This document includes House Floor Amendments incorporated into the bill on Tue, Feb 27, 2024 at 11:40 AM by housengrossing.
This document includes Senate 3rd Reading Floor Amendments incorporated into the bill on Fri, Mar 1, 2024 at 8:52 PM by lpoole.
Representative Norman K Thurston proposes the following substitute bill:




Chief Sponsor: Norman K Thurston

Senate Sponsor: Jen Plumb


8     General Description:
9          This bill addresses the care of animals.
10     Highlighted Provisions:
11          This bill:
12          ▸     defines terms;
13          ▸     authorizes the Department of Agriculture and Food to impose civil penalties for
14     certain violations;
15          ▸     establishes requirements for animal care by an animal care facility;
16          ▸     criminalizes a violation of the animal care requirements as an infraction; and
17          ▸     makes technical and conforming changes.
18     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
19          None
20     Other Special Clauses:
21          None
22     Utah Code Sections Affected:
23     ENACTS:
24          4-2-903, Utah Code Annotated 1953
25          76-9-301.9, Utah Code Annotated 1953


27     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
28          Section 1. Section 4-2-903 is enacted to read:
29          4-2-903. Animal care violations.
30          (1) "Animal care facility" means the same as that term is defined in Section
31     76-9-301.9.
32          (2) The department may, in accordance with this section and as resources allow,
33     respond to a complaint that an animal care facility has violated Subsection 76-9-301(2)(a) or
34     Section 76-9-301.9.
35          (3) If the department determines that a person has violated Subsection 76-9-301(2)(a)
36     or Section 76-9-301.9, the department may:
37          (a) impose a civil fine of up to $500 per violation;
38          (b) seek a temporary restraining order;
39          (c) seek an injunction;
40          (d) seek an order of seizure or condemnation for an animal that is the subject of the
41     violation, if the department has identified a suitable animal care facility that accepts custody of
42     the animal; or
43          (e) report the circumstances to law enforcement or a prosecutor.
44          (4) An action by the department under Subsection (3) may precede and does not
45     preclude a criminal penalty or criminal prosecution under Section 76-9-301 or 76-9-301.9.
46          (5) The department shall deposit a fine imposed under Subsection (3) into the General
47     Fund as a dedicated credit to be used by the department for enforcement of this section.
48          Section 2. Section 76-9-301.9 is enacted to read:
49          76-9-301.9. Animal care facilities -- Definitions -- Penalty.
50          (1) As used in this section:
51          (a) "Animal care facility" means an animal rescue, animal sanctuary, or animal shelter.
52          (b) "Animal rescue" means a person that:
53          (i) accepts companion animals for the purpose of finding a permanent home for each
54     companion animal;
55          (ii) does not maintain a central facility for keeping companion animals; and
56          (iii) uses a system of temporarily fostering the companion animals in a private

57     residence or boarding facility.
58          (c) "Animal sanctuary" means a nonprofit entity, other than a government entity, that:
59          (i) harbors companion animals; and
60          (ii) is used exclusively for the purpose of indefinitely caring for, rehabilitating, or
61     housing companion animals.
62          (d) (i) "Animal shelter" Ŝ→ [
means a person that operates a facility for the impoundment or
63     care of companion animals.
] means the same as that term is defined in Section 11-46-102. ←Ŝ

64          (ii) "Animal shelter" does not include an animal rescue.
65          (e) "Boarding facility" means a facility where a companion animal is kept for the
66     purpose of caring for the companion animal.
67          (f) "Companion animal" means an animal that is a domestic dog or a domestic cat.
68          (g) "Facility" means a location other than a private residence.
69          (2) For a dog in an animal care facility's possession, the animal care facility shall
70     ensure that:
71          Ĥ→ [
(a) a pregnant dog receives at least one prenatal or postpartum visit with a licensed
72     veterinarian;
] ←Ĥ

73          (b) a female dog does not produce more than one litter in any twelve-month period,
74     unless a licensed veterinarian has examined the female dog and has determined that it is safe
75     for the dog to produce more than one litter in a twelve-month period; and
76          (c) a dog under eight weeks of age or a dog not properly weaned is not sold.
77          (3) An animal care facility shall keep records:
78          (a) identifying, to the best of the animal care facility's knowledge, an animal's owner at
79     the time the animal care facility acquires the animal; and
80          (b) documenting dangerous behaviors, if any, heath conditions, and medical care for an
81     animal in the animal care facility's possession.
82          (4) (a) An animal care facility's violation of a requirement described in this section is
83     an infraction subject to a fine of $750.
84          (b) A prosecution under this section does not preclude a prosecution for any other
85     criminal offense.
86          (5) It is a defense to the penalty imposed under this section that the conduct of the actor
87     toward the animal was:

88          (a) by a licensed veterinarian using accepted veterinary practice;
89          (b) directly related to bona fide experimentation for scientific research, provided that if
90     the animal is to be destroyed, the manner employed will not be unnecessarily cruel unless
91     directly necessary to the veterinary purpose or scientific research involved;
92          (c) permitted under Section 18-1-3;
93          (d) by a person who humanely destroys any animal found suffering past recovery for
94     any useful purpose; or
95          (e) by a person who humanely destroys any apparently abandoned animal found on the
96     person's property.
97          (6) This section does not prohibit the use of animals in lawful training.
98          (7) A veterinarian who, acting in good faith, reports a violation of this section to law
99     enforcement or the Department of Agriculture and Food in accordance with Section 4-2-903
100     may not be held civilly liable for making the report.
101          Section 3. Effective date.
102          This bill takes effect on May 1, 2024.