


Chief Sponsor: Marsha Judkins

Senate Sponsor: ____________


8     General Description:
9          This bill addresses judgments requiring the payment of money.
10     Highlighted Provisions:
11          This bill:
12          ▸     varies the amount of wages subject to garnishment based on an individual's annual
13     income as compared to the federal poverty level;
14          ▸     exempts from execution to satisfy a judgment up to $1,000 on deposit in a financial
15     institution;
16          ▸     requires a judgment creditor to send a quarterly statement to a judgment debtor
17     setting forth the payment history of a judgment; and
18          ▸     makes technical and conforming changes.
19     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
20          None
21     Other Special Clauses:
22          None
23     Utah Code Sections Affected:
24     AMENDS:
25          70C-7-103, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter 84
26          78B-5-505, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 260
27          78B-5-507, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 425

28     ENACTS:
29          78B-5-207, Utah Code Annotated 1953

31     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
32          Section 1. Section 70C-7-103 is amended to read:
33          70C-7-103. Definitions -- Limitation on garnishment.
34          (1) As used in this part:
35          (a) "Annual income" means the aggregate amount of disposable earnings received by
36     an individual in a calendar year.
37          (b) "Disposable earnings" means that part of the earnings of an individual remaining
38     after the deduction from those earnings of amounts required by law to be withheld.
39          [(b)] (c) "Education loan" means a loan subject to this title, or notwithstanding
40     Subsection 70C-1-202(2)(h)(ii)(B)(II), made by a depository institution that:
41          (i) is closed end;
42          (ii) is a qualified education loan as defined in 26 U.S.C. Sec. 221(d);
43          (iii) expressly states in the original loan documents that it is a qualified education loan
44     or the proceeds will be used solely for qualified higher education expenses as defined in 26
45     U.S.C. Sec 221(d); and
46          (iv) in a bankruptcy filing, the loan or any indebtedness relating to the loan is subject to
47     the provisions of 11 U.S.C. Sec. 523(a)(8).
48          (d) "Federal excess amount" means the amount by which an individual's disposable
49     earnings for any pay period exceeds 30 hours per week multiplied by the federal minimum
50     hourly wage prescribed by Section 6(a)(1) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, 29 U.S.C.
51     Sec. 206(a)(1), in effect at the time the earnings are payable.
52          (e) "Federal poverty level" means the annual poverty guidelines established by the
53     Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services under 42 U.S.C. Sec.
54     9909(2), taking into account the size of an individual's household.
55          [(c)] (f) "Garnishment" means a legal or equitable procedure through which the
56     earnings of an individual are required to be withheld for payment of a debt.
57          (2) [The] Except as provided in Subsection (3), the maximum part of the aggregate
58     disposable earnings of an individual for any pay period that is [subjected] subject to

59     garnishment to enforce payment of a judgment arising from a consumer credit agreement [may
60     not exceed] is the lesser of:
61          (a) [25% of the individual's disposable earnings for that pay period] 10% of the
62     individual's disposable earnings for that pay period if the individual's annual income is equal to
63     or less than 200% of the federal poverty level;
64          (b) 20% of the individual's disposable earnings for that pay period if the individual's
65     annual income is equal to or less than 300% of the federal poverty level;
66          (c) 25% of the individual's disposable earnings for that pay period if the individual's
67     annual income is greater than 300% of the federal poverty level; or
68          (d) the federal excess amount for that pay period.
69          [(b) the amount by which the individual's disposable earnings for that pay period
70     exceed 30 hours per week multiplied by the federal minimum hourly wage prescribed by
71     Section 6(a)(1) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, 29 U.S.C. Sec. 206(a)(1), in effect at
72     the time the earnings are payable; or]
73          [(c)] (3) [15% of the individual's disposable earnings for that pay period if the
74     judgment relates to an education loan.] If a judgment arising from a consumer credit agreement
75     relates to an education loan, the maximum part of the aggregate disposable earnings of an
76     individual for any pay period that is subject to garnishment is the lesser of:
77          (a) 15% of the individual's disposable earnings for that pay period; or
78          (b) the federal excess amount for that pay period.
79          [(3)] (4) A court may not make, execute, or enforce an order or process in violation of
80     this section.
81          Section 2. Section 78B-5-207 is enacted to read:
82          78B-5-207. Judgments for the payment of money -- Statement required quarterly.
83          (1) As used in this section:
84          (a) "Judgment" means a judgment requiring the payment of money.
85          (b) "Quarterly" means once every 90 days.
86          (2) No later than 90 days after the date a judgment is effective as a lien under this part,
87     or Part 3, Utah Foreign Judgment Act, and continuing quarterly until the judgment is satisfied,
88     a judgment creditor shall provide a statement to the judgment debtor that identifies:
89          (a) the current date;

90          (b) the names of the judgment creditor and judgment debtor;
91          (c) the original balance of the judgment;
92          (d) every district court where the judgment is recorded;
93          (e) the value of any money and property received by the judgment creditor and applied
94     to the judgment;
95          (f) the amount of any fee and cost incurred by the judgment creditor and added to the
96     judgment;
97          (g) the post-judgment interest rate and amount of accrued interest added to the
98     judgment; and
99          (h) the aggregate balance owed on the judgment as of the date of the statement.
100          (3) The judgment creditor shall send the statement described in Subsection (2):
101          (a) by certified mail to the judgment debtor's last known address;
102          (b) by email to the judgment debtor; or
103          (c) by making the statement available to the judgment debtor via a web-based platform.
104          (4) The judgment creditor may not recover from the judgment debtor the cost to
105     prepare and send a statement described in this section.
106          Section 3. Section 78B-5-505 is amended to read:
107          78B-5-505. Property exempt from execution.
108          (1) (a) An individual is entitled to exemption of the following property:
109          (i) a burial plot for the individual and the individual's family;
110          (ii) health aids reasonably necessary to enable the individual or a dependent to work or
111     sustain health;
112          (iii) benefits that the individual or the individual's dependent have received or are
113     entitled to receive from any source because of:
114          (A) disability;
115          (B) illness; or
116          (C) unemployment;
117          (iv) benefits paid or payable for medical, surgical, or hospital care to the extent that the
118     benefits are used by an individual or the individual's dependent to pay for that care;
119          (v) veterans benefits;
120          (vi) money or property received, and rights to receive money or property for child

121     support;
122          (vii) money or property received, and rights to receive money or property for alimony
123     or separate maintenance, to the extent reasonably necessary for the support of the individual
124     and the individual's dependents;
125          (viii) (A) one:
126          (I) clothes washer and dryer;
127          (II) refrigerator;
128          (III) freezer;
129          (IV) stove;
130          (V) microwave oven; and
131          (VI) sewing machine;
132          (B) all carpets in use;
133          (C) provisions sufficient for 12 months actually provided for individual or family use;
134          (D) all wearing apparel of every individual and dependent, not including jewelry or
135     furs; and
136          (E) all beds and bedding for every individual or dependent;
137          (ix) except for works of art held by the debtor as part of a trade or business, works of
138     art:
139          (A) depicting the debtor or the debtor and the debtor's resident family; or
140          (B) produced by the debtor or the debtor and the debtor's resident family;
141          (x) proceeds of insurance, a judgment, or a settlement, or other rights accruing as a
142     result of bodily injury of the individual or of the wrongful death or bodily injury of another
143     individual of whom the individual was or is a dependent to the extent that those proceeds are
144     compensatory;
145          (xi) the proceeds or benefits of any life insurance contracts or policies paid or payable
146     to the debtor or any trust of which the debtor is a beneficiary upon the death of the spouse or
147     children of the debtor, provided that the contract or policy has been owned by the debtor for a
148     continuous unexpired period of one year;
149          (xii) the proceeds or benefits of any life insurance contracts or policies paid or payable
150     to the spouse or children of the debtor or any trust of which the spouse or children are
151     beneficiaries upon the death of the debtor, provided that the contract or policy has been in

152     existence for a continuous unexpired period of one year;
153          (xiii) proceeds and avails of any unmatured life insurance contracts owned by the
154     debtor or any revocable grantor trust created by the debtor, excluding any payments made on
155     the contract during the one year immediately preceding a creditor's levy or execution;
156          (xiv) except as provided in Subsection (1)(b), and except for a judgment described in
157     Subsection 75-7-503(2)(c), any money or other assets held for or payable to the individual as
158     an owner, participant, or beneficiary from or an interest of the individual as an owner,
159     participant, or beneficiary in a fund or account, including an inherited fund or account, in a
160     retirement plan or arrangement that is described in Section 401(a), 401(h), 401(k), 403(a),
161     403(b), 408, 408A, 409, 414(d), 414(e), or 457, Internal Revenue Code, including an owner's, a
162     participant's, or a beneficiary's interest that arises by inheritance, designation, appointment, or
163     otherwise;
164          (xv) the interest of or any money or other assets payable to an alternate payee under a
165     qualified domestic relations order as those terms are defined in Section 414(p), Internal
166     Revenue Code;
167          (xvi) unpaid earnings of the household of the filing individual due as of the date of the
168     filing of a bankruptcy petition in the amount of 1/24 of the Utah State annual median family
169     income for the household size of the filing individual as determined by the Utah State Annual
170     Median Family Income reported by the United States Census Bureau and as adjusted based
171     upon the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers for an individual whose unpaid
172     earnings are paid more often than once a month or, if unpaid earnings are not paid more often
173     than once a month, then in the amount of 1/12 of the Utah State annual median family income
174     for the household size of the individual as determined by the Utah State Annual Median Family
175     Income reported by the United States Census Bureau and as adjusted based upon the Consumer
176     Price Index for All Urban Consumers;
177          (xvii) except for curio or relic firearms, as defined in Section 76-10-501, any three of
178     the following:
179          (A) one handgun and ammunition for the handgun not exceeding 1,000 rounds;
180          (B) one shotgun and ammunition for the shotgun not exceeding 1,000 rounds; and
181          (C) one shoulder arm and ammunition for the shoulder arm not exceeding 1,000
182     rounds; [and]

183          (xviii) money, not exceeding $200,000, in the aggregate, that an individual deposits,
184     more than 18 months before the day on which the individual files a petition for bankruptcy or
185     an action is filed by a creditor against the individual, as applicable, in all tax-advantaged
186     accounts for saving for higher education costs on behalf of a particular individual that meets
187     the requirements of Section 529, Internal Revenue Code[.]; and
188          (xix) money, not exceeding $1,000, in the aggregate:
189          (A) in which the debtor holds an interest;
190          (B) that was on deposit in a financial institution before a lien created by a judgment
191     was obtained against the debtor; and
192          (C) that is not otherwise exempt from execution under this section.
193          (b) (i) Any money, asset, or other interest in a fund or account that is exempt from a
194     claim of a creditor of the owner, beneficiary, or participant under Subsection (1)(a)(xiv) does
195     not cease to be exempt after the owner's, participant's, or beneficiary's death by reason of a
196     direct transfer or eligible rollover to an inherited individual retirement account as defined in
197     Section 408(d)(3), Internal Revenue Code.
198          (ii) Subsections (1)(a)(xiv) and (1)(b)(i) apply to all inherited individual retirement
199     accounts without regard to the date on which the account was created.
200          (c) (i) The exemption granted by Subsection (1)(a)(xiv) does not apply to:
201          (A) an alternate payee under a qualified domestic relations order, as those terms are
202     defined in Section 414(p), Internal Revenue Code; or
203          (B) amounts contributed or benefits accrued by or on behalf of a debtor within one year
204     before the debtor files for bankruptcy, except amounts directly rolled over from other funds
205     that are exempt from attachment under this section.
206          (ii) The exemptions in Subsections (1)(a)(xi), (xii), and (xiii) do not apply to the
207     secured creditor's interest in proceeds and avails of any matured or unmatured life insurance
208     contract assigned or pledged as collateral for repayment of a loan or other legal obligation.
209          (2) (a) Disability benefits, as described in Subsection (1)(a)(iii)(A), and veterans
210     benefits, as described in Subsection (1)(a)(v), may be garnished on behalf of a victim who is a
211     child if the person receiving the benefits has been convicted of a felony sex offense against the
212     victim and ordered by the sentencing court to pay restitution to the victim.
213          (b) The exemption from execution under this Subsection (2) shall be reinstated upon

214     payment of the restitution in full.
215          (3) The exemptions under this section do not limit items that may be claimed as
216     exempt under Section 78B-5-506.
217          (4) (a) The exemptions described in Subsections (1)(a)(iii), (iv), (vi), (vii), (x), (xii),
218     (xiii), (xiv), (xv), (xvii), [and (xviii)] (xviii), and (xix) do not apply to a civil accounts
219     receivable or a civil judgment of restitution for an individual who is found in contempt under
220     Section 78B-6-317.
221          (b) Subsection (4)(a) does not apply to the benefits described in Subsection (1)(a)(iii) if
222     the individual's dependent received, or is entitled to receive, the benefits.
223          Section 4. Section 78B-5-507 is amended to read:
224          78B-5-507. Exemption of proceeds from property sold, taken by condemnation,
225     lost, damaged, or destroyed -- Tracing exempt property and proceeds.
226          (1) (a) An individual who owned property described in this Subsection (1) is entitled to
227     an exemption of proceeds that are traceable for one year after the compensation for the property
228     is received if:
229          (i) (A) the property, or a part of the property, could have been claimed exempt under
230     Subsection 78B-5-505(1)(a)(i) or (ii); or
231          (B) the property is personal property subject to a value limitation under Subsection
232     78B-5-506(1)(a), (b), or (c); and
233          (ii) the property has been:
234          (A) sold [or taken by condemnation; or], taken by condemnation, lost, damaged, or
235     destroyed; and
236          [(B) lost, damaged, or destroyed; and]
237          [(C)] (B) the owner has been compensated for the property.
238          (b) The exemption of proceeds under this Subsection (1) does not entitle the individual
239     to claim an aggregate exemption in excess of the value limitation otherwise allowable under
240     Section 78B-5-503 or 78B-5-506.
241          (2) Money or other property exempt under Subsection 78B-5-505(1)(a)(iii), (iv), (v),
242     (vi), (vii), (xiii), (xiv), [or (xviii)] (xviii), or (xix) remains exempt after its receipt by, and while
243     it is in the possession of, the individual or in any other form into which it is traceable.
244          (3) Money or other property and proceeds exempt under this chapter are traceable

245     under this section by application of:
246          (a) the principle of:
247          (i) first-in first-out; or
248          (ii) last-in last-out; or
249          (b) any other reasonable basis for tracing selected by the individual.