This document includes House Committee Amendments incorporated into the bill on Tue, Feb 7, 2023 at 10:29 AM by pflowers.





Chief Sponsor: Candice B. Pierucci

Senate Sponsor: Kirk A. Cullimore


10     General Description:
11          This bill addresses requirements for uniforms worn while participating in certain school
12     athletic activities.
13     Highlighted Provisions:
14          This bill:
15          ▸     defines terms;
16          ▸     provides that certain associations and educational organizations may not prohibit a
17     student athlete from wearing religious clothing, or other clothing consistent with the
18     student athlete's beliefs, while participating in an athletic activity; and
19          ▸     requires certain associations and educational organizations to provide the clothing
20     described in the preceding paragraph if the association or educational organization
21     requires that the clothing be a certain material, style, or color.
22     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
23          None
24     Other Special Clauses:
25          This bill provides a special effective date.
26     Utah Code Sections Affected:
27     AMENDS:

28          53G-7-801, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 223
29     ENACTS:
30          53G-7-804, Utah Code Annotated 1953

32     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
33          Section 1. Section 53G-7-801 is amended to read:
34          53G-7-801. Definitions.
35          As used in this part:
36          (1) "Association" means Ĥ→ [
the same as that term is defined in Section 53G-7-1101] an
36a     organization that governs or regulates a student's participation in an athletic activity ←Ĥ .
37          (2) "Athletic activity" means physical education instruction or a sports event that is:
38          (a) sponsored or regulated by an association or educational organization; or
39          (b) authorized to take place in an association's or educational organization's facilities.
40          (3) "Athletic uniform" means clothing, headwear, shoes, or other items worn for
41     participation in an athletic activity that are required to be:
42          (a) a specified style, length, material, or color;
43          (b) worn in a specified manner; or
44          (c) worn with or without other items of clothing or headwear.
45          (4) "Educational organization" means:
46          (a) the state board;
47          (b) an LEA; or
48          (c) a school sports team.
49          [(1)] (5) "Principal" includes the chief administrator of a school that does not have a
50     principal.
51          [(2)] (6) "School" means a public school, including a charter school.
52          [(3)] (7) "School official" means the principal of a school or the local school board for
53     a school district.
54          (8) "School sports team" means a team on which the student represents the student's
55     school in competition against another school or in competition against other students within the
56     same school.
57          [(4)] (9) "School uniform" means the same as that term is defined in Section
58     53G-7-501.

59          Section 2. Section 53G-7-804 is enacted to read:
60          53G-7-804. Requirements for uniforms for students participating in an athletic
61     activity.
62          (1) An association or educational organization that requires a student to wear an
63     athletic uniform for participation in an athletic activity may not prohibit the student from:
64          (a) wearing religious clothing with the athletic uniform; or
65          (b) wearing clothing under, or with, but not substantially covering, the athletic uniform
66     to, consistent with the student's religious or moral beliefs, cover or conceal parts of the
67     student's body that are not covered or concealed by the athletic uniform.
68          (2) (a) A student has the right to, while participating in Ĥ→ a school-related athletic
68a     activity or ←Ĥ an athletic activity Ĥ→ [
that an
69     association or educational organization sponsors or regulates
] using school facilities ←Ĥ
, wear
69a     clothing as described in
70     Subsection (1).
71          (b) The prohibition described in Subsection (1) and the right described in Subsection
72     (2)(a) apply regardless of whether the student wears, or is required to wear, an athletic uniform
73     while participating in the athletic activity.
74          (3) If an association or educational organization places requirements on religious
75     clothing or other clothing described in Subsection (1) or (2), other than the material, style, or
76     color of the uniform itself, the association or organization:
77          (a) shall provide the clothing at the association's or educational organization's expense;
78     and
79          (b) may not impose a requirement in relation to the clothing, including the material,
80     color, style, or manner of wearing the clothing, that violates the student's religious or moral
81     beliefs.
82          Section 3. Effective date.
83          This bill takes effect on July 1, 2023.