8 General Description:
9 This bill exempts from the vehicle registration requirement certain single-axle trailers.
10 Highlighted Provisions:
11 This bill:
12 ▸ amends a provision related to trailers that are exempt from vehicle registration
13 requirements to include a single-axle trailer unless the single-axle trailer is:
14 • a commercial vehicle;
15 • a trailer designed, used, and maintained for hire; or
16 • a travel trailer, camping trailer, or fifth wheel trailer with an unladen weight
17 more than 750 pounds; and
18 ▸ makes technical changes.
19 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
20 None
21 Other Special Clauses:
22 This bill provides a special effective date.
23 Utah Code Sections Affected:
25 41-1a-202, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapters 251, 459
27 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
28 Section 1. Section 41-1a-202 is amended to read:
29 41-1a-202. Definitions -- Vehicles exempt from registration -- Registration of
30 vehicles after establishing residency.
31 (1) In this section:
32 (a) "Domicile" means the place:
33 (i) where an individual has a fixed permanent home and principal establishment;
34 (ii) to which the individual if absent, intends to return; and
35 (iii) in which the individual and his family voluntarily reside, not for a special or
36 temporary purpose, but with the intention of making a permanent home.
37 (b) (i) "Resident" means any of the following:
38 (A) an individual who:
39 (I) has established a domicile in this state;
40 (II) regardless of domicile, remains in this state for an aggregate period of six months
41 or more during any calendar year;
42 (III) engages in a trade, profession, or occupation in this state or who accepts
43 employment in other than seasonal work in this state and who does not commute into the state;
44 (IV) declares himself to be a resident of this state for the purpose of obtaining a driver
45 license or motor vehicle registration; or
46 (V) declares himself a resident of Utah to obtain privileges not ordinarily extended to
47 nonresidents, including going to school, or placing children in school without paying
48 nonresident tuition or fees; or
49 (B) any individual, partnership, limited liability company, firm, corporation,
50 association, or other entity that:
51 (I) maintains a main office, branch office, or warehouse facility in this state and that
52 bases and operates a motor vehicle in this state; or
53 (II) operates a motor vehicle in intrastate transportation for other than seasonal work.
54 (ii) "Resident" does not include any of the following:
55 (A) a member of the military temporarily stationed in Utah;
56 (B) an out-of-state student, as classified by the institution of higher education, enrolled
57 with the equivalent of seven or more quarter hours, regardless of whether the student engages
58 in a trade, profession, or occupation in this state or accepts employment in this state; and
59 (C) an individual domiciled in another state or a foreign country that:
60 (I) is engaged in public, charitable, educational, or religious services for a government
61 agency or an organization that qualifies for tax-exempt status under Internal Revenue Code
62 Section 501(c)(3);
63 (II) is not compensated for services rendered other than expense reimbursements; and
64 (III) is temporarily in Utah for a period not to exceed 24 months.
65 (iii) Notwithstanding Subsections (1)(b)(i) and (ii), "resident" includes the owner of a
66 vehicle equipped with an automated driving system as defined in Section 41-26-102.1 if the
67 vehicle is physically present in the state for more than 30 consecutive days in a calendar year.
68 (2) (a) Registration under this chapter is not required for any:
69 (i) vehicle registered in another state and owned by a nonresident of the state or
70 operating under a temporary registration permit issued by the division or a dealer authorized by
71 this chapter, driven or moved upon a highway in conformance with the provisions of this
72 chapter relating to manufacturers, transporters, dealers, lien holders, or interstate vehicles;
73 (ii) vehicle driven or moved upon a highway only for the purpose of crossing the
74 highway from one property to another;
75 (iii) implement of husbandry, whether of a type otherwise subject to registration or not,
76 that is only incidentally operated or moved upon a highway;
77 (iv) special mobile equipment;
78 (v) vehicle owned or leased by the federal government;
79 (vi) motor vehicle not designed, used, or maintained for the transportation of
80 passengers for hire or for the transportation of property if the motor vehicle is registered in
81 another state and is owned and operated by a nonresident of this state;
82 (vii) vehicle or combination of vehicles designed, used, or maintained for the
83 transportation of persons for hire or for the transportation of property if the vehicle or
84 combination of vehicles is registered in another state and is owned and operated by a
85 nonresident of this state and if the vehicle or combination of vehicles has a gross laden weight
86 of 26,000 pounds or less;
87 (viii) trailer of 750 pounds or less unladen weight and not designed, used, and
88 maintained for hire for the transportation of property or person;
89 (ix) single-axle trailer unless that trailer is:
90 (A) a commercial vehicle;
91 (B) a trailer designed, used, and maintained for hire for the transportation of property
92 or person; or
93 (C) a travel trailer, camping trailer, or fifth wheel trailer of 750 pounds or more laden
94 weight;
95 [
96 [
97 off-highway vehicle is:
98 (A) being towed;
99 (B) operated on a street or highway designated as open to off-highway vehicle use; or
100 (C) operated in the manner prescribed in Subsections 41-22-10.3(1) through (3);
101 [
102 Subsections 41-22-5.5(3) through (5);
103 [
104 presently regulated by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development that
105 are not constructed on a permanent chassis;
106 [
107 [
108 [
109 41-6a-102.
110 (b) For purposes of an implement of husbandry as described in Subsection (2)(a)(iii),
111 incidental operation on a highway includes operation that is:
112 (i) transportation of raw agricultural materials or other agricultural related operations;
113 and
114 (ii) limited to 100 miles round trip on a highway.
115 (3) Unless otherwise exempted under Subsection (2), registration under this chapter is
116 required for any motor vehicle, combination of vehicles, trailer, semitrailer, or vintage vehicle
117 within 60 days of the owner establishing residency in this state.
118 (4) A motor vehicle that is registered under Section 41-3-306 is exempt from the
119 registration requirements of this part for the time period that the registration under Section
120 41-3-306 is valid.
121 (5) A vehicle that has been issued a nonrepairable certificate may not be registered
122 under this chapter.
123 Section 2. Effective date.
124 This bill takes effect on January 1, 2024.