Senator Michael K. McKell proposes the following substitute bill:




Chief Sponsor: Michael K. McKell

House Sponsor: Jon Hawkins


8     General Description:
9          This bill amends provisions related to the practice of dental hygiene.
10     Highlighted Provisions:
11          This bill:
12          ▸     authorizes the practice of dental hygiene in a public health setting without general
13     supervision and without a collaborative practice agreement with a dentist under
14     certain conditions.
15     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
16          None
17     Other Special Clauses:
18          None
19     Utah Code Sections Affected:
20     AMENDS:
21          58-69-801, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2016, Chapter 348

23     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
24          Section 1. Section 58-69-801 is amended to read:
25          58-69-801. Dental hygienist -- Limitations on practice.

26          A dental hygienist licensed under this chapter may only practice dental hygiene:
27          (1) in an accredited dental or dental hygienist school to teach and demonstrate the
28     practice of dental hygiene;
29          (2) for a public health agency;
30          (3) under the supervision of a dentist, for an employee leasing company or temporary
31     personnel service company providing employees to a dentist or other person lawfully providing
32     dental services:
33          (a) under the indirect supervision of a dentist licensed under this chapter at any time
34     the dental hygienist is administering an anesthetic or analgesia as permitted under this chapter
35     or division rules made under this chapter;
36          (b) under the general supervision of a dentist licensed under this chapter within the
37     office of the supervising dentist and upon patients of record of the supervising dentist; and
38          (c) under the general supervision of a dentist licensed under this chapter, and the
39     practice is conducted outside of the office of the supervising dentist, if:
40          (i) the dental hygiene work performed is authorized by the supervising dentist as a part
41     of and in accordance with the supervising dentist's current treatment plan for the patient;
42          (ii) no anesthetic or analgesia is used;
43          (iii) the supervising dentist has determined the patient's general health and oral health
44     are so that the dental hygiene work can be performed under general supervision and with an
45     acceptable level of risk or injury as determined by the supervising dentist;
46          (iv) the supervising dentist accepts responsibility for the dental hygiene work
47     performed under general supervision; and
48          (v) (A) the dental hygienist's work is performed on a patient who is homebound or
49     within a hospital, nursing home, or public health agency or institution; and
50          (B) the patient is the supervising dentist's patient of record and the dentist has
51     examined the patient within six months prior to the patient's receiving treatment from a dental
52     hygienist under this Subsection (3); [or]
53          (4) under a written agreement with a dentist who is licensed under this chapter and who
54     is a Utah resident if:
55          (a) the dental hygienist practices in a public health setting;
56          (b) the dentist is available in person, by phone, or by electronic communication;

57          (c) the agreement provides that the dental hygienist shall refer a patient with a dental
58     need beyond the dental hygienist's scope of practice to a licensed dentist; and
59          (d) the dental hygienist obtains from each patient an informed consent form that
60     provides that treatment by a dental hygienist is not a substitute for a dental examination by a
61     dentist[.] or
62          (5) notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, without general supervision
63     and without a collaborative practice agreement with a dentist if:
64          (a) the dental hygienist engages in the practice of dental hygiene in a public health
65     setting;
66          (b) prior to engaging in the practice of dental hygiene in a public health setting, the
67     dental hygienist notifies the division on a one-time basis in accordance with rules made by the
68     division in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, that
69     the dental hygienist will engage in the practice of dental hygiene in a public health setting;
70          (c) the dental hygienist assumes liability for the work done by the dental hygienist
71     while engaging in the practice of dental hygiene in a public health setting;
72          (d) the dental hygienist has liability insurance for the work done by the dental hygienist
73     while engaging in the practice of dental hygiene in a public health setting; and
74          (e) the dental hygienist:
75          (i) refers to a licensed dentist any patient with a dental need beyond the dental
76     hygienist's scope of practice encountered while engaging in the practice of dental hygiene in a
77     public health setting; and
78          (ii) sends to the licensed dentist all dental records for the patient generated by the
79     dental hygienist.