


Chief Sponsor: Jacob L. Anderegg

House Sponsor: Jon Hawkins


8     General Description:
9          This bill amends provisions regarding the sharing of student data.
10     Highlighted Provisions:
11          This bill:
12          ▸     prohibits the sharing of certain student data;
13          ▸     extends a deadline for the state board regarding data integration with a local
14     education agency (LEA);
15          ▸     prohibits an education entity from sharing student data with a federal agency, except
16     as required by federal law; and
17          ▸     makes technical changes.
18     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
19          None
20     Other Special Clauses:
21          This bill provides a special effective date.
22     Utah Code Sections Affected:
23     AMENDS:
24          53B-28-505, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2022, Chapter 461
25          53B-28-506 (Effective 01/01/24), as enacted by Laws of Utah 2022, Chapter 461
26          53E-3-511, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 186
27          53E-9-302, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 408
28          53E-9-308, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2022, Chapter 335


30     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
31          Section 1. Section 53B-28-505 is amended to read:
32          53B-28-505. Third-party contractors.
33          (1) A third-party contractor shall use personally identifiable student data received
34     under a contract with an education entity strictly for the purpose of providing the contracted
35     product or service within the negotiated contract terms.
36          (2) When contracting with a third-party contractor on or after January 1, 2024, an
37     education entity, or a government agency contracting on behalf of an education entity, shall:
38          (a) ensure that the contract terms comply with the standards the board establishes under
39     Subsection 53B-28-502(5); and
40          (b) require the following provisions in the contract:
41          (i) requirements and restrictions related to the collection, use, storage, or sharing of
42     student data by the third-party contractor that are necessary for the education entity to ensure
43     compliance with the provisions of this part and board rule;
44          (ii) a description of a person, or type of person, including an affiliate of the third-party
45     contractor, with whom the third-party contractor may share student data;
46          (iii) provisions that, at the request of the education entity, govern the deletion of the
47     student data received by the third-party contractor;
48          (iv) except as provided in Subsection (4) and if required by the education entity,
49     provisions that prohibit the secondary use of personally identifiable student data by the
50     third-party contractor; and
51          (v) an agreement by the third-party contractor that, at the request of the education entity
52     that is a party to the contract, the education entity or the education entity's designee may audit
53     the third-party contractor to verify compliance with the contract.
54          (3) As authorized by law or court order, a third-party contractor shall share student data
55     as requested by law enforcement.

56          (4) A third-party contractor may:
57          (a) use student data for adaptive learning or customized student learning purposes;
58          (b) market an educational application or product to a student if the third-party
59     contractor does not use student data, shared by or collected on behalf of an education entity, to
60     market the educational application or product;
61          (c) use a recommendation engine to recommend to a student:
62          (i) content that relates to learning or employment, within the third-party contractor's
63     application, if the recommendation is not motivated by payment or other consideration from
64     another party; or
65          (ii) services that relate to learning or employment, within the third-party contractor's
66     application, if the recommendation is not motivated by payment or other consideration from
67     another party;
68          (d) respond to a student request for information or feedback, if the content of the
69     response is not motivated by payment or other consideration from another party;
70          (e) use student data to allow or improve operability and functionality of the third-party
71     contractor's application; or
72          (f) identify for a student nonprofit institutions of higher education or scholarship
73     providers that are seeking students who meet specific criteria:
74          (i) regardless of whether the identified nonprofit institutions of higher education or
75     scholarship providers provide payment or other consideration to the third-party contractor; and
76          (ii) only if the third-party contractor obtains authorization in writing from:
77          (A) the student's parent, if the student is a minor; or
78          (B) the student.
79          (5) At the completion of a contract with an education entity, if the contract has not
80     been renewed, a third-party contractor shall return or delete upon the education entity's request
81     all personally identifiable student data under the control of the education entity unless a student
82     or a minor student's parent consents to the maintenance of the personally identifiable student

83     data.
84          (6) (a) A third-party contractor may not:
85          (i) except as provided in Subsection (6)(b), sell student data;
86          (ii) collect, use, or share student data, if the collection, use, or sharing of the student
87     data is inconsistent with the third-party contractor's contract with the education entity; or
88          (iii) use student data for targeted advertising.
89          (b) A person may obtain student data through the purchase of, merger with, or
90     otherwise acquiring a third-party contractor if the third-party contractor remains in compliance
91     with this section.
92          (7) The provisions of this section do not:
93          (a) apply to the use of a general audience application, including the access of a general
94     audience application with login credentials created by a third-party contractor's application;
95          (b) apply if the student data is shared in accordance with the education entity's
96     directory information policy, as described in 34 C.F.R. Sec. 99.37;
97          (c) apply to the providing of Internet service; or
98          (d) impose a duty on a provider of an interactive computer service, as defined in 47
99     U.S.C. Sec. 230, to review or enforce compliance with this section.
100          (8) A provision of this section that relates to a student's student data does not apply to a
101     third-party contractor if the education entity or third-party contractor obtains authorization from
102     the following individual, in writing, to waive that provision:
103          (a) the student's parent, if the student is a minor; or
104          (b) the student.
105          Section 2. Section 53B-28-506 (Effective 01/01/24) is amended to read:
106          53B-28-506 (Effective 01/01/24). Penalties.
107          (1) [(a) An institution that contracts with a third-party contractor that] A third-party
108     contractor that knowingly or recklessly permits unauthorized collecting, sharing, or use of
109     student data under this part:

110          [(i)] (a) except as provided in Subsection [(1)(b),] (1)(d), may not enter into a future
111     contract with [the third-party contractor] an institution; and
112          [(ii)] (b) may be required by the board to pay a civil penalty of up to $25,000.
113          (c) may be required to pay:
114          (i) an institution's cost of notifying parents and students of the unauthorized sharing or
115     use of student data; and
116          (ii) any expense incurred by the institution as result of the unauthorized sharing or use
117     of student data.
118          [(b)] (d) An education entity may enter into a contract with a third-party contractor that
119     knowingly or recklessly permitted unauthorized collecting, sharing, or use of student data if:
120          (i) the education entity determines that the third-party contractor has corrected the
121     errors that caused the unauthorized collecting, sharing, or use of student data; and
122          (ii) the third-party contractor demonstrates:
123          (A) if the third-party contractor is under contract with the education entity, current
124     compliance with this part; or
125          (B) an ability to comply with the requirements of this part.
126          [(c) The board may assess the civil penalty described in Subsection (1)(a)(ii) in
127     accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 4, Administrative Procedures Act.]
128          [(d)] (e) The board may bring an action in the district court of the county in which the
129     office of the education entity is located, if necessary, to enforce payment of the civil penalty
130     described in Subsection [(1)(a)(ii).] (1)(b).
131          [(e)] (f) An individual who knowingly or intentionally permits unauthorized collecting,
132     sharing, or use of student data may be found guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
133          (2) (a) A student or a minor student's parent may bring an action against [an institution]
134     a third-party contractor in a court of competent jurisdiction for damages caused by a knowing
135     or reckless violation of Section 53B-28-505 by a third-party contractor [that the institution
136     contracts with under 53B-28-505].

137          (b) If the court finds that a third-party contractor has violated Section 53B-28-505, the
138     court may [order the institution to pay] award to the parent or student:
139          (i) damages; and
140          (ii) costs.
141          Section 3. Section 53E-3-511 is amended to read:
142          53E-3-511. Student Achievement Backpack -- Utah Student Record Store.
143          (1) As used in this section:
144          (a) "Authorized LEA user" means a teacher or other person who is:
145          (i) employed by an LEA that provides instruction to a student; and
146          (ii) authorized to access data in a Student Achievement Backpack through the Utah
147     Student Record Store.
148          (b) "Statewide assessment" means the same as that term is defined in Section
149     53E-4-301.
150          (c) "Student Achievement Backpack" means, for a student from kindergarten through
151     grade 12, a complete learner profile that:
152          (i) is in electronic format;
153          (ii) follows the student from grade to grade and school to school; and
154          (iii) is accessible by the student's parent or an authorized LEA user.
155          (d) "Utah Student Record Store" means a repository of student data collected from
156     LEAs as part of the state's longitudinal data system that is:
157          (i) managed by the state board;
158          (ii) cloud-based; and
159          (iii) accessible via a web browser to authorized LEA users.
160          (2) (a) The state board shall use the state board's robust, comprehensive data collection
161     system, which collects longitudinal student transcript data from LEAs and the unique student
162     identifiers as described in Section 53E-4-308, to allow the following to access a student's
163     Student Achievement Backpack:

164          (i) the student's parent; and
165          (ii) each LEA that provides instruction to the student.
166          (b) The state board shall ensure that a Student Achievement Backpack:
167          (i) provides a uniform, transparent reporting mechanism for individual student
168     progress;
169          (ii) provides a complete learner history for postsecondary planning;
170          (iii) provides a teacher with visibility into a student's complete learner profile to better
171     inform instruction and personalize education;
172          (iv) assists a teacher or administrator in diagnosing a student's learning needs through
173     the use of data already collected by the state board;
174          (v) facilitates a student's parent taking an active role in the student's education by
175     simplifying access to the student's complete learner profile; and
176          (vi) serves as additional disaster mitigation for LEAs by using a cloud-based data
177     storage and collection system.
178          (3) Using existing information collected and stored in the state board's data warehouse,
179     the state board shall create the Utah Student Record Store where an authorized LEA user may:
180          (a) access data in a Student Achievement Backpack relevant to the user's LEA or
181     school; or
182          (b) request student records to be transferred from one LEA to another.
183          (4) The state board shall implement security measures to ensure that:
184          (a) student data stored or transmitted to or from the Utah Student Record Store is
185     secure and confidential pursuant to the requirements of the Family Educational Rights and
186     Privacy Act, 20 U.S.C. Sec. 1232g; [and]
187          (b) an authorized LEA user may only access student data that is relevant to the user's
188     LEA or school[.]; and
189          (c) except as provided in Section 53E-9-308, an authorized LEA user shares only
190     aggregate or de-identified data.

191          (5) A student's parent may request the student's Student Achievement Backpack from
192     the LEA or the school in which the student is enrolled.
193          (6) An authorized LEA user may access student data in a Student Achievement
194     Backpack, which shall include the following data, or request that the data be transferred from
195     one LEA to another:
196          (a) student demographics;
197          (b) course grades;
198          (c) course history; and
199          (d) results of a statewide assessment.
200          (7) An authorized LEA user may access student data in a Student Achievement
201     Backpack, which shall include the data listed in Subsections (6)(a) through (d) and the
202     following data, or request that the data be transferred from one LEA to another:
203          (a) section attendance;
204          (b) the name of a student's teacher for classes or courses the student takes;
205          (c) teacher qualifications for a student's teacher, including years of experience, degree,
206     license, and endorsement;
207          (d) results of statewide assessments;
208          (e) a student's writing sample that is written for a writing assessment administered
209     pursuant to Section 53E-4-303;
210          (f) student growth scores on a statewide assessment, as applicable;
211          (g) a school's grade assigned pursuant to Chapter 5, Part 2, School Accountability
212     System;
213          (h) results of benchmark assessments of reading administered pursuant to Section
214     53E-4-307; and
215          (i) a student's reading level at the end of grade 3.
216          (8) No later than [June 30, 2017] July 1, 2024, the state board shall ensure that data
217     collected in the Utah Student Record Store for a Student Achievement Backpack is integrated

218     into each LEA's student information system and is made available to a student's parent and an
219     authorized LEA user in an easily accessible viewing format.
220          Section 4. Section 53E-9-302 is amended to read:
221          53E-9-302. State student data protection governance.
222          (1) (a) An education entity or a third-party contractor who collects, uses, stores, shares,
223     or deletes student data shall protect student data as described in this part.
224          (b) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
225     state board shall make rules to administer this part, including student data protection standards
226     for public education employees, student aides, and volunteers.
227          (2) The state board shall oversee the preparation and maintenance of:
228          (a) a statewide data governance plan; and
229          (b) a state-level metadata dictionary.
230          (3) As described in this Subsection (3), the state board shall establish advisory groups
231     to oversee student data protection in the state and make recommendations to the state board
232     regarding student data protection[.] including:
233          (a) [The state board shall establish] a student data policy advisory group:
234          (i) that is composed of members from:
235          (A) the Legislature;
236          (B) the state board and state board employees; and
237          (C) one or more LEAs;
238          (ii) to discuss and make recommendations to the state board regarding:
239          (A) enacted or proposed legislation; and
240          (B) state and local student data protection policies across the state;
241          (iii) that reviews and monitors the state student data governance plan; and
242          (iv) that performs other tasks related to student data protection as designated by the
243     state board.
244          (b) [The state board shall establish] a student data governance advisory group:

245          (i) that is composed of the state student data officer and other state board employees;
246     and
247          (ii) that performs duties related to state and local student data protection, including:
248          (A) overseeing data collection and usage by state board program offices; and
249          (B) preparing and maintaining the state board's student data governance plan under the
250     direction of the student data policy advisory group.
251          (c) [The state board shall establish] a student data users advisory group:
252          (i) that is composed of members who use student data at the local level; and
253          (ii) that provides feedback and suggestions on the practicality of actions proposed by
254     the student data policy advisory group and the student data governance advisory group.
255          (4) (a) The state board shall designate a state student data officer.
256          (b) The state student data officer shall:
257          (i) act as the primary point of contact for state student data protection administration in
258     assisting the state board to administer this part;
259          (ii) ensure compliance with student privacy laws throughout the public education
260     system, including:
261          (A) providing training and support to applicable state board and LEA employees; and
262          (B) producing resource materials, model plans, and model forms for local student data
263     protection governance, including a model student data collection notice;
264          (iii) investigate complaints of alleged violations of this part;
265          (iv) report violations of this part to:
266          (A) the state board;
267          (B) an applicable education entity; and
268          (C) the student data policy advisory group; and
269          (v) act as a state level student data manager.
270          (5) The state board shall designate:
271          (a) at least one support manager to assist the state student data officer; and

272          (b) a student data protection auditor to assist the state student data officer.
273          (6) The state board shall establish a research review process for a request for data for
274     the purpose of research or evaluation.
275          Section 5. Section 53E-9-308 is amended to read:
276          53E-9-308. Sharing student data -- Prohibition -- Requirements for student data
277     manager -- Authorized student data sharing.
278          (1) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (1)(b), an education entity, including a student
279     data manager, may not:
280          (i) share personally identifiable student data without written consent[.]; or
281          (ii) share student data with a federal agency.
282          (b) An education entity, including a student data manager, may share personally
283     identifiable student data:
284          (i) in accordance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act and related
285     provisions under 20 U.S.C. Secs. 1232g and 1232h;
286          (ii) as required by federal law; and
287          (iii) as described in Subsections (3), (5), and (6).
288          (2) A student data manager shall:
289          (a) authorize and manage the sharing, outside of the student data manager's education
290     entity, of personally identifiable student data for the education entity as described in this
291     section;
292          (b) act as the primary local point of contact for the state student data officer described
293     in Section 53E-9-302; and
294          (c) fulfill other responsibilities described in the data governance plan of the student
295     data manager's education entity.
296          (3) A student data manager may share a student's personally identifiable student data
297     with a caseworker or representative of the [Department of Human Services] Department of
298     Health and Human Services if:

299          (a) the [Department of Human Services] Department of Health and Human Services is:
300          (i) legally responsible for the care and protection of the student, including the
301     responsibility to investigate a report of educational neglect, as provided in Subsection
302     80-2-701(5); or
303          (ii) providing services to the student;
304          (b) the student's personally identifiable student data is not shared with a person who is
305     not authorized:
306          (i) to address the student's education needs; or
307          (ii) by the [Department of Human Services] Department of Health and Human Services
308     to receive the student's personally identifiable student data; and
309          (c) the [Department of Human Services] Department of Health and Human Services
310     maintains and protects the student's personally identifiable student data.
311          (4) The [Department of Human Services] Department of Health and Human Services, a
312     school official, or the Utah Juvenile Court may share personally identifiable student data to
313     improve education outcomes for youth:
314          (a) in the custody of, or under the guardianship of, the [Department of Human
315     Services] Department of Health and Human Services;
316          (b) receiving services from the Division of Juvenile Justice Services;
317          (c) in the custody of the Division of Child and Family Services;
318          (d) receiving services from the Division of Services for People with Disabilities; or
319          (e) under the jurisdiction of the Utah Juvenile Court.
320          (5) (a) A student data manager may share personally identifiable student data in
321     response to a subpoena issued by a court.
322          (b) A person who receives personally identifiable student data under Subsection (5)(a)
323     may not use the personally identifiable student data outside of the use described in the
324     subpoena.
325          (6) (a) A student data manager may share student data, including personally

326     identifiable student data, in response to a request to share student data for the purpose of
327     research or evaluation, if the student data manager:
328          (i) verifies that the request meets the requirements of 34 C.F.R. Sec. 99.31(a)(6);
329          (ii) submits the request to the education entity's research review process; and
330          (iii) fulfills the instructions that result from the review process.
331          (b) (i) In accordance with state and federal law, and subject to Subsection (6)(b)(ii), the
332     state board shall share student data, including personally identifiable student data, as requested
333     by the Utah Registry of Autism and Developmental Disabilities described in Section 26-7-4.
334          (ii) (A) At least 30 days before the state board shares student data in accordance with
335     Subsection (6)(b)(i), the education entity from which the state board received the student data
336     shall provide notice to the parent of each student for which the state board intends to share
337     student data.
338          (B) The state board may not, for a particular student, share student data as described in
339     Subsection (6)(b)(i) if the student's parent requests that the state board not share the student
340     data.
341          (iii) A person who receives student data under Subsection (6)(b)(i):
342          (A) shall maintain and protect the student data in accordance with state board rule
343     described in Section 53E-9-307;
344          (B) may not use the student data for a purpose not described in Section 26-7-4; and
345          (C) is subject to audit by the state student data officer described in Section 53E-9-302.
346          Section 6. Effective date.
347          (1) Except as provided in Subsection (2), this bill takes effect on July 1, 2023.
348          (2) The actions affecting Section 53B-28-506 (Effective 01/01/24) take effect on
349     January 1, 2024.