of fines for
1973     each violation.
1974          (c) When a presiding officer imposes a fine, the presiding officer shall consider any
1975     aggravating circumstances or mitigating circumstances in deciding where within the applicable
1976     range to set the fine.
1977          (3) The department shall transfer the costs assessed under this section into the General
1978     Fund in accordance with Section 32B-2-301.

1979          (4) (a) If a license or permit is suspended under this section, the licensee or permittee
1980     shall prominently display a sign provided by the department:
1981          (i) during the suspension; and
1982          (ii) at the entrance of the premises of the licensee or permittee.
1983          (b) The sign required by this Subsection (4) shall:
1984          (i) read "The Utah Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services Commission has suspended
1985     the alcoholic product license or permit of this establishment. An alcoholic product may not be
1986     sold, offered for sale, furnished, or consumed on these premises during the period of
1987     suspension."; and
1988          (ii) include the dates of the suspension period.
1989          (c) A licensee or permittee may not remove, alter, obscure, or destroy a sign required to
1990     be displayed under this Subsection (4) during the suspension period.
1991          (5) (a) If a license or permit is revoked, the commission may order the revocation of a
1992     bond posted by the licensee or permittee under this title.
1993          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (5)(a), the department may make a claim against a
1994     bond posted by a licensee or permittee for money owed the department under this title without
1995     the commission first revoking the license or permit.
1996          (6) A licensee or permittee whose license or permit is revoked may not reapply for a
1997     license or permit under this title for three years from the date on which the license or permit is
1998     revoked.
1999          (7) If a staff member of a licensee, permittee, or certificate holder is found to have
2000     violated this title, in addition to imposing another penalty authorized by this title, the
2001     commission may prohibit the staff member from handling, selling, furnishing, distributing,
2002     manufacturing, wholesaling, or warehousing an alcoholic product in the course of acting as
2003     staff with a licensee, permittee, or certificate holder under this title for a period determined by
2004     the commission.
2005          (8) (a) If the commission makes the finding described in Subsection (8)(b), in addition
2006     to other penalties prescribed by this title, the commission may order:
2007          (i) the removal of an alcoholic product of the manufacturer's, supplier's, or importer's
2008     from the department's sales list; and
2009          (ii) a suspension of the department's purchase of an alcoholic product described in

2010     Subsection (8)(a)(i) for a period determined by the commission.
2011          (b) The commission may take the action described in Subsection (8)(a) if:
2012          (i) a manufacturer, supplier, or importer of liquor or its staff or representative violates
2013     this title; and
2014          (ii) the manufacturer, supplier, or importer:
2015          (A) directly commits the violation; or
2016          (B) solicits, requests, commands, encourages, or intentionally aids another to engage in
2017     the violation.
2018          (9) If the commission makes a finding that the brewer holding a certificate of approval
2019     violates this title or rules of the commission, the commission may take an action against the
2020     brewer holding a certificate of approval that the commission could take against a licensee
2021     including:
2022          (a) suspension or revocation of the certificate of approval; and
2023          (b) imposition of a fine.
2024          (10) Notwithstanding the other provisions of this title, the commission may not order a
2025     disciplinary action or fine in accordance with this section if the disciplinary action or fine is
2026     ordered on the basis of a violation:
2027          (a) of a provision in this title related to intoxication or becoming intoxicated; and
2028          (b) if the violation is first investigated by a law enforcement officer, as defined in
2029     Section 53-13-103, who has not received training regarding the requirements of this title
2030     related to responsible alcoholic product sale or service.
2031          (11) The commission shall expunge each record that relates to an individual's violation
2032     of a provision of this title, if the individual does not violate a provision of this title for a period
2033     of 36 consecutive months from the day on which the individual's last violation was adjudicated.
2034          Section 21. Section 32B-4-403 is amended to read:
2035          32B-4-403. Unlawful sale, offer for sale, or furnishing to minor.
2036          (1) A person may not sell, offer for sale, or furnish an alcoholic product to a minor.
2037          (2) (a) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (3), a person is guilty of a class B
2038     misdemeanor if the person who violates Subsection (1) negligently or recklessly fails to
2039     determine whether the recipient of the alcoholic product is a minor.
2040          (ii) As used in this Subsection (2)(a), "negligently" means with simple negligence.

2041          (b) Except as provided in Subsection (3), a person is guilty of a class A misdemeanor if
2042     the person who violates Subsection (1) knows the [purchaser] recipient of the alcoholic product
2043     is a minor.
2044          (3) This section does not apply to the furnishing of an alcoholic product to a minor in
2045     accordance with this title:
2046          (a) for medicinal purposes by:
2047          (i) the parent or guardian of the minor; or
2048          (ii) the health care practitioner of the minor, if the health care practitioner is authorized
2049     by law to write a prescription; or
2050          (b) as part of a religious organization's religious services.
2051          Section 22. Section 32B-4-415 is amended to read:
2052          32B-4-415. Unlawful bringing onto premises for consumption.
2053          (1) Except as provided in Subsection (4) and Section 32B-5-307, a person may not
2054     bring an alcoholic product for on-premise consumption onto the premises of:
2055          (a) a retail licensee or person required to be licensed under this title as a retail licensee;
2056          (b) an establishment that conducts a business similar to a retail licensee;
2057          (c) an event where an alcoholic product is sold, offered for sale, or furnished under a
2058     single event permit or temporary beer event permit issued under this title;
2059          (d) an establishment open to the general public; or
2060          (e) the capitol hill complex.
2061          (2) Except as provided in Subsection (4) and Section 32B-5-307, the following may
2062     not allow a person to bring onto its premises an alcoholic product for on-premise consumption
2063     or allow consumption of an alcoholic product brought onto its premises in violation of this
2064     section:
2065          (a) a retail licensee or a person required to be licensed under this title as a retail
2066     licensee;
2067          (b) an establishment that conducts a business similar to a retail licensee;
2068          (c) a single event permittee or temporary beer event permittee;
2069          (d) an establishment open to the general public;
2070          (e) the State Capitol Preservation Board created in Section 63C-9-201; or
2071          (f) staff of a person listed in Subsections (2)(a) through (e).

2072          (3) Except as provided in Subsection (4)(c)(i)(A), a person may not consume an
2073     alcoholic product in a limousine or chartered bus if the limousine or chartered bus drops off a
2074     passenger at:
2075          (a) a location from which the passenger departs in a private vehicle; or
2076          (b) the capitol hill complex.
2077          (4) (a) A person may bring bottled wine onto the premises of the following and
2078     consume the wine pursuant to Section 32B-5-307:
2079          (i) a full-service restaurant licensee;
2080          (ii) a limited restaurant licensee;
2081          (iii) a bar establishment licensee; or
2082          (iv) a person operating under a [resort] spa sublicense.
2083          (b) A passenger of a limousine may bring onto, possess, and consume an alcoholic
2084     product in the limousine if:
2085          (i) the travel of the limousine begins and ends at:
2086          (A) the residence of the passenger;
2087          (B) the hotel of the passenger, if the passenger is a registered guest of the hotel; or
2088          (C) the temporary domicile of the passenger;
2089          (ii) the driver of the limousine is separated from the passengers by partition or other
2090     means approved by the department; and
2091          (iii) the limousine is not located on the capitol hill complex.
2092          (c) A passenger of a chartered bus may bring onto, possess, and consume an alcoholic
2093     product on the chartered bus:
2094          (i) (A) but may consume only during travel to a specified destination of the chartered
2095     bus and not during travel back to the place where the travel begins; or
2096          (B) if the travel of the chartered bus begins and ends at:
2097          (I) the residence of the passenger;
2098          (II) the hotel of the passenger, if the passenger is a registered guest of the hotel; or
2099          (III) the temporary domicile of the passenger;
2100          (ii) if the chartered bus has a nondrinking designee other than the driver traveling on
2101     the chartered bus to monitor consumption; and
2102          (iii) if the chartered bus is not located on the capitol hill complex.

2103          (5) A person may bring onto any premises, possess, and consume an alcoholic product
2104     at a private event.
2105          (6) Notwithstanding Subsection (5), private and public facilities may prohibit the
2106     possession or consumption of alcohol on their premises.
2107          (7) The restrictions of Subsections (2) and (3) apply to a resort licensee or hotel
2108     licensee or person operating under a sublicense in relationship to:
2109          (a) the boundary of a resort building, as defined in Section 32B-8-102, or the boundary
2110     of a hotel, as defined in Section 32B-8b-102, in an area that is open to the public; or
2111          (b) except as provided in Subsection (4), sublicensed premises.
2112          Section 23. Section 32B-5-102 is amended to read:
2113          32B-5-102. Definitions.
2114          [As used in this chapter:]
2115          [(1) "Interim alcoholic beverage management agreement" means an agreement:]
2116          [(a) in connection with:]
2117          [(i) the transfer of a retail license; and]
2118          [(ii) (A) an asset sale of a retail licensee; or]
2119          [(B) a transfer of the management of a retail licensee to a new entity; and]
2120          [(b) under which the purchaser or the new management entity agrees to perform the
2121     operations of the retail licensee during the period that:]
2122          [(i) begins when:]
2123          [(A) the asset sale closes; or]
2124          [(B) the new management agreement is executed; and]
2125          [(ii) ends on the day after the day on which the commission approves the transfer of the
2126     retail license.]
2127          [(2) "Inventory transfer agreement" means an agreement under which a retail licensee
2128     agrees to sell or otherwise transfer all or part of the retail licensee's inventory of alcoholic
2129     product.]
2130          Reserved.
2131          Section 24. Section 32B-5-201 is amended to read:
2132          32B-5-201. Application requirements for retail license.
2133          (1) (a) Before a person may store, sell, offer for sale, furnish, or permit consumption of

2134     an alcoholic product on licensed premises as a retail licensee, the person shall first obtain a
2135     retail license issued by the commission, notwithstanding whether the person holds a local
2136     license or a permit issued by a local authority.
2137          (b) Violation of this Subsection (1) is a class B misdemeanor.
2138          (2) To obtain a retail license under this title, a person shall submit to the department:
2139          (a) a written application in a form prescribed by the department;
2140          (b) a nonrefundable application fee in the amount specified in the relevant chapter or
2141     part for the type of retail license for which the person is applying;
2142          (c) an initial license fee:
2143          (i) in the amount specified in the relevant chapter or part for the type of retail license
2144     for which the person is applying; and
2145          (ii) that is refundable if a retail license is not issued;
2146          (d) written consent of the local authority, including, if applicable, consent for each
2147     proposed sublicense;
2148          (e) a copy of:
2149          (i) every license the local authority requires, including the person's current business
2150     license; and
2151          (ii) if the person is applying for a principal license, the current business license for each
2152     proposed sublicense, except if the [relevant political subdivision] local authority determines
2153     that the business license for a proposed sublicense is included in the person's current business
2154     license;
2155          (f) evidence of the proposed retail licensee's proximity to any community location, with
2156     proximity requirements being governed by Section 32B-1-202;
2157          (g) a bond as specified by Section 32B-5-204;
2158          (h) a floor plan, and boundary map where applicable, of the premises of the retail
2159     license and each, if any, accompanying sublicense, including any:
2160          (i) consumption area; and
2161          (ii) area where the person proposes to store, sell, offer for sale, or furnish an alcoholic
2162     beverage;
2163          (i) evidence that the retail licensee carries public liability insurance in an amount and
2164     form satisfactory to the department;

2165          (j) evidence that the retail licensee carries dramshop insurance coverage of at least:
2166          (i) $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 in the aggregate;
2167          (ii) if the retail licensee is a hotel licensee or a resort licensee, $1,000,000 per
2168     occurrence and $2,000,000 in the aggregate to cover both the principal license and all
2169     accompanying sublicenses; or
2170          (iii) if the retail licensee is an arena licensee, $10,000,000 per occurrence and
2171     $20,000,000 in the aggregate to cover both the arena license and all accompanying sublicenses.
2172          (k) a signed consent form stating that the retail licensee will permit any authorized
2173     representative of the commission, department, or any law enforcement officer to have
2174     unrestricted right to enter:
2175          (i) the premises of the retail licensee; and
2176          (ii) if applicable, the premises of each of the retail licensee's accompanying
2177     sublicenses;
2178          (l) if the person is an entity, proper verification evidencing that a person who signs the
2179     application is authorized to sign on behalf of the entity;
2180          (m) a responsible alcohol service plan; [and]
2181          (n) evidence that each individual the person has hired to work as a retail manager, as
2182     defined in Section 32B-1-701, has completed the alcohol training and education seminar as
2183     required under Chapter 1, Part 7, Alcohol Training and Education Act; and
2184          [(n)] (o) any other information the commission or department may require.
2185          (3) The commission may not issue a retail license to a person who:
2186          (a) is disqualified under Section 32B-1-304; or
2187          (b) is not lawfully present in the United States.
2188          (4) Unless otherwise provided in the relevant chapter or part for the type of retail
2189     license for which the person is applying, the commission may not issue a retail license to a
2190     person if the proposed licensed premises does not meet the proximity requirements of Section
2191     32B-1-202.
2192          Section 25. Section 32B-5-202 is amended to read:
2193          32B-5-202. Renewal requirements.
2194          (1) A retail license expires each year on the day specified in the relevant chapter or part
2195     for that type of retail license.

2196          (2) (a) To renew a person's retail license, a retail licensee shall, on or before the day
2197     specified in the relevant chapter or part for the type of retail license that the person seeks to
2198     renew, submit:
2199          (i) a completed renewal application in a form prescribed by the department;
2200          (ii) a renewal fee in the amount specified in the relevant chapter or part for the type of
2201     retail license that the person seeks to renew; and
2202          (iii) a responsible alcohol service plan if, since the retail licensee's most recent
2203     application or renewal, the retail licensee:
2204          (A) made substantial changes to the retail licensee's responsible alcohol service plan;
2205     or
2206          (B) violated a provision of this chapter.
2207          [(b) (i) Except as provided for in Subsection (2)(b)(ii), a retail licensee shall fulfill the
2208     renewal requirements under Subsection (2)(a) on or before the day specified in the relevant
2209     chapter or part for the type of retail license that the person seeks to renew.]
2210          [(ii) The commission may:]
2211          [(A) make rules, in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative
2212     Rulemaking Act, permitting and establishing the parameters of late retail license renewals; and]
2213          [(B) establish a fee, in accordance with Section 63J-1-504, for late retail license
2214     renewals.]
2215          [(c)] (b) The department may audit a retail licensee's responsible alcohol service plan.
2216          (3) Failure to meet the renewal requirements results in an automatic forfeiture of the
2217     retail license effective on the day on which the existing retail license expires.
2218          Section 26. Section 32B-5-205 is amended to read:
2219          32B-5-205. Conditional retail license.
2220          (1) As used in this section:
2221          (a) "Conditional retail license" means a retail license that:
2222          (i) conditions the holder's ability to [sell, offer for sale, furnish, or allow the
2223     consumption of an alcoholic product on its licensed premises] obtain a valid retail license on
2224     the person submitting to the department:
2225          (A) a copy of every license or permit the local authority requires for the valid retail
2226     license, including the holder's current business license [before obtaining a valid retail license;

2227     and];
2228          (B) a bond;
2229          (C) evidence that the person carries public liability insurance;
2230          (D) evidence that the person carries dramshop insurance;
2231          (E) evidence that each individual the conditional retail licensee has hired to work as a
2232     retail manager, as defined in Section 32B-1-701, has completed the alcohol training and
2233     education seminar as required under Chapter 1, Part 7, Alcohol Training and Education Act; or
2234          (F) any other information the department or commission may require for licensure; and
2235          (ii) provides that the holder will be issued a valid retail license if the holder complies
2236     with the requirements of Subsection (3).
2237          (b) "Valid retail license" means a retail license issued pursuant to this part under which
2238     the holder is permitted to sell, offer for sale, furnish, or allow the consumption of an alcoholic
2239     product on [its] the holder's licensed premises.
2240          (2) Subject to the requirements of this section, the commission may issue a conditional
2241     retail license to a person if the person:
2242          (a) meets [the requirements] each requirement to obtain the retail license for which the
2243     person is applying, except [the] a requirement to submit to the department:
2244          (i) a copy of every license or permit the local authority requires for the retail license,
2245     including the person's current business license; [and]
2246          (ii) a bond;
2247          (iii) evidence that the person carries public liability insurance;
2248          (iv) evidence that the person carries dramshop insurance coverage;
2249          (v) evidence that each individual the conditional retail licensee has hired to work as a
2250     retail manager, as defined in Section 32B-1-701, has completed the alcohol training and
2251     education seminar as required under Chapter 1, Part 7, Alcohol Training and Education Act; or
2252          (vi) a menu; and
2253          (b) agrees not to sell, offer for sale, furnish, or allow the consumption of an alcoholic
2254     product on [its] the conditional retail licensee's licensed premises before obtaining a valid retail
2255     license.
2256          (3) (a) A conditional retail license becomes a valid retail license on the day on which
2257     the department notifies the person who holds the conditional retail license that the department

2258     finds that the person has complied with Subsection (3)(b).
2259          (b) For a conditional retail license to become a valid retail license, a person who holds
2260     the conditional retail license shall:
2261          (i) submit to the department:
2262          (A) a copy of every license or permit the local authority requires for the retail license,
2263     including the person's current business license; [and]
2264          (B) a bond as specified by Section 32B-5-204;
2265          (C) evidence that the conditional retail licensee carries public liability insurance in an
2266     amount and form satisfactory to the department;
2267          (D) evidence that the conditional retail licensee carries dramshop insurance coverage as
2268     specified in Section 32B-5-201;
2269          (E) evidence that each individual the conditional retail licensee has hired to work as a
2270     retail manager, as defined in Section 32B-1-701, has completed an alcohol training and
2271     education seminar as required under Chapter 1, Part 7, Alcohol Training and Education Act;
2272     and
2273          (F) any other information the department or commission may require; and
2274          (ii) provide to the department evidence satisfactory to the department that:
2275          (A) there has been no change in the information submitted to the commission as part of
2276     the person's application for a retail license; and
2277          (B) the person continues to qualify for the retail license.
2278          (4) (a) A conditional retail license expires 18 months after the day on which the
2279     commission issues the conditional retail license, unless the conditional retail license becomes a
2280     valid retail license before that day.
2281          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (4)(a), the commission may extend the time period of a
2282     conditional retail license an additional six months if the holder of the conditional license can
2283     show to the satisfaction of the commission that the holder of the conditional license:
2284          (i) has an active building permit related to the licensed premises; and
2285          (ii) is engaged in a good faith effort to pursue completion within the six-month period.
2286          Section 27. Section 32B-5-304 is amended to read:
2287          32B-5-304. Portions in which alcoholic product may be sold.
2288          (1) (a) A retail licensee may sell, offer for sale, or furnish spirituous liquor that is a

2289     primary spirituous liquor only in a quantity that does not exceed 1.5 ounces per beverage
2290     dispensed through a calibrated metered dispensing system approved by the department in
2291     accordance with commission rules adopted under this title[, except that:].
2292          [(a) spirituous liquor need not be dispensed through a calibrated metered dispensing
2293     system if used as a secondary flavoring ingredient in a beverage subject to the following
2294     requirements:]
2295          [(i) the secondary ingredient may be dispensed only in conjunction with the purchase
2296     of a primary spirituous liquor;]
2297          [(ii) the secondary ingredient may not be the only spirituous liquor in the beverage;]
2298          [(iii) the retail licensee shall designate a location where flavorings are stored on the
2299     floor plan submitted to the department; and]
2300          [(iv) a flavoring container shall be plainly and conspicuously labeled "flavorings";]
2301          [(b) spirituous liquor need not be dispensed through a calibrated metered dispensing
2302     system if used:]
2303          [(i) as a flavoring on a dessert; and]
2304          [(ii) in the preparation of a flaming food dish, drink, or dessert; and]
2305          (b) A retail license is not required to dispense spirituous liquor through a calibrated
2306     metered dispensing system if the spirituous liquor is:
2307          (i) a secondary flavoring ingredient;
2308          (ii) used as a flavoring on a dessert; or
2309          (iii) used to set aflame a food dish, drink, or dessert.
2310          (c) A retail licensee that dispenses spirituous liquor that is a secondary flavoring
2311     ingredient shall:
2312          (i) designate a location where the retail licensee stores secondary flavoring ingredients
2313     on the floor plan the retail licensee submits to the department; and
2314          (ii) clearly and conspicuously label each secondary flavoring ingredient's container
2315     "flavorings".
2316          [(c)] (d) [a] A patron may have no more than 2.5 ounces of spirituous liquor at a time.
2317          (2) (a) (i) A retail licensee may sell, offer for sale, or furnish wine by the glass or in an
2318     individual portion that does not exceed 5 ounces per glass or individual portion.
2319          (ii) A retail licensee may sell, offer for sale, or furnish an individual portion of wine to

2320     a patron in more than one glass if the total amount of wine does not exceed 5 ounces.
2321          (b) (i) A retail licensee may sell, offer for sale, or furnish wine in a container not
2322     exceeding 1.5 liters at a price fixed by the commission to a table of four or more persons.
2323          (ii) A retail licensee may sell, offer for sale, or furnish wine in a container not to
2324     exceed 750 milliliters at a price fixed by the commission to a table of less than four persons.
2325          (3) A retail licensee may sell, offer for sale, or furnish heavy beer in an original
2326     container at a price fixed by the commission, except that the original container may not exceed
2327     one liter.
2328          (4) A retail licensee may sell, offer for sale, or furnish a flavored malt beverage in an
2329     original container at a price fixed by the commission, except that the original container may not
2330     exceed one liter.
2331          (5) (a) (i) Subject to Subsection [(5)(b)] (5)(a)(ii), a retail licensee may sell, offer for
2332     sale, or furnish beer for on-premise consumption:
2333          [(i)] (A) in an open original container; and
2334          [(ii)] (B) in a container on draft.
2335          [(b)] (ii) A retail licensee may not sell, offer for sale, or furnish beer under Subsection
2336     (5)(a)(i):
2337          [(i)] (A) in a size of container that exceeds two liters; or
2338          [(ii)] (B) to an individual patron in a size of container that exceeds one liter.
2339          (b) A retail licensee may sell, offer for sale, or furnish beer for off-premise
2340     consumption:
2341          (i) in a sealed container; and
2342          (ii) in a size of container that does not exceed two liters.
2343          (c) A retail licensee may sell, offer for sale, or furnish a flight of beer to an individual
2344     patron if the total amount of beer does not exceed 16 ounces.
2345          Section 28. Section 32B-5-307 is amended to read:
2346          32B-5-307. Bringing alcoholic product onto or removing alcoholic product from
2347     premises.
2348          (1) Except as provided in Subsections (3) and (4):
2349          (a) a person may not bring onto the licensed premises of a retail licensee an alcoholic
2350     product for on-premise consumption;

2351          (b) a retail licensee may not allow a person to:
2352          (i) bring onto licensed premises an alcoholic product for on-premise consumption; or
2353          (ii) consume an alcoholic product brought onto the licensed premises by a person other
2354     than the retail licensee; and
2355          (c) a retail licensee may not sell, offer for sale, or furnish an alcoholic product through
2356     a window or door to a location off the licensed premises or to a vehicular traffic area.
2357          (2) Except as provided in Subsections (3) and (4) and Subsection 32B-4-415(5):
2358          (a) a person may not carry from [a] the licensed premises of a retail licensee an open
2359     container that:
2360          (i) is used primarily for drinking purposes; and
2361          (ii) contains an alcoholic product;
2362          (b) a retail licensee may not permit a patron to carry from the licensed premises an
2363     open container described in Subsection (2)(a); and
2364          (c) (i) a person may not carry from [a] the licensed premises of a retail licensee a sealed
2365     container of liquor that has been purchased from the retail licensee; and
2366          (ii) a retail licensee may not permit a patron to carry from the licensed premises of the
2367     retail licensee a sealed container of liquor that has been purchased from the retail licensee.
2368          (3) (a) A patron may bring a bottled wine onto the premises of a retail licensee for
2369     on-premise consumption if:
2370          (i) permitted by the retail licensee; and
2371          (ii) the retail licensee is authorized to sell, offer for sale, or furnish wine.
2372          (b) If a patron carries bottled wine onto the licensed premises of a retail licensee, the
2373     patron shall deliver the bottled wine to a server or other representative of the retail licensee
2374     upon entering the licensed premises.
2375          (c) A retail licensee authorized to sell, offer for sale, or furnish wine, may provide a
2376     wine service for a bottled wine carried onto the licensed premises in accordance with this
2377     Subsection (3) or a bottled wine purchased at the licensed premises.
2378          (d) A patron may remove from a licensed premises the unconsumed contents of a bottle
2379     of wine purchased at the licensed premises, or brought onto the licensed premises in
2380     accordance with this Subsection (3), only if before removal the bottle is recorked or recapped.
2381          (4) Neither a patron nor a retail licensee violates this section if:

2382          (a) the patron is in shared seating; and
2383          (b) the patron purchased the patron's alcoholic beverage from a restaurant licensee
2384     whose licensed premises include the shared seating area the patron is in.
2385          (5) (a) A patron may carry from a retail licensee's licensed premises a sealed container
2386     of beer that has been purchased from the retail licensee.
2387          (b) A retail licensee may permit a patron to carry from the retail licensee's licensed
2388     premises a sealed container of beer that has been purchased from the retail licensee.
2389          Section 29. Section 32B-5-309 is amended to read:
2390          32B-5-309. Ceasing operation.
2391          (1) Except as provided in Subsection (8), a retail licensee may not close or cease
2392     operation for a period longer than 240 hours, unless:
2393          (a) the retail licensee notifies the department in writing at least seven days before the
2394     day on which the retail licensee closes or ceases operation; and
2395          (b) the closure or cessation of operation is first approved by the department.
2396          (2) Notwithstanding Subsection (1), in the case of emergency closure, a retail licensee
2397     shall immediately notify the department by telephone.
2398          (3) (a) The department may authorize [a] an initial closure or cessation of operation of
2399     a retail licensee for a period not to exceed 60 days.
2400          (b) [The] Upon written request of the retail licensee and a showing of good cause, the
2401     department may extend the initial period [an additional] described in Subsection (3)(a) for a
2402     period not to exceed the greater of:
2403          (i) 30 days [upon:]; or
2404          (ii) the number of days until the day on which the commission holds the commission's
2405     next regularly scheduled meeting.
2406          [(i) written request of the retail licensee; and]
2407          [(ii) a showing of good cause.]
2408          (4) A closure or cessation of operation may not exceed [a total of 90 days] the time
2409     limits described in Subsection (3) without commission approval.
2410          (5) A notice required under this section shall include:
2411          (a) the dates of closure or cessation of operation;
2412          (b) the reason for the closure or cessation of operation; and

2413          (c) the date on which the retail licensee will reopen or resume operation.
2414          (6) Failure of a retail licensee to provide notice and to obtain department approval
2415     before closure or cessation of operation results in an automatic forfeiture of:
2416          (a) the retail license; and
2417          (b) the unused portion of the retail license fee for the remainder of the retail license
2418     year effective immediately.
2419          (7) Failure of a retail licensee to reopen or resume operation by the approved date
2420     results in an automatic forfeiture of:
2421          (a) the retail license; and
2422          (b) the unused portion of the retail license fee for the remainder of the retail license
2423     year.
2424          (8) This section does not apply to:
2425          (a) an on-premise beer retailer who is not a tavern; [or]
2426          (b) an airport lounge licensee; or
2427          (c) a hospitality amenity licensee.
2428          (9) Ĥ→ [
(a)] ←Ĥ For purposes of this section, the department may not base a determination
2428a     that a
2429     retail licensee has ceased operation solely upon the retail licensee's lack of sales.
2430          Ĥ→ [
(b) Subsection (9)(a) has retroactive application to March 12, 2020.] ←Ĥ
2431          Section 30. Section 32B-6-205 is amended to read:
2432          32B-6-205. Specific operational requirements for a full-service restaurant license
2433     -- Before July 1, 2018, or July 1, 2022.
2434          (1) (a) In addition to complying with Chapter 5, Part 3, Retail Licensee Operational
2435     Requirements, a full-service restaurant licensee and staff of the full-service restaurant licensee
2436     shall comply with this section.
2437          (b) Failure to comply as provided in Subsection (1)(a) may result in disciplinary action
2438     in accordance with Chapter 3, Disciplinary Actions and Enforcement Act, against:
2439          (i) a full-service restaurant licensee;
2440          (ii) individual staff of a full-service restaurant licensee; or
2441          (iii) both a full-service restaurant licensee and staff of the full-service restaurant
2442     licensee.
2443          (2) In addition to complying with Subsection 32B-5-301(3), a full-service restaurant

2444     licensee shall display in a prominent place in the restaurant a list of the types and brand names
2445     of liquor being furnished through the full-service restaurant licensee's calibrated metered
2446     dispensing system.
2447          (3) In addition to complying with Section 32B-5-303, a full-service restaurant licensee
2448     shall store an alcoholic product in a storage area described in Subsection (11)(a).
2449          (4) (a) An individual who serves an alcoholic product in a full-service restaurant
2450     licensee's premises shall make a written beverage tab for each table or group that orders or
2451     consumes an alcoholic product on the premises.
2452          (b) A beverage tab required by this Subsection (4) shall list the type and amount of an
2453     alcoholic product ordered or consumed.
2454          (5) A person's willingness to serve an alcoholic product may not be made a condition
2455     of employment as a server with a full-service restaurant licensee.
2456          (6) (a) A full-service restaurant licensee may sell, offer for sale, or furnish liquor at the
2457     licensed premises during the following time periods only:
2458          (i) on a weekday, during the period that begins at 11:30 a.m. and ends at 11:59 p.m.; or
2459          (ii) on a weekend or a state or federal legal holiday or for a private event, during the
2460     period that begins at 10:30 a.m. and ends at 11:59 p.m.
2461          (b) A full-service restaurant licensee may sell, offer for sale, or furnish beer at the
2462     licensed premises during the following time periods only:
2463          (i) on a weekday, during the period that begins at 11:30 a.m. and ends at 12:59 a.m.; or
2464          (ii) on a weekend or a state or federal legal holiday or for a private event, during the
2465     period that begins at 10:30 a.m. and ends at 12:59 a.m.
2466          (7) (a) A full-service restaurant licensee may not sell, offer for sale, or furnish an
2467     alcoholic product for on-premise consumption except after the full-service restaurant licensee
2468     confirms that the patron has the intent to order food prepared, sold, and furnished at the
2469     licensed premises.
2470          (b) Notwithstanding Section 32B-5-307, a full-service restaurant licensee may not sell,
2471     offer for sale, or furnish beer for off-premise consumption except after the patron consumes on
2472     the licensed premises food prepared, sold, and furnished at the licensed premises.
2473          [(b)] (c) A full-service restaurant licensee shall maintain on the licensed premises
2474     adequate culinary facilities for food preparation and dining accommodations.

2475          (8) (a) Subject to the other provisions of this Subsection (8), a patron may not have
2476     more than two alcoholic products of any kind at a time before the patron.
2477          (b) A patron may not have more than one spirituous liquor drink at a time before the
2478     patron.
2479          (c) An individual portion of wine is considered to be one alcoholic product under
2480     Subsection (8)(a).
2481          (9) A patron may consume an alcoholic product on the full-service restaurant licensee's
2482     licensed premises only :
2483          (a) at:
2484          (i) the patron's table;
2485          (ii) a counter; or
2486          (iii) a seating grandfathered bar structure ; and
2487          (b) where food is served.
2488          (10) (a) A full-service restaurant licensee may not sell, offer for sale, or furnish an
2489     alcoholic product to a patron, and a patron may not consume an alcoholic product at a bar
2490     structure that is not a seating grandfathered bar structure.
2491          (b) At a seating grandfathered bar structure a patron who is 21 years [of age] old or
2492     older may:
2493          (i) sit;
2494          (ii) be furnished an alcoholic product; and
2495          (iii) consume an alcoholic product.
2496          (c) Except as provided in Subsection (10)(d), at a seating grandfathered bar structure a
2497     full-service restaurant licensee may not permit a minor to, and a minor may not:
2498          (i) sit; or
2499          (ii) consume food or beverages.
2500          (d) (i) A minor may be at a seating grandfathered bar structure if the minor is employed
2501     by a full-service restaurant licensee:
2502          (A) as provided in Subsection 32B-5-308(2); or
2503          (B) to perform maintenance and cleaning services during an hour when the full-service
2504     restaurant licensee is not open for business.
2505          (ii) A minor may momentarily pass by a seating grandfathered bar structure without

2506     remaining or sitting at the bar structure en route to an area of a full-service restaurant licensee's
2507     premises in which the minor is permitted to be.
2508          (11) Except as provided in Subsection 32B-5-307(3), a full-service restaurant licensee
2509     may dispense an alcoholic product only if:
2510          (a) the alcoholic product is dispensed from:
2511          (i) a grandfathered bar structure;
2512          (ii) an area adjacent to a grandfathered bar structure that is visible to a patron sitting at
2513     the grandfathered bar structure if that area is used to dispense an alcoholic product as of May
2514     12, 2009; or
2515          (iii) an area that is:
2516          (A) separated from an area for the consumption of food by a patron by a solid,
2517     translucent, permanent structural barrier such that the facilities for the storage or dispensing of
2518     an alcoholic product are:
2519          (I) not readily visible to a patron; and
2520          (II) not accessible by a patron; and
2521          (B) apart from an area used:
2522          (I) for dining;
2523          (II) for staging; or
2524          (III) as a lobby or waiting area;
2525          (b) the full-service restaurant licensee uses an alcoholic product that is:
2526          (i) stored in an area described in Subsection (11)(a); or
2527          (ii) in an area not described in Subsection (11)(a) on the licensed premises and:
2528          (A) immediately before the alcoholic product is dispensed it is in an unopened
2529     container;
2530          (B) the unopened container is taken to an area described in Subsection (11)(a) before it
2531     is opened; and
2532          (C) once opened, the container is stored in an area described in Subsection (11)(a); and
2533          (c) any instrument or equipment used to dispense alcoholic product is located in an
2534     area described in Subsection (11)(a).
2535          (12) A full-service restaurant licensee may state in a food or alcoholic product menu a
2536     charge or fee made in connection with the sale, service, or consumption of liquor including:

2537          (a) a set-up charge;
2538          (b) a service charge; or
2539          (c) a chilling fee.
2540          (13) Beginning on July 1, 2018, a minor may not sit, remain, or consume food or
2541     beverages within 10 feet of a grandfathered bar structure, unless:
2542          (a) seating within 10 feet of the grandfathered bar structure is the only seating available
2543     in the licensed premises; and
2544          (b) the minor is accompanied by an individual who is 21 years [of age] old or older.
2545          (14) Except as provided in Subsection 32B-6-205.2(16) and Section 32B-6-205.3, the
2546     provisions of this section apply before July 1, 2018.
2547          Section 31. Section 32B-6-205.2 is amended to read:
2548          32B-6-205.2. Specific operational requirements for a full-service restaurant
2549     license -- On and after July 1, 2018, or July 1, 2022.
2550          (1) (a) In addition to complying with Chapter 5, Part 3, Retail Licensee Operational
2551     Requirements, a full-service restaurant licensee and staff of the full-service restaurant licensee
2552     shall comply with this section.
2553          (b) Failure to comply with Subsection (1)(a) may result in disciplinary action in
2554     accordance with Chapter 3, Disciplinary Actions and Enforcement Act, against:
2555          (i) a full-service restaurant licensee;
2556          (ii) individual staff of a full-service restaurant licensee; or
2557          (iii) both a full-service restaurant licensee and staff of the full-service restaurant
2558     licensee.
2559          (2) (a) An individual who serves an alcoholic product in a full-service restaurant
2560     licensee's premises shall make a beverage tab for each table or group that orders or consumes
2561     an alcoholic product on the premises.
2562          (b) A beverage tab described in this Subsection (2) shall state the type and amount of
2563     each alcoholic product ordered or consumed.
2564          (3) A full-service restaurant licensee may not make an individual's willingness to serve
2565     an alcoholic product a condition of employment with a full-service restaurant licensee.
2566          (4) (a) A full-service restaurant licensee may sell, offer for sale, or furnish liquor at the
2567     licensed premises during the following time periods only:

2568          (i) on a weekday, during the period that begins at 11:30 a.m. and ends at 11:59 p.m.; or
2569          (ii) on a weekend or a state or federal legal holiday or for a private event, during the
2570     period that begins at 10:30 a.m. and ends at 11:59 p.m.
2571          (b) A full-service restaurant licensee may sell, offer for sale, or furnish beer at the
2572     licensed premises during the following time periods only:
2573          (i) on a weekday, during the period that begins at 11:30 a.m. and ends at 12:59 a.m.; or
2574          (ii) on a weekend or a state or federal legal holiday or for a private event, during the
2575     period that begins at 10:30 a.m. and ends at 12:59 a.m.
2576          (5) (a) A full-service restaurant licensee may not furnish an alcoholic product for
2577     on-premise consumption except after:
2578          (i) the patron to whom the full-service restaurant licensee furnishes the alcoholic
2579     product is seated at:
2580          (A) a table that is located in a dining area or a dispensing area;
2581          (B) a counter that is located in a dining area or a dispensing area; or
2582          (C) a dispensing structure that is located in a dispensing area; and
2583          (ii) the full-service restaurant licensee confirms that the patron intends to:
2584          (A) order food prepared, sold, and furnished at the licensed premises; and
2585          (B) except as provided in Subsection (5)(b), consume the food at the same location
2586     where the patron is seated and furnished the alcoholic product.
2587          (b) (i) While a patron waits for a seat at a table or counter in the dining area of a
2588     full-service restaurant licensee, the full-service restaurant licensee may sell, offer for sale, or
2589     furnish to the patron one drink that contains a single portion of an alcoholic product as
2590     described in Section 32B-5-304 if:
2591          (A) the patron is in a dispensing area and seated at a table, counter, or dispensing
2592     structure; and
2593          (B) the full-service restaurant licensee first confirms that after the patron is seated in
2594     the dining area, the patron intends to order food prepared, sold, and furnished at the licensed
2595     premises.
2596          (ii) If the patron does not finish the patron's alcoholic product before moving to a seat
2597     in the dining area, an employee of the full-service restaurant licensee who is qualified to sell
2598     and serve an alcoholic product under Section 32B-5-306 shall transport any unfinished portion

2599     of the patron's alcoholic product to the patron's seat in the dining area.
2600          (iii) For purposes of Subsection (5)(b)(i) a single portion of wine is five ounces or less.
2601          (c) Notwithstanding Section 32B-5-307, a full-service restaurant licensee may not
2602     furnish beer for off-premise consumption except after the patron consumes on the licensed
2603     premises food prepared, sold, and furnished at the licensed premises.
2604          [(c)] (d) A full-service restaurant licensee shall maintain on the licensed premises
2605     adequate culinary facilities for food preparation and dining accommodations.
2606          (6) A patron may consume an alcoholic product on the full-service restaurant licensee's
2607     licensed premises only if the patron is seated at:
2608          (a) a table that is located in a dining area or dispensing area;
2609          (b) a counter that is located in a dining area or dispensing area; or
2610          (c) a dispensing structure located in a dispensing area.
2611          (7) (a) Subject to the other provisions of this Subsection (7), a patron may not have
2612     more than two alcoholic products of any kind at a time before the patron.
2613          (b) A patron may not have more than one spirituous liquor drink at a time before the
2614     patron.
2615          (c) An individual portion of wine is considered to be one alcoholic product under
2616     Subsection (7)(a).
2617          (8) In accordance with the provisions of this section, an individual who is at least 21
2618     years [of age] old may consume food and beverages in a dispensing area.
2619          (9) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (9)(b), a minor may not sit, remain, or
2620     consume food or beverages in a dispensing area.
2621          (b) (i) A minor may be in a dispensing area if the minor is:
2622          (A) at least 16 years [of age] old and working as an employee of the full-service
2623     restaurant licensee; or
2624          (B) performing maintenance and cleaning services as an employee of the full-service
2625     restaurant licensee when the full-service restaurant licensee is not open for business.
2626          (ii) If there is no alternative route available, a minor may momentarily pass through a
2627     dispensing area without remaining or sitting in the dispensing area en route to an area of the
2628     full-service restaurant licensee's premises in which the minor is permitted to be.
2629          (10) Except as provided in Subsection 32B-5-307(3), a full-service restaurant licensee

2630     may dispense an alcoholic product only if:
2631          (a) the alcoholic product is dispensed from:
2632          (i) a dispensing structure that is located in a dispensing area;
2633          (ii) an area that is:
2634          (A) separated from an area for the consumption of food by a patron by a solid,
2635     translucent, permanent structural barrier such that the facilities for the dispensing of an
2636     alcoholic product are not readily visible to a patron and not accessible by a patron; and
2637          (B) apart from an area used for dining, for staging, or as a waiting area; or
2638          (iii) the premises of a bar licensee that is:
2639          (A) owned by the same person or persons as the full-service restaurant licensee; and
2640          (B) located immediately adjacent to the premises of the full-service restaurant licensee;
2641     and
2642          (b) any instrument or equipment used to dispense alcoholic product is located in an
2643     area described in Subsection (10)(a).
2644          (11) (a) A full-service restaurant licensee may have more than one dispensing area in
2645     the licensed premises.
2646          (b) Each dispensing area in a licensed premises may satisfy the requirements for a
2647     dispensing area under Subsection 32B-6-202(2)(a)(i), (ii), or (iii), regardless of how any other
2648     dispensing area in the licensed premises satisfies the requirements for a dispensing area.
2649          (12) A full-service restaurant licensee may not:
2650          (a) transfer, dispense, or serve an alcoholic product on or from a movable cart; or
2651          (b) display an alcoholic product or a product intended to appear like an alcoholic
2652     product by moving a cart or similar device around the licensed premises.
2653          (13) A full-service restaurant licensee may state in a food or alcoholic product menu a
2654     charge or fee made in connection with the sale, service, or consumption of liquor, including:
2655          (a) a set-up charge;
2656          (b) a service charge; or
2657          (c) a chilling fee.
2658          (14) (a) In addition to the requirements described in Section 32B-5-302, a full-service
2659     restaurant licensee shall maintain each of the following records for at least three years:
2660          (i) a record required by Section 32B-5-302; and

2661          (ii) a record that the commission requires a full-service restaurant licensee to use or
2662     maintain under a rule made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative
2663     Rulemaking Act.
2664          (b) The department shall audit the records of a full-service restaurant licensee at least
2665     once [each calendar year] annually.
2666          (15) A full-service restaurant licensee may lease to a patron of the full-service
2667     restaurant licensee a locked storage space:
2668          (a) that the commission considers proper for the storage of wine; and
2669          (b) for the storage of wine that:
2670          (i) the patron purchases from the full-service restaurant licensee; and
2671          (ii) only the full-service restaurant licensee or staff of the full-service restaurant
2672     licensee may remove from the locker for the patron's use in accordance with this title,
2673     including:
2674          (A) service and consumption on licensed premises as described in Section 32B-5-306;
2675     or
2676          (B) removal from the full-service retail licensee's licensed premises in accordance with
2677     Section 32B-5-307.
2678          (16) (a) In accordance with Section 32B-6-205.3, a full-service restaurant licensee:
2679          (i) may comply with the provisions of this section beginning on or after July 1, 2017;
2680     and
2681          (ii) shall comply with the provisions of this section:
2682          (A) for a full-service restaurant licensee that does not have a grandfathered bar
2683     structure, on and after July 1, 2018; or
2684          (B) for a full-service restaurant licensee that has a grandfathered bar structure, on and
2685     after July 1, 2022.
2686          (b) A full-service restaurant licensee that elects to comply with the provisions of this
2687     section before the latest applicable date described in Subsection (16)(a)(ii):
2688          (i) shall comply with each provision of this section; and
2689          (ii) is not required to comply with the provisions of Section 32B-6-205.
2690          Section 32. Section 32B-6-205.3 is amended to read:
2691          32B-6-205.3. Transition process for full-service restaurant licensees.

2692          (1) For a full-service restaurant license issued on or after July 1, 2017, the full-service
2693     restaurant licensee shall comply with the provisions of Section 32B-6-205.2.
2694          (2) For a full-service restaurant license issued before July 1, 2017, before the
2695     full-service restaurant licensee changes the full-service restaurant licensee's approved location
2696     for storage, dispensing, or consumption to comply with the provisions of Section 32B-6-205.2,
2697     the full-service restaurant licensee shall submit an application for approval to the department in
2698     accordance with Subsection 32B-5-303(3).
2699          (3) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (4), a person who holds a full-service
2700     restaurant license issued before July 1, 2017, shall comply with the provisions of Section
2701     32B-6-205.2 on or before July 1, 2018.
2702          (b) A full-service restaurant licensee described in Subsection (3)(a) that cannot comply
2703     with the provisions of Section 32B-6-205.2 without a change to the full-service restaurant
2704     licensee's approved location for storage, dispensing, or consumption:
2705          (i) may submit an application for approval described in Subsection (2) on or after May
2706     9, 2017; and
2707          (ii) shall submit an application for approval described in Subsection (2) on or before
2708     May 1, 2018.
2709          (c) If a full-service restaurant licensee described in Subsection (3)(a) submits an
2710     application for approval described in Subsection (2) on May 9, 2017, the department shall take
2711     action on the application on or before July 1, 2017.
2712          (4) (a) A person who holds a full-service restaurant license issued before July 1, 2017,
2713     and has a grandfathered bar structure shall comply with the provisions of Section 32B-6-205.2
2714     on or before the earlier of:
2715          (i) July 1, 2022;
2716          (ii) the date on which the full-service restaurant licensee remodels, as defined by
2717     commission rule made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative
2718     Rulemaking Act, the full-service restaurant licensee's grandfathered bar structure or dining
2719     area; or
2720          (iii) the date on which the full-service restaurant licensee experiences a change of
2721     ownership described in Subsection [32B-8a-202] 32B-18-202(1).
2722          (b) A full-service restaurant licensee described in Subsection (4)(a) that cannot comply

2723     with the provisions of Section 32B-6-205.2 without a change to the full-service restaurant
2724     licensee's approved location for storage, dispensing, or consumption:
2725          (i) may submit an application for approval described in Subsection (2) on or after May
2726     9, 2017; and
2727          (ii) shall submit an application for approval described in Subsection (2) on or before
2728     May 1, 2022.
2729          Section 33. Section 32B-6-305 is amended to read:
2730          32B-6-305. Specific operational requirements for a limited-service restaurant
2731     license -- Before July 1, 2018, or July 1, 2022.
2732          (1) (a) In addition to complying with Chapter 5, Part 3, Retail Licensee Operational
2733     Requirements, a limited-service restaurant licensee and staff of the limited-service restaurant
2734     licensee shall comply with this section.
2735          (b) Failure to comply as provided in Subsection (1)(a) may result in disciplinary action
2736     in accordance with Chapter 3, Disciplinary Actions and Enforcement Act, against:
2737          (i) a limited-service restaurant licensee;
2738          (ii) individual staff of a limited-service restaurant licensee; or
2739          (iii) both a limited-service restaurant licensee and staff of the limited-service restaurant
2740     licensee.
2741          (2) (a) A limited-service restaurant licensee on the licensed premises may not sell, offer
2742     for sale, furnish, or allow consumption of:
2743          (i) spirituous liquor; or
2744          (ii) a flavored malt beverage.
2745          (b) A product listed in Subsection (2)(a) may not be on the premises of a
2746     limited-service restaurant licensee except for use:
2747          (i) as a flavoring on a dessert; and
2748          (ii) in the preparation of a flaming food dish, drink, or dessert.
2749          (3) In addition to complying with Section 32B-5-303, a limited-service restaurant
2750     licensee shall store an alcoholic product in a storage area described in Subsection (11)(a).
2751          (4) (a) An individual who serves an alcoholic product in a limited-service restaurant
2752     licensee's premises shall make a written beverage tab for each table or group that orders or
2753     consumes an alcoholic product on the premises.

2754          (b) A beverage tab required by this Subsection (4) shall list the type and amount of an
2755     alcoholic product ordered or consumed.
2756          (5) A person's willingness to serve an alcoholic product may not be made a condition
2757     of employment as a server with a limited-service restaurant licensee.
2758          (6) (a) A limited-service restaurant licensee may sell, offer for sale, or furnish wine or
2759     heavy beer at the licensed premises during the following time periods only:
2760          (i) on a weekday, during the period that begins at 11:30 a.m. and ends at 11:59 p.m.; or
2761          (ii) on a weekend or a state or federal legal holiday or for a private event, during the
2762     period that begins at 10:30 a.m. and ends at 11:59 p.m.
2763          (b) A limited-service restaurant licensee may sell, offer for sale, or furnish beer at the
2764     licensed premises during the following time periods only:
2765          (i) on a weekday, during the period that beings at 11:30 a.m. and ends at 12:59 a.m.; or
2766          (ii) on a weekend or state or federal legal holiday or for a private event, during the
2767     period that begins at 10:30 a.m. and ends at 12:59 a.m.
2768          (7) (a) A limited-service restaurant licensee may not sell, offer for sale, or furnish an
2769     alcoholic product for on-premise consumption except after the limited-service restaurant
2770     licensee confirms that the patron has the intent to order food prepared, sold, and furnished at
2771     the licensed premises.
2772          (b) Notwithstanding Section 32B-5-307, a limited-service restaurant licensee may not
2773     sell, offer for sale, or furnish beer for off-premise consumption except after the patron
2774     consumes on the licensed premises food prepared, sold, and furnished at the licensed premises.
2775          [(b)] (c) A limited-service restaurant licensee shall maintain on the licensed premises
2776     adequate culinary facilities for food preparation and dining accommodations.
2777          (8) (a) Subject to the other provisions of this Subsection (8), a patron may not have
2778     more than two alcoholic products of any kind at a time before the patron.
2779          (b) An individual portion of wine is considered to be one alcoholic product under
2780     Subsection (8)(a).
2781          (9) A patron may consume an alcoholic product on the limited-service restaurant
2782     licensee's licensed premises only:
2783          (a) at:
2784          (i) the patron's table;

2785          (ii) a counter; or
2786          (iii) a seating grandfathered bar structure; and
2787          (b) where food is served.
2788          (10) (a) A limited-service restaurant licensee may not sell, offer for sale, or furnish an
2789     alcoholic product to a patron, and a patron may not consume an alcoholic product at a bar
2790     structure that is not a seating grandfathered bar structure.
2791          (b) At a seating grandfathered bar structure a patron who is 21 years [of age] old or
2792     older may:
2793          (i) sit;
2794          (ii) be furnished an alcoholic product; and
2795          (iii) consume an alcoholic product.
2796          (c) Except as provided in Subsection (10)(d), at a seating grandfathered bar structure a
2797     limited-service restaurant licensee may not permit a minor to, and a minor may not:
2798          (i) sit; or
2799          (ii) consume food or beverages.
2800          (d) (i) A minor may be at a seating grandfathered bar structure if the minor is employed
2801     by a limited-service restaurant licensee:
2802          (A) as provided in Subsection 32B-5-308(2); or
2803          (B) to perform maintenance and cleaning services during an hour when the
2804     limited-service restaurant licensee is not open for business.
2805          (ii) A minor may momentarily pass by a seating grandfathered bar structure without
2806     remaining or sitting at the bar structure en route to an area of a limited-service restaurant
2807     licensee's premises in which the minor is permitted to be.
2808          (11) Except as provided in Subsection 32B-5-307(3), a limited-service restaurant
2809     licensee may dispense an alcoholic product only if:
2810          (a) the alcoholic product is dispensed from:
2811          (i) a grandfathered bar structure;
2812          (ii) an area adjacent to a grandfathered bar structure that is visible to a patron sitting at
2813     the grandfathered bar structure if that area is used to dispense an alcoholic product as of May
2814     12, 2009; or
2815          (iii) an area that is:

2816          (A) separated from an area for the consumption of food by a patron by a solid,
2817     translucent, permanent structural barrier such that the facilities for the storage or dispensing of
2818     an alcoholic product are:
2819          (I) not readily visible to a patron; and
2820          (II) not accessible by a patron; and
2821          (B) apart from an area used:
2822          (I) for dining;
2823          (II) for staging; or
2824          (III) as a lobby or waiting area;
2825          (b) the limited-service restaurant licensee uses an alcoholic product that is:
2826          (i) stored in an area described in Subsection (11)(a); or
2827          (ii) in an area not described in Subsection (11)(a) on the licensed premises and:
2828          (A) immediately before the alcoholic product is dispensed it is in an unopened
2829     container;
2830          (B) the unopened container is taken to an area described in Subsection (11)(a) before it
2831     is opened; and
2832          (C) once opened, the container is stored in an area described in Subsection (11)(a); and
2833          (c) any instrument or equipment used to dispense alcoholic product is located in an
2834     area described in Subsection (11)(a).
2835          (12) A limited-service restaurant licensee may state in a food or alcoholic product
2836     menu a charge or fee made in connection with the sale, service, or consumption of wine or
2837     heavy beer including:
2838          (a) a set-up charge;
2839          (b) a service charge; or
2840          (c) a chilling fee.
2841          (13) Beginning on July 1, 2018, a minor may not sit, remain, or consume food or
2842     beverages within 10 feet of a grandfathered bar structure, unless:
2843          (a) seating within 10 feet of the grandfathered bar structure is the only seating available
2844     in the licensed premises; and
2845          (b) the minor is accompanied by an individual who is 21 years [of age] old or older.
2846          (14) Except as provided in Subsection 32B-6-305.2(15) and Section 32B-6-305.3, the

2847     provisions of this section apply before July 1, 2018.
2848          Section 34. Section 32B-6-305.2 is amended to read:
2849          32B-6-305.2. Specific operational requirements for a limited-service restaurant
2850     license -- On and after July 1, 2018, or July 1, 2022.
2851          (1) (a) In addition to complying with Chapter 5, Part 3, Retail Licensee Operational
2852     Requirements, a limited-service restaurant licensee and staff of the limited-service restaurant
2853     licensee shall comply with this section.
2854          (b) Failure to comply with Subsection (1)(a) may result in disciplinary action in
2855     accordance with Chapter 3, Disciplinary Actions and Enforcement Act, against:
2856          (i) a limited-service restaurant licensee;
2857          (ii) individual staff of a limited-service restaurant licensee; or
2858          (iii) both a limited-service restaurant licensee and staff of the limited-service restaurant
2859     licensee.
2860          (2) (a) An individual who serves an alcoholic product in a limited-service restaurant
2861     licensee's premises shall make a beverage tab for each table or group that orders or consumes
2862     an alcoholic product on the premises.
2863          (b) A beverage tab described in this Subsection (2) shall state the type and amount of
2864     each alcoholic product ordered or consumed.
2865          (3) A limited-service restaurant licensee may not make an individual's willingness to
2866     serve an alcoholic product a condition of employment with a limited-service restaurant
2867     licensee.
2868          (4) (a) A limited-service restaurant licensee may sell, offer for sale, or furnish wine or
2869     heavy beer at the licensed premises during the following time periods only:
2870          (i) on a weekday, during the period that begins at 11:30 a.m. and ends at 11:59 p.m.; or
2871          (ii) on a weekend or a state or federal legal holiday or for a private event, during the
2872     period that begins at 10:30 a.m. and ends at 11:59 p.m.
2873          (b) A limited-service restaurant licensee may sell, offer for sale, or furnish beer at the
2874     licensed premises during the following time periods only:
2875          (i) on a weekday, during the period that begins at 11:30 a.m. and ends at 12:59 a.m.; or
2876          (ii) on a weekend or a state or federal legal holiday or for a private event, during the
2877     period that begins at 10:30 a.m. and ends at 12:59 a.m.

2878          (5) (a) A limited-service restaurant licensee may not furnish an alcoholic product for
2879     on-premise consumption except after:
2880          (i) the patron to whom the limited-service restaurant licensee furnishes the alcoholic
2881     product is seated at:
2882          (A) a table that is located in a dining area or a dispensing area;
2883          (B) a counter that is located in a dining area or a dispensing area; or
2884          (C) a dispensing structure that is located in a dispensing area; and
2885          (ii) the limited-service restaurant licensee confirms that the patron intends to:
2886          (A) order food prepared, sold, and furnished at the licensed premises; and
2887          (B) except as provided in Subsection (5)(b), consume the food at the same location
2888     where the patron is seated and furnished the alcoholic product.
2889          (b) (i) While a patron waits for a seat at a table or counter in the dining area of a
2890     limited-service restaurant licensee, the limited-service restaurant licensee may sell, offer for
2891     sale, or furnish to the patron one drink that contains a single portion of an alcoholic product as
2892     described in Section 32B-5-304 if:
2893          (A) the patron is in a dispensing area and seated at a table, counter, or dispensing
2894     structure; and
2895          (B) the limited-service restaurant licensee first confirms that after the patron is seated
2896     in the dining area, the patron intends to order food prepared, sold, and furnished at the licensed
2897     premises.
2898          (ii) If the patron does not finish the patron's alcoholic product before moving to a seat
2899     in the dining area, an employee of the limited-service restaurant licensee who is qualified to
2900     sell and serve an alcoholic product under Section 32B-5-306 shall transport any unfinished
2901     portion of the patron's alcoholic product to the patron's seat in the dining area.
2902          (iii) For purposes of Subsection (5)(b)(i) a single portion of wine is 5 ounces or less.
2903          (c) Notwithstanding Section 32B-5-307, a limited-service restaurant licensee may not
2904     furnish beer for off-premise consumption except after the patron consumes on the licensed
2905     premises food prepared, sold, and furnished at the licensed premises.
2906          [(c)] (d) A limited-service restaurant licensee shall maintain on the licensed premises
2907     adequate culinary facilities for food preparation and dining accommodations.
2908          (6) A patron may consume an alcoholic product on the limited-service restaurant

2909     licensee's licensed premises only if the patron is seated at:
2910          (a) a table that is located in a dining area or a dispensing area;
2911          (b) a counter that is located in a dining area or a dispensing area; or
2912          (c) a dispensing structure located in a dispensing area.
2913          (7) (a) Subject to the other provisions of this Subsection (7), a patron may not have
2914     more than two alcoholic products of any kind at a time before the patron.
2915          (b) An individual portion of wine is considered to be one alcoholic product under
2916     Subsection (7)(a).
2917          (8) In accordance with the provisions of this section, an individual who is at least 21
2918     years [of age] old may consume food and beverages in a dispensing area.
2919          (9) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (9)(b), a minor may not sit, remain, or
2920     consume food or beverages in a dispensing area.
2921          (b) (i) A minor may be in a dispensing area if the minor is:
2922          (A) at least 16 years [of age] old and working as an employee of the limited-service
2923     restaurant licensee; or
2924          (B) performing maintenance and cleaning services as an employee of the
2925     limited-service restaurant licensee when the limited-service restaurant licensee is not open for
2926     business.
2927          (ii) If there is no alternative route available, a minor may momentarily pass through a
2928     dispensing area without remaining or sitting in the dispensing area en route to an area of the
2929     limited-service restaurant licensee's premises in which the minor is permitted to be.
2930          (10) Except as provided in Subsection 32B-5-307(3), a limited-service restaurant
2931     licensee may dispense an alcoholic product only if:
2932          (a) the alcoholic product is dispensed from:
2933          (i) a dispensing structure that is located in a dispensing area;
2934          (ii) an area that is:
2935          (A) separated from an area for the consumption of food by a patron by a solid,
2936     translucent, permanent structural barrier such that the facilities for the dispensing of an
2937     alcoholic product are not readily visible to a patron and not accessible by a patron; and
2938          (B) apart from an area used for dining, for staging, or as a waiting area; or
2939          (iii) the premises of a bar licensee that is:

2940          (A) owned by the same person or persons as the limited-service restaurant licensee; and
2941          (B) located immediately adjacent to the premises of the limited-service restaurant
2942     licensee; and
2943          (b) any instrument or equipment used to dispense alcoholic product is located in an
2944     area described in Subsection (10)(a).
2945          (11) (a) A limited-service restaurant licensee may have more than one dispensing area
2946     in the licensed premises.
2947          (b) Each dispensing area in a licensed premises may satisfy the requirements for a
2948     dispensing area under Subsection 32B-6-202(2)(a)(i), (ii), or (iii), regardless of how any other
2949     dispensing area in the licensed premises satisfies the requirements for a dispensing area.
2950          (12) A limited-service restaurant licensee may not:
2951          (a) transfer, dispense, or serve an alcoholic product on or from a movable cart; or
2952          (b) display an alcoholic product or a product intended to appear like an alcoholic
2953     product by moving a cart or similar device around the licensed premises.
2954          (13) A limited-service restaurant licensee may state in a food or alcoholic product
2955     menu a charge or fee made in connection with the sale, service, or consumption of wine or
2956     heavy beer, including:
2957          (a) a set-up charge;
2958          (b) a service charge; or
2959          (c) a chilling fee.
2960          (14) (a) In addition to the requirements described in Section 32B-5-302, a
2961     limited-service restaurant licensee shall maintain each of the following records for at least three
2962     years:
2963          (i) a record required by Section 32B-5-302; and
2964          (ii) a record that the commission requires a limited-service restaurant licensee to use or
2965     maintain under a rule made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative
2966     Rulemaking Act.
2967          (b) The department shall audit the records of a limited-service restaurant licensee at
2968     least once each calendar year.
2969          (15) (a) In accordance with Section 32B-6-305.3, a limited-service restaurant licensee:
2970          (i) may comply with the provisions of this section beginning on or after July 1, 2017;

2971     and
2972          (ii) shall comply with the provisions of this section:
2973          (A) for a limited-service restaurant licensee that does not have a grandfathered bar
2974     structure, on and after July 1, 2018; or
2975          (B) for a limited-service restaurant licensee that has a grandfathered bar structure, on
2976     and after July 1, 2022.
2977          (b) A limited-service restaurant licensee that elects to comply with the provisions of
2978     this section before the latest applicable date described in Subsection (15)(a)(ii):
2979          (i) shall comply with each provision of this section; and
2980          (ii) is not required to comply with the provisions of Section 32B-6-305.
2981          Section 35. Section 32B-6-305.3 is amended to read:
2982          32B-6-305.3. Transition process for limited-service restaurant licensees.
2983          (1) For a limited-service restaurant license issued on or after July 1, 2017, the
2984     limited-service restaurant licensee shall comply with the provisions of Section 32B-6-305.2.
2985          (2) For a limited-service restaurant license issued before July 1, 2017, before the
2986     limited-service restaurant licensee changes the limited-service restaurant licensee's approved
2987     location for storage, dispensing, or consumption to comply with the provisions of Section
2988     32B-6-305.2, the limited-service restaurant licensee shall submit an application for approval to
2989     the department in accordance with Subsection 32B-5-303(3).
2990          (3) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (4), a person who holds a limited-service
2991     restaurant license issued before July 1, 2017, shall comply with the provisions of Section
2992     32B-6-305.2 on or before July 1, 2018.
2993          (b) A limited-service restaurant licensee described in Subsection (3)(a) that cannot
2994     comply with the provisions of Section 32B-6-305.2 without a change to the limited-service
2995     restaurant licensee's approved location for storage, dispensing, or consumption:
2996          (i) may submit an application for approval described in Subsection (2) on or after May
2997     9, 2017; and
2998          (ii) shall submit an application for approval described in Subsection (2) on or before
2999     May 1, 2018.
3000          (c) If a limited-service restaurant licensee described in Subsection (3)(a) submits an
3001     application for approval described in Subsection (2) on May 9, 2017, the department shall take

3002     action on the application on or before July 1, 2017.
3003          (4) (a) A person who holds a limited-service restaurant license issued before July 1,
3004     2017, and has a grandfathered bar structure shall comply with the provisions of Section
3005     32B-6-305.2 on or before the earlier of:
3006          (i) July 1, 2022;
3007          (ii) the date on which the limited-service restaurant licensee remodels, as defined by
3008     commission rule made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative
3009     Rulemaking Act, the limited-service restaurant licensee's grandfathered bar structure or dining
3010     area; or
3011          (iii) the date on which the limited-service restaurant licensee experiences a change of
3012     ownership described in Subsection [32B-8a-202] 32B-18-202(1).
3013          (b) A limited-service restaurant licensee described in Subsection (4)(a) that cannot
3014     comply with the provisions of Section 32B-6-305.2 without a change to the limited-service
3015     restaurant licensee's approved location for storage, dispensing, or consumption:
3016          (i) may submit an application for approval described in Subsection (2) on or after May
3017     9, 2017; and
3018          (ii) shall submit an application for approval described in Subsection (2) on or before
3019     May 1, 2022.
3020          Section 36. Section 32B-6-404.1 is amended to read:
3021          32B-6-404.1. Transition from dining club license to full-service restaurant license.
3022          (1) As used in this section:
3023          (a) "Converted full-service restaurant licensee" means a dining club licensee that
3024     converts to a full-service restaurant licensee on or before July 1, 2018, in accordance with
3025     Subsection 32B-6-404(7).
3026          (b) "Grandfathered bar structure" means the same as that term is defined in Section
3027     32B-6-202.
3028          (2) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(c) and subject to the provisions of this
3029     section, a converted full-service restaurant licensee shall operate under the provisions that
3030     govern a full-service restaurant licensee that has a grandfathered bar structure.
3031          (b) For purposes of applying the provisions that govern a full-service restaurant
3032     licensee with a grandfathered bar structure, a converted full-service restaurant licensee's bar

3033     structure is considered a grandfathered bar structure.
3034          (c) The provisions of Section 32B-6-205.3 do not apply to a converted full-service
3035     restaurant licensee.
3036          (3) (a) A converted full-service restaurant licensee shall comply with the provisions of
3037     Section 32B-6-205.2 on or before the earlier of:
3038          (i) July 1, 2022;
3039          (ii) the date on which the converted full-service restaurant licensee remodels, as
3040     defined by commission rule made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah
3041     Administrative Rulemaking Act, the converted full-service restaurant licensee's bar structure or
3042     dining area; or
3043          (iii) the date on which the converted full-service restaurant licensee experiences a
3044     change of ownership described in Subsection [32B-8a-202] 32B-18-202(1).
3045          (b) Before a converted full-service restaurant licensee changes the converted
3046     full-service restaurant licensee's approved location for storage, dispensing, or consumption to
3047     comply with the provisions of Section 32B-6-205.2, the converted full-service restaurant
3048     licensee shall submit an application for approval to the department in accordance with
3049     Subsection 32B-5-303(3).
3050          (c) A converted full-service restaurant licensee that cannot comply with the provisions
3051     of Section 32B-6-205.2 without a change to the converted full-service restaurant licensee's
3052     approved location for storage, dispensing, or consumption shall submit an application for
3053     approval described in Subsection (3)(b) on or before May 1, 2022.
3054          (4) (a) Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, a converted full-service
3055     restaurant licensee shall maintain at least the following percentage of the converted full-service
3056     restaurant licensee's total restaurant business from the sale of food:
3057          (i) beginning the day on which the licensee becomes a converted full-service restaurant
3058     licensee, and ending June 30, 2019, 64%;
3059          (ii) beginning July 1, 2019, and ending June 30, 2020, 68%; and
3060          (iii) on and after July 1, 2021, 70%.
3061          (b) For purposes of Subsection (4)(a), a converted full-service restaurant licensee's
3062     restaurant business from the sale of food does not include:
3063          (i) mix for an alcoholic product; or

3064          (ii) a service charge.
3065          Section 37. Section 32B-6-605 is amended to read:
3066          32B-6-605. Specific operational requirements for on-premise banquet license.
3067          (1) (a) In addition to complying with Chapter 5, Part 3, Retail Licensee Operational
3068     Requirements, an on-premise banquet licensee and staff of the on-premise banquet licensee
3069     shall comply with this section.
3070          (b) Failure to comply as provided in Subsection (1)(a) may result in disciplinary action
3071     in accordance with Chapter 3, Disciplinary Actions and Enforcement Act, against:
3072          (i) an on-premise banquet licensee;
3073          (ii) individual staff of an on-premise banquet licensee; or
3074          (iii) both an on-premise banquet licensee and staff of the on-premise banquet licensee.
3075          (2) An on-premise banquet licensee shall comply with Subsections 32B-5-301(4) and
3076     (5) for the entire premises of the hotel, resort facility, sports center, convention center, [or]
3077     performing arts facility, or arena that is the basis for the on-premise banquet license.
3078          (3) (a) For the purpose described in Subsection (3)(b), an on-premise banquet licensee
3079     shall provide the department with advance notice of a scheduled banquet in accordance with
3080     rules made by the commission.
3081          (b) Any of the following may conduct a random inspection of a banquet:
3082          (i) an authorized representative of the commission or the department; or
3083          (ii) a law enforcement officer.
3084          (4) (a) An on-premise banquet licensee is not subject to Section 32B-5-302, but shall
3085     make and maintain the records the commission or department requires.
3086          (b) Section 32B-1-205 applies to a record required to be made or maintained in
3087     accordance with this Subsection (4).
3088          (5) (a) Except as otherwise provided in this title, an on-premise banquet licensee may
3089     sell, offer for sale, or furnish an alcoholic product at a banquet only for consumption at the
3090     location of the banquet.
3091          (b) Except as provided in Subsection 32B-5-307(4), a host of a banquet, a patron, or a
3092     person other than the on-premise banquet licensee or staff of the on-premise banquet licensee,
3093     may not remove an alcoholic product from the premises of the banquet.
3094          (c) Notwithstanding [Subsection 32B-5-307(3)] Subsections 32B-5-307(3) and (5) and

3095     except as provided in Subsection 32B-5-307(4), a patron at a banquet may not bring an
3096     alcoholic product into or onto, or remove an alcoholic product from, the premises of a banquet.
3097          (6) (a) An on-premise banquet licensee may not leave an unsold alcoholic product at
3098     the banquet following the conclusion of the banquet.
3099          (b) At the conclusion of a banquet, an on-premise banquet licensee shall:
3100          (i) destroy an opened and unused alcoholic product that is not saleable, under
3101     conditions established by the department; and
3102          (ii) return to the on-premise banquet licensee's approved locked storage area any:
3103          (A) opened and unused alcoholic product that is saleable; and
3104          (B) unopened container of an alcoholic product.
3105          (c) Except as provided in Subsection (6)(b) with regard to an open or sealed container
3106     of an alcoholic product not sold or consumed at a banquet, an on-premise banquet licensee:
3107          (i) shall store the alcoholic product in the on-premise banquet licensee's approved
3108     locked storage area; and
3109          (ii) may use the alcoholic product at more than one banquet.
3110          (7) Notwithstanding Section 32B-5-308, an on-premise banquet licensee may not
3111     employ a minor to sell, furnish, or dispense an alcoholic product in connection with the
3112     on-premise banquet licensee's banquet and room service activities.
3113          (8) An on-premise banquet licensee:
3114          (a) may provide room service in portions described in Section 32B-5-304;
3115          (b) may not sell, offer for sale, or furnish an alcoholic product at a banquet or in
3116     connection with room service any day during a period that:
3117          (i) begins at 1 a.m.; and
3118          (ii) ends at 9:59 a.m.; and
3119          (c) notwithstanding Section 32B-5-305, may provide as room service one alcoholic
3120     product free of charge per guest reservation, per guest room, if the alcoholic product:
3121          (i) is not a spirituous liquor; and
3122          (ii) is in an unopened container not to exceed 750 milliliters.
3123          (9) (a) Subject to the other provisions of this Subsection (9), a patron may not have
3124     more than two alcoholic products of any kind at a time before the patron.
3125          (b) A patron may not have more than one spirituous liquor drink at a time before the

3126     patron.
3127          (c) An individual portion of wine is considered to be one alcoholic product under
3128     Subsection (9)(a).
3129          (10) (a) An on-premise banquet licensee shall supervise and direct a person involved in
3130     the sale, offer for sale, or furnishing of an alcoholic product.
3131          (b) A person involved in the sale, offer for sale, or furnishing of an alcoholic product
3132     shall complete an alcohol training and education seminar.
3133          (11) A staff person of an on-premise banquet licensee shall remain at the banquet at all
3134     times when an alcoholic product is sold, offered for sale, furnished, or consumed at the
3135     banquet.
3136          (12) (a) Room service of an alcoholic product to a guest room or privately owned
3137     dwelling unit of a hotel or resort facility shall be provided in person by staff of an on-premise
3138     banquet licensee only to an adult guest in the guest room or privately owned dwelling unit.
3139          (b) An alcoholic product may not be left outside a guest room or privately owned
3140     dwelling unit for retrieval by a guest or resident.
3141          (13) An on-premise banquet licensee may not maintain a minibar.
3142          Section 38. Section 32B-6-706 is amended to read:
3143          32B-6-706. Specific operational requirements for on-premise beer retailer license.
3144          (1) (a) In addition to complying with Chapter 5, Part 3, Retail Licensee Operational
3145     Requirements, an on-premise beer retailer and staff of the on-premise beer retailer shall comply
3146     with this section.
3147          (b) Failure to comply as provided in Subsection (1)(a) may result in disciplinary action
3148     in accordance with Chapter 3, Disciplinary Actions and Enforcement Act, against:
3149          (i) an on-premise beer retailer;
3150          (ii) individual staff of an on-premise beer retailer; or
3151          (iii) both an on-premise beer retailer and staff of the on-premise beer retailer.
3152          (2) (a) An on-premise beer retailer is not subject to Section 32B-5-302, but shall make
3153     and maintain the records the department requires.
3154          (b) Section 32B-1-205 applies to a record required to be made or maintained in
3155     accordance with this Subsection (2).
3156          (3) Notwithstanding Section 32B-5-303, an on-premise beer retailer may not store or

3157     sell liquor on its licensed premises.
3158          [(4) Beer sold in a sealed container by an on-premise beer retailer may be removed
3159     from the on-premise beer retailer premises in the sealed container.]
3160          [(5)] (4) (a) An on-premise beer retailer may not sell, offer for sale, or furnish beer at
3161     [its] the on-premise beer retailer's licensed premises during a period that:
3162          (i) begins at 1 a.m.; and
3163          (ii) ends at 9:59 a.m.
3164          (b) (i) Notwithstanding Subsection [(5)] (4)(a), a tavern shall remain open for one hour
3165     after the tavern ceases the sale and furnishing of beer during which time a patron of the tavern
3166     may finish consuming a single serving of beer not exceeding 26 ounces.
3167          (ii) A tavern is not required to remain open:
3168          (A) after all patrons have vacated the premises; or
3169          (B) during an emergency.
3170          [(6)] (5) Notwithstanding Section 32B-5-308, a minor may not be on the premises of a
3171     tavern.
3172          [(7)] (6) (a) (i) An on-premise beer retailer may not purchase, acquire, possess for the
3173     purpose of resale, or sell beer except beer that the on-premise beer retailer lawfully purchases
3174     from:
3175          (A) a beer wholesaler licensee; or
3176          (B) a small brewer that manufactures the beer.
3177          (ii) Violation of Subsection [(7)] (6)(a)(i) is a class A misdemeanor.
3178          (b) (i) If an on-premise beer retailer purchases beer under this Subsection [(7)] (6) from
3179     a beer wholesaler licensee, the on-premise beer retailer shall purchase beer only from a beer
3180     wholesaler licensee who is designated by the manufacturer to sell beer in the geographical area
3181     in which the on-premise beer retailer is located, unless an alternate wholesaler is authorized by
3182     the department to sell to the on-premise beer retailer as provided in Section 32B-13-301.
3183          (ii) Violation of Subsection [(7)] (6)(b)(i) is a class B misdemeanor.
3184          [(8)] (7) A tavern shall comply with Section 32B-1-407.
3185          Section 39. Section 32B-6-905 is amended to read:
3186          32B-6-905. Specific operational requirements for a beer-only restaurant license --
3187     Before July 1, 2018, or July 1, 2022.

3188          (1) (a) In addition to complying with Chapter 5, Part 3, Retail Licensee Operational
3189     Requirements, a beer-only restaurant licensee and staff of the beer-only restaurant licensee
3190     shall comply with this section.
3191          (b) Failure to comply as provided in Subsection (1)(a) may result in disciplinary action
3192     in accordance with Chapter 3, Disciplinary Actions and Enforcement Act, against:
3193          (i) a beer-only restaurant licensee;
3194          (ii) individual staff of a beer-only restaurant licensee; or
3195          (iii) both a beer-only restaurant licensee and staff of the beer-only restaurant licensee.
3196          (2) (a) A beer-only restaurant licensee on the licensed premises may not sell, offer for
3197     sale, furnish, or allow consumption of liquor.
3198          (b) Liquor may not be on the premises of a beer-only restaurant licensee except for use:
3199          (i) as a flavoring on a dessert; and
3200          (ii) in the preparation of a flaming food dish, drink, or dessert.
3201          (3) In addition to complying with Section 32B-5-303, a beer-only restaurant licensee
3202     shall store beer in a storage area described in Subsection (11)(a).
3203          (4) (a) An individual who serves beer in a beer-only restaurant licensee's premises shall
3204     make a written beverage tab for each table or group that orders or consumes an alcoholic
3205     product on the premises.
3206          (b) A beverage tab required by this Subsection (4) shall list the type and amount of
3207     beer ordered or consumed.
3208          (5) A person's willingness to serve beer may not be made a condition of employment as
3209     a server with a beer-only restaurant licensee.
3210          (6) A beer-only restaurant licensee may sell, offer for sale, or furnish beer at the
3211     licensed premises during the following time periods only:
3212          (a) on a weekday, during the period that begins at 11:30 a.m. and ends at 12:59 a.m.; or
3213          (b) on a weekend or a state or federal legal holiday or for a private event, during the
3214     period that begins at 10:30 a.m. and ends at 12:59 a.m.
3215          (7) (a) A beer-only restaurant may not sell, offer for sale, or furnish beer for on-premise
3216     consumption except after the beer-only restaurant licensee confirms that the patron has the
3217     intent to order food prepared, sold, and furnished at the licensed premises.
3218          (b) Notwithstanding Section 32B-5-307, a beer-only restaurant licensee may not sell,

3219     offer for sale, or furnish beer for off-premise consumption except after the patron consumes on
3220     the licensed premises food prepared, sold, and furnished at the licensed premises.
3221          [(b)] (c) A beer-only restaurant shall maintain on the licensed premises adequate
3222     culinary facilities for food preparation and dining accommodations.
3223          (8) A patron may not have more than two beers at a time before the patron.
3224          (9) A patron may consume a beer on the beer-only restaurant licensee's licensed
3225     premises only:
3226          (a) at:
3227          (i) the patron's table;
3228          (ii) a grandfathered bar structure; or
3229          (iii) a counter; and
3230          (b) where food is served.
3231          (10) (a) A beer-only restaurant licensee may not sell, offer for sale, or furnish a beer to
3232     a patron, and a patron may not consume an alcoholic product at a bar structure.
3233          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (10)(a), at a grandfathered bar structure, a patron who
3234     is 21 years [of age] old or older may:
3235          (i) sit;
3236          (ii) be furnished a beer; and
3237          (iii) consume a beer.
3238          (c) Except as provided in Subsection (10)(d), at a grandfathered bar structure, a
3239     beer-only restaurant licensee may not permit a minor to, and a minor may not:
3240          (i) sit; or
3241          (ii) consume food or beverages.
3242          (d) (i) A minor may be at a grandfathered bar structure if the minor is employed by a
3243     beer-only restaurant licensee:
3244          (A) as provided in Subsection 32B-5-308(2); or
3245          (B) to perform maintenance and cleaning services during an hour when the beer-only
3246     restaurant licensee is not open for business.
3247          (ii) A minor may momentarily pass by a grandfathered bar structure without remaining
3248     or sitting at the bar structure en route to an area of a beer-only restaurant licensee's premises in
3249     which the minor is permitted to be.

3250          (11) A beer-only restaurant licensee may dispense a beer only if:
3251          (a) the beer is dispensed from an area that is:
3252          (i) a grandfathered bar structure; or
3253          (ii) separated from an area for the consumption of food by a patron by a solid,
3254     translucent, permanent structural barrier such that the facilities for the storage or dispensing of
3255     an alcoholic product are not readily visible to a patron, not accessible by a patron, and apart
3256     from an area used for dining, for staging, or as a lobby or waiting area;
3257          (b) the beer-only restaurant licensee uses a beer that is:
3258          (i) stored in an area described in Subsection (11)(a); or
3259          (ii) in an area not described in Subsection (11)(a) on the licensed premises and:
3260          (A) immediately before the beer is dispensed it is in an unopened container;
3261          (B) the unopened container is taken to an area described in Subsection (11)(a) before it
3262     is opened; and
3263          (C) once opened, the container is stored in an area described in Subsection (11)(a) ; and
3264          (c) any instrument or equipment used to dispense the beer is located in an area
3265     described in Subsection (11)(a).
3266          (12) Beginning on July 1, 2018, a minor may not sit, remain, or consume food or
3267     beverages within 10 feet of a grandfathered bar structure, unless:
3268          (a) seating within 10 feet of the grandfathered bar structure is the only seating available
3269     in the licensed premises; and
3270          (b) the minor is accompanied by an individual who is 21 years [of age] old or older.
3271          (13) Except as provided in Subsection 32B-6-905.1(15) and Section 32B-6-905.2, the
3272     provisions of this section apply before July 1, 2018.
3273          Section 40. Section 32B-6-905.1 is amended to read:
3274          32B-6-905.1. Specific operational requirements for a beer-only restaurant license
3275     -- On and after July 1, 2018, or July 1, 2022.
3276          (1) (a) In addition to complying with Chapter 5, Part 3, Retail Licensee Operational
3277     Requirements, a beer-only restaurant licensee and staff of the beer-only restaurant licensee
3278     shall comply with this section.
3279          (b) Failure to comply with Subsection (1)(a) may result in disciplinary action in
3280     accordance with Chapter 3, Disciplinary Actions and Enforcement Act, against:

3281          (i) a beer-only restaurant licensee;
3282          (ii) individual staff of a beer-only restaurant licensee; or
3283          (iii) both a beer-only restaurant licensee and staff of the beer-only restaurant licensee.
3284          (2) (a) A beer-only restaurant licensee on the licensed premises may not sell, offer for
3285     sale, furnish, or allow consumption of liquor.
3286          (b) Liquor may not be on the premises of a beer-only restaurant licensee except for use:
3287          (i) as a flavoring on a dessert; or
3288          (ii) in the preparation of a flaming food dish, drink, or dessert.
3289          (3) (a) An individual who serves beer in a beer-only restaurant licensee's premises shall
3290     make a beverage tab for each table or group that orders or consumes beer on the premises.
3291          (b) A beverage tab described in this Subsection (3) shall state the type and amount of
3292     each beer ordered or consumed.
3293          (4) A beer-only restaurant licensee may not make an individual's willingness to serve
3294     beer a condition of employment as a server with a beer-only restaurant licensee.
3295          (5) A beer-only restaurant licensee may sell, offer for sale, or furnish beer at the
3296     licensed premises during the following time periods only:
3297          (a) on a weekday, during the period that begins at 11:30 a.m. and ends at 12:59 a.m.; or
3298          (b) on a weekend or a state or federal legal holiday or for a private event, during the
3299     period that begins at 10:30 a.m. and ends at 12:59 a.m.
3300          (6) (a) A beer-only restaurant licensee may not furnish beer for on-premise
3301     consumption except after:
3302          (i) the patron to whom the beer-only restaurant licensee furnishes the beer is seated at:
3303          (A) a table that is located in a dining area or a dispensing area;
3304          (B) a counter that is located in a dining area or a dispensing area; or
3305          (C) a dispensing structure that is located in a dispensing area; and
3306          (ii) the beer-only restaurant licensee confirms that the patron intends to:
3307          (A) order food prepared, sold, and furnished at the licensed premises; and
3308          (B) except as provided in Subsection (6)(b), consume the food at the same location
3309     where the patron is seated and furnished the beer.
3310          (b) (i) While a patron waits for a seat at a table or counter in the dining area of a
3311     beer-only restaurant licensee, the beer-only restaurant licensee may sell, offer for sale, or

3312     furnish to the patron one portion of beer as described in Section 32B-5-304 if:
3313          (A) the patron is in a dispensing area and seated at a table, counter, or dispensing
3314     structure; and
3315          (B) the beer-only restaurant licensee first confirms that after the patron is seated in the
3316     dining area, the patron intends to order food prepared, sold, and furnished at the licensed
3317     premises.
3318          (ii) If the patron does not finish the patron's beer before moving to a seat in the dining
3319     area, an employee of the beer-only restaurant licensee who is qualified to sell and serve an
3320     alcoholic product under Section 32B-5-306 shall transport any unfinished portion of the
3321     patron's beer to the patron's seat in the dining area.
3322          (c) Notwithstanding Section 32B-5-307, a beer-only restaurant licensee may not
3323     furnish beer for off-premise consumption except after the patron consumes on the licensed
3324     premises food prepared, sold, and furnished at the licensed premises.
3325          [(c)] (d) A beer-only restaurant licensee shall maintain on the licensed premises
3326     adequate culinary facilities for food preparation and dining accommodations.
3327          (7) A patron may consume a beer on the beer-only licensee's licensed premises only at:
3328          (a) a table that is located in a dining area or a dispensing area;
3329          (b) a counter that is located in a dining area or a dispensing area; or
3330          (c) a dispensing structure located in a dispensing area.
3331          (8) A patron may not have more than two beers at a time before the patron.
3332          (9) In accordance with the provisions of this section, an individual who is at least 21
3333     years [of age] old may consume food and beverages in a dispensing area.
3334          (10) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (10)(b), a minor may not sit, remain, or
3335     consume food or beverages in a dispensing area.
3336          (b) (i) A minor may be in a dispensing area if the minor is:
3337          (A) at least 16 years [of age] old and working as an employee of the beer-only
3338     restaurant licensee; or
3339          (B) performing maintenance and cleaning services as an employee of the beer-only
3340     restaurant licensee when the beer-only restaurant licensee is not open for business.
3341          (ii) If there is no alternative route available, a minor may momentarily pass through a
3342     dispensing area without remaining or sitting in the dispensing area en route to an area of the

3343     beer-only restaurant licensee's premises in which the minor is permitted to be.
3344          (11) A beer-only restaurant licensee may dispense a beer only if:
3345          (a) the beer is dispensed from:
3346          (i) a dispensing structure that is located in a dispensing area;
3347          (ii) an area that is:
3348          (A) separated from an area for the consumption of food by a patron by a solid,
3349     translucent, permanent structural barrier such that the facilities for the dispensing of an
3350     alcoholic product are not readily visible to a patron and not accessible by a patron; and
3351          (B) apart from an area used for dining, for staging, or as a waiting area; or
3352          (iii) the premises of a bar licensee that is:
3353          (A) owned by the same person or persons as the beer-only restaurant licensee; and
3354          (B) located immediately adjacent to the premises of the beer-only restaurant licensee;
3355     and
3356          (b) any instrument or equipment used to dispense the beer is located in an area
3357     described in Subsection (11)(a).
3358          (12) (a) A beer-only restaurant licensee may have more than one dispensing area in the
3359     licensed premises.
3360          (b) Each dispensing area in a licensed premises may satisfy the requirements for a
3361     dispensing area under Subsection 32B-6-902(1)(b)(i)(A), (B), or (C), regardless of how any
3362     other dispensing area in the licensed premises satisfies the requirements for a dispensing area.
3363          (13) A beer-only restaurant licensee may not transfer, dispense, or serve beer on or
3364     from a movable cart.
3365          (14) (a) In addition to the requirements described in Section 32B-5-302, a beer-only
3366     restaurant licensee shall maintain each of the following records for at least three years:
3367          (i) a record required by Section 32B-5-302; and
3368          (ii) a record that the commission requires a beer-only restaurant licensee to use or
3369     maintain under a rule made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative
3370     Rulemaking Act.
3371          (b) The department shall audit the records of a beer-only restaurant licensee at least
3372     once [each calendar year] annually.
3373          (15) (a) In accordance with Section 32B-6-905.2, a beer-only restaurant licensee:

3374          (i) may comply with the provisions of this section beginning on or after July 1, 2017;
3375     and
3376          (ii) shall comply with the provisions of this section:
3377          (A) for a beer-only restaurant licensee that does not have a grandfathered bar structure,
3378     on and after July 1, 2018; or
3379          (B) for a beer-only restaurant licensee that has a grandfathered bar structure, on and
3380     after July 1, 2022.
3381          (b) A beer-only restaurant licensee that elects to comply with the provisions of this
3382     section before the latest applicable date described in Subsection (15)(a)(ii):
3383          (i) shall comply with each provision of this section; and
3384          (ii) is not required to comply with the provisions of Section 32B-6-905.
3385          Section 41. Section 32B-6-905.2 is amended to read:
3386          32B-6-905.2. Transition process for beer-only restaurant licensees.
3387          (1) For a beer-only restaurant license issued on or after July 1, 2017, the beer-only
3388     restaurant licensee shall comply with the provisions of Section 32B-6-905.1.
3389          (2) For a beer-only restaurant license issued before July 1, 2017, before the beer-only
3390     restaurant licensee changes the beer-only restaurant licensee's approved location for storage,
3391     dispensing, or consumption to comply with the provisions of Section 32B-6-905.1, the
3392     beer-only restaurant licensee shall submit an application for approval to the department in
3393     accordance with Subsection 32B-5-303(3).
3394          (3) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (4), a person who holds a beer-only restaurant
3395     license issued before July 1, 2017, shall comply with the provisions of Section 32B-6-905.1 on
3396     or before July 1, 2018.
3397          (b) A beer-only restaurant licensee described in Subsection (3)(a) that cannot comply
3398     with the provisions of Section 32B-6-905.1 without a change to the beer-only restaurant
3399     licensee's approved location for storage, dispensing, or consumption:
3400          (i) may submit an application for approval described in Subsection (2) on or after May
3401     9, 2017; and
3402          (ii) shall submit an application for approval described in Subsection (2) on or before
3403     May 1, 2018.
3404          (c) If a beer-only restaurant licensee described in Subsection (3)(a) submits an

3405     application for approval described in Subsection (2) on May 9, 2017, the department shall take
3406     action on the application on or before July 1, 2017.
3407          (4) (a) A person who holds a beer-only restaurant license issued before July 1, 2017,
3408     and has a grandfathered bar structure shall comply with the provisions of Section 32B-6-905.1
3409     on or before the earlier of:
3410          (i) July 1, 2022;
3411          (ii) the date on which the beer-only restaurant licensee remodels, as defined by
3412     commission rule made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative
3413     Rulemaking Act, the beer-only restaurant licensee's grandfathered bar structure or dining area;
3414     or
3415          (iii) the date on which the beer-only restaurant licensee experiences a change of
3416     ownership described in Subsection [32B-8a-202] 32B-18-202(1).
3417          (b) A beer-only restaurant licensee described in Subsection (4)(a) that cannot comply
3418     with the provisions of Section 32B-6-905.1 without a change to the beer-only restaurant
3419     licensee's approved location for storage, dispensing, or consumption:
3420          (i) may submit an application for approval described in Subsection (2) on or after May
3421     9, 2017; and
3422          (ii) shall submit an application for approval described in Subsection (2) on or before
3423     May 1, 2022.
3424          Section 42. Section 32B-6-1005 is amended to read:
3425          32B-6-1005. Specific operational requirements for hospitality amenity license.
3426          (1) (a) In addition to complying with Chapter 5, Part 3, Retail Licensee Operational
3427     Requirements, a hospitality amenity licensee and staff of the hospitality amenity licensee shall
3428     comply with this section.
3429          (b) Failure to comply as provided in Subsection (1)(a) may result in disciplinary action
3430     in accordance with Chapter 3, Disciplinary Actions and Enforcement Act, against:
3431          (i) the hospitality amenity licensee;
3432          (ii) individual staff of the hospitality amenity licensee; or
3433          (iii) both the hospitality amenity licensee and staff of the hospitality amenity licensee.
3434          (2) (a) A hospitality amenity licensee may sell, offer for sale, or furnish an alcoholic
3435     product:

3436          (i) to a hospitality guest; and
3437          (ii) for consumption in or on the hospitality amenity licensee's licensed premises.
3438          (b) (i) A hospitality amenity licensee may sell, offer for sale, or furnish an alcoholic
3439     product that is not spirituous liquor in or on:
3440          (A) licensed premises physically separated from an area to which a hospitality guest or
3441     the public has access by a permanent or temporary structure or barrier; or
3442          (B) licensed premises described in Subsection (2)(b)(ii).
3443          (ii) A hospitality amenity licensee may sell, offer for sale, or furnish spirituous liquor
3444     in or on licensed premises that:
3445          (A) allows access only through the use of a key or code; and
3446          (B) fills the entirety of a physically and permanently enclosed area within the hotel or
3447     resort.
3448          (c) Spirituous liquor may not be in or on the licensed premises described in Subsection
3449     (2)(b)(i)(A) of a hospitality amenity licensee, except for use:
3450          (i) as a flavoring on a dessert; and
3451          (ii) in the preparation of a flaming food dish or dessert.
3452          (d) A hospitality amenity licensee may not allow self-service of an alcoholic product in
3453     or on the hospitality amenity licensee's licensed premises.
3454          (3) (a) Subject to Subsections (3)(b) and (c), a hospitality guest may not have more
3455     than two alcoholic products of any kind at a time before the hospitality guest.
3456          (b) A hospitality guest may not have more than one spirituous liquor drink at a time
3457     before the hospitality guest.
3458          (c) An individual portion of wine is considered to be one alcoholic product under
3459     Subsection (3)(a).
3460          (4) A hospitality amenity licensee shall make food available at all times that the
3461     licensee sells, offers for sale, furnishes, or allows the consumption of an alcoholic product on
3462     the licensed premises.
3463          (5) (a) A hospitality amenity licensee may not sell, offer for sale, or furnish an
3464     alcoholic product any day during a period that:
3465          (i) begins at 1:00 a.m.; and
3466          (ii) ends at 9:59 a.m.

3467          (b) A hospitality amenity licensee shall remain open for one hour after the licensee
3468     ceases to sell and furnish an alcoholic product, during which time a hospitality guest in or on
3469     the hospitality amenity licensed premises may finish consuming:
3470          (i) a single drink containing spirituous liquor;
3471          (ii) a single serving of wine not exceeding five ounces;
3472          (iii) a single serving of heavy beer;
3473          (iv) a single serving of beer not exceeding 26 ounces; or
3474          (v) a single serving of a flavored malt beverage.
3475          (c) A hospitality amenity licensee is not required to remain open:
3476          (i) after all individuals have vacated the licensee's licensed premises; or
3477          (ii) during an emergency.
3478          (6) (a) Notwithstanding Section 32B-5-305, a hospitality amenity licensee may provide
3479     a hospitality guest up to two single servings of an alcoholic product free of charge or at a
3480     reduced rate, if:
3481          (i) the alcoholic product is not a spirituous liquor; and
3482          (ii) the hospitality amenity licensee offers the alcohol product:
3483          (A) to all hospitality guests;
3484          (B) during a specific time; and
3485          (C) on the hospitality amenity licensee's licensed premises.
3486          (b) Before a hospitality amenity licensee provides an alcoholic product free of charge
3487     or at a reduced rate as described in Subsection (6)(a), the licensee shall provide the department
3488     with advance notice of the event, in accordance with commission rules that permit a licensee to
3489     provide a single notice for a reoccurring event or multiple events.
3490          (7) A hospitality amenity licensee may permit a hospitality guest to purchase an
3491     alcoholic product through a charge to the hospitality guest's lodging accommodations.
3492          (8) (a) [A] Notwithstanding Section 32B-5-307, a hospitality guest, or a person other
3493     than the hospitality amenity licensee or staff of the hospitality amenity licensee, may not
3494     remove an alcoholic product from the hospitality amenity licensee's licensed premises.
3495          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection 32B-5-307(3), a hospitality guest may not bring an
3496     alcoholic product within the hospitality amenity licensee's licensed premises.
3497          (9) A hospitality amenity licensee shall display at each entrance to the licensee's

3498     licensed premises a conspicuous sign that:
3499          (a) measures at least 8-1/2 inches long and 11 inches wide; and
3500          (b) clearly states that entry is limited to individuals who are hospitality guests, as
3501     defined in this title.
3502          (10) A hospitality amenity licensee may not permit a minor to enter the licensee's
3503     licensed premises at any time during which an alcoholic product is sold, offered for sale,
3504     furnished, or consumed, unless the minor is accompanied at all times on the licensed premises
3505     by a hospitality guest.
3506          (11) A staff person of a hospitality amenity licensee shall remain on the licensed
3507     premises at all times when an alcoholic product is sold, offered for sale, furnished, or
3508     consumed in or on the licensed premises.
3509          (12) A hospitality amenity licensee may transfer an alcoholic product to or from
3510     another licensee within the boundary of the hotel or within the boundary of the resort building,
3511     if:
3512          (a) the hospitality amenity licensee and each licensee involved in the transfer tracks the
3513     transfer of the alcoholic product; and
3514          (b) the alcoholic product is in a sealed, unopened container.
3515          (13) (a) In addition to the requirements described in Section 32B-5-302, a hospitality
3516     amenity licensee shall maintain each of the following records for at least three years:
3517          (i) a record required under Section 32B-5-302; and
3518          (ii) a record that the commission requires a hospitality amenity licensee to use or
3519     maintain under a rule made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative
3520     Rulemaking Act.
3521          (b) The department shall audit the records of a hospitality amenity licensee at least
3522     once [each calendar year] annually.
3523          Section 43. Section 32B-7-202 is amended to read:
3524          32B-7-202. General operational requirements for off-premise beer retailer.
3525          (1) (a) An off-premise beer retailer or staff of the off-premise beer retailer shall comply
3526     with the provisions of this title and any applicable rules made by the commission.
3527          (b) Failure to comply with this section may result in a suspension or revocation of a
3528     local license and, on or after July 1, 2018, disciplinary action in accordance with Chapter 3,

3529     Disciplinary Actions and Enforcement Act.
3530          (2) (a) (i) An off-premise beer retailer may not purchase, acquire, possess for the
3531     purpose of resale, or sell beer, except beer that the off-premise beer retailer lawfully purchases
3532     from:
3533          (A) a beer wholesaler licensee; or
3534          (B) a small brewer that manufactures the beer.
3535          (ii) A violation of Subsection (2)(a) is a class A misdemeanor.
3536          (b) (i) If an off-premise beer retailer purchases beer under this Subsection (2) from a
3537     beer wholesaler licensee, the off-premise beer retailer shall purchase beer only from a beer
3538     wholesaler licensee who is designated by the manufacturer to sell beer in the geographical area
3539     in which the off-premise beer retailer is located, unless an alternate wholesaler is authorized by
3540     the department to sell to the off-premise beer retailer as provided in Section 32B-13-301.
3541          (ii) A violation of Subsection (2)(b) is a class B misdemeanor.
3542          (3) An off-premise beer retailer may not possess, sell, offer for sale, or furnish beer in a
3543     container larger than two liters.
3544          (4) (a) Staff of an off-premise beer retailer, while on duty, may not:
3545          (i) consume an alcoholic product; or
3546          (ii) be intoxicated.
3547          (b) A minor may not sell beer on the licensed premises of an off-premise beer retailer
3548     unless:
3549          (i) the sale is done under the supervision of a person 21 years [of age] old or older who
3550     is on the licensed premises; and
3551          (ii) the minor is at least 16 years [of age] old.
3552          (5) An off-premise beer retailer may not sell, offer for sale, or furnish an alcoholic
3553     product to:
3554          (a) a minor;
3555          (b) a person actually, apparently, or obviously intoxicated;
3556          (c) a known interdicted person; or
3557          (d) a known habitual drunkard.
3558          (6) (a) Subject to the other provisions of this Subsection (6), an off-premise beer
3559     retailer shall:

3560          (i) display all beer accessible by and visible to a patron in no more than two locations
3561     on the retail sales floor, each of which is:
3562          (A) a display cabinet, cooler, aisle, floor display, or room where beer is the only
3563     beverage displayed; and
3564          (B) not adjacent to a display of nonalcoholic beverages, unless the location is a cooler
3565     with a door from which the nonalcoholic beverages are not accessible, or the beer is separated
3566     from the display of nonalcoholic beverages by a display of one or more nonbeverage products
3567     or another physical divider; and
3568          (ii) display a sign in the area described in Subsection (6)(a)(i) that:
3569          (A) is prominent;
3570          (B) is easily readable by a consumer;
3571          (C) meets the requirements for format established by the commission by rule; and
3572          (D) reads in print that is no smaller than .5 inches, bold type, "These beverages contain
3573     alcohol. Please read the label carefully."
3574          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (6)(a), a nonalcoholic beer may be displayed with beer
3575     if the nonalcoholic beer is labeled, packaged, or advertised as a nonalcoholic beer.
3576          (c) The requirements of this Subsection (6) apply to beer notwithstanding that it is
3577     labeled, packaged, or advertised as:
3578          (i) a malt cooler; or
3579          (ii) a beverage that may provide energy.
3580          (d) A violation of this Subsection (6) is an infraction.
3581          (e) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (6)(e)(ii), the provisions of Subsection (6)(a)(i)
3582     apply on and after May 9, 2017.
3583          (ii) For a beer retailer that operates two or more off-premise beer retailers, the
3584     provisions of Subsection (6)(a)(i) apply on and after August 1, 2017.
3585          (7) (a) Staff of an off-premise beer retailer who directly supervises the sale of beer or
3586     who sells beer to a patron for consumption off the premises of the off-premise beer retailer
3587     shall wear a unique identification badge:
3588          (i) on the front of the staff's clothing;
3589          (ii) visible above the waist;
3590          (iii) bearing the staff's:

3591          (A) first or last name;
3592          (B) initials; or
3593          (C) unique identification in letters or numbers; and
3594          (iv) with the number or letters on the unique identification badge being sufficiently
3595     large to be clearly visible and identifiable while engaging in or directly supervising the retail
3596     sale of beer.
3597          (b) An off-premise beer retailer shall make and maintain a record of each current staff's
3598     unique identification badge assigned by the off-premise beer retailer that includes the staff's:
3599          (i) full name;
3600          (ii) address; and
3601          (iii) (A) driver license number; or
3602          (B) similar identification number.
3603          (c) An off-premise beer retailer shall make available a record required to be made or
3604     maintained under this Subsection (7) for immediate inspection by:
3605          (i) a peace officer;
3606          (ii) a representative of the local authority that issues the off-premise beer retailer
3607     license; or
3608          (iii) for an off-premise beer retailer state license, a representative of the commission or
3609     department.
3610          (d) A local authority may impose a fine of up to $250 against an off-premise beer
3611     retailer that does not comply or require its staff to comply with this Subsection (7).
3612          (8) (a) An off-premise beer retailer may sell, offer for sale, or furnish beer through a
3613     drive through window.
3614          (b) Subsection (8)(a) does not modify the display limitations and requirements
3615     described in Subsection (6).
3616          (9) An off-premise beer retailer may not on the licensed premises:
3617          (a) engage in or permit any form of:
3618          (i) gambling, as defined in Section 76-10-1101; or
3619          (ii) fringe gambling, as defined in Section 76-10-1101;
3620          (b) have any fringe gaming device, video gaming device, or gambling device or record
3621     as defined in Section 76-10-1101; or

3622          (c) engage in or permit a contest, game, gaming scheme, or gaming device that requires
3623     the risking of something of value for a return or for an outcome when the return or outcome is
3624     based upon an element of chance, excluding the playing of an amusement device that confers
3625     only an immediate and unrecorded right of replay not exchangeable for value.
3626          (10) An off-premise beer retailer may not knowingly allow a person on the licensed
3627     premises to, in violation of Title 58, Chapter 37, Utah Controlled Substances Act, or Chapter
3628     37a, Utah Drug Paraphernalia Act:
3629          (a) sell, distribute, possess, or use a controlled substance, as defined in Section
3630     58-37-2; or
3631          (b) use, deliver, or possess, with the intent to deliver, drug paraphernalia, as defined in
3632     Section 58-37a-3.
3633          Section 44. Section 32B-7-305 is amended to read:
3634          32B-7-305. Tracking of enforcement actions -- Costs of enforcement actions.
3635          [(1) A local authority that pursuant to this part adjudicates an administrative penalty for
3636     a violation of a law involving the sale of an alcoholic product to a minor, shall:]
3637          [(a) maintain a record of an adjudicated violation until the record is expunged under
3638     Subsection (3);]
3639          [(b) include in the record described in Subsection (1)(a):]
3640          [(i) the name of the individual who commits the violation;]
3641          [(ii) the name of the off-premise beer retailer for whom the individual is a staff
3642     member at the time of the violation; and]
3643          [(iii) the date of the adjudication of the violation; and]
3644          [(c) provide the information described in Subsection (1)(b) to the Department of Public
3645     Safety within 30 days of the date on which a violation is adjudicated.]
3646          [(2) (a) The Department of Public Safety shall develop and operate a system to collect,
3647     analyze, maintain, track, and disseminate the violation history information received under
3648     Subsection (1).]
3649          [(b) The Department of Public Safety shall make the system described in Subsection
3650     (2)(a) available to:]
3651          [(i) assist a local authority in assessing administrative penalties under Section
3652     32B-7-303; and]

3653          [(ii) inform an off-premise beer retailer of an individual who has an administrative
3654     violation history under Section 32B-7-303.]
3655          [(c) The Department of Public Safety shall maintain a record of violation history
3656     information received pursuant to Subsection (1) until the record is expunged under Subsection
3657     (3).]
3658          [(3) (a) A local authority and the Department of Public Safety shall expunge from the
3659     records maintained an administrative penalty imposed under Section 32B-7-303 for purposes of
3660     determining future administrative penalties under Section 32B-7-303 if the individual has not
3661     been found in violation of any law involving the sale of an alcoholic product to a minor for a
3662     period of 36 consecutive months from the day on which the individual is last adjudicated as
3663     violating a law involving the sale of an alcoholic product to a minor.]
3664          [(b) A local authority shall expunge from the records maintained by the local authority
3665     an administrative penalty imposed under Section 32B-7-303 against an off-premise beer
3666     retailer for purposes of determining future administrative penalties under Section 32B-7-303 if
3667     the off-premise beer retailer or any staff of that off-premise beer retailer has not been found in
3668     violation of any law involving the sale of an alcoholic product to a minor for a period of 36
3669     consecutive months from the day on which the off-premise beer retailer or staff of the
3670     off-premise beer retailer is last adjudicated as violating a law involving the sale of an alcoholic
3671     product to a minor.]
3672          [(4)] (1) The Department of Public Safety shall administer a program to reimburse a
3673     municipal or county law enforcement agency:
3674          (a) for the actual costs of an alcohol-related compliance check investigation conducted
3675     pursuant to Section 77-39-101 on the premises of an off-premise beer retailer;
3676          (b) for administrative costs associated with reporting the compliance check
3677     investigation described in Subsection [(4)] (1)(a);
3678          (c) if the municipal or county law enforcement agency completes and submits to the
3679     Department of Public Safety a report within 90 days [of] after the day on which the compliance
3680     check investigation described in Subsection [(4)] (1)(a) occurs in a format required by the
3681     Department of Public Safety; and
3682          (d) in the order that the municipal or county law enforcement agency submits the report
3683     required by Subsection [(4)] (1)(c) until the amount allocated by the Department of Public

3684     Safety to reimburse a municipal or county law enforcement agency is spent.
3685          [(5) The Department of Public Safety shall report to the Utah Substance Use and
3686     Mental Health Advisory Council by no later than October 1 following a fiscal year on the
3687     following funded during the prior fiscal year:]
3688          [(a) compliance check investigations reimbursed under Subsection (4); and]
3689          [(b) the collection, analysis, maintenance, tracking, and dissemination of violation
3690     history information described in Subsection (2).]
3691          (2) By no later than October 1 of each year, the Department of Public Safety shall
3692     report to the Utah Substance Use and Mental Health Advisory Council on the compliance
3693     check investigations:
3694          (a) funded during the previous fiscal year; and
3695          (b) reimbursed under Subsection (1).
3696          Section 45. Section 32B-8-201 is amended to read:
3697          32B-8-201. Commission's power to issue a resort license.
3698          (1) Before a person as a resort under a single license may store, sell, offer for sale,
3699     furnish, or allow the consumption of an alcoholic product on sublicense premises, the person
3700     shall first obtain a resort license from the commission in accordance with this part.
3701          (2) (a) The commission may issue to a person a resort license to allow the storage, sale,
3702     offer for sale, furnishing, and consumption of an alcoholic product in connection with a resort
3703     designated in the resort license if the person operates at least four sublicenses under the resort
3704     license.
3705          (b) A resort license shall:
3706          (i) consist of:
3707          (A) a general resort license; and
3708          (B) four or more sublicenses; and
3709          (ii) designate the boundary of the resort building.
3710          (c) This chapter does not prohibit an alcoholic product in or on the boundary of the
3711     resort building to the extent otherwise permitted by this title.
3712          (3) The commission may not issue a total number of resort licenses that at any time
3713     totals more than [four] eight.
3714          Section 46. Section 32B-8b-301 is amended to read:

3715          32B-8b-301. Specific operational requirements for hotel license.
3716          (1) (a) In addition to complying with Chapter 5, Part 3, Retail Licensee Operational
3717     Requirements, a hotel licensee, staff of the hotel licensee, and a sublicensee or person
3718     otherwise operating under a sublicense shall comply with this section.
3719          (b) Failure to comply as provided in Subsection (1)(a) may result in disciplinary action
3720     in accordance with Chapter 3, Disciplinary Actions and Enforcement Act, against:
3721          (i) the hotel licensee;
3722          (ii) individual staff of the hotel licensee;
3723          (iii) a sublicensee or person otherwise operating under a sublicense of the hotel
3724     licensee;
3725          (iv) individual staff of a sublicensee or person otherwise operating under a sublicense
3726     of the hotel licensee; or
3727          (v) any combination of the persons listed in this Subsection (1)(b).
3728          (2) (a) A hotel licensee may not sell, offer for sale, or furnish an alcoholic product
3729     except:
3730          (i) on sublicensed premises;
3731          (ii) pursuant to a permit issued under this title; or
3732          (iii) under a package agency agreement with the department, subject to Chapter 2, Part
3733     6, Package Agency.
3734          (b) A hotel licensee who sells, offers for sale, or furnishes an alcoholic product as
3735     provided in Subsection (2)(a) shall sell, offer for sale, or furnish the alcoholic product:
3736          (i) if on sublicensed premises, in accordance with the operational requirements
3737     described in Section 32B-8d-104;
3738          (ii) if under a permit issued under this title, in accordance with the operational
3739     requirements under the provisions applicable to the permit; and
3740          (iii) if as a package agency, in accordance with the contract with the department and
3741     Chapter 2, Part 6, Package Agency.
3742          (c) Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Subsection (2) and except as provided
3743     in Section 32B-8d-104, a hotel licensee may not permit a patron to carry an alcoholic product
3744     off the premises of a sublicense in violation of Section 32B-5-307 or off an area designated
3745     under a permit.

3746          (3) A hotel licensee shall supervise and direct a person involved in the sale, offer for
3747     sale, or furnishing of an alcoholic product under a hotel license.
3748          (4) (a) Room service of an alcoholic product to a lodging accommodation of a hotel
3749     licensee shall be provided in person by staff of the hotel licensee only to an adult occupant in
3750     the lodging accommodation.
3751          (b) An alcoholic product may not be left outside a lodging accommodation for retrieval
3752     by an occupant.
3753          (5) A hotel licensee shall operate in a manner so that at least 70% of the annual
3754     aggregate of the gross receipts related to the sale of food or beverages for the hotel license and
3755     each of the hotel license's sublicenses is from the sale of food, not including:
3756          (a) mix for an alcoholic product; and
3757          (b) a charge in connection with the service of an alcoholic product.
3758          Section 47. Section 32B-8c-202 is amended to read:
3759          32B-8c-202. Specific licensing requirements for arena license.
3760          (1) To obtain an arena license, in addition to complying with Chapter 5, Part 2, Retail
3761     Licensing Process, a person shall submit with the person's written application:
3762          (a) evidence:
3763          (i) of proximity of the arena to any community location;
3764          (ii) that each proposed sublicense premises is entirely within the arena; and
3765          (iii) that the building designated in the application as the arena qualifies as an arena;
3766     and
3767          (b) a description and map of the arena.
3768          (2) (a) An arena license expires on October 31 of each year.
3769          (b) To renew a person's arena license, the person shall comply with the requirements of
3770     Chapter 5, Part 2, Retail Licensing Process, by no later than September 30.
3771          (3) (a) The nonrefundable application fee for an arena license is $500.
3772          (b) The initial license fee for an arena license is calculated as follows:
3773          (i) if the person applies for three sublicenses under the arena license, $5,000; or
3774          (ii) if the person applies for more than three sublicenses under the arena license, the
3775     sum of:
3776          (A) $5,000; and

3777          (B) $1,000 for each sublicense in excess of three sublicenses for which the person
3778     applies.
3779          (c) The renewal fee for an arena license is $1,000 plus $1,000 for each sublicense
3780     under the arena license.
3781          (4) (a) The bond amount required for an arena license is the penal sum of $100,000.
3782          (b) An arena licensee is not required to have a separate bond for each sublicense,
3783     except that the aggregate of the bonds posted by the arena licensee shall cover each sublicense
3784     under the arena license.
3785          (5) [In accordance with Subsection 32B-8d-103(4)] Except as prohibited in Subsection
3786     32B-1-202.1(4), an arena may request to add a sublicense after the commission issues the arena
3787     licensee's arena license, in accordance with Subsection 32B-8d-103(4).
3788          Section 48. Section 32B-8d-102 is amended to read:
3789          32B-8d-102. Definitions.
3790          As used in this chapter:
3791          [(1) "Resident" means the same as that term is defined in Section 32B-8-102.]
3792          (1) "Boundary of a hotel" means the same as that term is defined in Section
3793     32B-8b-102.
3794          (2) "Boundary of a resort building" means the same as that term is defined in Section
3795     32B-8b-102.
3796          (3) "Hotel" means the same as that term is defined in Section 32B-8b-102.
3797          [(2)] (4) "Resort building" means the same as that term is defined in Section
3798     32B-8-102.
3799          [(3)] (5) ["Resort spa"] "Spa" means a spa:
3800          (a) as the commission defines by rule made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3,
3801     Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act; and
3802          (b) that is within the:
3803          (i) boundary of a resort building[.]; or
3804          (ii) boundary of a hotel.
3805          Section 49. Section 32B-8d-103 is amended to read:
3806          32B-8d-103. Commission's power to issue a sublicense.
3807          (1) Before a person as a sublicensee may store, sell, offer for sale, furnish, or allow the

3808     consumption of an alcoholic product on sublicensed premises, the person shall first obtain a
3809     sublicense from the commission in accordance with:
3810          (a) this chapter;
3811          (b) Chapter 8, Resort License Act;
3812          (c) Chapter 8b, Hotel License Act; and
3813          (d) Chapter 8c, Arena License Act.
3814          (2) (a) The commission may issue to a person a sublicense to allow the storage, sale,
3815     offering for sale, furnishing, or consumption of an alcoholic product on the premises of the
3816     sublicense, if the person is:
3817          (i) a principal licensee; or
3818          (ii) a person seeking a principal license, contingent on the issuance of the principal
3819     license.
3820          (b) The commission may not:
3821          (i) issue a sublicense that is separate from a principal license; or
3822          (ii) issue a single sublicense that covers more than one outlet in or on the boundaries of
3823     the principal licensee.
3824          (3) (a) [Subject to Subsections (3)(b) and (c)] Except as provided in Subsection (3)(b),
3825     when determining the total number of licenses the commission has issued for each type of retail
3826     license, the commission may not include a sublicense as one of the retail licenses issued under
3827     the provisions applicable to that sublicense.
3828          [(b) If a principal license includes a bar establishment sublicense that before the
3829     issuance of the principal license was a bar establishment license, the commission shall include
3830     the bar establishment sublicense as a bar establishment license in calculating the total number
3831     of licenses issued under the provisions applicable to a bar establishment license.]
3832          [(c)] (b) If a resort license includes a sublicense that before the issuance of the resort
3833     license was a retail license that was not a bar establishment license, the commission shall
3834     include the sublicense as a license in calculating the total number of licenses issued under the
3835     provisions applicable to the sublicense.
3836          (4) If a principal licensee seeks to add a sublicense after the commission issues the
3837     person's principal license, the principal licensee shall file with the department:
3838          (a) a nonrefundable $300 application fee;

3839          (b) an initial license fee of $2,250, which the commission shall refund if the
3840     commission does not issue the proposed sublicense;
3841          (c) written consent of the local authority;
3842          (d) a copy of:
3843          (i) the principal licensee's current business; and
3844          (ii) the proposed sublicensee's current business license, if the relevant political
3845     subdivision determines that the proposed sublicensee's business license is separate from the
3846     principal licensee's business license;
3847          (e) evidence that the proposed sublicensed premises is entirely within the boundary of
3848     the principal license;
3849          (f) a description, floor plan, and boundary map of the proposed sublicensed premises
3850     designating:
3851          (i) each location at which the principal licensee proposes that an alcoholic product be
3852     stored; and
3853          (ii) each location from which the principal licensee proposes that an alcoholic product
3854     be sold, furnished, or consumed;
3855          (g) evidence that the principal licensee carries:
3856          (i) public liability insurance in an amount and form satisfactory to the department; and
3857          (ii) dramshop insurance coverage in the amount required by Section 32B-5-201 that
3858     covers the proposed sublicense;
3859          (h) a signed consent form stating that the principal licensee will permit any authorized
3860     representative of the commission or department, or any law enforcement officer, to have an
3861     unrestricted right to enter the proposed sublicensed premises;
3862          (i) if the principal licensee is an entity, proper verification evidencing that a person
3863     who signs the application is authorized to sign on behalf of the entity; and
3864          (j) any other information the commission or department may require.
3865          Section 50. Section 32B-8d-104 is amended to read:
3866          32B-8d-104. General operational requirements for a sublicense.
3867          (1) Except as provided in Subsections (2) through (4), a person operating under a
3868     sublicense is subject to the operational requirements under the provisions applicable to the
3869     sublicense.

3870          (2) Notwithstanding a requirement in the provisions applicable to the sublicense, a
3871     person operating under the sublicense is not subject to a requirement that a certain percentage
3872     of the gross receipts for the sublicense be from the sale of food, except to the extent that the
3873     gross receipts for the sublicense are included in calculating the percentages under Subsections
3874     32B-8-401(3), 32B-8b-301(5), and 32B-8c-301(3).
3875          (3) Notwithstanding Sections 32B-6-202 and 32B-6-302, a bar structure in a
3876     sublicensed premises operated under a full-service restaurant sublicense or a limited-service
3877     restaurant sublicense is considered a grandfathered bar structure if the sublicense is a
3878     sublicense to a resort license issued on or before December 31, 2010.
3879          (4) Notwithstanding Section 32B-5-307:
3880          (a) a patron may transport beer between the sublicensed premises of an arena licensee's
3881     accompanying sublicenses, if the patron transports the beer from and to an area of each
3882     sublicensed premises:
3883          (i) that is adjacent to the other; and
3884          (ii) where the consumption of beer is permitted; and
3885          (b) staff of a sublicensee or person otherwise operating under a sublicense of a hotel
3886     licensee or a resort licensee may transport an alcoholic beverage from and to sublicensed
3887     premises of the hotel license or resort license, if:
3888          (i) the sublicensee is:
3889          (A) a full-service restaurant sublicensee;
3890          (B) a limited-service restaurant sublicensee;
3891          (C) a bar establishment sublicensee;
3892          (D) a beer-only restaurant sublicensee; or
3893          (E) an on-premise beer retailer sublicensee;
3894          (ii) the individual staff carries the alcoholic beverage:
3895          (A) from the sublicensed premises of a sublicensee described in Subsection (4)(b)(i);
3896          (B) briefly through an unlicensed area or briefly through sublicensed premises on
3897     which the type of alcoholic beverage that the individual staff carries is permitted; and
3898          (C) to the sublicensed premises of a sublicensee described in Subsection (4)(b)(i); and
3899          (iii) the individual staff at all times stays within:
3900          (A) the boundary of the hotel[, as defined in Section 32B-8b-102]; or

3901          (B) the boundary of the resort building[, as defined in Section 32B-8-102].
3902          (5) Except as provided in Section 32B-8-502, for purposes of interpreting an
3903     operational requirement imposed by the provisions applicable to a sublicense:
3904          (a) a requirement imposed on a sublicensee or person operating under a sublicense
3905     applies to the principal licensee; and
3906          (b) a requirement imposed on staff of a sublicensee or person operating under a
3907     sublicense applies to staff of the principal licensee.
3908          Section 51. Section 32B-8d-201 is amended to read:
3909          32B-8d-201. Title.
3910          This part is known as "[Resort] Spa Sublicense."
3911          Section 52. Section 32B-8d-202 is amended to read:
3912          32B-8d-202. Commission's power to issue a spa sublicense.
3913          (1) Before a person may store, sell, offer for sale, furnish, or allow the consumption of
3914     an alcoholic product on the person's premises as a [resort] spa sublicensee, a resort licensee, a
3915     hotel licensee, or a person applying for a resort license or a hotel license shall first obtain a
3916     [resort] spa sublicense from the commission in accordance with this part.
3917          (2) The commission may only issue a [resort] spa sublicense to:
3918          (a) a resort licensee; [or]
3919          (b) a hotel licensee;
3920          [(b)] (c) a person applying for a resort license, contingent on the issuance of the resort
3921     license[.]; or
3922          (d) a person applying for a hotel license, contingent on the issuance of the hotel license.
3923          (3) [The resort] A spa sublicense premises shall fall entirely within the:
3924          (a) boundary of a resort building that is part of the resort to which the [resort] spa
3925     sublicense is connected[.]; or
3926          (b) boundary of a hotel that is part of the hotel to which the spa sublicense is
3927     connected.
3928          Section 53. Section 32B-8d-203 is amended to read:
3929          32B-8d-203. Specific licensing requirements for spa sublicense.
3930          (1) (a) In accordance with Subsection 32B-8d-103(2), a person may not file a written
3931     application with the department to obtain a [resort] spa sublicense that is separate from the

3932     person's application [of the] for a resort license or a hotel license, unless the person seeks the
3933     [resort] spa sublicense after the commission issues the person a resort license or a hotel license.
3934          (b) If a resort licensee or a hotel licensee seeks to add a [resort] spa sublicense after
3935     [its] the licensee's resort license or hotel license is issued, the [resort] licensee shall comply
3936     with Subsection 32B-8d-103(4).
3937          (2) (a) A [resort] spa sublicense expires on October 31 of each year.
3938          (b) [A resort licensee desiring to renew the resort licensee's resort] To renew a spa
3939     sublicense, the corresponding resort licensee or hotel licensee shall renew the [resort] spa
3940     sublicense as part of renewing the licensee's resort license or hotel license.
3941          (c) (i) Failure of a resort licensee to meet the renewal requirements for a resort license
3942     results in an automatic forfeiture of the [resort] spa sublicense effective [on the date] the day on
3943     which the resort license expires.
3944          (ii) Failure of a hotel licensee to meet the renewal requirements for a hotel license
3945     results in an automatic forfeiture of the spa sublicense effective the day on which the hotel
3946     license expires.
3947          Section 54. Section 32B-8d-204 is amended to read:
3948          32B-8d-204. Specific qualifications for a spa sublicense.
3949          (1) A person employed to act in a supervisory or managerial capacity for the [resort]
3950     spa sublicense is subject to qualification requirements of Section 32B-1-304 for licensees.
3951          (2) If a person no longer possesses the qualifications required by Section 32B-1-304 for
3952     obtaining the [resort license or resort] spa sublicense or the corresponding resort license or
3953     hotel license, the commission may suspend or revoke the [resort] spa sublicense that is part of
3954     the resort license or hotel license.
3955          Section 55. Section 32B-8d-205 is amended to read:
3956          32B-8d-205. Specific operational requirements for a spa sublicense.
3957          (1) (a) In addition to complying with Chapter 5, Part 3, Retail Licensee Operational
3958     Requirements, a resort licensee [and], staff of the resort licensee, a hotel licensee, and staff of
3959     the hotel licensee,
shall comply with this section.
3960          (b) A [resort] spa sublicensee or a person otherwise operating under a [resort] spa
3961     sublicense and staff of a [resort] spa sublicensee or a person otherwise operating under a
3962     [resort] spa sublicense shall comply with:

3963          (i) Chapter 5, Part 3, Retail Licensee Operational Requirements as if the [resort] spa
3964     sublicensee is a retail licensee, unless a provision conflicts with this chapter; and
3965          (ii) this chapter.
3966          (c) Subject to Section 32B-8-502, failure to comply as provided in Subsection (1)(a)
3967     may result in disciplinary action in accordance with Chapter 3, Disciplinary Actions and
3968     Enforcement Act, against:
3969          (i) a resort licensee;
3970          (ii) staff of [the] a resort licensee;
3971          (iii) a hotel licensee;
3972          (iv) staff of a hotel licensee;
3973          [(iii)] (v) a [resort] spa sublicensee or person otherwise operating under a [resort] spa
3974     sublicense;
3975          [(iv)] (vi) individual staff of a [resort] spa sublicensee or person otherwise operating
3976     under a [resort] spa sublicense; or
3977          [(v)] (vii) any combination of the persons listed in Subsections (1)(c)(i) through [(iv)]
3978     (vi).
3979          (2) (a) For purposes of the [resort] spa sublicense, the corresponding resort licensee or
3980     hotel licensee shall ensure that a record is maintained or used for the [resort] spa sublicense:
3981          (i) as the department requires; and
3982          (ii) for a minimum period of three years.
3983          (b) A [resort] spa sublicensee record is subject to inspection by an authorized
3984     representative of the commission and the department.
3985          (c) A resort licensee or a hotel licensee shall allow the department, through a
3986     compliance officer of the department, to audit the records for a [resort] spa sublicense at the
3987     times the department considers advisable.
3988          (d) The department shall audit the records for a [resort] spa sublicense at least once
3989     annually.
3990          (e) Section 32B-1-205 applies to a record required to be made, maintained, or used in
3991     accordance with this Subsection (2).
3992          (3) (a) A [resort] spa sublicensee or person operating under a [resort] spa sublicense
3993     may not sell, offer for sale, or furnish liquor at a [resort] spa during a period that:

3994          (i) begins at 1 a.m.; and
3995          (ii) ends at 9:59 a.m.
3996          (b) A [resort] spa sublicensee or person operating under a [resort] spa sublicense may
3997     sell, offer for sale, or furnish beer during the hours specified in Chapter 6, Part 7, On-Premise
3998     Beer Retailer License, for an on-premise beer retailer.
3999          (c) (i) Notwithstanding Subsections (3)(a) and (b), a [resort] spa shall remain open for
4000     one hour after the [resort] spa ceases the sale and furnishing of an alcoholic product during
4001     which time a person at the [resort] spa may finish consuming:
4002          (A) a single drink containing spirituous liquor;
4003          (B) a single serving of wine not exceeding five ounces;
4004          (C) a single serving of heavy beer;
4005          (D) a single serving of beer not exceeding 26 ounces; or
4006          (E) a single serving of a flavored malt beverage.
4007          (ii) A [resort] spa is not required to remain open:
4008          (A) after all individuals have vacated the [resort] spa sublicensee's sublicensed
4009     premises; or
4010          (B) during an emergency.
4011          (4) (a) A minor may not be admitted into, use, or be on the sublicensed premises of a
4012     [resort] spa sublicense unless accompanied by an individual 21 years [of age] old or older.
4013          (b) A minor permitted under Subsection (4)(a) to be admitted into, use, or be on the
4014     sublicensed premises of a [resort] spa sublicense:
4015          (i) may only be admitted into or be on a lounge or bar area of the [resort] spa
4016     sublicensee's sublicensed premises momentarily while en route to another area of the [resort]
4017     spa; and
4018          (ii) may not remain or sit in the lounge or bar area of the [resort] spa sublicensee's
4019     sublicensed premises.
4020          (5) A [resort] spa sublicensee shall have food available at all times when an alcoholic
4021     product is sold, offered for sale, furnished, or consumed on the [resort] spa sublicensee's
4022     sublicensed premises.
4023          (6) (a) Subject to the other provisions of this Subsection (6), a patron may not have
4024     more than two alcoholic products of any kind at a time before the patron.

4025          (b) A [resort] spa patron may not have two spirituous liquor drinks before the [resort]
4026     spa patron if one of the spirituous liquor drinks consists only of the primary spirituous liquor
4027     for the other spirituous liquor drink.
4028          (c) An individual portion of wine is considered to be one alcoholic product under this
4029     Subsection (6).
4030          (7) (a) An alcoholic product may only be consumed at a table or counter.
4031          (b) An alcoholic product may not be served to or consumed by a patron at a dispensing
4032     structure.
4033          (8) (a) A [resort] spa sublicensee or person operating under a [resort] spa sublicense
4034     shall have available on the [resort] spa sublicense's sublicensed premises for a patron to review
4035     at the time that the patron requests it, a written alcoholic product price list or a menu containing
4036     the price of an alcoholic product sold or furnished by the [resort] spa sublicensee including:
4037          (i) a set-up charge;
4038          (ii) a service charge; or
4039          (iii) a chilling fee.
4040          (b) A charge or fee made in connection with the sale, service, or consumption of liquor
4041     may be stated in food or alcoholic product menus including:
4042          (i) a set-up charge;
4043          (ii) a service charge; or
4044          (iii) a chilling fee.
4045          (9) (a) A resort licensee or hotel licensee shall own or lease premises suitable for the
4046     [resort] spa sublicense's activities.
4047          (b) A resort licensee or hotel licensee may not maintain premises in a manner that
4048     barricades or conceals the [resort] spa sublicense's operation.
4049          (10) Subject to the other provisions of this section, a [resort] spa sublicensee or person
4050     operating under a [resort] spa sublicense may not sell an alcoholic product to or allow an
4051     individual to be admitted to or use the [resort] spa sublicensee's sublicensed premises other
4052     than:
4053          (a) a resident; or
4054          (b) a customer.
4055          Section 56. Section 32B-9-303 is amended to read:

4056          32B-9-303. Director's power to issue single event permit.
4057          (1) Before a person may sell, offer for sale, or furnish liquor at retail for on-premise
4058     consumption at an event, the person shall first obtain a single event permit from the director in
4059     accordance with this part.
4060          (2) (a) Subject to Subsection (5), the director may issue a single event permit to any of
4061     the following that is conducting a convention, civic, or community enterprise, a bona fide:
4062          (i) partnership;
4063          (ii) corporation;
4064          (iii) limited liability company;
4065          (iv) religious organization;
4066          (v) political organization;
4067          (vi) incorporated association;
4068          (vii) recognized subordinate lodge, chapter, or other local unit of an entity described in
4069     this Subsection (2)(a);
4070          (viii) state agency; or
4071          (ix) political subdivision of the state.
4072          (b) The director may not issue a single event permit to an entity that has not been in
4073     existence as a bona fide entity for at least one year before the day on which the entity applies
4074     for a single event permit.
4075          (3) (a) A single event permit may authorize:
4076          (i) the storage, sale, offering for sale, furnishing, and consumption of liquor at an event
4077     at which the storage, sale, offering for sale, furnishing, or consumption of liquor is otherwise
4078     prohibited by this title under either:
4079          (A) a 120 hour single event permit; or
4080          (B) a 72 hour single event permit; and
4081          (ii) the storage, sale, offer for sale, furnishing, and consumption of beer at the same
4082     event for the period that the storage, sale, offer for sale, furnishing, or consumption of liquor is
4083     authorized under Subsection (3)(a)(i) for the single event permit.
4084          (b) The single event permit shall state in writing whether [it] the single event permit is:
4085          (i) a 120 hour single event permit; or
4086          (ii) a 72 hour single event permit.

4087          (4) The director may not issue more than:
4088          (a) four single event permits in any one calendar year to the same person listed in
4089     Subsection (2) if one or more of the single event permits is a 120 hour single event permit; or
4090          (b) [12] 24 single event permits in any one calendar year to the same person listed in
4091     Subsection (2) if each of the single event permits issued to that person is a 72 hour single event
4092     permit.
4093          (5) Before the director issues or denies the issuance of a single event permit under this
4094     section, the director shall comply with Section 32B-9-202.
4095          Section 57. Section 32B-10-206 is amended to read:
4096          32B-10-206. General operational requirements for special use permit.
4097          (1) (a) A special use permittee and staff of the special use permittee shall comply with
4098     this title and rules of the commission, including the relevant part of the chapter that applies to
4099     the type of special use permit held by the special use permittee.
4100          (b) Failure to comply as provided in Subsection (1)(a) may result in disciplinary action
4101     in accordance with Chapter 3, Disciplinary Actions and Enforcement Act, against:
4102          (i) a special use permittee;
4103          (ii) individual staff of a special use permittee; or
4104          (iii) a special use permittee and staff of the special use permittee.
4105          (c) The commission may suspend or revoke a special use permit with or without cause.
4106          (2) (a) If there is a conflict between this part and the relevant part under this chapter for
4107     the specific type of special use permit, the relevant part under this chapter governs.
4108          (b) Notwithstanding that this part may refer to "liquor" or an "alcoholic product," a
4109     special use permittee may only purchase, use, store, sell, offer for sale, allow consumption, or
4110     manufacture an alcoholic product authorized for the special use permit that is held by the
4111     special use permittee.
4112          (c) Notwithstanding that this part or the relevant part under this chapter for the type of
4113     special use permit held by a special use permittee refers to "special use permittee," a person
4114     involved in the purchase, use, storage, sale, offering for sale, allowing consumption, or
4115     manufacture of an alcoholic product for which the special use permit is issued is subject to the
4116     same requirement or prohibition.
4117          (3) (a) A special use permittee shall make and maintain a record, as required by

4118     commission rule, of any alcoholic product purchased, used, sold, or manufactured.
4119          (b) Section 32B-1-205 applies to a record required to be made or maintained in
4120     accordance with this Subsection (3).
4121          (4) (a) Except as otherwise provided in this title, a special use permittee may not
4122     purchase liquor except from a state store or package agency.
4123          (b) A special use permittee may transport liquor purchased by the special use permittee
4124     in accordance with this Subsection (4) from the place of purchase to the special use permittee's
4125     premises.
4126          (c) A special use permittee shall purchase liquor at prices set by the commission.
4127          (d) When authorized by a special use permit, a special use permittee may purchase and
4128     receive an alcoholic product directly from a manufacturer for a purpose that is industrial,
4129     educational, scientific, or manufacturing.
4130          (e) A health care facility may purchase and receive an alcoholic product directly from a
4131     manufacturer for use at the health care facility.
4132          (5) A special use permittee may not use, mix, store, sell, offer for sale, furnish,
4133     manufacture, or allow consumption of an alcoholic product in a location other than as
4134     designated in a special use permittee's:
4135          (a) application; or
4136          (b) change of location request, as described in Section 32B-10-305, if:
4137          (i) the special use permittee is a public service permittee; and
4138          (ii) the commission approved the special use permittee's change in location request.
4139          (6) Except as otherwise provided, a special use permittee may not sell, offer for sale, or
4140     furnish an alcoholic product to:
4141          (a) a minor;
4142          (b) a person actually, apparently, or obviously intoxicated;
4143          (c) a known interdicted person; or
4144          (d) a known habitual drunkard.
4145          (7) A special use permittee may not employ a minor to handle an alcoholic product.
4146          (8) (a) The location specified in a special use permit may not be transferred from one
4147     location to another location, except as provided in [Chapter 8a, Transfer of Alcohol License
4148     Act] Chapter 18, Part 3, Alcohol License Change of Location.

4149          (b) A special use permittee may not sell, transfer, assign, exchange, barter, give, or
4150     attempt in any way to dispose of the permit to another person whether for monetary gain or not,
4151     except as provided in [Chapter 8a, Transfer of Alcohol License Act] Chapter 18, Part 2,
4152     Alcohol License Changes of Ownership.
4153          (9) A special use permittee may not purchase, use, mix, store, sell, offer for sale,
4154     furnish, consume, or manufacture an alcoholic product for a purpose other than that authorized
4155     by the special use permit.
4156          (10) The commission may prescribe by policy or rule consistent with this title, the
4157     general operational requirements of a special use permittee relating to:
4158          (a) physical facilities;
4159          (b) conditions of purchase, use, storage, sale, consumption, or manufacture of an
4160     alcoholic product;
4161          (c) purchase, storage, and sales quantity limitations; and
4162          (d) other matters considered appropriate by the commission.
4163          Section 58. Section 32B-11-208 is amended to read:
4164          32B-11-208. General operational requirements for manufacturing license.
4165          (1) (a) A manufacturing licensee and staff of the manufacturing licensee shall comply
4166     with this title and the rules of the commission, including the relevant part of this chapter
4167     applicable to the type of manufacturing license held by the manufacturing licensee.
4168          (b) Failure to comply as provided in Subsection (1)(a) may result in disciplinary action
4169     in accordance with Chapter 3, Disciplinary Actions and Enforcement Act, against:
4170          (i) a manufacturing licensee;
4171          (ii) individual staff of a manufacturing licensee; or
4172          (iii) a manufacturing licensee and staff of the manufacturing licensee.
4173          (2) A manufacturing licensee shall prominently display the manufacturing license on
4174     the licensed premises.
4175          (3) (a) A manufacturing licensee shall make and maintain the records required by the
4176     department.
4177          (b) Section 32B-1-205 applies to a record required to be made or maintained in
4178     accordance with this Subsection (3).
4179          (4) A manufacturing licensee may not sell liquor within the state except to:

4180          (a) the department; or
4181          (b) a military installation.
4182          (5) A manufacturing license may not be transferred from one location to another
4183     location, except as provided in [Chapter 8a, Transfer of Alcohol License Act] Chapter 18, Part
4184     3, Alcohol License Change of Location.
4185          (6) (a) A manufacturing licensee may not sell, transfer, assign, exchange, barter, give,
4186     or attempt in any way to dispose of the license to another person, whether for monetary gain or
4187     not, except as provided in [Chapter 8a, Transfer of Alcohol License Act] Chapter 18, Part 2,
4188     Alcohol License Changes of Ownership.
4189          (b) A manufacturing license has no monetary value for any type of disposition.
4190          (7) A manufacturing licensee may not advertise the manufacturing licensee's product in
4191     violation of this title or any other federal or state law, except that nothing in this title prohibits
4192     the advertising or solicitation of an order for industrial alcohol from a holder of a special use
4193     permit.
4194          (8) A manufacturing licensee shall from time to time, on request of the department,
4195     furnish for analytical purposes a sample of the alcoholic product that the manufacturing
4196     licensee has:
4197          (a) for sale; or
4198          (b) in the course of manufacture for sale in this state.
4199          (9) The commission may prescribe by policy or rule, consistent with this title, the
4200     general operational requirements of a manufacturing licensee relating to:
4201          (a) physical facilities;
4202          (b) conditions of storage, sale, or manufacture of an alcoholic product;
4203          (c) storage and sales quantity limitations; and
4204          (d) other matters considered appropriate by the commission.
4205          Section 59. Section 32B-11-303 is amended to read:
4206          32B-11-303. Specific authority and operational requirements for winery
4207     manufacturing license.
4208          (1) A winery manufacturing license allows a winery manufacturing licensee to:
4209          (a) store, manufacture, transport, import, or export wine;
4210          (b) sell wine at wholesale to:

4211          (i) the department; and [to]
4212          (ii) an out-of-state [customers] customer who is at least 21 years old, as the state in
4213     which the customer is located permits;
4214          (c) purchase liquor for fortifying wine, if the department is notified of the purchase and
4215     date of delivery; and
4216          (d) warehouse on the licensed premises liquor that is manufactured or purchased for
4217     manufacturing purposes.
4218          (2) (a) A wine, brandy, wine spirit, or other liquor imported under authority of a winery
4219     manufacturing license shall conform to the standards of identity and quality established in the
4220     regulations issued under Federal Alcohol Administration Act, 27 U.S.C. Sec. 201 et seq.
4221          (b) The federal definitions, standards of identity, and quality and labeling requirements
4222     for wine, in regulations issued under Federal Alcohol Administration Act, 27 U.S.C. Sec. 201
4223     et seq., are adopted to the extent the regulations are not contrary to or inconsistent with the
4224     laws of this state.
4225          (3) If considered necessary, the commission or department may require:
4226          (a) the alteration of the plant, equipment, or licensed premises;
4227          (b) the alteration or removal of unsuitable wine-making equipment or material;
4228          (c) a winery manufacturing licensee to clean, disinfect, ventilate, or otherwise improve
4229     the sanitary and working conditions of the plant, licensed premises, and wine-making
4230     equipment;
4231          (d) that a marc, pomace, or fruit be destroyed, denatured, or removed from the licensed
4232     premises because it is considered:
4233          (i) unfit for wine making; or
4234          (ii) as producing or likely to produce an unsanitary condition;
4235          (e) a winery manufacturing licensee to distill or cause to be distilled or disposed of
4236     under the department's supervision:
4237          (i) any unsound, poor quality finished wine; or
4238          (ii) unfinished wine that will not be satisfactory when finished; or
4239          (f) that a record pertaining to the grapes and other materials and ingredients used in the
4240     manufacture of wine be available to the commission or department upon request.
4241          (4) A winery manufacturing licensee may not permit wine to be consumed on [its] the

4242     winery manufacturing licensee's premises, except [under the following circumstances] that:
4243          (a) [A] a winery manufacturing licensee may allow [its] the winery manufacturing
4244     licensee's on-duty staff to taste on the licensed premises the alcoholic product that the winery
4245     manufacturing licensee manufactures on [its] the winery manufacturing licensee's premises
4246     without charge, but only in connection with the on-duty staff's duties of manufacturing the
4247     alcoholic product during the manufacturing process and not otherwise[.];
4248          (b) [A] a winery manufacturing licensee may allow a person who can lawfully purchase
4249     wine for wholesale or retail distribution to consume a bona fide sample of the winery
4250     manufacturing licensee's product on the licensed premises[.]; and
4251          (c) [A] a winery manufacturing licensee may conduct [tastings] a tasting as provided in
4252     Section 32B-11-210.
4253          Section 60. Section 32B-11-403 is amended to read:
4254          32B-11-403. Specific authority and operational requirements for distillery
4255     manufacturing license.
4256          (1) A distillery manufacturing license allows a distillery manufacturing licensee to:
4257          (a) store, manufacture, transport, import, or export liquor;
4258          (b) sell liquor to:
4259          (i) the department;
4260          (ii) an out-of-state customer who is at least 21 years old, as the state in which the
4261     customer is located permits; and
4262          (iii) as provided in Subsection (2);
4263          (c) purchase an alcoholic product for mixing and manufacturing purposes if the
4264     department is notified of:
4265          (i) the purchase; and
4266          (ii) the date of delivery;
4267          (d) warehouse on the distillery manufacturing licensee's licensed premises an alcoholic
4268     product that the distillery manufacturing licensee manufactures or purchases for manufacturing
4269     purposes;
4270          (e) if the distillery manufacturing licensee holds two or more distillery manufacturing
4271     licenses under this chapter, transport an alcoholic product from one of the distillery
4272     manufacturing licensee's licensed premises to another, if the transportation occurs for the

4273     purpose of:
4274          (i) continuing or completing the manufacturing process; or
4275          (ii) storing a bulk container or an alcoholic product that is distilled and packaged in the
4276     state, including the transport of an alcoholic product to a package agency located at any of the
4277     distillery manufacturing licensee's licensed premises; and
4278          (f) receive samples of an alcoholic product from a person outside the state for the sole
4279     purpose of performing tests and analysis, if the distillery manufacturing licensee:
4280          (i) performs the tests and analysis in accordance with 27 C.F.R. Secs. 19.434(a), (c),
4281     (d), (e), and (f), Secs. 19.435 through 19.437, and Sec. 19.616;
4282          (ii) keeps records of the samples received, including:
4283          (A) all data required under 27 C.F.R. Sec. 19.616;
4284          (B) a description of the sample; and
4285          (C) the date the distillery manufacturing licensee receives the sample; and
4286          (iii) upon request, provides the records described in Subsection (1)(f)(ii) to the
4287     department.
4288          (2) (a) Subject to the other provisions of this Subsection (2), a distillery manufacturing
4289     licensee may directly sell an alcoholic product to a person engaged within the state in:
4290          (i) a mechanical or industrial business that requires the use of an alcoholic product; or
4291          (ii) scientific pursuits that require the use of an alcoholic product.
4292          (b) A person who purchases an alcoholic product under Subsection (2)(a) shall hold a
4293     valid special use permit issued in accordance with Chapter 10, Special Use Permit Act,
4294     authorizing the use of the alcoholic product.
4295          (c) A distillery manufacturing licensee may sell to a special use permittee described in
4296     Subsection (2)(b) an alcoholic product only in the type for which the special use permit
4297     provides.
4298          (d) The sale of an alcoholic product under this Subsection (2) is subject to rules
4299     prescribed by the department and the federal government.
4300          (3) The federal definitions, standards of identity and quality, and labeling requirements
4301     for distilled liquor, in the regulations issued under Federal Alcohol Administration Act, 27
4302     U.S.C. Sec. 201 et seq., are adopted to the extent the regulations are not contrary to or
4303     inconsistent with laws of this state.

4304          (4) If considered necessary, the commission or department may require:
4305          (a) the alteration of the plant, equipment, or licensed premises;
4306          (b) the alteration or removal of unsuitable alcoholic product-making equipment or
4307     material;
4308          (c) a distillery manufacturing licensee to clean, disinfect, ventilate, or otherwise
4309     improve the sanitary and working conditions of the plant, licensed premises, and equipment; or
4310          (d) that a record pertaining to the materials and ingredients used in the manufacture of
4311     an alcoholic product be made available to the commission or department upon request.
4312          (5) A distillery manufacturing licensee may not permit an alcoholic product to be
4313     consumed on the distillery manufacturing licensee's premises, except that:
4314          (a) a distillery manufacturing licensee may allow the distillery manufacturing licensee's
4315     on-duty staff to taste on the licensed premises an alcoholic product that the distillery
4316     manufacturing licensee manufactures on the distillery manufacturing licensee's licensed
4317     premises without charge, but only in connection with the on-duty staff's duties of
4318     manufacturing the alcoholic product during the manufacturing process and not otherwise;
4319          (b) a distillery manufacturing licensee may allow a person who can lawfully purchase
4320     an alcoholic product for wholesale or retail distribution to consume a bona fide sample of the
4321     distillery manufacturing licensee's product on the licensed premises; and
4322          (c) a distillery manufacturing licensee may conduct [tastings] a tasting as provided in
4323     Section 32B-11-210.
4324          Section 61. Section 32B-11-503 is amended to read:
4325          32B-11-503. Specific authority and operational requirements for brewery
4326     manufacturing license.
4327          (1) A brewery manufacturing license allows a brewery manufacturing licensee to:
4328          (a) store, manufacture, brew, transport, or export beer, heavy beer, and flavored malt
4329     beverages;
4330          (b) sell heavy beer and a flavored malt beverage to:
4331          (i) the department;
4332          (ii) a military installation; or
4333          (iii) an out-of-state customer who is at least 21 years old, as the state in which the
4334     customer is located permits;

4335          (c) sell beer to a beer wholesaler licensee;
4336          (d) in the case of a small brewer, in accordance with Subsection (5), sell beer
4337     manufactured by the small brewer to:
4338          (i) a retail licensee;
4339          (ii) an off-premise beer retailer; or
4340          (iii) an event permittee;
4341          (e) warehouse on [its] the brewery manufacturing licensee's premises an alcoholic
4342     product that the brewery manufacturing licensee manufactures or purchases for manufacturing
4343     purposes; and
4344          (f) if the brewery manufacturing licensee holds two or more brewery manufacturing
4345     licenses, transport beer, heavy beer, or flavored malt beverage from one of the brewery
4346     manufacturing licensee's licensed premises to another, if the transportation occurs for the
4347     purpose of:
4348          (i) continuing or completing the manufacturing process; or
4349          (ii) transferring the beer, heavy beer, or flavored malt beverage for storage at a licensed
4350     premises of the brewery manufacturing licensee that is at a package agency.
4351          (2) A brewery manufacturing licensee may not sell the following to a person within the
4352     state except the department or a military installation:
4353          (a) heavy beer; or
4354          (b) a flavored malt beverage.
4355          (3) If considered necessary, the commission or department may require:
4356          (a) the alteration of the plant, equipment, or licensed premises;
4357          (b) the alteration or removal of any unsuitable alcoholic product-making equipment or
4358     material;
4359          (c) a brewery manufacturing licensee to clean, disinfect, ventilate, or otherwise
4360     improve the sanitary and working conditions of the plant, licensed premises, and equipment; or
4361          (d) that a record pertaining to the materials and ingredients used in the manufacture of
4362     an alcoholic product be available to the commission or department upon request.
4363          (4) A brewery manufacturing licensee may not permit any beer, heavy beer, or flavored
4364     malt beverage to be consumed on the licensed premises, except [under the circumstances
4365     described in this Subsection (4).] that:

4366          (a) [A] a brewery manufacturing licensee may allow [its] the brewery manufacturing
4367     licensee's on-duty staff to taste the alcoholic product that the brewery manufacturing licensee
4368     manufactures on [its] the brewery manufacturing licensee's premises without charge, but only
4369     in connection with the on-duty staff's duties of manufacturing the alcoholic product during the
4370     manufacturing process and not otherwise[.];
4371          (b) [A] a brewery manufacturing licensee may allow a person who can lawfully
4372     purchase the following for wholesale or retail distribution to consume a bona fide sample of the
4373     brewery manufacturing licensee's product on the licensed premises:
4374          (i) beer;
4375          (ii) heavy beer; or
4376          (iii) a flavored malt beverage[.];
4377          (c) [A] a brewery manufacturing licensee may operate a retail facility that complies
4378     with the requirements of Chapter 7, Part 2, Off-Premise Beer Retailer Local Authority[.]; and
4379          (d) [A] a brewery manufacturing licensee may conduct [tastings] a tasting as provided
4380     in Section 32B-11-210.
4381          (5) (a) A small brewer shall own, lease, or maintain and control a warehouse facility
4382     located in this state for the storage of beer to be sold to a person described in Subsection (1)(d)
4383     if the small brewer:
4384          (i) (A) (I) is located in this state; and
4385          (II) holds a brewery manufacturing license; or
4386          (B) (I) is located outside this state; and
4387          (II) holds a certificate of approval to sell beer in this state; and
4388          (ii) sells beer manufactured by the small brewer directly to a person described in
4389     Subsection (1)(d).
4390          (b) A small brewer may not sell beer to a person described in Subsection (1)(d) unless
4391     the beer:
4392          (i) is manufactured by the small brewer; and
4393          (ii) is first placed in the small brewer's warehouse facility in this state.
4394          (c) (i) A small brewer warehouse shall make and maintain complete beer importation,
4395     inventory, tax, distribution, sales records, and other records as the department and State Tax
4396     Commission may require.

4397          (ii) The records described in Subsection (5)(c)(i) are subject to inspection by:
4398          (A) the department; and
4399          (B) the State Tax Commission.
4400          (iii) Section 32B-1-205 applies to a record required to be made or maintained in
4401     accordance with this Subsection (5), except that the provision is considered to include an action
4402     described in Section 32B-1-205 made for the purpose of deceiving the State Tax Commission,
4403     or an official or employee of the State Tax Commission.
4404          [(6) Subject to Subsection (7):]
4405          (6) (a) [A] Subject to Subsection (7), a brewery manufacturing licensee may not sell
4406     beer in this state except under a written agreement with a beer wholesaler licensee in this state.
4407          (b) An agreement described in Subsection (6)(a) shall:
4408          (i) create a restricted exclusive sales territory that is mutually agreed upon by the
4409     persons entering into the agreement;
4410          (ii) designate the one or more brands that may be distributed in the sales territory; and
4411          (iii) set forth the exact geographical area of the sales territory.
4412          (c) A brewery manufacturing licensee may have more than one agreement described in
4413     [this] Subsection (6)(a) if each brand of the brewery manufacturing licensee is covered by one
4414     exclusive sales territory.
4415          (d) A brewery manufacturing licensee may not enter into an agreement described in
4416     Subsection (6)(a) with more than one beer wholesaler licensee to distribute the same brand of
4417     beer in the same sales territory or any portion of the sales territory.
4418          (7) A small brewer is not subject to the requirements of Subsection (6).
4419          Section 62. Section 32B-11-504 is amended to read:
4420          32B-11-504. Department's authority regarding small-brewer status.
4421          (1) A brewer seeking to obtain small-brewer status shall provide to the department any
4422     documentation or information the department determines necessary to determine if the brewer
4423     is part of a controlled group of [breweries] manufacturers.
4424          (2) The department may revoke a brewer's small-brewer status at any time, if the
4425     department determines the brewer does not qualify as a small brewer.
4426          Section 63. Section 32B-18-101, which is renumbered from Section 32B-8a-102 is
4427     renumbered and amended to read:


Part 1. General Provisions

4430          [32B-8a-102].      32B-18-101. Definitions.
4431          As used in this chapter:
4432          (1) (a) "Alcohol license" means:
4433          (i) a retail license;
4434          (ii) an off-premise beer retailer state license;
4435          (iii) a brewery manufacturing license;
4436          (iv) a distillery manufacturing license;
4437          (v) a winery manufacturing license; [and]
4438          (vi) a liquor warehousing license; and
4439          [(vi)] (vii) a special use permit that is an industrial or manufacturing use permit.
4440          (b) "Alcohol license" does not include a:
4441          (i) master full-service restaurant license;
4442          (ii) master limited-service restaurant license; or
4443          (iii) master off-premise beer retailer state license.
4444          (2) "Business entity" means a corporation, partnership, limited liability company, sole
4445     proprietorship, or similar entity.
4446          [(3) "Transfer fee" means a fee described in Section 32B-8a-303.]
4447          [(4) "Transferee or buyer" means a person who intends to hold an alcohol license after
4448     the transfer of the alcohol license if the transfer is approved by the commission under this
4449     chapter.]
4450          [(5) "Transferor or seller" means an alcohol licensee who intends to transfer an alcohol
4451     license held by the alcohol licensee if the commission approves the transfer under this chapter.]
4452          (3) "Interim alcoholic beverage management agreement" means a management
4453     agreement:
4454          (a) in connection with:
4455          (i) a change of ownership in the entity holding an alcohol license; or
4456          (ii) a transfer of the management of an alcohol license to another entity; and
4457          (b) under which the new owner or new management agrees to perform the operations
4458     of the alcohol licensee during the period that:

4459          (i) begins when:
4460          (A) the change of ownership closes; or
4461          (B) the new management agreement is executed; and
4462          (ii) ends on the day after the day on which the commission approves the alcohol license
4463     for the new owner.
4464          (4) "Inventory transfer agreement" means an agreement under which an alcohol
4465     licensee agrees to sell or otherwise transfer all or part of the alcohol licensee's inventory of
4466     alcoholic products.
4467          (5) "Management agreement" means an agreement between two people regarding the
4468     operation and management of an alcohol license.
4469          Section 64. Section 32B-18-201, which is renumbered from Section 32B-8a-201 is
4470     renumbered and amended to read:
Part 2. Alcohol License Changes of Ownership

4472          [32B-8a-201].      32B-18-201. Transferability of an alcohol license.
4473          (1) [(a)] An alcohol license [is]:
4474          (a) is not ascribed any value in the sale or transfer of a business entity or the business
4475     entity's assets;
4476          (b) is neither tangible nor intangible property to the holder of the license; and
4477          (c) is completely separate from other property of an alcohol licensee.
4478          [(b)] (2) [Notwithstanding Subsection (1)(a), the] The Legislature may terminate or
4479     modify the existence of any type of alcohol license.
4480          [(c)] (3) Except as provided in this [chapter] part, a person may not[: (i) transfer an
4481     alcohol license from one location to another location; or (ii)] sell, transfer, assign, exchange,
4482     barter, give, or attempt in any way to dispose of the alcohol license to another person whether
4483     for monetary gain or not.
4484          [(d) If approved by the commission and subject to the requirements of this chapter, an
4485     alcohol licensee may transfer the alcohol license:]
4486          [(i) from the alcohol licensee to another person, regardless of whether the alcohol
4487     license is for the same premises; and]
4488          [(ii) from one premises of the alcohol licensee to another premises of the alcohol
4489     licensee.]

4490          [(2) (a) The commission may not approve the transfer of an alcohol license that results
4491     in a transferee or buyer holding a different type of alcohol license than is held by the transferor
4492     or seller.]
4493          [(b) Unless the alcohol license is a bar establishment license, the commission may not
4494     approve the transfer of an alcohol license from one location to another location, if the location
4495     of the premises to which the alcohol license would be transferred is in a different county than
4496     the location of the licensed premises of the alcohol license being transferred.]
4497          [(3) The commission may not approve the transfer of an alcohol license if the
4498     transferee or buyer is not eligible to hold the same type of alcohol license as the alcohol license
4499     to be transferred at the premises to which the alcohol license would be transferred.]
4500          [(4) The commission may not approve the transfer of an alcohol license unless the
4501     transferee or buyer attests, subject to the penalty for making a false material statement under
4502     Section 32B-4-504, that the transferee or buyer is in compliance with:]
4503          [(a) federal tax laws;]
4504          [(b) Title 35A, Chapter 4, Employment Security Act; and]
4505          [(c) Title 59, Revenue and Taxation.]
4506          [(5) The commission may not approve the transfer of an alcohol license unless the
4507     transferor or seller attests, subject to the penalty for making a false material statement under
4508     Section 32B-4-504, that the transferor or seller is not delinquent on any lease obligation related
4509     to the licensed premises for the alcohol license the transferor or seller is transferring.]
4510          Section 65. Section 32B-18-202, which is renumbered from Section 32B-8a-202 is
4511     renumbered and amended to read:
4512          [32B-8a-202].      32B-18-202. Effect of change of ownership of business entity.
4513          (1) (a) When the ownership of 51% or more of the shares of stock of a corporation is
4514     [acquired by or transferred to] restructured to include one or more persons who did not hold the
4515     ownership of 51% of those shares of stock on the [date] day on which an alcohol license is
4516     issued to the corporation, the corporation shall comply with this chapter to [transfer the alcohol
4517     license to the corporation as if the corporation is newly constituted] reflect the restructuring.
4518          (b) When there is a new general partner or when the ownership of 51% or more of the
4519     capital or profits of a limited partnership is [acquired by or transferred to] restructured to
4520     include one or more persons as general or limited partners and who did not hold ownership of

4521     51% or more of the capital or profits of the limited partnership on the [date] day on which an
4522     alcohol license is issued to the limited partnership, the limited partnership shall comply with
4523     this chapter to [transfer the alcohol license to the limited partnership as if the limited
4524     partnership is newly constituted] reflect the restructuring.
4525          (c) When the ownership of 51% or more of the interests in a limited liability company
4526     is [acquired by or transferred to] restructured to include one or more persons as members who
4527     did not hold ownership of 51% or more of the interests in the limited liability company on the
4528     [date] day on which an alcohol license is issued to the limited liability company, the limited
4529     liability company shall comply with this chapter to [transfer the alcohol license to the limited
4530     liability company as if the limited liability company is newly constituted] reflect the
4531     restructuring.
4532          (2) A business entity shall comply with this section within 60 days after the day on
4533     which a [sale or transfer described in Subsection (1) occurs] restructuring of the business entity
4534     becomes effective.
4535          Section 66. Section 32B-18-203 is enacted to read:
4536          32B-18-203. Application -- Approval process.
4537          (1) (a) A person seeking an alcohol license in accordance with this part that is currently
4538     held by another person shall submit to the department:
4539          (i) a written application for a new license in a form prescribed by the department; and
4540          (ii) a fee in accordance with Section 32B-18-207.
4541          (b) If the person seeking an alcohol license as described in Subsection (1) seeks to take
4542     over the daily operations of the alcohol license before the commission grants the transfer, the
4543     person and the alcohol licensee shall enter into an interim alcoholic beverage management
4544     agreement that:
4545          (i) provides for all proceeds from the sale of alcohol, less cost of goods sold, to accrue
4546     to the current alcohol licensee;
4547          (ii) provides for the duration of the agreement, that the current alcohol licensee:
4548          (A) shall comply with the requirements of this title that are applicable to the alcohol
4549     license; and
4550          (B) in accordance with this title, is subject to disciplinary action by the commission for
4551     a violation of this title; and

4552          (iii) the department approves.
4553          (c) If the person seeking an alcohol license as described in Subsection (1) seeks to buy
4554     the inventory from the existing licensee, the person and the alcohol licensee shall enter into an
4555     inventory transfer agreement that the department approves.
4556          (2) An alcohol licensee seeking to restructure the alcohol licensee's internal ownership
4557     of 51% or more shall submit to the department:
4558          (a) a written application in a form prescribed by the department; and
4559          (b) a fee in accordance with Section 32B-18-207.
4560          (3) A person or business entity shall comply with this section within 60 days after the
4561     day on which the sale of the business's assets closes or the restructuring of the business entity
4562     becomes effective.
4563          (4) In accordance with this section and Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative
4564     Rulemaking Act, the commission may make rules governing the requirements of an interim
4565     alcoholic beverage management agreement.
4566          Section 67. Section 32B-18-204, which is renumbered from Section 32B-5-310 is
4567     renumbered and amended to read:
4568          [32B-5-310].      32B-18-204. Notifying department of change in ownership.
4569          [(1) ]The commission may suspend or revoke [a retail] an alcohol license if the [retail]
4570     alcohol licensee does not notify the department, within 60 days after the day on which the
4571     change occurs, of a change in:
4572          [(a)] (1) ownership of the [retail] business entity holding the alcohol license;
4573          [(b) the entity that manages the retail licensee or a premises licensed under this
4574     chapter;]
4575          [(c)] (2) for a corporate owner, the:
4576          [(i)] (a) corporate officers or directors of the [retail] alcohol licensee; or
4577          [(ii)] (b) shareholders holding at least 20% of the total issued and outstanding stock of
4578     the corporation; or
4579          [(d)] (3) for a limited liability company:
4580          [(i)] (a) managers of the limited liability company; or
4581          [(ii)] (b) members owning at least 20% of the limited liability company.
4582          [(2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, in connection with an event

4583     described in Section 32B-8a-202 or an asset sale of a retail licensee, the parties to the
4584     transaction may enter into an inventory transfer agreement.]
4585          [(3) A retail licensee may enter into an interim alcoholic beverage management
4586     agreement that provides:]
4587          [(a) all proceeds, less cost of goods sold, from the sale of alcohol shall accrue to the
4588     current retail licensee; and]
4589          [(b) for the duration of the agreement, the current retail licensee:]
4590          [(i) shall comply with the requirements of this title that are applicable to the retail
4591     license; and]
4592          [(ii) in accordance with this title, is subject to disciplinary action by the commission for
4593     any violation of this title.]
4594          [(4) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act,
4595     the department may make rules governing the requirements of:]
4596          [(a) an inventory transfer agreement; and]
4597          [(b) an interim alcoholic beverage management agreement.]
4598          Section 68. Section 32B-18-205 is enacted to read:
4599          32B-18-205. Management agreements -- Inventory transfers.
4600          (1) (a) A management agreement may provide for the sharing of revenue from a
4601     business utilizing an alcohol license if, regardless of which party holds the alcohol license, all
4602     parties to the management agreement qualify under Section 32B-1-304 to hold the license.
4603          (b) The parties to a management agreement shall submit to the department:
4604          (i) a copy of the management agreement; and
4605          (ii) any other information the department requires.
4606          (c) If there is a material change to the management agreement submitted to the
4607     department under Subsection (1)(b), the parties to the management agreement shall submit to
4608     the department the following within 30 days after the day on which the change occurs:
4609          (i) a copy of the changed management agreement; and
4610          (ii) any other information the department requires.
4611          (2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, in connection with a change of
4612     ownership described in Section 32B-18-202 or an asset sale of an alcohol licensee, the parties
4613     to the transaction may enter into an inventory transfer agreement.

4614          (3) In accordance with this section and Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative
4615     Rulemaking Act, the commission may make rules governing the requirements of:
4616          (a) a management agreement; or
4617          (b) an inventory transfer agreement.
4618          Section 69. Section 32B-18-206, which is renumbered from Section 32B-8a-203 is
4619     renumbered and amended to read:
4620          [32B-8a-203].      32B-18-206. Operational requirements for change of
4621     ownership or location.
4622          (1) (a) [A transferee or buyer shall begin operations of the alcohol license] Except as
4623     provided in Subsections (1)(b) and (c), operations of an alcohol licensee shall begin within 30
4624     days after the day on which [a transfer is approved by] the commission[, except that:] approves
4625     a change of ownership for the alcohol license.
4626          [(i) the] (b) The department may grant an extension of [this] the time period described
4627     in Subsection (1)(a) for a period not to exceed the greater of:
4628          (i) 30 days; [and] or
4629          (ii) the number of days until the day on which the commission holds the commission's
4630     next regularly scheduled commission meeting.
4631          [(ii)] (c) [after the extension is authorized by] After the department [under] authorizes
4632     an extension described in Subsection [(1)(a)(i)] (1)(b), the commission may grant one or more
4633     additional extensions [not to exceed, in the aggregate, seven months from the day on which the
4634     commission approves the transfer, if the transferee or buyer can demonstrate] if:
4635          (i) the alcohol licensee demonstrates to the commission that the [transferee or buyer:
4636     (A) ] alcohol licensee cannot begin operations because the [transferee or buyer] alcohol
4637     licensee:
4638          (A) is improving the licensed premises;
4639          (B) has obtained a building permit for the improvements described in Subsection
4640     [(1)(a)(ii)(A)] (1)(c)(i)(A), if the respective local [government entity] authority requires a
4641     building permit for the improvements; and
4642          (C) is working expeditiously to complete the improvements to the licensed premises[.];
4643     or
4644          (ii) the commission determines that circumstances beyond the control of the alcohol

4645     licensee negate the licensee's ability to begin operations in a timely manner.
4646          [(b)] (2) [A transferee or buyer] An alcohol licensee is considered to have begun
4647     operations of the alcohol license if the [transferee or buyer] alcohol licensee:
4648          [(i)] (a) has a licensed premises that is open for business;
4649          [(ii) (A)] (b) (i) sells, offers for sale, or furnishes an alcoholic [products] product to a
4650     patron on the licensed premises described in Subsection [(1)(b)(i)] (2)(a);
4651          [(B)] (ii) manufactures an alcoholic product on the licensed premises described in
4652     Subsection [(1)(b)(i)] (2)(a); [or]
4653          [(C)] (iii) engages in an industrial or manufacturing pursuit containing alcohol on the
4654     licensed premises described in Subsection [(1)(b)(i)] (2)(a); [and] or
4655          (iv) warehouses liquor on the licensed premises described in Subsection (2)(a); and
4656          [(iii)] (c) has a valid business license.
4657          [(2)] (3) If [a transferee or buyer] an alcohol licensee fails to begin operations of the
4658     alcohol license within the time period required by Subsection (1), the following are
4659     automatically forfeited effective immediately:
4660          (a) the alcohol license; and
4661          (b) the [alcohol license] fee described in Section 32B-18-207.
4662          [(3) A transferee or buyer] (4) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (4)(b), if the
4663     commission approves a change of ownership, the new owner of the alcohol license shall begin
4664     operations of the alcohol license at the location to which the [transfer] alcohol license applies
4665     before the [transferee or buyer] new owner may [seek a transfer of] move the alcohol license to
4666     a different location in accordance with Part 3, Alcohol License Change of Location.
4667          (b) Subsection (4)(a) does not apply to a new owner of an alcohol license if the
4668     commission determines that a bona fide exigent circumstance exists that warrants a change in
4669     location before operations begin.
4670          [(4)] (5) Notwithstanding Subsection (1), the commission may not issue a conditional
4671     license unless the requirements of Section 32B-5-205 are met, except that the time periods
4672     required by this section supersede the time period provided in Section 32B-5-205.
4673          Section 70. Section 32B-18-207, which is renumbered from Section 32B-8a-303 is
4674     renumbered and amended to read:
4675          [32B-8a-303].      32B-18-207. Change fees.

4676          (1) [Except as otherwise provided in this section, the] The department shall charge the
4677     following [transfer] fees for a change of ownership under this part:
4678          (a) for a [transfer] change of ownership of an alcohol license from an alcohol licensee
4679     to another person, the [transfer] change fee equals the initial license fee amount specified in the
4680     relevant chapter or part for the type of alcohol license [that is being transferred] for which the
4681     change of ownership occurs; and
4682          [(b) for the transfer of an alcohol license from one premises to another premises of the
4683     same alcohol licensee, the transfer fee is $300;]
4684          [(c)] (b) [subject to Subsections (1)(d) and (2), for a transfer] for a change of ownership
4685     described in Section [32B-8a-202] 32B-18-202, the [transfer] change fee equals the renewal fee
4686     amount specified in the relevant chapter or part for the type of alcohol license [that is being
4687     transferred;] for which the change of ownership occurs.
4688          [(d) for a transfer of an alcohol license to include the parent or adult child of an alcohol
4689     licensee, when no consideration is given for the transfer, the transfer fee is one-half of the
4690     amount described in Subsection (1)(a); and]
4691          [(e) for one of the following transfers, the transfer fee is one-half of the amount
4692     described in Subsection (1)(a):]
4693          [(i) an alcohol license of one spouse to the other spouse when the transfer application is
4694     made before the entry of a final decree of divorce;]
4695          [(ii) an alcohol license of a deceased alcohol licensee to:]
4696          [(A) the one or more surviving partners of the deceased alcohol licensee;]
4697          [(B) the executor, administrator, or conservator of the estate of the deceased alcohol
4698     licensee; or]
4699          [(C) the surviving spouse of the deceased alcohol licensee, if the deceased alcohol
4700     licensee leaves no estate to be administered;]
4701          [(iii) an alcohol license of an incompetent person or conservatee by or to the
4702     conservator or guardian for the incompetent person or conservatee who is the alcohol licensee;]
4703          [(iv) an alcohol license of a debtor in a bankruptcy case by or to the trustee of a
4704     bankrupt estate of the alcohol licensee;]
4705          [(v) an alcohol license of a person for whose estate a receiver is appointed may be
4706     transferred by or to a receiver of the estate of the alcohol licensee;]

4707          [(vi) an alcohol license of an assignor for the benefit of creditors by or to an assignee
4708     for the benefit of creditors of a licensee with the consent of the assignor;]
4709          [(vii) an alcohol license transferred to a revocable living trust if the alcohol licensee is
4710     the trustee of the revocable living trust;]
4711          [(viii) an alcohol license transferred between partners when no new partner is being
4712     licensed;]
4713          [(ix) an alcohol license transferred between corporations whose outstanding shares of
4714     stock are owned by the same individuals;]
4715          [(x) upon compliance with Section 32B-8a-202, an alcohol license to a corporation
4716     whose entire stock is owned by:]
4717          [(A) the transferor or seller; or]
4718          [(B) the spouse of the transferor or seller;]
4719          [(xi) upon compliance with Section 32B-8a-202, an alcohol license to a limited
4720     liability company whose entire membership consists of:]
4721          [(A) the transferor or seller; or]
4722          [(B) the spouse of the transferor or seller; or]
4723          [(xii) an alcohol license transferred from a corporation to a person who owns, or whose
4724     spouse owns, the entire stock of the corporation.]
4725          [(2) If there are multiple and simultaneous transfers of alcohol licenses under Section
4726     32B-8a-202, a transfer fee described in Subsection (1)(c) is required for only one of the alcohol
4727     licenses being transferred.]
4728          [(3) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(b), a transfer fee required under
4729     Subsection (1) is due for a transfer subsequent to a transfer under Subsection (1)(e)(xii) if the
4730     subsequent transfer is of 51% of the stock in a corporation to which an alcohol license is
4731     transferred by an alcohol licensee or the spouse of an alcohol licensee.]
4732          [(b) If the transfer of stock described in Subsection (3)(a) is from a parent to the
4733     parent's adult child or adult grandchild, the transfer fee is one-half of the amount described in
4734     Subsection (1)(a).]
4735          [(4) Money collected from a transfer fee shall be deposited in the Liquor Control
4736     Fund.]
4737          (2) The department shall deposit a fee collected under Subsection (1) into the Liquor

4738     Control Fund.
4739          Section 71. Section 32B-18-301 is enacted to read:
Part 3. Alcohol License Change of Location

4741          32B-18-301. Change of location provisions.
4742          (1) Except as provided in this part, a person may not move an alcohol license from one
4743     location to another.
4744          (2) Before an alcohol licensee moves the alcohol licensee's license from one location to
4745     another, the alcohol licensee shall submit to the department:
4746          (a) an application for a change of location, in the form the department determines; and
4747          (b) a change of location fee.
4748          (3) Before the commission approves a change of location requested in accordance with
4749     this part, the commission shall:
4750          (a) ensure that the new location meets the physical requirements for the type of license
4751     for which the change of location is requested, including any proximity requirement; and
4752          (b) consider the locality within which the proposed licensed premises is located,
4753     including the relevant factors for the type of license for which the change of location is
4754     requested.
4755          Section 72. Section 32B-18-302 is enacted to read:
4756          32B-18-302. Operational requirements for change of location.
4757          (1) (a) Except as permitted under Subsections (1)(b) and (c), operations of an alcohol
4758     licensee shall begin within 30 days after the day on which the commission approves a change
4759     of location for the alcohol license.
4760          (b) The department may grant an extension to the 30 days described in Subsection
4761     (1)(a), not to exceed the greater of:
4762          (i) 30 days: or
4763          (ii) the number of days until the next regularly scheduled commission meeting.
4764          (c) After the department authorizes an extension described in Subsection (1)(b), the
4765     commission may grant one or more additional extensions, if:
4766          (i) the alcohol licensee demonstrates to the commission that the alcohol licensee cannot
4767     begin operations because the alcohol licensee:
4768          (A) is improving the licensed premises;

4769          (B) has obtained a building permit for the improvements described in Subsection
4770     (1)(c)(i)(A), if the respective local authority requires a building permit for the improvements;
4771     and
4772          (C) is working expeditiously to complete the improvements to the licensed premises;
4773     or
4774          (ii) the commission determines that circumstances beyond the control of the alcohol
4775     licensee negate the licensee's ability to begin operations in a timely manner.
4776          (2) An alcohol licensee is considered to have begun operations of the alcohol license if
4777     the alcohol licensee:
4778          (a) has a licensed premises that is open for business;
4779          (b) (i) sells, offers for sale, or furnishes an alcoholic product to a patron on the licensed
4780     premises described in Subsection (1)(a);
4781          (ii) manufactures an alcoholic product on the licensed premises described in
4782     Subsection (2)(a);
4783          (iii) engages in an industrial or manufacturing pursuit containing alcohol on the
4784     licensed premises described in Subsection (2)(a); or
4785          (iv) warehouses liquor on the licensed premises described in Subsection (2)(a); and
4786          (c) has a valid business license.
4787          (3) If an alcohol licensee fails to begin operations of the alcohol license within the time
4788     period required under Subsection (1), the following are automatically forfeited effective
4789     immediately:
4790          (a) the alcohol license; and
4791          (b) the change of location fee.
4792          Section 73. Section 32B-18-303 is enacted to read:
4793          32B-18-303. Change of location fees.
4794          (1) The department shall charge a $300 fee for a change in location of an alcohol
4795     licensee's licensed premises.
4796          (2) The department shall deposit a fee collected under Subsection (1) in the Liquor
4797     Control Fund.
4798          Section 74. Section 32B-18-401, which is renumbered from Section 32B-8a-501 is
4799     renumbered and amended to read:

Part 4. Prohibited Activities

4801          [32B-8a-501].      32B-18-401. License not to be pledged as security --
4802     Prohibited changes, transfers, and moves.
4803          (1) An alcohol licensee may not enter into any agreement under which the alcohol
4804     licensee pledges the alcohol license as security for a loan or as security for the fulfillment of
4805     any agreement.
4806          [(2) An alcohol licensee may not transfer an alcohol license if the transfer is to:]
4807          [(a) satisfy a loan or to fulfill an agreement entered into more than 90 days before the
4808     day on which the transfer application is filed;]
4809          [(b) gain or establish a preference to or for any creditor of the transferor or seller,
4810     except as provided by Section 32B-8a-202; or]
4811          [(c) defraud or injure a creditor of the transferor or seller.]
4812          [(3) An alcohol licensee may not transfer a bar establishment license in a manner that
4813     circumvents the limitations of Subsection 32B-8d-103(3)(b) or (c).]
4814          [(4)] (2) An alcohol licensee may not change, transfer, or move an alcohol license
4815     except [in accordance with] as expressly permitted under this chapter.
4816          Section 75. Section 32B-18-402, which is renumbered from Section 32B-8a-502 is
4817     renumbered and amended to read:
4818          [32B-8a-502].      32B-18-402. Effect of change, transfer, or move in violation
4819     of this chapter.
4820          (1) If an alcohol license is changed, transferred, or moved in violation of this chapter,
4821     the commission may:
4822          (a) void the change, transfer, or move; and
4823          (b) require the alcohol license to be forfeited.
4824          (2) Subsection (1) is in addition to any other penalty under this title that is applicable to
4825     the person who violates this chapter.
4826          Section 76. Section 34-52-201 is amended to read:
4827          34-52-201. Public employer requirements.
4828          (1) A public employer may not exclude an applicant from an initial interview because
4829     of a past criminal conviction.
4830          (2) A public employer excludes an applicant from an initial interview if the public

4831     employer:
4832          (a) requires an applicant to disclose, on an employment application, a criminal
4833     conviction;
4834          (b) requires an applicant to disclose, before an initial interview, a criminal conviction;
4835     or
4836          (c) if no interview is conducted, requires an applicant to disclose, before making a
4837     conditional offer of employment, a criminal conviction.
4838          (3) (a) A public employer may not make any inquiry related to an applicant's expunged
4839     criminal history.
4840          (b) An applicant seeking employment from a public employer may answer a question
4841     related to an expunged criminal record as though the action underlying the expunged criminal
4842     record never occurred.
4843          (4) Subject to Subsections (1) through (3), nothing in this section prevents a public
4844     employer from:
4845          (a) asking an applicant for information about an applicant's criminal conviction history
4846     during an initial interview or after an initial interview; or
4847          (b) considering an applicant's conviction history when making a hiring decision.
4848          (5) Subsections (1) through (3) do not apply:
4849          (a) if federal, state, or local law, including corresponding administrative rules, requires
4850     the consideration of an applicant's criminal conviction history;
4851          (b) to a public employer that is a law enforcement agency;
4852          (c) to a public employer that is part of the criminal or juvenile justice system;
4853          (d) to a public employer seeking a nonemployee volunteer;
4854          (e) to a public employer that works with children or vulnerable adults;
4855          (f) to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services created in Section
4856     32B-2-203;
4857          (g) to the State Tax Commission;
4858          (h) to a public employer whose primary purpose is performing financial or fiduciary
4859     functions; and
4860          (i) to a public transit district hiring or promoting an individual for a safety sensitive
4861     position described in Section 17B-2a-825.

4862          Section 77. Section 53-2a-802 is amended to read:
4863          53-2a-802. Definitions.
4864          (1) (a) "Absent" means:
4865          (i) not physically present or not able to be communicated with for 48 hours; or
4866          (ii) for local government officers, as defined by local ordinances.
4867          (b) "Absent" does not include a person who can be communicated with via telephone,
4868     radio, or telecommunications.
4869          (2) "Department" means the Department of Government Operations, the Department of
4870     Agriculture and Food, the Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services Commission, the Department
4871     of Commerce, the Department of Cultural and Community Engagement, the Department of
4872     Corrections, the Department of Environmental Quality, the Department of Financial
4873     Institutions, the Department of Health, the Department of Workforce Services, the Labor
4874     Commission, the National Guard, the Department of Insurance, the Department of Natural
4875     Resources, the Department of Public Safety, the Public Service Commission, the Department
4876     of Human Services, the State Tax Commission, the Department of Transportation, any other
4877     major administrative subdivisions of state government, the State Board of Education, the Utah
4878     Board of Higher Education, the Utah Housing Corporation, the State Retirement Board, and
4879     each institution of higher education within the system of higher education.
4880          (3) "Division" means the Division of Emergency Management established in Title 53,
4881     Chapter 2a, Part 1, Emergency Management Act.
4882          (4) "Emergency interim successor" means a person designated by this part to exercise
4883     the powers and discharge the duties of an office when the person legally exercising the powers
4884     and duties of the office is unavailable.
4885          (5) "Executive director" means the person with ultimate responsibility for managing
4886     and overseeing the operations of each department, however denominated.
4887          (6) (a) "Office" includes all state and local offices, the powers and duties of which are
4888     defined by constitution, statutes, charters, optional plans, ordinances, articles, or by-laws.
4889          (b) "Office" does not include the office of governor or the legislative or judicial offices.
4890          (7) "Place of governance" means the physical location where the powers of an office
4891     are being exercised.
4892          (8) "Political subdivision" includes counties, cities, towns, metro townships, districts,

4893     authorities, and other public corporations and entities whether organized and existing under
4894     charter or general law.
4895          (9) "Political subdivision officer" means a person holding an office in a political
4896     subdivision.
4897          (10) "State officer" means the attorney general, the state treasurer, the state auditor, and
4898     the executive director of each department.
4899          (11) "Unavailable" means:
4900          (a) absent from the place of governance during a disaster that seriously disrupts normal
4901     governmental operations, whether or not that absence or inability would give rise to a vacancy
4902     under existing constitutional or statutory provisions; or
4903          (b) as otherwise defined by local ordinance.
4904          Section 78. Section 53-8-105 is amended to read:
4905          53-8-105. Duties of Highway Patrol.
4906          In addition to the duties in this chapter, the Highway Patrol shall:
4907          (1) enforce the state laws and rules governing use of the state highways;
4908          (2) regulate traffic on all highways and roads of the state;
4909          (3) assist the governor in an emergency or at other times at his discretion;
4910          (4) in cooperation with federal, state, and local agencies, enforce and assist in the
4911     enforcement of all state and federal laws related to the operation of a motor carrier on a
4912     highway, including all state and federal rules and regulations;
4913          (5) inspect certain vehicles to determine road worthiness and safe condition as
4914     provided in Section 41-6a-1630;
4915          (6) upon request, assist with any condition of unrest existing or developing on a
4916     campus or related facility of an institution of higher education;
4917          (7) assist the Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services Commission in an emergency to
4918     enforce the state liquor laws;
4919          (8) provide security and protection for both houses of the Legislature while in session
4920     as the speaker of the House of Representatives and the president of the Senate find necessary;
4921          (9) enforce the state laws and rules governing use of the capitol hill complex as defined
4922     in Section 63C-9-102; and
4923          (10) carry out the following for the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals:

4924          (a) provide security and protection to those courts when in session in the capital city of
4925     the state;
4926          (b) execute orders issued by the courts; and
4927          (c) carry out duties as directed by the courts.
4928          Section 79. Section 53-10-102 is amended to read:
4929          53-10-102. Definitions.
4930          As used in this chapter:
4931          (1) "Administration of criminal justice" means performance of any of the following:
4932     detection, apprehension, detention, pretrial release, posttrial release, prosecution, adjudication,
4933     correctional supervision, or rehabilitation of accused persons or criminal offenders.
4934          (2) "Alcoholic beverage" is as defined in Section 32B-1-102.
4935          (3) "Alcoholic product" is as defined in Section 32B-1-102.
4936          (4) "Commission" means the Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services Commission.
4937          (5) "Communications services" means the technology of reception, relay, and
4938     transmission of information required by public safety agencies in the performance of their duty.
4939          (6) "Conviction record" means criminal history information indicating a record of a
4940     criminal charge which has led to a declaration of guilt of an offense.
4941          (7) "Criminal history record information" means information on individuals consisting
4942     of identifiable descriptions and notations of:
4943          (a) arrests, detentions, indictments, informations, or other formal criminal charges, and
4944     any disposition arising from any of them; and
4945          (b) sentencing, correctional supervision, and release.
4946          (8) "Criminal justice agency" means courts or a government agency or subdivision of a
4947     government agency that administers criminal justice under a statute, executive order, or local
4948     ordinance and that allocates greater than 50% of its annual budget to the administration of
4949     criminal justice.
4950          (9) "Criminalist" means the scientific discipline directed to the recognition,
4951     identification, individualization, and evaluation of physical evidence by application of the
4952     natural sciences in law-science matters.
4953          (10) "Department" means the Department of Public Safety.
4954          (11) "Director" means the division director appointed under Section 53-10-103.

4955          (12) "Division" means the Criminal Investigations and Technical Services Division
4956     created in Section 53-10-103.
4957          (13) "Executive order" means an order of the president of the United States or the chief
4958     executive of a state that has the force of law and that is published in a manner permitting
4959     regular public access to it.
4960          (14) "Forensic" means dealing with the application of scientific knowledge relating to
4961     criminal evidence.
4962          (15) "Mental defective" means an individual who, by a district court, as a result of
4963     marked subnormal intelligence, or mental illness, incompetency, condition, or disease, is
4964     found:
4965          (a) to be a danger to himself or herself or others;
4966          (b) to lack the mental capacity to contract or manage the individual's own affairs;
4967          (c) to be incompetent by a court in a criminal case; or
4968          (d) to be incompetent to stand trial or found not guilty by reason or lack of mental
4969     responsibility.
4970          (16) "Missing child" means any person under the age of 18 years who is missing from
4971     the person's home environment or a temporary placement facility for any reason and whose
4972     location cannot be determined by the person responsible for the child's care.
4973          (17) "Missing person" is as defined in Section 26-2-27.
4974          (18) "Pathogens" means disease-causing agents.
4975          (19) "Physical evidence" means something submitted to the bureau to determine the
4976     truth of a matter using scientific methods of analysis.
4977          (20) "Qualifying entity" means a business, organization, or a governmental entity that
4978     employs persons or utilizes volunteers who deal with:
4979          (a) national security interests;
4980          (b) care, custody, or control of children;
4981          (c) fiduciary trust over money;
4982          (d) health care to children or vulnerable adults; or
4983          (e) the provision of any of the following to a vulnerable adult:
4984          (i) care;
4985          (ii) protection;

4986          (iii) food, shelter, or clothing;
4987          (iv) assistance with the activities of daily living; or
4988          (v) assistance with financial resource management.
4989          Section 80. Section 53-10-305 is amended to read:
4990          53-10-305. Duties of bureau chief.
4991          The bureau chief, with the consent of the commissioner, shall do the following:
4992          (1) conduct in conjunction with the state boards of education and higher education in
4993     state schools, colleges, and universities, an educational program concerning alcoholic
4994     beverages and alcoholic products, and work in conjunction with civic organizations, churches,
4995     local units of government, and other organizations in the prevention of alcoholic beverage,
4996     alcoholic product, and drug violations;
4997          (2) coordinate law enforcement programs throughout the state and accumulate and
4998     disseminate information related to the prevention, detection, and control of violations of this
4999     chapter and Title 32B, Alcoholic Beverage Control Act, as it relates to storage or consumption
5000     of an alcoholic beverage or alcoholic product on premises maintained by a bar establishment
5001     licensee, or a person required to obtain a bar establishment license, as defined in Section
5002     32B-1-102;
5003          (3) make inspections and investigations as required by the commission and the
5004     Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services;
5005          (4) perform other acts as may be necessary or appropriate concerning control of the use
5006     of an alcoholic beverage or alcoholic product and drugs; and
5007          (5) make reports and recommendations to the Legislature, the governor, the
5008     commissioner, the commission, and the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services
5009     as may be required or requested.
5010          Section 81. Section 53F-9-304 is amended to read:
5011          53F-9-304. Underage Drinking and Substance Abuse Prevention Program
5012     Restricted Account.
5013          (1) As used in this section, "account" means the Underage Drinking and Substance
5014     Abuse Prevention Program Restricted Account created in this section.
5015          (2) There is created within the Education Fund a restricted account known as the
5016     "Underage Drinking and Substance Abuse Prevention Program Restricted Account."

5017          (3) (a) Before the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services deposits any
5018     portion of the markup collected under Section 32B-2-304 into the Liquor Control Fund in
5019     accordance with Section 32B-2-301, the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services
5020     shall deposit into the account:
5021          (i) for the fiscal year that begins July 1, 2017, $1,750,000; or
5022          (ii) for each fiscal year that begins on or after July 1, 2018, an amount equal to the
5023     amount that the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services deposited into the
5024     account during the preceding fiscal year increased or decreased by a percentage equal to the
5025     percentage difference between the Consumer Price Index for the second preceding calendar
5026     year and the Consumer Price Index for the preceding calendar year.
5027          (b) For purposes of this Subsection (3), the Department of Alcoholic Beverage
5028     [Control] Services shall calculate the Consumer Price Index in accordance with 26 U.S.C.
5029     Secs. 1(f)(4) and 1(f)(5).
5030          (4) The account shall be funded:
5031          (a) in accordance with Subsection (3);
5032          (b) by appropriations made to the account by the Legislature; and
5033          (c) by interest earned on money in the account.
5034          (5) The state board shall use money in the account for the Underage Drinking and
5035     Substance Abuse Prevention Program described in Section 53G-10-406.
5036          Section 82. Section 53G-10-406 is amended to read:
5037          53G-10-406. Underage Drinking and Substance Abuse Prevention Program --
5038     State board rules.
5039          (1) As used in this section:
5040          (a) "Advisory council" means the Underage Drinking and Substance Abuse Prevention
5041     Program Advisory Council created in this section.
5042          (b) "Program" means the Underage Drinking and Substance Abuse Prevention Program
5043     created in this section.
5044          (c) "School-based prevention program" means an evidence-based program that:
5045          (i) is aimed at preventing underage consumption of alcohol and underage use of
5046     electronic cigarette products;
5047          (ii) is delivered by methods that engage students in storytelling and visualization;

5048          (iii) addresses the behavioral risk factors associated with underage drinking and use of
5049     electronic cigarette products; and
5050          (iv) provides practical tools to address the dangers of underage drinking and use of
5051     electronic cigarette products.
5052          (2) There is created the Underage Drinking and Substance Abuse Prevention Program
5053     that consists of:
5054          (a) a school-based prevention program for students in grade 4 or 5;
5055          (b) a school-based prevention program for students in grade 7 or 8; and
5056          (c) a school-based prevention program for students in grade 9 or 10 that increases
5057     awareness of the dangers of driving under the influence of alcohol.
5058          (3) (a) Beginning with the 2018-19 school year, an LEA shall offer the program each
5059     school year to each student in grade 7 or 8 and grade 9 or 10.
5060          (b) In addition to Subsection (3)(a), beginning with the 2020-21 school year, an LEA
5061     shall offer the program each school year to each student in grade 4 or 5.
5062          (c) An LEA shall select from the providers qualified by the state board under
5063     Subsection (6) to offer the program.
5064          (4) The state board shall administer the program with input from the advisory council.
5065          (5) There is created the Underage Drinking and Substance Abuse Prevention Program
5066     Advisory Council comprised of the following members:
5067          (a) the executive director of the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services
5068     or the executive director's designee;
5069          (b) the executive director of the Department of Health or the executive director's
5070     designee;
5071          (c) the director of the Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health or the director's
5072     designee;
5073          (d) the director of the Division of Child and Family Services or the director's designee;
5074          (e) the director of the Division of Juvenile Justice Services or the director's designee;
5075          (f) the state superintendent or the state superintendent's designee; and
5076          (g) two members of the state board, appointed by the chair of the state board.
5077          (6) (a) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 6a, Utah Procurement Code, the state
5078     board shall qualify one or more providers to provide the program to an LEA.

5079          (b) In selecting a provider described in Subsection (6)(a), the state board shall consider:
5080          (i) whether the provider's program complies with the requirements described in this
5081     section;
5082          (ii) the extent to which the provider's prevention program aligns with core standards for
5083     Utah public schools; and
5084          (iii) the provider's experience in providing a program that is effective.
5085          (7) (a) The state board shall use money from the Underage Drinking and Substance
5086     Abuse Prevention Program Restricted Account described in Section 53F-9-304 for the
5087     program.
5088          (b) The state board may use money from the Underage Drinking Prevention Program
5089     Restricted Account to fund up to .5 of a full-time equivalent position to administer the
5090     program.
5091          (8) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
5092     state board shall make rules that:
5093          (a) beginning with the 2018-19 school year, require an LEA to offer the Underage
5094     Drinking and Substance Abuse Prevention Program each school year to each student in grade 7
5095     or 8 and grade 9 or 10;
5096          (b) beginning with the 2020-21 school year, require an LEA to offer the Underage
5097     Drinking and Substance Abuse Prevention Program each school year to each student in grade 4
5098     or 5; and
5099          (c) establish criteria for the state board to use in selecting a provider described in
5100     Subsection (6).
5101          Section 83. Section 59-1-403 is amended to read:
5102          59-1-403. Confidentiality -- Exceptions -- Penalty -- Application to property tax.
5103          (1) As used in this section:
5104          (a) "Distributed tax, fee, or charge" means a tax, fee, or charge:
5105          (i) the commission administers under:
5106          (A) this title, other than a tax under Chapter 12, Part 2, Local Sales and Use Tax Act;
5107          (B) Title 10, Chapter 1, Part 3, Municipal Energy Sales and Use Tax Act;
5108          (C) Title 10, Chapter 1, Part 4, Municipal Telecommunications License Tax Act;
5109          (D) Section 19-6-805;

5110          (E) Section 63H-1-205; or
5111          (F) Title 69, Chapter 2, Part 4, Prepaid Wireless Telecommunications Service Charges;
5112     and
5113          (ii) with respect to which the commission distributes the revenue collected from the
5114     tax, fee, or charge to a qualifying jurisdiction.
5115          (b) "Qualifying jurisdiction" means:
5116          (i) a county, city, town, or metro township; or
5117          (ii) the military installation development authority created in Section 63H-1-201.
5118          (2) (a) Any of the following may not divulge or make known in any manner any
5119     information gained by that person from any return filed with the commission:
5120          (i) a tax commissioner;
5121          (ii) an agent, clerk, or other officer or employee of the commission; or
5122          (iii) a representative, agent, clerk, or other officer or employee of any county, city, or
5123     town.
5124          (b) An official charged with the custody of a return filed with the commission is not
5125     required to produce the return or evidence of anything contained in the return in any action or
5126     proceeding in any court, except:
5127          (i) in accordance with judicial order;
5128          (ii) on behalf of the commission in any action or proceeding under:
5129          (A) this title; or
5130          (B) other law under which persons are required to file returns with the commission;
5131          (iii) on behalf of the commission in any action or proceeding to which the commission
5132     is a party; or
5133          (iv) on behalf of any party to any action or proceeding under this title if the report or
5134     facts shown by the return are directly involved in the action or proceeding.
5135          (c) Notwithstanding Subsection (2)(b), a court may require the production of, and may
5136     admit in evidence, any portion of a return or of the facts shown by the return, as are specifically
5137     pertinent to the action or proceeding.
5138          (3) This section does not prohibit:
5139          (a) a person or that person's duly authorized representative from receiving a copy of
5140     any return or report filed in connection with that person's own tax;

5141          (b) the publication of statistics as long as the statistics are classified to prevent the
5142     identification of particular reports or returns; and
5143          (c) the inspection by the attorney general or other legal representative of the state of the
5144     report or return of any taxpayer:
5145          (i) who brings action to set aside or review a tax based on the report or return;
5146          (ii) against whom an action or proceeding is contemplated or has been instituted under
5147     this title; or
5148          (iii) against whom the state has an unsatisfied money judgment.
5149          (4) (a) Notwithstanding Subsection (2) and for purposes of administration, the
5150     commission may by rule, made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative
5151     Rulemaking Act, provide for a reciprocal exchange of information with:
5152          (i) the United States Internal Revenue Service; or
5153          (ii) the revenue service of any other state.
5154          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (2) and for all taxes except individual income tax and
5155     corporate franchise tax, the commission may by rule, made in accordance with Title 63G,
5156     Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, share information gathered from returns and
5157     other written statements with the federal government, any other state, any of the political
5158     subdivisions of another state, or any political subdivision of this state, except as limited by
5159     Sections 59-12-209 and 59-12-210, if the political subdivision, other state, or the federal
5160     government grant substantially similar privileges to this state.
5161          (c) Notwithstanding Subsection (2) and for all taxes except individual income tax and
5162     corporate franchise tax, the commission may by rule, in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3,
5163     Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, provide for the issuance of information concerning the
5164     identity and other information of taxpayers who have failed to file tax returns or to pay any tax
5165     due.
5166          (d) Notwithstanding Subsection (2), the commission shall provide to the director of the
5167     Division of Environmental Response and Remediation, as defined in Section 19-6-402, as
5168     requested by the director of the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation, any
5169     records, returns, or other information filed with the commission under Chapter 13, Motor and
5170     Special Fuel Tax Act, or Section 19-6-410.5 regarding the environmental assurance program
5171     participation fee.

5172          (e) Notwithstanding Subsection (2), at the request of any person the commission shall
5173     provide that person sales and purchase volume data reported to the commission on a report,
5174     return, or other information filed with the commission under:
5175          (i) Chapter 13, Part 2, Motor Fuel; or
5176          (ii) Chapter 13, Part 4, Aviation Fuel.
5177          (f) Notwithstanding Subsection (2), upon request from a tobacco product manufacturer,
5178     as defined in Section 59-22-202, the commission shall report to the manufacturer:
5179          (i) the quantity of cigarettes, as defined in Section 59-22-202, produced by the
5180     manufacturer and reported to the commission for the previous calendar year under Section
5181     59-14-407; and
5182          (ii) the quantity of cigarettes, as defined in Section 59-22-202, produced by the
5183     manufacturer for which a tax refund was granted during the previous calendar year under
5184     Section 59-14-401 and reported to the commission under Subsection 59-14-401(1)(a)(v).
5185          (g) Notwithstanding Subsection (2), the commission shall notify manufacturers,
5186     distributors, wholesalers, and retail dealers of a tobacco product manufacturer that is prohibited
5187     from selling cigarettes to consumers within the state under Subsection 59-14-210(2).
5188          (h) Notwithstanding Subsection (2), the commission may:
5189          (i) provide to the Division of Consumer Protection within the Department of
5190     Commerce and the attorney general data:
5191          (A) reported to the commission under Section 59-14-212; or
5192          (B) related to a violation under Section 59-14-211; and
5193          (ii) upon request, provide to any person data reported to the commission under
5194     Subsections 59-14-212(1)(a) through (c) and Subsection 59-14-212(1)(g).
5195          (i) Notwithstanding Subsection (2), the commission shall, at the request of a committee
5196     of the Legislature, the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst, or the Governor's Office of
5197     Planning and Budget, provide to the committee or office the total amount of revenues collected
5198     by the commission under Chapter 24, Radioactive Waste Facility Tax Act, for the time period
5199     specified by the committee or office.
5200          (j) Notwithstanding Subsection (2), the commission shall make the directory required
5201     by Section 59-14-603 available for public inspection.
5202          (k) Notwithstanding Subsection (2), the commission may share information with

5203     federal, state, or local agencies as provided in Subsection 59-14-606(3).
5204          (l) (i) Notwithstanding Subsection (2), the commission shall provide the Office of
5205     Recovery Services within the Department of Human Services any relevant information
5206     obtained from a return filed under Chapter 10, Individual Income Tax Act, regarding a taxpayer
5207     who has become obligated to the Office of Recovery Services.
5208          (ii) The information described in Subsection (4)(l)(i) may be provided by the Office of
5209     Recovery Services to any other state's child support collection agency involved in enforcing
5210     that support obligation.
5211          (m) (i) Notwithstanding Subsection (2), upon request from the state court
5212     administrator, the commission shall provide to the state court administrator, the name, address,
5213     telephone number, county of residence, and social security number on resident returns filed
5214     under Chapter 10, Individual Income Tax Act.
5215          (ii) The state court administrator may use the information described in Subsection
5216     (4)(m)(i) only as a source list for the master jury list described in Section 78B-1-106.
5217          (n) (i) As used in this Subsection (4)(n):
5218          (A) "GO Utah office" means the Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity created in
5219     Section 63N-1a-301.
5220          (B) "Income tax information" means information gained by the commission that is
5221     required to be attached to or included in a return filed with the commission under Chapter 7,
5222     Corporate Franchise and Income Taxes, or Chapter 10, Individual Income Tax Act.
5223          (C) "Other tax information" means information gained by the commission that is
5224     required to be attached to or included in a return filed with the commission except for a return
5225     filed under Chapter 7, Corporate Franchise and Income Taxes, or Chapter 10, Individual
5226     Income Tax Act.
5227          (D) "Tax information" means income tax information or other tax information.
5228          (ii) (A) Notwithstanding Subsection (2) and except as provided in Subsection
5229     (4)(n)(ii)(B) or (C), the commission shall at the request of the GO Utah office provide to the
5230     GO Utah office all income tax information.
5231          (B) For purposes of a request for income tax information made under Subsection
5232     (4)(n)(ii)(A), the GO Utah office may not request and the commission may not provide to the
5233     GO Utah office a person's address, name, social security number, or taxpayer identification

5234     number.
5235          (C) In providing income tax information to the GO Utah office, the commission shall
5236     in all instances protect the privacy of a person as required by Subsection (4)(n)(ii)(B).
5237          (iii) (A) Notwithstanding Subsection (2) and except as provided in Subsection
5238     (4)(n)(iii)(B), the commission shall at the request of the GO Utah office provide to the GO
5239     Utah office other tax information.
5240          (B) Before providing other tax information to the GO Utah office, the commission
5241     shall redact or remove any name, address, social security number, or taxpayer identification
5242     number.
5243          (iv) The GO Utah office may provide tax information received from the commission in
5244     accordance with this Subsection (4)(n) only:
5245          (A) as a fiscal estimate, fiscal note information, or statistical information; and
5246          (B) if the tax information is classified to prevent the identification of a particular
5247     return.
5248          (v) (A) A person may not request tax information from the GO Utah office under Title
5249     63G, Chapter 2, Government Records Access and Management Act, or this section, if the GO
5250     Utah office received the tax information from the commission in accordance with this
5251     Subsection (4)(n).
5252          (B) The GO Utah office may not provide to a person that requests tax information in
5253     accordance with Subsection (4)(n)(v)(A) any tax information other than the tax information the
5254     GO Utah office provides in accordance with Subsection (4)(n)(iv).
5255          (o) Notwithstanding Subsection (2), the commission may provide to the governing
5256     board of the agreement or a taxing official of another state, the District of Columbia, the United
5257     States, or a territory of the United States:
5258          (i) the following relating to an agreement sales and use tax:
5259          (A) information contained in a return filed with the commission;
5260          (B) information contained in a report filed with the commission;
5261          (C) a schedule related to Subsection (4)(o)(i)(A) or (B); or
5262          (D) a document filed with the commission; or
5263          (ii) a report of an audit or investigation made with respect to an agreement sales and
5264     use tax.

5265          (p) Notwithstanding Subsection (2), the commission may provide information
5266     concerning a taxpayer's state income tax return or state income tax withholding information to
5267     the Driver License Division if the Driver License Division:
5268          (i) requests the information; and
5269          (ii) provides the commission with a signed release form from the taxpayer allowing the
5270     Driver License Division access to the information.
5271          (q) Notwithstanding Subsection (2), the commission shall provide to the Utah
5272     Communications Authority, or a division of the Utah Communications Authority, the
5273     information requested by the authority under Sections 63H-7a-302, 63H-7a-402, and
5274     63H-7a-502.
5275          (r) Notwithstanding Subsection (2), the commission shall provide to the Utah
5276     Educational Savings Plan information related to a resident or nonresident individual's
5277     contribution to a Utah Educational Savings Plan account as designated on the resident or
5278     nonresident's individual income tax return as provided under Section 59-10-1313.
5279          (s) Notwithstanding Subsection (2), for the purpose of verifying eligibility under
5280     Sections 26-18-2.5 and 26-40-105, the commission shall provide an eligibility worker with the
5281     Department of Health or its designee with the adjusted gross income of an individual if:
5282          (i) an eligibility worker with the Department of Health or its designee requests the
5283     information from the commission; and
5284          (ii) the eligibility worker has complied with the identity verification and consent
5285     provisions of Sections 26-18-2.5 and 26-40-105.
5286          (t) Notwithstanding Subsection (2), the commission may provide to a county, as
5287     determined by the commission, information declared on an individual income tax return in
5288     accordance with Section 59-10-103.1 that relates to eligibility to claim a residential exemption
5289     authorized under Section 59-2-103.
5290          (u) Notwithstanding Subsection (2), the commission shall provide a report regarding
5291     any access line provider that is over 90 days delinquent in payment to the commission of
5292     amounts the access line provider owes under Title 69, Chapter 2, Part 4, Prepaid Wireless
5293     Telecommunications Service Charges, to the board of the Utah Communications Authority
5294     created in Section 63H-7a-201.
5295          (v) Notwithstanding Subsection (2), the commission shall provide the Department of

5296     Environmental Quality a report on the amount of tax paid by a radioactive waste facility for the
5297     previous calendar year under Section 59-24-103.5.
5298          (w) Notwithstanding Subsection (2), the commission may, upon request, provide to the
5299     Department of Workforce Services any information received under Chapter 10, Part 4,
5300     Withholding of Tax, that is relevant to the duties of the Department of Workforce Services.
5301          (x) Notwithstanding Subsection (2), the commission may provide the Public Service
5302     Commission or the Division of Public Utilities information related to a seller that collects and
5303     remits to the commission a charge described in Subsection 69-2-405(2), including the seller's
5304     identity and the number of charges described in Subsection 69-2-405(2) that the seller collects.
5305          (y) (i) Notwithstanding Subsection (2), the commission shall provide to each qualifying
5306     jurisdiction the collection data necessary to verify the revenue collected by the commission for
5307     a distributed tax, fee, or charge collected within the qualifying jurisdiction.
5308          (ii) In addition to the information provided under Subsection (4)(y)(i), the commission
5309     shall provide a qualifying jurisdiction with copies of returns and other information relating to a
5310     distributed tax, fee, or charge collected within the qualifying jurisdiction.
5311          (iii) (A) To obtain the information described in Subsection (4)(y)(ii), the chief
5312     executive officer or the chief executive officer's designee of the qualifying jurisdiction shall
5313     submit a written request to the commission that states the specific information sought and how
5314     the qualifying jurisdiction intends to use the information.
5315          (B) The information described in Subsection (4)(y)(ii) is available only in official
5316     matters of the qualifying jurisdiction.
5317          (iv) Information that a qualifying jurisdiction receives in response to a request under
5318     this subsection is:
5319          (A) classified as a private record under Title 63G, Chapter 2, Government Records
5320     Access and Management Act; and
5321          (B) subject to the confidentiality requirements of this section.
5322          (z) Notwithstanding Subsection (2), the commission shall provide the Alcoholic
5323     Beverage [Control] Services Commission, upon request, with taxpayer status information
5324     related to state tax obligations necessary to comply with the requirements described in Section
5325     32B-1-203.
5326          (5) (a) Each report and return shall be preserved for at least three years.

5327          (b) After the three-year period provided in Subsection (5)(a) the commission may
5328     destroy a report or return.
5329          (6) (a) Any individual who violates this section is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
5330          (b) If the individual described in Subsection (6)(a) is an officer or employee of the
5331     state, the individual shall be dismissed from office and be disqualified from holding public
5332     office in this state for a period of five years thereafter.
5333          (c) Notwithstanding Subsection (6)(a) or (b), the GO Utah office, when requesting
5334     information in accordance with Subsection (4)(n)(iii), or an individual who requests
5335     information in accordance with Subsection (4)(n)(v):
5336          (i) is not guilty of a class A misdemeanor; and
5337          (ii) is not subject to:
5338          (A) dismissal from office in accordance with Subsection (6)(b); or
5339          (B) disqualification from holding public office in accordance with Subsection (6)(b).
5340          (7) Except as provided in Section 59-1-404, this part does not apply to the property tax.
5341          Section 84. Section 59-15-108 is amended to read:
5342          59-15-108. Construction and equipment of establishments.
5343          No brewery or other establishment may be constructed or equipped in a manner which
5344     facilitates any breach of this chapter or the rules of the Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services
5345     Commission or State Tax Commission. Any structure or equipment in violation of this section
5346     shall be removed by order of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission or the State Tax
5347     Commission.
5348          Section 85. Section 62A-1-121 is amended to read:
5349          62A-1-121. Tracking effects of abuse of alcoholic products.
5350          (1) There is created a committee within the department known as the "Alcohol Abuse
5351     Tracking Committee" that consists of:
5352          (a) the executive director or the executive director's designee;
5353          (b) the executive director of the Department of Health or that executive director's
5354     designee;
5355          (c) the commissioner of the Department of Public Safety or the commissioner's
5356     designee;
5357          (d) the director of the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services or that

5358     director's designee;
5359          (e) the executive director of the Department of Workforce Services or that executive
5360     director's designee;
5361          (f) the chair of the Utah Substance Use and Mental Health Advisory Council or the
5362     chair's designee;
5363          (g) the state court administrator or the state court administrator's designee; and
5364          (h) the director of the Division of Technology Services or that director's designee.
5365          (2) The executive director or the executive director's designee shall chair the
5366     committee.
5367          (3) (a) Four members of the committee constitute a quorum.
5368          (b) A vote of the majority of the committee members present when a quorum is present
5369     is an action of the committee.
5370          (4) The committee shall meet at the call of the chair, except that the chair shall call a
5371     meeting at least twice a year:
5372          (a) with one meeting held each year to develop the report required under Subsection
5373     (7); and
5374          (b) with one meeting held to review and finalize the report before the report is issued.
5375          (5) The committee may adopt additional procedures or requirements for:
5376          (a) voting, when there is a tie of the committee members;
5377          (b) how meetings are to be called; and
5378          (c) the frequency of meetings.
5379          (6) The committee shall establish a process to collect for each calendar year the
5380     following information:
5381          (a) the number of individuals statewide who are convicted of, plead guilty to, plead no
5382     contest to, plead guilty in a similar manner to, or resolve by diversion or its equivalent to a
5383     violation related to underage drinking of alcohol;
5384          (b) the number of individuals statewide who are convicted of, plead guilty to, plead no
5385     contest to, plead guilty in a similar manner to, or resolve by diversion or its equivalent to a
5386     violation related to driving under the influence of alcohol;
5387          (c) the number of violations statewide of Title 32B, Alcoholic Beverage Control Act,
5388     related to over-serving or over-consumption of an alcoholic product;

5389          (d) the cost of social services provided by the state related to abuse of alcohol,
5390     including services provided by the Division of Child and Family Services;
5391          (e) the location where the alcoholic products that result in the violations or costs
5392     described in Subsections (6)(a) through (d) are obtained; and
5393          (f) any information the committee determines can be collected and relates to the abuse
5394     of alcoholic products.
5395          (7) The committee shall report the information collected under Subsection (6) annually
5396     to the governor and the Legislature by no later than the July 1 immediately following the
5397     calendar year for which the information is collected.
5398          Section 86. Section 62A-15-401 is amended to read:
5399          62A-15-401. Alcohol training and education seminar.
5400          (1) As used in this part:
5401          (a) "Instructor" means a person that directly provides the instruction during an alcohol
5402     training and education seminar for a seminar provider.
5403          (b) "Licensee" means a person who is:
5404          (i) (A) a new or renewing licensee under Title 32B, Alcoholic Beverage Control Act;
5405     and
5406          (B) engaged in the retail sale of an alcoholic product for consumption on the premises
5407     of the licensee; or
5408          (ii) a business that is:
5409          (A) a new or renewing licensee licensed by a city, town, or county; and
5410          (B) engaged in the retail sale of beer for consumption off the premises of the licensee.
5411          (c) "Off-premise beer retailer" is as defined in Section 32B-1-102.
5412          (d) "Seminar provider" means a person other than the division who provides an alcohol
5413     training and education seminar meeting the requirements of this section.
5414          (2) (a) This section applies to:
5415          (i) a retail manager as defined in Section 32B-1-701;
5416          (ii) retail staff as defined in Section 32B-1-701; and
5417          (iii) an individual who, as defined by division rule:
5418          (A) directly supervises the sale of beer to a customer for consumption off the premises
5419     of an off-premise beer retailer; or

5420          (B) sells beer to a customer for consumption off the premises of an off-premise beer
5421     retailer.
5422          (b) If the individual does not have a valid record that the individual has completed an
5423     alcohol training and education seminar, an individual described in Subsection (2)(a) shall:
5424          (i) (A) complete an alcohol training and education seminar within 30 days of the
5425     following if the individual is described in Subsection (2)(a)(i) or (ii):
5426          (I) if the individual is an employee, the day the individual begins employment;
5427          (II) if the individual is an independent contractor, the day the individual is first hired;
5428     or
5429          (III) if the individual holds an ownership interest in the licensee, the day that the
5430     individual first engages in an activity that would result in that individual being required to
5431     complete an alcohol training and education seminar; or
5432          (B) complete an alcohol training and education seminar within the time periods
5433     specified in Subsection 32B-1-703(1) if the individual is described in Subsection (2)(a)(iii)(A)
5434     or (B); and
5435          (ii) pay a fee:
5436          (A) to the seminar provider; and
5437          (B) that is equal to or greater than the amount established under Subsection (4)(h).
5438          (c) An individual shall have a valid record that the individual completed an alcohol
5439     training and education seminar within the time period provided in this Subsection (2) to engage
5440     in an activity described in Subsection (2)(a).
5441          (d) A record that an individual has completed an alcohol training and education
5442     seminar is valid for:
5443          (i) three years from the day on which the record is issued for an individual described in
5444     Subsection (2)(a)(i) or (ii); and
5445          (ii) five years from the day on which the record is issued for an individual described in
5446     Subsection (2)(a)(iii)(A) or (B).
5447          (e) On and after July 1, 2011, to be considered as having completed an alcohol training
5448     and education seminar, an individual shall:
5449          (i) attend the alcohol training and education seminar and take any test required to
5450     demonstrate completion of the alcohol training and education seminar in the physical presence

5451     of an instructor of the seminar provider; or
5452          (ii) complete the alcohol training and education seminar and take any test required to
5453     demonstrate completion of the alcohol training and education seminar through an online course
5454     or testing program that meets the requirements described in Subsection (2)(f).
5455          (f) The division shall by rule made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah
5456     Administrative Rulemaking Act, establish one or more requirements for an online course or
5457     testing program described in Subsection (2)(e) that are designed to inhibit fraud in the use of
5458     the online course or testing program. In developing the requirements by rule the division shall
5459     consider whether to require:
5460          (i) authentication that the an individual accurately identifies the individual as taking the
5461     online course or test;
5462          (ii) measures to ensure that an individual taking the online course or test is focused on
5463     training material throughout the entire training period;
5464          (iii) measures to track the actual time an individual taking the online course or test is
5465     actively engaged online;
5466          (iv) a seminar provider to provide technical support, such as requiring a telephone
5467     number, email, or other method of communication that allows an individual taking the online
5468     course or test to receive assistance if the individual is unable to participate online because of
5469     technical difficulties;
5470          (v) a test to meet quality standards, including randomization of test questions and
5471     maximum time limits to take a test;
5472          (vi) a seminar provider to have a system to reduce fraud as to who completes an online
5473     course or test, such as requiring a distinct online certificate with information printed on the
5474     certificate that identifies the person taking the online course or test, or requiring measures to
5475     inhibit duplication of a certificate;
5476          (vii) measures for the division to audit online courses or tests;
5477          (viii) measures to allow an individual taking an online course or test to provide an
5478     evaluation of the online course or test;
5479          (ix) a seminar provider to track the Internet protocol address or similar electronic
5480     location of an individual who takes an online course or test;
5481          (x) an individual who takes an online course or test to use an e-signature; or

5482          (xi) a seminar provider to invalidate a certificate if the seminar provider learns that the
5483     certificate does not accurately reflect the individual who took the online course or test.
5484          (3) (a) A licensee may not permit an individual who is not in compliance with
5485     Subsection (2) to:
5486          (i) serve or supervise the serving of an alcoholic product to a customer for
5487     consumption on the premises of the licensee;
5488          (ii) engage in any activity that would constitute managing operations at the premises of
5489     a licensee that engages in the retail sale of an alcoholic product for consumption on the
5490     premises of the licensee;
5491          (iii) directly supervise the sale of beer to a customer for consumption off the premises
5492     of an off-premise beer retailer; or
5493          (iv) sell beer to a customer for consumption off the premises of an off-premise beer
5494     retailer.
5495          (b) A licensee that violates Subsection (3)(a) is subject to Section 32B-1-702.
5496          (4) The division shall:
5497          (a) (i) provide alcohol training and education seminars; or
5498          (ii) certify one or more seminar providers;
5499          (b) establish the curriculum for an alcohol training and education seminar that includes
5500     the following subjects:
5501          (i) (A) alcohol as a drug; and
5502          (B) alcohol's effect on the body and behavior;
5503          (ii) recognizing the problem drinker or signs of intoxication;
5504          (iii) an overview of state alcohol laws related to responsible beverage sale or service,
5505     as determined in consultation with the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services;
5506          (iv) dealing with the problem customer, including ways to terminate sale or service;
5507     and
5508          (v) for those supervising or engaging in the retail sale of an alcoholic product for
5509     consumption on the premises of a licensee, alternative means of transportation to get the
5510     customer safely home;
5511          (c) recertify each seminar provider every three years;
5512          (d) monitor compliance with the curriculum described in Subsection (4)(b);

5513          (e) maintain for at least five years a record of every person who has completed an
5514     alcohol training and education seminar;
5515          (f) provide the information described in Subsection (4)(e) on request to:
5516          (i) the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services;
5517          (ii) law enforcement; or
5518          (iii) a person licensed by the state or a local government to sell an alcoholic product;
5519          (g) provide the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services on request a list
5520     of any seminar provider certified by the division; and
5521          (h) establish a fee amount for each person attending an alcohol training and education
5522     seminar that is sufficient to offset the division's cost of administering this section.
5523          (5) The division shall by rule made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah
5524     Administrative Rulemaking Act:
5525          (a) define what constitutes under this section an individual who:
5526          (i) manages operations at the premises of a licensee engaged in the retail sale of an
5527     alcoholic product for consumption on the premises of the licensee;
5528          (ii) supervises the serving of an alcoholic product to a customer for consumption on the
5529     premises of a licensee;
5530          (iii) serves an alcoholic product to a customer for consumption on the premises of a
5531     licensee;
5532          (iv) directly supervises the sale of beer to a customer for consumption off the premises
5533     of an off-premise beer retailer; or
5534          (v) sells beer to a customer for consumption off the premises of an off-premise beer
5535     retailer;
5536          (b) establish criteria for certifying and recertifying a seminar provider; and
5537          (c) establish guidelines for the manner in which an instructor provides an alcohol
5538     education and training seminar.
5539          (6) A seminar provider shall:
5540          (a) obtain recertification by the division every three years;
5541          (b) ensure that an instructor used by the seminar provider:
5542          (i) follows the curriculum established under this section; and
5543          (ii) conducts an alcohol training and education seminar in accordance with the

5544     guidelines established by rule;
5545          (c) ensure that any information provided by the seminar provider or instructor of a
5546     seminar provider is consistent with:
5547          (i) the curriculum established under this section; and
5548          (ii) this section;
5549          (d) provide the division with the names of all persons who complete an alcohol training
5550     and education seminar provided by the seminar provider;
5551          (e) (i) collect a fee for each person attending an alcohol training and education seminar
5552     in accordance with Subsection (2); and
5553          (ii) forward to the division the portion of the fee that is equal to the amount described
5554     in Subsection (4)(h); and
5555          (f) issue a record to an individual that completes an alcohol training and education
5556     seminar provided by the seminar provider.
5557          (7) (a) If after a hearing conducted in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 4,
5558     Administrative Procedures Act, the division finds that a seminar provider violates this section
5559     or that an instructor of the seminar provider violates this section, the division may:
5560          (i) suspend the certification of the seminar provider for a period not to exceed 90 days;
5561          (ii) revoke the certification of the seminar provider;
5562          (iii) require the seminar provider to take corrective action regarding an instructor; or
5563          (iv) prohibit the seminar provider from using an instructor until such time that the
5564     seminar provider establishes to the satisfaction of the division that the instructor is in
5565     compliance with Subsection (6)(b).
5566          (b) The division may certify a seminar provider whose certification is revoked:
5567          (i) no sooner than 90 days from the date the certification is revoked; and
5568          (ii) if the seminar provider establishes to the satisfaction of the division that the
5569     seminar provider will comply with this section.
5570          Section 87. Section 63A-17-502 is amended to read:
5571          63A-17-502. Overtime policies for state employees.
5572          (1) As used in this section:
5573          (a) "Accrued overtime hours" means:
5574          (i) for nonexempt employees, overtime hours earned during a fiscal year that, at the end

5575     of the fiscal year, have not been paid and have not been taken as time off by the nonexempt
5576     state employee who accrued them; and
5577          (ii) for exempt employees, overtime hours earned during an overtime year.
5578          (b) "Appointed official" means:
5579          (i) each department executive director and deputy director, each division director, and
5580     each member of a board or commission; and
5581          (ii) any other person employed by a department who is appointed by, or whose
5582     appointment is required by law to be approved by, the governor and who:
5583          (A) is paid a salary by the state; and
5584          (B) who exercises managerial, policy-making, or advisory responsibility.
5585          (c) "Department" means the Department of Government Operations, the Department of
5586     Corrections, the Department of Financial Institutions, the Department of Alcoholic Beverage
5587     [Control] Services, the Insurance Department, the Public Service Commission, the Labor
5588     Commission, the Department of Agriculture and Food, the Department of Human Services, the
5589     Department of Natural Resources, the Department of Transportation, the Department of
5590     Commerce, the Department of Workforce Services, the State Tax Commission, the Department
5591     of Cultural and Community Engagement, the Department of Health, the National Guard, the
5592     Department of Environmental Quality, the Department of Public Safety, the Commission on
5593     Criminal and Juvenile Justice, all merit employees except attorneys in the Office of the
5594     Attorney General, merit employees in the Office of the State Treasurer, merit employees in the
5595     Office of the State Auditor, Department of Veterans and Military Affairs, and the Board of
5596     Pardons and Parole.
5597          (d) "Elected official" means any person who is an employee of the state because the
5598     person was elected by the registered voters of Utah to a position in state government.
5599          (e) "Exempt employee" means a state employee who is exempt as defined by the Fair
5600     Labor Standards Act of 1978, 29 U.S.C. Sec. 201 et seq.
5601          (f) "FLSA" means the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1978, 29 U.S.C. Sec. 201 et seq.
5602          (g) "FLSA agreement" means the agreement authorized by the Fair Labor Standards
5603     Act of 1978, 29 U.S.C. Sec. 201 et seq., by which a nonexempt employee elects the form of
5604     compensation the nonexempt employee will receive for overtime.
5605          (h) "Nonexempt employee" means a state employee who is nonexempt as defined by

5606     the division applying FLSA requirements.
5607          (i) "Overtime" means actual time worked in excess of the employee's defined work
5608     period.
5609          (j) "Overtime year" means the year determined by a department under Subsection
5610     (4)(b) at the end of which an exempt employee's accrued overtime lapses.
5611          (k) "State employee" means every person employed by a department who is not:
5612          (i) an appointed official;
5613          (ii) an elected official; or
5614          (iii) a member of a board or commission who is paid only for per diem or travel
5615     expenses.
5616          (l) "Uniform annual date" means the date when an exempt employee's accrued
5617     overtime lapses.
5618          (m) "Work period" means:
5619          (i) for all nonexempt employees, except law enforcement and hospital employees, a
5620     consecutive seven day 24 hour work period of 40 hours;
5621          (ii) for all exempt employees, a 14 day, 80 hour payroll cycle; and
5622          (iii) for nonexempt law enforcement and hospital employees, the period established by
5623     each department by rule for those employees according to the requirements of the Fair Labor
5624     Standards Act of 1978, 29 U.S.C. Sec. 201 et seq.
5625          (2) Each department shall compensate each state employee who works overtime by
5626     complying with the requirements of this section.
5627          (3) (a) Each department shall negotiate and obtain a signed FLSA agreement from each
5628     nonexempt employee.
5629          (b) In the FLSA agreement, the nonexempt employee shall elect either to be
5630     compensated for overtime by:
5631          (i) taking time off work at the rate of one and one-half hour off for each overtime hour
5632     worked; or
5633          (ii) being paid for the overtime worked at the rate of one and one-half times the rate per
5634     hour that the state employee receives for nonovertime work.
5635          (c) Any nonexempt employee who elects to take time off under this Subsection (3)
5636     shall be paid for any overtime worked in excess of the cap established by the division.

5637          (d) Before working any overtime, each nonexempt employee shall obtain authorization
5638     to work overtime from the employee's immediate supervisor.
5639          (e) Each department shall:
5640          (i) for employees who elect to be compensated with time off for overtime, allow
5641     overtime earned during a fiscal year to be accumulated; and
5642          (ii) for employees who elect to be paid for overtime worked, pay them for overtime
5643     worked in the paycheck for the pay period in which the employee worked the overtime.
5644          (f) If a department pays a nonexempt employee for overtime, that department shall
5645     charge that payment to that department's budget.
5646          (g) At the end of each fiscal year, the Division of Finance shall total all the accrued
5647     overtime hours for nonexempt employees and charge that total against the appropriate fund or
5648     subfund.
5649          (4) (a) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (4)(a)(ii), each department shall
5650     compensate exempt employees who work overtime by granting them time off at the rate of one
5651     hour off for each hour of overtime worked.
5652          (ii) The director of the division may grant limited exceptions to this requirement,
5653     where work circumstances dictate, by authorizing a department to pay employees for overtime
5654     worked at the rate per hour that the employee receives for nonovertime work, if that department
5655     has funds available.
5656          (b) (i) Each department shall:
5657          (A) establish in its written human resource policies a uniform annual date for each
5658     division that is at the end of any pay period; and
5659          (B) communicate the uniform annual date to its employees.
5660          (ii) If any department fails to establish a uniform annual date as required by this
5661     Subsection (4), the director of the division, in conjunction with the director of the Division of
5662     Finance, shall establish the date for that department.
5663          (c) (i) Any overtime earned under this Subsection (4) is not an entitlement, is not a
5664     benefit, and is not a vested right.
5665          (ii) A court may not construe the overtime for exempt employees authorized by this
5666     Subsection (4) as an entitlement, a benefit, or as a vested right.
5667          (d) At the end of the overtime year, upon transfer to another department at any time,

5668     and upon termination, retirement, or other situations where the employee will not return to
5669     work before the end of the overtime year:
5670          (i) any of an exempt employee's overtime that is more than the maximum established
5671     by division rule lapses; and
5672          (ii) unless authorized by the director of the division under Subsection (4)(a)(ii), a
5673     department may not compensate the exempt employee for that lapsed overtime by paying the
5674     employee for the overtime or by granting the employee time off for the lapsed overtime.
5675          (e) Before working any overtime, each exempt employee shall obtain authorization to
5676     work overtime from the exempt employee's immediate supervisor.
5677          (f) If a department pays an exempt employee for overtime under authorization from the
5678     director of the division, that department shall charge that payment to that department's budget
5679     in the pay period earned.
5680          (5) The division shall:
5681          (a) ensure that the provisions of the FLSA and this section are implemented throughout
5682     state government;
5683          (b) determine, for each state employee, whether that employee is exempt, nonexempt,
5684     law enforcement, or has some other status under the FLSA;
5685          (c) in coordination with modifications to the systems operated by the Division of
5686     Finance, make rules:
5687          (i) establishing procedures for recording overtime worked that comply with FLSA
5688     requirements;
5689          (ii) establishing requirements governing overtime worked while traveling and
5690     procedures for recording that overtime that comply with FLSA requirements;
5691          (iii) establishing requirements governing overtime worked if the employee is "on call"
5692     and procedures for recording that overtime that comply with FLSA requirements;
5693          (iv) establishing requirements governing overtime worked while an employee is being
5694     trained and procedures for recording that overtime that comply with FLSA requirements;
5695          (v) subject to the FLSA, establishing the maximum number of hours that a nonexempt
5696     employee may accrue before a department is required to pay the employee for the overtime
5697     worked;
5698          (vi) subject to the FLSA, establishing the maximum number of overtime hours for an

5699     exempt employee that do not lapse; and
5700          (vii) establishing procedures for adjudicating appeals of any FLSA determinations
5701     made by the division as required by this section;
5702          (d) monitor departments for compliance with the FLSA; and
5703          (e) recommend to the Legislature and the governor any statutory changes necessary
5704     because of federal government action.
5705          (6) (a) In coordination with the procedures for recording overtime worked established
5706     in rule by the division, the Division of Finance shall modify its payroll and human resource
5707     systems to accommodate those procedures.
5708          (b) Notwithstanding the procedures and requirements of Title 63G, Chapter 4,
5709     Administrative Procedures Act, Section 63A-17-602, and Section 67-19a-301, any employee
5710     who is aggrieved by the FLSA designation made by the division as required by this section may
5711     appeal that determination to the director of the division by following the procedures and
5712     requirements established in division rule.
5713          (c) Upon receipt of an appeal under this section, the director shall notify the executive
5714     director of the employee's department that the appeal has been filed.
5715          (d) If the employee is aggrieved by the decision of the director, the employee shall
5716     appeal that determination to the Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division, according to
5717     the procedures and requirements of federal law.
5718          Section 88. Section 63A-17-807 is amended to read:
5719          63A-17-807. Department award program.
5720          (1) As used in this section:
5721          (a) "Department" means the Department of Government Operations, the Department of
5722     Agriculture and Food, the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services, the
5723     Department of Commerce, the Department of Cultural and Community Engagement, the
5724     Department of Corrections, the Department of Workforce Services, the Department of
5725     Environmental Quality, the Department of Financial Institutions, the Department of Health, the
5726     Department of Human Services, the Insurance Department, the National Guard, the Department
5727     of Natural Resources, the Department of Public Safety, the Public Service Commission, the
5728     Labor Commission, the State Board of Education, the Utah Board of Higher Education, the
5729     State Tax Commission, and the Department of Transportation.

5730          (b) "Department head" means the individual or body of individuals in whom the
5731     ultimate legal authority of the department is vested by law.
5732          (2) There is created a department awards program to award an outstanding employee in
5733     each department of state government.
5734          (3) (a) On or before April 1 of each year, each department head shall solicit
5735     nominations for outstanding employee of the year for that department from the employees in
5736     that department.
5737          (b) On or before July 1 of each year, the department head shall:
5738          (i) select a person from the department to receive the outstanding employee of the year
5739     award using the criteria established in Subsection (3)(c); and
5740          (ii) announce the recipient of the award to the employees of the department.
5741          (c) Department heads shall make the award to an employee who demonstrates:
5742          (i) extraordinary competence in performing the employee's function;
5743          (ii) creativity in identifying problems and devising workable, cost-effective solutions;
5744          (iii) excellent relationships with the public and other employees;
5745          (iv) a commitment to serving the public as the client; and
5746          (v) a commitment to economy and efficiency in government.
5747          (4) (a) The division shall divide any appropriation for outstanding department
5748     employee awards that the division receives from the Legislature equally among the
5749     departments.
5750          (b) If a department receives money from the division or if a department budget allows,
5751     that department head shall provide the employee with a bonus, a plaque, or some other suitable
5752     acknowledgement of the award.
5753          (5) (a) A department head may name the award after an exemplary present or former
5754     employee of the department.
5755          (b) A department head may not name the award for oneself or for any relative as
5756     defined in Section 52-3-1.
5757          Section 89. Section 63B-3-301 is amended to read:
5758          63B-3-301. Legislative intent -- Additional projects.
5759          (1) It is the intent of the Legislature that, for any lease purchase agreement that the
5760     Legislature may authorize the Division of Facilities Construction and Management to enter into

5761     during its 1994 Annual General Session, the State Building Ownership Authority, at the
5762     reasonable rates and amounts it may determine, and with technical assistance from the state
5763     treasurer, the director of the Division of Finance, and the executive director of the Governor's
5764     Office of Planning and Budget, may seek out the most cost effective and prudent lease
5765     purchase plans available to the state and may, pursuant to Chapter 1, Part 3, State Building
5766     Ownership Authority Act, certificate out interests in, or obligations of the authority pertaining
5767     to:
5768          (a) the lease purchase obligation; or
5769          (b) lease rental payments under the lease purchase obligation.
5770          (2) It is the intent of the Legislature that the Department of Transportation dispose of
5771     surplus real properties and use the proceeds from those properties to acquire or construct
5772     through the Division of Facilities Construction and Management a new District Two Complex.
5773          (3) It is the intent of the Legislature that the State Building Board allocate funds from
5774     the Capital Improvement appropriation and donations to cover costs associated with the
5775     upgrade of the Governor's Residence that go beyond the restoration costs which can be covered
5776     by insurance proceeds.
5777          (4) (a) It is the intent of the Legislature to authorize the State Building Ownership
5778     Authority under authority of Chapter 1, Part 3, State Building Ownership Authority Act, to
5779     issue or execute obligations or enter into or arrange for a lease purchase agreement in which
5780     participation interests may be created, to provide up to $10,600,000 for the construction of a
5781     Natural Resources Building in Salt Lake City, together with additional amounts necessary to:
5782          (i) pay costs of issuance;
5783          (ii) pay capitalized interest; and
5784          (iii) fund any debt service reserve requirements.
5785          (b) It is the intent of the Legislature that the authority seek out the most cost effective
5786     and prudent lease purchase plan available with technical assistance from the state treasurer, the
5787     director of the Division of Finance, and the executive director of the Governor's Office of
5788     Planning and Budget.
5789          (c) It is the intent of the Legislature that the operating budget for the Department of
5790     Natural Resources not be increased to fund these lease payments.
5791          (5) (a) It is the intent of the Legislature to authorize the State Building Ownership

5792     Authority under authority of Chapter 1, Part 3, State Building Ownership Authority Act, to
5793     issue or execute obligations or enter into or arrange for a lease purchase agreement in which
5794     participation interests may be created, to provide up to $8,300,000 for the acquisition of the
5795     office buildings currently occupied by the Department of Environmental Quality and
5796     approximately 19 acres of additional vacant land at the Airport East Business Park in Salt Lake
5797     City, together with additional amounts necessary to:
5798          (i) pay costs of issuance;
5799          (ii) pay capitalized interest; and
5800          (iii) fund any debt service reserve requirements.
5801          (b) It is the intent of the Legislature that the authority seek out the most cost effective
5802     and prudent lease purchase plan available with technical assistance from the state treasurer, the
5803     director of the Division of Finance, and the executive director of the Governor's Office of
5804     Planning and Budget.
5805          (6) (a) It is the intent of the Legislature to authorize the State Building Ownership
5806     Authority under authority of Chapter 1, Part 3, State Building Ownership Authority Act, to
5807     issue or execute obligations or enter into or arrange for a lease purchase agreement in which
5808     participation interests may be created, to provide up to $9,000,000 for the acquisition or
5809     construction of up to two field offices for the Department of Human Services in the
5810     southwestern portion of Salt Lake County, together with additional amounts necessary to:
5811          (i) pay costs of issuance;
5812          (ii) pay capitalized interest; and
5813          (iii) fund any debt service reserve requirements.
5814          (b) It is the intent of the Legislature that the authority seek out the most cost effective
5815     and prudent lease purchase plan available with technical assistance from the state treasurer, the
5816     director of the Division of Finance, and the executive director of the Governor's Office of
5817     Planning and Budget.
5818          (7) (a) It is the intent of the Legislature to authorize the State Building Ownership
5819     Authority under authority of Chapter 1, Part 3, State Building Ownership Authority Act, to
5820     issue or execute obligations or enter into or arrange for lease purchase agreements in which
5821     participation interests may be created, to provide up to $5,000,000 for the acquisition or
5822     construction of up to 13 stores for the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services,

5823     together with additional amounts necessary to:
5824          (i) pay costs of issuance;
5825          (ii) pay capitalized interest; and
5826          (iii) fund any debt service reserve requirements.
5827          (b) It is the intent of the Legislature that the authority seek out the most cost effective
5828     and prudent lease purchase plan available with technical assistance from the state treasurer, the
5829     director of the Division of Finance, and the executive director of the Governor's Office of
5830     Planning and Budget.
5831          (c) It is the intent of the Legislature that the operating budget for the Department of
5832     Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services not be increased to fund these lease payments.
5833          (8) (a) It is the intent of the Legislature to authorize the State Building Ownership
5834     Authority under authority of Chapter 1, Part 3, State Building Ownership Authority Act, to
5835     issue or execute obligations or enter into or arrange for a lease purchase agreement in which
5836     participation interests may be created, to provide up to $6,800,000 for the construction of a
5837     Prerelease and Parole Center for the Department of Corrections, containing a minimum of 300
5838     beds, together with additional amounts necessary to:
5839          (i) pay costs of issuance;
5840          (ii) pay capitalized interest; and
5841          (iii) fund any debt service reserve requirements.
5842          (b) It is the intent of the Legislature that the authority seek out the most cost effective
5843     and prudent lease purchase plan available with technical assistance from the state treasurer, the
5844     director of the Division of Finance, and the executive director of the Governor's Office of
5845     Planning and Budget.
5846          (9) If S.B. 275, 1994 General Session, which authorizes funding for a Courts Complex
5847     in Salt Lake City, becomes law, it is the intent of the Legislature that:
5848          (a) the Legislative Management Committee, the Interim Appropriation Subcommittees
5849     for General Government and Capital Facilities and Executive Offices, Courts, and Corrections,
5850     the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst, the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget, and
5851     the State Building Board participate in a review of the proposed facility design for the Courts
5852     Complex no later than December 1994; and
5853          (b) although this review will not affect the funding authorization issued by the 1994

5854     Legislature, it is expected that Division of Facilities Construction and Management will give
5855     proper attention to concerns raised in these reviews and make appropriate design changes
5856     pursuant to the review.
5857          (10) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
5858          (a) the Division of Facilities Construction and Management, in cooperation with the
5859     Division of Youth Corrections renamed in 2003 to the Division of Juvenile Justice Services,
5860     develop a flexible use prototype facility for the Division of Youth Corrections renamed in 2003
5861     to the Division of Juvenile Justice Services;
5862          (b) the development process use existing prototype proposals unless it can be
5863     quantifiably demonstrated that the proposals cannot be used;
5864          (c) the facility is designed so that with minor modifications, it can accommodate
5865     detention, observation and assessment, transition, and secure programs as needed at specific
5866     geographical locations;
5867          (d) (i) funding as provided in the fiscal year 1995 bond authorization for the Division
5868     of Youth Corrections renamed in 2003 to the Division of Juvenile Justice Services is used to
5869     design and construct one facility and design the other;
5870          (ii) the Division of Youth Corrections renamed in 2003 to the Division of Juvenile
5871     Justice Services shall:
5872          (A) determine the location for the facility for which design and construction are fully
5873     funded; and
5874          (B) in conjunction with the Division of Facilities Construction and Management,
5875     determine the best methodology for design and construction of the fully funded facility;
5876          (e) the Division of Facilities Construction and Management submit the prototype as
5877     soon as possible to the Infrastructure and General Government Appropriations Subcommittee
5878     and Executive Offices, Criminal Justice, and Legislature Appropriation Subcommittee for
5879     review;
5880          (f) the Division of Facilities Construction and Management issue a Request for
5881     Proposal for one of the facilities, with that facility designed and constructed entirely by the
5882     winning firm;
5883          (g) the other facility be designed and constructed under the existing Division of
5884     Facilities Construction and Management process;

5885          (h) that both facilities follow the program needs and specifications as identified by
5886     Division of Facilities Construction and Management and the Division of Youth Corrections
5887     renamed in 2003 to the Division of Juvenile Justice Services in the prototype; and
5888          (i) the fully funded facility should be ready for occupancy by September 1, 1995.
5889          (11) It is the intent of the Legislature that the fiscal year 1995 funding for the State Fair
5890     Park Master Study be used by the Division of Facilities Construction and Management to
5891     develop a master plan for the State Fair Park that:
5892          (a) identifies capital facilities needs, capital improvement needs, building
5893     configuration, and other long term needs and uses of the State Fair Park and its buildings; and
5894          (b) establishes priorities for development, estimated costs, and projected timetables.
5895          (12) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
5896          (a) the Division of Facilities Construction and Management, in cooperation with the
5897     Division of State Parks, formerly known as the Division of Parks and Recreation, and
5898     surrounding counties, develop a master plan and general program for the phased development
5899     of Antelope Island;
5900          (b) the master plan:
5901          (i) establish priorities for development;
5902          (ii) include estimated costs and projected time tables; and
5903          (iii) include recommendations for funding methods and the allocation of
5904     responsibilities between the parties; and
5905          (c) the results of the effort be reported to the Natural Resources, Agriculture, and
5906     Environmental Quality Appropriations Subcommittee and Infrastructure and General
5907     Government Appropriations Subcommittee.
5908          (13) It is the intent of the Legislature to authorize the University of Utah to use:
5909          (a) bond reserves to plan, design, and construct the Kingsbury Hall renovation under
5910     the supervision of the director of the Division of Facilities Construction and Management
5911     unless supervisory authority is delegated by the director; and
5912          (b) donated and other nonappropriated funds to plan, design, and construct the Biology
5913     Research Building under the supervision of the director of the Division of Facilities
5914     Construction and Management unless supervisory authority is delegated by the director.
5915          (14) It is the intent of the Legislature to authorize Utah State University to use:

5916          (a) federal and other funds to plan, design, and construct the Bee Lab under the
5917     supervision of the director of the Division of Facilities Construction and Management unless
5918     supervisory authority is delegated by the director;
5919          (b) donated and other nonappropriated funds to plan, design, and construct an Athletic
5920     Facility addition and renovation under the supervision of the director of the Division of
5921     Facilities Construction and Management unless supervisory authority is delegated by the
5922     director;
5923          (c) donated and other nonappropriated funds to plan, design, and construct a renovation
5924     to the Nutrition and Food Science Building under the supervision of the director of the
5925     Division of Facilities Construction and Management unless supervisory authority is delegated
5926     by the director; and
5927          (d) federal and private funds to plan, design, and construct the Millville Research
5928     Facility under the supervision of the director of the Division of Facilities Construction and
5929     Management unless supervisory authority is delegated by the director.
5930          (15) It is the intent of the Legislature to authorize Salt Lake Community College to use:
5931          (a) institutional funds to plan, design, and construct a remodel to the Auto Trades
5932     Office and Learning Center under the supervision of the director of the Division of Facilities
5933     Construction and Management unless supervisory authority is delegated by the director;
5934          (b) institutional funds to plan, design, and construct the relocation and expansion of a
5935     temporary maintenance compound under the supervision of the director of the Division of
5936     Facilities Construction and Management unless supervisory authority is delegated by the
5937     director; and
5938          (c) institutional funds to plan, design, and construct the Alder Amphitheater under the
5939     supervision of the director of the Division of Facilities Construction and Management unless
5940     supervisory authority is delegated by the director.
5941          (16) It is the intent of the Legislature to authorize Southern Utah University to use:
5942          (a) federal funds to plan, design, and construct a Community Services Building under
5943     the supervision of the director of the Division of Facilities Construction and Management
5944     unless supervisory authority is delegated by the director; and
5945          (b) donated and other nonappropriated funds to plan, design, and construct a stadium
5946     expansion under the supervision of the director of the Division of Facilities Construction and

5947     Management unless supervisory authority is delegated by the director.
5948          (17) It is the intent of the Legislature to authorize the Department of Corrections to use
5949     donated funds to plan, design, and construct a Prison Chapel at the Central Utah Correctional
5950     Facility in Gunnison under the supervision of the director of the Division of Facilities
5951     Construction and Management unless supervisory authority is delegated by the director.
5952          (18) If the Utah National Guard does not relocate in the Signetics Building, it is the
5953     intent of the Legislature to authorize the Guard to use federal funds and funds from Provo City
5954     to plan and design an Armory in Provo, Utah, under the supervision of the director of the
5955     Division of Facilities Construction and Management unless supervisory authority is delegated
5956     by the director.
5957          (19) It is the intent of the Legislature that the Utah Department of Transportation use
5958     $250,000 of the fiscal year 1995 highway appropriation to fund an environmental study in
5959     Ogden, Utah of the 2600 North Corridor between Washington Boulevard and I-15.
5960          (20) It is the intent of the Legislature that the Ogden-Weber Applied Technology
5961     Center use the money appropriated for fiscal year 1995 to design the Metal Trades Building
5962     and purchase equipment for use in that building that could be used in metal trades or other
5963     programs in other Applied Technology Centers.
5964          (21) It is the intent of the Legislature that the Bridgerland Applied Technology Center
5965     and the Ogden-Weber Applied Technology Center projects as designed in fiscal year 1995 be
5966     considered as the highest priority projects for construction funding in fiscal year 1996.
5967          (22) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
5968          (a) the Division of Facilities Construction and Management complete physical space
5969     utilization standards by June 30, 1995, for the use of technology education activities;
5970          (b) these standards are to be developed with and approved by the State Board of
5971     Education, the Board of Regents, and the Utah State Building Board;
5972          (c) these physical standards be used as the basis for:
5973          (i) determining utilization of any technology space based on number of stations capable
5974     and occupied for any given hour of operation; and
5975          (ii) requests for any new space or remodeling;
5976          (d) the fiscal year 1995 projects at the Bridgerland Applied Technology Center and the
5977     Ogden-Weber Applied Technology Center are exempt from this process; and

5978          (e) the design of the Davis Applied Technology Center take into account the utilization
5979     formulas established by the Division of Facilities Construction and Management.
5980          (23) It is the intent of the Legislature that Utah Valley State College may use the
5981     money from the bond allocated to the remodel of the Signetics building to relocate its technical
5982     education programs at other designated sites or facilities under the supervision of the director
5983     of the Division of Facilities Construction and Management unless supervisory authority is
5984     delegated by the director.
5985          (24) It is the intent of the Legislature that the money provided for the fiscal year 1995
5986     project for the Bridgerland Applied Technology Center be used to design and construct the
5987     space associated with Utah State University and design the technology center portion of the
5988     project.
5989          (25) It is the intent of the Legislature that the governor provide periodic reports on the
5990     expenditure of the funds provided for electronic technology, equipment, and hardware to the
5991     Infrastructure and General Government Appropriations Subcommittee, and the Legislative
5992     Management Committee.
5993          Section 90. Section 63B-5-201 is amended to read:
5994          63B-5-201. Legislative intent statements.
5995          (1) If the United States Department of Defense has not provided matching funds to
5996     construct the National Guard Armory in Orem by December 31, 1997, the Division of Facilities
5997     Construction and Management shall transfer any funds received from issuance of a General
5998     Obligation Bond for benefit of the Orem Armory to the Provo Armory for capital
5999     improvements.
6000          (2) It is the intent of the Legislature that the University of Utah use institutional funds
6001     to plan, design, and construct:
6002          (a) the Health Science East parking structure under the supervision of the director of
6003     the Division of Facilities Construction and Management unless supervisory authority is
6004     delegated by the director;
6005          (b) the Health Science Office Building under the supervision of the director of the
6006     Division of Facilities Construction and Management unless supervisory authority is delegated
6007     by the director; and
6008          (c) the new Student Housing/Olympic Athletes Village under the supervision of the

6009     director of the Division of Facilities Construction and Management unless supervisory
6010     authority is delegated by the director.
6011          (3) It is the intent of the Legislature that Utah State University use institutional funds to
6012     plan, design, and construct a multipurpose facility under the supervision of the director of the
6013     Division of Facilities Construction and Management unless supervisory authority is delegated
6014     by the director.
6015          (4) It is the intent of the Legislature that the Utah Geologic Survey use agency internal
6016     funding to plan, design, and construct a sample library facility under the supervision of the
6017     director of the Division of Facilities Construction and Management unless supervisory
6018     authority is delegated by the director.
6019          (5) (a) If legislation introduced in the 1996 General Session to fund the Wasatch State
6020     Park Club House does not pass, the State Building Ownership Authority, under authority of
6021     Title 63B, Chapter 1, Part 3, State Building Ownership Authority Act, may issue or execute
6022     obligations, or enter into or arrange for a lease purchase agreement in which participation
6023     interests may be created, to provide up to $1,500,000 for the remodel and expansion of the
6024     clubhouse at Wasatch Mountain State Park for the Division of State Parks, formerly known as
6025     the Division of Parks and Recreation, together with additional amounts necessary to:
6026          (i) pay costs of issuance;
6027          (ii) pay capitalized interest; and
6028          (iii) fund any debt service reserve requirements.
6029          (b) The State Building Ownership Authority shall work cooperatively with the
6030     Division of State Parks, formerly known as the Division of Parks and Recreation, to seek out
6031     the most cost effective and prudent lease purchase plan available.
6032          (6) (a) The State Building Ownership Authority, under authority of Title 63B, Chapter
6033     1, Part 3, State Building Ownership Authority Act, may issue or execute obligations, or enter
6034     into or arrange for a lease purchase agreement in which participation interests may be created,
6035     to provide up to $835,300 for the construction of a liquor store in the Snyderville area, together
6036     with additional amounts necessary to:
6037          (i) pay costs of issuance;
6038          (ii) pay capitalized interest; and
6039          (iii) fund any debt service reserve requirements.

6040          (b) The State Building Ownership Authority shall work cooperatively with the
6041     Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services to seek out the most cost effective and
6042     prudent lease purchase plan available.
6043          (7) (a) The State Building Ownership Authority, under authority of Title 63B, Chapter
6044     1, Part 3, State Building Ownership Authority Act, may issue or execute obligations, or enter
6045     into or arrange for a lease purchase agreement in which participation interests may be created,
6046     to provide up to $15,000,000 for the construction of the Huntsman Cancer Institute, together
6047     with additional amounts necessary to:
6048          (i) pay costs of issuance;
6049          (ii) pay capitalized interest; and
6050          (iii) fund any debt service reserve requirements.
6051          (b) The State Building Ownership Authority shall work cooperatively with the
6052     University of Utah to seek out the most cost effective and prudent lease purchase plan
6053     available.
6054          (c) It is the intent of the Legislature that the University of Utah lease land to the State
6055     Building Ownership Authority for the construction of the Huntsman Cancer Institute facility.
6056          (8) (a) The State Building Ownership Authority, under authority of Title 63B, Chapter
6057     1, Part 3, State Building Ownership Authority Act, may issue or execute obligations, or enter
6058     into or arrange for a lease purchase agreement in which participation interests may be created,
6059     to provide up to $857,600 for the construction of an addition to the Human Services facility in
6060     Vernal, Utah together with additional amounts necessary to:
6061          (i) pay costs of issuance;
6062          (ii) pay capitalized interest; and
6063          (iii) fund any debt service reserve requirements.
6064          (b) The State Building Ownership Authority shall work cooperatively with the
6065     Department of Human Services to seek out the most cost effective and prudent lease purchase
6066     plan available.
6067          (9) (a) The State Building Ownership Authority, under authority of Title 63B, Chapter
6068     1, Part 3, State Building Ownership Authority Act, may issue or execute obligations, or enter
6069     into or arrange for a lease purchase agreement in which participation interests may be created,
6070     to provide up to $3,470,200 for the construction of the Student Services Center, at Utah State

6071     University Eastern, together with additional amounts necessary to:
6072          (i) pay costs of issuance;
6073          (ii) pay capitalized interest; and
6074          (iii) fund any debt service reserve requirements.
6075          (b) The State Building Ownership Authority shall work cooperatively with Utah State
6076     University Eastern to seek out the most cost effective and prudent lease purchase plan
6077     available.
6078          (10) (a) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in Title 53B, Chapter 21, Revenue
6079     Bonds, which prohibits the issuance of revenue bonds payable from legislative appropriations,
6080     the State Board of Regents, on behalf of Dixie College, may issue, sell, and deliver revenue
6081     bonds or other evidences of indebtedness of Dixie College to borrow money on the credit of
6082     the income and revenues, including legislative appropriations, of Dixie College, to finance the
6083     acquisition of the Dixie Center.
6084          (b) (i) The bonds or other evidences of indebtedness authorized by this section shall be
6085     issued in accordance with Title 53B, Chapter 21, Revenue Bonds, under terms and conditions
6086     and in amounts that the board, by resolution, determines are reasonable and necessary and may
6087     not exceed $6,000,000 together with additional amounts necessary to:
6088          (A) pay cost of issuance;
6089          (B) pay capitalized interest; and
6090          (C) fund any debt service reserve requirements.
6091          (ii) To the extent that future legislative appropriations will be required to provide for
6092     payment of debt service in full, the board shall ensure that the revenue bonds are issued
6093     containing a clause that provides for payment from future legislative appropriations that are
6094     legally available for that purpose.
6095          (11) (a) The State Building Ownership Authority, under authority of Title 63B, Chapter
6096     1, Part 3, State Building Ownership Authority Act, may issue or execute obligations, or enter
6097     into or arrange for a lease purchase agreement in which participation interests may be created,
6098     to provide up to $10,479,000 for the construction of a facility for the Courts - Davis County
6099     Regional Expansion, together with additional amounts necessary to:
6100          (i) pay costs of issuance;
6101          (ii) pay capitalized interest; and

6102          (iii) fund any debt service reserve requirements.
6103          (b) The State Building Ownership Authority shall work cooperatively with the
6104     Administrative Office of the Courts to seek out the most cost effective and prudent lease
6105     purchase plan available.
6106          (12) (a) The State Building Ownership Authority, under authority of Title 63B, Chapter
6107     1, Part 3, State Building Ownership Authority Act, may issue or execute obligations, or enter
6108     into or arrange for a lease purchase agreement in which participation interests may be created,
6109     to provide up to $4,200,000 for the purchase and remodel of the Washington County
6110     Courthouse, together with additional amounts necessary to:
6111          (i) pay costs of issuance;
6112          (ii) pay capitalized interest; and
6113          (iii) fund any debt service reserve requirements.
6114          (b) The State Building Ownership Authority shall work cooperatively with the
6115     Administrative Office of the Courts to seek out the most cost effective and prudent lease
6116     purchase plan available.
6117          (13) (a) The State Building Ownership Authority, under authority of Title 63B, Chapter
6118     1, Part 3, State Building Ownership Authority Act, may issue or execute obligations, or enter
6119     into or arrange for a lease purchase agreement in which participation interests may be created,
6120     to provide up to $14,299,700 for the construction of a facility for the State Library and the
6121     Division of Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired, together with additional amounts
6122     necessary to:
6123          (i) pay costs of issuance;
6124          (ii) pay capitalized interest; and
6125          (iii) fund any debt service reserve requirements.
6126          (b) The State Building Ownership Authority shall work cooperatively with the State
6127     Board of Education and the Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity to seek out the most
6128     cost effective and prudent lease purchase plan available.
6129          Section 91. Section 63B-10-301 is amended to read:
6130          63B-10-301. Revenue bond authorizations.
6131          (1) (a) It is the intent of the Legislature that the State Building Ownership Authority,
6132     under the authority of Title 63B, Chapter 1, Part 3, State Building Ownership Authority Act,

6133     may issue or execute obligations, or enter into or arrange for a lease purchase agreement in
6134     which participation interests may be created, to provide up to $8,281,000 for the construction
6135     of an expansion of the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services warehouse
6136     together with additional amounts necessary to pay costs of issuance, pay capitalized interest,
6137     and fund any debt service reserve requirements.
6138          (b) It is the intent of the Legislature that enhanced revenues of the Department of
6139     Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services be used as the primary revenue source for repayment of
6140     any obligation created under authority of this Subsection (1).
6141          (2) (a) It is the intent of the Legislature that the State Building Ownership Authority,
6142     under the authority of Title 63B, Chapter 1, Part 3, State Building Ownership Authority Act,
6143     may issue or execute obligations, or enter into or arrange for a lease purchase agreement in
6144     which participation interests may be created, to provide up to $957,100 for the acquisition of a
6145     site and construction of a store in the western part of Salt Lake County for the Department of
6146     Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services together with additional amounts necessary to pay costs
6147     of issuance, pay capitalized interest, and fund any debt service reserve requirements.
6148          (b) It is the intent of the Legislature that enhanced revenues of the Department of
6149     Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services be used as the primary revenue source for repayment of
6150     any obligation created under authority of this Subsection (2).
6151          (3) (a) It is the intent of the Legislature that the State Building Ownership Authority,
6152     under the authority of Title 63B, Chapter 1, Part 3, State Building Ownership Authority Act,
6153     may issue or execute obligations, or enter into or arrange for a lease purchase agreement in
6154     which participation interests may be created, to provide up to $1,497,700 for the acquisition of
6155     a site and construction of a store in the southern part of Salt Lake County for the Department of
6156     Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services together with additional amounts necessary to pay costs
6157     of issuance, pay capitalized interest, and fund any debt service reserve requirements.
6158          (b) It is the intent of the Legislature that enhanced revenues of the Department of
6159     Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services be used as the primary revenue source for repayment of
6160     any obligation created under authority of this Subsection (3).
6161          (4) (a) It is the intent of the Legislature that the State Building Ownership Authority,
6162     under the authority of Title 63B, Chapter 1, Part 3, State Building Ownership Authority Act,
6163     may issue or execute obligations, or enter into or arrange for a lease purchase agreement in

6164     which participation interests may be created, to provide up to $100,000,000 for the acquisition
6165     and construction of a cancer clinical research hospital facility adjacent to the University of
6166     Utah Medical Center, together with additional amounts necessary to pay costs of issuance, pay
6167     capitalized interest, and fund any debt service reserve requirements.
6168          (b) The State Building Ownership Authority shall work cooperatively with the
6169     Division of Facilities Construction and Management and the University of Utah to seek out the
6170     most cost effective and prudent lease purchase plan available.
6171          (c) It is the intent of the Legislature that the University of Utah lease land to the State
6172     Building Ownership Authority for the construction of a cancer clinical research hospital facility
6173     adjacent to the University of Utah Medical Center.
6174          (d) The anticipated revenue sources for repayment of any obligation created under
6175     authority of this section are:
6176          (i) the institutional funds of the University of Utah, including the University's annual
6177     distribution of tobacco settlement funds from the state; and
6178          (ii) donations from the Huntsman Cancer Foundation and other donors.
6179          (e) By September 1 of each year of the existence of this revenue bond, the University
6180     of Utah shall give an annual report regarding the status of the bond and the bond payments to
6181     the Legislative Fiscal Analyst. This report shall be reviewed by the Higher Education
6182     Appropriations Subcommittee and the Capital Facilities Appropriation Subcommittee.
6183          (5) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
6184          (a) the Board of Regents, on behalf of the University of Utah, issue, sell, and deliver
6185     revenue bonds or other evidences of indebtedness of the University of Utah to borrow money
6186     on the credit, revenues, and reserves of the University of Utah, other than appropriations of the
6187     Legislature, to finance the cost of acquiring, constructing, furnishing, and equipping an
6188     expansion of the University Hospital;
6189          (b) University Hospital revenues be used as the primary revenue source for repayment
6190     of any obligation created under authority of this section; and
6191          (c) the bonds or other evidences of indebtedness authorized by this section may provide
6192     up to $25,000,000, together with other amounts necessary to pay costs of issuance, pay
6193     capitalized interest, and fund any debt service reserve requirements.
6194          (6) It is the intent of the Legislature that:

6195          (a) the Board of Regents, on behalf of Salt Lake Community College, issue, sell, and
6196     deliver revenue bonds or other evidences of indebtedness of Salt Lake Community College to
6197     borrow money on the credit, revenues, and reserves of Salt Lake Community College, other
6198     than appropriations of the Legislature, to finance the cost of acquiring, constructing, furnishing,
6199     and equipping the remodel of the cafeteria and expansion of the Student Center;
6200          (b) student fees be used as the primary revenue source for repayment of any obligation
6201     created under authority of this section; and
6202          (c) the bonds or other evidences of indebtedness authorized by this section may provide
6203     up to $6,000,000, together with other amounts necessary to pay costs of issuance, pay
6204     capitalized interest, and fund any debt service reserve requirements.
6205          (7) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
6206          (a) the Board of Regents, on behalf of Dixie College, issue, sell, and deliver revenue
6207     bonds or other evidences of indebtedness of Dixie College to borrow money on the credit,
6208     revenues, and reserves of Dixie College, other than appropriations of the Legislature, to finance
6209     the cost of acquiring, constructing, furnishing, and equipping an expansion of the Gardner
6210     Student Center;
6211          (b) student fees be used as the primary revenue source for repayment of any obligation
6212     created under authority of this section; and
6213          (c) the bonds or other evidences of indebtedness authorized by this section may provide
6214     up to $1,500,000, together with other amounts necessary to pay costs of issuance, pay
6215     capitalized interest, and fund any debt service reserve requirements.
6216          Section 92. Section 63B-11-701 is amended to read:
6217          63B-11-701. Revenue bond authorizations.
6218          (1) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
6219          (a) the Board of Regents, on behalf of the University of Utah, issue, sell, and deliver
6220     revenue bonds or other evidences of indebtedness of the University of Utah to borrow money
6221     on the credit, revenues, and reserves of the University of Utah, other than appropriations of the
6222     Legislature, to refinance the cost of acquiring, constructing, furnishing, and equipping the
6223     East-Campus Central Plant and related energy improvements;
6224          (b) savings in heating and cooling costs be used as the primary revenue source for
6225     repayment of any obligation created under authority of this section; and

6226          (c) the bonds or other evidences of indebtedness authorized by this section may provide
6227     up to $33,000,000, together with other amounts necessary to pay costs of issuance, pay
6228     capitalized interest, and fund any debt service reserve requirements.
6229          (2) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
6230          (a) the Board of Regents, on behalf of Utah State University, issue, sell, and deliver
6231     revenue bonds or other evidences of indebtedness of Utah State University to borrow money on
6232     the credit, revenues, and reserves of Utah State University, other than appropriations of the
6233     Legislature, to finance the cost of acquiring, constructing, furnishing, and equipping research
6234     and office facilities at its Research Park;
6235          (b) revenues from research activities, the Utah State University Research Foundation,
6236     and other institutional funds be used as the primary revenue source for repayment of any
6237     obligation created under authority of this section; and
6238          (c) the bonds or other evidences of indebtedness authorized by this section may provide
6239     up to $19,000,000, together with other amounts necessary to pay costs of issuance, pay
6240     capitalized interest, and fund any debt service reserve requirements.
6241          (3) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
6242          (a) the Board of Regents, on behalf of Southern Utah University, issue, sell, and deliver
6243     revenue bonds or other evidences of indebtedness of Southern Utah University to borrow
6244     money on the credit, revenues, and reserves of Southern Utah University, other than
6245     appropriations of the Legislature, to finance the cost of acquiring, constructing, furnishing, and
6246     equipping a Student Living and Learning Facility;
6247          (b) student housing and other auxiliary revenues and student building fees be used as
6248     the primary revenue source for repayment of any obligation created under authority of this
6249     section; and
6250          (c) the bonds or other evidences of indebtedness authorized by this section may provide
6251     up to $9,000,000, together with other amounts necessary to pay costs of issuance, pay
6252     capitalized interest, and fund any debt service reserve requirements.
6253          (4) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
6254          (a) the Board of Regents, on behalf of Snow College, issue, sell, and deliver revenue
6255     bonds or other evidences of indebtedness of Snow College to borrow money on the credit,
6256     revenues, and reserves of Snow College, other than appropriations of the Legislature, to finance

6257     the cost of acquiring, constructing, furnishing, and equipping a Multi-Event Center in
6258     Richfield;
6259          (b) usage fees and other operating revenues be used as the primary revenue source for
6260     repayment of any obligation created under authority of this section; and
6261          (c) the bonds or other evidences of indebtedness authorized by this section may provide
6262     up to $2,500,000, together with other amounts necessary to pay costs of issuance, pay
6263     capitalized interest, and fund any debt service reserve requirements.
6264          (5) It is the intent of the Legislature that the State Building Ownership Authority, under
6265     the authority of Title 63B, Chapter 1, Part 3, State Building Ownership Authority Act, may
6266     issue or execute obligations, or enter into or arrange for a lease purchase agreement in which
6267     participation interests may be created, to provide up to $1,836,000 for the acquisition of a site
6268     and construction of a store in Tooele for the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control]
6269     Services, together with additional amounts necessary to pay costs of issuance, pay capitalized
6270     interest, and fund any debt service reserve requirements.
6271          Section 93. Section 63B-13-201 is amended to read:
6272          63B-13-201. Revenue bond authorizations -- State Building Ownership
6273     Authority.
6274          (1) (a) It is the intent of the Legislature that the State Building Ownership Authority,
6275     under the authority of Title 63B, Chapter 1, Part 3, State Building Ownership Authority Act,
6276     may issue or execute obligations, or enter into or arrange for a lease purchase agreement in
6277     which participation interests may be created, to provide up to $8,205,000 for the acquisition
6278     and construction of five stores for the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services,
6279     together with additional amounts necessary to pay costs of issuance, pay capitalized interest,
6280     and fund any debt service reserve requirements.
6281          (b) It is the intent of the Legislature that the stores to be addressed through this
6282     authorization are:
6283          (i) a new Park City store;
6284          (ii) replacement of the Mount Olympus store;
6285          (iii) replacement of the Ogden City 2nd Street store;
6286          (iv) replacement of the Ogden Patterson Street store; and
6287          (v) expansion of the Provo store.

6288          (c) It is the intent of the Legislature that proceeds from the sale of stores replaced
6289     through this authorization shall be deposited in the General Fund.
6290          (d) It is further the intent of the Legislature that increased sales revenues be used as the
6291     primary revenue source for repayment of any obligation created under authority of this
6292     Subsection (1).
6293          (2) (a) It is the intent of the Legislature that the State Building Ownership Authority,
6294     under the authority of Title 63B, Chapter 1, Part 3, State Building Ownership Authority Act,
6295     may issue or execute obligations, or enter into or arrange for a lease purchase agreement in
6296     which participation interests may be created, to provide up to $8,914,000 for the acquisition
6297     and construction of a new regional office building in Ogden, together with additional amounts
6298     necessary to pay costs of issuance, pay capitalized interest, and fund any debt service reserve
6299     requirements.
6300          (b) It is further the intent of the Legislature that existing rent budgets be used as the
6301     primary revenue source for repayment of any obligation created under authority of this
6302     Subsection (2).
6303          (3) (a) It is the intent of the Legislature that the State Building Ownership Authority,
6304     under the authority of Title 63B, Chapter 1, Part 3, State Building Ownership Authority Act,
6305     may issue or execute obligations, or enter into or arrange for a lease-purchase agreement in
6306     which participation interests may be created, to provide up to $1,450,000 for the acquisition of
6307     the leased regional office building and adjacent land in Moab, together with additional amounts
6308     necessary to pay costs of issuance, pay capitalized interest, and fund any debt service reserve
6309     requirements.
6310          (b) It is further the intent of the Legislature that existing rent budgets be used as the
6311     primary revenue source for repayment of any obligation created under authority of this
6312     Subsection (3).
6313          (4) (a) It is the intent of the Legislature that the State Building Ownership Authority,
6314     under the authority of Title 63B, Chapter 1, Part 3, State Building Ownership Authority Act,
6315     may issue or execute obligations, or enter into or arrange for a lease-purchase agreement in
6316     which participation interests may be created, to provide up to $7,103,000 for the acquisition of
6317     the Tooele Courts building and adjacent land in Tooele City, together with additional amounts
6318     necessary to pay costs of issuance, pay capitalized interest, and fund any debt service reserve

6319     requirements.
6320          (b) It is further the intent of the Legislature that court fees be used as the primary
6321     revenue source for repayment of any obligation created under authority of this Subsection (4).
6322          Section 94. Section 63B-14-201 is amended to read:
6323          63B-14-201. Revenue bond authorizations -- State Building Ownership
6324     Authority.
6325          (1) It is the intent of the Legislature that the State Building Ownership Authority, under
6326     the authority of Title 63B, Chapter 1, Part 3, State Building Ownership Authority Act, may
6327     issue or execute obligations, or enter into or arrange for a lease-purchase agreement in which
6328     participation interests may be created, to provide up to $7,867,000 for the acquisition and
6329     construction of three stores for the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services,
6330     together with additional amounts necessary to pay costs of issuance, pay capitalized interest,
6331     and fund any debt service reserve requirements.
6332          (2) It is the intent of the Legislature that the stores to be addressed through this
6333     authorization are:
6334          (a) a new wine store in the downtown Salt Lake City area;
6335          (b) a new store in Washington County; and
6336          (c) a new store in southwest Salt Lake County.
6337          (3) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
6338          (a) increased sales revenues be used as the primary revenue source for repayment of
6339     any obligation created under authority of this subsection; and
6340          (b) the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services may request operation
6341     and maintenance funding from sales revenues.
6342          Section 95. Section 63B-15-201 is amended to read:
6343          63B-15-201. Revenue bond authorizations -- State Building Ownership
6344     Authority.
6345          (1) It is the intent of the Legislature that the State Building Ownership Authority, under
6346     the authority of Title 63B, Chapter 1, Part 3, State Building Ownership Authority Act, may
6347     issue or execute obligations, or enter into or arrange for a lease-purchase agreement in which
6348     participation interests may be created, to provide up to $7,371,000 for the acquisition and
6349     construction of three stores for the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services,

6350     together with additional amounts necessary to pay costs of issuance, pay capitalized interest,
6351     and fund any debt service reserve requirements.
6352          (2) It is the intent of the Legislature that the stores to be addressed through this
6353     authorization are:
6354          (a) a new store in the Holladay/Cottonwood area of Salt Lake County;
6355          (b) expansion and remodel of the Kimball Junction store in Summit County; and
6356          (c) expansion and remodel of the Redwood Road store in Salt Lake County.
6357          (3) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
6358          (a) increased sales revenues be used as the primary revenue source for repayment of
6359     any obligation created under authority of this section; and
6360          (b) the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services may request operation
6361     and maintenance funding from sales revenues.
6362          Section 96. Section 63B-16-201 is amended to read:
6363          63B-16-201. Revenue bond authorizations -- State Building Ownership
6364     Authority.
6365          (1) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
6366          (a) the State Building Ownership Authority, under the authority of Title 63B, Chapter
6367     1, Part 3, State Building Ownership Authority Act, may issue or execute obligations, or enter
6368     into or arrange for a lease-purchase agreement in which participation interests may be created,
6369     to provide up to $5,662,000 for the acquisition and construction of three stores for the
6370     Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services, together with additional amounts
6371     necessary to pay costs of issuance, pay capitalized interest, and fund any debt service reserve
6372     requirements;
6373          (b) the stores to be addressed through this authorization are:
6374          (i) expansion of the North Temple store in Salt Lake County;
6375          (ii) expansion of the Taylorsville store in Salt Lake County; and
6376          (iii) reconstruction of the Bountiful store in Davis County;
6377          (c) increased sales revenues be used as the primary revenue source for repayment of
6378     any obligation created under authority of this section; and
6379          (d) the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services may request operation
6380     and maintenance funding from sales revenues.

6381          (2) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
6382          (a) the State Building Ownership Authority, under the authority of Title 63B, Chapter
6383     1, Part 3, State Building Ownership Authority Act, may issue or execute obligations, or enter
6384     into or arrange for a lease-purchase agreement in which participation interests may be created,
6385     to provide up to $1,476,000 for the acquisition and construction of a production warehouse for
6386     Utah Correctional Industries, together with additional amounts necessary to pay costs of
6387     issuance, pay capitalized interest, and fund any debt service reserve requirements;
6388          (b) Utah Correctional Industries' revenues be used as the primary revenue source for
6389     repayment of any obligation created under authority of this section;
6390          (c) Utah Correctional Industries may plan, design, and construct the production
6391     warehouse subject to requirements in Section 63A-5b-604; and
6392          (d) Utah Correctional Industries may not request state funds for operation and
6393     maintenance costs or capital improvements.
6394          Section 97. Section 63B-17-201 is amended to read:
6395          63B-17-201. Revenue bond authorizations -- State Building Ownership
6396     Authority.
6397          (1) The Legislature intends that:
6398          (a) the State Building Ownership Authority, under the authority of Title 63B, Chapter
6399     1, Part 3, State Building Ownership Authority Act, may issue or execute obligations, or enter
6400     into or arrange for a lease purchase agreement in which participation interests may be created,
6401     to provide up to $90,000,000 for the acquisition and construction of phase II-B of a cancer
6402     clinical research hospital facility adjacent to the University of Utah Medical Center, together
6403     with additional amounts necessary to pay costs of issuance, pay capitalized interest, and fund
6404     any debt service reserve requirements;
6405          (b) the University of Utah use institutional funds as the primary revenue source for
6406     repayment of any obligation created under authority of this section;
6407          (c) the university may plan, design, and construct phase II-B of a cancer clinical
6408     research hospital facility subject to the requirements of Section 63A-5b-604; and
6409          (d) the university may not request state funds for operation and maintenance costs or
6410     capital improvements.
6411          (2) The Legislature intends that:

6412          (a) the State Building Ownership Authority, under the authority of Title 63B, Chapter
6413     1, Part 3, State Building Ownership Authority Act, may issue or execute obligations, or enter
6414     into or arrange for a lease-purchase agreement in which participation interests may be created,
6415     to provide up to $23,700,000 for the acquisition and construction of five stores for the
6416     Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services, together with additional amounts
6417     necessary to pay costs of issuance, pay capitalized interest, and fund any debt service reserve
6418     requirements;
6419          (b) the stores to be addressed through this authorization are:
6420          (i) the replacement of a liquor store in Cedar City;
6421          (ii) a new Utah County North liquor store;
6422          (iii) a new Utah County South liquor store;
6423          (iv) a new Washington County South liquor store; and
6424          (v) a new Wasatch County Heber/Midway liquor store;
6425          (c) the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services use increased sales
6426     revenues as the primary revenue source for repayment of any obligation created under authority
6427     of this section; and
6428          (d) the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services may request operation
6429     and maintenance funding from sales revenues.
6430          Section 98. Section 63B-18-201 is amended to read:
6431          63B-18-201. Revenue bond authorizations -- State Building Ownership
6432     Authority.
6433          (1) The Legislature intends that:
6434          (a) the State Building Ownership Authority, under the authority of Title 63B, Chapter
6435     1, Part 3, State Building Ownership Authority Act, may issue or execute obligations, or enter
6436     into or arrange for a lease-purchase agreement in which participation interests may be created,
6437     to provide up to $3,800,000 for the acquisition of property in the Salt Lake City, Utah area on
6438     which to construct a Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services warehouse
6439     expansion, together with additional amounts necessary to pay costs of issuance, pay capitalized
6440     interest, and fund any debt service reserve requirements; and
6441          (b) the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services use increased sales
6442     revenues as the primary revenue source for repayment of any obligation created under authority

6443     of this section.
6444          (2) The Legislature intends that:
6445          (a) the State Building Ownership Authority, under the authority of Title 63B, Chapter
6446     1, Part 3, State Building Ownership Authority Act, may issue or execute obligations, or enter
6447     into or arrange for a lease-purchase agreement in which participation interests may be created,
6448     to provide up to $19,904,000 for the construction of a warehouse expansion for the Department
6449     of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services, together with additional amounts necessary to pay
6450     costs of issuance, pay capitalized interest, and fund any debt service reserve requirements;
6451          (b) the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services use increased sales
6452     revenues as the primary revenue source for repayment of any obligation created under authority
6453     of this section; and
6454          (c) the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services may request operation
6455     and maintenance funding from sales revenues.
6456          Section 99. Section 63B-24-101 is amended to read:
6457          63B-24-101. Revenue bond authorizations -- State Building Ownership
6458     Authority.
6459          (1) The Legislature intends that:
6460          (a) the State Building Ownership Authority, under the authority of Title 63B, Chapter
6461     1, Part 3, State Building Ownership Authority Act, may issue or execute obligations, or may
6462     enter into or arrange for a lease-purchase agreement in which participation interests may be
6463     created, to provide up to $86,936,000 for the Fourth District Provo Courthouse Expansion,
6464     together with additional amounts necessary to pay costs of issuance, pay capitalized interest,
6465     and fund any existing debt service reserve requirements;
6466          (b) the judicial branch use court fees and existing lease budgets as the primary revenue
6467     sources for repayment of any obligation created under authority of this Subsection (1); and
6468          (c) the judicial branch may use state funds for operation and maintenance costs or
6469     capital improvements.
6470          (2) The Legislature intends that:
6471          (a) the State Building Ownership Authority, under the authority of Title 63B, Chapter
6472     1, Part 3, State Building Ownership Authority Act, may issue or execute obligations, or may
6473     enter into or arrange for a lease-purchase agreement in which participation interests may be

6474     created, to provide up to $4,447,900 for a West Valley Liquor Store, together with additional
6475     amounts necessary to pay costs of issuance, pay capitalized interest, and fund any existing debt
6476     service reserve requirements;
6477          (b) the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services use increased sales
6478     revenues as the primary revenue source for repayment of any obligation created under authority
6479     of this Subsection (2); and
6480          (c) the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services may request operation
6481     and maintenance funding from sales revenues.
6482          Section 100. Section 63B-26-101 is amended to read:
6483          63B-26-101. Revenue bond authorizations -- State Building Ownership
6484     Authority.
6485          (1) The Legislature intends that:
6486          (a) the State Building Ownership Authority, under the authority of Title 63B, Chapter
6487     1, Part 3, State Building Ownership Authority Act, may issue or execute obligations, or may
6488     enter into or arrange for a lease-purchase agreement in which participation interests may be
6489     created, to provide up to $3,000,000 for the Fourth District Provo Courthouse parking lot,
6490     together with additional amounts necessary to pay costs of issuance, pay capitalized interest,
6491     and fund any existing debt service reserve requirements;
6492          (b) the judicial branch use court fees and existing lease budgets as the primary revenue
6493     sources for repayment of any obligation created under authority of this Subsection (1);
6494          (c) the judicial branch may use state funds for operation and maintenance costs or
6495     capital improvements; and
6496          (d) the revenue bond authorized under this Subsection (1) may not be issued until on or
6497     after March 1, 2017.
6498          (2) The Legislature intends that:
6499          (a) the State Building Ownership Authority, under the authority of Title 63B, Chapter
6500     1, Part 3, State Building Ownership Authority Act, may issue or execute obligations, or may
6501     enter into or arrange for a lease-purchase agreement in which participation interests may be
6502     created, to provide up to $5,043,400 for a Syracuse liquor store, together with additional
6503     amounts necessary to pay costs of issuance, pay capitalized interest, and fund any existing debt
6504     service reserve requirements;

6505          (b) the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services use sales revenues as the
6506     primary revenue source for repayment of any obligation created under authority of this
6507     Subsection (2); and
6508          (c) the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services may request operation
6509     and maintenance funding from sales revenues.
6510          Section 101. Section 63B-27-201 is amended to read:
6511          63B-27-201. Revenue bond authorizations -- State Building Ownership
6512     Authority.
6513          (1) The Legislature intends that:
6514          (a) the State Building Ownership Authority, under the authority of Title 63B, Chapter
6515     1, Part 3, State Building Ownership Authority Act, may issue or execute obligations, or may
6516     enter into or arrange for a lease-purchase agreement in which participation interests may be
6517     created, to provide up to $5,451,800 for a Farmington liquor store, together with additional
6518     amounts necessary to pay costs of issuance, pay capitalized interest, and fund any existing debt
6519     service reserve requirements;
6520          (b) the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services use sales revenues as the
6521     primary revenue source for repayment of any obligation created under authority of this
6522     Subsection (1); and
6523          (c) the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services may request operation
6524     and maintenance funding from sales revenues.
6525          (2) The Legislature intends that:
6526          (a) the State Building Ownership Authority, under the authority of Title 63B, Chapter
6527     1, Part 3, State Building Ownership Authority Act, may issue or execute obligations, or may
6528     enter into or arrange for a lease-purchase agreement in which participation interests may be
6529     created, to provide up to $5,451,800 for a southwest Salt Lake County liquor store, together
6530     with additional amounts necessary to pay costs of issuance, pay capitalized interest, and fund
6531     any existing debt service reserve requirements;
6532          (b) the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services use sales revenues as the
6533     primary revenue source for repayment of any obligation created under authority of this
6534     Subsection (2); and
6535          (c) the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services may request operation

6536     and maintenance funding from sales revenues.
6537          Section 102. Section 63B-28-101 is amended to read:
6538          63B-28-101. Revenue bond authorizations -- State Building Ownership
6539     Authority.
6540          (1) The Legislature intends that:
6541          (a) the State Building Ownership Authority, under the authority of Title 63B, Chapter
6542     1, Part 3, State Building Ownership Authority Act, may issue or execute obligations, or may
6543     enter into or arrange for a lease-purchase agreement in which participation interests may be
6544     created, to provide up to $5,451,800 for a Pleasant Grove or Lehi market area liquor store,
6545     together with additional amounts necessary to pay costs of issuance, pay capitalized interest,
6546     and fund any existing debt service reserve requirements;
6547          (b) the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services use sales revenues as the
6548     primary revenue source for repayment of any obligation created under authority of this
6549     Subsection (1); and
6550          (c) the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services may request operation
6551     and maintenance funding from sales revenues.
6552          (2) The Legislature intends that:
6553          (a) the State Building Ownership Authority, under the authority of Title 63B, Chapter
6554     1, Part 3, State Building Ownership Authority Act, may issue or execute obligations, or may
6555     enter into or arrange for a lease-purchase agreement in which participation interests may be
6556     created, to provide up to $10,759,000 for reconstructing the Store 4: Foothill liquor store,
6557     together with additional amounts necessary to pay costs of issuance, pay capitalized interest,
6558     and fund any existing debt service reserve requirements;
6559          (b) the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services use sales revenues as the
6560     primary revenue source for repayment of any obligation created under authority of this
6561     Subsection (2); and
6562          (c) the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services may request operation
6563     and maintenance funding from sales revenues.
6564          Section 103. Section 63B-29-101 is amended to read:
6565          63B-29-101. Revenue bond authorizations -- State Building Ownership
6566     Authority.

6567          (1) The Legislature intends that:
6568          (a) the State Building Ownership Authority, under the authority of Chapter 1, Part 3,
6569     State Building Ownership Authority Act, may issue or execute obligations, or may enter into or
6570     arrange for a lease-purchase agreement in which participation interests may be created, to
6571     provide up to $10,091,100 for the downtown liquor store relocation, together with additional
6572     amounts necessary to pay costs of issuance, pay capitalized interest, and fund any existing debt
6573     service reserve requirements;
6574          (b) the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services use sales revenue as the
6575     primary revenue source for repayment of any obligation created under authority of this
6576     Subsection (1); and
6577          (c) the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services may request operation
6578     and maintenance funding from sales revenue.
6579          (2) The Legislature intends that:
6580          (a) the State Building Ownership Authority, under the authority of Chapter 1, Part 3,
6581     State Building Ownership Authority Act, may issue or execute obligations, or may enter into or
6582     arrange for a lease-purchase agreement in which participation interests may be created, to
6583     provide up to $14,000,000 for two liquor stores in the Taylorsville and West Valley City
6584     market areas, together with additional amounts necessary to pay costs of issuance, pay
6585     capitalized interest, and fund any existing debt service reserve requirements;
6586          (b) the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services use sales revenue as the
6587     primary revenue source for repayment of any obligation created under authority of this
6588     Subsection (2); and
6589          (c) the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services may request operation
6590     and maintenance funding from sales revenue.
6591          Section 104. Section 63B-31-202 is amended to read:
6592          63B-31-202. State Building Ownership Authority obligations for new state liquor
6593     stores.
6594          (1) The Legislature intends that:
6595          (a) the State Building Ownership Authority, under the authority of Title 63B, Chapter
6596     1, Part 3, State Building Ownership Authority Act, may issue or execute obligations or may
6597     enter into or arrange for a lease-purchase agreement in which participation interests may be

6598     created, to provide up to $11,725,700 for a Salt Lake City market area liquor store in
6599     Sugarhouse, together with additional amounts necessary to pay costs of issuance, pay
6600     capitalized interest, and fund any existing debt service reserve requirements;
6601          (b) the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services use sales revenues as the
6602     primary revenue source for repayment of any obligation created under authority of this
6603     Subsection (1);
6604          (c) the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services may request operation
6605     and maintenance funding from sales revenues; and
6606          (d) the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services use up to $5,000,000 to
6607     repay the State Store Land Acquisition Fund under Section 32B-2-307.
6608          (2) The Legislature intends that:
6609          (a) the State Building Ownership Authority, under the authority of Title 63B, Chapter
6610     1, Part 3, State Building Ownership Authority Act, may issue or execute obligations or may
6611     enter into or arrange for a lease-purchase agreement in which participation interests may be
6612     created, to provide up to $5,524,000 for a Salt Lake City area market liquor store in east Sandy,
6613     together with additional amounts necessary to pay costs of issuance, pay capitalized interest,
6614     and fund any existing debt service reserve requirements;
6615          (b) the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services use sales revenues as the
6616     primary revenue source for repayment of any obligation created under authority of this
6617     Subsection (2); and
6618          (c) the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services may request operation
6619     and maintenance funding from sales revenues.
6620          Section 105. Section 63G-12-306 is amended to read:
6621          63G-12-306. Penalties.
6622          (1) As used in this section:
6623          (a) "Applicable license" means a license issued under:
6624          (i) Title 32B, Alcoholic Beverage Control Act;
6625          (ii) Title 58, Occupations and Professions; or
6626          (iii) Title 61, Securities Division - Real Estate Division.
6627          (b) "First violation" means the first time the department imposes a penalty under this
6628     section, regardless of the number of individuals the private employer hired in violation of

6629     Subsection 63G-12-301(1).
6630          (c) "Second violation" means the second time the department imposes a penalty under
6631     this section, regardless of the number of individuals the private employer hired in violation of
6632     Subsection 63G-12-301(1).
6633          (d) "Third or subsequent violation" means a violation of Subsection 63G-12-301(1)
6634     committed after a second violation.
6635          (2) (a) On or after the program start date, a private employer who violates Subsection
6636     63G-12-301(1) is subject to a penalty provided in this section under an action brought by the
6637     department in accordance with Section 63G-12-305.
6638          (b) For a first violation of Subsection 63G-12-301(1), the department shall impose a
6639     civil penalty on the private employer not to exceed $100 for each individual employed by the
6640     private employer during the time period specified in the notice of agency action who is an
6641     unauthorized alien who does not hold a valid permit.
6642          (c) For a second violation of Subsection 63G-12-301(1), the department shall impose a
6643     civil penalty on the private employer not to exceed $500 for each individual employed by the
6644     private employer during the time period specified in the notice of agency action who is an
6645     unauthorized alien who does not hold a valid permit.
6646          (d) For a third or subsequent violation of Subsection 63G-12-301(1), the department
6647     shall:
6648          (i) order the revocation of the one or more applicable licenses that are issued to an
6649     owner, officer, director, manager, or other individual in a similar position for the private
6650     employer for a period not to exceed one year; or
6651          (ii) if no individual described in Subsection (2)(d)(i) holds an applicable license,
6652     impose a civil penalty on the private employer not to exceed $10,000.
6653          (3) (a) If the department finds a third or subsequent violation, the department shall
6654     notify the Department of Commerce and the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control]
6655     Services once the department's order:
6656          (i) is not appealed, and the time to appeal has expired; or
6657          (ii) is appealed, and is affirmed, in whole or in part on appeal.
6658          (b) The notice required under Subsection (3)(a) shall state:
6659          (i) that the department has found a third or subsequent violation;

6660          (ii) that any applicable license held by an individual described in Subsection (2)(d)(i) is
6661     to be revoked; and
6662          (iii) the time period for the revocation, not to exceed one year.
6663          (c) The department shall base its determination of the length of revocation under this
6664     section on evidence or information submitted to the department during the action under which
6665     a third or subsequent violation is found, and shall consider the following factors, if relevant:
6666          (i) the number of unauthorized aliens who do not hold a permit that are employed by
6667     the private employer;
6668          (ii) prior misconduct by the private employer;
6669          (iii) the degree of harm resulting from the violation;
6670          (iv) whether the private employer made good faith efforts to comply with any
6671     applicable requirements;
6672          (v) the duration of the violation;
6673          (vi) the role of the individuals described in Subsection (2)(d)(i) in the violation; and
6674          (vii) any other factor the department considers appropriate.
6675          (4) Within 10 business days of receipt of notice under Subsection (3), the Department
6676     of Commerce and the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services shall:
6677          (a) (i) if the Department of Commerce or Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services
6678     Commission has issued an applicable license to an individual described in Subsection (2)(d)(i),
6679     notwithstanding any other law, revoke the applicable license; and
6680          (ii) notify the department that the applicable license is revoked; or
6681          (b) if the Department of Commerce or Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services
6682     Commission has not issued an applicable license to an individual described in Subsection
6683     (2)(d)(i), notify the department that an applicable license has not been issued to an individual
6684     described in Subsection (2)(d)(i).
6685          (5) If an individual described in Subsection (2)(d)(i) is licensed to practice law in the
6686     state and the department finds a third or subsequent violation of Subsection 63G-12-301(1), the
6687     department shall notify the Utah State Bar of the third and subsequent violation.
6688          Section 106. Section 63I-5-201 (Superseded 07/01/22) is amended to read:
6689          63I-5-201 (Superseded 07/01/22). Internal auditing programs -- State agencies.
6690          (1) (a) The departments of Administrative Services, Agriculture, Commerce, Cultural

6691     and Community Engagement, Corrections, Workforce Services, Environmental Quality,
6692     Health, Human Services, Natural Resources, Public Safety, and Transportation, and the State
6693     Tax Commission shall conduct various types of auditing procedures as determined by the
6694     agency head or governor.
6695          (b) The governor may, by executive order, require a state agency not described in
6696     Subsection (1)(a) to establish an internal audit program.
6697          (c) The governor shall ensure that each state agency that reports to the governor has
6698     adequate internal audit coverage.
6699          (2) (a) The Administrative Office of the Courts shall establish an internal audit
6700     program under the direction of the Judicial Council, including auditing procedures for courts
6701     not of record.
6702          (b) The Judicial Council may, by rule, require other judicial agencies to establish an
6703     internal audit program.
6704          (3) (a) Dixie State University, the University of Utah, Utah State University, Salt Lake
6705     Community College, Southern Utah University, Utah Valley University, Weber State
6706     University, and Snow College shall establish an internal audit program under the direction of
6707     the Utah Board of Higher Education.
6708          (b) The Utah Board of Higher Education may issue policies requiring other higher
6709     education entities or programs to establish an internal audit program.
6710          (4) The State Board of Education shall establish an internal audit program that provides
6711     internal audit services for each program administered by the State Board of Education.
6712          (5) Subject to Section 32B-2-302.5, the internal audit division of the Department of
6713     Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services shall establish an internal audit program under the
6714     direction of the Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services Commission.
6715          Section 107. Section 63I-5-201 (Effective 07/01/22) is amended to read:
6716          63I-5-201 (Effective 07/01/22). Internal auditing programs -- State agencies.
6717          (1) (a) The departments of Administrative Services, Agriculture, Commerce, Cultural
6718     and Community Engagement, Corrections, Workforce Services, Environmental Quality,
6719     Health, Human Services, Natural Resources, Public Safety, and Transportation, and the State
6720     Tax Commission shall conduct various types of auditing procedures as determined by the
6721     agency head or governor.

6722          (b) The governor may, by executive order, require a state agency not described in
6723     Subsection (1)(a) to establish an internal audit program.
6724          (c) The governor shall ensure that each state agency that reports to the governor has
6725     adequate internal audit coverage.
6726          (2) (a) The Administrative Office of the Courts shall establish an internal audit
6727     program under the direction of the Judicial Council, including auditing procedures for courts
6728     not of record.
6729          (b) The Judicial Council may, by rule, require other judicial agencies to establish an
6730     internal audit program.
6731          (3) (a) Utah Tech University, the University of Utah, Utah State University, Salt Lake
6732     Community College, Southern Utah University, Utah Valley University, Weber State
6733     University, and Snow College shall establish an internal audit program under the direction of
6734     the Utah Board of Higher Education.
6735          (b) The Utah Board of Higher Education may issue policies requiring other higher
6736     education entities or programs to establish an internal audit program.
6737          (4) The State Board of Education shall establish an internal audit program that provides
6738     internal audit services for each program administered by the State Board of Education.
6739          (5) Subject to Section 32B-2-302.5, the internal audit division of the Department of
6740     Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services shall establish an internal audit program under the
6741     direction of the Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services Commission.
6742          Section 108. Section 63J-1-219 is amended to read:
6743          63J-1-219. Definitions -- Federal receipts reporting requirements.
6744          (1) As used in this section:
6745          (a) (i) "Designated state agency" means the Department of Government Operations, the
6746     Department of Agriculture and Food, the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control]
6747     Services, the Department of Commerce, the Department of Cultural and Community
6748     Engagement, the Department of Corrections, the Department of Environmental Quality, the
6749     Department of Financial Institutions, the Department of Health, the Department of Human
6750     Services, the Department of Insurance, the Department of Natural Resources, the Department
6751     of Public Safety, the Department of Transportation, the Department of Veterans and Military
6752     Affairs, the Department of Workforce Services, the Labor Commission, the Office of

6753     Economic Opportunity, the Public Service Commission, the Utah Board of Higher Education,
6754     the State Board of Education, the State Tax Commission, or the Utah National Guard.
6755          (ii) "Designated state agency" does not include the judicial branch, the legislative
6756     branch, or an office or other entity within the judicial branch or the legislative branch.
6757          (b) "Federal receipts" means the federal financial assistance, as defined in 31 U.S.C.
6758     Sec. 7501, that is reported as part of a single audit.
6759          (c) "Single audit" is as defined in 31 U.S.C. Sec. 7501.
6760          (2) Subject to Subsections (3) and (4), a designated state agency shall each year, on or
6761     before October 31, prepare a report that:
6762          (a) reports the aggregate value of federal receipts the designated state agency received
6763     for the preceding fiscal year;
6764          (b) reports the aggregate amount of federal funds appropriated by the Legislature to the
6765     designated state agency for the preceding fiscal year;
6766          (c) calculates the percentage of the designated state agency's total budget for the
6767     preceding fiscal year that constitutes federal receipts that the designated state agency received
6768     for that fiscal year; and
6769          (d) develops plans for operating the designated state agency if there is a reduction of:
6770          (i) 5% or more in the federal receipts that the designated state agency receives; and
6771          (ii) 25% or more in the federal receipts that the designated state agency receives.
6772          (3) (a) The report required by Subsection (2) that the Utah Board of Higher Education
6773     prepares shall include the information required by Subsections (2)(a) through (c) for each state
6774     institution of higher education listed in Section 53B-2-101.
6775          (b) The report required by Subsection (2) that the State Board of Education prepares
6776     shall include the information required by Subsections (2)(a) through (c) for each school district
6777     and each charter school within the public education system.
6778          (4) A designated state agency that prepares a report in accordance with Subsection (2)
6779     shall submit the report to the Division of Finance on or before November 1 of each year.
6780          (5) (a) The Division of Finance shall, on or before November 30 of each year, prepare a
6781     report that:
6782          (i) compiles and summarizes the reports the Division of Finance receives in accordance
6783     with Subsection (4); and

6784          (ii) compares the aggregate value of federal receipts each designated state agency
6785     received for the previous fiscal year to the aggregate amount of federal funds appropriated by
6786     the Legislature to that designated state agency for that fiscal year.
6787          (b) The Division of Finance shall, as part of the report required by Subsection (5)(a),
6788     compile a list of designated state agencies that do not submit a report as required by this
6789     section.
6790          (6) The Division of Finance shall submit the report required by Subsection (5) to the
6791     Executive Appropriations Committee on or before December 1 of each year.
6792          (7) Upon receipt of the report required by Subsection (5), the chairs of the Executive
6793     Appropriations Committee shall place the report on the agenda for review and consideration at
6794     the next Executive Appropriations Committee meeting.
6795          (8) When considering the report required by Subsection (5), the Executive
6796     Appropriations Committee may elect to:
6797          (a) recommend that the Legislature reduce or eliminate appropriations for a designated
6798     state agency;
6799          (b) take no action; or
6800          (c) take another action that a majority of the committee approves.
6801          Section 109. Section 63J-1-602.2 is amended to read:
6802          63J-1-602.2. List of nonlapsing appropriations to programs.
6803          Appropriations made to the following programs are nonlapsing:
6804          (1) The Legislature and the Legislature's committees.
6805          (2) The State Board of Education, including all appropriations to agencies, line items,
6806     and programs under the jurisdiction of the State Board of Education, in accordance with
6807     Section 53F-9-103.
6808          (3) The Percent-for-Art Program created in Section 9-6-404.
6809          (4) The LeRay McAllister Critical Land Conservation Program created in Section
6810     11-38-301.
6811          (5) Dedicated credits accrued to the Utah Marriage Commission as provided under
6812     Subsection 17-16-21(2)(d)(ii).
6813          (6) The Trip Reduction Program created in Section 19-2a-104.
6814          (7) The Division of Wildlife Resources for the appraisal and purchase of lands under

6815     the Pelican Management Act, as provided in Section 23-21a-6.
6816          (8) The emergency medical services grant program in Section 26-8a-207.
6817          (9) The primary care grant program created in Section 26-10b-102.
6818          (10) Sanctions collected as dedicated credits from Medicaid provider under Subsection
6819     26-18-3(7).
6820          (11) The Utah Health Care Workforce Financial Assistance Program created in Section
6821     26-46-102.
6822          (12) The Rural Physician Loan Repayment Program created in Section 26-46a-103.
6823          (13) The Opiate Overdose Outreach Pilot Program created in Section 26-55-107.
6824          (14) Funds that the Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services retains in
6825     accordance with Subsection [32B-2-301(9)(a)] 32B-2-301(8)(a) or (b).
6826          (15) The General Assistance program administered by the Department of Workforce
6827     Services, as provided in Section 35A-3-401.
6828          (16) The Utah National Guard, created in Title 39, Militia and Armories.
6829          (17) The State Tax Commission under Section 41-1a-1201 for the:
6830          (a) purchase and distribution of license plates and decals; and
6831          (b) administration and enforcement of motor vehicle registration requirements.
6832          (18) The Search and Rescue Financial Assistance Program, as provided in Section
6833     53-2a-1102.
6834          (19) The Motorcycle Rider Education Program, as provided in Section 53-3-905.
6835          (20) The Utah Board of Higher Education for teacher preparation programs, as
6836     provided in Section 53B-6-104.
6837          (21) The Medical Education Program administered by the Medical Education Council,
6838     as provided in Section 53B-24-202.
6839          (22) The Division of Services for People with Disabilities, as provided in Section
6840     62A-5-102.
6841          (23) The Division of Fleet Operations for the purpose of upgrading underground
6842     storage tanks under Section 63A-9-401.
6843          (24) The Utah Seismic Safety Commission, as provided in Section 63C-6-104.
6844          (25) Appropriations to the Division of Technology Services for technology innovation
6845     as provided under Section 63A-16-903.

6846          (26) The Office of Administrative Rules for publishing, as provided in Section
6847     63G-3-402.
6848          (27) The Colorado River Authority of Utah, created in Title 63M, Chapter 14,
6849     Colorado River Authority of Utah Act.
6850          (28) The Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity to fund the Enterprise Zone Act,
6851     as provided in Title 63N, Chapter 2, Part 2, Enterprise Zone Act.
6852          (29) Appropriations to fund the Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity's Rural
6853     Employment Expansion Program, as described in Title 63N, Chapter 4, Part 4, Rural
6854     Employment Expansion Program.
6855          (30) Appropriations to fund programs for the Jordan River Recreation Area as
6856     described in Section 65A-2-8.
6857          (31) The Division of Human Resource Management user training program, as provided
6858     in Section 63A-17-106.
6859          (32) A public safety answering point's emergency telecommunications service fund, as
6860     provided in Section 69-2-301.
6861          (33) The Traffic Noise Abatement Program created in Section 72-6-112.
6862          (34) The money appropriated from the Navajo Water Rights Negotiation Account to
6863     the Division of Water Rights, created in Section 73-2-1.1, for purposes of participating in a
6864     settlement of federal reserved water right claims.
6865          (35) The Judicial Council for compensation for special prosecutors, as provided in
6866     Section 77-10a-19.
6867          (36) A state rehabilitative employment program, as provided in Section 78A-6-210.
6868          (37) The Utah Geological Survey, as provided in Section 79-3-401.
6869          (38) The Bonneville Shoreline Trail Program created under Section 79-5-503.
6870          (39) Adoption document access as provided in Sections 78B-6-141, 78B-6-144, and
6871     78B-6-144.5.
6872          (40) Indigent defense as provided in Title 78B, Chapter 22, Part 4, Utah Indigent
6873     Defense Commission.
6874          (41) The program established by the Division of Facilities Construction and
6875     Management under Section 63A-5b-703 under which state agencies receive an appropriation
6876     and pay lease payments for the use and occupancy of buildings owned by the Division of

6877     Facilities Construction and Management.
6878          Section 110. Section 67-22-2 is amended to read:
6879          67-22-2. Compensation -- Other state officers.
6880          (1) As used in this section:
6881          (a) "Appointed executive" means the:
6882          (i) commissioner of the Department of Agriculture and Food;
6883          (ii) commissioner of the Insurance Department;
6884          (iii) commissioner of the Labor Commission;
6885          (iv) director, Department of Alcoholic Beverage [Control] Services;
6886          (v) commissioner of the Department of Financial Institutions;
6887          (vi) executive director, Department of Commerce;
6888          (vii) executive director, Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice;
6889          (viii) adjutant general;
6890          (ix) executive director, Department of Cultural and Community Engagement;
6891          (x) executive director, Department of Corrections;
6892          (xi) commissioner, Department of Public Safety;
6893          (xii) executive director, Department of Natural Resources;
6894          (xiii) executive director, Governor's Office of Planning and Budget;
6895          (xiv) executive director, Department of Government Operations;
6896          (xv) executive director, Department of Environmental Quality;
6897          (xvi) executive director, Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity;
6898          (xvii) executive director, Department of Workforce Services;
6899          (xviii) executive director, Department of Health, Nonphysician;
6900          (xix) executive director, Department of Human Services;
6901          (xx) executive director, Department of Transportation; [and]
6902          (xxi) executive director, Department of Veterans and Military Affairs; and
6903          (xxii) executive director, Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office, created in Section
6904     63L-11-201.
6905          (b) "Board or commission executive" means:
6906          (i) members, Board of Pardons and Parole;
6907          (ii) chair, State Tax Commission;

6908          (iii) commissioners, State Tax Commission;
6909          (iv) executive director, State Tax Commission;
6910          (v) chair, Public Service Commission; and
6911          (vi) commissioners, Public Service Commission.
6912          (c) "Deputy" means the person who acts as the appointed executive's second in
6913     command as determined by the Division of Human Resource Management.
6914          (2) (a) The director of the Division of Human Resource Management shall:
6915          (i) before October 31 of each year, recommend to the governor a compensation plan for
6916     the appointed executives and the board or commission executives; and
6917          (ii) base those recommendations on market salary studies conducted by the Division of
6918     Human Resource Management.
6919          (b) (i) The Division of Human Resource Management shall determine the salary range
6920     for the appointed executives by:
6921          (A) identifying the salary range assigned to the appointed executive's deputy;
6922          (B) designating the lowest minimum salary from those deputies' salary ranges as the
6923     minimum salary for the appointed executives' salary range; and
6924          (C) designating 105% of the highest maximum salary range from those deputies' salary
6925     ranges as the maximum salary for the appointed executives' salary range.
6926          (ii) If the deputy is a medical doctor, the Division of Human Resource Management
6927     may not consider that deputy's salary range in designating the salary range for appointed
6928     executives.
6929          (c) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(c)(ii), in establishing the salary ranges for
6930     board or commission executives, the Division of Human Resource Management shall set the
6931     maximum salary in the salary range for each of those positions at 90% of the salary for district
6932     judges as established in the annual appropriation act under Section 67-8-2.
6933          (ii) In establishing the salary ranges for an individual described in Subsection (1)(b)(ii)
6934     or (iii), the Division of Human Resource Management shall set the maximum salary in the
6935     salary range for each of those positions at 100% of the salary for district judges as established
6936     in the annual appropriation act under Section 67-8-2.
6937          (3) (a) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(a)(ii), the governor shall establish a
6938     specific salary for each appointed executive within the range established under Subsection

6939     (2)(b).
6940          (ii) If the executive director of the Department of Health is a physician, the governor
6941     shall establish a salary within the highest physician salary range established by the Division of
6942     Human Resource Management.
6943          (iii) The governor may provide salary increases for appointed executives within the
6944     range established by Subsection (2)(b) and identified in Subsection (3)(a)(ii).
6945          (b) The governor shall apply the same overtime regulations applicable to other FLSA
6946     exempt positions.
6947          (c) The governor may develop standards and criteria for reviewing the appointed
6948     executives.
6949          (4) Salaries for other Schedule A employees, as defined in Section 63A-17-301, that
6950     are not provided for in this chapter, or in Title 67, Chapter 8, Utah Elected Official and Judicial
6951     Salary Act, shall be established as provided in Section 63A-17-301.
6952          (5) (a) The Legislature fixes benefits for the appointed executives and the board or
6953     commission executives as follows:
6954          (i) the option of participating in a state retirement system established by Title 49, Utah
6955     State Retirement and Insurance Benefit Act, or in a deferred compensation plan administered
6956     by the State Retirement Office in accordance with the Internal Revenue Code and its
6957     accompanying rules and regulations;
6958          (ii) health insurance;
6959          (iii) dental insurance;
6960          (iv) basic life insurance;
6961          (v) unemployment compensation;
6962          (vi) workers' compensation;
6963          (vii) required employer contribution to Social Security;
6964          (viii) long-term disability income insurance;
6965          (ix) the same additional state-paid life insurance available to other noncareer service
6966     employees;
6967          (x) the same severance pay available to other noncareer service employees;
6968          (xi) the same leave, holidays, and allowances granted to Schedule B state employees as
6969     follows:

6970          (A) sick leave;
6971          (B) converted sick leave if accrued prior to January 1, 2014;
6972          (C) educational allowances;
6973          (D) holidays; and
6974          (E) annual leave except that annual leave shall be accrued at the maximum rate
6975     provided to Schedule B state employees;
6976          (xii) the option to convert accumulated sick leave to cash or insurance benefits as
6977     provided by law or rule upon resignation or retirement according to the same criteria and
6978     procedures applied to Schedule B state employees;
6979          (xiii) the option to purchase additional life insurance at group insurance rates according
6980     to the same criteria and procedures applied to Schedule B state employees; and
6981          (xiv) professional memberships if being a member of the professional organization is a
6982     requirement of the position.
6983          (b) Each department shall pay the cost of additional state-paid life insurance for its
6984     executive director from its existing budget.
6985          (6) The Legislature fixes the following additional benefits:
6986          (a) for the executive director of the State Tax Commission a vehicle for official and
6987     personal use;
6988          (b) for the executive director of the Department of Transportation a vehicle for official
6989     and personal use;
6990          (c) for the executive director of the Department of Natural Resources a vehicle for
6991     commute and official use;
6992          (d) for the commissioner of Public Safety:
6993          (i) an accidental death insurance policy if POST certified; and
6994          (ii) a public safety vehicle for official and personal use;
6995          (e) for the executive director of the Department of Corrections:
6996          (i) an accidental death insurance policy if POST certified; and
6997          (ii) a public safety vehicle for official and personal use;
6998          (f) for the adjutant general a vehicle for official and personal use; and
6999          (g) for each member of the Board of Pardons and Parole a vehicle for commute and
7000     official use.

7001          Section 111. Repealer.
7002          This bill repeals:
7003          Section 32B-8a-101, Title.
7004          Section 32B-8a-302, Application -- Approval process.
7005          Section 32B-12-207, Changing location of a warehousing facility.
7006          Section 112. Effective date.
7007          This bill takes effect on June 1, 2022, with the exception of Section 63I-5-201
7008     (Effective 07/01/22) which takes effect on July 1, 2022.