Representative Trevor Lee proposes the following substitute bill:




Chief Sponsor: Trevor Lee

Senate Sponsor: Kirk A. Cullimore


8     General Description:
9          This bill creates the Noncustodial Blockchain Registry.
10     Highlighted Provisions:
11          This bill:
12          ▸     defines terms;
13          ▸     creates the Noncustodial Blockchain Registry (registry) within the Utah Office of
14     Regulatory Relief (office);
15          ▸     describes registry application, renewal, and removal requirements;
16          ▸     requires the office to issue a certificate of registration after placing an applicant on
17     the registry;
18          ▸     provides administrative rulemaking authority; and
19          ▸     makes technical and conforming changes.
20     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
21          None
22     Other Special Clauses:
23          None
24     Utah Code Sections Affected:
25     ENACTS:

26          63N-16-401, Utah Code Annotated 1953
27          63N-16-402, Utah Code Annotated 1953
28          63N-16-403, Utah Code Annotated 1953

30     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
31          Section 1. Section 63N-16-401 is enacted to read:
Part 4. Noncustodial Blockchain Registry

33          63N-16-401. Definitions.
34          (1) "Blockchain company" means an entity that uses blockchain technology to facilitate
35     financial transactions between users.
36          (2) "Noncustodial blockchain company" means a blockchain company that does not
37     have possession or control of a user's private key.
38          (3) "Private key" means the same as that term is defined in Section 13-62-101.
39          (4) "Registry" means the Noncustodial Blockchain Registry described in Section
40     63N-16-402.
41          (5) "User" means a person who engages in a financial transaction through a blockchain
42     company.
43          Section 2. Section 63N-16-402 is enacted to read:
44          63N-16-402. Noncustodial Blockchain Registry -- Contents -- Rulemaking.
45          (1) The regulatory relief office shall maintain a Noncustodial Blockchain Registry that
46     lists noncustodial blockchain companies conducting business in the state.
47          (2) For each registered noncustodial blockchain company, the regulatory relief office
48     shall include on the registry:
49          (a) the name of the noncustodial blockchain company; and
50          (b) the noncustodial blockchain company's authorized agents in the state, if any.
51          (3) The regulatory relief office may make rules in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter
52     3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, to administer the registry.
53          Section 3. Section 63N-16-403 is enacted to read:
54          63N-16-403. Registry application -- Certificate -- Renewal -- Removal -- Notice.
55          (1) (a) Subject to Subsection (1)(b), an applicant for placement on the registry shall
56     provide to the regulatory relief office:

57          (i) an application in a form prescribed by the regulatory relief office; and
58          (ii) a fee established by the regulatory relief office in accordance with Section
59     63J-1-504.
60          (b) The application shall include:
61          (i) a place for the name of the applicant, including any trade name used by the
62     applicant in the conduct of the applicant's business;
63          (ii) a place for a description of the activities conducted by the applicant in the state;
64          (iii) a place for the applicant to list the applicant's:
65          (A) authorized agents in the state, if any; and
66          (B) website URL;
67          (iv) a description of general noncustodial blockchain company activities;
68          (v) a place for the applicant to acknowledge that the applicant is a noncustodial
69     blockchain company; and
70          (vi) a statement notifying the applicant that the applicant may be removed from the
71     registry if the applicant:
72          (A) ceases to operate as a noncustodial blockchain company; or
73          (B) engages in unlawful activity.
74          (2) (a) Upon receipt of the application and fee described in Subsection (1), the
75     regulatory relief office shall:
76          (i) place the applicant on the registry; and
77          (ii) issue a certificate of registration to the applicant.
78          (b) A noncustodial blockchain company's registration expires one year after the day on
79     which the noncustodial blockchain company is placed on the registry.
80          (c) A noncustodial blockchain company may renew the noncustodial blockchain
81     company's registration by providing to the regulatory relief office:
82          (i) a renewal application in a form prescribed by the regulatory relief office; and
83          (ii) a renewal fee established by the regulatory relief office in accordance with Section
84     63J-1-504.
85          (3) A registered noncustodial blockchain company:
86          (a) shall immediately provide written notice to the regulatory relief office upon ceasing
87     to operate as a noncustodial blockchain company; and

88          (b) may request removal from the registry in writing.
89          (4) The regulatory relief office shall remove a registered noncustodial blockchain
90     company from the registry if:
91          (a) the noncustodial blockchain company's registration expires without renewal;
92          (b) the noncustodial blockchain company provides the notice or request described in
93     Subsection (3); or
94          (c) the regulatory relief office knows or has reason to know the noncustodial
95     blockchain company is engaging in unlawful activity.