



Chief Sponsor: Cheryl K. Acton

Senate Sponsor: Derrin R. Owens


9     General Description:
10          This bill modifies membership provisions of the public safety retirement systems to
11     include certain employees of the Department of Health and Human Services.
12     Highlighted Provisions:
13          This bill:
14          ▸     provides the circumstances under which an employee who was employed by the
15     Department of Corrections and now is an employee of the Department of Health
16     and Human Services shall continue to earn public safety service credit in the public
17     safety retirement systems; and
18          ▸     makes technical changes.
19     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
20          None
21     Other Special Clauses:
22          None
23     Utah Code Sections Affected:
24     AMENDS:
25          49-14-201, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2022, Chapter 171
26          49-15-201, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2022, Chapter 171
27          49-23-201, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2022, Chapter 171

29     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
30          Section 1. Section 49-14-201 is amended to read:
31          49-14-201. System membership -- Eligibility.
32          (1) Except as provided in Section 49-15-201, a public safety service employee of a
33     participating employer participating in this system is eligible for service credit in this system at
34     the earliest of:
35          (a) July 1, 1969, if the public safety service employee was employed by the
36     participating employer on July 1, 1969, and the participating employer was participating in this
37     system on that date;
38          (b) the date the participating employer begins participating in this system if the public
39     safety service employee was employed by the participating employer on that date; or
40          (c) the date the public safety service employee is employed by the participating
41     employer and is eligible to perform public safety service, except that a public safety service
42     employee initially entering employment with a participating employer on or after July 1, 2011,
43     who does not have service credit accrued before July 1, 2011, in a Tier I system or plan
44     administered by the board, may not participate in this system.
45          (2) (a) (i) A participating employer that has public safety service and firefighter service
46     employees that require cross-training and duty shall enroll those dual purpose employees in the
47     system in which the greatest amount of time is actually worked.
48          (ii) The employees shall either be full-time public safety service or full-time firefighter
49     service employees of the participating employer.
50          (b) (i) Before transferring a dual purpose employee from one system to another, the
51     participating employer shall receive written permission from the office.
52          (ii) The office may request documentation to verify the appropriateness of the transfer.
53          (3) The board may combine or segregate the actuarial experience of participating
54     employers in this system for the purpose of setting contribution rates.
55          (4) (a) (i) Each participating employer participating in this system shall annually

56     submit to the office a schedule indicating the positions to be covered under this system in
57     accordance with this chapter.
58          (ii) The office may require documentation to justify the inclusion of any position under
59     this system.
60          (b) If there is a dispute between the office and a participating employer or employee
61     over any position to be covered, the disputed position shall be submitted to the Peace Officer
62     Standards and Training Council established under Section 53-6-106 for determination.
63          (c) (i) The Peace Officer Standards and Training Council's authority to decide
64     eligibility for public safety service credit is limited to claims for coverage under this system for
65     time periods after July 1, 1989.
66          (ii) A decision of the Peace Officer Standards and Training Council may not be applied
67     to service credit earned in another system before July 1, 1989.
68          (iii) Except as provided under Subsection (4)(c)(iv), a decision of the Peace Officer
69     Standards and Training Council granting a position coverage under this system may only be
70     applied prospectively from the date of that decision.
71          (iv) A decision of the Peace Officer Standards and Training Council granting a position
72     coverage under this system may be applied retroactively only if:
73          (A) the participating employer covered other similarly situated positions under this
74     system during the time period in question; and
75          (B) the position otherwise meets all eligibility requirements for receiving service credit
76     in this system during the period for which service credit is to be granted.
77          (5) The Peace Officer Standards and Training Council may use a subcommittee to
78     provide a recommendation to the council in determining disputes between the office and a
79     participating employer or employee over a position to be covered under this system.
80          (6) The Peace Officer Standards and Training Council shall comply with Title 63G,
81     Chapter 4, Administrative Procedures Act, in resolving coverage disputes in this system.
82          (7) A public safety employee who is transferred or promoted to an administration

83     position requiring the performance of duties that consist primarily of management or
84     supervision of public safety service employees shall continue to earn public safety service
85     credit in this system during the period in which the employee remains employed in the same
86     department.
87          (8) An employee of the Department of Corrections shall continue to earn public safety
88     service credit in this system if:
89          (a) the employee's position is no longer covered under this system for new employees
90     hired on or after July 1, 2015; and
91          (b) the employee:
92          (i) remains employed by the Department of Corrections;
93          (ii) meets the eligibility requirements of this system;
94          (iii) was hired into a position covered by this system before July 1, 2015; and
95          (iv) has not had a break in service on or after July 1, 2015.
96          (9) An employee of the Department of Health and Human Services who is transferred
97     from the Department of Corrections' clinical services bureau to provide a clinical or health care
98     service to an inmate as defined in Section 64-13-1 shall continue to earn public safety service
99     credit in this system if:
100          (a) the employee's position is no longer covered under this system for new employees
101     hired on or after July 1, 2015; and
102          (b) the employee:
103          (i) remains employed by the Department of Corrections or the Department of Health
104     and Human Services;
105          (ii) meets the eligibility requirements of this system;
106          (iii) was hired into a position covered by this system before July 1, 2015; and
107          (iv) has not had a break in service on or after July 1, 2015.
108          [(9)] (10) An employee who is reassigned to the Division of Technology Services or to
109     the Division of Human Resource Management, and who was a member of this system, is

110     entitled to remain a member of this system.
111          [(10)] (11) (a) To determine that a position is covered under this system, the office and,
112     if a coverage dispute arises, the Peace Officer Standards and Training Council shall find that
113     the position requires the employee to:
114          (i) except for a dispatcher, place the employee's life or personal safety at risk; and
115          (ii) complete training as provided in Section 53-6-303, 53-13-103, 53-13-104, or
116     53-13-105.
117          (b) If a position satisfies the requirements of Subsection [(10)(a)] (11)(a), the office
118     and the Peace Officer Standards and Training Council shall consider whether or not the
119     position requires the employee to:
120          (i) perform duties that consist primarily of actively preventing or detecting crime and
121     enforcing criminal statutes or ordinances of this state or any of its political subdivisions;
122          (ii) perform duties that consist primarily of providing community protection; and
123          (iii) respond to situations involving threats to public safety and make emergency
124     decisions affecting the lives and health of others.
125          [(11)] (12) If a subcommittee is used to recommend the determination of disputes to
126     the Peace Officer Standards and Training Council, the subcommittee shall comply with the
127     requirements of Subsection [(10)] (11) in making the subcommittee's recommendation.
128          [(12)] (13) A final order of the Peace Officer Standards and Training Council regarding
129     a dispute is a final agency action for purposes of Title 63G, Chapter 4, Administrative
130     Procedures Act.
131          [(13)] (14) Except as provided under Subsection [(14)] (15), if a participating
132     employer's public safety service employees are not covered by this system or under Chapter 15,
133     Public Safety Noncontributory Retirement Act, as of January 1, 1998, those public safety
134     service employees who may otherwise qualify for membership in this system shall, at the
135     discretion of the participating employer, remain in their current retirement system.
136          [(14)] (15) (a) A public safety service employee employed by an airport police

137     department, which elects to cover the airport police department's public safety service
138     employees under the Public Safety Noncontributory Retirement System under Subsection
139     [(13)] (14), may elect to remain in the public safety service employee's current retirement
140     system.
141          (b) The public safety service employee's election to remain in the current retirement
142     system under Subsection [(14)(a)] (15)(a):
143          (i) shall be made at the time the employer elects to move the employer's public safety
144     service employees to a public safety retirement system;
145          (ii) documented by written notice to the participating employer; and
146          (iii) is irrevocable.
147          [(15)] (16) (a) Subject to Subsection [(16)] (17), beginning July 1, 2015, a public safety
148     service employee who is a dispatcher employed by:
149          (i) the state shall be eligible for service credit in this system; and
150          (ii) a participating employer other than the state shall be eligible for service credit in
151     this system if the dispatcher's participating employer elects to cover the participating
152     employer's dispatchers under this system.
153          (b) A participating employer's election to cover the participating employer's dispatchers
154     under this system under Subsection [(15)(a)(ii)] (16)(a)(ii) is irrevocable and shall be
155     documented by a resolution adopted by the governing body of the participating employer in
156     accordance with rules made by the office.
157          (c) A dispatcher's service before July 1, 2015, or before a date specified by resolution
158     of a participating employer under Subsection [(15)(b)] (16)(b), is not eligible for service credit
159     in this system.
160          [(16)] (17) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, a person initially
161     entering employment with a participating employer on or after July 1, 2011, who does not have
162     service credit accrued before July 1, 2011, in a Tier I system or plan administered by the board,
163     may not participate in this system.

164          Section 2. Section 49-15-201 is amended to read:
165          49-15-201. System membership -- Eligibility.
166          (1) (a) A public safety service employee employed by the state after July 1, 1989, but
167     before July 1, 2011, is eligible for service credit in this system.
168          (b) A public safety service employee employed by the state before July 1, 1989, may
169     either elect to receive service credit in this system or continue to receive service credit under
170     the system established under Chapter 14, Public Safety Contributory Retirement Act, by
171     following the procedures established by the board under this chapter.
172          (2) (a) Public safety service employees of a participating employer other than the state
173     that elected on or before July 1, 1989, to remain in the Public Safety Contributory Retirement
174     System shall be eligible only for service credit in that system.
175          (b) (i) A participating employer other than the state that elected on or before July 1,
176     1989, to participate in this system shall, have allowed, before July 1, 1989, a public safety
177     service employee to elect to participate in either this system or the Public Safety Contributory
178     Retirement System.
179          (ii) Except as expressly allowed by this title, the election of the public safety service
180     employee is final and may not be changed.
181          (c) A public safety service employee hired by a participating employer other than the
182     state after July 1, 1989, but before July 1, 2011, shall become a member in this system.
183          (d) A public safety service employee of a participating employer other than the state
184     who began participation in this system after July 1, 1989, but before July 1, 2011, is only
185     eligible for service credit in this system.
186          (e) A person initially entering employment with a participating employer on or after
187     July 1, 2011, who does not have service credit accrued before July 1, 2011, in a Tier I system
188     or plan administered by the board, may not participate in this system.
189          (3) (a) (i) A participating employer that has public safety service and firefighter service
190     employees that require cross-training and duty shall enroll those dual purpose employees in the

191     system in which the greatest amount of time is actually worked.
192          (ii) The employees shall either be full-time public safety service or full-time firefighter
193     service employees of the participating employer.
194          (b) (i) Before transferring a dual purpose employee from one system to another, the
195     participating employer shall receive written permission from the office.
196          (ii) The office may request documentation to verify the appropriateness of the transfer.
197          (4) The board may combine or segregate the actuarial experience of participating
198     employers in this system for the purpose of setting contribution rates.
199          (5) (a) (i) Each participating employer participating in this system shall annually
200     submit to the office a schedule indicating the positions to be covered under this system in
201     accordance with this chapter.
202          (ii) The office may require documentation to justify the inclusion of any position under
203     this system.
204          (b) If there is a dispute between the office and a participating employer or employee
205     over any position to be covered, the disputed position shall be submitted to the Peace Officer
206     Standards and Training Council established under Section 53-6-106 for determination.
207          (c) (i) The Peace Officer Standards and Training Council's authority to decide
208     eligibility for public safety service credit is limited to claims for coverage under this system for
209     time periods after July 1, 1989.
210          (ii) A decision of the Peace Officer Standards and Training Council may not be applied
211     to service credit earned in another system before July 1, 1989.
212          (iii) Except as provided under Subsection (5)(c)(iv), a decision of the Peace Officer
213     Standards and Training Council granting a position coverage under this system may only be
214     applied prospectively from the date of that decision.
215          (iv) A decision of the Peace Officer Standards and Training Council granting a position
216     coverage under this system may be applied retroactively only if:
217          (A) the participating employer covered other similarly situated positions under this

218     system during the time period in question; and
219          (B) the position otherwise meets all eligibility requirements for receiving service credit
220     in this system during the period for which service credit is to be granted.
221          (6) The Peace Officer Standards and Training Council may use a subcommittee to
222     provide a recommendation to the council in determining disputes between the office and a
223     participating employer or employee over a position to be covered under this system.
224          (7) The Peace Officer Standards and Training Council shall comply with Title 63G,
225     Chapter 4, Administrative Procedures Act, in resolving coverage disputes in this system.
226          (8) A public safety service employee who is transferred or promoted to an
227     administration position requiring the performance of duties that consist primarily of
228     management or supervision of public safety service employees shall continue to earn public
229     safety service credit in this system during the period in which the employee remains employed
230     in the same department.
231          (9) An employee of the Department of Corrections shall continue to earn public safety
232     service credit in this system if:
233          (a) the employee's position is no longer covered under this system for new employees
234     hired on or after July 1, 2015; and
235          (b) the employee:
236          (i) remains employed by the Department of Corrections;
237          (ii) meets the eligibility requirements of this system;
238          (iii) was hired into a position covered by this system before July 1, 2015; and
239          (iv) has not had a break in service on or after July 1, 2015.
240          (10) An employee of the Department of Health and Human Services who is transferred
241     from the Department of Corrections' clinical services bureau to provide a clinical or health care
242     service to an inmate as defined in Section 64-13-1 shall continue to earn public safety service
243     credit in this system if:
244          (a) the employee's position is no longer covered under this system for new employees

245     hired on or after July 1, 2015; and
246          (b) the employee:
247          (i) remains employed by the Department of Corrections or the Department of Health
248     and Human Services;
249          (ii) meets the eligibility requirements of this system;
250          (iii) was hired into a position covered by this system before July 1, 2015; and
251          (iv) has not had a break in service on or after July 1, 2015.
252          [(10)] (11) Any employee who is reassigned to the Division of Technology Services or
253     to the Division of Human Resource Management, and who was a member in this system, shall
254     be entitled to remain a member in this system.
255          [(11)] (12) (a) To determine that a position is covered under this system, the office and,
256     if a coverage dispute arises, the Peace Officer Standards and Training Council shall find that
257     the position requires the employee to:
258          (i) except for a dispatcher, place the employee's life or personal safety at risk; and
259          (ii) complete training as provided in Section 53-6-303, 53-13-103, 53-13-104, or
260     53-13-105.
261          (b) If a position satisfies the requirements of Subsection [(11)(a)] (12)(a), the office
262     and Peace Officer Standards and Training Council shall consider whether the position requires
263     the employee to:
264          (i) perform duties that consist primarily of actively preventing or detecting crime and
265     enforcing criminal statutes or ordinances of this state or any of its political subdivisions;
266          (ii) perform duties that consist primarily of providing community protection; and
267          (iii) respond to situations involving threats to public safety and make emergency
268     decisions affecting the lives and health of others.
269          [(12)] (13) If a subcommittee is used to recommend the determination of disputes to
270     the Peace Officer Standards and Training Council, the subcommittee shall comply with the
271     requirements of Subsection [(11)] (12) in making the subcommittee's recommendation.

272          [(13)] (14) A final order of the Peace Officer Standards and Training Council regarding
273     a dispute is a final agency action for purposes of Title 63G, Chapter 4, Administrative
274     Procedures Act.
275          [(14)] (15) Except as provided under Subsection [(15)] (16), if a participating
276     employer's public safety service employees are not covered by this system or under Chapter 14,
277     Public Safety Contributory Retirement Act, as of January 1, 1998, those public safety service
278     employees who may otherwise qualify for membership in this system shall, at the discretion of
279     the participating employer, remain in their current retirement system.
280          [(15)] (16) (a) A public safety service employee employed by an airport police
281     department, which elects to cover the airport police department's public safety service
282     employees under the Public Safety Noncontributory Retirement System under Subsection (14),
283     may elect to remain in the public safety service employee's current retirement system.
284          (b) The public safety service employee's election to remain in the current retirement
285     system under Subsection [(15)(a)] (16)(a):
286          (i) shall be made at the time the employer elects to move the employer's public safety
287     service employees to a public safety retirement system;
288          (ii) shall be documented by written notice to the participating employer; and
289          (iii) is irrevocable.
290          [(16)] (17) (a) Subject to Subsection [(17)] (18), beginning July 1, 2015, a public safety
291     service employee who is a dispatcher employed by:
292          (i) the state shall be eligible for service credit in this system; and
293          (ii) a participating employer other than the state shall be eligible for service credit in
294     this system if the dispatcher's participating employer elects to cover the participating
295     employer's dispatchers under this system.
296          (b) A participating employer's election to cover the participating employer's dispatchers
297     under this system under Subsection [(16)(a)(ii)] (17)(a)(ii) is irrevocable and shall be
298     documented by a resolution adopted by the governing body of the participating employer in

299     accordance with rules made by the office.
300          (c) A dispatcher's service before July 1, 2015, or before a date specified by resolution
301     of a participating employer under Subsection [(16)(b)] (17)(b), is not eligible for service credit
302     in this system.
303          [(17)] (18) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, a person initially
304     entering employment with a participating employer on or after July 1, 2011, who does not have
305     service credit accrued before July 1, 2011, in a Tier I system or plan administered by the board,
306     may not participate in this system.
307          Section 3. Section 49-23-201 is amended to read:
308          49-23-201. System membership -- Eligibility.
309          (1) Beginning July 1, 2011, a participating employer that employs public safety service
310     employees or firefighter service employees shall participate in this system.
311          (2) (a) A public safety service employee or a firefighter service employee initially
312     entering employment with a participating employer on or after July 1, 2011, who does not have
313     service credit accrued before July 1, 2011, in a Tier I system or plan administered by the board,
314     is eligible:
315          (i) as a member for service credit and defined contributions under the Tier II hybrid
316     retirement system established by Part 3, Tier II Hybrid Retirement System; or
317          (ii) as a participant for defined contributions under the Tier II defined contributions
318     plan established by Part 4, Tier II Defined Contribution Plan.
319          (b) A public safety service employee or a firefighter service employee initially entering
320     employment with a participating employer on or after July 1, 2011, shall:
321          (i) make an election to participate in the system created under this chapter:
322          (A) as a member for service credit and defined contributions under the Tier II hybrid
323     retirement system established by Part 3, Tier II Hybrid Retirement System; or
324          (B) as a participant for defined contributions under the Tier II defined contribution plan
325     established by Part 4, Tier II Defined Contribution Plan; and

326          (ii) electronically submit to the office notification of the member's election under
327     Subsection (2)(b)(i) in a manner approved by the office.
328          (c) An election made by a public safety service employee or firefighter service
329     employee initially entering employment with a participating employer under this Subsection (2)
330     is irrevocable beginning one year from the date of eligibility for accrual of benefits.
331          (d) If no election is made under Subsection (2)(b)(i), the public safety service employee
332     or firefighter service employee shall become a member eligible for service credit and defined
333     contributions under the Tier II hybrid retirement system established by Part 3, Tier II Hybrid
334     Retirement System.
335          (3) (a) Beginning July 1, 2015, a public safety service employee who is a dispatcher
336     employed by:
337          (i) the state shall be eligible for service credit in this system; and
338          (ii) a participating employer other than the state shall be eligible for service credit in
339     this system if the dispatcher's participating employer elects to cover the participating
340     employer's dispatchers under this system.
341          (b) A participating employer's election to cover the participating employer's dispatchers
342     under this system under Subsection (3)(a)(ii) is irrevocable and shall be documented by a
343     resolution adopted by the governing body of the participating employer in accordance with
344     rules made by the office.
345          (c) A dispatcher's service before July 1, 2015, or before a date specified by resolution
346     of a participating employer under Subsection (3)(b), is not eligible for service credit in this
347     system.
348          (4) A public safety service employee who is transferred or promoted to an
349     administration position requiring the performance of duties that consist primarily of
350     management or supervision of public safety service employees shall continue to earn public
351     safety service credit in this system during the period in which the employee remains employed
352     in the same department.

353          (5) An employee of the Department of Corrections shall continue to earn public safety
354     service credit in this system if:
355          (a) the employee's position is no longer covered under this system for new employees
356     hired on or after July 1, 2015; and
357          (b) the employee:
358          (i) remains employed by the Department of Corrections;
359          (ii) meets the eligibility requirements of this system;
360          (iii) was hired into a position covered by this system before July 1, 2015; and
361          (iv) has not had a break in service on or after July 1, 2015.
362          (6) An employee of the Department of Health and Human Services who is transferred
363     from the Department of Corrections' clinical services bureau to provide a clinical or health care
364     service to an inmate as defined in Section 64-13-1 shall continue to earn public safety service
365     credit in this system if:
366          (a) the employee's position is no longer covered under this system for new employees
367     hired on or after July 1, 2015; and
368          (b) the employee:
369          (i) remains employed by the Department of Corrections or the Department of Health
370     and Human Services;
371          (ii) meets the eligibility requirements of this system;
372          (iii) was hired into a position covered by this system before July 1, 2015; and
373          (iv) has not had a break in service on or after July 1, 2015.