8 General Description:
9 This resolution modifies legislative rules governing the Senate.
10 Highlighted Provisions:
11 This resolution:
12 ▸ modifies references to members of Senate staff;
13 ▸ prohibits a chair from taking public comment from an individual witness unless the
14 individual provides certain information;
15 ▸ if an individual witness is participating via video conference, prohibits a chair from
16 taking the individual's comment unless:
17 • the individual provides the individual's place of residence; and
18 • the individual's video is enabled;
19 ▸ allows a standing committee member to make a motion to recess without a quorum
20 present; and
21 ▸ makes corrections to Senate rules, including eliminating obsolete language and
22 clarifying existing requirements.
23 Other Special Clauses:
24 This bill provides a coordination clause.
25 Legislative Rules Affected:
27 SR1-1-101
28 SR1-4-201
29 SR1-4-202
30 SR2-4-106
31 SR3-1-101
32 SR3-1-102
33 SR3-2-306
34 SR3-2-308
35 SR3-2-310
36 SR3-2-318
37 SR3-2-319
38 SR3-2-401
39 SR3-2-405
40 SR3-2-406
41 SR3-2-509
42 SR4-2-201
43 SR4-3-101
44 SR4-3-104
45 SR4-4-101
46 SR4-4-301
47 SR4-7-102
48 SR4-7-104
50 SR1-4-301
51 SR1-4-302
53 SR1-4-101
54 SR1-4-102
55 Legislative Rules Affected by Coordination Clause:
56 SR3-4-101
58 Be it resolved by the Senate of the state of Utah:
59 Section 1. SR1-1-101 is amended to read:
60 SR1-1-101. Adoption, amendment, or suspension of Senate rules.
61 (1) (a) The Senate shall adopt Senate rules, by a constitutional two-thirds vote, at the
62 beginning of each new Legislature convening in an odd-numbered year.
63 (b) If a motion to adopt the rules under Subsection (1)(a) meets or exceeds a majority
64 vote but fails to reach a constitutional two-thirds vote:
65 (i) rules adopted by the Senate during the immediately preceding annual general
66 session, as amended during that general session and any intervening session, apply to the
67 conduct of the Senate; and
68 (ii) the [
69 previously adopted rules apply to the newly convened Legislature.
70 (2) (a) Except as provided in this rule:
71 (i) during an annual general session held in an even-numbered year, rules adopted by
72 the Senate during the immediately preceding general session, as amended during that general
73 session and any intervening session, apply to the conduct of the Senate; and
74 (ii) during any special session, Senate rules apply as provided in JR2-1-101.
75 (b) For a session described in Subsection (2)(a), the [
76 officer shall announce to the Senate that the previously adopted rules apply to the newly
77 convened session.
78 (3) Except as provided in Subsection (4), additional rules may be adopted and existing
79 rules may be suspended, amended, or repealed by a majority vote, except for those rules that
80 require a two-thirds vote to adopt, suspend, amend, or repeal, including:
81 (a) rules governing motions for lifting tabled legislation from committee under
82 SR4-3-104; and
83 (b) rules governing consideration of legislation during the last three days of a session.
84 (4) (a) A rule that includes a voting requirement of more than a constitutional majority
85 must be adopted and may only be amended, suspended, or repealed by a constitutional
86 two-thirds vote.
87 (b) If the suspension of any Senate Rule is governed by the Utah Constitution or Utah
88 statutes, the Senate may suspend that rule only as provided by that constitutional or statutory
89 provision.
90 Section 2. SR1-4-101 is repealed and reenacted to read:
92 SR1-4-101. Appointment of the Senate chief of staff.
93 The president or president-elect of the Senate shall appoint an individual to serve as chief of
94 staff of the Senate.
95 Section 3. SR1-4-102 is repealed and reenacted to read:
96 SR1-4-102. Duties of the Senate chief of staff.
97 The chief of staff shall:
98 (1) appoint the Senate sergeant-at-arms and the secretary of the Senate; and
99 (2) perform other duties as assigned by the president or president-elect.
100 Section 4. SR1-4-201 is amended to read:
101 SR1-4-201. Appointment of sergeant-at-arms.
102 [
104 individual to serve as sergeant-at-arms of the Senate.
105 Section 5. SR1-4-202 is amended to read:
106 SR1-4-202. Duties of the sergeant-at-arms.
107 [
108 under the sergeant's direction shall:
109 (1) maintain security;
110 (2) enforce the Senate Rules and other legislative rules [
112 (3) provide other service as requested by the [
113 the president.
114 Section 6. SR1-4-301 is enacted to read:
116 SR1-4-301. Appointment of the secretary of the Senate.
117 The chief of staff shall appoint an individual to serve as secretary of the Senate.
118 Section 7. SR1-4-302 is enacted to read:
119 SR1-4-302. Duties of the secretary of the Senate.
120 Subject to the chief of staff's direction, the secretary of the Senate shall perform the following
121 duties:
122 (1) certify and transmit legislation to the Senate and inform the Senate of all House
123 action;
124 (2) assist in the preparation of the Senate journal and certify it as an accurate reflection
125 of Senate action;
126 (3) make the following technical corrections to legislation either before or following
127 final passage:
128 (a) correct the spelling of words;
129 (b) correct the erroneous division and hyphenation of words;
130 (c) correct mistakes in numbering sections and their references;
131 (d) capitalize words or change capitalized words to lower case;
132 (e) change numbers from words to figures or from figures to words;
133 (f) underscore or remove underscoring in legislation without a motion to amend; or
134 (g) any combination of Subsections (3)(a) through (f);
135 (4) modify the long title of a piece of legislation to ensure that the long title accurately
136 reflects any changes to the legislation made by amendment or substitute;
137 (5) act as custodian of all official documents related to legislation;
138 (6) receive all numbered legislation from the Office of Legislative Research and
139 General Counsel;
140 (7) record the number, title, sponsor, each action, and final disposition of each piece of
141 legislation on the back of the legislation;
142 (8) prepare and distribute the daily order of business each day;
143 (9) advise the president on parliamentary procedure, Joint Rules, and Senate Rules;
144 (10) read, or cause to be read, the title of all bills and other materials as requested by
145 the president;
146 (11) receive committee reports and present them to the Senate;
147 (12) assist with amendments to legislation;
148 (13) record votes and present the results to the president;
149 (14) transmit all enrolled Senate bills and Senate concurrent resolutions to the
150 governor;
151 (15) maintain all calendars for the Senate floor; and
152 (16) other duties as assigned by the chief of staff.
153 Section 8. SR2-4-106 is amended to read:
154 SR2-4-106. Executive sessions.
155 (1) A senator may make a motion to convene the Senate in executive session.
156 (2) When a motion for executive session is adopted, the presiding officer shall direct
157 the sergeant-at-arms to close the Senate chamber doors.
158 (3) The president may require all [
160 the Senate chamber.
161 (4) During the discussion, every person present shall remain within the Senate
162 chamber.
163 (5) During and after conclusion of the executive session, each person who was present
164 in the executive session shall keep all matters discussed in executive session confidential.
165 Section 9. SR3-1-101 is amended to read:
166 SR3-1-101. Senate Rules Committee -- Appointment -- General responsibilities.
167 (1) The president shall appoint members of the Senate to serve on the Senate Rules
168 Committee.
169 (2) The Senate Rules Committee shall perform the following functions as further
170 elaborated in this part:
171 (a) when assigned by the president, receive introduced legislation from the Senate and
172 recommend that they be assigned to a Senate standing committee or to the Senate second or
173 third reading calendar;
174 (b) after the Senate has sifted -- sent legislation on the second and third reading
175 calendars back to the Senate Rules Committee -- make recommendations to the Senate about
176 which legislation should be assigned to the third reading calendar and the order in which it
177 should be heard; and
178 (c) function as a standing committee or interim committee when reviewing Joint
179 Rules[
180 Section 10. SR3-1-102 is amended to read:
181 SR3-1-102. Senate Rules Committee -- Assignment duties.
182 (1) (a) Subject to Subsection (1)(b), the presiding officer shall submit all legislation
183 introduced in the Senate to the Senate Rules Committee.
184 (b) The president may direct legislation to be sent directly to a standing committee or
185 to one of the Senate floor calendars.
186 (2) The Senate Rules Committee shall:
187 (a) examine the legislation referred to it for proper form, including fiscal note and
188 committee note, if any; and
189 (b) (i) refer the legislation to the Senate with a recommendation that the legislation be:
190 (A) referred to a standing committee for consideration;
191 (B) subject to Subsection (3), placed directly onto the second reading calendar;
192 (C) subject to Subsection (3), read the second time and placed onto the consent
193 calendar; or
194 (D) if during the last week of the legislative session, read the second time and placed
195 on the third reading calendar; or
196 (ii) hold the legislation.
197 (3) During an annual general session, the Senate Rules Committee may not refer
198 legislation to the Senate with a recommendation under Subsection (2)(b)(i)(B) or (2)(b)(i)(C)
199 unless:
200 (a) [
201 recommendation; or
202 [
203 [
204 [
209 [
212 [
214 [
216 [
218 [
219 Rules Committee may not amend, substitute, or table legislation without the written consent of
220 the sponsor.
221 Section 11. SR3-2-306 is amended to read:
222 SR3-2-306. Sponsor presentation.
223 (1) Except as provided in Subsection (2), during the presentation phase, a committee
224 member may not amend legislation, substitute legislation, or dispose of legislation. All other
225 motions are in order during the presentation phase.
226 (2) During the presentation phase of a committee meeting, the chair may accept a
227 [
228 (a) committee questions and debate;
229 (b) public comment as provided in SR3-2-308;
230 (c) the sponsor of the legislation affected by the amendment to respond to the motion
231 to amend; and
232 (d) the committee member who made the motion to amend to have the final word on
233 the motion as required under SR3-2-313.
234 (3) During the presentation phase of a standing committee meeting, the chair shall:
235 (a) permit the chief sponsor or another legislator designated by the chief sponsor to
236 present the chief sponsor's legislation; and
237 (b) except as provided in Subsection (4), and at the election of the chief sponsor or the
238 chief sponsor's designee, permit persons who have expertise on the legislation to assist with the
239 presentation as provided in SR3-2-304.
240 (4) The chair may not permit:
241 (a) legislation to be presented if the chief sponsor or another legislator designated by
242 the chief sponsor is not present; or
243 (b) legislative interns or legislative aides to present legislation.
244 Section 12. SR3-2-308 is amended to read:
245 SR3-2-308. Public comment.
246 (1) During the public comment phase, a committee member may not amend legislation,
247 substitute legislation, or dispose of legislation. All other motions are in order during the public
248 comment phase.
249 (2) During the public comment phase of a committee meeting:
250 (a) the chair, or a committee by majority vote, may limit the time an individual witness
251 or presenter speaks to a committee as authorized under SR3-2-304; [
252 (b) the chair, or the committee by majority vote, may terminate the public comment
253 phase at any time[
254 (c) the chair may not take comment from an individual witness unless:
255 (i) the individual provides the individual's legal name and the entity that the individual
256 represents, if any; and
257 (ii) if the individual is participating via video conference:
258 (A) the individual provides the individual's place of residence; and
259 (B) the individual's video is enabled.
260 (3) Unless the chair, or a committee by majority vote, permits additional public
261 comment, once the public comment phase has ended only committee members, legislative
262 sponsors, staff, and those authorized under SR3-2-306 may address the committee.
263 Section 13. SR3-2-310 is amended to read:
264 SR3-2-310. Chair to preserve order -- Powers to preserve order.
265 (1) The chair shall preserve order and decorum during standing committee meetings
266 by:
267 (a) controlling outbursts and demonstrations; and
268 (b) ensuring that committee members, presenters, witnesses, and visitors act in a
269 dignified and respectful manner.
270 (2) To preserve order, the chair may:
271 (a) clear the committee room of any person who engages in disorderly conduct;
272 (b) recess a standing committee meeting without a vote; or
273 (c) request assistance from:
274 (i) the sergeant-at-arms; or
275 (ii) the Utah Highway Patrol.
276 Section 14. SR3-2-318 is amended to read:
277 SR3-2-318. Chair to send standing committee reports to the Senate.
278 (1) When a standing committee approves a motion to dispose of legislation under the
279 requirements of SR3-2-408 or SR3-2-403, the chair shall, no later than the next legislative day,
280 submit to the secretary of the Senate:
281 (a) the official version of the legislation; and
282 (b) a committee report, signed by the chair, describing the committee's action.
283 (2) If, for any reason, the chair does not submit a committee report to the secretary of
284 the Senate as required in Subsection (1), the secretary of the Senate shall ensure that the official
285 version of the legislation and the committee report are submitted before the end of the second
286 legislative day after the [
287 of the legislation.
288 Section 15. SR3-2-319 is amended to read:
289 SR3-2-319. Chair to ensure integrity of minutes -- Retention of minutes.
290 (1) The chair shall:
291 (a) ensure that a secretary takes minutes of standing committee meetings;
292 (b) present the minutes to the committee for approval; and
293 (c) send the approved minutes to [
294 [
295 [
296 of Utah Code Title 52, Chapter 4, Open and Public Meetings Act.
297 [
298 [
299 [
300 [
301 [
302 [
303 [
304 Section 16. SR3-2-401 is amended to read:
305 SR3-2-401. Standing committee review required -- Exceptions.
306 (1) Except as provided in Subsection (2), the Senate may not pass a bill, joint
307 resolution, or concurrent resolution during the annual general session unless a Senate standing
308 committee has given a favorable recommendation to the legislation.
309 (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to:
310 (a) a resolution regarding legislative rules or legislative personnel;
311 (b) legislation that [
313 (i) received its favorable recommendation by a unanimous vote of the members present
314 at the authorized legislative committee meeting; and
315 (ii) satisfied the posting requirements described in JR7-1-602.5;
316 (c) legislation placed on a reading calendar in accordance with SR3-1-102(1)(b);
317 [
318 [
319 Committee, legislation that:
320 (i) exclusively appropriates money;
321 (ii) amends Utah Code Title 53F, Chapter 2, State Funding -- Minimum School
322 Program;
323 (iii) amends Utah Code Title 67, Chapter 22, State Officer Compensation; or
324 (iv) authorizes the issuance of general obligation or revenue bonds.
325 Section 17. SR3-2-405 is amended to read:
326 SR3-2-405. Consent calendar.
327 (1) A standing committee may recommend that legislation in its possession be placed
328 on the consent calendar if:
329 (a) the committee approves a motion, by a unanimous vote, to send the legislation to
330 the second reading calendar;
331 (b) immediately subsequent to that action, the chief sponsor or the chief sponsor's
332 designee under SR3-2-306(3) requests that the legislation be placed on the consent calendar;
333 and
334 (c) in a separate motion and vote, the committee unanimously approves the sponsor's
335 request to place the legislation on the consent calendar instead of the second reading calendar.
336 (2) If, in accordance with SR3-1-102, the Senate Rules Committee forwards a
337 summary report from the Occupational and Professional Licensure Review Committee in
338 conjunction with legislation referred to a standing committee, the chair shall ensure that the
339 summary report is read orally to the committee before action is taken by the committee on the
340 legislation that is related to the summary report.
341 Section 18. SR3-2-406 is amended to read:
342 SR3-2-406. Amending legislation -- Amendments must be germane.
343 (1) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (2), and if recognized by the chair during the
344 presentation phase or the committee action phase, a committee member may make a motion to
345 amend the legislation that is under consideration.
346 (b) (i) A committee member may propose a verbal amendment to the legislation under
347 consideration if the amendment contains 25 or fewer words.
348 (ii) Unless an amendment contains 25 or fewer words, before proposing a motion to
349 amend, a committee member shall ensure that a copy of the proposed amendment is available
350 online.
351 (2) (a) A committee member may only make a motion to amend that is germane to the
352 subject of the legislation under consideration.
353 (b) A committee member who believes that an amendment is not germane to the
354 subject of the legislation may make a point of order or appeal as described in SR3-2-506.
355 Section 19. SR3-2-509 is amended to read:
356 SR3-2-509. Prohibited motions.
357 (1) (a) Except for a motion to adjourn or a motion to recess, a committee member may
358 not make a motion unless a quorum of the standing committee is present.
359 (b) When a quorum is not present, a motion to adjourn or a motion to recess is passed
360 with a majority vote of those present.
361 (2) No motion is in order during a vote.
362 (3) A point of order is not in order during a vote.
363 (4) A committee member may not make a motion to:
364 (a) strike the enacting clause of legislation; or
365 (b) circle legislation.
366 Section 20. SR4-2-201 is amended to read:
367 SR4-2-201. Point of order.
368 (1) (a) If a senator believes that there has been a breach of order, a breach of rules, or a
369 breach of established parliamentary practice, the senator may rise and, without being
370 recognized, state: "point of order."
371 (b) When a senator raises a point of order:
372 (i) the presiding officer shall interrupt the proceedings;
373 (ii) the senator who has the floor shall yield the floor; and
374 (iii) the presiding officer shall ask the senator raising the point of order to "state your
375 point."
376 (c) When the presiding officer responds "state your point," the senator shall briefly
377 explain the alleged breach to the body, citing to appropriate authority if possible.
378 (2) (a) The presiding officer may speak to points of order in preference to other
379 senators rising for that purpose.
380 (b) The presiding officer may:
381 (i) rule on the point of order immediately;
382 (ii) consult with the secretary of the Senate [
383 senator before ruling on the point of order; or
384 (iii) defer the point of order until the presiding officer can research and rule on the
385 point of order.
386 (c) (i) Although points of order are generally decided without debate, the presiding
387 officer may submit the point of order to the Senate for decision in doubtful cases.
388 (ii) If submitted to the Senate for decision, a presiding officer shall allow debate or
389 discussion on the point of order by recognizing members of the Senate who wish to speak to
390 the point of order.
391 (iii) A decision by the Senate deciding a point of order is not subject to appeal.
392 (3) When the presiding officer rules on the point of order, any senator who disagrees
393 with the presiding officer's decision may appeal that decision to the Senate by following the
394 procedures and requirements of SR4-2-202.
395 Section 21. SR4-3-101 is amended to read:
396 SR4-3-101. Bills placed on calendars.
397 (1) [
400 [
401 calendar described in Title 4, Part 4, Senate Calendars, as provided in Senate Rules and
402 directed by the presiding officer.
403 (2) The presiding officer shall ensure that each bill that is placed on the [
404 reading calendar without a fiscal note is circled until the fiscal note is received.
405 [
406 second reading calendar that is passed by a constitutional majority vote is placed at the bottom
407 of the third reading calendar.
408 Section 22. SR4-3-104 is amended to read:
409 SR4-3-104. Action of bills tabled in committee.
410 (1) (a) A senator may make a motion to lift [
412 legislation tabled in a standing committee.
413 (b) If the motion passes by a two-thirds vote of those senators present on the floor of
414 the Senate, the [
415 (2) The president of the Senate [
416 standing committee to another standing committee.
417 Section 23. SR4-4-101 is amended to read:
418 SR4-4-101. Second reading calendar.
419 (1) (a) After the Senate considers all legislation on the third reading calendar that is not
420 circled or tabled, the Senate shall consider legislation on the second reading calendar as
421 follows:
422 (i) the presiding officer shall cause each piece of legislation on the second reading
423 calendar to be read by title before debate begins, unless the Senate suspends this requirement
424 by a two-thirds vote;
425 (ii) the secretary of the Senate or the secretary's designee shall read the committee
426 report, noting for the Senate those instances when the legislation did not receive a Senate
427 standing committee review or an interim committee review;
428 (iii) if the Senate passes a motion to adopt a "favorable" committee report, the
429 legislation, including any substitute or amendment adopted by the standing committee that is
430 identified in the committee report, is before the Senate; and
431 (iv) the presiding officer shall allow debate on the legislation.
432 (b) If the Senate fails to pass a motion to adopt a "favorable" committee report, the
433 legislation will be returned to the [
434 (2) (a) The final question on second reading is: "Shall the bill (resolution) be read a
435 third time?"
436 (b) The presiding officer shall place the question as a roll call vote.
437 (c) If a constitutional majority of the Senate votes in favor of the motion, the legislation
438 is passed to the third reading calendar.
439 Section 24. SR4-4-301 is amended to read:
440 SR4-4-301. Consent calendar.
441 (1) If a standing committee report recommends that [
442 on the consent calendar and the standing committee report is adopted by the Senate, the
443 secretary of the Senate or the secretary's designee shall:
444 (a) read the legislation for the second time; and
445 (b) place the legislation on the consent calendar.
446 (2) (a) Whenever the consent calendar contains legislation, the presiding officer shall
447 inform the Senate each day that:
448 (i) there are items on the consent calendar; and
449 (ii) if any senator objects to [
450 or more senators may move the legislation to the second reading calendar by notifying the
451 [
452 (b) If the [
454 senators, the secretary shall:
455 (i) remove the legislation from the consent calendar; and
456 (ii) place the legislation at the bottom of the second reading calendar.
457 (3) If, after three days during which the Senate has floor time, no more than two
458 members have registered objections to the legislation, the legislation shall be:
459 (a) read the third time;
460 (b) placed before the Senate; and
461 (c) considered for final passage.
462 (4) (a) The presiding officer shall pose the question on each consent calendar bill in the
463 following form:
464 "The presiding officer has determined that a quorum is present.
465 Those who favor the question say, 'aye.'
466 Does the chair hear a single dissenting nay to the question?"
467 (b) If the presiding officer hears no nays to the question, a unanimous vote of the
468 senators present shall be recorded in favor of the legislation.
469 (c) If the presiding officer hears any nays to the question, a roll call vote shall be taken
470 immediately.
471 (5) Notwithstanding the requirements of Subsection (4), any senator may, before the
472 roll call vote is taken, make a motion to remove the bill from the consent calendar and place it
473 on the bottom of the third reading calendar.
474 (6) Nothing in this rule prevents a senator from challenging the ruling of the chair or
475 asking for a vote on any question.
476 Section 25. SR4-7-102 is amended to read:
477 SR4-7-102. Number of votes required for passage.
478 (1) Unless otherwise specified in these rules:
479 (a) each piece of legislation requires a constitutional majority vote -- 15 votes -- to
480 pass;
481 (b) amendments to the Utah Constitution, amendments to court rules, and certain
482 motions specified in these rules require a constitutional two-thirds vote -- 20 votes -- to pass;
483 (c) legislation described in Utah Constitution, Article VI, Section 25 that is intended to
484 take effect earlier than 60 days after adjournment of the session in which it passes requires a
485 constitutional two-thirds vote -- 20 votes -- to pass with that immediate effective date;
486 (d) certain motions require a two-thirds vote -- two-thirds of those present -- to pass;
487 and
488 (e) other motions require a majority vote -- a majority of those present -- to pass.
489 (2) The Senate may only suspend a rule requiring that a motion must receive a
490 two-thirds vote or a constitutional two-thirds vote to pass by a two-thirds vote.
491 Section 26. SR4-7-104 is amended to read:
492 SR4-7-104. Disturbing Senate staff during voting prohibited.
493 While a roll call vote is being taken, a person may not disturb or remain by the desks of
494 [
496 vote.
497 Section 27. Coordinating S.R. 4 with S.R. 2 -- Substantive amendments.
498 If this S.R. 4 and S.R. 2, Senate Rules Resolution - Senate Committee Security, both
499 pass, it is the intent of the Legislature that the Office of Legislative Research and General
500 Counsel, in preparing the Senate Rules for publication, amend SR3-4-101(2)(c) in S.R. 2 to
501 read:
502 "(c) recess the meeting without a motion; or".