


Chief Sponsor: Nelson T. Abbott

Senate Sponsor: ____________


8     General Description:
9          This bill amends provisions related to station area plans.
10     Highlighted Provisions:
11          This bill:
12          ▸     amends provisions related to a metropolitan planning organization's review of a
13     municipality's station area plan to require the metropolitan planning organization to:
14               •     provide an objective review of the municipality's documentation; and
15               •     defer to the judgment of the municipality with regard to the requirements of the
16     station area plan, including affordability of housing, sustainable environmental
17     conditions, and other required objectives; and
18          ▸     makes technical changes.
19     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
20          None
21     Other Special Clauses:
22          None
23     Utah Code Sections Affected:
24     AMENDS:
25          10-9a-403.1, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 219

27     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:

28          Section 1. Section 10-9a-403.1 is amended to read:
29          10-9a-403.1. Station area plan requirements -- Contents -- Review and
30     certification by applicable metropolitan planning organization.
31          (1) As used in this section:
32          (a) "Applicable metropolitan planning organization" means the metropolitan planning
33     organization that has jurisdiction over the area in which a fixed guideway public transit station
34     is located.
35          (b) "Applicable public transit district" means the public transit district, as defined in
36     Section 17B-2a-802, of which a fixed guideway public transit station is included.
37          (c) "Existing fixed guideway public transit station" means a fixed guideway public
38     transit station for which construction begins before June 1, 2022.
39          (d) "Fixed guideway" means the same as that term is defined in Section 59-12-102.
40          (e) "Metropolitan planning organization" means an organization established under 23
41     U.S.C. Sec. 134.
42          (f) "New fixed guideway public transit station" means a fixed guideway public transit
43     station for which construction begins on or after June 1, 2022.
44          (g) "Qualifying land use petition" means a petition:
45          (i) that involves land located within a station area for an existing public transit station
46     that provides rail services;
47          (ii) that involves land located within a station area for which the municipality has not
48     yet satisfied the requirements of Subsection (2)(a);
49          (iii) that proposes the development of an area greater than five contiguous acres, with
50     no less than 51% of the acreage within the station area;
51          (iv) that would require the municipality to amend the municipality's general plan or
52     change a zoning designation for the land use application to be approved;
53          (v) that would require a higher density than the density currently allowed by the
54     municipality;
55          (vi) that proposes the construction of new residential units, at least 10% of which are
56     dedicated to moderate income housing; and
57          (vii) for which the land use applicant requests the municipality to initiate the process of
58     satisfying the requirements of Subsection (2)(a) for the station area in which the development

59     is proposed, subject to Subsection (3)(d).
60          (h) (i) "Station area" means:
61          (A) for a fixed guideway public transit station that provides rail services, the area
62     within a one-half mile radius of the center of the fixed guideway public transit station platform;
63     or
64          (B) for a fixed guideway public transit station that provides bus services only, the area
65     within a one-fourth mile radius of the center of the fixed guideway public transit station
66     platform.
67          (ii) "Station area" includes any parcel bisected by the radius limitation described in
68     Subsection (1)(h)(i)(A) or (B).
69          (i) "Station area plan" means a plan that:
70          (i) establishes a vision, and the actions needed to implement that vision, for the
71     development of land within a station area; and
72          (ii) is developed and adopted in accordance with this section.
73          (2) (a) Subject to the requirements of this section, a municipality that has a fixed
74     guideway public transit station located within the municipality's boundaries shall, for the
75     station area:
76          (i) develop and adopt a station area plan; and
77          (ii) adopt any appropriate land use regulations to implement the station area plan.
78          (b) The requirements of Subsection (2)(a) shall be considered satisfied if:
79          (i) (A) the municipality has already adopted plans or ordinances, approved land use
80     applications, approved agreements or financing, or investments have been made, before June 1,
81     2022, that substantially promote each of the objectives in Subsection (7)(a) within the station
82     area, and can demonstrate that such plans, ordinances, approved land use applications,
83     approved agreements or financing, or investments are still relevant to making meaningful
84     progress towards achieving such objectives; and
85          (B) the municipality adopts a resolution finding that the objectives of Subsection (7)(a)
86     have been substantially promoted[.]; or
87          (ii) (A) the municipality has determined that conditions exist that make satisfying a
88     portion or all of the requirements of Subsection (2)(a) for a station area impracticable,
89     including conditions that relate to existing development, entitlements, land ownership, land

90     uses that make opportunities for new development and long-term redevelopment infeasible,
91     environmental limitations, market readiness, development impediment conditions, or other
92     similar conditions; and
93          (B) the municipality adopts a resolution describing the conditions that exist to make
94     satisfying the requirements of Subsection (2)(a) impracticable.
95          (c) To the extent that previous actions by a municipality do not satisfy the requirements
96     of Subsection (2)(a) for a station area, the municipality shall take the actions necessary to
97     satisfy those requirements.
98          (3) (a) A municipality that has a new fixed guideway public transit station located
99     within the municipality's boundaries shall satisfy the requirements of Subsection (2)(a) for the
100     station area surrounding the new fixed guideway public transit station before the new fixed
101     guideway public transit station begins transit services.
102          (b) Except as provided in Subsections (3)(c) and (d), a municipality that has an existing
103     fixed guideway public transit station located within the municipality's boundaries shall satisfy
104     the requirements of Subsection (2)(a) for the station area surrounding the existing fixed
105     guideway public transit station on or before December 31, 2025.
106          (c) If a municipality has more than four existing fixed guideway public transit stations
107     located within the municipality's boundaries, the municipality shall:
108          (i) on or before December 31, 2025, satisfy the requirements of Subsection (2)(a) for
109     four or more station areas located within the municipality; and
110          (ii) on or before December 31 of each year thereafter, satisfy the requirements of
111     Subsection (2)(a) for no less than two station areas located within the municipality until the
112     municipality has satisfied the requirements of Subsection (2)(a) for each station area located
113     within the municipality.
114          (d) (i) Subject to Subsection (3)(d)(ii):
115          (A) if a municipality receives a complete qualifying land use petition on or before July
116     1, 2022, the municipality shall satisfy the requirements of Subsection (2)(a) for the station area
117     in which the development is proposed on or before July 1, 2023; and
118          (B) if a municipality receives a complete qualifying land use petition after July 1, 2022,
119     the municipality shall satisfy the requirements of Subsection (2)(a) for the station area in which
120     the development is proposed within a 12-month period beginning on the first day of the month

121     immediately following the month in which the qualifying land use petition is submitted to the
122     municipality, and shall notify the applicable metropolitan planning organization of the receipt
123     of the qualified land use petition within 45 days of the date of receipt.
124          (ii) (A) A municipality is not required to satisfy the requirements of Subsection (2)(a)
125     for more than two station areas under Subsection (3)(d)(i) within any 12-month period.
126          (B) If a municipality receives more than two complete qualifying land use petitions on
127     or before July 1, 2022, the municipality shall select two station areas for which the
128     municipality will satisfy the requirements of Subsection (2)(a) in accordance with Subsection
129     (3)(d)(i)(A).
130          (iii) A municipality shall process on a first priority basis a land use application,
131     including an application for a building permit, if:
132          (A) the land use application is for a residential use within a station area for which the
133     municipality has not satisfied the requirements of Subsection (2)(a); and
134          (B) the municipality would be required to change a zoning designation for the land use
135     application to be approved.
136          (e) Notwithstanding Subsections (3)(a) through (d), the time period for satisfying the
137     requirements of Subsection (2)(a) for a station area may be extended once for a period of 12
138     months if:
139          (i) the municipality demonstrates to the applicable metropolitan planning organization
140     that conditions exist that make satisfying the requirements of Subsection (2)(a) within the
141     required time period infeasible, despite the municipality's good faith efforts; and
142          (ii) the applicable metropolitan planning organization certifies to the municipality in
143     writing that the municipality satisfied the demonstration in Subsection (3)(e)(i).
144          (4) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (4)(b), if a station area is included within the
145     boundaries of more than one municipality, each municipality with jurisdiction over the station
146     area shall satisfy the requirements of Subsection (2)(a) for the portion of the station area over
147     which the municipality has jurisdiction.
148          (b) Two or more municipalities with jurisdiction over a station area may coordinate to
149     develop a shared station area plan for the entire station area.
150          (5) A municipality that has more than one fixed guideway public transit station located
151     within the municipality may, through an integrated process, develop station area plans for

152     multiple station areas if the station areas are within close proximity of each other.
153          (6) (a) A municipality that is required to develop and adopt a station area plan under
154     this section may request technical assistance from the applicable metropolitan planning
155     organization.
156          (b) An applicable metropolitan planning organization that receives funds from the
157     Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity under Section 63N-3-113 shall, when utilizing the
158     funds, give priority consideration to requests for technical assistance for station area plans
159     required under Subsection (3)(d).
160          (7) (a) A station area plan shall promote the following objectives within the station
161     area:
162          (i) increasing the availability and affordability of housing, including moderate income
163     housing;
164          (ii) promoting sustainable environmental conditions;
165          (iii) enhancing access to opportunities; and
166          (iv) increasing transportation choices and connections.
167          (b) (i) To promote the objective described in Subsection (7)(a)(i), a municipality may
168     consider implementing the following actions:
169          (A) aligning the station area plan with the moderate income housing element of the
170     municipality's general plan;
171          (B) providing for densities necessary to facilitate the development of moderate income
172     housing;
173          (C) providing for affordable costs of living in connection with housing, transportation,
174     and parking; or
175          (D) any other similar action that promotes the objective described in Subsection
176     (7)(a)(i).
177          (ii) To promote the objective described in Subsection (7)(a)(ii), a municipality may
178     consider implementing the following actions:
179          (A) conserving water resources through efficient land use;
180          (B) improving air quality by reducing fuel consumption and motor vehicle trips;
181          (C) establishing parks, open spaces, and recreational opportunities; or
182          (D) any other similar action that promotes the objective described in Subsection

183     (7)(a)(ii).
184          (iii) To promote the objective described in Subsection (7)(a)(iii), a municipality may
185     consider the following actions:
186          (A) maintaining and improving the connections between housing, transit, employment,
187     education, recreation, and commerce;
188          (B) encouraging mixed-use development;
189          (C) enabling employment and educational opportunities within the station area;
190          (D) encouraging and promoting enhanced broadband connectivity; or
191          (E) any other similar action that promotes the objective described in Subsection
192     (7)(a)(iii).
193          (iv) To promote the objective described in Subsection (7)(a)(iv), a municipality may
194     consider the following:
195          (A) supporting investment in infrastructure for all modes of transportation;
196          (B) increasing utilization of public transit;
197          (C) encouraging safe streets through the designation of pedestrian walkways and
198     bicycle lanes;
199          (D) encouraging manageable and reliable traffic conditions;
200          (E) aligning the station area plan with the regional transportation plan of the applicable
201     metropolitan planning organization; or
202          (F) any other similar action that promotes the objective described in Subsection
203     (7)(a)(iv).
204          (8) A station area plan shall include the following components:
205          (a) a station area vision that:
206          (i) is consistent with Subsection (7); and
207          (ii) describes the following:
208          (A) opportunities for the development of land within the station area under existing
209     conditions;
210          (B) constraints on the development of land within the station area under existing
211     conditions;
212          (C) the municipality's objectives for the transportation system within the station area
213     and the future transportation system that meets those objectives;

214          (D) the municipality's objectives for land uses within the station area and the future
215     land uses that meet those objectives;
216          (E) the municipality's objectives for public and open spaces within the station area and
217     the future public and open spaces that meet those objectives; and
218          (F) the municipality's objectives for the development of land within the station area and
219     the future development standards that meet those objectives;
220          (b) a map that depicts:
221          (i) the station area;
222          (ii) the area within the station area to which the station area plan applies, provided that
223     the station area plan may apply to areas outside the station area, and the station area plan is not
224     required to apply to the entire station area; and
225          (iii) the area where each action is needed to implement the station area plan;
226          (c) an implementation plan that identifies and describes each action needed within the
227     next five years to implement the station area plan, and the party responsible for taking each
228     action, including any actions to:
229          (i) modify land use regulations;
230          (ii) make infrastructure improvements;
231          (iii) modify deeds or other relevant legal documents;
232          (iv) secure funding or develop funding strategies;
233          (v) establish design standards for development within the station area; or
234          (vi) provide environmental remediation;
235          (d) a statement that explains how the station area plan promotes the objectives
236     described in Subsection (7)(a); and
237          (e) as an alternative or supplement to the requirements of Subsection (7) or this
238     Subsection (8), and for purposes of Subsection (2)(b)(ii), a statement that describes any
239     conditions that would make the following impracticable:
240          (i) promoting the objectives described in Subsection (7)(a); or
241          (ii) satisfying the requirements of this Subsection (8).
242          (9) A municipality shall develop a station area plan with the involvement of all
243     relevant stakeholders that have an interest in the station area through public outreach and
244     community engagement, including:

245          (a) other impacted communities;
246          (b) the applicable public transit district;
247          (c) the applicable metropolitan planning organization;
248          (d) the Department of Transportation;
249          (e) owners of property within the station area; and
250          (f) the municipality's residents and business owners.
251          (10) (a) A municipality that is required to develop and adopt a station area plan for a
252     station area under this section shall submit to the applicable metropolitan planning organization
253     and the applicable public transit district documentation evidencing that the municipality has
254     satisfied the requirement of Subsection (2)(a)(i) for the station area, including:
255          (i) a station area plan; or
256          (ii) a resolution adopted under Subsection (2)(b)(i) or (ii).
257          (b) The applicable metropolitan planning organization, in consultation with the
258     applicable public transit district, shall:
259          (i) [review] perform an objective review of the documentation submitted under
260     Subsection (10)(a) to determine the municipality's compliance with this section; [and]
261          (ii) provide written certification to the municipality if the applicable metropolitan
262     planning organization determines that the municipality has satisfied the requirement of
263     Subsection (2)(a)(i) for the station area[.]; and
264          (iii) defer to the judgment of the municipality as to the substantive content of the
265     documentation submitted under Subsection (10)(a) in determining whether the municipality has
266     satisfied the requirements and objectives of this section.
267          (c) The municipality shall include the certification described in Subsection (10)(b)(ii)
268     in the municipality's report to the Department of Workforce Services under Section 10-9a-408.
269          Section 2. Effective date.
270          This bill takes effect on May 1, 2024.