Senator Kirk A. Cullimore proposes the following substitute bill:




Chief Sponsor: Kirk A. Cullimore

House Sponsor: ____________


8     General Description:
9          This bill creates requirements for a person who collects, processes, shares, or provides
10     individually identifiable social care information.
11     Highlighted Provisions:
12          This bill:
13          ▸     defines terms;
14          ▸     enacts requirements that certain entities must follow when obtaining consent to
15     access or share individually identifiable social care information;
16          ▸     requires consent to share an individual's individually identifiable social care
17     information; and
18          ▸     requires a person who collects, processes, shares, or provides individually
19     identifiable social care information to meet certain information privacy and security
20     requirements with respect to that information.
21     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
22          None
23     Other Special Clauses:
24          None
25     Utah Code Sections Affected:

26     ENACTS:
27          63G-26-201, Utah Code Annotated 1953
28     REPEALS:
29          63G-24-101, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 373

31     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
32          Section 1. Section 63G-26-201 is enacted to read:
33          63G-26-201. Requirements for collection, sharing, processing, and use of social
34     care information.
35          (1) As used in this section:
36          (a) "Individually identifiable social care information" means information about an
37     individual that:
38          (i) identifies the individual receiving social care; or
39          (ii) can be used to identify the individual receiving social care.
40          (b) (i) "Social care" means care, services, goods, or supplies related to an individual's
41     social needs.
42          (ii) "Social care" includes support and assistance for an individual's food stability and
43     nutritional needs, housing, transportation, economic stability, employment, education access
44     and quality, child care and family relationship needs, or environmental and physical safety.
45          (2) This section applies to a person:
46          (a) that collects, processes, shares, or provides individually identifiable social care
47     information with one or more providers of social care; or
48          (b) provides social care.
49          (3) Individually identifiable social care information may only be shared between social
50     care providers if the individual about whom the individually identifiable social care
51     information relates:
52          (a) provides consent for the person to share the individual's individually identifiable
53     social care information separately for each provider of social care;
54          (b) specifies the providers of social care who are able to view the individual's
55     individually identifiable social care information; and
56          (c) retains the right to revoke the consent provided under Subsection (3)(a) and (b) at

57     any time.
58          (4) (a) A provider of social care shall maintain policies and controls necessary for
59     referrals and provision of social care in accordance with this section.
60          (b) The policies described in Subsection (4)(a) shall:
61          (i) allow any individual about whom individually identifiable social care information
62     relates to access the information to ensure uninterrupted and efficient delivery of services and
63     care coordination;
64          (ii) restrict access to individually identifiable social care information to those
65     individuals who need access to the individually identifiable social care information to complete
66     their duties; and
67          (iii) prohibit staff, volunteers, and other individuals from accessing to individually
68     identifiable social care information when those individuals do not need to access this
69     information to complete their duties.
70          (5) (a) A provider of social care may not condition the provision, extent, or amount of
71     social care services on an individual's willingness to consent to sharing the individual's
72     individually identifiable social care information with employees, partner organizations, or other
73     persons that are not necessary for the provision of the social care services.
74          (b) A provider of social care may not sell or license individually identifiable social care
75     information without the explicit written consent of each individual about whom the
76     individually identifiable social care information relates.
77          (c) The consent required under Subsection (5)(b):
78          (i) shall include, at a minimum, an affirmative act that clearly and conspicuously
79     communicates that the person is requesting the individual's authorization to share or sell the
80     individual's individually identifiable social care information; and
81          (ii) may not be obtained solely through the checking of a box or a radio button on a
82     website.
83          (6) (a) A person described in Subsection (2) shall, upon request, provide to the
84     requesting individual any personally identifiable social care information about the requesting
85     individual.
86          (b) The information described in Subsection (6)(a) shall be provided to the requesting
87     individual in a portable, readily usable format to the extent that this is technically feasible for

88     the person providing the individually identifiable social care information.
89          (7) This section does not apply to the extent that the requirements in this section are
90     duplicative of or inconsistent with the requirements in:
91          (a) the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, Pub. L. No.
92     104-191, 110 Stat. 1936, as amended;
93          (b) regulations regarding the confidentiality of substance use disorder patient records
94     under 42 C.F.R. Part 2; or
95          (c) any other applicable provision of state or federal law.
96          Section 2. Repealer.
97          This bill repeals:
98          Section 63G-24-101, Title.