Representative Andrew Stoddard proposes the following substitute bill:




Chief Sponsor: Andrew Stoddard

Senate Sponsor: Todd D. Weiler


8     General Description:
9          This bill concerns criminal offenses conducted against a public servant, party official,
10     or voter.
11     Highlighted Provisions:
12          This bill:
13          ▸     defines terms;
14          ▸     modifies the elements and penalties for certain criminal offenses perpetrated
15     against:
16               •     a public servant, party official, or voter;
17               •     an immediate family member of the public servant, party official, or voter;
18               •     an individual who resides in the household of a public servant, party official, or
19     voter; or
20               •     an individual or entity in whose welfare the public servant, party official, or
21     voter is interested;
22          ▸     expands the scope of the offense of a threat against a public servant or party official
23     to apply to a former public servant or party official;
24          ▸     clarifies provisions regarding the offense of interference with a public servant's
25     performance of an official function;

26          ▸     amends the scope of criminal offenses concerning a juror and clarifies the
27     applicability of the separate offense of tampering with a juror;
28          ▸     modifies provisions concerning the offense of denial of a public servant's use of
29     public property;
30          ▸     consolidates and repeals overlapping provisions concerning threatening elected
31     officials; and
32          ▸     makes technical and conforming changes.
33     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
34          None
35     Other Special Clauses:
36          This bill provides coordination clauses.
37     Utah Code Sections Affected:
38     AMENDS:
39          53-10-403, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapters 328, 457
40          76-3-203.3, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 111
41          76-8-104, as last amended by Laws of Utah 1991, Chapter 215
42          76-8-301, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 165
43          76-10-1602, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapters 34, 111, 139, and 330
44     ENACTS:
45          76-8-301.2, Utah Code Annotated 1953
46     REPEALS:
47          76-8-313, as last amended by Laws of Utah 1996, Chapter 45
48          76-8-314, as last amended by Laws of Utah 1996, Chapter 45
49          76-8-315, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1983, Chapter 330
50     Utah Code Sections Affected By Coordination Clause:
51          53-10-403, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapters 328, 457
52          76-8-104, as last amended by Laws of Utah 1991, Chapter 215
53          76-8-301, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 165
54          76-8-301.2, as Utah Code Annotated 1953

56     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:

57     The following section is affected by a coordination clause at the end of this bill.
58          Section 1. Section 53-10-403 is amended to read:
59          53-10-403. DNA specimen analysis -- Application to offenders, including minors.
60          (1) Sections 53-10-403.6, 53-10-404, 53-10-404.5, 53-10-405, and 53-10-406 apply to
61     any person who:
62          (a) has pled guilty to or has been convicted of any of the offenses under Subsection
63     (2)(a) or (b) on or after July 1, 2002;
64          (b) has pled guilty to or has been convicted by any other state or by the United States
65     government of an offense which if committed in this state would be punishable as one or more
66     of the offenses listed in Subsection (2)(a) or (b) on or after July 1, 2003;
67          (c) has been booked on or after January 1, 2011, through December 31, 2014, for any
68     offense under Subsection (2)(c);
69          (d) has been booked:
70          (i) by a law enforcement agency that is obtaining a DNA specimen on or after May 13,
71     2014, through December 31, 2014, under Subsection 53-10-404(4)(b) for any felony offense; or
72          (ii) on or after January 1, 2015, for any felony offense; or
73          (e) is a minor under Subsection (3).
74          (2) Offenses referred to in Subsection (1) are:
75          (a) any felony or class A misdemeanor under the Utah Code;
76          (b) any offense under Subsection (2)(a):
77          (i) for which the court enters a judgment for conviction to a lower degree of offense
78     under Section 76-3-402; or
79          (ii) regarding which the court allows the defendant to enter a plea in abeyance as
80     defined in Section 77-2a-1; or
81          (c) (i) any violent felony as defined in Section 53-10-403.5;
82          (ii) sale or use of body parts, Section 26B-8-315;
83          (iii) failure to stop at an accident that resulted in death, Section 41-6a-401.5;
84          (iv) operating a motor vehicle with any amount of a controlled substance in an
85     individual's body and causing serious bodily injury or death, as codified before May 4, 2022,
86     Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 236, Section 1, Subsection 58-37-8(2)(g);
87          (v) a felony violation of enticing a minor, Section 76-4-401;

88          (vi) negligently operating a vehicle resulting in injury, Subsection 76-5-102.1(2)(b);
89          (vii) a felony violation of propelling a substance or object at a correctional officer, a
90     peace officer, or an employee or a volunteer, including health care providers, Section
91     76-5-102.6;
92          (viii) negligently operating a vehicle resulting in death, Subsection 76-5-207(2)(b);
93          (ix) aggravated human trafficking, Section 76-5-310, and aggravated human
94     smuggling, Section 76-5-310.1;
95          (x) a felony violation of unlawful sexual activity with a minor, Section 76-5-401;
96          (xi) a felony violation of sexual abuse of a minor, Section 76-5-401.1;
97          (xii) unlawful sexual contact with a 16 or 17-year old, Section 76-5-401.2;
98          (xiii) sale of a child, Section 76-7-203;
99          (xiv) aggravated escape, Subsection 76-8-309(2);
100          (xv) a felony violation [of assault on an elected official, Section 76-8-315] of threat
101     against a public servant, party official, or voter, Section 76-8-104, if the victim is an elected
102     official;
103          (xvi) influencing, impeding, or retaliating against a judge or member of the Board of
104     Pardons and Parole, Section 76-8-316;
105          (xvii) advocating criminal syndicalism or sabotage, Section 76-8-902;
106          (xviii) assembly for advocating criminal syndicalism or sabotage, Section 76-8-903;
107          (xix) a felony violation of sexual battery, Section 76-9-702.1;
108          (xx) a felony violation of lewdness involving a child, Section 76-9-702.5;
109          (xxi) a felony violation of abuse or desecration of a dead human body, Section
110     76-9-704;
111          (xxii) manufacture, possession, sale, or use of a weapon of mass destruction, Section
112     76-10-402;
113          (xxiii) manufacture, possession, sale, or use of a hoax weapon of mass destruction,
114     Section 76-10-403;
115          (xxiv) possession of a concealed firearm in the commission of a violent felony,
116     Subsection 76-10-504(4);
117          (xxv) assault with the intent to commit bus hijacking with a dangerous weapon,
118     Subsection 76-10-1504(3);

119          (xxvi) commercial obstruction, Subsection 76-10-2402(2);
120          (xxvii) a felony violation of failure to register as a sex or kidnap offender, Section
121     77-41-107;
122          (xxviii) repeat violation of a protective order, Subsection 77-36-1.1(4); or
123          (xxix) violation of condition for release after arrest under Section 78B-7-802.
124          (3) A minor under Subsection (1) is a minor 14 years old or older who is adjudicated
125     by the juvenile court due to the commission of any offense described in Subsection (2), and
126     who:
127          (a) committed an offense under Subsection (2) within the jurisdiction of the juvenile
128     court on or after July 1, 2002; or
129          (b) is in the legal custody of the Division of Juvenile Justice and Youth Services on or
130     after July 1, 2002, for an offense under Subsection (2).
131          Section 2. Section 76-3-203.3 is amended to read:
132          76-3-203.3. Penalty for hate crimes -- Civil rights violation.
133          As used in this section:
134          (1) "Primary offense" means those offenses provided in Subsection (4).
135          (2) (a) [A person] An actor who commits any primary offense with the intent to
136     intimidate or terrorize another [person] individual or with reason to believe that [his] the actor's
137     action would intimidate or terrorize that [person] individual is subject to Subsection (2)(b).
138          (b) (i) A class C misdemeanor primary offense is a class B misdemeanor; and
139          (ii) a class B misdemeanor primary offense is a class A misdemeanor.
140          (3) (a) "Intimidate or terrorize" means an act which causes the [person] individual to
141     fear for [his] the individual's physical safety or damages the property of that [person] individual
142     or another individual.
143          (b) The act must be accompanied with the intent to cause or has the effect of causing [a
144     person] an individual to reasonably fear to freely exercise or enjoy any right secured by the
145     Constitution or laws of the state or by the Constitution or laws of the United States.
146          (4) Primary offenses referred to in Subsection (1) are the misdemeanor offenses for:
147          (a) assault and related offenses under Sections 76-5-102, 76-5-102.4, 76-5-106,
148     76-5-107, and 76-5-108;
149          (b) any misdemeanor property destruction offense under Sections 76-6-102 and

150     76-6-104, and Subsection 76-6-106(2)(a);
151          (c) any criminal trespass offense under Sections 76-6-204 and 76-6-206;
152          (d) any misdemeanor theft offense under Section 76-6-412;
153          (e) any offense of obstructing government operations under Sections 76-8-301,
154     76-8-301.2, 76-8-302, 76-8-305, 76-8-306, 76-8-307, and 76-8-308[, and 76-8-313];
155          (f) any offense of interfering or intending to interfere with activities of colleges and
156     universities under Title 76, Chapter 8, Part 7, Colleges and Universities;
157          (g) any misdemeanor offense against public order and decency as defined in Title 76,
158     Chapter 9, Part 1, Breaches of the Peace and Related Offenses;
159          (h) any telephone abuse offense under Title 76, Chapter 9, Part 2, Electronic
160     Communication and Telephone Abuse;
161          (i) any cruelty to animals offense under Section 76-9-301;
162          (j) any weapons offense under Section 76-10-506; or
163          (k) a violation of Section 76-9-102, if the violation occurs at an official meeting.
164          (5) This section does not affect or limit any individual's constitutional right to the
165     lawful expression of free speech or other recognized rights secured by the Constitution or laws
166     of the state or by the Constitution or laws of the United States.
167     The following section is affected by a coordination clause at the end of this bill.
168          Section 3. Section 76-8-104 is amended to read:
169          76-8-104. Threat against a public servant, party official, or voter to influence or
170     retaliate against an official action or a political action.
171          (1) (a) As used in this section:
172          (i) (A) "Emotional distress" means significant mental or psychological suffering,
173     whether or not medical or other professional treatment or counseling is required.
174          (B) "Emotional distress" includes significant mental or psychological suffering
175     resulting from harm to an animal.
176          (ii) "Harm" means emotional distress or a physical or economic injury to an individual
177     or an individual's property, reputation, or business interests.
178          (iii) "Immediate family member" means a parent, stepparent, spouse, sibling, child,
179     stepchild, grandparent, or grandchild.
180          (iv) (A) "Party official" means the same as that term is defined in Section 76-8-101.

181          (B) "Party official" includes an individual who was but no longer is a party official.
182          (v) (A) "Public servant" means the same as that term is defined in Section 76-1-101.5.
183          (B) "Public servant" includes an individual who was but no longer is a public servant.
184          (b) Terms defined in Sections 76-1-101.5 and 76-8-101 apply to this section.
185          (2) [A person is guilty of a class A misdemeanor if he threatens any harm to a public
186     servant, party official, or voter with a purpose of influencing his action, decision, opinion,
187     recommendation, nomination, vote, or other exercise of discretion.] An actor commits threat to
188     influence or retaliate against an official action or a political action if:
189          (a) the actor threatens harm to:
190          (i) a public servant, party official, or voter;
191          (ii) an immediate family member of a public servant, party official, or voter;
192          (iii) an individual who resides in the household of a public servant, party official, or
193     voter; or
194          (iv) an individual or entity in whose welfare a public servant, party official, or voter is
195     interested;
196          (b) the actor's threat described in Subsection (2)(a) is for the purpose of influencing or
197     retaliating against:
198          (i) the public servant's or party official's action, decision, opinion, recommendation,
199     nomination, vote, or other exercise of discretion made in the public servant's or party official's
200     capacity as a public servant or party official; or
201          (ii) the voter's vote or other action in relation to voting; and
202          (c) the actor is reckless as to whether the actor's threat described in Subsection (2)(a)
203     would be considered to be threatening by a reasonable person who received the threat.
204          (3) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(b), a violation of Subsection (2) is a class
205     A misdemeanor.
206          (b) A violation of Subsection (2) is a third degree felony if the actor's conduct:
207          (i) includes an attempt to inflict bodily injury; or
208          (ii) results in bodily injury.
209          (4) This section does not apply under circumstances amounting to tampering with a
210     juror under Section 76-8-508.5, tampering with juror.
211          [(2) As used in this section:]

212          [(a) "Harm" means any disadvantage or injury, pecuniary or otherwise, including
213     disadvantage or injury to any other person or entity in whose welfare the public servant, party
214     official, or voter is interested.]
215          [(b) "Public servant" does not include jurors.]
216     The following section is affected by a coordination clause at the end of this bill.
217          Section 4. Section 76-8-301 is amended to read:
218          76-8-301. Interference with a public servant's performance of an official
219     function.
220          (1) Terms defined in Sections 76-1-101.5 and 76-8-101 apply to this section.
221          (2) [An individual is guilty of] An actor commits interference with a public [servant]
222     servant's performance of an official function if [the individual]:
223          (a) (i) the actor uses force, violence, intimidation, or engages in any other unlawful act
224     with a purpose to interfere with a public servant performing or purporting to perform an official
225     function; and
226          (ii) if the conduct described in Subsection (2)(a)(i) is solely a communication, the actor
227     is reckless as to whether the actor's communication would be considered to be threatening or
228     intimidating by a reasonable person who received the communication; or
229          (b) the actor obstructs, hinders, conceals, or prevents the lawful service of any civil or
230     criminal legal process[, civil or criminal, by any] by a sheriff, constable, deputy sheriff, deputy
231     constable, peace officer, private investigator, or any other person authorized to serve legal
232     process[; or].
233          [(c) on property that is owned, operated, or controlled by the state or a political
234     subdivision of the state, willfully denies to a public servant lawful:]
235          [(i) freedom of movement;]
236          [(ii) use of the property or facilities; or]
237          [(iii) entry into or exit from the facilities.]
238          [(2) Interference with a public servant:]
239          [(a) under Subsection (1)(a) or (b) is a class B misdemeanor; and]
240          [(b) under Subsection (1)(c) is a class C misdemeanor.]
241          (3) [For purposes of this section, "public servant" does not include jurors.]
242          (a) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(b), a violation of Subsection (2) is a class A

243     misdemeanor.
244          (b) A violation of Subsection (2) is a third degree felony if the actor's conduct:
245          (i) includes an attempt to inflict bodily injury; or
246          (ii) results in bodily injury.
247          (4) This section does not apply under circumstances amounting to tampering with a
248     juror under Section 76-8-508.5, tampering with juror.
249     The following section is affected by a coordination clause at the end of this bill.
250          Section 5. Section 76-8-301.2 is enacted to read:
251          76-8-301.2. Denial of public servant's use of public property.
252          (1) Terms defined in Sections 76-1-101.5 and 76-8-101 apply to this section.
253          (2) An actor commits denial of public servant's use of public property if the actor,
254     while on public property, willfully denies to a public servant lawful:
255          (a) freedom of movement;
256          (b) use of the property or facility; or
257          (c) entry into or exit from the facility.
258          (3) A violation of Subsection (2) is a class C misdemeanor.
259          (4) This section does not apply under circumstances amounting to unlawful detention
260     under Section 76-5-304, unlawful detention and unlawful detention of a minor.
261          Section 6. Section 76-10-1602 is amended to read:
262          76-10-1602. Definitions.
263          As used in this part:
264          (1) "Enterprise" means any individual, sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation,
265     business trust, association, or other legal entity, and any union or group of individuals
266     associated in fact although not a legal entity, and includes illicit as well as licit entities.
267          (2) "Pattern of unlawful activity" means engaging in conduct which constitutes the
268     commission of at least three episodes of unlawful activity, which episodes are not isolated, but
269     have the same or similar purposes, results, participants, victims, or methods of commission, or
270     otherwise are interrelated by distinguishing characteristics. Taken together, the episodes shall
271     demonstrate continuing unlawful conduct and be related either to each other or to the
272     enterprise. At least one of the episodes comprising a pattern of unlawful activity shall have
273     occurred after July 31, 1981. The most recent act constituting part of a pattern of unlawful

274     activity as defined by this part shall have occurred within five years of the commission of the
275     next preceding act alleged as part of the pattern.
276          (3) "Person" includes any individual or entity capable of holding a legal or beneficial
277     interest in property, including state, county, and local governmental entities.
278          (4) "Unlawful activity" means to directly engage in conduct or to solicit, request,
279     command, encourage, or intentionally aid another person to engage in conduct which would
280     constitute any offense described by the following crimes or categories of crimes, or to attempt
281     or conspire to engage in an act which would constitute any of those offenses, regardless of
282     whether the act is in fact charged or indicted by any authority or is classified as a misdemeanor
283     or a felony:
284          (a) any act prohibited by the criminal provisions of Title 13, Chapter 10, Unauthorized
285     Recording Practices Act;
286          (b) any act prohibited by the criminal provisions of Title 19, Environmental Quality
287     Code, Sections 19-1-101 through 19-7-109;
288          (c) taking, destroying, or possessing wildlife or parts of wildlife for the primary
289     purpose of sale, trade, or other pecuniary gain, in violation of Title 23A, Wildlife Resources
290     Act, or Section 23A-5-311;
291          (d) false claims for medical benefits, kickbacks, and any other act prohibited by Title
292     26B, Chapter 3, Part 11, Utah False Claims Act, Sections 26B-3-1101 through 26B-3-1112;
293          (e) any act prohibited by the criminal provisions of Title 32B, Chapter 4, Criminal
294     Offenses and Procedure Act;
295          (f) any act prohibited by the criminal provisions of Title 57, Chapter 11, Utah Uniform
296     Land Sales Practices Act;
297          (g) any act prohibited by the criminal provisions of Title 58, Chapter 37, Utah
298     Controlled Substances Act, or Title 58, Chapter 37b, Imitation Controlled Substances Act,
299     Title 58, Chapter 37c, Utah Controlled Substance Precursor Act, or Title 58, Chapter 37d,
300     Clandestine Drug Lab Act;
301          (h) any act prohibited by the criminal provisions of Title 61, Chapter 1, Utah Uniform
302     Securities Act;
303          (i) any act prohibited by the criminal provisions of Title 63G, Chapter 6a, Utah
304     Procurement Code;

305          (j) assault or aggravated assault, Sections 76-5-102 and 76-5-103;
306          (k) a threat of terrorism, Section 76-5-107.3;
307          (l) a criminal homicide offense, as described in Section 76-5-201;
308          (m) kidnapping or aggravated kidnapping, Sections 76-5-301 and 76-5-302;
309          (n) human trafficking, human trafficking of a child, human smuggling, or aggravated
310     human trafficking, Sections 76-5-308, 76-5-308.1, 76-5-308.3, 76-5-308.5, 76-5-309, and
311     76-5-310;
312          (o) sexual exploitation of a minor or aggravated sexual exploitation of a minor,
313     Sections 76-5b-201 and 76-5b-201.1;
314          (p) arson or aggravated arson, Sections 76-6-102 and 76-6-103;
315          (q) causing a catastrophe, Section 76-6-105;
316          (r) burglary or aggravated burglary, Sections 76-6-202 and 76-6-203;
317          (s) burglary of a vehicle, Section 76-6-204;
318          (t) manufacture or possession of an instrument for burglary or theft, Section 76-6-205;
319          (u) robbery or aggravated robbery, Sections 76-6-301 and 76-6-302;
320          (v) theft, Section 76-6-404;
321          (w) theft by deception, Section 76-6-405;
322          (x) theft by extortion, Section 76-6-406;
323          (y) receiving stolen property, Section 76-6-408;
324          (z) theft of services, Section 76-6-409;
325          (aa) forgery, Section 76-6-501;
326          (bb) fraudulent use of a credit card, Sections 76-6-506.2, 76-6-506.3,, and 76-6-506.6;
327          (cc) deceptive business practices, Section 76-6-507;
328          (dd) bribery or receiving bribe by person in the business of selection, appraisal, or
329     criticism of goods, Section 76-6-508;
330          (ee) bribery of a labor official, Section 76-6-509;
331          (ff) defrauding creditors, Section 76-6-511;
332          (gg) acceptance of deposit by insolvent financial institution, Section 76-6-512;
333          (hh) unlawful dealing with property by fiduciary, Section 76-6-513;
334          (ii) bribery or threat to influence contest, Section 76-6-514;
335          (jj) making a false credit report, Section 76-6-517;

336          (kk) criminal simulation, Section 76-6-518;
337          (ll) criminal usury, Section 76-6-520;
338          (mm) insurance fraud, Section 76-6-521;
339          (nn) retail theft, Section 76-6-602;
340          (oo) computer crimes, Section 76-6-703;
341          (pp) identity fraud, Section 76-6-1102;
342          (qq) mortgage fraud, Section 76-6-1203;
343          (rr) sale of a child, Section 76-7-203;
344          (ss) bribery to influence official or political actions, Section 76-8-103;
345          (tt) [threats] threat against a public servant, party official, or voter to influence or
346     retaliate against an official action or a political action, Section 76-8-104;
347          (uu) receiving bribe or bribery by public servant, Section 76-8-105;
348          (vv) receiving bribe or bribery for endorsement of person as public servant, Section
349     76-8-106;
350          (ww) official misconduct, Sections 76-8-201 and 76-8-202;
351          (xx) obstruction of justice, Section 76-8-306;
352          (yy) acceptance of bribe or bribery to prevent criminal prosecution, Section 76-8-308;
353          (zz) false or inconsistent material statements, Section 76-8-502;
354          (aaa) false or inconsistent statements, Section 76-8-503;
355          (bbb) written false statements, Section 76-8-504;
356          (ccc) tampering with a witness or soliciting or receiving a bribe, Section 76-8-508;
357          (ddd) retaliation against a witness, victim, or informant, Section 76-8-508.3;
358          (eee) extortion or bribery to dismiss criminal proceeding, Section 76-8-509;
359          (fff) tampering with evidence, Section 76-8-510.5;
360          (ggg) falsification or alteration of government record, Section 76-8-511, if the record is
361     a record described in Title 20A, Election Code, or Title 36, Chapter 11, Lobbyist Disclosure
362     and Regulation Act;
363          (hhh) public assistance fraud in violation of Section 76-8-1203, 76-8-1204, or
364     76-8-1205;
365          (iii) unemployment insurance fraud, Section 76-8-1301;
366          (jjj) intentionally or knowingly causing one animal to fight with another, Subsection

367     76-9-301(2)(d) or (e), or Section 76-9-301.1;
368          (kkk) possession, use, or removal of explosives, chemical, or incendiary devices or
369     parts, Section 76-10-306;
370          (lll) delivery to common carrier, mailing, or placement on premises of an incendiary
371     device, Section 76-10-307;
372          (mmm) possession of a deadly weapon with intent to assault, Section 76-10-507;
373          (nnn) unlawful marking of pistol or revolver, Section 76-10-521;
374          (ooo) alteration of number or mark on pistol or revolver, Section 76-10-522;
375          (ppp) forging or counterfeiting trademarks, trade name, or trade device, Section
376     76-10-1002;
377          (qqq) selling goods under counterfeited trademark, trade name, or trade devices,
378     Section 76-10-1003;
379          (rrr) sales in containers bearing registered trademark of substituted articles, Section
380     76-10-1004;
381          (sss) selling or dealing with article bearing registered trademark or service mark with
382     intent to defraud, Section 76-10-1006;
383          (ttt) gambling, Section 76-10-1102;
384          (uuu) gambling fraud, Section 76-10-1103;
385          (vvv) gambling promotion, Section 76-10-1104;
386          (www) possessing a gambling device or record, Section 76-10-1105;
387          (xxx) confidence game, Section 76-10-1109;
388          (yyy) distributing pornographic material, Section 76-10-1204;
389          (zzz) inducing acceptance of pornographic material, Section 76-10-1205;
390          (aaaa) dealing in harmful material to a minor, Section 76-10-1206;
391          (bbbb) distribution of pornographic films, Section 76-10-1222;
392          (cccc) indecent public displays, Section 76-10-1228;
393          (dddd) prostitution, Section 76-10-1302;
394          (eeee) aiding prostitution, Section 76-10-1304;
395          (ffff) exploiting prostitution, Section 76-10-1305;
396          (gggg) aggravated exploitation of prostitution, Section 76-10-1306;
397          (hhhh) communications fraud, Section 76-10-1801;

398          (iiii) any act prohibited by the criminal provisions of Part 19, Money Laundering and
399     Currency Transaction Reporting Act;
400          (jjjj) vehicle compartment for contraband, Section 76-10-2801;
401          (kkkk) any act prohibited by the criminal provisions of the laws governing taxation in
402     this state; and
403          (llll) any act illegal under the laws of the United States and enumerated in 18 U.S.C.
404     Sec. 1961(1)(B), (C), and (D).
405          Section 7. Repealer.
406          This bill repeals:
407          Section 76-8-313, Threatening elected officials -- Assault.
408          Section 76-8-314, Threatening elected officials -- "Elected official" defined.
409          Section 76-8-315, Threatening elected officials -- Penalties for assault.
410          Section 8. Effective date.
411          This bill takes effect on May 1, 2024.
412          Section 9. Coordinating H.B. 83 with H.B. 15.
413          If this H.B. 83, Criminal Threat or Interference Amendments, and H.B. 15, Criminal
414     Code Recodification and Cross References, both pass and become law, the Legislature intends
415     that, on May 1, 2024:
416          (1) the amendments to Subsection 53-10-403(2)(c)(xv) in H.B. 83 supersede the
417     amendments to Subsection 53-10-403(2)(c)(xv) in H.B. 15;
418          (2) Section 76-8-104 be amended to read:
419          "76-8-104. [Threats] Threat against a public servant, party official, or voter to
420     influence or retaliate against an official action or a political action.
421          (1) (a) As used in this section:
422          (i) (A) "Emotional distress" means significant mental or psychological suffering,
423     whether or not medical or other professional treatment or counseling is required.
424          (B) "Emotional distress" includes significant mental or psychological suffering
425     resulting from harm to an animal.
426          (ii) "Harm" means emotional distress or a physical or economic injury to an individual
427     or an individual's property, reputation, or business interests.
428          (iii) "Immediate family member" means a parent, stepparent, spouse, sibling, child,

429     stepchild, grandparent, or grandchild.
430          (iv) (A) "Party official" means the same as that term is defined in Section 76-8-101.
431          (B) "Party official" includes an individual who was but no longer is a party official.
432          (v) (A) "Public servant" means the same as that term is defined in Section 76-1-101.5.
433          (B) "Public servant" includes an individual who was but no longer is a public servant.
434          (b) Terms defined in Sections 76-1-101.5 and 76-8-101 apply to this section.
435          (2) [A person is guilty of a class A misdemeanor if he threatens any harm to a public
436     servant, party official, or voter with a purpose of influencing his action, decision, opinion,
437     recommendation, nomination, vote, or other exercise of discretion.] An actor commits threat to
438     influence or retaliate against an official action or a political action if:
439          (a) the actor threatens harm to:
440          (i) a public servant, party official, or voter;
441          (ii) an immediate family member of a public servant, party official, or voter;
442          (iii) an individual who resides in the household of a public servant, party official, or
443     voter; or
444          (iv) an individual or entity in whose welfare a public servant, party official, or voter is
445     interested;
446          (b) the actor's threat described in Subsection (2)(a) is for the purpose of influencing or
447     retaliating against:
448          (i) the public servant's or party official's action, decision, opinion, recommendation,
449     nomination, vote, or other exercise of discretion made in the public servant's or party official's
450     capacity as a public servant or party official; or
451          (jj) the voter's vote or other action in relation to voting; and
452          (c) the actor is reckless as to whether the actor's threat described in Subsection (2)(a)
453     would be considered to be threatening by a reasonable person who received the threat.
454          (3) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(b), a violation of Subsection (2) is a class
455     A misdemeanor.
456          (b) (A) violation of Subsection (2) is a third degree felony if the actor's conduct:
457          (i) includes an attempt to inflict bodily injury; or
458          (ii) results in bodily injury.
459          (4) This section does not apply under circumstances amounting to tampering or

460     retaliating against a juror under Section 76-8-508.5, tampering or retaliating against a juror.
461          [(2) As used in this section:]
462          [(a) "Harm" means any disadvantage or injury, pecuniary or otherwise, including
463     disadvantage or injury to any other person or entity in whose welfare the public servant, party
464     official, or voter is interested.]
465          [(b) "Public servant" does not include jurors.] ";
466          (3) Section 76-8-301 in H.B. 83 supersede the amendments to Section 76-8-301 in
467     H.B. 15; and
468          (4) Section 76-8-301.2 in H.B. 15 not be enacted.
469          Section 10. Coordinating H.B. 83 with H.B. 27.
470          If this H.B. 83, Criminal Threat or Interference Amendments, and H.B. 27, Criminal
471     Code Amendments, both pass and become law, the Legislature intends that, on May 1, 2024,
472     the amendments to Section 76-8-301 in H.B. 83 supersede the amendments to Section
473     76-8-301 in H.B. 27.
474          Section 11. Coordinating H.B. 83 with H.B. 15 and H.B. 27 if all pass and become
475     law.
476          If this H.B. 83, Criminal Threat or Interference Amendments, H.B. 15, Criminal Code
477     Recodification and Cross References, and H.B. 27, Criminal Code Amendments, all pass and
478     become law, the Legislature intends that, on May 1, 2024, the amendments to Section 76-8-301
479     in H.B. 83 supersede the amendments to Section 76-8-301 in H.B. 15 and in H.B. 27.