8 General Description:
9 This bill modifies provisions related to mining operations.
10 Highlighted Provisions:
11 This bill:
12 ▸ amends definitions related to the Agriculture, Industrial, or Critical Infrastructure
13 Materials Protection Areas provisions;
14 ▸ requires actions to be brought before the Board of Oil, Gas, and Mining;
15 ▸ restricts the time for seeking a challenge of a vested mining use;
16 ▸ modifies rights of a mine operator with a vested mining use;
17 ▸ amends definitions related to the regulation of mining;
18 ▸ modifies the authority of the board and division;
19 ▸ addresses review of notice of intentions;
20 ▸ enacts provisions related to review of a permit order;
21 ▸ addresses surety requirements;
22 ▸ addresses withdrawal of approved notice of intention;
23 ▸ clarifies requirements for revised notice of intentions; and
24 ▸ makes technical changes.
25 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
26 None
27 Other Special Clauses:
28 None
29 Utah Code Sections Affected:
31 17-41-101, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2022, Chapter 72
32 17-41-501, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 376
33 17-41-502, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 376
34 40-8-4, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2022, Chapter 72
35 40-8-7, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 382
36 40-8-13, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 243
37 40-8-14, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 125
38 40-8-16, as last amended by Laws of Utah 1989, Chapter 22
39 40-8-18, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2003, Chapter 35
41 40-8-13.1, Utah Code Annotated 1953
43 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
44 Section 1. Section 17-41-101 is amended to read:
45 17-41-101. Definitions.
46 As used in this chapter:
47 (1) "Advisory board" means:
48 (a) for an agriculture protection area, the agriculture protection area advisory board
49 created as provided in Section 17-41-201;
50 (b) for an industrial protection area, the industrial protection area advisory board
51 created as provided in Section 17-41-201; and
52 (c) for a critical infrastructure materials protection area, the critical infrastructure
53 materials protection area advisory board created as provided in Section 17-41-201.
54 (2) (a) "Agriculture production" means production for commercial purposes of crops,
55 livestock, and livestock products.
56 (b) "Agriculture production" includes the processing or retail marketing of any crops,
57 livestock, and livestock products when more than 50% of the processed or merchandised
58 products are produced by the farm operator.
59 (3) "Agriculture protection area" means a geographic area created under the authority
60 of this chapter that is granted the specific legal protections contained in this chapter.
61 (4) "Applicable legislative body" means:
62 (a) with respect to a proposed agriculture protection area, industrial protection area, or
63 critical infrastructure materials protection area:
64 (i) the legislative body of the county in which the land proposed to be included in the
65 relevant protection area is located, if the land is within the unincorporated part of the county; or
66 (ii) the legislative body of the city or town in which the land proposed to be included in
67 the relevant protection area is located; and
68 (b) with respect to an existing agriculture protection area, industrial protection area, or
69 critical infrastructure materials protection area:
70 (i) the legislative body of the county in which the relevant protection area is located, if
71 the relevant protection area is within the unincorporated part of the county; or
72 (ii) the legislative body of the city or town in which the relevant protection area is
73 located.
74 (5) "Board" means the Board of Oil, Gas, and Mining created in Section 40-6-4.
75 (6) "Critical infrastructure materials" means sand, gravel, or rock aggregate.
76 (7) "Critical infrastructure materials operations" means the extraction, excavation,
77 processing, or reprocessing of critical infrastructure materials.
78 (8) "Critical infrastructure materials operator" means a natural person, corporation,
79 association, partnership, receiver, trustee, executor, administrator, guardian, fiduciary, agent, or
80 other organization or representative, either public or private, including a successor, assign,
81 affiliate, subsidiary, and related parent company, that:
82 (a) owns, controls, or manages a critical infrastructure materials operation; and
83 (b) has produced commercial quantities of critical infrastructure materials from the
84 critical infrastructure materials operations.
85 (9) "Critical infrastructure materials protection area" means a geographic area created
86 under the authority of this chapter on or after May 14, 2019, that is granted the specific legal
87 protections contained in this chapter.
88 (10) "Crops, livestock, and livestock products" includes:
89 (a) land devoted to the raising of useful plants and animals with a reasonable
90 expectation of profit, including:
91 (i) forages and sod crops;
92 (ii) grains and feed crops;
93 (iii) livestock as defined in Section 59-2-102;
94 (iv) trees and fruits; or
95 (v) vegetables, nursery, floral, and ornamental stock; or
96 (b) land devoted to and meeting the requirements and qualifications for payments or
97 other compensation under a crop-land retirement program with an agency of the state or federal
98 government.
99 (11) "Division" means the Division of Oil, Gas, and Mining created in Section
100 40-6-15.
101 (12) "Industrial protection area" means a geographic area created under the authority of
102 this chapter that is granted the specific legal protections contained in this chapter.
103 (13) "Mine operator" means a natural person, corporation, association, partnership,
104 receiver, trustee, executor, administrator, guardian, fiduciary, agent, or other organization or
105 representative, either public or private, including a successor, assign, affiliate, subsidiary, and
106 related parent company, that, [
107 (a) owns, controls, [
108 40, Chapter 8, Utah Mined Land Reclamation Act, as an owner of a mining use under a large
109 mine permit issued by the division or the board; and
110 (b) has [
111 from the mining use under the large mine permit.
112 (14) "Mineral deposit" means the same as that term is defined in Section 40-8-4.
113 (15) "Mining protection area" means land where a vested mining use occurs, has
114 occurred, or will occur when the area has not been disturbed or excavated, including each
115 surface or subsurface land or mineral estate that a mine operator with a vested mining use owns
116 or controls.
117 (16) "Mining use":
118 (a) means:
119 (i) the full range of activities, from prospecting and exploration to reclamation and
120 closure, associated with the exploitation of a mineral deposit; and
121 (ii) the use of the surface and subsurface and groundwater and surface water of an area
122 in connection with the activities described in Subsection (16)(a)(i) that have been, are being, or
123 will be conducted; and
124 (b) includes, whether conducted on-site or off-site:
125 (i) any sampling, staking, surveying, exploration, or development activity;
126 (ii) any drilling, blasting, excavating, or tunneling;
127 (iii) the removal, transport, treatment, deposition, and reclamation of overburden,
128 development rock, tailings, and other waste material;
129 (iv) any removal, transportation, extraction, beneficiation, or processing of ore;
130 (v) any smelting, refining, autoclaving, or other primary or secondary processing
131 operation;
132 (vi) the recovery of any mineral left in residue from a previous extraction or processing
133 operation;
134 (vii) a mining activity that is identified in a work plan or permitting document;
135 (viii) the use, operation, maintenance, repair, replacement, or alteration of a building,
136 structure, facility, equipment, machine, tool, or other material or property that results from or is
137 used in a surface or subsurface mining operation or activity;
138 (ix) any accessory, incidental, or ancillary activity or use, both active and passive,
139 including a utility, private way or road, pipeline, land excavation, working, embankment, pond,
140 gravel excavation, mining waste, conveyor, power line, trackage, storage, reserve, passive use
141 area, buffer zone, and power production facility;
142 (x) the construction of a storage, factory, processing, or maintenance facility; [
143 (xi) the acquisition, ownership, and control as inventory of contiguous or partly
144 contiguous mineral bearing properties or parcels, regardless of whether actual excavation or
145 land disturbance has occurred; and
146 [
147 (17) (a) "Municipal" means of or relating to a city or town.
148 (b) "Municipality" means a city or town.
149 (18) "New land" means surface or subsurface land or mineral estate that a mine
150 operator gains ownership or control of after January 1, 2019, regardless of whether that land or
151 mineral estate is included in the mine operator's large mine permit.
152 (19) "Off-site" means the same as that term is defined in Section 40-8-4.
153 (20) "On-site" means the same as that term is defined in Section 40-8-4.
154 (21) "Planning commission" means:
155 (a) a countywide planning commission if the land proposed to be included in the
156 agriculture protection area, industrial protection area, or critical infrastructure materials
157 protection area is within the unincorporated part of the county and not within a planning
158 advisory area;
159 (b) a planning advisory area planning commission if the land proposed to be included
160 in the agriculture protection area, industrial protection area, or critical infrastructure materials
161 protection area is within a planning advisory area; or
162 (c) a planning commission of a city or town if the land proposed to be included in the
163 agriculture protection area, industrial protection area, or critical infrastructure materials
164 protection area is within a city or town.
165 (22) "Political subdivision" means a county, city, town, school district, local district, or
166 special service district.
167 (23) "Proposal sponsors" means the owners of land in agricultural production,
168 industrial use, or critical infrastructure materials operations who are sponsoring the proposal
169 for creating an agriculture protection area, industrial protection area, or critical infrastructure
170 materials protection area.
171 (24) "State agency" means each department, commission, board, council, agency,
172 institution, officer, corporation, fund, division, office, committee, authority, laboratory, library,
173 unit, bureau, panel, or other administrative unit of the state.
174 (25) "Unincorporated" means not within a city or town.
175 (26) "Vested mining use" means a mining use:
176 (a) by a mine operator; and
177 (b) that existed or was conducted or otherwise engaged in before a political subdivision
178 prohibits, restricts, or otherwise limits a mining use.
179 Section 2. Section 17-41-501 is amended to read:
180 17-41-501. Vested mining use -- Conclusive presumption.
181 (1) (a) A mining use is conclusively presumed to be a vested mining use if the mining
182 use existed or was conducted or otherwise engaged in before a political subdivision prohibits,
183 restricts, or otherwise limits the mining use.
184 (b) Anyone claiming that a vested mining use has not been established has the burden
185 of proof to show by clear and convincing evidence that the vested mining use has not been
186 established.
187 (2) A vested mining use:
188 (a) runs with the land; and
189 (b) may be changed to another mining use without losing its status as a vested mining
190 use.
191 (3) The present or future boundary described in the large mine permit of a mine
192 operator with a vested mining use does not limit:
193 (a) the scope of the mine operator's rights under this chapter; or
194 (b) the protection that this chapter provides for a mining protection area.
195 (4) (a) A mine operator with a vested mining use shall file a declaration for recording
196 in the office of the recorder of the county in which the vested mining use is located.
197 (b) A declaration under Subsection (4)(a) shall:
198 (i) contain a legal description of the land included within the vested mining use; and
199 (ii) provide notice of the vested mining use.
200 (5) (a) A person seeking to challenge a vested mining use shall file the challenge with
201 the board.
202 (b) A person shall file a challenge under this Subsection (5) by no later than the later
203 of:
204 (i) May 1, 2024; or
205 (ii) one year after receiving actual notice of the vested mining use.
206 (c) If a person does not file a challenge under this Subsection (5) within the time frame
207 described in Subsection (5)(b), the declaration described in Subsection (4) is considered to be
208 conclusively established for all purposes.
209 Section 3. Section 17-41-502 is amended to read:
210 17-41-502. Rights of a mine operator with a vested mining use -- Expanding
211 vested mining use.
212 (1) Notwithstanding a political subdivision's prohibition, restriction, or other limitation
213 on a mining use adopted after the establishment of the mining use, the rights of a mine operator
214 with a vested mining use include the rights to:
215 (a) progress, extend, enlarge, grow, or expand the vested mining use to any surface or
216 subsurface land or mineral estate [
217 owns or controls the surface or subsurface land or mineral estate;
218 (b) expand the vested mining use to any new land that:
219 (i) is contiguous and related in mineralization to surface or subsurface land or a
220 mineral estate that the mine operator already owns or controls;
221 (ii) contains minerals that are part of the same mineral trend as the minerals that the
222 mine operator already owns or controls; or
223 (iii) is a geologic offshoot to surface or subsurface land or a mineral estate that the
224 mine operator already owns or controls;
225 (c) use, operate, construct, reconstruct, restore, extend, expand, maintain, repair, alter,
226 substitute, modernize, upgrade, and replace equipment, processes, facilities, and buildings on
227 any surface or subsurface land or mineral estate that the mine operator owns or controls;
228 (d) increase production or volume, alter the method of mining or processing, and mine
229 or process a different or additional mineral than previously mined or owned on any surface or
230 subsurface land or mineral estate that the mine operator owns or controls; and
231 (e) discontinue, suspend, terminate, deactivate, or continue and reactivate, temporarily
232 or permanently, all or any part of the mining use.
233 (2) (a) As used in this Subsection (2), "applicable legislative body" means the
234 legislative body of each:
235 (i) county in whose unincorporated area the new land to be included in the vested
236 mining use is located; and
237 (ii) municipality in which the new land to be included in the vested mining use is
238 located.
239 (b) A mine operator with a vested mining use is presumed to have a right to expand the
240 vested mining use to new land.
241 (c) Before expanding a vested mining use to new land, a mine operator shall provide
242 written notice:
243 (i) of the mine operator's intent to expand the vested mining use; and
244 (ii) to each applicable legislative body.
245 (d) (i) An applicable legislative body shall:
246 (A) hold a public meeting or hearing at its next available meeting that is more than 10
247 days after receiving the notice under Subsection (2)(c); and
248 (B) provide reasonable, advance, written notice:
249 (I) of:
250 (Aa) the intended expansion of the vested mining use; and
251 (Bb) the public meeting or hearing; and
252 (II) to each owner of the surface estate of the new land.
253 (ii) A public meeting or hearing under Subsection (2)(d)(i) serves to provide sufficient
254 public notice of the mine operator's intent to expand the vested mining use to the new land.
255 (e) After the public meeting or hearing under Subsection (2)(d)(ii), a mine operator
256 may expand a vested mining use to new land without any action by an applicable legislative
257 body, unless there is clear and convincing evidence in the record that the expansion to new land
258 will imminently endanger the public health, safety, and welfare.
259 (3) If a mine operator expands a vested mining use to new land, as authorized under
260 this section:
261 (a) the mine operator's rights under the vested mining use with respect to land on which
262 the vested mining use occurs apply with equal force after the expansion to the new land; and
263 (b) the mining protection area that includes land on which the vested mining use occurs
264 is expanded to include the new land.
265 Section 4. Section 40-8-4 is amended to read:
266 40-8-4. Definitions.
267 As used in this chapter:
268 (1) "Adjudicative proceeding" means:
269 (a) a division or board action or proceeding determining the legal rights, duties,
270 privileges, immunities, or other legal interests of one or more identifiable persons, including
271 actions to grant, deny, revoke, suspend, modify, annul, withdraw, or amend an authority, right,
272 permit, or license; or
273 (b) judicial review of a division or board action or proceeding specified in Subsection
274 (1)(a).
275 (2) "Applicant" means a person who has filed a notice of intent to commence mining
276 operations, or who has applied to the board for a review of a notice or order.
277 (3) (a) "Approved notice of intention" means a formally filed notice of intention to
278 commence mining operations, including revisions to the notice of intention that is approved
279 under Section 40-8-13.
280 (b) An approved notice of intention is not required for small mining operations.
281 (4) (a) "Basalt" means fine-grained mafic igneous rock formed in the tertiary or
282 quaternary periods.
283 (b) A Utah Geological Survey published map or a United States Geological Survey
284 published map that classifies material as "basalt" is prima facie evidence that the material
285 meets the requirements of Subsection (4)(a). An unmapped area may be classified by a Utah
286 Geological Survey geologist or a professional geologist licensed in the state.
287 (5) "Board" means the Board of Oil, Gas, and Mining.
288 (6) "Boulder" means a naturally occurring consolidated rock fragment greater than 75
289 millimeters in size that is associated with unconsolidated material and detached from bedrock.
290 (7) "Complete notice of intention" means a notice of intention in a form supplied by
291 the division on which an operator has provided a satisfactory response to each applicable
292 request for information.
293 [
294 division or board.
295 [
296 the form of consolidated rock, unconsolidated material, solutions, or occurring on the surface,
297 beneath the surface, or in the waters of the land from which any product useful to man may be
298 produced, extracted, or obtained or which is extracted by underground mining methods for
299 underground storage.
300 (b) "Deposit" or "mineral deposit" excludes sand, gravel, rock aggregate, basalt,
301 boulders, water, geothermal steam, and oil and gas as defined in Chapter 6, Board and Division
302 of Oil, Gas, and Mining, but includes oil shale and bituminous sands extracted by mining
303 operations.
304 [
305 the deposit's discovery but before and in contemplation of production mining operations, aimed
306 at preparing the site for mining operations, defining further the ore deposit by drilling or other
307 means, conducting pilot plant operations, constructing roads or ancillary facilities, and other
308 related activities.
309 [
310 [
311 Title 63G, Chapter 4, Administrative Procedures Act.
312 [
313 purpose of:
314 (i) discovering a deposit or mineral deposit;
315 (ii) delineating the boundaries of a deposit or mineral deposit; and
316 (iii) identifying regions or specific areas in which deposits or mineral deposits are most
317 likely to exist.
318 (b) "Exploration" includes:
319 (i) sinking shafts;
320 (ii) tunneling;
321 (iii) drilling holes and digging pits or cuts;
322 (iv) building of roads, and other access ways; and
323 (v) constructing and operating other facilities related to the activities described in this
324 Subsection [
325 [
326 consolidated accumulation of rock and mineral particles, the dominant size range being
327 between 4 millimeters and 75 millimeters, that has been deposited by sedimentary processes.
328 [
329 under the board's procedural rules.
330 [
331 existence of a condition or practice, or a violation of a permit requirement or other requirement
332 of this chapter in a mining operation, which condition, practice, or violation could reasonably
333 be expected to cause substantial physical harm to persons outside the permit area before the
334 condition, practice, or violation can be abated.
335 (b) A reasonable expectation of death or serious injury before abatement exists if a
336 rational person, subjected to the same conditions or practices giving rise to the peril, would not
337 expose the rational person to the danger during the time necessary for abatement.
338 [
339 state where mining operations are being or will be conducted, including:
340 (i) on-site private ways, roads, and railroads;
341 (ii) land excavations;
342 (iii) exploration sites;
343 (iv) drill sites or workings;
344 (v) refuse banks or spoil piles;
345 (vi) evaporation or settling ponds;
346 (vii) stockpiles;
347 (viii) leaching dumps;
348 (ix) placer areas;
349 (x) tailings ponds or dumps; and
350 (xi) work, parking, storage, or waste discharge areas, structures, and facilities.
351 (b) Lands are excluded from Subsection [
352 (i) be includable as land affected, but which have been reclaimed in accordance with an
353 approved plan, as may be approved by the board; and
354 (ii) include lands in which mining operations have ceased before July 1, 1977.
355 (c) "Large exploration operation" means an exploration operation that is not a small
356 exploration operation.
357 [
358 land for the exploration for, development of, or extraction of a mineral deposit, including
359 surface mining and the surface effects of underground and in situ mining, on-site
360 transportation, concentrating, milling, evaporation, and other primary processing.
361 (b) "Mining operation" does not include:
362 (i) the extraction of sand, gravel, rock aggregate, and boulders;
363 (ii) the extraction of basalt for an area not to exceed 50 acres under active surface
364 mining;
365 (iii) the extraction of oil and gas as defined in Chapter 6, Board and Division of Oil,
366 Gas, and Mining;
367 (iv) the extraction of geothermal steam;
368 (v) smelting or refining operations;
369 (vi) off-site operations and transportation;
370 (vii) reconnaissance activities; or
371 (viii) activities that will not cause significant surface resource disturbance or involve
372 the use of mechanized earth-moving equipment, such as bulldozers or backhoes.
373 [
374 (a) notice of intention, as defined in this chapter; or
375 (b) written information given to an operator by the division describing compliance
376 conditions at a mining operation.
377 [
378 including revisions to the notice to:
379 (a) commence small mining operations, including small exploration operations; or
380 (b) commence large mining operations, including large exploration operations.
381 [
382 land.
383 [
384 underground mining operations are conducted.
385 (b) A series of related properties under the control of a single operator, but separated
386 by small parcels of land controlled by others, are considered to be a single site unless an
387 exception is made by the division.
388 [
389 receiver, trustee, executor, administrator, guardian, fiduciary, agent, or other organization or
390 representative, either public or private, owning, controlling, or managing a mining operation or
391 proposed mining operation.
392 [
393 operator or other parties, describing the compliance status of a permit or mining operation.
394 [
395 receiver, trustee, executor, administrator, guardian, fiduciary, agent, or other organization or
396 representative, either public or private, owning, controlling, or managing a mineral deposit or
397 the surface of lands employed in mining operations.
398 [
399 [
400 notice of intention.
401 [
402 the division.
403 (28) "Permit order" means an order issued by the division that:
404 (a) approves a notice of intention to commence large mining operations or revise large
405 mining operations;
406 (b) disapproves a notice of intention to commence large mining operations or revise
407 large mining operations;
408 (c) accepts as complete, and approves the amount and form of surety for, a notice of
409 intention to commence small mining operations or revise small mining operations;
410 (d) accepts as complete, and approves the amount and form of surety for, a notice of
411 intention to conduct small exploration operations or revise small exploration operations; or
412 (e) approves a notice of intention to conduct large exploration operations or revise
413 large exploration operations.
414 [
415 hold, a valid permit or notice to conduct mining operations.
416 [
417 company, firm, company, corporation, or other governmental or business organization.
418 [
419 to shape, stabilize, revegetate, or treat the land affected in order to achieve a safe, stable
420 ecological condition and use that is consistent with local environmental conditions.
421 (32) "Review proceeding" means a proceeding under this chapter to resolve a challenge
422 to a permit order.
423 [
424 with a sand deposit, a gravel deposit, or a sand and gravel deposit that were created by alluvial
425 sedimentary processes.
426 (b) "Rock aggregate" excludes any solid rock in the form of bedrock, other than basalt,
427 that is exposed at the surface of the earth or overlain by unconsolidated material.
428 [
429 consolidated accumulation of rock and mineral particles, the dominant size range being
430 between .004 millimeters to 4 millimeters, that has been deposited by sedimentary processes.
431 (35) "Small exploration operations" means exploration operations that disturbs or will
432 disturb:
433 (a) 20 or less surface acres at any given time in an unincorporated area of a county; or
434 (b) 10 or less surface acres at any given time in an incorporated area of a county.
435 [
436 disturb 20 or less surface acres at any given time in an unincorporated area of a county or 10 or
437 less surface acres at any given time in an incorporated area of a county.
438 [
439 the occurrence of a violation of the permit or a requirement of this chapter due to indifference,
440 lack of diligence, or lack of reasonable care, or the failure to abate a violation of the permit or
441 this chapter due to indifference, lack of diligence, or lack of reasonable care.
442 Section 5. Section 40-8-7 is amended to read:
443 40-8-7. Board and division -- Authority.
444 (1) The board and the division may require:
445 (a) that a notice of intention [
447 40-8-13 and 40-8-23;
448 (b) the reclamation of lands affected by mining operations after the effective date of
449 this chapter having due regard for innate differences in mineral deposits;
450 (c) [
451 operations, the furnishing and maintenance of reasonable surety to guarantee that the land
452 affected is reclaimed as required by rules made by the board in accordance with Title 63G,
453 Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act
454 (d) for large mining operations, the furnishing and maintenance of reasonable surety to
455 guarantee that the land affected is reclaimed according to approved plans consistent with
456 on-site conditions;
457 [
458 shaft, or tunnel as required under Section 40-8-13;
459 [
460 claims resulting from mining operations;
461 [
462 suitable records and make periodic reports to the division as required under this chapter;
463 [
464 and, if required by this chapter, approved by the division before any such mining operations are
465 commenced or continued pursuant to Section 40-8-23;
466 [
467 [
468 [
469 health and safety.
470 (2) [
471 reclamation [
472 part of an approved notice of intention to commence mining operations [
473 approved [
474 (3) The board may [
475 in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act.
476 (4) The board may make rules, in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah
477 Administrative Rulemaking Act, that provide for division action within a shorter time than
478 provided in this chapter.
479 Section 6. Section 40-8-13 is amended to read:
480 40-8-13. Notice of intention required before mining operations -- Assurance of
481 reclamation required in notice of intention -- When contents confidential -- Approval of
482 notice of intention not required for small mining operations -- Procedure for reviewing
483 notice of intention.
484 (1) (a) Before [
485 operations pursuant to Section 40-8-23, the operator shall file a notice of intention for each
486 individual mining operation with the division.
487 (b) The notice of intention referred to in Subsection (1)(a) shall include:
488 (i) identification of all owners of any interest in a mineral deposit, including any
489 ownership interest in surface land affected by the notice;
490 (ii) copies of underground and surface mine maps;
491 (iii) locations of drill holes;
492 (iv) accurate area maps of existing and proposed operations; and
493 (v) information regarding the amount of material extracted, moved, or proposed to be
494 moved, relating to the mining operation.
495 (c) The notice of intention for small mining operations shall include a statement that
496 the operator shall conduct reclamation as required by rules [
497 (d) The notice of intention for mining operations, other than small mining operations,
498 shall include a plan for reclamation of the lands affected as required by rules [
499 made by the board.
500 (2) The division may require that the operator rehabilitate, close, or mitigate the
501 impacts of each drill hole, shaft, or tunnel when no longer needed as part of the mining
502 operation.
503 (3) Information provided in the notice of intention, and its attachments relating to the
504 location, size, or nature of the deposit that is marked confidential by the operator shall be
505 protected as confidential information by the board and the division and is not a matter of public
506 record unless the board or division obtains a written release from the operator, or until the
507 mining operation has been terminated as provided in Subsection 40-8-21(2).
508 [
511 [
514 (4) (a) A notice of intention for small mining operations shall be reviewed as provided
515 in this Subsection (4).
516 (b) Within 30 days after the receipt of a notice of intention, the division shall complete
517 the division's review of the notice of intention and notify the operator in writing that the notice
518 of intention is complete or incomplete.
519 (c) If the notice of intention is incomplete, the division shall give the operator a
520 reasonable opportunity to take action that may be required to complete the notice of intention.
521 (d) Within 30 days after receipt of a complete notice of intention, the division shall
522 issue a permit order.
523 (e) Before issuing a permit order for small mining operations, the division shall give
524 the operator written notice of a deficiency and shall grant the operator a reasonable opportunity
525 to take action that may be required to remove the deficiency. The division may extend the time
526 for issuing a permit order if the operator requests additional time to address a deficiency.
527 [
528 for small mining operations is not required.
529 [
530 (5) (a) A notice of intention for large mining operations shall be reviewed as provided
531 in this Subsection [
532 [
535 [
536 [
538 [
539 [
541 [
542 [
543 [
546 [
548 [
551 [
553 [
554 [
557 (b) Within 30 days after receipt of a notice of intention, the division shall complete the
558 division's review of the notice of intention and notify the operator in writing that the notice of
559 intention is complete or incomplete.
560 (c) If the notice of intention is incomplete, the division shall give the operator a
561 reasonable opportunity to take action that may be required to complete the notice of intention.
562 (d) Within 30 days after receipt of a complete notice of intention, the division shall:
563 (i) publish notice of the notice of intention and the opportunity for public comment:
564 (A) one time only in all newspapers of general circulation published in the county
565 where the land affected is situated;
566 (B) one time in a newspaper of general circulation in Salt Lake City, Utah;
567 (C) as required in Section 45-1-101; and
568 (D) on the division's public website; and
569 (ii) mail notice of the notice of intention to the zoning authority of the county or
570 municipality in which the land affected is situated and to the owner of record of the land
571 affected.
572 (e) The division shall allow 30 days from the day on which the division publishes
573 notice on the division's website for public comment on the notice of intention. Public comment
574 shall be submitted to the division, in writing, as provided by rule.
575 (f) Within 15 days after the close of the public comment period, the division shall
576 review the public comments received, and the division may hold a non-adjudicative informal
577 conference to review any comment that the division determines to be substantive.
578 (g) If the division determines that a non-adjudicative informal conference is necessary,
579 the division shall:
580 (i) hold the non-adjudicative informal conference within 45 days after the end of the
581 period to review public comments specified in Subsection (5)(f); and
582 (ii) issue a permit order within 45 days after the date of the non-adjudicative informal
583 conference.
584 (h) If the division does not hold a conference under Subsection (5)(g), the division
585 shall issue a permit order within 45 days after the end of the period for the division to review
586 public comments specified in Subsection (5)(f).
587 (i) Before issuing a permit order for large mining operations, the division shall give the
588 operator written notice of any deficiency and shall grant the operator a reasonable opportunity
589 to take action that may be required to remove the deficiency. The division may extend the time
590 for issuing a permit order if the operator requires additional time to address a deficiency.
591 (j) Notice of the permit order shall be provided to the operator and posted on the
592 division's website.
593 (6) An operator may convert a small mining operation to a large mining operation or
594 may convert a large mining operation to a small mining operation by filing a notice of intention
595 with the division requesting the conversion. The division shall review the notice of intention
596 according to the procedures provided in this section for the resulting operation.
597 (7) At any given time, land may only be permitted under one notice of intention.
598 Section 7. Section 40-8-13.1 is enacted to read:
599 40-8-13.1. Procedures for review of permit orders.
600 (1) As used in this section, "party" means:
601 (a) the division;
602 (b) the operator;
603 (c) the municipality or county in which the proposed mining operation at issue in the
604 permit order is located; or
605 (d) a person granted intervention by the board.
606 (2) (a) Review of a permit order may be obtained by filing a petition for review before
607 the board.
608 (b) Only a party may file a petition for review of a permit order.
609 (c) A party who files a petition for review shall file the petition within 30 days after the
610 day on which the permit order is issued.
611 (3) A petition for review shall:
612 (a) be filed and served in accordance with the board rules;
613 (b) include the name and address of each person to whom a copy of the petition for
614 review is sent;
615 (c) if known, include the division's file number or other reference number assigned to
616 the adjudicative proceeding;
617 (d) state the date on which the petition for review is served;
618 (e) include a statement of the petitioner's position, including, as applicable:
619 (i) the legal authority under which the petition for review is requested;
620 (ii) the legal authority under which the board has jurisdiction to review the petition for
621 review;
622 (iii) each of the petitioner's arguments in support of the petitioner's requested relief;
623 (iv) a detailed description of any permit condition to which the petitioner is objecting;
624 (v) any modification or addition to a permit that the petitioner is requesting;
625 (vi) a demonstration that the division's permit decision is based on a finding of fact or
626 conclusion of law that is clearly erroneous; and
627 (vii) a claim for relief.
628 (f) A party who files a petition for review may only raise an issue or argument in the
629 party's petition for review or during the review proceeding that:
630 (i) is within the board's jurisdiction;
631 (ii) is supported with information or documentation that:
632 (A) is cited with reasonable specificity; and
633 (B) sufficiently enables the board to fully consider the substance and significance of
634 the issue; and
635 (iii) if a public comment period was provided during the permit application process,
636 the party raised during the public comment period or at a non-adjudicative informal conference
637 unless the issue or argument was not reasonably ascertainable before or during the public
638 comment period.
639 (4) A person seeking to intervene in a review proceeding shall file a petition to
640 intervene in accordance with rules made by the board. A person who is not a party may not
641 participate in a review proceeding under this section or under Title 63G, Chapter 4,
642 Administrative Procedures Act, unless granted the right to intervene by the board.
643 (5) In a proceeding to review a permit order, the operator and the division are parties to
644 the proceeding regardless of who files the petition for review and the operator and division do
645 not need to file a separate petition to intervene.
646 (6) Review of a permit order is subject to Title 63G, Chapter 4, Administrative
647 Procedures Act.
648 Section 8. Section 40-8-14 is amended to read:
649 40-8-14. Surety requirement -- Forfeiture of surety.
650 (1) (a) After receiving notification that a notice of intention for mining operations has
651 been approved, but [
652 provide surety to the division, in a form and amount determined by the division or board as
653 provided in this section.
654 (b) In determining the amount of surety under this section, the division may use the
655 average cost of reclamation per acre.
656 (c) The board shall annually establish a figure representing the average cost of
657 reclamation per acre after receiving a presentation from the division concerning the average
658 cost of reclamation per acre and providing opportunity for public comment.
659 (2) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (3), the division shall approve the amount and
660 form of surety.
661 (b) In determining the amount of surety to be provided, the division shall consider:
662 (i) the magnitude, type, and costs of approved reclamation activities planned for the
663 land affected; and
664 (ii) the nature, extent, and duration of operations under the approved notice.
665 (c) The division shall approve a fixed amount estimated to be required to complete
666 reclamation at any point in time covered by the notice of intent.
667 (d) (i) The division shall determine the amount of surety required for notices of
668 intention, by using cost data from current large mining sureties.
669 (ii) The costs shall be adjusted to reflect the nature and scope of activities in the
670 affirmative statement filed under Subsection 40-8-18(4).
671 (e) (i) In determining the form of surety to be provided by the operator, the division
672 shall approve a method acceptable to the operator consistent with the requirements of this
673 chapter.
674 (ii) The form of surety that the operator may provide includes[
675 the following:
676 (A) collateral;
677 (B) a bond or other form of insured guarantee;
678 (C) deposited securities; or
679 (D) cash.
680 (3) (a) If the operator proposes reclamation surety in the form of a written contractual
681 agreement, the board shall approve the form of surety.
682 (b) In making this decision, the board shall consider:
683 (i) the operator's:
684 (A) financial status;
685 (B) assets within the state;
686 (C) past performance in complying with contractual agreements; and
687 (D) facilities available to carry out the planned work;
688 (ii) the magnitude, type, and costs of approved reclamation activities planned for the
689 land affected; and
690 (iii) the nature, extent, and duration of operations under the approved notice.
691 (4) In determining the amount and form of surety to be provided under this section,
692 consideration shall be given to similar requirements made on the operator by landowners,
693 governmental agencies, or others, with the intent that surety requirements shall be coordinated
694 and not duplicated.
695 (5) The liability under surety provisions shall continue until liability, in part, or in its
696 entirety, is released by the division.
697 (6) (a) If the operator of a mining operation[
698 or refuses to carry out the necessary land reclamation as outlined in the [
699 intention, the board may, after notice and hearing, declare any surety filed for this purpose
700 forfeited.
701 (b) With respect to the surety filed with the division, the board shall request the
702 attorney general to take the necessary legal action to enforce and collect the amount of liability.
703 (c) If surety or a bond has been filed with the Division of Forestry, Fire, and State
704 Lands, the School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration, or any agency of the federal
705 government, the board shall certify a copy of the transcript of the hearing and transmit it to the
706 agency together with a request that the necessary forfeiture action be taken.
707 (d) The forfeited surety shall be used only for the reclamation of the land to which it
708 relates, and any residual amount returned to the rightful claimant.
709 Section 9. Section 40-8-16 is amended to read:
710 40-8-16. Approved notice of intention valid for life of operation -- Withdrawal of
711 approval -- Procedure and basis.
712 (1) An approved notice of intention or approved revision of it remains valid for the life
713 of the mining operation, as stated in it, unless the board withdraws the approval as provided in
714 Subsection (2).
715 (2) The board or the division [
716 or revision of [
717 (a) [
718 substantially fails to perform reclamation or conduct mining operations so that the approved
719 reclamation plan can be accomplished[
720 (b) [
721 provide and maintain surety as may be required under this chapter[
722 (c) [
723 continuously shut down for a period in excess of five years, unless the extended period is
724 accepted upon application of the operator.
725 (3) [
726 [
728 present evidence, cross-examine, and participate fully in the proceedings. Based on the record
729 of the hearing, the board will issue an order concerning the [
730 withdrawal of the approval of the notice of intention. If no hearing is requested, the division
731 may [
732 (4) [
733 intention or [
734 notice shall be suspended in accordance with procedures and schedule approved by the
735 division.
736 Section 10. Section 40-8-18 is amended to read:
737 40-8-18. Notice of intention to revise operations -- Procedure.
738 (1) (a) Since mining operations and related reclamation plans may need to be revised to
739 accommodate changing conditions or new technology, an operator conducting mining
740 operations under [
741 intention when revising mining operations.
742 (b) The notice of intention to revise mining operations shall be submitted in the form
743 required by the rules promulgated by the board.
744 (2) (a) The notice of intention to revise mining operations will be designated as an
745 amendment to the existing notice of intention by the division, based on rules promulgated by
746 the board.
747 (b) An amendment of a notice of intention will be reviewed and considered for
748 approval or disapproval by the division within 30 days of receipt of a notice of intention to
749 revise mining operations.
750 (3) (a) A notice of intention to revise mining operations, if not designated as an
751 amendment of a notice of intention as set forth in Subsection (2), shall be processed and
752 considered for approval by the division in the same manner and within the same time period as
753 an original notice of intention.
754 (b) The operator shall be authorized and bound by the requirements of the existing
755 notice until the revision is acted upon and any revised surety requirements are established and
756 satisfied.
757 (4) (a) If a change in the operation occurs, a mining operation representative shall
758 submit an amendment to the notice of intention.
759 (b) Although approval of an amendment to the notice of intention by small mining
760 operations is not required, a revised surety shall be filed by the permittee prior to implementing
761 the amended notice of intention.
762 (5) A notice of intention to revise mining operations shall:
763 (a) include the information concerning the revision that would be required in an
764 original notice of intention; and
765 (b) comply with the requirements relating to the revision that would apply to an
766 original notice of intention, including the procedures of Section 40-8-13.