9 General Description:
10 This resolution encourages Utahns, businesses, and other entities to take steps to reduce
11 idling.
12 Highlighted Provisions:
13 This resolution:
14 ▸ provides data on fuel expended idling compared with restarting an engine;
15 ▸ encourages Utahns to turn off their engines, especially in areas where sensitive
16 populations congregate; and
17 ▸ encourages certain businesses, organizations, and entities to place signs educating
18 drivers on the fuel savings of restarting an engine instead of idling.
19 Special Clauses:
20 None
22 Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah, the Governor concurring therein:
23 WHEREAS, idling for ten seconds wastes more fuel than restarting the engine;
24 WHEREAS, according to studies conducted by the Argonne National Laboratory,
25 restarting a car uses 10.2 cubic centimeters of fuel on average while idling for ten seconds
26 wastes 11.3 cubic centimeters of fuel;
27 WHEREAS, according to the Environmental Defense Fund, restarting a car off and on
28 may cost about $10 in wear-and-tear over the course of a year, but idling can cost between $70
29 to $650 depending on fuel prices, idling habits, and vehicle type;
30 WHEREAS, an idling vehicle is earning zero miles per gallon;
31 WHEREAS, the engine and interior of a car today can "warm up" more efficiently by
32 moving and does not require any idle or stationary time;
33 WHEREAS, idling vehicles emit particulate matter which worsen air pollution, and
34 have been linked to serious illnesses such as asthma, heart disease, chronic bronchitis, and
35 cancer;
36 WHEREAS, poor air quality is particularly hazardous for sensitive populations,
37 including children;
38 WHEREAS, in areas where sensitive populations are more likely to be found, such as
39 hospitals and schools, vehicle idling should be avoided as much as possible; and
40 WHEREAS, Utah is home to the nationally-recognized "Turn Your Key, Be Idle Free"
41 campaign which continues to grow with support from the Governor and Legislature, the Utah
42 Clean Air Partnership, Utah Clean Cities Coalition, and Utah's Bipartisan Clean Air Caucus:
43 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah, the
44 Governor concurring therein, encourages all Utahns to "Turn Your Key, Be Idle Free" and turn
45 off their engine when idling for more than ten seconds at the drive-through, school pickup,
46 airports, and any areas where sensitive populations congregate, to improve air quality and save
47 on fuel.
48 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that businesses along with chambers of commerce,
49 schools, hospitals, and airports are encouraged to place signs educating the public on how ten
50 seconds of idling wastes more gas than restarting the engine and spread awareness of the "Turn
51 Your Key, Be Idle Free" campaign.