


Chief Sponsor: Jefferson Moss

Senate Sponsor: Ann Millner


8     General Description:
9          This bill makes changes to provisions related to internships and apprenticeships.
10     Highlighted Provisions:
11          This bill:
12          ▸     provides that a public school student participating in a youth apprenticeship is
13     considered a volunteer government worker for purposes of workers' compensation
14     and risk management;
15          ▸     provides that an internship through an institution of higher education or public or
16     private school may be with compensation;
17          ▸     provides that an intern participating in an internship through an institution of higher
18     education or public school is considered a volunteer government worker for
19     purposes of workers' compensation and risk management;
20          ▸     creates an apprenticeship intermediary position to foster relationships between the
21     Talent Ready Utah Program, local education agencies, and industry partners;
22          ▸     defines terms; and
23          ▸     makes technical and conforming changes.
24     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
25          None
26     Other Special Clauses:
27          None
28     Utah Code Sections Affected:
29     AMENDS:

30          53B-16-401, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 365
31          53B-16-403, as last amended by Laws of Utah 1997, Chapter 10
32          53B-34-103, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2022, Chapter 362
33          53G-7-901, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 374
34          53G-7-903, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 354
35     ENACTS:
36          35A-6-104.5, Utah Code Annotated 1953

38     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
39          Section 1. Section 35A-6-104.5 is enacted to read:
40          35A-6-104.5. Youth apprenticeships -- Workers' compensation -- Risk
41     management.
42          (1) As used in this section, "youth apprentice" means an individual who is:
43          (a) participating in a youth apprenticeship; and
44          (b) enrolled in a public school.
45          (2) A youth apprentice is considered to be a volunteer government worker of the public
46     school in which the individual is enrolled, solely for purposes of:
47          (a) receiving workers' compensation medical benefits; and
48          (b) coverage by the Risk Management Fund created in Section 63A-4-201.
49          (3) Receipt of medical benefits under Subsection (2) shall be the exclusive remedy
50     against the school and the cooperating employer for all injuries and occupational diseases as
51     provided under Title 34A, Chapter 2, Workers' Compensation Act, and Chapter 3, Utah
52     Occupational Disease Act.
53          Section 2. Section 53B-16-401 is amended to read:
54          53B-16-401. Definitions.
55          As used in this part:
56          (1) "Cooperating employer" means a public or private entity which, as part of a work
57     experience and career exploration program offered through an institution of higher education,

58     provides interns with training and work experience in activities related to the entity's ongoing
59     business activities.
60          (2) "Institution of higher education" means any component of the state system of higher
61     education as defined under Section 53B-1-102 that is authorized by the board to offer
62     internship programs, and any private institution of higher education which offers internship
63     programs under this part.
64          (3) "Intern" means a student enrolled in a work experience and career exploration
65     program under Section 53B-16-402 that is sponsored by an institution of higher education,
66     involving both classroom instruction and work experience with a cooperating employer, [for
67     which the student receives no compensation] regardless of whether the student receives
68     compensation.
69          (4) "Internship" means the work experience segment of an intern's work experience and
70     career exploration program sponsored by an institution of higher education, performed under
71     the direct supervision of a cooperating employer.
72          Section 3. Section 53B-16-403 is amended to read:
73          53B-16-403. Interns -- Workers' compensation medical benefits -- Risk
74     management.
75          (1) An intern participating in an internship under Section 53B-16-402 is considered to
76     be a volunteer worker of the sponsoring institution of higher education solely for purposes of:
77          (a) receiving workers' compensation medical benefits[.]; and
78          (b) coverage by the Risk Management Fund created in Section 63A-4-201.
79          (2) Receipt of medical benefits under Subsection (1) shall be the exclusive remedy
80     against the institution and the cooperating employer for all injuries and occupational diseases
81     as provided under Title 34A, Chapter 2, Workers' Compensation Act, and Chapter 3, Utah
82     Occupational Disease Act.
83          Section 4. Section 53B-34-103 is amended to read:
84          53B-34-103. Talent Ready Utah Program.
85          (1) There is created the Talent Ready Utah Program administered by the commissioner.

86          (2) The commissioner, with the approval of the board, shall appoint a director of the
87     talent program.
88          (3) The director of the talent program:
89          (a) shall appoint, with the approval of the commissioner, an apprenticeship
90     intermediary, to carry out the duties described in Subsection (5); and
91          (b) may appoint other staff with the approval of the commissioner.
92          (4) The talent program shall coordinate with the talent board to:
93          (a) further education and industry alignment in the state;
94          (b) coordinate the development of new education programs that align with industry
95     demand;
96          (c) coordinate or partner with other state agencies to administer grant programs;
97          (d) promote the inclusion of industry partners in education;
98          (e) provide outreach and information to employers regarding workforce programs and
99     initiatives;
100          (f) develop and analyze stackable credential programs;
101          (g) determine efficiencies among workforce providers;
102          (h) map available workforce programs focusing on programs that successfully create
103     high-paying jobs; and
104          (i) support initiatives of the talent board.
105          (5) The apprenticeship intermediary appointed by the director under Subsection (3)
106     shall, in coordination with the talent program and at the direction of the talent board, foster
107     relationships between industry partners, local education agencies, and the talent program,
108     including by:
109          (a) increasing awareness for the talent program;
110          (b) recruiting industry partners;
111          (c) connecting high school students to participating employers, apprenticeship
112     opportunities, and work-based learning opportunities;
113          (d) working with local education agencies to:

114          (i) integrate talent program apprenticeship opportunities and work-based learning
115     opportunities;
116          (ii) connect high school students with higher education opportunities;
117          (e) training mentors at participating employers in vocational education practices for
118     youth;
119          (f) holding meetings with education partners and industry partners to discuss
120     curriculum needs and industry needs;
121          (g) working with institutions of higher education and local education agencies to
122     ensure industry-recognized credential programs are fully stackable; and
123          (h) performing other duties as directed by the talent board.
124          Section 5. Section 53G-7-901 is amended to read:
125          53G-7-901. Definitions.
126          As used in this part:
127          (1) "Cooperating employer" means a public or private entity which, as part of a work
128     experience and career exploration program offered through a school, provides interns with
129     training and work experience in activities related to the entity's ongoing business activities.
130          (2) "Intern" means a student enrolled in a school-sponsored work experience and career
131     exploration program under Section 53G-7-902 involving both classroom instruction and work
132     experience with a cooperating employer, [for which the student receives no compensation]
133     regardless of whether the student receives compensation.
134          (3) "Internship" means the work experience segment of an intern's school-sponsored
135     work experience and career exploration program, performed under the direct supervision of a
136     cooperating employer.
137          (4) "Internship safety agreement" means the agreement between a public or private
138     school and a cooperating employer in accordance with Section 53G-7-904.
139          (5) "Private school" means a school serving any of grades 7 through 12 which is not
140     part of the public education system.
141          (6) "Public school" means:

142          (a) a public school district;
143          (b) an applied technology center or applied technology service region;
144          (c) the Schools for the Deaf and the Blind; or
145          (d) other components of the public education system authorized by the state board to
146     offer internships.
147          Section 6. Section 53G-7-903 is amended to read:
148          53G-7-903. Interns -- Workers' compensation medical benefits -- Risk
149     management.
150          (1) An intern participating in an internship under Section 53G-7-902 is considered to
151     be a volunteer government worker of the sponsoring public school, or an employee of the
152     sponsoring private school, solely for purposes of:
153          (a) receiving workers' compensation medical benefits[.]; and
154          (b) for an intern participating through a sponsoring public school, coverage by the Risk
155     Management Fund created in Section 63A-4-201.
156          (2) Receipt of medical benefits under Subsection (1) shall be the exclusive remedy
157     against the school and the cooperating employer for all injuries and occupational diseases as
158     provided under Title 34A, Chapter 2, Workers' Compensation Act, and Chapter 3, Utah
159     Occupational Disease Act.