9 General Description:
10 This resolution modifies the fiscal note deadline for certain legislation.
11 Highlighted Provisions:
12 This resolution:
13 ▸ provides an exception to the fiscal note deadline for legislation that affects public
14 retirement benefits and requires an actuarial analysis to prepare the fiscal note.
15 Special Clauses:
16 None
17 Legislative Rules Affected:
19 JR4-2-403
21 Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
22 Section 1. JR4-2-403 is amended to read:
23 JR4-2-403. Fiscal notes.
24 (1) (a) (i) When the legislative fiscal analyst receives the electronic copy of the
25 approved legislation from the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel, that office
26 shall, within three business days:
27 (A) review and analyze the legislation to determine its fiscal impact; and
28 (B) provide a fiscal note to the sponsor of the legislation.
29 (ii) [
30 of the fiscal note may be extended if:
31 (A) the legislative fiscal analyst requests it, states the reasons for the delay, and
32 informs the sponsor of the legislation of the delay[
33 (B) the legislation affects public retirement benefits, requires an actuarial analysis to
34 prepare the fiscal note, and the legislative fiscal analyst informs the sponsor of the legislation
35 of the delay.
36 (b) If the legislative fiscal analyst determines that the legislation has no fiscal impact,
37 the legislative fiscal analyst may release the fiscal note immediately after the sponsor has
38 received a copy of the fiscal note.
39 (c) The sponsor may:
40 (i) approve the release of the fiscal note;
41 (ii) direct that the fiscal note be held; or
42 (iii) if the sponsor disagrees with the fiscal note, contact the legislative fiscal analyst to
43 discuss that disagreement and provide evidence, data, or other information to support a revised
44 fiscal note.
45 (d) If the sponsor does not contact the legislative fiscal analyst with instructions about
46 the fiscal note within one 24 hour legislative day, the legislative fiscal analyst shall release the
47 fiscal note.
48 (e) The legislative fiscal analyst shall make the final determination on the fiscal note.
49 (f) The fiscal note shall be printed with the legislation.
50 (2) If an amendment or a substitute to legislation appears to substantively change the
51 fiscal impact of the legislation, the legislative fiscal analyst shall prepare an amended fiscal
52 note for the legislation.
53 (3) The fiscal note is not an official part of the legislation.