8 General Description:
9 This bill amends provisions related to the Utah Office of Regulatory Relief.
10 Highlighted Provisions:
11 This bill:
12 ▸ requires the Utah Office of Regulatory Relief to:
13 • review laws and regulations each year affecting different industries to determine
14 if there are laws or regulations that are unnecessarily burdensome to those
15 industries; and
16 • submit a report to the Legislature; and
17 ▸ makes technical and conforming changes.
18 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
19 None
20 Other Special Clauses:
21 None
22 Utah Code Sections Affected:
24 63N-16-103, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2022, Chapter 332
25 63N-16-104, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2022, Chapter 332
26 63N-16-105, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 373
28 63N-16-302, Utah Code Annotated 1953
30 63N-16-101, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 373
32 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
33 Section 1. Section 63N-16-103 is amended to read:
34 63N-16-103. Creation of the regulatory relief office and appointment of director
35 -- Responsibilities of the regulatory relief office.
36 (1) There is created within the Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity the Utah
37 Office of Regulatory Relief.
38 (2) (a) The regulatory relief office shall be administered by a director.
39 (b) The director shall report to the executive director and may appoint staff subject to
40 the approval of the executive director.
41 (3) The regulatory relief office shall:
42 (a) administer the provisions of this chapter;
43 (b) administer the regulatory sandbox program; and
44 (c) act as a liaison between private businesses and applicable agencies to identify state
45 laws or regulations that could potentially be waived or suspended under the regulatory sandbox
46 program.
47 (4) The regulatory relief office may:
48 [
51 [
54 [
55 proposing to use similar programs to the regulatory sandbox [
57 [
58 Act, and the provisions of this chapter, make rules regarding:
59 (i) administering the regulatory sandbox, including making rules regarding the
60 application process and the reporting requirements of sandbox participants; and
61 (ii) cooperating and consulting with other agencies in the state that administer sandbox
62 programs.
63 Section 2. Section 63N-16-104 is amended to read:
64 63N-16-104. Creation and duties of advisory committee.
65 (1) There is created the General Regulatory Sandbox Program Advisory Committee.
66 (2) The advisory committee shall have 11 members as follows:
67 (a) six members appointed by the director who represent businesses interests and are
68 selected from a variety of industry clusters;
69 (b) three members appointed by the director who represent state agencies that regulate
70 businesses;
71 (c) one member of the Senate, appointed by the president of the Senate; and
72 (d) one member of the House of Representatives, appointed by the speaker of the
73 House of Representatives.
74 (3) (a) Subject to Subsection (3)(b), members of the advisory committee who are not
75 legislators shall be appointed to a four-year term.
76 (b) Notwithstanding the requirements of Subsection (3)(a), the director may adjust the
77 length of terms of appointments and reappointments to the advisory committee so that
78 approximately half of the advisory committee is appointed every two years.
79 (4) The director shall select a chair of the advisory committee on an annual basis.
80 (5) A majority of the advisory committee constitutes a quorum for the purpose of
81 conducting advisory committee business, and the action of the majority of a quorum constitutes
82 the action of the advisory committee.
83 (6) The advisory committee shall:
84 (a) advise and make recommendations to the regulatory relief office as described in this
85 chapter; and
86 (b) designate the laws and regulations of an industry for potential study by the
87 regulatory relief office as described in Section 63N-16-105.
88 (7) The regulatory relief office shall provide administrative staff support for the
89 advisory committee.
90 (8) (a) A member may not receive compensation or benefits for the member's service,
91 but a member appointed under Subsection (2)(a) may receive per diem and travel expenses in
92 accordance with:
93 (i) Sections 63A-3-106 and 63A-3-107; and
94 (ii) rules made by the Division of Finance pursuant to Sections 63A-3-106 and
95 63A-3-107.
96 (b) Compensation and expenses of a member who is a legislator are governed by
97 Section 36-2-2 and Legislative Joint Rules, Title 5, Legislative Compensation and Expenses.
98 Section 3. Section 63N-16-105 is amended to read:
99 63N-16-105. Annual report.
100 (1) [
103 shall prepare and submit an annual written report to the governor, the Business and Labor
104 Interim Committee, and the Economic Development and Workforce Services Interim
105 Committee for the preceding fiscal year.
106 (2) The annual report described in Subsection (1) shall include:
107 (a) information regarding each participant in the regulatory sandbox created in Section
108 63N-16-201, including which industries each participant represents and the anticipated or
109 actual cost savings that each participant experienced;
110 (b) recommendations regarding any laws or regulations that should be permanently
111 modified;
112 (c) information regarding outcomes for consumers; [
113 (d) recommendations for changes to the regulatory sandbox program or other duties of
114 the regulatory relief office[
115 (e) the information described in Subsection 63N-16-302(5).
116 [
119 Section 4. Section 63N-16-302 is enacted to read:
121 63N-16-302. Proactive regulatory relief efforts.
122 (1) As used in this section:
123 (a) "Regulatory framework" means a framework for determining the risk level to the
124 public if a law or regulation that inhibits the creation or success of new and existing companies
125 or industries were to be permanently removed or temporarily waived.
126 (b) "Risk level" means a level of risk categorized from low, medium, and high.
127 (2) The regulatory relief office may:
128 (a) review, at any time, any existing state laws or regulations that may unnecessarily
129 inhibit the creation or success of companies or industries; and
130 (b) provide recommendations to the governor and the Legislature on modifying those
131 state laws and regulations described in Subsection (2)(a).
132 (3) The regulatory relief office shall:
133 (a) create a regulatory framework; and
134 (b) annually study the laws and regulations of at least two industries selected from:
135 (i) an industry targeted for economic development by the Unified Economic
136 Opportunity Commission as described in Section 63N-1a-202; or
137 (ii) an industry designated by the General Regulatory Sandbox Program Advisory
138 Committee for study by the regulatory relief office.
139 (4) In undertaking the review described in Subsection (3), the regulatory relief office
140 shall:
141 (a) identify any law or regulation that the regulatory relief office determines inhibits the
142 creation or success of new and existing companies or industries;
143 (b) apply the regulatory framework to the identified law or regulation; and
144 (c) consider:
145 (i) the history of the identified regulation or law, including the reasons why the
146 regulation or law was originally enacted;
147 (ii) whether the identified regulation or law:
148 (A) creates an unnecessary barrier to industry for businesses; or
149 (B) imposes an unnecessary cost to businesses or consumers;
150 (iii) whether the penalty for violation of the regulation or law, if any, is proportional to
151 the potential harm; and
152 (iv) if there are potentially less burdensome alternatives to the existing regulation or
153 law and apply the regulatory framework to that alternative.
154 (5) The regulatory relief office shall submit as part of the report described in Section
155 63N-16-105:
156 (a) a detailed overview of the regulatory relief office's study of the laws and regulations
157 as described in this section, including the reasons why the laws and regulations of a particular
158 industry were selected for study and the strategy the office implemented to study the laws and
159 regulations of that industry; and
160 (b) recommended changes to a law or regulation identified by the regulatory relief
161 office in Subsection (4) that the regulatory relief office determines:
162 (i) is inhibiting the success of businesses, companies, or industries; and
163 (ii) would not present a high risk level to the public if the law or regulation were
164 permanently removed or temporarily waived.
165 Section 5. Repealer.
166 This bill repeals:
167 Section 63N-16-101, Title.
168 Section 6. Effective date.
169 This bill takes effect on May 1, 2024.