


Chief Sponsor: Cheryl K. Acton

Senate Sponsor: Wayne A. Harper


8     General Description:
9          This bill makes changes relating to the sale and regulation of raw milk products.
10     Highlighted Provisions:
11          This bill:
12          ▸     defines terms;
13          ▸     updates the labeling requirement for raw milk products;
14          ▸     requires the department to make rules regarding raw milk testing at third-party
15     laboratories;
16          ▸     clarifies the standard for reissuing a suspended permit;
17          ▸     clarifies the standard for removing a cease and desist order following a foodborne
18     illness outbreak;
19          ▸     provides the circumstances under which the department shall provide information to
20     a producer related to:
21               •     a suspended permit or a cease and desist order; and
22               •     the right to a hearing; and
23          ▸     makes technical changes.
24     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
25          None
26     Other Special Clauses:
27          None

28     Utah Code Sections Affected:
29     AMENDS:
30          4-3-503, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 78

32     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
33          Section 1. Section 4-3-503 is amended to read:
34          4-3-503. Sale of raw milk products -- Suspension of producer's permit --
35     Severability not permitted -- Disclosure to producers.
36          (1) As used in this section:
37          (a) "Batch" means all the milk emptied from one bulk tank and bottled in a single day.
38          (b) "Foodborne illness outbreak" means the event of two or more individuals getting
39     the same illness from the same batch of contaminated food or drink.
40          [(b)] (c) "Raw milk product" means any product produced from raw milk.
41          [(c)] (d) "Self-owned retail store" means a retail store:
42          (i) of which the producer owns at least 51% of the value of the real property and
43     tangible personal property used in the operations of the retail store; or
44          (ii) for which the producer has the power to vote at least 51% of any class of voting
45     shares or ownership interest in the business entity that operates the retail store.
46          (2) Except as provided in Subsection (5), a raw milk product may be manufactured,
47     distributed, sold, delivered, held, stored, or offered for sale if:
48          (a) the producer obtains a permit from the department to produce the raw milk product
49     under Subsection 4-3-301(6);
50          (b) the sale and delivery of the raw milk product is made upon the premises where the
51     raw milk product is produced, except as provided by Subsection (3);
52          (c) the raw milk product is sold to consumers for household use and not for resale;
53          (d) the raw milk product is bottled or packaged under sanitary conditions and in
54     sanitary containers on the premises where the raw milk product is produced;
55          (e) the raw milk product is labeled "raw milk product" and meets the labeling
56     requirements under 21 C.F.R. Parts 101 and 131 and rules established by the department;
57          (f) the raw milk used to produce the raw milk product is:
58          (i) cooled to 50 degrees Fahrenheit or a lower temperature within one hour after being

59     drawn from the animal;
60          (ii) further cooled to 41 degrees Fahrenheit within two hours of being drawn from the
61     animal; and
62          (iii) maintained at 41 degrees Fahrenheit or a lower temperature until the raw milk is
63     delivered to the consumer or used to produce the raw milk product;
64          (g) the bacterial count of the raw milk used to produce the raw milk product does not
65     exceed 20,000 colony forming units per milliliter;
66          (h) the coliform count of the raw milk used to produce the raw milk product does not
67     exceed 10 colony forming units per milliliter;
68          (i) the production of the raw milk product conforms to departmental rules for the
69     production of grade A milk products;
70          (j) the dairy animals on the premises are:
71          (i) permanently and individually identifiable; and
72          (ii) free of tuberculosis, brucellosis, and other diseases carried through milk; and
73          (k) any [person] individual on the premises performing any work in connection with
74     the production, bottling, packaging, handling, or sale of the raw milk product is free from
75     communicable disease.
76          (3) A producer may distribute, sell, deliver, hold, store, or offer for sale a raw milk
77     product at a self-owned retail store, that is properly staffed, or from a mobile unit where the
78     raw milk product is maintained through mechanical refrigeration at 41 degrees Fahrenheit or a
79     lower temperature, if, in addition to the requirements of Subsection (2), the producer:
80          (a) transports the raw milk product from the premises where the raw milk product is
81     produced to the self-owned retail store in a refrigerated truck where the raw milk product is
82     maintained at 41 degrees Fahrenheit or a lower temperature;
83          (b) retains ownership of the raw milk product until it is sold to the final consumer,
84     including transporting the raw milk product from the premises where the raw milk product is
85     produced to the self-owned retail store without any:
86          (i) intervening storage;
87          (ii) change of ownership; or
88          (iii) loss of physical control;
89          (c) stores the raw milk product at 41 degrees Fahrenheit or a lower temperature in a

90     display case equipped with a properly calibrated thermometer at the self-owned retail store;
91          (d) places a sign above each display case that contains a raw milk product at the
92     self-owned retail store that:
93          (i) is prominent;
94          (ii) is easily readable by a consumer;
95          (iii) reads in print that is no smaller than .5 inch in bold type, "This milk product is raw
96     and unpasteurized. Please keep refrigerated."; and
97          (iv) meets any other requirement established by the department by rule;
98          (e) labels the raw milk product with:
99          (i) a date, no more than nine days after the raw milk product is produced, by which the
100     raw milk product should be sold;
101          (ii) the statement "Raw milk products, no matter how carefully produced, may be
102     unsafe. The following individuals are at greater risk when consuming raw milk products:
103     pregnant women, the elderly, children under the age of seven, and those with a compromised
104     immune system.";
105          (iii) handling instructions to preserve quality and avoid contamination or spoilage;
106          (iv) a specific colored label as determined by the department by rule; and
107          (v) any other information required by rule;
108          (f) refrains from offering the raw milk product for sale until:
109          (i) the department or a third party certified by the department tests each batch of raw
110     milk used to produce a raw milk product for standard plate count and coliform count; and
111          (ii) the test results meet the minimum standards established for those tests;
112          (g) (i) maintains a database of the raw milk product sales; and
113          (ii) makes the database available to the Department of Health and Human Services
114     during the self-owned retail store's business hours for purposes of epidemiological
115     investigation;
116          (h) ensures that the plant and retail store complies with Chapter 5, Utah Wholesome
117     Food Act, and the rules governing food establishments enacted under Section 4-5-301; and
118          (i) complies with the applicable rules adopted as authorized by this chapter.
119          (4) A producer may distribute, sell, deliver, hold, store, or offer for sale a raw milk
120     product and pasteurized milk at the same self-owned retail store if:

121          (a) the self-owned retail store is properly staffed; and
122          (b) the producer:
123          (i) meets the requirements of Subsections (2) and (3);
124          (ii) operates the self-owned retail store on the same property where the raw milk
125     product is produced; and
126          (iii) maintains separate, labeled, refrigerated display cases for raw milk products and
127     pasteurized milk.
128          (5) A producer may, without meeting the requirements of Subsection (2), sell up to 120
129     gallons of raw milk per month if:
130          (a) the sale is directly to an end consumer, for household use and not for resale;
131          (b) the sale and delivery of the raw milk is made upon the premises where the raw milk
132     is produced;
133          (c) the producer labels the raw milk with:
134          (i) the producer's name and address;
135          (ii) a date, no more than nine days after the raw milk is produced, by which the raw
136     milk should be sold;
137          (iii) the statement "This raw milk has not been licensed or inspected by the state of
138     Utah. Raw milk, no matter how carefully produced, may be unsafe. The following individuals
139     are at greater risk when consuming raw milk products: pregnant women, the elderly, children
140     under the age of seven, and those with a compromised immune system."; and
141          (iv) handling instructions to preserve quality and avoid contamination or spoilage;
142          (d) the raw milk is:
143          (i) cooled to 50 degrees Fahrenheit or a lower temperature within one hour after being
144     drawn from the animal; and
145          (ii) further cooled to 41 degrees Fahrenheit within two hours of being drawn from the
146     animal;
147          (e) the producer conducts a monthly test ensuring the coliform count of the raw milk
148     does not exceed 10 colony-forming units per milliliter;
149          (f) the dairy animals on the producer's premises are free of tuberculosis, brucellosis,
150     and other diseases carried through milk;
151          (g) the producer maintains records of tests and sales for a minimum of two years; and

152          (h) the producer notifies the department of the producer's intent to sell raw milk
153     pursuant to this Subsection (5) and includes in the notification the producer's name and
154     address.
155          (6) A person who conducts a test required by Subsection (3) shall send a copy of the
156     test results to the department as soon as the test results are available.
157          (7) (a) The department shall [adopt] make rules, as authorized by Section 4-3-201 and
158     in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, governing the
159     sale of raw milk products at a self-owned retail store.
160          (b) The rules adopted by the department shall include rules regarding:
161          (i) permits;
162          (ii) building and premises requirements;
163          (iii) sanitation and operating requirements, including bulk milk tanks requirements;
164          (iv) additional tests;
165          (v) use of third-party testing laboratories;
166          [(v)] (vi) frequency of inspections, including random cooler checks;
167          [(vi)] (vii) recordkeeping; and
168          [(vii)] (viii) packaging and labeling.
169          (c) The department may make rules, in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah
170     Administrative Rulemaking Act, regarding the standards of identity for a raw milk product.
171          (d) (i) The department shall establish and collect a fee for the tests and inspections
172     required by this section and by rule in accordance with Section 63J-1-504.
173          (ii) Notwithstanding Section 63J-1-504, the department shall retain the fees as
174     dedicated credits and may only use the fees to administer and enforce this section.
175          (8) (a) The department shall suspend a permit issued under Section 4-3-301 if:
176          (i) two out of four consecutive samples or two samples in a 30-day period violate
177     sample limits established under this section; or
178          (ii) a producer violates this section or a rule adopted as authorized by this section.
179          (b) The department may reissue a permit that has been suspended under Subsection
180     (8)(a) if the producer has:
181          (i) obtained a sample result that meets the standards described in Subsections (2)(g)
182     and (h); and

183          (ii) complied with all of the requirements of this section and rules adopted as
184     authorized by this section.
185          (9) (a) If any subsection of this section or the application of any subsection to any
186     person or circumstance is held invalid by a final decision of a court of competent jurisdiction,
187     the remainder of the section may not be given effect without the invalid subsection or
188     application.
189          (b) The provisions of this section may not be severed.
190          (10) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to impede the Department of Health and
191     Human Services or the Department of Agriculture and Food in investigation of a foodborne
192     illness outbreak.
193          (11) (a) The department shall issue a cease and desist order to a producer linked to a
194     foodborne illness [and shall stop sale of a raw milk product currently being sold.] outbreak.
195          (b) A producer that receives a cease and desist order from the department shall stop
196     sale of the raw milk product that the department names in the cease and desist order.
197          (c) To link a producer to a foodborne illness outbreak, the department or the
198     Department of Health and Human Services shall show probable cause that the foodborne
199     illness outbreak originated with the producer's raw milk product.
200          (d) The department shall notify a producer that the department has linked the producer
201     to a foodborne illness outbreak before:
202          (i) notifying the public; or
203          (ii) including the producer's name or identifying information in a press release.
204          (12) Upon written request by a producer with a suspended permit as described in
205     Subsection (8), the department shall provide to the producer:
206          (a) a positive test result or positive test results that the department used to suspend a
207     permit; and
208          (b) information on how to request a hearing regarding the department's decision to
209     suspend the permit.
210          (13) Upon written request by a producer linked to a foodborne illness outbreak as
211     described in Subsection (11), the department shall provide to the producer:
212          (a) evidence the department used to link the producer to a foodborne illness outbreak
213     with probable cause, with all medical patient identifying information redacted; and

214          (b) information on how to request a hearing regarding the department's decision to
215     issue the cease and desist order.
216          [(12)] (14) The cease and desist order described in Subsection (11) shall remain in
217     effect until the department verifies that the producer:
218          (a) adheres to this section; and
219          (b) has three consecutive clean tests of the raw milk product.
220          [(13) In addition to Subsections (11) and (12), if a producer's raw milk product has
221     been linked to a foodborne illness outbreak,]
222          (15) (a) If the department or the Department of Health and Human Services links a
223     producer's raw milk product to a foodborne illness outbreak and the department finds that the
224     producer has violated the applicable provisions of this section, the department may impose
225     upon the producer the following administrative penalties:
226          [(a)] (i) upon the first violation, a penalty of no more than $300;
227          [(b)] (ii) upon a second violation, a penalty of no more than $750; and
228          [(c)] (iii) upon a third or subsequent violation a penalty of no more than $1,500.
229          (b) The department may impose the penalties described in Subsection 15(a) in addition
230     to issuing a cease and desist order.
231          Section 2. Effective date.
232          This bill takes effect on May 1, 2024.