8 General Description:
9 This bill addresses voting in primary elections, and changing party affiliation, for an
10 election held in an even-numbered year.
11 Highlighted Provisions:
12 This bill:
13 ▸ defines terms;
14 ▸ amends the deadline by which a voter may change the voter's political party
15 affiliation for an election held in an even-numbered year;
16 ▸ prohibits voting in the primary elections of multiple registered political parties for
17 the same election; and
18 ▸ makes technical and conforming changes.
19 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
20 None
21 Other Special Clauses:
22 This bill provides a coordination clause.
23 Utah Code Sections Affected:
25 20A-2-107, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2022, Chapter 170
27 20A-2-107.5, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 430
28 Utah Code Sections Affected by Coordination Clause:
29 20A-2-107, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2022, Chapter 170
31 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
32 Section 1. Section 20A-2-107 is amended to read:
33 20A-2-107. Designating or changing party affiliation -- Times permitted.
34 (1) As used in this section, "change of affiliation deadline" means:
35 (a) for an election held in an even-numbered year in which a presidential election will
36 be held, the day after the declaration of candidacy deadline described in Subsection
37 20A-9-201.5(2)(b); or
38 (b) for an election held in an even-numbered year in which a presidential election will
39 not be held, April 1.
40 [
41 (a) except as provided in Subsection [
42 record the party affiliation designated by the voter on the voter registration form as the voter's
43 party affiliation; or
44 (b) if no political party affiliation is designated by the voter on the voter registration
45 form:
46 (i) except as provided in Subsection [
47 affiliation as the party that the voter designated the last time that the voter designated a party on
48 a voter registration form, unless the voter more recently registered as "unaffiliated"; or
49 (ii) record the voter's party affiliation as "unaffiliated" if the voter:
50 (A) did not previously designate a party;
51 (B) most recently designated the voter's party affiliation as "unaffiliated"; or
52 (C) did not previously register.
53 [
54 affiliation by complying with the procedures and requirements of this Subsection [
55 (b) A registered voter may designate or change the voter's political party affiliation by
56 filing with the county clerk, the municipal clerk, or the lieutenant governor a voter registration
57 form or another signed form [
58 with which the voter chooses to affiliate.
59 (c) Except as provided in Subsection [
60 another signed form designating or changing a voter's political party affiliation takes effect
61 when the county clerk receives the signed form.
62 (d) The party affiliation of a voter who changes party affiliation, or who becomes
63 unaffiliated from a political party, at any time on or after the change of affiliation deadline and
64 on or before the date of the regular primary election, takes effect the day after the statewide
65 canvass for the regular primary election.
66 [
70 [
73 [
74 Subsection [
75 change of affiliation deadline if:
76 [
77 than 5 p.m. on the [
78 deadline;
79 [
80 Section 20A-2-206, at or before 11:59 p.m. [
81 affiliation deadline; or
82 [
83 the change of affiliation deadline.
84 [
85 a voter on [
86 [
87 [
88 county clerk under Subsection [
89 [
90 that is no longer a registered political party, the county clerk shall:
91 (a) change the voter's party affiliation to "unaffiliated"; and
92 (b) notify the voter electronically or by mail:
93 (i) that the voter's affiliation has been changed to "unaffiliated" because the most recent
94 party affiliation designated by the voter is for a political party that is no longer a registered
95 political party; and
96 (ii) of the methods and deadlines for changing the voter's party affiliation.
97 Section 2. Section 20A-2-107.5 is repealed and reenacted to read:
98 20A-2-107.5. Designating or changing party affiliation -- Regular primary
99 election and presidential primary election -- Voting in primaries of multiple parties
100 prohibited.
101 (1) As used in this section, "change of affiliation deadline" means the same as that term
102 is defined in Subsection 20A-2-107(1).
103 (2) Except as provided in Subsection (3), a registered voter who is classified as
104 "unaffiliated" may, at a regular primary election or a presidential primary election:
105 (a) affiliate with a political party by completing a change of party affiliation form or
106 voter registration form and submitting the form to the county clerk or a poll worker; and
107 (b) vote in that party's primary election.
108 (3) The party affiliation of a voter who changes party affiliation, or who becomes
109 unaffiliated from a political party, at any time on or after the change of affiliation deadline and
110 on or before the date of the regular primary election, takes effect the day after the statewide
111 canvass for the regular primary election.
112 (4) (a) A voter who votes in the presidential primary election of a registered political
113 party may not, for the same election, vote in the presidential primary election of another
114 registered political party.
115 (b) A voter who votes in the regular primary election of a registered political party may
116 not, for the same election, vote in the regular primary election of another registered political
117 party.
118 Section 3. Coordinating H.B. 365 with H.B. 69 -- Substantive and technical
119 amendments.
120 If this H.B. 365 and H.B. 69, Election Modifications, both pass and become law, it is
121 the intent of the Legislature that the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel shall
122 prepare the Utah Code database for publication as follows:
123 (1) by amending Subsection 20A-2-107(1)(a) as follows:
124 "[
125 (a) except as provided in Subsection[
126 affiliation designated by the voter on the voter registration form as the voter's party affiliation;
127 or"; and
128 (2) the changes to Section 20A-2-107.5 in H.B. 365 supersede the changes to
129 Subsection 20A-2-107.5 in H.B. 69.