8 General Description:
9 This bill concerns weapon possession at an airport.
10 Highlighted Provisions:
11 This bill:
12 ▸ establishes, with a sunset date, law enforcement reporting requirements concerning
13 the possession of certain types of dangerous weapons in a secure area of an airport;
14 ▸ requires the State Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice to receive, compile,
15 and publish data concerning offenses involving the possession of a dangerous
16 weapon in a secure area of an airport;
17 ▸ adds criminal negligence as a culpable mental state for the possession of a
18 dangerous weapon in a secure area of an airport;
19 ▸ provides limitations on the punishment for certain violations resulting from the
20 possession of a dangerous weapon in a secure area of an airport;
21 ▸ provides, under certain circumstances, that an actor in possession of a dangerous
22 weapon in a secure area of the airport may return to a non-secure area of the airport
23 with the dangerous weapon or may temporarily surrender the dangerous weapon
24 into the custody of the law enforcement agency to be retrieved at a later date;
25 ▸ requires a law enforcement agency to take certain actions regarding the retrieval of a
26 dangerous weapon;
27 ▸ provides limitations on certain local entities regarding criminal prosecution, civil
28 remedies, or other actions resulting from the possession of certain items at an
29 airport;
30 ▸ provides procedures for the disposal of a firearm or other dangerous weapon by a
31 law enforcement agency; and
32 ▸ provides technical and conforming changes.
33 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
34 None
35 Other Special Clauses:
36 This bill provides a special effective date.
37 Utah Code Sections Affected:
39 63I-2-253 (Superseded 07/01/24), as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapters 7,
40 21, 33, 142, 167, 168, 380, 383, and 467
41 63I-2-253 (Effective 07/01/24), as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapters 7, 21,
42 33, 142, 167, 168, 310, 380, 383, and 467
43 63I-2-276, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 301
44 76-10-529, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 422
45 77-11a-402, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapters 397, 422 and renumbered
46 and amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 448
47 77-11d-101, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 448
48 77-11d-105, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 448
50 53-25-102, Utah Code Annotated 1953
52 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
53 Section 1. Section 53-25-102 is enacted to read:
54 53-25-102. Airport dangerous weapon possession reporting requirements.
55 (1) As used in this section, "commission" means the State Commission on Criminal
56 and Juvenile Justice created in Section 63M-7-201.
57 (2) Beginning on January 1, 2026, a law enforcement agency having law enforcement
58 jurisdiction over an airport shall annually, on or before April 30, submit a report to the
59 commission detailing:
60 (a) for an offense described in Subsection 76-10-529(2)(a)(i):
61 (i) the number of issued written warnings;
62 (ii) the number of issued citations;
63 (iii) the number of referrals to a detective; and
64 (iv) the number of referrals to a prosecutor; and
65 (b) for an offense described in Subsection 76-10-529(2)(a)(ii):
66 (i) the number of issued written warnings; and
67 (ii) if applicable, the number of issued citations, including the number of individuals
68 who have received more than one citation for the offense.
69 (3) The commission shall:
70 (a) develop a standardized format for reporting the data described in Subsection (2);
71 (b) compile the data submitted under Subsection (2); and
72 (c) annually on or before August 1, publish a report of the data described in Subsection
73 (2) on the commission's website.
74 Section 2. Section 63I-2-253 (Superseded 07/01/24) is amended to read:
75 63I-2-253 (Superseded 07/01/24). Repeal dates: Titles 53 through 53G.
76 (1) Section 53-1-118 is repealed on July 1, 2024.
77 (2) Section 53-1-120 is repealed on July 1, 2024.
78 (3) Section 53-7-109 is repealed on July 1, 2024.
79 (4) Section 53-22-104 is repealed December 31, 2023.
80 (5) Section 53-25-102 is repealed on December 31, 2031.
81 [
82 [
83 repealed July 1, 2023.
84 [
85 [
86 repealed on July 1, 2023:
87 (a) in Subsection 53B-8-105(12), the language that states, "or any scholarship
88 established under Sections 53B-8-202 through 53B-8-205";
89 (b) Section 53B-8-202;
90 (c) Section 53B-8-203;
91 (d) Section 53B-8-204; and
92 (e) Section 53B-8-205.
93 [
94 [
95 Interpretation and Translation Services Procurement Advisory Council is repealed July 1, 2024.
96 [
97 Subcommittee evaluation and recommendations, is repealed January 1, 2024.
98 [
99 is repealed July 1, 2024.
100 [
101 at-risk WPU add-on funding and previous at-risk funding, is repealed January 1, 2024.
102 [
103 is repealed July 1, 2024.
104 [
105 program, is repealed July 1, 2028.
106 [
107 [
108 [
109 Legislative Research and General Counsel shall, in addition to the office's authority under
110 Section 36-12-12, make corrections necessary to ensure that sections and subsections identified
111 in this section are complete sentences and accurately reflect the office's perception of the
112 Legislature's intent.
113 Section 3. Section 63I-2-253 (Effective 07/01/24) is amended to read:
114 63I-2-253 (Effective 07/01/24). Repeal dates: Titles 53 through 53G.
115 (1) Subsection 53-1-104(1)(b), regarding the Air Ambulance Committee, is repealed
116 July 1, 2024.
117 (2) Section 53-1-118 is repealed on July 1, 2024.
118 (3) Section 53-1-120 is repealed on July 1, 2024.
119 (4) Section 53-2d-107, regarding the Air Ambulance Committee, is repealed July 1,
120 2024.
121 (5) In relation to the Air Ambulance Committee, on July 1, 2024, Subsection
122 53-2d-702(1)(a) is amended to read:
123 "(a) provide the patient or the patient's representative with the following information
124 before contacting an air medical transport provider:
125 (i) which health insurers in the state the air medical transport provider contracts with;
126 (ii) if sufficient data is available, the average charge for air medical transport services
127 for a patient who is uninsured or out of network; and
128 (iii) whether the air medical transport provider balance bills a patient for any charge not
129 paid by the patient's health insurer; and".
130 (6) Section 53-7-109 is repealed on July 1, 2024.
131 (7) Section 53-22-104 is repealed December 31, 2023.
132 (8) Section 53-25-102 is repealed on December 31, 2031.
133 [
134 [
135 repealed July 1, 2023.
136 [
137 [
138 repealed on July 1, 2023:
139 (a) in Subsection 53B-8-105(12), the language that states, "or any scholarship
140 established under Sections 53B-8-202 through 53B-8-205";
141 (b) Section 53B-8-202;
142 (c) Section 53B-8-203;
143 (d) Section 53B-8-204; and
144 (e) Section 53B-8-205.
145 [
146 [
147 Interpretation and Translation Services Procurement Advisory Council is repealed July 1, 2024.
148 [
149 Subcommittee evaluation and recommendations, is repealed January 1, 2024.
150 [
151 is repealed July 1, 2024.
152 [
153 at-risk WPU add-on funding and previous at-risk funding, is repealed January 1, 2024.
154 [
155 is repealed July 1, 2024.
156 [
157 program, is repealed July 1, 2028.
158 [
159 [
160 [
161 Legislative Research and General Counsel shall, in addition to the office's authority under
162 Section 36-12-12, make corrections necessary to ensure that sections and subsections identified
163 in this section are complete sentences and accurately reflect the office's perception of the
164 Legislature's intent.
165 Section 4. Section 63I-2-276 is amended to read:
166 63I-2-276. Repeal dates: Title 76.
167 (1) Subsection 76-5-102.7(2)(b), regarding assault or threat of violence against an
168 owner, employee, or contractor of a health facility, is repealed January 1, 2027.
169 (2) Section 76-7-305.7 is repealed January 1, 2023.
170 (3) Subsection 76-10-529(9), regarding data collection requirements, is repealed on
171 December 31, 2031.
172 Section 5. Section 76-10-529 is amended to read:
173 76-10-529. Possession of firearms, other dangerous weapons, or explosives in
174 airport secure areas prohibited -- Punishment limitations -- Reporting requirement.
175 (1) (a) As used in this section:
176 (i) "Airport authority" has the same meaning as defined in Section 72-10-102.
177 (ii) "Explosive" is the same as defined for "explosive, chemical, or incendiary device"
178 in Section 76-10-306.
179 (iii) "Law enforcement officer" means the same as that term is defined in Section
180 53-13-103.
181 (b) Terms defined in Sections 76-1-101.5 and 76-10-501 apply to this section.
182 (2) (a) Within a secure area of an airport established pursuant to this section, [
183 an actor, including [
184 Chapter 5, Part 7, Concealed Firearm Act, is guilty of:
185 (i) a class A misdemeanor if the [
186 [
187 (ii) subject to Subsection (5), an infraction if the [
188 criminal negligence possesses [
189 weapon; or
190 (iii) a violation of Section 76-10-306 if the [
191 distributes, or sells [
192 (b) Subsection (2)(a) does not apply to:
193 (i) [
194 (ii) [
195 performance of [
196 (3) An airport authority, county, [
197 airport may:
198 (a) establish [
199 generally buys tickets, checks and retrieves luggage; and
200 (b) use reasonable means, including mechanical, electronic, x-ray, or [
201 another device, to detect [
202 explosives concealed in baggage or upon the person of [
203 the secure area.
204 (4) At least one notice shall be prominently displayed at each entrance to a secure area
205 in which a [
206 [
209 [
211 [
212 [
214 (5) (a) An actor who violates Subsection (2)(a)(ii) on a first offense may receive a
215 written warning for the offense and may not receive a citation or any other form of punishment.
216 (b) An actor who violates Subsection (2)(a)(ii) on a second or subsequent offense may
217 receive a written warning or a citation.
218 (6) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (6)(d), if a law enforcement officer issues a
219 citation to an actor for an infraction as a result of the actor's conduct described in Subsection
220 (2)(a)(ii), or provides an oral or written warning for that conduct, the law enforcement officer
221 shall:
222 (i) if the law enforcement officer is able to confirm that the actor may lawfully possess
223 the firearm or other dangerous weapon, allow the actor, at the actor's option, to:
224 (A) temporarily surrender custody of the firearm or other dangerous weapon into the
225 custody of the law enforcement agency so that the firearm or other dangerous weapon may be
226 retrieved by the actor at a later date; or
227 (B) exit the secure area of the airport with the firearm or other dangerous weapon; or
228 (ii) if the law enforcement officer is unable to confirm that the actor may lawfully
229 possess the firearm or other dangerous weapon, or the airport authority under Subsection (6)(d)
230 prohibits the procedure described in Subsection (6)(a)(i), take temporary custody of the firearm
231 or other dangerous weapon so that the firearm or other dangerous weapon may be retrieved by
232 the actor at a later date if legally permitted to do so.
233 (b) If a law enforcement officer takes temporary custody of a firearm or other
234 dangerous weapon under Subsection (6)(a):
235 (i) at the time the firearm or other dangerous weapon is obtained from the actor, the
236 law enforcement officer, or another law enforcement officer, or an employee who works in the
237 secure area of the airport, shall provide the actor with written instructions on how, when, and
238 where the actor may retrieve the actor's firearm or other dangerous weapon; and
239 (ii) within three business days from the time when the law enforcement officer receives
240 the firearm or other dangerous weapon, the law enforcement agency shall determine whether
241 the actor is legally permitted to possess the firearm or other dangerous weapon, and if so,
242 ensure that the firearm or other dangerous weapon is available for the actor to retrieve.
243 (c) An unclaimed firearm or other dangerous weapon that is surrendered into the
244 custody of a law enforcement agency under this Subsection (6) may be disposed of pursuant to
245 Section 77-11d-105, disposition of unclaimed property.
246 (d) An airport authority may implement a policy that prohibits the law enforcement
247 agency with jurisdiction over the airport from utilizing the procedure described in Subsection
248 (6)(a)(i).
249 [
251 actor's firearm that is confiscated based on a violation of Subsection (2)(a)(i) shall be returned
252 to the actor in accordance with Subsection 77-11a-402(1)(b) [
254 (b) In accordance with Subsection 77-11b-102(5), a firearm seized under [
255 Subsection (2)(a)(i) is not subject to forfeiture if the [
256 possess the firearm.
257 (c) In a prosecution brought under this section, a prosecutor may not condition a plea
258 on the forfeiture of a firearm.
259 (8) An airport authority, county, municipality, or other entity regulating an airport or
260 with local jurisdiction over an airport may not:
261 (a) charge, cite, or prosecute an actor with a different offense under the Utah Code,
262 local ordinance, or another state or local law or regulation for conduct described in Subsection
263 (2)(a)(ii);
264 (b) assess a civil penalty for conduct described in Subsection (2)(a)(i) or (ii); or
265 (c) enact a regulation, ordinance, or law covering conduct described in Subsection (2).
266 (9) A law enforcement agency that issues a written warning, citation, or referral for
267 prosecution under this section shall record and report the information as required under Section
268 53-25-102.
269 Section 6. Section 77-11a-402 is amended to read:
270 77-11a-402. Disposition of seized property and contraband -- Return of seized
271 property.
272 (1) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (1)(b), if a prosecuting attorney determines
273 that seized property no longer needs to be retained as evidence under Chapter 11c, Retention of
274 Evidence, the prosecuting attorney may:
275 (i) petition the court to apply the property that is money towards restitution, fines, fees,
276 or monetary judgments owed by the owner of the property;
277 (ii) petition the court for an order transferring ownership of weapons to the agency with
278 custody for the agency's use and disposal in accordance with Section 77-11a-403 if the owner:
279 (A) is the individual who committed the offense for which the weapon was seized; or
280 (B) may not lawfully possess the weapon; or
281 (iii) notify the agency with custody of the property or contraband that:
282 (A) the property may be returned to the owner in accordance with Section 77-11a-301
283 if the owner may lawfully possess the property; or
284 (B) the contraband may be disposed of or destroyed.
285 (b) If a prosecuting attorney determines that a firearm seized from an individual as a
286 result of an offense committed under [
287 longer needs to be retained for court proceedings, the prosecuting attorney shall notify the
288 agency with custody of the firearm that the property shall be returned to the individual if the
289 individual may lawfully possess the firearm.
290 (2) Before returning a firearm to an individual, the agency returning the firearm shall
291 confirm, through the Bureau of Criminal Identification, that the individual is eligible to
292 lawfully possess and receive firearms.
293 (3) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(b), if the agency is unable to locate the
294 owner of the property or the owner is not entitled to lawfully possess the property, the agency
295 may:
296 (i) apply the property to a public interest use;
297 (ii) sell the property at public auction and apply the proceeds of the sale to a public
298 interest use; or
299 (iii) destroy the property if the property is unfit for a public interest use or for sale.
300 (b) If the property described in Subsection (3)(a) is a firearm, the agency shall dispose
301 of the firearm in accordance with Section 77-11a-403.
302 (4) Before applying the property or the proceeds from the sale of the property to a
303 public interest use, the agency shall obtain from the legislative body of the agency's
304 jurisdiction:
305 (a) permission to apply the property or the proceeds to public interest use; and
306 (b) the designation and approval of the public interest use of the property or the
307 proceeds.
308 (5) If a peace officer seizes property that at the time of seizure is held by a pawn or
309 secondhand business in the course of the pawn or secondhand business's business, the
310 provisions of Section 13-32a-116 shall apply to the disposition of the property.
311 Section 7. Section 77-11d-101 is amended to read:
312 77-11d-101. Definitions.
313 As used in this chapter:
314 (1) "Interest holder" means the same as that term is defined in Section 77-11a-101.
315 (2) (a) "Lost or mislaid property":
316 [
317 enforcement agency:
318 [
319 [
320 diligent search;
321 [
322 from a person claiming to have found the property; and
323 [
324 Chapter 11a, Seizure of Property and Contraband.
325 (b) "Lost or mislaid property" includes a firearm or other dangerous weapon received
326 by a law enforcement agency at an airport under Subsection 76-10-529(6).
327 (3) "Owner" means the same as that term is defined in Section 77-11a-101.
328 (4) "Public interest use" means:
329 (a) use by a governmental agency as determined by the agency's legislative body; or
330 (b) donation to a nonprofit charity registered with the state.
331 Section 8. Section 77-11d-105 is amended to read:
332 77-11d-105. Disposition of unclaimed property.
333 [
334 (1) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (6), if the owner of any lost or mislaid
335 property cannot be determined or notified, or if the owner of the property is determined and
336 notified, and fails to appear and claim the property after three months of the property's receipt
337 by the local law enforcement agency, the agency shall:
338 (i) publish notice of the intent to dispose of the unclaimed property on Utah's Public
339 Legal Notice Website established in Subsection 45-1-101(2)(b);
340 (ii) post a similar notice on the public website of the political subdivision within which
341 the law enforcement agency is located; and
342 (iii) post a similar notice in a public place designated for notice within the law
343 enforcement agency.
344 (b) The notice shall:
345 (i) give a general description of the item; and
346 (ii) the date of intended disposition.
347 (c) The agency may not dispose of the lost or mislaid property until at least eight days
348 after the date of publication and posting.
349 (2) (a) If no claim is made for the lost or mislaid property within nine days of
350 publication and posting, the agency shall notify the person who turned the property over to the
351 local law enforcement agency, if it was turned over by a person under Section 77-11d-103.
352 (b) Except as provided in Subsection (4), if that person has complied with the
353 provisions of this chapter, the person may take the lost or mislaid property if the person:
354 (i) pays the costs incurred for advertising and storage; and
355 (ii) signs a receipt for the item.
356 (3) If the person who found the lost or mislaid property fails to take the property under
357 the provisions of this chapter, the agency shall:
358 (a) apply the property to a public interest use as provided in Subsection (4);
359 (b) sell the property at public auction and apply the proceeds of the sale to a public
360 interest use; or
361 (c) destroy the property if it is unfit for a public interest use or sale.
362 (4) Before applying the lost or mislaid property to a public interest use, the agency
363 having possession of the property shall obtain from the agency's legislative body:
364 (a) permission to apply the property to a public interest use; and
365 (b) the designation and approval of the public interest use of the property.
366 (5) Any person employed by a law enforcement agency who finds property may not
367 claim or receive property under this section.
368 (6) (a) If the lost or mislaid property is a firearm or other dangerous weapon received
369 by a law enforcement agency under Subsection 76-10-529(6), the law enforcement agency may
370 dispose of the firearm or other dangerous weapon three months after the property's receipt by
371 the law enforcement agency if the owner of the firearm or other dangerous weapon, or the
372 owner's agent:
373 (i) fails to retrieve the firearm or other dangerous weapon; or
374 (ii) is legally prohibited from possessing the firearm or other dangerous weapon.
375 (b) A law enforcement agency may dispose of a firearm under Subsection (6)(a) by
376 following the procedures described in Section 77-11a-403, disposition of firearms no longer
377 needed as evidence.
378 Section 9. Effective date.
379 (1) Except as provided in Subsection (2), this bill takes effect on May 1, 2024.
380 (2) The actions affecting Section 63I-2-253 (Effective 07/01/24) take effect on July 1,
381 2024.