



Chief Sponsor: Wayne A. Harper

House Sponsor: Stephen G. Handy


9     General Description:
10          This bill amends provisions related to housing and transit reinvestment zones.
11     Highlighted Provisions:
12          This bill:
13          ▸     defines terms;
14          ▸     allows housing and transit reinvestment zones around light rail and bus rapid transit
15     facilities;
16          ▸     amends provisions related to the size limitations and number of allowed housing
17     and transit reinvestment zones;
18          ▸     requires equal participation by all local taxing entities;
19          ▸     defines the term of each type of housing and transit reinvestment zone;
20          ▸     amends the membership of the housing and transit reinvestment zone committee;
21          ▸     requires relevant zoning changes be made before the housing and transit
22     reinvestment zone may be approved by the committee;
23          ▸     amends provisions related to the efficiency and feasibility analysis of a housing and
24     transit reinvestment zone; and
25          ▸     makes technical changes.
26     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
27          None
28     Other Special Clauses:
29          None

30     Utah Code Sections Affected:
31     AMENDS:
32          59-2-924, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapters 214 and 388
33          59-12-103, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapters 367, 387, and 411
34          63N-3-602, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 411
35          63N-3-603, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, First Special Session, Chapter 3
36          63N-3-604, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 411
37          63N-3-605, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 411
38          63N-3-607, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 411
39          63N-3-610, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 411

41     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
42          Section 1. Section 59-2-924 is amended to read:
43          59-2-924. Definitions -- Report of valuation of property to county auditor and
44     commission -- Transmittal by auditor to governing bodies -- Calculation of certified tax
45     rate -- Rulemaking authority -- Adoption of tentative budget -- Notice provided by the
46     commission.
47          (1) As used in this section:
48          (a) (i) "Ad valorem property tax revenue" means revenue collected in accordance with
49     this chapter.
50          (ii) "Ad valorem property tax revenue" does not include:
51          (A) interest;
52          (B) penalties;
53          (C) collections from redemptions; or
54          (D) revenue received by a taxing entity from personal property that is semiconductor
55     manufacturing equipment assessed by a county assessor in accordance with Part 3, County
56     Assessment.
57          (b) "Adjusted tax increment" means the same as that term is defined in Section

58     17C-1-102.
59          (c) (i) "Aggregate taxable value of all property taxed" means:
60          (A) the aggregate taxable value of all real property a county assessor assesses in
61     accordance with Part 3, County Assessment, for the current year;
62          (B) the aggregate taxable value of all real and personal property the commission
63     assesses in accordance with Part 2, Assessment of Property, for the current year; and
64          (C) the aggregate year end taxable value of all personal property a county assessor
65     assesses in accordance with Part 3, County Assessment, contained on the prior year's tax rolls
66     of the taxing entity.
67          (ii) "Aggregate taxable value of all property taxed" does not include the aggregate year
68     end taxable value of personal property that is:
69          (A) semiconductor manufacturing equipment assessed by a county assessor in
70     accordance with Part 3, County Assessment; and
71          (B) contained on the prior year's tax rolls of the taxing entity.
72          (d) "Base taxable value" means:
73          (i) for an authority created under Section 11-58-201, the same as that term is defined in
74     Section 11-58-102;
75          (ii) for an agency created under Section 17C-1-201.5, the same as that term is defined
76     in Section 17C-1-102;
77          (iii) for an authority created under Section 63H-1-201, the same as that term is defined
78     in Section 63H-1-102; [or]
79          (iv) for a host local government, the same as that term is defined in Section
80     63N-2-502[.]; or
81          (v) for a housing and transit reinvestment zone created under Title 63N, Chapter 3, Part
82     6, Housing and Transit Reinvestment Zone Act, a property's taxable value as shown upon the
83     assessment roll last equalized during the base year, as that term is defined in Section
84     63N-3-602.
85          (e) "Centrally assessed benchmark value" means an amount equal to the highest year

86     end taxable value of real and personal property the commission assesses in accordance with
87     Part 2, Assessment of Property, for a previous calendar year that begins on or after January 1,
88     2015, adjusted for taxable value attributable to:
89          (i) an annexation to a taxing entity; or
90          (ii) an incorrect allocation of taxable value of real or personal property the commission
91     assesses in accordance with Part 2, Assessment of Property.
92          (f) (i) "Centrally assessed new growth" means the greater of:
93          (A) zero; or
94          (B) the amount calculated by subtracting the centrally assessed benchmark value
95     adjusted for prior year end incremental value from the taxable value of real and personal
96     property the commission assesses in accordance with Part 2, Assessment of Property, for the
97     current year, adjusted for current year incremental value.
98          (ii) "Centrally assessed new growth" does not include a change in value as a result of a
99     change in the method of apportioning the value prescribed by the Legislature, a court, or the
100     commission in an administrative rule or administrative order.
101          (g) "Certified tax rate" means a tax rate that will provide the same ad valorem property
102     tax revenue for a taxing entity as was budgeted by that taxing entity for the prior year.
103          (h) "Community reinvestment agency" means the same as that term is defined in
104     Section 17C-1-102.
105          (i) "Eligible new growth" means the greater of:
106          (i) zero; or
107          (ii) the sum of:
108          (A) locally assessed new growth;
109          (B) centrally assessed new growth; and
110          (C) project area new growth or hotel property new growth.
111          (j) "Host local government" means the same as that term is defined in Section
112     63N-2-502.
113          (k) "Hotel property" means the same as that term is defined in Section 63N-2-502.

114          (l) "Hotel property new growth" means an amount equal to the incremental value that
115     is no longer provided to a host local government as incremental property tax revenue.
116          (m) "Incremental property tax revenue" means the same as that term is defined in
117     Section 63N-2-502.
118          (n) "Incremental value" means:
119          (i) for an authority created under Section 11-58-201, the amount calculated by
120     multiplying:
121          (A) the difference between the taxable value and the base taxable value of the property
122     that is located within a project area and on which property tax differential is collected; and
123          (B) the number that represents the percentage of the property tax differential that is
124     paid to the authority;
125          (ii) for an agency created under Section 17C-1-201.5, the amount calculated by
126     multiplying:
127          (A) the difference between the taxable value and the base taxable value of the property
128     located within a project area and on which tax increment is collected; and
129          (B) the number that represents the adjusted tax increment from that project area that is
130     paid to the agency;
131          (iii) for an authority created under Section 63H-1-201, the amount calculated by
132     multiplying:
133          (A) the difference between the taxable value and the base taxable value of the property
134     located within a project area and on which property tax allocation is collected; and
135          (B) the number that represents the percentage of the property tax allocation from that
136     project area that is paid to the authority; [or]
137          (iv) for a housing and transit reinvestment zone created pursuant to Title 63N, Chapter
138     3, Part 6, Housing and Transit Reinvestment Zone Act, an amount calculated by multiplying:
139          (A) the difference between the taxable value and the base taxable value of the property
140     that is located within a housing and transit reinvestment zone and on which tax increment is
141     collected; and

142          (B) the number that represents the percentage of the tax increment that is paid to the
143     housing and transit reinvestment zone; or
144          [(iv)] (v) for a host local government, an amount calculated by multiplying:
145          (A) the difference between the taxable value and the base taxable value of the hotel
146     property on which incremental property tax revenue is collected; and
147          (B) the number that represents the percentage of the incremental property tax revenue
148     from that hotel property that is paid to the host local government.
149          (o) (i) "Locally assessed new growth" means the greater of:
150          (A) zero; or
151          (B) the amount calculated by subtracting the year end taxable value of real property the
152     county assessor assesses in accordance with Part 3, County Assessment, for the previous year,
153     adjusted for prior year end incremental value from the taxable value of real property the county
154     assessor assesses in accordance with Part 3, County Assessment, for the current year, adjusted
155     for current year incremental value.
156          (ii) "Locally assessed new growth" does not include a change in:
157          (A) value as a result of factoring in accordance with Section 59-2-704, reappraisal, or
158     another adjustment;
159          (B) assessed value based on whether a property is allowed a residential exemption for a
160     primary residence under Section 59-2-103;
161          (C) assessed value based on whether a property is assessed under Part 5, Farmland
162     Assessment Act; or
163          (D) assessed value based on whether a property is assessed under Part 17, Urban
164     Farming Assessment Act.
165          (p) "Project area" means:
166          (i) for an authority created under Section 11-58-201, the same as that term is defined in
167     Section 11-58-102;
168          (ii) for an agency created under Section 17C-1-201.5, the same as that term is defined
169     in Section 17C-1-102; or

170          (iii) for an authority created under Section 63H-1-201, the same as that term is defined
171     in Section 63H-1-102.
172          (q) "Project area new growth" means:
173          (i) for an authority created under Section 11-58-201, an amount equal to the
174     incremental value that is no longer provided to an authority as property tax differential;
175          (ii) for an agency created under Section 17C-1-201.5, an amount equal to the
176     incremental value that is no longer provided to an agency as tax increment; [or]
177          (iii) for an authority created under Section 63H-1-201, an amount equal to the
178     incremental value that is no longer provided to an authority as property tax allocation[.]; or
179          (iv) for a housing and transit reinvestment zone created under Title 63N, Chapter 3,
180     Part 6, Housing and Transit Reinvestment Zone Act, an amount equal to the incremental value
181     that is no longer provided to a housing and transit reinvestment zone as tax increment.
182          (r) "Project area incremental revenue" means the same as that term is defined in
183     Section 17C-1-1001.
184          (s) "Property tax allocation" means the same as that term is defined in Section
185     63H-1-102.
186          (t) "Property tax differential" means the same as that term is defined in Section
187     11-58-102.
188          (u) "Qualifying exempt revenue" means revenue received:
189          (i) for the previous calendar year;
190          (ii) by a taxing entity;
191          (iii) from tangible personal property contained on the prior year's tax rolls that is
192     exempt from property tax under Subsection 59-2-1115(2)(b) for a calendar year beginning on
193     January 1, 2022; and
194          (iv) on the aggregate 2021 year end taxable value of the tangible personal property that
195     exceeds $15,300.
196          (v) "Tax increment" means:
197          (A) for a project created under Section 17C-1-201.5, the same as that term is defined in

198     Section 17C-1-102[.]; or
199          (B) for a housing and transit reinvestment zone created under Title 63N, Chapter 3,
200     Part 6, Housing and Transit Reinvestment Zone Act, the same as that term is defined in Section
201     63N-3-602.
202          (2) Before June 1 of each year, the county assessor of each county shall deliver to the
203     county auditor and the commission the following statements:
204          (a) a statement containing the aggregate valuation of all taxable real property a county
205     assessor assesses in accordance with Part 3, County Assessment, for each taxing entity; and
206          (b) a statement containing the taxable value of all personal property a county assessor
207     assesses in accordance with Part 3, County Assessment, from the prior year end values.
208          (3) The county auditor shall, on or before June 8, transmit to the governing body of
209     each taxing entity:
210          (a) the statements described in Subsections (2)(a) and (b);
211          (b) an estimate of the revenue from personal property;
212          (c) the certified tax rate; and
213          (d) all forms necessary to submit a tax levy request.
214          (4) (a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, the certified tax rate shall be
215     calculated by dividing the ad valorem property tax revenue that a taxing entity budgeted for the
216     prior year minus the qualifying exempt revenue by the amount calculated under Subsection
217     (4)(b).
218          (b) For purposes of Subsection (4)(a), the legislative body of a taxing entity shall
219     calculate an amount as follows:
220          (i) calculate for the taxing entity the difference between:
221          (A) the aggregate taxable value of all property taxed; and
222          (B) any adjustments for current year incremental value;
223          (ii) after making the calculation required by Subsection (4)(b)(i), calculate an amount
224     determined by increasing or decreasing the amount calculated under Subsection (4)(b)(i) by the
225     average of the percentage net change in the value of taxable property for the equalization

226     period for the three calendar years immediately preceding the current calendar year;
227          (iii) after making the calculation required by Subsection (4)(b)(ii), calculate the product
228     of:
229          (A) the amount calculated under Subsection (4)(b)(ii); and
230          (B) the percentage of property taxes collected for the five calendar years immediately
231     preceding the current calendar year; and
232          (iv) after making the calculation required by Subsection (4)(b)(iii), calculate an amount
233     determined by:
234          (A) multiplying the percentage of property taxes collected for the five calendar years
235     immediately preceding the current calendar year by eligible new growth; and
236          (B) subtracting the amount calculated under Subsection (4)(b)(iv)(A) from the amount
237     calculated under Subsection (4)(b)(iii).
238          (5) A certified tax rate for a taxing entity described in this Subsection (5) shall be
239     calculated as follows:
240          (a) except as provided in Subsection (5)(b) or (c), for a new taxing entity, the certified
241     tax rate is zero;
242          (b) for a municipality incorporated on or after July 1, 1996, the certified tax rate is:
243          (i) in a county of the first, second, or third class, the levy imposed for municipal-type
244     services under Sections 17-34-1 and 17-36-9; and
245          (ii) in a county of the fourth, fifth, or sixth class, the levy imposed for general county
246     purposes and such other levies imposed solely for the municipal-type services identified in
247     Section 17-34-1 and Subsection 17-36-3(23);
248          (c) for a community reinvestment agency that received all or a portion of a taxing
249     entity's project area incremental revenue in the prior year under Title 17C, Chapter 1, Part 10,
250     Agency Taxing Authority, the certified tax rate is calculated as described in Subsection (4)
251     except that the commission shall treat the total revenue transferred to the community
252     reinvestment agency as ad valorem property tax revenue that the taxing entity budgeted for the
253     prior year; and

254          (d) for debt service voted on by the public, the certified tax rate is the actual levy
255     imposed by that section, except that a certified tax rate for the following levies shall be
256     calculated in accordance with Section 59-2-913 and this section:
257          (i) a school levy provided for under Section 53F-8-301, 53F-8-302, or 53F-8-303; and
258          (ii) a levy to pay for the costs of state legislative mandates or judicial or administrative
259     orders under Section 59-2-1602.
260          (6) (a) A judgment levy imposed under Section 59-2-1328 or 59-2-1330 may be
261     imposed at a rate that is sufficient to generate only the revenue required to satisfy one or more
262     eligible judgments.
263          (b) The ad valorem property tax revenue generated by a judgment levy described in
264     Subsection (6)(a) may not be considered in establishing a taxing entity's aggregate certified tax
265     rate.
266          (7) (a) For the purpose of calculating the certified tax rate, the county auditor shall use:
267          (i) the taxable value of real property:
268          (A) the county assessor assesses in accordance with Part 3, County Assessment; and
269          (B) contained on the assessment roll;
270          (ii) the year end taxable value of personal property:
271          (A) a county assessor assesses in accordance with Part 3, County Assessment; and
272          (B) contained on the prior year's assessment roll; and
273          (iii) the taxable value of real and personal property the commission assesses in
274     accordance with Part 2, Assessment of Property.
275          (b) For purposes of Subsection (7)(a), taxable value does not include eligible new
276     growth.
277          (8) (a) On or before June 30, a taxing entity shall annually adopt a tentative budget.
278          (b) If a taxing entity intends to exceed the certified tax rate, the taxing entity shall
279     notify the county auditor of:
280          (i) the taxing entity's intent to exceed the certified tax rate; and
281          (ii) the amount by which the taxing entity proposes to exceed the certified tax rate.

282          (c) The county auditor shall notify property owners of any intent to levy a tax rate that
283     exceeds the certified tax rate in accordance with Sections 59-2-919 and 59-2-919.1.
284          (9) (a) Subject to Subsection (9)(d), the commission shall provide notice, through
285     electronic means on or before July 31, to a taxing entity and the Revenue and Taxation Interim
286     Committee if:
287          (i) the amount calculated under Subsection (9)(b) is 10% or more of the year end
288     taxable value of the real and personal property the commission assesses in accordance with
289     Part 2, Assessment of Property, for the previous year, adjusted for prior year end incremental
290     value; and
291          (ii) the amount calculated under Subsection (9)(c) is 50% or more of the total year end
292     taxable value of the real and personal property of a taxpayer the commission assesses in
293     accordance with Part 2, Assessment of Property, for the previous year.
294          (b) For purposes of Subsection (9)(a)(i), the commission shall calculate an amount by
295     subtracting the taxable value of real and personal property the commission assesses in
296     accordance with Part 2, Assessment of Property, for the current year, adjusted for current year
297     incremental value, from the year end taxable value of the real and personal property the
298     commission assesses in accordance with Part 2, Assessment of Property, for the previous year,
299     adjusted for prior year end incremental value.
300          (c) For purposes of Subsection (9)(a)(ii), the commission shall calculate an amount by
301     subtracting the total taxable value of real and personal property of a taxpayer the commission
302     assesses in accordance with Part 2, Assessment of Property, for the current year, from the total
303     year end taxable value of the real and personal property of a taxpayer the commission assesses
304     in accordance with Part 2, Assessment of Property, for the previous year.
305          (d) The notification under Subsection (9)(a) shall include a list of taxpayers that meet
306     the requirement under Subsection (9)(a)(ii).
307          Section 2. Section 59-12-103 is amended to read:
308          59-12-103. Sales and use tax base -- Rates -- Effective dates -- Use of sales and use
309     tax revenues.

310          (1) A tax is imposed on the purchaser as provided in this part on the purchase price or
311     sales price for amounts paid or charged for the following transactions:
312          (a) retail sales of tangible personal property made within the state;
313          (b) amounts paid for:
314          (i) telecommunications service, other than mobile telecommunications service, that
315     originates and terminates within the boundaries of this state;
316          (ii) mobile telecommunications service that originates and terminates within the
317     boundaries of one state only to the extent permitted by the Mobile Telecommunications
318     Sourcing Act, 4 U.S.C. Sec. 116 et seq.; or
319          (iii) an ancillary service associated with a:
320          (A) telecommunications service described in Subsection (1)(b)(i); or
321          (B) mobile telecommunications service described in Subsection (1)(b)(ii);
322          (c) sales of the following for commercial use:
323          (i) gas;
324          (ii) electricity;
325          (iii) heat;
326          (iv) coal;
327          (v) fuel oil; or
328          (vi) other fuels;
329          (d) sales of the following for residential use:
330          (i) gas;
331          (ii) electricity;
332          (iii) heat;
333          (iv) coal;
334          (v) fuel oil; or
335          (vi) other fuels;
336          (e) sales of prepared food;
337          (f) except as provided in Section 59-12-104, amounts paid or charged as admission or

338     user fees for theaters, movies, operas, museums, planetariums, shows of any type or nature,
339     exhibitions, concerts, carnivals, amusement parks, amusement rides, circuses, menageries,
340     fairs, races, contests, sporting events, dances, boxing matches, wrestling matches, closed circuit
341     television broadcasts, billiard parlors, pool parlors, bowling lanes, golf, miniature golf, golf
342     driving ranges, batting cages, skating rinks, ski lifts, ski runs, ski trails, snowmobile trails,
343     tennis courts, swimming pools, water slides, river runs, jeep tours, boat tours, scenic cruises,
344     horseback rides, sports activities, or any other amusement, entertainment, recreation,
345     exhibition, cultural, or athletic activity;
346          (g) amounts paid or charged for services for repairs or renovations of tangible personal
347     property, unless Section 59-12-104 provides for an exemption from sales and use tax for:
348          (i) the tangible personal property; and
349          (ii) parts used in the repairs or renovations of the tangible personal property described
350     in Subsection (1)(g)(i), regardless of whether:
351          (A) any parts are actually used in the repairs or renovations of that tangible personal
352     property; or
353          (B) the particular parts used in the repairs or renovations of that tangible personal
354     property are exempt from a tax under this chapter;
355          (h) except as provided in Subsection 59-12-104(7), amounts paid or charged for
356     assisted cleaning or washing of tangible personal property;
357          (i) amounts paid or charged for tourist home, hotel, motel, or trailer court
358     accommodations and services that are regularly rented for less than 30 consecutive days;
359          (j) amounts paid or charged for laundry or dry cleaning services;
360          (k) amounts paid or charged for leases or rentals of tangible personal property if within
361     this state the tangible personal property is:
362          (i) stored;
363          (ii) used; or
364          (iii) otherwise consumed;
365          (l) amounts paid or charged for tangible personal property if within this state the

366     tangible personal property is:
367          (i) stored;
368          (ii) used; or
369          (iii) consumed; and
370          (m) amounts paid or charged for a sale:
371          (i) (A) of a product transferred electronically; or
372          (B) of a repair or renovation of a product transferred electronically; and
373          (ii) regardless of whether the sale provides:
374          (A) a right of permanent use of the product; or
375          (B) a right to use the product that is less than a permanent use, including a right:
376          (I) for a definite or specified length of time; and
377          (II) that terminates upon the occurrence of a condition.
378          (2) (a) Except as provided in Subsections (2)(b) through (f), a state tax and a local tax
379     are imposed on a transaction described in Subsection (1) equal to the sum of:
380          (i) a state tax imposed on the transaction at a tax rate equal to the sum of:
381          (A) 4.70% plus the rate specified in Subsection (12)(a); and
382          (B) (I) the tax rate the state imposes in accordance with Part 18, Additional State Sales
383     and Use Tax Act, if the location of the transaction as determined under Sections 59-12-211
384     through 59-12-215 is in a county in which the state imposes the tax under Part 18, Additional
385     State Sales and Use Tax Act; and
386          (II) the tax rate the state imposes in accordance with Part 20, Supplemental State Sales
387     and Use Tax Act, if the location of the transaction as determined under Sections 59-12-211
388     through 59-12-215 is in a city, town, or the unincorporated area of a county in which the state
389     imposes the tax under Part 20, Supplemental State Sales and Use Tax Act; and
390          (ii) a local tax equal to the sum of the tax rates a county, city, or town imposes on the
391     transaction under this chapter other than this part.
392          (b) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(e) or (f) and subject to Subsection (2)(k), a
393     state tax and a local tax are imposed on a transaction described in Subsection (1)(d) equal to

394     the sum of:
395          (i) a state tax imposed on the transaction at a tax rate of 2%; and
396          (ii) a local tax equal to the sum of the tax rates a county, city, or town imposes on the
397     transaction under this chapter other than this part.
398          (c) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(e) or (f), a state tax and a local tax are
399     imposed on amounts paid or charged for food and food ingredients equal to the sum of:
400          (i) a state tax imposed on the amounts paid or charged for food and food ingredients at
401     a tax rate of 1.75%; and
402          (ii) a local tax equal to the sum of the tax rates a county, city, or town imposes on the
403     amounts paid or charged for food and food ingredients under this chapter other than this part.
404          (d) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(e) or (f), a state tax is imposed on amounts
405     paid or charged for fuel to a common carrier that is a railroad for use in a locomotive engine at
406     a rate of 4.85%.
407          (e) (i) For a bundled transaction that is attributable to food and food ingredients and
408     tangible personal property other than food and food ingredients, a state tax and a local tax is
409     imposed on the entire bundled transaction equal to the sum of:
410          (A) a state tax imposed on the entire bundled transaction equal to the sum of:
411          (I) the tax rate described in Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A); and
412          (II) (Aa) the tax rate the state imposes in accordance with Part 18, Additional State
413     Sales and Use Tax Act, if the location of the transaction as determined under Sections
414     59-12-211 through 59-12-215 is in a county in which the state imposes the tax under Part 18,
415     Additional State Sales and Use Tax Act; and
416          (Bb) the tax rate the state imposes in accordance with Part 20, Supplemental State
417     Sales and Use Tax Act, if the location of the transaction as determined under Sections
418     59-12-211 through 59-12-215 is in a city, town, or the unincorporated area of a county in which
419     the state imposes the tax under Part 20, Supplemental State Sales and Use Tax Act; and
420          (B) a local tax imposed on the entire bundled transaction at the sum of the tax rates
421     described in Subsection (2)(a)(ii).

422          (ii) If an optional computer software maintenance contract is a bundled transaction that
423     consists of taxable and nontaxable products that are not separately itemized on an invoice or
424     similar billing document, the purchase of the optional computer software maintenance contract
425     is 40% taxable under this chapter and 60% nontaxable under this chapter.
426          (iii) Subject to Subsection (2)(e)(iv), for a bundled transaction other than a bundled
427     transaction described in Subsection (2)(e)(i) or (ii):
428          (A) if the sales price of the bundled transaction is attributable to tangible personal
429     property, a product, or a service that is subject to taxation under this chapter and tangible
430     personal property, a product, or service that is not subject to taxation under this chapter, the
431     entire bundled transaction is subject to taxation under this chapter unless:
432          (I) the seller is able to identify by reasonable and verifiable standards the tangible
433     personal property, product, or service that is not subject to taxation under this chapter from the
434     books and records the seller keeps in the seller's regular course of business; or
435          (II) state or federal law provides otherwise; or
436          (B) if the sales price of a bundled transaction is attributable to two or more items of
437     tangible personal property, products, or services that are subject to taxation under this chapter
438     at different rates, the entire bundled transaction is subject to taxation under this chapter at the
439     higher tax rate unless:
440          (I) the seller is able to identify by reasonable and verifiable standards the tangible
441     personal property, product, or service that is subject to taxation under this chapter at the lower
442     tax rate from the books and records the seller keeps in the seller's regular course of business; or
443          (II) state or federal law provides otherwise.
444          (iv) For purposes of Subsection (2)(e)(iii), books and records that a seller keeps in the
445     seller's regular course of business includes books and records the seller keeps in the regular
446     course of business for nontax purposes.
447          (f) (i) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter and subject to Subsections (2)(f)(ii)
448     and (iii), if a transaction consists of the sale, lease, or rental of tangible personal property, a
449     product, or a service that is subject to taxation under this chapter, and the sale, lease, or rental

450     of tangible personal property, other property, a product, or a service that is not subject to
451     taxation under this chapter, the entire transaction is subject to taxation under this chapter unless
452     the seller, at the time of the transaction:
453          (A) separately states the portion of the transaction that is not subject to taxation under
454     this chapter on an invoice, bill of sale, or similar document provided to the purchaser; or
455          (B) is able to identify by reasonable and verifiable standards, from the books and
456     records the seller keeps in the seller's regular course of business, the portion of the transaction
457     that is not subject to taxation under this chapter.
458          (ii) A purchaser and a seller may correct the taxability of a transaction if:
459          (A) after the transaction occurs, the purchaser and the seller discover that the portion of
460     the transaction that is not subject to taxation under this chapter was not separately stated on an
461     invoice, bill of sale, or similar document provided to the purchaser because of an error or
462     ignorance of the law; and
463          (B) the seller is able to identify by reasonable and verifiable standards, from the books
464     and records the seller keeps in the seller's regular course of business, the portion of the
465     transaction that is not subject to taxation under this chapter.
466          (iii) For purposes of Subsections (2)(f)(i) and (ii), books and records that a seller keeps
467     in the seller's regular course of business includes books and records the seller keeps in the
468     regular course of business for nontax purposes.
469          (g) (i) If the sales price of a transaction is attributable to two or more items of tangible
470     personal property, products, or services that are subject to taxation under this chapter at
471     different rates, the entire purchase is subject to taxation under this chapter at the higher tax rate
472     unless the seller, at the time of the transaction:
473          (A) separately states the items subject to taxation under this chapter at each of the
474     different rates on an invoice, bill of sale, or similar document provided to the purchaser; or
475          (B) is able to identify by reasonable and verifiable standards the tangible personal
476     property, product, or service that is subject to taxation under this chapter at the lower tax rate
477     from the books and records the seller keeps in the seller's regular course of business.

478          (ii) For purposes of Subsection (2)(g)(i), books and records that a seller keeps in the
479     seller's regular course of business includes books and records the seller keeps in the regular
480     course of business for nontax purposes.
481          (h) Subject to Subsections (2)(i) and (j), a tax rate repeal or tax rate change for a tax
482     rate imposed under the following shall take effect on the first day of a calendar quarter:
483          (i) Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A);
484          (ii) Subsection (2)(b)(i);
485          (iii) Subsection (2)(c)(i); or
486          (iv) Subsection (2)(e)(i)(A)(I).
487          (i) (i) A tax rate increase takes effect on the first day of the first billing period that
488     begins on or after the effective date of the tax rate increase if the billing period for the
489     transaction begins before the effective date of a tax rate increase imposed under:
490          (A) Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A);
491          (B) Subsection (2)(b)(i);
492          (C) Subsection (2)(c)(i); or
493          (D) Subsection (2)(e)(i)(A)(I).
494          (ii) The repeal of a tax or a tax rate decrease applies to a billing period if the billing
495     statement for the billing period is rendered on or after the effective date of the repeal of the tax
496     or the tax rate decrease imposed under:
497          (A) Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A);
498          (B) Subsection (2)(b)(i);
499          (C) Subsection (2)(c)(i); or
500          (D) Subsection (2)(e)(i)(A)(I).
501          (j) (i) For a tax rate described in Subsection (2)(j)(ii), if a tax due on a catalogue sale is
502     computed on the basis of sales and use tax rates published in the catalogue, a tax rate repeal or
503     change in a tax rate takes effect:
504          (A) on the first day of a calendar quarter; and
505          (B) beginning 60 days after the effective date of the tax rate repeal or tax rate change.

506          (ii) Subsection (2)(j)(i) applies to the tax rates described in the following:
507          (A) Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A);
508          (B) Subsection (2)(b)(i);
509          (C) Subsection (2)(c)(i); or
510          (D) Subsection (2)(e)(i)(A)(I).
511          (iii) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act,
512     the commission may by rule define the term "catalogue sale."
513          (k) (i) For a location described in Subsection (2)(k)(ii), the commission shall determine
514     the taxable status of a sale of gas, electricity, heat, coal, fuel oil, or other fuel based on the
515     predominant use of the gas, electricity, heat, coal, fuel oil, or other fuel at the location.
516          (ii) Subsection (2)(k)(i) applies to a location where gas, electricity, heat, coal, fuel oil,
517     or other fuel is furnished through a single meter for two or more of the following uses:
518          (A) a commercial use;
519          (B) an industrial use; or
520          (C) a residential use.
521          (3) (a) The following state taxes shall be deposited into the General Fund:
522          (i) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A);
523          (ii) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(b)(i);
524          (iii) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(c)(i); and
525          (iv) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(e)(i)(A)(I).
526          (b) The following local taxes shall be distributed to a county, city, or town as provided
527     in this chapter:
528          (i) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(a)(ii);
529          (ii) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(b)(ii);
530          (iii) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(c)(ii); and
531          (iv) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(e)(i)(B).
532          (c) The state tax imposed by Subsection (2)(d) shall be deposited into the General
533     Fund.

534          (4) (a) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), for a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1,
535     2003, the lesser of the following amounts shall be expended as provided in Subsections (4)(b)
536     through (g):
537          (i) for taxes listed under Subsection (3)(a), the amount of tax revenue generated:
538          (A) by a 1/16% tax rate on the transactions described in Subsection (1); and
539          (B) for the fiscal year; or
540          (ii) $17,500,000.
541          (b) (i) For a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2003, 14% of the amount
542     described in Subsection (4)(a) shall be transferred each year as dedicated credits to the
543     Department of Natural Resources to:
544          (A) implement the measures described in Subsections 79-2-303(3)(a) through (d) to
545     protect sensitive plant and animal species; or
546          (B) award grants, up to the amount authorized by the Legislature in an appropriations
547     act, to political subdivisions of the state to implement the measures described in Subsections
548     79-2-303(3)(a) through (d) to protect sensitive plant and animal species.
549          (ii) Money transferred to the Department of Natural Resources under Subsection
550     (4)(b)(i) may not be used to assist the United States Fish and Wildlife Service or any other
551     person to list or attempt to have listed a species as threatened or endangered under the
552     Endangered Species Act of 1973, 16 U.S.C. Sec. 1531 et seq.
553          (iii) At the end of each fiscal year:
554          (A) 50% of any unexpended dedicated credits shall lapse to the Water Resources
555     Conservation and Development Fund created in Section 73-10-24;
556          (B) 25% of any unexpended dedicated credits shall lapse to the Utah Wastewater Loan
557     Program Subaccount created in Section 73-10c-5; and
558          (C) 25% of any unexpended dedicated credits shall lapse to the Drinking Water Loan
559     Program Subaccount created in Section 73-10c-5.
560          (c) For a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2003, 3% of the amount described in
561     Subsection (4)(a) shall be deposited each year in the Agriculture Resource Development Fund

562     created in Section 4-18-106.
563          (d) (i) For a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2003, 1% of the amount described
564     in Subsection (4)(a) shall be transferred each year as dedicated credits to the Division of Water
565     Rights to cover the costs incurred in hiring legal and technical staff for the adjudication of
566     water rights.
567          (ii) At the end of each fiscal year:
568          (A) 50% of any unexpended dedicated credits shall lapse to the Water Resources
569     Conservation and Development Fund created in Section 73-10-24;
570          (B) 25% of any unexpended dedicated credits shall lapse to the Utah Wastewater Loan
571     Program Subaccount created in Section 73-10c-5; and
572          (C) 25% of any unexpended dedicated credits shall lapse to the Drinking Water Loan
573     Program Subaccount created in Section 73-10c-5.
574          (e) (i) For a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2003, 41% of the amount described
575     in Subsection (4)(a) shall be deposited into the Water Resources Conservation and
576     Development Fund created in Section 73-10-24 for use by the Division of Water Resources.
577          (ii) In addition to the uses allowed of the Water Resources Conservation and
578     Development Fund under Section 73-10-24, the Water Resources Conservation and
579     Development Fund may also be used to:
580          (A) conduct hydrologic and geotechnical investigations by the Division of Water
581     Resources in a cooperative effort with other state, federal, or local entities, for the purpose of
582     quantifying surface and ground water resources and describing the hydrologic systems of an
583     area in sufficient detail so as to enable local and state resource managers to plan for and
584     accommodate growth in water use without jeopardizing the resource;
585          (B) fund state required dam safety improvements; and
586          (C) protect the state's interest in interstate water compact allocations, including the
587     hiring of technical and legal staff.
588          (f) For a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2003, 20.5% of the amount described
589     in Subsection (4)(a) shall be deposited into the Utah Wastewater Loan Program Subaccount

590     created in Section 73-10c-5 for use by the Water Quality Board to fund wastewater projects.
591          (g) For a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2003, 20.5% of the amount described
592     in Subsection (4)(a) shall be deposited into the Drinking Water Loan Program Subaccount
593     created in Section 73-10c-5 for use by the Division of Drinking Water to:
594          (i) provide for the installation and repair of collection, treatment, storage, and
595     distribution facilities for any public water system, as defined in Section 19-4-102;
596          (ii) develop underground sources of water, including springs and wells; and
597          (iii) develop surface water sources.
598          (5) (a) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), for a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1,
599     2006, the difference between the following amounts shall be expended as provided in this
600     Subsection (5), if that difference is greater than $1:
601          (i) for taxes listed under Subsection (3)(a), the amount of tax revenue generated for the
602     fiscal year by a 1/16% tax rate on the transactions described in Subsection (1); and
603          (ii) $17,500,000.
604          (b) (i) The first $500,000 of the difference described in Subsection (5)(a) shall be:
605          (A) transferred each fiscal year to the Department of Natural Resources as dedicated
606     credits; and
607          (B) expended by the Department of Natural Resources for watershed rehabilitation or
608     restoration.
609          (ii) At the end of each fiscal year, 100% of any unexpended dedicated credits described
610     in Subsection (5)(b)(i) shall lapse to the Water Resources Conservation and Development Fund
611     created in Section 73-10-24.
612          (c) (i) After making the transfer required by Subsection (5)(b)(i), $150,000 of the
613     remaining difference described in Subsection (5)(a) shall be:
614          (A) transferred each fiscal year to the Division of Water Resources as dedicated
615     credits; and
616          (B) expended by the Division of Water Resources for cloud-seeding projects
617     authorized by Title 73, Chapter 15, Modification of Weather.

618          (ii) At the end of each fiscal year, 100% of any unexpended dedicated credits described
619     in Subsection (5)(c)(i) shall lapse to the Water Resources Conservation and Development Fund
620     created in Section 73-10-24.
621          (d) After making the transfers required by Subsections (5)(b) and (c), 85% of the
622     remaining difference described in Subsection (5)(a) shall be deposited into the Water
623     Resources Conservation and Development Fund created in Section 73-10-24 for use by the
624     Division of Water Resources for:
625          (i) preconstruction costs:
626          (A) as defined in Subsection 73-26-103(6) for projects authorized by Title 73, Chapter
627     26, Bear River Development Act; and
628          (B) as defined in Subsection 73-28-103(8) for the Lake Powell Pipeline project
629     authorized by Title 73, Chapter 28, Lake Powell Pipeline Development Act;
630          (ii) the cost of employing a civil engineer to oversee any project authorized by Title 73,
631     Chapter 26, Bear River Development Act;
632          (iii) the cost of employing a civil engineer to oversee the Lake Powell Pipeline project
633     authorized by Title 73, Chapter 28, Lake Powell Pipeline Development Act; and
634          (iv) other uses authorized under Sections 73-10-24, 73-10-25.1, and 73-10-30, and
635     Subsection (4)(e)(ii) after funding the uses specified in Subsections (5)(d)(i) through (iii).
636          (e) After making the transfers required by Subsections (5)(b) and (c) and subject to
637     Subsection (5)(f), 15% of the remaining difference described in Subsection (5)(a) shall be
638     transferred each year as dedicated credits to the Division of Water Rights to cover the costs
639     incurred for employing additional technical staff for the administration of water rights.
640          (f) At the end of each fiscal year, any unexpended dedicated credits described in
641     Subsection (5)(e) over $150,000 lapse to the Water Resources Conservation and Development
642     Fund created in Section 73-10-24.
643          (6) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a) and for taxes listed under Subsection (3)(a), the
644     amount of revenue generated by a 1/16% tax rate on the transactions described in Subsection
645     (1) for the fiscal year shall be deposited as follows:

646          (a) for fiscal year 2020-21 only:
647          (i) 20% of the revenue described in this Subsection (6) shall be deposited into the
648     Transportation Investment Fund of 2005 created by Section 72-2-124; and
649          (ii) 80% of the revenue described in this Subsection (6) shall be deposited into the
650     Water Infrastructure Restricted Account created by Section 73-10g-103; and
651          (b) for a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2021, 100% of the revenue described
652     in this Subsection (6) shall be deposited into the Water Infrastructure Restricted Account
653     created by Section 73-10g-103.
654          (7) (a) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), in addition to the amounts deposited in
655     Subsection (6), and subject to Subsection (7)(b), for a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1,
656     2012, the Division of Finance shall deposit into the Transportation Investment Fund of 2005
657     created by Section 72-2-124:
658          (i) a portion of the taxes listed under Subsection (3)(a) in an amount equal to 8.3% of
659     the revenues collected from the following taxes, which represents a portion of the
660     approximately 17% of sales and use tax revenues generated annually by the sales and use tax
661     on vehicles and vehicle-related products:
662          (A) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A) at a 4.7% rate;
663          (B) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(b)(i);
664          (C) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(c)(i); and
665          (D) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(e)(i)(A)(I); plus
666          (ii) an amount equal to 30% of the growth in the amount of revenues collected in the
667     current fiscal year from the sales and use taxes described in Subsections (7)(a)(i)(A) through
668     (D) that exceeds the amount collected from the sales and use taxes described in Subsections
669     (7)(a)(i)(A) through (D) in the 2010-11 fiscal year.
670          (b) (i) Subject to Subsections (7)(b)(ii) and (iii), in any fiscal year that the portion of
671     the sales and use taxes deposited under Subsection (7)(a) represents an amount that is a total
672     lower percentage of the sales and use taxes described in Subsections (7)(a)(i)(A) through (D)
673     generated in the current fiscal year than the total percentage of sales and use taxes deposited in

674     the previous fiscal year, the Division of Finance shall deposit an amount under Subsection
675     (7)(a) equal to the product of:
676          (A) the total percentage of sales and use taxes deposited under Subsection (7)(a) in the
677     previous fiscal year; and
678          (B) the total sales and use tax revenue generated by the taxes described in Subsections
679     (7)(a)(i)(A) through (D) in the current fiscal year.
680          (ii) In any fiscal year in which the portion of the sales and use taxes deposited under
681     Subsection (7)(a) would exceed 17% of the revenues collected from the sales and use taxes
682     described in Subsections (7)(a)(i)(A) through (D) in the current fiscal year, the Division of
683     Finance shall deposit 17% of the revenues collected from the sales and use taxes described in
684     Subsections (7)(a)(i)(A) through (D) for the current fiscal year under Subsection (7)(a).
685          (iii) Subject to Subsection (7)(b)(iv)(E), in all subsequent fiscal years after a year in
686     which 17% of the revenues collected from the sales and use taxes described in Subsections
687     (7)(a)(i)(A) through (D) was deposited under Subsection (7)(a), the Division of Finance shall
688     annually deposit 17% of the revenues collected from the sales and use taxes described in
689     Subsections (7)(a)(i)(A) through (D) in the current fiscal year under Subsection (7)(a).
690          (iv) (A) As used in this Subsection (7)(b)(iv), "additional growth revenue" means the
691     amount of relevant revenue collected in the current fiscal year that exceeds by more than 3%
692     the relevant revenue collected in the previous fiscal year.
693          (B) As used in this Subsection (7)(b)(iv), "combined amount" means the combined
694     total amount of money deposited into the Cottonwood Canyons fund under Subsections
695     (7)(b)(iv)(F) and [(8)(c)(iv)(F)] (8)(d)(vi) in any single fiscal year.
696          (C) As used in this Subsection (7)(b)(iv), "Cottonwood Canyons fund" means the
697     Cottonwood Canyons Transportation Investment Fund created in Subsection 72-2-124(10).
698          (D) As used in this Subsection (7)(b)(iv), "relevant revenue" means the portion of taxes
699     listed under Subsection (3)(a) that equals 17% of the revenue collected from taxes described in
700     Subsections (7)(a)(i)(A) through (D).
701          (E) For a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2020, the commission shall annually

702     reduce the deposit under Subsection [(7)(c)(iii)] (7)(b)(iii) into the Transportation Investment
703     Fund of 2005 by an amount equal to the amount of the deposit under this Subsection (7)(b)(iv)
704     to the Cottonwood Canyons fund in the previous fiscal year plus 25% of additional growth
705     revenue, subject to the limit in Subsection (7)(b)(iv)(F).
706          (F) The commission shall annually deposit the amount described in Subsection
707     (7)(b)(iv)(E) into the Cottonwood Canyons fund, subject to an annual maximum combined
708     amount for any single fiscal year of $20,000,000.
709          (G) If the amount of relevant revenue declines in a fiscal year compared to the previous
710     fiscal year, the commission shall decrease the amount of the contribution to the Cottonwood
711     Canyons fund under this Subsection (7)(b)(iv) in the same proportion as the decline in relevant
712     revenue.
713          (8) (a) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), in addition to the amounts deposited under
714     Subsections (6) and (7), and subject to Subsections (8)(b) and (d)(v), for a fiscal year beginning
715     on or after July 1, 2018, the commission shall annually deposit into the Transportation
716     Investment Fund of 2005 created by Section 72-2-124 a portion of the taxes listed under
717     Subsection (3)(a) in an amount equal to 3.68% of the revenues collected from the following
718     taxes:
719          (i) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A) at a 4.7% rate;
720          (ii) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(b)(i);
721          (iii) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(c)(i); and
722          (iv) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(e)(i)(A)(I).
723          (b) For a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2019, the commission shall annually
724     reduce the deposit into the Transportation Investment Fund of 2005 under Subsection (8)(a) by
725     an amount that is equal to 35% of the amount of revenue generated in the current fiscal year by
726     the portion of the tax imposed on motor and special fuel that is sold, used, or received for sale
727     or use in this state that exceeds 29.4 cents per gallon.
728          (c) The commission shall annually deposit the amount described in Subsection (8)(b)
729     into the Transit Transportation Investment Fund created in Section 72-2-124.

730          (d) (i) As used in this Subsection (8)(d), "additional growth revenue" means the
731     amount of relevant revenue collected in the current fiscal year that exceeds by more than 3%
732     the relevant revenue collected in the previous fiscal year.
733          (ii) As used in this Subsection (8)(d), "combined amount" means the combined total
734     amount of money deposited into the Cottonwood Canyons fund under Subsections (7)(b)(iv)(F)
735     and (8)(d)(vi) in any single fiscal year.
736          (iii) As used in this Subsection (8)(d), "Cottonwood Canyons fund" means the
737     Cottonwood Canyons Transportation Investment Fund created in Subsection 72-2-124(10).
738          (iv) As used in this Subsection (8)(d), "relevant revenue" means the portion of taxes
739     listed under Subsection (3)(a) that equals 3.68% of the revenue collected from taxes described
740     in Subsections (8)(a)(i) through (iv).
741          (v) For a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2020, the commission shall annually
742     reduce the deposit under Subsection (8)(a) into the Transportation Investment Fund of 2005 by
743     an amount equal to the amount of the deposit under this Subsection (8)(d) to the Cottonwood
744     Canyons fund in the previous fiscal year plus 25% of additional growth revenue, subject to the
745     limit in Subsection (8)(d)(vi).
746          (vi) The commission shall annually deposit the amount described in Subsection
747     (8)(d)(v) into the Cottonwood Canyons fund, subject to an annual maximum combined amount
748     for any single fiscal year of $20,000,000.
749          (vii) If the amount of relevant revenue declines in a fiscal year compared to the
750     previous fiscal year, the commission shall decrease the amount of the contribution to the
751     Cottonwood Canyons fund under this Subsection (8)(d) in the same proportion as the decline in
752     relevant revenue.
753          (9) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), for each fiscal year beginning with fiscal year
754     2009-10, $533,750 shall be deposited into the Qualified Emergency Food Agencies Fund
755     created by Section 35A-8-1009 and expended as provided in Section 35A-8-1009.
756          (10) (a) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), except as provided in Subsection (10)(b),
757     and in addition to any amounts deposited under Subsections (6), (7), and (8), the Division of

758     Finance shall deposit into the Transportation Investment Fund of 2005 created by Section
759     72-2-124 the amount of revenue described as follows:
760          (i) for fiscal year 2020-21 only, 33.33% of the amount of revenue generated by a .05%
761     tax rate on the transactions described in Subsection (1); and
762          (ii) for fiscal year 2021-22 only, 16.67% of the amount of revenue generated by a .05%
763     tax rate on the transactions described in Subsection (1).
764          (b) For purposes of Subsection (10)(a), the Division of Finance may not deposit into
765     the Transportation Investment Fund of 2005 any tax revenue generated by amounts paid or
766     charged for food and food ingredients, except for tax revenue generated by a bundled
767     transaction attributable to food and food ingredients and tangible personal property other than
768     food and food ingredients described in Subsection (2)(e).
769          (11) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), beginning the second fiscal year after the
770     fiscal year during which the Division of Finance receives notice under Section 63N-2-510 that
771     construction on a qualified hotel, as defined in Section 63N-2-502, has begun, the Division of
772     Finance shall, for two consecutive fiscal years, annually deposit $1,900,000 of the revenue
773     generated by the taxes listed under Subsection (3)(a) into the Hotel Impact Mitigation Fund,
774     created in Section 63N-2-512.
775          (12) (a) The rate specified in this subsection is 0.15%.
776          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), the Division of Finance shall, for a fiscal year
777     beginning on or after July 1, 2019, annually transfer the amount of revenue collected from the
778     rate described in Subsection (12)(a) on the transactions that are subject to the sales and use tax
779     under Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A) into the Medicaid Expansion Fund created in Section
780     26-36b-208.
781          (13) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), for each fiscal year beginning with fiscal year
782     2020-21, the Division of Finance shall deposit $200,000 into the General Fund as a dedicated
783     credit solely for use of the Search and Rescue Financial Assistance Program created in, and
784     expended in accordance with, Title 53, Chapter 2a, Part 11, Search and Rescue Act.
785          (14) (a) For each fiscal year beginning with fiscal year 2020-21, the Division of

786     Finance shall annually transfer $1,813,400 of the revenue deposited into the Transportation
787     Investment Fund of 2005 under Subsections (6) through (8) to the General Fund.
788          (b) If the total revenue deposited into the Transportation Investment Fund of 2005
789     under Subsections (6) through (8) is less than $1,813,400 for a fiscal year, the Division of
790     Finance shall transfer the total revenue deposited into the Transportation Investment Fund of
791     2005 under Subsections (6) through (8) during the fiscal year to the General Fund.
792          (15) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), and as described in Section 63N-3-610,
793     beginning the first day of the calendar quarter one year after the sales and use tax boundary for
794     a housing and transit reinvestment zone is established, the commission, at least annually, shall
795     transfer an amount equal to 15% of the sales and use tax increment within an established sales
796     and use tax boundary, as defined in Section 63N-3-602, into the Transit Transportation
797     Investment Fund created in Section 72-2-124.
798          Section 3. Section 63N-3-602 is amended to read:
799          63N-3-602. Definitions.
800          As used in this part:
801          (1) "Affordable housing" means the same as that term is defined in Section 11-38-102.
802          (2) "Agency" means the same as that term is defined in Section 17C-1-102.
803          (3) "Base taxable value" means a property's taxable value as shown upon the
804     assessment roll last equalized during the base year.
805          (4) "Base year" means, for a proposed housing and transit reinvestment zone area, a
806     year beginning the first day of the calendar quarter determined by the last equalized tax roll
807     before the adoption of the housing and transit reinvestment zone.
808          (5) "Bus rapid transit" means a high-quality bus-based transit system that delivers fast
809     and efficient service that may include dedicated lanes, busways, traffic signal priority,
810     off-board fare collection, elevated platforms, and enhanced stations.
811          [(5)] (6) (a) "Commuter rail" means a heavy-rail passenger rail transit facility operated
812     by a large public transit district.
813          (b) "Commuter rail" does not include a light-rail passenger rail facility of a large public

814     transit district.
815          [(6)] (7) "Commuter rail station" means a station, stop, or terminal along an existing
816     commuter rail line, or along an extension to an existing commuter rail line or new commuter
817     rail line that is included in a metropolitan planning organization's adopted long-range
818     transportation plan.
819          (8) (a) "Developable area" means the portion of land within a housing and transit
820     reinvestment zone available for development and construction of business and residential uses.
821          (b) "Developable area" does not include portions of land within a housing and transit
822     reinvestment zone that are allocated to:
823          (i) parks;
824          (ii) recreation facilities;
825          (iii) open space;
826          (iv) trails;
827          (v) publicly-owned roadway facilities; or
828          (vi) other public facilities.
829          [(7)] (9) "Dwelling unit" means one or more rooms arranged for the use of one or more
830     individuals living together, as a single housekeeping unit normally having cooking, living,
831     sanitary, and sleeping facilities.
832          [(8)] (10) "Enhanced development" means the construction of mixed uses including
833     housing, commercial uses, and related facilities[, at an average density of 50 dwelling units or
834     more per acre on the developable acres].
835          [(9)] (11) "Enhanced development costs" means extra costs associated with structured
836     parking costs, vertical construction costs, horizontal construction costs, life safety costs,
837     structural costs, conveyor or elevator costs, and other costs incurred due to the increased height
838     of buildings or enhanced development.
839          [(10)] (12) "Horizontal construction costs" means the additional costs associated with
840     earthwork, over excavation, utility work, transportation infrastructure, and landscaping to
841     achieve enhanced development in the housing and transit reinvestment zone.

842          [(11)] (13) "Housing and transit reinvestment zone" means a housing and transit
843     reinvestment zone created pursuant to this part.
844          [(12)] (14) "Housing and transit reinvestment zone committee" means a housing and
845     transit reinvestment zone committee created pursuant to Section 63N-3-605.
846          [(13)] (15) "Large public transit district" means the same as that term is defined in
847     Section 17B-2a-802.
848          (16) "Light rail" means a passenger rail public transit system with right-of-way and
849     fixed rails:
850          (a) dedicated to exclusive use by light-rail public transit vehicles;
851          (b) that may cross streets at grade; and
852          (c) that may share parts of surface streets.
853          [(14)] (17) "Metropolitan planning organization" means the same as that term is
854     defined in Section 72-1-208.5.
855          [(15)] (18) "Mixed use development" means development with a mix of multi-family
856     residential use and at least one additional land use.
857          [(16)] (19) "Municipality" means the same as that term is defined in Section 10-1-104.
858          [(17)] (20) "Participant" means the same as that term is defined in Section 17C-1-102.
859          [(18)] (21) "Participation agreement" means the same as that term is defined in Section
860     17C-1-102, except that the agency may not provide and the person may not receive a direct
861     subsidy.
862          [(19)] (22) "Public transit county" means a county that has created a small public
863     transit district.
864          [(20)] (23) "Public transit hub" means a public transit depot or station where four or
865     more routes serving separate parts of the county-created transit district stop to transfer riders
866     between routes.
867          [(21)] (24) "Sales and use tax base year" means a sales and use tax year determined by
868     the first year pertaining to the tax imposed in Section 59-12-103 after the sales and use tax
869     boundary for a housing and transit reinvestment zone is established.

870          [(22)] (25) "Sales and use tax boundary" means a boundary created as described in
871     Section 63N-3-604, based on state sales and use tax collection that corresponds as closely as
872     reasonably practicable to the housing and transit reinvestment zone boundary.
873          [(23)] (26) "Sales and use tax increment" means the difference between:
874          (a) the amount of state sales and use tax revenue generated each year following the
875     sales and use tax base year by the sales and use tax from the area within a housing and transit
876     reinvestment zone designated in the housing and transit reinvestment zone proposal as the area
877     from which sales and use tax increment is to be collected; and
878          (b) the amount of state sales and use tax revenue that was generated from that same
879     area during the sales and use tax base year.
880          [(24)] (27) "Sales and use tax revenue" means revenue that is generated from the tax
881     imposed under Section 59-12-103.
882          [(25)] (28) "Small public transit district" means the same as that term is defined in
883     Section 17B-2a-802.
884          [(26)] (29) "Tax commission" means the State Tax Commission created in Section
885     59-1-201.
886          [(27)] (30) "Tax increment" means the difference between:
887          (a) the amount of property tax revenue generated each tax year by a taxing entity from
888     the area within a housing and transit reinvestment zone designated in the housing and transit
889     reinvestment zone proposal as the area from which tax increment is to be collected, using the
890     current assessed value and each taxing entity's current certified tax rate as defined in Section
891     59-2-924; and
892          (b) the amount of property tax revenue that would be generated from that same area
893     using the base taxable value and each taxing entity's current certified tax rate as defined in
894     Section 59-2-924.
895          [(28)] (31) "Taxing entity" means the same as that term is defined in Section
896     17C-1-102.
897          [(29)] (32) "Vertical construction costs" means the additional costs associated with

898     construction above four stories and structured parking to achieve enhanced development in the
899     housing and transit reinvestment zone.
900          Section 4. Section 63N-3-603 is amended to read:
901          63N-3-603. Applicability, requirements, and limitations on a housing and transit
902     reinvestment zone.
903          (1) A housing and transit reinvestment zone proposal created under this part shall
904     promote the following objectives:
905          (a) higher utilization of public transit;
906          (b) increasing availability of housing, including affordable housing;
907          (c) conservation of water resources through efficient land use;
908          (d) improving air quality by reducing fuel consumption and motor vehicle trips;
909          (e) encouraging transformative mixed-use development and investment in
910     transportation and public transit infrastructure in strategic areas;
911          (f) strategic land use and municipal planning in major transit investment corridors as
912     described in Subsection 10-9a-403(2); and
913          (g) increasing access to employment and educational opportunities.
914          (2) In order to accomplish the objectives described in Subsection (1), a municipality or
915     public transit county that initiates the process to create a housing and transit reinvestment zone
916     as described in this part shall ensure that the proposal for a housing and transit reinvestment
917     zone includes:
918          (a) except as provided in Subsection (3), at least 10% of the proposed [housing]
919     dwelling units within the housing and transit reinvestment zone are affordable housing units;
920          (b) [a dedication of] at least 51% of the developable area within the housing and transit
921     reinvestment zone [to residential development] includes residential uses with, except as
922     provided in Subsection (4)(c), an average of 50 [multi-family] dwelling units per acre or
923     greater; [and]
924          (c) mixed-use development[.]; and
925          (d) a mix of dwelling units to ensure that a reasonable percentage of the dwelling units

926     has more than one bedroom.
927          (3) A municipality or public transit county that, at the time the housing and transit
928     reinvestment zone proposal is approved by the housing and transit reinvestment zone
929     committee, meets the affordable housing guidelines of the United States Department of
930     Housing and Urban Development at 60% area median income is exempt from the requirement
931     described in Subsection (2)(a).
932          [(4) A municipality or public transit county may only propose a housing and transit
933     reinvestment zone that:]
934          (4) (a) A municipality may only propose a housing and transit reinvestment zone at a
935     commuter rail station, and a public transit county may only propose a housing and transit
936     reinvestment zone at a public transit hub, that:
937          [(a)] (i) subject to Subsection (5)(a):
938          [(i)] (A) (I) except as provided in Subsection (4)(a)(i)(A)(II), for a municipality, does
939     not exceed a 1/3 mile radius of a commuter rail station; [or]
940          (II) for a municipality that is a city of the first class with a population greater than
941     150,000 that is within a county of the first class, with an opportunity zone created pursuant to
942     Section 1400Z-1, Internal Revenue Code, does not exceed a 1/2 mile radius of a commuter rail
943     station located within the opportunity zone; or
944          [(B)] (III) for a public transit county, does not exceed a 1/3 mile radius of a public
945     transit hub; and
946          [(ii)] (B) has a total area of no more than 125 noncontiguous [square] acres;
947          [(b)] (ii) subject to Section 63N-3-607, proposes the capture of a maximum of 80% of
948     each taxing entity's tax increment above the base year for a term of no more than 25
949     consecutive years on each parcel within a 45-year period not to exceed the tax increment
950     amount approved in the housing and transit reinvestment zone proposal; and
951          [(c)] (iii) the commencement of collection of tax increment, for all or a portion of the
952     housing and transit reinvestment zone, will be triggered by providing notice as described in
953     Subsection (6).

954          (b) A municipality or public transit county may only propose a housing and transit
955     reinvestment zone at a light rail station or bus rapid transit station that:
956          (i) subject to Subsection (5):
957          (A) does not exceed:
958          (I) except as provided in Subsection (4)(b)(i)(A)(II) or (III), a 1/4 mile radius of a bus
959     rapid transit station or light rail station;
960          (II) for a municipality that is a city of the first class with a population greater than
961     150,000 that is within a county of the first class, a 1/2 mile radius of a light rail station located
962     in an opportunity zone created pursuant to Section 1400Z-1, Internal Revenue Code; or
963          (III) a 1/2 mile radius of a light rail station located within a master-planned
964     development of 500 acres or more; and
965          (B) has a total area of no more than 100 noncontiguous acres;
966          (ii) subject to Subsection (4)(c) and Section 63N-3-607, proposes the capture of a
967     maximum of 80% of each taxing entity's tax increment above the base year for a term of no
968     more than 15 consecutive years on each parcel within a 30-year period not to exceed the tax
969     increment amount approved in the housing and transit reinvestment zone proposal; and
970          (iii) the commencement of collection of tax increment, for all or a portion of the
971     housing and transit reinvestment zone, will be triggered by providing notice as described in
972     Subsection (6).
973          (c) For a housing and transit reinvestment zone proposed by a public transit county at a
974     public transit hub, or for a housing and transit reinvestment zone proposed by a municipality at
975     a bus rapid transit station, if the proposed housing density within the housing and transit
976     reinvestment zone is between 39 and 49 dwelling units per acre, the maximum capture of each
977     taxing entity's tax increment above the base year is 60%.
978          (d) A municipality that is a city of the first class with a population greater than 150,000
979     in a county of the first class as described in Subsections (4)(a)(i)(A)(II) and (4)(b)(i)(A)(II) may
980     only propose one housing and transit reinvestment zone within an opportunity zone.
981          [(5) If] (5) (a) For a housing and transit reinvestment zone for a commuter rail station,

982     if a parcel is bisected by the [1/3 mile radius] relevant radius limitation, the full parcel may be
983     included as part of the housing and transit reinvestment zone area and will not count against the
984     limitations described in Subsection (4)(a)(i).
985          (b) For a housing and transit reinvestment zone for a light rail or bus rapid transit
986     station, if a parcel is bisected by the relevant radius limitation, the full parcel may be included
987     as part of the housing and transit reinvestment zone area and will not count against the
988     limitations described in Subsection (4)(b)(i).
989          (6) The notice of commencement of collection of tax increment required in Subsection
990     [(4)(c)] (4)(a)(iii) or (4)(b)(iii) shall be sent by mail or electronically to:
991          (a) the tax commission;
992          (b) the State Board of Education;
993          (c) the state auditor;
994          (d) the auditor of the county in which the housing and transit reinvestment zone is
995     located;
996          (e) each taxing entity affected by the collection of tax increment from the housing and
997     transit reinvestment zone; and
998          (f) the Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity.
999          (7) (a) The maximum number of housing and transit reinvestment zones at light rail
1000     stations is eight in any given county.
1001          (b) The maximum number of housing and transit reinvestment zones at bus rapid
1002     transit stations is three in any given county.
1003          Section 5. Section 63N-3-604 is amended to read:
1004          63N-3-604. Process for a proposal of a housing and transit reinvestment zone --
1005     Analysis.
1006          (1) Subject to approval of the housing and transit reinvestment zone committee as
1007     described in Section 63N-3-605, in order to create a housing and transit reinvestment zone, a
1008     municipality or public transit county that has general land use authority over the housing and
1009     transit reinvestment zone area, shall:

1010          (a) prepare a proposal for the housing and transit reinvestment zone that:
1011          (i) demonstrates that the proposed housing and transit reinvestment zone will meet the
1012     objectives described in Subsection 63N-3-603(1);
1013          (ii) explains how the municipality or public transit county will achieve the
1014     requirements of Subsection 63N-3-603(2)(a);
1015          (iii) defines the specific transportation infrastructure needs, if any, and proposed
1016     improvements;
1017          (iv) defines the boundaries of:
1018          (A) the housing and transit reinvestment zone; and
1019          (B) the sales and use tax boundary corresponding to the housing and transit
1020     reinvestment zone boundary, as described in Section 63N-3-610;
1021          (v) identifies any development impediments that prevent the development from being a
1022     market-rate investment and proposed strategies for addressing each one;
1023          (vi) describes the proposed development plan, including the requirements described in
1024     Subsections 63N-3-603(2) and (4);
1025          (vii) establishes a base year and collection period to calculate the tax increment within
1026     the housing and transit reinvestment zone;
1027          (viii) establishes a sales and use tax base year to calculate the sales and use tax
1028     increment within the housing and transit reinvestment zone;
1029          (ix) describes projected maximum revenues generated and the amount of tax increment
1030     capture from each taxing entity and proposed expenditures of revenue derived from the housing
1031     and transit reinvestment zone;
1032          (x) includes an analysis of other applicable or eligible incentives, grants, or sources of
1033     revenue that can be used to reduce the finance gap;
1034          (xi) evaluates possible benefits to active and public transportation availability and
1035     impacts on air quality;
1036          [(xi)] (xii) proposes a finance schedule to align expected revenue with required
1037     financing costs and payments; and

1038          [(xii)] (xiii) provides a pro-forma for the planned development including the cost
1039     differential between surface parked multi-family development and enhanced development that
1040     satisfies the requirements described in Subsections 63N-3-603(2), (3), and (4); and
1041          (b) submit the housing and transit reinvestment zone proposal to the Governor's Office
1042     of Economic Opportunity.
1043          [(2) Before submitting the proposed housing and transit reinvestment zone to the
1044     Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity as described in Subsection (1)(b), the municipality
1045     or public transit county proposing the housing and transit reinvestment zone shall ensure that
1046     the area of the proposed housing and transit reinvestment zone is zoned in such a manner to
1047     accommodate the requirements of a housing and transit reinvestment zone described in this
1048     section and the proposed development.]
1049          (2) As part of the proposal described in Subsection (1), a municipality or public transit
1050     county shall study and evaluate possible impacts of a proposed housing and transit
1051     reinvestment zone on parking within the city and housing and transit reinvestment zone.
1052          (3) (a) After receiving the proposal as described in Subsection (1)(b), the Governor's
1053     Office of Economic Opportunity shall, at the expense of the proposing municipality or public
1054     transit county as described in Subsection (5), contract with an independent entity to perform the
1055     gap analysis described in Subsection (3)(b).
1056          (b) The gap analysis required in Subsection (3)(a) shall include:
1057          (i) a description of the planned development;
1058          (ii) a market analysis relative to other comparable project developments included in or
1059     adjacent to the municipality or public transit county absent the proposed housing and transit
1060     reinvestment zone;
1061          (iii) an evaluation of the proposal to and a determination of the adequacy and efficiency
1062     of the proposal; [and]
1063          (iv) an evaluation of the proposed increment capture needed to cover the enhanced
1064     development costs associated with the housing and transit reinvestment zone proposal and
1065     enable the proposed development to occur; and

1066          [(iv)] (v) based on the market analysis and other findings, an opinion relative to the
1067     minimum amount of potential public financing reasonably determined to be necessary to
1068     achieve the objectives described in Subsection 63N-3-603(1).
1069          (4) After receiving the results from the analysis described in Subsection (3)(b), the
1070     municipality or public transit county proposing the housing and transit reinvestment zone may:
1071          (a) amend the housing and transit reinvestment zone proposal based on the findings of
1072     the analysis described in Subsection (3)(b) and request that the Governor's Office of Economic
1073     Opportunity submit the amended housing and transit reinvestment zone proposal to the housing
1074     and transit reinvestment zone committee; or
1075          (b) request that the Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity submit the original
1076     housing and transit reinvestment zone proposal to the housing and transit reinvestment zone
1077     committee.
1078          (5) (a) The Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity may accept, as a dedicated
1079     credit, up to $20,000 from a municipality or public transit county for the costs of the gap
1080     analysis described in Subsection (3)(b).
1081          (b) The Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity may expend funds received from a
1082     municipality or public transit county as dedicated credits to pay for the costs associated with
1083     the gap analysis described in Subsection (3)(b).
1084          Section 6. Section 63N-3-605 is amended to read:
1085          63N-3-605. Housing and Transit Reinvestment Zone Committee -- Creation.
1086          (1) For any housing and transit reinvestment zone proposed under this part, there is
1087     created a housing and transit reinvestment zone committee with membership described in
1088     Subsection (2).
1089          (2) Each housing and transit reinvestment zone committee shall consist of the
1090     following members:
1091          (a) one representative from the Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity, designated
1092     by the executive director of the Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity;
1093          (b) one representative from each municipality that is a party to the proposed housing

1094     and transit reinvestment zone, designated by the chief executive officer of each respective
1095     municipality;
1096          (c) one representative from the Department of Transportation created in Section
1097     72-1-201, designated by the executive director of the Department of Transportation;
1098          (d) one representative from a large public transit district that serves the proposed
1099     housing and transit reinvestment zone area, designated by the chair of the board of trustees of a
1100     large public transit district;
1101          [(e) one representative of each relevant metropolitan planning organization, designated
1102     by the chair of the metropolitan planning organization;]
1103          (e) one individual from the Office of the State Treasurer, designated by the state
1104     treasurer;
1105          (f) one member designated by the president of the Senate;
1106          (g) one member designated by the speaker of the House of Representatives;
1107          [(h) one member designated by the chair of the State Board of Education;]
1108          (h) one individual from the tax commission, designated by the executive director of the
1109     tax commission;
1110          (i) one member designated by the chief executive officer of each county affected by the
1111     housing and transit reinvestment zone;
1112          (j) one representative designated by the school superintendent from the school district
1113     affected by the housing and transit reinvestment zone; and
1114          (k) one representative, representing the largest participating local taxing entity, after
1115     the municipality, county, and school district.
1116          (3) The individual designated by the Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity as
1117     described in Subsection (2)(a) shall serve as chair of the housing and transit reinvestment zone
1118     committee.
1119          (4) (a) A majority of the members of the housing and transit reinvestment zone
1120     committee constitutes a quorum of the housing and transit reinvestment zone committee.
1121          (b) An action by a majority of a quorum of the housing and transit reinvestment zone

1122     committee is an action of the housing and transit reinvestment zone committee.
1123          (5) After the Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity receives the results of the
1124     analysis described in Section 63N-3-604, and after the Governor's Office of Economic
1125     Opportunity has received a request from the submitting municipality or public transit county to
1126     submit the housing and transit reinvestment zone proposal to the housing and transit
1127     reinvestment zone committee, the Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity shall notify each
1128     of the entities described in Subsection (2) of the formation of the housing and transit
1129     reinvestment zone committee.
1130          (6) (a) The chair of the housing and transit reinvestment zone committee shall convene
1131     a public meeting to consider the proposed housing and transit reinvestment zone.
1132          (b) A meeting of the housing and transit reinvestment zone committee is subject to
1133     Title 52, Chapter 4, Open and Public Meetings Act.
1134          (7) (a) The proposing municipality or public transit county shall present the housing
1135     and transit reinvestment zone proposal to the housing and transit reinvestment zone committee
1136     in a public meeting.
1137          (b) The housing and transit reinvestment zone committee shall:
1138          (i) evaluate and verify whether the elements of a housing and transit reinvestment zone
1139     described in Subsections 63N-3-603(2) and (4) have been met; and
1140          (ii) evaluate the proposed housing and transit reinvestment zone relative to the analysis
1141     described in Subsection 63N-3-604(2).
1142          (8) (a) [The] Subject to Subsection (8)(b), the housing and transit reinvestment zone
1143     committee may:
1144          [(a)] (i) request changes to the housing and transit reinvestment zone proposal based on
1145     the analysis described in Section 63N-3-604; or
1146          [(b)] (ii) vote to approve or deny the proposal.
1147          (b) Before the housing and transit reinvestment zone committee may approve the
1148     housing and transit reinvestment zone proposal, the municipality or public transit county
1149     proposing the housing and transit reinvestment zone shall ensure that the area of the proposed

1150     housing and transit reinvestment zone is zoned in such a manner to accommodate the
1151     requirements of a housing and transit reinvestment zone described in this section and the
1152     proposed development.
1153          (9) If a housing and transit reinvestment zone is approved by the committee:
1154          (a) the proposed housing and transit reinvestment zone is established according to the
1155     terms of the housing and transit reinvestment zone proposal; [and]
1156          (b) affected local taxing entities are required to participate according to the terms of the
1157     housing and transit reinvestment zone proposal[.]; and
1158          (c) each affected taxing municipality is required to participate at the same rate as a
1159     participating county.
1160          (10) A housing and transit reinvestment zone proposal may be amended by following
1161     the same procedure as approving a housing and transit reinvestment zone proposal.
1162          Section 7. Section 63N-3-607 is amended to read:
1163          63N-3-607. Payment, use, and administration of revenue from a housing and
1164     transit reinvestment zone.
1165          (1) A municipality or public transit county may receive and use tax increment and
1166     housing and transit reinvestment zone funds in accordance with this part.
1167          (2) (a) A county that collects property tax on property located within a housing and
1168     transit reinvestment zone shall, in accordance with Section 59-2-1365, distribute to the
1169     municipality or public transit county any tax increment the municipality or public transit county
1170     is authorized to receive up to the maximum approved by the housing and transit reinvestment
1171     zone committee.
1172          (b) Tax increment distributed to a municipality or public transit county in accordance
1173     with Subsection (2)(a) is not revenue of the taxing entity or municipality or public transit
1174     county.
1175          (c) (i) Tax increment paid to the municipality or public transit county are housing and
1176     transit reinvestment zone funds and shall be administered by an agency created by the
1177     municipality or public transit county within which the housing and transit reinvestment zone is

1178     located.
1179          (ii) Before an agency may receive housing and transit reinvestment zone funds from
1180     the municipality or public transit county, the municipality or public transit county and the
1181     agency shall enter into an interlocal agreement with terms that:
1182          (A) are consistent with the approval of the housing and transit reinvestment zone
1183     committee; and
1184          (B) meet the requirements of Section 63N-3-603.
1185          (3) (a) A municipality or public transit county and agency shall use housing and transit
1186     reinvestment zone funds within, or for the direct benefit of, the housing and transit
1187     reinvestment zone.
1188          (b) If any housing and transit reinvestment zone funds will be used outside of the
1189     housing and transit reinvestment zone there must be a finding in the approved proposal for a
1190     housing and transit reinvestment zone that the use of the housing and transit reinvestment zone
1191     funds outside of the housing and transit reinvestment zone will directly benefit the housing and
1192     transit reinvestment zone.
1193          (4) A municipality or public transit county shall use housing and transit reinvestment
1194     zone funds to achieve the purposes described in Subsections 63N-3-603(1) and (2), by paying
1195     all or part of the costs of any of the following:
1196          (a) income targeted housing costs;
1197          (b) structured parking within the housing and transit reinvestment zone;
1198          (c) enhanced development costs;
1199          (d) horizontal construction costs;
1200          (e) vertical construction costs;
1201          (f) [land purchase] property acquisition costs within the housing and transit
1202     reinvestment zone; or
1203          (g) the costs of the municipality or public transit county to create and administer the
1204     housing and transit reinvestment zone, which may not exceed 1% of the total housing and
1205     transit reinvestment zone funds, plus the costs to complete the gap analysis described in

1206     Subsection 63N-3-604[(3)](2).
1207          (5) Housing and transit reinvestment zone funds may be paid to a participant, if the
1208     agency and participant enter into a participation agreement which requires the participant to
1209     utilize the housing and transit reinvestment zone funds as allowed in this section.
1210          (6) Housing and transit reinvestment zone funds may be used to pay all of the costs of
1211     bonds issued by the municipality or public transit county in accordance with Title 17C, Chapter
1212     1, Part 5, Agency Bonds, including the cost to issue and repay the bonds including interest.
1213          (7) A municipality or public transit county may create one or more public infrastructure
1214     districts within the housing and transit reinvestment zone under [Title 17B, Chapter 2a, Part
1215     12] Title 17D, Chapter 4, Public Infrastructure District Act, and pledge and utilize the housing
1216     and transit reinvestment zone funds to guarantee the payment of public infrastructure bonds
1217     issued by a public infrastructure district.
1218          Section 8. Section 63N-3-610 is amended to read:
1219          63N-3-610. Sales and use tax increment in a housing and transit reinvestment
1220     zone.
1221          (1) A housing and transit reinvestment proposal shall, in consultation with the tax
1222     commission:
1223          (a) create a sales and use tax boundary as described in Subsection (2); and
1224          (b) establish a sales and use tax base year and collection period to calculate and transfer
1225     the state sales and use tax increment within the housing and transit reinvestment zone.
1226          (2) (a) The municipality or public transit county, in consultation with the tax
1227     commission, shall establish a sales and use tax boundary that:
1228          (i) is based on state sales and use tax collection boundaries; and
1229          (ii) follows as closely as reasonably practicable the boundary of the housing and transit
1230     reinvestment zone.
1231          (b) The municipality or public transit county shall include the sales and use tax
1232     boundary in the housing and transit reinvestment zone proposal as described in Section
1233     63N-3-604.

1234          (3) Beginning the first day of the calendar quarter one year after the sales and use tax
1235     boundary for a housing and transit reinvestment zone is established, the tax commission shall,
1236     at least annually, transfer an amount equal to 15% of the sales and use tax increment within an
1237     established sales and use tax boundary into the Transit Transportation Investment Fund created
1238     in Section 72-2-124.
1239          (4) (a) The requirement described in Subsection (3) to transfer incremental sales tax
1240     revenue shall take effect:
1241          (i) on the first day of a calendar quarter; and
1242          (ii) after a 90-day waiting period, beginning on the date the commission receives notice
1243     from the municipality or public transit county meeting the requirements of Subsection (4)(b).
1244          (b) The notice described in Subsection (4)(a) shall include:
1245          (i) a statement that the housing and transit reinvestment zone will be established under
1246     this part;
1247          (ii) the approval date and effective date of the housing and transit reinvestment zone;
1248     and
1249          (iii) the definitions of the sales and use tax boundary and sales and use tax base year.