8 General Description:
9 This bill addresses voting and the election process.
10 Highlighted Provisions:
11 This bill:
12 ▸ prohibits printing the name of an election officer, or an employee of an election
13 officer, on a ballot envelope and certain other election documents;
14 ▸ requires equipment, and establishes procedures, for a voter at a polling location to
15 scan the voter's manual ballot and provide a document to the voter of the votes cast
16 by the voter;
17 ▸ requires a voting machine to provide a document to the voter of the votes cast by the
18 voter;
19 ▸ requires all early voting and election day polling places to be open on the same
20 days, and for the same hours, as the other polling places for the jurisdiction
21 conducting an election;
22 ▸ grants rulemaking authority in relation to the handling and storage of ballots;
23 ▸ repeals the authority to adjudicate or replicate a ballot; and
24 ▸ makes technical and conforming changes.
25 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
26 None
27 Other Special Clauses:
28 None
29 Utah Code Sections Affected:
31 20A-3a-202, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2022, Chapters 18, 121 and 156
32 20A-3a-203, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 31
33 20A-3a-602, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 31
34 20A-3a-603, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 31
35 20A-4-101, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2022, Chapter 342
36 20A-4-102, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2022, Chapter 342
37 20A-4-103, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 31
38 20A-4-104, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2022, Chapter 380
39 20A-4-105, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2022, Chapter 380
41 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
42 Section 1. Section 20A-3a-202 is amended to read:
43 20A-3a-202. Conducting election by mail.
44 (1) (a) Except as otherwise provided for an election conducted entirely by mail under
45 Section 20A-7-609.5, an election officer shall administer an election primarily by mail, in
46 accordance with this section.
47 (b) An individual who did not provide valid voter identification at the time the voter
48 registered to vote shall provide valid voter identification before voting.
49 (2) An election officer who administers an election:
50 (a) shall in accordance with Subsection (3), no sooner than 21 days before election day
51 and no later than seven days before election day, mail to each active voter within a voting
52 precinct:
53 (i) a manual ballot;
54 (ii) a return envelope;
55 (iii) instructions for returning the ballot that include an express notice about any
56 relevant deadlines that the voter must meet in order for the voter's vote to be counted;
57 (iv) for an election administered by a county clerk, information regarding the location
58 and hours of operation of any election day voting center at which the voter may vote or a
59 website address where the voter may view this information;
60 (v) for an election administered by an election officer other than a county clerk, if the
61 election officer does not operate a polling place or an election day voting center, a warning, on
62 a separate page of colored paper in bold face print, indicating that if the voter fails to follow the
63 instructions included with the ballot, the voter will be unable to vote in that election because
64 there will be no polling place for the voting precinct on the day of the election; and
65 (vi) after May 1, 2022, instructions on how a voter may sign up to receive electronic
66 ballot status notifications via the ballot tracking system described in Section 20A-3a-401.5;
67 (b) may not mail a ballot under this section to:
68 (i) an inactive voter, unless the inactive voter requests a manual ballot; or
69 (ii) a voter whom the election officer is prohibited from sending a ballot under
70 Subsection (10)(c)(ii); and
71 (c) shall, on the outside of the envelope in which the election officer mails the ballot,
72 include instructions for returning the ballot if the individual to whom the election officer mails
73 the ballot does not live at the address to which the ballot is sent.
74 (3) (a) An election officer who mails a manual ballot under Subsection (2) shall mail
75 the manual ballot to the address:
76 (i) provided at the time of registration; or
77 (ii) if, at or after the time of registration, the voter files an alternate address request
78 form described in Subsection (3)(b), the alternate address indicated on the form.
79 (b) The lieutenant governor shall make available to voters an alternate address request
80 form that permits a voter to request that the election officer mail the voter's ballot to a location
81 other than the voter's residence.
82 (c) A voter shall provide the completed alternate address request form to the election
83 officer no later than 11 days before the day of the election.
84 (4) The return envelope shall include:
85 (a) the name, official title, and post office address of the election officer on the front of
86 the envelope;
87 (b) a space where a voter may write an email address and phone number by which the
88 election officer may contact the voter if the voter's ballot is rejected;
89 (c) a printed affidavit in substantially the following form:
90 "County of ____State of ____
91 I, ____, solemnly swear that: I am a qualified resident voter of the ____ voting precinct
92 in ____ County, Utah and that I am entitled to vote in this election. I am not a convicted felon
93 currently incarcerated for commission of a felony.
94 ______________________________
95 Signature of Voter"; and
96 (d) a warning that the affidavit must be signed by the individual to whom the ballot
97 was sent and that the ballot will not be counted if the signature on the affidavit does not match
98 the signature on file with the election officer of the individual to whom the ballot was sent.
99 (5) If the election officer determines that the voter is required to show valid voter
100 identification, the election officer may:
101 (a) mail a ballot to the voter;
102 (b) instruct the voter to include a copy of the voter's valid voter identification with the
103 return ballot; and
104 (c) provide instructions to the voter on how the voter may sign up to receive electronic
105 ballot status notifications via the ballot tracking system described in Section 20A-3a-401.5.
106 (6) An election officer who administers an election shall:
107 (a) (i) before the election, obtain the signatures of each voter qualified to vote in the
108 election; or
109 (ii) obtain the signature of each voter within the voting precinct from the county clerk;
110 and
111 (b) maintain the signatures on file in the election officer's office.
112 (7) Upon receipt of a returned ballot, the election officer shall review and process the
113 ballot under Section 20A-3a-401.
114 (8) A county that administers an election:
115 (a) shall provide at least one election day voting center in accordance with Chapter 3a,
116 Part 7, Election Day Voting Center, and at least one additional election day voting center for
117 every 5,000 active voters in the county who have requested to not receive a ballot by mail;
118 (b) shall ensure that each election day voting center operated by the county has at least
119 one voting device that is accessible, in accordance with the Help America Vote Act of 2002,
120 Pub. L. No. 107-252, for individuals with disabilities;
121 (c) may reduce the early voting period described in Section 20A-3a-601, if:
122 (i) the county clerk conducts early voting on at least four days;
123 (ii) the early voting days are within the period beginning on the date that is 14 days
124 before the date of the election and ending on the day before the election; and
125 (iii) the county clerk provides notice of the reduced early voting period in accordance
126 with Section 20A-3a-604;
127 (d) is not required to pay return postage for a ballot; and
128 (e) is subject to an audit conducted under Subsection (9).
129 (9) (a) The lieutenant governor shall:
130 (i) develop procedures for conducting an audit of affidavit signatures on ballots cast in
131 an election conducted under this section; and
132 (ii) after each primary, general, or special election conducted under this section, select
133 a number of ballots, in varying jurisdictions, to audit in accordance with the procedures
134 developed under Subsection (9)(a)(i).
135 (b) The lieutenant governor shall post the results of an audit conducted under this
136 Subsection (9) on the lieutenant governor's website.
137 (10) (a) An individual may request that the election officer not send the individual a
138 ballot by mail in the next and subsequent elections by submitting a written request to the
139 election officer.
140 (b) An individual shall submit the request described in Subsection (10)(a) to the
141 election officer before 5 p.m. no later than 60 days before an election if the individual does not
142 wish to receive a ballot by mail in that election.
143 (c) An election officer who receives a request from an individual under Subsection
144 (10)(a):
145 (i) shall remove the individual's name from the list of voters who will receive a ballot
146 by mail; and
147 (ii) may not send the individual a ballot by mail for:
148 (A) the next election, if the individual submits the request described in Subsection
149 (10)(a) before the deadline described in Subsection (10)(b); or
150 (B) an election after the election described in Subsection (10)(c)(ii)(A).
151 (d) An individual who submits a request under Subsection (10)(a) may resume the
152 individual's receipt of a ballot by mail by submitting a written request to the election officer.
153 (11) Except to the extent required by law, the name of an election officer or an
154 employee of an election officer may not be printed on:
155 (a) an envelope in which a ballot is mailed to a voter;
156 (b) a return envelope; or
157 (c) any document provided with the ballot in an envelope mailed to a voter.
158 Section 2. Section 20A-3a-203 is amended to read:
159 20A-3a-203. Voting at a polling place.
160 (1) (a) As used in this section, "tabulating machine" means a machine designed to
161 provide the functions described in Subsections (9)(b) through (d).
162 [
163 polling place in an election in accordance with this section.
164 (c) Each polling place shall include a number of tabulating machines, each located in a
165 separate privacy booth, to adequately accommodate the voters who cast ballots at the polling
166 place.
167 (d) Each voting device at a polling place shall, after the voter casts a ballot, provide the
168 voter with a printed document:
169 (i) showing each vote cast by the voter for each race and each measure; and
170 (ii) specifying, for each race and each measure, the selection made by the voter.
171 (e) Each polling place for a jurisdiction conducting an election shall be open for the
172 same hours as each other polling place for the jurisdiction.
173 (2) (a) The voter shall give the voter's name, and, if requested, the voter's residence, to
174 one of the poll workers.
175 (b) The voter shall present valid voter identification to one of the poll workers.
176 (c) If the poll worker is not satisfied that the voter has presented valid voter
177 identification, the poll worker shall:
178 (i) indicate on the official register that the voter was not properly identified;
179 (ii) issue the voter a provisional ballot;
180 (iii) notify the voter that the voter will have until the close of normal office hours on
181 Monday after the day of the election to present valid voter identification:
182 (A) to the county clerk at the county clerk's office; or
183 (B) to an election officer who is administering the election; and
184 (iv) follow the procedures and requirements of Section 20A-3a-205.
185 (d) If the person's right to vote is challenged as provided in Section 20A-3a-803, the
186 poll worker shall follow the procedures and requirements of Section 20A-3a-205.
187 (3) A poll worker shall check the official register to determine whether:
188 (a) a voter is registered to vote; and
189 (b) if the election is a regular primary election or a presidential primary election,
190 whether a voter's party affiliation designation in the official register allows the voter to vote the
191 ballot that the voter requests.
192 (4) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (5), if the voter's name is not found on the
193 official register, the poll worker shall follow the procedures and requirements of Section
194 20A-3a-205.
195 (b) If, in a regular primary election or a presidential primary election, the official
196 register does not affirmatively identify the voter as being affiliated with a registered political
197 party or if the official register identifies the voter as being "unaffiliated," the voter shall be
198 considered to be "unaffiliated."
199 (5) In a regular primary election or a presidential primary election:
200 (a) if a voter's name is not found on the official register, and if it is not unduly
201 disruptive to the election process, the poll worker may attempt to contact the county clerk's
202 office to request oral verification of the voter's registration; and
203 (b) if oral verification is received from the county clerk's office, the poll worker shall:
204 (i) record the verification on the official register;
205 (ii) determine the voter's party affiliation and the ballot that the voter is qualified to
206 vote; and
207 (iii) except as provided in Subsection (6), comply with Subsection (3).
208 (6) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (6)(b), if, in a regular primary election or a
209 presidential primary election, the voter's political party affiliation listed in the official register
210 does not allow the voter to vote the ballot that the voter requested, the poll worker shall inform
211 the voter of that fact and inform the voter of the ballot or ballots that the voter's party affiliation
212 does allow the voter to vote.
213 (b) If, in a regular primary election or a presidential primary election, the voter is listed
214 in the official register as unaffiliated, or if the official register does not affirmatively identify
215 the voter as either unaffiliated or affiliated with a registered political party, and the voter, as an
216 unaffiliated voter, is not authorized to vote the ballot that the voter requests, the poll worker
217 shall:
218 (i) ask the voter if the voter wishes to vote another registered political party ballot that
219 the voter, as unaffiliated, is authorized to vote, or remain unaffiliated; and
220 (ii) (A) if the voter wishes to vote another registered political party ballot that the
221 unaffiliated voter is authorized to vote, the poll worker shall proceed as required by Subsection
222 (3); or
223 (B) if the voter wishes to remain unaffiliated and does not wish to vote another ballot
224 that unaffiliated voters are authorized to vote, the poll worker shall instruct the voter that the
225 voter may not vote.
226 (7) Except as provided in Subsection (6)(b)(ii)(B), and subject to the other provisions
227 of Subsection (6), if the poll worker determines that the voter is registered, a poll worker shall:
228 (a) direct the voter to sign the voter's name in the official register;
229 (b) except as provided in Subsection (8), provide to the voter the ballot that the voter is
230 qualified to vote; and
231 (c) allow the voter to enter the voting booth.
232 (8) A voter who receives a manual ballot by mail may:
233 (a) bring the ballot to the polling place; and
234 (b) (i) enter a voting booth to fill out the ballot; or
235 (ii) fill the out the ballot before arriving at the polling place.
236 (9) After a voter fills out a manual ballot under this section:
237 (a) the voter shall:
238 (i) enter a private booth; and
239 (ii) insert the voter's ballot into the tabulating machine;
240 (b) the tabulating machine shall, upon insertion of the voter's ballot under Subsection
241 (9)(a)(ii):
242 (i) collect the ballot in a manner that the voter may not retrieve the ballot;
243 (ii) scan the ballot; and
244 (iii) provide the voter with a printed document:
245 (A) showing each vote cast by the voter for each race and each measure; and
246 (B) specifying, for each race and each measure, the selection made by the voter;
247 (c) the voter shall, after reviewing the document described in Subsection (9)(b)(iii),
248 make an entry indicating whether the document correctly reflects the voter's intent; and
249 (d) (i) if, under Subsection (9)(c), the voter indicates that the document correctly
250 reflects the voter's intent, the tabulating machine shall:
251 (A) tabulate and store the voter's vote in a manner that preserves the voter's right to a
252 secret ballot; and
253 (B) retain the ballot to be stored in accordance with the requirements of law; or
254 (ii) if, under Subsection (9)(c), the voter indicates that the document does not correctly
255 reflect the voter's intent:
256 (A) the tabulating machine shall spoil the ballot; and
257 (B) the poll worker shall provide the voter with a new ballot and direct the voter to a
258 voting booth where the voter may fill out the new ballot.
259 Section 3. Section 20A-3a-602 is amended to read:
260 20A-3a-602. Hours for early voting.
261 (1) Except as provided in Section 20A-1-308, the election officer shall determine the
262 times for opening and closing the polls for each day of early voting provided that voting is open
263 for a minimum of four hours during each day that polls are open during the early voting period.
264 (2) Except as provided in Section 20A-1-308, each registered voter who arrives at the
265 polls before the time scheduled for closing of the polls shall be allowed to vote.
266 (3) Each early voting polling place for a jurisdiction conducting an election shall be
267 open for the same hours as each other early voting polling place for the jurisdiction.
268 Section 4. Section 20A-3a-603 is amended to read:
269 20A-3a-603. Early voting polling places.
270 (1) Except as provided in Section 20A-1-308 or 20A-7-609.5, the election officer shall
271 designate one or more polling places for early voting, as follows:
272 (a) at least one polling place shall be open on each day that polls are open during the
273 early voting period;
274 (b) each polling place shall comply with the requirements for polling places under
275 Chapter 5, Election Administration;
276 (c) for all elections other than local special elections, municipal primary elections, and
277 municipal general elections, at least 10% of the voting devices at a polling place shall be
278 accessible for individuals with disabilities in accordance with Public Law 107-252, the Help
279 America Vote Act of 2002; and
280 (d) each polling place shall be located in a government building or office, unless the
281 election officer determines that, in the area designated by the election officer, there is no
282 government building or office available that:
283 (i) can be scheduled for use during early voting hours;
284 (ii) has the physical facilities necessary to accommodate early voting requirements;
285 (iii) has adequate space for voting equipment, poll workers, and voters; and
286 (iv) has adequate security, public accessibility, and parking.
287 (2) (a) Except as provided in Section 20A-1-308, the election officer may, after the
288 deadline described in Section 20A-3a-604:
289 (i) if necessary, change the location of an early voting place; or
290 (ii) if the election officer determines that the number of early voting polling places is
291 insufficient due to the number of registered voters who are voting, designate additional polling
292 places during the early voting period.
293 (b) Except as provided in Section 20A-1-308, if an election officer changes the
294 location of an early voting polling place or designates an additional early voting polling place,
295 the election officer shall, as soon as is reasonably possible, give notice of the dates, times, and
296 location of the changed early voting polling place or the additional early voting polling place:
297 (i) to the lieutenant governor, for posting on the Statewide Voter Information Website;
298 (ii) by posting the information on the website of the election officer, if available; and
299 (iii) by posting notice:
300 (A) for a change in the location of an early voting polling place, at the new location
301 and, if possible, the old location; and
302 (B) for an additional early voting polling place, at the additional early voting polling
303 place.
304 (3) Except as provided in Section 20A-1-308, for each regular general election and
305 regular primary election, counties of the first class shall ensure that the early voting polling
306 places are approximately proportionately distributed based on population within the county.
307 (4) Each early voting polling place for a jurisdiction conducting an election shall be
308 open on the same days as each other early voting polling place for the jurisdiction.
309 Section 5. Section 20A-4-101 is amended to read:
310 20A-4-101. Manual ballots cast at a polling place -- Counting manual ballots at
311 polling place.
312 [
315 [
316 [
317 [
318 [
320 [
322 [
324 [
325 [
326 [
328 [
329 [
330 [
332 [
334 [
337 [
339 [
341 [
342 make rules in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act,
343 describing the procedures that a counting judge is required to follow for:
344 (a) counting ballots at a polling place;
345 (b) counting ballots in an instant runoff voting race under Part 6, Municipal Alternate
346 Voting Methods Pilot Project[
347 (c) handling and storing ballots at a polling place.
348 [
349 Municipal Alternate Voting Methods Pilot Project, a counting judge shall comply with the
350 procedures established under Subsection [
351 Voting Methods Pilot Project.
352 [
354 [
355 [
357 Section 6. Section 20A-4-102 is amended to read:
358 20A-4-102. Actions taken at polling place on day of election after polls close.
359 [
360 [
361 [
362 [
366 [
368 [
369 [
371 [
372 [
374 [
377 [
380 [
382 [
384 [
386 [
387 (a) place all unused ballots in the envelope or container provided for return to the
388 county clerk or city recorder[
389 [
390 [
391 provided for [
392 envelope or container.
393 [
395 [
396 [
397 [
398 [
400 [
401 Part 6, Municipal Alternate Voting Methods Pilot Project, or a rule made under Subsection
402 [
403 (i) [
404 next to the candidate's name;
405 (ii) [
406 declaration of candidacy under Section 20A-9-601;
407 (iii) [
408 upon the tally sheets before another ballot is counted;
409 [
411 [
412 official endorsement and deposit [
413 [
414 sheets the votes that each candidate and ballot proposition received from all ballots, except
415 excess or spoiled ballots.
416 (b) Election judges need not tally write-in votes for fictitious persons, nonpersons, or
417 persons clearly not eligible to qualify for office.
418 (c) The judges shall certify to the accuracy and completeness of the tally list in the
419 space provided on the tally list.
420 (d) When the judges have counted all of the voted ballots, they shall record the results
421 on the total votes cast form.
422 [
423 counting is conducted until the count is completed.
424 Section 7. Section 20A-4-103 is amended to read:
425 20A-4-103. Preparing ballots cast at a polling place for transport.
426 (1) This section governs the preparation of ballots for [
427 when the ballots are cast at a polling place.
428 (2) (a) As soon as the polls have been closed and the last qualified voter has voted, the
429 poll workers shall prepare the ballots for delivery to the [
430 by the election officer as provided in this section.
431 (b) The poll workers, election officers, and other persons may not manually count any
432 votes before delivering the ballots to the counting center.
433 (3) The poll workers shall:
434 (a) complete the statement of disposition of ballots and all other forms required by the
435 election officer;
436 (b) place a copy of the forms described in Subsection (3)(a) and the voted ballots in a
437 sealed container;
438 (c) place all provisional ballots in the container provided for returning provisional
439 ballots to the [
440 container; and
441 (d) deliver to the [
442 (i) the items described in Subsections (3)(a) through (c); and
443 (ii) any other items required by the election officer.
444 Section 8. Section 20A-4-104 is amended to read:
445 20A-4-104. Counting ballots electronically.
446 (1) (a) Before beginning to count ballots using automatic tabulating equipment, the
447 election officer shall test the automatic tabulating equipment to ensure that it will accurately
448 count the votes cast for all offices and all measures.
449 (b) The election officer shall provide public notice of the time and place of the test:
450 (i) (A) by publishing notice at least 48 hours before the test in a newspaper of general
451 circulation in the county, municipality, or jurisdiction where the equipment is used;
452 (B) at least 10 days before the day of the test, by posting one notice, and at least one
453 additional notice per 2,000 population of the county, municipality, or jurisdiction, in places
454 within the county, municipality, or jurisdiction that are most likely to give notice to the voters
455 in the county, municipality, or jurisdiction, subject to a maximum of 10 notices; or
456 (C) at least 10 days before the day of the test, by mailing notice to each registered voter
457 in the county, municipality, or jurisdiction where the equipment is used;
458 (ii) by posting notice on the Utah Public Notice Website, created in Section
459 63A-16-601, for four weeks before the day of the test; and
460 (iii) if the county, municipality, or jurisdiction has a website, by posting notice on the
461 website for four weeks before the day of the test.
462 (c) The election officer shall conduct the test by processing a preaudited group of
463 ballots.
464 (d) The election officer shall ensure that:
465 (i) a predetermined number of valid votes for each candidate and measure are recorded
466 on the ballots;
467 (ii) for each office, one or more ballots have votes in excess of the number allowed by
468 law in order to test the ability of the automatic tabulating equipment to reject those votes; and
469 (iii) a different number of valid votes are assigned to each candidate for an office, and
470 for and against each measure.
471 (e) If any error is detected, the election officer shall determine the cause of the error
472 and correct it.
473 (f) The election officer shall ensure that:
474 (i) the automatic tabulating equipment produces an errorless count before beginning
475 the actual counting; and
476 (ii) the automatic tabulating equipment passes the same test at the end of the count
477 before the election returns are approved as official.
478 (2) (a) The election officer or the election officer's designee shall supervise and direct
479 all proceedings at the counting center.
480 (b) (i) Proceedings at the counting center are public and may be observed by interested
481 persons.
482 (ii) Only those persons authorized to participate in the count may touch any ballot or
483 return.
484 (c) The election officer shall deputize and administer an oath or affirmation to all
485 persons who are engaged in processing and counting the ballots that they will faithfully
486 perform their assigned duties.
487 (3) [
488 the automatic tabulating equipment, the election officer shall [
490 [
491 [
492 [
493 [
494 [
497 [
498 [
499 [
500 [
501 [
502 [
504 [
506 [
508 (4) The election officer may:
509 (a) conduct an unofficial count before conducting the official count in order to provide
510 early unofficial returns to the public;
511 (b) release unofficial returns from time to time after the polls close; and
512 (c) report the progress of the count for each candidate during the actual counting of
513 ballots.
514 (5) Beginning on the day after the date of the election, if an election officer releases
515 early unofficial returns or reports the progress of the count for each candidate under Subsection
516 (4), the election officer shall, with each release or report, disclose an estimate of the total
517 number of voted ballots in the election officer's custody that have not yet been counted.
518 (6) The election officer shall review and evaluate the provisional ballot envelopes and
519 prepare any valid provisional ballots for counting as provided in Section 20A-4-107.
520 (7) (a) The election officer or the election officer's designee shall:
521 (i) separate, count, and tabulate any ballots containing valid write-in votes; and
522 (ii) complete the standard form provided by the clerk for recording valid write-in votes.
523 (b) In counting the write-in votes, if, by casting a valid write-in vote, a voter has cast
524 more votes for an office than that voter is entitled to vote for that office, the poll workers shall
525 count the valid write-in vote as being the obvious intent of the voter.
526 (8) (a) The election officer shall certify the return printed by the automatic tabulating
527 equipment, to which have been added write-in and absentee votes, as the official return of each
528 voting precinct.
529 (b) Upon completion of the count, the election officer shall make official returns open
530 to the public.
531 (9) If for any reason it becomes impracticable to count all or a part of the ballots with
532 tabulating equipment, the election officer may direct that they be counted manually according
533 to the procedures and requirements of this part.
534 (10) After the count is completed, the election officer shall seal and retain the
535 programs, test materials, and ballots as provided in Section 20A-4-202.
536 Section 9. Section 20A-4-105 is amended to read:
537 20A-4-105. Standards and requirements for evaluating voter's ballot.
538 [
542 [
544 [
546 [
547 Part 6, Municipal Alternate Voting Methods Pilot Project, if a voter marks more names than
548 there are individuals to be elected to an office, or if the counting judges cannot determine a
549 voter's choice for an office, the counting judges may not count the voter's vote for that office.
550 [
552 [
553 [
555 [
556 Pilot Project, the counting judges may not reject a ballot marked by the voter because of marks
557 on the ballot other than those marks allowed by this section unless the extraneous marks on a
558 ballot show an intent by an individual to mark the individual's ballot so that the individual's
559 ballot can be identified.
560 [
562 [
563 technical defects in voting or failure on the part of the voter to follow strictly the rules for
564 balloting required by Chapter 3a, Voting.
565 [
566 (a) stamping or writing an official endorsement; or
567 (b) delivering the wrong ballots to a polling place.
568 [
569 official endorsement by an election officer.
570 [
571 for which the voter is not legally entitled to vote, as defined in Section 20A-4-107.
572 [
573 a ballot, or that the initial letters of a candidate's given name are transposed or omitted in whole
574 or in part on a ballot, the counting judges shall count a voter's vote for the candidate if it is
575 apparent that the voter intended to vote for the candidate.
576 [
577 president of any political party as a vote for the presidential electors selected by the political
578 party.
579 [
580 Pilot Project, in counting the valid write-in votes, if, by casting a valid write-in vote, a voter
581 has cast more votes for an office than that voter is entitled to vote for that office, the counting
582 judges shall count the valid write-in vote as being the obvious intent of the voter.