Representative Robert M. Spendlove proposes the following substitute bill:




Chief Sponsor: Robert M. Spendlove

Senate Sponsor: Michael S. Kennedy


8     General Description:
9          This bill addresses risk analysis and budgetary buffers related to the Medicaid program.
10     Highlighted Provisions:
11          This bill:
12          ▸     directs the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst, in consultation with the
13     Governor's Office of Planning and Budget, to analyze risks associated with the
14     funding of the Medicaid program and to recommend budgetary actions based on
15     that analysis;
16          ▸     renames the Medicaid Expansion Fund as the Medicaid ACA Fund and extends that
17     fund's sunset date;
18          ▸     merges the Medicaid Restricted Account into the Medicaid Growth Reduction and
19     Budget Stabilization Account;
20          ▸     allows the Legislature to appropriate money to and from the Medicaid Growth
21     Reduction and Budget Stabilization Account, with certain conditions; and
22          ▸     makes technical and conforming changes.
23     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
24          This bill appropriates in fiscal year 2024:
25          ▸     to Department of Health and Human Services - General Fund Restricted -- Medicaid

26     Growth Reduction and Budget Stabilization Account as a one-time appropriation:
27               •     from the General Fund Restricted - Medicaid Restricted Account, One-time,
28     $23,700,000
29     Other Special Clauses:
30          This bill provides a special effective date.
31     Utah Code Sections Affected:
32     AMENDS:
33          17B-2a-818.5, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 327
34          19-1-206, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 327
35          26B-1-315, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 471 and renumbered and
36     amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 305
37          26B-3-113, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 306
38          26B-3-210, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 306
39          26B-3-211, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 306
40          26B-3-504, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 306
41          26B-3-508, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 306
42          26B-3-512, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 306
43          26B-3-601, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 306
44          26B-3-604, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 306
45          26B-3-605, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 306
46          26B-3-608, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 306
47          26B-3-612, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 306
48          36-12-13, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapters 16, 430
49          59-12-103 (Contingently Superseded 01/01/25), as last amended by Laws of Utah
50     2023, Chapters 22, 213, 329, 361, and 471
51          59-12-103 (Contingently Effective 01/01/25), as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023,
52     Chapters 22, 213, 329, 361, 459, and 471
53          63A-5b-607, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 329
54          63C-9-403, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 329
55          63I-1-226 (Superseded 07/01/24), as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapters
56     249, 269, 270, 275, 332, 335, 420, and 495 and repealed and reenacted by Laws of

57     Utah 2023, Chapter 329
58          63I-1-226 (Effective 07/01/24), as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapters 249,
59     269, 270, 275, 310, 332, 335, 420, and 495 and repealed and reenacted by Laws of
60     Utah 2023, Chapter 329 and last amended by Coordination Clause, Laws of Utah
61     2023, Chapters 329, 332
62          63I-2-226 (Superseded 07/01/24), as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapters 33,
63     139, 249, 295, and 465 and repealed and reenacted by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter
64     329
65          63I-2-226 (Effective 07/01/24), as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapters 33,
66     139, 249, 295, 310, and 465 and repealed and reenacted by Laws of Utah 2023,
67     Chapter 329 and last amended by Coordination Clause, Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter
68     329
69          63J-1-315, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 329
70          72-6-107.5, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 330
71          79-2-404, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 330

73     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
74          Section 1. Section 17B-2a-818.5 is amended to read:
75          17B-2a-818.5. Contracting powers of public transit districts -- Health insurance
76     coverage.
77          (1) As used in this section:
78          (a) "Aggregate" means the sum of all contracts, change orders, and modifications
79     related to a single project.
80          (b) "Change order" means the same as that term is defined in Section 63G-6a-103.
81          (c) "Employee" means, as defined in Section 34A-2-104, an "employee," "worker," or
82     "operative" who:
83          (i) works at least 30 hours per calendar week; and
84          (ii) meets employer eligibility waiting requirements for health care insurance, which
85     may not exceed the first day of the calendar month following 60 days after the day on which
86     the individual is hired.
87          (d) "Health benefit plan" means:

88          (i) the same as that term is defined in Section 31A-1-301; or
89          (ii) an employee welfare benefit plan:
90          (A) established under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, 29
91     U.S.C. Sec. 1001 et seq.;
92          (B) for an employer with 100 or more employees; and
93          (C) in which the employer establishes a self-funded or partially self-funded group
94     health plan to provide medical care for the employer's employees and dependents of the
95     employees.
96          (e) "Qualified health coverage" means the same as that term is defined in Section
97     26B-3-909.
98          (f) "Subcontractor" means the same as that term is defined in Section 63A-5b-605.
99          (g) "Third party administrator" or "administrator" means the same as that term is
100     defined in Section 31A-1-301.
101          (2) Except as provided in Subsection (3), the requirements of this section apply to:
102          (a) a contractor of a design or construction contract entered into by the public transit
103     district on or after July 1, 2009, if the prime contract is in an aggregate amount equal to or
104     greater than $2,000,000; and
105          (b) a subcontractor of a contractor of a design or construction contract entered into by
106     the public transit district on or after July 1, 2009, if the subcontract is in an aggregate amount
107     equal to or greater than $1,000,000.
108          (3) The requirements of this section do not apply to a contractor or subcontractor
109     described in Subsection (2) if:
110          (a) the application of this section jeopardizes the receipt of federal funds;
111          (b) the contract is a sole source contract; or
112          (c) the contract is an emergency procurement.
113          (4) A person that intentionally uses change orders, contract modifications, or multiple
114     contracts to circumvent the requirements of this section is guilty of an infraction.
115          (5) (a) A contractor subject to the requirements of this section shall demonstrate to the
116     public transit district that the contractor has and will maintain an offer of qualified health
117     coverage for the contractor's employees and the employee's dependents during the duration of
118     the contract by submitting to the public transit district a written statement that:

119          (i) the contractor offers qualified health coverage that complies with Section
120     26B-3-909;
121          (ii) is from:
122          (A) an actuary selected by the contractor or the contractor's insurer;
123          (B) an underwriter who is responsible for developing the employer group's premium
124     rates; or
125          (C) if the contractor provides a health benefit plan described in Subsection (1)(d)(ii),
126     an actuary or underwriter selected by a third party administrator; and
127          (iii) was created within one year before the day on which the statement is submitted.
128          (b) (i) A contractor that provides a health benefit plan described in Subsection (1)(d)(ii)
129     shall provide the actuary or underwriter selected by an administrator, as described in
130     Subsection (5)(a)(ii)(C), sufficient information to determine whether the contractor's
131     contribution to the health benefit plan and the actuarial value of the health benefit plan meet the
132     requirements of qualified health coverage.
133          (ii) A contractor may not make a change to the contractor's contribution to the health
134     benefit plan, unless the contractor provides notice to:
135          (A) the actuary or underwriter selected by an administrator as described in Subsection
136     (5)(a)(ii)(C), for the actuary or underwriter to update the written statement described in
137     Subsection (5)(a) in compliance with this section; and
138          (B) the public transit district.
139          (c) A contractor that is subject to the requirements of this section shall:
140          (i) place a requirement in each of the contractor's subcontracts that a subcontractor that
141     is subject to the requirements of this section shall obtain and maintain an offer of qualified
142     health coverage for the subcontractor's employees and the employees' dependents during the
143     duration of the subcontract; and
144          (ii) obtain from a subcontractor that is subject to the requirements of this section a
145     written statement that:
146          (A) the subcontractor offers qualified health coverage that complies with Section
147     26B-3-909;
148          (B) is from an actuary selected by the subcontractor or the subcontractor's insurer, an
149     underwriter who is responsible for developing the employer group's premium rates, or if the

150     subcontractor provides a health benefit plan described in Subsection (1)(d)(ii), an actuary or
151     underwriter selected by an administrator; and
152          (C) was created within one year before the day on which the contractor obtains the
153     statement.
154          (d) (i) (A) A contractor that fails to maintain an offer of qualified health coverage as
155     described in Subsection (5)(a) during the duration of the contract is subject to penalties in
156     accordance with an ordinance adopted by the public transit district under Subsection (6).
157          (B) A contractor is not subject to penalties for the failure of a subcontractor to obtain
158     and maintain an offer of qualified health coverage described in Subsection (5)(c)(i).
159          (ii) (A) A subcontractor that fails to obtain and maintain an offer of qualified health
160     coverage described in Subsection (5)(c)(i) during the duration of the subcontract is subject to
161     penalties in accordance with an ordinance adopted by the public transit district under
162     Subsection (6).
163          (B) A subcontractor is not subject to penalties for the failure of a contractor to maintain
164     an offer of qualified health coverage described in Subsection (5)(a).
165          (6) The public transit district shall adopt ordinances:
166          (a) in coordination with:
167          (i) the Department of Environmental Quality in accordance with Section 19-1-206;
168          (ii) the Department of Natural Resources in accordance with Section 79-2-404;
169          (iii) the Division of Facilities Construction and Management in accordance with
170     Section 63A-5b-607;
171          (iv) the State Capitol Preservation Board in accordance with Section 63C-9-403; and
172          (v) the Department of Transportation in accordance with Section 72-6-107.5; and
173          (b) that establish:
174          (i) the requirements and procedures a contractor and a subcontractor shall follow to
175     demonstrate compliance with this section, including:
176          (A) that a contractor or subcontractor's compliance with this section is subject to an
177     audit by the public transit district or the Office of the Legislative Auditor General;
178          (B) that a contractor that is subject to the requirements of this section shall obtain a
179     written statement described in Subsection (5)(a); and
180          (C) that a subcontractor that is subject to the requirements of this section shall obtain a

181     written statement described in Subsection (5)(c)(ii);
182          (ii) the penalties that may be imposed if a contractor or subcontractor intentionally
183     violates the provisions of this section, which may include:
184          (A) a three-month suspension of the contractor or subcontractor from entering into
185     future contracts with the public transit district upon the first violation;
186          (B) a six-month suspension of the contractor or subcontractor from entering into future
187     contracts with the public transit district upon the second violation;
188          (C) an action for debarment of the contractor or subcontractor in accordance with
189     Section 63G-6a-904 upon the third or subsequent violation; and
190          (D) monetary penalties which may not exceed 50% of the amount necessary to
191     purchase qualified health coverage for employees and dependents of employees of the
192     contractor or subcontractor who were not offered qualified health coverage during the duration
193     of the contract; and
194          (iii) a website on which the district shall post the commercially equivalent benchmark,
195     for the qualified health coverage identified in Subsection (1)(e), that is provided by the
196     Department of Health and Human Services, in accordance with Subsection 26B-3-909(2).
197          (7) (a) (i) In addition to the penalties imposed under Subsection (6)(b)(ii), a contractor
198     or subcontractor who intentionally violates the provisions of this section is liable to the
199     employee for health care costs that would have been covered by qualified health coverage.
200          (ii) An employer has an affirmative defense to a cause of action under Subsection
201     (7)(a)(i) if:
202          (A) the employer relied in good faith on a written statement described in Subsection
203     (5)(a) or (5)(c)(ii); or
204          (B) a department or division determines that compliance with this section is not
205     required under the provisions of Subsection (3).
206          (b) An employee has a private right of action only against the employee's employer to
207     enforce the provisions of this Subsection (7).
208          (8) Any penalties imposed and collected under this section shall be deposited into the
209     Medicaid [Restricted] Growth Reduction and Budget Stabilization Account created in Section
210     [26B-1-309] 63J-1-315.
211          (9) The failure of a contractor or subcontractor to provide qualified health coverage as

212     required by this section:
213          (a) may not be the basis for a protest or other action from a prospective bidder, offeror,
214     or contractor under:
215          (i) Section 63G-6a-1602; or
216          (ii) any other provision in Title 63G, Chapter 6a, Utah Procurement Code; and
217          (b) may not be used by the procurement entity or a prospective bidder, offeror, or
218     contractor as a basis for any action or suit that would suspend, disrupt, or terminate the design
219     or construction.
220          (10) An administrator, including an administrator's actuary or underwriter, who
221     provides a written statement under Subsection (5)(a) or (c) regarding the qualified health
222     coverage of a contractor or subcontractor who provides a health benefit plan described in
223     Subsection (1)(d)(ii):
224          (a) subject to Subsection (10)(b), is not liable for an error in the written statement,
225     unless the administrator commits gross negligence in preparing the written statement;
226          (b) is not liable for any error in the written statement if the administrator relied in good
227     faith on information from the contractor or subcontractor; and
228          (c) may require as a condition of providing the written statement that a contractor or
229     subcontractor hold the administrator harmless for an action arising under this section.
230          Section 2. Section 19-1-206 is amended to read:
231          19-1-206. Contracting powers of department -- Health insurance coverage.
232          (1) As used in this section:
233          (a) "Aggregate" means the sum of all contracts, change orders, and modifications
234     related to a single project.
235          (b) "Change order" means the same as that term is defined in Section 63G-6a-103.
236          (c) "Employee" means, as defined in Section 34A-2-104, an "employee," "worker," or
237     "operative" who:
238          (i) works at least 30 hours per calendar week; and
239          (ii) meets employer eligibility waiting requirements for health care insurance, which
240     may not exceed the first day of the calendar month following 60 days after the day on which
241     the individual is hired.
242          (d) "Health benefit plan" means:

243          (i) the same as that term is defined in Section 31A-1-301; or
244          (ii) an employee welfare benefit plan:
245          (A) established under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, 29
246     U.S.C. Sec. 1001 et seq.;
247          (B) for an employer with 100 or more employees; and
248          (C) in which the employer establishes a self-funded or partially self-funded group
249     health plan to provide medical care for the employer's employees and dependents of the
250     employees.
251          (e) "Qualified health coverage" means the same as that term is defined in Section
252     26B-3-909.
253          (f) "Subcontractor" means the same as that term is defined in Section 63A-5b-605.
254          (g) "Third party administrator" or "administrator" means the same as that term is
255     defined in Section 31A-1-301.
256          (2) Except as provided in Subsection (3), the requirements of this section apply to:
257          (a) a contractor of a design or construction contract entered into by, or delegated to, the
258     department, or a division or board of the department, on or after July 1, 2009, if the prime
259     contract is in an aggregate amount equal to or greater than $2,000,000; and
260          (b) a subcontractor of a contractor of a design or construction contract entered into by,
261     or delegated to, the department, or a division or board of the department, on or after July 1,
262     2009, if the subcontract is in an aggregate amount equal to or greater than $1,000,000.
263          (3) This section does not apply to contracts entered into by the department or a division
264     or board of the department if:
265          (a) the application of this section jeopardizes the receipt of federal funds;
266          (b) the contract or agreement is between:
267          (i) the department or a division or board of the department; and
268          (ii) (A) another agency of the state;
269          (B) the federal government;
270          (C) another state;
271          (D) an interstate agency;
272          (E) a political subdivision of this state; or
273          (F) a political subdivision of another state;

274          (c) the executive director determines that applying the requirements of this section to a
275     particular contract interferes with the effective response to an immediate health and safety
276     threat from the environment; or
277          (d) the contract is:
278          (i) a sole source contract; or
279          (ii) an emergency procurement.
280          (4) A person that intentionally uses change orders, contract modifications, or multiple
281     contracts to circumvent the requirements of this section is guilty of an infraction.
282          (5) (a) A contractor subject to the requirements of this section shall demonstrate to the
283     executive director that the contractor has and will maintain an offer of qualified health
284     coverage for the contractor's employees and the employees' dependents during the duration of
285     the contract by submitting to the executive director a written statement that:
286          (i) the contractor offers qualified health coverage that complies with Section
287     26B-3-909;
288          (ii) is from:
289          (A) an actuary selected by the contractor or the contractor's insurer;
290          (B) an underwriter who is responsible for developing the employer group's premium
291     rates; or
292          (C) if the contractor provides a health benefit plan described in Subsection (1)(d)(ii),
293     an actuary or underwriter selected by a third party administrator; and
294          (iii) was created within one year before the day on which the statement is submitted.
295          (b) (i) A contractor that provides a health benefit plan described in Subsection (1)(d)(ii)
296     shall provide the actuary or underwriter selected by an administrator, as described in
297     Subsection (5)(a)(ii)(C), sufficient information to determine whether the contractor's
298     contribution to the health benefit plan and the actuarial value of the health benefit plan meet the
299     requirements of qualified health coverage.
300          (ii) A contractor may not make a change to the contractor's contribution to the health
301     benefit plan, unless the contractor provides notice to:
302          (A) the actuary or underwriter selected by an administrator, as described in Subsection
303     (5)(a)(ii)(C), for the actuary or underwriter to update the written statement described in
304     Subsection (5)(a) in compliance with this section; and

305          (B) the department.
306          (c) A contractor that is subject to the requirements of this section shall:
307          (i) place a requirement in each of the contractor's subcontracts that a subcontractor that
308     is subject to the requirements of this section shall obtain and maintain an offer of qualified
309     health coverage for the subcontractor's employees and the employees' dependents during the
310     duration of the subcontract; and
311          (ii) obtain from a subcontractor that is subject to the requirements of this section a
312     written statement that:
313          (A) the subcontractor offers qualified health coverage that complies with Section
314     26B-3-909;
315          (B) is from an actuary selected by the subcontractor or the subcontractor's insurer, an
316     underwriter who is responsible for developing the employer group's premium rates, or if the
317     subcontractor provides a health benefit plan described in Subsection (1)(d)(ii), an actuary or
318     underwriter selected by an administrator; and
319          (C) was created within one year before the day on which the contractor obtains the
320     statement.
321          (d) (i) (A) A contractor that fails to maintain an offer of qualified health coverage
322     described in Subsection (5)(a) during the duration of the contract is subject to penalties in
323     accordance with administrative rules adopted by the department under Subsection (6).
324          (B) A contractor is not subject to penalties for the failure of a subcontractor to obtain
325     and maintain an offer of qualified health coverage described in Subsection (5)(c)(i).
326          (ii) (A) A subcontractor that fails to obtain and maintain an offer of qualified health
327     coverage described in Subsection (5)(c) during the duration of the subcontract is subject to
328     penalties in accordance with administrative rules adopted by the department under Subsection
329     (6).
330          (B) A subcontractor is not subject to penalties for the failure of a contractor to maintain
331     an offer of qualified health coverage described in Subsection (5)(a).
332          (6) The department shall adopt administrative rules:
333          (a) in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act;
334          (b) in coordination with:
335          (i) a public transit district in accordance with Section 17B-2a-818.5;

336          (ii) the Department of Natural Resources in accordance with Section 79-2-404;
337          (iii) the Division of Facilities Construction and Management in accordance with
338     Section 63A-5b-607;
339          (iv) the State Capitol Preservation Board in accordance with Section 63C-9-403;
340          (v) the Department of Transportation in accordance with Section 72-6-107.5; and
341          (vi) the Legislature's Administrative Rules Review and General Oversight Committee;
342     and
343          (c) that establish:
344          (i) the requirements and procedures a contractor and a subcontractor shall follow to
345     demonstrate compliance with this section, including:
346          (A) that a contractor or subcontractor's compliance with this section is subject to an
347     audit by the department or the Office of the Legislative Auditor General;
348          (B) that a contractor that is subject to the requirements of this section shall obtain a
349     written statement described in Subsection (5)(a); and
350          (C) that a subcontractor that is subject to the requirements of this section shall obtain a
351     written statement described in Subsection (5)(c)(ii);
352          (ii) the penalties that may be imposed if a contractor or subcontractor intentionally
353     violates the provisions of this section, which may include:
354          (A) a three-month suspension of the contractor or subcontractor from entering into
355     future contracts with the state upon the first violation;
356          (B) a six-month suspension of the contractor or subcontractor from entering into future
357     contracts with the state upon the second violation;
358          (C) an action for debarment of the contractor or subcontractor in accordance with
359     Section 63G-6a-904 upon the third or subsequent violation; and
360          (D) notwithstanding Section 19-1-303, monetary penalties which may not exceed 50%
361     of the amount necessary to purchase qualified health coverage for an employee and the
362     dependents of an employee of the contractor or subcontractor who was not offered qualified
363     health coverage during the duration of the contract; and
364          (iii) a website on which the department shall post the commercially equivalent
365     benchmark, for the qualified health coverage identified in Subsection (1)(e), that is provided by
366     the Department of Health and Human Services, in accordance with Subsection 26B-3-909(2).

367          (7) (a) (i) In addition to the penalties imposed under Subsection (6)(c)(ii), a contractor
368     or subcontractor who intentionally violates the provisions of this section is liable to the
369     employee for health care costs that would have been covered by qualified health coverage.
370          (ii) An employer has an affirmative defense to a cause of action under Subsection
371     (7)(a)(i) if:
372          (A) the employer relied in good faith on a written statement described in Subsection
373     (5)(a) or (5)(c)(ii); or
374          (B) the department determines that compliance with this section is not required under
375     the provisions of Subsection (3).
376          (b) An employee has a private right of action only against the employee's employer to
377     enforce the provisions of this Subsection (7).
378          (8) Any penalties imposed and collected under this section shall be deposited into the
379     Medicaid [Restricted] Growth Reduction and Budget Stabilization Account created in Section
380     [26B-1-309] 63J-1-315.
381          (9) The failure of a contractor or subcontractor to provide qualified health coverage as
382     required by this section:
383          (a) may not be the basis for a protest or other action from a prospective bidder, offeror,
384     or contractor under:
385          (i) Section 63G-6a-1602; or
386          (ii) any other provision in Title 63G, Chapter 6a, Utah Procurement Code; and
387          (b) may not be used by the procurement entity or a prospective bidder, offeror, or
388     contractor as a basis for any action or suit that would suspend, disrupt, or terminate the design
389     or construction.
390          (10) An administrator, including an administrator's actuary or underwriter, who
391     provides a written statement under Subsection (5)(a) or (c) regarding the qualified health
392     coverage of a contractor or subcontractor who provides a health benefit plan described in
393     Subsection (1)(d)(ii):
394          (a) subject to Subsection (10)(b), is not liable for an error in the written statement,
395     unless the administrator commits gross negligence in preparing the written statement;
396          (b) is not liable for any error in the written statement if the administrator relied in good
397     faith on information from the contractor or subcontractor; and

398          (c) may require as a condition of providing the written statement that a contractor or
399     subcontractor hold the administrator harmless for an action arising under this section.
400          Section 3. Section 26B-1-315 is amended to read:
401          26B-1-315. Medicaid ACA Fund.
402          (1) There is created an expendable special revenue fund known as the "Medicaid
403     [Expansion] ACA Fund."
404          (2) The fund consists of:
405          (a) assessments collected under Chapter 3, Part 5, Inpatient Hospital Assessment;
406          (b) intergovernmental transfers under Section 26B-3-508;
407          (c) savings attributable to the health coverage improvement program, as defined in
408     Section 26B-3-501, as determined by the department;
409          (d) savings attributable to the enhancement waiver program, as defined in Section
410     26B-3-501, as determined by the department;
411          (e) savings attributable to the Medicaid waiver expansion, as defined in Section
412     26B-3-501, as determined by the department;
413          (f) savings attributable to the inclusion of psychotropic drugs on the preferred drug list
414     under Subsection 26B-3-105(3) as determined by the department;
415          (g) revenues collected from the sales tax described in Subsection 59-12-103(11);
416          (h) gifts, grants, donations, or any other conveyance of money that may be made to the
417     fund from private sources;
418          (i) interest earned on money in the fund; and
419          (j) additional amounts as appropriated by the Legislature.
420          (3) (a) The fund shall earn interest.
421          (b) All interest earned on fund money shall be deposited into the fund.
422          (4) (a) A state agency administering the provisions of Chapter 3, Part 5, Inpatient
423     Hospital Assessment, may use money from the fund to pay the costs, not otherwise paid for
424     with federal funds or other revenue sources, of:
425          (i) the health coverage improvement program as defined in Section 26B-3-501;
426          (ii) the enhancement waiver program as defined in Section 26B-3-501;
427          (iii) a Medicaid waiver expansion as defined in Section 26B-3-501; and
428          (iv) the outpatient upper payment limit supplemental payments under Section

429     26B-3-511.
430          (b) A state agency administering the provisions of Chapter 3, Part 5, Inpatient Hospital
431     Assessment, may not use:
432          (i) funds described in Subsection (2)(b) to pay the cost of private outpatient upper
433     payment limit supplemental payments; or
434          (ii) money in the fund for any purpose not described in Subsection (4)(a).
435          Section 4. Section 26B-3-113 is amended to read:
436          26B-3-113. Expanding the Medicaid program.
437          (1) As used in this section:
438          (a) "Federal poverty level" means the same as that term is defined in Section
439     26B-3-207.
440          [(b) "Medicaid expansion" means an expansion of the Medicaid program in accordance
441     with this section.]
442          [(c)] (b) "Medicaid [Expansion] ACA Fund" means the Medicaid [Expansion] ACA
443     Fund created in Section 26B-1-315.
444          (c) "Medicaid expansion" means an expansion of the Medicaid program in accordance
445     with this section.
446          (2) (a) As set forth in Subsections (2) through (5), eligibility criteria for the Medicaid
447     program shall be expanded to cover additional low-income individuals.
448          (b) The department shall continue to seek approval from CMS to implement the
449     Medicaid waiver expansion as defined in Section [26B-1-112] 26B-3-210.
450          (c) The department may implement any provision described in Subsections
451     [26B-3-112(2)(b)(iii) through (viii)] 26B-3-210(2)(b)(iii) through (viii) in a Medicaid
452     expansion if the department receives approval from CMS to implement that provision.
453          (3) The department shall expand the Medicaid program in accordance with this
454     Subsection (3) if the department:
455          (a) receives approval from CMS to:
456          (i) expand Medicaid coverage to eligible individuals whose income is below 95% of
457     the federal poverty level;
458          (ii) obtain maximum federal financial participation under 42 U.S.C. Sec. 1396d(b) for
459     enrolling an individual in the Medicaid expansion under this Subsection (3); and

460          (iii) permit the state to close enrollment in the Medicaid expansion under this
461     Subsection (3) if the department has insufficient funds to provide services to new enrollment
462     under the Medicaid expansion under this Subsection (3);
463          (b) pays the state portion of costs for the Medicaid expansion under this Subsection (3)
464     with funds from:
465          (i) the Medicaid [Expansion] ACA Fund;
466          (ii) county contributions to the nonfederal share of Medicaid expenditures; or
467          (iii) any other contributions, funds, or transfers from a nonstate agency for Medicaid
468     expenditures; and
469          (c) closes the Medicaid program to new enrollment under the Medicaid expansion
470     under this Subsection (3) if the department projects that the cost of the Medicaid expansion
471     under this Subsection (3) will exceed the appropriations for the fiscal year that are authorized
472     by the Legislature through an appropriations act adopted in accordance with Title 63J, Chapter
473     1, Budgetary Procedures Act.
474          (4) (a) The department shall expand the Medicaid program in accordance with this
475     Subsection (4) if the department:
476          (i) receives approval from CMS to:
477          (A) expand Medicaid coverage to eligible individuals whose income is below 95% of
478     the federal poverty level;
479          (B) obtain maximum federal financial participation under 42 U.S.C. Sec. 1396d(y) for
480     enrolling an individual in the Medicaid expansion under this Subsection (4); and
481          (C) permit the state to close enrollment in the Medicaid expansion under this
482     Subsection (4) if the department has insufficient funds to provide services to new enrollment
483     under the Medicaid expansion under this Subsection (4);
484          (ii) pays the state portion of costs for the Medicaid expansion under this Subsection (4)
485     with funds from:
486          (A) the Medicaid [Expansion] ACA Fund;
487          (B) county contributions to the nonfederal share of Medicaid expenditures; or
488          (C) any other contributions, funds, or transfers from a nonstate agency for Medicaid
489     expenditures; and
490          (iii) closes the Medicaid program to new enrollment under the Medicaid expansion

491     under this Subsection (4) if the department projects that the cost of the Medicaid expansion
492     under this Subsection (4) will exceed the appropriations for the fiscal year that are authorized
493     by the Legislature through an appropriations act adopted in accordance with Title 63J, Chapter
494     1, Budgetary Procedures Act.
495          (b) The department shall submit a waiver, an amendment to an existing waiver, or a
496     state plan amendment to CMS to:
497          (i) administer federal funds for the Medicaid expansion under this Subsection (4)
498     according to a per capita cap developed by the department that includes an annual inflationary
499     adjustment, accounts for differences in cost among categories of Medicaid expansion enrollees,
500     and provides greater flexibility to the state than the current Medicaid payment model;
501          (ii) limit, in certain circumstances as defined by the department, the ability of a
502     qualified entity to determine presumptive eligibility for Medicaid coverage for an individual
503     enrolled in a Medicaid expansion under this Subsection (4);
504          (iii) impose a lock-out period if an individual enrolled in a Medicaid expansion under
505     this Subsection (4) violates certain program requirements as defined by the department;
506          (iv) allow an individual enrolled in a Medicaid expansion under this Subsection (4) to
507     remain in the Medicaid program for up to a 12-month certification period as defined by the
508     department; and
509          (v) allow federal Medicaid funds to be used for housing support for eligible enrollees
510     in the Medicaid expansion under this Subsection (4).
511          (5) (a) (i) If CMS does not approve a waiver to expand the Medicaid program in
512     accordance with Subsection (4)(a) on or before January 1, 2020, the department shall develop
513     proposals to implement additional flexibilities and cost controls, including cost sharing tools,
514     within a Medicaid expansion under this Subsection (5) through a request to CMS for a waiver
515     or state plan amendment.
516          (ii) The request for a waiver or state plan amendment described in Subsection (5)(a)(i)
517     shall include:
518          (A) a path to self-sufficiency for qualified adults in the Medicaid expansion that
519     includes employment and training as defined in 7 U.S.C. Sec. 2015(d)(4); and
520          (B) a requirement that an individual who is offered a private health benefit plan by an
521     employer to enroll in the employer's health plan.

522          (iii) The department shall submit the request for a waiver or state plan amendment
523     developed under Subsection (5)(a)(i) on or before March 15, 2020.
524          (b) Notwithstanding Sections 26B-3-127 and 63J-5-204, and in accordance with this
525     Subsection (5), eligibility for the Medicaid program shall be expanded to include all persons in
526     the optional Medicaid expansion population under PPACA and the Health Care Education
527     Reconciliation Act of 2010, Pub. L. No. 111-152, and related federal regulations and guidance,
528     on the earlier of:
529          (i) the day on which CMS approves a waiver to implement the provisions described in
530     Subsections (5)(a)(ii)(A) and (B); or
531          (ii) July 1, 2020.
532          (c) The department shall seek a waiver, or an amendment to an existing waiver, from
533     federal law to:
534          (i) implement each provision described in Subsections 26B-3-210(2)(b)(iii) through
535     (viii) in a Medicaid expansion under this Subsection (5);
536          (ii) limit, in certain circumstances as defined by the department, the ability of a
537     qualified entity to determine presumptive eligibility for Medicaid coverage for an individual
538     enrolled in a Medicaid expansion under this Subsection (5); and
539          (iii) impose a lock-out period if an individual enrolled in a Medicaid expansion under
540     this Subsection (5) violates certain program requirements as defined by the department.
541          (d) The eligibility criteria in this Subsection (5) shall be construed to include all
542     individuals eligible for the health coverage improvement program under Section 26B-3-207.
543          (e) The department shall pay the state portion of costs for a Medicaid expansion under
544     this Subsection (5) entirely from:
545          (i) the Medicaid [Expansion] ACA Fund;
546          (ii) county contributions to the nonfederal share of Medicaid expenditures; or
547          (iii) any other contributions, funds, or transfers from a nonstate agency for Medicaid
548     expenditures.
549          (f) If the costs of the Medicaid expansion under this Subsection (5) exceed the funds
550     available under Subsection (5)(e):
551          (i) the department may reduce or eliminate optional Medicaid services under this
552     chapter;

553          (ii) savings, as determined by the department, from the reduction or elimination of
554     optional Medicaid services under Subsection (5)(f)(i) shall be deposited into the Medicaid
555     [Expansion] ACA Fund; and
556          (iii) the department may submit to CMS a request for waivers, or an amendment of
557     existing waivers, from federal law necessary to implement budget controls within the Medicaid
558     program to address the deficiency.
559          (g) If the costs of the Medicaid expansion under this Subsection (5) are projected by
560     the department to exceed the funds available in the current fiscal year under Subsection (5)(e),
561     including savings resulting from any action taken under Subsection (5)(f):
562          (i) the governor shall direct the department and Department of Workforce Services to
563     reduce commitments and expenditures by an amount sufficient to offset the deficiency:
564          (A) proportionate to the share of total current fiscal year General Fund appropriations
565     for each of those agencies; and
566          (B) up to 10% of each agency's total current fiscal year General Fund appropriations;
567          (ii) the Division of Finance shall reduce allotments to the department and Department
568     of Workforce Services by a percentage:
569          (A) proportionate to the amount of the deficiency; and
570          (B) up to 10% of each agency's total current fiscal year General Fund appropriations;
571     and
572          (iii) the Division of Finance shall deposit the total amount from the reduced allotments
573     described in Subsection (5)(g)(ii) into the Medicaid [Expansion] ACA Fund.
574          (6) The department shall maximize federal financial participation in implementing this
575     section, including by seeking to obtain any necessary federal approvals or waivers.
576          (7) Notwithstanding Sections 17-43-201 and 17-43-301, a county does not have to
577     provide matching funds to the state for the cost of providing Medicaid services to newly
578     enrolled individuals who qualify for Medicaid coverage under a Medicaid expansion.
579          (8) The department shall report to the Social Services Appropriations Subcommittee on
580     or before November 1 of each year that a Medicaid expansion is operational:
581          (a) the number of individuals who enrolled in the Medicaid expansion;
582          (b) costs to the state for the Medicaid expansion;
583          (c) estimated costs to the state for the Medicaid expansion for the current and

584     following fiscal years;
585          (d) recommendations to control costs of the Medicaid expansion; and
586          (e) as calculated in accordance with Subsections 26B-3-506(4) and 26B-3-606(2), the
587     state's net cost of the qualified Medicaid expansion.
588          Section 5. Section 26B-3-210 is amended to read:
589          26B-3-210. Medicaid waiver expansion.
590          (1) As used in this section:
591          (a) "Federal poverty level" means the same as that term is defined in Section
592     26B-3-207.
593          (b) "Medicaid waiver expansion" means an expansion of the Medicaid program in
594     accordance with this section.
595          (2) (a) Before January 1, 2019, the department shall apply to CMS for approval of a
596     waiver or state plan amendment to implement the Medicaid waiver expansion.
597          (b) The Medicaid waiver expansion shall:
598          (i) expand Medicaid coverage to eligible individuals whose income is below 95% of
599     the federal poverty level;
600          (ii) obtain maximum federal financial participation under 42 U.S.C. Sec. 1396d(y) for
601     enrolling an individual in the Medicaid program;
602          (iii) provide Medicaid benefits through the state's Medicaid accountable care
603     organizations in areas where a Medicaid accountable care organization is implemented;
604          (iv) integrate the delivery of behavioral health services and physical health services
605     with Medicaid accountable care organizations in select geographic areas of the state that
606     choose an integrated model;
607          (v) include a path to self-sufficiency, including work activities as defined in 42 U.S.C.
608     Sec. 607(d), for qualified adults;
609          (vi) require an individual who is offered a private health benefit plan by an employer to
610     enroll in the employer's health plan;
611          (vii) sunset in accordance with Subsection (5)(a); and
612          (viii) permit the state to close enrollment in the Medicaid waiver expansion if the
613     department has insufficient funding to provide services to additional eligible individuals.
614          (3) If the Medicaid waiver described in Subsection (2)(a) is approved, the department

615     may only pay the state portion of costs for the Medicaid waiver expansion with appropriations
616     from:
617          (a) the Medicaid [Expansion] ACA Fund, created in Section 26B-1-315;
618          (b) county contributions to the non-federal share of Medicaid expenditures; and
619          (c) any other contributions, funds, or transfers from a non-state agency for Medicaid
620     expenditures.
621          (4) (a) In consultation with the department, Medicaid accountable care organizations
622     and counties that elect to integrate care under Subsection (2)(b)(iv) shall collaborate on
623     enrollment, engagement of patients, and coordination of services.
624          (b) As part of the provision described in Subsection (2)(b)(iv), the department shall
625     apply for a waiver to permit the creation of an integrated delivery system:
626          (i) for any geographic area that expresses interest in integrating the delivery of services
627     under Subsection (2)(b)(iv); and
628          (ii) in which the department:
629          (A) may permit a local mental health authority to integrate the delivery of behavioral
630     health services and physical health services;
631          (B) may permit a county, local mental health authority, or Medicaid accountable care
632     organization to integrate the delivery of behavioral health services and physical health services
633     to select groups within the population that are newly eligible under the Medicaid waiver
634     expansion; and
635          (C) may make rules in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative
636     Rulemaking Act, to integrate payments for behavioral health services and physical health
637     services to plans or providers.
638          (5) (a) If federal financial participation for the Medicaid waiver expansion is reduced
639     below 90%, the authority of the department to implement the Medicaid waiver expansion shall
640     sunset no later than the next July 1 after the date on which the federal financial participation is
641     reduced.
642          (b) The department shall close the program to new enrollment if the cost of the
643     Medicaid waiver expansion is projected to exceed the appropriations for the fiscal year that are
644     authorized by the Legislature through an appropriations act adopted in accordance with Title
645     63J, Chapter 1, Budgetary Procedures Act.

646          (6) If the Medicaid waiver expansion is approved by CMS, the department shall report
647     to the Social Services Appropriations Subcommittee on or before November 1 of each year that
648     the Medicaid waiver expansion is operational:
649          (a) the number of individuals who enrolled in the Medicaid waiver program;
650          (b) costs to the state for the Medicaid waiver program;
651          (c) estimated costs for the current and following state fiscal year; and
652          (d) recommendations to control costs of the Medicaid waiver expansion.
653          Section 6. Section 26B-3-211 is amended to read:
654          26B-3-211. Primary Care Network enhancement waiver program.
655          (1) As used in this section:
656          (a) "Enhancement waiver program" means the Primary Care Network enhancement
657     waiver program described in this section.
658          (b) "Federal poverty level" means the poverty guidelines established by the secretary of
659     the United States Department of Health and Human Services under 42 U.S.C. Sec. 9902(2).
660          (c) "Health coverage improvement program" means the same as that term is defined in
661     Section 26B-3-207.
662          (d) "Income eligibility ceiling" means the percentage of federal poverty level:
663          (i) established by the Legislature in an appropriations act adopted pursuant to Title 63J,
664     Chapter 1, Budgetary Procedures Act; and
665          (ii) under which an individual may qualify for coverage in the enhancement waiver
666     program in accordance with this section.
667          (e) "Optional population" means the optional expansion population under PPACA if
668     the expansion provides coverage for individuals at or above 95% of the federal poverty level.
669          (f) "Primary Care Network" means the state Primary Care Network program created by
670     the Medicaid primary care network demonstration waiver obtained under Section 26B-3-108.
671          (2) The department shall continue to implement the Primary Care Network program for
672     qualified individuals under the Primary Care Network program.
673          (3) (a) The division shall apply for a Medicaid waiver or a state plan amendment with
674     CMS to implement, within the state Medicaid program, the enhancement waiver program
675     described in this section within six months after the day on which:
676          (i) the division receives a notice from CMS that the waiver for the Medicaid waiver

677     expansion submitted under Section 26B-3-210, Medicaid waiver expansion, will not be
678     approved; or
679          (ii) the division withdraws the waiver for the Medicaid waiver expansion submitted
680     under Section 26B-3-210, Medicaid waiver expansion.
681          (b) The division may not apply for a waiver under Subsection (3)(a) while a waiver
682     request under Section 26B-3-210, Medicaid waiver expansion, is pending with CMS.
683          (4) An individual who is eligible for the enhancement waiver program may receive the
684     following benefits under the enhancement waiver program:
685          (a) the benefits offered under the Primary Care Network program;
686          (b) diagnostic testing and procedures;
687          (c) medical specialty care;
688          (d) inpatient hospital services;
689          (e) outpatient hospital services;
690          (f) outpatient behavioral health care, including outpatient substance use care; and
691          (g) for an individual who qualifies for the health coverage improvement program, as
692     approved by CMS, temporary residential treatment for substance use in a short term,
693     non-institutional, 24-hour facility, without a bed capacity limit, that provides rehabilitation
694     services that are medically necessary and in accordance with an individualized treatment plan.
695          (5) An individual is eligible for the enhancement waiver program if, at the time of
696     enrollment:
697          (a) the individual is qualified to enroll in the Primary Care Network or the health
698     coverage improvement program;
699          (b) the individual's annual income is below the income eligibility ceiling established by
700     the Legislature under Subsection (1)(d); and
701          (c) the individual meets the eligibility criteria established by the department under
702     Subsection (6).
703          (6) (a) Based on available funding and approval from CMS, the department shall
704     determine the criteria for an individual to qualify for the enhancement waiver program, based
705     on the following priority:
706          (i) adults in the expansion population, as defined in Section 26B-3-207, who qualify
707     for the health coverage improvement program;

708          (ii) adults with dependent children who qualify for the health coverage improvement
709     program under Subsection 26B-3-207(3);
710          (iii) adults with dependent children who do not qualify for the health coverage
711     improvement program; and
712          (iv) if funding is available, adults without dependent children.
713          (b) The number of individuals enrolled in the enhancement waiver program may not
714     exceed 105% of the number of individuals who were enrolled in the Primary Care Network on
715     December 31, 2017.
716          (c) The department may only use appropriations from the Medicaid [Expansion] ACA
717     Fund created in Section 26B-1-315 to fund the state portion of the enhancement waiver
718     program.
719          (7) The department may request a modification of the income eligibility ceiling and the
720     eligibility criteria under Subsection (6) from CMS each fiscal year based on enrollment in the
721     enhancement waiver program, projected enrollment in the enhancement waiver program, costs
722     to the state, and the state budget.
723          (8) The department may implement the enhancement waiver program by contracting
724     with Medicaid accountable care organizations to administer the enhancement waiver program.
725          (9) In accordance with Subsections 26B-3-207(10) and (11), the department may use
726     funds that have been appropriated for the health coverage improvement program to implement
727     the enhancement waiver program.
728          (10) If the department expands the state Medicaid program to the optional population,
729     the department:
730          (a) except as provided in Subsection (11), may not accept any new enrollees into the
731     enhancement waiver program after the day on which the expansion to the optional population
732     is effective;
733          (b) shall suspend the enhancement waiver program within one year after the day on
734     which the expansion to the optional population is effective; and
735          (c) shall work with CMS to maintain the waiver for the enhancement waiver program
736     submitted under Subsection (3) while the enhancement waiver program is suspended under
737     Subsection (10)(b).
738          (11) If, after the expansion to the optional population described in Subsection (10)

739     takes effect, the expansion to the optional population is repealed by either the state or the
740     federal government, the department shall reinstate the enhancement waiver program and
741     continue to accept new enrollees into the enhancement waiver program in accordance with the
742     provisions of this section.
743          Section 7. Section 26B-3-504 is amended to read:
744          26B-3-504. Collection of assessment -- Deposit of revenue -- Rulemaking.
745          (1) The collecting agent for the assessment imposed under Section 26B-3-503 is the
746     department.
747          (2) The department is vested with the administration and enforcement of this part, and
748     may make rules in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking
749     Act, necessary to:
750          (a) collect the assessment, intergovernmental transfers, and penalties imposed under
751     this part;
752          (b) audit records of a facility that:
753          (i) is subject to the assessment imposed by this part; and
754          (ii) does not file a Medicare cost report; and
755          (c) select a report similar to the Medicare cost report if Medicare no longer uses a
756     Medicare cost report.
757          (3) The department shall:
758          (a) administer the assessment in this part separately from the assessment in Part 7,
759     Hospital Provider Assessment; and
760          (b) deposit assessments collected under this part into the Medicaid [Expansion] ACA
761     Fund created by Section 26B-1-315.
762          Section 8. Section 26B-3-508 is amended to read:
763          26B-3-508. State teaching hospital and non-state government hospital mandatory
764     intergovernmental transfer.
765          (1) The state teaching hospital and a non-state government hospital shall make an
766     intergovernmental transfer to the Medicaid [Expansion] ACA Fund created in Section
767     26B-1-315, in accordance with this section.
768          (2) The hospitals described in Subsection (1) shall pay the intergovernmental transfer
769     beginning on the later of CMS approval of:

770          (a) the health improvement program waiver under Section 26B-3-207; or
771          (b) the assessment for private hospitals in this part.
772          (3) The intergovernmental transfer is apportioned as follows:
773          (a) the state teaching hospital is responsible for:
774          (i) 30% of the portion of the hospital share specified in Subsections 26B-3-506(1)(a)
775     through (c); and
776          (ii) 0% of the hospital share specified in Subsection 26B-3-506(1)(d); and
777          (b) non-state government hospitals are responsible for:
778          (i) 1% of the portion of the hospital share specified in Subsections 26B-3-506(1)(a)
779     through (c); and
780          (ii) 0% of the hospital share specified in Subsection 26B-3-506(1)(d).
781          (4) The department shall, by rule made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah
782     Administrative Rulemaking Act, designate:
783          (a) the method of calculating the amounts designated in Subsection (3); and
784          (b) the schedule for the intergovernmental transfers.
785          Section 9. Section 26B-3-512 is amended to read:
786          26B-3-512. Repeal of assessment.
787          (1) The assessment imposed by this part shall be repealed when:
788          (a) the executive director certifies that:
789          (i) action by Congress is in effect that disqualifies the assessment imposed by this part
790     from counting toward state Medicaid funds available to be used to determine the amount of
791     federal financial participation;
792          (ii) a decision, enactment, or other determination by the Legislature or by any court,
793     officer, department, or agency of the state, or of the federal government, is in effect that:
794          (A) disqualifies the assessment from counting toward state Medicaid funds available to
795     be used to determine federal financial participation for Medicaid matching funds; or
796          (B) creates for any reason a failure of the state to use the assessments for at least one of
797     the Medicaid programs described in this part; or
798          (iii) a change is in effect that reduces the aggregate hospital inpatient and outpatient
799     payment rate below the aggregate hospital inpatient and outpatient payment rate for July 1,
800     2015; or

801          (b) this part is repealed in accordance with Section 63I-1-226.
802          (2) If the assessment is repealed under Subsection (1):
803          (a) the division may not collect any assessment or intergovernmental transfer under this
804     part;
805          (b) the department shall disburse money in the special Medicaid [Expansion] ACA
806     Fund in accordance with the requirements in Subsection 26B-1-315(4), to the extent federal
807     matching is not reduced by CMS due to the repeal of the assessment;
808          (c) any money remaining in the Medicaid [Expansion] ACA Fund after the
809     disbursement described in Subsection (2)(b) that was derived from assessments imposed by
810     this part shall be refunded to the hospitals in proportion to the amount paid by each hospital for
811     the last three fiscal years; and
812          (d) any money remaining in the Medicaid [Expansion] ACA Fund after the
813     disbursements described in Subsections (2)(b) and (c) shall be deposited into the General Fund
814     by the end of the fiscal year that the assessment is suspended.
815          Section 10. Section 26B-3-601 is amended to read:
816          26B-3-601. Definitions.
817          As used in this part:
818          (1) "Assessment" means the Medicaid expansion hospital assessment established by
819     this part.
820          (2) "CMS" means the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services within the United
821     States Department of Health and Human Services.
822          (3) "Discharges" means the number of total hospital discharges reported on:
823          (a) Worksheet S-3 Part I, column 15, lines 14, 16, and 17 of the 2552-10 Medicare cost
824     report for the applicable assessment year; or
825          (b) a similar report adopted by the department by administrative rule, if the report
826     under Subsection (3)(a) is no longer available.
827          (4) "Division" means the Division of Integrated Healthcare within the department.
828          (5) "Hospital share" means the hospital share described in Section 26B-3-605.
829          (6) "Medicaid accountable care organization" means a managed care organization, as
830     defined in 42 C.F.R. Sec. 438, that contracts with the department under the provisions of
831     Section 26B-3-202.

832          (7) "Medicaid [Expansion] ACA Fund" means the Medicaid [Expansion] ACA Fund
833     created in Section 26B-1-315.
834          (8) "Medicaid waiver expansion" means the same as that term is defined in Section
835     26B-3-210.
836          (9) "Medicare cost report" means CMS-2552-10, the cost report for electronic filing of
837     hospitals.
838          (10) (a) "Non-state government hospital" means a hospital owned by a non-state
839     government entity.
840          (b) "Non-state government hospital" does not include:
841          (i) the Utah State Hospital; or
842          (ii) a hospital owned by the federal government, including the Veterans Administration
843     Hospital.
844          (11) (a) "Private hospital" means:
845          (i) a privately owned general acute hospital operating in the state as defined in Section
846     26B-2-201; or
847          (ii) a privately owned specialty hospital operating in the state, including a privately
848     owned hospital for which inpatient admissions are predominantly:
849          (A) rehabilitation;
850          (B) psychiatric;
851          (C) chemical dependency; or
852          (D) long-term acute care services.
853          (b) "Private hospital" does not include a facility for residential treatment as defined in
854     Section 26B-2-101.
855          (12) "Qualified Medicaid expansion" means an expansion of the Medicaid program in
856     accordance with Subsection 26B-3-113(5).
857          (13) "State teaching hospital" means a state owned teaching hospital that is part of an
858     institution of higher education.
859          Section 11. Section 26B-3-604 is amended to read:
860          26B-3-604. Collection of assessment -- Deposit of revenue -- Rulemaking.
861          (1) The department shall act as the collecting agent for the assessment imposed under
862     Section 26B-3-603.

863          (2) The department shall administer and enforce the provisions of this part, and may
864     make rules, in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act,
865     necessary to:
866          (a) collect the assessment, intergovernmental transfers, and penalties imposed under
867     this part;
868          (b) audit records of a facility that:
869          (i) is subject to the assessment imposed under this part; and
870          (ii) does not file a Medicare cost report; and
871          (c) select a report similar to the Medicare cost report if Medicare no longer uses a
872     Medicare cost report.
873          (3) The department shall:
874          (a) administer the assessment in this part separately from the assessments in Part 7,
875     Hospital Provider Assessment,and Part 5, Inpatient Hospital Assessment; and
876          (b) deposit assessments collected under this part into the Medicaid [Expansion] ACA
877     Fund.
878          (4) (a) Hospitals shall pay the quarterly assessments imposed by this part to the
879     division within 15 business days after the original invoice date that appears on the invoice
880     issued by the division.
881          (b) The department may make rules creating requirements to allow the time for paying
882     the assessment to be extended.
883          Section 12. Section 26B-3-605 is amended to read:
884          26B-3-605. Hospital share.
885          (1) The hospital share is:
886          (a) for the period from April 1, 2019, through June 30, 2020, $15,000,000; and
887          (b) beginning July 1, 2020, 100% of the state's net cost of the qualified Medicaid
888     expansion, after deducting appropriate offsets and savings expected as a result of implementing
889     the qualified Medicaid expansion, including:
890          (i) savings from:
891          (A) the Primary Care Network program;
892          (B) the health coverage improvement program, as defined in Section 26B-3-207;
893          (C) the state portion of inpatient prison medical coverage;

894          (D) behavioral health coverage; and
895          (E) county contributions to the non-federal share of Medicaid expenditures; and
896          (ii) any funds appropriated to the Medicaid [Expansion] ACA Fund.
897          (2) (a) Beginning July 1, 2020, the hospital share is capped at no more than
898     $15,000,000 annually.
899          (b) Beginning July 1, 2020, the division shall prorate the cap specified in Subsection
900     (2)(a) in any year in which the qualified Medicaid expansion is not in effect for the full fiscal
901     year.
902          Section 13. Section 26B-3-608 is amended to read:
903          26B-3-608. State teaching hospital and non-state government hospital mandatory
904     intergovernmental transfer.
905          (1) A state teaching hospital and a non-state government hospital shall make an
906     intergovernmental transfer to the Medicaid [Expansion] ACA Fund, in accordance with this
907     section.
908          (2) The hospitals described in Subsection (1) shall pay the intergovernmental transfer
909     beginning on the later of:
910          (a) April 1, 2019; or
911          (b) CMS approval of the assessment for private hospitals in this part.
912          (3) The intergovernmental transfer is apportioned between the non-state government
913     hospitals as follows:
914          (a) the state teaching hospital shall pay for the portion of the hospital share described in
915     Section 26B-3-611; and
916          (b) non-state government hospitals shall pay for the portion of the hospital share
917     described in Section 26B-3-611.
918          (4) The department shall, by rule made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah
919     Administrative Rulemaking Act, designate:
920          (a) the method of calculating the amounts designated in Subsection (3); and
921          (b) the schedule for the intergovernmental transfers.
922          Section 14. Section 26B-3-612 is amended to read:
923          26B-3-612. Suspension of assessment.
924          (1) The department shall suspend the assessment imposed by this part when the

925     executive director certifies that:
926          (a) action by Congress is in effect that disqualifies the assessment imposed by this part
927     from counting toward state Medicaid funds available to be used to determine the amount of
928     federal financial participation;
929          (b) a decision, enactment, or other determination by the Legislature or by any court,
930     officer, department, or agency of the state, or of the federal government, is in effect that:
931          (i) disqualifies the assessment from counting toward state Medicaid funds available to
932     be used to determine federal financial participation for Medicaid matching funds; or
933          (ii) creates for any reason a failure of the state to use the assessments for at least one of
934     the Medicaid programs described in this part; or
935          (c) a change is in effect that reduces the aggregate hospital inpatient and outpatient
936     payment rate below the aggregate hospital inpatient and outpatient payment rate for July 1,
937     2015.
938          (2) If the assessment is suspended under Subsection (1):
939          (a) the division may not collect any assessment or intergovernmental transfer under this
940     part;
941          (b) the division shall disburse money in the Medicaid [Expansion] ACA Fund that was
942     derived from assessments imposed by this part in accordance with the requirements in
943     Subsection 26B-1-315(4), to the extent federal matching is not reduced by CMS due to the
944     repeal of the assessment; and
945          (c) the division shall refund any money remaining in the Medicaid [Expansion] ACA
946     Fund after the disbursement described in Subsection (2)(b) that was derived from assessments
947     imposed by this part to the hospitals in proportion to the amount paid by each hospital for the
948     last three fiscal years.
949          Section 15. Section 36-12-13 is amended to read:
950          36-12-13. Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst established -- Powers, functions,
951     and duties -- Qualifications.
952          (1) There is established an Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst as a permanent staff
953     office for the Legislature.
954          (2) The powers, functions, and duties of the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst
955     under the supervision of the fiscal analyst are:

956          (a) (i) to estimate general revenue collections, including comparisons of:
957          (A) current estimates for each major tax type to long-term trends for that tax type;
958          (B) current estimates for federal fund receipts to long-term federal fund trends; and
959          (C) current estimates for tax collections and federal fund receipts to long-term trends
960     deflated for the inflationary effects of debt monetization; and
961          (ii) to report the analysis required under Subsection (2)(a)(i) to the Legislature's
962     Executive Appropriations Committee before each annual general session of the Legislature;
963          (b) to analyze in detail the state budget before the convening of each legislative session
964     and make recommendations to the Legislature on each item or program appearing in the
965     budget, including:
966          (i) funding for and performance of programs, acquisitions, and services currently
967     undertaken by state government to determine whether each department, agency, institution, or
968     program should:
969          (A) continue at its current level of expenditure;
970          (B) continue at a different level of expenditure; or
971          (C) be terminated; and
972          (ii) increases or decreases to spending authority and other resource allocations for the
973     current and future fiscal years;
974          (c) to prepare on all proposed bills fiscal estimates that reflect:
975          (i) potential state government revenue impacts;
976          (ii) anticipated state government expenditure changes;
977          (iii) anticipated expenditure changes for county, municipal, special district, or special
978     service district governments;
979          (iv) anticipated direct expenditure by Utah residents and businesses, including the unit
980     cost, number of units, and total cost to all impacted residents and businesses; and
981          (v) if the proposed bill changes retirement benefits under a system or plan governed by
982     Title 49, Utah State Retirement and Insurance Benefit Act, the anticipated effect on:
983          (A) each affected system's or plan's unfunded actuarial accrued liability and actuarial
984     funded ratio, based on current employer contributions;
985          (B) employer contributions and member contributions;
986          (C) a retiree's retirement allowance;

987          (D) the total cost to active members and retirees; and
988          (E) the total cost to employers for all active members and retirees;
989          (d) to indicate whether each proposed bill will impact the regulatory burden for Utah
990     residents or businesses, and if so:
991          (i) whether the impact increases or decreases the regulatory burden; and
992          (ii) whether the change in burden is high, medium, or low;
993          (e) beginning in 2017 and repeating every three years after 2017, to prepare the
994     following cycle of analyses of long-term fiscal sustainability:
995          (i) in year one, the joint revenue volatility report required under Section 63J-1-205;
996          (ii) in year two, a long-term budget for programs appropriated from major funds and
997     tax types; and
998          (iii) in year three, a budget stress test that, in consultation with the Governor's Office of
999     Planning and Budget:
1000          (A) [comparing] compares estimated future revenue to and expenditure from major
1001     funds and tax types under various potential economic conditions;
1002          (B) analyzes the economic and policy risks associated with funding for the Medicaid
1003     program and expansions of the Medicaid program;
1004          (C) measures value at risk; and
1005          (D) recommends budgetary actions to manage risk;
1006          (f) to report instances in which the administration may be failing to carry out the
1007     expressed intent of the Legislature;
1008          (g) to propose and analyze statutory changes for more effective operational economies
1009     or more effective administration;
1010          (h) to prepare, before each annual general session of the Legislature, a summary
1011     showing the current status of the following as compared to the past nine fiscal years:
1012          (i) debt;
1013          (ii) long-term liabilities;
1014          (iii) contingent liabilities;
1015          (iv) General Fund borrowing;
1016          (v) reserves;
1017          (vi) fund and nonlapsing balances; and

1018          (vii) cash funded capital investments;
1019          (i) to make recommendations for addressing the items described in Subsection (2)(h) in
1020     the upcoming annual general session of the Legislature;
1021          (j) to prepare, after each session of the Legislature, a summary showing the effect of
1022     the final legislative program on the financial condition of the state;
1023          (k) to conduct organizational and management improvement studies in accordance
1024     with Title 63J, Chapter 1, Part 9, Government Performance Reporting and Efficiency Process,
1025     and legislative rule;
1026          (l) to prepare and deliver upon request of any interim committee or the Legislative
1027     Management Committee, reports on the finances of the state and on anticipated or proposed
1028     requests for appropriations;
1029          (m) to recommend areas for research studies by the executive department or the interim
1030     committees;
1031          (n) to appoint and develop a professional staff within budget limitations;
1032          (o) to prepare and submit the annual budget request for the office;
1033          (p) to develop a taxpayer receipt:
1034          (i) available to taxpayers through a website; and
1035          (ii) that allows a taxpayer to view on the website an estimate of how the taxpayer's tax
1036     dollars are expended for government purposes; and
1037          (q) to publish or provide other information on taxation and government expenditures
1038     that may be accessed by the public.
1039          (3) The legislative fiscal analyst shall have a master's degree in public administration,
1040     political science, economics, accounting, or the equivalent in academic or practical experience.
1041          (4) In carrying out the duties provided for in this section, the legislative fiscal analyst
1042     may obtain access to all records, documents, and reports necessary to the scope of the
1043     legislative fiscal analyst's duties according to the procedures contained in Title 36, Chapter 14,
1044     Legislative Subpoena Powers.
1045          (5) The Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst shall provide any information the State
1046     Board of Education reports in accordance with Subsection 53E-3-507(7) to:
1047          (a) the chief sponsor of the proposed bill; and
1048          (b) upon request, any legislator.

1049          Section 16. Section 59-12-103 (Contingently Superseded 01/01/25) is amended to
1050     read:
1051          59-12-103 (Contingently Superseded 01/01/25). Sales and use tax base -- Rates --
1052     Effective dates -- Use of sales and use tax revenues.
1053          (1) A tax is imposed on the purchaser as provided in this part on the purchase price or
1054     sales price for amounts paid or charged for the following transactions:
1055          (a) retail sales of tangible personal property made within the state;
1056          (b) amounts paid for:
1057          (i) telecommunications service, other than mobile telecommunications service, that
1058     originates and terminates within the boundaries of this state;
1059          (ii) mobile telecommunications service that originates and terminates within the
1060     boundaries of one state only to the extent permitted by the Mobile Telecommunications
1061     Sourcing Act, 4 U.S.C. Sec. 116 et seq.; or
1062          (iii) an ancillary service associated with a:
1063          (A) telecommunications service described in Subsection (1)(b)(i); or
1064          (B) mobile telecommunications service described in Subsection (1)(b)(ii);
1065          (c) sales of the following for commercial use:
1066          (i) gas;
1067          (ii) electricity;
1068          (iii) heat;
1069          (iv) coal;
1070          (v) fuel oil; or
1071          (vi) other fuels;
1072          (d) sales of the following for residential use:
1073          (i) gas;
1074          (ii) electricity;
1075          (iii) heat;
1076          (iv) coal;
1077          (v) fuel oil; or
1078          (vi) other fuels;
1079          (e) sales of prepared food;

1080          (f) except as provided in Section 59-12-104, amounts paid or charged as admission or
1081     user fees for theaters, movies, operas, museums, planetariums, shows of any type or nature,
1082     exhibitions, concerts, carnivals, amusement parks, amusement rides, circuses, menageries,
1083     fairs, races, contests, sporting events, dances, boxing matches, wrestling matches, closed circuit
1084     television broadcasts, billiard parlors, pool parlors, bowling lanes, golf, miniature golf, golf
1085     driving ranges, batting cages, skating rinks, ski lifts, ski runs, ski trails, snowmobile trails,
1086     tennis courts, swimming pools, water slides, river runs, jeep tours, boat tours, scenic cruises,
1087     horseback rides, sports activities, or any other amusement, entertainment, recreation,
1088     exhibition, cultural, or athletic activity;
1089          (g) amounts paid or charged for services for repairs or renovations of tangible personal
1090     property, unless Section 59-12-104 provides for an exemption from sales and use tax for:
1091          (i) the tangible personal property; and
1092          (ii) parts used in the repairs or renovations of the tangible personal property described
1093     in Subsection (1)(g)(i), regardless of whether:
1094          (A) any parts are actually used in the repairs or renovations of that tangible personal
1095     property; or
1096          (B) the particular parts used in the repairs or renovations of that tangible personal
1097     property are exempt from a tax under this chapter;
1098          (h) except as provided in Subsection 59-12-104(7), amounts paid or charged for
1099     assisted cleaning or washing of tangible personal property;
1100          (i) amounts paid or charged for tourist home, hotel, motel, or trailer court
1101     accommodations and services that are regularly rented for less than 30 consecutive days;
1102          (j) amounts paid or charged for laundry or dry cleaning services;
1103          (k) amounts paid or charged for leases or rentals of tangible personal property if within
1104     this state the tangible personal property is:
1105          (i) stored;
1106          (ii) used; or
1107          (iii) otherwise consumed;
1108          (l) amounts paid or charged for tangible personal property if within this state the
1109     tangible personal property is:
1110          (i) stored;

1111          (ii) used; or
1112          (iii) consumed;
1113          (m) amounts paid or charged for a sale:
1114          (i) (A) of a product transferred electronically; or
1115          (B) of a repair or renovation of a product transferred electronically; and
1116          (ii) regardless of whether the sale provides:
1117          (A) a right of permanent use of the product; or
1118          (B) a right to use the product that is less than a permanent use, including a right:
1119          (I) for a definite or specified length of time; and
1120          (II) that terminates upon the occurrence of a condition; and
1121          (n) sales of leased tangible personal property from the lessor to the lessee made in the
1122     state.
1123          (2) (a) Except as provided in Subsections (2)(b) through (f), a state tax and a local tax
1124     are imposed on a transaction described in Subsection (1) equal to the sum of:
1125          (i) a state tax imposed on the transaction at a tax rate equal to the sum of:
1126          (A) 4.70% plus the rate specified in Subsection (11)(a); and
1127          (B) (I) the tax rate the state imposes in accordance with Part 18, Additional State Sales
1128     and Use Tax Act, if the location of the transaction as determined under Sections 59-12-211
1129     through 59-12-215 is in a county in which the state imposes the tax under Part 18, Additional
1130     State Sales and Use Tax Act; and
1131          (II) the tax rate the state imposes in accordance with Part 20, Supplemental State Sales
1132     and Use Tax Act, if the location of the transaction as determined under Sections 59-12-211
1133     through 59-12-215 is in a city, town, or the unincorporated area of a county in which the state
1134     imposes the tax under Part 20, Supplemental State Sales and Use Tax Act; and
1135          (ii) a local tax equal to the sum of the tax rates a county, city, or town imposes on the
1136     transaction under this chapter other than this part.
1137          (b) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(f) or (g) and subject to Subsection (2)(l), a
1138     state tax and a local tax are imposed on a transaction described in Subsection (1)(d) equal to
1139     the sum of:
1140          (i) a state tax imposed on the transaction at a tax rate of 2%; and
1141          (ii) a local tax equal to the sum of the tax rates a county, city, or town imposes on the

1142     transaction under this chapter other than this part.
1143          (c) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(f) or (g), a state tax and a local tax are
1144     imposed on amounts paid or charged for food and food ingredients equal to the sum of:
1145          (i) a state tax imposed on the amounts paid or charged for food and food ingredients at
1146     a tax rate of 1.75%; and
1147          (ii) a local tax equal to the sum of the tax rates a county, city, or town imposes on the
1148     amounts paid or charged for food and food ingredients under this chapter other than this part.
1149          (d) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(f) or (g), a state tax is imposed on amounts
1150     paid or charged for fuel to a common carrier that is a railroad for use in a locomotive engine at
1151     a rate of 4.85%.
1152          (e) (i) (A) If a shared vehicle owner certifies to the commission, on a form prescribed
1153     by the commission, that the shared vehicle is an individual-owned shared vehicle, a tax
1154     imposed under Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A) does not apply to car sharing, a car-sharing program, a
1155     shared vehicle driver, or a shared vehicle owner.
1156          (B) A shared vehicle owner's certification described in Subsection (2)(e)(i)(A) is
1157     required once during the time that the shared vehicle owner owns the shared vehicle.
1158          (C) The commission shall verify that a shared vehicle is an individual-owned shared
1159     vehicle by verifying that the applicable Utah taxes imposed under this chapter were paid on the
1160     purchase of the shared vehicle.
1161          (D) The exception under Subsection (2)(e)(i)(A) applies to a certified
1162     individual-owned shared vehicle shared through a car-sharing program even if non-certified
1163     shared vehicles are also available to be shared through the same car-sharing program.
1164          (ii) A tax imposed under Subsection (2)(a)(i)(B) or (2)(a)(ii) applies to car sharing.
1165          (iii) (A) A car-sharing program may rely in good faith on a shared vehicle owner's
1166     representation that the shared vehicle is an individual-owned shared vehicle certified with the
1167     commission as described in Subsection (2)(e)(i).
1168          (B) If a car-sharing program relies in good faith on a shared vehicle owner's
1169     representation that the shared vehicle is an individual-owned shared vehicle certified with the
1170     commission as described in Subsection (2)(e)(i), the car-sharing program is not liable for any
1171     tax, penalty, fee, or other sanction imposed on the shared vehicle owner.
1172          (iv) If all shared vehicles shared through a car-sharing program are certified as

1173     described in Subsection (2)(e)(i)(A) for a tax period, the car-sharing program has no obligation
1174     to collect and remit the tax under Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A) for that tax period.
1175          (v) [(A)] A car-sharing program is not required to list or otherwise identify an
1176     individual-owned shared vehicle on a return or an attachment to a return.
1177          (vi) A car-sharing program shall:
1178          (A) retain tax information for each car-sharing program transaction; and
1179          (B) provide the information described in Subsection (2)(e)(vi)(A) to the commission at
1180     the commission's request.
1181          (f) (i) For a bundled transaction that is attributable to food and food ingredients and
1182     tangible personal property other than food and food ingredients, a state tax and a local tax is
1183     imposed on the entire bundled transaction equal to the sum of:
1184          (A) a state tax imposed on the entire bundled transaction equal to the sum of:
1185          (I) the tax rate described in Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A); and
1186          (II) (Aa) the tax rate the state imposes in accordance with Part 18, Additional State
1187     Sales and Use Tax Act, if the location of the transaction as determined under Sections
1188     59-12-211 through 59-12-215 is in a county in which the state imposes the tax under Part 18,
1189     Additional State Sales and Use Tax Act; and
1190          (Bb) the tax rate the state imposes in accordance with Part 20, Supplemental State
1191     Sales and Use Tax Act, if the location of the transaction as determined under Sections
1192     59-12-211 through 59-12-215 is in a city, town, or the unincorporated area of a county in which
1193     the state imposes the tax under Part 20, Supplemental State Sales and Use Tax Act; and
1194          (B) a local tax imposed on the entire bundled transaction at the sum of the tax rates
1195     described in Subsection (2)(a)(ii).
1196          (ii) If an optional computer software maintenance contract is a bundled transaction that
1197     consists of taxable and nontaxable products that are not separately itemized on an invoice or
1198     similar billing document, the purchase of the optional computer software maintenance contract
1199     is 40% taxable under this chapter and 60% nontaxable under this chapter.
1200          (iii) Subject to Subsection (2)(f)(iv), for a bundled transaction other than a bundled
1201     transaction described in Subsection (2)(f)(i) or (ii):
1202          (A) if the sales price of the bundled transaction is attributable to tangible personal
1203     property, a product, or a service that is subject to taxation under this chapter and tangible

1204     personal property, a product, or service that is not subject to taxation under this chapter, the
1205     entire bundled transaction is subject to taxation under this chapter unless:
1206          (I) the seller is able to identify by reasonable and verifiable standards the tangible
1207     personal property, product, or service that is not subject to taxation under this chapter from the
1208     books and records the seller keeps in the seller's regular course of business; or
1209          (II) state or federal law provides otherwise; or
1210          (B) if the sales price of a bundled transaction is attributable to two or more items of
1211     tangible personal property, products, or services that are subject to taxation under this chapter
1212     at different rates, the entire bundled transaction is subject to taxation under this chapter at the
1213     higher tax rate unless:
1214          (I) the seller is able to identify by reasonable and verifiable standards the tangible
1215     personal property, product, or service that is subject to taxation under this chapter at the lower
1216     tax rate from the books and records the seller keeps in the seller's regular course of business; or
1217          (II) state or federal law provides otherwise.
1218          (iv) For purposes of Subsection (2)(f)(iii), books and records that a seller keeps in the
1219     seller's regular course of business includes books and records the seller keeps in the regular
1220     course of business for nontax purposes.
1221          (g) (i) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter and subject to Subsections (2)(g)(ii)
1222     and (iii), if a transaction consists of the sale, lease, or rental of tangible personal property, a
1223     product, or a service that is subject to taxation under this chapter, and the sale, lease, or rental
1224     of tangible personal property, other property, a product, or a service that is not subject to
1225     taxation under this chapter, the entire transaction is subject to taxation under this chapter unless
1226     the seller, at the time of the transaction:
1227          (A) separately states the portion of the transaction that is not subject to taxation under
1228     this chapter on an invoice, bill of sale, or similar document provided to the purchaser; or
1229          (B) is able to identify by reasonable and verifiable standards, from the books and
1230     records the seller keeps in the seller's regular course of business, the portion of the transaction
1231     that is not subject to taxation under this chapter.
1232          (ii) A purchaser and a seller may correct the taxability of a transaction if:
1233          (A) after the transaction occurs, the purchaser and the seller discover that the portion of
1234     the transaction that is not subject to taxation under this chapter was not separately stated on an

1235     invoice, bill of sale, or similar document provided to the purchaser because of an error or
1236     ignorance of the law; and
1237          (B) the seller is able to identify by reasonable and verifiable standards, from the books
1238     and records the seller keeps in the seller's regular course of business, the portion of the
1239     transaction that is not subject to taxation under this chapter.
1240          (iii) For purposes of Subsections (2)(g)(i) and (ii), books and records that a seller keeps
1241     in the seller's regular course of business includes books and records the seller keeps in the
1242     regular course of business for nontax purposes.
1243          (h) (i) If the sales price of a transaction is attributable to two or more items of tangible
1244     personal property, products, or services that are subject to taxation under this chapter at
1245     different rates, the entire purchase is subject to taxation under this chapter at the higher tax rate
1246     unless the seller, at the time of the transaction:
1247          (A) separately states the items subject to taxation under this chapter at each of the
1248     different rates on an invoice, bill of sale, or similar document provided to the purchaser; or
1249          (B) is able to identify by reasonable and verifiable standards the tangible personal
1250     property, product, or service that is subject to taxation under this chapter at the lower tax rate
1251     from the books and records the seller keeps in the seller's regular course of business.
1252          (ii) For purposes of Subsection (2)(h)(i), books and records that a seller keeps in the
1253     seller's regular course of business includes books and records the seller keeps in the regular
1254     course of business for nontax purposes.
1255          (i) Subject to Subsections (2)(j) and (k), a tax rate repeal or tax rate change for a tax
1256     rate imposed under the following shall take effect on the first day of a calendar quarter:
1257          (i) Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A);
1258          (ii) Subsection (2)(b)(i);
1259          (iii) Subsection (2)(c)(i); or
1260          (iv) Subsection (2)(f)(i)(A)(I).
1261          (j) (i) A tax rate increase takes effect on the first day of the first billing period that
1262     begins on or after the effective date of the tax rate increase if the billing period for the
1263     transaction begins before the effective date of a tax rate increase imposed under:
1264          (A) Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A);
1265          (B) Subsection (2)(b)(i);

1266          (C) Subsection (2)(c)(i); or
1267          (D) Subsection (2)(f)(i)(A)(I).
1268          (ii) The repeal of a tax or a tax rate decrease applies to a billing period if the billing
1269     statement for the billing period is rendered on or after the effective date of the repeal of the tax
1270     or the tax rate decrease imposed under:
1271          (A) Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A);
1272          (B) Subsection (2)(b)(i);
1273          (C) Subsection (2)(c)(i); or
1274          (D) Subsection (2)(f)(i)(A)(I).
1275          (k) (i) For a tax rate described in Subsection (2)(k)(ii), if a tax due on a catalogue sale
1276     is computed on the basis of sales and use tax rates published in the catalogue, a tax rate repeal
1277     or change in a tax rate takes effect:
1278          (A) on the first day of a calendar quarter; and
1279          (B) beginning 60 days after the effective date of the tax rate repeal or tax rate change.
1280          (ii) Subsection (2)(k)(i) applies to the tax rates described in the following:
1281          (A) Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A);
1282          (B) Subsection (2)(b)(i);
1283          (C) Subsection (2)(c)(i); or
1284          (D) Subsection (2)(f)(i)(A)(I).
1285          (iii) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act,
1286     the commission may by rule define the term "catalogue sale."
1287          (l) (i) For a location described in Subsection (2)(l)(ii), the commission shall determine
1288     the taxable status of a sale of gas, electricity, heat, coal, fuel oil, or other fuel based on the
1289     predominant use of the gas, electricity, heat, coal, fuel oil, or other fuel at the location.
1290          (ii) Subsection (2)(l)(i) applies to a location where gas, electricity, heat, coal, fuel oil,
1291     or other fuel is furnished through a single meter for two or more of the following uses:
1292          (A) a commercial use;
1293          (B) an industrial use; or
1294          (C) a residential use.
1295          (3) (a) The following state taxes shall be deposited into the General Fund:
1296          (i) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A);

1297          (ii) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(b)(i);
1298          (iii) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(c)(i); and
1299          (iv) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(f)(i)(A)(I).
1300          (b) The following local taxes shall be distributed to a county, city, or town as provided
1301     in this chapter:
1302          (i) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(a)(ii);
1303          (ii) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(b)(ii);
1304          (iii) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(c)(ii); and
1305          (iv) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(f)(i)(B).
1306          (c) The state tax imposed by Subsection (2)(d) shall be deposited into the General
1307     Fund.
1308          (4) (a) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), for a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1,
1309     2003, the lesser of the following amounts shall be expended as provided in Subsections (4)(b)
1310     through (g):
1311          (i) for taxes listed under Subsection (3)(a), the amount of tax revenue generated:
1312          (A) by a 1/16% tax rate on the transactions described in Subsection (1); and
1313          (B) for the fiscal year; or
1314          (ii) $17,500,000.
1315          (b) (i) For a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2003, 14% of the amount
1316     described in Subsection (4)(a) shall be transferred each year as designated sales and use tax
1317     revenue to the Department of Natural Resources to:
1318          (A) implement the measures described in Subsections 79-2-303(3)(a) through (d) to
1319     protect sensitive plant and animal species; or
1320          (B) award grants, up to the amount authorized by the Legislature in an appropriations
1321     act, to political subdivisions of the state to implement the measures described in Subsections
1322     79-2-303(3)(a) through (d) to protect sensitive plant and animal species.
1323          (ii) Money transferred to the Department of Natural Resources under Subsection
1324     (4)(b)(i) may not be used to assist the United States Fish and Wildlife Service or any other
1325     person to list or attempt to have listed a species as threatened or endangered under the
1326     Endangered Species Act of 1973, 16 U.S.C. Sec. 1531 et seq.
1327          (iii) At the end of each fiscal year:

1328          (A) 50% of any unexpended designated sales and use tax revenue shall lapse to the
1329     Water Resources Conservation and Development Fund created in Section 73-10-24;
1330          (B) 25% of any unexpended designated sales and use tax revenue shall lapse to the
1331     Utah Wastewater Loan Program Subaccount created in Section 73-10c-5; and
1332          (C) 25% of any unexpended designated sales and use tax revenue shall lapse to the
1333     Drinking Water Loan Program Subaccount created in Section 73-10c-5.
1334          (c) For a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2003, 3% of the amount described in
1335     Subsection (4)(a) shall be deposited each year in the Agriculture Resource Development Fund
1336     created in Section 4-18-106.
1337          (d) (i) For a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2003, 1% of the amount described
1338     in Subsection (4)(a) shall be transferred each year as designated sales and use tax revenue to
1339     the Division of Water Rights to cover the costs incurred in hiring legal and technical staff for
1340     the adjudication of water rights.
1341          (ii) At the end of each fiscal year:
1342          (A) 50% of any unexpended designated sales and use tax revenue shall lapse to the
1343     Water Resources Conservation and Development Fund created in Section 73-10-24;
1344          (B) 25% of any unexpended designated sales and use tax revenue shall lapse to the
1345     Utah Wastewater Loan Program Subaccount created in Section 73-10c-5; and
1346          (C) 25% of any unexpended designated sales and use tax revenue shall lapse to the
1347     Drinking Water Loan Program Subaccount created in Section 73-10c-5.
1348          (e) (i) For a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2003, 41% of the amount described
1349     in Subsection (4)(a) shall be deposited into the Water Resources Conservation and
1350     Development Fund created in Section 73-10-24 for use by the Division of Water Resources.
1351          (ii) In addition to the uses allowed of the Water Resources Conservation and
1352     Development Fund under Section 73-10-24, the Water Resources Conservation and
1353     Development Fund may also be used to:
1354          (A) conduct hydrologic and geotechnical investigations by the Division of Water
1355     Resources in a cooperative effort with other state, federal, or local entities, for the purpose of
1356     quantifying surface and ground water resources and describing the hydrologic systems of an
1357     area in sufficient detail so as to enable local and state resource managers to plan for and
1358     accommodate growth in water use without jeopardizing the resource;

1359          (B) fund state required dam safety improvements; and
1360          (C) protect the state's interest in interstate water compact allocations, including the
1361     hiring of technical and legal staff.
1362          (f) For a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2003, 20.5% of the amount described
1363     in Subsection (4)(a) shall be deposited into the Utah Wastewater Loan Program Subaccount
1364     created in Section 73-10c-5 for use by the Water Quality Board to fund wastewater projects.
1365          (g) For a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2003, 20.5% of the amount described
1366     in Subsection (4)(a) shall be deposited into the Drinking Water Loan Program Subaccount
1367     created in Section 73-10c-5 for use by the Division of Drinking Water to:
1368          (i) provide for the installation and repair of collection, treatment, storage, and
1369     distribution facilities for any public water system, as defined in Section 19-4-102;
1370          (ii) develop underground sources of water, including springs and wells; and
1371          (iii) develop surface water sources.
1372          (5) (a) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), for a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1,
1373     2006, the difference between the following amounts shall be expended as provided in this
1374     Subsection (5), if that difference is greater than $1:
1375          (i) for taxes listed under Subsection (3)(a), the amount of tax revenue generated for the
1376     fiscal year by a 1/16% tax rate on the transactions described in Subsection (1); and
1377          (ii) $17,500,000.
1378          (b) (i) The first $500,000 of the difference described in Subsection (5)(a) shall be:
1379          (A) transferred each fiscal year to the Department of Natural Resources as designated
1380     sales and use tax revenue; and
1381          (B) expended by the Department of Natural Resources for watershed rehabilitation or
1382     restoration.
1383          (ii) At the end of each fiscal year, 100% of any unexpended designated sales and use
1384     tax revenue described in Subsection (5)(b)(i) shall lapse to the Water Resources Conservation
1385     and Development Fund created in Section 73-10-24.
1386          (c) (i) After making the transfer required by Subsection (5)(b)(i), $150,000 of the
1387     remaining difference described in Subsection (5)(a) shall be:
1388          (A) transferred each fiscal year to the Division of Water Resources as designated sales
1389     and use tax revenue; and

1390          (B) expended by the Division of Water Resources for cloud-seeding projects
1391     authorized by Title 73, Chapter 15, Modification of Weather.
1392          (ii) At the end of each fiscal year, 100% of any unexpended designated sales and use
1393     tax revenue described in Subsection (5)(c)(i) shall lapse to the Water Resources Conservation
1394     and Development Fund created in Section 73-10-24.
1395          (d) After making the transfers required by Subsections (5)(b) and (c), 85% of the
1396     remaining difference described in Subsection (5)(a) shall be deposited into the Water
1397     Resources Conservation and Development Fund created in Section 73-10-24 for use by the
1398     Division of Water Resources for:
1399          (i) preconstruction costs:
1400          (A) as defined in Subsection 73-26-103(6) for projects authorized by Title 73, Chapter
1401     26, Bear River Development Act; and
1402          (B) as defined in Subsection 73-28-103(8) for the Lake Powell Pipeline project
1403     authorized by Title 73, Chapter 28, Lake Powell Pipeline Development Act;
1404          (ii) the cost of employing a civil engineer to oversee any project authorized by Title 73,
1405     Chapter 26, Bear River Development Act;
1406          (iii) the cost of employing a civil engineer to oversee the Lake Powell Pipeline project
1407     authorized by Title 73, Chapter 28, Lake Powell Pipeline Development Act; and
1408          (iv) other uses authorized under Sections 73-10-24, 73-10-25.1, and 73-10-30, and
1409     Subsection (4)(e)(ii) after funding the uses specified in Subsections (5)(d)(i) through (iii).
1410          (e) After making the transfers required by Subsections (5)(b) and (c), 15% of the
1411     remaining difference described in Subsection (5)(a) shall be deposited each year into the Water
1412     Rights Restricted Account created by Section 73-2-1.6.
1413          (6) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a) and for taxes listed under Subsection (3)(a),
1414     each fiscal year, the commission shall deposit into the Water Infrastructure Restricted Account
1415     created in Section 73-10g-103 the amount of revenue generated by a 1/16% tax rate on the
1416     transactions described in Subsection (1) for the fiscal year.
1417          (7) (a) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a) and subject to Subsection (7)(b), for a fiscal
1418     year beginning on or after July 1, 2023, the commission shall deposit into the Transportation
1419     Investment Fund of 2005 created by Section 72-2-124 a portion of the taxes listed under
1420     Subsection (3)(a) equal to 17% of the revenue collected from the following sales and use taxes:

1421          (i) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A) at a 4.7% rate;
1422          (ii) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(b)(i);
1423          (iii) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(c)(i); and
1424          (iv) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(f)(i)(A)(I).
1425          (b) (i) As used in this Subsection (7)(b):
1426          (A) "Additional growth revenue" means the amount of relevant revenue collected in
1427     the current fiscal year that exceeds by more than 3% the relevant revenue collected in the
1428     previous fiscal year.
1429          (B) "Combined amount" means the combined total amount of money deposited into the
1430     Cottonwood Canyons fund under Subsections (7)(b)(iii) and (8)(d)(iii) in any single fiscal year.
1431          (C) "Cottonwood Canyons fund" means the Cottonwood Canyons Transportation
1432     Investment Fund created in Subsection 72-2-124(10).
1433          (D) "Relevant revenue" means the portion of taxes listed under Subsection (3)(a) that
1434     equals 17% of the revenue collected from taxes described in Subsections (7)(a)(i) through (iv).
1435          (ii) For a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2020, the commission shall annually
1436     reduce the deposit under Subsection (7)(a) into the Transportation Investment Fund of 2005 by
1437     an amount equal to the amount of the deposit under this Subsection (7)(b) to the Cottonwood
1438     Canyons fund in the previous fiscal year plus 25% of additional growth revenue, subject to the
1439     limit in Subsection (7)(b)(iii).
1440          (iii) The commission shall annually deposit the amount described in Subsection
1441     (7)(b)(ii) into the Cottonwood Canyons fund, subject to an annual maximum combined amount
1442     for any single fiscal year of $20,000,000.
1443          (iv) If the amount of relevant revenue declines in a fiscal year compared to the previous
1444     fiscal year, the commission shall decrease the amount of the contribution to the Cottonwood
1445     Canyons fund under this Subsection (7)(b) in the same proportion as the decline in relevant
1446     revenue.
1447          (c) (i) Subject to Subsection (7)(c)(ii), for a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1,
1448     2023, the commission shall annually reduce the deposit into the Transportation Investment
1449     Fund of 2005 under Subsections (7)(a) and (7)(b) by an amount that is equal to 5% of:
1450          (A) the amount of revenue generated in the current fiscal year by the portion of taxes
1451     listed under Subsection (3)(a) that equals 20.68% of the revenue collected from taxes described

1452     in Subsections (7)(a)(i) through (iv);
1453          (B) the amount of revenue generated in the current fiscal year by registration fees
1454     designated under Section 41-1a-1201 to be deposited into the Transportation Investment Fund
1455     of 2005; and
1456          (C) revenues transferred by the Division of Finance to the Transportation Investment
1457     Fund of 2005 in accordance with Section 72-2-106 in the current fiscal year.
1458          (ii) The amount described in Subsection (7)(c)(i) may not exceed $45,000,000 in a
1459     given fiscal year.
1460          (iii) The commission shall annually deposit the amount described in Subsection
1461     (7)(c)(i) into the Active Transportation Investment Fund created in Subsection 72-2-124(11).
1462          (8) (a) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), in addition to the amounts deposited under
1463     Subsection (7), and subject to Subsections (8)(b) and (d)(ii), for a fiscal year beginning on or
1464     after July 1, 2018, the commission shall annually deposit into the Transportation Investment
1465     Fund of 2005 created by Section 72-2-124 a portion of the taxes listed under Subsection (3)(a)
1466     in an amount equal to 3.68% of the revenues collected from the following taxes:
1467          (i) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A) at a 4.7% rate;
1468          (ii) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(b)(i);
1469          (iii) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(c)(i); and
1470          (iv) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(f)(i)(A)(I).
1471          (b) For a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2019, the commission shall annually
1472     reduce the deposit into the Transportation Investment Fund of 2005 under Subsection (8)(a) by
1473     an amount that is equal to 35% of the amount of revenue generated in the current fiscal year by
1474     the portion of the tax imposed on motor and special fuel that is sold, used, or received for sale
1475     or use in this state that exceeds 29.4 cents per gallon.
1476          (c) The commission shall annually deposit the amount described in Subsection (8)(b)
1477     into the Transit Transportation Investment Fund created in Section 72-2-124.
1478          (d) (i) As used in this Subsection (8)(d):
1479          (A) "Additional growth revenue" means the amount of relevant revenue collected in
1480     the current fiscal year that exceeds by more than 3% the relevant revenue collected in the
1481     previous fiscal year.
1482          (B) "Combined amount" means the combined total amount of money deposited into the

1483     Cottonwood Canyons fund under Subsections (7)(b)(iii) and (8)(d)(iii) in any single fiscal year.
1484          (C) "Cottonwood Canyons fund" means the Cottonwood Canyons Transportation
1485     Investment Fund created in Subsection 72-2-124(10).
1486          (D) "Relevant revenue" means the portion of taxes listed under Subsection (3)(a) that
1487     equals 3.68% of the revenue collected from taxes described in Subsections (8)(a)(i) through
1488     (iv).
1489          (ii) For a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2020, the commission shall annually
1490     reduce the deposit under Subsection (8)(a) into the Transportation Investment Fund of 2005 by
1491     an amount equal to the amount of the deposit under this Subsection (8)(d) to the Cottonwood
1492     Canyons fund in the previous fiscal year plus 25% of additional growth revenue, subject to the
1493     limit in Subsection (8)(d)(iii).
1494          (iii) The commission shall annually deposit the amount described in Subsection
1495     (8)(d)(ii) into the Cottonwood Canyons fund, subject to an annual maximum combined amount
1496     for any single fiscal year of $20,000,000.
1497          (iv) If the amount of relevant revenue declines in a fiscal year compared to the previous
1498     fiscal year, the commission shall decrease the amount of the contribution to the Cottonwood
1499     Canyons fund under this Subsection (8)(d) in the same proportion as the decline in relevant
1500     revenue.
1501          (9) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), for each fiscal year beginning with fiscal year
1502     2009-10, $533,750 shall be deposited into the Qualified Emergency Food Agencies Fund
1503     created by Section 35A-8-1009 and expended as provided in Section 35A-8-1009.
1504          (10) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), beginning the second fiscal year after the
1505     fiscal year during which the commission receives notice under Section 63N-2-510 that
1506     construction on a qualified hotel, as defined in Section 63N-2-502, has begun, the commission
1507     shall, for two consecutive fiscal years, annually deposit $1,900,000 of the revenue generated by
1508     the taxes listed under Subsection (3)(a) into the Hotel Impact Mitigation Fund, created in
1509     Section 63N-2-512.
1510          (11) (a) The rate specified in this subsection is 0.15%.
1511          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), the commission shall, for a fiscal year
1512     beginning on or after July 1, 2019, annually transfer the amount of revenue collected from the
1513     rate described in Subsection (11)(a) on the transactions that are subject to the sales and use tax

1514     under Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A) into the Medicaid [Expansion] ACA Fund created in Section
1515     26B-1-315.
1516          (12) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), for each fiscal year beginning with fiscal year
1517     2020-21, the commission shall deposit $200,000 into the General Fund as a dedicated credit
1518     solely for use of the Search and Rescue Financial Assistance Program created in, and expended
1519     in accordance with, Title 53, Chapter 2a, Part 11, Search and Rescue Act.
1520          (13) (a) For each fiscal year beginning with fiscal year 2020-21, the commission shall
1521     annually transfer $1,813,400 of the revenue deposited into the Transportation Investment Fund
1522     of 2005 under Subsections (7) and (8) to the General Fund.
1523          (b) If the total revenue deposited into the Transportation Investment Fund of 2005
1524     under Subsections (7) and (8) is less than $1,813,400 for a fiscal year, the commission shall
1525     transfer the total revenue deposited into the Transportation Investment Fund of 2005 under
1526     Subsections (7) and (8) during the fiscal year to the General Fund.
1527          (14) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), and as described in Section 63N-3-610,
1528     beginning the first day of the calendar quarter one year after the sales and use tax boundary for
1529     a housing and transit reinvestment zone is established, the commission, at least annually, shall
1530     transfer an amount equal to 15% of the sales and use tax increment within an established sales
1531     and use tax boundary, as defined in Section 63N-3-602, into the Transit Transportation
1532     Investment Fund created in Section 72-2-124.
1533          (15) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), the commission shall, for a fiscal year
1534     beginning on or after July 1, 2022, transfer into the Outdoor Adventure Infrastructure
1535     Restricted Account, created in Section 51-9-902, a portion of the taxes listed under Subsection
1536     (3)(a) equal to 1% of the revenues collected from the following sales and use taxes:
1537          (a) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A) at a 4.7% rate;
1538          (b) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(b)(i);
1539          (c) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(c)(i); and
1540          (d) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(f)(i)(A)(I).
1541          Section 17. Section 59-12-103 (Contingently Effective 01/01/25) is amended to read:
1542          59-12-103 (Contingently Effective 01/01/25). Sales and use tax base -- Rates --
1543     Effective dates -- Use of sales and use tax revenues.
1544          (1) A tax is imposed on the purchaser as provided in this part on the purchase price or

1545     sales price for amounts paid or charged for the following transactions:
1546          (a) retail sales of tangible personal property made within the state;
1547          (b) amounts paid for:
1548          (i) telecommunications service, other than mobile telecommunications service, that
1549     originates and terminates within the boundaries of this state;
1550          (ii) mobile telecommunications service that originates and terminates within the
1551     boundaries of one state only to the extent permitted by the Mobile Telecommunications
1552     Sourcing Act, 4 U.S.C. Sec. 116 et seq.; or
1553          (iii) an ancillary service associated with a:
1554          (A) telecommunications service described in Subsection (1)(b)(i); or
1555          (B) mobile telecommunications service described in Subsection (1)(b)(ii);
1556          (c) sales of the following for commercial use:
1557          (i) gas;
1558          (ii) electricity;
1559          (iii) heat;
1560          (iv) coal;
1561          (v) fuel oil; or
1562          (vi) other fuels;
1563          (d) sales of the following for residential use:
1564          (i) gas;
1565          (ii) electricity;
1566          (iii) heat;
1567          (iv) coal;
1568          (v) fuel oil; or
1569          (vi) other fuels;
1570          (e) sales of prepared food;
1571          (f) except as provided in Section 59-12-104, amounts paid or charged as admission or
1572     user fees for theaters, movies, operas, museums, planetariums, shows of any type or nature,
1573     exhibitions, concerts, carnivals, amusement parks, amusement rides, circuses, menageries,
1574     fairs, races, contests, sporting events, dances, boxing matches, wrestling matches, closed circuit
1575     television broadcasts, billiard parlors, pool parlors, bowling lanes, golf, miniature golf, golf

1576     driving ranges, batting cages, skating rinks, ski lifts, ski runs, ski trails, snowmobile trails,
1577     tennis courts, swimming pools, water slides, river runs, jeep tours, boat tours, scenic cruises,
1578     horseback rides, sports activities, or any other amusement, entertainment, recreation,
1579     exhibition, cultural, or athletic activity;
1580          (g) amounts paid or charged for services for repairs or renovations of tangible personal
1581     property, unless Section 59-12-104 provides for an exemption from sales and use tax for:
1582          (i) the tangible personal property; and
1583          (ii) parts used in the repairs or renovations of the tangible personal property described
1584     in Subsection (1)(g)(i), regardless of whether:
1585          (A) any parts are actually used in the repairs or renovations of that tangible personal
1586     property; or
1587          (B) the particular parts used in the repairs or renovations of that tangible personal
1588     property are exempt from a tax under this chapter;
1589          (h) except as provided in Subsection 59-12-104(7), amounts paid or charged for
1590     assisted cleaning or washing of tangible personal property;
1591          (i) amounts paid or charged for tourist home, hotel, motel, or trailer court
1592     accommodations and services that are regularly rented for less than 30 consecutive days;
1593          (j) amounts paid or charged for laundry or dry cleaning services;
1594          (k) amounts paid or charged for leases or rentals of tangible personal property if within
1595     this state the tangible personal property is:
1596          (i) stored;
1597          (ii) used; or
1598          (iii) otherwise consumed;
1599          (l) amounts paid or charged for tangible personal property if within this state the
1600     tangible personal property is:
1601          (i) stored;
1602          (ii) used; or
1603          (iii) consumed;
1604          (m) amounts paid or charged for a sale:
1605          (i) (A) of a product transferred electronically; or
1606          (B) of a repair or renovation of a product transferred electronically; and

1607          (ii) regardless of whether the sale provides:
1608          (A) a right of permanent use of the product; or
1609          (B) a right to use the product that is less than a permanent use, including a right:
1610          (I) for a definite or specified length of time; and
1611          (II) that terminates upon the occurrence of a condition; and
1612          (n) sales of leased tangible personal property from the lessor to the lessee made in the
1613     state.
1614          (2) (a) Except as provided in Subsections (2)(b) through (f), a state tax and a local tax
1615     are imposed on a transaction described in Subsection (1) equal to the sum of:
1616          (i) a state tax imposed on the transaction at a tax rate equal to the sum of:
1617          (A) 4.70% plus the rate specified in Subsection (11)(a); and
1618          (B) (I) the tax rate the state imposes in accordance with Part 18, Additional State Sales
1619     and Use Tax Act, if the location of the transaction as determined under Sections 59-12-211
1620     through 59-12-215 is in a county in which the state imposes the tax under Part 18, Additional
1621     State Sales and Use Tax Act; and
1622          (II) the tax rate the state imposes in accordance with Part 20, Supplemental State Sales
1623     and Use Tax Act, if the location of the transaction as determined under Sections 59-12-211
1624     through 59-12-215 is in a city, town, or the unincorporated area of a county in which the state
1625     imposes the tax under Part 20, Supplemental State Sales and Use Tax Act; and
1626          (ii) a local tax equal to the sum of the tax rates a county, city, or town imposes on the
1627     transaction under this chapter other than this part.
1628          (b) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(f) or (g) and subject to Subsection (2)(l), a
1629     state tax and a local tax are imposed on a transaction described in Subsection (1)(d) equal to
1630     the sum of:
1631          (i) a state tax imposed on the transaction at a tax rate of 2%; and
1632          (ii) a local tax equal to the sum of the tax rates a county, city, or town imposes on the
1633     transaction under this chapter other than this part.
1634          (c) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(f) or (g), a local tax is imposed on amounts
1635     paid or charged for food and food ingredients equal to the sum of the tax rates a county, city, or
1636     town imposes under this chapter on the amounts paid or charged for food or food ingredients.
1637          (ii) There is no state tax imposed on amounts paid or charged for food and food

1638     ingredients.
1639          (d) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(f) or (g), a state tax is imposed on amounts
1640     paid or charged for fuel to a common carrier that is a railroad for use in a locomotive engine at
1641     a rate of 4.85%.
1642          (e) (i) (A) If a shared vehicle owner certifies to the commission, on a form prescribed
1643     by the commission, that the shared vehicle is an individual-owned shared vehicle, a tax
1644     imposed under Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A) does not apply to car sharing, a car-sharing program, a
1645     shared vehicle driver, or a shared vehicle owner.
1646          (B) A shared vehicle owner's certification described in Subsection (2)(e)(i)(A) is
1647     required once during the time that the shared vehicle owner owns the shared vehicle.
1648          (C) The commission shall verify that a shared vehicle is an individual-owned shared
1649     vehicle by verifying that the applicable Utah taxes imposed under this chapter were paid on the
1650     purchase of the shared vehicle.
1651          (D) The exception under Subsection (2)(e)(i)(A) applies to a certified
1652     individual-owned shared vehicle shared through a car-sharing program even if non-certified
1653     shared vehicles are also available to be shared through the same car-sharing program.
1654          (ii) A tax imposed under Subsection (2)(a)(i)(B) or (2)(a)(ii) applies to car sharing.
1655          (iii) (A) A car-sharing program may rely in good faith on a shared vehicle owner's
1656     representation that the shared vehicle is an individual-owned shared vehicle certified with the
1657     commission as described in Subsection (2)(e)(i).
1658          (B) If a car-sharing program relies in good faith on a shared vehicle owner's
1659     representation that the shared vehicle is an individual-owned shared vehicle certified with the
1660     commission as described in Subsection (2)(e)(i), the car-sharing program is not liable for any
1661     tax, penalty, fee, or other sanction imposed on the shared vehicle owner.
1662          (iv) If all shared vehicles shared through a car-sharing program are certified as
1663     described in Subsection (2)(e)(i)(A) for a tax period, the car-sharing program has no obligation
1664     to collect and remit the tax under Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A) for that tax period.
1665          (v) [(A)] A car-sharing program is not required to list or otherwise identify an
1666     individual-owned shared vehicle on a return or an attachment to a return.
1667          (vi) A car-sharing program shall:
1668          (A) retain tax information for each car-sharing program transaction; and

1669          (B) provide the information described in Subsection (2)(e)(vi)(A) to the commission at
1670     the commission's request.
1671          (f) (i) For a bundled transaction that is attributable to food and food ingredients and
1672     tangible personal property other than food and food ingredients, a state tax and a local tax is
1673     imposed on the entire bundled transaction equal to the sum of:
1674          (A) a state tax imposed on the entire bundled transaction equal to the sum of:
1675          (I) the tax rate described in Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A); and
1676          (II) (Aa) the tax rate the state imposes in accordance with Part 18, Additional State
1677     Sales and Use Tax Act, if the location of the transaction as determined under Sections
1678     59-12-211 through 59-12-215 is in a county in which the state imposes the tax under Part 18,
1679     Additional State Sales and Use Tax Act; and
1680          (Bb) the tax rate the state imposes in accordance with Part 20, Supplemental State
1681     Sales and Use Tax Act, if the location of the transaction as determined under Sections
1682     59-12-211 through 59-12-215 is in a city, town, or the unincorporated area of a county in which
1683     the state imposes the tax under Part 20, Supplemental State Sales and Use Tax Act; and
1684          (B) a local tax imposed on the entire bundled transaction at the sum of the tax rates
1685     described in Subsection (2)(a)(ii).
1686          (ii) If an optional computer software maintenance contract is a bundled transaction that
1687     consists of taxable and nontaxable products that are not separately itemized on an invoice or
1688     similar billing document, the purchase of the optional computer software maintenance contract
1689     is 40% taxable under this chapter and 60% nontaxable under this chapter.
1690          (iii) Subject to Subsection (2)(f)(iv), for a bundled transaction other than a bundled
1691     transaction described in Subsection (2)(f)(i) or (ii):
1692          (A) if the sales price of the bundled transaction is attributable to tangible personal
1693     property, a product, or a service that is subject to taxation under this chapter and tangible
1694     personal property, a product, or service that is not subject to taxation under this chapter, the
1695     entire bundled transaction is subject to taxation under this chapter unless:
1696          (I) the seller is able to identify by reasonable and verifiable standards the tangible
1697     personal property, product, or service that is not subject to taxation under this chapter from the
1698     books and records the seller keeps in the seller's regular course of business; or
1699          (II) state or federal law provides otherwise; or

1700          (B) if the sales price of a bundled transaction is attributable to two or more items of
1701     tangible personal property, products, or services that are subject to taxation under this chapter
1702     at different rates, the entire bundled transaction is subject to taxation under this chapter at the
1703     higher tax rate unless:
1704          (I) the seller is able to identify by reasonable and verifiable standards the tangible
1705     personal property, product, or service that is subject to taxation under this chapter at the lower
1706     tax rate from the books and records the seller keeps in the seller's regular course of business; or
1707          (II) state or federal law provides otherwise.
1708          (iv) For purposes of Subsection (2)(f)(iii), books and records that a seller keeps in the
1709     seller's regular course of business includes books and records the seller keeps in the regular
1710     course of business for nontax purposes.
1711          (g) (i) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter and subject to Subsections (2)(g)(ii)
1712     and (iii), if a transaction consists of the sale, lease, or rental of tangible personal property, a
1713     product, or a service that is subject to taxation under this chapter, and the sale, lease, or rental
1714     of tangible personal property, other property, a product, or a service that is not subject to
1715     taxation under this chapter, the entire transaction is subject to taxation under this chapter unless
1716     the seller, at the time of the transaction:
1717          (A) separately states the portion of the transaction that is not subject to taxation under
1718     this chapter on an invoice, bill of sale, or similar document provided to the purchaser; or
1719          (B) is able to identify by reasonable and verifiable standards, from the books and
1720     records the seller keeps in the seller's regular course of business, the portion of the transaction
1721     that is not subject to taxation under this chapter.
1722          (ii) A purchaser and a seller may correct the taxability of a transaction if:
1723          (A) after the transaction occurs, the purchaser and the seller discover that the portion of
1724     the transaction that is not subject to taxation under this chapter was not separately stated on an
1725     invoice, bill of sale, or similar document provided to the purchaser because of an error or
1726     ignorance of the law; and
1727          (B) the seller is able to identify by reasonable and verifiable standards, from the books
1728     and records the seller keeps in the seller's regular course of business, the portion of the
1729     transaction that is not subject to taxation under this chapter.
1730          (iii) For purposes of Subsections (2)(g)(i) and (ii), books and records that a seller keeps

1731     in the seller's regular course of business includes books and records the seller keeps in the
1732     regular course of business for nontax purposes.
1733          (h) (i) If the sales price of a transaction is attributable to two or more items of tangible
1734     personal property, products, or services that are subject to taxation under this chapter at
1735     different rates, the entire purchase is subject to taxation under this chapter at the higher tax rate
1736     unless the seller, at the time of the transaction:
1737          (A) separately states the items subject to taxation under this chapter at each of the
1738     different rates on an invoice, bill of sale, or similar document provided to the purchaser; or
1739          (B) is able to identify by reasonable and verifiable standards the tangible personal
1740     property, product, or service that is subject to taxation under this chapter at the lower tax rate
1741     from the books and records the seller keeps in the seller's regular course of business.
1742          (ii) For purposes of Subsection (2)(h)(i), books and records that a seller keeps in the
1743     seller's regular course of business includes books and records the seller keeps in the regular
1744     course of business for nontax purposes.
1745          (i) Subject to Subsections (2)(j) and (k), a tax rate repeal or tax rate change for a tax
1746     rate imposed under the following shall take effect on the first day of a calendar quarter:
1747          (i) Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A);
1748          (ii) Subsection (2)(b)(i); or
1749          (iii) Subsection (2)(f)(i)(A)(I).
1750          (j) (i) A tax rate increase takes effect on the first day of the first billing period that
1751     begins on or after the effective date of the tax rate increase if the billing period for the
1752     transaction begins before the effective date of a tax rate increase imposed under:
1753          (A) Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A);
1754          (B) Subsection (2)(b)(i); or
1755          (C) Subsection (2)(f)(i)(A)(I).
1756          (ii) The repeal of a tax or a tax rate decrease applies to a billing period if the billing
1757     statement for the billing period is rendered on or after the effective date of the repeal of the tax
1758     or the tax rate decrease imposed under:
1759          (A) Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A);
1760          (B) Subsection (2)(b)(i); or
1761          (C) Subsection (2)(f)(i)(A)(I).

1762          (k) (i) For a tax rate described in Subsection (2)(k)(ii), if a tax due on a catalogue sale
1763     is computed on the basis of sales and use tax rates published in the catalogue, a tax rate repeal
1764     or change in a tax rate takes effect:
1765          (A) on the first day of a calendar quarter; and
1766          (B) beginning 60 days after the effective date of the tax rate repeal or tax rate change.
1767          (ii) Subsection (2)(k)(i) applies to the tax rates described in the following:
1768          (A) Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A);
1769          (B) Subsection (2)(b)(i); or
1770          (C) Subsection (2)(f)(i)(A)(I).
1771          (iii) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act,
1772     the commission may by rule define the term "catalogue sale."
1773          (l) (i) For a location described in Subsection (2)(l)(ii), the commission shall determine
1774     the taxable status of a sale of gas, electricity, heat, coal, fuel oil, or other fuel based on the
1775     predominant use of the gas, electricity, heat, coal, fuel oil, or other fuel at the location.
1776          (ii) Subsection (2)(l)(i) applies to a location where gas, electricity, heat, coal, fuel oil,
1777     or other fuel is furnished through a single meter for two or more of the following uses:
1778          (A) a commercial use;
1779          (B) an industrial use; or
1780          (C) a residential use.
1781          (3) (a) The following state taxes shall be deposited into the General Fund:
1782          (i) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A);
1783          (ii) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(b)(i); and
1784          (iii) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(f)(i)(A)(I).
1785          (b) The following local taxes shall be distributed to a county, city, or town as provided
1786     in this chapter:
1787          (i) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(a)(ii);
1788          (ii) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(b)(ii);
1789          (iii) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(c); and
1790          (iv) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(f)(i)(B).
1791          (c) The state tax imposed by Subsection (2)(d) shall be deposited into the General
1792     Fund.

1793          (4) (a) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), for a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1,
1794     2003, the lesser of the following amounts shall be expended as provided in Subsections (4)(b)
1795     through (g):
1796          (i) for taxes listed under Subsection (3)(a), the amount of tax revenue generated:
1797          (A) by a 1/16% tax rate on the transactions described in Subsection (1); and
1798          (B) for the fiscal year; or
1799          (ii) $17,500,000.
1800          (b) (i) For a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2003, 14% of the amount
1801     described in Subsection (4)(a) shall be transferred each year as designated sales and use tax
1802     revenue to the Department of Natural Resources to:
1803          (A) implement the measures described in Subsections 79-2-303(3)(a) through (d) to
1804     protect sensitive plant and animal species; or
1805          (B) award grants, up to the amount authorized by the Legislature in an appropriations
1806     act, to political subdivisions of the state to implement the measures described in Subsections
1807     79-2-303(3)(a) through (d) to protect sensitive plant and animal species.
1808          (ii) Money transferred to the Department of Natural Resources under Subsection
1809     (4)(b)(i) may not be used to assist the United States Fish and Wildlife Service or any other
1810     person to list or attempt to have listed a species as threatened or endangered under the
1811     Endangered Species Act of 1973, 16 U.S.C. Sec. 1531 et seq.
1812          (iii) At the end of each fiscal year:
1813          (A) 50% of any unexpended designated sales and use tax revenue shall lapse to the
1814     Water Resources Conservation and Development Fund created in Section 73-10-24;
1815          (B) 25% of any unexpended designated sales and use tax revenue shall lapse to the
1816     Utah Wastewater Loan Program Subaccount created in Section 73-10c-5; and
1817          (C) 25% of any unexpended designated sales and use tax revenue shall lapse to the
1818     Drinking Water Loan Program Subaccount created in Section 73-10c-5.
1819          (c) For a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2003, 3% of the amount described in
1820     Subsection (4)(a) shall be deposited each year in the Agriculture Resource Development Fund
1821     created in Section 4-18-106.
1822          (d) (i) For a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2003, 1% of the amount described
1823     in Subsection (4)(a) shall be transferred each year as designated sales and use tax revenue to

1824     the Division of Water Rights to cover the costs incurred in hiring legal and technical staff for
1825     the adjudication of water rights.
1826          (ii) At the end of each fiscal year:
1827          (A) 50% of any unexpended designated sales and use tax revenue shall lapse to the
1828     Water Resources Conservation and Development Fund created in Section 73-10-24;
1829          (B) 25% of any unexpended designated sales and use tax revenue shall lapse to the
1830     Utah Wastewater Loan Program Subaccount created in Section 73-10c-5; and
1831          (C) 25% of any unexpended designated sales and use tax revenue shall lapse to the
1832     Drinking Water Loan Program Subaccount created in Section 73-10c-5.
1833          (e) (i) For a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2003, 41% of the amount described
1834     in Subsection (4)(a) shall be deposited into the Water Resources Conservation and
1835     Development Fund created in Section 73-10-24 for use by the Division of Water Resources.
1836          (ii) In addition to the uses allowed of the Water Resources Conservation and
1837     Development Fund under Section 73-10-24, the Water Resources Conservation and
1838     Development Fund may also be used to:
1839          (A) conduct hydrologic and geotechnical investigations by the Division of Water
1840     Resources in a cooperative effort with other state, federal, or local entities, for the purpose of
1841     quantifying surface and ground water resources and describing the hydrologic systems of an
1842     area in sufficient detail so as to enable local and state resource managers to plan for and
1843     accommodate growth in water use without jeopardizing the resource;
1844          (B) fund state required dam safety improvements; and
1845          (C) protect the state's interest in interstate water compact allocations, including the
1846     hiring of technical and legal staff.
1847          (f) For a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2003, 20.5% of the amount described
1848     in Subsection (4)(a) shall be deposited into the Utah Wastewater Loan Program Subaccount
1849     created in Section 73-10c-5 for use by the Water Quality Board to fund wastewater projects.
1850          (g) For a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2003, 20.5% of the amount described
1851     in Subsection (4)(a) shall be deposited into the Drinking Water Loan Program Subaccount
1852     created in Section 73-10c-5 for use by the Division of Drinking Water to:
1853          (i) provide for the installation and repair of collection, treatment, storage, and
1854     distribution facilities for any public water system, as defined in Section 19-4-102;

1855          (ii) develop underground sources of water, including springs and wells; and
1856          (iii) develop surface water sources.
1857          (5) (a) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), for a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1,
1858     2006, the difference between the following amounts shall be expended as provided in this
1859     Subsection (5), if that difference is greater than $1:
1860          (i) for taxes listed under Subsection (3)(a), the amount of tax revenue generated for the
1861     fiscal year by a 1/16% tax rate on the transactions described in Subsection (1); and
1862          (ii) $17,500,000.
1863          (b) (i) The first $500,000 of the difference described in Subsection (5)(a) shall be:
1864          (A) transferred each fiscal year to the Department of Natural Resources as designated
1865     sales and use tax revenue; and
1866          (B) expended by the Department of Natural Resources for watershed rehabilitation or
1867     restoration.
1868          (ii) At the end of each fiscal year, 100% of any unexpended designated sales and use
1869     tax revenue described in Subsection (5)(b)(i) shall lapse to the Water Resources Conservation
1870     and Development Fund created in Section 73-10-24.
1871          (c) (i) After making the transfer required by Subsection (5)(b)(i), $150,000 of the
1872     remaining difference described in Subsection (5)(a) shall be:
1873          (A) transferred each fiscal year to the Division of Water Resources as designated sales
1874     and use tax revenue; and
1875          (B) expended by the Division of Water Resources for cloud-seeding projects
1876     authorized by Title 73, Chapter 15, Modification of Weather.
1877          (ii) At the end of each fiscal year, 100% of any unexpended designated sales and use
1878     tax revenue described in Subsection (5)(c)(i) shall lapse to the Water Resources Conservation
1879     and Development Fund created in Section 73-10-24.
1880          (d) After making the transfers required by Subsections (5)(b) and (c), 85% of the
1881     remaining difference described in Subsection (5)(a) shall be deposited into the Water
1882     Resources Conservation and Development Fund created in Section 73-10-24 for use by the
1883     Division of Water Resources for:
1884          (i) preconstruction costs:
1885          (A) as defined in Subsection 73-26-103(6) for projects authorized by Title 73, Chapter

1886     26, Bear River Development Act; and
1887          (B) as defined in Subsection 73-28-103(8) for the Lake Powell Pipeline project
1888     authorized by Title 73, Chapter 28, Lake Powell Pipeline Development Act;
1889          (ii) the cost of employing a civil engineer to oversee any project authorized by Title 73,
1890     Chapter 26, Bear River Development Act;
1891          (iii) the cost of employing a civil engineer to oversee the Lake Powell Pipeline project
1892     authorized by Title 73, Chapter 28, Lake Powell Pipeline Development Act; and
1893          (iv) other uses authorized under Sections 73-10-24, 73-10-25.1, and 73-10-30, and
1894     Subsection (4)(e)(ii) after funding the uses specified in Subsections (5)(d)(i) through (iii).
1895          (e) After making the transfers required by Subsections (5)(b) and (c), 15% of the
1896     remaining difference described in Subsection (5)(a) shall be deposited each year into the Water
1897     Rights Restricted Account created by Section 73-2-1.6.
1898          (6) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a) and for taxes listed under Subsection (3)(a),
1899     each fiscal year, the commission shall deposit into the Water Infrastructure Restricted Account
1900     created in Section 73-10g-103 the amount of revenue generated by a 1/16% tax rate on the
1901     transactions described in Subsection (1) for the fiscal year.
1902          (7) (a) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a) and subject to Subsection (7)(b), for a fiscal
1903     year beginning on or after July 1, 2023, the commission shall deposit into the Transportation
1904     Investment Fund of 2005 created by Section 72-2-124 a portion of the taxes listed under
1905     Subsection (3)(a) equal to 17% of the revenue collected from the following sales and use taxes:
1906          (i) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A) at a 4.7% rate;
1907          (ii) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(b)(i); and
1908          (iii) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(f)(i)(A)(I).
1909          (b) (i) As used in this Subsection (7)(b):
1910          (A) "Additional growth revenue" means the amount of relevant revenue collected in
1911     the current fiscal year that exceeds by more than 3% the relevant revenue collected in the
1912     previous fiscal year.
1913          (B) "Combined amount" means the combined total amount of money deposited into the
1914     Cottonwood Canyons fund under Subsections (7)(b)(iii) and (8)(d)(iii) in any single fiscal year.
1915          (C) "Cottonwood Canyons fund" means the Cottonwood Canyons Transportation
1916     Investment Fund created in Subsection 72-2-124(10).

1917          (D) "Relevant revenue" means the portion of taxes listed under Subsection (3)(a) that
1918     equals 17% of the revenue collected from taxes described in Subsections (7)(a)(i) through (iii).
1919          (ii) For a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2020, the commission shall annually
1920     reduce the deposit under Subsection (7)(a) into the Transportation Investment Fund of 2005 by
1921     an amount equal to the amount of the deposit under this Subsection (7)(b) to the Cottonwood
1922     Canyons fund in the previous fiscal year plus 25% of additional growth revenue, subject to the
1923     limit in Subsection (7)(b)(iii).
1924          (iii) The commission shall annually deposit the amount described in Subsection
1925     (7)(b)(ii) into the Cottonwood Canyons fund, subject to an annual maximum combined amount
1926     for any single fiscal year of $20,000,000.
1927          (iv) If the amount of relevant revenue declines in a fiscal year compared to the previous
1928     fiscal year, the commission shall decrease the amount of the contribution to the Cottonwood
1929     Canyons fund under this Subsection (7)(b) in the same proportion as the decline in relevant
1930     revenue.
1931          (c) (i) Subject to Subsection (7)(c)(ii), for a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1,
1932     2023, the commission shall annually reduce the deposit into the Transportation Investment
1933     Fund of 2005 under Subsections (7)(a) and (7)(b) by an amount that is equal to 5% of:
1934          (A) the amount of revenue generated in the current fiscal year by the portion of taxes
1935     listed under Subsection (3)(a) that equals 20.68% of the revenue collected from taxes described
1936     in Subsections (7)(a)(i) through (iv);
1937          (B) the amount of revenue generated in the current fiscal year by registration fees
1938     designated under Section 41-1a-1201 to be deposited into the Transportation Investment Fund
1939     of 2005; and
1940          (C) revenues transferred by the Division of Finance to the Transportation Investment
1941     Fund of 2005 in accordance with Section 72-2-106 in the current fiscal year.
1942          (ii) The amount described in Subsection (7)(c)(i) may not exceed $45,000,000 in a
1943     given fiscal year.
1944          (iii) The commission shall annually deposit the amount described in Subsection
1945     (7)(c)(i) into the Active Transportation Investment Fund created in Subsection 72-2-124(11).
1946          (8) (a) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), in addition to the amounts deposited under
1947     Subsection (7), and subject to Subsections (8)(b) and (d)(ii), for a fiscal year beginning on or

1948     after July 1, 2018, the commission shall annually deposit into the Transportation Investment
1949     Fund of 2005 created by Section 72-2-124 a portion of the taxes listed under Subsection (3)(a)
1950     in an amount equal to 3.68% of the revenues collected from the following taxes:
1951          (i) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A) at a 4.7% rate;
1952          (ii) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(b)(i); and
1953          (iii) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(f)(i)(A)(I).
1954          (b) For a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2019, the commission shall annually
1955     reduce the deposit into the Transportation Investment Fund of 2005 under Subsection (8)(a) by
1956     an amount that is equal to 35% of the amount of revenue generated in the current fiscal year by
1957     the portion of the tax imposed on motor and special fuel that is sold, used, or received for sale
1958     or use in this state that exceeds 29.4 cents per gallon.
1959          (c) The commission shall annually deposit the amount described in Subsection (8)(b)
1960     into the Transit Transportation Investment Fund created in Section 72-2-124.
1961          (d) (i) As used in this Subsection (8)(d):
1962          (A) "Additional growth revenue" means the amount of relevant revenue collected in
1963     the current fiscal year that exceeds by more than 3% the relevant revenue collected in the
1964     previous fiscal year.
1965          (B) "Combined amount" means the combined total amount of money deposited into the
1966     Cottonwood Canyons fund under Subsections (7)(b)(iii) and (8)(d)(iii) in any single fiscal year.
1967          (C) "Cottonwood Canyons fund" means the Cottonwood Canyons Transportation
1968     Investment Fund created in Subsection 72-2-124(10).
1969          (D) "Relevant revenue" means the portion of taxes listed under Subsection (3)(a) that
1970     equals 3.68% of the revenue collected from taxes described in Subsections (8)(a)(i) through
1971     (iii).
1972          (ii) For a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2020, the commission shall annually
1973     reduce the deposit under Subsection (8)(a) into the Transportation Investment Fund of 2005 by
1974     an amount equal to the amount of the deposit under this Subsection (8)(d) to the Cottonwood
1975     Canyons fund in the previous fiscal year plus 25% of additional growth revenue, subject to the
1976     limit in Subsection (8)(d)(iii).
1977          (iii) The commission shall annually deposit the amount described in Subsection
1978     (8)(d)(ii) into the Cottonwood Canyons fund, subject to an annual maximum combined amount

1979     for any single fiscal year of $20,000,000.
1980          (iv) If the amount of relevant revenue declines in a fiscal year compared to the previous
1981     fiscal year, the commission shall decrease the amount of the contribution to the Cottonwood
1982     Canyons fund under this Subsection (8)(d) in the same proportion as the decline in relevant
1983     revenue.
1984          (9) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), for each fiscal year beginning with fiscal year
1985     2009-10, $533,750 shall be deposited into the Qualified Emergency Food Agencies Fund
1986     created by Section 35A-8-1009 and expended as provided in Section 35A-8-1009.
1987          (10) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), beginning the second fiscal year after the
1988     fiscal year during which the commission receives notice under Section 63N-2-510 that
1989     construction on a qualified hotel, as defined in Section 63N-2-502, has begun, the commission
1990     shall, for two consecutive fiscal years, annually deposit $1,900,000 of the revenue generated by
1991     the taxes listed under Subsection (3)(a) into the Hotel Impact Mitigation Fund, created in
1992     Section 63N-2-512.
1993          (11) (a) The rate specified in this subsection is 0.15%.
1994          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), the commission shall, for a fiscal year
1995     beginning on or after July 1, 2019, annually transfer the amount of revenue collected from the
1996     rate described in Subsection (11)(a) on the transactions that are subject to the sales and use tax
1997     under Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A) into the Medicaid [Expansion] ACA Fund created in Section
1998     26B-1-315.
1999          (12) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), for each fiscal year beginning with fiscal year
2000     2020-21, the commission shall deposit $200,000 into the General Fund as a dedicated credit
2001     solely for use of the Search and Rescue Financial Assistance Program created in, and expended
2002     in accordance with, Title 53, Chapter 2a, Part 11, Search and Rescue Act.
2003          (13) (a) For each fiscal year beginning with fiscal year 2020-21, the commission shall
2004     annually transfer $1,813,400 of the revenue deposited into the Transportation Investment Fund
2005     of 2005 under Subsections (7) and (8) to the General Fund.
2006          (b) If the total revenue deposited into the Transportation Investment Fund of 2005
2007     under Subsections (7) and (8) is less than $1,813,400 for a fiscal year, the commission shall
2008     transfer the total revenue deposited into the Transportation Investment Fund of 2005 under
2009     Subsections (7) and (8) during the fiscal year to the General Fund.

2010          (14) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), and as described in Section 63N-3-610,
2011     beginning the first day of the calendar quarter one year after the sales and use tax boundary for
2012     a housing and transit reinvestment zone is established, the commission, at least annually, shall
2013     transfer an amount equal to 15% of the sales and use tax increment within an established sales
2014     and use tax boundary, as defined in Section 63N-3-602, into the Transit Transportation
2015     Investment Fund created in Section 72-2-124.
2016          (15) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), the commission shall, for a fiscal year
2017     beginning on or after July 1, 2022, transfer into the Outdoor Adventure Infrastructure
2018     Restricted Account, created in Section 51-9-902, a portion of the taxes listed under Subsection
2019     (3)(a) equal to 1% of the revenues collected from the following sales and use taxes:
2020          (a) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A) at a 4.7% rate;
2021          (b) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(b)(i); and
2022          (c) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(f)(i)(A)(I).
2023          Section 18. Section 63A-5b-607 is amended to read:
2024          63A-5b-607. Health insurance requirements -- Penalties.
2025          (1) As used in this section:
2026          (a) "Aggregate amount" means the dollar sum of all contracts, change orders, and
2027     modifications for a single project.
2028          (b) "Change order" means the same as that term is defined in Section 63G-6a-103.
2029          (c) "Eligible employee" means an employee, as defined in Section 34A-2-104, who:
2030          (i) works at least 30 hours per calendar week; and
2031          (ii) meets the employer eligibility waiting period for qualified health insurance
2032     coverage provided by the employer.
2033          (d) "Health benefit plan" means:
2034          (i) the same as that term is defined in Section 31A-1-301; or
2035          (ii) an employee welfare benefit plan:
2036          (A) established under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, 29
2037     U.S.C. Sec. 1001 et seq.;
2038          (B) for an employer with 100 or more employees; and
2039          (C) in which the employer establishes a self-funded or partially self-funded group
2040     health plan to provide medical care for the employer's employees and dependents of the

2041     employees.
2042          (e) "Qualified health insurance coverage" means the same as that term is defined in
2043     Section 26B-3-909.
2044          (f) "Subcontractor" means the same as that term is defined in Section 63A-5b-605.
2045          (g) "Third party administrator" or "administrator" means the same as that term is
2046     defined in Section 31A-1-301.
2047          (2) Except as provided in Subsection (3), the requirements of this section apply to:
2048          (a) a contractor of a design or construction contract with the division if the prime
2049     contract is in an aggregate amount of $2,000,000 or more; and
2050          (b) a subcontractor of a contractor of a design or construction contract with the division
2051     if the subcontract is in an aggregate amount of $1,000,000 or more.
2052          (3) The requirements of this section do not apply to a contractor or subcontractor if:
2053          (a) the application of this section jeopardizes the division's receipt of federal funds;
2054          (b) the contract is a sole source contract, as defined in Section 63G-6a-103; or
2055          (c) the contract is the result of an emergency procurement.
2056          (4) A person who intentionally uses a change order, contract modification, or multiple
2057     contracts to circumvent the requirements of this section is guilty of an infraction.
2058          (5) (a) A contractor that is subject to the requirements of this section shall:
2059          (i) make and maintain an offer of qualified health coverage for the contractor's eligible
2060     employees and the eligible employees' dependents; and
2061          (ii) submit to the director a written statement demonstrating that the contractor is in
2062     compliance with Subsection (5)(a)(i).
2063          (b) A statement under Subsection (5)(a)(ii):
2064          (i) shall be from:
2065          (A) an actuary selected by the contractor or the contractor's insurer;
2066          (B) an underwriter who is responsible for developing the employer group's premium
2067     rates; or
2068          (C) if the contractor provides a health benefit plan described in Subsection (1)(d)(ii),
2069     an actuary or underwriter selected by a third party administrator; and
2070          (ii) may not be created more than one year before the day on which the contractor
2071     submits the statement to the director.

2072          (c) (i) A contractor that provides a health benefit plan described in Subsection (1)(d)(ii)
2073     shall provide the actuary or underwriter selected by an administrator, as described in
2074     Subsection (5)(b)(i)(C), sufficient information to determine whether the contractor's
2075     contribution to the health benefit plan and the actuarial value of the health benefit plan meet the
2076     requirements of qualified health coverage.
2077          (ii) A contractor may not make a change to the contractor's contribution to the health
2078     benefit plan, unless the contractor provides notice to:
2079          (A) the actuary or underwriter selected by an administrator, as described in Subsection
2080     (5)(b)(i)(C), for the actuary or underwriter to update the written statement described in
2081     Subsection (5)(a) in compliance with this section; and
2082          (B) the division.
2083          (6) (a) A contractor that is subject to the requirements of this section shall:
2084          (i) ensure that each contract the contractor enters with a subcontractor that is subject to
2085     the requirements of this section requires the subcontractor to obtain and maintain an offer of
2086     qualified health coverage for the subcontractor's eligible employees and the eligible employees'
2087     dependents during the duration of the subcontract; and
2088          (ii) obtain from a subcontractor referred to in Subsection (6)(a)(i) a written statement
2089     demonstrating that the subcontractor offers qualified health coverage to eligible employees and
2090     eligible employees' dependents.
2091          (b) A statement under Subsection (6)(a)(ii):
2092          (i) shall be from:
2093          (A) an actuary selected by the subcontractor or the subcontractor's insurer;
2094          (B) an underwriter who is responsible for developing the employer group's premium
2095     rates; or
2096          (C) if the subcontractor provides a health benefit plan described in Subsection
2097     (1)(d)(ii), an actuary or underwriter selected by an administrator; and
2098          (ii) may not be created more than one year before the day on which the contractor
2099     obtains the statement from the subcontractor.
2100          (7) (a) (i) A contractor that fails to maintain an offer of qualified health coverage
2101     during the duration of the contract as required in this section is subject to penalties in
2102     accordance with administrative rules made by the division under this section, in accordance

2103     with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act.
2104          (ii) A contractor is not subject to penalties for the failure of a subcontractor to obtain
2105     and maintain an offer of qualified health coverage as required in this section.
2106          (b) (i) A subcontractor that fails to obtain and maintain an offer of qualified health
2107     coverage during the duration of the subcontract as required in this section is subject to penalties
2108     in accordance with administrative rules made by the division under this section, in accordance
2109     with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act.
2110          (ii) A subcontractor is not subject to penalties for the failure of a contractor to maintain
2111     an offer of qualified health coverage as required in this section.
2112          (8) The division shall make rules:
2113          (a) in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act;
2114          (b) in coordination with:
2115          (i) the Department of Environmental Quality in accordance with Section 19-1-206;
2116          (ii) the Department of Natural Resources in accordance with Section 79-2-404;
2117          (iii) a public transit district in accordance with Section 17B-2a-818.5;
2118          (iv) the State Capitol Preservation Board in accordance with Section 63C-9-403;
2119          (v) the Department of Transportation in accordance with Section 72-6-107.5; and
2120          (vi) the Legislature's Administrative Rules Review and General Oversight Committee;
2121     and
2122          (c) that establish:
2123          (i) the requirements and procedures for a contractor and a subcontractor to demonstrate
2124     compliance with this section, including:
2125          (A) a provision that a contractor or subcontractor's compliance with this section is
2126     subject to an audit by the division or the Office of the Legislative Auditor General;
2127          (B) a provision that a contractor that is subject to the requirements of this section
2128     obtain a written statement as provided in Subsection (5); and
2129          (C) a provision that a subcontractor that is subject to the requirements of this section
2130     obtain a written statement as provided in Subsection (6);
2131          (ii) the penalties that may be imposed if a contractor or subcontractor intentionally
2132     violates the provisions of this section, which may include:
2133          (A) a three-month suspension of the contractor or subcontractor from entering into a

2134     future contract with the state upon the first violation;
2135          (B) a six-month suspension of the contractor or subcontractor from entering into a
2136     future contract with the state upon the second violation;
2137          (C) an action for debarment of the contractor or subcontractor in accordance with
2138     Section 63G-6a-904 upon the third or subsequent violation; and
2139          (D) monetary penalties which may not exceed 50% of the amount necessary to
2140     purchase qualified health coverage for eligible employees and dependents of eligible
2141     employees of the contractor or subcontractor who were not offered qualified health coverage
2142     during the duration of the contract; and
2143          (iii) a website for the department to post the commercially equivalent benchmark for
2144     the qualified health coverage that is provided by the Department of Health and Human Services
2145     in accordance with Subsection 26B-3-909(2).
2146          (9) During the duration of a contract, the division may perform an audit to verify a
2147     contractor or subcontractor's compliance with this section.
2148          (10) (a) Upon the division's request, a contractor or subcontractor shall provide the
2149     division:
2150          (i) a signed actuarial certification that the coverage the contractor or subcontractor
2151     offers is qualified health coverage; or
2152          (ii) all relevant documents and information necessary for the division to determine
2153     compliance with this section.
2154          (b) If a contractor or subcontractor provides the documents and information described
2155     in Subsection (10)(a)(i), the Insurance Department shall assist the division in determining if the
2156     coverage the contractor or subcontractor offers is qualified health coverage.
2157          (11) (a) (i) In addition to the penalties imposed under Subsection (7), a contractor or
2158     subcontractor that intentionally violates the provisions of this section is liable to an eligible
2159     employee for health care costs that would have been covered by qualified health coverage.
2160          (ii) An employer has an affirmative defense to a cause of action under Subsection
2161     (11)(a)(i) if:
2162          (A) the employer relied in good faith on a written statement described in Subsection (5)
2163     or (6); or
2164          (B) the department determines that compliance with this section is not required under

2165     the provisions of Subsection (3).
2166          (b) An eligible employee has a private right of action against the employee's employer
2167     only as provided in this Subsection (11).
2168          (12) The director shall cause money collected from the imposition and collection of a
2169     penalty under this section to be deposited into the Medicaid [Restricted] Growth Reduction and
2170     Budget Stabilization Account created by Section [26B-1-309] 63J-1-315.
2171          (13) The failure of a contractor or subcontractor to provide qualified health coverage as
2172     required by this section:
2173          (a) may not be the basis for a protest or other action from a prospective bidder, offeror,
2174     or contractor under:
2175          (i) Section 63G-6a-1602; or
2176          (ii) any other provision in Title 63G, Chapter 6a, Utah Procurement Code; and
2177          (b) may not be used by the procurement entity or a prospective bidder, offeror, or
2178     contractor as a basis for any action or suit that would suspend, disrupt, or terminate the design
2179     or construction.
2180          (14) An employer's waiting period for an employee to become eligible for qualified
2181     health coverage may not extend beyond the first day of the calendar month following 60 days
2182     after the day on which the employee is hired.
2183          (15) An administrator, including an administrator's actuary or underwriter, who
2184     provides a written statement under Subsection (5)(a) or (c) regarding the qualified health
2185     coverage of a contractor or subcontractor who provides a health benefit plan described in
2186     Subsection (1)(d)(ii):
2187          (a) subject to Subsection (11)(b), is not liable for an error in the written statement,
2188     unless the administrator commits gross negligence in preparing the written statement;
2189          (b) is not liable for any error in the written statement if the administrator relied in good
2190     faith on information from the contractor or subcontractor; and
2191          (c) may require as a condition of providing the written statement that a contractor or
2192     subcontractor hold the administrator harmless for an action arising under this section.
2193          Section 19. Section 63C-9-403 is amended to read:
2194          63C-9-403. Contracting power of executive director -- Health insurance coverage.
2195          (1) As used in this section:

2196          (a) "Aggregate" means the sum of all contracts, change orders, and modifications
2197     related to a single project.
2198          (b) "Change order" means the same as that term is defined in Section 63G-6a-103.
2199          (c) "Employee" means, as defined in Section 34A-2-104, an "employee," "worker," or
2200     "operative" who:
2201          (i) works at least 30 hours per calendar week; and
2202          (ii) meets employer eligibility waiting requirements for health care insurance, which
2203     may not exceed the first of the calendar month following 60 days after the day on which the
2204     individual is hired.
2205          (d) "Health benefit plan" means:
2206          (i) the same as that term is defined in Section 31A-1-301; or
2207          (ii) an employee welfare benefit plan:
2208          (A) established under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, 29
2209     U.S.C. Sec. 1001 et seq.;
2210          (B) for an employer with 100 or more employees; and
2211          (C) in which the employer establishes a self-funded or partially self-funded group
2212     health plan to provide medical care for the employer's employees and dependents of the
2213     employees.
2214          (e) "Qualified health coverage" means the same as that term is defined in Section
2215     26B-3-909.
2216          (f) "Subcontractor" means the same as that term is defined in Section 63A-5b-605.
2217          (g) "Third party administrator" or "administrator" means the same as that term is
2218     defined in Section 31A-1-301.
2219          (2) Except as provided in Subsection (3), the requirements of this section apply to:
2220          (a) a contractor of a design or construction contract entered into by the board, or on
2221     behalf of the board, on or after July 1, 2009, if the prime contract is in an aggregate amount
2222     equal to or greater than $2,000,000; and
2223          (b) a subcontractor of a contractor of a design or construction contract entered into by
2224     the board, or on behalf of the board, on or after July 1, 2009, if the subcontract is in an
2225     aggregate amount equal to or greater than $1,000,000.
2226          (3) The requirements of this section do not apply to a contractor or subcontractor

2227     described in Subsection (2) if:
2228          (a) the application of this section jeopardizes the receipt of federal funds;
2229          (b) the contract is a sole source contract; or
2230          (c) the contract is an emergency procurement.
2231          (4) A person that intentionally uses change orders, contract modifications, or multiple
2232     contracts to circumvent the requirements of this section is guilty of an infraction.
2233          (5) (a) A contractor subject to the requirements of this section shall demonstrate to the
2234     executive director that the contractor has and will maintain an offer of qualified health
2235     coverage for the contractor's employees and the employees' dependents during the duration of
2236     the contract by submitting to the executive director a written statement that:
2237          (i) the contractor offers qualified health coverage that complies with Section
2238     26B-3-909;
2239          (ii) is from:
2240          (A) an actuary selected by the contractor or the contractor's insurer;
2241          (B) an underwriter who is responsible for developing the employer group's premium
2242     rates; or
2243          (C) if the contractor provides a health benefit plan described in Subsection (1)(d)(ii),
2244     an actuary or underwriter selected by a third party administrator; and
2245          (iii) was created within one year before the day on which the statement is submitted.
2246          (b) (i) A contractor that provides a health benefit plan described in Subsection (1)(d)(ii)
2247     shall provide the actuary or underwriter selected by the administrator, as described in
2248     Subsection (5)(a)(ii)(C), sufficient information to determine whether the contractor's
2249     contribution to the health benefit plan and the health benefit plan's actuarial value meets the
2250     requirements of qualified health coverage.
2251          (ii) A contractor may not make a change to the contractor's contribution to the health
2252     benefit plan, unless the contractor provides notice to:
2253          (A) the actuary or underwriter selected by the administrator, as described in Subsection
2254     (5)(a)(ii)(C), for the actuary or underwriter to update the written statement described in
2255     Subsection (5)(a) in compliance with this section; and
2256          (B) the executive director.
2257          (c) A contractor that is subject to the requirements of this section shall:

2258          (i) place a requirement in each of the contractor's subcontracts that a subcontractor that
2259     is subject to the requirements of this section shall obtain and maintain an offer of qualified
2260     health coverage for the subcontractor's employees and the employees' dependents during the
2261     duration of the subcontract; and
2262          (ii) obtain from a subcontractor that is subject to the requirements of this section a
2263     written statement that:
2264          (A) the subcontractor offers qualified health coverage that complies with Section
2265     26B-3-909;
2266          (B) is from an actuary selected by the subcontractor or the subcontractor's insurer, an
2267     underwriter who is responsible for developing the employer group's premium rates, or if the
2268     subcontractor provides a health benefit plan described in Subsection (1)(d)(ii), an actuary or
2269     underwriter selected by an administrator; and
2270          (C) was created within one year before the day on which the contractor obtains the
2271     statement.
2272          (d) (i) (A) A contractor that fails to maintain an offer of qualified health coverage as
2273     described in Subsection (5)(a) during the duration of the contract is subject to penalties in
2274     accordance with administrative rules adopted by the division under Subsection (6).
2275          (B) A contractor is not subject to penalties for the failure of a subcontractor to obtain
2276     and maintain an offer of qualified health coverage described in Subsection (5)(c)(i).
2277          (ii) (A) A subcontractor that fails to obtain and maintain an offer of qualified health
2278     coverage described in Subsection (5)(c)(i) during the duration of the subcontract is subject to
2279     penalties in accordance with administrative rules adopted by the department under Subsection
2280     (6).
2281          (B) A subcontractor is not subject to penalties for the failure of a contractor to maintain
2282     an offer of qualified health coverage described in Subsection (5)(a).
2283          (6) The department shall adopt administrative rules:
2284          (a) in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act;
2285          (b) in coordination with:
2286          (i) the Department of Environmental Quality in accordance with Section 19-1-206;
2287          (ii) the Department of Natural Resources in accordance with Section 79-2-404;
2288          (iii) the Division of Facilities Construction and Management in accordance with

2289     Section 63A-5b-607;
2290          (iv) a public transit district in accordance with Section 17B-2a-818.5;
2291          (v) the Department of Transportation in accordance with Section 72-6-107.5; and
2292          (vi) the Legislature's Administrative Rules Review and General Oversight Committee;
2293     and
2294          (c) that establish:
2295          (i) the requirements and procedures a contractor and a subcontractor shall follow to
2296     demonstrate compliance with this section, including:
2297          (A) that a contractor or subcontractor's compliance with this section is subject to an
2298     audit by the department or the Office of the Legislative Auditor General;
2299          (B) that a contractor that is subject to the requirements of this section shall obtain a
2300     written statement described in Subsection (5)(a); and
2301          (C) that a subcontractor that is subject to the requirements of this section shall obtain a
2302     written statement described in Subsection (5)(c)(ii);
2303          (ii) the penalties that may be imposed if a contractor or subcontractor intentionally
2304     violates the provisions of this section, which may include:
2305          (A) a three-month suspension of the contractor or subcontractor from entering into
2306     future contracts with the state upon the first violation;
2307          (B) a six-month suspension of the contractor or subcontractor from entering into future
2308     contracts with the state upon the second violation;
2309          (C) an action for debarment of the contractor or subcontractor in accordance with
2310     Section 63G-6a-904 upon the third or subsequent violation; and
2311          (D) monetary penalties which may not exceed 50% of the amount necessary to
2312     purchase qualified health coverage for employees and dependents of employees of the
2313     contractor or subcontractor who were not offered qualified health coverage during the duration
2314     of the contract; and
2315          (iii) a website on which the department shall post the commercially equivalent
2316     benchmark, for the qualified health coverage identified in Subsection (1)(e), that is provided by
2317     the Department of Health and Human Services, in accordance with Subsection 26B-3-909(2).
2318          (7) (a) (i) In addition to the penalties imposed under Subsection (6)(c)(ii), a contractor
2319     or subcontractor who intentionally violates the provisions of this section is liable to the

2320     employee for health care costs that would have been covered by qualified health coverage.
2321          (ii) An employer has an affirmative defense to a cause of action under Subsection
2322     (7)(a)(i) if:
2323          (A) the employer relied in good faith on a written statement described in Subsection
2324     (5)(a) or (5)(c)(ii); or
2325          (B) the department determines that compliance with this section is not required under
2326     the provisions of Subsection (3).
2327          (b) An employee has a private right of action only against the employee's employer to
2328     enforce the provisions of this Subsection (7).
2329          (8) Any penalties imposed and collected under this section shall be deposited into the
2330     Medicaid [Restricted] Growth Reduction and Budget Stabilization Account created in Section
2331     [26B-1-309] 63J-1-315.
2332          (9) The failure of a contractor or subcontractor to provide qualified health coverage as
2333     required by this section:
2334          (a) may not be the basis for a protest or other action from a prospective bidder, offeror,
2335     or contractor under:
2336          (i) Section 63G-6a-1602; or
2337          (ii) any other provision in Title 63G, Chapter 6a, Utah Procurement Code; and
2338          (b) may not be used by the procurement entity or a prospective bidder, offeror, or
2339     contractor as a basis for any action or suit that would suspend, disrupt, or terminate the design
2340     or construction.
2341          (10) An administrator, including the administrator's actuary or underwriter, who
2342     provides a written statement under Subsection (5)(a) or (c) regarding the qualified health
2343     coverage of a contractor or subcontractor who provides a health benefit plan described in
2344     Subsection (1)(d)(ii):
2345          (a) subject to Subsection (10)(b), is not liable for an error in the written statement,
2346     unless the administrator commits gross negligence in preparing the written statement;
2347          (b) is not liable for any error in the written statement if the administrator relied in good
2348     faith on information from the contractor or subcontractor; and
2349          (c) may require as a condition of providing the written statement that a contractor or
2350     subcontractor hold the administrator harmless for an action arising under this section.

2351          Section 20. Section 63I-1-226 (Superseded 07/01/24) is amended to read:
2352          63I-1-226 (Superseded 07/01/24). Repeal dates: Titles 26A through 26B.
2353          (1) Subsection 26B-1-204(2)(i), related to the Primary Care Grant Committee, is
2354     repealed July 1, 2025.
2355          (2) Section 26B-1-315, which creates the Medicaid [Expansion] ACA Fund, is
2356     repealed July 1, [2024] 2034.
2357          (3) Section 26B-1-319, which creates the Neuro-Rehabilitation Fund, is repealed
2358     January 1, 2025.
2359          (4) Section 26B-1-320, which creates the Pediatric Neuro-Rehabilitation Fund, is
2360     repealed January 1, 2025.
2361          (5) Subsection 26B-1-324(4), the language that states "the Behavioral Health Crisis
2362     Response Commission, as defined in Section 63C-18-202," is repealed December 31, 2026.
2363          (6) Subsection 26B-1-329(6), related to the Behavioral Health Crisis Response
2364     Commission, is repealed December 31, 2026.
2365          (7) Section 26B-1-402, related to the Rare Disease Advisory Council Grant Program, is
2366     repealed July 1, 2026.
2367          (8) Section 26B-1-409, which creates the Utah Digital Health Service Commission, is
2368     repealed July 1, 2025.
2369          (9) Section 26B-1-410, which creates the Primary Care Grant Committee, is repealed
2370     July 1, 2025.
2371          (10) Section 26B-1-416, which creates the Utah Children's Health Insurance Program
2372     Advisory Council, is repealed July 1, 2025.
2373          (11) Section 26B-1-417, which creates the Brain Injury Advisory Committee, is
2374     repealed July 1, 2025.
2375          (12) Section 26B-1-418, which creates the Neuro-Rehabilitation Fund and Pediatric
2376     Neuro-Rehabilitation Fund Advisory Committee, is repealed January 1, 2025.
2377          (13) Section 26B-1-422, which creates the Early Childhood Utah Advisory Council, is
2378     repealed July 1, 2029.
2379          (14) Section 26B-1-428, which creates the Youth Electronic Cigarette, Marijuana, and
2380     Other Drug Prevention Program, is repealed July 1, 2025.
2381          (15) Section 26B-1-430, which creates the Coordinating Council for Persons with

2382     Disabilities, is repealed July 1, 2027.
2383          (16) Section 26B-1-431, which creates the Forensic Mental Health Coordinating
2384     Council, is repealed July 1, 2023.
2385          (17) Section 26B-1-432, which creates the Newborn Hearing Screening Committee, is
2386     repealed July 1, 2026.
2387          (18) Section 26B-1-434, regarding the Correctional Postnatal and Early Childhood
2388     Advisory Board, is repealed July 1, 2026.
2389          (19) Section 26B-2-407, related to drinking water quality in child care centers, is
2390     repealed July 1, 2027.
2391          (20) Subsection 26B-3-107(9), which addresses reimbursement for dental hygienists, is
2392     repealed July 1, 2028.
2393          (21) Section 26B-3-136, which creates the Children's Health Care Coverage Program,
2394     is repealed July 1, 2025.
2395          (22) Section 26B-3-137, related to reimbursement for the National Diabetes Prevention
2396     Program, is repealed June 30, 2027.
2397          (23) Subsection 26B-3-213(2), the language that states "and the Behavioral Health
2398     Crisis Response Commission created in Section 63C-18-202" is repealed December 31, 2026.
2399          (24) Sections 26B-3-302 through 26B-3-309, regarding the Drug Utilization Review
2400     Board, are repealed July 1, 2027.
2401          (25) Title 26B, Chapter 3, Part 5, Inpatient Hospital Assessment, is repealed July 1,
2402     2024.
2403          (26) Title 26B, Chapter 3, Part 6, Medicaid Expansion Hospital Assessment, is
2404     repealed July 1, 2024.
2405          (27) Title 26B, Chapter 3, Part 7, Hospital Provider Assessment, is repealed July 1,
2406     2028.
2407          (28) Section 26B-3-910, regarding alternative eligibility, is repealed July 1, 2028.
2408          (29) Section 26B-4-136, related to the Volunteer Emergency Medical Service
2409     Personnel Health Insurance Program, is repealed July 1, 2027.
2410          (30) Section 26B-4-710, related to rural residency training programs, is repealed July 1,
2411     2025.
2412          (31) Subsections 26B-5-112(1) and (5), the language that states "In consultation with

2413     the Behavioral Health Crisis Response Commission, established in Section 63C-18-202," is
2414     repealed December 31, 2026.
2415          (32) Section 26B-5-112.5 is repealed December 31, 2026.
2416          (33) Section 26B-5-114, related to the Behavioral Health Receiving Center Grant
2417     Program, is repealed December 31, 2026.
2418          (34) Section 26B-5-118, related to collaborative care grant programs, is repealed
2419     December 31, 2024.
2420          (35) Section 26B-5-120 is repealed December 31, 2026.
2421          (36) In relation to the Utah Assertive Community Treatment Act, on July 1, 2024:
2422          (a) Subsection 26B-5-606(2)(a)(i), the language that states "and" is repealed; and
2423          (b) Subsections 26B-5-606(2)(a)(ii), 26B-5-606(2)(b), and 26B-5-606(2)(c) are
2424     repealed.
2425          (37) In relation to the Behavioral Health Crisis Response Commission, on December
2426     31, 2026:
2427          (a) Subsection 26B-5-609(1)(a) is repealed;
2428          (b) Subsection 26B-5-609(3)(a), the language that states "With recommendations from
2429     the commission," is repealed;
2430          (c) Subsection 26B-5-610(1)(b) is repealed;
2431          (d) Subsection 26B-5-610(2)(b), the language that states "and in consultation with the
2432     commission," is repealed; and
2433          (e) Subsection 26B-5-610(4), the language that states "In consultation with the
2434     commission," is repealed.
2435          (38) Subsections 26B-5-611(1)(a) and (10), in relation to the Utah Substance Use and
2436     Mental Health Advisory Council, are repealed January 1, 2033.
2437          (39) Section 26B-5-612, related to integrated behavioral health care grant programs, is
2438     repealed December 31, 2025.
2439          (40) Subsection 26B-7-119(5), related to reports to the Legislature on the outcomes of
2440     the Hepatitis C Outreach Pilot Program, is repealed July 1, 2028.
2441          (41) Section 26B-7-224, related to reports to the Legislature on violent incidents and
2442     fatalities involving substance abuse, is repealed December 31, 2027.
2443          (42) Title 26B, Chapter 8, Part 5, Utah Health Data Authority, is repealed July 1, 2024.

2444          (43) Section 26B-8-513, related to identifying overuse of non-evidence-based health
2445     care, is repealed December 31, 2023.
2446          Section 21. Section 63I-1-226 (Effective 07/01/24) is amended to read:
2447          63I-1-226 (Effective 07/01/24). Repeal dates: Titles 26A through 26B.
2448          (1) Subsection 26B-1-204(2)(i), related to the Primary Care Grant Committee, is
2449     repealed July 1, 2025.
2450          (2) Section 26B-1-315, which creates the Medicaid [Expansion] ACA Fund, is
2451     repealed July 1, [2024] 2034.
2452          (3) Section 26B-1-319, which creates the Neuro-Rehabilitation Fund, is repealed
2453     January 1, 2025.
2454          (4) Section 26B-1-320, which creates the Pediatric Neuro-Rehabilitation Fund, is
2455     repealed January 1, 2025.
2456          (5) Subsection 26B-1-324(4), the language that states "the Behavioral Health Crisis
2457     Response Commission, as defined in Section 63C-18-202," is repealed December 31, 2026.
2458          (6) Subsection 26B-1-329(6), related to the Behavioral Health Crisis Response
2459     Commission, is repealed December 31, 2026.
2460          (7) Section 26B-1-402, related to the Rare Disease Advisory Council Grant Program, is
2461     repealed July 1, 2026.
2462          (8) Section 26B-1-409, which creates the Utah Digital Health Service Commission, is
2463     repealed July 1, 2025.
2464          (9) Section 26B-1-410, which creates the Primary Care Grant Committee, is repealed
2465     July 1, 2025.
2466          (10) Section 26B-1-416, which creates the Utah Children's Health Insurance Program
2467     Advisory Council, is repealed July 1, 2025.
2468          (11) Section 26B-1-417, which creates the Brain Injury Advisory Committee, is
2469     repealed July 1, 2025.
2470          (12) Section 26B-1-418, which creates the Neuro-Rehabilitation Fund and Pediatric
2471     Neuro-Rehabilitation Fund Advisory Committee, is repealed January 1, 2025.
2472          (13) Section 26B-1-422, which creates the Early Childhood Utah Advisory Council, is
2473     repealed July 1, 2029.
2474          (14) Section 26B-1-428, which creates the Youth Electronic Cigarette, Marijuana, and

2475     Other Drug Prevention Program, is repealed July 1, 2025.
2476          (15) Section 26B-1-430, which creates the Coordinating Council for Persons with
2477     Disabilities, is repealed July 1, 2027.
2478          (16) Section 26B-1-431, which creates the Forensic Mental Health Coordinating
2479     Council, is repealed July 1, 2023.
2480          (17) Section 26B-1-432, which creates the Newborn Hearing Screening Committee, is
2481     repealed July 1, 2026.
2482          (18) Section 26B-1-434, regarding the Correctional Postnatal and Early Childhood
2483     Advisory Board, is repealed July 1, 2026.
2484          (19) Section 26B-2-407, related to drinking water quality in child care centers, is
2485     repealed July 1, 2027.
2486          (20) Subsection 26B-3-107(9), which addresses reimbursement for dental hygienists, is
2487     repealed July 1, 2028.
2488          (21) Section 26B-3-136, which creates the Children's Health Care Coverage Program,
2489     is repealed July 1, 2025.
2490          (22) Section 26B-3-137, related to reimbursement for the National Diabetes Prevention
2491     Program, is repealed June 30, 2027.
2492          (23) Subsection 26B-3-213(2), the language that states "and the Behavioral Health
2493     Crisis Response Commission created in Section 63C-18-202" is repealed December 31, 2026.
2494          (24) Sections 26B-3-302 through 26B-3-309, regarding the Drug Utilization Review
2495     Board, are repealed July 1, 2027.
2496          (25) Title 26B, Chapter 3, Part 5, Inpatient Hospital Assessment, is repealed July 1,
2497     2024.
2498          (26) Title 26B, Chapter 3, Part 6, Medicaid Expansion Hospital Assessment, is
2499     repealed July 1, 2024.
2500          (27) Title 26B, Chapter 3, Part 7, Hospital Provider Assessment, is repealed July 1,
2501     2028.
2502          (28) Section 26B-3-910, regarding alternative eligibility, is repealed July 1, 2028.
2503          (29) Section 26B-4-710, related to rural residency training programs, is repealed July 1,
2504     2025.
2505          (30) Subsections 26B-5-112(1) and (5), the language that states "In consultation with

2506     the Behavioral Health Crisis Response Commission, established in Section 63C-18-202," is
2507     repealed December 31, 2026.
2508          (31) Section 26B-5-112.5 is repealed December 31, 2026.
2509          (32) Section 26B-5-114, related to the Behavioral Health Receiving Center Grant
2510     Program, is repealed December 31, 2026.
2511          (33) Section 26B-5-118, related to collaborative care grant programs, is repealed
2512     December 31, 2024.
2513          (34) Section 26B-5-120 is repealed December 31, 2026.
2514          (35) In relation to the Utah Assertive Community Treatment Act, on July 1, 2024:
2515          (a) Subsection 26B-5-606(2)(a)(i), the language that states "and" is repealed; and
2516          (b) Subsections 26B-5-606(2)(a)(ii), 26B-5-606(2)(b), and 26B-5-606(2)(c) are
2517     repealed.
2518          (36) In relation to the Behavioral Health Crisis Response Commission, on December
2519     31, 2026:
2520          (a) Subsection 26B-5-609(1)(a) is repealed;
2521          (b) Subsection 26B-5-609(3)(a), the language that states "With recommendations from
2522     the commission," is repealed;
2523          (c) Subsection 26B-5-610(1)(b) is repealed;
2524          (d) Subsection 26B-5-610(2)(b), the language that states "and in consultation with the
2525     commission," is repealed; and
2526          (e) Subsection 26B-5-610(4), the language that states "In consultation with the
2527     commission," is repealed.
2528          (37) Subsections 26B-5-611(1)(a) and (10), in relation to the Utah Substance Use and
2529     Mental Health Advisory Council, are repealed January 1, 2033.
2530          (38) Section 26B-5-612, related to integrated behavioral health care grant programs, is
2531     repealed December 31, 2025.
2532          (39) Subsection 26B-7-119(5), related to reports to the Legislature on the outcomes of
2533     the Hepatitis C Outreach Pilot Program, is repealed July 1, 2028.
2534          (40) Section 26B-7-224, related to reports to the Legislature on violent incidents and
2535     fatalities involving substance abuse, is repealed December 31, 2027.
2536          (41) Title 26B, Chapter 8, Part 5, Utah Health Data Authority, is repealed July 1, 2024.

2537          (42) Section 26B-8-513, related to identifying overuse of non-evidence-based health
2538     care, is repealed December 31, 2023.
2539          Section 22. Section 63I-2-226 (Superseded 07/01/24) is amended to read:
2540          63I-2-226 (Superseded 07/01/24). Repeal dates: Titles 26A through 26B.
2541          (1) Subsection 26B-1-204(2)(e), related to the Air Ambulance Committee, is repealed
2542     July 1, 2024.
2543          (2) Section 26B-1-241 is repealed July 1, 2024.
2544          (3) Section 26B-1-302 is repealed on July 1, 2024.
2545          (4) Section 26B-1-309 is repealed on July 1, 2024.
2546          [(4)] (5) Section 26B-1-313 is repealed on July 1, 2024.
2547          [(5)] (6) Section 26B-1-314 is repealed on July 1, 2024.
2548          [(6)] (7) Section 26B-1-321 is repealed on July 1, 2024.
2549          [(7)] (8) Section 26B-1-405, related to the Air Ambulance Committee, is repealed on
2550     July 1, 2024.
2551          [(8)] (9) Section 26B-1-419, which creates the Utah Health Care Workforce Financial
2552     Assistance Program Advisory Committee, is repealed July 1, 2027.
2553          [(9)] (10) In relation to the Air Ambulance Committee, on July 1, 2024, Subsection
2554     26B-2-231(1)(a) is amended to read:
2555          "(a) provide the patient or the patient's representative with the following information
2556     before contacting an air medical transport provider:
2557          (i) which health insurers in the state the air medical transport provider contracts with;
2558          (ii) if sufficient data is available, the average charge for air medical transport services
2559     for a patient who is uninsured or out of network; and
2560          (iii) whether the air medical transport provider balance bills a patient for any charge not
2561     paid by the patient's health insurer; and".
2562          [(10)] (11) Section 26B-3-142 is repealed July 1, 2024.
2563          [(11)] (12) Subsection 26B-3-215(5), related to reporting on coverage for in vitro
2564     fertilization and genetic testing, is repealed July 1, 2030.
2565          [(12)] (13) In relation to the Air Ambulance Committee, on July 1, 2024, Subsection
2566     26B-4-135(1)(a) is amended to read:
2567          "(a) provide the patient or the patient's representative with the following information

2568     before contacting an air medical transport provider:
2569          (i) which health insurers in the state the air medical transport provider contracts with;
2570          (ii) if sufficient data is available, the average charge for air medical transport services
2571     for a patient who is uninsured or out of network; and
2572          (iii) whether the air medical transport provider balance bills a patient for any charge not
2573     paid by the patient's health insurer; and".
2574          [(13)] (14) Section 26B-4-702, related to the Utah Health Care Workforce Financial
2575     Assistance Program, is repealed July 1, 2027.
2576          [(14)] (15) Section 26B-5-117, related to early childhood mental health support grant
2577     programs, is repealed January 2, 2025.
2578          [(15)] (16) Subsection 26B-7-117(3), related to reports to the Legislature on syringe
2579     exchange and education, is repealed January 1, 2027.
2580          [(16)] (17) Section 26B-7-120, relating to sickle cell disease, is repealed on July 1,
2581     2025.
2582          Section 23. Section 63I-2-226 (Effective 07/01/24) is amended to read:
2583          63I-2-226 (Effective 07/01/24). Repeal dates: Titles 26A through 26B.
2584          (1) Section 26B-1-241 is repealed July 1, 2024.
2585          (2) Section 26B-1-302 is repealed on July 1, 2024.
2586          (3) Section 26B-1-309 is repealed on July 1, 2024.
2587          [(3)] (4) Section 26B-1-313 is repealed on July 1, 2024.
2588          [(4)] (5) Section 26B-1-314 is repealed on July 1, 2024.
2589          [(5)] (6) Section 26B-1-321 is repealed on July 1, 2024.
2590          [(6)] (7) Section 26B-1-419, which creates the Utah Health Care Workforce Financial
2591     Assistance Program Advisory Committee, is repealed July 1, 2027.
2592          [(7)] (8) In relation to the Air Ambulance Committee, on July 1, 2024, Subsection
2593     26B-2-231(1)(a) is amended to read:
2594          "(a) provide the patient or the patient's representative with the following information
2595     before contacting an air medical transport provider:
2596          (i) which health insurers in the state the air medical transport provider contracts with;
2597          (ii) if sufficient data is available, the average charge for air medical transport services
2598     for a patient who is uninsured or out of network; and

2599          (iii) whether the air medical transport provider balance bills a patient for any charge not
2600     paid by the patient's health insurer; and".
2601          [(8)] (9) Section 26B-3-142 is repealed July 1, 2024.
2602          [(9)] (10) Subsection 26B-3-215(5), related to reporting on coverage for in vitro
2603     fertilization and genetic testing, is repealed July 1, 2030.
2604          [(10)] (11) Section 26B-4-702, related to the Utah Health Care Workforce Financial
2605     Assistance Program, is repealed July 1, 2027.
2606          [(11)] (12) Section 26B-5-117, related to early childhood mental health support grant
2607     programs, is repealed January 2, 2025.
2608          [(12)] (13) Subsection 26B-7-117(3), related to reports to the Legislature on syringe
2609     exchange and education, is repealed January 1, 2027.
2610          [(13)] (14) Section 26B-7-120, relating to sickle cell disease, is repealed on July 1,
2611     2025.
2612          Section 24. Section 63J-1-315 is amended to read:
2613          63J-1-315. Medicaid Growth Reduction and Budget Stabilization Account --
2614     Deposits -- Transfers of Medicaid growth savings -- Base budget adjustments --
2615     Appropriations.
2616          (1) As used in this section:
2617          (a) "Department" means the Department of Health and Human Services created in
2618     Section 26B-1-201.
2619          (b) "Division" means the Division of Integrated Healthcare created in Section
2620     26B-3-102.
2621          (c) "General Fund revenue surplus" means a situation where actual General Fund
2622     revenues collected in a completed fiscal year exceed the estimated revenues for the General
2623     Fund for that fiscal year that were adopted by the Executive Appropriations Committee of the
2624     Legislature.
2625          (d) "Medicaid growth savings" means the Medicaid growth target minus Medicaid
2626     program expenditures, if Medicaid program expenditures are less than the Medicaid growth
2627     target.
2628          (e) "Medicaid growth target" means Medicaid program expenditures for the previous
2629     year multiplied by 1.08.

2630          (f) "Medicaid program" is as defined in Section 26B-3-101.
2631          (g) "Medicaid program expenditures" means total state revenue expended for the
2632     Medicaid program from the General Fund, including restricted accounts within the General
2633     Fund, during a fiscal year.
2634          (h) "Medicaid program expenditures for the previous year" means total state revenue
2635     expended for the Medicaid program from the General Fund, including restricted accounts
2636     within the General Fund, during the fiscal year immediately preceding a fiscal year for which
2637     Medicaid program expenditures are calculated.
2638          (i) "Operating deficit" means that, at the end of the fiscal year, the unassigned fund
2639     balance in the General Fund is less than zero.
2640          (j) "State revenue" means revenue other than federal revenue.
2641          (k) "State revenue expended for the Medicaid program" includes money transferred or
2642     appropriated to the Medicaid Growth Reduction and Budget Stabilization Account only to the
2643     extent the money is appropriated for the Medicaid program by the Legislature.
2644          (2) There is created within the General Fund a restricted account to be known as the
2645     Medicaid Growth Reduction and Budget Stabilization Account.
2646          (3) (a) The following shall be deposited into the Medicaid Growth Reduction and
2647     Budget Stabilization Account:
2648          (i) deposits described in Subsection (4);
2649          (ii) beginning July 1, 2024, any general funds appropriated to the department for the
2650     state plan for medical assistance or for Medicaid administration by the Division of Integrated
2651     Healthcare that are not expended by the department in the fiscal year for which the general
2652     funds were appropriated and which are not otherwise designated as nonlapsing shall lapse into
2653     the Medicaid Growth Reduction and Budget Stabilization Account;
2654          (iii) beginning July 1, 2024, any unused state funds that are associated with the
2655     Medicaid program from the Department of Workforce Services;
2656          (iv) beginning July 1, 2024, any penalties imposed and collected under:
2657          (A) Section 17B-2a-818.5;
2658          (B) Section 19-1-206;
2659          (C) Section 63A-5b-607;
2660          (D) Section 63C-9-403;

2661          (E) Section 72-6-107.5; or
2662          (F) Section 79-2-404; and
2663          (v) at the close of fiscal year 2024, the Division of Finance shall transfer any existing
2664     balance in the Medicaid Restricted Account created in Section 26B-1-309 into the Medicaid
2665     Growth Reduction and Budget Stabilization Account.
2666          (b) In addition to the deposits described in Subsection (3)(a), the Legislature may
2667     appropriate money into the Medicaid Growth Reduction and Budget Stabilization Account.
2668          [(3)] (4) (a) (i) Except as provided in Subsection [(6)] (7), if, at the end of a fiscal year,
2669     there is a General Fund revenue surplus, the Division of Finance shall transfer an amount equal
2670     to Medicaid growth savings from the General Fund to the Medicaid Growth Reduction and
2671     Budget Stabilization Account.
2672          (ii) If the amount transferred is reduced to prevent an operating deficit, as provided in
2673     Subsection [(6)] (7), the Legislature shall include, to the extent revenue is available, an amount
2674     equal to the reduction as an appropriation from the General Fund to the account in the base
2675     budget for the second fiscal year following the fiscal year for which the reduction was made.
2676          (b) If, at the end of a fiscal year, there is not a General Fund revenue surplus, the
2677     Legislature shall include, to the extent revenue is available, an amount equal to Medicaid
2678     growth savings as an appropriation from the General Fund to the account in the base budget for
2679     the second fiscal year following the fiscal year for which the reduction was made.
2680          (c) Subsections [(3)(a)] (4)(a) and [(3)(b)] (4)(b) apply only to the fiscal year in which
2681     the department implements the proposal developed under Section 26B-3-202 to reduce the
2682     long-term growth in state expenditures for the Medicaid program, and to each fiscal year after
2683     that year.
2684          [(4)] (5) The Division of Finance shall calculate the amount to be transferred under
2685     Subsection [(3)] (4):
2686          (a) before transferring revenue from the General Fund revenue surplus to:
2687          (i) the General Fund Budget Reserve Account under Section 63J-1-312;
2688          (ii) the Wildland Fire Suppression Fund created in Section 65A-8-204, as described in
2689     Section 63J-1-314; and
2690          (iii) the State Disaster Recovery Restricted Account under Section 63J-1-314;
2691          (b) before earmarking revenue from the General Fund revenue surplus to the Industrial

2692     Assistance Account under Section 63N-3-106; and
2693          (c) before making any other year-end contingency appropriations, year-end set-asides,
2694     or other year-end transfers required by law.
2695          [(5)] (6) (a) If, at the close of any fiscal year, there appears to be insufficient money to
2696     pay additional debt service for any bonded debt authorized by the Legislature, the Division of
2697     Finance may hold back from any General Fund revenue surplus money sufficient to pay the
2698     additional debt service requirements resulting from issuance of bonded debt that was
2699     authorized by the Legislature.
2700          (b) The Division of Finance may not spend the hold back amount for debt service
2701     under Subsection [(5)(a)] (6)(a) unless and until it is appropriated by the Legislature.
2702          (c) If, after calculating the amount for transfer under Subsection [(3)] (4), the
2703     remaining General Fund revenue surplus is insufficient to cover the hold back for debt service
2704     required by Subsection [(5)(a)] (6)(a), the Division of Finance shall reduce the transfer to the
2705     Medicaid Growth Reduction and Budget Stabilization Account by the amount necessary to
2706     cover the debt service hold back.
2707          (d) Notwithstanding Subsections [(3)] (4) and [(4)] (5), the Division of Finance shall
2708     hold back the General Fund balance for debt service authorized by this Subsection [(5)] (6)
2709     before making any transfers to the Medicaid Growth Reduction and Budget Stabilization
2710     Account or any other designation or allocation of General Fund revenue surplus.
2711          [(6)] (7) Notwithstanding Subsections [(3)] (4) and [(4)] (5), if, at the end of a fiscal
2712     year, the Division of Finance determines that an operating deficit exists and that holding back
2713     earmarks to the Industrial Assistance Account under Section 63N-3-106, transfers to the
2714     Wildland Fire Suppression Fund and State Disaster Recovery Restricted Account under Section
2715     63J-1-314, transfers to the General Fund Budget Reserve Account under Section 63J-1-312, or
2716     earmarks and transfers to more than one of those accounts, in that order, does not eliminate the
2717     operating deficit, the Division of Finance may reduce the transfer to the Medicaid Growth
2718     Reduction and Budget Stabilization Account by the amount necessary to eliminate the
2719     operating deficit.
2720          [(7)] (8) The Legislature may appropriate money from the Medicaid Growth Reduction
2721     and Budget Stabilization Account only:
2722          (a) for the Medicaid program; and

2723          [(a)] (b) (i) if Medicaid program expenditures for the fiscal year for which the
2724     appropriation is made are estimated to be 108% or more of Medicaid program expenditures for
2725     the previous year; [and] or
2726          (ii) if the amount of the appropriation is equal to or less than the balance in the
2727     Medicaid Growth Reduction and Budget Stabilization Account that comprises deposits
2728     described in Subsections (3)(a)(ii) through (v) and appropriations described in Subsection
2729     (3)(b).
2730          [(b) for the Medicaid program.]
2731          [(8)] (9) The Division of Finance shall deposit interest or other earnings derived from
2732     investment of Medicaid Growth Reduction and Budget Stabilization Account money into the
2733     General Fund.
2734          Section 25. Section 72-6-107.5 is amended to read:
2735          72-6-107.5. Construction of improvements of highway -- Contracts -- Health
2736     insurance coverage.
2737          (1) As used in this section:
2738          (a) "Aggregate" means the sum of all contracts, change orders, and modifications
2739     related to a single project.
2740          (b) "Change order" means the same as that term is defined in Section 63G-6a-103.
2741          (c) "Employee" means, as defined in Section 34A-2-104, an "employee," "worker," or
2742     "operative" who:
2743          (i) works at least 30 hours per calendar week; and
2744          (ii) meets employer eligibility waiting requirements for health care insurance, which
2745     may not exceed the first day of the calendar month following 60 days after the day on which
2746     the individual is hired.
2747          (d) "Health benefit plan" means:
2748          (i) the same as that term is defined in Section 31A-1-301; or
2749          (ii) an employee welfare benefit plan:
2750          (A) established under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, 29
2751     U.S.C. Sec. 1001 et seq.;
2752          (B) for an employer with 100 or more employees; and
2753          (C) in which the employer establishes a self-funded or partially self-funded group

2754     health plan to provide medical care for the employer's employees and dependents of the
2755     employees.
2756          (e) "Qualified health coverage" means the same as that term is defined in Section
2757     26B-3-909.
2758          (f) "Subcontractor" means the same as that term is defined in Section 63A-5b-605.
2759          (g) "Third party administrator" or "administrator" means the same as that term is
2760     defined in Section 31A-1-301.
2761          (2) Except as provided in Subsection (3), the requirements of this section apply to:
2762          (a) a contractor of a design or construction contract entered into by the department on
2763     or after July 1, 2009, if the prime contract is in an aggregate amount equal to or greater than
2764     $2,000,000; and
2765          (b) a subcontractor of a contractor of a design or construction contract entered into by
2766     the department on or after July 1, 2009, if the subcontract is in an aggregate amount equal to or
2767     greater than $1,000,000.
2768          (3) The requirements of this section do not apply to a contractor or subcontractor
2769     described in Subsection (2) if:
2770          (a) the application of this section jeopardizes the receipt of federal funds;
2771          (b) the contract is a sole source contract; or
2772          (c) the contract is an emergency procurement.
2773          (4) A person that intentionally uses change orders, contract modifications, or multiple
2774     contracts to circumvent the requirements of this section is guilty of an infraction.
2775          (5) (a) A contractor subject to the requirements of this section shall demonstrate to the
2776     department that the contractor has and will maintain an offer of qualified health coverage for
2777     the contractor's employees and the employees' dependents during the duration of the contract
2778     by submitting to the department a written statement that:
2779          (i) the contractor offers qualified health coverage that complies with Section
2780     26B-3-909;
2781          (ii) is from:
2782          (A) an actuary selected by the contractor or the contractor's insurer;
2783          (B) an underwriter who is responsible for developing the employer group's premium
2784     rates; or

2785          (C) if the contractor provides a health benefit plan described in Subsection (1)(d)(ii),
2786     an actuary or underwriter selected by a third party administrator; and
2787          (iii) was created within one year before the day on which the statement is submitted.
2788          (b) (i) A contractor that provides a health benefit plan described in Subsection (1)(d)(ii)
2789     shall provide the actuary or underwriter selected by an administrator, as described in
2790     Subsection (5)(a)(ii)(C), sufficient information to determine whether the contractor's
2791     contribution to the health benefit plan and the actuarial value of the health benefit plan meet the
2792     requirements of qualified health coverage.
2793          (ii) A contractor may not make a change to the contractor's contribution to the health
2794     benefit plan, unless the contractor provides notice to:
2795          (A) the actuary or underwriter selected by an administrator, as described in Subsection
2796     (5)(a)(ii)(C), for the actuary or underwriter to update the written statement described in
2797     Subsection (5)(a) in compliance with this section; and
2798          (B) the department.
2799          (c) A contractor that is subject to the requirements of this section shall:
2800          (i) place a requirement in each of the contractor's subcontracts that a subcontractor that
2801     is subject to the requirements of this section shall obtain and maintain an offer of qualified
2802     health coverage for the subcontractor's employees and the employees' dependents during the
2803     duration of the subcontract; and
2804          (ii) obtain from a subcontractor that is subject to the requirements of this section a
2805     written statement that:
2806          (A) the subcontractor offers qualified health coverage that complies with Section
2807     26B-3-909;
2808          (B) is from an actuary selected by the subcontractor or the subcontractor's insurer, an
2809     underwriter who is responsible for developing the employer group's premium rates, or if the
2810     subcontractor provides a health benefit plan described in Subsection (1)(d)(ii), an actuary or
2811     underwriter selected by an administrator; and
2812          (C) was created within one year before the day on which the contractor obtains the
2813     statement.
2814          (d) (i) (A) A contractor that fails to maintain an offer of qualified health coverage
2815     described in Subsection (5)(a) during the duration of the contract is subject to penalties in

2816     accordance with administrative rules adopted by the department under Subsection (6).
2817          (B) A contractor is not subject to penalties for the failure of a subcontractor to obtain
2818     and maintain an offer of qualified health coverage described in Subsection (5)(c)(i).
2819          (ii) (A) A subcontractor that fails to obtain and maintain an offer of qualified health
2820     coverage described in Subsection (5)(c) during the duration of the subcontract is subject to
2821     penalties in accordance with administrative rules adopted by the department under Subsection
2822     (6).
2823          (B) A subcontractor is not subject to penalties for the failure of a contractor to maintain
2824     an offer of qualified health coverage described in Subsection (5)(a).
2825          (6) The department shall adopt administrative rules:
2826          (a) in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act;
2827          (b) in coordination with:
2828          (i) the Department of Environmental Quality in accordance with Section 19-1-206;
2829          (ii) the Department of Natural Resources in accordance with Section 79-2-404;
2830          (iii) the Division of Facilities Construction and Management in accordance with
2831     Section 63A-5b-607;
2832          (iv) the State Capitol Preservation Board in accordance with Section 63C-9-403;
2833          (v) a public transit district in accordance with Section 17B-2a-818.5; and
2834          (vi) the Legislature's Administrative Rules Review and General Oversight Committee;
2835     and
2836          (c) that establish:
2837          (i) the requirements and procedures a contractor and a subcontractor shall follow to
2838     demonstrate compliance with this section, including:
2839          (A) that a contractor or subcontractor's compliance with this section is subject to an
2840     audit by the department or the Office of the Legislative Auditor General;
2841          (B) that a contractor that is subject to the requirements of this section shall obtain a
2842     written statement described in Subsection (5)(a); and
2843          (C) that a subcontractor that is subject to the requirements of this section shall obtain a
2844     written statement described in Subsection (5)(c)(ii);
2845          (ii) the penalties that may be imposed if a contractor or subcontractor intentionally
2846     violates the provisions of this section, which may include:

2847          (A) a three-month suspension of the contractor or subcontractor from entering into
2848     future contracts with the state upon the first violation;
2849          (B) a six-month suspension of the contractor or subcontractor from entering into future
2850     contracts with the state upon the second violation;
2851          (C) an action for debarment of the contractor or subcontractor in accordance with
2852     Section 63G-6a-904 upon the third or subsequent violation; and
2853          (D) monetary penalties which may not exceed 50% of the amount necessary to
2854     purchase qualified health coverage for an employee and a dependent of the employee of the
2855     contractor or subcontractor who was not offered qualified health coverage during the duration
2856     of the contract; and
2857          (iii) a website on which the department shall post the commercially equivalent
2858     benchmark, for the qualified health coverage identified in Subsection (1)(e), that is provided by
2859     the Department of Health and Human Services, in accordance with Subsection 26B-3-909(2).
2860          (7) (a) (i) In addition to the penalties imposed under Subsection (6)(c)(ii), a contractor
2861     or subcontractor who intentionally violates the provisions of this section is liable to the
2862     employee for health care costs that would have been covered by qualified health coverage.
2863          (ii) An employer has an affirmative defense to a cause of action under Subsection
2864     (7)(a)(i) if:
2865          (A) the employer relied in good faith on a written statement described in Subsection
2866     (5)(a) or (5)(c)(ii); or
2867          (B) the department determines that compliance with this section is not required under
2868     the provisions of Subsection (3).
2869          (b) An employee has a private right of action only against the employee's employer to
2870     enforce the provisions of this Subsection (7).
2871          (8) Any penalties imposed and collected under this section shall be deposited into the
2872     Medicaid [Restricted] Growth Reduction and Budget Stabilization Account created in Section
2873     [26B-1-309] 63J-1-315.
2874          (9) The failure of a contractor or subcontractor to provide qualified health coverage as
2875     required by this section:
2876          (a) may not be the basis for a protest or other action from a prospective bidder, offeror,
2877     or contractor under:

2878          (i) Section 63G-6a-1602; or
2879          (ii) any other provision in Title 63G, Chapter 6a, Utah Procurement Code; and
2880          (b) may not be used by the procurement entity or a prospective bidder, offeror, or
2881     contractor as a basis for any action or suit that would suspend, disrupt, or terminate the design
2882     or construction.
2883          (10) An administrator, including an administrator's actuary or underwriter, who
2884     provides a written statement under Subsection (5)(a) or (c) regarding the qualified health
2885     coverage of a contractor or subcontractor who provides a health benefit plan described in
2886     Subsection (1)(d)(ii):
2887          (a) subject to Subsection (10)(b), is not liable for an error in the written statement,
2888     unless the administrator commits gross negligence in preparing the written statement;
2889          (b) is not liable for any error in the written statement if the administrator relied in good
2890     faith on information from the contractor or subcontractor; and
2891          (c) may require as a condition of providing the written statement that a contractor or
2892     subcontractor hold the administrator harmless for an action arising under this section.
2893          Section 26. Section 79-2-404 is amended to read:
2894          79-2-404. Contracting powers of department -- Health insurance coverage.
2895          (1) As used in this section:
2896          (a) "Aggregate" means the sum of all contracts, change orders, and modifications
2897     related to a single project.
2898          (b) "Change order" means the same as that term is defined in Section 63G-6a-103.
2899          (c) "Employee" means, as defined in Section 34A-2-104, an "employee," "worker," or
2900     "operative" who:
2901          (i) works at least 30 hours per calendar week; and
2902          (ii) meets employer eligibility waiting requirements for health care insurance, which
2903     may not exceed the first day of the calendar month following 60 days after the day on which
2904     the individual is hired.
2905          (d) "Health benefit plan" means:
2906          (i) the same as that term is defined in Section 31A-1-301; or
2907          (ii) an employee welfare benefit plan:
2908          (A) established under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, 29

2909     U.S.C. Sec. 1001 et seq.;
2910          (B) for an employer with 100 or more employees; and
2911          (C) in which the employer establishes a self-funded or partially self-funded group
2912     health plan to provide medical care for the employer's employees and dependents of the
2913     employees.
2914          (e) "Qualified health coverage" means the same as that term is defined in Section
2915     26B-3-909.
2916          (f) "Subcontractor" means the same as that term is defined in Section 63A-5b-605.
2917          (g) "Third party administrator" or "administrator" means the same as that term is
2918     defined in Section 31A-1-301.
2919          (2) Except as provided in Subsection (3), the requirements of this section apply to:
2920          (a) a contractor of a design or construction contract entered into by, or delegated to, the
2921     department or a division, board, or council of the department on or after July 1, 2009, if the
2922     prime contract is in an aggregate amount equal to or greater than $2,000,000; and
2923          (b) a subcontractor of a contractor of a design or construction contract entered into by,
2924     or delegated to, the department or a division, board, or council of the department on or after
2925     July 1, 2009, if the subcontract is in an aggregate amount equal to or greater than $1,000,000.
2926          (3) This section does not apply to contracts entered into by the department or a
2927     division, board, or council of the department if:
2928          (a) the application of this section jeopardizes the receipt of federal funds;
2929          (b) the contract or agreement is between:
2930          (i) the department or a division, board, or council of the department; and
2931          (ii) (A) another agency of the state;
2932          (B) the federal government;
2933          (C) another state;
2934          (D) an interstate agency;
2935          (E) a political subdivision of this state; or
2936          (F) a political subdivision of another state; or
2937          (c) the contract or agreement is:
2938          (i) for the purpose of disbursing grants or loans authorized by statute;
2939          (ii) a sole source contract; or

2940          (iii) an emergency procurement.
2941          (4) A person that intentionally uses change orders, contract modifications, or multiple
2942     contracts to circumvent the requirements of this section is guilty of an infraction.
2943          (5) (a) A contractor subject to the requirements of this section shall demonstrate to the
2944     department that the contractor has and will maintain an offer of qualified health coverage for
2945     the contractor's employees and the employees' dependents during the duration of the contract
2946     by submitting to the department a written statement that:
2947          (i) the contractor offers qualified health coverage that complies with Section
2948     26B-3-909;
2949          (ii) is from:
2950          (A) an actuary selected by the contractor or the contractor's insurer;
2951          (B) an underwriter who is responsible for developing the employer group's premium
2952     rates; or
2953          (C) if the contractor provides a health benefit plan described in Subsection (1)(d)(ii),
2954     an actuary or underwriter selected by a third party administrator; and
2955          (iii) was created within one year before the day on which the statement is submitted.
2956          (b) (i) A contractor that provides a health benefit plan described in Subsection (1)(d)(ii)
2957     shall provide the actuary or underwriter selected by an administrator, as described in
2958     Subsection (5)(a)(ii)(C), sufficient information to determine whether the contractor's
2959     contribution to the health benefit plan and the actuarial value of the health benefit plan meet the
2960     requirements of qualified health coverage.
2961          (ii) A contractor may not make a change to the contractor's contribution to the health
2962     benefit plan, unless the contractor provides notice to:
2963          (A) the actuary or underwriter selected by an administrator, as described in Subsection
2964     (5)(a)(ii)(C), for the actuary or underwriter to update the written statement described in
2965     Subsection (5)(a) in compliance with this section; and
2966          (B) the department.
2967          (c) A contractor that is subject to the requirements of this section shall:
2968          (i) place a requirement in each of the contractor's subcontracts that a subcontractor that
2969     is subject to the requirements of this section shall obtain and maintain an offer of qualified
2970     health coverage for the subcontractor's employees and the employees' dependents during the

2971     duration of the subcontract; and
2972          (ii) obtain from a subcontractor that is subject to the requirements of this section a
2973     written statement that:
2974          (A) the subcontractor offers qualified health coverage that complies with Section
2975     26B-3-909;
2976          (B) is from an actuary selected by the subcontractor or the subcontractor's insurer, an
2977     underwriter who is responsible for developing the employer group's premium rates, or if the
2978     subcontractor provides a health benefit plan described in Subsection (1)(d)(ii), an actuary or
2979     underwriter selected by an administrator; and
2980          (C) was created within one year before the day on which the contractor obtains the
2981     statement.
2982          (d) (i) (A) A contractor that fails to maintain an offer of qualified health coverage
2983     described in Subsection (5)(a) during the duration of the contract is subject to penalties in
2984     accordance with administrative rules adopted by the department under Subsection (6).
2985          (B) A contractor is not subject to penalties for the failure of a subcontractor to obtain
2986     and maintain an offer of qualified health coverage described in Subsection (5)(c)(i).
2987          (ii) (A) A subcontractor that fails to obtain and maintain an offer of qualified health
2988     coverage described in Subsection (5)(c) during the duration of the subcontract is subject to
2989     penalties in accordance with administrative rules adopted by the department under Subsection
2990     (6).
2991          (B) A subcontractor is not subject to penalties for the failure of a contractor to maintain
2992     an offer of qualified health coverage described in Subsection (5)(a).
2993          (6) The department shall adopt administrative rules:
2994          (a) in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act;
2995          (b) in coordination with:
2996          (i) the Department of Environmental Quality in accordance with Section 19-1-206;
2997          (ii) a public transit district in accordance with Section 17B-2a-818.5;
2998          (iii) the Division of Facilities Construction and Management in accordance with
2999     Section 63A-5b-607;
3000          (iv) the State Capitol Preservation Board in accordance with Section 63C-9-403;
3001          (v) the Department of Transportation in accordance with Section 72-6-107.5; and

3002          (vi) the Legislature's Administrative Rules Review and General Oversight Committee;
3003     and
3004          (c) that establish:
3005          (i) the requirements and procedures a contractor and a subcontractor shall follow to
3006     demonstrate compliance with this section, including:
3007          (A) that a contractor or subcontractor's compliance with this section is subject to an
3008     audit by the department or the Office of the Legislative Auditor General;
3009          (B) that a contractor that is subject to the requirements of this section shall obtain a
3010     written statement described in Subsection (5)(a); and
3011          (C) that a subcontractor that is subject to the requirements of this section shall obtain a
3012     written statement described in Subsection (5)(c)(ii);
3013          (ii) the penalties that may be imposed if a contractor or subcontractor intentionally
3014     violates the provisions of this section, which may include:
3015          (A) a three-month suspension of the contractor or subcontractor from entering into
3016     future contracts with the state upon the first violation;
3017          (B) a six-month suspension of the contractor or subcontractor from entering into future
3018     contracts with the state upon the second violation;
3019          (C) an action for debarment of the contractor or subcontractor in accordance with
3020     Section 63G-6a-904 upon the third or subsequent violation; and
3021          (D) monetary penalties which may not exceed 50% of the amount necessary to
3022     purchase qualified health coverage for an employee and a dependent of an employee of the
3023     contractor or subcontractor who was not offered qualified health coverage during the duration
3024     of the contract; and
3025          (iii) a website on which the department shall post the commercially equivalent
3026     benchmark, for the qualified health coverage identified in Subsection (1)(e), provided by the
3027     Department of Health and Human Services, in accordance with Subsection 26B-3-909(2).
3028          (7) (a) (i) In addition to the penalties imposed under Subsection (6)(c)(ii), a contractor
3029     or subcontractor who intentionally violates the provisions of this section is liable to the
3030     employee for health care costs that would have been covered by qualified health coverage.
3031          (ii) An employer has an affirmative defense to a cause of action under Subsection
3032     (7)(a)(i) if:

3033          (A) the employer relied in good faith on a written statement described in Subsection
3034     (5)(a) or (5)(c)(ii); or
3035          (B) the department determines that compliance with this section is not required under
3036     the provisions of Subsection (3).
3037          (b) An employee has a private right of action only against the employee's employer to
3038     enforce the provisions of this Subsection (7).
3039          (8) Any penalties imposed and collected under this section shall be deposited into the
3040     Medicaid [Restricted] Growth Reduction and Budget Stabilization Account created in Section
3041     [26B-1-309] 63J-1-315.
3042          (9) The failure of a contractor or subcontractor to provide qualified health coverage as
3043     required by this section:
3044          (a) may not be the basis for a protest or other action from a prospective bidder, offeror,
3045     or contractor under:
3046          (i) Section 63G-6a-1602; or
3047          (ii) any other provision in Title 63G, Chapter 6a, Utah Procurement Code; and
3048          (b) may not be used by the procurement entity or a prospective bidder, offeror, or
3049     contractor as a basis for any action or suit that would suspend, disrupt, or terminate the design
3050     or construction.
3051          (10) An administrator, including an administrator's actuary or underwriter, who
3052     provides a written statement under Subsection (5)(a) or (c) regarding the qualified health
3053     coverage of a contractor or subcontractor who provides a health benefit plan described in
3054     Subsection (1)(d)(ii):
3055          (a) subject to Subsection (10)(b), is not liable for an error in the written statement,
3056     unless the administrator commits gross negligence in preparing the written statement;
3057          (b) is not liable for any error in the written statement if the administrator relied in good
3058     faith on information from the contractor or subcontractor; and
3059          (c) may require as a condition of providing the written statement that a contractor or
3060     subcontractor hold the administrator harmless for an action arising under this section.
3061          Section 27. FY 2024 Appropriation.
3062          The following sums of money are appropriated for the fiscal year beginning July 1,
3063     2023, and ending June 30, 2024. These are additions to amounts previously appropriated for

3064     fiscal year 2024.
3065          Subsection 27(a). Restricted Fund and Account Transfers.
3066          The Legislature authorizes the State Division of Finance to transfer the following
3067     amounts between the following funds or accounts as indicated. Expenditures and outlays from
3068     the funds to which the money is transferred must be authorized by an appropriation.
     To General Fund Restricted -- Medicaid Growth Reduction and Budget
3070     Stabilization Account
3071      From General Fund Restricted - Medicaid Restricted Account,
3072      Schedule of Programs:
3073      General Fund Restricted -- Medicaid
Growth Reduction and Budget
Stabilization Account

3074          Section 28. Effective date.
3075          (1) Except as provided in Subsection (2), this bill takes effect on May 1, 2024.
3076          (2) (a) The actions affecting the following sections take effect on July 1, 2024:
3077          (i) Section 17B-2a-818.5;
3078          (ii) Section 19-1-206;
3079          (iii) Section 63A-5b-607;
3080          (iv) Section 63C-9-403;
3081          (v) Section 63I-1-226 (Effective 07/01/2024);
3082          (vi) Section 63I-2-226 (Effective 07/01/2024);
3083          (vii) Section 72-6-107.5; and
3084          (viii) Section 79-2-404.
3085          (b) The actions affecting Section 59-12-103 (Contingently Effective 01/01/2025)
3086     contingently take effect on January 1, 2025.