


Chief Sponsor: Scott D. Sandall

House Sponsor: Keven J. Stratton


8     General Description:
9          This bill addresses the sunset date and changes the name of the State Grazing Advisory
10     Board.
11     Highlighted Provisions:
12          This bill:
13          ▸     changes the name of the state grazing advisory board;
14          ▸     extends the sunset date of the state grazing advisory board; and
15          ▸     makes technical changes.
16     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
17          None
18     Other Special Clauses:
19          None
20     Utah Code Sections Affected:
21     AMENDS:
22          4-20-102, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 345
23          4-20-103, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 382
24          63I-1-204, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapters 74, 178, and 375
25          63L-8-403, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 345

27     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
28          Section 1. Section 4-20-102 is amended to read:
29          4-20-102. Definitions.

30          As used in this chapter:
31          (1) "Cooperative weed management association" means a multigovernmental
32     association cooperating to control noxious weeds in a geographic area that includes some
33     portion of Utah.
34          (2) "Fees" means the revenue collected by the United States secretary of interior from
35     assessments on livestock using public lands.
36          (3) "Grazing district" means an administrative unit of land:
37          (a) designated by the commissioner as valuable for grazing and for raising forage
38     crops; and
39          (b) that consists of any combination of the following:
40          (i) public lands;
41          (ii) private land;
42          (iii) state land; and
43          (iv) school and institutional trust land as defined in Section 53C-1-103.
44          (4) "Public lands" mean vacant, unappropriated, reserved, and unreserved federal
45     lands.
46          (5) "Regional board" means a regional grazing advisory board with members appointed
47     under Section 4-20-104.
48          (6) "Restricted account" means the Rangeland Improvement Account created in
49     Section 4-20-105.
50          (7) "Sales" or "leases" means the sale or lease, respectively, of isolated or disconnected
51     tracts of public lands by the United States secretary of interior.
52          (8) "State board" means the [State Grazing] Utah Grazing Improvement Program
53     Advisory Board created under Section 4-20-103.
54          Section 2. Section 4-20-103 is amended to read:
55          4-20-103. Utah Grazing Improvement Program Advisory Board -- Duties.
56          (1) (a) There is created within the department the [State Grazing] Utah Grazing
57     Improvement Program Advisory Board.

58          (b) The commissioner shall appoint the following members:
59          (i) one member from each regional board;
60          (ii) one member from the Conservation Commission, created in Section 4-18-104;
61          (iii) one representative of the Department of Natural Resources;
62          (iv) two livestock producers at-large; and
63          (v) one representative of the oil, gas, or mining industry.
64          (2) The term of office for a state board member is four years.
65          (3) Members of the state board shall elect a chair, who shall serve for two years.
66          (4) A member may not receive compensation or benefits for the member's service but
67     may receive per diem and travel expenses in accordance with:
68          (a) Section 63A-3-106;
69          (b) Section 63A-3-107; and
70          (c) rules made by the Division of Finance pursuant to Sections 63A-3-106 and
71     63A-3-107.
72          (5) The state board shall:
73          (a) receive:
74          (i) advice and recommendations from a regional board concerning:
75          (A) management plans for public lands, state lands, and school and institutional trust
76     lands as defined in Section 53C-1-103, within the regional board's region; and
77          (B) any issue that impacts grazing on private lands, public lands, state lands, or school
78     and institutional trust lands as defined in Section 53C-1-103, in its region; and
79          (ii) requests for restricted account money from the entities described in Subsections
80     (5)(c)(i) through (iv);
81          (b) recommend state policy positions and cooperative agency participation in federal
82     and state land management plans to the department and to the Public Lands Policy
83     Coordinating Office, created under Section 63L-11-201; and
84          (c) advise the department on the requests and recommendations of:
85          (i) regional boards;

86          (ii) county weed control boards, created in Section 4-17-105;
87          (iii) cooperative weed management associations; and
88          (iv) conservation districts created under the authority of Title 17D, Chapter 3,
89     Conservation District Act.
90          Section 3. Section 63I-1-204 is amended to read:
91          63I-1-204. Repeal dates, Title 4.
92          (1) Section 4-2-108, which creates the Agricultural Advisory Board, is repealed July 1,
93     2023.
94          (2) Title 4, Chapter 2, Part 7, Pollinator Pilot Program, is repealed July 1, 2024.
95          (3) Section 4-17-104, which creates the State Weed Committee, is repealed July 1,
96     2026.
97          (4) Title 4, Chapter 18, Part 3, Utah Soil Health Program, is repealed July 1, 2026.
98          (5) Section 4-20-103, which creates the [State Grazing] Utah Grazing Improvement
99     Program Advisory Board, is repealed July 1, [2022] 2032.
100          (6) Sections 4-23-104 and 4-23-105, which create the Agricultural and Wildlife
101     Damage Prevention Board, are repealed July 1, 2024.
102          (7) Section 4-24-104, which creates the Livestock Brand Board, is repealed July 1,
103     2025.
104          (8) Section 4-35-103, which creates the Decision and Action Committee, is repealed
105     July 1, 2026.
106          (9) Section 4-39-104, which creates the Domesticated Elk Act Advisory Council, is
107     repealed July 1, 2027.
108          Section 4. Section 63L-8-403 is amended to read:
109          63L-8-403. Grazing permits and leases.
110          (1) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (2), permits and leases for domestic livestock
111     grazing on public land issued by the director may not exceed a term of five years, subject to
112     terms and conditions the director determines to be appropriate and consistent with this chapter.
113          (b) The director shall have authority to cancel, suspend, or modify a grazing permit or

114     lease, in whole or in part:
115          (i) pursuant to the terms and conditions of the permit or lease;
116          (ii) for any violation of:
117          (A) this chapter or a grazing rule implemented under this chapter; or
118          (B) any term or condition of the grazing permit or lease; or
119          (iii) to protect rangeland health from overutilization pursuant to Subsection (7).
120          (2) The holder of an expiring permit or lease shall be given first priority for receipt of
121     the new permit or lease, provided:
122          (a) the land for which the permit or lease is issued remains available for domestic
123     livestock grazing in accordance with a land use plan prepared pursuant to Section 63L-8-202;
124          (b) the permittee or lessee is in compliance with:
125          (i) the provisions of this chapter and the grazing rules issued by the DLM, in
126     accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act; or
127          (ii) the terms and conditions in the permit or lease specified by the director;
128          (c) the permittee or lessee accepts the terms and conditions included by the director in
129     the new permit or lease; and
130          (d) range conditions on the tract of public land are sufficient to support continued
131     livestock grazing, as determined by the director pursuant to Subsection (7).
132          (3) [All permits] Permits and leases for domestic livestock grazing issued under this
133     part may be incorporated in an allotment management plan developed by the director.
134          (4) (a) If the director elects to develop an allotment management plan for a given area,
135     the director shall do so in consultation, cooperation, and coordination with:
136          (i) the lessees, permittees, and landowners involved;
137          (ii) the commissioner;
138          (iii) the [State Grazing] Utah Grazing Improvement Program Advisory Board
139     established under Section 4-20-103; and
140          (iv) the political subdivision having land within the area covered by the proposed
141     allotment management plan.

142          (b) An allotment management plan shall be:
143          (i) tailored to the specific range condition of the area covered by the plan; and
144          (ii) reviewed on a periodic basis to determine:
145          (A) the efficacy of the plan in improving range conditions on the involved land; and
146          (B) whether the land can be better managed.
147          (5) The director may revise or terminate plans, or develop new plans, after review and
148     consideration, consultation, cooperation, and coordination with the parties listed in Subsection
149     (4)(a).
150          (6) (a) In all cases where the director has not completed an allotment management plan
151     or determines that an allotment management plan is not necessary for management of livestock
152     operations, the director shall incorporate in grazing permits and leases [all] the necessary terms
153     and conditions for the appropriate management of the permitted or leased land.
154          (b) The director, in consultation with the commissioner:
155          (i) shall specify the number of animals to be grazed and the seasons of use; and
156          (ii) may reexamine the condition of the range and forage utilization at any time.
157          (7) If the director finds that the condition of the range requires adjustment in the
158     amount or other aspect of grazing use, the permittee or lessee shall adjust the permittee or
159     lessee's use to the extent required by the director.
160          (8) An allotment management plan may not refer to livestock operations or range
161     improvements on non-public land, except where the non-public land is intermingled with
162     public land and the consent of the owner of the non-public land and the permittee or lessee
163     involved with the plan is obtained.
164          (9) (a) Whenever a permit or lease for grazing domestic livestock on public land is
165     canceled, in whole or in part, in order to devote the land covered by the permit or lease to
166     another public purpose, the permittee or lessee shall receive from the state reasonable
167     compensation for the adjusted value, to be determined by the director, of the permittee's or
168     lessee's interest in authorized permanent improvements placed or constructed by the permittee
169     or lessee on lands covered by such permit or lease.

170          (b) The compensation described in Subsection (9)(a) may not exceed the fair market
171     value of the terminated portion of the permittee's or lessee's interest.
172          (10) Except in cases of emergency, [no] a permit or lease [shall] may not be canceled
173     under this [subsection] section without one year's notification.