8 General Description:
9 This resolution enacts House rules related to conduct at a House committee meeting.
10 Highlighted Provisions:
11 This resolution:
12 ▸ directs the chair of a House committee to preserve order and decorum during a
13 meeting of the House committee;
14 ▸ provides the items and activities that are prohibited at a House committee meeting;
15 and
16 ▸ makes technical and conforming changes.
17 Special Clauses:
18 None
19 Legislative Rules Affected:
21 HR3-3-101
22 HR3-3-102
24 HR3-2-310
26 Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the state of Utah:
27 Section 1. HR3-2-310 is repealed and reenacted to read:
28 HR3-2-310. Chair to preserve order and decorum.
29 In accordance with HR3-3-101, the chair shall preserve order and decorum during a
30 standing committee meeting.
31 Section 2. HR3-3-101 is enacted to read:
33 HR3-3-101. Chair to preserve order and decorum.
34 (1) The chair shall preserve order and decorum during a House committee meeting by:
35 (a) ensuring nothing obstructs a walkway or the view of a meeting attendee;
36 (b) ensuring the meeting is free from any audible or visual disturbance;
37 (c) protecting state property from damage or disarray;
38 (d) prohibiting speech likely to incite or produce imminent lawless action, fighting
39 words, or obscenity; and
40 (e) prohibiting any activity or item that poses a danger to the safety of a meeting
41 attendee.
42 (2) To preserve order and decorum in accordance with Subsection (1), the chair may:
43 (a) prohibit the following:
44 (i) standing, waving, yelling, or clapping;
45 (ii) loud noises;
46 (iii) food or drink, other than water in a closed container;
47 (iv) musical instruments;
48 (v) any item that may require excessive cleanup; or
49 (vi) to the extent necessary to preserve order and decorum, any other item or activity
50 the chair determines necessary;
51 (b) clear the meeting room of one or more individuals;
52 (c) recess the meeting; or
53 (d) request assistance from:
54 (i) the sergeant-at-arms; or
55 (ii) the Utah Highway Patrol.
56 Section 3. HR3-3-102 is enacted to read:
57 HR3-3-102. Prohibited items and activities in House committee meetings.
58 A member of the public attending a meeting of a House committee may not:
59 (1) bring into the meeting room, or possess while in the meeting room, any of the
60 following:
61 (a) a sign, poster, banner, or placard;
62 (b) glitter or confetti;
63 (c) a laser pointer;
64 (d) paint;
65 (e) an open flame;
66 (f) an incendiary device;
67 (g) a noise maker;
68 (h) flammable liquid; or
69 (i) any harmful or hazardous substance; or
70 (2) engage in any of the following while in the meeting room:
71 (a) commercial solicitation;
72 (b) leafletting;
73 (c) throwing an item; or
74 (d) adhering any item to a furnishing, a wall, or other state property.