Senator Daniel McCay proposes the following substitute bill:





Chief Sponsor: Scott D. Sandall

House Sponsor: Steve Eliason


9     General Description:
10          This bill modifies provisions related to preconstruction and construction liens.
11     Highlighted Provisions:
12          This bill:
13          ▸     modifies definitions related to preconstruction and constructions liens, including
14     definitions of the terms "owner" and "project property";
15          ▸     modifies and clarifies when preconstruction and construction liens attach to certain
16     property interests; and
17          ▸     makes technical changes.
18     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
19          None
20     Other Special Clauses:
21          None
22     Utah Code Sections Affected:
23     AMENDS:
24          38-1a-102, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 250
25          38-1a-301, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 278

26          38-1a-506, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 278

28     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
29          Section 1. Section 38-1a-102 is amended to read:
30          38-1a-102. Definitions.
31          As used in this chapter:
32          (1) "Alternate means" means a method of filing a legible and complete notice or other
33     document with the registry other than electronically, as established by the division by rule.
34          (2) "Anticipated improvement" means [the] an improvement:
35          (a) for which preconstruction service is performed; and
36          (b) that is anticipated to follow the performing of preconstruction service.
37          (3) "Applicable county recorder" means the office of the recorder of each county in
38     which any part of the property on which a claimant claims or intends to claim a preconstruction
39     or construction lien is located.
40          (4) "Bona fide loan" means a loan to an owner or owner-builder by a lender in which
41     the owner or owner-builder has no financial or beneficial interest greater than 5% of the voting
42     shares or other ownership interest.
43          (5) "Claimant" means a person entitled to claim a preconstruction or construction lien.
44          (6) "Compensation" means the payment of money for a service rendered or an expense
45     incurred, whether based on:
46          (a) time and expense, lump sum, stipulated sum, percentage of cost, cost plus fixed or
47     percentage fee, or commission; or
48          (b) a combination of the bases listed in Subsection (6)(a).
49          (7) "Construction lender" means a person who makes a construction loan.
50          (8) "Construction lien" means a lien under this chapter for construction work.
51          (9) "Construction loan" does not include a consumer loan secured by the equity in [the]
52     a consumer's home.
53          (10) "Construction project" means an improvement that is constructed pursuant to an
54     original contract.
55          (11) "Construction work":
56          (a) means labor, service, material, or equipment provided for the purpose and during

57     the process of constructing, altering, or repairing an improvement; and
58          (b) includes scheduling, estimating, staking, supervising, managing, materials testing,
59     inspection, observation, and quality control or assurance involved in constructing, altering, or
60     repairing an improvement.
61          (12) "Contestable notice" means a notice of preconstruction service under Section
62     38-1a-401, a preliminary notice under Section 38-1a-501, or a notice of completion under
63     Section 38-1a-506.
64          (13) "Contesting person" means an owner, original contractor, subcontractor, or other
65     interested person.
66          (14) "Designated agent" means the third party the division contracts with as provided
67     in Section 38-1a-202 to create and maintain the registry.
68          (15) "Division" means the Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing created
69     in Section 58-1-103.
70          (16) "Entry number" means the reference number that:
71          (a) the designated agent assigns to each notice or other document filed with the
72     registry; and
73          (b) is unique for each notice or other document.
74          (17) "Final completion" means:
75          (a) the date of issuance of a permanent certificate of occupancy by the local
76     government entity having jurisdiction over [the] a construction project, if a permanent
77     certificate of occupancy is required;
78          (b) the date of the final inspection of [the] construction work by the local government
79     entity having jurisdiction over [the] a construction project, if an inspection is required under a
80     state-adopted building code applicable to the construction work, but no certificate of occupancy
81     is required;
82          (c) unless the owner is holding payment to ensure completion of construction work, the
83     date on which there remains no substantial work to be completed to finish the construction
84     work under the original contract, if a certificate of occupancy is not required and a final
85     inspection is not required under an applicable state-adopted building code; or
86          (d) the last date on which substantial work was performed under the original contract,
87     if, because the original contract is terminated before completion of the construction work

88     defined by the original contract, the local government entity having jurisdiction over [the] a
89     construction project does not issue a certificate of occupancy or perform a final inspection.
90          (18) "Final lien waiver" means a form that complies with Subsection 38-1a-802(4)(c).
91          (19) "First preliminary notice filing" means a preliminary notice that:
92          (a) is the earliest preliminary notice filed on [the] a construction project for which the
93     preliminary notice is filed;
94          (b) is filed on a construction project that, at the time the preliminary notice is filed, has
95     not reached final completion; and
96          (c) is not [cancelled] canceled under Section 38-1a-307.
97          (20) "Government project-identifying information" has the same meaning as defined in
98     Section 38-1b-102.
99          (21) "Improvement" means:
100          (a) a building, infrastructure, utility, or other human-made structure or object
101     constructed on or for and affixed to real property; or
102          (b) a repair, modification, or alteration of a building, infrastructure, utility, or object
103     referred to in Subsection (21)(a).
104          (22) "Interested person" means a person that may be affected by a construction project.
105          (23) "Notice of commencement" means a notice required under Section 38-1b-201 for
106     a government project[,] as defined in Section 38-1b-102.
107          (24) "Original contract":
108          (a) means a contract between an owner and an original contractor for preconstruction
109     service or construction work; and
110          (b) does not include a contract between an owner-builder and another person.
111          (25) "Original contractor" means a person, including an owner-builder, that contracts
112     with an owner to provide preconstruction service or construction work.
113          (26) "Owner" means [the person that owns the project property] a person who
114     possesses an interest in a project property and contracts with an original contractor for
115     preconstruction service or construction work.
116          (27) "Owner-builder" means an owner, including an owner who is also an original
117     contractor, who:
118          (a) contracts with one or more other persons for preconstruction service or construction

119     work for an improvement on the owner's real property; and
120          (b) obtains a building permit for the improvement.
121          (28) "Preconstruction lien" means a lien under this chapter for a preconstruction
122     service.
123          (29) "Preconstruction service":
124          (a) means to plan or design, or to assist in the planning or design of, an improvement or
125     a proposed improvement:
126          (i) before construction of the improvement commences; and
127          (ii) for compensation separate from any compensation paid or to be paid for
128     construction work for the improvement; and
129          (b) includes consulting, conducting a site investigation or assessment, programming,
130     preconstruction cost or quantity estimating, preconstruction scheduling, performing a
131     preconstruction construction feasibility review, procuring construction services, and preparing
132     a study, report, rendering, model, boundary or topographic survey, plat, map, design, plan,
133     drawing, specification, or contract document.
134          (30) "Private project" means a construction project that is not a government project.
135          (31) "Project property" means the real property interest on or for which preconstruction
136     service or construction work is or will be provided.
137          (32) "Registry" means the State Construction Registry under Part 2, State Construction
138     Registry.
139          (33) "Required notice" means:
140          (a) a notice of preconstruction service under Section 38-1a-401;
141          (b) a preliminary notice under Section 38-1a-501 or Section 38-1b-202;
142          (c) a notice of commencement;
143          (d) a notice of construction loan under Section 38-1a-601;
144          (e) a notice under Section 38-1a-602 concerning a construction loan default;
145          (f) a notice of intent to obtain final completion under Section 38-1a-506; or
146          (g) a notice of completion under Section 38-1a-507.
147          (34) "Subcontractor" means a person that contracts to provide preconstruction service
148     or construction work to:
149          (a) a person other than the owner; or

150          (b) the owner, if the owner is an owner-builder.
151          (35) "Substantial work" does not include repair work or warranty work.
152          (36) "Supervisory subcontractor" means a person that:
153          (a) is a subcontractor under contract to provide preconstruction service or construction
154     work; and
155          (b) contracts with one or more other subcontractors for the other subcontractor or
156     subcontractors to provide preconstruction service or construction work that the person is under
157     contract to provide.
158          Section 2. Section 38-1a-301 is amended to read:
159          38-1a-301. Those entitled to lien -- What may be attached.
160          (1) Except as provided in Section 38-11-107, a person who provides preconstruction
161     service or construction work on or for a project property has a lien on the project property for
162     the reasonable value of the preconstruction service or construction work, respectively, as
163     provided in this chapter.
164          (2) A person may claim a preconstruction lien and a separate construction lien on the
165     same project property.
166          (3) (a) A construction lien may include an amount claimed for a preconstruction
167     service.
168          (b) A preconstruction lien may not include an amount claimed for construction work.
169          (4) (a) A preconstruction or construction lien attaches only to the interest that the
170     owner has in the project property that is the subject of the lien.
171          (b) If an owner possesses an interest in the project property that is less than fee simple,
172     a preconstruction or construction lien attaches only to the lesser interest of the owner and does
173     not attach to the fee simple interest.
174          (c) Notwithstanding Subsection (4)(b), a preconstruction or construction lien may
175     attach to the lesser interest of an owner who possesses an interest in the project property that is
176     less than fee simple and to the fee simple interest of the person who owns the fee simple
177     interest in the project property, if the person who provides preconstruction service or
178     construction work can demonstrate that the improvement underlying the preconstruction or
179     construction lien:
180          (i) was performed at the written instance of the person possessing the fee simple

181     interest in the project property; and
182          (ii) provides a substantial benefit to the person who owns the fee simple interest
183     beyond the time period of the lesser interest possessed by the owner.
184          Section 3. Section 38-1a-506 is amended to read:
185          38-1a-506. Notice of intent to obtain final completion.
186          (1) An owner[, as defined in Section 14-2-1,] of a nonresidential construction project
187     that is registered with the registry, or an original contractor of a commercial nonresidential
188     construction project that is registered with the registry under Section 38-1a-501, shall file with
189     the registry a notice of intent to obtain final completion as provided in this section if:
190          (a) the completion of performance time under the original contract for construction
191     work is greater than 120 days;
192          (b) the total original construction contract price exceeds $500,000; and
193          (c) the original contractor or owner has not obtained a payment bond in accordance
194     with Section 14-2-1.
195          (2) The notice of intent described in Subsection (1) shall be filed at least 45 days before
196     the day on which the owner or original contractor of a commercial nonresidential construction
197     project files or could have filed a notice of completion under Section 38-1a-507.
198          (3) A person who provides construction work to an owner or original contractor who
199     files a notice of intent in accordance with Subsection (1) shall file an amendment to the
200     person's preliminary notice previously filed by the person as required in Section 38-1a-501:
201          (a) that includes:
202          (i) a good faith estimate of the total amount remaining due to complete the contract,
203     purchase order, or agreement relating to the person's approved construction work;
204          (ii) the identification of each original contractor or subcontractor with whom the
205     person has a contract or contracts for providing construction work; and
206          (iii) a separate statement of all known amounts or categories of work in dispute; and
207          (b) no later than 20 days after the day on which the owner or original contractor files a
208     notice of intent.
209          (4) (a) A person described in Subsection (3) may demand a statement of adequate
210     assurance from the owner, original contractor, or subcontractor with whom the person has
211     privity of contract no later than 10 days after the day on which the person files a balance

212     statement in accordance with Subsection (3) from an owner, original contractor, or
213     subcontractor who is in privity of contract with the person.
214          (b) A demand for adequate assurance as described in Subsection (4)(a) may include a
215     request for a statement from the owner, original contractor, or subcontractor that the owner,
216     original contractor, or subcontractor has sufficient funds dedicated and available to pay for all
217     sums due to the person filing for the adequate assurances or that will become due in order to
218     complete a construction project.
219          (c) A person who demands adequate assurance under Subsection (4)(a) shall deliver
220     copies of the demand to the owner and original contractor:
221          (i) by hand delivery with a responsible party's acknowledgment of receipt;
222          (ii) by certified mail with a return receipt; or
223          (iii) as provided under Rule 4, Utah Rules of Civil Procedure.
224          (5) (a) A person described in Subsection (3) may bring a legal action against a party
225     with whom the person is in privity of contract, including a request for injunctive or declaratory
226     relief, to determine the adequacy of the funds of the owner, original contractor, or
227     subcontractor with whom the demanding person contracted if, after the person demands
228     adequate assurance in accordance with the requirements of this section:
229          (i) the owner, original contractor, or subcontractor fails to provide adequate assurance
230     that the owner, original contractor, or subcontractor has sufficient available funds, or access to
231     financing or other sufficient available funds, to pay for the completion of the demanding
232     person's approved work on the construction project; or
233          (ii) the parties disagree, in good faith, as to whether there are adequate funds, or access
234     to financing or other sufficient available funds, to pay for the completion of the demanding
235     person's approved work on the construction project.
236          (b) If a court finds that an owner, original contractor, or subcontractor has failed to
237     provide adequate assurance in accordance with Subsection (4)(a), the court may require the
238     owner, original contractor, or subcontractor to post adequate security with the court sufficient
239     to assure timely payment of the remaining contract balance for the approved work of the person
240     seeking adequate assurance, including:
241          (i) cash;
242          (ii) a bond;

243          (iii) an irrevocable letter of credit;
244          (iv) property;
245          (v) financing; or
246          (vi) another form of security approved by the court.
247          (6) (a) A person is subject to the civil penalty described in Subsection (6)(b), if the
248     person files a balance statement described in Subsection (3) that misrepresents the amount due
249     under the contract with the intent to:
250          (i) charge an owner, original contractor, or subcontractor more than the actual amount
251     due; or
252          (ii) procure any other unfair advantage or benefit on the person's behalf.
253          (b) The civil penalty described in Subsection (6)(a) is the greater of:
254          (i) twice the amount by which the balance statement filed under Subsection (3) exceeds
255     the amount actually remaining due under the contract for completion of construction; and
256          (ii) the actual damages incurred by the owner, original contractor, or subcontractor.
257          (7) A court shall award reasonable attorney fees to a prevailing party for an action
258     brought under this section.
259          (8) Failure to comply with the requirements established in this section does not affect
260     any other requirement or right under this chapter.
261          (9) A person who has not filed a preliminary notice as required under Section
262     38-1a-501 is not entitled to a right or a remedy provided in this section.
263          (10) This section does not create a cause of action against a person with whom the
264     demanding party is not in privity of contract.