


Chief Sponsor: Trevor Lee

Senate Sponsor: Scott D. Sandall


8     General Description:
9          This bill provides for the personal privacy of local education agency employees.
10     Highlighted Provisions:
11          This bill:
12          ▸     enacts restrictions on a local education agency (LEA) selling or transferring certain
13     contact information without consent;
14          ▸     prohibits requiring use of certain technologies on personal devices;
15          ▸     requires an LEA to provide accommodations for mandatory technology use under
16     certain circumstances;
17          ▸     allows an employee to file written complaints with the State Board of Education
18     about violations;
19          ▸     permits the State Board of Education to investigate complaints; and
20          ▸     allows for consequences for violations.
21     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
22          None
23     Other Special Clauses:
24          This bill provides a special effective date.
25     Utah Code Sections Affected:
26     ENACTS:
27          53G-10-207, Utah Code Annotated 1953


29     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
30          Section 1. Section 53G-10-207 is enacted to read:
31          53G-10-207. Personal privacy for employee.
32          (1) As used in this section:
33          (a) "Employee" means:
34          (i) "administrative personnel" as the term is defined in Section 53G-10-206; and
35          (ii) "instructional personnel" as the term is defined in Section 53G-10-206.
36          (b) "LEA" means the same as the term is defined in Section 53E-1-102.
37          (c) "Required technology" means an application, software, or other technologies for
38     work-related duties without which an employee could not reasonably complete necessary or
39     essential job functions or engage in emergency situations.
40          (d) "Work-related contact information" means:
41          (i) private or work provided phone numbers used for work purposes;
42          (ii) email addresses provided by an employer or used primarily for work functions;
43          (iii) work mail addresses, including physical addresses, post office boxes, and other
44     mailing details used to send or receive work-related communications or documents;
45          (iv) logins, usernames, access codes, passwords, or other credentials used to access
46     accounts, systems, documents, records, or services provided in relation to an employee's job
47     duties; and
48          (v) messaging accounts, forum memberships, directory listings, distribution lists,
49     committee or group enrollments.
50          (2) An LEA or the state board may not sell or otherwise transfer an employee's
51     work-related contact information to a third-party.
52          (3) An LEA or the state board may not distribute an employee's work-related contact
53     information in a manner that would interfere with an employee's ability to access or use
54     work-related accounts, contacts, email lists, or other contact information resources necessary to
55     perform their job duties.
56          (4) An LEA may not require an employee to download, install, access, or otherwise use
57     required technology on a personally-owned electronic device if use of the required technology
58     contains terms, conditions, or data sharing provisions that would allow for access to data or

59     information outside of the required technology.
60          (5) If an LEA requires an employee to utilize required technology that the employee
61     reasonably finds to contain objectionable terms and conditions, the LEA shall provide
62     reasonable accommodations to the impacted employee to avoid mandatory usage on the
63     employee's personal device.
64          (6) An LEA shall provide a reasonable accommodation under Subsection (5) that
65     allows required usage without accessing an employee's personal device including providing the
66     required technology:
67          (a) via an LEA-owned and provided electronic device such as a computer, phone, or
68     tablet;
69          (b) through a secure virtual or remote desktop environment not requiring installation or
70     access credentials on a personal device; or
71          (c) through similar means that do not obligate personal device usage.
72          (7) An LEA may not take adverse action against an employee for exercising rights
73     under this section and requesting reasonable accommodations.
74          (8) An employee may file a written complaint with the state board alleging violations
75     of this chapter.
76          (9) The state board shall investigate any complaint alleging violations under this
77     section and take licensure or corrective action if determined necessary.
78          Section 2. Effective date.
79          This bill takes effect on July 1, 2024.