Representative Marsha Judkins proposes the following substitute bill:




Chief Sponsor: Marsha Judkins

Senate Sponsor: Stephanie Pitcher


8     General Description:
9          This bill amends provisions related to individuals required to register for the sex
10     offender registry.
11     Highlighted Provisions:
12          This bill:
13          ▸     defines terms;
14          ▸     clarifies that juveniles committing qualifying offenses are still required to comply
15     with registry requirements;
16          ▸     adds attempt, solicitation, and conspiracy to commit certain human trafficking
17     offenses to the offenses that qualify for the sex offender registry;
18          ▸     clarifies that for purposes of determining a lifetime registration requirement for an
19     offender under 21 years old, a sentencing court may determine at any time after a
20     conviction that the offense did not involve force or coercion;
21          ▸     enacts provisions related to juveniles transferred from the custody of the Division of
22     Juvenile Justice Services to the Department of Corrections;
23          ▸     specifies the number of days an offender may drive a particular car before that car's
24     information must be reported;
25          ▸     requires the Department of Corrections to maintain, but not publish, information on

26     individuals who were under 18 years old when they committed a qualifying offense, unless the
27     offender committed an offense requiring lifetime registration; and
28          ▸     makes technical and conforming changes.
29     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
30          None
31     Other Special Clauses:
32          None
33     Utah Code Sections Affected:
34     AMENDS:
35          76-3-209, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 206
36          76-5-401, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2022, Chapter 181
37          76-5-401.1, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2022, Chapter 181
38          76-5-401.3, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2022, Chapter 181
39          76-9-702, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2022, Chapter 181
40          76-9-702.1, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2022, Chapter 181
41          77-41-102, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2022, Chapters 185, 430
42          77-41-103, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 281
43          77-41-105, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 108
44          77-41-106, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2022, Chapters 185, 430
45          77-41-107, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 189
46          77-41-109, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 237
47          77-41-110, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 145 and last amended by
48     Coordination Clause, Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 382
49          77-41-113, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapters 206, 334 and 410 and last
50     amended by Coordination Clause, Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 410
51          78B-8-302, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 298
52          80-5-201, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2022, Chapter 155
53     ENACTS:
54          77-41-114, Utah Code Annotated 1953

56     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:

57          Section 1. Section 76-3-209 is amended to read:
58          76-3-209. Limitation on sentencing for crimes committed by juveniles.
59          (1) As used in this section, "qualifying sexual offense" means:
60          (a) an offense described in Chapter 5, Part 4, Sexual Offenses;
61          (b) Section 76-9-702, lewdness;
62          (c) Section 76-9-702.1, sexual battery; or
63          (d) Section 76-9-702.5, lewdness involving a child.
64          (2) (a) This Subsection (2) only applies prospectively to an individual sentenced on or
65     after May 10, 2016.
66          (b) Notwithstanding any provision of law, an individual may not be sentenced to life
67     without parole if:
68          (i) the individual is convicted of a crime punishable by life without parole; and
69          (ii) at the time the individual committed the crime, the individual was less than 18
70     years old.
71          (c) The maximum punishment that may be imposed on an individual described in
72     Subsection (2)(b) is an indeterminate prison term of not less than 25 years and that may be for
73     life.
74          (3) Except as provided in Subsection (4), if an individual is convicted in district court
75     of a qualifying sexual offense and, at the time of the offense, the individual was at least 14
76     years old, but under 18 years old:
77          [(a) the individual is not, based on the conviction, subject to the registration
78     requirements described in Title 77, Chapter 41, Sex and Kidnap Offender Registry;]
79          [(b)] (a) the district court shall impose a sentence consistent with the disposition that
80     would have been made in juvenile court; and
81          [(c)] (b) the district court may not impose incarceration unless the court enters specific
82     written findings that incarceration is warranted based on a totality of the circumstances, taking
83     into account:
84          (i) the time that elapsed after the individual committed the offense;
85          (ii) the age of the individual at the time of the offense;
86          (iii) the age of the victim at the time of the offense;
87          (iv) the criminal history of the individual after the individual committed the offense;

88          (v) any treatment assessments or validated risk tools; and
89          (vi) public safety concerns.
90          (4) Subsection (3) does not apply if:
91          (a) before the individual described in Subsection (3) is convicted of the qualifying
92     sexual offense, the individual is convicted of a qualifying sexual offense that the individual
93     committed when the individual was 18 years old or older; or
94          (b) the individual is convicted in district court, before the victim is 18 years old, of a
95     violation of Section 76-5-405, aggravated sexual assault.
96          (5) If the district court imposes incarceration under Subsection [(3)(c)] (3)(b), the term
97     of incarceration may not exceed:
98          (a) seven years for a violation of Section 76-5-405, aggravated sexual assault;
99          (b) except as provided in Subsection (5)(a), four years for a felony violation of Chapter
100     5, Part 4, Sexual Offenses; or
101          (c) the maximum sentence described in Section 76-3-204 for:
102          (i) a misdemeanor violation of Chapter 5, Part 4, Sexual Offenses;
103          (ii) a violation of Section 76-9-702, lewdness;
104          (iii) a violation of Section 76-9-702.1, sexual battery; or
105          (iv) a violation of Section 76-9-702.5, lewdness involving a child.
106          Section 2. Section 76-5-401 is amended to read:
107          76-5-401. Unlawful sexual activity with a minor -- Penalties -- Evidence of age
108     raised by defendant -- Limitations.
109          (1) (a) As used in this section, "minor" means an individual who is 14 years old or
110     older, but younger than 16 years old, at the time the sexual activity described in Subsection (2)
111     occurred.
112          (b) Terms defined in Section 76-1-101.5 apply to this section.
113          (2) (a) Under circumstances not amounting to an offense listed in Subsection (4), an
114     actor 18 years old or older commits unlawful sexual activity with a minor if the actor:
115          (i) has sexual intercourse with the minor;
116          (ii) engages in any sexual act with the minor involving the genitals of an individual and
117     the mouth or anus of another individual; or
118          (iii) causes the penetration, however slight, of the genital or anal opening of the minor

119     by a foreign object, substance, instrument, or device, including a part of the human body, with
120     the intent to cause substantial emotional or bodily pain to any individual or with the intent to
121     arouse or gratify the sexual desire of any individual.
122          (b) Any touching, however slight, is sufficient to constitute the relevant element of a
123     violation of Subsection (2)(a)(ii).
124          (3) (a) A violation of Subsection (2) is a third degree felony.
125          (b) (i) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a) or (c), if the defendant establishes by a
126     preponderance of the evidence the mitigating factor that the defendant is less than four years
127     older than the minor at the time the sexual activity occurred, the offense is a class B
128     misdemeanor.
129          (ii) An offense under Subsection (3)(b)(i) is not subject to registration under
130     Subsection [77-41-102(17)(a)(vii).] 77-41-102(18)(a)(vii).
131          (c) (i) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), if the defendant establishes by a
132     preponderance of the evidence the mitigating factor that the defendant was younger than 21
133     years old at the time the sexual activity occurred, the offense is a class A misdemeanor.
134          (ii) An offense under Subsection (3)(c)(i) is not subject to registration under
135     Subsection [77-41-102(17)(a)(vii).] 77-41-102(18)(a)(vii).
136          (4) The offenses referred to in Subsection (2)(a) are:
137          (a) rape, in violation of Section 76-5-402;
138          (b) object rape, in violation of Section 76-5-402.2;
139          (c) forcible sodomy, in violation of Section 76-5-403;
140          (d) aggravated sexual assault, in violation of Section 76-5-405; or
141          (e) an attempt to commit an offense listed in Subsections (4)(a) through (4)(d).
142          Section 3. Section 76-5-401.1 is amended to read:
143          76-5-401.1. Sexual abuse of a minor -- Penalties -- Limitations.
144          (1) (a) As used in this section:
145          (i) "Indecent liberties" means:
146          (A) the actor touching another individual's genitals, anus, buttocks, pubic area, or
147     female breast;
148          (B) causing any part of an individual's body to touch the actor's or another's genitals,
149     pubic area, anus, buttocks, or female breast;

150          (C) simulating or pretending to engage in sexual intercourse with another individual,
151     including genital-genital, oral-genital, anal-genital, or oral-anal intercourse; or
152          (D) causing an individual to simulate or pretend to engage in sexual intercourse with
153     the actor or another, including genital-genital, oral-genital, anal-genital, or oral-anal
154     intercourse.
155          (ii) "Minor" means an individual who is 14 years old or older, but younger than 16
156     years old, at the time the sexual activity described in Subsection (2) occurred.
157          (b) Terms defined in Section 76-1-101.5 apply to this section.
158          (2) (a) Under circumstances not amounting to an offense listed in Subsection (4), an
159     actor commits sexual abuse of a minor if the actor:
160          (i) is four years or more older than the minor; and
161          (ii) with the intent to cause substantial emotional or bodily pain to any individual, or
162     with the intent to arouse or gratify the sexual desire of any individual:
163          (A) touches the anus, buttocks, pubic area, or any part of the genitals of the minor;
164          (B) touches the breast of a female minor; or
165          (C) otherwise takes indecent liberties with the minor.
166          (b) Any touching, even if accomplished through clothing, is sufficient to constitute the
167     relevant element of a violation of Subsection (2)(a).
168          (3) A violation of Subsection (2)(a) is:
169          (a) a class A misdemeanor; and
170          (b) not subject to registration under Subsection [77-41-102(17)(a)(viii)]
171     77-41-102(18)(a)(viii) on a first offense if the offender was younger than 21 years old at the
172     time of the offense.
173          (4) The offenses referred to in Subsection (2)(a) are:
174          (a) unlawful sexual activity with a minor, in violation of Section 76-5-401;
175          (b) rape, in violation of Section 76-5-402;
176          (c) object rape, in violation of Section 76-5-402.2;
177          (d) forcible sodomy, in violation of Section 76-5-403;
178          (e) aggravated sexual assault, in violation of Section 76-5-405; or
179          (f) an attempt to commit an offense listed in Subsections (4)(a) through (e).
180          Section 4. Section 76-5-401.3 is amended to read:

181          76-5-401.3. Unlawful adolescent sexual activity -- Penalties -- Limitations.
182          (1) (a) As used in this section, "adolescent" means an individual in the transitional
183     phase of human physical and psychological growth and development between childhood and
184     adulthood who is 12 years old or older, but younger than 18 years old.
185          (b) Terms defined in Section 76-1-101.5 apply to this section.
186          (2) Under circumstances not amounting to an offense listed in Subsection (4), an actor
187     commits unlawful sexual activity if the actor:
188          (a) is an adolescent; and
189          (b) has sexual activity with another adolescent.
190          (3) A violation of Subsection (2) is a:
191          (a) third degree felony if an actor who is 17 years old engages in unlawful adolescent
192     sexual activity with an adolescent who is 12 or 13 years old;
193          (b) third degree felony if an actor who is 16 years old engages in unlawful adolescent
194     sexual activity with an adolescent who is 12 years old;
195          (c) class A misdemeanor if an actor who is 16 years old engages in unlawful adolescent
196     sexual activity with an adolescent who is 13 years old;
197          (d) class A misdemeanor if an actor who is 14 or 15 years old engages in unlawful
198     adolescent sexual activity with an adolescent who is 12 years old;
199          (e) class B misdemeanor if an actor who is 17 years old engages in unlawful adolescent
200     sexual activity with an adolescent who is 14 years old;
201          (f) class B misdemeanor if an actor who is 15 years old engages in unlawful adolescent
202     sexual activity with an adolescent who is 13 years old;
203          (g) class C misdemeanor if an actor who is 12 or 13 years old engages in unlawful
204     adolescent sexual activity with an adolescent who is 12 or 13 years old; and
205          (h) class C misdemeanor if an actor who is 14 years old engages in unlawful adolescent
206     sexual activity with an adolescent who is 13 years old.
207          (4) The offenses referred to in Subsection (2) are:
208          (a) rape, in violation of Section 76-5-402;
209          (b) rape of a child, in violation of Section 76-5-402.1;
210          (c) object rape, in violation of Section 76-5-402.2;
211          (d) object rape of a child, in violation of Section 76-5-402.3;

212          (e) forcible sodomy, in violation of Section 76-5-403;
213          (f) sodomy on a child, in violation of Section 76-5-403.1;
214          (g) sexual abuse of a child, in violation of Section 76-5-404;
215          (h) aggravated sexual assault, in violation of Section 76-5-405;
216          (i) incest, in violation of Section 76-7-102; or
217          (j) an attempt to commit any offense listed in Subsections (4)(a) through (4)(i).
218          (5) An offense under this section is not eligible for a nonjudicial adjustment under
219     Section 80-6-304 or a referral to a youth court under Section 80-6-902.
220          (6) Except for an offense that is transferred to a district court by the juvenile court in
221     accordance with Section 80-6-504, the district court may enter any sentence or combination of
222     sentences that would have been available in juvenile court but for the delayed reporting or
223     delayed filing of the information in the district court.
224          (7) An offense under this section is not subject to registration under Subsection
225     [77-41-102(17)] 77-41-102(18).
226          Section 5. Section 76-9-702 is amended to read:
227          76-9-702. Lewdness.
228          (1) A person is guilty of lewdness if the person under circumstances not amounting to
229     rape, object rape, forcible sodomy, forcible sexual abuse, aggravated sexual assault, sexual
230     abuse of a minor, unlawful sexual conduct with a 16- or 17-year-old, custodial sexual relations
231     under Section 76-5-412, custodial sexual misconduct under Section 76-5-412.2, custodial
232     sexual relations with youth receiving state services under Section 76-5-413, custodial sexual
233     misconduct with youth receiving state services under Section 76-5-413.2, or an attempt to
234     commit any of these offenses, performs any of the following acts in a public place or under
235     circumstances which the person should know will likely cause affront or alarm to, on, or in the
236     presence of another who is 14 years old or older:
237          (a) an act of sexual intercourse or sodomy;
238          (b) exposes his or her genitals, the female breast below the top of the areola, the
239     buttocks, the anus, or the pubic area;
240          (c) masturbates; or
241          (d) any other act of lewdness.
242          (2) (a) A person convicted the first or second time of a violation of Subsection (1) is

243     guilty of a class B misdemeanor, except under Subsection (2)(b).
244          (b) A person convicted of a violation of Subsection (1) is guilty of a third degree felony
245     if at the time of the violation:
246          (i) the person is a sex offender as defined in Section 77-27-21.7;
247          (ii) the person has been previously convicted two or more times of violating Subsection
248     (1); or
249          (iii) the person has previously been convicted of a violation of Subsection (1) and has
250     also previously been convicted of a violation of Section 76-9-702.5.
251          (c) (i) For purposes of this Subsection (2) and Subsection [77-41-102(17)]
252     77-41-102(18), a plea of guilty or nolo contendere to a charge under this section that is held in
253     abeyance under Title 77, Chapter 2a, Pleas in Abeyance, is the equivalent of a conviction.
254          (ii) This Subsection (2)(c) also applies if the charge under this Subsection (2) has been
255     subsequently reduced or dismissed in accordance with the plea in abeyance agreement.
256          (3) A woman's breast feeding, including breast feeding in any location where the
257     woman otherwise may rightfully be, does not under any circumstance constitute a lewd act,
258     irrespective of whether or not the breast is covered during or incidental to feeding.
259          Section 6. Section 76-9-702.1 is amended to read:
260          76-9-702.1. Sexual battery.
261          (1) A person is guilty of sexual battery if the person, under circumstances not
262     amounting to an offense under Subsection (2), intentionally touches, whether or not through
263     clothing, the anus, buttocks, or any part of the genitals of another person, or the breast of a
264     female person, and the actor's conduct is under circumstances the actor knows or should know
265     will likely cause affront or alarm to the person touched.
266          (2) Offenses referred to in Subsection (1) are:
267          (a) rape, Section 76-5-402;
268          (b) rape of a child, Section 76-5-402.1;
269          (c) object rape, Section 76-5-402.2;
270          (d) object rape of a child, Section 76-5-402.3;
271          (e) forcible sodomy, Subsection 76-5-403(2);
272          (f) sodomy on a child, Section 76-5-403.1;
273          (g) forcible sexual abuse, Section 76-5-404;

274          (h) sexual abuse of a child, Section 76-5-404.1;
275          (i) aggravated sexual abuse of a child, Section 76-5-404.3;
276          (j) aggravated sexual assault, Section 76-5-405; and
277          (k) an attempt to commit any offense under this Subsection (2).
278          (3) Sexual battery is a class A misdemeanor.
279          (4) (a) For purposes of Subsection [77-41-102(17)] 77-41-102(18) only, a plea of guilty
280     or nolo contendere to a charge under this section that is held in abeyance under Title 77,
281     Chapter 2a, Pleas in Abeyance, is the equivalent of a conviction.
282          (b) This Subsection (4) also applies if the charge under this section has been
283     subsequently reduced or dismissed in accordance with the plea in abeyance agreement.
284          Section 7. Section 77-41-102 is amended to read:
285          77-41-102. Definitions.
286          As used in this chapter:
287          (1) "Bureau" means the Bureau of Criminal Identification of the Department of Public
288     Safety established in section 53-10-201.
289          (2) "Business day" means a day on which state offices are open for regular business.
290          (3) "Certificate of eligibility" means a document issued by the Bureau of Criminal
291     Identification showing that the offender has met the requirements of Section 77-41-112.
292          (4) (a) "Convicted" means a plea or conviction of:
293          (i) guilty;
294          (ii) guilty with a mental illness; or
295          (iii) no contest.
296          (b) "Convicted" includes, unless otherwise specified, the period a plea is held in
297     abeyance pursuant to a plea in abeyance agreement as defined in Section 77-2a-1.
298          (c) "Convicted" does not include:
299          (i) a withdrawn or dismissed plea in abeyance;
300          (ii) a diversion agreement; or
301          (iii) an adjudication of a minor for an offense under Section 80-6-701.
302          [(4)] (5) "Department" means the Department of Corrections.
303          [(5)] (6) "Division" means the Division of Juvenile Justice Services.
304          [(6)] (7) "Employed" or "carries on a vocation" includes employment that is full time

305     or part time, whether financially compensated, volunteered, or for the purpose of government
306     or educational benefit.
307          [(7)] (8) "Indian Country" means:
308          (a) all land within the limits of any Indian reservation under the jurisdiction of the
309     United States government, regardless of the issuance of any patent, and includes rights-of-way
310     running through the reservation;
311          (b) all dependent Indian communities within the borders of the United States whether
312     within the original or subsequently acquired territory, and whether or not within the limits of a
313     state; and
314          (c) all Indian allotments, including the Indian allotments to which the Indian titles have
315     not been extinguished, including rights-of-way running through the allotments.
316          [(8)] (9) "Jurisdiction" means any state, Indian Country, United States Territory, or any
317     property under the jurisdiction of the United States military, Canada, the United Kingdom,
318     Australia, or New Zealand.
319          [(9)] (10) "Kidnap offender" means any individual, other than a natural parent of the
320     victim:
321          (a) who has been convicted in this state of a violation of:
322          (i) Subsection 76-5-301(2)(c) or (d), kidnapping;
323          (ii) Section 76-5-301.1, child kidnapping;
324          (iii) Section 76-5-302, aggravated kidnapping;
325          (iv) Section 76-5-308, human trafficking for labor;
326          (v) Section 76-5-308.3, human smuggling;
327          (vi) Section 76-5-308, human smuggling, when the individual smuggled is under 18
328     years old;
329          (vii) Section 76-5-308.5, human trafficking of a child for labor;
330          (viii) Section 76-5-310, aggravated human trafficking;
331          (ix) Section 76-5-310.1, aggravated human smuggling;
332          (x) Section 76-5-311, human trafficking of a vulnerable adult for labor; or
333          (xi) attempting, soliciting, or conspiring to commit any felony offense listed in
334     Subsections [(9)(a)(i) through (iii);] (10)(a)(i) through (x);
335          (b) (i) who has been convicted of any crime, or an attempt, solicitation, or conspiracy

336     to commit a crime in another jurisdiction, including any state, federal, or military court that is
337     substantially equivalent to the offenses listed in Subsection [(9)(a);] (10)(a); and
338          (ii) who is:
339          (A) a Utah resident; or
340          (B) not a Utah resident, but who, in any 12-month period, is in this state for a total of
341     10 or more days, regardless of whether or not the offender intends to permanently reside in this
342     state;
343          (c) (i) (A) who is required to register as a kidnap offender in any other jurisdiction of
344     original conviction;
345          (B) who is required to register as a kidnap offender by any state, federal, or military
346     court; or
347          (C) who would be required to register as a kidnap offender if residing in the
348     jurisdiction of the conviction regardless of the date of the conviction or any previous
349     registration requirements; and
350          (ii) in any 12-month period, who is in this state for a total of 10 or more days,
351     regardless of whether or not the offender intends to permanently reside in this state;
352          (d) (i) (A) who is a nonresident regularly employed or working in this state; or
353          (B) who is a student in this state; and
354          (ii) (A) who was convicted of one or more offenses listed in Subsection [(9),] (10), or
355     any substantially equivalent offense in another jurisdiction; or
356          (B) as a result of the conviction, who is required to register in the individual's state of
357     residence;
358          (e) who is found not guilty by reason of insanity in this state or in any other jurisdiction
359     of one or more offenses listed in Subsection [(9);] (10); or
360          (f) (i) who is adjudicated under Section 80-6-701 for one or more offenses listed in
361     Subsection [(9)(a);] (10)(a); and
362          (ii) who has been committed to the division for secure care, as defined in Section
363     80-1-102, for that offense [and] if:
364          (A) the individual remains in the division's custody until 30 days before the individual's
365     21st birthday; [or]
366          (B) [if] the juvenile court extended the juvenile court's jurisdiction over the individual

367     under Section 80-6-605[,] and the individual remains in the division's custody until 30 days
368     before the individual's 25th birthday; or
369          (C) the individual is moved from the division's custody to the custody of the
370     department before expiration of the division's jurisdiction over the individual.
371          [(10)] (11) "Natural parent" means a minor's biological or adoptive parent, and
372     includes the minor's noncustodial parent.
373          [(11)] (12) "Offender" means a kidnap offender as defined in Subsection [(9)] (10) or a
374     sex offender as defined in Subsection [(17).] (18).
375          [(12)] (13) "Online identifier" or "Internet identifier":
376          (a) means any electronic mail, chat, instant messenger, social networking, or similar
377     name used for Internet communication; and
378          (b) does not include date of birth, social security number, PIN number, or Internet
379     passwords.
380          [(13)] (14) "Primary residence" means the location where the offender regularly
381     resides, even if the offender intends to move to another location or return to another location at
382     any future date.
383          [(14)] (15) "Register" means to comply with the requirements of this chapter and
384     administrative rules of the department made under this chapter.
385          [(15)] (16) "Registration website" means the Sex and Kidnap Offender Notification
386     and Registration website described in Section 77-41-110 and the information on the website.
387          [(16)] (17) "Secondary residence" means any real property that the offender owns or
388     has a financial interest in, or any location where, in any 12-month period, the offender stays
389     overnight a total of 10 or more nights when not staying at the offender's primary residence.
390          [(17)] (18) "Sex offender" means any individual:
391          (a) convicted in this state of:
392          (i) a felony or class A misdemeanor violation of Section 76-4-401, enticing a minor;
393          (ii) Section 76-5b-202, sexual exploitation of a vulnerable adult;
394          (iii) Section 76-5-308.1, human trafficking for sexual exploitation;
395          (iv) Section 76-5-308.5, human trafficking of a child for sexual exploitation;
396          (v) Section 76-5-310, aggravated human trafficking for sexual exploitation;
397          (vi) Section 76-5-311, human trafficking of a vulnerable adult for sexual exploitation;

398          (vii) Section 76-5-401, unlawful sexual activity with a minor, except as provided in
399     Subsection 76-5-401(3)(b) or (c);
400          (viii) Section 76-5-401.1, sexual abuse of a minor, except as provided in Subsection
401     76-5-401.1(3);
402          (ix) Section 76-5-401.2, unlawful sexual conduct with a 16 or 17 year old;
403          (x) Section 76-5-402, rape;
404          (xi) Section 76-5-402.1, rape of a child;
405          (xii) Section 76-5-402.2, object rape;
406          (xiii) Section 76-5-402.3, object rape of a child;
407          (xiv) a felony violation of Section 76-5-403, forcible sodomy;
408          (xv) Section 76-5-403.1, sodomy on a child;
409          (xvi) Section 76-5-404, forcible sexual abuse;
410          (xvii) Section 76-5-404.1, sexual abuse of a child, or Section 76-5-404.3, aggravated
411     sexual abuse of a child;
412          (xviii) Section 76-5-405, aggravated sexual assault;
413          (xix) Section 76-5-412, custodial sexual relations, when the individual in custody is
414     younger than 18 years old, if the offense is committed on or after May 10, 2011;
415          (xx) Section 76-5b-201, sexual exploitation of a minor;
416          (xxi) Section 76-5b-201.1, aggravated sexual exploitation of a minor;
417          (xxii) Section 76-5b-204, sexual extortion or aggravated sexual extortion;
418          (xxiii) Section 76-7-102, incest;
419          (xxiv) Section 76-9-702, lewdness, if the individual has been convicted of the offense
420     four or more times;
421          (xxv) Section 76-9-702.1, sexual battery, if the individual has been convicted of the
422     offense four or more times;
423          (xxvi) any combination of convictions of Section 76-9-702, lewdness, and of Section
424     76-9-702.1, sexual battery, that total four or more convictions;
425          (xxvii) Section 76-9-702.5, lewdness involving a child;
426          (xxviii) a felony or class A misdemeanor violation of Section 76-9-702.7, voyeurism;
427          (xxix) Section 76-10-1306, aggravated exploitation of prostitution; or
428          (xxx) attempting, soliciting, or conspiring to commit any felony offense listed in this

429     Subsection [(17)(a)] (18)(a);
430          (b) (i) who has been convicted of any crime, or an attempt, solicitation, or conspiracy
431     to commit a crime in another jurisdiction, including any state, federal, or military court that is
432     substantially equivalent to the offenses listed in Subsection [(17)(a);] (18)(a); and
433          (ii) who is:
434          (A) a Utah resident; or
435          (B) not a Utah resident, but who, in any 12-month period, is in this state for a total of
436     10 or more days, regardless of whether the offender intends to permanently reside in this state;
437          (c) (i) (A) who is required to register as a sex offender in any other jurisdiction of
438     original conviction;
439          (B) who is required to register as a sex offender by any state, federal, or military court;
440     or
441          (C) who would be required to register as a sex offender if residing in the jurisdiction of
442     the original conviction regardless of the date of the conviction or any previous registration
443     requirements; and
444          (ii) who, in any 12-month period, is in the state for a total of 10 or more days,
445     regardless of whether or not the offender intends to permanently reside in this state;
446          (d) (i) (A) who is a nonresident regularly employed or working in this state; or
447          (B) who is a student in this state; and
448          (ii) (A) who was convicted of one or more offenses listed in Subsection [(17)(a)]
449     (18)(a), or any substantially equivalent offense in any jurisdiction; or
450          (B) who is, as a result of the conviction, required to register in the individual's
451     jurisdiction of residence;
452          (e) who is found not guilty by reason of insanity in this state, or in any other
453     jurisdiction of one or more offenses listed in Subsection [(17)(a);] (18)(a); or
454          (f) (i) who is adjudicated under Section 80-6-701 for one or more offenses listed in
455     Subsection [(17)(a);] (18)(a); and
456          (ii) who has been committed to the division for secure care, as defined in Section
457     80-1-102, for that offense [and] if:
458          (A) the individual remains in the division's custody until 30 days before the individual's
459     21st birthday; [or]

460          (B) [if] the juvenile court extended the juvenile court's jurisdiction over the individual
461     under Section 80-6-605[,] and the individual remains in the division's custody until 30 days
462     before the individual's 25th birthday[.]; or
463          (C) the individual is moved from the division's custody to the custody of the
464     department before expiration of the division's jurisdiction over the individual.
465          [(18)] (19) "Traffic offense" does not include a violation of Title 41, Chapter 6a, Part 5,
466     Driving Under the Influence and Reckless Driving.
467          [(19)] (20) "Vehicle" means any motor vehicle, aircraft, or watercraft subject to
468     registration in any jurisdiction.
469          Section 8. Section 77-41-103 is amended to read:
470          77-41-103. Department duties.
471          (1) The department, to assist in investigating kidnapping and sex-related crimes, and in
472     apprehending offenders, shall:
473          (a) develop and operate a system to collect, analyze, maintain, and disseminate
474     information on offenders and sex and kidnap offenses;
475          (b) make information listed in Subsection 77-41-110(4) available to the public; and
476          (c) share information provided by an offender under this chapter that may not be made
477     available to the public under Subsection 77-41-110(4), but only:
478          (i) for the purposes under this chapter; or
479          (ii) in accordance with Section 63G-2-206.
480          (2) Any law enforcement agency shall, in the manner prescribed by the department,
481     inform the department of:
482          (a) the receipt of a report or complaint of an offense listed in Subsection [77-41-102(9)
483     or (17),] 77-41-102(10) or (18), within three business days; and
484          (b) the arrest of a person suspected of any of the offenses listed in Subsection
485     [77-41-102(9) or (17)] 77-41-102(10) or (18), within five business days.
486          (3) Upon convicting a person of any of the offenses listed in Subsection [77-41-102(9)
487     or (17)] 77-41-102(10) or (18), the convicting court shall within three business days forward a
488     signed copy of the judgment and sentence to the Sex and Kidnap Offender Registry office
489     within the Department of Corrections.
490          (4) Upon modifying, withdrawing, setting aside, vacating, or otherwise altering a

491     conviction for any offense listed in Subsection [77-41-102(9) or (17)] 77-41-102(10) or (18),
492     the court shall, within three business days, forward a signed copy of the order to the Sex and
493     Kidnap Offender Registry office within the Department of Corrections.
494          (5) The department may intervene in any matter, including a criminal action, where the
495     matter purports to affect a person's lawfully entered registration requirement.
496          (6) The department shall:
497          (a) provide the following additional information when available:
498          (i) the crimes the offender has been convicted of or adjudicated delinquent for;
499          (ii) a description of the offender's primary and secondary targets; and
500          (iii) any other relevant identifying information as determined by the department;
501          (b) maintain the Sex Offender and Kidnap Offender Notification and Registration
502     website; and
503          (c) ensure that the registration information collected regarding an offender's enrollment
504     or employment at an educational institution is:
505          (i) (A) promptly made available to any law enforcement agency that has jurisdiction
506     where the institution is located if the educational institution is an institution of higher
507     education; or
508          (B) promptly made available to the district superintendent of the school district where
509     the offender is employed if the educational institution is an institution of primary education;
510     and
511          (ii) entered into the appropriate state records or data system.
512          Section 9. Section 77-41-105 is amended to read:
513          77-41-105. Registration of offenders -- Offender responsibilities.
514          (1) (a) An offender who enters this state from another jurisdiction is required to register
515     under Subsection (3) and Subsection [77-41-102(9) or (17)] 77-41-102(10) or (18).
516          (b) The offender shall register with the department within 10 days after the day on
517     which the offender enters the state, regardless of the offender's length of stay.
518          (2) (a) An offender required to register under Subsection [77-41-102(9) or (17)]
519     77-41-102(10) or (18) who is under supervision by the department shall register in person with
520     Division of Adult Probation and Parole.
521          (b) An offender required to register under Subsection [77-41-102(9) or (17)]

522     77-41-102(10) or (18) who is no longer under supervision by the department shall register in
523     person with the police department or sheriff's office that has jurisdiction over the area where
524     the offender resides.
525          (3) (a) Except as provided in Subsections (3)(b), (c), and (4), an offender shall, for the
526     duration of the sentence and for 10 years after termination of sentence or custody of the
527     division, register each year during the month of the offender's date of birth, during the month
528     that is the sixth month after the offender's birth month, and within three business days after the
529     day on which there is a change of the offender's primary residence, any secondary residences,
530     place of employment, vehicle information, or educational information required to be submitted
531     under Subsection (7).
532          (b) Except as provided in Subsections (3)(c)(iii), (4), and (5), an offender who is
533     convicted in another jurisdiction of an offense listed in Subsection [77-41-102(9)(a) or (17)(a)]
534     77-41-102(10)(a) or (18)(a), a substantially similar offense, another offense that requires
535     registration in the jurisdiction of conviction, or an offender who is ordered by a court of
536     another jurisdiction to register as an offender shall:
537          (i) register for the time period, and in the frequency, required by the jurisdiction where
538     the offender was convicted or ordered to register if:
539          (A) that jurisdiction's registration period or registration frequency requirement for the
540     offense that the offender was convicted of is greater than the registration period required under
541     Subsection (3)(a), or is more frequent than every six months; or
542          (B) that jurisdiction's court order requires registration for greater than the registration
543     period required under Subsection (3)(a) or more frequently than every six months; or
544          (ii) register in accordance with the requirements of Subsection (3)(a), if the
545     jurisdiction's registration period or frequency requirement for the offense that the offender was
546     convicted of is less than the registration period required under Subsection (3)(a), or is less
547     frequent than every six months.
548          (c) (i) An offender convicted as an adult of an offense listed in Section 77-41-106
549     shall, for the offender's lifetime, register each year during the month of the offender's birth,
550     during the month that is the sixth month after the offender's birth month, and also within three
551     business days after the day on which there is a change of the offender's primary residence, any
552     secondary residences, place of employment, vehicle information, or educational information

553     required to be submitted under Subsection (7).
554          (ii) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(c)(iii), the registration requirement described
555     in Subsection (3)(c)(i) is not subject to exemptions and may not be terminated or altered during
556     the offender's lifetime, unless a petition is granted under Section 77-41-112.
557          (iii) (A) If the sentencing court at any time after conviction determines that the offense
558     does not involve force or coercion, lifetime registration under Subsection (3)(c)(i) does not
559     apply to an offender who commits the offense when the offender is under 21 years of age.
560          (B) For an offense listed in Section 77-41-106, an offender who commits the offense
561     when the offender is under 21 years of age shall register for the registration period required
562     under Subsection (3)(a), unless a petition is granted under Section 77-41-112.
563          (d) For the purpose of establishing venue for a violation of this Subsection (3), the
564     violation is considered to be committed:
565          (i) at the most recent registered primary residence of the offender or at the location of
566     the offender, if the actual location of the offender at the time of the violation is not known; or
567          (ii) at the location of the offender at the time the offender is apprehended.
568          (4) Notwithstanding Subsection (3) and Section 77-41-106, an offender who is
569     confined in a secure facility or in a state mental hospital is not required to register during the
570     period of confinement.
571          (5) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (5)(b), in the case of an offender adjudicated
572     in another jurisdiction as a juvenile and required to register under this chapter, the offender
573     shall register in the time period and in the frequency consistent with the requirements of
574     Subsection (3).
575          (b) If the jurisdiction of the offender's adjudication does not publish the offender's
576     information on a public website, the department shall maintain, but not publish the offender's
577     information on the registration website.
578          (6) A sex offender who violates Section 77-27-21.8 regarding being in the presence of
579     a child while required to register under this chapter shall register for an additional five years
580     subsequent to the registration period otherwise required under this chapter.
581          (7) An offender shall provide the department or the registering entity with the
582     following information:
583          (a) all names and aliases by which the offender is or has been known;

584          (b) the addresses of the offender's primary and secondary residences;
585          (c) a physical description, including the offender's date of birth, height, weight, eye and
586     hair color;
587          (d) the make, model, color, year, plate number, and vehicle identification number of a
588     vehicle or vehicles the offender owns or [regularly] drives more than 12 times per year;
589          (e) a current photograph of the offender;
590          (f) a set of fingerprints, if one has not already been provided;
591          (g) a DNA specimen, taken in accordance with Section 53-10-404, if one has not
592     already been provided;
593          (h) telephone numbers and any other designations used by the offender for routing or
594     self-identification in telephonic communications from fixed locations or cellular telephones;
595          (i) Internet identifiers and the addresses the offender uses for routing or
596     self-identification in Internet communications or postings;
597          (j) the name and Internet address of all websites on which the offender is registered
598     using an online identifier, including all online identifiers used to access those websites;
599          (k) a copy of the offender's passport, if a passport has been issued to the offender;
600          (l) if the offender is an alien, all documents establishing the offender's immigration
601     status;
602          (m) all professional licenses that authorize the offender to engage in an occupation or
603     carry out a trade or business, including any identifiers, such as numbers;
604          (n) each educational institution in Utah at which the offender is employed, carries on a
605     vocation, or is a student, and a change of enrollment or employment status of the offender at an
606     educational institution;
607          (o) the name, the telephone number, and the address of a place where the offender is
608     employed or will be employed;
609          (p) the name, the telephone number, and the address of a place where the offender
610     works as a volunteer or will work as a volunteer; and
611          (q) the offender's social security number.
612          (8) (a) An offender may change the offender's name in accordance with Title 42,
613     Chapter 1, Change of Name, if the name change is not contrary to the interests of the public.
614          (b) Notwithstanding Section 42-1-2, an offender shall provide notice to the department

615     at least 30 days before the day on which the hearing for the name change is held.
616          (c) The court shall provide a copy of the order granting the offender's name change to
617     the department within 10 days after the day on which the court issues the order.
618          (d) If the court orders an offender's name changed, the department shall publish on the
619     registration website the offender's former name, and the offender's changed name as an alias.
620          (9) Notwithstanding Subsections (7)(i) and (j) and 77-41-103(1)(c), an offender is not
621     required to provide the department with:
622          (a) the offender's online identifier and password used exclusively for the offender's
623     employment on equipment provided by an employer and used to access the employer's private
624     network; or
625          (b) online identifiers for the offender's financial accounts, including a bank, retirement,
626     or investment account.
627          Section 10. Section 77-41-106 is amended to read:
628          77-41-106. Offenses requiring lifetime registration.
629          Offenses referred to in Subsection 77-41-105(3)(c)(i) are:
630          (1) any offense listed in Subsection [77-41-102(9) or (17)] 77-41-102(10) or (18) if, at
631     the time of the conviction, the offender has previously been convicted of an offense listed in
632     Subsection [77-41-102(9) or (17)] 77-41-102(10) or (18) or has previously been required to
633     register as a sex offender for an offense committed as a juvenile;
634          (2) a conviction for any of the following offenses, including attempting, soliciting, or
635     conspiring to commit any felony of:
636          (a) Section 76-5-301.1, child kidnapping, except if the offender is a natural parent of
637     the victim;
638          (b) Section 76-5-402, rape;
639          (c) Section 76-5-402.1, rape of a child;
640          (d) Section 76-5-402.2, object rape;
641          (e) Section 76-5-402.3, object rape of a child;
642          (f) Section 76-5-403.1, sodomy on a child;
643          (g) Section 76-5-404.3, aggravated sexual abuse of a child; or
644          (h) Section 76-5-405, aggravated sexual assault;
645          (3) Section 76-5-308.1, human trafficking for sexual exploitation;

646          (4) Section 76-5-308.5, human trafficking of a child for sexual exploitation;
647          (5) Section 76-5-310, aggravated human trafficking for sexual exploitation;
648          (6) Section 76-5-311, human trafficking of a vulnerable adult for sexual exploitation;
649          (7) Section 76-4-401, a felony violation of enticing a minor over the Internet;
650          (8) Section 76-5-302, aggravated kidnapping, except if the offender is a natural parent
651     of the victim;
652          (9) Section 76-5-403, forcible sodomy;
653          (10) Section 76-5-404.1, sexual abuse of a child;
654          (11) Section 76-5b-201, sexual exploitation of a minor;
655          (12) Section 76-5b-201.1, aggravated sexual exploitation of a minor;
656          (13) Subsection 76-5b-204(2)(b), aggravated sexual extortion; or
657          (14) Section 76-10-1306, aggravated exploitation of prostitution, on or after May 10,
658     2011.
659          Section 11. Section 77-41-107 is amended to read:
660          77-41-107. Penalties.
661          (1) An offender who knowingly fails to register under this chapter or provides false or
662     incomplete information is guilty of:
663          (a) a third degree felony and shall be sentenced to serve a term of incarceration for not
664     less than 30 days and also at least one year of probation if:
665          (i) the offender is required to register for a felony conviction or adjudicated delinquent
666     for what would be a felony if the juvenile were an adult of an offense listed in Subsection
667     [77-41-102(9)(a) or (17)(a)] 77-41-102(10)(a) or (18)(a); or
668          (ii) the offender is required to register for the offender's lifetime under Subsection
669     77-41-105(3)(c); or
670          (b) a class A misdemeanor and shall be sentenced to serve a term of incarceration for
671     not fewer than 30 days and also at least one year of probation if the offender is required to
672     register for a misdemeanor conviction or is adjudicated delinquent for what would be a
673     misdemeanor if the juvenile were an adult of an offense listed in Subsection [77-41-102(9)(a)
674     or (17)(a)] 77-41-102(10)(a) or (18)(a).
675          (2) (a) Neither the court nor the Board of Pardons and Parole may release an individual
676     who violates this chapter from serving the term required under Subsection (1).

677          (b) This Subsection (2) supersedes any other provision of the law contrary to this
678     chapter.
679          (3) The offender shall register for an additional year for every year in which the
680     offender does not comply with the registration requirements of this chapter.
681          Section 12. Section 77-41-109 is amended to read:
682          77-41-109. Miscellaneous provisions.
683          (1) (a) If an offender is to be temporarily sent on any assignment outside a secure
684     facility in which the offender is confined on any assignment, including, without limitation,
685     firefighting or disaster control, the official who has custody of the offender shall, within a
686     reasonable time prior to removal from the secure facility, notify the local law enforcement
687     agencies where the assignment is to be filled.
688          (b) This Subsection (1) does not apply to any person temporarily released under guard
689     from the institution in which the person is confined.
690          (2) Notwithstanding Title 77, Chapter 40a, Expungement, a person convicted of any
691     offense listed in Subsection [77-41-102(9) or (17)] 77-41-102(10) or (18) is not relieved from
692     the responsibility to register as required under this section, unless the offender is removed from
693     the registry under Section 77-41-112 or Section 77-41-113.
694          Section 13. Section 77-41-110 is amended to read:
695          77-41-110. Sex offender and kidnap offender registry -- Department to maintain.
696          (1) The department shall maintain a Sex Offender and Kidnap Offender Notification
697     and Registration website on the Internet, which shall contain a disclaimer informing the public:
698          (a) the information contained on the site is obtained from offenders and the department
699     does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness;
700          (b) members of the public are not allowed to use the information to harass or threaten
701     offenders or members of their families; and
702          (c) harassment, stalking, or threats against offenders or their families are prohibited and
703     doing so may violate Utah criminal laws.
704          (2) The Sex Offender and Kidnap Offender Notification and Registration website shall
705     be indexed by both the surname of the offender and by postal codes.
706          (3) The department shall construct the Sex Offender Notification and Registration
707     website so that users, before accessing registry information, must indicate that they have read

708     the disclaimer, understand it, and agree to comply with its terms.
709          (4) Except as provided in Subsection (5), the Sex Offender and Kidnap Offender
710     Notification and Registration website shall include the following registry information:
711          (a) all names and aliases by which the offender is or has been known, but not including
712     any online or Internet identifiers;
713          (b) the addresses of the offender's primary, secondary, and temporary residences;
714          (c) a physical description, including the offender's date of birth, height, weight, and eye
715     and hair color;
716          (d) the make, model, color, year, and plate number of any vehicle or vehicles the
717     offender owns or regularly drives;
718          (e) a current photograph of the offender;
719          (f) a list of all professional licenses that authorize the offender to engage in an
720     occupation or carry out a trade or business;
721          (g) each educational institution in Utah at which the offender is employed, carries on a
722     vocation, or is a student;
723          (h) a list of places where the offender works as a volunteer; and
724          (i) the crimes listed in Subsections [77-41-102(9) and (16)] 77-41-102(10) and (18)
725     that the offender has been convicted of or for which the offender has been adjudicated
726     delinquent in juvenile court.
727          (5) The department, its personnel, and any individual or entity acting at the request or
728     upon the direction of the department are immune from civil liability for damages for good faith
729     compliance with this chapter and will be presumed to have acted in good faith by reporting
730     information.
731          (6) The department shall redact information that, if disclosed, could reasonably identify
732     a victim.
733          Section 14. Section 77-41-113 is amended to read:
734          77-41-113. Removal for offenses or convictions for which registration is no longer
735     required.
736          (1) The department shall automatically remove an individual who is currently on the
737     Sex and Kidnap Offender Registry because of a conviction if:
738          (a) the only offense or offenses for which the individual is on the registry are listed in

739     Subsection (2); or
740          (b) the department receives a formal notification or order from the court or the Board
741     of Pardons and Parole that the conviction for the offense or offenses for which the individual is
742     on the registry have been reversed, vacated, or pardoned.
743          (2) The offenses described in Subsection (1)(a) are:
744          (a) a class B or class C misdemeanor for enticing a minor, Section 76-4-401;
745          (b) kidnapping, based upon Subsection 76-5-301(2)(a) or (b);
746          (c) child kidnapping, Section 76-5-301.1, if the offender was the natural parent of the
747     child victim;
748          (d) unlawful detention, Section 76-5-304;
749          (e) a third degree felony for unlawful sexual intercourse before 1986, or a class B
750     misdemeanor for unlawful sexual intercourse, Section 76-5-401; or
751          (f) sodomy, but not forcible sodomy, Section 76-5-403[; or].
752          [(g) unless the offender is an individual described in Subsection 77-41-102(9)(f) or
753     (17)(f), an offense committed in Utah before the offender is 18 years old.]
754          (3) (a) The department shall notify an individual who has been removed from the
755     registry in accordance with Subsection (1).
756          (b) The notice described in Subsection (3)(a) shall include a statement that the
757     individual is no longer required to register as a sex offender.
758          (4) An individual who is currently on the Sex and Kidnap Offender Registry may
759     submit a request to the department to be removed from the registry if the individual believes
760     that the individual qualifies for removal under this section.
761          (5) The department, upon receipt of a request for removal from the registry shall:
762          (a) check the registry for the individual's current status;
763          (b) determine whether the individual qualifies for removal based upon this section; and
764          (c) notify the individual in writing of the department's determination and whether the
765     individual:
766          (i) qualifies for removal from the registry; or
767          (ii) does not qualify for removal.
768          (6) If the department determines that the individual qualifies for removal from the
769     registry, the department shall remove the offender from the registry.

770          (7) If the department determines that the individual does not qualify for removal from
771     the registry, the department shall provide an explanation in writing for the department's
772     determination. The department's determination is final and not subject to administrative review.
773          (8) Neither the department nor any employee may be civilly liable for a determination
774     made in good faith in accordance with this section.
775          (9) The department shall provide a response to a request for removal within 30 days of
776     receipt of the request. If the response cannot be provided within 30 days, the department shall
777     notify the individual that the response may be delayed up to 30 additional days.
778          Section 15. Section 77-41-114 is enacted to read:
779          77-41-114. Registration for individuals under 18 years old at the time of the
780     offense.
781          (1) Except for an offender who is subject to lifetime registration under Subsection
782     77-41-106(1), the department shall, if the offender was under 18 years old at the time of the
783     offense, maintain, but not publish, the offender's information on the registration website for an
784     offense listed in Subsection 77-41-102(10)(a), (e), or (f) or 77-41-102(18)(a), (e), or (f).
785          (2) (a) If, based on the information provided to the department by the sentencing court,
786     prosecuting entity, offender, or offender's counsel, the department cannot determine if the
787     offender is eligible for an exemption to publication on the registration website as described in
788     Subsection (1), the department shall continue to publish the offender's information on the
789     registration website.
790          (b) Information may be provided to the department at any time in order to clarify the
791     offender's age at the time of the offense.
792          (c) This section does not prohibit the department from seeking or receiving information
793     from individuals or entities other than those identified in Subsection (2)(a).
794          (3) This section applies to offenders with a registration requirement on or after May 3,
795     2023, regardless of when the offender was first required to register.
796          (4) An offender convicted after May 3, 2023, of an offense committed when the
797     individual was under 18 years old, is not subject to registration requirements under this chapter
798     unless the offender:
799          (a) is charged by criminal information in juvenile court under Section 80-6-503;
800          (b) is bound over to district court in accordance with Section 80-6-504; and

801          (c) is convicted of a qualifying offense described in Subsection 77-41-102(10)(a) or
802     77-41-102(18)(a).
803          Section 16. Section 78B-8-302 is amended to read:
804          78B-8-302. Process servers.
805          (1) Complaints, summonses, and subpoenas may be served by a person who is:
806          (a) 18 years [of age] old or older at the time of service; and
807          (b) not a party to the action or a party's attorney.
808          (2) Except as provided in Subsection (5), the following may serve all process issued by
809     the courts of this state:
810          (a) a peace officer employed by a political subdivision of the state acting within the
811     scope and jurisdiction of the peace officer's employment;
812          (b) a sheriff or appointed deputy sheriff employed by a county of the state;
813          (c) a constable, or the constable's deputy, serving in compliance with applicable law;
814          (d) an investigator employed by the state and authorized by law to serve civil process;
815     and
816          (e) a private investigator licensed in accordance with Title 53, Chapter 9, Private
817     Investigator Regulation Act.
818          (3) A private investigator licensed in accordance with Title 53, Chapter 9, Private
819     Investigator Regulation Act, may not make an arrest pursuant to a bench warrant.
820          (4) While serving process, a private investigator shall:
821          (a) have on the investigator's person a visible form of credentials and identification
822     identifying:
823          (i) the investigator's name;
824          (ii) that the investigator is a licensed private investigator; and
825          (iii) the name and address of the agency employing the investigator or, if the
826     investigator is self-employed, the address of the investigator's place of business;
827          (b) verbally communicate to the person being served that the investigator is acting as a
828     process server; and
829          (c) print on the first page of each document served:
830          (i) the investigator's name and identification number as a private investigator; and
831          (ii) the address and phone number for the investigator's place of business.

832          (5) Any service under this section when the use of force is authorized on the face of the
833     document, or when a breach of the peace is imminent or likely under the totality of the
834     circumstances, may only be served by:
835          (a) a law enforcement officer, as defined in Section 53-13-103; or
836          (b) a constable, as listed in Subsection 53-13-105(1)(b)(ii).
837          (6) The following may not serve process issued by a court:
838          (a) a person convicted of a felony violation of an offense listed in Subsection
839     [77-41-102(17)] 77-41-102(18); or
840          (b) a person who is a respondent in a proceeding described in Title 78B, Chapter 7,
841     Protective Orders and Stalking Injunctions, in which a court has granted the petitioner a
842     protective order.
843          (7) A person serving process shall:
844          (a) legibly document the date and time of service on the front page of the document
845     being served;
846          (b) legibly print the process server's name, address, and telephone number on the return
847     of service;
848          (c) sign the return of service in substantial compliance with Title 78B, Chapter 18a,
849     Uniform Unsworn Declarations Act;
850          (d) if the process server is a peace officer, sheriff, or deputy sheriff, legibly print the
851     badge number of the process server on the return of service; and
852          (e) if the process server is a private investigator, legibly print the private investigator's
853     identification number on the return of service.
854          Section 17. Section 80-5-201 is amended to read:
855          80-5-201. Division responsibilities.
856          (1) The division is responsible for all minors committed to the division by juvenile
857     courts under Sections 80-6-703 and 80-6-705.
858          (2) The division shall:
859          (a) establish and administer a continuum of community, secure, and nonsecure
860     programs for all minors committed to the division;
861          (b) establish and maintain all detention and secure care facilities and set minimum
862     standards for all detention and secure care facilities;

863          (c) establish and operate prevention and early intervention youth services programs for
864     nonadjudicated minors placed with the division;
865          (d) establish observation and assessment programs necessary to serve minors in a
866     nonresidential setting under Subsection 80-6-706(1);
867          (e) place minors committed to the division under Section 80-6-703 in the most
868     appropriate program for supervision and treatment;
869          (f) employ staff necessary to:
870          (i) supervise and control minors committed to the division for secure care or placement
871     in the community;
872          (ii) supervise and coordinate treatment of minors committed to the division for
873     placement in community-based programs; and
874          (iii) control and supervise adjudicated and nonadjudicated minors placed with the
875     division for temporary services in juvenile receiving centers, youth services, and other
876     programs established by the division;
877          (g) control or detain a minor committed to the division, or in the temporary custody of
878     the division, in a manner that is consistent with public safety and rules made by the division;
879          (h) establish and operate work programs for minors committed to the division by the
880     juvenile court that:
881          (i) are not residential;
882          (ii) provide labor to help in the operation, repair, and maintenance of public facilities,
883     parks, highways, and other programs designated by the division;
884          (iii) provide educational and prevocational programs in cooperation with the State
885     Board of Education for minors placed in the program; and
886          (iv) provide counseling to minors;
887          (i) establish minimum standards for the operation of all private residential and
888     nonresidential rehabilitation facilities that provide services to minors who have committed an
889     offense in this state or in any other state;
890          (j) provide regular training for secure care staff, detention staff, case management staff,
891     and staff of the community-based programs;
892          (k) designate employees to obtain the saliva DNA specimens required under Section
893     53-10-403;

894          (l) ensure that the designated employees receive appropriate training and that the
895     specimens are obtained in accordance with accepted protocol;
896          (m) register an individual with the Department of Corrections who:
897          (i) is adjudicated for an offense listed in Subsection [77-41-102(17)(a)]
898     77-41-102(18)(a) or 77-43-102(2);
899          (ii) is committed to the division for secure care; and
900          (iii) (A) if the individual is a youth offender, remains in the division's custody 30 days
901     before the individual's 21st birthday; or
902          (B) if the individual is a serious youth offender, remains in the division's custody 30
903     days before the individual's 25th birthday; and
904          (n) ensure that a program delivered to a minor under this section is an evidence-based
905     program in accordance with Section 63M-7-208.
906          (3) (a) The division is authorized to employ special function officers, as defined in
907     Section 53-13-105, to:
908          (i) locate and apprehend minors who have absconded from division custody;
909          (ii) transport minors taken into custody in accordance with division policy;
910          (iii) investigate cases; and
911          (iv) carry out other duties as assigned by the division.
912          (b) A special function officer may be:
913          (i) employed through a contract with the Department of Public Safety, or any law
914     enforcement agency certified by the Peace Officer Standards and Training Division; or
915          (ii) directly hired by the division.
916          (4) In the event of an unauthorized leave from secure care, detention, a
917     community-based program, a juvenile receiving center, a home, or any other designated
918     placement of a minor, a division employee has the authority and duty to locate and apprehend
919     the minor, or to initiate action with a local law enforcement agency for assistance.
920          (5) The division may proceed with an initial medical screening or assessment of a child
921     admitted to a detention facility to ensure the safety of the child and others in the detention
922     facility if the division makes a good faith effort to obtain consent for the screening or
923     assessment from the child's parent or guardian.