


Chief Sponsor: Ryan D. Wilcox

Senate Sponsor: John D. Johnson


8     General Description:
9          This resolution calls on Congress to review federal railroad laws.
10     Highlighted Provisions:
11          This resolution:
12          ▸     expresses strong support for Utah's federal delegation and Congress to review
13     federal protections related to railroad companies and how those federal laws impact
14     the state of Utah and its political subdivisions; and
15          ▸     urges Congress to take necessary action to align federal laws related to railroads
16     with the intent of the 10th Amendment to the United States Constitution.
17     Special Clauses:
18          None

20     Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
21          WHEREAS, the federal railroad system has set up monopolistic control of all freight
22     railroad infrastructure in the country;
23          WHEREAS, the 10th Amendment to the United States Constitution states that "the
24     powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States,
25     are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people";
26          WHEREAS, Utah has the highest birthrate in the nation;
27          WHEREAS, Utah is one of the fastest growing population states in the nation;
28          WHEREAS, roughly 66% of Utah's land is controlled by the federal government;
29          WHEREAS, roughly 80% of Utah's population lives in four contiguous counties along

30     the Wasatch Front;
31          WHEREAS, Utah is proud to be known as the Crossroads of the West;
32          WHEREAS, as population grows and states are forced to plan their infrastructure to
33     support that growth, collaboration and cooperation with all stakeholders is necessary for
34     success;
35          WHEREAS, the state of Utah and its political subdivisions have a desire to be strong
36     partners with the railroads and all infrastructure partners;
37          WHEREAS, the safety of Utah's residents must be prioritized related to railroad
38     infrastructure;
39          WHEREAS, infrastructure delays lead to increases in costs related to Utah's affordable
40     housing crisis;
41          WHEREAS, the state of Utah, its political subdivisions, and many of its infrastructure
42     partners are increasingly frustrated by a lack of willingness by freight railroad companies to
43     work together;
44          WHEREAS, the lack of support from freight railroad companies is harming Utah's
45     ability to expand economic development;
46          WHEREAS, the burden on Utah's tax base has increased due to a lack of cooperation
47     by railroad infrastructure monopolies;
48          WHEREAS, a lack of willingness to attempt to find common ground is not a
49     sustainable model for states that are growing and uniquely concentrated like Utah; and
50          WHEREAS, Utahns are best positioned to make infrastructure decisions that are in the
51     best interest of the state with willing partners:
52          NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah,
53     strongly urges the United States Congress to review federal laws related to freight railroad
54     infrastructure and to develop solutions that better align with the interests of states and local
55     control.
56          BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to Utah's
57     congressional delegation and all members of the United States Congress.