Representative Steve Eliason proposes the following substitute bill:




Chief Sponsor: Steve Eliason

Senate Sponsor: Daniel McCay


8     General Description:
9          This bill modifies provisions relating to tax refunds.
10     Highlighted Provisions:
11          This bill:
12          ▸     limits the total amount of interest that may accrue each year on a tax overpayment,
13     with certain exceptions; and
14          ▸     makes technical and conforming changes.
15     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
16          None
17     Other Special Clauses:
18          This bill provides a special effective date.
19     Utah Code Sections Affected:
20     AMENDS:
21          59-1-402, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 294

23     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
24          Section 1. Section 59-1-402 is amended to read:
25          59-1-402. Definitions -- Interest.

26          (1) As used in this section:
27          (a) "Final judicial decision" means a final ruling by a court of this state or the United
28     States for which the time for any further review or proceeding has expired.
29          (b) "Retroactive application of a judicial decision" means the application of a final
30     judicial decision that:
31          (i) invalidates a state or federal taxation statute; and
32          (ii) requires the state to provide a refund for an overpayment that was made:
33          (A) prior to the final judicial decision; or
34          (B) during the 180-day period after the final judicial decision.
35          (c) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (1)(c)(ii), "tax, fee, or charge" means:
36          (A) a tax, fee, or charge the commission administers under:
37          (I) this title;
38          (II) Title 10, Chapter 1, Part 3, Municipal Energy Sales and Use Tax Act;
39          (III) Title 10, Chapter 1, Part 4, Municipal Telecommunications License Tax Act;
40          (IV) Section 19-6-410.5;
41          (V) Section 19-6-714;
42          (VI) Section 19-6-805;
43          (VII) Section 34A-2-202;
44          (VIII) Section 40-6-14; or
45          (IX) Title 69, Chapter 2, Part 4, Prepaid Wireless Telecommunications Service
46     Charges; or
47          (B) another amount that by statute is subject to interest imposed under this section.
48          (ii) "Tax, fee, or charge" does not include a tax, fee, or charge imposed under:
49          (A) Title 41, Chapter 1a, Motor Vehicle Act, except for Section 41-1a-301;
50          (B) Title 41, Chapter 3, Motor Vehicle Business Regulation Act;
51          (C) Chapter 2, Property Tax Act, except for Section 59-2-1309;
52          (D) Chapter 3, Tax Equivalent Property Act;
53          (E) Chapter 4, Privilege Tax; or
54          (F) Chapter 13, Part 5, Interstate Agreements.
55          (2) Except as otherwise provided for by law, the interest rate for a calendar year for a
56     tax, fee, or charge administered by the commission shall be calculated based on the federal

57     short-term rate determined by the Secretary of the Treasury under Section 6621, Internal
58     Revenue Code, in effect for the preceding fourth calendar quarter.
59          (3) The interest rate calculation shall be as follows:
60          (a) except as provided in Subsection (7), in the case of an overpayment or refund,
61     simple interest shall be calculated at the rate of two percentage points above the federal
62     short-term rate; or
63          (b) in the case of an underpayment, deficiency, or delinquency, simple interest shall be
64     calculated at the rate of two percentage points above the federal short-term rate.
65          (4) Notwithstanding Subsection (2) or (3), the interest rate applicable to certain
66     installment sales for purposes of a tax under Chapter 7, Corporate Franchise and Income Taxes,
67     shall be determined in accordance with Section 453A, Internal Revenue Code, as provided in
68     Section 59-7-112.
69          (5) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (5)(c), interest may not be allowed on an
70     overpayment of a tax, fee, or charge if the overpayment of the tax, fee, or charge is refunded
71     within:
72          (i) 45 days after the last date prescribed for filing the return with respect to a tax under
73     Chapter 7, Corporate Franchise and Income Taxes, or Chapter 10, Individual Income Tax Act,
74     if the return is filed electronically; or
75          (ii) 90 days after the last date prescribed for filing the return:
76          (A) with respect to a tax, fee, or charge, except for a tax under Chapter 7, Corporate
77     Franchise and Income Taxes, or Chapter 10, Individual Income Tax Act; or
78          (B) if the return is not filed electronically.
79          (b) Except as provided in Subsection (5)(c), if the return is filed after the last date
80     prescribed for filing the return, interest may not be allowed on the overpayment if the
81     overpayment is refunded within:
82          (i) 45 days after the date the return is filed:
83          (A) with respect to a tax under Chapter 7, Corporate Franchise and Income Taxes, or
84     Chapter 10, Individual Income Tax Act; and
85          (B) if the return is filed electronically; or
86          (ii) 90 days after the date the return is filed:
87          (A) with respect to a tax, fee, or charge, except for a tax under Chapter 7, Corporate

88     Franchise and Income Taxes, or Chapter 10, Individual Income Tax Act; or
89          (B) if the return is not filed electronically.
90          (c) (i) [In the case of] Subject to Subsection (5)(d), for an amended return, interest on
91     an overpayment [shall be] is allowed for a time period:
92          [(A) for a time period:]
93          [(I)] (A) that begins on the later of:
94          [(Aa)] (I) the date the original return was filed; or
95          [(Bb)] (II) the due date for filing the original return not including any extensions for
96     filing the original return; and
97          [(II)] (B) that ends on the date the commission receives the amended return[; and].
98          [(B) if the commission does not make a refund of an overpayment under this
99     Subsection (5)(c):]
100          [(I) if the amended return is]
101          (ii) For an amended return filed electronically with respect to a tax under Chapter 7,
102     Corporate Franchise and Income Taxes, or Chapter 10, Individual Income Tax Act, [and is
103     filed electronically,] interest on an overpayment is allowed if the commission does not process
104     a refund of the overpayment within a 45-day period after the date the commission receives the
105     amended return, for a time period:
106          [(Aa)] (A) that begins 46 days after the commission receives the amended return; and
107          [(Bb)] (B) [subject to Subsection (5)(c)(ii),] that ends on the date that the commission
108     completes processing the refund of the overpayment[; or].
109          [(II)] (iii) [if the amended return is with respect to a tax, fee, or charge except for a tax
110     under Chapter 7, Corporate Franchise and Income Taxes, or Chapter 10, Individual Income Tax
111     Act, or is not filed electronically,] For an amended return not filed electronically or with
112     respect to any tax, fee, or charge not described in Subsection (5)(c)(ii), interest on an
113     overpayment is allowed if the commission does not process a refund of the overpayment within
114     a 90-day period after the date the commission receives the amended return, for a time period:
115          [(Aa)] (A) that begins 91 days after the commission receives the amended return; and
116          [(Bb)] (B) [subject to Subsection (5)(c)(ii),] that ends on the date that the commission
117     completes processing the refund of the overpayment.
118          [(ii) For purposes of Subsection (5)(c)(i)(B)(I)(Bb) or (5)(c)(i)(B)(II)(Bb), interest shall

119     be calculated forward from the preparation date of the refund document to allow for
120     processing.]
121          (d) (i) This Subsection (5)(d) applies to interest on an overpayment under Subsection
122     (5)(c)(i) in which:
123          (A) the amount of interest accruing on the overpayment on or after January 1, 2025,
124     exceeds $200 in any calendar year during the time period described in Subsection (5)(c)(i); and
125          (B) the amount of the overpayment exceeds 30% of the taxpayer's total tax liability as
126     originally reported for the tax, fee, or charge to which the overpayment applies during the time
127     period described in Subsection (5)(c)(i).
128          (ii) This Subsection (5)(d) does not apply to:
129          (A) an overpayment provided to a federally-recognized tribe; or
130          (B) an overpayment resulting from commission error.
131          (iii) The annual interest rate imposed on an overpayment described in Subsection
132     (5)(d)(i) shall be calculated at the rate of two percentage points below the federal short-term
133     rate.
134          (iv) Notwithstanding Subsection (5)(d)(iii), for an overpayment described in
135     Subsection (5)(d)(i):
136          (A) the interest rate imposed on the overpayment shall be a rate of no less than 0% and
137     no more than 3%; and
138          (B) the amount of interest accruing in a calendar year for an overpayment may not be
139     less than $200, unless the amount of interest that would have accrued during the calendar year
140     is less than $200 when calculated using the interest rate described in Subsection (3).
141          (6) Interest on any underpayment, deficiency, or delinquency of a tax, fee, or charge
142     shall be computed from the time the original return is due, excluding any filing or payment
143     extensions, to the date the payment is received.
144          (7) Interest on a refund relating to a tax, fee, or charge may not be paid on any
145     overpayment that arises from a statute that is determined to be invalid under state or federal
146     law or declared unconstitutional under the constitution of the United States or Utah if the basis
147     for the refund is the retroactive application of a judicial decision upholding the claim of
148     unconstitutionality or the invalidation of a statute.
149          Section 2. Effective date.

150          This bill takes effect on January 1, 2025.