Representative Carol S. Moss proposes the following substitute bill:





Chief Sponsor: Carol S. Moss

Senate Sponsor: Ann Millner


9     General Description:
10          This bill enacts and amends provisions related to credit for prior learning in higher
11     education.
12     Highlighted Provisions:
13          This bill:
14          ▸     defines terms;
15          ▸     amends the Utah Board of Higher Education's (board) requirement for acceptance of
16     credit for prior learning;
17          ▸     requires institutions to award credit for International Baccalaureate programme
18     subject scores under certain circumstances;
19          ▸     requires the board to consult with the Utah Association of IB World Schools and
20     school International Baccalaureate program coordinators to develop policies
21     regarding standards for awarding International Baccalaureate programme credits;
22     and
23          ▸     makes technical and conforming changes.
24     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
25          None

26     Other Special Clauses:
27          None
28     Utah Code Sections Affected:
29     AMENDS:
30          53B-16-110, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 365

32     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
33          Section 1. Section 53B-16-110 is amended to read:
34          53B-16-110. Credit for prior learning -- Board plan and policies -- Reporting.
35          (1) As used in this section:
36          (a) "Credit for prior learning" means credit awarded by an institution to a student who
37     demonstrates, through a prior learning assessment, that the student's prior learning meets
38     college-level competencies.
39          (b) "Institution" means an institution of higher education described in Section
40     53B-1-102.
41          (c) "International Baccalaureate programme" means an International Baccalaureate
42     Secondary Education programme course that:
43          (i) the International Baccalaureate establishes; and
44          (ii) (A) an International Baccalaureate diploma candidate takes;
45          (B) an International Baccalaureate career candidate takes; or
46          (C) an International Baccalaureate course student, who is not a candidate under
47     Subsection (1)(c)(ii)(A) or (B), takes.
48          (d) "International Baccalaureate programme subject score" means the total points the
49     International Baccalaureate awards to a student for an International Baccalaureate programme
50     course based on fulfillment of all subject requirements, including the end-of-course
51     examination and externally assessed coursework.
52          [(c)] (e) "Prior learning" means knowledge, skills, or competencies acquired through
53     formal or informal education outside the traditional postsecondary academic environment.
54          [(d)] (f) "Prior learning assessment" means a method of evaluating or assessing an
55     individual's prior learning.
56          (2) The board shall develop a plan for advising and communicating with students and

57     the public about credit for prior learning.
58          (3) (a) The board shall establish policies that provide minimum standards for all
59     institutions regarding:
60          (i) accepted forms of prior learning assessments;
61          (ii) awarding credit for prior learning;
62          (iii) transferability of credit for prior learning between institutions;
63          (iv) transcription of credit for prior learning;
64          (v) institutional procedures for maintaining transparency and consistency in awarding
65     credit for prior learning;
66          (vi) communication to faculty, advisors, current students, and prospective students
67     regarding standards and [cost] costs related to credit for prior learning and prior learning
68     assessments;
69          (vii) required training of faculty and advisors on prior learning assessment standards
70     and processes; and
71          (viii) portfolio-specific prior learning assessments.
72          (b) The board shall ensure that accepted forms of prior learning assessments described
73     in Subsection (3)(a) include [at least the following]:
74          (i) program evaluations, completed by an institution, of noncollegiate programs or
75     training courses to recognize proficiencies;
76          (ii) nationally recognized, standardized examinations, including:
77          (A) Advanced Placement examinations;
78          (B) College Level Exam Program general examinations;
79          (C) College Level Exam Program subject examinations; and
80          (D) DANTES Subject Standardized Tests;
81          (iii) International Baccalaureate programme subject scores;
82          [(iii)] (iv) customized examinations offered by an institution to verify an individual's
83     learning achievement that may include course final examinations or other examinations that
84     assess general disciplinary knowledge or skill;
85          [(iv)] (v) evaluations of corporate or military training; and
86          [(v)] (vi) assessments of individuals' portfolios.
87          (4) (a) The board shall establish minimum scores and maximum credit for each

88     standardized examination described in Subsection (3)(b)(ii).
89          (b) An institution shall award credit to a student who demonstrates competency by
90     passing a standardized examination described in Subsection (3)(b)(ii) unless the award of credit
91     duplicates credit already awarded.
92          (5) For purposes of Subsection (3)(b)(iii) and beginning with the 2023-2024, school
93     year, all institutions shall award credit to a student who receives an International Baccalaureate
94     programme subject score of four or higher for an International Baccalaureate programme
95     course unless the award of credit duplicates credit an institution already awarded.
96          (6) The board shall, through committees that the board authorizes, consult with the
97     Utah Association of IB World Schools and school International Baccalaureate program
98     coordinators to align International Baccalaureate program subject scores with commonly
99     numbered institution of higher education courses to satisfy general education requirements or
100     major requirements.
101          [(5)] (7) The board shall:
102          (a) create and maintain a website that provides statewide information on prior learning
103     assessments and credit for prior learning; and
104          (b) [identify a] maintain software or data [tool that will] tools to support the board in:
105          (i) implementing the plan described in Subsection (2); and
106          (ii) fulfilling the board's requirements described in Section 53B-16-105.
107          [(6) On or before the November 2019 interim meeting, the board shall report to the
108     Education Interim Committee on:]
109          [(a) the plan described in Subsection (2);]
110          [(b) the policies described in Subsection (3); and]
111          [(c) the software or data tool described in Subsection (5).]
112          [(7) On or before May 1, 2020, an institution shall report to the board:]
113          [(a) steps the institution will take to:]
114          [(i) implement the plan described in Subsection (2) and the policies described in
115     Subsection (3); and]
116          [(ii) communicate to students about credit for prior learning, including about the
117     policies described in Subsection (3);]
118          [(b) a timeline for the steps described in Subsection (7)(a); and]

119          [(c) each form of prior learning assessment for which the institution provides credit for
120     prior learning that is not described in Subsection (3)(b).]
121          (8) An institution shall annually report to the board on:
122          (a) each form of prior learning assessment for which the institution provides credit for
123     prior learning; and
124          (b) the total amount of credit for prior learning the institution provides to students.