7 Cosponsors:
8 Melissa G. Ballard
9 Stewart E. Barlow
10 Kera Birkeland
Walt Brooks
Jefferson S. Burton
Candice B. Pierucci
Rex P. Shipp
Keven J. Stratton
Jordan D. Teuscher
Christine F. Watkins
13 General Description:
14 This concurrent resolution creates the Butch Cassidy State Monument.
15 Highlighted Provisions:
16 This resolution:
17 ▸ describes the general process for proposing the creation of the Butch Cassidy State
18 Monument;
19 ▸ details the benefits to the counties and the state in creating the state monument;
20 ▸ states that the Butch Cassidy State Monument shall be included in the state parks
21 system; and
22 ▸ approves the creation of the Butch Cassidy State Monument.
23 Special Clauses:
24 None
26 Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah, the Governor concurring therein:
27 WHEREAS, Utah Code Title 79, Chapter 4, Part 12, State Monuments Act, provides a
28 process for the creation of a state monument when a county determines that a state monument
29 designation within the county's jurisdictional boundaries is appropriate;
30 WHEREAS, the Board of Piute County Commissioners has determined, by Resolution
31 2024-1, that it is in the best interest of Piute County to preserve and maintain the Butch
32 Cassidy Home as a state monument;
33 WHEREAS, the Board of Garfield County Commissioners has determined, by
34 Resolution 2024-1, that it is in the best interest of Garfield County to preserve and maintain the
35 Butch Cassidy Home as a state monument;
36 WHEREAS, the counties have a land lease agreement with the landowners of the real
37 property to be designated as a state monument in Garfield County; and
38 WHEREAS, the area that will become the Butch Cassidy State Monument has
39 important recreational, cultural, historic, scenic, and economic value:
40 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah, the
41 Governor concurring therein, approves the creation of the Butch Cassidy State Monument,
42 comprising parcels in Garfield County, which parcels are privately owned, but which are leased
43 to the state for creation of this monument, and which parcels are more specifically described by
44 a map and legal description on file with the Division of State Parks.
45 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Butch Cassidy State Monument is to be
46 managed by Garfield and Piute Counties, under a memorandum of understanding between the
47 counties and the Division of State Parks, in accordance with the provisions of Utah Code Title
48 79, Chapter 4, Part 12, State Monuments Act.
49 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be delivered to Garfield
50 County, Piute County, and the Division of State Parks.