


Chief Sponsor: Jerry W. Stevenson

House Sponsor: Val L. Peterson

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8     General Description:
9          This bill supplements or reduces appropriations otherwise provided for the support and
10     operation of state government for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023 and ending June 30, 2024.
11     Highlighted Provisions:
12          This bill:
13          ▸     provides budget increases and decreases for the use and support of certain state agencies;
14          ▸     provides budget increases and decreases for the use and support of certain institutions of
15     higher education;
16          ▸     provides budget increases and decreases for other purposes as described;
17          ▸     authorizes full time employment levels for certain internal service funds; and
18          ▸     provides intent language.
19     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
20          This bill appropriates $2,293,220,400 in operating and capital budgets for fiscal year 2024,
21     including:
22          ▸     ($372,794,000) from the General Fund;
23          ▸     $906,043,600 from the Income Tax Fund; and
24          ▸     $1,759,970,800 from various sources as detailed in this bill.
25          This bill appropriates $113,768,600 in expendable funds and accounts for fiscal year 2024,
26     including:
27          ▸     $77,250,000 from the General Fund; and
28          ▸     $36,518,600 from various sources as detailed in this bill.
29          This bill appropriates $310,448,100 in business-like activities for fiscal year 2024, including:
30          ▸     $176,531,700 from the General Fund; and
31          ▸     $133,916,400 from various sources as detailed in this bill.

32          This bill appropriates $12,294,000 in restricted fund and account transfers for fiscal year
33     2024, including:
34          ▸     $6,394,000 from the General Fund; and
35          ▸     $5,900,000 from various sources as detailed in this bill.
36          This bill appropriates $6,046,800 in transfers to unrestricted funds for fiscal year 2024.
37          This bill appropriates $1,553,118,700 in capital project funds for fiscal year 2024, including:
38          ▸     $1,226,313,100 from the General Fund;
39          ▸     $283,917,400 from the Income Tax Fund; and
40          ▸     $42,888,200 from various sources as detailed in this bill.
41     Other Special Clauses:
42          This bill takes effect on July 1, 2023.
43     Utah Code Sections Affected:
45     =====================================================================
46     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
47          Section 1. FY 2024 Appropriations. The following sums of money are appropriated for the
48     fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023 and ending June 30, 2024. These are additions to amounts
49     otherwise appropriated for fiscal year 2024.
50          Subsection 1(a). Operating and Capital Budgets. Under the terms and conditions of
51     Title 63J, Chapter 1, Budgetary Procedures Act, the Legislature appropriates the following sums of
52     money from the funds or accounts indicated for the use and support of the government of the state of
53     Utah.
54     Executive Offices and Criminal Justice
55     Attorney General
56     Item 1
     To Attorney General
57     From General Fund

58     Schedule of Programs:
59     Administration

60          The Legislature intends that the Attorney General's Office,
61     Investigations Division, may purchase two additional vehicles
62     with department funds in Fiscal Year 2023 and Fiscal Year
63     2024.
64          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
65     that the Attorney General's Office report performance measures
66     for the Attorney General line item. The Attorney General's
67     Office shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal
68     Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget
69     before October 1, 2023, the final status of performance

70     measures established in FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY
71     2024, the department shall report the following performance
72     measures: 1) Attorney Staff Assessment (Target=90).
73     Item 2
     To Attorney General - Children's Justice Centers
74     From General Fund, One-Time

75     From Income Tax Fund, One-Time

76          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
77     that the Attorney General's Office report performance measures
78     for the Children's Justice Centers line item. The Attorney
79     General's Office shall report to the Office of the Legislative
80     Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and
81     Budget before October 1, 2023, the final status of performance
82     measures established in FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY
83     2024, the department shall report the following performance
84     measures: 1) Caregiver References (Target=90.9%); 2)
85     Multidisciplinary Teams (Target=89.1%); 3) Caregiver
86     Satisfaction (Target=88.7%).
87     Item 3
     To Attorney General - Contract Attorneys
88     From General Fund, One-Time

89     Schedule of Programs:
90     Contract Attorneys

91     Item 4
     To Attorney General - Prosecution Council
92     From Dedicated Credits Revenue, One-Time

93     From Revenue Transfers, One-Time

94     Schedule of Programs:
95     Prosecution Council

96          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
97     that the Attorney General's Office report performance measures
98     for the Prosecution Council line item. The Attorney General's
99     Office shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal
100     Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget
101     before October 1, 2023, the final status of performance
102     measures established in FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY
103     2024, the department shall report the following performance
104     measures: 1) Trial without Domestic Violence Victim
105     (Target=80%); 2) Utah Prosecution Council Conferences
106     (Target=50%); 3) Trauma-Informed Training (Target=50%).
107     Board of Pardons and Parole

108     Item 5
     To Board of Pardons and Parole
109          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
110     that the Board of Pardons and Parole report performance
111     measures for their line item, whose mission is "to provide fair
112     and balanced release, supervision, and clemency decisions that
113     address community safety, victim needs, offender
114     accountability, risk reduction, and reintegration." The
115     department shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal
116     Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget
117     before October 1, 2023, the final status of performance
118     measures established in FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY
119     2024, the department shall report the following performance
120     measures: 1) measure of recidivism; 2) measure of time under
121     board jurisdiction; 3) measure of parole revocations; and 4)
122     measure of alignment of board decisions with the guidelines.
123          The Legislature intends that the Board of Pardons and
124     Parole report on progress during the 2023 Interim on the audit
125     recommendations found in "A Performance Audit of the Board
126     of Pardons and Parole"; and "A Limited Review of the
127     Coordination Between Public Safety Entities".
128     Utah Department of Corrections
129     Item 6
     To Utah Department of Corrections - Programs and Operations
130     From General Fund

131     From General Fund, One-Time

132     From Revenue Transfers, One-Time

133     Schedule of Programs:
134     Adult Probation and Parole Programs

135     Programming Treatment

136     Prison Operations Utah State Correctional Facility

137          The Legislature intends that, if the Department of
138     Corrections is able to reallocate resources internally to find
139     additional Adult Probation & Parole Agents and AP&P
140     Supervisors, for every two agents and for every one supervisor
141     hired or reassigned to field supervision duties, the Legislature
142     grants the authority to purchase one vehicle with Department
143     funds.
144          The Legislature intends that the Department of Corrections,
145     Facilities Bureau/Adult Probation and Parole Programs, is

146     granted authority to purchase two trucks with plow & spreader
147     with Department funds.
148          The Legislature intends that the Department of Corrections
149     may transfer up to $6 million of operational funding in the
150     Programs & Operations - Adult Probation and Parole Programs
151     appropriation unit for the Behavioral Health Transitional
152     Facility to the Division of Facilities Construction and
153     Management in FY2024 to complete construction of the
154     facility. The Legislature further intends that the Department of
155     Corrections submit an electronic written report to the
156     Executive Offices and Criminal Justices Appropriations
157     Subcommittee no later than one week prior to the transfer on
158     the amount that will be transferred.
159          The Legislature intends that the Department of Corrections
160     report on progress during the 2023 Interim on the audit
161     recommendations found in "A Performance Audit of the
162     Oversight and Effectiveness of Adult Probation and Parole";
163     "A Limited Review of the Coordination Between Public Safety
164     Entities."
165          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
166     that the Department of Corrections report performance
167     measures for the Programs and Operations line item. The
168     Department of Corrections shall report to the Office of the
169     Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of
170     Planning and Budget before October 1, 2023, the final status of
171     performance measures established in FY 2023 appropriations
172     bills. For FY 2024, the department shall report the following
173     performance measures: 1) Percentage of all probationers' and
174     parolees' Case Action Plan (CAP) goals that are active and
175     align with primary Risk/Needs assessment indicators; 2) Per
176     capita rate of assault incidents in the prison.
177     Item 7
     To Utah Department of Corrections - Department Medical
178     Services
179     From General Fund

180     From General Fund, One-Time

181     Schedule of Programs:
182     Medical Services

183          The Legislature intends that the Department of Corrections

184     partner with the Department of Health and Human Services to
185     ensure that medical care is provided to state inmates. The
186     Legislature further intends that the Department of Corrections
187     and the Department of Health and Human Services report to
188     the Executive Offices and Criminal Justice Appropriations
189     Subcommittee during the interim on progress made toward
190     service goals for the Clinical Services Bureau.
191          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
192     that the Department of Corrections report performance
193     measures for the Medical Services line item. The Department
194     of Corrections shall report to the Office of the Legislative
195     Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and
196     Budget before October 1, 2023, the final status of performance
197     measures established in FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY
198     2024, the department shall report the following performance
199     measures: 1) Percentage of Dental Exams performed within 7
200     days of admission (or evidence of refusal); 2) Percentage of
201     Mental Health screenings completed within 14 days of
202     admission; 3) Percentage of inmates failing to keep
203     appointments; 4) Percentage of initial health assessments
204     completed within 7 days of admission (or evidence of refusal).
205     Judicial Council/State Court Administrator
206     Item 8
     To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Administration
207     From General Fund

208     From General Fund, One-Time

209     From Federal Funds

210     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

211     Schedule of Programs:
212     Administrative Office

213     Data Processing

214     District Courts

215     Grants Program

216     Law Library

217          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
218     that the Utah State Courts report performance measures for the
219     Administration line item, whose mission is "to provide the
220     people an open, fair, efficient, and independent system for the
221     advancement of justice under the law." The department shall

222     report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the
223     Governor's Office of Planning and Budget before October 1,
224     2023 the final status of performance measures established in
225     FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY 2024, the department
226     shall report the following performance measures: 1) Target the
227     recommended time standards in District and Juvenile Courts
228     for all case types; as per the published Utah State Courts
229     Performance Measures; (2) and Clearance rate in all courts, as
230     per the published Utah State Courts Performance Measures
231     (Target 100%).
232     Item 9
     To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Contracts and
233     Leases
234     From General Fund

235     Schedule of Programs:
236     Contracts and Leases

237          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
238     that the Utah State Courts report performance measures for the
239     Contracts and Leases line item, whose mission is "to provide
240     the people an open, fair, efficient, and independent system for
241     the advancement of justice under the law." The department
242     shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and
243     to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget before
244     October 1, 2023 the final status of performance measures
245     established in FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY 2024, the
246     department shall report the following performance measures:
247     1) Execute and administer required contracts within the terms
248     of the contracts and appropriations (Target 100%).
249     Item 10
     To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Grand Jury
250          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
251     that the Utah State Courts report performance measures for the
252     Grand Jury line item, whose mission is "to provide the people
253     an open, fair, efficient, and independent system for the
254     advancement of justice under the law." The department shall
255     report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the
256     Governor's Office of Planning and Budget before October 1,
257     2023 the final status of performance measures established in
258     FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY 2024, the department
259     shall report the following performance measures: 1)

260     Administer called Grand Juries (Target 100%).
261     Item 11
     To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Guardian ad Litem
262          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
263     that the Office of the Guardian ad Litem report performance
264     measures for the Administration line item, whose mission is "to
265     provide the people an open, fair, efficient, and independent
266     system for the advancement of justice under the law." The
267     department shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal
268     Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget
269     before October 1, 2023 the final status of performance
270     measures established in FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY
271     2024, the department shall report the following performance
272     measures: seven performance measures for the line item found
273     in the Utah Office of Guardian ad Litem and CASA Annual
274     Report.
275     Item 12
     To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Jury and Witness
276     Fees
277          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
278     that the Utah State Courts report performance measures for the
279     Jury, Witness, and Interpreter line item, whose mission is "to
280     provide the people an open, fair, efficient, and independent
281     system for the advancement of justice under the law." The
282     department shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal
283     Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget
284     before October 1, 2023 the final status of performance
285     measures established in FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY
286     2024, the department shall report the following performance
287     measures: Timely pay all required jurors, witnesses and
288     interpreters (Target 100%).
289     Governor's Office
290     Item 13
     To Governor's Office - CCJJ - Jail Reimbursement
291          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
292     that the Governor's Office report performance measures for the
293     Jail Reimbursement line item. The Governor's Office shall
294     report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the
295     Governor's Office of Planning and Budget before October 1,
296     2023, the final status of performance measures established in
297     FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY 2024, the department

298     shall report the following performance measures: 1) Parolees
299     on 72-Hour Holds; 2) Condition of Probation Felony
300     Offenders.
301     Item 14
     To Governor's Office - Commission on Criminal and Juvenile
302     Justice
303     Schedule of Programs:
304     Sentencing Commission

305     Substance Use and Mental Health Advisory Council

306          The Legislature intends that the Commission on Criminal
307     and Juvenile Justice report on progress during the 2023 Interim
308     on the audit recommendations found in "A Limited Review of
309     the Coordination Between Public Safety Entities".
310          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
311     that the Governors Office report performance measures for the
312     Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice line item. The
313     Governor's Office shall report to the Office of the Legislative
314     Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and
315     Budget before October 1, 2023, the final status of performance
316     measures established in FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY
317     2024, the department shall report the following performance
318     measures: 1) Victim Reparation Claim Timeliness
319     (Target=50%); 2) Improvement in Website Visits
320     (Target=100%); CCJJ Grant Monitoring, number of site visits
321     conducted (Target=25).
322     Item 15
     To Governor's Office
323     From General Fund

324     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

325     Schedule of Programs:
326     Lt. Governor's Office

327          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
328     that the Governors Office report performance measures for the
329     Governors Office line item. The Governor's Office shall report
330     to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the
331     Governor's Office of Planning and Budget before October 1,
332     2023, the final status of performance measures established in
333     FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY 2024, the department
334     shall report the following performance measures: 1) Percentage
335     of registered voters that voted during the last even year general

336     election (Target = 75%); 2) Number of constituent affairs
337     responses.
338     Item 16
     To Governor's Office - Governors Office of Planning and Budget
339     From General Fund

340     From General Fund, One-Time

341     From Federal Funds, One-Time

342     From Transfer for COVID-19 Response, One-Time

343     Schedule of Programs:
344     Administration

345     Management and Special Projects

346     Planning Coordination

347          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
348     that the Governor's Office report performance measures for the
349     Governor's Office of Planning and Budget line item. The
350     Governor's Office shall report to the Office of the Legislative
351     Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and
352     Budget before October 1, 2023, the final status of performance
353     measures established in FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY
354     2024, the department shall report the following performance
355     measures: 1) the overall percentage of budget line items with a
356     defined performance measure (Target = increase FY 2024
357     percentage compared to FY 2023 percentage).
358     Item 17
     To Governor's Office - Indigent Defense Commission
359          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
360     that the Governor's Office report performance measures for the
361     Indigent Defense line item. The Governor's Office shall report
362     to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the
363     Governor's Office of Planning and Budget before October 1,
364     2023, the final status of performance measures established in
365     FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY 2024, the department
366     shall report the following performance measures: 1)
367     Organizational Capacity (Target=10% increase); 2) Counsel
368     for All Eligible (Target=10% increase); 3) Scope of
369     Representation (Target=10% increase); 4) Independence
370     (Target=10% increase); 5) Specialization (Target=10%
371     increase); 6) Right to Appeal (Target=10% increase); 7) Free
372     From Conflicts of Interest (Target=10% increase); 8) Effective
373     Representation - Training, Resources, Compensation

374     (Target=10% increase).
375     Item 18
     To Governor's Office - Suicide Prevention
376          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
377     that the Governor's Office report performance measures for the
378     Suicide Prevention line item. The Governor's Office shall
379     report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the
380     Governor's Office of Planning and Budget before October 1,
381     2023, the final status of performance measures established in
382     FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY 2024, the department
383     shall report the following performance measures: 1) Suicide
384     Rate (Target = below 22.2 per 100,000).
385     Item 19
     To Governor's Office - Colorado River Authority of Utah
386     From General Fund, One-Time

387     Schedule of Programs:
388     Colorado River Authority of Utah

389     Department of Health and Human Services - Division of Juvenile Justice Services
390     Item 20
     To Department of Health and Human Services - Division of
391     Juvenile Justice Services - Juvenile Justice & Youth Services
392     From General Fund

393     From Federal Funds

394     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

395     From Expendable Receipts, One-Time

396     From General Fund Restricted - Juvenile Justice Reinvestment Account

397     From Revenue Transfers

398     Schedule of Programs:
399     Juvenile Justice & Youth Services

400     Secure Care

401     Community Programs

402          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
403     that the Division of Juvenile Justice and Youth Services report
404     performance measures for the Administration line item, whose
405     mission is "to be a leader in the field of juvenile justice by
406     changing young lives, supporting families and keeping
407     communities safe." The department shall report to the Office of
408     the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of
409     Planning and Budget before October 1, 2023 the final status of
410     performance measures established in FY 2023 appropriations
411     bills. For FY 2024, the department shall report the following

412     performance measures: 1) Avoid new felony or misdemeanor
413     charge while enrolled in the Youth Services program and
414     within 90 days of release (Target = 100%); and 2) Reduce the
415     risk of recidivism by 15% within 3 years (Target = 15%).
416     Office of the State Auditor
417     Item 21
     To Office of the State Auditor - State Auditor
418          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
419     that the State Auditor's Office report performance measures for
420     the State Auditor line item. The State Auditor's Office shall
421     report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the
422     Governor's Office of Planning and Budget before October 1,
423     2023, the final status of performance measures established in
424     FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY 2024, the department
425     shall report the following performance measures: 1) Timely
426     Audits (Target=65%); 2) Annual Comprehensive Financial
427     Report (Target=153 days); 3) Federal Compliance Report
428     (Target=184 days); 4) Local Government Financial Audits
429     (Target=100%).
430     Department of Public Safety
431     Item 22
     To Department of Public Safety - Division of Homeland Security -
432     Emergency and Disaster Management
433     From Expendable Receipts

434     Schedule of Programs:
435     Emergency and Disaster Management

436          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
437     that the Department of Public Safety report performance
438     measures for the Division of Homeland Security Emergency
439     and Disaster Management line item. The Department shall
440     report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the
441     Governor's Office of Planning and Budget before October 1,
442     2023 the final status of performance measures established in
443     FY 2023 appropriations bills and the current status of the
444     following performance measure for FY 2024: (1) distribution
445     of funds for appropriate and approved expenses (Target 100%).
446     Item 23
     To Department of Public Safety - Driver License
447          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
448     that the Department of Public Safety report performance
449     measures for the Driver License Division line item. The

450     Department shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal
451     Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget
452     before October 1, 2023 the final status of performance
453     measures established in FY 2023 appropriations bills and the
454     current status of the following performance measure for FY
455     2024: (1) average customer call wait time (Target=30 seconds).
456     Item 24
     To Department of Public Safety - Emergency Management
457     From Federal Funds

458     From Federal Funds, One-Time

459     From Expendable Receipts

460     Schedule of Programs:
461     Emergency Management

462          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
463     that the Department of Public Safety report performance
464     measures for the Emergency Management line item, whose
465     mission is, "To provide the people an open, fair, efficient, and
466     independent system for the advancement of justice under the
467     law." The Department shall report to the Office of the
468     Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of
469     Planning and Budget before October 1, 2023 the final status of
470     performance measures established in FY 2023 appropriations
471     bills and the current status of the following performance
472     measure for FY 2024: (1) percentage of personnel that have
473     completed the required National Incident Management System
474     training (Target=100 percent).
475     Item 25
     To Department of Public Safety - Highway Safety
476     From Federal Funds

477     Schedule of Programs:
478     Highway Safety

479     Item 26
     To Department of Public Safety - Peace Officers' Standards and
480     Training
481     From General Fund

482     From General Fund, One-Time

483     Schedule of Programs:
484     POST Administration

485          The Legislature intends that the Department of Public
486     Safety - Peace Officers' Standards and Training is authorized to
487     increase its fleet by the same number of new officers or

488     vehicles authorized and funded by the Legislature for Fiscal
489     Year 2023 and Fiscal Year 2024.
490          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
491     that the Department of Public Safety report performance
492     measures for the POST line item. The Department shall report
493     to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the
494     Governor's Office of Planning and Budget before October 1,
495     2023 the final status of performance measures established in
496     FY 2023 appropriations bills and the current status of the
497     following performance measure for FY 2024: (1) percentage of
498     presented cases of law enforcement personnel complaints or
499     misconduct allegations ratified by POST Council (Target=95
500     percent), and (2) percentage of law enforcement officers
501     completing 40 hours of mandatory annual training (Target=
502     100 percent).
503     Item 27
     To Department of Public Safety - Programs & Operations
504     From General Fund

505     From General Fund, One-Time

506     From Federal Funds

507     Schedule of Programs:
508     Aero Bureau

509     CITS Communications

510     CITS State Bureau of Investigation

511     CITS State Crime Labs

512     Department Commissioner's Office

513     Highway Patrol - Field Operations

514          The Legislature intends that the Department of Public
515     Safety is authorized to increase its fleet by the same number of
516     new officers or vehicles authorized and funded by the
517     Legislature for Fiscal Year 2023 and Fiscal Year 2024.
518          The Legislature intends that the State Bureau of
519     Investigations within the Department of Public Safety be able
520     to use $169,716 of unclaimed and abandoned seized funds for
521     purposes of public interest. Examples of public interest include
522     payment of court awarded attorney fees and interest charges.
523     Legislative authority is required under Section 24-3-103(7).
524          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
525     that the Department of Public Safety report performance

526     measures for their Programs and Operations line item. The
527     Department shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal
528     Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget
529     before October 1, 2023 the final status of performance
530     measures established in FY 2023 appropriations bills and the
531     current status of the following performance measure for FY
532     2024: (1) median DNA case turnaround time (Target=60 days).
533     Item 28
     To Department of Public Safety - Bureau of Criminal
534     Identification
535     From General Fund

536     From General Fund, One-Time

537     Schedule of Programs:
538     Non-Government/Other Services

539          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
540     that the Department of Public Safety report performance
541     measures for the Bureau of Criminal Identification line item.
542     The Department shall report to the Office of the Legislative
543     Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and
544     Budget before October 1, 2023 the final status of performance
545     measures established in FY 2023 appropriations bills and the
546     current status of the following performance measure for FY
547     2024: (1) percentage of LiveScan fingerprint card data entered
548     into the Utah Computerized Criminal History (UCCH) and
549     Automated fingerprint identification System (AFIS) databases,
550     or deleted from the queue (Target=7 days).
551     State Treasurer
552     Item 29
     To State Treasurer
553          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
554     that the State Treasurer's Office report performance measures
555     for the State Treasurer line item. The State Treasurer's Office
556     shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and
557     to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget before
558     October 1, 2023, the final status of performance measures
559     established in FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY 2024, the
560     department shall report the following performance measures:
561     1) Beneficiary and Legislative Outreach; 2) Beneficiaries Use
562     of Trust Funds; 3) Reporting of Trust Fund Distributions; 4)
563     Ratio of Claim Dollars Paid to Unclaimed Property Received

564     (Target=50%); 5) Unclaimed Property Claims
565     (Target=$20,000,000); 6) PTIF Rate Spread to Benchmark
566     Rate (Target=0.3%).
567     Utah Communications Authority
568     Item 30
     To Utah Communications Authority - Administrative Services
569     Division
570          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
571     that the Utah Communications Authority (UCA) report
572     performance measures for their line item, whose mission is "to
573     provide administrative and financial support for statewide 911
574     emergency services." The UCA shall report to the Office of the
575     Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of
576     Planning and Budget before October 1, 2023 the final status of
577     performance measures established in FY 2023 appropriations
578     bills. For FY 2024, the department shall report the following
579     performance measures: 1) the UCA shall maintain the
580     statewide public safety communications network in a manner
581     that maximizes network availability for its users; 2) monitor
582     best practices and other guidance for PSAPs across Utah; and
583     3) ensure compliance with applicable laws, policies,
584     procedures, and other internal controls to ensure adequate
585     administration of the organization.
586     Infrastructure and General Government
587     Career Service Review Office
588     Item 31
     To Career Service Review Office
589          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
590     that the Career Service Review Office, whose mission is to
591     administer the Utah State Employees' Grievance and Appeals
592     Procedures for executive branch employees, shall report to the
593     Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's
594     Office of Planning and Budget before October 1, 2023, the
595     final status of performance measures established in FY 2023
596     appropriations bills. For FY 2024, the office shall report the
597     following performance measures: 1) the length of time to issue
598     a jurisdictional decision on a new grievance (target: 15 days);
599     2) the length of time to conduct an evidentiary hearing once a
600     grievance has been established (target: 150 days); 3) the length
601     of time to issue a written decision after an evidentiary hearing

602     has adjourned (target: 20 working days); and 4) hire and retain
603     hearing officers who meet the performance standards set by
604     DHRM (target: 100%).
605     Utah Education and Telehealth Network
606     Item 32
     To Utah Education and Telehealth Network
607     From General Fund

608     From Income Tax Fund

609     Schedule of Programs:
610     Administration

611     Technical Services

612     Utah Telehealth Network

613          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
614     that the Utah Education and Telehealth Network, whose
615     mission is to connect people and technologies to improve
616     education and telehealth in Utah," shall report to the Office of
617     the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of
618     Planning and Budget before October 1, 2023, the final status of
619     performance measures established in FY 2023 appropriations
620     bills. For FY 2024, the department shall report the following
621     performance measures: 1) the number of circuits (target:
622     1,447); 2) the percentage of potential customers using UETNs
623     Learning Management System services (target: 74%); and 3)
624     the number of Interactive Video Conferencing (IVC) courses
625     (target: 56,733).
626          The Legislature intends that the Utah Education and
627     Telehealth Network report to the Infrastructure and General
628     Government Appropriations Subcommittee during 2023
629     interim on how they have spent the funding appropriated for
630     FY 2023 and provide explanations for any discrepancies
631     between the appropriated amounts and the actual spending.
632     Department of Government Operations
633     Item 33
     To Department of Government Operations - Administrative Rules
634     From General Fund, One-Time

635     Schedule of Programs:
636     DAR Administration

637          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
638     that the Department of Government Operations report
639     performance measures for the Office of Administrative Rules

640     line item, whose mission is "to enable citizens' participation in
641     their own government by supporting agency rulemaking and
642     ensuring agency compliance with the Utah Administrative
643     Rulemaking Act." The department shall report to the Office of
644     the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of
645     Planning and Budget before October 1, 2023, the final status of
646     performance measures established in FY 2023 appropriations
647     bills. For FY 2024, the department shall report the following
648     performance measures: 1) average number of business days to
649     review rule filings (target: 4 days or less); 2) average number
650     of days from the effective date to publish the final version of
651     an administrative rule after the rule becomes effective (target: 4
652     days or less); and 3) number of agency administrative rules
653     coordinators trained during the fiscal year (target: 80%).
654     Item 34
     To Department of Government Operations - DFCM
655     Administration
656          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
657     that the Department of Government Operations report
658     performance measures for the DFCM Administration line item,
659     whose mission is "to provide professional services to assist
660     State entities in meeting their facility needs for the benefit of
661     the public." The department shall report to the Office of the
662     Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of
663     Planning and Budget before October 1, 2023 the final status of
664     performance measures established in FY 2023 appropriations
665     bills: 1) capital improvement projects completed in the fiscal
666     year they are funded (target: at least 86%); and 2) accuracy of
667     Capital Budget Estimates (CBE) (baseline +/- 10%; target: +/-
668     5%).
669     Item 35
     To Department of Government Operations - Executive Director
670     From General Fund

671     From General Fund, One-Time

672     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

673     From General Services - Cooperative Contract Mgmt, One-Time

674     Schedule of Programs:
675     Executive Director

676          The Legislature intends that the Department of Government
677     Operations report to the Infrastructure and General

678     Government Appropriations Subcommittee during 2023
679     interim on how they have spent the funding appropriated for
680     FY 2023 and provide explanations for any discrepancies
681     between the appropriated amounts and the actual spending.
682          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
683     that the Department of Government Operations report
684     performance measures for the Executive Director line item,
685     whose mission is "to create innovative solutions to transform
686     government services." The department shall report to the
687     Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's
688     Office of Planning and Budget before October 1, 2023, the
689     final status of performance measures established in FY 2023
690     appropriations bills. For FY 2024, the department shall report
691     the following performance measures: 1) independent
692     evaluation/audit of divisions/key programs (target: at least 6
693     annually); and 2) air quality improvement activities across state
694     agencies (target: 40 activities each year).
695     Item 36
     To Department of Government Operations - Finance - Mandated
696     From General Fund

697     Schedule of Programs:
698     Internal Service Fund Rate Impacts

699     State Employee Benefits

700     Item 37
     To Department of Government Operations - Finance
701     Administration
702     From General Fund

703     From General Fund, One-Time

704     Schedule of Programs:
705     Financial Information Systems

706          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
707     that the Department of Government Operations report
708     performance measures for the Finance Administration line
709     item, whose mission is "to serve Utah citizens and state
710     agencies with fiscal leadership and quality financial systems,
711     processes, and information." The department shall report to the
712     Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's
713     Office of Planning and Budget before October 1, 2022, the
714     final status of performance measures established in FY 2023
715     appropriations bills. For FY 2024, the department shall report

716     the following performance measures: 1) close the fiscal year
717     within 60 days of the end of the fiscal year (baseline: 101 days
718     after June 30; target: 60 days after June 30).
719     Item 38
     To Department of Government Operations - Inspector General of
720     Medicaid Services
721          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
722     that the Department of Government Operations report
723     performance measures for the Office of Inspector General of
724     Medicaid Services, whose mission is to "eliminate fraud,
725     waste, and abuse within the Medicaid program." The
726     department shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal
727     Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget
728     before October 1, 2023, the final status of performance
729     measures established in FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY
730     2024, the department shall report the following performance
731     measures: 1) cost avoidance projected over one year and three
732     years (target: $15 million); 2) Medicaid dollars recovered
733     through cash collections, directed re-bills, and credit
734     adjustments (target: $3 to 5 million); 3) the number of credible
735     allegations of provider and/or recipient fraud received, initial
736     investigations conducted, and referred to an outside entity, e.g.
737     Medicaid Fraud Control Unit (MFCU), Department of
738     Workforce Services (DWS), local law enforcement, etc.
739     (target: 10 cases referred to MFCU; 30 cases referred to
740     DWS/others); 4) the number of fraud, waste, and abuse cases
741     identified and evaluated (target: 350 leads/ideas turn into 750
742     cases, that encompass around 3,500 individual transactions
743     reviewed); and 5) the number of recommendations for
744     improvement made to the Department of Health and Human
745     Services (target: 100).
746     Item 39
     To Department of Government Operations - Judicial Conduct
747     Commission
748     From General Fund

749     Schedule of Programs:
750     Judicial Conduct Commission

751          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
752     that the Department of Government Operations report
753     performance measures for the Judicial Conduct Commission

754     line item, whose mission is to investigate and conduct
755     confidential hearings regarding complaints against state,
756     county, and municipal judges throughout the state. The
757     department shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal
758     Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget
759     before October 1, 2023, the final status of performance
760     measures established in FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY
761     2024, the department shall report the following performance
762     measures: 1) Timely publication of an annual report with all
763     public dispositions in the last year (target: 60 days from the
764     end of the fiscal year); and 2) Annualized average number of
765     business days to conduct a preliminary investigation (target: 90
766     days).
767     Item 40
     To Department of Government Operations - Purchasing
768          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
769     that the Department of Government Operations report
770     performance measures for the Purchasing and General Services
771     line item, whose mission is to ensure that the state agencies
772     adhere to the requirement of the Utah Procurement Code when
773     conducting procurements. The department shall report to the
774     Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's
775     Office of Planning and Budget before October 1, 2023, the
776     final status of performance measures established in FY 2023
777     appropriations bills. For FY 2024, the department shall report
778     the following performance measures: 1) increase the average
779     discount on State of Utah Best Value cooperative contracts
780     (baseline: 35%, target: 40%); 2) increase the number of State
781     of Utah Best Value Cooperative Contracts for public entities to
782     use (baseline: 1,250 target: 1,400); and 3) increase the amount
783     of total spent on State of Utah Best Value Cooperative
784     contracts (baseline: $550 million, target: $900 million).
785     Item 41
     To Department of Government Operations - State Archives
786     From General Fund, One-Time

787     Schedule of Programs:
788     Archives Administration

789          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
790     that the Department of Government Operations report
791     performance measures for the State Archives and Records

792     Service line item, whose mission is "to assist Utah government
793     agencies in the efficient management of their records, to
794     preserve those records of enduring value, and to provide
795     quality access to public information." The department shall
796     report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the
797     Governor's Office of Planning and Budget before October 1,
798     2023, the final status of performance measures established in
799     FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY 2024, the department
800     shall report the following performance measures: 1) percentage
801     of reformatted records that meet or exceed estimated
802     completion date (target: 95%); 2) percentage of reformatted
803     records projects completed that were error-free in quality
804     control checks (target: 95%); and 3) percentage of government
805     entity or political subdivision designated records officers who
806     are certified (Target: 95%).
807     Item 42
     To Department of Government Operations - Chief Information
808     Officer
809          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
810     that the Department of Government Operations report
811     performance measures for the Chief Information Officer line
812     item, whose mission is "to provide innovative, secure, and
813     cost-effective technology solutions that are convenient and
814     empower our partner agencies to better serve the residents of
815     Utah." The department shall report to the Office of the
816     Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of
817     Planning and Budget before October 1, 2023, the final status of
818     performance measures established in FY 2023 appropriations
819     bills. For FY 2024, the department shall report the following
820     performance measures: 1) data security - ongoing systematic
821     prioritization of high-risk areas across the state (target: 700 or
822     greater); 2) application development - satisfaction scores on
823     application development projects from agencies (target:
824     average at least 83%); 3) procurement and deployment - ensure
825     state employees receive computers in a timely manner (target:
826     10 days or fewer); and 4) Privacy Protection Amendments -
827     Initial assessment of agencies completed after appointment by
828     Governor (target: 52 privacy impact assessments completed per
829     year. Assess privacy controls as outlined in H.B. 243, 2021

830     General Session).
831     Item 43
     To Department of Government Operations - Integrated Technology
832     From General Fund

833     From General Fund, One-Time

834     Schedule of Programs:
835     Utah Geospatial Resource Center

836          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
837     that the Department of Government Operations report
838     performance measures for the Integrated Technology Services
839     line item, whose mission is "to provide innovative, secure, and
840     cost-effective technology solutions that are convenient and
841     empower our partner agencies to better serve the residents of
842     Utah." The department shall report to the Office of the
843     Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of
844     Planning and Budget before October 1, 2023, the final status of
845     performance measures established in FY 2023 appropriations
846     bills. For FY 2024, the department shall report the following
847     performance measures: 1) uptime for the Utah Geospatial
848     Resource Center (UGRC) portfolio of streaming geographic
849     data web services and State Geographic Information Database
850     connection services (target: at least 99.5%); 2) road centerline
851     and addressing map data layer required for Next Generation
852     911 services is published monthly to the State Geographic
853     Information Database (target: at least 120 county-sourced
854     updates including 50 updates from Utah's class I and II
855     counties); and 3) uptime for UGRC's TURN GPS real-time,
856     high precision geopositioning service that provides differential
857     correction services to paying and partner subscribers in the
858     surveying, mapping, construction, and agricultural industries
859     (target: at least 99.5%).
860     Capital Budget
861     Item 44
     To Capital Budget - Capital Development - Higher Education
862     From General Fund, One-Time

863     From Capital Projects Fund, One-Time

864     From Higher Education Capital Projects Fund, One-Time

865     Schedule of Programs:
866     Mountainland Technical College Wasatch Campus Building

868     SLCC Business Building Expansion and Remodel

869     SUU Business Building West Addition

870     UU Computing and Engineering Building

871     USU Huntsman Experiential Learning Center

872     USU Science Engineering Research Building Renovation

873     WSU Engineering Technology Building Renovation

874     WSU Farmington Station Infrastructure

875     UTU Cox Performing Arts Center Renovation

876     Item 45
     To Capital Budget - Capital Development - Other State
877     Government
878     From Capital Projects Fund, One-Time

879     Schedule of Programs:
880     Convergence Hall

881     DFCM and DPS Block 407

882     DNR Loa Fish Hatchery

883     UDOT Ogden Maintenance Signals and Materials Lab

884     Item 46
     To Capital Budget - Capital Improvements
885     From Income Tax Fund, One-Time

886     Schedule of Programs:
887     Capital Improvements

888          The Legislature intends that the Division of Facilities
889     Construction and Management use up to $1.5 million from
890     appropriations for Capital Improvements to make
891     improvements on the Fort Douglas Military Museum.
892          The Legislature intends that the University of Utah use up
893     to $1,000,000 in this line item for parking lot safety
894     improvements and to repair a HVAC system for the Thomas S.
895     Monson Center Building.
896     Item 47
     To Capital Budget - Pass-Through
897     From General Fund, One-Time

898     From Federal Funds - American Rescue Plan - Capital Projects Fund, One-Time

900     Schedule of Programs:
901     DFCM Pass Through

902     Olympic Park Improvement

903          The Legislature intends that the appropriations by this line
904     item from the American Rescue Plan Act Capital Projects Fund
905     may only be expended or distributed for purposes that comply

906     with the legal requirements and federal guidelines under the
907     American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Capital Projects Fund after
908     the Grant Plan has been approved by the U.S. Department of
909     the Treasury. Additionally, the Legislature intends that the
910     agency administering these funds meet all compliance and
911     reporting requirements associated with these funds, as directed
912     by the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget.
913     Item 48
     To Capital Budget - Property Acquisition
914     From Income Tax Fund, One-Time

915     Schedule of Programs:
916     Snow College Central Valley Medical Center Land Bank

917     Snow College Jorgensen Land Bank

918     UTU 1000E Land Bank

919     WSU Farmington Station Land Bank

920     Snow College Triple D Land Bank

921     State Board of Bonding Commissioners - Debt Service
922     Item 49
     To State Board of Bonding Commissioners - Debt Service - Debt
923     Service
924     From General Fund, One-Time

925     From Transportation Investment Fund of 2005, One-Time

926     From Federal Funds, One-Time

927     From County of First Class Highway Projects Fund, One-Time

928     From Revenue Transfers, One-Time

929     Schedule of Programs:
930     G.O. Bonds - Transportation

931     Transportation
932     Item 50
     To Transportation - Aeronautics
933     From General Fund

934     From General Fund, One-Time

935     Schedule of Programs:
936     Administration

937     Airplane Operations

938     Item 51
     To Transportation - Highway System Construction
939     From General Fund, One-Time

940     From Transportation Fund

941     From Federal Funds

942     Schedule of Programs:
943     Federal Construction

944     State Construction

945          Under terms of Utah Code Annotated Section 63J-1-603,
946     the Legislature intends that up to $20,000,000 of
947     appropriations provided for Highway Systems Construction
948     related to wildlife highway mitigation not lapse at the close of
949     fiscal year 2024.
950          The Legislature intends that the Department of
951     Transportation use $20,000,0000 to match federal discretionary
952     grant funds awarded to the department to construct wildlife
953     mitigation projects.
954          The Legislature intends that the Department of
955     Transportation prioritize mitigation projects at the junction of
956     I-84 and I-80 and on portions of I-80 and I-84 in the
957     surrounding areas of that junction.
958     Item 52
     To Transportation - Engineering Services
959     From Transportation Fund

960     From Federal Funds

961     From Transit Transportation Investment Fund

962     Schedule of Programs:
963     Civil Rights

964     Engineering Services

965     Environmental

966     Program Development

967     Research

968     Structures

969     Item 53
     To Transportation - Operations/Maintenance Management
970     From Transportation Fund

971     From Transportation Investment Fund of 2005

972     From Transportation Investment Fund of 2005, One-Time

973     From Federal Funds

974     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

975     Schedule of Programs:
976     Equipment Purchases

977     Field Crews

978     Maintenance Administration

979     Region 1

980     Region 2

981     Region 3

982     Region 4

983     Shops

984     Traffic Operations Center

985     Item 54
     To Transportation - Region Management
986     From Transportation Fund

987     From Federal Funds

988     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

989     Schedule of Programs:
990     Region 1

991     Region 2

992     Region 3

993     Region 4

994     Item 55
     To Transportation - Support Services
995     From Transportation Fund

996     From Federal Funds

997     Schedule of Programs:
998     Administrative Services

999     Data Processing

1000     Ports of Entry

1001          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
1002     that the Department of Transportation, whose mission is to
1003     "Keep Utah Moving," report performance measures for the
1004     Support Services line item. The department shall report fiscal
1005     year 2023 results to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst
1006     and to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget before
1007     October 1, 2023 the final status of performance measures
1008     established in FY 2023 appropriations bills for the goal of
1009     optimizing mobility. For calendar year 2023, the department
1010     shall report the following performance measures: (1) delay
1011     along I-15 (target: delay should not grow by more than 4%
1012     annually); (2) maintain a reliable fast condition on I-15 along
1013     the Wasatch Front during peak hours (target: at least 90% of
1014     segments); (3) achieve optimal use of snow and ice equipment
1015     and materials (target: at least 87% effectiveness); and (4)
1016     support increase of trips by public transit (target: increase in
1017     average weekday boarding by 1% year over year).
1018          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
1019     that the Department of Transportation, whose mission is to

1020     "Keep Utah Moving," report performance measures for the
1021     Support Services line item. The department shall report fiscal
1022     year 2023 results to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst
1023     and to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget before
1024     October 1, 2023 the final status of performance measures
1025     established in FY 2023 appropriations bills for the goal of
1026     reducing crashes, injuries, and fatalities. For calendar year
1027     2023, the department shall report the following performance
1028     measures: (1) traffic fatalities (target: at least a 2.5% reduction
1029     from the 3-year rolling average); (2) traffic serious injuries
1030     (target: at least a 2.5% reduction from the 3-year rolling
1031     average); (3) traffic crashes (target: at least a 2.5% reduction
1032     from the 3-year rolling average); (4) internal fatalities (target:
1033     zero); (5) internal injuries (target: 10% below prior year injury
1034     rate); and (6) internal equipment damage (target: equipment
1035     damage 6.85 incidents per 200,0000 working hours).
1036          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
1037     that the Department of Transportation, whose mission is to
1038     "Keep Utah Moving," report performance measures for the
1039     Support Services line item. The department shall report fiscal
1040     year 2023 results to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst
1041     and to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget before
1042     October 1, 2023 the final status of performance measures
1043     established in FY 2023 appropriations bills for the goal of
1044     preserving infrastructure. For calendar year 2023, the
1045     department shall report the following performance measures:
1046     (1) pavement performance (target: at least 50% of pavements
1047     in good condition and less than 10% of pavements in poor
1048     condition- low volume pavement); (2) maintain the bridge
1049     condition (target: at least 80% in fair or good condition); (3)
1050     maintain the health of Automated Transportation Management
1051     Systems (ATMS) (target: at least 90% in good condition); and
1052     (4) maintain the health of signals (target: at least 90% in good
1053     condition).
1054          The Legislature intends that the Department of
1055     Transportation and the Transportation Commission report to
1056     the Infrastructure and General Government Appropriations
1057     Subcommittee during 2023 interim on how they have spent the

1058     funding appropriated for FY 2023 and provide explanations for
1059     any discrepancies between the appropriated amounts and the
1060     actual spending.
1061     Item 56
     To Transportation - Transportation Investment Fund Capacity
1062     Program
1063     From Transportation Investment Fund of 2005

1064     From Transportation Investment Fund of 2005, One-Time

1065     Schedule of Programs:
1066     Transportation Investment Fund Capacity Program

1067          The Legislature intends that the Department of
1068     Transportation use excess funds from the Transportation
1069     Investment Fund to pay utility costs associated with the
1070     Toquerville Parkway project.
1071     Item 57
     To Transportation - Amusement Ride Safety
1072     From General Fund

1073     Schedule of Programs:
1074     Amusement Ride Safety

1075          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
1076     that the Department of Transportation report performance
1077     measures for the Amusement Ride Safety line item. The
1078     department shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal
1079     Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget
1080     before October 1, 2023 the final status of performance
1081     measures established in FY 2023 appropriations bills: (1)
1082     number of rides registered; (2) percent of ride registrations
1083     completed within 3 days of receipt; and (3) number of
1084     inspectors registered.
1085     Item 58
     To Transportation - Transit Transportation Investment
1086     From Transit Transportation Investment Fund

1087     Schedule of Programs:
1088     Transit Transportation Investment

1089     Item 59
     To Transportation - Pass-Through
1090     From General Fund, One-Time

1091     Schedule of Programs:
1092     Pass-Through

1093     Business, Economic Development, and Labor
1094     Department of Alcoholic Beverage Services
1095     Item 60
     To Department of Alcoholic Beverage Services - DABS

1096     Operations
1097     From Liquor Control Fund

1098     From Liquor Control Fund, One-Time

1099     Schedule of Programs:
1100     Executive Director

1101     Operations

1102          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
1103     that the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Services report
1104     performance measures for the DABS Operations line item,
1105     whose mission is, "Conduct, license, and regulated the sale of
1106     alcoholic products in a manner and at prices that: Reasonably
1107     satisfy the public demand and protect the public interest,
1108     including the rights of citizens who do not wish to be involved
1109     with alcoholic products." The Department shall report to the
1110     Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's
1111     Office of Planning and Budget before October 1, 2023 the final
1112     status of performance measures established in FY 2023
1113     appropriations bills and the current status of the following
1114     performance measure for FY 2024: 1) On Premise licensee
1115     audits conducted (Target = 85%); 2) Percentage of net profit to
1116     sales (Target = 23%); Supply chain (Target = 97% in stock); 4)
1117     Liquor payments processed within 30 days of invoices received
1118     (Target = 97%).
1119     Item 61
     To Department of Alcoholic Beverage Services - Parents
1120     Empowered
1121     From Liquor Control Fund, One-Time

1122     Schedule of Programs:
1123     Parents Empowered

1124          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
1125     that the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Services report
1126     performance measures for the Parents Empowered line item,
1127     whose mission is, "pursue a leadership role in the prevention of
1128     underage alcohol consumption and other forms of alcohol
1129     misuse and abuse. Serve as a resource and provider of alcohol
1130     educational, awareness, and prevention programs and
1131     materials. Partner with other government authorities, advocacy
1132     groups, legislators, parents, communities, schools, law
1133     enforcement, business and community leaders, youth, local

1134     municipalities, state and national organizations, alcohol
1135     industry members, alcohol licensees, etc., to work
1136     collaboratively to serve in the interest of public health, safety,
1137     and social well-being, for the benefit of everyone in our
1138     communities." The Department shall report to the Office of the
1139     Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of
1140     Planning and Budget before October 1, 2023 the final status of
1141     performance measures established in FY 2024 appropriations
1142     bills and the current status of the following performance
1143     measure for FY 2024: 1) Ad awareness of the dangers of
1144     underage drinking and prevention tips (Target =70%); 2) Ad
1145     awareness of "Parents Empowered" (Target =60%); 3)
1146     Percentage of students who used alcohol during their lifetime
1147     (Target = 16%).
1148     Department of Commerce
1149     Item 62
     To Department of Commerce - Commerce General Regulation
1150     From Federal Funds

1151     From General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Account

1152     From General Fund Restricted - Public Utility Restricted Acct.

1153     From Single Sign-On Expendable Special Revenue Fund, One-Time

1154     From General Fund Restricted - Utah Housing Opportunity Restricted

1155     Schedule of Programs:
1156     Administration

1157     Real Estate

1158          The Legislature intends that the Department of Commerce
1159     be allowed to purchase a fleet vehicle with funds previously
1160     provided and authorized for the Physicians Health Program for
1161     Physician outreach.
1162     Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity
1163     Item 63
     To Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity - Administration
1164     From General Fund

1165     Schedule of Programs:
1166     Administration

1167     Item 64
     To Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity - Economic
1168     Prosperity
1169     From General Fund

1170     From General Fund, One-Time

1171     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

1172     Schedule of Programs:
1173     Corporate Recruitment and Business Services

1174     Outreach and International Trade

1175     Business Services

1176     Incentives and Grants

1177     Strategic Initiatives

1178     Systems and Control

1179     Item 65
     To Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity - Office of
1180     Tourism
1181     From General Fund, One-Time

1182     From General Fund Restricted - Tourism Marketing Performance

1183     From General Fund Restricted - Tourism Marketing Performance, One-Time

1185     Schedule of Programs:
1186     Administration

1187     Marketing and Advertising

1188     Operations and Fulfillment

1189     Tourism

1190     Item 66
     To Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity - Pass-Through
1191     From General Fund

1192     From General Fund, One-Time

1193     From General Fund Restricted - Tourism Marketing Performance, One-Time

1195     Schedule of Programs:
1196     Pass-Through

1197     Economic Assistance Grants

1198          The Legislature intends that $450,000 one-time from the
1199     Tourism Marketing Performance Fund provided by this item be
1200     used for the Taste Utah - Let's Eat Out! Marketing Campaign
1201     Item 67
     To Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity - Inland Port
1202     Authority
1203          The Legislature intends that the Utah Inland Port Authority
1204     reports on progress during the 2023 Interim on the Audit
1205     Recommendations found in "2022-07: A Limited Review of
1206     the Utah Inland Port Authority."
1207     Item 68
     To Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity - Rural
1208     Opportunity Program
1209     From General Fund

1210     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

1211     Schedule of Programs:
1212     Rural Opportunity Program

1213     Item 69
     To Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity - GOUTAH
1214     Economic Assistance Grants
1215     From General Fund

1216     Schedule of Programs:
1217     Pass-Through Grants

1218     Competitive Grants

1219     Item 70
     To Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity - World Trade
1220     Center Utah
1221     From General Fund

1222     From General Fund, One-Time

1223     Schedule of Programs:
1224     World Trade Center Utah

1225     Item 71
     To Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity - Utah Sports
1226     Commission
1227     From General Fund

1228     From General Fund, One-Time

1229     From General Fund Restricted - Tourism Marketing Performance

1230     Schedule of Programs:
1231     Utah Sports Commission

1232     Financial Institutions
1233     Item 72
     To Financial Institutions - Financial Institutions Administration
1234     From General Fund Restricted - Financial Institutions

1235     From General Fund Restricted - Financial Institutions, One-Time

1236     Schedule of Programs:
1237     Administration

1238     Department of Cultural and Community Engagement
1239     Item 73
     To Department of Cultural and Community Engagement -
1240     Administration
1241     From General Fund

1242     From Closing Nonlapsing Balances

1243     Schedule of Programs:
1244     Administrative Services

1245          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
1246     that the Department of Cultural and Community Engagement
1247     report performance measures for the Administration line item,

1248     whose mission is, "Increase value to customers through
1249     leveraged collaboration between divisions and foster a culture
1250     of continuous improvement to find operational efficiencies."
1251     The Department shall report to the Office of the Legislative
1252     Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and
1253     Budget before October 1, 2023 the final status of performance
1254     measures established in FY 2023 appropriations bills and the
1255     current status of the following performance measure for FY
1256     2024: (1) Digitally share the States historical and art
1257     collections (including art, artifacts, manuscripts, maps, etc.)
1258     The percentage of collection digitized and available online.
1259     (Target = 35%); (2) Expand the reach and impact of youth
1260     engagement without disrupting the quality of programming by
1261     engaging a target number of students from a wide range of
1262     schools. (Target = 1,450 Students and 60 Schools); and (3)
1263     Implement procedures to ensure that programming is available
1264     to vulnerable student populations by measuring the percentage
1265     of students attending that align with identified target audiences.
1266     (Target = 78%).
1267     Item 74
     To Department of Cultural and Community Engagement - Division
1268     of Arts and Museums
1269     From General Fund

1270     From Federal Funds, One-Time

1271     Schedule of Programs:
1272     Community Arts Outreach

1273     Museum Services

1274          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
1275     that the Department of Cultural and Community Engagement
1276     report performance measures for the Arts and Museums line
1277     item, whose mission is, "connect people and communities
1278     through arts and museums." The Department shall report to the
1279     Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's
1280     Office of Planning and Budget before October 1, 2023 the final
1281     status of performance measures established in FY 2023
1282     appropriations bills and the current status of the following
1283     performance measure for FY 2024: 1) Foster collaborative
1284     partnerships to nurture understanding of art forms and cultures
1285     in local communities through a travelling art exhibition

1286     program emphasizing services in communities lacking easy
1287     access to cultural resources. Measure the number of counties
1288     served by Travelling Exhibitions annually (Target = 69% of
1289     counties annually); 2) Support the cultural and economic health
1290     of communities through grant funding, emphasizing support to
1291     communities lacking easy access to cultural resources. The
1292     number of counties served by grant funding will be tracked
1293     (Target = 27); 3) Provide training and professional
1294     development to the cultural sector, emphasizing services to
1295     communities lacking easy access to cultural resources. The
1296     number of people served will be tracked (Target = 2500).
1297     Item 75
     To Department of Cultural and Community Engagement -
1298     Commission on Service and Volunteerism
1299     From General Fund, One-Time

1300     Schedule of Programs:
1301     Commission on Service and Volunteerism

1302          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-201, the Legislature intends
1303     that the Department of Cultural and Community Engagement
1304     report performance measures for the Commission on Service
1305     and Volunteerism line item. The Department shall report to the
1306     Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's
1307     Office of Planning and Budget before October 1, 2023 the final
1308     status of performance measures established in FY 2023
1309     appropriations bills and the current status of the following
1310     performance measure for FY 2024: 1) Assist organizations in
1311     Utah to effectively use service and volunteerism as a strategy
1312     to fulfill organizational missions and address critical
1313     community needs by measuring the percent of organizations
1314     trained that are implementing effective volunteer management
1315     practices (Target = 85%); 2) Manage the AmeriCorps program
1316     for Utah to target underserved populations in the focus areas of
1317     Economic Opportunity, Education, Environmental
1318     Stewardship, Disaster Preparedness, Healthy Futures, and
1319     Veterans and Military Families by measuring the percent of
1320     AmeriCorps programs showing improved program
1321     management and compliance through training and technical
1322     assistance (Target = 90%); 3) Manage the AmeriCorps
1323     program for Utah to target underserved populations in the

1324     focus areas of Economic Opportunity, Education,
1325     Environmental Stewardship, Disaster Preparedness, Healthy
1326     Futures, and Veterans and Military Families by measuring the
1327     percent of targeted audience served through AmeriCorps
1328     programs (Target = 88%).
1329     Item 76
     To Department of Cultural and Community Engagement - Indian
1330     Affairs
1331          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-201, the Legislature intends
1332     that the Department of Cultural and Community Engagement
1333     report performance measures for the Indian Affairs line item,
1334     whose mission is, "to address the socio-cultural challenges of
1335     the eight federally-recognized Tribes residing in Utah." The
1336     Department shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal
1337     Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget
1338     before October 1, 2023 the final status of performance
1339     measures established in FY 2023 appropriations bills and the
1340     current status of the following performance measure for FY
1341     2024: 1) Assist the eight tribal nations of Utah in preserving
1342     culture and growing communities by measuring the percent of
1343     attendees participating in the Youth Track of the Governor's
1344     Native American Summit (Target = 30%) 2) Assist the eight
1345     tribal nations of Utah in preserving culture and interacting
1346     effectively with State of Utah agencies by managing an
1347     effective liaison working group as measured by the percent of
1348     mandated state agencies with designated liaisons actively
1349     participating to respond to tribal concerns (Target = 70%); 3)
1350     Represent the State of Utah by developing strong relationships
1351     with tribal members by measuring the percent of tribes
1352     personally visited on their lands annually. (Target = 80%
1353     annually).
1354     Item 77
     To Department of Cultural and Community Engagement -
1355     Pass-Through
1356     From General Fund, One-Time

1357     From Income Tax Fund, One-Time

1358     Schedule of Programs:
1359     Pass-Through

1360     Item 78
     To Department of Cultural and Community Engagement - State
1361     History

1362          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
1363     that the Department of Cultural and Community Engagement
1364     report performance measures for the State History line item,
1365     whose mission is, "to preserve and share the past for a better
1366     present and future." The Department shall report to the Office
1367     of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office
1368     of Planning and Budget before October 1, 2023 the final status
1369     of performance measures established in FY 2023
1370     appropriations bills and the current status of the following
1371     performance measure for FY 2024: 1) Support management
1372     and development of public lands by completing cultural
1373     compliance reviews (federal Section 106 and Utah 9-8-404)
1374     within 20 days. (Target = 95%); 2) Promote historic
1375     preservation at the community level. Measure the percent of
1376     Certified Local Governments actively involved in historic
1377     preservation by applying for a grant at least once within a four
1378     year period and successfully completing the grant-funded 1035
1379     project (Target = 60% active CLGs); 3) Provide public access
1380     to the states history collections. Percentage of collection
1381     prepared to move to a collections facility: Identified, Digitized,
1382     Cataloged, Packed for moving and long term storage (Target =
1383     33%).
1384     Item 79
     To Department of Cultural and Community Engagement - Stem
1385     Action Center
1386          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
1387     that the Department of Cultural and Community Engagement
1388     report performance measures for the Utah STEM Action
1389     Center line item, whose mission is, "to promote science,
1390     technology, engineering and math through best practices in
1391     education to ensure connection with industry and Utah's
1392     long-term economic prosperity." The Department shall report
1393     to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the
1394     Governor's Office of Planning and Budget before October 1,
1395     2023 the final status of performance measures established in
1396     FY 2023 appropriations bills and the current status of the
1397     following performance measure for FY 2024: 1) Percentage of
1398     communities off the Wasatch Front served by the STEM bus
1399     (Target = 40%); 2) Number of events with engagement of

1400     Corporate Partners (Target = 50%); and 3) Percentage of grants
1401     and dollars awarded off the Wasatch Front (Target = 40%).
1402     Item 80
     To Department of Cultural and Community Engagement - One
1403     Percent for Arts
1404     From Revenue Transfers

1405     Schedule of Programs:
1406     One Percent for Arts

1407     Item 81
     To Department of Cultural and Community Engagement - State of
1408     Utah Museum
1409     From General Fund

1410     Schedule of Programs:
1411     State of Utah Museum Administration

1412     Item 82
     To Department of Cultural and Community Engagement - Arts &
1413     Museums Grants
1414     From General Fund

1415     Schedule of Programs:
1416     Pass Through Grants

1417     Item 83
     To Department of Cultural and Community Engagement - Capital
1418     Facilities Grants
1419     From General Fund, One-Time

1420     Schedule of Programs:
1421     Pass Through Grants

1422     Item 84
     To Department of Cultural and Community Engagement - Heritage
1423     & Events Grants
1424     From General Fund

1425     From Income Tax Fund

1426     Schedule of Programs:
1427     Pass Through Grants

1428     Insurance Department
1429     Item 85
     To Insurance Department - Bail Bond Program
1430     From General Fund Restricted - Bail Bond Surety Administration

1431     Schedule of Programs:
1432     Bail Bond Program

1433     Item 86
     To Insurance Department - Health Insurance Actuary
1434     From General Fund Rest. - Health Insurance Actuarial Review

1435     Schedule of Programs:
1436     Health Insurance Actuary

1437     Item 87
     To Insurance Department - Insurance Department Administration

1438     From General Fund Restricted - Bail Bond Surety Administration

1439     Schedule of Programs:
1440     Administration

1441     Insurance Fraud Program

1442          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
1443     that the Department of Insurance report performance measures
1444     for all Insurance line items based upon the following measures:
1445     Customer Feedback. Percent of customers surveyed that report
1446     satisfactory or exceptional service, target 75%. Department
1447     Efficiency. Monitor growth in the Insurance Department as a
1448     ratio to growth in the industry to assure efficient and effective
1449     government. Insurance Industry's Financial Contribution to
1450     Utah's Economy. Target a 3% increase in the total
1451     contributions to Utah's economy through the industry regulated
1452     by the Insurance Department.
1453     Item 88
     To Insurance Department - Title Insurance Program
1454     From General Fund Rest. - Title Licensee Enforcement Acct.

1455     Schedule of Programs:
1456     Title Insurance Program

1457     Utah State Tax Commission
1458     Item 89
     To Utah State Tax Commission - License Plates Production
1459     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

1460     Schedule of Programs:
1461     License Plates Production

1462     Item 90
     To Utah State Tax Commission - Liquor Profit Distribution
1463     From General Fund Restricted - Alcoholic Beverage Enforcement and Treatment
1464     Account

1465     Schedule of Programs:
1466     Liquor Profit Distribution

1467     Item 91
     To Utah State Tax Commission - Tax Administration
1468     From General Fund

1469     From Income Tax Fund

1470     From Federal Funds

1471     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

1472     From General Fund Restricted - Electronic Payment Fee Rest. Acct

1473     From General Fund Rest. - Sales and Use Tax Admin Fees

1474     From Revenue Transfers

1475     Schedule of Programs:

1476     Operations

1477     Customer Service

1478     Property and Miscellaneous Taxes

1479     Enforcement

1480     Social Services
1481     Department of Workforce Services
1482     Item 92
     To Department of Workforce Services - Administration
1483     From General Fund

1484     From Federal Funds

1485     From Federal Funds, One-Time

1486     From Expendable Receipts

1487     From Gen. Fund Rest. - Homeless Housing Reform Rest. Acct

1488     From Permanent Community Impact Loan Fund

1489     From Permanent Community Impact Bonus Fund

1490     From General Fund Restricted - Special Admin. Expense Account, One-Time

1492     From Revenue Transfers

1493     From Unemployment Compensation Fund, One-Time

1494     Schedule of Programs:
1495     Administrative Support

1496     Communications

1497     Executive Director's Office

1498     Human Resources

1499     Internal Audit

1500          The Legislature intends that $75,900 of the Unemployment
1501     Compensation Fund appropriation provided for the
1502     Administration line item is limited to one-time projects
1503     associated with Unemployment Insurance modernization.
1504     Item 93
     To Department of Workforce Services - General Assistance
1505     From General Fund, One-Time

1506     From Income Tax Fund, One-Time

1507     Item 94
     To Department of Workforce Services - Housing and Community
1508     Development
1509     From General Fund

1510     From General Fund, One-Time

1511     From Federal Funds

1512     From Federal Funds, One-Time

1513     From Federal Funds - American Rescue Plan, One-Time

1514     From Dedicated Credits Revenue, One-Time

1515     From Permanent Community Impact Loan Fund

1516     From Permanent Community Impact Bonus Fund

1517     Schedule of Programs:
1518     Community Development

1519     Community Development Administration

1520     Community Services

1521     HEAT

1522     Housing Development

1523     Weatherization Assistance

1524          The Legislature intends that funds appropriated by this item
1525     from the American Rescue Plan Act may only be expended or
1526     distributed for purposes that comply with the legal
1527     requirements and federal guidelines under the American
1528     Rescue Plan Act of 2021. Additionally, the Legislature intends
1529     that the agency administering these funds meet all compliance
1530     and reporting requirements associated with these funds, as
1531     directed by the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget.
1532     Item 95
     To Department of Workforce Services - Nutrition Assistance -
1533     SNAP
1534     From Federal Funds

1535     Schedule of Programs:
1536     Nutrition Assistance - SNAP

1537     Item 96
     To Department of Workforce Services - Operations and Policy
1538     From General Fund

1539     From General Fund, One-Time

1540     From Income Tax Fund, One-Time

1541     From Federal Funds

1542     From Federal Funds, One-Time

1543     From Permanent Community Impact Loan Fund

1544     From Permanent Community Impact Bonus Fund

1545     From Qualified Emergency Food Agencies Fund

1546     From General Fund Restricted - Special Admin. Expense Account, One-Time

1548     From Revenue Transfers

1549     From Unemployment Compensation Fund, One-Time

1550     Schedule of Programs:
1551     Child Care Assistance

1552     Eligibility Services

1553     Facilities and Pass-Through

1554     Information Technology

1555     Nutrition Assistance

1556     Other Assistance

1557     Refugee Assistance

1558     Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

1559     Trade Adjustment Act Assistance

1560     Workforce Development

1561     Workforce Investment Act Assistance

1562     Workforce Research and Analysis

1563          The Legislature intends that the $900,000 provided in the
1564     Department of Workforce Services - Operations and Policy
1565     line item for the "Breaking Poverty Cycles through
1566     Professional Mentoring" from Temporary Assistance for
1567     Needy Families (TANF) federal funds: (1) is dependent upon
1568     the availability of TANF federal funds and the qualification of
1569     the Breaking Poverty Cycles through Professional Mentoring
1570     to receive TANF federal funds; and (2) be spent over the
1571     following years in the following amounts: FY2024 - $300,000;
1572     FY2025 - $300,000; FY2026 - $300,000.
1573          The Legislature intends that the $10,500,000 provided in
1574     the Department of Workforce Services - Operations and Policy
1575     line item for the "Early Childhood Home Visitation" from
1576     Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) federal
1577     funds: (1) is dependent upon the availability of TANF federal
1578     funds and the qualification of the Early Childhood Home
1579     Visitation Program to receive TANF federal funds; and (2) be
1580     spent over the following years in the following amounts:
1581     FY2024 - $3,500,000; FY2025 - $3,500,000; FY2026 -
1582     $3,500,000.
1583          The Legislature intends that the $10,000,000 provided in
1584     the Department of Workforce Services - Operations and Policy
1585     line item for the "Poverty Mitigation Amendments" from
1586     Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) federal
1587     funds: (1) is dependent upon the availability of TANF federal
1588     funds and the qualification of the Poverty Mitigation Grant
1589     Program to receive TANF federal funds; and (2) be spent over

1590     the following years in the following amounts: FY2024 -
1591     $3,334,000; FY2025 - $3,333,000; FY2026 - $3,333,000.
1592          The Legislature intends that one-time funding appropriated
1593     for Home Visitation Services for More Families to the
1594     Department of Health and Human Services will be used for the
1595     following purposes: 1) Provide the opportunity for selected
1596     request for proposal community vendors to complete a
1597     three-year pilot for the opportunity to create an updated home
1598     visiting system which can serve more infants, children and
1599     families and with more service offerings; 2) The request for
1600     proposal for this pilot will include: outreach, follow up,
1601     support provided, referrals, data collection on programmatic
1602     outcomes, type of service received and by which program; 3)
1603     Request for proposal-selected vendors shall recommend how to
1604     expand and structure a statewide home visiting program based
1605     off the data collected in the pilot program.; and 4) Selected
1606     request for proposal vendor(s) shall include
1607     accountabilities/and proposed programmatic outcomes in their
1608     proposal.
1609          The Legislature intends that the Department of Workforce
1610     Services develop one proposed performance measure for each
1611     new funding item of $10,000 or more from Temporary
1612     Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) federal funds by May
1613     1, 2023. For FY 2024 items, the department shall report the
1614     results of the measures, plus the actual amount spent and the
1615     month and year of implementation, by August 15, 2024. The
1616     department shall provide this information to the Office of the
1617     Legislative Fiscal Analyst.
1618          The Legislature intends that $2,396,500 of the
1619     Unemployment Compensation Fund appropriation provided for
1620     the Operations and Policy line item is limited to one-time
1621     projects associated with Unemployment Insurance
1622     modernization.
1623     Item 97
     To Department of Workforce Services - State Office of
1624     Rehabilitation
1625     From General Fund

1626     From General Fund, One-Time

1627     From Income Tax Fund, One-Time

1628     From Federal Funds

1629     From Federal Funds, One-Time

1630     From Permanent Community Impact Loan Fund

1631     From Permanent Community Impact Bonus Fund

1632     From General Fund Restricted - Special Admin. Expense Account, One-Time

1634     From Unemployment Compensation Fund, One-Time

1635     Schedule of Programs:
1636     Deaf and Hard of Hearing

1637     Rehabilitation Services

1638          The Legislature intends that $1,400 of the Unemployment
1639     Compensation Fund appropriation provided for the State Office
1640     of Rehabilitation line item is limited to one-time projects
1641     associated with Unemployment Insurance modernization.
1642     Item 98
     To Department of Workforce Services - Unemployment Insurance
1643     From Federal Funds, One-Time

1644     From Permanent Community Impact Loan Fund

1645     From Permanent Community Impact Bonus Fund

1646     From General Fund Restricted - Special Admin. Expense Account, One-Time

1648     From Unemployment Compensation Fund, One-Time

1649     Schedule of Programs:
1650     Adjudication

1651     Unemployment Insurance Administration

1652          The Legislature intends that $726,200 of the
1653     Unemployment Compensation Fund appropriation provided for
1654     the Unemployment Insurance line item is limited to one-time
1655     projects associated with Unemployment Insurance
1656     modernization.
1657     Item 99
     To Department of Workforce Services - Office of Homeless
1658     Services
1659     From General Fund

1660     From General Fund, One-Time

1661     From Federal Funds, One-Time

1662     From Gen. Fund Rest. - Pamela Atkinson Homeless Account

1663     From Gen. Fund Rest. - Homeless Housing Reform Rest. Acct, One-Time

1664     From General Fund Restricted - Homeless Shelter Cities Mitigation Restricted Account

1666     From Revenue Transfers, One-Time

1667     Schedule of Programs:
1668     Homeless Services

1669          The Legislature intends that the prioritized list of Homeless
1670     Shelter Cities Mitigation Program grant requests, including the
1671     recommended grant amount for each grant-eligible entity, be
1672     approved as submitted to the Social Services Appropriations
1673     Subcommittee by the State Homeless Coordinating Committee
1674     in accordance with Utah Code 63J-1-802.
1675     Department of Health and Human Services
1676     Item 100
     To Department of Health and Human Services - Operations
1677     From General Fund

1678     From General Fund, One-Time

1679     From Federal Funds

1680     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

1681     From Revenue Transfers

1682     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

1683     Schedule of Programs:
1684     Executive Director Office

1685     Finance & Administration

1686     Data, Systems, & Evaluations

1687     Public Affairs, Education & Outreach

1688     American Indian / Alaska Native

1689     Continuous Quality Improvement

1690     Customer Experience

1691          The Legislature intends that the use of the $18,500,000
1692     American Rescue Plan Act funding appropriated to the
1693     Department of Health and Human Services in SB1001, line 755
1694     June 2021 Special Session, be expanded to include (1)
1695     development of a comprehensive Utah Healthy Places Index
1696     implementation and communication plan, (2) maintenance of a
1697     Utah DHHS disaster response PPE stockpile including
1698     warehouse space, support services, personnel, inventory
1699     cycling and sustainability analysis, (3) COVID response
1700     activities related to testing operations, response personnel, non
1701     congregate sheltering, covid units at long-term care facilities
1702     and novel therapeutics, in addition to vaccine
1703     distribution/access in alternative locations, educational

1704     information and similar expenses.
1705     Item 101
     To Department of Health and Human Services - Clinical Services
1706     From General Fund

1707     From General Fund, One-Time

1708     From Income Tax Fund, One-Time

1709     From Federal Funds

1710     From Expendable Receipts

1711     From General Fund Restricted - Opioid Litigation Settlement Restricted Account

1713     Schedule of Programs:
1714     Medical Examiner

1715     State Laboratory

1716     Primary Care and Rural Health

1717     Health Clinics of Utah

1718     Health Equity

1719          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
1720     that the Department of Health and Human Services report on
1721     the following performance measure for the Center for Medical
1722     Cannabis, whose mission is to "provide safe and timely access
1723     to medical cannabis." The department shall report to the Office
1724     of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office
1725     of Planning and Budget before October 1, 2023, the final status
1726     of performance measures established in FY 2023
1727     appropriations bills. For FY 2024, the department shall report
1728     the following performance measure: Increase the compliance
1729     rate of facility inspections for medical cannabis pharmacies
1730     (Target = average 95% compliance rate).
1731          The Legislature intends that the funding for "Community
1732     Clinic Funding" be provided directly to the Doctors' Volunteer
1733     Clinic located in St. George.
1734          The Legislature intends that prior to the release of any state
1735     appropriations for Seager Memorial Clinic Free Clinic
1736     Renovations the recipient must provide evidence of matching
1737     funds either for capital or operations from local sources that
1738     equal the amount of any state support received over the
1739     preceding 24 months.
1740          The Legislature intends that the Department of Health and
1741     Human Services or other recipients of funding via OUD

1742     Treatment Expansion report to the Social Services
1743     Appropriations Subcommittee by January 1, 2026 on (1)
1744     outcomes achieved, (2) advisability of continuing funding, and
1745     (3) challenges faced in reaching desired outcomes.
1746     Item 102
     To Department of Health and Human Services - Department
1747     Oversight
1748     From General Fund

1749     From General Fund, One-Time

1750     From Income Tax Fund, One-Time

1751     From Federal Funds

1752     From Revenue Transfers

1753     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

1754     Schedule of Programs:
1755     Licensing & Background Checks

1756     Internal Audit

1757     Utah Developmental Disabilities Council

1758     Item 103
     To Department of Health and Human Services - Health Care
1759     Administration
1760     From General Fund

1761     From Federal Funds

1762     From Expendable Receipts

1763     From Medicaid Expansion Fund

1764     From Revenue Transfers

1765     Schedule of Programs:
1766     Integrated Health Care Administration

1767     Long-Term Services and Supports Administration

1768     Provider Reimbursement Information System for Medicaid

1769     Utah Developmental Disabilities Council

1770     Seeded Services

1771          The Legislature intends that the Department of Health and
1772     Human Services report to the Social Services Appropriations
1773     Subcommittee by October 1, 2023 on the following regarding
1774     prescribing opiates for lower back pain in Medicaid: (1)
1775     assessment of acute pain protocols and recommended
1776     guidelines, (2) identify coverage gaps and estimated cost, (3)
1777     stakeholder input, and (4) recommendations for changes.
1778          The Legislature intends that the Department of Health and
1779     Human Services report by September 30, 2023 to the Social

1780     Services Appropriations Subcommittee on the status of
1781     replacing the Medicaid Management Information System
1782     replacement.
1783          The Legislature authorizes the Department of Health and
1784     Human Services, as allowed by the fund's authorizing statute,
1785     to spend all available money in the Hospital Provider
1786     Assessment Expendable Special Revenue Fund 2241 for FY
1787     2024 regardless of the amount appropriated.
1788          The Legislature authorizes the Department of Health and
1789     Human Services, as allowed by the fund's authorizing statute,
1790     to spend all available money in the Ambulance Service
1791     Provider Assessment Expendable Revenue Fund 2242 for FY
1792     2024 regardless of the amount appropriated.
1793          The Legislature authorizes the Department of Health and
1794     Human Services, as allowed by the fund's authorizing statute,
1795     to spend all available money in the Nursing Care Facilities
1796     Provider Assessment Fund 2243 for FY 2024 regardless of the
1797     amount appropriated.
1798          The Legislature authorizes the Department of Health and
1799     Human Services, as allowed by the fund's authorizing statute,
1800     to spend all available money in the Medicaid Expansion Fund
1801     2252 for FY 2024 regardless of the amount appropriated.
1802     Item 104
     To Department of Health and Human Services - Integrated Health
1803     Care Services
1804     From General Fund

1805     From General Fund, One-Time

1806     From Income Tax Fund, One-Time

1807     From Federal Funds

1808     From Federal Funds, One-Time

1809     From Expendable Receipts

1810     From Expendable Receipts - Rebates

1811     From Medicaid Expansion Fund

1812     From General Fund Restricted - Opioid Litigation Settlement Restricted Account

1814     From Revenue Transfers

1815     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

1816     Schedule of Programs:
1817     Medicaid Behavioral Health Services

1818     Medicaid Home and Community Based Services

1819     Medicaid Pharmacy Services

1820     Medicaid Long Term Care Services

1821     Medicare Buy-In and Clawback Payments

1822     Medicaid Other Services

1823     Expansion Other Services

1824     Non-Medicaid Behavioral Health Treatment & Crisis Response

1826     State Hospital

1827          Pursuant to Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the
1828     Legislature intends that under Item 84 of Chapter 193, Laws of
1829     Utah 2022, up to $2,400,000 provided for the Department of
1830     Health and Human Services' Integrated Health Care Services
1831     line item shall not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2024. The
1832     use of any nonlapsing funds is limited to supporting pregnant
1833     women with substance use disorder.
1834          The Legislature intends that $43,100 from the General
1835     Fund and the matching federal funds for Provide Medicaid
1836     Annual Wellcare Visits be spent on providing wellcare visits to
1837     primary care medical providers for Medicaid recipients.
1838          The Legislature intends that the Department of Health and
1839     Human Services or other recipients of funding via Matching
1840     Funds for Counties Using Opioid Funds in County Jails or
1841     Receiving Centers report to the Social Services Appropriations
1842     Subcommittee by January 1, 2026 on (1) outcomes achieved,
1843     (2) advisability of continuing funding, and (3) challenges faced
1844     in reaching desired outcomes.
1845          The Legislature intends that the Department of Health and
1846     Human Services or other recipients of funding via Emergency
1847     Department/Urgent Care induction to Medications for Opioid
1848     Use Disorder report to the Social Services Appropriations
1849     Subcommittee by January 1, 2026 on (1) outcomes achieved,
1850     (2) advisability of continuing funding, and (3) challenges faced
1851     in reaching desired outcomes.
1852          The Legislature intends that the Department of Health and
1853     Human Services or other recipients of funding via State Opioid
1854     Settlement Appropriation - Shifting Efforts Upstream report to
1855     the Social Services Appropriations Subcommittee by January

1856     1, 2026 on (1) outcomes achieved, (2) advisability of
1857     continuing funding, and (3) challenges faced in reaching
1858     desired outcomes.
1859          The Department of Health and Human Services shall
1860     provide a report within two months after the close of Fiscal
1861     Year 2023 demonstrating that funding appropriated for Equal
1862     Medicaid Reimbursement Rate for Autism has actually been
1863     spent for this purpose during Fiscal Year 2023.
1864          The Legislature intends that the income eligibility ceiling
1865     shall be the following percent of federal poverty level for UCA
1866     26-18-411 Health Coverage Improvement Program: (1) 5% for
1867     individuals who meet the additional criteria in 26-18-411
1868     Subsection 3 and (2) the income level in place prior to July 1,
1869     2017 for an individual with a dependent child.
1870          The Legislature authorizes the Department of Health and
1871     Human Services, as allowed by the fund's authorizing statute,
1872     to spend all available money in the Medicaid Expansion Fund
1873     2252 for FY 2024 regardless of the amount appropriated.
1874          The Legislature authorizes the Department of Health and
1875     Human Services, as allowed by the fund's authorizing statute,
1876     to spend all available money in the Nursing Care Facilities
1877     Provider Assessment Fund 2243 for FY 2024 regardless of the
1878     amount appropriated.
1879          The Legislature authorizes the Department of Health and
1880     Human Services, as allowed by the fund's authorizing statute,
1881     to spend all available money in the Ambulance Service
1882     Provider Assessment Expendable Revenue Fund 2242 for FY
1883     2024 regardless of the amount appropriated.
1884          The Legislature authorizes the Department of Health and
1885     Human Services, as allowed by the fund's authorizing statute,
1886     to spend all available money in the Hospital Provider
1887     Assessment Expendable Special Revenue Fund 2241 for FY
1888     2024 regardless of the amount appropriated.
1889     Item 105
     To Department of Health and Human Services - Long-Term
1890     Services & Support
1891     From General Fund

1892     From General Fund, One-Time

1893     From Income Tax Fund, One-Time

1894     From Federal Funds

1895     From Expendable Receipts

1896     From Revenue Transfers

1897     From Revenue Transfers, One-Time

1898     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

1899     Schedule of Programs:
1900     Aging & Adult Services

1901     Adult Protective Services

1902     Office of Public Guardian

1903     Services for People with Disabilities

1904     Community Supports Waiver Services

1905     Disabilities - Other Waiver Services

1906     Utah State Developmental Center

1907          The Legislature intends that any funding provided under
1908     this item for the Caregiver Compensation program allow for
1909     expenditure for care provided by a parent or guardian for wards
1910     for whom they are legally responsible.
1911          Under Subsection 62A-5-102(7)(a) of the Utah Code, the
1912     Legislature intends that the Division of Services for People
1913     with Disabilities (DSPD) use Fiscal Year 2024 beginning
1914     nonlapsing funds to provide services for individuals needing
1915     emergency services, individuals needing additional waiver
1916     services, individuals who turn 18 years old and leave state
1917     custody from the Divisions of Child and Family Services and
1918     Juvenile Justice and Youth Services, individuals court ordered
1919     into DSPD services, to provide increases to providers for direct
1920     care staff salaries, and for facility repairs, maintenance, and
1921     improvements, and improvements to provide services to
1922     eligible individuals waiting for services, limited one-time
1923     services including respite care, service brokering, family skill
1924     building and preservation classes, after school group services,
1925     contractor training and other professional services. The
1926     Legislature further intends DSPD report to the Office of
1927     Legislative Fiscal Analyst by October 15, 2024 on the use of
1928     these nonlapsing funds.
1929     Item 106
     To Department of Health and Human Services - Public Health,
1930     Prevention, and Epidemiology
1931     From General Fund, One-Time

1932     From Income Tax Fund, One-Time

1933     From Federal Funds

1934     From Expendable Receipts

1935     From General Fund Restricted - Opioid Litigation Settlement Restricted Account

1937     From Revenue Transfers

1938     Schedule of Programs:
1939     Communicable Disease

1940     Health Promotion and Prevention

1941          The Legislature intends that funds provided for the building
1942     block entitled "Primary Prevention" be matched by the
1943     recipients of the funding and be prioritized to Local Substance
1944     Abuse Authorities for evidence-based primary prevention.
1945          The Legislature intends that the Department of Health and
1946     Human Services or other recipients of funding via Primary
1947     Prevention report to the Social Services Appropriations
1948     Subcommittee by January 1, 2026 on (1) outcomes achieved,
1949     (2) advisability of continuing funding, and (3) challenges faced
1950     in reaching desired outcomes.
1951          The Legislature intends that the Department of Health and
1952     Human Services report by October 1, 2023 to the Social
1953     Services Appropriations Subcommittee in collaboration with
1954     local health departments on options to adjust the funding
1955     formula for FY 2025 to adjust for areas with higher smoking
1956     rates as well as shifting more existing funding sources to
1957     address the rates of electronic cigarette use and the pros and
1958     cons of that approach.
1959          The Legislature intends that the General Fund provided in
1960     the Public Health, Prevention, and Epidemiology line item in
1961     the Local Health Departments program provided to local health
1962     departments not exceed the county match from general funds to
1963     local health departments.
1964     Item 107
     To Department of Health and Human Services - Children, Youth,
1965     & Families
1966     From General Fund

1967     From General Fund, One-Time

1968     From Income Tax Fund, One-Time

1969     From Federal Funds

1970     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

1971     From Expendable Receipts

1972     From Revenue Transfers

1973     From Federal Funds - American Rescue Plan - Capital Projects Fund, One-Time

1975     Schedule of Programs:
1976     Child & Family Services

1977     Domestic Violence

1978     Out-of-Home Services

1979     Adoption Assistance

1980     Maternal & Child Health

1981     Family Health

1982     Office of Coordinated Care and Regional Supports

1983     Children, Youth, & Families

1984          The Legislature intends that the appropriations by this line
1985     item from the American Rescue Plan Act Capital Projects Fund
1986     may only be expended or distributed for purposes that comply
1987     with the legal requirements and federal guidelines under the
1988     American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Capital Projects Fund after
1989     the Grant Plan has been approved by the U.S. Department of
1990     the Treasury. Additionally, the Legislature intends that the
1991     agency administering these funds meet all compliance and
1992     reporting requirements associated with these funds, as directed
1993     by the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget.
1994     Item 108
     To Department of Health and Human Services - Office of
1995     Recovery Services
1996     From Federal Funds

1997     From Revenue Transfers

1998     Schedule of Programs:
1999     Recovery Services

2000     Children in Care Collections

2001     Medical Collections

2002          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
2003     that the Department of Health and Human Services report
2004     performance measures for the Office of Recovery Services line
2005     item, whose mission is "to serve children and families by
2006     promoting independence by providing services on behalf of
2007     children and families in obtaining financial and medical

2008     support, through locating parents, establishing paternity and
2009     support obligations, and enforcing those obligations when
2010     necessary." The department shall report to the Office of the
2011     Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of
2012     Planning and Budget before October 1, 2023, the final status of
2013     performance measures established in FY 2023 appropriations
2014     bills. For FY 2024, the department shall report the following
2015     performance measures: 1) Medical Coverage for children
2016     (Target = Improve from baseline with the baseline being
2017     developed), 2) Cost Effectiveness (ORS overall) (Target=
2018     $5.50), and 3) Current Support Collection Rates (Target =
2019     65%).
2020     Higher Education
2021     University of Utah
2022     Item 109
     To University of Utah - Education and General
2023     From Income Tax Fund

2024     From Income Tax Fund, One-Time

2025     From Federal Funds - American Rescue Plan, One-Time

2026     Schedule of Programs:
2027     Education and General

2028     Operations and Maintenance

2029          The Legislature intends that funds appropriated by this item
2030     from the American Rescue Plan Act may only be expended or
2031     distributed for purposes that comply with the legal
2032     requirements and federal guidelines under the American
2033     Rescue Plan Act of 2021. Additionally, the Legislature intends
2034     that the agency administering these funds meet all compliance
2035     and reporting requirements associated with these funds, as
2036     directed by the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget.
2037          The Legislature intends that the Division of Facilities
2038     Construction and Management and the University of Utah use
2039     $100,000,000 of funds appropriated to the University of Utah
2040     to acquire property adjacent to the University of Utah and to
2041     coordinate with the Utah National Guard and the U.S. Army
2042     Reserve to relocate the Stephen A. Douglas Armed Forces
2043     Reserve Center to land held by the State Armory Board at
2044     Camp Williams, including the design and construction of
2045     facilities to complete the relocation.

2046     Item 110
     To University of Utah - University Hospital
2047     From Income Tax Fund, One-Time

2048     From Federal Funds - American Rescue Plan - Capital Projects Fund, One-Time

2050     Schedule of Programs:
2051     University Hospital

2052          The Legislature intends that the appropriations by this line
2053     item from the American Rescue Plan Act Capital Projects Fund
2054     may only be expended or distributed for purposes that comply
2055     with the legal requirements and federal guidelines under the
2056     American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Capital Projects Fund after
2057     the Grant Plan has been approved by the U.S. Department of
2058     the Treasury. Additionally, the Legislature intends that the
2059     agency administering these funds meet all compliance and
2060     reporting requirements associated with these funds, as directed
2061     by the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget.
2062          The Legislature intends that the $6 million one-time
2063     Income Tax Fund appropriation in this line item be used for the
2064     Huntsman Mental Health Crisis Receiving Center.
2065          The Legislature intends that the $25.0 million one-time
2066     ARPA appropriation in this line item be used for the University
2067     of Utah West Valley Hospital.
2068     Item 111
     To University of Utah - Center on Aging
2069          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
2070     that the University of Utah report performance measures for
2071     the University of Utah - Center on Aging line item. The
2072     department shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal
2073     Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget
2074     before October 1, 2023 the final status of performance
2075     measures established in FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY
2076     2024, the department shall report the following performance
2077     measures: 1) increased penetration of the Center on Aging's
2078     influence measured by the number of stakeholders including
2079     members and community guests who engaged in meetings and
2080     events or consulted directly as a result of the centers efforts
2081     and facilitation (target: annual increase of 25% of qualified
2082     engagements with aging stakeholders); and 2) access to the
2083     Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) - Cover to

2084     Cover Program (target: provide services to 100% of the people
2085     of Utah over age 65).
2086     Utah State University
2087     Item 112
     To Utah State University - Education and General
2088     From Income Tax Fund

2089     From Income Tax Fund, One-Time

2090     Schedule of Programs:
2091     Education and General

2092     USU - School of Veterinary Medicine

2093     Operations and Maintenance

2094          The Legislature intends that the $200,000 one-time Income
2095     Tax Fund appropriation in this line item be used for the Center
2096     for the School of the Future.
2097          The Legislature intends that the $500,000 ongoing Income
2098     Tax Fund appropriation in this line item be used for the Utah
2099     Women and Leadership Project Support.
2100     Item 113
     To Utah State University - USU - Eastern Education and General
2101     From Income Tax Fund

2102     Schedule of Programs:
2103     USU - Eastern Education and General

2104     Item 114
     To Utah State University - USU - Eastern Career and Technical
2105     Education
2106     From Income Tax Fund

2107     From Income Tax Fund, One-Time

2108     Schedule of Programs:
2109     USU - Eastern Career and Technical Education

2110     Item 115
     To Utah State University - Regional Campuses
2111     From Income Tax Fund

2112     Schedule of Programs:
2113     Administration

2114     Uintah Basin Regional Campus

2115     Brigham City Regional Campus

2116     Tooele Regional Campus

2117     Item 116
     To Utah State University - Water Research Laboratory
2118     From Income Tax Fund

2119     Schedule of Programs:
2120     Water Research Laboratory

2121     Item 117
     To Utah State University - Agriculture Experiment Station

2122     From Income Tax Fund

2123     Schedule of Programs:
2124     Agriculture Experiment Station

2125     Item 118
     To Utah State University - Cooperative Extension
2126     From Income Tax Fund

2127     Schedule of Programs:
2128     Cooperative Extension

2129     Item 119
     To Utah State University - Prehistoric Museum
2130     From Income Tax Fund

2131     Schedule of Programs:
2132     Prehistoric Museum

2133     Item 120
     To Utah State University - Blanding Campus
2134     From Income Tax Fund

2135     Schedule of Programs:
2136     Blanding Campus

2137     Item 121
     To Utah State University - USU - Custom Fit
2138     From Income Tax Fund

2139     Schedule of Programs:
2140     USU - Custom Fit

2141     Weber State University
2142     Item 122
     To Weber State University - Education and General
2143     From Income Tax Fund

2144     From Income Tax Fund, One-Time

2145     Schedule of Programs:
2146     Education and General

2147     Operations and Maintenance

2148          The Legislature intends that the $786,300 ongoing and
2149     $50,000 one-time Income Tax Fund appropriation in this line
2150     item be used for the WSU-UU Rocky Mountain Center
2151     Pathways.
2152          The Legislature intends that the $20 million one-time
2153     Income Tax Fund appropriation in this line item be used for the
2154     Missile and Energy Research Center at WSU (MERC).
2155          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
2156     that Weber State University report performance measures for
2157     Weber State University - Educationally Disadvantaged line
2158     item. The department shall report to the Office of the
2159     Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of

2160     Planning and Budget before October 1, 2023 the final status of
2161     performance measures established in FY 2023 appropriations
2162     bills. For FY 2024, the department shall report the following
2163     performance measures: 1) awarding degrees to
2164     underrepresented students (target: increase to average of 15%
2165     of all degrees awarded); 2) Bachelor's degrees within six years
2166     (target: average five-year graduation rate of 25%); 3) first year
2167     to second year enrollment (target: 55%).
2168          The Legislature intends that the Division of Finance
2169     transfer the FY 2023 closing nonlapsing balance from the
2170     Educationally Disadvantaged line item to the beginning
2171     nonlapsing balance in the Education and General line item in
2172     FY 2024.
2173     Southern Utah University
2174     Item 123
     To Southern Utah University - Education and General
2175     From Income Tax Fund

2176     From Income Tax Fund, One-Time

2177     Schedule of Programs:
2178     Education and General

2179     Operations and Maintenance

2180          The Legislature intends that the $300,000 one-time Income
2181     Tax Fund appropriation in this line item be used for the Helen
2182     Foster Snow Cultural Center.
2183          The Legislature intends that the $155,600 ongoing Income
2184     Tax Fund appropriation in this line item be used for the Utah
2185     Rural Leadership Academy.
2186     Item 124
     To Southern Utah University - Shakespeare Festival
2187     From Income Tax Fund

2188     From Income Tax Fund, One-Time

2189     Schedule of Programs:
2190     Shakespeare Festival

2191     Item 125
     To Southern Utah University - Utah Summer Games
2192     From Income Tax Fund

2193     Schedule of Programs:
2194     Utah Summer Games

2195     Utah Valley University
2196     Item 126
     To Utah Valley University - Education and General
2197     From Income Tax Fund

2198     From Income Tax Fund, One-Time

2199     Schedule of Programs:
2200     Education and General

2201     Operations and Maintenance

2202          The Legislature intends that the $503,500 ongoing Income
2203     Tax Fund appropriation in this line item be used for the Native
2204     American Excellence Opportunity at Utah Valley University.
2205          The Legislature intends that the $250,000 one-time Income
2206     Tax Fund appropriation in this line item be used for the Herbert
2207     Institute.
2208     Item 127
     To Utah Valley University - Civic Thought and Leadership
2209     Initiative
2210     From Income Tax Fund, One-Time

2211     Schedule of Programs:
2212     Civic Thought and Leadership Initiative

2213          The Legislature intends that the $1.75 million one-time
2214     Income Tax Fund appropriation in this line item be used for the
2215     Civic Thought and Leadership Initiative.
2216     Snow College
2217     Item 128
     To Snow College - Education and General
2218     From Income Tax Fund

2219     Schedule of Programs:
2220     Education and General

2221          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
2222     that Snow College report performance measures for Snow
2223     College - Education and General line item. The department
2224     shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and
2225     to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget before
2226     October 1, 2023 the final status of performance measures
2227     established in FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY 2024, the
2228     department shall report the following five-year performance
2229     measures: 1) access - increase the percent of Utah high school
2230     graduates enrolled by 0.33%; 2) timely completion - increase
2231     the percent of a cohort enrolled that completes an award in up
2232     to and including 1.5 times the standard completion time or
2233     sooner by 12.77%; and 3) high-yield awards - increase the
2234     percent of high-yield awards granted by 7%.
2235          The Legislature intends that the Division of Finance

2236     transfer the FY 2023 closing nonlapsing balance from the
2237     Educationally Disadvantaged line item to the beginning
2238     nonlapsing balance in the Education and General line item in
2239     the FY 2024 base budget.
2240     Item 129
     To Snow College - Career and Technical Education
2241     From Income Tax Fund

2242     From Income Tax Fund, One-Time

2243     Schedule of Programs:
2244     Career and Technical Education

2245     Utah Tech University
2246     Item 130
     To Utah Tech University - Education and General
2247     From Income Tax Fund

2248     From Income Tax Fund, One-Time

2249     Schedule of Programs:
2250     Education and General

2251     Operations and Maintenance

2252          The Legislature intends that the $100,000 one-time Income
2253     Tax Fund appropriation in this line item be used for the Digital
2254     Forensics Crime Lab.
2255     Salt Lake Community College
2256     Item 131
     To Salt Lake Community College - Education and General
2257     From Income Tax Fund

2258     From Income Tax Fund, One-Time

2259     Schedule of Programs:
2260     Education and General

2261          The Legislature intends that the $250,000 ongoing Income
2262     Tax Fund appropriation in this line item be used for Salt Lake
2263     Technical College Scholarships.
2264     Item 132
     To Salt Lake Community College - School of Applied Technology
2265     From Income Tax Fund

2266     From Income Tax Fund, One-Time

2267     Schedule of Programs:
2268     School of Applied Technology

2269     Item 133
     To Salt Lake Community College - SLCC - Custom Fit
2270     From Income Tax Fund

2271     Schedule of Programs:
2272     SLCC - Custom Fit

2273     Utah Board of Higher Education

2274     Item 134
     To Utah Board of Higher Education - Administration
2275     From General Fund

2276     From General Fund, One-Time

2277     From Income Tax Fund

2278     From Income Tax Fund, One-Time

2279     Schedule of Programs:
2280     Administration

2281          The Legislature intends that the Utah System of Higher
2282     Education (USHE) work with the Office of the Legislative
2283     Fiscal Analyst (LFA) and the Division of Finance during the
2284     2023 Interim to create a budget that reflects all sources of
2285     revenue and all expenses and expenditures for each institution
2286     of higher education. USHE and LFA shall report that budget to
2287     the Higher Education Appropriations Committee before its
2288     final 2023 Interim meeting for potential inclusion in an
2289     appropriations act.
2290          The Legislature intends that the Utah Board of Higher
2291     Education work with Utah State University, Weber State
2292     University, Utah Valley University, and the University of Utah
2293     to determine how the $1,167,800 ongoing and $931,300
2294     one-time Income Tax Fund appropriation in this line item be
2295     allocated for the Behavioral Health Workforce Initiative.
2296          The Legislature intends that the Utah System of Higher
2297     Education report to the Legislative Fiscal Analysts Office by
2298     December 1, 2023 estimates for growth funding based on net
2299     growth.
2300          The Legislature intends that the institutions of the Utah
2301     System of Higher Education increase its fleet by up to 71
2302     vehicles with funding from existing appropriations as presented
2303     in the USHE Vehicle Expansion Report FY 2024.
2304          The Legislature intends that the State Board of Higher
2305     Education use the $8,200,000 appropriated by this item for
2306     innovative higher education initiatives. The Board shall consult
2307     with public and private partners, including those in education,
2308     business, and technology, to establish benchmarks regarding
2309     the scope and scale of the initiatives and shall expend fund
2310     appropriated by this item only as initiatives reach the identified
2311     benchmarks

2312     Item 135
     To Utah Board of Higher Education - Education Excellence
2313     From Income Tax Fund

2314     From Income Tax Fund, One-Time

2315     Utah System of Technical Colleges
2316     Item 136
     To Utah System of Technical Colleges - USTC Administration
2317     Bridgerland Technical College
2318     Item 137
     To Bridgerland Technical College
2319     From Income Tax Fund

2320     From Income Tax Fund, One-Time

2321     Schedule of Programs:
2322     Bridgerland Tech Equipment

2323     Bridgerland Technical College

2324     Item 138
     To Bridgerland Technical College - USTC Bridgerland - Custom
2325     Fit
2326     From Income Tax Fund

2327     Schedule of Programs:
2328     USTC Bridgerland - Custom Fit

2329          The Legislature intends that the $100,000 ongoing Income
2330     Tax Fund appropriation in this line item be used for Custom
2331     Fit.
2332     Davis Technical College
2333     Item 139
     To Davis Technical College
2334     From Income Tax Fund

2335     From Income Tax Fund, One-Time

2336     Schedule of Programs:
2337     Davis Tech Equipment

2338     Davis Technical College

2339     Dixie Technical College
2340     Item 140
     To Dixie Technical College
2341     From General Fund, One-Time

2342     From Income Tax Fund

2343     From Income Tax Fund, One-Time

2344     Schedule of Programs:
2345     Dixie Tech Equipment

2346     Dixie Technical College

2347          The Legislature intends that the $6,944,100 one-time
2348     Income Tax Fund appropriation in this line item be used for the
2349     Washington County Bond Defeasance.

2350     Mountainland Technical College
2351     Item 141
     To Mountainland Technical College
2352     From Income Tax Fund

2353     From Income Tax Fund, One-Time

2354     Schedule of Programs:
2355     Mountainland Tech Equipment

2356     Mountainland Technical College

2357     Item 142
     To Mountainland Technical College - USTC Mountainland -
2358     Custom Fit
2359     From Income Tax Fund

2360     Schedule of Programs:
2361     USTC Mountainland - Custom Fit

2362          The Legislature intends that the $300,000 ongoing Income
2363     Tax Fund appropriation in this line item be used for Custom
2364     Fit.
2365     Ogden-Weber Technical College
2366     Item 143
     To Ogden-Weber Technical College
2367     From Income Tax Fund

2368     From Income Tax Fund, One-Time

2369     Schedule of Programs:
2370     Ogden-Weber Tech Equipment

2371     Ogden-Weber Technical College

2372     Southwest Technical College
2373     Item 144
     To Southwest Technical College
2374     From Income Tax Fund

2375     From Income Tax Fund, One-Time

2376     Schedule of Programs:
2377     Southwest Tech Equipment

2378     Southwest Technical College

2379     Tooele Technical College
2380     Item 145
     To Tooele Technical College
2381     From Income Tax Fund

2382     From Income Tax Fund, One-Time

2383     Schedule of Programs:
2384     Tooele Tech Equipment

2385     Tooele Technical College

2386     Item 146
     To Tooele Technical College - USTC Tooele - Custom Fit
2387     From Income Tax Fund

2388     Schedule of Programs:
2389     USTC Tooele - Custom Fit

2390          The Legislature intends that the $50,000 ongoing Income
2391     Tax Fund appropriation in this line item be used for Custom
2392     Fit.
2393     Uintah Basin Technical College
2394     Item 147
     To Uintah Basin Technical College
2395     From Income Tax Fund

2396     From Income Tax Fund, One-Time

2397     Schedule of Programs:
2398     Uintah Basin Tech Equipment

2399     Uintah Basin Technical College

2400     Item 148
     To Uintah Basin Technical College - USTC Uintah Basin -
2401     Custom Fit
2402     From Income Tax Fund

2403     Schedule of Programs:
2404     USTC Uintah Basin - Custom Fit

2405          The Legislature intends that the $50,000 ongoing Income
2406     Tax Fund appropriation in this line item be used for Custom
2407     Fit.
2408     Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environmental Quality
2409     Department of Agriculture and Food
2410     Item 149
     To Department of Agriculture and Food - Administration
2411     From General Fund, One-Time

2412     From Federal Funds

2413     Schedule of Programs:
2414     Commissioner's Office

2415          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
2416     that the Department of Agriculture and Food report
2417     performance measures for the Administration line item, whose
2418     mission is "Promote the healthy growth of Utah agriculture,
2419     conserve our natural resources and protect our food supply."
2420     The department shall report to the Office of the Legislative
2421     Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and
2422     Budget before October 1, 2023, the final status of performance
2423     measures established in FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY
2424     2024, the department shall report the following performance
2425     measures: (1) Successful completion of an agency-wide

2426     continuous improvement project in the last fiscal year (Target
2427     = 100%); (2) Increase accuracy of reporting fee information in
2428     the annual fee reporting exercise (Target = 90% of all fees with
2429     accurate revenues and costs); and (3) Perform proper and
2430     competent financial support according to State guidelines and
2431     policies by reducing the number of adverse audit findings in
2432     quarterly division of finance reviews (Target = 0 moderate or
2433     significant audit findings).
2434     Item 150
     To Department of Agriculture and Food - Animal Industry
2435     From General Fund

2436     Schedule of Programs:
2437     Horse Racing Commission

2438          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
2439     that the Department of Agriculture and Food report
2440     performance measures for the Animal Health line item, whose
2441     mission is "Deny a market to potential thieves & to detect the
2442     true owners of livestock. It is the mission of the Livestock
2443     Inspection Bureau to provide quality, timely, and courteous
2444     service to the livestock men and women of the state, in an
2445     effort to protect the cattle and horse industry." The department
2446     shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and
2447     to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget before
2448     October 1, 2023, the final status of performance measures
2449     established in FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY 2024, the
2450     department shall report the following performance measures:
2451     1) Increase education to industry and public on correct
2452     practices to verify and record changes of ownership when
2453     selling or buying livestock in the State of Utah (Target = 40
2454     hours of training); 2) Meat Inspection - Ensure 70% of all
2455     sanitation tasks are performed (Target = 70%); 3) Increase
2456     number of animal traces completed in under one hour (Target =
2457     Increase by 5%); 4) Increase total attendance at animal health
2458     outreach events (Target = 10% increase).
2459     Item 151
     To Department of Agriculture and Food - Invasive Species
2460     Mitigation
2461     From Federal Funds

2462     Schedule of Programs:
2463     Invasive Species Mitigation

2464          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
2465     that the Department of Agriculture and Food report
2466     performance measures for the Invasive Species Mitigation line
2467     item, whose mission is "Help government and private entities
2468     control noxious weeds in the state through providing project
2469     funding and help those entities meet the requirements of the
2470     Noxious Weed Act." The department shall report to the Office
2471     of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office
2472     of Planning and Budget before October 1, 2023, the final status
2473     of performance measures established in FY 2023
2474     appropriations bills. For FY 2024, the department shall report
2475     the following performance measures: 1) Growth of projects
2476     focused on Early Detection Rapid Response (EDRR) weeds
2477     (Target = 25%); (2) EDRR Points treated (Target = 40%
2478     increase); and (3) Monitoring results for 1 and 5 years after
2479     treatment (Target = 100%).
2480     Item 152
     To Department of Agriculture and Food - Marketing and
2481     Development
2482     From Federal Funds, One-Time

2483     Schedule of Programs:
2484     Marketing and Development

2485          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
2486     that the Department of Agriculture and Food report
2487     performance measures for the Marketing and Development line
2488     item, whose mission is "Promoting the healthy growth of Utah
2489     agriculture." The department shall report to the Office of the
2490     Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of
2491     Planning and Budget before October 1, 2023, the final status of
2492     performance measures established in FY 2023 appropriations
2493     bills. For FY 2024, the department shall report the following
2494     performance measures: 1) UDAF website bounce rate (Target
2495     = 70% rate); 2) UDAF social media follower increase (Target
2496     = 5%); 3) Percent of consumers on the annual survey that
2497     responded that the Utahs Own logo helps identify local
2498     products (Target = 50%); and 4) Utahs Own retention rate
2499     (Target = 60% renewal rate).
2500     Item 153
     To Department of Agriculture and Food - Plant Industry
2501     From General Fund

2502     From Federal Funds

2503     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

2504     From Dedicated Credits Revenue, One-Time

2505     From Revenue Transfers

2506     Schedule of Programs:
2507     Grazing Improvement Program

2508     Plant Industry Administration

2509          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
2510     that the Department of Agriculture and Food report
2511     performance measures for the Plant Industry line item, whose
2512     mission is "Ensuring consumers of disease free and pest free
2513     plants, grains, seeds, as well as properly labeled agricultural
2514     commodities, and the safe application of pesticides and farm
2515     chemicals." The department shall report to the Office of the
2516     Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of
2517     Planning and Budget before October 1, 2023, the final status of
2518     performance measures established in FY 2023 appropriations
2519     bills. For FY 2024, the department shall report the following
2520     performance measures: 1) Pesticide Compound Enforcement
2521     Action Rate (Target = 30%); 2) Fertilizer Compliance
2522     Violation Rate (Target = 5%); and 3) Seed Compliance
2523     Violation Rate (Target = 10%).
2524          The Legislature intends that the Division of Plant Industry
2525     purchase the following vehicles through Fleet Operations: one
2526     small SUV and two mid-sized trucks.
2527     Item 154
     To Department of Agriculture and Food - Predatory Animal
2528     Control
2529     From Gen. Fund Rest. - Agriculture and Wildlife Damage Prevention, One-Time

2531     Schedule of Programs:
2532     Predatory Animal Control

2533          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
2534     that the Department of Agriculture and Food report
2535     performance measures for the Predatory Animal Control line
2536     item, whose mission is "Protecting Utah's agriculture including
2537     protecting livestock, with the majority of the programs efforts
2538     directed at protecting adult sheep, lambs and calves from
2539     predation." The department shall report to the Office of the

2540     Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of
2541     Planning and Budget before October 1, 2023, the final status of
2542     performance measures established in FY 2023 appropriations
2543     bills. For FY 2024, the department shall report the following
2544     performance measures: 1) Decrease the amount of predation
2545     from bears, by increasing count of animals and decreasing staff
2546     hours (Target = 68 hours per bear); 2) Decrease the amount of
2547     predation from lions, by increasing count of animals and
2548     decreasing staff hours (Target = 92 hours per lion); 3) Decrease
2549     the amount of predation from coyotes, by increasing count of
2550     animals and decreasing staff hours (Target = 24 hours per 10
2551     coyotes), 4) Decrease the amount of hours taken to rid nuisance
2552     predator animals (Target = 1% reduction over previous fiscal
2553     year).
2554     Item 155
     To Department of Agriculture and Food - Rangeland Improvement
2555     From General Fund

2556     From Revenue Transfers

2557     Schedule of Programs:
2558     Rangeland Improvement

2559          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
2560     that the Department of Agriculture and Food report
2561     performance measures for the Rangeland Improvement line
2562     item, whose mission is "Improve the productivity, health and
2563     sustainability of our rangelands and watersheds." The
2564     department shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal
2565     Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget
2566     before October 1, 2023, the final status of performance
2567     measures established in FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY
2568     2024, the department shall report the following performance
2569     measures: 1) Number of Animal Unit Months Affected by GIP
2570     Projects per Year (Target = 160,000; 2) Number of Projects
2571     with Water Systems Installed Per Year (Target =50/year); and
2572     3) Number of GIP Projects that Time, Timing, and Intensity
2573     Grazing Management to Improve Grazing Operations (Target =
2574     15/year).
2575     Item 156
     To Department of Agriculture and Food - Regulatory Services
2576     From General Fund

2577     From Federal Funds

2578     From Federal Funds, One-Time

2579     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

2580     From Dedicated Credits Revenue, One-Time

2581     From Pass-through

2582     Schedule of Programs:
2583     Regulatory Services Administration

2584     Bedding & Upholstered

2585     Weights & Measures

2586     Food Inspection

2587     Egg Grading and Inspection

2588          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
2589     that the Department of Agriculture and Food report
2590     performance measures for the Regulatory Services line item,
2591     whose mission is "Through continuous improvement, become a
2592     world class leader in regulatory excellence through our
2593     commitment to food safety, public health and fair and equitable
2594     trade of agricultural and industrial commodities." The
2595     department shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal
2596     Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget
2597     before October 1, 2023, the final status of performance
2598     measures established in FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY
2599     2024, the department shall report the following performance
2600     measures: 1) Reduce the number of "Critical" violations
2601     observed on dairy farms and thereby reduce the number of
2602     follow up inspections required (Target =25% of current); 2)
2603     Reduce the number of retail fuel station follow up inspections
2604     by our weights and measures program (Target = increase to
2605     85% compliance); 3) Reduce the % of identified instances of
2606     the 5 risk factors attributed to foodborne illness (Target = less
2607     than 50% incidents identified); and 4) Identify and reduce the
2608     number of temperature control violations found in food
2609     inspections (Target = have this violation occur in less than 7%
2610     of inspections); and 5) Increase the number of retail
2611     inspections in rural areas, including e-commerce facilities and
2612     distribution centers (Target = 350 new inspections over
2613     previous fiscal year).
2614     Item 157
     To Department of Agriculture and Food - Resource Conservation
2615     From General Fund

2616     From General Fund, One-Time

2617     From Agriculture Resource Development Fund

2618     From Revenue Transfers

2619     From Utah Rural Rehabilitation Loan State Fund

2620     Schedule of Programs:
2621     Water Quantity

2622     Conservation Administration

2623          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
2624     that the Department of Agriculture and Food report
2625     performance measures for the Resource Conservation line
2626     item, whose mission is "Assist Utahs agricultural producers in
2627     caring for and enhancing our states vast natural resources." The
2628     department shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal
2629     Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget
2630     before October 1, 2023, the final status of performance
2631     measures established in FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY
2632     2024, the department shall report the following performance
2633     measures: 1) Number of Utah Conservation Commission
2634     projects completed (Target = 125); 2) Reduction in water usage
2635     after Agricultural Water Optimization project completion
2636     (Target = 25%); and 3) Real time measurement of water for
2637     each of Water Optimization project (Target = 100%).
2638          The Legislature intends that the Division of Conservation
2639     purchase one full-sized truck through Fleet Operations.
2640     Item 158
     To Department of Agriculture and Food - Utah State Fair
2641     Corporation
2642     From General Fund

2643     Schedule of Programs:
2644     State Fair Corporation

2645          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
2646     that the Department of Agriculture and Food report
2647     performance measures for the Utah State Fair Corporation line
2648     item, whose mission is to "maximize revenue opportunities by
2649     establishing strategic partnerships to develop the Fairpark."
2650     The department shall report to the Office of the Legislative
2651     Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and
2652     Budget before October 1, 2023, the final status of performance
2653     measures established in FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY

2654     2024, the department shall report the following performance
2655     measures: 1) Develop new projects on the fair grounds and
2656     adjacent properties, create new revenue stream for the Fair
2657     Corporation (Target = $150,000 dollars in new incremental
2658     revenue); 2) Annual Fair attendance (Target = 5% increase in
2659     annual attendance); 3) Increase Fairpark net revenue (Target =
2660     5% increase in net revenue over FY 2022).
2661     Item 159
     To Department of Agriculture and Food - Industrial Hemp
2662     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

2663     From Dedicated Credits Revenue, One-Time

2664     Schedule of Programs:
2665     Industrial Hemp

2666          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
2667     that the Department of Agriculture and Food report
2668     performance measures for the Industrial Hemp line item,
2669     whose mission is "Support Utahs industrial hemp cultivators,
2670     processors and retail establishments by ensuring compliance
2671     with state law and providing for the safety of consumers
2672     through regulatory oversight within the supply chain." The
2673     department shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal
2674     Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget
2675     before October 1, 2023, the final status of performance
2676     measures established in FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY
2677     2024, the department shall report the following performance
2678     measures: 1) Conduct product potency inspections throughout
2679     the calendar year to measure accuracy in marketing (Target =
2680     6% of all registered products); 2) Ensure that registered hemp
2681     products introduced into the Utah marketplace are in
2682     compliance, as measured by retail inspections resulting in a
2683     noncompliance rate of less than 15 percent, annually (Target =
2684     <15% products noncompliant); and 3) Conduct inspections of
2685     licensed industrial hemp processors to validate compliance of
2686     processors and safety of hemp products (Target = 80% of
2687     processing facilities inspected).
2688     Item 160
     To Department of Agriculture and Food - Analytical Laboratory
2689     From Federal Funds

2690     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

2691     Schedule of Programs:

2692     Analytical Laboratory

2693          Add intent the following intent language for the Analytical
2694     Laboratory line item: In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the
2695     Legislature intends that the Department of Agriculture and
2696     Food report performance measures for the Analytical Lab line
2697     item, whose mission is "to provide chemical, physical, and
2698     microbiological analyses to other divisions within the
2699     Department of Agriculture and Food and other state agencies to
2700     ensure the safety of Utah's food supply, natural resources, and
2701     consumer goods." The department shall report to the Office of
2702     the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of
2703     Planning and Budget before October 1, 2023, the final status of
2704     performance measures established in FY 2023 appropriations
2705     bills. For FY 2024, the department shall report the following
2706     performance measures: 1) Total number of tests conducted
2707     (excluding Medical Cannabis) (Target = 10,000); 2) Total
2708     number of Samples Collected (excluding Medical Cannabis)
2709     (Target = 3,700); 3) Laboratory Certification (Target =
2710     Completed); 4) Laboratory Test Results Completed within 10
2711     Days (Target = 100%); and 5) Laboratory Equipment
2712     Replacement (Target = 0% of equipment needing to be
2713     replaced at the end of the fiscal year).
2714     Department of Environmental Quality
2715     Item 161
     To Department of Environmental Quality - Drinking Water
2716     From General Fund

2717     From Federal Funds, One-Time

2718     From Revenue Transfers

2719     Schedule of Programs:
2720     Drinking Water Administration

2721     Safe Drinking Water Act

2722     System Assistance

2723     State Revolving Fund

2724          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
2725     that the Department of Environmental Quality report
2726     performance measures for the Drinking Water line item, whose
2727     mission is "Cooperatively work with drinking water
2728     professionals and the public to ensure a safe and reliable
2729     supply of drinking water." The Department of Environmental

2730     Quality shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal
2731     Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget
2732     before October 1, 2023, the final status of performance
2733     measures established in FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY
2734     2024, the department shall report the following performance
2735     measures: 1) Percent of population served by Approved public
2736     water systems (Target = 95%); 2) Percent of water systems
2737     with an Approved rating (Target = 95%); and 3) Percentage of
2738     identified significant deficiencies resolved by water systems
2739     within the deadline established by the Division of Drinking
2740     Water (Target = 25% improvement over FY 2021 baseline by
2741     FY 2025).
2742     Item 162
     To Department of Environmental Quality - Environmental
2743     Response and Remediation
2744     From General Fund

2745     From Federal Funds, One-Time

2746     From Revenue Transfers

2747     Schedule of Programs:
2748     Voluntary Cleanup

2749     CERCLA

2750     Petroleum Storage Tank Cleanup

2751     Petroleum Storage Tank Compliance

2752          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
2753     that the Department of Environmental Quality report
2754     performance measures for the Environmental Response and
2755     Remediation line item, whose mission is "Protect public health
2756     and Utahs environment by cleaning up contaminated sites,
2757     helping to return contaminated properties to a state of
2758     beneficial reuse, ensuring underground storage tanks are
2759     managed and used properly, and providing chemical usage and
2760     emission data to the public and local response agencies." The
2761     Department of Environmental Quality shall report to the Office
2762     of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office
2763     of Planning and Budget before October 1, 2023, the final status
2764     of performance measures established in FY 2023
2765     appropriations bills. For FY 2024, the department shall report
2766     the following performance measures: 1) Percent of UST
2767     facilities in Significant Operational Compliance at time of

2768     inspection, and in compliance within 60 days of inspection
2769     (Target = 70%), (2) Leaking Underground Storage Tank
2770     (LUST) site release closures, (Target = 80), (3) Issued
2771     brownfields tools facilitating cleanup and redevelopment of
2772     impaired properties, (Target = 18).
2773     Item 163
     To Department of Environmental Quality - Executive Director's
2774     Office
2775     From General Fund

2776     From General Fund Restricted - Environmental Quality

2777     From Revenue Transfers

2778     Schedule of Programs:
2779     Executive Director Office Administration

2780          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
2781     that the Department of Environmental Quality report
2782     performance measures for the Executive Directors Office line
2783     item, whose mission is "safeguarding and improving Utahs air,
2784     land and water through balanced regulation." The Department
2785     of Environmental Quality shall report to the Office of the
2786     Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of
2787     Planning and Budget before October 1, 2023, the final status of
2788     performance measures established in FY 2023 appropriations
2789     bills. For FY 2024, the department shall report the following
2790     performance measures: 1) Percent of systems within the
2791     Department involved in a continuous improvement project in
2792     the last year (Target = 100%); and 2) Number of state audit
2793     findings/Percent of state audit findings resolved within 30 days
2794     (Target = 0 and 100%).
2795     Item 164
     To Department of Environmental Quality - Waste Management
2796     and Radiation Control
2797     From General Fund Restricted - Environmental Quality

2798     From Revenue Transfers

2799     Schedule of Programs:
2800     Hazardous Waste

2801     Solid Waste

2802     Radiation

2803     Low Level Radioactive Waste

2804     WIPP

2805     X-Ray

2806          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
2807     that the Department of Environmental Quality report
2808     performance measures for the Waste Management and
2809     Radiation Control line item, whose mission is "Protect human
2810     health and the environment by ensuring proper management of
2811     solid wastes, hazardous wastes and used oil, and to protect the
2812     general public and occupationally exposed employees from
2813     sources of radiation that constitute a health hazard." The
2814     Department of Environmental Quality shall report to the Office
2815     of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office
2816     of Planning and Budget before October 1, 2023, the final status
2817     of performance measures established in FY 2023
2818     appropriations bills. For FY 2024, the department shall report
2819     the following performance measures: 1) Percent of x-ray
2820     machines in compliance (Target = 90%); 2) Percent of permits
2821     and licenses issued/modified within set timeframes (Target =
2822     90%) and 3) Compliance Assistance for Small Businesses
2823     (Target = 65 businesses).
2824     Item 165
     To Department of Environmental Quality - Water Quality
2825     From General Fund

2826     From Federal Funds, One-Time

2827     From Dedicated Credits Revenue, One-Time

2828     From Revenue Transfers

2829     Schedule of Programs:
2830     Water Quality Support

2831     Water Quality Protection

2832     Water Quality Permits

2833          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
2834     that the Department of Environmental Quality report
2835     performance measures for the Water Quality line item, whose
2836     mission is "Protect, maintain and enhance the quality of Utah's
2837     surface and underground waters for appropriate beneficial uses;
2838     and protect the public health through eliminating and
2839     preventing water related health hazards which can occur as a
2840     result of improper disposal of human, animal or industrial
2841     wastes while giving reasonable consideration to the economic
2842     impact." The Department of Environmental Quality shall report
2843     to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the

2844     Governor's Office of Planning and Budget before October 1,
2845     2023, the final status of performance measures established in
2846     FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY 2024, the department
2847     shall report the following performance measures: 1) Percent of
2848     permits renewed "On-time" (Target = 95%); and 2) Percent of
2849     permit holders in compliance (Target = 90%); and 3)
2850     Municipal wastewater effluent quality measured as mg/L
2851     oxygen consumption potential (Target = state average
2852     attainment of 331 mg/L oxygen consumption potential by
2853     2025).
2854     Item 166
     To Department of Environmental Quality - Air Quality
2855     From General Fund

2856     From General Fund, One-Time

2857     From Federal Funds, One-Time

2858     From General Fund Restricted - GFR - Division of Air Quality Oil, Gas, and Mining

2860     From General Fund Restricted - GFR - Division of Air Quality Oil, Gas, and Mining,
2861     One-Time

2862     From Revenue Transfers

2863     Schedule of Programs:
2864     Compliance

2865     Permitting

2866     Planning

2867     Air Quality Administration

2868          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
2869     that the Department of Environmental Quality report
2870     performance measures for the Air Quality line item, whose
2871     mission is "Protect public health and the environment from the
2872     harmful effects of air pollution." The Department of
2873     Environmental Quality shall report to the Office of the
2874     Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of
2875     Planning and Budget before October 1, 2023, the final status of
2876     performance measures established in FY 2023 appropriations
2877     bills. For FY 2024, the department shall report the following
2878     performance measures: 1) Percent of facilities inspected that
2879     are in compliance with permit requirements (Target = 100%);
2880     2) Percent of approval orders that are issued within 180-days
2881     after the receipt of a complete application (Target = 95%); 3)

2882     Percent of data availability from the established network of air
2883     monitoring samplers for criteria air pollutants (Target = 100%);
2884     and 4) Per Capita Rate of State-Wide Air Emissions (Target =
2885     0.63).
2886          The Legislature intends that $645,000 of funds
2887     appropriated to the Division of Air Quality (DAQ) for the
2888     woodstove/fireplace conversion program be used on activities
2889     to support DAQ's gas to electric lawn equipment exchange
2890     incentives in order to help meet summertime ozone health
2891     standards.
2892     Department of Natural Resources
2893     Item 167
     To Department of Natural Resources - Administration
2894     From General Fund

2895     Schedule of Programs:
2896     Law Enforcement

2897          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
2898     that the Department of Natural Resources report performance
2899     measures for the Executive Director line item, whose mission
2900     is "to facilitate economic development and wise use of natural
2901     resources to enhance the quality of life in Utah." The
2902     department shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal
2903     Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget
2904     before October 1, 2023, the final status of performance
2905     measures established in FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY
2906     2024, the department shall report the following performance
2907     measures: 1) To keep the ratio of total employees in DNR in
2908     proportion to the employees in DNR administration at greater
2909     than or equal to 55:1 (Target = 55:1), 2) To continue to grow
2910     non-general fund revenue sources in order to maintain a total
2911     DNR non-general fund ratio to total funds at 80% or higher
2912     (Target = 80%), 3) To perform proper and competent financial
2913     support according to State guidelines and policies for DNR
2914     Administration by reducing the number of adverse audit
2915     findings in our quarterly State Finance audit reviews (Target =
2916     zero with a trend showing an annual year-over-year reduction
2917     in findings).
2918     Item 168
     To Department of Natural Resources - Building Operations
2919          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends

2920     that the Department of Natural Resources report performance
2921     measures for the Building Operations line item, whose mission
2922     is "to properly pay for all building costs of the DNR
2923     headquarters located in Salt Lake City." The department shall
2924     report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the
2925     Governor's Office of Planning and Budget before October 1,
2926     2023, the final status of performance measures established in
2927     FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY 2024, the department
2928     shall report the following performance measures: 1) Despite
2929     two aging facilities, the goal is DFCM to keep O&M rates at
2930     the current cost of $4.25 (Target = $4.25), 2) To have the
2931     DFCM O&M rate remain at least 32% more cost competitive
2932     than the private sector rate (Target = 32%), 3) To improve
2933     building services customer satisfaction with DFCM facility
2934     operations by 10% (Target = 10%).
2935     Item 169
     To Department of Natural Resources - Contributed Research
2936          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
2937     that the Department of Natural Resources report performance
2938     measures for the Contributed Research line item, whose
2939     mission is "to serve the people of Utah as trustee and guardian
2940     of states wildlife." The department shall report to the Office of
2941     the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of
2942     Planning and Budget before October 1, 2023, the final status of
2943     performance measures established in FY 2023 appropriations
2944     bills. For FY 2024, the department shall report the following
2945     performance measures: 1) Percentage of mule deer units at or
2946     exceeding 90% of their population objective (Target = 50%),
2947     2) Percentage of elk units at or exceeding 90% of their
2948     population objective (Target = 75%), and 3) Maintain positive
2949     hunter satisfaction index for general season deer hunt (Target =
2950     3.3).
2951     Item 170
     To Department of Natural Resources - Cooperative Agreements
2952          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
2953     that the Department of Natural Resources report performance
2954     measures for the Cooperative Agreements line item, whose
2955     mission is "to serve the people of Utah as trustee and guardian
2956     of states wildlife." The department shall report to the Office of
2957     the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of

2958     Planning and Budget before October 1, 2023, the final status of
2959     performance measures established in FY 2023 appropriations
2960     bills. For FY 2024, the department shall report the following
2961     performance measures: 1) Aquatic Invasive Species
2962     containment - number of public contacts and boat
2963     decontaminations (Targets = 400,000 contacts and 10,000
2964     decontaminations), 2) Number of new wildlife species listed
2965     under the Endangered Species Act (Target = 0), and 3) Number
2966     of habitat acres restored annually (Target = 180,000).
2967     Item 171
     To Department of Natural Resources - DNR Pass Through
2968     From General Fund

2969     Schedule of Programs:
2970     DNR Pass Through

2971          Update intent language item 29 to read: In accordance with
2972     UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends that the Department of
2973     Natural Resources report performance measures for the DNR
2974     Pass Through line item, whose mission is "to carry out pass
2975     through requests as directed by the Legislature." The
2976     department shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal
2977     Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget
2978     before October 1, 2023, the final status of performance
2979     measures established in FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY
2980     2024, the department shall report the following performance
2981     measures: 1) Ensure transactions are completed in accordance
2982     with legislative direction (Target = 100%), 2) Maintain low
2983     auditing and administrative costs for pass through funding
2984     (Target = less than 8% of appropriated funds), 3) Percent of
2985     completed project(s) within established timeframe(s) and
2986     budget (Target = 100%), and 4) Number of annual visitors to
2987     the Hogle Zoo (Target = 1,000,000).
2988     Item 172
     To Department of Natural Resources - Forestry, Fire, and State
2989     Lands
2990     From General Fund, One-Time

2991     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

2992     From General Fund Restricted - Sovereign Lands Management

2993     From General Fund Restricted - Sovereign Lands Management, One-Time

2994     From Revenue Transfers

2995     Schedule of Programs:

2996     Fire Suppression Emergencies

2997     Lands Management

2998     Project Management

2999          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
3000     that the Department of Natural Resources report performance
3001     measures for the Forestry, Fire and State Lands line item,
3002     whose mission is "to manage, sustain, and strengthen Utah's
3003     forests, range lands, sovereign lands and watersheds for its
3004     citizens and visitors." The department shall report to the Office
3005     of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office
3006     of Planning and Budget before October 1, 2023, the final status
3007     of performance measures established in FY 2023
3008     appropriations bills. For FY 2024, the department shall report
3009     the following performance measures: 1) Fuel Reduction
3010     Treatment Acres (Target = 4,034), 2) Fire Fighters Trained to
3011     Meet Standards (Target = 2,256), and 3) Communities With
3012     Tree City USA Status (Target = 88).
3013          The Legislature intends that the Division of Forestry, Fire,
3014     and State Land purchase one vehicle through the Division of
3015     Fleet Operations for the Sovereign Lands Law Enforcement
3016     Office.
3017     Item 173
     To Department of Natural Resources - Oil, Gas, and Mining
3018     From Federal Funds

3019     From Federal Funds, One-Time

3020     From General Fund Restricted - GFR - Division of Oil, Gas, and Mining

3021     From General Fund Restricted - GFR - Division of Oil, Gas, and Mining, One-Time

3023     From Gen. Fund Rest. - Oil & Gas Conservation Account, One-Time

3024     Schedule of Programs:
3025     Abandoned Mine

3026     Oil and Gas Program

3027          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
3028     that the Department of Natural Resources report performance
3029     measures for the Oil, Gas, and Mining line item, whose
3030     mission is "the Division of Oil, Gas and Mining regulates and
3031     ensures industry compliance and site restoration while
3032     facilitating oil, gas and mining activities." The department shall
3033     report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the

3034     Governor's Office of Planning and Budget before October 1,
3035     2023, the final status of performance measures established in
3036     FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY 2024, the department
3037     shall report the following performance measures: 1) Timing of
3038     Issuing Coal Permits (Target = 100%), 2) Average number of
3039     days between well inspections (Target = 365 days or less), and
3040     3) Average number of days to conduct inspections for Priority
3041     1 sites (Target = 90 days or less).
3042          The Legislature intends that the Division of Oil, Gas and
3043     Mining purchase three vehicles through the Division of Fleet
3044     Operations.
3045     Item 174
     To Department of Natural Resources - Species Protection
3046     From General Fund Restricted - Species Protection, One-Time

3047     Schedule of Programs:
3048     Species Protection

3049          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
3050     that the Department of Natural Resources report performance
3051     measures for the Species Protection line item, whose mission is
3052     "to create innovative solutions to transform government
3053     services." The department shall report to the Office of the
3054     Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of
3055     Planning and Budget before October 1, 2023, the final status of
3056     performance measures established in FY 2023 appropriations
3057     bills. For FY 2024, the department shall report the following
3058     performance measures: 1) Delisting or Downlisting (Target =
3059     one delisting or downlisting proposed or final rule published in
3060     the Federal Register per year), 2) Red Shiner Eradication
3061     (Target = Eliminate 100% of Red Shiner from 37 miles of the
3062     Virgin River in Utah), and 3) June Sucker Population
3063     Enhancement (Target = 5,000 adult spawning June Sucker).
3064     Item 175
     To Department of Natural Resources - Utah Geological Survey
3065     From General Fund

3066     From General Fund, One-Time

3067     From Federal Funds, One-Time

3068     From General Fund Restricted - Mineral Lease

3069     From General Fund Restricted - Sovereign Lands Management, One-Time

3070     Schedule of Programs:
3071     Energy and Minerals

3072     Geologic Information and Outreach

3073     Groundwater

3074          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
3075     that the Department of Natural Resources report performance
3076     measures for the Utah Geological Survey line item, whose
3077     mission is "to provide timely, scientific information about
3078     Utahs geologic environment, resources, and hazards." The
3079     department shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal
3080     Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget
3081     before October 1, 2023, the final status of performance
3082     measures established in FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY
3083     2024, the department shall report the following performance
3084     measures: 1) Total number of individual item views in the
3085     UGS GeoData Archive (Target = 1,700,000), 2) Total number
3086     of website user requests/queries to UGS interactive map layers
3087     (Target = 9,000,000), and 3) Public engagement of UGS
3088     reports and publications (Target = 68,000 downloads).
3089     Item 176
     To Department of Natural Resources - Water Resources
3090     From General Fund

3091     From General Fund, One-Time

3092     From Federal Funds - American Rescue Plan, One-Time

3093     From General Fund Restricted - Agricultural Water Optimization Restricted Account

3095     From General Fund Restricted - Agricultural Water Optimization Restricted Account,
3096     One-Time

3097     From General Fund Restricted - Sovereign Lands Management, One-Time

3098     Schedule of Programs:
3099     Cloud Seeding

3100     Construction

3101     Planning

3102     Funding Projects and Research

3103          The Legislature intends that funds appropriated by this item
3104     from the American Rescue Plan Act may only be expended or
3105     distributed for purposes that comply with the legal
3106     requirements and federal guidelines under the American
3107     Rescue Plan Act of 2021. Additionally, the Legislature intends
3108     that the agency administering these funds meet all compliance
3109     and reporting requirements associated with these funds, as

3110     directed by the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget.
3111          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
3112     that the Department of Natural Resources report performance
3113     measures for the Water Resources line item, whose mission is
3114     "plan, conserve, develop and protect Utahs water resources."
3115     The department shall report to the Office of the Legislative
3116     Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and
3117     Budget before October 1, 2023, the final status of performance
3118     measures established in FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY
3119     2024, the department shall report the following performance
3120     measures: 1) Water conservation and development projects
3121     funded (Target = 15), 2) Reduction of per capita M&I water
3122     use (Target = 25%), and 3) Percentage of precipitation increase
3123     due to cloud seeding efforts (Target = 7%).
3124     Item 177
     To Department of Natural Resources - Water Rights
3125     From General Fund

3126     From General Fund, One-Time

3127     From General Fund Restricted - Water Rights Restricted Account

3128     Schedule of Programs:
3129     Adjudication

3130     Field Services

3131     Technical Services

3132          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
3133     that the Department of Natural Resources report performance
3134     measures for the Water Rights line item, whose mission is "to
3135     promote order and certainty in the beneficial use of public
3136     water." The department shall report to the Office of the
3137     Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of
3138     Planning and Budget before October 1, 2023, the final status of
3139     performance measures established in FY 2023 appropriations
3140     bills. For FY 2024, the department shall report the following
3141     performance measures: 1) Timely Application processing
3142     (Target = 80 days for uncontested applications), 2) Use of
3143     technology to provide information (Target = 1,500 unique web
3144     users per month), and 3) Parties that have been noticed in
3145     comprehensive adjudication (Target = 20,000).
3146     Item 178
     To Department of Natural Resources - Watershed Restoration
3147          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends

3148     that the Department of Natural Resources report performance
3149     measures for the Watershed Restoration Initiative line item,
3150     whose mission is " rehabilitation or restoration of priority
3151     watershed areas in order to address the needs of water quality
3152     and yield, wildlife, agriculture and human needs." The
3153     department shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal
3154     Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget
3155     before October 1, 2023, the final status of performance
3156     measures established in FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY
3157     2024, the department shall report the following performance
3158     measures: 1) Number of acres treated (Target = 120,000 acres
3159     per year), 2) State of Utah funding leverage with partners for
3160     projects completed through WRI (Target = 3), and 3) Miles of
3161     stream and riparian areas restored (Target = 175 miles).
3162     Item 179
     To Department of Natural Resources - Wildlife Resources
3163     From General Fund

3164     From General Fund, One-Time

3165     From General Fund Restricted - Wildlife Resources

3166     Schedule of Programs:
3167     Administrative Services

3168     Habitat Section

3169     Law Enforcement

3170          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
3171     that the Department of Natural Resources report performance
3172     measures for the Wildlife Resources Operations line item,
3173     whose mission is "to serve the people of Utah as trustee and
3174     guardian of states wildlife." The department shall report to the
3175     Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's
3176     Office of Planning and Budget before October 1, 2023, the
3177     final status of performance measures established in FY 2023
3178     appropriations bills. For FY 2024, the department shall report
3179     the following performance measures: 1) Number of people
3180     participating in hunting and fishing in Utah (Target = 800,000
3181     anglers and 380,000 hunters), 2) Percentage of law
3182     enforcement contacts without a violation (Target = 90%), and
3183     3) Number of participants at DWR shooting ranges (Target =
3184     90,000).
3185          The Legislature intends that up to $2,400,000 of the

3186     General Fund appropriation for the Division of Wildlife
3187     Resources line item RFAA shall be used for efforts to contain
3188     aquatic invasive species at Lake Powell and prevent them from
3189     spreading to other waters in Utah. Upon request the division
3190     shall provide detailed documentation as to how its
3191     appropriation from the General Fund was spent.
3192     Item 180
     To Department of Natural Resources - Wildlife Resources Capital
3193     Budget
3194     From General Fund Restricted - State Fish Hatchery Maintenance

3195     Schedule of Programs:
3196     Fisheries

3197          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
3198     that the Department of Natural Resources report performance
3199     measures for the Wildlife Resources Capital line item, whose
3200     mission is "to serve the people of Utah as trustee and guardian
3201     of states wildlife." The department shall report to the Office of
3202     the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of
3203     Planning and Budget before October 1, 2023, the final status of
3204     performance measures established in FY 2023 appropriations
3205     bills. For FY 2024, the department shall report the following
3206     performance measures: 1) Average score from annual DFCM
3207     facility audits (Target = 90%), (2) New Motorboat Access
3208     projects (Target = 10), and (3) Number of hatcheries in
3209     operation (Target = 12).
3210     Item 181
     To Department of Natural Resources - Public Lands Policy
3211     Coordinating Office
3212          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
3213     that the Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office report
3214     performance measures for the Public Lands Policy
3215     Coordinating Office line item, whose mission is "Preserve and
3216     defend rights to access, use and benefit from public lands
3217     within the State." The department shall report to the Office of
3218     the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of
3219     Planning and Budget before October 1, 2023, the final status of
3220     performance measures established in FY 2023 appropriations
3221     bills. For FY 2024, the department shall report the following
3222     performance measures: 1) Percentage of Utah Counties which
3223     reported PLPCOs work as "very good" (Target = 70%); 2)

3224     Percentage of State Natural Resource Agencies working with
3225     PLPCOs which reported PLPCOs work as "good" (Target =
3226     70%); and 3) Percentage of Administrative comments and legal
3227     filings prepared and submitted in a timely manner (Target =
3228     70%).
3229          The Legislature intends that the Public Lands Policy
3230     Coordinating Office purchase two vehicles through the
3231     Division of Fleet Operations.
3232     Item 182
     To Department of Natural Resources - Division of State Parks
3233     From General Fund Restricted - State Park Fees

3234     Schedule of Programs:
3235     State Park Operation Management

3236          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
3237     that the Department of Natural Resources report performance
3238     measures for the State Parks line item, whose mission is "to
3239     enhance the quality of life by preserving and providing natural,
3240     cultural, and recreational resources for the enjoyment,
3241     education, and inspiration of this and future generations." The
3242     department shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal
3243     Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget
3244     before October 1, 2023, the final status of performance
3245     measures established in FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY
3246     2024, the department shall report the following performance
3247     measures: 1) Total Revenue Collections (Target =
3248     $40,000,000), (2) Gate Revenue (Target = $36,000,000), and
3249     (3) Expenditures (Target = $36,500,000).
3250     Item 183
     To Department of Natural Resources - Division of Parks - Capital
3251     From General Fund, One-Time

3252     From Federal Funds

3253     From General Fund Restricted - State Park Fees, One-Time

3254     Schedule of Programs:
3255     Major Renovation

3256     Renovation and Development

3257          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
3258     that the Department of Natural Resources report performance
3259     measures for the State Parks Capital line item, whose mission
3260     is "to enhance the quality of life by preserving and providing
3261     natural, cultural, and recreational resources for the enjoyment,

3262     education, and inspiration of this and future generations." The
3263     department shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal
3264     Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget
3265     before October 1, 2023, the final status of performance
3266     measures established in FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY
3267     2024, the department shall report the following performance
3268     measures: 1) Donations Revenue (Target = $140,000); and (2)
3269     Capital renovation projects completed (Target = 15).
3270          The Legislature intends that the Division of State Parks
3271     purchase three vehicles through the Division of Fleet
3272     Operations.
3273          The legislature intends that the $12,000,000 from the State
3274     Park Fees Restricted Account provided for Deer Creek State
3275     Park Improvements Match in Laws of Utah 2022, Chapter 193,
3276     Item 179 be used for the following projects in the following
3277     amounts: Green River State Park, $1,000,000; Gunlock State
3278     Park, $5,000,000; Utah State Park $2,000,000; and Goblin
3279     Valley State Park, $4,000,000.
3280     Item 184
     To Department of Natural Resources - Division of Outdoor
3281     Recreation
3282     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

3283     From Expendable Receipts

3284     From General Fund Restricted - Outdoor Adventure Infrastructure Restricted Account

3286     From General Fund Restricted - Boating

3287     From General Fund Restricted - Off-highway Vehicle

3288     Schedule of Programs:
3289     Recreation Services

3290     Administration

3291          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
3292     that the Department of Natural Resources report performance
3293     measures for the Outdoor Recreation line item, whose mission
3294     is "to enhance the quality of life by preserving and providing
3295     natural, cultural, and recreational resources for the enjoyment,
3296     education, and inspiration of this and future generations." The
3297     department shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal
3298     Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget
3299     before October 1, 2023, the final status of performance

3300     measures established in FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY
3301     2024, the department shall report the following performance
3302     measures: 1) Percent of personnel hours spent on
3303     on-the-ground projects (Target = 50% of all personnel hours),
3304     2) Successful completions of the Adult OHV Education Course
3305     (Target = 60,000 completions), 3) Successful completions of
3306     the Youth OHV Education course (Target = 2,400
3307     completions), 4) OHV contacts made during patrols (Target =
3308     60,000), 5) Successful completions of the Youth Personal
3309     Watercraft Course (Target = 1,000), and 6) Boating vessel
3310     inspections completed (Target = 5,000).
3311     Item 185
     To Department of Natural Resources - Division of Outdoor
3312     Recreation- Capital
3313     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

3314     From Expendable Receipts

3315     Schedule of Programs:
3316     Recreation Capital

3317          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
3318     that the Department of Natural Resources report performance
3319     measures for the Outdoor Recreation Capital line item, whose
3320     mission is "to enhance the quality of life by preserving and
3321     providing natural, cultural, and recreational resources for the
3322     enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future
3323     generations." The department shall report to the Office of the
3324     Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of
3325     Planning and Budget before October 1, 2023, the final status of
3326     performance measures established in FY 2023 appropriations
3327     bills. For FY 2024, the department shall report the following
3328     performance measures: 1) Downtime for the divisions
3329     snowcats resulting from preventable accidents (Target = less
3330     than 70 days), 2) Division assets receiving preventative
3331     maintenance, including snowmobiles, snowcats, OHVs and
3332     watercraft vessels (Target = 95% of machines), 3) Total
3333     amount of OHV Recreation grants awarded (Target =
3334     $3,600,000), 4) Federal funds awarded from the Land and
3335     Water Conservation Fund (Target = $1,200,000), 5) Federal
3336     funds awarded from the Recreation Trail Program (Target =
3337     $2,800,000), and 6) Utah Outdoor Recreation Grant dollars

3338     spent in rural areas (Target = 60% of all awards).
3339          The Legislature intends that the Division of Outdoor
3340     Recreation purchase eight vehicles through the Division of
3341     Fleet Operations.
3342     Item 186
     To Department of Natural Resources - Office of Energy
3343     Development
3344     From General Fund

3345     From General Fund, One-Time

3346     From Federal Funds

3347     Schedule of Programs:
3348     Office of Energy Development

3349          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
3350     that the Office of Energy Development report performance
3351     measures for the Office of Energy Development line item,
3352     whose mission is "Advance Utah's energy and minerals
3353     economy through energy policy, energy infrastructure and
3354     business development, energy efficiency and renewable energy
3355     programs, and energy research, education and workforce
3356     development." The department shall report to the Office of the
3357     Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of
3358     Planning and Budget before October 1, 2023, the final status of
3359     performance measures established in FY 2023 appropriations
3360     bills. For FY 2024, the department shall report the following
3361     performance measures: 1) Percent of RESTC tax incentive
3362     applications processed within 30 days (Target = 95%); 2)
3363     Number of energy education and workforce development
3364     training opportunities provided (Target = 50); and 3) Percent of
3365     annual milestones achieved in U.S. D.O.E. funded programs.
3366     (Target = 90%).
3367     School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration
3368     Item 187
     To School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration
3369     From Land Grant Management Fund, One-Time

3370     Schedule of Programs:
3371     Director

3372     Information Technology Group

3373          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
3374     that the School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration
3375     report performance measures for the Operations line item,

3376     whose mission is "Generate revenue in the following areas by
3377     leasing and administering trust parcels." The School and
3378     Institutional Trust Lands Administration shall report to the
3379     Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's
3380     Office of Planning and Budget before October 1, 2023, the
3381     final status of performance measures established in FY 2023
3382     appropriations bills. For FY 2024, the department shall report
3383     the following performance measures: 1) Planning and
3384     Development gross revenue (Target =$ 35,000,000); 2) Energy
3385     and Minerals gross revenue (Target = $ 45,000,000); and 3)
3386     Surface gross revenue (Target = 14,500,000).
3387     Item 188
     To School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration - Land
3388     Stewardship and Restoration
3389          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
3390     that the School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration
3391     report performance measures for the Land Stewardship and
3392     Restoration line item, whose mission is "Mitigate damages to
3393     trust parcels or preserve the value of the asset by preventing
3394     degradation." The School and Institutional Trust Lands
3395     Administration shall report to the Office of the Legislative
3396     Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and
3397     Budget before October 1, 2023, the final status of performance
3398     measures established in FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY
3399     2024, the department shall report the following performance
3400     measures: 1) Maintenance of large land blocks (Target =
3401     $150,000); 2) Fire rehabilitation on trust parcels (Target = up
3402     to $500,000); and 3) Mitigation, facilitation of de-listing or
3403     preventing the listing of sensitive species (Target = $200,000).
3404     Item 189
     To School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration - School
3405     and Institutional Trust Lands Administration Capital
3406          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
3407     that the School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration
3408     report performance measures for the SITLA Capital line item,
3409     whose mission is to "Provide funding for agency projects that
3410     enhance the value of trust land parcels." The School and
3411     Institutional Trust Lands Administration shall report to the
3412     Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's
3413     Office of Planning and Budget before October 1, 2023, the

3414     final status of performance measures established in FY 2023
3415     appropriations bills. For FY 2024, the department shall report
3416     the following performance measures: 1) Planning and
3417     infrastructure expenditures for Northwest Quadrant (Target =
3418     $1,500,000); 2) Economic development planning and
3419     infrastructure expenditures for the St. George Airport project
3420     (Target = $1,500,000); 3) Infrastructure spending for Warner
3421     Valley/water (Target = $1,500,000).
3422     Executive Appropriations
3423     Capitol Preservation Board
3424     Item 190
     To Capitol Preservation Board
3425     From General Fund, One-Time

3426     Schedule of Programs:
3427     Capitol Preservation Board

3428          The Legislature intends that the Capitol Preservation Board
3429     may use appropriations for State Capitol field trips for
3430     ancillary costs associated with bringing school children to the
3431     State Capitol.
3432     Legislature
3433     Item 191
     To Legislature - Office of Legislative Research and General
3434     Counsel
3435     From General Fund

3436     From General Fund, One-Time

3437     Schedule of Programs:
3438     Administration

3439     Item 192
     To Legislature - Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst
3440     From General Fund

3441     Schedule of Programs:
3442     Administration and Research

3443     Item 193
     To Legislature - Office of the Legislative Auditor General
3444     From General Fund

3445     Schedule of Programs:
3446     Administration

3447          The Legislature intends that the Office of the Legislative
3448     Auditor General report to the Social Services Appropriations
3449     Subcommittee by October 1, 2023 on what the Department of
3450     Health and Human Services has done in response to the
3451     recommendations included in the Office of the Medical

3452     Examiner Efficiency Evaluation report.
3453     Item 194
     To Legislature - Legislative Services
3454     From General Fund

3455     From General Fund, One-Time

3456     Schedule of Programs:
3457     Administration

3458     Pass-Through

3459     Information Technology

3460     Utah National Guard
3461     Item 195
     To Utah National Guard
3462     From General Fund

3463     From General Fund, One-Time

3464     From Income Tax Fund

3465     From Income Tax Fund, One-Time

3466     From General Fund Restricted - West Traverse Sentinel Landscape Fund, One-Time

3468     Schedule of Programs:
3469     Operations and Maintenance

3470     Tuition Assistance

3471     West Traverse Sentinel Landscape

3472     Department of Veterans and Military Affairs
3473     Item 196
     To Department of Veterans and Military Affairs - Veterans and
3474     Military Affairs
3475     From General Fund, One-Time

3476     From Federal Funds, One-Time

3477     Schedule of Programs:
3478     Cemetery

3479     Item 197
     To Department of Veterans and Military Affairs - DVMA Pass
3480     Through
3481     From General Fund

3482     From General Fund, One-Time

3483     Schedule of Programs:
3484     DVMA Pass Through

3485          The Legislature intends that any funding from the
3486     appropriation for Utah Defense Ecosystem Development used
3487     to acquire or construct a Sensitive Compartmented Information
3488     Facility (SCIF) may only be expended for a facility on state
3489     property.

3490          Subsection 1(b). Expendable Funds and Accounts. The Legislature has reviewed the
3491     following expendable funds. The Legislature authorizes the State Division of Finance to transfer
3492     amounts between funds and accounts as indicated. Outlays and expenditures from the funds or
3493     accounts to which the money is transferred may be made without further legislative action, in
3494     accordance with statutory provisions relating to the funds or accounts.
3495     Infrastructure and General Government
3496     Transportation
3497     Item 198
     To Transportation - County of the First Class Highway Projects
3498     Fund
3499          The Legislature intends that the Department of
3500     Transportation transfer $2,000,000 from the County of the First
3501     Class Highway Fund to Riverton for improvements to the
3502     interchange at 13400 S. Bangerter Highway.
3503          The Legislature intends that the Department of
3504     Transportation transfer $4,000,000 from the County of the First
3505     Class Highway Fund to West Jordan City for improvements to
3506     8600 South between U-111 and 6400 West.
3507          The Legislature intends that the Department of
3508     Transportation transfer $900,000 from the County of the First
3509     Class Highway Fund to South Jordan City for improvements to
3510     Grandville Avenue from 10200 S. to Old Bingham Highway.
3511     Item 199
     To Transportation - Marda Dillree Corridor Preservation Fund
3512     From General Fund, One-Time

3513     Schedule of Programs:
3514     Marda Dillree Corridor Preservation Fund

3515          The Legislature intends that the Department of
3516     Transportation allocate a portion of the corridor preservation
3517     funds to right-of-way preservation for the Cedar Valley
3518     Freeway in Eagle Mountain and for the westward extension of
3519     SR-92 in Lehi.
3520     Social Services
3521     Department of Workforce Services
3522     Item 200
     To Department of Workforce Services - Olene Walker Low
3523     Income Housing
3524     From General Fund

3525     From General Fund, One-Time

3526     Schedule of Programs:
3527     Olene Walker Low Income Housing

3528          The Legislature intends that the recipient of "DWS-Rural
3529     Single-Family Home Lone Revolving Program" shall (1)
3530     provide a report to the Social Services Appropriations
3531     Subcommittee no later than October 1, 2023 with a summary
3532     of project investments including units built, location, Area
3533     Median Income served, remaining funds, and program fund
3534     balance; (2) Priority for funding shall be for projects that target
3535     less than 80% AMI; (3) Projects developed utilizing these
3536     funds should be deed restricted for 30 years; and (4)
3537     Administration costs for this program shall not exceed 3.3% of
3538     appropriated funds.
3539          The Legislature intends that the foregone revenue from the
3540     item "DWS - Utah Low-Income Housing Tax Credit" be $9
3541     million per year ($90 million over 10 years) and specifically
3542     not $9 million in new funding each year ($900 million). The
3543     Legislature further intends that the recipient of this
3544     appropriation shall (1) provide a report to the Social Services
3545     Appropriations Subcommittee no later than October 1, 2023
3546     with a summary of project investments including units built,
3547     location, AMI served, remaining funds, and program fund
3548     balance; (2) Projects developed utilizing these funds should be
3549     deed restricted for 50 years; and (3) Projects funded under this
3550     program shall not be eligible for subsequent credits for
3551     rehabilitation.
3552          The Legislature intends that the recipient of "Utah
3553     Housing Preservation Fund" shall (1) Provide a report to the
3554     Social Services Appropriations Subcommittee no later than
3555     October 1, 2023 with a summary of project investments
3556     including units built, location, AMI served, remaining funds,
3557     and program fund balance; (2) For any return of capital, the
3558     State will receive a cumulative preferred return under the same
3559     terms as private investors; and (3) Only receive funding upon
3560     submission of proof of 2x matching funds to the Department.
3561          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
3562     that the Department of Workforce Services report performance
3563     measures for the Olene Walker Housing Loan Fund, whose
3564     mission is "aligned with the Housing and Community
3565     Development Division, which actively partners with other state

3566     agencies, local government, nonprofits, and the private sector
3567     to build local capacity, fund services and infrastructure, and to
3568     leverage federal and state resources for critical programs." The
3569     department shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal
3570     Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget
3571     before October 1, 2023, the final status of performance
3572     measures established in FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY
3573     2024, the department shall report the following performance
3574     measures: (1) housing units preserved or created (Target =
3575     811), (2) construction jobs preserved or created (Target =
3576     2,750), and (3) leveraging of other funds in each project to
3577     Olene Walker Housing Loan Fund monies (Target = 15:1).
3578     Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environmental Quality
3579     Department of Environmental Quality
3580     Item 201
     To Department of Environmental Quality - Waste Tire Recycling
3581     Fund
3582          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
3583     that the Department of Environmental Quality report
3584     performance measures for the Waste Tire Recycling Fund,
3585     funding shall be used "For partial reimbursement of the costs
3586     of transporting, processing, recycling, or disposing of waste
3587     tires and payment of administrative costs of local health
3588     departments or costs of the Department of Environmental
3589     Quality in administering and enforcing this fund." The
3590     Department of Environmental Quality shall report to the Office
3591     of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office
3592     of Planning and Budget before October 1, 2023, the final status
3593     of performance measures established in FY 2023
3594     appropriations bills. For FY 2024, the department shall report
3595     the following performance measures: 1) Number of Waste
3596     Tires Cleaned-Up (Target = 50,000).
3597     Department of Natural Resources
3598     Item 202
     To Department of Natural Resources - Wildland Fire Suppression
3599     Fund
3600          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
3601     that the Department of Natural Resources report performance
3602     measures for the Wildland Fire Suppression Fund line item,
3603     managed by the Division of Forestry, Fire, and State Lands,

3604     whose mission is "to manage, sustain, and strengthen Utah's
3605     forests, range lands, sovereign lands and watersheds for its
3606     citizens and visitors." The department shall report to the Office
3607     of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office
3608     of Planning and Budget before October 1, 2023, the final status
3609     of performance measures established in FY 2023
3610     appropriations bills. For FY 2024, the department shall report
3611     the following performance measures: 1) Non-federal wildland
3612     fire acres burned (Target = 59,770), 2) Human-caused wildfire
3613     rate (Target = 50%), and 3) Number of counties and
3614     municipalities participating with the Utah Cooperative Wildfire
3615     system (Target = all 29 counties, and an annual year- over
3616     increase in the number of participating municipalities).
3617     Executive Appropriations
3618     Department of Veterans and Military Affairs
3619     Item 203
     To Department of Veterans and Military Affairs - Utah Veterans
3620     Nursing Home Fund
3621     From Federal Funds

3622     From Federal Funds, One-Time

3623     Schedule of Programs:
3624     Veterans Nursing Home Fund

3625          Subsection 1(c). Business-like Activities. The Legislature has reviewed the following
3626     proprietary funds. Under the terms and conditions of Utah Code 63J-1-410, for any included Internal
3627     Service Fund, the Legislature approves budgets, full-time permanent positions, and capital
3628     acquisition amounts as indicated, and appropriates to the funds, as indicated, estimated revenue from
3629     rates, fees, and other charges. The Legislature authorizes the State Division of Finance to transfer
3630     amounts between funds and accounts as indicated.
3631     Executive Offices and Criminal Justice
3632     Attorney General
3633     Item 204
     To Attorney General - ISF - Attorney General
3634          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
3635     that the Attorney General's Office report performance measures
3636     for the Attorney General ISF line item. The Attorney General's
3637     Office shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal
3638     Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget
3639     before October 1, 2023, the final status of performance
3640     measures established in FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY
3641     2024, the department shall report the following performance

3642     measures: 1) Attorney Staff Assessment (Target=90).
3643     Utah Department of Corrections
3644     Item 205
     To Utah Department of Corrections - Utah Correctional Industries
3645          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
3646     that the Department of Corrections report performance
3647     measures for the Utah Correctional Industries line item. The
3648     Department of Corrections shall report to the Office of the
3649     Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of
3650     Planning and Budget before October 1, 2023, the final status of
3651     performance measures established in FY 2023 appropriations
3652     bills. For FY 2024, the department shall report the following
3653     performance measures: 1) Percent of work-eligible inmates
3654     employed by UCI in prison; 2) Percent of workers leaving UCI
3655     who are successfully completing the program.
3656     Infrastructure and General Government
3657     Department of Government Operations
3658     Item 206
     To Department of Government Operations - Division of Facilities
3659     Construction and Management - Facilities Management
3660     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

3661     Schedule of Programs:
3662     ISF - Facilities Management

3663          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
3664     that the Department of Government Operations report
3665     performance measures for the ISF-Facilities Management line
3666     item, whose mission is "to provide professional building
3667     maintenance services to state facilities, agency customers, and
3668     the general public." The department shall report to the Office
3669     of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office
3670     of Planning and Budget before October 1, 2023, the final status
3671     of performance measures established in FY 2023
3672     appropriations bills. For FY 2024, the department shall report
3673     the following performance measures: 1) average maintenance
3674     cost per square foot compared to the private sector (target: at
3675     least 18% less than the private market).
3676     Item 207
     To Department of Government Operations - Division of Finance
3677     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

3678     Schedule of Programs:
3679     ISF - Purchasing Card

3680     Item 208
     To Department of Government Operations - Division of Fleet
3681     Operations
3682     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

3683     Schedule of Programs:
3684     ISF - Fuel Network

3685          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
3686     that the Department of Government Operations report
3687     performance measures for the Fleet Operations line item,
3688     whose mission is "emphasizing customer service, provide safe,
3689     efficient, dependable, and responsible transportation options."
3690     The department shall report to the Office of the Legislative
3691     Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of Planning and
3692     Budget before October 1, 2023, the final status of performance
3693     measures established in FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY
3694     2024, the department shall report the following performance
3695     measures: 1) improve EPA emission standard certification
3696     level for the State's light duty fleet in non-attainment areas
3697     (target: reduce average fleet emission by .75 mg/mile
3698     annually); 2) maintain the financial solvency of the Division of
3699     Fleet Operations (target: 40% or less of the allowable debt);
3700     and 3) audit agency customers' mobility options and develop
3701     improvement plans for audited agencies (target: at least 4
3702     annually).
3703     Item 209
     To Department of Government Operations - Division of
3704     Purchasing and General Services
3705     From General Services - Cooperative Contract Mgmt, One-Time

3706     Schedule of Programs:
3707     ISF - General Services Administration

3708     Item 210
     To Department of Government Operations - Risk Management
3709     From Premiums

3710     From Interest Income

3711     Schedule of Programs:
3712     ISF - Risk Management Administration

3713     Risk Management - Auto

3714     Risk Management - Liability

3715     Risk Management - Property

3716     Item 211
     To Department of Government Operations - Enterprise
3717     Technology Division

3718     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

3719     Schedule of Programs:
3720     ISF - Enterprise Technology Division

3721     Budgeted FTE

3722          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
3723     that the Department of Government Operations report
3724     performance measures for the Integrated Technology Services
3725     line item, whose mission is "to provide innovative, secure, and
3726     cost-effective technology solutions that are convenient and
3727     empower our partner agencies to better serve the residents of
3728     Utah." The department shall report to the Office of the
3729     Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office of
3730     Planning and Budget before October 1, 2023, the final status of
3731     performance measures established in FY 2023 appropriations
3732     bills. For FY 2024, the department shall report the following
3733     performance measures: 1) uptime for the Utah Geospatial
3734     Resource Center (UGRC) portfolio of streaming geographic
3735     data web services and State Geographic Information Database
3736     connection services (target: at least 99.5%); 2) road centerline
3737     and addressing map data layer required for Next Generation
3738     911 services is published monthly to the State Geographic
3739     Information Database (target: at least 120 county-sourced
3740     updates including 50 updates from Utah's class I and II
3741     counties); and 3) uptime for UGRC's TURN GPS real-time,
3742     high precision geopositioning service that provides differential
3743     correction services to paying and partner subscribers in the
3744     surveying, mapping, construction, and agricultural industries
3745     (target: at least 99.5%).
3746     Item 212
     To Department of Government Operations - Utah Inland Port
3747     Authority Fund
3748     From Long-term Capital Projects Fund, One-Time

3749     Schedule of Programs:
3750     Inland Port Authority Fund

3751          The Legislature intends that the Inland Port shall report to
3752     the Executive Appropriations Committee before expending
3753     appropriated funds.
3754          By this line item the Legislature also rescinds legislative
3755     intent included in the Infrastructure and General Government

3756     Base Budget Bill, House Bill 6, Item 95.
3757     Item 213
     To Department of Government Operations - Human Resources
3758     Internal Service Fund
3759          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
3760     that the Department of Government Operations report
3761     performance measures for the Human Resources line item,
3762     whose mission is "to create excellent human capital strategies
3763     and attract and utilize human resources to effectively meet
3764     mission requirements with ever-increasing efficiency and the
3765     highest degree of integrity." The department shall report to the
3766     Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's
3767     Office of Planning and Budget before October 1, 2023, the
3768     final status of performance measures established in FY 2023
3769     appropriations bills. For FY 2024, the department shall report
3770     the following performance measures: 1) the ratio of DHRM
3771     staff to agency staff (target: 60%); 2) the amount of operating
3772     expenses held in reserve (target: 25 days); and 3) the latest
3773     satisfaction survey results (target: above 91%).
3774     Item 214
     To Department of Government Operations - Point of the Mountain
3775     Infrastructure Fund
3776     From General Fund, One-Time

3777     Schedule of Programs:
3778     Point of the Mountain Infrastructure Fund

3779          The Legislature intends that the Point of the Mountain shall
3780     report to the Executive Appropriations Committee before
3781     expending appropriated funds.
3782     Business, Economic Development, and Labor
3783     Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity
3784     Item 215
     To Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity - State Small
3785     Business Credit Initiative Program Fund
3786     From Beginning Fund Balance

3787     Schedule of Programs:
3788     State Small Business Credit Initiative Program Fund

3789     Social Services
3790     Department of Workforce Services
3791     Item 216
     To Department of Workforce Services - Unemployment
3792     Compensation Fund
3793     From Federal Funds

3794     Schedule of Programs:
3795     Unemployment Compensation Fund

3796     Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environmental Quality
3797     Department of Agriculture and Food
3798     Item 217
     To Department of Agriculture and Food - Agriculture Loan
3799     Programs
3800          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
3801     that the Department of Agriculture and Food report
3802     performance measures for the Agricultural Loan Programs line
3803     item, whose mission is "Serve and deliver financial services to
3804     our agricultural clients and partners through delivery of
3805     effective customer service and efficiency with good ethics and
3806     fiscal responsibility." The department shall report to the Office
3807     of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's Office
3808     of Planning and Budget before October 1, 2023, the final status
3809     of performance measures established in FY 2023
3810     appropriations bills. For FY 2024, the department shall report
3811     the following performance measures: 1) Keep UDAF
3812     agriculture loan default rate lower than average bank default
3813     rates of 3% per fiscal year (Target = 2% or less); 2) Receive
3814     unanimous Utah Conservation Commission approval for every
3815     approved loan (Target = 100%); and 3) Receive commission
3816     approval within 3 weeks of application completion (Target =
3817     100%).
3818     Item 218
     To Department of Agriculture and Food - Qualified Production
3819     Enterprise Fund
3820     From Qualified Production Enterprise Fund

3821     From Qualified Production Enterprise Fund, One-Time

3822     Schedule of Programs:
3823     Qualified Production Enterprise Fund

3824          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
3825     that the Department of Agriculture and Food report
3826     performance measures for the Medical Cannabis line item,
3827     whose mission is "Ensure and facilitate an efficient,
3828     responsible, and legal medical marijuana industry to give
3829     patients a safe and affordable product." The department shall
3830     report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the
3831     Governor's Office of Planning and Budget before October 1,

3832     2023, the final status of performance measures established in
3833     FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY 2024, the department
3834     shall report the following performance measures: 1) Inspect
3835     Medical Cannabis Production Establishments to validate
3836     compliance with state statute and rules (Target = 100% of
3837     licensees inspected twice a year), 2) Use sampling procedures
3838     to ensure medical cannabis products are safe for consumption
3839     (Target = <5% of inspected products violate safety standards),
3840     and 3) Support the Medical Cannabis industry in distributing
3841     products to pharmacies by responding to Licensed Cannabis
3842     Facility and Agent requests within 5 business days (Target =
3843     90% of responses within 5 business days).
3844     Item 219
     To Department of Agriculture and Food - Agriculture Resource
3845     Development Fund
3846     From General Fund, One-Time

3847     Schedule of Programs:
3848     Agriculture Resource Development Fund

3849     Department of Environmental Quality
3850     Item 220
     To Department of Environmental Quality - Water Development
3851     Security Fund - Drinking Water
3852     From General Fund, One-Time

3853     From Federal Funds, One-Time

3854     Schedule of Programs:
3855     Drinking Water

3856     Item 221
     To Department of Environmental Quality - Water Development
3857     Security Fund - Water Quality
3858     From General Fund, One-Time

3859     From Federal Funds, One-Time

3860     Schedule of Programs:
3861     Water Quality

3862     Department of Natural Resources
3863     Item 222
     To Department of Natural Resources - Water Resources Revolving
3864     Construction Fund
3865     From General Fund, One-Time

3866     Schedule of Programs:
3867     Construction Fund

3868          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
3869     that the Department of Natural Resources report performance

3870     measures for the Water Resources Revolving Construction
3871     Fund line item, whose mission is "to plan, conserve, develop
3872     and protect Utahs water resources." The department shall
3873     report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the
3874     Governor's Office of Planning and Budget before October 1,
3875     2023, the final status of performance measures established in
3876     FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY 2024, the department
3877     shall report the following performance measures: 1) Dam
3878     Safety minimum standards upgrade projects funded per fiscal
3879     year (Target = 2), 2) Percent of appropriated funding to be
3880     spent on Dam Safety projects (Target = 100%), and 3)
3881     Timeframe by which all state monitored high hazard dams will
3882     be brought up to minimum safety standards (Target = year
3883     2084).
3884          Subsection 1(d). Restricted Fund and Account Transfers. The Legislature authorizes
3885     the State Division of Finance to transfer the following amounts between the following funds or
3886     accounts as indicated. Expenditures and outlays from the funds to which the money is transferred
3887     must be authorized by an appropriation.
3888     Infrastructure and General Government
3889     Item 223
     To Risk Management-Workers Compensation Fund
3890          In accordance with UCA 63J-1-903, the Legislature intends
3891     that the Department of Government Operations report
3892     performance measures for the Risk Management line item,
3893     whose mission is "to insure, restore and protect State resources
3894     through innovation and collaboration." The department shall
3895     report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the
3896     Governor's Office of Planning and Budget before October 1,
3897     2023, the final status of performance measures established in
3898     FY 2023 appropriations bills. For FY 2024, the department
3899     shall report the following performance measures: 1) follow up
3900     on life safety findings on onsite inspections (target: 100%); 2)
3901     annual independent claims management audit (target: 97%);
3902     and 3) ensure liability fund reserves are actuarially and
3903     economically sound (baseline: 90.57%; target: 100% of the
3904     actuary's recommendation).
3905     Social Services
3906     Item 224
     To Ambulance Service Provider Assessment Expendable Revenue
3907     Fund

3908     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

3909     Schedule of Programs:
3910     Ambulance Service Provider Assessment Expendable Revenue Fund

3912     Item 225
     To Nursing Care Facilities Provider Assessment Fund
3913     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

3914     Schedule of Programs:
3915     Nursing Care Facilities Provider Assessment Fund

3916     Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environmental Quality
3917     Item 226
     To General Fund Restricted - Agriculture and Wildlife Damage
3918     Prevention Account
3919     From General Fund

3920     From General Fund, One-Time

3921     Schedule of Programs:
3922     General Fund Restricted - Agriculture and Wildlife Damage Prevention
3923     Account

3924     Item 227
     To General Fund Restricted - Rangeland Improvement Account
3925     From General Fund

3926     From General Fund, One-Time

3927     Schedule of Programs:
3928     General Fund Restricted - Rangeland Improvement Account

3930     Executive Appropriations
3931     Item 228
     To West Traverse Sentinel Landscape Fund
3932     From General Fund, One-Time

3933     Schedule of Programs:
3934     West Traverse Sentinel Landscape Fund

3935          Subsection 1(e). Transfers to Unrestricted Funds. The Legislature authorizes the State
3936     Division of Finance to transfer the following amounts to the unrestricted General Fund, Income Tax
3937     Fund, or Uniform School Fund, as indicated, from the restricted funds or accounts indicated.
3938     Expenditures and outlays from the General Fund, Income Tax Fund, or Uniform School Fund must
3939     be authorized by an appropriation.
3940     Infrastructure and General Government
3941     Item 229
     To General Fund
3942     From Nonlapsing Balances - Debt Service

3943     Schedule of Programs:
3944     General Fund, One-time

3945     Social Services

3946     Item 230
     To General Fund
3947     From Qualified Patient Enterprise Fund, One-Time

3948     Schedule of Programs:
3949     General Fund, One-time

3950     Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environmental Quality
3951     Item 231
     To General Fund
3952     From Natural Resources-Warehouse, One-Time

3953     From Qualified Production Enterprise Fund, One-Time

3954     Schedule of Programs:
3955     General Fund, One-time

3956          Subsection 1(f). Capital Project Funds. The Legislature has reviewed the following
3957     capital project funds. The Legislature authorizes the State Division of Finance to transfer amounts
3958     between funds and accounts as indicated.
3959     Infrastructure and General Government
3960     Capital Budget
3961     Item 232
     To Capital Budget - DFCM Capital Projects Fund
3962     From General Fund, One-Time

3963     From Income Tax Fund, One-Time

3964     Schedule of Programs:
3965     DFCM Capital Projects Fund

3966          The Legislature intends that the Division of Facilities
3967     Construction and Management and the University of Utah use
3968     $100,000,000 of funds appropriated to the University of Utah
3969     to acquire property adjacent to the University of Utah and to
3970     coordinate with the Utah National Guard and the U.S. Army
3971     Reserve to relocate the Stephen A. Douglas Armed Forces
3972     Reserve Center to land held by the State Armory Board at
3973     Camp Williams, including the design and construction of
3974     facilities to complete the relocation.
3975     Item 233
     To Capital Budget - Higher Education Capital Projects Fund
3976     From Income Tax Fund, One-Time

3977     Schedule of Programs:
3978     Higher Education Capital Projects Fund

3979     Item 234
     To Capital Budget - Technical Colleges Capital Projects Fund
3980     From Income Tax Fund, One-Time

3981     Schedule of Programs:
3982     Technical Colleges Capital Projects Fund

3983     Transportation

3984     Item 235
     To Transportation - Transportation Investment Fund of 2005
3985     From General Fund, One-Time

3986     From Transportation Fund, One-Time

3987     Schedule of Programs:
3988     Transportation Investment Fund

3989          The Legislature intends that the Department of
3990     Transportation use $800,000,000 appropriated by this item to
3991     make Transportation Investment Fund bond principal and
3992     interest payments for fiscal year 2024, fiscal year 2025, and
3993     fiscal year 2026.
3994          The Legislature intends that the Department of
3995     Transportation pass-through $14,000,000 appropriated by this
3996     item to build a new roadway in Herriman that runs
3997     southeasterly and connects from 12600 South to 6400 West at
3998     approximately 13000 S.
3999          The Legislature intends that the Department of
4000     Transportation use excess amounts in the Transportation
4001     Investment Fund to accelerate projects.
4002          The Legislature intends that the Department of
4003     Transportation use $100,000,000 of the excess amounts to
4004     program an interchange upgrade that has an environmental
4005     analysis complete and has a substantial right-of-way donation,
4006     and complete an environmental analysis on West Davis
4007     Corridor at 5500 S. and 1800 N.
4008     Item 236
     To Transportation - Transit Transportation Investment Fund
4009     From General Fund, One-Time

4010     Schedule of Programs:
4011     Transit Transportation Investment Fund

4012          The Legislature intends that the Department of
4013     Transportation use $200,000,000 appropriated by this item to
4014     build a new FrontRunner Station at The Point of the Mountain
4015     and double-track necessary sections of the FrontRunner
4016     commuter rail system.
4017     Item 237
     To Transportation - Cottonwood Canyon Transportation
4018     Investment Fund
4019     From General Fund, One-Time

4020     Schedule of Programs:
4021     Cottonwood Canyon Transportation Investment Fund

4022          The Legislature intends that the Department of
4023     Transportation use $100,000,000 provided by this item plus
4024     $50,000,000 in fund balances to provide enhanced bus service,
4025     tolling, a mobility hub, and resort bus stops for Big and Little
4026     Cottonwood Canyons.
4027          Section 2. Effective Date.
4028          This bill takes effect on July 1, 2023.