9 General Description:
10 This rules resolution modifies joint legislative rules related to electronic meetings.
11 Highlighted Provisions:
12 This resolution:
13 ▸ defines terms;
14 ▸ allows a legislative public body to convene and conduct an electronic meeting;
15 ▸ specifies the circumstances under which a member of a legislative public body may
16 participate remotely in an electronic meeting;
17 ▸ addresses the requisite appearance and conduct of a member who participates
18 remotely in an electronic meeting; and
19 ▸ makes technical and conforming changes.
20 Special Clauses:
21 None
22 Legislative Rules Affected:
24 JR1-4-401
25 JR7-1-101
27 JR1-4-402
29 JR1-4-403
30 JR7-1-407
32 Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
33 Section 1. JR1-4-401 is amended to read:
34 JR1-4-401. Definitions.
35 As used in this part:
36 (1) "Anchor location" means the same as that term is defined in Utah Code Section
37 52-4-103.
38 (2) "Electronic meeting" means the same as that term is defined in Utah Code Section
39 52-4-103.
40 [
42 (3) "Emergency electronic meeting" means an electronic meeting described in Utah
43 Code Subsection 52-4-207(5).
44 (4) "Legislative public body" means a public body as defined in Utah Code Section
45 52-4-103 that is governed by legislative rules.
46 (5) "Meeting" means the same as that term is defined in Utah Code Section 52-4-103.
47 (6) "Participate" means the same as that term is defined in Utah Code Section
48 52-4-103.
49 (7) (a) "Presiding officer" means the individual presiding over the Senate or the House
50 of Representatives.
51 (b) "Presiding officer" includes:
52 (i) for the Senate:
53 (A) the president;
54 (B) the president pro tempore; and
55 (C) any senator presiding under SR1-3-103; and
56 (ii) for the House of Representatives:
57 (A) the speaker;
58 (B) the speaker pro tempore; and
59 (C) any representative presiding under HR1-3-103.
60 (8) "Specified reason" means:
61 (a) illness or injury of a member or a member's relative;
62 (b) health or safety concerns of a member or a member's relative;
63 (c) emergency travel;
64 (d) an emergency work related issue;
65 (e) an emergency child care related issue;
66 (f) a mandatory action day or a special circumstance day as those terms are defined in
67 Utah Code Section 63A-17-111; or
68 (g) a circumstance similar to the circumstances described in Subsections (8)(a) through
69 (f).
70 Section 2. JR1-4-402 is repealed and reenacted to read:
71 JR1-4-402. Meeting format and participation -- Electronic meeting policy.
72 (1) In accordance with this part and Utah Code Title 52, Chapter 4, Open and Public
73 Meetings Act, a legislative public body may convene and conduct a meeting of the legislative
74 public body as an electronic meeting, subject to budget, public policy, and logistical
75 considerations.
76 (2) (a) Except as allowed under this rule, a member of a legislative public body who
77 attends a meeting of the legislative public body, including an electronic meeting, shall attend
78 the meeting in person.
79 (b) A member of a legislative public body may attend an electronic meeting of the
80 legislative public body by electronic means only if the member:
81 (i) has a specified reason; and
82 (ii) obtains permission from:
83 (A) the presiding officer or the presiding officer's designee; or
84 (B) the chair or the chair's designee.
85 (c) A legislative public body shall provide a description of how to electronically
86 connect to an electronic meeting:
87 (i) to each member authorized to attend the meeting by electronic means under
88 Subsection (2)(b); and
89 (ii) (A) 24 hours before the meeting is scheduled to begin; or
90 (B) if it is impracticable to comply with the 24-hour requirement in Subsection
91 (1)(c)(ii)(A), as soon as possible before the meeting begins.
92 (3) The presiding officer or the chair of a legislative public body shall conduct an
93 electronic meeting of the legislative public body from the anchor location.
94 (4) When a legislative public body convenes an electronic meeting, a member of the
95 legislative public body is considered present for all purposes, including determining a quorum,
96 only if the member is:
97 (a) present in person at the anchor location; or
98 (b) participating in the meeting by electronic means.
99 (5) When a member of a legislative public body attends a meeting of the legislative
100 public body by electronic means in accordance with this part, the member shall ensure that:
101 (a) if participating via video conference, the member's attire and appearance are
102 consistent with the attire and appearance that would be expected if the member were attending
103 the meeting in person; and
104 (b) the member's location:
105 (i) reflects the dignity of the meeting, particularly if the member is attending via video
106 conference; and
107 (ii) is free from any sight or noise that:
108 (A) can be seen or heard by others during the meeting; and
109 (B) is extraneous, distracting, disruptive, or inappropriate.
110 (6) A member of a legislative public body may not attend a meeting by electronic
111 means while engaging in any activity that would be abnormal or prohibited if the member were
112 attending the meeting in person, including operating a motor vehicle.
113 (7) In accordance with Utah Code Section 52-4-207, a legislative public body that
114 convenes and conducts an electronic meeting may provide a means by which members of the
115 public who are not physically present at the anchor location may attend the meeting by
116 electronic means.
117 (8) Notwithstanding the other provisions of this rule:
118 (a) any member of a legislative public body may attend an emergency electronic
119 meeting by electronic means; and
120 (b) the presiding officer or the chair of a legislative public body may conduct an
121 emergency electronic meeting of the legislative public body remotely by electronic means.
122 Section 3. JR7-1-101 is amended to read:
123 JR7-1-101. Definitions.
124 As used in this chapter:
125 (1) "Anchor location" means the physical location from which:
126 (a) an electronic meeting originates; or
127 (b) the participants are connected.
128 (2) "Bill" means the same as that term is defined in JR4-1-101.
129 (3) "Chair" except as otherwise expressly provided, means:
130 (a) the member of the Senate appointed as chair of an interim committee by the
131 president of the Senate under JR7-1-202;
132 (b) the member of the House of Representatives appointed as chair of an interim
133 committee by the speaker of the House of Representatives under JR7-1-202;
134 (c) a member of a special committee appointed as chair of the special committee; or
135 (d) a member of a legislative committee designated by the chair of the legislative
136 committee under Subsection (3)(a), (b), or (c) to act as chair under JR7-1-202.
137 (4) "Committee bill" means draft legislation that receives a favorable recommendation.
138 (5) "Committee bill file" means a request for legislation made by:
139 (a) a majority vote of a legislative committee; or
140 (b) the chairs of an interim committee, if the interim committee authorizes the chairs to
141 open one or more committee bill files in accordance with JR7-1-602.
142 (6) "Committee note" means a note that the Office of Legislative Research and General
143 Counsel places on legislation in accordance with JR4-2-401.
144 (7) "Draft legislation" means a draft of a bill or resolution before it is numbered by the
145 Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel.
146 (8) "Electronic meeting" means [
149 [
150 [
151 majority vote to favorably recommend legislation.
152 [
153 (a) an interim committee; or
154 (b) a special committee.
155 [
156 [
157 (a) for a committee bill file, the chairs of the legislative committee that opened the
158 committee bill file or the chairs' designee; or
159 (b) for a request for legislation that is not a committee bill file, the legislator who
160 requested the request for legislation or the legislator's designee.
161 [
162 (a) with respect to an interim committee, an affirmative vote of at least 50% of a
163 quorum of members of the interim committee from one chamber and more than 50% of a
164 quorum of members of the interim committee from the other chamber; or
165 (b) with respect to a special committee, an affirmative vote of more than 50% of a
166 quorum.
167 [
168 one or more members who are legislators and one or more members who are not legislators.
169 [
170 [
172 [
174 [
175 chair when no other motion is pending.
176 [
179 [
180 [
181 recess, end debate, extend debate, or limit debate.
182 [
183 business of a legislative committee with the intent that all other members of the legislative
184 committee receive it.
185 [
186 which a member of a legislative committee may participate in the meeting.
187 [
188 JR4-1-101.
189 [
190 [
191 is:
192 (i) created by legislation; and
193 (ii) staffed by:
194 (A) the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel; or
195 (B) the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst.
196 (b) "Special committee" does not include:
197 (i) an interim committee;
198 (ii) a standing committee created under SR3-2-201 or HR3-2-201; or
199 (iii) a Senate confirmation committee described in SR3-3-101 or SR3-3-201.
200 [
201 in accordance with JR7-1-411.
202 [
203 legislative committee makes when there is a nonprivileged motion pending.
204 Section 4. Repealer.
205 This resolution repeals:
206 JR1-4-403, Requirements of emergency electronic meetings.
207 JR7-1-407, Electronic meetings for remote participation by a member.