


Chief Sponsor: Norman K Thurston

Senate Sponsor: ____________


8     General Description:
9          This bill addresses the licensing of educators by the State Board of Education.
10     Highlighted Provisions:
11          This bill:
12          ▸     defines terms;
13          ▸     allows individuals who complete certain educator training programs, without
14     receiving a bachelor's degree, to obtain an educator license from the State Board of
15     Education;
16          ▸     requires the State Board of Education to establish licensing standards for educator
17     training programs; and
18          ▸     makes technical corrections.
19     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
20          None
21     Other Special Clauses:
22          None
23     Utah Code Sections Affected:
24     AMENDS:
25          53E-6-201, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapters 365, 408
26          53E-6-302, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2022, Chapter 285
27          53E-6-303, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 186


29     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
30          Section 1. Section 53E-6-201 is amended to read:
31          53E-6-201. State board licensure.
32          (1) [To be fully implemented by July 1, 2020, and, if technology and funds are
33     available, the] The state board shall establish in rule made in accordance with Title 63G,
34     Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, a system for educator licensing that includes:
35          (a) an associate educator license that permits an individual to provide educational
36     services in a public school while working to meet the requirements of a professional educator
37     license;
38          (b) a professional educator license that permits an individual to provide educational
39     services in a public school after demonstrating that the individual meets licensure requirements
40     established in state board rule; [and]
41          (c) an LEA-specific educator license issued by the state board at the request of an
42     LEA's governing body that is valid for an individual to provide educational services in the
43     requesting LEA's schools[.]; and
44          (d) a certified educator license that permits an individual who has successfully
45     completed a certified educator training program, as defined in Section 53E-6-302, to provide
46     educational services in a public school after demonstrating that the individual meets licensure
47     requirements established in state board rule.
48          (2) An individual employed in a position that requires licensure by the state board shall
49     hold the license that is appropriate to the position.
50          (3) (a) The state board may by rule made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3,
51     Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, rank, endorse, or otherwise classify licenses and
52     establish the criteria for obtaining, retaining, and reinstating licenses.
53          (b) An educator who is enrolling in a course of study at an institution within the state
54     system of higher education to satisfy the state board requirements for retaining a license is
55     exempt from tuition, except for a semester registration fee established by the Utah Board of
56     Higher Education, if:
57          (i) the educator is enrolled on the basis of surplus space in the class after regularly
58     enrolled students have been assigned and admitted to the class in accordance with regular

59     procedures, normal teaching loads, and the institution's approved budget; and
60          (ii) enrollments are determined by each institution under rules and guidelines
61     established by the Utah Board of Higher Education in accordance with findings of fact that
62     space is available for the educator's enrollment.
63          Section 2. Section 53E-6-302 is amended to read:
64          53E-6-302. Educator preparation programs.
65          (1) As used in this section:
66          (a) "Certified educator training program" means a competency-based program that:
67          (i) provides educators with the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to teach in the
68     classroom and prepare educators for licensure; and
69          (ii) does not lead to a bachelor's degree.
70          [(a)] (b) "Educator preparation program" means:
71          (i) a university teacher education program; [or]
72          (ii) a program that prepares individuals using an alternative pathway to licensure, as the
73     state board provides[.]; or
74          (iii) a certified educator training program.
75          [(b)] (c) "Required literacy preparation assessment" means the same as that term is
76     defined in Section 53E-6-301.
77          [(c)] (d) "University teacher preparation program" means a program that an institution
78     of higher education offers to prepare educators for licensure.
79          (2) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
80     state board shall make rules that establish standards for approval of an educator preparation
81     program.
82          (3) (a) [The] Subject to Subsection (3)(b), the state board shall ensure that standards
83     adopted under Subsection (2):
84          [(a)] (i) meet or exceed generally recognized national standards for preparation of
85     educators; and
86          [(b)] (ii) include requirements for educator preparation programs to:
87          [(i)] (A) provide instruction in the science of reading; and
88          [(ii)] (B) prepare license applicants to pass the required literacy preparation assessment
89     at no cost to the applicants for the preparation, including providing ongoing preparation for up

90     to three total attempts of the required literacy preparation assessment.
91          (b) Rules made by the state board under Subsection (2) may not require a license
92     applicant who has completed a certified educator training program to obtain a bachelor's
93     degree.
94          (4) The state board shall designate an employee of the state board's staff to:
95          (a) work with education deans of state institutions of higher education to coordinate
96     university teacher preparation programs that may include:
97          (i) monitoring courses for university teacher preparation programs; and
98          (ii) working with course instructors for university teacher preparation programs;
99          (b) act as a liaison between:
100          (i) the state board;
101          (ii) local school boards or charter school governing boards; and
102          (iii) representatives of university teacher preparation programs; and
103          (c) report the employee's findings and recommendations for the improvement of
104     teacher preparation programs to:
105          (i) the state board; and
106          (ii) education deans of state institutions of higher education.
107          (5) The state board shall:
108          (a) in good faith, consider the findings and recommendations described in Subsection
109     (4)(c); and
110          (b) in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act,
111     make rules, as the state board determines is necessary, to implement recommendations
112     described in Subsection (4)(c).
113          (6) Subject to legislative appropriations, the Utah Board of Higher Education shall:
114          (a) provide matching funds to each of the state's institutions of higher education with a
115     university teacher preparation program:
116          (i) to hire an additional faculty member who has training in the science of reading and
117     the science of reading instruction; and
118          (ii) in an amount equal to 75% of the cost of making the hire described in Subsection
119     [(6)(a)] (6)(a)(i) if the institution provides 25% of the cost; and
120          (b) consult the state superintendent regarding:

121          (i) criteria for the hire described in Subsection [(6)(a)] (6)(a)(i) that would qualify for a
122     distribution of funding; and
123          (ii) an individual institution's fulfillment of the criteria described in Subsection
124     (6)(b)(i) before distributing funding.
125          (7) An institution that hires an additional faculty member shall coordinate with the
126     science of reading panel described in Section 53E-3-1003 to include two members of the panel
127     in the institution's hiring process.
128          (8) The state board shall:
129          (a) monitor accreditation of university programs regarding the science of reading
130     preparation described in Subsection [(3)(b)] (3)(a)(ii) at the institutions described in
131     Subsection (6)(a); and
132          (b) (i) develop strategies to provide support for preparation programs with low rates of
133     passage on the required literacy preparation assessment; and
134          (ii) provide increasing levels of support to a preparation program with low rates of
135     passage on the required literacy preparation assessment for two consecutive years.
136          Section 3. Section 53E-6-303 is amended to read:
137          53E-6-303. Prohibition on use of degrees or credit from unapproved institutions.
138          (1) An individual may not use a postsecondary degree, certificate, or credit awarded by
139     a postsecondary institution or program to gain a license, employment, or any other benefit
140     within the public school system unless the institution or program was, at the time the degree,
141     certificate, or credit was awarded:
142          (a) approved for the granting of the degree, certificate, or credit by the state board; or
143          (b) accredited by an accrediting organization recognized by the state board.
144          (2) The state board may grant an exemption from Subsection (1) to an individual who
145     shows good cause for the granting of the exemption.