


Chief Sponsor: Stephanie Gricius

Senate Sponsor: John D. Johnson


8     Committee Note:
9          The Judiciary Interim Committee recommended this bill.
10               Legislative Vote:     13 voting for     0 voting against     4 absent
11     General Description:
12          This bill concerns the provision of law enforcement services by the Department of
13     Public Safety and the Utah Highway Patrol at certain airports.
14     Highlighted Provisions:
15          This bill:
16          ▸     defines terms;
17          ▸     provides that the Department of Public Safety and the Utah Highway Patrol will
18     provide law enforcement services for certain airports under certain conditions;
19          ▸     requires the Utah Highway Patrol, when assuming law enforcement services for an
20     airport, to allow peace officers working at the airport to apply to work for the Utah
21     Highway Patrol;
22          ▸     requires a city of the first class with an airport with greater than 10 million annual
23     passengers to contract with and pay the Department of Public Safety and Utah
24     Highway Patrol for law enforcement services at the airport; and
25          ▸     makes technical and conforming changes.
26     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
27          None

28     Other Special Clauses:
29          None
30     Utah Code Sections Affected:
31     AMENDS:
32          53-1-106, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapters 328, 447
33          53-8-105, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 432
34          72-10-207, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 377
35          72-10-211, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 431
36          72-10-601, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 366
37     ENACTS:
38          53-8-108, Utah Code Annotated 1953
39          72-10-605, Utah Code Annotated 1953
40     REPEALS:
41          53-8-101, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1993, Chapter 234

43     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
44          Section 1. Section 53-1-106 is amended to read:
45          53-1-106. Department duties -- Powers.
46          (1) In addition to the responsibilities contained in this title, the department shall:
47          (a) make rules and perform the functions specified in Title 41, Chapter 6a, Traffic
48     Code, including:
49          (i) setting performance standards for towing companies to be used by the department,
50     as required by Section 41-6a-1406; and
51          (ii) advising the Department of Transportation regarding the safe design and operation
52     of school buses, as required by Section 41-6a-1304;
53          (b) make rules to establish and clarify standards pertaining to the curriculum and
54     teaching methods of a motor vehicle accident prevention course under Section 31A-19a-211;
55          (c) aid in enforcement efforts to combat drug trafficking;
56          (d) meet with the Division of Technology Services to formulate contracts, establish
57     priorities, and develop funding mechanisms for dispatch and telecommunications operations;
58          (e) provide assistance to the Crime Victim Reparations Board and the Utah Office for

59     Victims of Crime in conducting research or monitoring victims' programs, as required by
60     Section 63M-7-505;
61          (f) develop sexual assault exam protocol standards in conjunction with the Utah
62     Hospital Association;
63          (g) engage in emergency planning activities, including preparation of policy and
64     procedure and rulemaking necessary for implementation of the federal Emergency Planning
65     and Community Right to Know Act of 1986, as required by Section 53-2a-702;
66          (h) implement the provisions of Section 53-2a-402, the Emergency Management
67     Assistance Compact;
68          (i) ensure that any training or certification required of a public official or public
69     employee, as those terms are defined in Section 63G-22-102, complies with Title 63G, Chapter
70     22, State Training and Certification Requirements, if the training or certification is required:
71          (i) under this title;
72          (ii) by the department; or
73          (iii) by an agency or division within the department;
74          (j) employ a law enforcement officer as a public safety liaison to be housed at the State
75     Board of Education who shall work with the State Board of Education to:
76          (i) support training with relevant state agencies for school resource officers as
77     described in Section 53G-8-702;
78          (ii) coordinate the creation of model policies and memorandums of understanding for a
79     local education agency and a local law enforcement agency; and
80          (iii) ensure cooperation between relevant state agencies, a local education agency, and
81     a local law enforcement agency to foster compliance with disciplinary related statutory
82     provisions, including Sections 53E-3-516 and 53G-8-211;
83          (k) provide for the security and protection of public officials, public officials' staff, and
84     the capitol hill complex in accordance with the provisions of this part; [and]
85          (l) fulfill the duties described in Sections 77-36-2.1 and 78B-7-120 related to lethality
86     assessments[.]; and
87          (m) provide law enforcement services as provided in Section 53-8-108.
88          (2) (a) The department shall establish a schedule of fees as required or allowed in this
89     title for services provided by the department.

90          (b) All fees not established in statute shall be established in accordance with Section
91     63J-1-504.
92          (3) The department may establish or contract for the establishment of an Organ
93     Procurement Donor Registry in accordance with Section 26B-8-319.
94          Section 2. Section 53-8-105 is amended to read:
95          53-8-105. Duties of Highway Patrol.
96          (1) In addition to the duties in this chapter, the Highway Patrol shall:
97          (a) enforce the state laws and rules governing use of the state highways;
98          (b) regulate traffic on all highways and roads of the state;
99          (c) assist the governor in an emergency or at other times at [his] the governor's
100     discretion;
101          (d) in cooperation with federal, state, and local agencies, enforce and assist in the
102     enforcement of all state and federal laws related to the operation of a motor carrier on a
103     highway, including all state and federal rules and regulations;
104          (e) inspect certain vehicles to determine road worthiness and safe condition as
105     provided in Section 41-6a-1630;
106          (f) upon request, assist with any condition of unrest existing or developing on a campus
107     or related facility of an institution of higher education;
108          (g) assist the Alcoholic Beverage Services Commission in an emergency to enforce the
109     state liquor laws;
110          (h) provide law enforcement services for certain airports as provided in Section
111     53-8-108;
112          [(h)] (i) provide security and protection for both houses of the Legislature while in
113     session as the speaker of the House of Representatives and the president of the Senate find
114     necessary;
115          [(i)] (j) enforce the state laws and rules governing use of the capitol hill complex as
116     defined in Section 63C-9-102; and
117          [(j)] (k) carry out the following for the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals:
118          (i) provide security and protection to those courts when in session in the capital city of
119     the state;
120          (ii) execute orders issued by the courts; and

121          (iii) carry out duties as directed by the courts.
122          (2) (a) The division and the department shall annually:
123          (i) evaluate the inventory of new and existing state highways, in coordination with
124     relevant local law enforcement agencies, to determine which law enforcement agency is best
125     suited to patrol and enforce state laws and regulate traffic on each state highway; and
126          (ii) before October 1 of each year, report to the Transportation Interim Committee and
127     the Executive Offices and Criminal Justice Appropriations Subcommittee regarding:
128          (A) significant changes to the patrol and enforcement responsibilities resulting from
129     the evaluation described in Subsection (2)(a)(i); and
130          (B) any budget request necessary to accommodate additional patrol and enforcement
131     responsibilities.
132          (b) The division and the department shall, before July 1 of each year, coordinate with
133     the Department of Transportation created in Section 72-1-201 regarding patrol and
134     enforcement responsibilities described in Subsection (2)(a) and incident management services
135     on state highways.
136          Section 3. Section 53-8-108 is enacted to read:
137          53-8-108. Law enforcement services for certain airports.
138          (1) As used in this section, "city" means the same as that term is defined in Section
139     72-10-601.
140          (2) The division and the department shall contract with a city to provide all law
141     enforcement services for an airport described in Section 72-10-605.
142          (3) (a) In accordance with Section 72-10-605, the division and the department may not
143     enter into a contract described under this section unless the contract provides that all costs of
144     the law enforcement services are paid by the city.
145          (b) Costs for law enforcement services include operational and administrative costs as
146     determined by the division and the department.
147          (4) When assuming law enforcement services for an airport under this section, the
148     division shall allow peace officers working at the airport to apply to work in the division.
149          Section 4. Section 72-10-207 is amended to read:
150          72-10-207. Powers of department and political subdivisions over airports --
151     Security unit.

152          (1) The department, and counties, municipalities, or other political subdivisions of this
153     state that have established or may establish airports or that acquire, lease, or set apart real
154     property for those purposes, may:
155          (a) construct, equip, improve, maintain, and operate the airports or may vest the
156     authority for their construction, equipment, improvement, maintenance, and operation in an
157     officer of the department or in an officer, board, or body of the political subdivision;
158          (b) adopt rules, establish charges, fees, and tolls for the use of airports and landing
159     fields, fix penalties for the violation of the rules, and establish liens to enforce payment of the
160     charges, fees, and tolls, subject to approval by the commission;
161          (c) lease the airports to private parties for operation for a term not exceeding 50 years,
162     as long as the public is not deprived of its rightful, equal, and uniform use of the facility;
163          (d) lease or assign space, area, improvements, equipment, buildings, and facilities on
164     the airports to private parties for operation for a term not exceeding 50 years;
165          (e) lease or assign real property comprising all or any part of the airports to private
166     parties for the construction and operation of hangars, shop buildings, or office buildings for a
167     term not exceeding 50 years, if the projected construction cost of the hangar, shop building, or
168     office building is $100,000 or more; and
169          (f) subject to Section 72-10-605, establish, maintain, operate, and staff a security unit
170     for the purpose of enforcing state and local laws at any airport that is subject to federal airport
171     security regulations.
172          (2) The department or political subdivision shall pay the construction, equipment,
173     improvement, maintenance, and operations expenses of any airport established by them under
174     Subsection (1).
175          (3) (a) [If] Subject to Section 72-10-605, if the department or political subdivision
176     establishes a security unit under Subsection (1)(f), the department head or the governing body
177     of the political subdivision shall appoint persons qualified as peace officers under Title 53,
178     Chapter 13, Peace Officer Classifications, to staff the security unit.
179          (b) A security unit appointed by the department or political subdivision is exempt from
180     civil service regulations.
181          (c) If the department or political subdivision establishes a security unit under
182     Subsection (1)(f), the department head or the governing body of the political subdivision:

183          (i) may allow peace officers or other workers to assist with airport operations and
184     vehicle and traffic flow; and
185          (ii) may not allow peace officers or other workers to:
186          (A) unreasonably impede or obstruct traffic;
187          (B) create unsafe traffic situations; or
188          (C) intimidate vehicle drivers or airport passengers.
189          Section 5. Section 72-10-211 is amended to read:
190          72-10-211. Police regulations.
191          [The] Except as provided by Section 72-10-605, the department and a county,
192     municipality, or airport authority acquiring, establishing, developing, operating, maintaining, or
193     controlling airports outside the geographical limits of the subdivisions, under this chapter may
194     amend and enforce police regulations for the airports.
195          Section 6. Section 72-10-601 is amended to read:
Part 6. Airport Facility and Ground Transportation Security

197          72-10-601. Definitions.
198          As used in this part:
199          (1) "City" means a municipality of the first class, as defined under Section 10-2-301,
200     that:
201          (a) is authorized by statute to operate an airport; and
202          (b) operates an airport with greater than 10 million annual passengers.
203          (2) "Division" means the Criminal Investigation and Technical Services Division of the
204     Department of Public Safety, established in Section 53-10-103.
205          (3) "Ground transportation service" means transporting passengers for hire or as a
206     courtesy in connection with a business over public streets pursuant to a license with the city.
207          (4) (a) "Ground transportation service provider" means a driver who provides ground
208     transportation service where the pickup or drop-off of a passenger occurs at an airport under a
209     city's authority.
210          (b) "Ground transportation service provider" includes:
211          (i) a taxicab driver;
212          (ii) a limousine or luxury car driver;
213          (iii) a bus or minibus driver, except a driver of a transit vehicle, as defined in Section

214     17B-2a-802;
215          (iv) a courtesy vehicle or hotel vehicle driver;
216          (v) a special transportation vehicle driver who transports persons with a disability; and
217          (vi) a van driver.
218          (5) "Highway Patrol Division" means the Utah Highway Patrol Division created in
219     Section 53-8-103.
220          Section 7. Section 72-10-605 is enacted to read:
221          72-10-605. Certain airport law enforcement services provided by Department of
222     Public Safety and Highway Patrol Division.
223          (1) On or before July 1, 2025, a city shall:
224          (a) require that all law enforcement services for an airport with greater than 10 million
225     annual passengers be performed by the Department of Public Safety and the Highway Patrol
226     Division; and
227          (b) contract with and pay the Department of Public Safety and Highway Patrol
228     Division to provide the law enforcement services described in Subsection (1)(a).
229          (2) (a) The city shall ensure that all costs of the law enforcement services described in
230     Subsection (1) are the responsibility of the city and not the Department of Public Safety or
231     Highway Patrol Division.
232          (b) Costs for law enforcement services include operational and administrative costs as
233     determined by the Department of Public Safety and Highway Patrol Division.
234          (3) In accordance with Section 53-8-108, the Highway Patrol Division shall allow
235     peace officers working at an airport described in Subsection (1) to apply to work in the
236     Highway Patrol Division.
237          Section 8. Repealer.
238          This bill repeals:
239          Section 53-8-101, Short title.
240          Section 9. Effective date.
241          This bill takes effect on May 1, 2024.