


Chief Sponsor: Jeffrey D. Stenquist

Senate Sponsor: ____________


8     General Description:
9          This bill makes approval voting an option for municipal elections under the Municipal
10     Voting Methods Pilot Project.
11     Highlighted Provisions:
12          This bill:
13          ▸     defines terms;
14          ▸     gives a participating municipality the option of selecting different methods of
15     conducting an election as part of the Municipal Alternate Voting Methods Pilot
16     Project;
17          ▸     describes the process of voting and of determining winners in an alternate voting
18     methods race, depending on the voting method selected by a participating
19     municipality; and
20          ▸     makes technical and conforming changes.
21     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
22          None
23     Other Special Clauses:
24          None
25     Utah Code Sections Affected:
26     AMENDS:
27          20A-1-304, as repealed and reenacted by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 187

28          20A-3a-204, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2022, Chapter 156
29          20A-4-101, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2022, Chapter 342
30          20A-4-102, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2022, Chapter 342
31          20A-4-401, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 31
32          20A-4-601, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2022, Chapter 342
33          20A-4-602, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2022, Chapter 170
34          20A-4-603, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2022, Chapter 342
35          20A-6-203.5, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 187
36          20A-6-402, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 31
37     ENACTS:
38          20A-4-605, Utah Code Annotated 1953

40     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
41          Section 1. Section 20A-1-304 is amended to read:
42          20A-1-304. Tie votes.
43          Except for a race conducted by [instant runoff voting under Title 20A,] an alternate
44     voting method under Chapter 4, Part 6, Municipal Alternate Voting Methods Pilot Project, if
45     two or more candidates for a position have an equal and the highest number of votes for any
46     office, the election officer shall, in a public meeting held within 30 days after the day on which
47     the canvass is completed, determine the candidate selected, by lot, in the presence of each
48     candidate subject to the tie.
49          Section 2. Section 20A-3a-204 is amended to read:
50          20A-3a-204. Marking and depositing ballots.
51          (1) To vote by mail:
52          (a) except as provided in Subsection (6), the voter shall prepare the voter's manual
53     ballot by marking the appropriate space with a mark opposite the name of each candidate of the
54     voter's choice for each office to be filled;
55          (b) if a ballot proposition is submitted to a vote of the people, the voter shall mark the
56     appropriate space with a mark opposite the answer the voter intends to make;
57          (c) except as provided in Subsection (6), the voter shall record a write-in vote in
58     accordance with Subsection 20A-3a-206(1);

59          (d) except as provided in Subsection (6), a mark is not required opposite the name of a
60     write-in candidate; and
61          (e) the voter shall:
62          (i) complete and sign the affidavit on the return envelope;
63          (ii) place the voted ballot in the return envelope;
64          (iii) if required, place a copy of the voter's valid voter identification in the return
65     envelope;
66          (iv) securely seal the return envelope; and
67          (v) (A) attach postage, if necessary, and deposit the return envelope in the mail; or
68          (B) place the return envelope in a ballot drop box, designated by the election officer,
69     for the precinct where the voter resides.
70          (2) (a) Except as otherwise provided in Section 20A-16-404, to be valid, a ballot that is
71     mailed must be:
72          (i) clearly postmarked before election day, or otherwise clearly marked by the post
73     office as received by the post office before election day; and
74          (ii) received in the office of the election officer before noon on the day of the official
75     canvass following the election.
76          (b) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(c), to be valid, a ballot shall, before the polls
77     close on election day, be deposited in:
78          (i) a ballot box at a polling place; or
79          (ii) a ballot drop box designated by an election officer for the jurisdiction to which the
80     ballot relates.
81          (c) An election officer may, but is not required to, forward a ballot deposited in a ballot
82     drop box in the wrong jurisdiction to the correct jurisdiction.
83          (d) An election officer shall ensure that a voter who is, at or before 8 p.m., in line at a
84     ballot drop box, with a sealed return envelope containing a ballot in the voter's possession, to
85     deposit the ballot in the ballot drop box.
86          (3) Except as provided in Subsection (4), to vote at a polling place the voter shall, after
87     complying with Subsections (1)(a) through (d):
88          (a) sign the official register or pollbook; and
89          (b) (i) place the ballot in the ballot box; or

90          (ii) if the ballot is a provisional ballot, place the ballot in the provisional ballot
91     envelope, complete the information printed on the provisional ballot envelope, and deposit the
92     provisional ballot envelope in the provisional ballot box.
93          (4) (a) An individual with a disability may vote a mechanical ballot at a polling place.
94          (b) An individual other than an individual with a disability may vote a mechanical
95     ballot at a polling place if permitted by the election officer.
96          (5) To vote a mechanical ballot, the voter shall:
97          (a) make the selections according to the instructions provided for the voting device;
98     and
99          (b) subject to Subsection (6), record a write-in vote by:
100          (i) selecting the appropriate position for entering a write-in candidate; and
101          (ii) using the voting device to enter the name of the valid write-in candidate for whom
102     the voter wishes to vote.
103          (6) To vote in an [instant runoff voting race under Title 20A,] alternate voting method
104     race under Chapter 4, Part 6, Municipal Alternate Voting Methods Pilot Project[, a voter]:
105          (a) for a municipality using the instant runoff voting method described in Sections
106     20A-4-603 and 20A-4-604, a voter:
107          [(a)] (i) shall indicate, as directed on the ballot, the name of the candidate who is the
108     voter's first preference for the office; and
109          [(b)] (ii) may indicate, as directed on the ballot, the names of the remaining candidates
110     in order of the voter's preference[.]; or
111          (b) for a municipality using the approval voting method described in Section
112     20A-4-605, a voter shall, as directed on the ballot, indicate one or more names of candidates
113     whom the voter approves for the office, without stating an order of preference.
114          (7) A voter who votes at a polling place:
115          (a) shall mark and cast or deposit the ballot without delay and shall leave the voting
116     area after voting; and
117          (b) may not:
118          (i) occupy a voting booth occupied by another, except as provided in Section
119     20A-3a-208;
120          (ii) remain within the voting area more than 10 minutes; or

121          (iii) occupy a voting booth for more than five minutes if all booths are in use and other
122     voters are waiting to occupy a voting booth.
123          (8) If the official register shows any voter as having voted, that voter may not reenter
124     the voting area during that election unless that voter is an election official or watcher.
125          (9) A poll worker may not, at a polling place, allow more than four voters more than
126     the number of voting booths into the voting area at one time unless those excess voters are:
127          (a) election officials;
128          (b) watchers; or
129          (c) assisting voters with a disability.
130          Section 3. Section 20A-4-101 is amended to read:
131          20A-4-101. Manual ballots cast at a polling place -- Counting manual ballots at
132     polling place on day of election before polls close.
133          (1) Each county legislative body, municipal legislative body, and each poll worker
134     shall comply with the requirements of this section when counting manual ballots on the day of
135     an election, if:
136          (a) the ballots are cast at a polling place; and
137          (b) the ballots are counted at the polling place before the polls close.
138          (2) (a) Each county legislative body or municipal legislative body shall provide:
139          (i) two sets of ballot boxes for all voting precincts where both receiving and counting
140     judges have been appointed; and
141          (ii) a counting room for the use of the poll workers counting the ballots during the day.
142          (b) At any election in any voting precinct in which both receiving and counting judges
143     have been appointed, when at least 20 votes have been cast, the receiving judges shall:
144          (i) close the first ballot box and deliver it to the counting judges; and
145          (ii) prepare and use another ballot box to receive voted ballots.
146          (c) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(f), upon receipt of the ballot box, the counting
147     judges shall:
148          (i) take the ballot box to the counting room;
149          (ii) count the votes on the regular ballots in the ballot box;
150          (iii) place the provisional ballot envelopes in the envelope or container provided for
151     them for return to the election officer; and

152          (iv) when they have finished counting the votes in the ballot box, return the emptied
153     box to the receiving judges.
154          (d) (i) During the course of election day, whenever there are at least 20 ballots
155     contained in a ballot box, the receiving judges shall deliver that ballot box to the counting
156     judges for counting; and
157          (ii) the counting judges shall immediately count the regular ballots and segregate the
158     provisional ballots contained in that box.
159          (e) The counting judges shall continue to exchange the ballot boxes and count ballots
160     until the polls close.
161          (f) (i) The director of elections within the Office of the Lieutenant Governor shall make
162     rules in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act,
163     describing the procedures that a counting judge is required to follow for counting ballots in an
164     [instant runoff voting] alternate voting method race under Part 6, Municipal Alternate Voting
165     Methods Pilot Project.
166          (ii) When counting ballots in an [instant runoff voting] alternate voting method race
167     described in Part 6, Municipal Alternate Voting Methods Pilot Project, a counting judge shall
168     comply with the procedures established under Subsection (2)(f)(i) and Part 6, Municipal
169     Alternate Voting Methods Pilot Project.
170          (3) To resolve questions that arise during the counting of ballots, a counting judge shall
171     apply the standards and requirements of:
172          (a) to the extent applicable, Section 20A-4-105; and
173          (b) as applicable, for an instant runoff voting race under Part 6, Municipal Alternate
174     Voting Methods Pilot Project, Subsections 20A-4-603[(3) through (5)] (4) through (6).
175          Section 4. Section 20A-4-102 is amended to read:
176          20A-4-102. Manual ballots cast at a polling place -- Counting manual ballots at
177     polling place on day of election after polls close.
178          (1) (a) This section governs counting manual ballots on the day of an election, if:
179          (i) the ballots are cast at a polling place; and
180          (ii) the ballots are counted at the polling place after the polls close.
181          (b) Except as provided in Subsection (2) or a rule made under Subsection
182     20A-4-101(2)(f)(i), as soon as the polls have been closed and the last qualified voter has voted,

183     the election judges shall count the ballots by performing the tasks specified in this section in
184     the order that they are specified.
185          (c) To resolve questions that arise during the counting of ballots, a counting judge shall
186     apply the standards and requirements of:
187          (i) to the extent applicable, Section 20A-4-105; and
188          (ii) as applicable, for an instant runoff voting race under Part 6, Municipal Alternate
189     Voting Methods Pilot Project, Subsections 20A-4-603[(3) through (5)] (4) through (6).
190          (2) (a) First, the election judges shall count the number of ballots in the ballot box.
191          (b) (i) If there are more ballots in the ballot box than there are names entered in the
192     pollbook, the judges shall examine the official endorsements on the ballots.
193          (ii) If, in the unanimous opinion of the judges, any of the ballots do not bear the proper
194     official endorsement, the judges shall put those ballots in an excess ballot file and not count
195     them.
196          (c) (i) If, after examining the official endorsements, there are still more ballots in the
197     ballot box than there are names entered in the pollbook, the judges shall place the remaining
198     ballots back in the ballot box.
199          (ii) One of the judges, without looking, shall draw a number of ballots equal to the
200     excess from the ballot box.
201          (iii) The judges shall put those excess ballots into the excess ballot envelope and not
202     count them.
203          (d) When the ballots in the ballot box equal the number of names entered in the
204     pollbook, the judges shall count the votes.
205          (3) The judges shall:
206          (a) place all unused ballots in the envelope or container provided for return to the
207     county clerk or city recorder; and
208          (b) seal that envelope or container.
209          (4) The judges shall:
210          (a) place all of the provisional ballot envelopes in the envelope provided for them for
211     return to the election officer; and
212          (b) seal that envelope or container.
213          (5) (a) In counting the votes, the election judges shall read and count each ballot

214     separately.
215          (b) In regular primary elections the judges shall:
216          (i) count the number of ballots cast for each party;
217          (ii) place the ballots cast for each party in separate piles; and
218          (iii) count all the ballots for one party before beginning to count the ballots cast for
219     other parties.
220          (6) (a) In all elections, the counting judges shall, except as provided in Part 6,
221     Municipal Alternate Voting Methods Pilot Project, or a rule made under Subsection
222     20A-4-101(2)(f)(i):
223          (i) count one vote for each candidate designated by the marks in the squares next to the
224     candidate's name;
225          (ii) count each vote for each write-in candidate who has qualified by filing a
226     declaration of candidacy under Section 20A-9-601;
227          (iii) read every name marked on the ballot and mark every name upon the tally sheets
228     before another ballot is counted;
229          (iv) evaluate each ballot and each vote based on the standards and requirements of
230     Section 20A-4-105;
231          (v) write the word "spoiled" on the back of each ballot that lacks the official
232     endorsement and deposit it in the spoiled ballot envelope; and
233          (vi) read, count, and record upon the tally sheets the votes that each candidate and
234     ballot proposition received from all ballots, except excess or spoiled ballots.
235          (b) Election judges need not tally write-in votes for fictitious persons, nonpersons, or
236     persons clearly not eligible to qualify for office.
237          (c) The judges shall certify to the accuracy and completeness of the tally list in the
238     space provided on the tally list.
239          (d) When the judges have counted all of the voted ballots, they shall record the results
240     on the total votes cast form.
241          (7) Only an election judge and a watcher may be present at the place where counting is
242     conducted until the count is completed.
243          Section 5. Section 20A-4-401 is amended to read:
244          20A-4-401. Recounts -- Procedure.

245          (1) (a) This section does not apply to [a race conducted by instant runoff voting under
246     Chapter 4,] an alternate voting method race conducted under Part 6, Municipal Alternate
247     Voting Methods Pilot Project.
248          (b) Except as provided in Subsection (1)(c), for a race between candidates, if the
249     difference between the number of votes cast for a winning candidate in the race and a losing
250     candidate in the race is equal to or less than .25% of the total number of votes cast for all
251     candidates in the race, that losing candidate may file a request for a recount in accordance with
252     Subsection (1)(d).
253          (c) For a race between candidates where the total of all votes cast in the race is 400 or
254     less, if the difference between the number of votes cast for a winning candidate in the race and
255     a losing candidate in the race is one vote, that losing candidate may file a request for a recount
256     in accordance with Subsection (1)(d).
257          (d) A candidate who files a request for a recount under Subsection (1) (b) or (c) shall
258     file the request:
259          (i) for a municipal primary election, with the municipal clerk, before 5 p.m. within
260     three days after the canvass; or
261          (ii) for all other elections, before 5 p.m. within seven days after the canvass with:
262          (A) the municipal clerk, if the election is a municipal general election;
263          (B) the local district clerk, if the election is a local district election;
264          (C) the county clerk, for races voted on entirely within a single county; or
265          (D) the lieutenant governor, for statewide races and multicounty races.
266          (e) The election officer shall:
267          (i) supervise the recount;
268          (ii) recount all ballots cast for that race;
269          (iii) reexamine all uncounted ballots to ensure compliance with Chapter 3a, Part 4,
270     Disposition of Ballots;
271          (iv) for a race where only one candidate may win, declare elected the candidate who
272     receives the highest number of votes on the recount; and
273          (v) for a race where multiple candidates may win, declare elected the applicable
274     number of candidates who receive the highest number of votes on the recount.
275          (2) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(b), for a ballot proposition or a bond

276     proposition, if the proposition passes or fails by a margin that is equal to or less than .25% of
277     the total votes cast for or against the proposition, any 10 voters who voted in the election where
278     the proposition was on the ballot may file a request for a recount before 5 p.m. within seven
279     days after the day of the canvass with the person described in Subsection (2)(c).
280          (b) For a ballot proposition or a bond proposition where the total of all votes cast for or
281     against the proposition is 400 or less, if the difference between the number of votes cast for the
282     proposition and the number of votes cast against the proposition is one vote, any 10 voters who
283     voted in the election where the proposition was on the ballot may file a request for a recount
284     before 5 p.m. within seven days after the day of the canvass with the person described in
285     Subsection (2)(c).
286          (c) The 10 voters who file a request for a recount under Subsection (2)(a) or (b) shall
287     file the request with:
288          (i) the municipal clerk, if the election is a municipal election;
289          (ii) the local district clerk, if the election is a local district election;
290          (iii) the county clerk, for propositions voted on entirely within a single county; or
291          (iv) the lieutenant governor, for statewide propositions and multicounty propositions.
292          (d) The election officer shall:
293          (i) supervise the recount;
294          (ii) recount all ballots cast for that ballot proposition or bond proposition;
295          (iii) reexamine all uncounted ballots to ensure compliance with Chapter 3a, Part 4,
296     Disposition of Ballots; and
297          (iv) declare the ballot proposition or bond proposition to have "passed" or "failed"
298     based upon the results of the recount.
299          (e) Proponents and opponents of the ballot proposition or bond proposition may
300     designate representatives to witness the recount.
301          (f) The voters requesting the recount shall pay the costs of the recount.
302          (3) Costs incurred by recount under Subsection (1) may not be assessed against the
303     person requesting the recount.
304          (4) (a) Upon completion of the recount, the election officer shall immediately convene
305     the board of canvassers.
306          (b) The board of canvassers shall:

307          (i) canvass the election returns for the race or proposition that was the subject of the
308     recount; and
309          (ii) with the assistance of the election officer, prepare and sign the report required by
310     Section 20A-4-304 or 20A-4-306.
311          (c) If the recount is for a statewide or multicounty race or for a statewide proposition,
312     the board of county canvassers shall prepare and transmit a separate report to the lieutenant
313     governor as required by Subsection 20A-4-304 (7).
314          (d) The canvassers' report prepared as provided in this Subsection (4) is the official
315     result of the race or proposition that is the subject of the recount.
316          Section 6. Section 20A-4-601 is amended to read:
317          20A-4-601. Definitions.
318          As used in this part:
319          (1) "Candidate amplifier" means the product of:
320          (a) two less than the total number of candidates in a given ballot-counting phase of a
321     multi-candidate race; and
322          (b) .02%.
323          (2) "First preference ranking" means the candidate selected as the candidate most
324     preferred by a voter, as indicated by:
325          (a) the number one; or
326          (b) if the voter does not assign the number one to any candidate, the number two.
327          (3) "Multi-candidate race" means a nonpartisan municipal race where:
328          (a) for the election of at-large officers, the number of candidates who qualify for the
329     race exceeds the total number of seats to be filled; or
330          (b) for the election of an officer other than an at-large officer, more than two
331     candidates qualify to run for one office.
332          (4) "Participating municipality" means a municipality that is participating in the pilot
333     project, in accordance with Subsection 20A-4-602(3).
334          (5) "Pilot project" means the Municipal Alternate Voting Methods Pilot Project created
335     in Section 20A-4-602.
336          (6) "Recount threshold" means the sum of the candidate amplifier and the following:
337          (a) for a ballot-counting phase in which fewer than 100 valid rankings are counted,

338     0.21%;
339          (b) for a ballot-counting phase in which at least 100, but fewer than 500, valid rankings
340     are counted, 0.19%;
341          (c) for a ballot-counting phase in which at least 500, but fewer than 1,000, valid
342     rankings are counted, 0.17%;
343          (d) for a ballot-counting phase in which at least 1,000, but fewer than 5,000, valid
344     rankings are counted, 0.15%;
345          (e) for a ballot-counting phase in which at least 5,000, but fewer than 10,000, valid
346     rankings are counted, 0.13%; and
347          (f) for a ballot-counting phase in which 10,000 or more valid rankings are counted,
348     0.11%.
349          (7) "Valid" means that the ballot is marked in a manner that permits the ranking to be
350     counted during the applicable ballot-counting phase.
351          (8) "Voting method" means:
352          (a) the instant runoff voting method described in Sections 20A-4-603 and 20A-4-604;
353     or
354          (b) the approval voting method described in Section 20A-4-605.
355          Section 7. Section 20A-4-602 is amended to read:
356          20A-4-602. Municipal Alternate Voting Methods Pilot Project -- Creation --
357     Participation.
358          (1) There is created the Municipal Alternate Voting Methods Pilot Project.
359          (2) The pilot project begins on January 1, 2019, and ends on January 1, 2026.
360          (3) (a) A municipality may participate in the pilot project, in accordance with the
361     requirements of this section and all other applicable provisions of law, during any
362     odd-numbered year that the pilot project is in effect, if, before May 1 of the odd-numbered
363     year, the legislative body of the municipality:
364          (i) votes to participate; and
365          (ii) provides written notice to the lieutenant governor and the county clerk:
366          (A) stating that the municipality intends to participate in the pilot project for the year
367     specified in the notice[.]; and
368          (B) specifying the voting method that the municipality will use.

369          (b) The legislative body of a municipality that provides the notice of intent described in
370     Subsection (3)(a) may:
371          (i) withdraw the notice of intent, and not participate in the pilot project, if the
372     legislative body of the municipality provides written notice of withdrawal to the lieutenant
373     governor and the county clerk before May 1[.]; or
374          (ii) change the voting method specified under Subsection (3)(a)(ii)(B) to another voting
375     method, if the municipality provides written notice of the change to the lieutenant governor and
376     the county clerk before May 1.
377          (4) The lieutenant governor shall maintain, in a prominent place on the lieutenant
378     governor's website, a current list of the municipalities that are participating in the pilot project.
379          (5) (a) An election officer of a participating municipality shall, in accordance with the
380     provisions of this part, conduct a multi-candidate race during the municipal general election
381     using [instant runoff voting] the voting method most recently specified in accordance with
382     Subsection (3).
383          (b) Except as provided in Subsection 20A-4-603[(9)] (10) or 20A-4-605(6), an election
384     officer of a participating municipality that will conduct a multi-candidate race under
385     Subsection (5)(a) may not conduct a municipal primary election relating to that race.
386          (c) A municipality that has in effect an ordinance described in Subsection
387     20A-9-404(3) or (4) may not participate in the pilot project.
388          (6) Except for an election described in Subsection 20A-4-603[(9)] (10) or
389     20A-4-605(6), an individual who files a declaration of candidacy or a nomination petition, for a
390     candidate who will run in an election described in this part, shall file the declaration of
391     candidacy or nomination petition during the office hours described in Section 10-3-301 and not
392     later than the close of those office hours, no sooner than the second Tuesday in August and no
393     later than the third Tuesday in August of an odd-numbered year.
394          Section 8. Section 20A-4-603 is amended to read:
395          20A-4-603. Instant runoff voting.
396          (1) This section applies to a participating municipality that, under Subsection
397     20A-4-602(3), specifies the candidate elimination voting method as the voting method that the
398     municipality will use.
399          [(1)] (2) In a multi-candidate race, the election officer [for a participating municipality]

400     shall:
401          (a) (i) conduct the first ballot-counting phase by counting the valid first preference
402     rankings for each candidate; and
403          (ii) if one of the candidates receives more than 50% of the valid first preference
404     rankings counted, declare that candidate elected;
405          (b) if, after counting the valid first preference rankings for each candidate, no candidate
406     receives more than 50% of the valid first preference rankings counted, conduct the second
407     ballot-counting phase by:
408          (i) excluding from the multi-candidate race:
409          (A) the candidate who received the fewest valid first preference rankings counted; or
410          (B) in the event of a tie for the fewest valid first preference rankings counted, one of
411     the tied candidates, determined by the election officer by lot, in accordance with Subsection
412     [(6)] (7);
413          (ii) adding, to the valid first preference rankings counted for the remaining candidates,
414     the next valid preference rankings cast for the remaining candidates by the voters who cast a
415     valid first preference ranking for the excluded candidate; and
416          (iii) if, after adding the rankings in accordance with Subsection [(1)] (2)(b)(ii), one
417     candidate receives more than 50% of the valid rankings counted, declaring that candidate
418     elected; and
419          (c) if, after adding the next valid preference rankings in accordance with Subsection
420     [(1)] (2)(b)(ii), no candidate receives more than 50% of the valid rankings counted, conduct
421     subsequent ballot-counting phases by continuing the process described in Subsection [(1)]
422     (2)(b) until a candidate receives more than 50% of the valid rankings counted, as follows:
423          (i) excluding from consideration the candidate who has the fewest valid rankings
424     counted or, in the event of a tie for the fewest valid rankings counted, excluding one of the tied
425     candidates, by lot, in accordance with Subsection [(6)] (7); and
426          (ii) adding the next valid preference ranking cast by each voter whose ranking was
427     counted for the last excluded candidate to one of the remaining candidates, in the order of the
428     next preference indicated by the voter.
429          [(2)] (3) The election officer shall declare elected the first candidate who receives more
430     than 50% of the valid rankings counted under the process described in Subsection [(1)] (2).

431          [(3)] (4) A ranking is valid for a particular ballot-counting phase of a multi-candidate
432     race if:
433          (a) the voter indicates the voter's preference for that ballot-counting phase and all
434     previous ballot-counting phases; or
435          (b) in the event that the voter skips a number in filling out the rankings on a ballot:
436          (i) the voter clearly indicates an order of preference for the candidates;
437          (ii) the voter does not skip two or more consecutive numbers at any point before the
438     preference ranking that would otherwise be counted for the current ballot-counting phase;
439          (iii) the candidate next preferred by the voter is clearly indicated by a subsequent
440     number that most closely follows the number assigned by the voter for the previously-ranked
441     candidate; and
442          (iv) the voter did not give the same rank to more than one candidate for the applicable
443     ballot-counting phase or a previous ballot-counting phase.
444          [(4)] (5) A ranking is not valid for a particular ballot-counting phase of a
445     multi-candidate race, and for all subsequent ballot-counting phases, if:
446          (a) the voter indicates the same rank for more than one candidate for that
447     ballot-counting phase; or
448          (b) the voter skips two or more consecutive numbers before ranking another candidate.
449          [(5)] (6) If, for a ballot-counting phase, a voter ranks a candidate who has withdrawn
450     from the race, the next-ranked candidate who has not withdrawn from the race will be counted
451     for that ballot-counting phase.
452          [(6)] (7) For each ballot-counting phase after the first phase, if two or more candidates
453     tie as having received the fewest valid rankings counted at that point in the ballot count, the
454     election officer shall eliminate one of those candidates from consideration, by lot, in the
455     following manner:
456          (a) determine the names of the candidates who tie as having received the fewest valid
457     rankings for that ballot-counting phase;
458          (b) cast the lot in the presence of at least two election officials and any counting poll
459     watchers who are present and desire to witness the casting of the lot; and
460          (c) sign a public document that:
461          (i) certifies the method used for casting the lot and the result of the lot; and

462          (ii) includes the name of each individual who witnessed the casting of the lot.
463          [(7)] (8) In a multi-candidate race for an at-large office, where the number of
464     candidates who qualify for the race exceeds the total number of at-large seats to be filled for
465     the office, the election officer shall count the rankings by:
466          (a) except as provided in Subsection [(8)] (9), counting rankings in the same manner as
467     described in Subsections [(1)] (2) through [(6)] (7), until a candidate is declared elected;
468          (b) repeating the process described in Subsection [(7)] (8)(a) for all candidates that are
469     not declared elected until another candidate is declared elected; and
470          (c) continuing the process described in Subsection [(7)] (8)(b) until all at-large seats in
471     the race are filled.
472          [(8)] (9) After a candidate is declared elected under Subsection [(7)] (8), the election
473     officer shall, in repeating the process described in Subsections [(1)] (2) through [(6)] (7) to
474     declare the next candidate elected, add to the ranking totals the next valid preference vote of
475     each voter whose ranking was counted for a candidate already declared elected.
476          [(9)] (10) An election officer for a participating municipality may choose to conduct a
477     primary election by using instant runoff voting in the manner described in Subsections [(1)] (2)
478     through [(6)] (7), except that:
479          (a) instead of determining whether a candidate receives more than 50% of the valid
480     preference rankings for a particular ballot-counting phase, the election officer shall proceed to a
481     subsequent ballot-counting stage, and exclude the candidate who receives the fewest valid
482     preference rankings in that phase, until twice the number of seats to be filled in the race
483     remain; and
484          (b) after complying with Subsection [(9)] (10)(a), the election officer shall declare the
485     remaining candidates nominated to participate in the municipal general election.
486          [(10)] (11) After completing all ballot-counting phases in a multi-candidate race, the
487     election officer shall order a full recount of the ballots cast for that race if, in one or more of the
488     ballot-counting phases:
489          (a) the difference between the number of rankings counted for a candidate who is
490     declared elected and the number of rankings counted for any other candidate in the same
491     ballot-counting phase is equal to or less than the product of the following, rounded up to the
492     nearest whole number:

493          (i) the total number of voters who cast a valid ranking counted in that ballot-counting
494     phase; and
495          (ii) the recount threshold; or
496          (b) the difference between the number of rankings counted for the candidate who
497     received the fewest valid rankings in a ballot-counting phase and the number of rankings
498     counted for any other candidate in the same ballot-counting phase is equal to or less than the
499     product of the following, rounded up to the nearest whole number:
500          (i) the total number of voters who cast a valid ranking counted in that ballot-counting
501     phase; and
502          (ii) the recount threshold.
503          [(11)] (12) A recount described in Subsection [(10)] (11):
504          (a) requires rescanning and tabulating all valid ballots; and
505          (b) provides for only one recount.
506          [(12)] (13) Notwithstanding Section 20A-4-301, a board of municipal canvassers may
507     extend the canvass deadline by up to seven additional days, if necessary, to conduct a recount
508     required under Subsection [(10)] (11).
509          Section 9. Section 20A-4-605 is enacted to read:
510          20A-4-605. Approval voting method.
511          (1) This section applies to a participating municipality that, under Subsection
512     20A-4-602(3), specifies the approval voting method as the voting method that the municipality
513     will use.
514          (2) In a multi-candidate race, the election officer shall:
515          (a) for each candidate, calculate the number of valid ballots on which the candidate is
516     marked as approved; and
517          (b) subject to Subsection (3), declare elected the candidate who receives the highest
518     number of approvals.
519          (3) The election officer shall order a recount of the valid ballots if the difference
520     between the candidate who receives the highest number of approvals and any other candidate in
521     the race is equal to or less than the product of the following, rounded up to the nearest whole
522     number:
523          (a) the combined number of approvals for the two candidates; and

524          (b) the recount threshold.
525          (4) If, after complying with Subsection (3), two or more candidates tie with the highest
526     number of approvals, the election officer shall:
527          (a) break the tie by lot, cast or drawn in the presence of at least two election officials
528     and any counting poll watchers who are present and desire to witness the casting or drawing of
529     the lot; and
530          (b) sign a public document that:
531          (i) certifies the method used for casting or drawing the lot and the result of the lot; and
532          (ii) includes the name of each individual who witnessed the casting or drawing of the
533     lot.
534          (5) In a multi-candidate race for an at-large office, the election officer shall:
535          (a) for each candidate, calculate the number of valid ballots on which the candidate is
536     marked as approved;
537          (b) subject to Subsection (5)(c), declare elected the number of candidates, equal to the
538     number of positions to be filled, who receive the highest number of approvals;
539          (c) order a recount of the valid ballots if the difference between the number of
540     approvals received by the candidate to be declared elected with the fewest number of approvals
541     and any candidate with fewer approvals is equal to or less than the product of the following
542     rounded up to the nearest whole number:
543          (i) the combined number of approvals for the two candidates; and
544          (ii) the recount threshold; and
545          (d) break a tie, if necessary, in accordance with Subsection (4).
546          (6) An election officer for a participating municipality may choose to conduct a
547     primary election by using the approval voting method described in Subsections (1) through (4),
548     except that, after complying with Subsections (3) and (4), if applicable, the election officer
549     shall declare the top two candidates nominated to participate in the general election.
550          Section 10. Section 20A-6-203.5 is amended to read:
551          20A-6-203.5. Alternate voting methods ballot.
552          If, in an election, at least one of the races is conducted by [instant runoff voting under
553     Title 20A,] an alternate voting method under Chapter 4, Part 6, Municipal Alternate Voting
554     Methods Pilot Project, the portion of the ballot relating to that race shall:

555          (1) for a race conducted using the instant runoff voting method described in Sections
556     20A-4-603 and 20A-4-604:
557          [(1)] (a) list each candidate who qualifies to be placed on the election ballot for that
558     race;
559          [(2)] (b) opposite each candidate's name, include a place where a voter can indicate the
560     voter's vote in order of preference for each candidate, as described in [Title 20A,] Chapter 4,
561     Part 6, Municipal Alternate Voting Methods Pilot Project; and
562          [(3)] (c) provide the ability for a voter to enter a write-in candidate's name and indicate
563     the voter's ordered preference for the write-in candidate[.]; or
564          (2) for a race conducted using the approval voting method described in Section
565     20A-4-605:
566          (a) list each candidate who qualifies to be placed on the election ballot for that race;
567          (b) opposite each candidate's name, include a place where a voter can indicate the
568     voter's approval of each candidate, as described in Chapter 4, Part 6, Municipal Alternate
569     Voting Methods Pilot Project; and
570          (c) provide the ability for a voter to enter a write-in candidate's name and indicate the
571     voter's approval of the write-in candidate.
572          Section 11. Section 20A-6-402 is amended to read:
573          20A-6-402. Ballots for municipal general elections.
574          (1) Except as otherwise required for a race conducted by [instant runoff voting under
575     Title 20A,] an alternate voting method under Chapter 4, Part 6, Municipal Alternate Voting
576     Methods Pilot Project, for a manual ballot at a municipal general election, an election officer
577     shall ensure that:
578          (a) the names of the two candidates who received the highest number of votes for
579     mayor in the municipal primary are placed upon the ballot;
580          (b) if no municipal primary election was held, the names of the candidates who filed
581     declarations of candidacy for municipal offices are placed upon the ballot;
582          (c) for other offices:
583          (i) twice the number of candidates as there are positions to be filled are certified as
584     eligible for election in the municipal general election from those candidates who received the
585     greater number of votes in the primary election; and

586          (ii) the names of those candidates are placed upon the municipal general election
587     ballot;
588          (d) the names of the candidates are placed on the ballot in the order specified under
589     Section 20A-6-305;
590          (e) in an election in which a voter is authorized to cast a write-in vote and where a
591     write-in candidate is qualified under Section 20A-9-601, a write-in area is placed upon the
592     ballot that contains, for each office in which there is a qualified write-in candidate:
593          (i) a blank, horizontal line to enable a voter to submit a valid write-in candidate; and
594          (ii) a square or other conforming area that is adjacent to or opposite the blank
595     horizontal line to enable the voter to indicate the voter's vote;
596          (f) ballot propositions that have qualified for the ballot, including propositions
597     submitted to the voters by the municipality, municipal initiatives, and municipal referenda, are
598     listed on the ballot in accordance with Section 20A-6-107; and
599          (g) bond propositions that have qualified for the ballot are listed on the ballot under the
600     title assigned to each bond proposition under Section 11-14-206.
601          (2) Except as otherwise required for a race conducted by [instant runoff voting under
602     Title 20A,] an alternate voting method under Chapter 4, Part 6, Municipal Alternate Voting
603     Methods Pilot Project, when using a mechanical ballot at municipal general elections, each
604     election officer shall ensure that:
605          (a) the following endorsements are displayed on the first portion of the ballot:
606          (i) "Official Ballot for ____ (City, Town, or Metro Township), Utah";
607          (ii) the date of the election; and
608          (iii) a facsimile of the signature of the election officer and the election officer's title;
609          (b) immediately below the election officer's title, a distinct border or line separates the
610     endorsements from the rest of the ballot;
611          (c) immediately below the border or line, an "Instructions to Voters" section is
612     displayed that states: "To vote for a candidate, select the name(s) of the person(s) you favor as
613     the candidate(s) for each respective office." followed by another border or line;
614          (d) after the border or line, the designation of the office for which the candidates seek
615     election is displayed, and the words, "Vote for one" or "Vote for up to _____ (the number of
616     candidates for which the voter may vote)" are displayed, followed by a line or border;

617          (e) after the line or border, the names of the candidates are displayed in the order
618     specified under Section 20A-6-305 with surnames last and grouped according to the office that
619     they seek;
620          (f) a voting square or position is located adjacent to the name of each candidate;
621          (g) following the name of the last candidate for each office in which a write-in
622     candidate is qualified under Section 20A-9-601, the ballot contains a write-in space where the
623     voter may enter the name of and vote for a valid write-in candidate for the office; and
624          (h) the candidate groups are separated from each other by a line or border.
625          (3) When a municipality has chosen to nominate candidates by convention or
626     committee, the election officer shall ensure that the party name is included with the candidate's
627     name on the ballot.