8 General Description:
9 This bill addresses a director of resource stewardship.
10 Highlighted Provisions:
11 This bill:
12 ▸ provides for the appointment of a director of resource stewardship by the executive
13 director of the Department of Environmental Quality;
14 ▸ addresses duties of the director of resource stewardship;
15 ▸ addresses discretion of state agencies; and
16 ▸ repeals provision housing a coordinator in the Department of Government
17 Operations.
18 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
19 None
20 Other Special Clauses:
21 None
22 Utah Code Sections Affected:
24 19-1-110, Utah Code Annotated 1953
26 63A-1-116, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2016, Chapter 187
28 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
29 Section 1. Section 19-1-110 is enacted to read:
30 19-1-110. Director of resource stewardship -- Appointment -- Duties -- Discretion
31 of state agencies.
32 (1) The executive director shall appoint a state director of resource stewardship.
33 (2) The director of resource stewardship shall report to the executive director or the
34 executive director's designee.
35 (3) The director of resource stewardship shall:
36 (a) work with state agencies to implement best practices and stewardship measures to
37 improve the quality of air, land, and water; and
38 (b) report annually to the Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environment Interim
39 Committee on best practices and stewardship efforts to improve the quality of air, land, and
40 water.
41 (4) A state agency retains absolute discretion whether to incorporate a practice or
42 measure suggested by the director of resource stewardship.
43 Section 2. Repealer.
44 This bill repeals:
45 Section 63A-1-116, Appointment of coordinator of resource stewardship -- Duties
46 of the coordinator of resource stewardship.